Changing Lives Forever Abraham’s Story I learned through ...Feb 06, 2016  · FRO LE June, 2016 /...

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Letter from the President 2 Ozanam Free Legal Clinic 2 News from Brown County –– Sr Eileen Plans Retirement 3 Holy Cross Hope Bike Ministry 4 Coming Soon: MISSION 27 5 Helping Homeless Find Jobs 6 Betty Farrell Honored for 7 32 Years of Service Donors (1Q-2016) 8-9 Distribution Center Work Schedule 10 Food Pantry Work Schedule 11 Calendar of Events 12 3001 E. 30th Street - Indianapolis, IN 46218 Phone (317) 924-5769 June, 2016 Changing Lives Forever Abraham’s Story Abraham Kollison accompanied his mother to the SVdP Food Pantry several years ago where they both learned about the Changing Lives Forever program. Together, they decided to sign up for the program. About four classes in, his mother found a job and was unable to finish the program, but she encouraged Abraham to continue. Abraham was already impressed from the start when a presenter caused him to believe he could learn something from her One of his first takeaways was to learn that housing should comprise no more than 30% of one’s earnings It was eye-opening “I was quickly seeing the benefits of the program I felt the 3-hour weekly commit- ment was not that demand- ing, and I felt the time spent was worthwhile I never thought of dropping out” Two areas of great impact on Abraham were learning about the various language registers used by different social classes and the need to organize/prioritize his time “I learned that you can’t just talk casually to everyone; that there’s a time to talk casually, and a time for more professional talk I discovered that someone who has traveled the world speaks very different than where I grew up because all I had known was poverty” Abraham and his family came to the US from Liberia and had to learn how to assimilate into life in America “I had spoken English all my life, but with no formal training I did not learn English from a book – I learned it from watching cartoons and lacked much vocabulary This is why it was so eye-opening to understand that different social classes speak so differently” Abraham feels that learning how to prioritize and organize his time has paid the greatest dividends “I learned how to separate what’s urgent and not urgent I used to procrastinate a lot, but learned how to weigh whether what I do is important or not It has helped me in my studies” Abraham is currently enrolled at Ivy Tech studying Business Administration After Abraham completed the program, he got his first job “The program taught me how to identify resources in my community and how to use social capital/network connections to find employment I reconnected with a friend who I’d previously known and he noticed the difference in me and thought I should apply for a job where he worked Because of my improvement in communication, I felt comfortable in my new employment setting and was more confident I felt assured that I had something to contribute” When asked what most surprised him about the program, Abraham quickly Article continues pg. 3 I learned through the Changing Lives Forever program that the people at St. Vincent de Paul wanted more for me than I wanted for myself. And they continue to help me grow. There is no end. This really shocked me.”

Transcript of Changing Lives Forever Abraham’s Story I learned through ...Feb 06, 2016  · FRO LE June, 2016 /...

Page 1: Changing Lives Forever Abraham’s Story I learned through ...Feb 06, 2016  · FRO LE June, 2016 / 3 responded, “I learned through the Changing Lives Forever program that the people


Letter from the President . . . . . . . . . . .2

Ozanam Free Legal Clinic . . . . . . . . . . .2

News from Brown County –– Sr . Eileen Plans Retirement . . . . . . . . . .3

Holy Cross Hope Bike Ministry . . . . . . .4

Coming Soon: MISSION 27 . . . . . . . . .5

Helping Homeless Find Jobs . . . . . . . . .6

Betty Farrell Honored for . . . . . . . . . . .7 32 Years of Service

Donors (1Q-2016) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9

Distribution Center Work Schedule . .10

Food Pantry Work Schedule . . . . . . . .11

Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

3001 E. 30th Street - Indianapolis, IN 46218 Phone (317) 924-5769 June, 2016

Changing Lives Forever

Abraham’s StoryAbraham Kollison accompanied his mother to the SVdP Food Pantry several years ago where they both learned about the Changing Lives Forever program. Together, they decided to sign up for the program. About four classes in, his mother found a job and was unable to finish the program, but she encouraged Abraham to continue.

Abraham was already impressed from the start when a presenter caused him to believe he could learn something from her . One of his first takeaways was to learn that housing should comprise no more than 30% of one’s earnings . It was eye-opening .

“I was quickly seeing the benefits of the program . I felt the 3-hour weekly commit-ment was not that demand-ing, and I felt the time spent was worthwhile . I never thought of dropping out .”

Two areas of great impact on Abraham were learning about the various language registers used by different social classes and the need to organize/prioritize his time .

“I learned that you can’t just talk casually to everyone; that there’s a time to talk casually, and a time for more professional talk . I discovered that someone who has traveled the world speaks very different than where I grew up because all I had known was poverty .”

Abraham and his family came to the U .S . from Liberia and had to learn how to assimilate into life in America . “I had spoken English all my life, but with no formal training . I did not learn English from a book – I learned it from watching

cartoons and lacked much vocabulary . This is why it was so eye-opening to understand that different social classes speak so differently .”

Abraham feels that learning how to prioritize and organize his time has paid the greatest dividends . “I learned how to separate what’s urgent and not urgent . I used to procrastinate a lot, but learned how to weigh whether what I do is important or not . It has helped me in my studies .” Abraham is currently enrolled at Ivy Tech studying Business Administration .

After Abraham completed the program, he got his first job . “The program taught me how to identify resources in my community and how to use social capital/network connections to find employment . I reconnected with a friend who I’d previously known and he noticed the difference in me and thought I should apply for a job where he worked . Because of my improvement in communication, I felt comfortable in my new employment setting and was more confident . I felt assured that I had something to contribute .”

When asked what most surprised him about the program, Abraham quickly Article continues pg. 3

I learned through the Changing Lives Forever program that the people at St. Vincent de Paul wanted more for me than I wanted for myself. And they continue to help me grow. There is no end. This really shocked me.”

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FRONT LINE2 / June, 2016


As you may recall, I have been addressing the need for “change” for SVdP over the past several issues . Change can mean several things to people, but I would prefer to liken it to growth . We know we have a successful operating model for SVdP, but what does it look like to others? And how can we make our successes better known to others?

