CFC Wife Serving HOLD

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  • 7/23/2019 CFC Wife Serving HOLD


    CFC Wife Serving in HOLD Ministry

    When we joined

    Couples for Christ

    last July 1991, life for me became very challenging and exciting. We

    were ordinary members that grew in our own spiritual search but never thought that God had other

    plans for me and my husband Vic in answering to His call in serving His people. Whatever responsibility

    that was given to us, we readily accepted and tried to do it with the best of our abilities and of course

    with a lot of prayers. As the community blossomed into the family ministries, wives of CFC leaders were

    asked to lead in opening the new ministry for women ...

    Handmaids of the Lord .

    As an obedient wife

    and servant, I supported the first Christian Life Program of the Handmaids in Cebu and was given the

    opportunity to talk in CLPs and other teachings related to HOLD. Then, it led on to other service and

    before I knew it I fell in love serving HOLD and the sisters with whom I have come to establish beautiful

    and lasting relationships. What I learned from CFC helped me in serving HOLD. Vic was always ready for

    advice when needed. He enjoys sharing his time including being my personal driver and instant service

    team. He will never miss the yearly ILC and other gatherings of HOLD. For him the talks are so enriching

    and enable him to understand women in their different roles be it in their good and bad situations.


    times, when our schedules are in conflict he does not see it as a disservice to him and to CFC. As for us,

    we are serving one God, we go where we are needed for His greater honor and glory Our relationship

    as couples became stronger for we were made aware by the unhappy stories of the broken women who

    have experienced a painful marriage and love life. I found myself so blessed by the Lord that my

    husband was not the

    m a cho m a n

    who enjoyed hurting women to which some of our HOLD sisters

    have been victims. With my service to HOLD,

    have learned to empathize with women who are hurt,

    devastated and lost self-worth but have always sought God for refuge. In all these years sharing my

    time, talent and treasure with the HOLD, Mama Mary has given me Her masculine courage in

    overcoming my fear and enhanced my feminine heart in the midst of difficulties, trials and anxieties.

    My service brings me to far and distant shores by land, air and sea traveling alone but because of

    always seeking Him, it strengthened my prayer life. I am confident that with God my heavenly Father

    and Mama Mary they will always cover me with their mantle of protection.

    HOLD is God's gift to me and my spouse. It is a great privilege to be called and be used by Him as an

    advocator and follower of our Mother Mary in molding stronger women for God


    Hold Coordinator, Central Visayas

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    My husba

    id and I were serving as CFC unit leaders in 1993 when we are asked to launch the

    Family Ministries in our sector. With only two households in our unit and with very little

    guidelines to go by (manuals were still being developed at that time), we started with Kids for

    Christ and Youth for Ch rist. We pu t Handm aids of the Lord at the back burner in the meantime.

    In 1994, we became chapter leaders of a new chapter. In preparation for our first Christian Life

    Program for couples in our assigned area, we held an Evangelization Rally. As we went around

    giving out flyers and announcing the CLP, we came across some women who were either

    widows, w ives of overseas workers, single mothers, separated from their husbands or unm arried.

    We were not prepared to have them in the CLP nor have a separate CLP for them so we told

    them to w ait for further announcements.

    Several days before the CLP Team training, someone who had become a HOLD member in an

    earlier Cl ,P informed me that about 25 such women had signed up for the CLP, with more to

    come. Little did I know that she had been enthusiastically going around distributing info sheets

    and inviting them to attend the CLP. Being reluctant to launch HOLD so soon in our area, this

    member's zeal humbled me and the response to her evangelization efforts made me realize that

    there were women in search of God and in need of a community that could help them in this

    regard, as well as give them spiritual support. After discussing the matter with my husband; I

    formed a service team for the first HOLD CLP in o ur area with the assistance of our then HOL D

    Coordinator, Penny de Leon, with me as the Supervising Team Leader. Thus began my now

    almost 14-year service in HO LD.

    Like many CFC wives, I was initially hesitant to serve in HOLD, for a number of reasons. Time

    was a problem I was busy with my work in the office, in addition to which I had to help my

    husband as a CFC leader and at the same time exercise my responsibilities as a wife and

    homem aker. Being used to serving with my h usband which gave m e the comfort of being able to

    move from place to place in our car, I was also apprehensive about going alone using public

    transport, especially since our area of assignment was far from our house and quite perilous at

    that time. Then there was the fundamental question of how I will relate with women whose

    circumstances and concerns in life were different from mine.

