CH 8 Motivation- From Concept to Applications

Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 10e (Robbins/Judge) Chapter 8 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 1) Which of the following is not one of the core job dimensions in the JCM model? A) task significance B) feedback C) autonomy D) status E) skill variety 2) According to the JCM, the owner-operator of a garage show performs electrical repairs, rebuilds engines, does body work, and interacts with customers would score ________. A) high on task identity B) high on skill variety C) low on autonomy D) low on task significance E) low on skills variety 3) In the JCM model, what three core job dimensions combine to create meaningful work? A) autonomy, task identity, and feedback B) skill variety, autonomy, and task significance C) skill variety, autonomy, and feedback D) feedback, task identity, and task significance E) skill variety, task identity, and task significance 4) According to JCM theory, which of the following results in the maximum internal rewards for an individual? A) when they are given tangible rewards B) when they learn that they personally have performed well on a task that they care about C) when they initiate a program that enables them to work with a variety of like-minded colleagues D) when their training is realized and their expectations are met E) when they are singled out for praise for successfully completing an arduous task 1 Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall



Transcript of CH 8 Motivation- From Concept to Applications

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Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 10e (Robbins/Judge)Chapter 8 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications

1) Which of the following is not one of the core job dimensions in the JCM model?A) task significanceB) feedbackC) autonomyD) statusE) skill variety

2) According to the JCM, the owner-operator of a garage show performs electrical repairs, rebuilds engines, does body work, and interacts with customers would score ________.A) high on task identityB) high on skill varietyC) low on autonomyD) low on task significanceE) low on skills variety

3) In the JCM model, what three core job dimensions combine to create meaningful work?A) autonomy, task identity, and feedbackB) skill variety, autonomy, and task significanceC) skill variety, autonomy, and feedbackD) feedback, task identity, and task significanceE) skill variety, task identity, and task significance

4) According to JCM theory, which of the following results in the maximum internal rewards for an individual?A) when they are given tangible rewards B) when they learn that they personally have performed well on a task that they care aboutC) when they initiate a program that enables them to work with a variety of like-minded colleaguesD) when their training is realized and their expectations are metE) when they are singled out for praise for successfully completing an arduous task

5) According to the Job Characteristics Model, a telemarketing employee who is provided a list of calls to make and a standardized script to follow would scoreA) high on feedbackB) low on task identityC) high on autonomyD) low on autonomy

6) According to the Job Characteristics Model, the presence of the three psychological states (knowledge of results, experienced responsibility, and experienced meaningfulness) will A) increase motivationB) increase performanceC) decrease absenteeism

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D) all of the above

7) According to the JCM, the links between the job dimensions and the outcomes are moderated by ________.A) a high MPSB) the strength of the individual's growth needC) a low score on self-esteemD) experienced meaningfulness of the jobE) autonomy

8) According to the JCM, which of the following statements is NOT true?A) The evidence supports the general framework of the theory.B) Managers can bypass the complex MPS formula and better derive motivating potential by simply adding the characteristics.C) The employee's perception of his or her workload compared to others may moderate the link between the core job dimension and outcomes.D) If jobs score high on motivating potential, the likelihood of turnover will be reduced.E) Jobs that are high on motivating potential must be high on both autonomy and task variety.

9) What is another term for cross-training?A) work enrichment B) job sharing C) work enlargementD) job enhancement E) job rotation

10) What is a main strength of job rotation?A) It eliminates turnover.B) It increases motivation.C) It increases productivity.D) It decreases training costsE) It decreases supervisor workload.

11) A trucking company routinely makes all of its office staff work for a week in the warehouse area; loading trucks, cleaning trucks, and doing other warehouse work which they are capable of. This program is an example of which of the following?A) job rotationB) job enlargementC) job enrichmentD) job sharingE) flextime

12) Which is not cited as a drawback to job rotation?A) Training costs are increased.B) Productivity is reduced.C) Disruption is created.

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D) Jobs are eliminated.E) Supervisors spend more time answering questions.