Our front-page article, “Abraham’s Story,” is one such testament to the change agents that come through our systemic change initiative . A graduate of our Changing Lives Forever program, Abraham is an inspiring young man who recognized the value of this program early on, stayed with it, and graduated . He has transferred those skills into meaningful employment and is also enrolled in higher education classes .

This is an example of a real success story that all SVdP Frontline readers could share with others, because it goes to the heart of purpose – both Abraham’s purpose in life and SVdP’s purpose to serve our clients in a meaningful way .

Another exciting change, which has just recently been unveiled, is our new and improved website (www .svdpindy .org) . This website is allowing us to grow in our ability to communicate with all stakeholders in the work and mission of SVdP .

Now, when someone unfamiliar with our mission visits our website, they can learn about our programs with one click of a button! Similarly, one can learn about volunteer opportunities and sign up online . There are also news archives, a calendar of events and registrations, and Vincentian resources readily available . For our donors, we have made the process accessible, easy, and seamless to use . Recurring online donations may also be set up – eliminating the need to send checks monthly . All online payment methods link to a PayPal account, further simplifying the process . We welcome you to explore!

Expanding our communication efforts and telling our story address two measures of growth as were indicated in our Strategic Planning goals . We are very excited about this progress, and hope you will be enthused as well .

I would like to conclude with some text taken from Pope Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel):

“At the very heart of the Gospel is life in community and engagement in others . Each individual Christian and every community is called to be an instrument of God for the liberation and promotion of the poor, and for enabling them to be fully a part of society . In this context, we can understand Jesus’ command to his disciples: ‘You yourselves give them something to eat!’ (Mk 6:37) . In this it means to work to eliminate the structural causes of poverty and to promote the integral development of the poor, as well as small daily acts of solidarity in meeting the real needs which we encounter .”

We invite you to join us in this call to action . God bless you .

John Ryan

Perhaps one of the lesser-known programs offered by the SVdP Indianapolis Council is the Ozanam Free Legal Clinic . Operated by a cadre of local attorneys and one paralegal, the clinic provides important legal advice and services at no charge to SVdP clients .

The Clinic fills the gap for legal services when there is no other legal support available . Over the past year, the clinic has served 121 individuals . Often the services benefit multiple family members, so the number of individuals receiving benefit is actually larger .

In its 13th year of operation, clinic director and local attorney, Kevin Tyra, offers a bit of history .

“I was working as a volunteer at the food pantry when I noticed the services being offered by the Genesaret Medical Clinic . I began to wonder if there was need for legal advice as well . I created a proposal and presented it to Pat Jerrell and Jake Asher, who both embraced the idea . I drew up by-laws, along with the requisite structure and assistance, and we began to offer legal services to our clients .”

“We offer services in the areas of family law, guardianships, custody/support issues, landlord/tenant issues, and creditor/debtor concerns – but not bankruptcy . That is a specialized area of law, as is immigration . We also provide counseling when clients are seeking the expungements of old criminal records . Occasionally, we make court appearances . We’ve even handled a case that went before the Indiana Supreme Court on appeal, which we won .”

Despite witnessing the adverse side of human interactions, Kevin remains upbeat and committed .“We have been able to serve those who had no other legal advocates or resources in their lives, and it has been quite gratifying .”

Visit our new website!

Another Client Service

Ozanam Free Legal Clinic

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responded, “I learned through the Changing Lives Forever program that the people at St . Vincent de Paul wanted more for me than I wanted for myself . And they continue to help me grow . There is no end . This really shocked me . My mentor, Domoni Rouse, checks on me more frequently than my own friends do . I never had anyone mentor me before or be this concerned .”

“Changing Lives Forever helped me to map out my future . Every so often I think about what I want to do, and now I know how to set goals and make them a reality . The instructors helped me understand that to make a goal, I have to believe it’s achievable and reasonable . They helped open up far more doors for me as compared to my high school education alone .”

Another takeaway for Abraham was experienced when he helped out at the Distribution Center and one of the volunteers showed Abraham how metal could be refashioned and used for other purposes . “While I am studying business, I am becoming very interested in someday starting a renewable resource company of some kind . I want to utilize metal scraps and make something else out of it – something useful that I can give back to my community .”

Abraham plans to continue his studies at Ivy Tech part time . Meanwhile he works for CDS/Club Demonstration Services promoting products at a Costco store on the north side . Through this, he’s gaining presentation and sales skills that he can use in the future . “I love my job . I’ve been there for 8 months, and I’ve even received a promotion!”

When asked what advice he would have for others considering the Changing Lives Program, Abraham quickly responded, “The program helps give you the right skill set so that you can make the right choices in life . It helps you learn how to think critically about your next steps in life . It is free education, and with effort, you will reap many benefits .”

Abraham’s Story – continued

Abraham with his mentor, Domoni Rouse, Director of Changing Lives Forever

Sister Eileen Flavin, CSC and Spiritual Director for the SVdP of Brown County, will retire June 30, 2016 from her position as Parish Life Coordinator of St . Agnes Church, in Nash- ville, IN − nearly 52 years since taking her first vows with the Sisters of the Holy Cross .

She began in August 2005 as the parish administrator interwoven with the SVdP ministries, and those of Brown County . She managed a parish emergency fund which brought her in close contact with the homeless, families facing economic hardship from unemployment and medical challenges, utility companies for those facing disconnects, and individuals struggling with mental illness and drug addiction .

As Spiritual Director, she attended SVdP Conference meetings and especially enjoyed the Annual Christmas Celebrations . Repre- senting social justice issues, she served on community task forces . Each year her congre- gation’s Foundation made a grant to SVdP, totaling $43,500 to date, for food and related hardship relief . In 2015, she supported the launch of the County’s first Back Pack Program, which provides food on the weekends to vulnerable children .

Providing spiritual direction and sacramental support, she visited the sick and shut-ins in Brown, Marion, Bartholomew, Johnson, Monroe, and Morgan Counties, traveling thousands of miles each year . Her willingness to go that extra mile never faltered .