    Surely, God did not promise that His disciples would have an easy life, and so I took all these as

    His challenges to me. With His grace, I was able to manage my time such that none of my

    different roles and responsibilities suffered in any way. In lieu of my husband, I was blessed

    with a kasambahay who volunteered to accompany me to every CLP session though she was not

    a participant. In so doing, she paved the way for me to go farther and further in serving God in

    and through HOLD. Listening ears and a heart filled with love and compassion were all that I

    needed to serve women whose life experiences were different from mine. It was simply difficult

    to turn away from them and leave them in their sorrows. To top it all, God gave me a husband

    who is very supportive of my service in HOLD he has let me do what I am called to do

    wherever this may take me, and when his schedule permits, he drives me to and/or from my

    place of service, as well as provides me with needed resources. He has also joined me in some of

    my mission trips and even served as a volunteer worker in the 1998 HOLD ILC in Baguio. All

    these confirmed the message that the. Lord gave me when I was discerning the matter that 1 had

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    nothing to be afraid of because I will be doing His work and therefore He will always be with


    Serving in HOL D has been an enriching and rewarding experience for me. Primarily, it has been

    a source of spiritual growth. Because I am doing God's work, I have become more prayerful as I

    need to always be in touch with Him for guidance an d direction, for strength and empowerm ent.

    Prayer and meditation on His wo rds in Scripture have not only d rawn me closer to God, but have

    also made me more and more in love with Him as He has revealed Himself more and more to

    me. Each moment with the Lord is truly amazing grace. Spiritual exercises of HOLD such as

    retreats and being part of the HOLD PFO Core which develops teachings for the ministry have

    also contributed to my spiritual growth.

    Secondly, serving in HOLD has allowed me to use my God-given gifts for His purpose and my

    time productively. Since I resigned from office work in 2000, I have never been idle nor bored

    because I have been occupied by what I am doing for the ministry as a Cluster Head, Regional

    Coordinator and member of the PFO Core.

    Third, my service in HOLD has enabled me to better serve as a CFC wife. I am able to share

    with our CFC members, especially the wives, relevant HOLD teachings, sharings and

    experiences. By so doing, I have inspired some of them to also serve in HOLD. In the same

    manner, I am also able to share with HOLD relevant teachings, sharings and experiences that I

    gather during CFC prayer meetings/assemblies. Being a CFC wife serving in HOLD made it

    easy for me to involve them in GK when my husband was a GK Project Director about 4 years


    Fourth, being a HOLD leader has its own rewards. I am childless, but God gave me numerous

    Handmaids to be my spiritual children. I have been able to go to different places in the

    Philippines for mission work, for the HOLD ILC, or simply for rest and recreation through the

    Handmaids on Tour (HOT) program. The biggest reward and source of joy for me, however, is

    seeing broken wom en transformed into beautiful daughters of God, and m ore and mo re authentic

    Handm aids becoming empow ered leaders of their own m inistry.

    truly believe that my service in HOLD is God's call to me, and only He can take it away from




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    Canyl Bustos

    Nuh-uh No way I shuddered at the mere thought of serving the HOLD. A major

    shake-up in our local (Maryland) CFC structure occurred in 2002. This in a whirlwind

    left my husband, Rod, and I w ith an unexpected CFC chapter service barely a few months

    after we arrived to settle here in the US from the Philippines, and just when we were

    looking forward to a break in service. That reorganization orphaned the HOLD in the

    chapter. From what I knew back home, the wife of the CFC chapter head, by default,

    takes on the HOL D service in the chapter. I kept dodging the HOL D service and justified

    my posture by citing age (okay, I was 40 - but, hey, it surely felt like I was just 30,

    especially since our [my husband and I] last 2 service in the Philippines were in the SFC

    and YFC ), our young family, the lifestyle adjustment that came with our move, and the

    fact of my service with my husband in the CFC chapter. Then, of course, there's the

    horrifying issue of my inexperience and inability to minister to women whose life

    circumstances I expected to be way beyond the realm of my experience and limited


    I did spend a lot of $ on long distance calls to my m om, Luz , for bits and pieces of HOLD

    insights and wisdom when it became obvious to me that a HOLD service - albeit a

    temporary one until another sister can be identified and anointed - was inevitable. (I

    praise God for the perks of having a HOLD-serving mom ) My mom nagged me about

    attending the then forthcoming HOLD conference in Chicago. Even this I tried to evade.

    But just as in Jonah's case, the Lord found me, and He surely enough found ways to

    make m e go to the HOLD conference and have my first real taste of how awesom e it is to

    be with the HOL D sisters

    One particular segment in the conference dealt about healing, and the speaker exhorted

    the leaders to pray over their members. I realized that meant me, as I was supposed to be

    the leader of our chapter delegation. With fear and doubt in my heart (I didn't know my

