Chair MIR Annual Report 2004 Chaire de Management des Industries de Réseau MIR Management of...

Chair MIR Annual Report 2004 Chaire de Management des Industries de Réseau MIR Management of Network Industries Annual Report 2004 EPFL - CDM - MIR Odyssea Station 5 CH-1015 Lausanne Tel. +41 21 693 00 02 Fax. +41 21 693 00 00 eMail: [email protected]

Transcript of Chair MIR Annual Report 2004 Chaire de Management des Industries de Réseau MIR Management of...

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Chair MIRAnnual Report 2004

Chaire de Management des Industries de RéseauMIR

Management of Network Industries

Chaire de Management des Industries de RéseauMIR

Management of Network Industries

Annual Report 2004

EPFL - CDM - MIROdysseaStation 5 CH-1015 LausanneTel. +41 21 693 00 02Fax. +41 21 693 00 00eMail: [email protected]

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Chair MIRAnnual Report 2004

Annual Report 2004



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Chair MIRAnnual Report 2004


Prof. Matthias FingerDirector MIR

2004 is MIR’s second year of real operations and as such it has been another year of successful growth and development, which will now allow MIR to enter a phase of consolidation. During 2004, we have successfully launched our e-governance executive Masters, acquired an FNRS research project, built-up our research activities and publications (especially with a co-authored Report to the Club of Rome), enrolled a critical mass of PhD students, and developed further relationships with partners in both academia and industry. This evolution has of course led to some significant changes in personnel. We are very fortunate to welcome Dr. Pierre Rossel, among others, as a new member of the MIR team.

In parallel, the College of Management of Technology at EPFL has been officially inaugurated. In this new institutional context, MIR has slightly redefined its focus, as it aims at making a contribution to the organization of the network industries and their networks with a speciall attention paid to institutional problems and solutions. MIR studies, in particular, de- and re-regulation, as well as the governance and the management of the network industries. It also studies questions of innovation and risk and is especially attentive to the transformations the network industries are currently undergoing as a result of the growing role played by the information and communication technologies (ICTs). Thus, MIR also explores the usage of the ICTs when it comes to regulation and governance (e.g., e-governance).

Let me also mention that MIR has further consolidated its international leadership in two sectors:- in the postal sector we have collaborated in 2004 with the major actors in the sector such as Deutsche Post AG, TPG Post, but also the Universal Postal Union. For example, Prof. Finger was invited to give the keynote address to the Universal Postal Union’s 23 rd World Congress in Bucarest in September 2004. This leadership role is likely to lead to an independent research center financed by the industry in 2005;- in the water and sanitation sector EU-funded research project “EUROMARKET” has now caught the attention of the EU administration, the main industry actors, and non-governmental organizations, as it introduces some rationality into the increasingly heated debate about water privatization.

Finally, I would like to thank all the members of the MIR team for their contributions to this joint effort, as well as our various supporters, especially Swiss Post as the main sponsor of our Chair.



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Chair MIRAnnual Report 2004

MIR structure

MIR structure

Directed by Prof. Dr.Dr. Matthias P. Finger

Areas of research

MIR research activities cover four programmatic areas:-The evolution of the network industries: here we study how the network industries evolve and innovate as a result of liberalization, deregulation, privatization, as well as a result of the impact of the ICTs;- Network industry regulation and governance: here, we study the emergence of regulatory functions and institutions, the role of the ICTs in regulation (e.g., e-regulation), as well as new forms of governance;- Business – government relations: here we study the interface and evolving strategic relationships between business and government at the local, national, and global levels; research questions cover firms’ non-market strategies, business and society along with the growing importance of transnational corporations; and- From government to governance: here we study the emerging new forms of governance, such as public-private partnerships in management and financing, innovation, e-governance and other uses of the ICTs for governance purposes.


