Chana Post Rally Booklet

Click Here for Daniel Morris Photo Slide Show We are so glad you joined us at the Rally and were part of such a wonderful cause!



Transcript of Chana Post Rally Booklet

Page 1: Chana Post Rally Booklet

Click Here for Daniel Morris Photo Slide Show

We are so glad you joined us at the Rally and were part of such a wonderful cause!

Page 2: Chana Post Rally Booklet


3 Sivan 5775 // May 21, 2015 NEWS


Some 85 people enjoyed three days in

Monte Carlo last week and raised over

£350,000 for Chana at the same time.

The participants in this year’s annual

Chana Car Rally came from London,

Manchester, Zurich, Jerusalem, New

York, Los Angeles and Johannesburg,

giving the event a truly international

flavour. Members of the group traveled

out to Monaco on Monday, where they

were welcomed by the dedicated team at

the Fairmont Hotel. Before the informal welcome dinner

held on the balcony of the hotel, there

was an opportunity for the drivers to

familiarise themselves with the cars they

would be driving over the next couple of

days. The stunning selection included

Ferraris, McLarens, Lamborghinis,

Aston Martins, Porsches and Bentleys.

Following davening and breakfast on

Tuesday, the participants set off eagerly

on their first day’s drive. Everyone was

given a detailed route and map to follow,

enabling the drivers to take their time

and enjoy the beautiful scenery, whilst

having the security of knowing exactly

where they were and joining together for

a picnic lunch. By mid-afternoon, the participants

had all returned to the hotel to prepare

for the evening’s gala dinner, which

took place in an exclusive venue at the

end of the pier in Cap D’Ail. En route to

the dinner, the guests enjoyed a stroll

through a vintage car museum.

As a preparation for the meal, event

sponsor, The Grapevine, represented

by Mr. David Margulies, together with

Israeli winery 1848, ran a wine tasting

with suggestions for wine pairings, some

of these were taste-tested at the dinner.

The entire event was expertly catered by

Catering by Ezri.During the meal, the other sponsors

Colin Richman and Eytan Weisz

(Teacher Stern), Paul Feldman and

David Mendelsohn (Lockton) and Jack

Acstein and Sam Levy (Rykar) took the

opportunity of addressing the gathering.

The celebratory ambience was enhanced

by a saxophonist as the sun set over the

rooftop pool. In keeping with the theme

of the rally, Eddie Jordan, a well-known

figure on the Formula One racing circuit,

shared some of his personal experiences.

To mark the tenth anniversary

of the Chana Car Rally, which is the

organisation’s main annual fundraiser,

committee members Benny Groszman,

Danny Brodie and Uri Goldberg

presented Moshe Morris with an award

for creating the event. It was also a

token of appreciation for his widespread

charitable endeavours.

During the dinner, guest speaker B.Z.

Weiss from the United States made an

appeal for Chana. With his usual skill

he took the crowd on an emotional

journey from crying with laughter at

the beginning of the speech to shedding

tears of heightened emotion as he gave

the passionate appeal.

The second day of the rally featured a

special treat for the participants. Before

setting off on the day’s drive, they were

able to try out the true Monte Carlo Rally

experience, with a visit to the grandstand

and an opportunity to drive along part of

the world-famous rally course.

After another morning driving

through the beautiful scenery, the group

gathered for a farewell lunch to mark the

end of the highly successful event. The

rally raised substantially more money

for Chana than on previous occasions

and participants commented on the

warm and friendly atmosphere fostered

by this unique event.The logistics of the rally were expertly

managed by a team from JAM Events,

with their usual sophisticated attention

to detail. JAM took the opportunity

of the Chana Car Rally to launch their

dedicated car-rally experience division,

which is available for charities, corporate

entertaining and private events.

For more than 20 years, Chana has

been supporting couples who face the

challenge of infertility. In that time it has

assisted, through counseling, guidance

and financial support, more than 4,450

people, which has directly resulted in the

birth of about 600 babies. This work is

made possible in large part by the funds

raised at the Rally Appeal.