    HOLD sisters that well then yet), I individually approached a couple of my HOLD

    chapter sisters who were seated close to me, and prayed over each of them. Thug

    Wham Bam It was like something you'd see in fiction movies It was like their hearts

    literally fused into mine I very powerfully felt how each sister felt medium, heavy,

    and some even XXL loads inside of them as I hugged each after I prayed over them

    separately. It was extremely overwhelming that I continued to cry even as the speaker

    resumed her talk and was even cracking jokes already. Then it happened. Again, like in

    the movies where the w hole scene almost blacks out and on ly the main character remains

    in view, for a second or two, I felt as if I was the only one in the hall. A strong, powerful

    voice drowned the speaker's and spoke to my heart to say, "Embrace My Handmaids I

    love them " The message was very clear and very compelling. Without really

    comprehending, I suddenly seemed to understand. I was to serve God's Handmaids, and

    it was a command

    Now, many years after that fateful Chicago


    conference, I constantly praise God

    for giving me the wonderful privilege of serving in HOLD. I love the CFC wives dearly

    and love being with them, but being with the HOLD allows me to experience a different

    dimension of life in the Lord. The view from the CFC mountaintop may be different

    from the HOLD's, but the experience with each is just as astounding and breathtaking as

    the other. With HOLD, it is almost like being high school again in an exclusive girls'

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    school, where many confidences and feelings are more freely shared, where laughter is

    almost unbridled, where one feels no need to sparingly shed tears... We share many

    unguarded moments when we can simply be. Serving in HOLD has helped me

    appreciate the fullness of the truth of my identity as being, simply, God's child.

    Fellowshipping with the HOLD is a blast It is something that I highly recommend for

    every CFC wife to experience. Listening to God's word to us specifically as women is

    also something that the CFC wives probably should seek more opportunities for. The

    HOLD teachings are not really very different from what we have in CFC, but the greater

    opportunities to hear God's message and the Spirit's inspiration from a fellow female

    being are precious in molding us wom en to be better Christians, I believe.

    We women have all been gifted with talents and abilities some even m ore than our male

    counterparts (I sense many a woman's head a-nodding ). I believe the reality is that the

    occasions for expression of these do not come as often in CFC as they do in HOLD. In

    HOLD, we women are privileged with more opportunities to glorify our God by being

    worship leaders, speakers, guitarists, singers, dancers, household/unit/chapter leaders, and

    more. Now, that's fabulous

    Some CFC wives might be harboring the same doubts I had at the start when I was

    initially called to serve in HOLD. How do we juggle our time, considering we have our

    families to take care of, jobs to hold, and that we are also serving in CFC with our

    husbands? I don't. God does. How do I help lead the women of HOLD when their life

    circumstances might be far removed from mine? I don't. God does. By the stroke of

    God's miraculous hands, things get done. That is the beautiful part of being a CFC wife

    serving also in HOLD: I get to experience God's presence and mighty hand in many

    more concrete ways I probably wouldn't have otherwise.

    God asked me to embrace His Handmaids. I thought I did as I began serving in HOLD.

    The reality, however, is that the Handmaids embraced me, and I thank the Lord for this

    very precious gift

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    My service with handmaids of the Lord started in December 1998 when m y husband was

    designated as CFC A rea Head for Vancouver. With it came my assignment as Hold Area

    head as well, I did not know it w as a "buy one take two" deal. Just coming from serving

    Singles for Christ for almost four years, there was so m uch fear and doubt on this new


    Trusting in the Lord, I was team leader for HER 1 and gave the healing talk. It was here

    that Jesus touched my heart through the commitment and overwhelming love of our

    handmaids. This opened m y heart and started m y journey with our handm aids.

    Jesus continued to immerse me in the HOLD M inistry. In 2002, I became HO LD W est

    Region Head for Canada and member of the Hold Council. In 2004, I became National

    Hold Head for Canada. This is going to be my 10


    year in Handm aids, yes, with it came

    blessings upon blessings.

    Blessing #1. My prayer and personal relationship with Jesus deepened. Handm aids

    by nature are very prayerful and trusting in our Lo rd. Prayer became a p reoccupation

    rather than just a timed activity. Also, prayer became a heart to heart encounter with

    our Lord, w here I found myself expressing and sharing my feelings, thoughts with

    God. I fell in love w ith Jesus on a m ore spiritual perspective, trusting and depending

    on Him mo re and more.

    Blessing #2. Trusting in God, I gained confidence in giving talks. My very first

    experience to talk in a national Hold conference was in 2001 in Mon treal. I learned

    that it was the spiritual preparation that matters most, as Jesus just filled me with His

    words when I surrendered myself completely to Him. Today, Jesus continues to give

    me opportunities to be H is messenger and instrument of love .

    Blessing #3. I became more patient, compassionate and generous. Handmaids by

    nature are generous. They are the first ones to respond and give to the needy. I have

    drawn strength from the powerful sharing of our handmaids on how they overcome

    their brokenness. When m y husband underw ent surgery and I fractured my right arm

    at the same time, in our physical disability, the handmaids were am ong those wh o

    faithfully took care of us, driving us to the doctor for check-up, cooking and helping

    us at home.

