Chapter 1-5


Transcript of Chapter 1-5

Page 1: Chapter 1-5

School of Architecture, Building and Design,The Design School



STUDENT ID : 0319926



SUBMISSION DATE : 27th of April 2015

Page 2: Chapter 1-5

Date: 11th of March 2015

Concept: Social facilitation chapter 1

Social Facilitation occur when people are performing in the presence of others yet the

individual contributions can be identified. Social loafing also said that a person contribution couldn’t

identify when there is no second party on the spot.

When I first entered Taylor’s University the lecturer required us to be form in a group 5 and

do our assignment. Thus I had an experience that one of our group member he always stay up late in

the architecture studio alone and get his part to be done unlike the other group member, where we

do our things together and help each other to get things done faster. Thus, all of us actually felt that

his contribution the our group is very less as we can’t see what he had done or contribute to the

group work and whenever we always assigned him to do a work during the meeting he often drag

the work until last minute and what comes to the worse is he never attends the meeting.

My group member and I decided to speak with the lecturer to complain that he actually

didn’t do anything and he doesn’t deserve to get the same grade as us. Thus, the lecturer call up our

group and ask us to do a peer evaluation to evaluate each member. In the evaluation form, we are

required to list down what you have done to the group and what your group member had done. By

that time I realize that actually what I had done and what he had done were actually almost the

same and we shouldn’t complaining about him doing nothing. It’s just because he does his work

without any second party thus his contribution to the group cannot be identified. Basically, what I

can conclude through this incident is that the Social facilitation actually happens here and I will

actually collect data that support my belief and disregard data that actually refute my belief.

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Date: 3rd of December 2014

Concept: Motivation (Chap 2)

Motivation is known as the process that initiates, leads, and maintains goal-oriented

behaviors. Motivation is what leads us to act, whether it is getting a cup of water to reduce the thirst

or reading and studying a book to gain your knowledge. It involves the emotional, social, biological,

and cognitive forces that initiate the behavior. In everyday life, the word motivation is often used to

describe why a person does something. Different types of motivation are commonly described as

being either extrinsic or intrinsic. In this entry, I would like to talk about intrinsic motivation.

I have been for an art class at the same center for about 14 years since am 4 years old. The

Academic center could say to be my second dwelling and the teachers are like my brothers and

sisters. But unfortunately, ever since I started my University life my schedule gets really pack so I

quit. However, I really enjoy painting a lot so I sometimes go to the center and hangs around with

the kids and teaches them whenever I have the time. No matter how tired I was or even I don’t get

the pay, I’m just willing to teach the kids because I enjoy teaching them drawing and see how they

started improving day by day. Art had ended up part of my life and never gets away from my life. I go

for it as my weekly routine or sometimes twice a week if have the time. By doing this, I can relax

myself and get away from my stressful life. No one had ever force me to do this, I’m teaching for the

sake of relaxing my self and enjoy the moment of teaching the kids and shares away my art

knowledge to kids.

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Date: 12th of April 2000

Concept: Assimilation (Chapter 3)

Assimilation is defined as a process when a kid is editing the schema without changing the

schema. For example baby always thought all people have the same color tone as him yellowish but

then he never know there’s is people with tend skin color tone or either people who are very fair like

albino as they come from different places which are non-local people. So when the moment he saw

those people who have different skin tone as him, basically an assimilation take place uses an

existing schema to classify a new stimulus.

I remember when I was still a kid I first thought a chair is simply anything where u can just sit on

it and it has four legs, I never knew that there were variety of chairs out there. One day, while my

parents and I went to IKEA I started to point toward the furniture that I think it’s a chair. I saw a

massage chair, there’s chair that allow you to play games at the arcade center, and there’s chair for

you to sit on it and workout and there is a chair that allow you to lay down and enjoyed the beach.

The Assimilation basically take place in all this experience. Firstly I thought there’s only 1 type of

chair in the world, which means by assimilation actually happen here. I actually kept changing and

classify my schema of a chair and slowly adding details to it and finally now I know what a chair

really is, how it look like, what function it has, what categorize it belongs to. A chair simply means

that a furniture where it has a comfortable surface to sit on, it have four legs to support and a back

for you to lean on.

On the other hand, I also experience that when I first though of building it was just simply a

huge building with a rectangular shape in a vertical way. I was amaze by what I have seen when I

first visited to China when I was young, as i saw a building that was shaped like a bird nest. Then I

saw a shaped- like boat on a building at Singapore, and I even saw a leaning tower that seems like a

cylinder at Abu dhabi. Thus, when I’m young my first schema of a building was just a rectangular

shape and I never knew that it could be in those special shapes. Assimilation actually did happen

here where I started to collect images of unique building shape in m mind and this is where I slowly

begin to edit my schema of a building

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Date: 20h of May 2004

Concept: Confirmation Bias (Chap 4)

I have always wondered where do my beliefs and opinions come from. I often thought that I

am just like the others, where we believe that our beliefs are based on years of experiences and

objective analysis of the information that are available. However, in reality I’m susceptible to a crafty

problem known as a confirmation bias. I often imagine and assume that my beliefs are logical,

rational, and objective, but the fact is that my ideas are often based on paying attention to the

information that upholds my ideas and ignoring the information that challenges my existing beliefs.

I was not believed in god as I’m basically a free thinker. I wont follow my mum or my dad to the

temple. My dad is a Buddhist and same goes for my mom. I always quarrel with my mum about this

issues thus I am starting to collect data and information to support what I believe on. When

Facebook or any social media have information about questioning about the existence of god I will

actually send it to my mother and I eventually will pay attention to that kind of information as well. I

always ask my mother there are Muslims, Buddhist, Christian and a lot, more, so which of the god as

the true god but every religion says that only their god is the true god. Thus when I receive any

information or article about god I will actually just reject that kind of information and actually ignore

that information. I basically will just disregard data that that refute our believes.

So basically confirmation bias did actually happen here and I realize that in your life there is a

god it depends on whether u choose to believe or not. I did believe the existence of god as I got lots

prove that actually happens to me.

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Date: 13th Of August 2015

Concept: Observational Learning (Chap 5)

Observational learning can take place at any point in life, it used to be the most common

during childhood as children often learn by observing the surroundings behavior and learn. It also

plays an important role in the socialization process, as children learn how to behave and respond to

others by observing how their parents and other caregivers interact with each other and with other

people. Observational learning also applies to us even when we are adult.

When I first come to Taylor I was confuse on using the Printing machine. I then observe around how

people use the machine. There are a few of printing machine either in the library’s second floor,

24/7 study room or the computer lab located at block C, level 7.On the other cases which is also

happen when I first entered this university I was confused on how to use the student portal to check

my timetable to know what classes am I having now and I actually did apply observational learning

by peeking others at student center how to check the timetable of my own and thus I learned it jus

by observing others. From there, they chooses the file that had been send earlier and just print, It’s

just that easy! Through observational learning, I finally get to learn how to use the printing machine.

Observational learning is a social learning that function as an individual learns from observing the

behaviors of others and in turn behaves in the similar manner.

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