Ch 10 PPT Lecture

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Transcript of Ch 10 PPT Lecture

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture



    PowerPointLecture Outlines prepared by

    Dr. Lana Zinger, QCCCUNY

    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    anaging Your


  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    anaging Your !eig"t

    66 percent of Americans Are Oer!eight or O"ese

    Associated #ea$th %is&s


    Cardiovascular disease

    Some cancers Strokes


    Sleep apnea


    'he estimated annua$ cost of o"esity in the (nited )tates is*1+2 "i$$ion in medica$ epenses and $ost productiity.

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    Obesity #rends a$ong U.%. &dults, '()), '((), and *++)

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    &ssessing ody !eig"t and ody Co$position

    A #ea$thy -eight epends On/

    Body structure


    Weight distribution

    Fat to lean tissue ratio

    uscle !eighs more than "at# so muscular individuals

    might be over!eight based on traditional height$!eightcharts%

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    &ssessing ody !eig"t and ody Co$position

    O-erweig"t and Obesity

    Overweighthaving a body !eight more than &'percent above the healthy recommended levels( in anadult# having a B) o" *+ to *,

    Obesitya body !eight more than *' percent abovehealthy recommended levels( in an adult# having a B)o" -' or more

    Morbid Obesityhaving a body !eight &'' percent or

    more above healthy recommended levels( in an adult#having a B) o" .' or more

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    Potential Negati-e ealt" /00ects o0 O-erweig"t and Obesity

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    en and !o$en a-e Di00erent /1pected &$ounts o0 2at

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    &ssessing ody !eig"t and ody Co$position


    Body "at is composed o"/

    Essential fat0amount necessary "or maintenanceo" li"e and reproductive "unctions# including/

    )nsulation# cushion# nerve conduction# vitaminabsorption# energy# and body temperatureregulation

    Dropping body "at too lo! can compromise

    per"ormance and normal bodily "unction#including amenorrhea "or "emales

    Storage fat0the nonessential "at that many o" ustry to shed

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    &ssessing ody !eig"t and ody Co$position


    1 disruption o" the normal menstrual cycle

    Skin problems

    Hair loss

    2isual disturbances

    1 tendency to "racture bones easily

    Digestive system disturbances

    Heart irregularities Gastrointestinal problems

    Di""iculties in maintaining body temperature

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    &ssessing ody !eig"t and ody Co$position

    ody ass 3nde1 435

    )nde3 o" the relationship bet!een height and !eight

    B) 4 !eight 5kg6$height s7uared 5m*6

    B) o" &8%+ to *+ kg$m*indicates healthy !eight

    Yout" and 3

    9abeled di""erently# as :at risk o" over!eight; and:over!eight;

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    ody ass 3nde1 435

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    &ssessing ody !eig"t and ody Co$position

    !eig"t Circu$0erence and 6atio easure$ents

    Waist-to-hip ratio

    Weight in abdominal region associated !ith more risk

    Waist circum"erence greater than .' in% "or men and

    greater than -+ in% "or !omen represents an increased risko" disease

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    &ssessing ody !eig"t and ody Co$position

    easures o0 ody 2at

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    14/31Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    2actors Contributing to O-erweig"t and Obesity

    7enetic and P"ysiological 2actors

    Body type and genes

    etabolic rates

    Basal metabolic rate (BMR)0the rate o" energy

    e3penditure by a body at complete rest in a neutralenvironment

    1 B@ "or the average healthy adult is usuallybet!een *'' and '' calories per day%

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    2actors Contributing to O-erweig"t and Obesity

    Resting metabolic rate (RMR)includes the B@ plus anyadditional energy e3pended through daily sedentaryactivities%

    Exercise metabolic rate (EMR)is the energy e3penditurethat occurs during e3ercise%

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    2actors Contributing to O-erweig"t and Obesity

    Thermic Effect of Food

    1n estimate o" ho! much energy is necessary to burn "oodcalories

    Adaptive Thermogenesis

    Ahe theory that thin people send more e""ective messages tothe hypothalamus and there"ore can consume large amountso" "ood !ithout gaining !eight

    Yo-Yo Diets

    @e"er to dieters !ho resume eating a"ter their !eight loss sotheir B@ is set lo!er# making it almost certain that they!ill regain the pounds they ust lost

