Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before...

Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People

Transcript of Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before...

Page 1: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.

Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes

The First People

Page 2: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.

Scientists Study Remains

• Prehistory- time before there was writing• Writing was invented c.

yrs. ago• Mary & Louis Leakey- famous archaeologists

who discovered bones in East Africa– an early ancestor of humans – a relative

who lived in the past

Page 3: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.

• Donald Johanson- famous anthropologist found bones he named “Lucy”. – Female– Small– Walked on two legs

• KEY-- Ancient discoveries give us information, but not all scientists agree on what the information means!

Page 4: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.

Hominids and Early Humans

• Homo habilis = “handy human”• Closely related to modern humans • Larger brain

• Homo erectus = “upright man”• Walked completely upright• Controlled fire started by lightning

– Cook food– Heat – Protection against animals

• Homo sapiens = “wise man”• Characteristics of modern humans- (we are this group)• Create fire• Developed language

Page 5: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.

• Africa – where earliest known hominid bones found!

• Key-- Scientists do not know when or where first humans lived!

Page 6: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.

Why Bipedalism?

Page 7: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.

“Ignore him. He just walks that way to bug his parents.”

Page 8: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.
Page 9: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.
Page 10: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.
Page 11: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.
Page 12: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.
Page 13: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.
Page 14: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.

• Stone Age:– Divided into periods– Divided into three periods– Divisions based on kinds of used at the time– Divisions based on kinds of tools usePart I = Paleolithic (pay-lee-uh-LI-thik) Era (many events)

Old Stone Age = - c. 10,000 yrs. ago- people used stone tools

Stone Age Tools

Page 15: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.

• First tools = Choppers– Rocks with one jagged edged – Used to

• Cut, • Chop, • Scrape roots, bones, or meat

• Hand ax = Flint (usually)– Used to

• Break tree limbs• Dig• Cut animal hides

• Spear = Hand ax with wooden handle – Used to

• Throw and attack• Hunt larger animals

Page 16: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.

Hunter-gatherer Societies

• Society = a community of people whocommon culture

• Society = a community of people who share a common culture

• Hunter-gatherers = people who hunt animals and gather wild plants, seeds, fruits, and nuts to survive

• Hunter-gatherers = people who hunt animals and gather wild plants, seeds, fruits, and nuts to survive

Page 17: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.

“Anthropologists believe. . .”

• Why? . . . Live in groups?– Share . . .

• Shelter• Water• Food

• Who? . . . Hunted?• Who? . . . Gathered?

– Collected food– Child rearing

• Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Page 18: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.

Language, Art, & Religion

Page 19: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.

• Most important development of early Stone Age culture = language

• Most important development of early Stone Age culture = language

• Theories as to why language developed? – Group hunting– Form relationships– Distribute (divide among a group) food

Page 20: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.

Another way people. . .

• . . . communicate . . . express themselves?


• CARVINGS: stone, ivory, bone, tattoos

• PAINTINGS: To teach? Religion? Fun?

Page 21: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.

re·li·gion n.1. a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.

b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

Page 22: Ch. 2, S1 p. 28-35 Class Notes The First People. Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary.

Evidence of Early Religious Beliefs?

• Graves with food and artifacts

(You do not need to copy this, but you may. . .)• Why would archaeologists call this evidence of

religious beliefs?