- Postal services- Telecommunications- Energy (electricity & gas)- Railways- Air Transport- Water and Sanitation

Main sponsor

Personnel2 permanent staff2 assistants (1-year contracts)5 PhD students enrolled and funded by EPFL3 PhD students enrolled at EPFL and funded externally3 Exchange students


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Chair MIRAnnual Report 2004

Prof. Dr. Dr. Matthias P. Finger - Director Chair MIR

MIR personnel

MIR personnel

Permanent staff:- Rosa Graziani, personal assistant (left December 2004)- Dora Mendes, personal assistant (as of December 2004)- Dr. Pierre Rossel, senior scientist [has additional 2 PhD students]- Dr. Beat Wyser, scientific collaborator (left January 2005)

Assistants (1-year contracts):- Jeremy Allouche, manager of the EUROMARKET project- Dena O’Neil, assistant to the e-governance Executive Masters- Valérie Schüpbach, assistant to the e-governance Executive Masters (left September 2004)

PhD students enrolled at and funded by EPFL (Finger):- Cátia Felisberto, Regulation and innovation in the postal sector (funded by FNRS) [enrolled]- Patricia Manso, Risk regulation in the water sector (funded by EUROMARKET) [enrolled]- Gustave Nguene, Security of supply in the energy sector (funded in part by CREM) [enrolled]- Jeannine Srivastava, Innovation in the Telecom sector (funded in part by MHV grant) [accepted]- Thomas Zwahr, e-governance (funded by SHS) [accepted]

PhD students enrolled at EPFL but funded externally (Finger):- Niko Illiadis, Electricity markets modelling, employed by Electrabel [accepted]- Patrick Mollet, Strategies of logistics operators, employed by Swiss Post [accepted]|- Alassane Ndour, Southern African Power pool, employed by Bouygues [accepted]- Philipp Zimmermann, local e-government, employed by HEVS [enrolled]

Thesis co-directing (Finger):- Christof Abegg, Public Service in the peripheries, enrolled at ETHZ [defended February 2005]- Patrick Dorvil, Waste management privatization, enrolled at U of St.Gallen- Marc Ehrensperger, PPP in transport, enrolled at U of St. Gallen- Roger Sonderegger, Reform of local utilities, enrolled at U of St. Gallen [defended May 2004]- Urs Trinkner, Postal regulation, enrolled at U of Zürich


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Chair MIRAnnual Report 2004


The Chair MIR aspires to make intellectual contributions in the following research areas:

• The evolving postal sector: MIR studies the firms’ strategies, the concentration process, the evolution of the Universal Service, and the regulation of the sector

• Water liberalization: MIR studies the evolution of the global water sector (distribution and sanitation), the non-market strategies of the major firms involved, the newly emerging regulatory arrangements, and the evolution of the management of the water resource

• e-governance: MIR studies the use and application of the information and communication technologies in both public and corporate governance, as well as the consequence of such use on governance

• Foresight: MIR explores new methods to better anticipate organizational, market, and technological changes in the network industries

• Regulation: MIR studies the emerging new forms of regulation (functions and institutions) in the network industries, and assesses such emerging regulation in terms of its contribution to the governance of the netwrk industries

In all its research endeavours, MIR is grounding itself in solid organizational and neo-institutional theory, and aspires to making a contribution to such theory by using the network infrastructures as an empirical basis

Research areas


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In 2004 MIR managed and/or participated in the following fundamental research projects:

• PNR51 Swiss national research foundation programme 51 on social exclusion: a research project carried out in collaboration with CEAT (EPFL) on the digital divide, June 2003 to end of May 2005, 200’00.- CHF.

• Exploratory research on the digital divide in Southern countries and possible bridging options; Cooperation unit at EPFL, 5’000.- CHF.

• COST A22 Foresight Methodologies – Exploring New Ways to Explore the Future: cooperation project started Oct. 2003, with Switzerland signing in June 2004 and our starting Oct. 2004, as Swiss representative in the Action.

• Postal regulation and enterprise innovation: research grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation on, Co-Principal Investigator (with Prof. H. Dietl, University of Zürich); 400’000.- CHF; 2005-2007.

• EUROMARKET: Water liberalisation scenarios: an empirical analysis of the evolution of European water supply and sanitation sectors. EU research grant 5th Framework Programme; 2,4 Mio. Euros; 2002-2006.

