CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & ADVISORS · Page 7 What Will Nonprofits of the Future Look Like:...

What Will Nonprots of the Future Look Like: What’s Coming in the Next Decade Fall 2015 Authors Bridget HartneƩ, CPA, PSA Ron Matan, CPA, CGMA, PSA Synopsis This white paper will look at past and current trends and oer some predicƟons regarding what the future might have in store for nonprot organizaƟons. We will consider a range of areas including leadership, structure, operaƟons and management, fundraising, volunteerism, technology and markeƟng. We asked some of the professionals in the nonprot community to share their own insights and we will add those to our conƟnuing discussion of some of the potenƟal challenges and opportuniƟes that may be facing nonprot leaders as they navigate over the next decade, and what their opƟons may be. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & ADVISORS

Transcript of CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & ADVISORS · Page 7 What Will Nonprofits of the Future Look Like:...

Page 1: CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & ADVISORS · Page 7 What Will Nonprofits of the Future Look Like: What’s Coming in the Next Decade every nonprofit should clearly spell out the expecta

What Will Nonprofits of the Future Look Like: What’s Coming in the Next Decade

Fall 2015 Authors

Bridget Hartne , CPA, PSA Ron Matan, CPA, CGMA, PSA

Synopsis This white paper will look at past and current trends and offer some predic ons regarding what the future might have in store for nonprofit organiza ons. We will consider a range of areas including leadership, structure, opera ons and management, fundraising, volunteerism, technology and marke ng. We asked some of the professionals in the nonprofit community to share their own insights and we will add those to our con nuing discussion of some of the poten al challenges and opportuni es that may be facing nonprofit leaders as they navigate over the next decade, and what their op ons may be.


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Table of Contents

1. Opening Remarks: Why Looking to the Future Ma ers Today 2. Predic ng What Leadership, Funding and Donor Reten on,

Business Models, Opera ons, Volunteerism, Marke ng and Technology Might Look Like

3. Interviews: Insights and Predic ons from Nonprofit Leaders

4. Conclusion

5. References, Cita ons and Resources

6. About the Authors 7. About Sobel & Co.

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Before we begin, let’s define the nonprofit community. According to a recent report, “The State of Nonprofit America,” the nonprofit sector is one of the most important components of American life, but it is also one of the least understood. Few people are even aware of the sector’s existence, though most have come in contact with it at some point in their lives. Included within the sector are most of the na on’s premier hospitals and universi es, almost all of its operas and orchestras, all of its religious congrega ons, the bulk of its environmental advocacy and civil rights organiza ons, huge numbers of its family services, children’s services, neighborhood development, an poverty, and community health care agencies, not to men on social clubs, professional associa ons and labor unions. Understanding what the nonprofit community represents, we can now go on to a meaningful discussion about the sector and how it is changing in both obvious and subtle ways as it con nues to grow and expand. There are more than two million nonprofit organiza ons in the United States, and they all are impacted by new regula ons and demands, by the economic landscape both globally and locally, by technology and all its seemingly endless capabili es, by its maturing leadership, by its changing demographics and by many other seen and unforeseen forces. While some of the changes that are predicted in this white paper are decades away and may never occur, other new trends are closer to home and are already beginning to take root. It is important for the leadership of any thriving organiza on to always be aware of the future and what it may hold in store for them. While nonprofits of previous genera ons were notorious for not being inten onal and structured enough in their approach to success, today’s nonprofit leaders know they cannot afford to put their heads in the sand while focusing only on the immediate tasks at hand. Instead they are consistently forming strategic planning commi ees, hos ng strategic retreats and purposefully preparing for tomorrow while doing the work that addresses the needs of today’s cons tuency.

1. Opening Remarks: Why Looking to the Future Ma ers Today

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Leaders of, and consultants to, the nonprofit community are indeed looking ahead – and they are talking about what changes they see on the horizon. As an integral part of the fabric of the social, academic, poli cal and economic fabric of our communi es, nonprofits play an essen al role. From schools to hospitals to the arts and sciences to housing and social service agencies who assist the most vulnerable, nonprofits are not separate and apart from the larger for‐profit, corporate world, but rather they are bound to it as both work together with a global commitment to improve the lives of people everywhere. Looking ahead will help nonprofits be more preemp ve and an cipatory and, as a result, be er prepared for change. They can be ready to react to new situa ons and to take a proac ve stance as change agents as well. Everyone agrees – today’s nonprofit leaders need to be well equipped for any of the roles they may be called upon to assume over the next decade and beyond.

