Ch 4 Biodiversity Evolution

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  • 7/28/2019 Ch 4 Biodiversity Evolution


    Biodiversity and Evolution

    Chapter 4

  • 7/28/2019 Ch 4 Biodiversity Evolution


    Core Case Study: Why Should We Careabout the American Alligator?

    Largest reptile in North America

    1930s: Hunters and poachers

    Importance of gator holes and nesting mounds

    1967: endangered species

    1977: comeback, threatened species

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    The American Alligator

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    4-1 Wh at Is B iod ivers i ty and Wh y Is It Im po rtant?

    Con cept 4-1 The biodiversity found in genes,species, ecosystems, and ecosystem processesis vital to sustaining life on earth.

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    Natural Capital: Major Components of the Earths Biodiversity

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    4-2 Wh ere Do Species Co m e Fro m ?

    Con cept 4-2A The scientific theory of evolutionexplains how life on earth changes over timethrough changes in the genes of populations.

    Con cept 4-2B Populations evolve when genesmutate and give some individuals genetic traitsthat enhance their abilities to survive and to

    produce offspring with these traits (natural selection).

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    Biological Evolution by Natural SelectionExplains How Life Changes over Time

    Biological evolution

    Natural selection Charles Darwin Alfred Russel Wallace

    Tree of Life

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    8/46Fig. 4-3, p. 81



    Precambrian M i l l i o n s o

    f y e a r s

    a g o

    First humansExtinction of dinosaurs

    Plantscolonize land

    Origin of multicellular organisms

    Oldesteukaryotic fossils

    Accumulation of O 2 in atmospherefrom photosyntheticcyanobacterium

    Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

    Origin of Earth

    Earth cool enoughfor crust to solidify

    Oldest prokaryoticfossils












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    The Fossil Record Tells Much of theStory of Evolution

    Fossils Physical evidence of ancient organisms Reveal what their internal structures looked


    Fossil record is incomplete: why?

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    Fossilized Skeleton of an Herbivore thatLived during the Cenozoic Era

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    The Genetic Makeup of a PopulationCan Change

    Populations evolve by becoming geneticallydifferent

    Genetic variations First step in biological evolution Occurs through mutations in reproductive cells

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    Individuals in Populations with BeneficialGenetic Traits Can Leave More Offspring

    Natural selection: acts on individuals Second step in biological evolution Adaptation may lead to differential reproduction

    Genetic resistance

    When environmental conditions change,populations

    Adapt Migrate Become extinct

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    13/46Fig. 4-5, p. 83

    Most of the normalbacteria die

    The geneticallyresistant bacteriastart multiplying

    Eventually the

    resistant strainreplaces the strainaffected bythe antibiotic

    A group of bacteria,

    including geneticallyresistant ones, areexposed to anantibiotic



    Stepped Art

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    Adaptation through Natural SelectionHas Limits

    Genetic change must precede change in theenvironmental conditions

    Reproductive capacity

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    Three Common Myths about Evolutionthrough Natural Selection

    Survival of the fittest is not survival of thestrongest

    Organisms do not develop traits out of need or want

    No grand plan of nature for perfect adaptation

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    4-3 How Do Geolo gic al Pro cess es and Cl im ate Change Affec t Evolu t ion ?

    Con cept 4-3 Tectonic plate movements,volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and climatechange have shifted wildlife habitats, wiped out large numbers of species, and created opportunities for the evolution of new species.

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    Geologic Processes Affect NaturalSelection

    Tectonic plates affect evolution and the locationof life on earth

    Location of continents and oceans

    Species physically move, or adapt, or form newspecies through natural selection


    Volcanic eruptions

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    18/46Fig. 4-6, p. 85

    225 million years ago 135 million years ago

    65 million years ago Present

    Stepped Art

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    Climate Change and Catastrophes AffectNatural Selection

    Ice ages followed by warming temperatures

    Collisions between the earth and large asteroids New species Extinction

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    20/46Fig. 4-7, p. 85

    18,000years beforepresent

    Modern day(August)

    Northern HemisphereIce coverage

    LegendContinental ice

    Sea ice

    Land above sea level

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    Science Focus: Earth Is Just Rightfor Life to Thrive

    Certain temperature range

    Dependence on water

    Rotation on its axis

    Revolution around the sun

    Enough gravitational mass

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    4-4 Ho w Do Speciat ion , Ext inc t ion , and Hum an A ct iv i ti es A ffec t B iod ivers i ty?

    Con cept 4-4A As environmental conditionschange, the balance between formation of new species and extinction of existing speciesdetermines the earths biodiversity.

    Con cept 4-4B Human activities can decreasebiodiversity by causing the premature extinction

    of species and by destroying or degrading habitats needed for the development of new species.

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    How Do New Species Evolve?