In 2015, Sr . Eileen celebrated her Golden Jubilee with SVdP and St . Agnes . We are grateful for her Vincentian heart and spirit and the Sisters of the Holy Cross . Her retirement has been well earned!

News from the Southern District

Sr. Eileen, SVdP Spiritual Director, Plans Retirement by Shirley Boardman

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Our Most Important Asset

Volunteers . . .In 2009, when Maureen McLean first volunteered at Horizon House, she noticed that some of their homeless would be excited about finding jobs, yet sad because they had no transportation to get to those jobs and no money for a bus.

Maureen decided to put the need before her congregation at Holy Cross Church, and she spoke before a Sunday gathering about finding some bikes to use as transportation for the homeless .

“I asked that people pray for the homeless, and if they had some old bikes that they could donate, I would come and pick them up . The following week, I was given a brand new bike! I started to ask other parishes, and we got another 17 bikes .”

From these beginnings, the Holy Cross Hope Bike Ministry was formed . This ministry meets each Wednesday at the SVdP warehouse and provides bikes to the homeless . The word Hope was included in the title because hope is offered to people who have no transportation to jobs, medical help, food, or family visits . The bikes provide transportation that they cannot otherwise afford .

“So far we’ve given away about 1,300 bikes since 2009, but we still have a wait-ing list of more than 50 homeless . Before I drop dead – and I am now 75 years old – I want to have extra bikes . It’s my dream not to have a waiting list any more . I love every minute of this ministry, except when I have to say, ‘I’m sorry, but I don’t have any bikes for you now .’”


It’s hard to understand how something so seemingly small has given hope to homeless individuals and saved families . Bikes have given some homeless the ability to travel to medical appointments and to seek immediate care .

Sometimes jobs are just so very far away . “Some of our downtown homeless have

found employment as far away as Plainfield and Mooresville,” explains Maureen . “They ride their bikes to and from work . Others work late shifts, but when those shifts end, there are no buses running that late at night . They need bikes, too .”

Many social services depend on proofs of identity: ID cards, Social Security cards, birth certificates, etc . But there are few ways the homeless can get to the places they need to go to obtain such identification without transportation . Most of the public do not understand just how much homeless people walk .


Bike recipients have been helped in immeasurable ways over these years . Some lives have been made easier, and others have been changed .

“We had a gentleman who walked with a cane and could not physically walk everywhere he needed to go . We gave him a bike, and our greatest challenge was to figure out how to attach his cane to his backpack so that he could ride with it .”

Most people who get the bikes are between the ages of 40 and into their 70s . Along with the bikes, helmets are very important . “One of our homeless men who

Holy Cross Hope Bike Ministry

got a bike but no helmet ended up getting hit by a car and was left to die in the street . He needed a helmet .”

“Another previously homeless woman received a bicycle and was able to start turning her life around – gaining employment and a new life . She went on to become the president of the Holy Cross SVdP Conference and works weekly with the Holy Cross Wednesday Homeless Ministry .”

One of the blessings to the bike ministry program is Michael . He was a Vietnam vet, whose wife and child were killed by a drunken driver after he came home from the war . Michael went to court to witness justice – feeling that the driver should be punished for his actions – yet through some maneuverings the court let him go . “Michael had witnessed so much distress in his own young life, having seen children killed in the war, and then the loss of his own wife and child,” Maureen empathized . “He lost his spirit and hope and became homeless, which is when I met

Article continues next page

So far we’ve given away about 1,300 bikes since 2009, but we still have a waiting list of more than 50 homeless. Before I drop dead – and I am now 75 years old – I want to have extra bikes. It’s my dream not to have a waiting list any more. I love every minute of this ministry, except when I have to say, ‘I’m sorry, but I don’t have any bikes for you now.’”

Our Most Important Asset

Volunteers . . .

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him . After much healing time, I am happy to say that Michael is no longer homeless and comes faithfully to SVdP to repair our bicycles each week .”

“The Indianapolis SVdP Council gave Michael an award last year for his volunteer service,” Maureen beamed . “I would trust him with my life .”


“Pope Francis has declared this to be The Year of Mercy,” Maureen reminds us . She asks every parish in Indianapolis if they would find even two bikes to donate to the program . Each parish would, in effect, be adopting two homeless people in order to give them some freedom and hope as they find meaningful employment and a means to get to their jobs .

The bikes do not have to be new bikes, but they need to be repairable and have size 24” wheels or larger for adult riders . Also needed are good bike locks and helmets .

“We need locks so that the bikes we distribute don’t get stolen . And better bike locks are needed as some locks are simply cut off and the bikes are still stolen,” Maureen shares from experience .

Maureen adds, “And if those parishes could also provide a backpack for each rider with some basic essentials, that would be wonderful . The backpacks could be filled with very basic things like a flashlight, wash cloth, a stamped envelope or two, bottled water, non-perishable

food, a rain poncho, and reading glasses, for example .”

Maureen explains that at her age it is a bit more difficult for her to pick up bikes . She asks that donated bikes be brought to the St . Vincent de Paul warehouse located at 1201 E . Maryland St . if at all possible . “If you could identify the bikes as being for the HOPE Bike Program, it would be so deeply appreciated .” Bikes are accepted all days except Friday and Sunday .


“One of the things that has surprised me the most is that I have rarely heard the homeless complain – which I find rather fascinating,” Maureen marvels . “They are also quick to share whatever they have with others . Many do love to get hugs, as some are deprived of touch in their lives . That is so unhealthy for good mental health .”

“I get hugs from grateful people when we give them a bike, and they will say, ‘Maureen, I will pray for you,’ to which I reply, ‘and I will pray for you .’“

“It is simply a joy and privilege to help .”


If you have any bikes to donate, kindly call Maureen at 317-453-0075, or email her at [email protected].

Bike Ministry – continued

Surprise!By the time you are reading this, our new website will be live! We invite you to stroll through our very user-friendly website and see if you don’t find it easy to use and inviting –– whether you are a client, volunteer or donor.

Hmmm... and what is this “Coming Soon: MISSION 27?” We confess it is meant to be a teaser, and more will be revealed in the coming months.

Meanwhile, please do explore and let us know what you think!