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Of course no one can forecast the future with 100% accuracy (unless they have a crystal ball hidden someplace) but o en those close to a situa on have a realis c sense what is coming over the horizon. What we will a empt to do is document some of these expecta ons and consider their validity, as well as their poten al impact on the sector. As public‐private partnerships increase and the importance of social responsibility grows, nonprofit organiza ons find themselves serving in the crucial role of advocates and catalysts for social change and accountability. Nonprofits will be central to the process as they engage more frequently with the corporate world to assume equal responsibility for change. It will, perhaps, fall to these nonprofit leaders to press for change – and to behave as the watchdog for society. With their grass roots connec ons and their local perspec ve, they will be well posi oned to provide innova ve and cost effec ve solu ons for the steadily growing list of challenges facing 21st century ci zens. It is clear to some that governmental and for‐profit companies do not have all the answers. Indeed, it is the social services sector that o en has the resources needed to step in and iden fy crea ve, prac cal and realis c responses to many of the obstacles we face in our daily lives both professionally and personally. And yet, under some circumstances, the government is awarding contracts to for‐profit companies to address social service needs. In Harvard Business Review’s “New Landscape for Nonprofits,” it states “the change in a tude by the U.S. government regarding the qualifica ons of the nonprofits to offer these services raises fundamental ques ons about the mission and future of nonprofits. Because nonprofits now find themselves sharing territory with for‐profits, some mes as collaborators and some mes as compe tors, the dis nc ons between the organiza ons will con nue to blur.” Here are some of the most consistently voiced predic ons we heard regarding what the nonprofit world will look like in ten years in the key areas where they are likely to be affected by the shi ing landscape and extraordinary technology advances. These primary factors are impac ng everything about the world of nonprofits as we know it today, including office management, business models and purpose, marke ng, funding and program delivery.

2. Predic ng What Leadership, Funding and Donor Reten on,

Business Models, Opera ons, Volunteerism, Marke ng and

Technology Might Look Like

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Leadership Execu ve Directors and Staff: The role of nonprofit leaders may shi in the future, especially in response to the influx of millennials (a genera on that is almost 80 million strong) who thus far seem to be most comfortable working in a “flat” rather than tradi onal “hierarchical” business structure. They support a team effort that affords everyone the ability to make a contribu on. This means that leaders with an authorita ve approach will not be as successful as in the past, but rather will likely be replaced with leaders who focus on building collabora ve efforts across the organiza on. Successful leaders, as always, will be those who inspire, who build loyalty, energy and passion among followers and who can demonstrate the value of the organiza on and the posi ve influence it has on its audience. Leaders will have to understand that the true reach of the nonprofit is going to remain as a central focus for all supporters moving forward. All genera ons appreciate leaders who have the emo onal intelligence to ar culate the mission and who can share a sustainable, a ainable vision. But the leader of the future will have even greater responsibili es for being innova ve and more flexible than ever before. Board Members: Along with leadership and guidance from paid employees such as the Execu ve Director, much of the success of an organiza on is due to wise and though ul decision‐making at the board level. These leaders, while not paid, have a very important role to play with any nonprofit. While volunteerism will be covered later in this paper, it is worth no ng the difference between volunteers and those who are commi ed to a more formal role as leaders serving on a board. Selected for a unique skill set, community connec ons, philanthropy or advocacy, board members need to perform at a higher level – taking ownership for the success of the organiza on’s events, fundraising, service offerings and mission. The shi in demographics and the millennials’ distaste for ‘joining’ groups may have an impact over the next decade in board recruitment. As such, leaders may have to reconsider board roles, responsibili es and tasks to make them more a rac ve to the next genera on. For example, forming smaller boards that meet remotely may be a good idea. A focus on accomplishments and impact, as well as asking for par cipa on on a short‐term project, rather than on a standing commi ee can also smooth the way for future board leaders. Lastly,

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every nonprofit should clearly spell out the expecta ons of its board members and ask new members before they join the board if they are comfortable accep ng the ‘contract.’ This process will quickly demonstrate that you are serious about the board and that you hope that, as incoming members, they are as well. Funding and Donor Reten on It is not only important for nonprofit leaders to iden fy where their financial support comes from, but they also need to work hard at finding ways to retain their supporters. Technology will play a key role in both areas: in enabling nonprofits to be more effec ve at a rac ng donors; and in providing the tools to build powerful rela onships in order to retain donors while maximizing their contribu ons over me.

