Ch 12 18 Promotion Decisons

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Transcript of Ch 12 18 Promotion Decisons

  • 8/13/2019 Ch 12 18 Promotion Decisons


    Chapter 12- MarketingCommunication

  • 8/13/2019 Ch 12 18 Promotion Decisons






  • 8/13/2019 Ch 12 18 Promotion Decisons


    Marketing CommunicationProcess

    Effective communication requires 3 elements connectedby a message channel:

    The senderThe messageThe receiver

    Encoding- converting message into symbolic formproperly understood by the receiverDecoding- dependent on receivers ability to transformmessage symbols back into thoughtNoise- Extraneous stimuli that interfere with transfer ofmessage through message channel

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    Marketing CommunicationProcess


    Sender Message MessageChannel Receiver


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    Five Stages in InternationalNegotiation Process

    Offer- assess each others needs and degree ofcommitment

    Informal Meetings- discuss the terms and getacquainted, establish trust, build relationshipStrategy formulation- identify factors affecting the deal,preparation for give-and-take, attend to cultural values

    Negotiations- depends on business traditions/culture,competitive vs. collaborative approachImplementation- ensure a win-win for both parties,think long term

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    How to Negotiate in OtherCountries-10 points (p. 389)

    Team AssistanceTraditions and Customs

    Language CapabilityDetermination of authority limitsPatienceNegotiation ethicsSilencePersistenceHolistic viewThe Meaning of Agreements

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    Marketing CommunicationStrategy

    Step One

    Step Two

    Step Three

    Step Four

    Step Five

    Assess Marketing CommunicationOpportunities

    Analyze Marketing Communications


    Set Marketing Communications Objectives

    Develop/Evaluate Alternative Strategies

    Assign Specific Marketing CommunicationsTasks

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    Promotional Mix

    Advertising- Any form of non personal presentation of ideas, goods,or services by an identified sponsor, with predominant use made ofmass communication.

    Personal Selling- The process of assisting and persuading aprospect to buy a good or service or to act on an idea through useof person-to-person communication with intermediariesPublicity- Any form of nonpaid, commercially significant news oreditorial comment about ideas, products, or institutions

    Sales Promotions- Direct inducements that provide extra productvalue or incentive to the sales force, intermediaries or ultimateconsumersSponsorship- the practice of promoting the interests of thecompany by associating it with a specific event or cause.

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    Push or Pull?

    The choice of tools leads to either a Pushor Pull strategyPush- focus on the use of personal selling.Pull- depends on mass communicationstools, mainly advertising.Integrated marketing communications(IMC)

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    Communication Tools

    In addition to what we have discussed..... thecommunication tools used by exporters to communicate

    with the foreign markets are as follows:Business and trade journalsDirectoriesDirect advertisingThe internetTrade fairs and missionsPersonal selling

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    Chapter 18-GlobalPromotional Strategies

  • 8/13/2019 Ch 12 18 Promotion Decisons


    Planning PromotionalCampaigns-Steps Involved

    Determine the target audience

    Determine specific campaign objectivesDetermine the budgetDetermine media strategy

    Determine the messageDetermine the campaign approachDetermine campaign effectiveness

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    Target Audience

    Global marketers face multiple audiencesbeyond customersCause-related marketing: the company or oneof its brands is linked with a cause such asenvironmental protection.

    Corporate image advertising- an umbrellacampaign may help either boost the image of alesser-known product line or make the companybe perceived more positively.

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    Campaign Objectives

    Essential to the planning of an internationalpromotional campaign is the establishment ofclearly defined, measurable objectivesTypical goals:

    Increase awareness

    Enhance imageImprove market share

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    The Budget

    The promotional budget links establishedobjectives with media, messages, and control

    decisions Available funds may dictate the basis fromwhich the objective-task method can startTake a market-by-market approachIt establishes a control mechanism

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    Media Strategy

    The major factors determining choice of media vehicles:Media availability- government restrictions are there

    for mediaProduct influences- different restrictions for differentkinds of products, e.g., tobacco, alcohol,pharmaceutical products

    Audience characteristics- demographics, mediahabits, advertising exposureGlobal media- Time, Economist, MTV, InternetPromotional message- targeted message, S-A issues

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    Promotional Message

    Determine the customers motivations depending on thefollowing:

    Level of diffusion of productWhat customers look for in a productProducts positioning

    Be flexible in marketing globally, may consider a globalbrandUse of an advertising agencyStandardization vs. adaptation in message- Parker pen

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    The Campaign Approach

    What type of outside services to use? Advertising agencies, local vs. global , e.g., McCann-Erickson-130 countries

    Agency-Client relationshipUsing local agencies

    How to establish decision-making authority for promotional efforts?Centralization vs. decentralization

    Reasons for Centralization- economies of scale, synergy,consistencyReasons for Decentralization- proximity to market, flexibility,faster response time, cultural sensitivity

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    Measurement of AdvertisingEffectiveness

    Commonly used measurements regardless ofmedium used:

    Sales AwarenessRecall

    Intention to buyProfitabilityCoupon return