Three-Day Car Rally Raises Over £350,000

For Chana Organization

Rabbanim Gather in Toulouse for

Conference of European RabbisOver 200 Rabbanim from across

Europe, the United States and Israel

gathered together in Toulouse, France

last week for the bienniel Conference

of European Rabbis. In addition to

the conference’s strong focus on

fighting anti-Semitism, delegates also

discussed such diverse topics as the

use of technology in Jewish law and

the continuation of European Jewry.

As usual, the event was graced by the

presence of a number of Chief Rabbis,

including Rabbi Haim Korsia, Vice

President of the CER and Chief Rabbi

of France, Chief Rabbi David Lau of

Israel and Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef

of Israel, as well as senior European

politicians.During the opening of the conference

calls to fight anti-Semitism were backed

by members of the European Parliament

and Commission, who expressed their

support for the continuation of Jewish life

across the continent. During his welcome address, President

of the CER, Chief Rabbi Pinchas

Goldschmidt of Moscow, told delegates,

“The children who were shot in Toulouse

were killed for the same reason as those

Jews who were murdered 70 years ago

during the Holocaust here in Europe. The

doubling of anti-Semitic attacks in 2014

means we must fight resolutely against

anti-Semitism and nip this phenomenon

in the bud. We will continue to fight

across Europe for the right to live safely

on this continent as Jews.”

Speaking at a gala dinner Vice

President of the European Parliament

Antonio Tajani told the crowd, “The

Jewish people’s heritage is my heritage

and we won’t have Europe without our

heritage. “The European Parliament, the guard-

ian institution of the democratic princi-

ples and inalienable values of Europe, is

committed to uncompromisingly refuse

any form of hatred and anti-Semitism.”

In a video message to the convention,

First Vice-President of the European

Commission, Mr. Frans Timmermans

talked of the need for further discussion

about the role of religion in Europe saying,

“Europe without the Jews is no longer

Europe. ... We need your contribution to

have this debate.”During the day Vice President Tajani,

Chief Rabbi Goldschmidt and delegates

met with local politicians and the Bishop

of Toulouse to discuss the importance of

interfaith dialogue in combating racial

hatred.The second day of the conference

saw delegates join members of the

local community to hold a memorial

ceremony to mark the 26th of Iyar, the

Hebrew date of Victory in Europe (VE)

Day.The ceremony particularly focused

on the more than 1.25 million Jewish

servicemen who fought during the war,

including 250,000 who lost their lives.

During the ceremony Chief Rabbi

Goldschmidt said, “On 8th May 1945,

when the Jews came out of hiding, there

was no time to cry: We were in survival

mode, creating a new existence for

ourselves. That was the time to build.

Today, 70 years on, where we have rebuilt

our communities, we are still are yet to

cry over those who gave their lives as

soldiers. They fought to ensure Jewish

life can exist in a free Europe.

“Bad things happen because good

people don’t stand up. Just as Jewish

servicemen stood up for our future we

need to understand that it is the future

(Top picture) Committee members Uri Goldberg (second L), Danny Brodie (second R) and Benny

Groszman (R) making a presentation to Moshe Morris (L).

(Bottom picture) Participants in the Chana Car Rally.

Continued on page 49


JT 21 May 2015

� Adam Domb

OVER £350,000 was raised for Chana, thanks to the 85 drivers who participated in the charity’s annual Car Rally. The cosmopolitan group, drawn from London, Manchester, Zurich, Jerusalem, New York, Los Angeles and Johannesburg, converged on Monaco for the three-day rally where they were hosted at the Fairmont Hotel. The stunning selection of cars to be used included Ferraris, McLarens, Lamborghinis, Aston Martins, Porsches and Bentleys. Following davening and breakfast, the participants eagerly set off on their first day’s scenic drive, guided by a detailed route and map. By mid-afternoon, the participants had all returned to the hotel to prepare for the evening’s gala dinner, which took place in an exclusive venue at the end of the pier in Cap D’Ail. En route to the dinner, the guests enjoyed a stroll through a vintage car museum. In anticipation of the meal, event sponsor, The Grapevine, represented by Mr Dovid Margulies, together with Israeli Winery 1848,

ran a wine tasting, together with suggestions for wine pairings.During the meal, the other sponsors Colin Richman and Eytan Weisz (Teacher Stern), Paul Feldman and David Mendelsohn (Lockton) and Jack Ackstein and Sam Levy (Rykar) addressed the gathering.