Where will the funding come from in the next decade? Social Media: Technology and genera onal changes are likely to have a serious effect on fundraising efforts. With government and private grants shrinking, nonprofits will have to be even more financially self‐sustaining. Dennis Miller’s frequently cited descrip on of old‐ fashioned fundraising as “the n cup method” of begging for money will not be an effec ve approach – so what will take its place? Social media, with its affordable means of connec ng ci zen philanthropists and engaging them with the work of the nonprofit will play an even more significant role going forward than it is today where it is s ll in its fledgling stages. Facebook: We have already experienced the 2014 “ALS Ice Bucket Challenge” that grabbed the world’s a en on and raised $100 million for research through Facebook. While not every campaign will be that exci ng, the use of online dona ons to cast a wider net, crowdfunding and social media pla orms like Twi er and Facebook will con nue to change the way nonprofits approach their fundraising. Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding, which began in the corporate sector as a way for private companies to get early‐stage funding for interested individual investors, can be a huge boost for nonprofits that learn how to effec vely manage the opportunity to connect with individual donors and generate a buzz across a vast audience. The power of social media is to expand the nonprofit’s reach exponen ally to build one‐on‐one rela onships with no limits and no borders.

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Tradi onal Events: Galas, golf ou ngs and other gatherings may con nue for the near future – especially if they have strong board support and the buy‐in from current loyal supporters. But as the years pass, it may become harder to get good a endance and a ract sponsors for these events. As such, they will be altered to meet evolving trends, which can incorporate new ideas. Virtual Ini a ves: Some organiza ons are already considering the use of “virtual events” in their fundraising mix, invi ng supporters to contribute to a nonexistent gala. There can be incredible savings related to a nonevent event! While organiza ons may find this hard to accept at this me, some forward‐thinking groups are adding virtual components to their tradi onal events. This includes the virtual ad journal. Instead of a print version, cost‐ conscious nonprofit leaders are using Power Point™ presenta ons and other technologies to display good will and congratulatory ads on the walls throughout the en re event, projec ng good wishes and sharing comments for all to see. All this is accomplished without the cost of designing, assembling and prin ng a journal that all too o en remains on the table or ends up in the trash at the end of the evening. Reverse Auc ons: These are also becoming more integrated as expected ac vi es at fundraising events, such as annual galas. In this circumstance, an auc oneer encourages bidding from the audience for items that will be useful for the organiza on. A nursing home might have an auc on for outdoor furniture, a ba ered women’s shelter might auc on off blankets, a children’s school may auc on cra supplies and toys. No ma er what the items, the concept of bidding for, and purchasing, items that do not go to the winning bidder but rather are purchased on behalf of the organiza on, has gained great popularity as it quickly generates cash for much needed supplies. The live auc on process builds enthusiasm within the audience as they pick up the spirit of compe on during the bidding. Corporate Support: Fierce compe on among savvy development directors makes it very difficult to get the ‘big name’ corpora ons to get involved with any of these tradi onal types of events. In fact, more and more they want to offer the volunteer power of their employees while at the same me diminishing their financial contribu ons. To get, and keep, the a en on of corporate donors, nonprofit leaders will have to do a much be er job of demonstra ng and documen ng their economic and social impact while offering concrete evidence that they are driving change, as well as mee ng society’s needs.