Ongoing fundamental research projects


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In 2004 MIR was actively involved in the following applied research projects:

• Price regulation in the Dutch Postal sector; research conducted for TPG Post (completed)

• Institutional Framework for the Water Regulatory Council; research conducted for the government of Mozambique (completed)

• Situationsanalyse und Handlungsempfehlungen zum Stand des e-government in der Schweiz; research conducted for the IT Strategy Office of the Swiss Confederation (completed)

• Future screening; research conducted for Swiss Postfinance (completed)

• Mise en perspective critique du projet de révision de la loi sur les télécommunications; research conducted for Swisscom (completed)

• Analyse der Gasmärkte in der EU und Öffnungsbedarf im Schweizerischen Gasmarkt (with Plaut Economics): research for the Swiss

Federal Office of Energy (ongoing)

Applied research projects


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In 2004 MIR had either individually or jointly submitted the following fundamental research projects:

• Social and institutional influences on innovation in technological communities; project submitted with Prof. E. Autio (HEC-Unil) to the FNRS (decision pending)

• Production décentralisée et sécurité d’approvisionnement énergétique; project submitted to the Swiss Federal Office of Energy

(decision pending)

• Security of supply and regulation in a liberalized electricity market; project submitted to the FNRS (rejected, but will be resubmitted in 2005)

Submitted fundamental research projects


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In 2004 MIR members have presented papers at the following academic conferences:

• Managing Human Resources while downsizing (Hasler, Finger, Friedli), CPDE, Cork, June

• Critical Steps towards e-governance (Finger, Zwahr), EJEG, Dublin, June

• Air transport regulation under transformation (Finger), Air Transport Research Society, Istanbul, July

• Evidence for a new framework to analyze operators’ strategies in the water supply and sanitation sectors (Finger, Manso, Allouche); Water Research, Marrakech, September

• Towards Virtual Governance Architecture (Zwahr, Finger), e-Challenges, Vienna, October

• Desafios para a Regulação da Água na Europa (Manso), Congreso Iberico de Agua, Tortosa, December

Papers presented at academic conferences


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Publications published in 2004


• Finger M. & C. Genoud (2004). Electricity Regulation in Europe. In: Midttun, A. & D. Finon (eds). The Changing European Electricity Sector. Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishers; 1/3rd of the book.• Finger M. (2004). The New Water Paradigm: The Privatization of Governance and the Instrumentalization of the State. In: Levy, D. & P. Newell (eds.). The Business of Global Environmental Governance. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 275-304.• Luís-Manso P. (2004), La Liberalizzazione del settore idrico nell'Unione Europea - sviluppo ed alcuni casi nazionali. In: Instituto Regionale Studi Europei Friuli Venezia Giulia (ed.). Governare l'acqua, Pordenone: Edizioni Concordia Sette. • Rossel P. & C. Jemelin (2004). Gestion des connaissances et apprentissages

en matière de mobilités quotidiennes : quelles évaluations? In: Vodoz, L. et al. (eds.). Les Territoires de la mobilité: l’aire du temps. Lausanne: Presses polytechniques universitaires, pp. 251-262.


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Publications submitted in 2004


Books:• Finger, M., Tamiotti, L. & J. Allouche (eds). Water governance. Albany: SUNY Press.• Von Weizsäcker, E., Young, O. & M. Finger. Limits to privatization. Report to the Club of Rome. London: Earthscan.

Book chapters:• Finger M. World Food Organization. In Conca, K. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Globalization. New York: Palgrave/McMillan.• Finger M. Globalization; Critical Theory; Conscientization. In: English, L. (ed.). Encyclopoedia of Adult Education. New York: PalgraveMcMillan.• Finger M. Global Governance through the Institutional Lense. In: Lederer, M. & P. Müller (eds.). Reflecting Critically on Global Governance. New York: Palgrave, forthcoming.•Finger, M. & P. Rossel Impacts of the ICTs on local government. In Löffler, E. (ed.) Public Sector Reform, forthcoming.