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    2actors Contributing to O-erweig"t and Obesity

    /ndocrine 3n0luence8 #"e ungry or$ones

    9ess than * percent o" the obese population has athyroid problem and most e3perts agree !eight

    problems can be traced to a metabolic or hormoneimbalance%

    Hnger0an inborn physiological response tonutritional needs

    !""etite0a learned response to "ood that is tied to an

    emotional or psychological craving Satiety0to "eel satis"ied# or "ull# !hen one has satis"ied

    their nutritional needs and the stomach signals :nomore;

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    2actors Contributing to O-erweig"t and Obesity


    #herlin0:the hunger hormone;

    Obestatin0a genetic relative o" gherlin

    $e"tin0tells your brain !hen youre "ull

    #$%&'0slo!s do!n the passage o" "ood through theintestines to allo! the absorption o" nutrients

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    2actors Contributing to O-erweig"t and Obesity

    /n-iron$ental 2actors

    Bombarded !ith advertising

    Changes in !orking "amilies

    Bottle "eeding in in"ants

    )ncrease in sedentary li"estyle

    isleading "ood labels

    )ncreased opportunities "or eating

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    2actors Contributing to O-erweig"t and Obesity

    /arly %abotage8 & Yout"0ul %tart

    on Obesity 2ulnerable to "ood ads

    9arger portions# unk "ood

    Social "actors

    Decline o" home cooking )ncreased production o" calorie laden

    "ast "oods


    2ideo games

    Over & percent o" youth in

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    2actors Contributing to O-erweig"t and Obesity

    Psyc"osocial and /cono$ic 2actors

    Food as re!ard

    Socioeconomic "actors can provide obstacles or aids to!eight control%

    Studies sho! that the more educated you are# the lo!eryour B) is in the

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    2actors Contributing to O-erweig"t and Obesity

    Li0estyle 2actors

    9ack o" physical activity

    1ny "orm o" activity that burns additional calorieshelps maintain !eight

    Data "rom the Eational Health )ntervie! Surveysho! that . out o" &' adults in the

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    #"e Concept o0 /nergy alance

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    anaging Your !eig"t

    9eeping !eig"t Control in Perspecti-e

    ach person is di""erent%

    Weight loss is not simple%

    Depression# stress# culture# and available "oods can

    a""ect a persons ability to lose !eight%

    Set realistic goals%

    Work out a maintainable li"estyle change%

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    ABC News:ideo8 2ood Diary Diet !riting

    iscussion uestions

    1. -hat is the "est !ay to manage !eight

    2. Is it possi"$e to !a&e up one day and decide to $ose!eight and "e successfu$ -hat are necessary steps toma&ing this type of decision and fo$$o!ingthrough

    | Food Diary Diet Writing

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    anaging Your !eig"t

    Understanding Calories

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    anaging Your !eig"t

    3$pro-ing Your /ating abits

    valuate !hat triggers your eating%

    Seek assistance "rom the y?yramid plan%

    Set goals%

    eep a detailed daily log o" eating triggers%

    @e!ard yoursel" !hen you lose pounds%

    1void !eight loss programs that promise 7uick#

    :miracle; results%

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    &-oid #rigger;appy /ating

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    #ips 0or %ensible %nac

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

    anaging Your !eig"t

    Considering Drastic !eig"t;Loss easures

    Very-Low-Caorie Diets

    ust be medically supervised

    Formulas !ith daily values o" .'' to '' calories

    Can cause signi"icant health risks

    etoacidosis is one potentially dangerous complication

    Dr!g Treatment

    FD1 approval is not re7uired "or over=the=counter :diet aids; orsupplements

    Dangerous side e""ects and potential "or abuse

    "#esity $!rgery

    1 last resort and particularly "or people !ho are severelyover!eight and have !eight=related diseases

  • 7/23/2019 Ch 10 PPT Lecture


    anaging Your !eig"t

    #rying to 7ain !eig"t

    Determine !hy you cannot gain !eight%

    Aips "or gaining !eight

    Get moderate e3ercise%

    at more calories%

    at at regularly scheduled times%

    Supplement your diet%

    1void diuretics and la3atives% @ela3