To mark the tenth anniversary of the Car Rally, which is Chana’s main annual fundraiser, committee members Benny Groszman, Danny Brodie and Uri Goldberg presented Moshe Morris with an award for creating the event. It was also a token of appreciation for his widespread magnanimity. Guest speaker at the dinner B.Z. Weiss, from the US, took the crowd on an emotional roller coaster of a journey, from crying with laughter to shedding tears of intense emotion as he gave an impassioned appeal on behalf of Chana.Other highlights of the three-day rally included an opportunity to try out the true Monte Carlo Rally experience, including a drive along part of the world famous rally course.

Once again, the organisation

of the Chana Rally was expertly managed from start to finish by the team at JAM Events, with their usual sophisticated attention to detail. This year’s event was

the platform for JAM to launch their dedicated car rally experience division, which is now available for charities, corporate entertaining and private events.

For more than 20 years, Chana has been supporting couples who face the challenge of infertility; through counselling, guidance and financial support.

Car rally participants at their glorious Monaco venue. PHOTO DANIEL MORRIS

Car drivers rally to the cause of Chana

THE annual pre-Shavuos cheese cake lunch at Canary Wharf once again attracted a number of Docklands businessmen and professionals. There was also a large complement of visitors from Jewish Care homes, as well as Jewish residents from London’s East End. Schonfeld Square was well represented at two tables.Mr Adrian Cohen, partner with

international lawyers Clifford Chance, whose offices hosted the event, introduced the proceedings.The choir from Menorah Primary School sang a mixture of Jewish folk songs and Chassidic melodies, after which the choirmaster Rabbi Shalom Erlanger gave a Dvar Torah on the upcoming chag.Thanking the Canary Wharf

Group and Clifford Chance for their magnificent efforts in providing the cheese cake party, he explained the journey from Pesach to Shavuos via counting the Omer. He said that it was a journey of advancement and improvement; hence we count upwards rather than downwards. And at Shavuos we are ready to receive the Torah itself.The Rabbi then mesmerised the

gathering with his playing on the clarinet and led the choir in a rendition of ‘My Yiddishe Mama’, before concluding with two versions of ‘Adon Olam’.Danny Seliger, the indefatigable director of administration for Canary Wharf Group paid tribute to the choir and wished all those attending a very Good Yom Tov.

A taste of Shavuos in DocklandsWORDS AND PHOTOS: DAVID ROSE

Rabbi Shalom Erlanger

Mr Danny Seliger

The choir from Menorah Primary School

Page 3: Chana Post Rally Booklet

About Chana


3 Sivan 5775 // May 21, 2015 NEWS


Some 85 people enjoyed three days in

Monte Carlo last week and raised over

£350,000 for Chana at the same time.

The participants in this year’s annual

Chana Car Rally came from London,

Manchester, Zurich, Jerusalem, New

York, Los Angeles and Johannesburg,

giving the event a truly international

flavour. Members of the group traveled

out to Monaco on Monday, where they

were welcomed by the dedicated team at

the Fairmont Hotel. Before the informal welcome dinner

held on the balcony of the hotel, there

was an opportunity for the drivers to

familiarise themselves with the cars they

would be driving over the next couple of

days. The stunning selection included

Ferraris, McLarens, Lamborghinis,

Aston Martins, Porsches and Bentleys.

Following davening and breakfast on

Tuesday, the participants set off eagerly

on their first day’s drive. Everyone was

given a detailed route and map to follow,

enabling the drivers to take their time

and enjoy the beautiful scenery, whilst

having the security of knowing exactly

where they were and joining together for

a picnic lunch. By mid-afternoon, the participants

had all returned to the hotel to prepare

for the evening’s gala dinner, which

took place in an exclusive venue at the

end of the pier in Cap D’Ail. En route to

the dinner, the guests enjoyed a stroll

through a vintage car museum.