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FRONT LINE6 / June, 2016

Our Most Important Asset

Volunteers . . .For the past year, Phyllis Manfredi has been helping SVdP’s homeless with preparing resumes, filling out applications of all kinds, writing letters – whatever is needed. It’s a position for which she recognized a need, began volunteering her time, and now finds others seeking her help during the weekly Wednesday Homeless Ministry client visits.

“I began writing resumes for those wanting to find jobs, and my volunteer job became larger than life through word of mouth referrals,” Phyllis explained . “Over 70 people have since gotten jobs! I’ve helped people fill out on-line applications, sign up for the Affordable Care Act insurance coverage, and complete applications for housing – whatever the situation requires . I have gotten calls for help with rent or utilities . The needs are very individualized, and I pride myself on maintaining confidentiality .”

“I’ve helped clients write letters to judges seeking help in having misdemeanors expunged from their records . I cannot do this for felons, but I can at least provide them some guidance on finding work .”

“Some clients will bring in an idea of a job they want . But often, they may not have

worked for 4-5 years, due to real gaps of employment or because of other extenuating circumstances . However, anything can be addressed in an honest cover letter which I write from my heart—for them .”

“I listen to them and listen to what they want to do . Some are college educated, and many are not . Many are looking for stable jobs in the service industries .”

Phyllis retired from employment – twice . She worked for 32 years at AT&T as a mid-level

Helping the Homeless Find Jobsmanager and then 11 .5 years as a Marion County Child Support Supervisor . In her position at the latter, she gained important knowledge of how to navigate the system for people with specialized needs .

“I’m not a social worker and don’t pretend to be one, and I often refer people to other agencies or intermediaries . Many individuals come from Horizon House, and I enjoy a close relationship with them . However they have social workers in house as opposed to SVdP . I am always clear about the distinction in the services I provide, as compared to a professional social worker .”

“I ask God for help and the wisdom to refer these souls to the right resources for their needs .”

Asked to reflect on this past year’s experience, Phyllis explained, “This is a process . I am still learning and growing . Yet the older I get, the less I know somehow . The needs are great and very individualized .”

“And things change because laws change too .“

When asked to elaborate on what she might want to say to our lawmakers, Phyllis opined, “I would tell them while they are defining laws for people, there remains a clear lack of understanding as to the need for affordable housing . How could I help

them realize that, by giving a person a job and training, they can become accountable in their own lives and feel like a success? I don’t mean continually giving to others, but rather to teach them, to help them become responsible . Oftentimes their needs are so basic – just needing something to eat .”

Anything can be addressed in an honest cover letter which I write from my heart—for them.”

Our Most Important Asset

Volunteers . . .

Phyllis counsels a client who needs help with an employment application.

I ask God for help and the wis-dom to refer these souls to the right resources for their needs.”

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“It is important to help people learn to take charge of their lives – and it must begin with them . I do try to empower people . The bottom line I tell people is that you are responsible for your life . It is absolutely important to respect individuals and honor them for who they are, but ultimately they must carry their loads forward and be accountable in their own lives . In my 40+ years of employment, I have never yet met a person to whom I have given responsibility, or held accountable, that did not rise to the occasion .”

Phyllis had high praise for SVdP’s Systemic Change Initiative .“It is an amazing program . I encourage everyone to take the online Systemic Change training, which is an interactive webinar, and I can see everything live on Skype . It is a powerful experience!” (register at

When asked what this past year of work has meant to her, Phyllis shared, “That I am giving back . Seemingly something so small as writing a letter for someone or helping someone to fill out an application makes me feel good . That pretty much says it all, and it’s very humbling . I try not to cry .”

More than fifty SVdP friends, family, and co-workers surprised Betty Farrell on April 11 to celebrate her retirement from SVdP . Betty was honored for her 32 years of serving SVdP clients as manager of the Distribution Center .

The joy on Betty’s face clearly indicated how much the many friendships she developed during her time with SVdP mean to her . Throughout the celebration, Betty’s friends expressed their heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to her – for all she had done and how she had made them feel . Many prayed with her, and it was a blessed day in many regards .

Council President, John Ryan, delivered some remarks honoring the long time SVdP volunteer just before her celebratory cake was cut and shared . He also unveiled a wall plaque dedicating the Distribution Center conference room – newly named the Betty Farrell Conference Room . This announcement was met with much approval and applause .

“Betty’s dedication was beyond expectation,” shared Pat Jerrell, past Indianapolis Council president . “She spent 7 days a week working in the Distribution Center . Even though I encouraged her to take Sundays off, she would be in on Sundays working and organizing things – getting ready for the next opening . St . Vincent de Paul was Betty’s family .”

“Betty was also a ‘do-it-all’ kind of person . Everything she touched had her mark,” Pat proudly shared . Many compliments came from clients and volunteers alike about how well organized the clothing areas were . Few knew that Betty had worked for L .S . Ayres and Lazarus for years and brought a wealth of merchandising and display experience with her .

Betty, along with her daughter and husband, beamed with pride at all the accolades showered upon her . Betty has been a long time blessing to SVdP, and we collectively pray for her and her family .

God bless, Betty .

Betty gives her longtime husband and best friend Jim a kiss. At left in the background is a plaque commemorating the conference room at the Distribution Center to her honor.