13) When the ticket agent at Singapore Airlines takes on the duties of a baggage handler, he is engaged in ________.A) job enlargementB) job rotationC) vertical loadingD) participative managementE) involvement

14) A company redesigns the jobs of the workers in accounts receivables, so that instead of simply billing customers, they will also be responsible for following up on non-payment, liaising between customers and the departments billing them, and other related tasks. What term would best be used to describe these changes?A) job rotationB) job enlargementC) job enrichmentD) job sharingE) flextime

15) Which approach to putting the JCM into practice is usually met with less than enthusiastic results by employees?A) job enlargementB) job rotationC) vertical loadingD) participative managementE) involvement

16) How do most employees react to job enlargement efforts?A) unqualified approval B) somewhat enthusiastically C) with a lack of enthusiasm D) with mixed emotionsE) with very little reaction.

17) Job enrichment increases the degree to which the worker controls the ________.A) planning, execution and evaluation of his or her workB) planning, execution and evaluation of company plansC) horizontal integration of his or her tasksD) feedback that a worker receives from his or her supervisor and peersE) evaluation of his or her peers

18) Which one of the following is not one of the guidelines for enriching jobs?A) ensure employees perform one small part of a taskB) establish client relationships

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C) open feedback channelsD) combine tasksE) expand jobs vertically

19) The vertical expansion of jobs is seen in ________.A) job rotationB) job enlargementC) job enrichmentD) job sharingE) flextime

20) A firm introduces job enrichment in order to motivate its employees. Evidence would suggest that which of the following is the most likely result of this change?A) reduced absenteeism and turnover costsB) lower fixed costsC) a drop in qualityD) a decrease in productivityE) an increase in productivity

21) Beyond redesigning the nature of the work itself, and involving employees in decisions, another approach to making the work environment more motivating is to alter work arrangements. Which of the following is designed to give an employee greater control of their work schedule?A) flextimeB) job sharingC) job rotationD) telecommutingE) job enrichment

22) Which of the following has not been shown to be a benefit of flextime?A) reduced absenteeismB) improved productivityC) increased meaningfulnessD) increased satisfactionE) improved promptness

23) Allied General Hospital employs many individuals and has decided to try to increase motivation through job redesign and flexible scheduling. You have been hired as a consultant to help them design and implement the programs You are looking at flextime and realize that it will probably work least well for which of the following jobs?A) insurance billing clerksB) custodial workersC) floor nursesD) equipment maintenance staffE) IT personnel

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24) Allied General Hospital employs many individuals and has decided to try to increase motivation through job redesign and flexible scheduling. You have been hired as a consultant to help them design and implement the programs. Members of the nighttime janitorial staff are generally low skilled and would probably be motivated by ________.A) job enrichmentB) flexible work schedulesC) job enlargementD) all of the aboveE) none of the above

25) What is flextime's major drawback?A) Not all employees have computers.B) Not everyone wants to work part-time.C) It is not applicable to every job.D) Tardiness increases.E) It is hard to find compatible employees.

26) The work arrangement that allows two or more individuals to split a traditional 40-hour-a week job is ________.A) flextimeB) core hoursC) telecommutingD) job sharingE) employee involvement

27) The work arrangement that doesn't seem to be widely adopted by employees is ________.A) flextimeB) core hoursC) telecommutingD) job sharingE) employee involvement

29) The Japanese are increasingly considering job sharing to ________.A) increase flexibilityB) avoid layoffsC) add more part-time positionsD) accommodate working mothersE) stimulate the economy

34) The underlying logic of employee involvement is that by involving workers and increasing their autonomy and control over their work lives, employees will become all of the following except more ________.A) motivatedB) competentC) productiveD) satisfied

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E) committed to the organization

35) What term is used for a participative process that uses the entire capacity of employees and is designed to encourage increased commitment to the organization's success?A) MBOB) employee involvementC) reengineeringD) OB ModE) job sharing

36) Participative management and representative participation are forms of ________.A) job rotationB) job enrichmentC) employee involvementD) employee recognitionE) employee incentives

