Ch 13 - Shaping a Unique Worldview: Japan under the...

Ch 13 - Shaping a Unique Worldview: Japan under the Shogun FOCUS QUESTION: How do forms of government and decision-making reflect a society’s worldview? Vocabulary Words: Write the definitions for the following vocabulary words in the box below each word. Shogun: Ethical codes: Ronin: Daimyo: Hereditary: Shogunate: Seppuku: Alternate Attendance: Outcasts: Samurai:

Transcript of Ch 13 - Shaping a Unique Worldview: Japan under the...

Ch 13 - Shaping a Unique Worldview: Japan under the Shogun FOCUS QUESTION: How do forms of government and decision-making reflect a society’s worldview? Vocabulary Words: Write the definitions for the following vocabulary words in the box below each word.

Shogun: Ethical codes:

Ronin: Daimyo:

Hereditary: Shogunate:

Seppuku: Alternate Attendance:

Outcasts: Samurai:

Confucianism: Philosophy:

Filial piety: Porcelains:

Chapter Questions:

1. How do forms of government and decision-making reflect a society’s worldview? 2. How can military power and social structure be used to maintain control in a society? 3. How did social controls shape Japanese identity and citizenship? 4. What threats had the Japanese government faced from contact with a different

culture? Chapter Objectives:

1. 8.1.3: Students will appreciate how models of governance and decision making reflects a society’s worldview

2. 8.1.4: Students will appreciate how a society’s worldview shapes individual citizenship and identity.

3. How did the Shogun use the feudal system and the hierarchical social classes to maintain control of Japan?

SECTION 1: Power and Control-Bellwork Read the story on page 283 and answer the following questions:

1. Honorable behavior has always been an important value in Japanese society. How are the actions of people in this story affected by ideas of honor? What other values are demonstrated in this story?

2. When did the story of 47 ronin take place? 3. Reflect on the story, How should heroes in our society be rewarded or honored?

SECTION 1: Power and Control-Class Work 1. Edo, present day _____________, was the _____________ during time of the

______________________ shogun.

2. What was happening in Japan during the 100 years before the Edo period? What

were the Daimyo’s fighting for? What ended this?

3. Who was named the Shogun by the emperor? Who held the real power in Japan, the emperor or the Shogun?

4. What did Ieyasu desire to create? What measures did he take?

5. What caused the peasant disturbances and urban riots during the Edo period?

6. How was the feudal system determined?

7. Could people in the lower levels move up? If not, could they improve their lives in other ways? (Provide examples)

Feudalism in Japan:

8. There were ________ rules regulating dress for everyone from the __________ to the

___________ member of society. 9. How many kimonos did women of an upper-class family have to wear, what must

they have been made from?

10. Could peasants wear silk? Why or why not?

11. What are some of the other rules that Japan had?




12. Japanese samurai were the _______-_________ warrior ________.

13. Where did the Samurai live? Who owned the places in which they lived and worked?

14. Only Samurai could carry a sword, describe their two swords and what they were used for.

15. Since they were not allowed to be involved in trade or business what would a Samurai do during times of peace? Did they have much choice in what they would do in their lives? What kind of lives were they dictated to live?

16. The way of the warrior, what did the samurai stand for? a.





17. What was expected of a Samurai?

18. What is seppuku? Why did this show honor? (Keep this idea in mind for when we talk about WWII).

19. Looking at figure 13-11 on page 291, compare the peasants’ clothing to that of the daimyo and the samurai class.

20. Why were peasants and farmers considered important in Edo Japan? 21. What laws were in place to control the Peasants life?




22. If you were an artisan what job would you have had? Who did you have to follow?

23. What types of things did Artisans make? a.





24. Why were artisans considered lower then Peasants?

25. What were the jobs of the Merchants? Why did they always have to be careful? Why were they at the bottom of the feudal system yet many of them were rich?