Betty Farrell Honored for 32 Years of Service

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FRONT LINE8 / June, 2016

AnonymousSam & Marty AgrestaEileen & John AhrensVern AlbrechtBen & Ruth AltheimerAltrusa International of IndianapolisRichard & Gloria AndersonDennis AnnessAllison AskewJohn & Janet AtkinsMadonna AtkinsonBrenda AzmanDonna BadgerWilliam BaecherDaniel & Marian BakerPat BanaszakEugene & Christine BarcThomas & Kristina BarnesWendy BaroneJoseph Edward & Rita BarrasCarl & Marjory BatesMargaret E . BauerPaul & Mary Kay BecherKen & Thelma BeckerRoger & Susan BeckerTimothy BeckmanAnn BehringerJohn F . & Sandra BehringerRobert BeilounyDr Michael & Monica BenacPatricia C . BenagesMerrill & Marlene BensonDavid BlackwellJeff & Sarah BlackwellPatricia & Garry BledsoeLuella BogenschutzEarl BookMary BossomVal BozymskiRalph BradburnLinda BradlynBob & Tish BraffordLaura BrambleGreg & Lisa BrassieHans & Madeline BraunAnne M . BreedloveRalph & Betty BridgeMartin A . BrockmanCarol A . BroeckerMark E . BrownPatty BrownEloise BrowningMichael & Sylvia BrunetteCynthia BruskoGregory BruzasRev . Frank BryanKaren BryantRita BucklerJohn & Melissa Buechler

Louis & Betty Ann BuerglerMary louise BurkhartJulie BurnsJan BusterMary ButlerCarren M . CadickAnthony Capone, Jr .Vince & Robyn CaponiMichael & Vicky CaraherCalvin & Kathryn CarpenterCraig & Helen CarrShirlee CarrRichard & Sharon CarrollThomas CarrollCarson Agency Inc .Al & Dorothy CarsonEdward & Kandi CarsonJoan & Jerrod CarterThomas M . CarusilloMerri CascioMichele CatellierTom & Pat CattonErin ChandlerJanet ChandlerMichael & Kim CharlesTom & Donna ChastangAthena CherryChrist The King Catholic Church SVdPChurch World Service, IncLawrence F . CiastoClaire ClarkDavid J . ClarkKay ClaryJerry & Mary CliffordRobert & Jean CliffordSarah Mabra CloudDonita ClyneCarolyn CochranGenevieve CoffeyMary CoffeyKathleen CohenourJoan CohronRobert CollinsD .C . & Patricia CondonMary CooperPatricia CooperBarbara CoppingerPatricia CortelliniRon & Fran CraneyAnne CrookDavid & Charleen CrossDick & Jean CurtisDolores CwiklinskiPat CzerwinskiCarolyn DalyDavid DalyEdward DalyCharles P . DausMaria Louise Davey

Bruce DavisErin DayJ . W . DeardorfJohn DearingTeresa DearingJohn & Donna DearthCharles & Kay DeckAlex & Barbara DeGortariSonja M . DeiterRobert & Audrey DeJohnMuriel J . DenisJames & Debra DenningKathyrn DensbornMr . & Mrs . Pat DevineJames Diagostino

Doug & Tamara DibleRichard & Susan DiMarchiAnthony DinkelJames & Helen DisneyCarol DivineMike & Judy DoadesSteven A . DouglasDown to EarthKent DowneyRobert & Rosemary DragaMichael & Mary Ellen DuganL . Carole DukeRobert J . & Judy La EaceEmery & Cindy EakleTyleen C . EckhartMary Eckrich Jr .Christine EhrensbergerFrancis EinterzTimothy M . EisenhutPatricia EllisJerry & Karen EmletChuck & Lois ErnstFrank D . EspichA .J . & Lisa EspinozaMatt & Raegan EvansMario A . FerroliJames FierekJohn FinkLarry Fink

Keith & Susan Lynn FisherMargaret FlackDavid FortCalvin & Connie FoustRaymond & Mary Lou FoxJames & Elaine FrankeMike & Carol FrazeeHenry & Mary Frommeyer IIIMartha FryFulner Family Foundation, Inc .David GagermeierPaul & Jean GalantiCharlie & Dianne GardnerAl & Rosemary GasinkDavid & Nancy GerteisenThomas E . GilkisonDaily GistHaydee Doloso GloriaDon & Cheri Glowinski, Jr .Aaron & Jennifer GoeddeDavid & Amelia GoffinetJim & Kathy GogolaLorraine GoodDave GrafJane A . GreenFrances GreenwaltMichael & Barbara GriffinRichard & Janice GriffithJacqueline GriswoldJoan GroomsMichael K . & Donna GrotzJanet K . GuestJanice E . GustaferroJames & Rosemary HaasJean HackerFrederic HadleyJames & Pamela HafnerWilliam HahnChristine HamptonJohn & Alice HanaganMargaret HankeRuth Ann HanleySarah HargartenGeorge & Alice HarveyRobert & Marilyn HastyWilliam & Barbara HazelMartin HeldmanDonald L . HemelgarnDave & Becky HendersonFred & Marilyn HendricksJosephine HennCatherine E . HerberCarol HermanMarcia HewittShirley HickeyGenevieve HicksYvolanda HillRosita & Bob HittleRalph HobbsDennis HoffmanPatrica A . HoffmanJoe HofmeisterMike HohmannThe Hollstegge’sAlvin & Valerie HolmesKatherine HolmesRyan & Jennifer Holohan

Lois HolzerDeacon Tom HornMarc & Martha HorvathNan & Greg HowlandSteve & Barbara HurrleDavid & Laurie HustedKenneth & Maureen HutchinsonKenneth InskeepAmanda JacksonDaniel & Patricia JacksonRick & Mary Ann JacobsSamuel L . JacobsPeter JansenAnn & Ed JarboePatrick & Elaine JerrellCarl & Cynthia JessopMarcia Ann JohnsonSharon JohnsonWilliam L . & Joanne JohnsonJohn J . JoswickCurtis B . KennedySteve & Carol KacochaMarilyn KarnatzWilliam & Carolyn KashmanBobi KeenanThomas & Suzanne KegleyHarold & Sharon KennedyFrancis & Elizabeth KennyEdgar G . KernKarl KernMarie B . KernKarl & Sussane KettlehutWilliam & Mary KeyesRich & Pat KillenJohn & Barbara KillingerJoseph W . King JrPatricia & Brian KingJoseph & Mary KleinKeith & Martha KlineIn honor of Karl & Linda KnableKarl & Lynda KnableKnights of ColumbusJared KochMarie KoenigIn Honor of James KohoutAntoinette & Charles Korba Jr .John & Jeanne KoscoBeverly KrabelMichael & Karen KuehnJeffery & Diane LakerMark A . LakovichJim LanctotTony & Melanie LannanPaul J . LauckMary Grace LawlerKathryn LawrieEdith LecherJames & Laura LegaultLilly Endowment, Inc .Helen & Gary LindgrenSylvia N . LoboDr . Patrick & Mrs . Sharon LoganLeonard LoganAnthony L . Lorenz

First Quarter – 2016

Our Donors

This list reflects only those individuals or businesses who do-nated directly to SVdP (and not those who donated through their local church). If your name or business is missing or misspelled, please call our Business Office at 317-924-5769, ext. 223.