As a preparation for the meal, event

sponsor, The Grapevine, represented

by Mr. David Margulies, together with

Israeli winery 1848, ran a wine tasting

with suggestions for wine pairings, some

of these were taste-tested at the dinner.

The entire event was expertly catered by

Catering by Ezri.During the meal, the other sponsors

Colin Richman and Eytan Weisz

(Teacher Stern), Paul Feldman and

David Mendelsohn (Lockton) and Jack

Acstein and Sam Levy (Rykar) took the

opportunity of addressing the gathering.

The celebratory ambience was enhanced

by a saxophonist as the sun set over the

rooftop pool. In keeping with the theme

of the rally, Eddie Jordan, a well-known

figure on the Formula One racing circuit,

shared some of his personal experiences.

To mark the tenth anniversary

of the Chana Car Rally, which is the

organisation’s main annual fundraiser,

committee members Benny Groszman,

Danny Brodie and Uri Goldberg

presented Moshe Morris with an award

for creating the event. It was also a

token of appreciation for his widespread

charitable endeavours.

During the dinner, guest speaker B.Z.

Weiss from the United States made an

appeal for Chana. With his usual skill

he took the crowd on an emotional

journey from crying with laughter at

the beginning of the speech to shedding

tears of heightened emotion as he gave

the passionate appeal.

The second day of the rally featured a

special treat for the participants. Before

setting off on the day’s drive, they were

able to try out the true Monte Carlo Rally

experience, with a visit to the grandstand

and an opportunity to drive along part of

the world-famous rally course.

After another morning driving

through the beautiful scenery, the group

gathered for a farewell lunch to mark the

end of the highly successful event. The

rally raised substantially more money

for Chana than on previous occasions

and participants commented on the

warm and friendly atmosphere fostered

by this unique event.The logistics of the rally were expertly

managed by a team from JAM Events,

with their usual sophisticated attention

to detail. JAM took the opportunity

of the Chana Car Rally to launch their

dedicated car-rally experience division,

which is available for charities, corporate

entertaining and private events.

For more than 20 years, Chana has

been supporting couples who face the

challenge of infertility. In that time it has

assisted, through counseling, guidance

and financial support, more than 4,450

people, which has directly resulted in the

birth of about 600 babies. This work is

made possible in large part by the funds

raised at the Rally Appeal.

Three-Day Car Rally Raises Over £350,000

For Chana Organization

Rabbanim Gather in Toulouse for

Conference of European RabbisOver 200 Rabbanim from across

Europe, the United States and Israel

gathered together in Toulouse, France

last week for the bienniel Conference

of European Rabbis. In addition to

the conference’s strong focus on

fighting anti-Semitism, delegates also

discussed such diverse topics as the

use of technology in Jewish law and

the continuation of European Jewry.

As usual, the event was graced by the

presence of a number of Chief Rabbis,

including Rabbi Haim Korsia, Vice

President of the CER and Chief Rabbi

of France, Chief Rabbi David Lau of

Israel and Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef

of Israel, as well as senior European

politicians.During the opening of the conference

calls to fight anti-Semitism were backed

by members of the European Parliament

and Commission, who expressed their

support for the continuation of Jewish life

across the continent. During his welcome address, President

of the CER, Chief Rabbi Pinchas

Goldschmidt of Moscow, told delegates,

“The children who were shot in Toulouse

were killed for the same reason as those

Jews who were murdered 70 years ago

during the Holocaust here in Europe. The

doubling of anti-Semitic attacks in 2014

means we must fight resolutely against

anti-Semitism and nip this phenomenon

in the bud. We will continue to fight

across Europe for the right to live safely

on this continent as Jews.”