    Geographic isolation

    Reproductive isolation

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    Geographic Isolation Can Lead toReproductive Isolation

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    Extinction is Forever


    Endemic species Particularly vulnerable

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    Golden Toad of Costa Rica, Extinct


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    Extinction Can Affect One Species or Many Species at a Time

    Background extinction

    Mass extinction How numbered is debated: 3 5

    S i F W H T W

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    Science Focus: We Have Two Ways toChange the Genetic Traits of Populations

    Artificial selection

    Genetic engineering, gene splicing

    Consider Ethics

    Morals Privacy issues Harmful effects

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    Genetically Engineered Mice

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    Transferring genes into plants

    4 5Wh I S i Di i dWh

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    4-5 What Is Species Divers i ty an d Wh y Is It Im po rtant?

    Con cept 4-5 Species diversity is a major component of biodiversity and tends to increasethe sustainability of ecosystems.

    S i Di it V i t Ab d f

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    Species Diversity: Variety, Abundance of Species in a Particular Place

    Species diversity Species richness Species evenness

    Diversity varies with geographical location Most species-rich communities

    Tropical rain forests Coral reefs Ocean bottom zone Large tropical lakes

    V i ti i S i Ri h d

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    Variations in Species Richness andSpecies Evenness

    S i Ri h E t T d t B

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    Species-Rich Ecosystems Tend to BeProductive and Sustainable

    Species richness seems to increase productivityand stability or sustainability

    Rivet theory

    4 6Wh tR l D S i Pl i

  • 7/28/2019 Ch 4 Biodiversity Evolution


    4-6 Wh at Roles Do Species Play in Ecosys tems?

    Con cept 4-6A Each species plays a specific ecological role called its niche.

    Con cept 4-6B Any given species may play oneor more of five important roles native,nonnative, indicator, keystone, or foundationroles in a particular ecosystem.

    Each Species Pla s a Uniq e Role

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    Each Species Plays a Unique Rolein Its Ecosystem

    Ecological niche, niche Pattern of living

    Generalist species Broad niche

    Specialist species Narrow niche

    Specialist Species and Generalist

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    Specialist Species and GeneralistSpecies Niches

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    Fig. 4-13, p. 93

    Black skimmer

    seizes small fishat water surfaceBlack skimmer seizes small fishat water surface

    Brown pelican divesfor fish, which itlocates from the air

    Avocet sweeps billthrough mud andsurface water in searchof small crustaceans,insects, and seeds

    Dowitcher probesdeeply into mud insearch of snails,marine worms, andsmall crustaceans Herring gull

    is a tirelessscavenger

    Ruddy turnstonesearches under shells and pebblesfor smallinvertebrates

    Flamingo feedson minute

    organisms inmud

    Scaup and other diving ducks feed

    on mollusks,crustaceans, andaquatic vegetation

    Louisianaheron wades

    into water toseize smallfish

    Oystercatcher feedson clams, mussels,

    and other shellfishinto which it priesits narrow beak

    Knot (sandpiper)picks up worms

    and smallcrustaceansleft by recedingtide

    Piping plover feeds on

    insects andtinycrustaceanson sandybeaches

    Niches Can Be Occupied by Native and

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    Niches Can Be Occupied by Native andNonnative Species

    Native species

    Nonnative species; invasive, alien, or exotic

    species May spread rapidly Not all are villains

    Indicator Species Serve as Biological

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    Indicator Species Serve as BiologicalSmoke Alarms

    Indicator species Can monitor environmental quality

    Trout Birds Butterflies Frogs

    Case Study: Why Are Amphibians

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    Case Study: Why Are AmphibiansVanishing? (1)

    Habitat loss and fragmentation

    Prolonged drought


    Increase in UV radiationParasites

    Viral and fungal diseases

    Climate change


    Nonnative predators and competitors

    Case Study: Why Are Amphibians

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    Case Study: Why Are AmphibiansVanishing? (2)

    Importance of amphibians Sensitive biological indicators of environmental

    changes Adult amphibians

    Important ecological roles in biologicalcommunities

    Genetic storehouse of pharmaceutical products

    waiting to be discovered


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    Fig. 4-14, p. 94


    Adult frog(3 years) Young frog

    Tadpole developsinto frog


    Egg hatches

    Organ formation

    Fertilized eggdevelopment



    Keystone Foundation Species Determine

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    Keystone, Foundation Species DetermineStructure, Function of Their Ecosystems

    Keystone species Pollinators Top predator

    Foundation species Create or enhance their habitats, which benefit

    others Elephants Beavers

    Case Study: Why Should We

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    Case Study: Why Should WeProtect Sharks?

    Keystone species Eat dead and dying fish in the ocean Strong immune systems

    Wounds do not get infected Almost never get cancer Could help humans if we understood their immune