    Blessing #4. God expanded my territory of evangelization. One of the primary

    reasons my husband and I were requested to go to Nigeria in 2001 w as my service in

    Hold and p reviously in SFC. From N igeria we met our brothers and sisters in

    Frankfurt, Germany. Then God's bonus came As a child, my mother taught me the

    novena to the Infant Jesus of Prague and I always had the longing to visit His shrine

    in the Czech Republic. From Frankfurt, we were asked go to Prague to lay the

    groundwork for a CLP. A dream com e true

    In 2004, they needed someone to conduct HER 3 for the first time in Zurich

    Switzerland, and off to the Swiss Alps we flew. They asked my h usband as well to

    give talks in MER 1 & 2. Ou r brothers and sisters sent us to the major cities Bern e,

    Lucerne and Geneva to conduct other CFC/Hold teachings and Men/W omen' s


    In Canada, as we served in the W estern Region, Jesus brought us to W hitehorse in the

    Yukon Territories in 2004 and Yellowknife in the N orthwest Territories in 2005 to

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    Didi Galsim

    My husband, Dwight, and

    joined Couples for Christ in 1988. With his schedule as an

    airline pilot, it was only by God's grace that he finished the CLP. And with the kind of

    schedule that he had, we could not be given any service in the community.

    had no

    problem with this for I was very much content to remain an ordinary mem ber being taken

    care of by my CFC leaders.

    This was not to last for long, however. One day, in 1993, I received a call from a CFC

    Unit Leader who asked me if I could facilitate in a CLP in Paranaque where they had the

    first group of Handmaids. I did not know much about this new ministry but as I agreed I

    felt the faint stirrings of excitement in my heart. I facilitated in this CLP and I became the

    Household Head of this first group of Handmaids in our sector. Then I became a Unit

    Head, Chapter Head, ... and so on. ...

    was on my way to an exciting love affair with

    God and His special women, a love affair that would become more and more intense as I

    grew in service in HO LD.

    The ministry prospered fast and needed more leaders to serve the growing number of

    Handmaids. As a Chapter Head I had to tap more CFC wives in the sector to serve in

    HOLD because the Handmaids themselves were not yet ready to take on leadership. Not

    being in CFC leadership (most of them did not even know me personally), I had doubts

    that they would heed my call. Praise God, it was not my call that they heard but God's.

    They came forward and were used powerfully by God to take care of His Handmaids. I

    honor these CFC wives, not only in my sector but all over the world, for HOLD would

    not have been the strong, vibrant ministry it is today if they had not given God their

    wholehearted service. Most of them have continued serving in HOLD up to now. I honor

    their husbands who so willingly supported their wives, who would not otherwise have

    been able to give their all to HO LD service.


    myself, have enjoyed the full support of my husband in my HOLD service. He has

    allowed me to give a large portion of my time for this. He has always been there to keep

    on affirming my capabilities as a leader as God hones my talents, talents that I did not

    even know I had. He has been so generous to God, not only sharing me with HOLD, but

    also our material resources for His work. And so God, who cannot be outdone in

    generosity, has continued to bless us abundantly.

    This service has taken me to different places provinces and countries abroad. God has

    given me the boldness to just go, even alone, wherever He sends me. By land, by sea, or

    by air

    go. This has often been a cause of worry for my husband even as he lets me go.

    During one particular trip, I was to travel alone by train to different places in a country

    abroad notorious for thieves. This time he would not allow me to travel by myself. He

    took a vacation leave and followed me. While on mission, he tried to help. A Handmaid

    was tearfully pouring out her difficulties in service to me and by way of comforting her

    he told her how I would cry to him at night whenever I had problems with HOLD. He

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    was surprised when this made the sister cry even more. Between sobs she said that unlike

    her I was so fortunate to have a husband to cry to. My heart went out to her as I was hit

    with the full realization of how it is to be without a husband.

    It is true that HOLD service has been a great blessing for CFC wives. Through this work

    we have grown in our love relationship with God. We have learned discipleship and

    servant leadership. We have been given the opportunity to be leaders in our own right.

    But our husbands have been blessed, too. As we relate with these women whose lives

    may be different from ours, we have become better wives. We have come to appreciate

    and love our husbands more, thanking God everyday for them

    But after all these years serving God in H OLD , the sweetest blessing for me is this I am

    a CFC wife, yet at the same time I am also a Handmaid of the Lord. I have come to

    realize that being a Handmaid of the Lord has nothing to do with marital status. It is all

    about giving your all to God, waiting on Him as His maidservant, doing all that He says.

    It is all about living out as Mary did her fiat that I have made mine, "Behold I am the

    Handm aid of the Lord. May it be done unto me according to thy word."

    And so I am happy and proud to declare that, yes, I am a H andmaid of the Lord.