Changing the world through healthcare Those that turn the habitable world upside down have come here...

Changing the world through healthcare Those that turn the habitable world upside down have come here too… And these all act contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying another is king, namely Jesus Acts 17: 6b, 7b Literal translation

Transcript of Changing the world through healthcare Those that turn the habitable world upside down have come here...

Changing the world through healthcare

Those that turn the habitable world upside down have come here too…

And these all act contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying another is king, namely Jesus

Acts 17: 6b, 7b Literal translation

The Great Commission, Matthew 28: 18-20

• A Commission for Global Change / Transformation• Christians: change agents of God (Salt and light)• Transformation through relational networks (love

God and love your neighbor as yourself)• Covers all areas of life (all authority heaven/earth)• Signs of the Kingdom signaling Christ’s victory on

the Cross, also in the health field = our responsibility work is ministry

• Not heaven on earth / no Utopia / no triumphalism / no mere horizontal activism

Seven Characteristics of Christ’s Commission

1. Authoritative - exousia2. Mobilizing – poreuthentes = literal: having gone

/ as you go3. Discipling / Mentoring - mathiteusate = multiply

leaders4. Incorporating – baptism: presupposes

witnessing and intercession5. Cross-cultural - panta ta ethni6. Educative – didaskō – all things…7. Encouraging – I am with you all the days…

Strategy for transformation - 1

1. Get to know your national healthcare system from a Kingdom perspective

1. Trends / strengths / weaknesses / opportunities / threats

2. Spiritual history

2. Put your findings in writing and pray through it3. Q: What changes does God want to bring

through me / us / our organization / our networking partners?

Strategy for transformation - 2

4. Obey the guidance God gives you

A national healthcare system



Macro(national / global)








In what areas can our organization help transform the healthcare system?



Macro(national / global)



Policy X X

Technology X

Structure X

Finance X

People X X

Which two areas can we start with?



What can we do about ourselves? (Micro level)

• Grow to become the best leaders we can be for the glory of God and the blessing of our nation

• Remember: leadership is all about influencing people to focus on God’s priorities

How could you influence your nation?

• Discuss with one or two other persons

• Pray for one another