26. How were women’s classes determined?

27. Which women had more freedom and why?

28. Did women have any real power, why or why not?

29. What were the different occupations of the Outcasts?

30. Who was considered an outcast?

31. What were the four main rules for outcasts according to the Shoguns laws? a.



d. 32. Who else were excluded from Japanese Society? When did they receive official

recognition from the Japanese government?

33. In what ways do the __________ believe that they have not been recognized by the Japanese government?



SECTION 1: Power and Control-Homework

1. What problems did the shogun anticipate he would have with the daimyo? How did he solve each of these problems? Create a Problem/Solution chart to organize your thinking. Gather information from pages 285-286.

Problem Solution

2. Read Women’s Duties on page 293 and answer the following questions. a. How does a woman’s duty to her husband relate to a samurai’s duty to his

daimyo? To a daimyo’s duty to his shogun?

b. How do these instructions compare with your ideas about the relationship between a husband and wife in Hong Kong or your home country today?

3. Read the Fast Forward on page 293 and answer the following questions. a. To what extent do the duties of these modern Japanese princesses reflect Edo


b. Today, in many modern societies, women and men have equal status. Why do you think royal institutions are slow to catch up to modern attitudes?

4. Complete the chart below, listing the responsibilities of the different parts of Japanese society in the Edo period and the way the shogunate used military power to enforce the rules.

Responsibilities Enforcement





Outcast and Ainu

5. Read the Zoom In on page 290 and answer the following question: In what ways were

values and behavior of the samurai similar to those of the knights and monks of medieval Europe and humanists during the Renaissance? In what ways were they different?

SECTION 2: Honor and Duty-Class Work 1. How did the ronin show honor? What does that tell you about Japanese culture?

2. How did the Tokugawa shogun create a Harmonious Society?

3. Who was Confucius and what were his basic beliefs? Basic Beliefs:






4. Create a picture to describe the five basic relationships according to Confucius pg 296.

5. What did the samurai schools and schools for commoners stress?

6. How did the goningumi help form order in Japanese Society? With a partner read page 297 and then make a list of positive and negative results to social individual and conformity. We will be having a debate so make sure you have ideas for each section.

Individualism Positive Results Negative Results

Social Conformity

Positive Results Negative Results

SECTION 2: Honor and Duty-Homework

1. Read the FAST FORWARD on page 298 and answer the following questions: a. When is conformity a positive thing? When is it not? Thing about examples in

your own life.

b. Think of an example in your own life when you had to make a choice between your own needs and the needs of a group. What factors did you base your decision?

2. Review the Building Your Skills on page 288. Research the philosophy of Confucius to

develop a list of four sayings. a. Explain the meaning of each saying b. Discuss whether each saying reflects the values and beliefs of Japanese culture

during the Edo Period

Quote Meaning Does this reflect the Edo Culture? Explain.

c. Which sayings reflect your own worldview? Create an illustration for one of these sayings.

SECTION 3: First Contact with the West-Class Work

1. Who was known as the southern barbarians and why?

2. Why did the __________________ (southern barbarians) come to Japan?

3. The ____________, _____________, and the _______________ traders along with ___________________ followed the ________________ (southern barbarians) to Japan.

4. What types of differences were there between the Japanese and the Portuguese?

5. Who was Francis Xavier? Why did he come to Japan?

6. Who followed Francis Xavier to Japan, what was their plan?

7. Why was the Shogun worried about Christianity?

8. Answer the following questions using the information from chapter 13: 1. Merchants bought items from artisans to trade or sell to others.

True or False

2. Women in urban areas had more freedom. True or False 3. Outcasts were people who were loved by other classes because of their work.

True or False

4. Confucius was a Chinese lawyer. True or False 5. Rules about how to teach are called ethical codes. True or False 6. They organized the lower class into groups of five families are called goningumi.

True or False

7. Faithfulness and devotion to one’s parents is called filial piety.

True or False

8. Chinese families were allowed to have 13 children. True or False 9. The class that women were born into determined their responsibilities.

