Chakra Essential Oil Kit


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Chakra Essential Oil Kit

Transcript of Chakra Essential Oil Kit

Chakra Essential Oil KitHow to use them: Anoint on chakra points, inhale the aroma, add to5 drops to 1 oz. olive oil for massage, or add 3-5 drops to a tub or foot bath. Use daily as needed to help balance the mind-body-spirit experienceChakra #7 Top of Head Lavender Lavendula angustopholiaUplifting, clearing, eases meditation. Helps you trust that you are connecting to divine inspiration.Chakra #6 Forehead Frankincense Boswellia carteriThis deep rich scent from ancient temples enhances focus, concentration, and intuitive insight.Chakra #5 Throat Tangerine Citrus reticulataCommunication and Joy for the process of creative expression is enhanced with tangerine essential oil.Chakra #4 Heart Rosemary Rosimarinus officinalisRemember the comfort of divine feminine energy that opens the heart and increases faith.Chakra #3 Solar Plexus Peppermint Mentha piperitaEnergy and a clear mind lead to personal empowerment and the ability to take action on your ideas.Chakra #2 Sacral Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicumWarming scent to increase comfort and sensuality.Chakra #1 Base Cedar Cedar AtlasTo assist in anchoring your awareness in your body, anoint your coccyx or tailbone, sole/center of feet.