Peer-reviewed articles:• Finger M. & M. Piers. Air transport regulation under transformation: the case of Switzerland, Journal of Air Transport Research, forthcoming.• Finger M. & G. Nguene. Risk modeling and strategic choices in an uncertain environment: the case of energy operators, submitted to Emerging Applications of Artificial Intelligence, November 2004.• Finger M. & P. Manos. The challenge of regulating the drinking water sector: lessons from Mozambique, submitted to Water International, November 2004.


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Non peer-reviewed publications


• Finger, M. De la transformation de l’état à la gouvernance électronique: vers un modèle de l’E-Gouvernance, Les Cahiers du CREMOC, Sceaux, janvier 2004 ISSN 1634-4774.• Finger M. The future international administration of global mail – a review of other industry models (with Triangle Consultancy), London, 2004, 40 pages.• Finger M. Postal regulation: principles and orientation. Edited by the Universal Postal Union, Berne, Switzerland, 2004, 29 pages.• Finger M. & C. Genoud. La concurrence dans les chemins de fers – une chimère? Publication of the Swiss Association for Public Transport, 2004, 16 pages; also German edition.• Rossel Pierre, Glassey Olivier, La fracture digitale dans les pays du Sud et les pistes possibles de la remédiation, Cahiers de la VPRI- COOP No 1.• Rossel Pierre, Glassey Olivier, Caractéristiques et enjeux de la dimension dynamique de la fracture digitale, in : ADIS, ICTs and Inequalities: The Digital Divides, Proceedings of the Conference, Paris || 17-19 Nov. 2004

The Chair MIR edits the “Network Industry Newsletter” (4 times / year);The newsletter formerly called “Séquence 8” (in paper) is publishedas an electronic version only as of September 2004.


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PhD course:

• De- and re-regulation of the network Industries (24h) [Finger]

Minor / Master:

• Corporate governance (Spring 2004, 42h) [Finger]

• Corporate governance (Fall 2004, 42h) [Finger]


• SHS 1st year: Corporate governance (Spring and Fall 2004, 4h) [Finger]

• SHS 2nd year: Projects (90h) [Finger]

• STS: Mobilités, innovation technique et gouvernance (28 h) [Rossel]

The Chair MIR also manages SHS-MTE

Teaching at other Universities:

• Management of Public Enterprises, University of St. Gallen (16h) [Finger]




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• Executive Master Management of Technology (MoT), EPFL“Enterprise and Society”, Prof. Finger (20 h)

• Executive Training Managing Technology Enterprise, IMD/EPFL/ETHZ“De-/re-regulation”, Prof. Finger (8 h)

• Posgraduate Programme “Development”, EPFL/EIER, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso “Importance and changing role of the State in

infrastructures”, Prof. Finger (8 h)• Executive Master in Sport Administration & Technology

“Innovation products and processes”, Dr. Rossel (3 h)• Executive Master in Sport Administration & Technology

“Breakthroughs, cross-fertilizations, hybrids, co-evolution, clusters, transfers and spin-offs”, Dr. Rossel (3 h)• Executive Master in Sport Administration & Technology

“Coupling strategic intelligence with user-oriented design”, Dr. Rossel (1 h)• Postgraduate education program « Politique de l’enseignement

supérieur et de la recherche of The Observatoire science, politique et société (EPFL-UNIL),

“The Social Shaping of Technology”, Dr. Rossel (2 h)• Postgraduate Studies in Hydraulic Schemes, EPFL

“The Challenge to access to water and sanitation”, J. Allouche (4 h) • PUMA, Executive MPA University Bern

“Corporate Governance”, Prof. Finger (4 h) Teaching

Continuing education offerings and teaching

As of December 2004, the Chair MIR offers an Executive Master Program ine-governance, 10 participants


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• Innovation Dynamics in the Network Industries, 7th Annual International Conference on Economics of Infrastructures, Delft, May

• Die Auswirkungen des e-government auf den Föderalismus, Arena Publica, St. Gallen, May

• The future of Public Services in Europe. European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) & the European Centre of Enterprises with Public Participation and Enterprises of General Economic Interest (CEEP), Budapest, June

• Security of supply between liberalization and regulation, Swiss Electricity, Zürich, June

• Postal Services facing a changing environment, 23rd Congress of the Universal Postal Union, Bucharest, September