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Business Models Cause Marke ng and Social Entrepreneurship: Along with the change in funding and fundraising, there is a move toward more socially accountable ini a ves. To address this, nonprofits of the future may accelerate their focus on selling products rather than on ‘begging for funds.’ They may find themselves taking a page out of the for‐profit playbook, or simply collabora ng strategically with a for‐profit to gain great results by embracing cause marke ng. Paul Newman’s food products are well known for giving away the company’s profits and, with a similar philosophy, the dynamic company Life is Good™ now donates more than 5% of its sales to their Life is Good for Kids Founda on, helping children in dangerous situa ons. Less well‐known is Lauren Bush Lauren (formerly Lauren Bush), founder of FEED, which is a for‐profit en ty that creates simple, eco‐friendly tote bags whose price covers the cost of dona ng school meals to children in Rwanda via the UN World Food Program. Bush Lauren is not alone though in the revolu on toward selling a product to support good works. At PRODUCT (RED), a marke ng partnership that brands products by Apple, Gap, Starbucks and others as (RED), a por on of those profits go to the Global Fund to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis in Africa. What company president Tamsin Smith reminds us is, “(RED) is not a charity. It is a simple business model.” Followers of this movement toward cause‐branded marke ng are confident that it may ul mately become more efficient than chari es at channeling money to fight disease, hunger and other modern challenges. Further evidence can be seen as Rachael Chong lends her voice, blogging, “Today’s social entrepreneurs are making it easy for us to open our wallets and our hearts to our favorite causes. Leveraging online technology, innovators are making giving so easy and enjoyable that the experience does not feel like "giving" at all. For example, take Sevenly (view at www.sevenly.com): a service that provides the user with a wonderful shopping experience in which one can buy uniquely designed T‐shirts and where a por on of the proceeds benefit a different charity each week. Social entrepreneurs are also helping us sort through, and make sense of, the nearly two million social‐good organiza ons in the United States. From cura ng causes and nonprofits to using the crowd to help surface the most "worthy" projects and organiza ons, innovators are giving people more choice when it comes to dona ng.” Collabora on: As nonprofits move toward 2025, they may find themselves increasingly involved with other nonprofits and for‐profits in a variety of unique ways. Collabora ve efforts, perhaps resul ng in some mergers, will be among the most prac cal and effec ve business models for small and mid‐size organiza ons that discover they can accomplish their mission more easily when they team up with others on a similar path with closely related goals. Instead of vying for the same

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donors and supporters, they can work together to achieve mutually beneficial results. Egos and a commitment to upholding the brand will have to give way to a prac cal approach that recognizes the challenges of limited resources, including me and dollars. Ge ng the job done – with partners – will become the mantra, superseding the independence issue that currently blinds so many local organiza ons and keeps them from grasping the poten al power of collabora on and consolida on. Government and Poli cs: With nearly half of the na on’s hospitals, one‐third of its private clinics and health facili es, 20% of its nursing homes, close to 40% of its higher educa on ins tu ons, 70% of its individual and family service agencies, 80% of its voca onal rehabilita on facili es, 30% of its day care centers, a major por on of the delivery of services for coping with disaster situa ons and 90% of its orchestras and operas, it is obvious that the nonprofit sector is delivering the services that have most o en been expected of governmental agencies. This con nued transfer of responsibility from government agencies to nonprofit organiza ons indicates that the not‐for‐profit community is doing a good job of iden fying and addressing the unmet challenges at the grass roots level of all communi es across a wide range of segments. This expecta on of delivering high quality service, and being at the forefront of diagnosing new services when they are required, is going to con nue to fall to nonprofits ‐ and the government and other for‐profit organiza ons must come together to assist the nonprofits in this dimension of their expanding role in providing solu ons to society’s needs. Despite this, there are opposing forces that vocally voice concerns and raise the specter that for‐profit companies will con nue to impose themselves in this space, eventually edging out their nonprofit colleagues with a be er, more effec ve business model. Given these diametrically opposed perspec ves, making predic ons is difficult and only me will tell! Opera ons Technology and genera onal preferences are forcing changes to the nonprofit organiza onal structure. Not only will fundraising, volunteerism and communica ons con nue to change in response to genera onal demands that are reinforced by new technology capabili es, but also the en re office may someday simply vanish! Just as more corporate business owners are op ng for a virtual work force, shared space and even a virtual office se ng with ac vi es being effec vely conducted remotely, nonprofits may also jump on the bandwagon in the next decade. With technology already in place

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to enable boards and commi ees to meet from the convenience of a loca on of their choice and for staff to talk collec vely in real me – face to face – via various communica ons so ware products, there will be less pressing demand for traveling to the office to accomplish the work of the organiza on. There will be kinks to work out, and perhaps a completely virtual office may never take effect, but working or mee ng remotely will surely play a role going forward as technology enables not only face me for leaders but also affords simple and cheap access to online banking, bookkeeping and database management for the administra ve staff. Volunteerism The meless impulse of people to ‘do good,’ that is, to volunteer for service in the nonprofit sector, is being impacted by genera onal, poli cal and cultural differences in a significant way. In 1981, wri ng at the end of a decade that had experienced a spurt of excitement around the nonprofit space, Stuart Langton wrote of the “dawn of new volunteerism,” in which the na on’s volunteers represented ”a sector of hope in an age of diminishing expecta ons.” Unfortunately, just 34 years later, that sector of hope has some serious concerns about its ability to engage and empower a volunteer force. Nonprofits have always relied heavily on volunteer me, but this is growing increasingly hard to depend on. The nonprofit of today – and most likely of tomorrow – faces challenges from a volunteer force that is demanding that they show effec veness, legi macy, trustworthiness and integrity. At the same me, the nonprofits are also challenged with overcoming the modern dilemma that is resul ng in less opportunity for volunteerism as me becomes a scarce resource. Sadly, many poten al volunteers find themselves performing a lose‐lose juggling act between high‐pressured jobs and a desire for work‐life balance. A shi in the demographics of the United States’ popula on also plays a role in diminishing volunteerism as the Baby Boomers prepare to re re and are replaced, not only by Gens X, Y and Z, but also by a growing immigrant popula on that may not yet have fully embraced or understood the value of personal volunteerism. In short, it is not an cipated that there will be a surge in volunteer support in successor groups available to fill the gaps that will be le when Baby Boomers exit their business and nonprofit communi es over the next five to ten years. Ques ons arise regarding who will take their place and who will help propel the nonprofit