Speaking at a gala dinner Vice

President of the European Parliament

Antonio Tajani told the crowd, “The

Jewish people’s heritage is my heritage

and we won’t have Europe without our

heritage. “The European Parliament, the guard-

ian institution of the democratic princi-

ples and inalienable values of Europe, is

committed to uncompromisingly refuse

any form of hatred and anti-Semitism.”

In a video message to the convention,

First Vice-President of the European

Commission, Mr. Frans Timmermans

talked of the need for further discussion

about the role of religion in Europe saying,

“Europe without the Jews is no longer

Europe. ... We need your contribution to

have this debate.”During the day Vice President Tajani,

Chief Rabbi Goldschmidt and delegates

met with local politicians and the Bishop

of Toulouse to discuss the importance of

interfaith dialogue in combating racial

hatred.The second day of the conference

saw delegates join members of the

local community to hold a memorial

ceremony to mark the 26th of Iyar, the

Hebrew date of Victory in Europe (VE)

Day.The ceremony particularly focused

on the more than 1.25 million Jewish

servicemen who fought during the war,

including 250,000 who lost their lives.

During the ceremony Chief Rabbi

Goldschmidt said, “On 8th May 1945,

when the Jews came out of hiding, there

was no time to cry: We were in survival

mode, creating a new existence for

ourselves. That was the time to build.

Today, 70 years on, where we have rebuilt

our communities, we are still are yet to

cry over those who gave their lives as

soldiers. They fought to ensure Jewish

life can exist in a free Europe.

“Bad things happen because good

people don’t stand up. Just as Jewish

servicemen stood up for our future we

need to understand that it is the future

(Top picture) Committee members Uri Goldberg (second L), Danny Brodie (second R) and Benny

Groszman (R) making a presentation to Moshe Morris (L).

(Bottom picture) Participants in the Chana Car Rally.

Continued on page 49


JT 21 May 2015

� Adam Domb

OVER £350,000 was raised for Chana, thanks to the 85 drivers who participated in the charity’s annual Car Rally. The cosmopolitan group, drawn from London, Manchester, Zurich, Jerusalem, New York, Los Angeles and Johannesburg, converged on Monaco for the three-day rally where they were hosted at the Fairmont Hotel. The stunning selection of cars to be used included Ferraris, McLarens, Lamborghinis, Aston Martins, Porsches and Bentleys. Following davening and breakfast, the participants eagerly set off on their first day’s scenic drive, guided by a detailed route and map. By mid-afternoon, the participants had all returned to the hotel to prepare for the evening’s gala dinner, which took place in an exclusive venue at the end of the pier in Cap D’Ail. En route to the dinner, the guests enjoyed a stroll through a vintage car museum. In anticipation of the meal, event sponsor, The Grapevine, represented by Mr Dovid Margulies, together with Israeli Winery 1848,

ran a wine tasting, together with suggestions for wine pairings.During the meal, the other sponsors Colin Richman and Eytan Weisz (Teacher Stern), Paul Feldman and David Mendelsohn (Lockton) and Jack Ackstein and Sam Levy (Rykar) addressed the gathering.

To mark the tenth anniversary of the Car Rally, which is Chana’s main annual fundraiser, committee members Benny Groszman, Danny Brodie and Uri Goldberg presented Moshe Morris with an award for creating the event. It was also a token of appreciation for his widespread magnanimity. Guest speaker at the dinner B.Z. Weiss, from the US, took the crowd on an emotional roller coaster of a journey, from crying with laughter to shedding tears of intense emotion as he gave an impassioned appeal on behalf of Chana.Other highlights of the three-day rally included an opportunity to try out the true Monte Carlo Rally experience, including a drive along part of the world famous rally course.

Once again, the organisation

of the Chana Rally was expertly managed from start to finish by the team at JAM Events, with their usual sophisticated attention to detail. This year’s event was

the platform for JAM to launch their dedicated car rally experience division, which is now available for charities, corporate entertaining and private events.

For more than 20 years, Chana has been supporting couples who face the challenge of infertility; through counselling, guidance and financial support.