Page 9: Changing Lives Forever Abraham’s Story I learned through ...Feb 06, 2016  · FRO LE June, 2016 / 3 responded, “I learned through the Changing Lives Forever program that the people

FRONT LINE June, 2016 / 9

Dr . Alvin & Mrs . Anita LosassoMartha LumleyLucian & Margaret LupinskiBetty LuxGerald J . MailletFred S . MantheyNicholas & Joyce MappesJohn MarcantonioJanice A . MartinMike & Pam MartinBarbara MascariRita MascariNickey MathewMark & Pamela MathiasGerald MatlockJames & Linda MatthewsElizabeth MattinglyTherese A . MaxwellRichard MayerKaren MaynardGeorge J . & Paula McAfeeFredrick & Shirley McCarthyGeorge McClure, Sr .Charles McConahayJoseph McConahayMargaret McConahayMark & Eileen McCormickWilliam & Suzanne McDanielTimothy McDowellCharles & Julia McKimGeorge McMullenPatrick McNultyFrankie J . MedvescekJean MellinaMary Patricia MennelJoe MerkelRalph & Mary MerkleyKathryn MesserPhil & Ann MeulemanRussell MeyerSandra MieselCharles MihaliakF . Carl Miller, Jr .Mary E . MillerDon L . Miller Children’s FundJeffrey & Jane MillerKenneth G . & Mary MillerMark MillerJoseph & Barbara MinatelRick & Susan MingusThomas MitchelHector MogollonCharles & Helen MollTed F . MoormanRichard & Mary Ann MorelandGraham MoreyStephen & Gloria MorrallMotionwear, LLCJoseph MuchaMark MuellerMark J . MuellerJoan & Tom MulryPatrick & Rita Jo MurphyPatrick Murphy & Alice SteppeMichael & Mary Natali

Vicki NelsonMatthias NeumanSuzanne NicholasBarbara & Bill Niezgodski, Sr .Mark NormanR . Dennis & Sue NuhferThomas O’GaraGeorgia O’NeillFrances O’RourkeJames OakleyLaurie OberembtDorores ObergfellThomas OberlyWilliam & Margaret O’ConnorJeanne & David O’DonnellMichele OehlkeThomas & Jeanne O’GaraJoseph & Sharon OlsonBob & Jean OndrusekThe Orchard SchoolThe Orchard School FoundationBill & Sharon OsborneWilliam & Nancy OtteKathy ParisDiana ParisCharlie ParksJerome & Connie PatsinerLorraine PaulyRuth PerkinsPhilip A . PersiDan PeterikElaine PetersonWilliam & Gladys PfeiferJames PfennigNancy PieperDottie PinellaStanley PondoJohn & Nancy PorterGeorge & Patricia PoteetCarroll & Anna PowersJack & Bernie PriceDavid ProctorNicholas J . ProvenzanoMary M PrzybyszewskiMaria RadtkeAlberta RattermannRaytheon CompanyJeffrey ReisingJo RemenyikRev . Bernard HeadDavid & Ann RichardsonGerald RichterJoseph RichterLois RichterFr . Joseph RiedmanKevin RiemerJohn T . RiesDan RiordanJoanne RischNancy RobertsJames & Susan RobischJudith RodiaJoseph & Cecilia RoebeckMary RooneyJames & Maureen Ross

William J RossElizabeth RussellKathleen RyanBetty SahmJohn F . SahmSalesforce .com FoundationWesley & Linda SandersRosemarie SaylorWilliam F . SchaeferJames & Mary Beth SchaferJohn & Mary SchaffnerEd & Donna ScheidlerMeggan & Tom SchenkHelen ScherrerDiane SchnellbacherDavid SchniedersA . Lauretta SchoelkopfSharon & Larry SchullerAngie SchumanJohn R . SchwierWilliam L . ScottBrett SeachDan & Laura SeamanRichard ShankAnthony E . ShemezisGeorge & Sandra ShermanPaul & Beverly ShreveLaura ShullKristine SickelsRichard & Kathleen SickelsRobert & Theresa SiefkerSimonson Integrity LLCPatrick & Tara SimsSisters of St . FrancisFrancis & Deanna SmithJoanne SmithJohn & Helen SmithMarcella SmithMary E . SoladaRobert & Diana SonntagEd & Suzanne SpahrWilliam SpanglerRose Anna SpankeJames R . SparksMark SperkaSS . Peter & Paul Cathedral SVdP St . Joan of Arc Catholic Church SVdP

St . Gabriel Catholic Church SVdPSt . Luke Catholic Church SVdPSt . Matthew Catholic Church SVdPSt . Rita Catholic Church SVdPSt . Roch Catholic Church SVdPSt . Rose of LimaJudy StatomGary SteigerwaldRichard W . SteinmetzRev . Jonathon StewartJohn & Tammy StewartElizabeth & David StipplerE . Fitz & Bonita StrackWilliam & Autumn StrahleRobert & Elizabeth StricklandDanny StupeckiRichard & Nancy StupeckiSeymour & Patricia SuberRoselyn SullivanJoseph & Ethel SullivanTim & Jeannie SullivanDonald A . TalucciDeirdre TanakaSusan Taylor-RisselmanJoan TerrellDale & Linda TheobaldLeonard ThielRichard C . ThielAndrew & Pamela ThimlarJennifer TimmermannDr . & Mrs . Frederick A . TolleTheresa TomecekJoseph P . TraegerEugene & Catherine TrappJohnnie & Jean TravelstedVincent TrenkampTrina TrustyLaura TurnbullRobert J . TushausMatthew TyburskiRobert & Patricia TyburskiEugene & Marguerite VaadiArchangel ValenciaJoseph & Rosemary Valvo