37) What is the distinct characteristic common to all participative management programs?A) joint decision makingB) autonomyC) empowermentD) productivity enhancementE) quality awareness

38) What is participative management?A) a method of management where subordinates make corporate decisions and management helps carry out those decisionsB) a method of management where upper management participates in the organization's strategic planningC) a method of management where subordinates share a degree of decision-making power with their immediate superiorsD) a method of management where low-level workers meet occasionally with the CEO to discuss problems within their departmentE) a method of management where low-level workers are responsible for making corporate policy decisions

39) A manager introduces participative management in an effort to boost morale and productivity. If he wants to make sure that it has as great a chance of success as possible he should ensure all of the following except which of the following?A) The issues decided upon must be relevant to the employees.B) The employees must be informed and competent enough to make decisions.C) The employees must be trusted by the manager.D) The manager must be trusted by the employees.E) There must be representative participation through work councils and board representatives.

40) Your supervisor has heard that employee involvement is important and you have been

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instructed to research various methods of employee involvement. You are supposed to help assist in the analysis of the probable effects of each of the programs being considered. You have decided to let employees select a small group to represent them and work with management. This is termed ________.A) representative participationB) an ESOPC) quality circlesD) participative managementE) an AESOP

41) What is the name for employees who sit on a company's board of directors and represent the interests of the firm's employees?A) board representativesB) works councilsC) quality circlesD) union representativesE) board leaders

42) Research studies conducted on the participation-performance relationship show that the use of participation ________.A) enhances job satisfactionB) increases motivationC) has only a modest influence on employee productivityD) greatly influences employee attitudesE) lowers costs considerably

51) Which of the following are all forms of variable-pay programs?A) piece-rate, merit-based pay, gainsharingB) profit sharing, lump-sum bonuses, extended vacationsC) wage incentive plans, flextime, piece-rateD) retirement benefits, extended vacations, wage incentive plansE) wage rate increases, bonuses, flextime

52) Which of the following is one advantage of variable pay plans to management?A) They turn fixed labor costs into variable labor costs.B) They turn low producers into high producers.C) They turn slow employees into fast employees.D) They turn high fixed costs into low fixed costs.E) They turn lower performance into fewer employees.

53) Which of the following is an example of a piece-rate plan?A) time and a half for overtimeB) $2 for each unit producedC) productivity bonusD) commissionE) $10 per hour worked

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57) Amalgamated Industries manufactures parts for furniture. Management has decided to change the method of payment to a skill-based plan. You are interested in increasing your current compensation and see this as an opportunity. You should expect to earn more if you ________.A) volunteer for overtimeB) increase your productionC) cross train in other jobsD) become a specialistE) master common skills

59) Amalgamated Industries manufactures parts for furniture. Management has decided to change the method of payment to a skill-based plan. You are interested in increasing your current compensation and see this as an opportunity. As a manager, you like the plan because it allows ________.A) protection of territoryB) increased flexibility of the workforceC) elimination of workersD) decreased payroll costsE) increased control

64) Much of the compensation of traders at Synalco, a metals trading company, is in the form of stock options. The amount of options distributed is based on the company's net profits. What sort of compensation plan is this?A) profit sharing B) gainsharingC) merit basedD) ESOPE) employee ownership

68) What sort of plan is a company-established benefit plan where employees acquire stock as part of their benefits?A) MBO programB) job redesignC) ESOPD) quality circleE) piece-rate

69) Research on employee stock ownership programs indicates that they are clearly successful in doing which of the following?.A) increasing employee satisfactionB) reducing salariesC) reducing stressD) increasing productivityE) increasing employee expectations

70) What is the term used for the situation where employees are allowed to pick and choose from

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among a menu of benefit options.A) flexible payB) benefit menu optionsC) flexible benefitsD) benefit participationE) flextime