Car rally participants at their glorious Monaco venue. PHOTO DANIEL MORRIS

Car drivers rally to the cause of Chana

THE annual pre-Shavuos cheese cake lunch at Canary Wharf once again attracted a number of Docklands businessmen and professionals. There was also a large complement of visitors from Jewish Care homes, as well as Jewish residents from London’s East End. Schonfeld Square was well represented at two tables.Mr Adrian Cohen, partner with

international lawyers Clifford Chance, whose offices hosted the event, introduced the proceedings.The choir from Menorah Primary School sang a mixture of Jewish folk songs and Chassidic melodies, after which the choirmaster Rabbi Shalom Erlanger gave a Dvar Torah on the upcoming chag.Thanking the Canary Wharf

Group and Clifford Chance for their magnificent efforts in providing the cheese cake party, he explained the journey from Pesach to Shavuos via counting the Omer. He said that it was a journey of advancement and improvement; hence we count upwards rather than downwards. And at Shavuos we are ready to receive the Torah itself.The Rabbi then mesmerised the

gathering with his playing on the clarinet and led the choir in a rendition of ‘My Yiddishe Mama’, before concluding with two versions of ‘Adon Olam’.Danny Seliger, the indefatigable director of administration for Canary Wharf Group paid tribute to the choir and wished all those attending a very Good Yom Tov.

A taste of Shavuos in DocklandsWORDS AND PHOTOS: DAVID ROSE

Rabbi Shalom Erlanger

Mr Danny Seliger

The choir from Menorah Primary School

...Chana Provides

→ A strictly confidential helpline answered by qualified and experienced male & female support workers.

→ Specialist medical support and information.

→ Confidential individual and couples counselling.

→ An expert Medical Advisory Panel of specialist consultants and medical practitioners, sensitive to the centrality of Halocho (Jewish law) in treatment choices. They can also offer expert guidance on second opinions and identifying the top relevant specialists in specific cases.

→ Financial assistance to help meet the cost of fertility investigations, treatment and counselling.

→ Well Woman/Well Man/Well Teen Services, provide information on reproductive healthcare issues for men and women (including gynaecological matters for women). Information events are held for teenagers and parents of teenagers with medical professionals and reproductive health specialists.

→ Buddies, a one-to-one link with someone who has personally faced similar challenges.

→ Research Co-ordinator to help source the latest medical information.

→ Educational Sessions for GPs, Rabbis and Rebbetzens (Rabbis’ wives) as well as members of the community. Regular update events with medical and infertility specialists.

→ An interactive website including up to date medical news and information, downloadable lectures and details of Chana’s wide range of services

→ Chana’s newsletters and Magazine.

Callers can talk to a support worker in English, Yiddish, Hebrew or French.Chana is based in London but we support men and women throughout the UK and around the world.

Page 4: Chana Post Rally Booklet
Page 5: Chana Post Rally Booklet

It was great to be with you at Le Rallye de Monte Carlo as sponsors of Chana’s 10th Anniversary Rally, a great event for a wonderful organisation. Here’s some further information about us and the key practice areas that we cover, together with our contact details.

Eytan Weisz Partner

[email protected] +44 (0) 7814 483 266

Colin Richman Partner

[email protected] +44 (0) 7785 268 400


We act for investors, asset managers, developers, funders and tenants (notably retailers, hotel operators, and restaurant and pub groups) on their real estate requirements across the full range of commercial asset classes including retail and leisure schemes, offices, development sites, student accommodation; ground rents and pub portfolios, as well as residential and acquisitions developments and disposal both for owner-occupiers and investors. Our work includes advising on structuring, developing and financing their sites; share and asset purchases/sales, the sale and leaseback of hotels, joint venture structures, hotel management agreements, franchise arrangements and related service agreements.


We handle a full range of commercial and civil litigation work in the UK courts and in domestic and international arbitration tribunals, extending from debt recoveries and contractual claims to more complex cases including joint venture disputes, commodities, financial services, breach of fiduciary duty, and professional negligence claims. We have a team of real estate litigators who act regularly for investors, asset managers, leaseholders and mortgagees on property, landlord and tenant, enforcement, and construction disputes and in specialist areas such as enfranchisement, planning and compulsory purchase.