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organiza ons that serve us all so well. We are all beneficiaries – but what can we do besides give up and let the corporate community take over? Be assured that all is not lost. For every doomsday predic on, there are s ll many who offer hopeful expecta ons. According to Rachael Chong, author of “Five Visions of the Future of Service in America” published at www.fastcoexist.com, there are five key changes taking place that will ensure the strength of volunteerism going forward into the next decade:

People will easily be able to access tailored volunteer opportuni es via technology pla orms that will u lize their skills, address their availability and leverage their passion

Companies will provide their employees with volunteer opportuni es aligned with their skill sets – so nonprofit volunteerism will be integrated into one’s career and will become part of their work rou ne

Volunteer work will become an increasingly important aspect of one’s resume and social cache as the pres ge of ‘doing good’ increases with future genera ons

Volunteering will become compe ve Volunteering will become tax deduc ble

As a result of these major changes, Chong is convinced that volunteerism, the power that drives the nonprofit engine, will survive and thrive. On the lesser‐known side of "giving innova on," are those who are making one’s giving me more efficient, effec ve, and accessible. Catchafire and fastcoexist.com have been highligh ng the future of service in America, showcasing innovators like Jack Rosenthal and Marc Freedman, who created organiza ons that provide opportuni es for re rees to serve and build encore careers with social purpose organiza ons. They also cited the leaders who built the organiza ons that defined the volunteering sector as we know it today. These include Idealist.org, VolunteerMatch.org, and the Taproot Founda on. But nonprofit leaders cannot rest on their laurels. They need to be more strategic and find ways to make volunteerism relevant, fun and meaningful in order to encourage future, perhaps more skep cal, genera ons and people of all cultures to join them.

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Marke ng and Technology Technology is once again the key ingredient driving marke ng changes over the next ten years. Nonprofit marke ng – telling a story, demonstra ng value, a rac ng the hearts and wallets of individuals, founda ons and corpora ons in the community – will be easier than ever with blogs, websites, videos, emails and other cost‐effec ve, quick, simple outreach pla orms. Beyond that, local, regional, na onal and even global reach is now possible with a click of the mouse. But all is not perfect! The real challenge will not be how easy or fast it is to send a message, the marke ng challenge will be to dis nguish the organiza on from a highly diverse, compe ve, dense market recognizing that every organiza on has a story to pitch and a mission to share. Thus it is that new technology brings with it enormous marke ng challenges and yet great branding opportuni es – and nonprofits will have to find ways to respond to both with crea ve communica ons tac cs that showcase their dis nc veness, basic character and unique culture.

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Dennis C. Miller, Dennis C. Miller Associates notes, “The execu ve leadership skills required for a nonprofit organiza on to succeed have drama cally changed. The new competencies that will be needed to navigate and lead any organiza on into the future include being a visionary thinker, social entrepreneur, rela onship builder, collaborator, results and outcomes driven and an inspira onal mo vator. Abby O’Neil, Philanthropy Sector Consultant, says, “I think there are two ways a non‐profit can prepare itself for sustained impact and relevance:

1. “Never take your stakeholders for granted. They are an incredibly valuable asset that should be con nually accessed and leveraged. You can’t communicate enough with them about your impact and you should regularly poll them to learn whether you are making a difference.

2. “Determine early on what value you are providing and measure it consistently. If you can’t measure it, how will you know you are successful?”