Anne VannemanShirley VargasMark & Ann VarnauGary VeerkampCarmelo & Debbie VentimigliaG . Julian WagnerJoseph D . & Deborah WagnerMichelle & Tom WagnerRobert WagnerWilliam & Suzanne WalesMary L . WalkerRobert & Mary WalshJack S . WarnerNeal WarrenburgMarilyn WebbVince & Phyllis WelageSuzanne K . WellsDavid & Mary Jean WesselBarbara WethingtonWalter & Gloria WheelerRobert & Terry WhiteMark & Rebecca WildemanCharles & Jeanne WilesShirley WilhiteCarrie WilliamsMargie & Thomas WilliamsMark WilliamsDarrel & Mary WilliamsenKathleen WillisDavid & Carole WillsHarry & Victoria WingfieldStephen WischmeyerJeff & Rebecca WittrockJohn P . WolskiJack WoodKristin WroblewskiShixiao XuMary Ann YatesNancy YoungYourCause, LLC TrusteeJane ZakrajsekKeith & Lori ZappJoseph M . ZeimetzStephen ZetzlTom & Laura ZippRonald G . Zuk

ESTATE PLANNING: The Gift of a LifetimeThe need, obligation and desire to help others who are less fortunate will be ongoing, and the work of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will continue long after any of us have left this earthly world.

We care deeply about the welfare of those in need. As a not-for-profit organization that receives no Government funding, we rely on the support of caring individuals to provide essential financial support now and for the future.

One way you can help is to leave a bequest for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in your will. If you would like to discuss this with us, please call 317-625-6293.

Page 10: Changing Lives Forever Abraham’s Story I learned through ...Feb 06, 2016  · FRO LE June, 2016 / 3 responded, “I learned through the Changing Lives Forever program that the people

FRONT LINE10 / June, 2016

SVdP Distribution Center 2016 Work Schedule (revised 11.13.2015)Please report changes to your team manager listed at the top of each team.

Council President John Ryan 317-924-5769 x-213

Distribution Center Exec . Dir . Jeff Blackwell 317-687-8258

DISTRIBUTION CENTER will be closed on: Jun 29 - July 4, Aug 31 - Sep 5, Nov 23-Nov 27, and Dec . 21 - Jan 3, 2017 ** Not in Archdiocese of Indianapolis, but may provide volunteers Pickups made monthly in zips: 46113, 46168, 46221, 46231, 46241 Distribution Center Information: 317-687-8258 e-mail: [email protected] website:

Donations of clothing and household goods are welcome at the receiving dock from 8:30 AM to 1 PM Monday thru Thursday, and on Saturday. The dock is closed on Friday and Sunday.

TEAM PARISH CONTACT PHONE WORK DATES TEAM PARISH CONTACT PHONE WORK DATES 1 Manager Steve Schultz 317-891-9310 Holy Angels Essie Thomas 317-542-7959 SS Peter & Paul Andreas Sashegyi 317-276-9358 St . Ann Tom Gerding 317-956-8188 St . Jude Linda Ingmire 317-882-5726 St . Monica Bernie Hoefer 317-295-1697 St . Philip Neri Mike Hagist 317-861-0727 St . Rita Brenda Montgomery 317-459-8351 **SS . Francis & Clare

4 Manager Bob Williams 317-697-4733 Christ the King Bob Williams 317-697-4733 Holy Cross Linda Clodfelter 317-361-5203 Immaculate Heart of Mary Larry Doughety 317-361-2341 St . Andrew Deborah Jackson 317-444-1158 **St . Elizabeth Ann Seton St . Lawrence Joe Carey 317-849-7040 St . Patrick Ofelia Delgado 317-888-1738 St . Thomas Aquinas Chris Countryman 317-925-0918 St . Christopher Paul Guenin 317-244-9731

2 Managers Larry Heil 317-657-7093 Co-Manager Brandi Heil 812-384-7178 Holy Spirit Larry Heil 317-657-7093 Our Lady of Greenwood Sacred Heart Rose Springman 317-887-4456 **St . Alphonsus (Zionsville) St . Gabriel John Trent 317-299-9671 St . Luke Ken Crook 317-496-2550 St . Mark Ron Mikkelson 317-888-6122 St . Roch Patsy Peoni 317-784-5568

5 Manager Ray Meckauskas 317-594-0290 St . Matthew Jeff Blackwell 317-965-5079 Good Shepherd Wayne Heisig 317-788-2954 Nativity Craig Purdum 317-413-2815 St . Anthony Diane Davis 317-297-7128 St . Barnabas Marty Merkel 317-881-3597 St . Joan of Arc Mark Fasbinder 317-259-0530 St . John the Evangelist Mike Pope 317-562-1636 St . Simon Little Flower/ St . Therese Judy Corpuz 317-353-0939

June 11July 23Aug 27Oct 8Nov 12Jan 7, ‘17

June 18July 30Sept 10Oct 15 Nov 19

June 25 Aug 6 Sept 17Oct 22Dec 3

3 Manager Dave Nealy 317-535-8228 Holy Rosary Dave Nealy 317-535-8228 Holy Name Don Glowinski 317-865-3474 Our Lady of Lourdes Don Flick 317-356-3655 St . Michael Carl Szentes 317-841-0166 St . Malachy Denny Edmonds 317-994-5866 St . Mary Eva Daily 317-370-2436 St . Pius X Jim Dubach 317-577-0432 St . Susanna (Plainfield) Andrea Flood 317-432-1716

July 9Aug 13Sept 24Oct 29Dec 10, ‘17

June 4July 16Aug 20Oct 1Nov 5Dec 17

The rewards of volunteering satisfy a basic yearning of the human heart: to be needed, valued and appreciated. There’s no better place to remedy

this spiritual hunger than the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

Page 11: Changing Lives Forever Abraham’s Story I learned through ...Feb 06, 2016  · FRO LE June, 2016 / 3 responded, “I learned through the Changing Lives Forever program that the people

FRONT LINE June, 2016 / 11


Pratt•Quigley Food Center - 2016 Work Schedule (revised 11.13.2015)Please report changes to Don Striegel at 317-924-5769 ext-236, or at info/