71) Your workforce is diverse in terms of their needs for benefits. Jim is married with two children and his wife is at home full time. Janet is single and supports her widowed mother. Bob is married and his wife has a high-paying job You decide that you want to devise a benefits program that is tailored to their individual needs. What sort of benefit program would probably be the best choice?A) a traditional benefit programB) a flexible benefit programC) letting them purchase their own benefitsD) an ESOPE) an AESOP

72) Your workforce is diverse in terms of their needs for benefits. Jim is married with two children and his wife is at home full time. Janet is single and supports her widowed mother. Bob is married and his wife has a high-paying job You decide that you want to devise a benefits program that is tailored to their individual needs. You should expect that a flexible benefits program will be all of the following EXCEPT ________.A) less expensiveB) consistent with expectancy theoryC) more responsive to individual needsD) motivationalE) accommodate employee differences

73) Why are flexible benefit plans consistent with expectancy theory's thesis?A) They allow organizations to minimize costs associated with benefits.B) They provide a suite of tangible rewards that can be offered as motivation.C) Flexible benefits individualize rewards. D) They make employment at firms providing such programs more attractive.E) The motivation to gain extra benefits promotes productivity.

74) Your workforce is diverse in terms of their needs for benefits. Jim is married with two children and his wife is at home full time. Janet is single and supports her widowed mother. Bob is married and his wife has a high-paying job You decide that you want to devise a benefits program that is tailored to their individual needs. What sort of plan would provide pre-designed packages of benefits, put together to meet the needs of a specific group of employees?A) flexible spending B) core-plus C) cafeteria D) modularE) customized

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75) What are modular benefit plans?A) essential benefits and a menu-like selection of other benefitsB) pre-designed packages of benefits to meet the needs of a specific group of employeesC) they require employees to set aside funds up to the dollar amount offered in the plan to pay for servicesD) a scheme designed for single employees with no dependentsE) a scheme designed for employees with families

76) In which benefit plan are employees given benefit credits to purchase additional benefits to add to the core?A) modular plansB) core plus plansC) flexible spending plansD) ESOPsE) employee recognition plans

77) Which benefit plan can increase employee take-home pay?A) modular plansB) core-plus plansC) flexible spending plansD) ESOPsE) employee recognition plans

82) Why may job enrichment strategies be less effective in more collectivist cultures?A) The JCM is relatively individualistic.B) The core job characteristics are not equally applicable across cultures.C) Collectivist cultures do not focus on intrinsic job characteristics.D) The JCM has not been translated into other languages.

86) The JCM consists of five core job characteristics: task significance, feedback, experienced meaningfulness, task variety, and autonomy.Answer: FALSE

87) The dimensions of the JCM that create meaningfulness include task identity, skill variety, and task significance.Answer: TRUE

88) Jobs that are high on motivating potential must be high on at least one of the three factors that lead to experienced meaningfulness, and they must be high on both autonomy and feedback.Answer: TRUE

89) Jobs that have the intrinsic elements of variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback are more satisfying and generate higher performance from people than jobs that lack these characteristics.Answer: TRUE

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90) In job rotation, jobs are not redesigned; in job enlargement, they are.Answer: TRUE

91) The strengths of job rotation are that it eliminates boredom, increases motivation, and increases productivity.Answer: FALSE

92) In job rotation, the nature of the work performed is changed.Answer: FALSE

93) Job enrichment, job enlargement, and job rotation are all job redesign options.Answer: FALSE

94) Most employees do not view efforts at job enlargement enthusiastically.Answer: TRUE

95) Job enrichment increases the degree to which the worker controls the execution of company plans.Answer: FALSE

96) The overall evidence on job enrichment generally shows that it increases satisfaction, reduces absenteeism, and reduces turnover costs.Answer: TRUE

97) Evidence on job enrichment indicates conclusively that it increases productivity.Answer: FALSE

98) Flextime is shown to increase the meaningfulness that employees find in their work.Answer: FALSE

99) The scheduling options of flextime, job sharing, and telecommuting are all approaches to make the workplace environment more motivating.Answer: TRUE

100) Although over 30 percent of large organizations offer employees job sharing, it doesn't seem to be widely adopted by employees.Answer: TRUE