Our team advises on all aspects of corporate work including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and private equity investments. with significant involvement in telecoms, technology, transport, food, retail, gaming & betting, and hotels & leisure sectors. Our team regularly acts on fundraisings and private placings for listed and unlisted companies, and our tax practice advises on a comprehensive range of tax law issues affecting residential and commercial real estate transactions, tax elements of corporate activities such as mergers and acquisitions, group reorganisations, joint ventures, private equity investment structures and earn-outs.


Our team advises large businesses, public companies, and entrepreneurs across the full range of commercial matters. We regularly advise customers and suppliers on matters relating to information technology, data protection, privacy, intellectual property, regulatory issues and licensing, outsourcing and procurement, and also provide a full general commercial contacts service to our clients covering matters such as franchising, supply & distribution, agencies, standard terms and conditions of sale and other more general commercial contracts. For media and sport clients, we advise on matters ranging from the negotiation of sports, advertising and marketing contracts to matters such as protecting intellectual property rights and reputation protection.


Our team provides a wide range of legal advice and services covering all aspects of personal estate and inheritance tax planning needs, specialising in wealth and inheritance tax planning, wills and trusts. Those specialisms extend to include other work such as Court of Protection work and advising on lasting powers of attorney, deputyships and associated matters. We also provide advisory and advocacy work for charities and communal interests


Our team acts for banks and secondary funders and finance providers, as well as a significant number of borrowers, on a vast array of banking matters. The team delivers a full range of legal services including property investment and development finance, acquisition finance, lending and security and general banking advice. These services extend to include advising on senior debt and mezzanine debt transactions, syndicated and bi-lateral loan agreements, deeds of priority, debentures, mortgages, guarantees and trade finance facilities.


Our team advises on a range of contentious and non-contentious employment issues and our clients range from major companies through to smaller private and owner-managed businesses as well as individuals in a wide variety of sectors, including financial services, manufacturing, retail, professional services, healthcare, recruitment, publishing, media, IT, restaurants, hotels and leisure, and recruitment businesses. The team includes immigration lawyers who are able to advise on securing foreign workers and employees.

Page 6: Chana Post Rally Booklet Lockton we create innovative and specialist insurance solutions and financial risk protection for our clients in the real estate, construction and charity sectors

Our focus is on you....

For professional advice on your real estate, construction and contingent risk insurance requirements, please contact:

David Mendelsohn on 020 7933 2019 or email [email protected] Paul Feldman on 020 7933 2454 or email [email protected]

Lockton Companies LLP authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England & Wales at The St Botolph Building, 138 Houndsditch, London, EC3A 7AG. A Lloyd’s Broker

Lockton’s Real Estate & Constructionwere delighted to sponsor

the Chana Rally 2015

Page 7: Chana Post Rally Booklet Lockton we create innovative and specialist insurance solutions and financial risk protection for our clients in the real estate, construction and charity sectors

Our focus is on you....

For professional advice on your real estate, construction and contingent risk insurance requirements, please contact:

David Mendelsohn on 020 7933 2019 or email [email protected] Paul Feldman on 020 7933 2454 or email [email protected]

Lockton Companies LLP authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England & Wales at The St Botolph Building, 138 Houndsditch, London, EC3A 7AG. A Lloyd’s Broker

Lockton’s Real Estate & Constructionwere delighted to sponsor

the Chana Rally 2015

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covering every eventuality

First Floor314 Regents Park RoadLondon N3 2JX+44 (0)208 371 [email protected]

JAM European Rally ToursMonte Carlo, Cannes, Florence, Geneva and many more

It was great spending the few days wi th you –

stay in touch!

Page 18: Chana Post Rally Booklet

Chana Charitable Trust Registered UK Charity Number 10701 | 23 Ravenhurst Avenue, London NW4 4EEHelpline: 020 8201 5774 (24 Hour Answerphone) | 020 8203 8455 | [email protected] |