Ch 21: Nuclear Chemistry. Section 21.1 - Radioactivity.

Ch 21: Nuclear Chemistry


Radioactivity Wilhelm Roentgen made a big discovery in He found that invisible rays were emitted when electrons bombarded materials. He named these rays, X-rays. At the same time, Henri Becquerel was studying minerals that emitted light after being exposed to sunlight, a phenomenon called phosphorescence.

Transcript of Ch 21: Nuclear Chemistry. Section 21.1 - Radioactivity.

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Ch 21: Nuclear Chemistry

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Section 21.1 - Radioactivity

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Radioactivity• Wilhelm Roentgen made a big discovery in

1895. He found that invisible rays were emitted when electrons bombarded materials.

• He named these rays, X-rays.• At the same time, Henri Becquerel was

studying minerals that emitted light after being exposed to sunlight, a phenomenon called phosphorescence.

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Radioactivity• Marie Curie and her husband Pierre were

working with Becquerel and took his mineral sample and were able to isolate the components emitting the rays.

• Marie named the process by which materials give off such rays Radioactivity.

• Radiation: the penetrating rays and particles emitted by a radioactive source.

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• Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and is the only person to receive Nobel Prizes in two different sciences--physics and chemistry!

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Nuclear Reactions vs. Normal Chemical Changes

• Marie Curie discovered that: Chemical Reactions were affected by Pressure and Temperature, while Nuclear Reactions are not.

• Nuclear Reactions involve the nucleus, which changes the type of element.

• Chemical reactions involve electrons, not protons and neutrons.

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• When a substance emits radiation, it changes its identity.

• A radioactive element has an unstable nucleus.

• Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons and mass number.

• Radioisotopes: isotopes of atoms with unstable nuclei

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Nuclear Stability and Decay• Nuclear Force: the attractive force that acts

between all nuclear particles that are extremely close together, such as neutrons and protons in a nucleus.

• Band of Stability: the location of stable nuclei on a neutron vs. proton plot.

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Types of Radiation• The three types of nuclear radiation are

alpha radiation, beta radiation, and gamma radiation.

• There is also positron emission • They can be separated by an electric field, as

shown below.

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Alpha Radiation• Alpha Particle: a positively charged

helium isotope. • Written with the symbol: • It contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons

and has a 2+ charge


21084 Po Pb82

206 + 42 He

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Beta Radiation•  

146 C N7

14 +0-1e

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Positron Emission•  

15 8 O N7

15 +0+1e

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Gamma Radiation• Gamma Rays: high energy

electromagnetic radiation. • The emission of gamma rays does not

change the atomic number or mass number of a nucleus.

• Used to destroy tumors.

21084 Po Po84

210 + 00 γ

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Section 21.2 – Penetrating Abilities and Half-Life

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Penetrating Abilities• Alpha: stopped by piece of paper.• Beta: stopped by thin metal• Gamma: stopped by thick lead and


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Half-Life• Half-life: the time required for one-half of

the nuclei of a radioisotope sample to decay to products.

• After each half-life, half of the existing radioactive atoms have decayed into atoms of a new element.

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Half-Life Calculation• Carbon-14 emits beta radiation and decays

with a half-life of 5730 years. Assume you start with a mass of 2040 g of Carbon-14.

a. How long is three half-lives?3 x 5730 years = 17,190 years

b. How many grams of the isotope remain at the end of three half-lives?

2040 2 2 2 = 240 gramsOr

2040 23 = 240 grams

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Half-Life Calculation• The half-life of Zn-71 is 2.4 minutes. If one

had 100.0 g at the beginning, how many grams would be left after 9.6 mins elapses?

a. Figure out how many half-lives went by.9.6 2.4 = 4 half-lives

b. Then divide beginning amount by 2 to the number of half-lives.

100 24 = 6.25 grams*Don’t worry about significant figures, just write

whatever you get on your calculator.

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Half-Life Calculation• Os-182 has a half-life of 21.5 hours. How

many grams of a 10.0 g sample would have decayed after exactly two half-lives?

a. Half-life calculations tell us how much remains, not how much is gone. Solve for remains first, and subtract that from the initial amount.

10.0 22 = 2.5 grams remains10.0 - 2.5 = 7.5 g decayed