101) For employees with a high social need, telecommuting is a good option.Answer: FALSE

102) Employee involvement is a participative process that is designed to encourage increased commitment to the organization's success.Answer: TRUE

103) Employee involvement programs should take into account cultural factors such as

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differences in power-distance culture.Answer: TRUE

104) The laws of the United States require companies to have elected representatives from their employee groups as members of their board of directors.Answer: FALSE

105) Participative management implies joint decision-making and equal decision-making roles.Answer: FALSE

106) Employee involvement programs could provide employees with intrinsic motivation by increasing opportunities for growth and responsibility.Answer: TRUE

107) Participation typically has only a modest influence on variables such as employee productivity, motivations, and job satisfaction.Answer: TRUE

108) If one is interested in changing employee attitudes or in improving organizational performance, representative participation would be a good choice.Answer: FALSE

109) The two most common forms that representative participation takes are works councils and board representatives.Answer: TRUE

110) Participative management has had a profound influence on employee productivity and motivation.Answer: FALSE

111) Board representatives are employees who sit on a company's board of directors and represent the interests of the firm's employees.Answer: TRUE

112) The greatest value of representative participation is symbolic.Answer: TRUE

113) Internal equity is usually established through pay surveys.Answer: FALSE

114) Job evaluation establishes internal equity.Answer: TRUE

115) Variable-pay compensation pays people for the time they spend on the job and seniority.Answer: FALSE

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116) Variable-pay programs turn part of an organization's fixed labor costs into a variable cost.Answer: TRUE

117) Employee compensation will decline if performance declines in variable-pay programs.Answer: TRUE

118) Piece-rate plans, wage incentives, profit sharing, bonuses, and gainsharing are all forms of flexible benefits.Answer: FALSE

119) Both piece-rate and gainsharing plans are examples of variable-pay compensation.Answer: TRUE

120) Piece-rate wages are a traditional form of variable pay compensation whereby workers' pay is based upon the number of units they produce.Answer: TRUE

121) People who sell peanuts at ball parks, keeping $.75 for every bag of peanuts they sell, are being paid piece-rate wages.Answer: TRUE

122) Piece-rate plans are based on group productivity.Answer: FALSE

123) Individuals in merit-based pay plans perceive a strong relationship between their performance and the rewards they receive.Answer: TRUE

124) Profit sharing may be paid by direct cash outlay or as stock options.Answer: TRUE

125) Bonus plans are still reserved for the executive ranks with very few lower ranking employees included.Answer: FALSE

126) Skill-based pay is not utilized much in white-collar jobs.Answer: FALSE

127) From management's perspective, the greatest appeal of skill-based pay plans is decreased payroll costs.Answer: FALSE

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128) Skill-based pay encourages employees to concentrate on one or two highly desirable skills.Answer: FALSE

129) Skill-based pay plans encourage people to specialize.Answer: FALSE

130) Gainsharing and profit sharing are the same thing.Answer: FALSE

131) An employee in a gainsharing plan can receive incentive awards even if the organization isn't profitable.Answer: TRUE

132) Studies generally show that organizations with profit sharing plans have higher levels of profitability than those without.Answer: TRUE

133) Studies show that gainsharing programs have a positive impact on employee attitudes.Answer: TRUE

134) Gainsharing's popularity seems to be narrowly focused among large, manufacturing companies.Answer: TRUE

135) ESOPs are company-established benefit plans in which employees acquire stock as part of their benefits.Answer: TRUE

136) Research on ESOPs indicates they increase employee satisfaction.Answer: TRUE

137) Flexible spending plans allow employees to set aside up to the dollar amount offered in the plan to pay for particular services.Answer: TRUE

138) Studies show that employees consider wages and benefits to be the most powerful workplace motivators.Answer: FALSE

139) One of the most expensive motivation programs is that which recognizes an employee's superior performance.Answer: FALSE

140) While flexible benefits have become the norm in the US, this is not the case in other countries.Answer: FALSE

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