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Copyright © 2015 Success Vantage Group Pte Ltd.

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Published by Stephanie Mulac.

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Chakra Money Meditation ................................................................... 4

Of Your Money Story ........................................................................... 5

Of Meditation And Why It Matters ...................................................... 7

Of Your Chakra & The Money Meditation ............................................ 8

Of More Good Things ......................................................................... 10

It's Your Turn! .................................................................................... 11



Chakra Money Meditation

Have you ever heard of "poverty consciousness"?

This state of consciousness occurs when you find yourself in situations where there are

potent and frustrating issues with money.

This is actually very real, and it can happen to everyone - you, me, and especially the

average guy on the street.

I'm sure you have encountered situations where you are pressed for money - for the

insurance payment, for the mortgage, even putting the bacon on the table. And you

realized the problems extend throughout your life!

Is there a way out of this, to somehow make use of the chakras to build up a powerful

wealth mentality?

There is! And I'm sharing it here on this bonus report entitled Chakra Money




Of Your Money Story

Let's start with the most basic of all - the money story.

Your money story.

But before we try and define what is the money story, let's find out your attitude about

money and wealth with the following questions:

Let's Do It:

Get your pen and paper ready.

Find somewhere quiet where you only have your thoughts for company. Keep your

phone, tablet, or any other gadget on silent (don't worry, it's just for a few minutes).

Answer these questions:

1. What is money? (Write down 10 phrases to complete "Money is...")

2. What is wealth? (Write down 10 phrases to complete "Wealth is...")

3. When you were young, what were you educated or told about money/wealth?

Remember, answer them as honestly and quickly as you can. Don't censor yourself, or

revise your answers again and again.



Look through your answers. Note how many positive or negative connotations were


Whatever you were taught about money or wealth when you were young, it lingered

hauntingly in your head and shaped your belief and mindset, and also the subsequent

action and behavior henceforth into adulthood. They create the conflicts that you might

find coloring your money decisions up to this day and the next.

So you can see, the mindset is absolutely critical to influencing the mind and

determining the future prospects.

But the good thing is it is entirely possible to change all that - to make the

transformation to the wealth mindset.

Many experts and personalities would teach that the way to absolute financial wealth is

through the mindset, but I'm here to give you another wholesome solution - through the

use of chakra AND meditation.



Of Meditation And Why It Matters

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health website,

8.0% of adults in the States use some form of meditation. This 8.0% translates to about

18 million. Imagine that!

Meditation is a very ancient art, with some of the earliest verified records coming from

the Hindu traditions of Vedantism, a form of religious practice, around 1500 BCE.

What is so special about this art that it is being practiced widely in many cultures

around the world?

Research studies have revealed that meditation is able to lower the blood pressure. In

addition, meditation is able to reduce anxiety attacks, improve the immunity, and both

increase serotonin production (a hormone that improves behavior and mood) and the

energy level. That are just the physiological effects.

At the same time, meditation is able to exert a positive influence on the mind. Clarity is

gained. The emotions are stabilized. The mind is sharpened for focus and relaxation.

Overall happiness increases by leaps and bounds.

So it follows that meditation is definitely a great tool to influence the money story!



Of Your Chakra & The Money Meditation

You have already gone through Chakra Activation System, so you know by now that the

system is one potent force of balance and healing. By tapping on the 7 chakras, you

summon the vast energy around you to manifest your heartfelt desire.

To recap:

Top Of Head - Crown Chakra

Between The Eyes - Third Eye Chakra

Throat - Throat Chakra

Heart - Heart Chakra

Upper Abdomen - Solar Plexus Chakra

Lower Abdomen - Sacral Chakra

Base Of Spine - Root Chakra

Where does money fit in to any of the chakras?

The answer is the Root Chakra. (Do look through Chakra Activation System again to

reinforce the learning)

Having a balanced Root Chakra ensures that you are grounded in all areas of life, such as

the home, your job - and importantly, money.

Therefore, in order to attract money and prosperity, it is vital to keep the chakras,

especially the Root Chakra, open and clear and balanced. At the same time, if meditation

is used, it will exponentially increase the wealth process, because meditation helps clear

the mind to make the most informed decision.



For you, I specially created the Chakra Money Meditation that can be easily, and

effectively, completed within 5 minutes. It is a technique that encompasses both the

relevant practices of chakra balancing and meditation.

Here are the instructions for the Chakra Money Meditation:

First, sit comfortably in a place where you would not be disturbed unnecessarily.

Start going through a deep breathing exercise. Feel in the inhale and exhale deep

within your core.

To begin, visualize a wheel of bright red light spinning at the Root Chakra (base

of the spine). It starts slow, gradually picks up speed.

Visualize the speed gathering momentum, and also spreading a pulsing red glow

from the Root Chakra to the other chakras of the body.

Now, visualize money and wealth emerging from the Root Chakra.

Visualize it also spreading to the other chakras and parts of your body, that

you're enveloped by wealth and abundance.

Hold that thought in your mind until you cannot hold it anymore.

To end the Chakra Money Meditation, allow the sounds of the present to come

back to you. Be aware of your deep breathing and each inhale and exhale.

When you're ready, offer your gratitude to the chakras and the universe for

granting wealth to you, and open your eyes.

For maximum effect, carry out the Chakra Money Meditation twice in the day, once in

the morning, before work, and the other in the evening, before bed.



Of More Good Things

But that is not all in Chakra Money Meditation; I want to share more good stuff with you.

While the Chakra Money Meditation uses the Root Chakra to manifest wealth, this

technique taps on ALL chakras for the added effect!

Here are the instructions for this upsized meditation:

Sit comfortably, and relax.

Start deep and lungful breathing for the whole of this upsized meditation


We start from the base of the spine first, so visualize your Root Chakra.

Visualize an inhale into your Root Chakra. As you do that, say this to yourself - "I

am inhaling money and wealth into my life". Visualize your core self full of

money, and your whole being surrounded by an aura of wealth. Repeat 5 times.

Repeat the above with the other 6 chakras in this order - Sacral, Solar Plexus,

Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown.

Now, visualize the feeling and memory of money. Feel the notes under your

fingers. Feel it in your memory. Use all your 5 senses as much as you can.

Visualize in tandem with your deep breathing cycles. Hold the visualizations for

as long as you can.

Lastly, visualize the simultaneous activation of all the 7 chakras, aglow with their

respective colors.



It's Your Turn!

With reference to the Law of Attraction, a vital concept in wealth manifestation model,

any desire you crave for must be met with an equal effort.

Chakra Money Meditation is designed as the ultimate tool for wealth manifestation

because it utilizes 2 great aspects - chakra visualization and meditation.

So, empower yourself through Chakra Money Meditation.

Allow your true, deserved wealth and abundance to come to you.