• e-governance, a model for Europe, 5th iDemocracy World Forum, Issy-les Moulineaux, September

• Regulating regulation, CPOGG-Summit, Monterrey (Mexico), November• Water Liberalization Scenarios, Stockholm University, Stockholm,


Keynote speeches and public appearances (Prof. Finger)


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Professional Service Prof. Finger

Prof. Service

• Dean of the School of Continuing Education, EPFL

• Vice-President, CREM Centre de recherche en Urbistique (jointly owned by EPFL and the City of Martigny)

• Member of the Swiss Federal Commission on Transport Litigation, (Railway Regulator), Berne

• Member of the Swiss Federal Commission on Air Transport Safety, Berne

• Member of the Commission “Public Enterprises” of the CIRIEC (International Centre of Research and Information on the Public and

Cooperative Economy), Brussels, Belgium

• Member, Editorial Board, Journal “Critical Perspectives on Global Governance”

• Member, Editorial Board, Global Environmental Politics, M.I.T. Press, Boston, Massachussetts

• Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Network Industries, Sage, London


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Media appearances

Media appearances

Newspaper articles from and about Chair MIR

• Verfehlte Zugangsregulierung im Telekom-Sektor Article NZZ, 23 September 2004 (in German),

• 2700 Poststellen – und was nun? Article Der Bund, 27 April 2004 (in German)

• UBS, majoritaire dans Atel, redistribuera les cartes du marché de l'électricité en Suisse Article Le Temps, 6 April 2004 (in French)

• Lições sobre a liberalização e a regulação Article in Economia & Negócios, Mozambique, March 26th (in Portuguese) • Sino-Swiss Management Training Center

Article St. Galler Tagblatt, 4 February 4 2004 (in German) (in German) • Le régulateur postal suisse manque d'indépendance Article Le Temps, 22 January 2004 (in French)

3 Radio and 2 TV appearances


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Objectives 2005

Objectives 2005

Personnel: 1 more PhD student in the area of railways or air transport

Research: 2 FNRS projects submitted (October 2005)

Publications: Book on the transformation of the State and regulation (draft version)Edited book on e-governance (draft version)1 co- authored and 1 single authored (PhD student) paper per employed PhD student (10)2 single-authored papers (Finger)

Conferences: EJEG (3 papers accepted)SMS (1 paper acceptance pending)AOM (1 paper accepted, Finger & Mollet)CRRI (2 papers, accepted)IAMOT (1 paper, Finger& Rossel, abstract accepted)ATRS (1 paper, Finger, acceptance pending)ISNIE (1 paper, Finger, acceptance pending)Regulation of public services, Paris (1 paper, Finger, acceptance pending)

Teaching: New course on Industry analysis and trends (Spring 2005)

Executive Education: second edition of the executive masters in e-governance

Partnerships with industry: Setting up of the European Center for Mail Excellence


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Zusammenarbeit mit der Post 2004

Review 2004

• Paper for Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics, Cork, 3.6. 2004• Formation pour Réseau et Vente, Les Marécottes, 11.6. 2004• Postmail Workshop, Olten 17.6. 2004• MPA Uni Bern, Magglingen, 17.8. 2004• Postmail Workshop, Lausanne 18.8. 2004• SPI, Strategieworkshop, Bern 30.8. 2004• Conférence Réseau et Vente, Fribourg 25.9. 2004• Workshop SPI 29.-30.11, 2004

• Zusammenarbeit mit Poststellennetz und Verkauf (Projekt Ymago)• Zusammenarbeit mit Postfinance: - Studie “Future Screening” - Betreuung von Austauschstudent E. Reimondez (Chipkarten Anwendung)• Zusammenarbeit mit SPI: - Betreuung Diplomarbeit von Yan Wang• Zusammenarbeit mit CD: - Betreuung Austuaschstudent Belen Urrutia (CENDRIS)• Zusammenarbeit mit P: - Vorbereitung Workshop Service Public

• Yellowlunch (Dr. Wyser)• Treffen mit Herren Savary/Kohler (P&V), Kunz/Zürcher (Logistics), SPI (Streich), Kornzernleiter


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