1 Holy Angels Essie Thomas 317-542-7959 SS Peter & Paul Andreas Sashegyi 317-276-9358 St . Ann Tom Gerding 317-956-8188 St . Jude Don Striegel 317-332-1579 St . Monica Bernie Hoefer 317-295-1697 St . Philip Neri Mike Hagist 317-861-0727 St . Rita Brenda Montgomery 317-459-8351 **SS . Francis & Clare

4 Christ the King Debi Mitchell 317-625-3892 Holy Cross Linda Clodfelter 317-361-5203 Immaculate Heart of Mary Larry Doughety 317-361-2341 St . Andrew Deborah Jackson 317-444-1158 **St . Elizabeth Ann Seton St . Lawrence Rita Huck 317-294-8532 St . Patrick Ofelia Delgado 317-888-1738 St . Thomas Aquinas Chris Countryman 317-925-0918 St . Christopher Paul Guenin 317-244-9731 2 Holy Spirit Jerry Maillet 317-408-2875

Our Lady of Greenwood Sacred Heart Rose Springman 317-887-4456 **St . Alphonsus (Zionsville) St . Gabriel John Trent 317-299-9671 St . Luke Ken Crook 317-496-2550 St . Mark Ron Mikkelson 317-888-6122 St . Roch Patsy Peoni 317-784-5568

5 St . Matthew Jeff Blackwell 317-965-5079 Good Shepherd Wayne Heisig 317-788-2954 Nativity Tom Price 317-862-3069 St . Anthony Diane Davis 317-297-7128 St . Barnabas Dawn Lane 317-881-2175 St . Joan of Arc Mark Fasbinder 317-259-0530 St . John the Evangelist Mike Pope 317-562-1636 St . Simon Little Flower/ St . Therese Judy Corpuz 317-353-0939

Council President John Ryan 317-924-5769 x-213 Pantry Executive Director Jim Vento 317-924-5769 x-211Monday Day Manager Pete Koers 317-345-8901Tuesday Day Manager Jim Witchger 317-441-8127Wednesday Day Manager Clarence Hirsch 317-797-6355Thursday AM Manager Ron Mikkelson 317-888-6122Thursday PM Manager Sarah Himes 317-783-6383Friday Day Manager Ron Mikkelson 317-888-6122Saturday Day Managers Don Striegel 317-332-1579 Sarah Himes 317-783-6383 Home Delivery Drivers Mary Shanley 317-921-1403

SVdP FOOD PANTRY will be closed on: Jun 27 - July 4, Aug 29 - Sep 5, Nov 21-Nov 26, and Dec . 19 - Jan 2, 2017 STARTING TIME 7:30 Intake 8:00 Shopping Please encourage some volunteers to work a 2nd shift: needed from (10:30am-1:30pm on Saturdays) ** Not in Archdiocese of Indianapolis, but may provide volunteers Food Pantry Information: 317-921-1401 e-mail: [email protected]


1999 2015

Celebrating 16 Years of Hunger Relief in Indianapolis

June 25Aug 6Sept 17Oct 22Dec 3

July 9Aug 13Sept 24Oct 29 Dec 10

July 16 Aug 20 Oct 1 Nov 5Dec 17

3 Holy Rosary Joseph Mellentine 317-862-3319 Holy Name Don Glowinski, Sr 317-865-3474 Our Lady of Lourdes Don Flick 317-356-3655 St . Michael Carl Szentes 317-841-0166 St . Malachy Bill Pierce 317-272-2874 St . Mary Eva Daily 317-370-2436 St . Pius X Clarence Hirsch 317-797-6355 St . Susanna (Plainfield) Andrea Flood 317-432-1716

June 11July 23Aug 27Oct 8Nov 12Jan 7, ‘17

June 18July 30Sept 1Oct 15Nov 19

Page 12: Changing Lives Forever Abraham’s Story I learned through ...Feb 06, 2016  · FRO LE June, 2016 / 3 responded, “I learned through the Changing Lives Forever program that the people

Society of St. Vincent de PaulArchdiocesan Council of Indianapolis, Inc.3001 E. 30th StreetIndianapolis, IN 46218



FRONT LINEJune, 2016


Visit our new website!

Sept . 27 6:00 pm Council Board Distribution Center Oct . 6 4:00 pm Technology Comm . (quarterly) Pratt-Quigley Center Oct . 9 8:30 am General Membership meeting Pratt-Quigley Center Oct . 16 2:00 pm CROP Walk for World Hunger Indianapolis Oct . 17 5:30 pm Pantry Operations Board Pratt-Quigley Center Nov . 1 7:00 pm D .C . Operations Board Distribution Center Nov . 9-13 Invitation for Renewal Seton Cove Nov . 12 Ozanam Orientation Training Details @ “svdpindy .org” Nov . 15 Deadline for Dec . 1st Newsletter Newsletter Editor Nov . 29 6:00 pm Council Board Distribution Center Dec . 2 7:00 am Pantry Operations Board – *if needed Pratt-Quigley Center No other meetings in December

Jun . 17 4:30 pm Bloomington Hog Roast & Beer Garden Details @ www .bloomingtonsvdp .org Jun . 20 5:30 pm Pantry Operations Board Pratt-Quigley Center Jul . 5 7:00 pm D .C . Operations Board Distribution Center Jul . 7 4:00 pm Technology Comm . (quarterly) Pratt-Quigley Center Jul . 13-17 Invitation for Renewal Seton Cove Jul . 26 6:00 pm Council Board Distribution Center Aug . 13 Ozanam Orientation Training Details @ “svdpindy .org” Aug . 15 Deadline for Sept . 1st Newsletter Newsletter Editor Aug . 22 5:30 pm Pantry Operations Board Pratt-Quigley Center Aug . 30–Sept . 3 National Meeting Columbus, OH Sept . 1 Mid-East Region Meeting Columbus, OH Sept . 6 7:00 pm D .C . Operations Board Distribution Center Sept . 24 10:00 am 8th Annual “Friends of the Poor” Walk George Washington Park

We thank our amazing donors and

committed vol-unteers who fulfill

our Christ-like mission. Without you we could not touch so many.