True or False

10. They were not allowed to leave their homes in the day time.

True or False

9. Complete the following Crossword puzzle.

Chapter 13: Japan Under the Shogun

1 2 3 22 27

4 23 5 6 7 8



19 30

11 12 13



14 15 28





21 25


ACROSS 1. The court official whose arm was cut off by Lord Asano. 5. A master of the Samurai who was ordered to take his own life because he insulted a representative of the emperor. 9. Where the 47 ronin are buried. 10. The Shogun's council of advisors. 11. A system of two levels of government in Edo Japan: The Shogunate & The Daiymo. 12. In Edo Japan there were 216 rules regulating _______. 14. Powerful landowners and nobles of the Edo period. 15. The Samurai code dictates that they live only ________ lives. 17. Samurai dress in _________ stages. 18. A military ruler of Edo Japan. 20. Government spies reported __________ who showed off their wealth or criticized the government. 21. ________ did not have legal existence in the Edo period; they could not own property. 23. Japan’s Indigenous People. 24. The system used during Edo Japan whereby the lord owned the land and all others who served him. 25. Rules and customs in a society that regulate people’s behavior, with the purpose to maintain order in a society. 28. Name of the five families that the lower class were group into to support each other and keep each other in order. 29. What the Japanese called Portuguese explorers.

DOWN 2. A samurai warrior without a master. 4. A person's class is determined by birth. 6. Appointed, by the emperor, as the Shogun in 1603. 7. Their status is lower than a peasant. 8. Were not allowed to wear silk. 13. Are forbidden to be involved in trade or business. 15. Ritual suicide performed by the Samurai when they have failed their duties. 16. A historical period of Japan. 19. Had to wear 12 layers of silk kimonos. 22. People who were shunned or ignored because of their work. 26. Everyone had a proper place in society; if everyone accepted their duties and obligations, there would be peace and order. 27. Faithfulness and devotion to parents. 30. Rules about right and wrong behavior.

KEY ACROSS 1. The court official whose arm was cut off by Lord Asano. Kira 5. A master of the Samurai who was ordered to take his own life because he insulted a representative of the emperor. Asano 9. Where the 47 ronin are buried. SengakujiTemple 10. The Shogun's council of advisors. Shogunate 11. A system of two levels of government in Edo Japan: The Shogunate & The Daiymo. Bakuhan 12. In Edo Japan there were 216 rules regulating _______. dress 14. Powerful landowners and nobles of the Edo period. daimyo à daiymo 15. The Samurai code dictates that they live only ________ lives. 17. Samurai dress in _________ stages. Four 18. A military ruler of Edo Japan. 20. Government spies reported __________ who showed off their wealth or criticized the government. 21. ________ did not have legal existence in the Edo period; they could not own property. Women 23. Japan’s Indigenous People. Ainu 24. The system used during Edo Japan whereby the lord owned the land and all others who served him. 25. Rules and customs in a society that regulate people’s behavior, with the purpose to maintain order in a society. Socialcontrols 28. Name of the five families that the lower class were group into to support each other and keep each other in order. goningumi 29. What the Japanese called Portuguese explorers.

DOWN 2. A samurai warrior without a master. Ronin 4. A person's class is determined by birth. Hereditary 6. Appointed, by the emperor, as the Shogun in 1603. TokugawaIeyasu 7. Their status is lower than a peasant. Artisans 8. Were not allowed to wear silk. Peasants 13. Are forbidden to be involved in trade or business. Samurai 15. Ritual suicide performed by the Samurai when they have failed their duties. seppuku 16. A historical period of Japan. 19. Had to wear 12 layers of silk kimonos. 22. People who were shunned or ignored because of their work. 26. Everyone had a proper place in society; if everyone accepted their duties and obligations, there would be peace and order. 27. Faithfulness and devotion to parents. Filial piety 30. Rules about right and wrong behavior.