Sally Rubin, Execu ve Director, Great Swamp Watershed Associa on, adds, “Future success for nonprofits is going to depend heavily on their ability to a ract and engage the next genera on. This group has different values and expecta ons from current volunteers and donors who typically consist of Baby Boomers and Gen Exers. They go about their philanthropic efforts differently as well – being focused on impact and measuring a successful ROI for their me and financial support. They also communicate differently – so the nonprofit of the future will have to connect with their audience through social media and other pla orms that is their preferred mode. If we want them to connect with us we will have to learn how to connect with them!” Ron Matan, Member of Sobel & Co.’s Nonprofit and Social Services Prac ce, believes that the nonprofit sector will see further consolida on or amalgama on. As a long‐ me accountant, he has watched a similar phenomenon occur in the accoun ng profession. The most accoun ng mergers in recent history have been driven by many firms being under pressure to grow while at the same me recognizing an aging leadership group. Nonprofits, like their for‐profit counterparts, have succession issues and sustainability and profitability challenges that can be dealt with through

3. Interviews: Insights and Predic ons from Nonprofit Leaders

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mergers and acquisi ons. Addi onally, combining en es could lead to be er services to consumers by being able to offer greater exper se, a wider breadth of services and more efficiency. Economic mo va ons leading to consolida on in the nonprofit community might include:

Access to new geographies Access to new or be er technology More favorable financing Superior bargaining power over suppliers Management synergy providing improved opera onal efficiency Cost synergy reducing or elimina ng duplica ve costs associated with

organiza on opera ons, such as staff reduc on, using one accoun ng/financial repor ng system, be er use of space, etc. – along with greater effec veness through shared resources

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It is obvious that predic ons of tomorrow can only be confirmed when the future arrives! Anyone who lived through the dire concerns at the turn of the century just 15 years ago will readily recall all the serious concern over a possible ‘blow up’ in the financial, corporate and governmental sectors when the calendar turned to January 2000. Luckily, those predic ons did not prove to be true. But it is important to be ready for the future. Even if there are some inaccurate conclusions reached along the way, it is much be er to be thinking seriously about what can occur than si ng back and wai ng for the unexpected. While it is much easier to be consumed by daily tasks and immediate concerns, it is never a wasted exercise to also be looking ahead and behaving strategically in your planning. All nonprofits, large and small, can adopt an innova ve, new approach and consider suggested best prac ces that will enable them to con nue to thrive no ma er what the landscape looks like! Finally, Lester Salamon reflects in “The Resilient Sector”, that it has been said that the quality of a na on can be seen in the way it treats its less advantaged ci zens. But is can also be seen in the way it treats its most valued ins tu ons. He goes on to note that Americans have long paid lip service to the importance they a ach to their voluntary ins tu ons, while largely ignoring the challenges these ins tu ons face. During the past two decades the challenges have been extraordinary. But so too has been the nonprofit sector’s response. As a result, Salamon believes that the state of the nonprofit in America is surprisingly robust as we enter the second genera on of the new millennium, with more organiza ons doing more things effec vely than ever before. At the same me he is concerned that the market that has made this possible has also exposed the sector to enormous risks. What is more, the risks go to the heart of what makes the nonprofit sector dis nc ve and worthy of public support – its basic iden ty, its missions and its ability to retain the public’s trust. Given the stake that American society has in the preserva on of these ins tu ons, and in the protec on of their ability to pursue their dis nc ve roles, it seems clear to Salamon that Americans need to make adjustments so that our nonprofits can preserve the features that make them so special as they move into the future.

4. Conclusion

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“Stanford Social Innova on Review: Informing and inspiring leaders of social change” by Helmut K. Anheier. Spring 2013. “What’s Ahead for Nonprofits?” Guidestar Blog. Trends to Watch by Lindsay Nichols. February 21, 2013. “The Resilient Sector: The Future of Nonprofit America” by Lester M. Salamon. “Is For Profit the Future of Nonprofit?” by Amy Schiller. The Atlan c. May 21, 2014. “The Future of Nonprofits is Social Enterprise” by Brice Royer/Duke University/ at www.blog.briceroyer.com “Five Visions of the Future of Service in America” by Rachael Chong at Co.Exist and Catchafire.

5. References, Cita ons and Resources

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Bridget Hartne , CPA, PSA: Bridget Hartne , CPA, a Member of the Firm at Sobel & Co., is also a member of the AICPA and NJSCPA. Bridget has more than eighteen years of experience in public accoun ng, which she draws on to provide high‐level services for clients. Experience in the Nonprofit Niche Bridget spends most of her me working closely with clients in the social

services and nonprofit areas, including educa onal ins tu ons. As a member in the firm’s Nonprofit and Social Services Prac ce, Bridget supervises the audit engagements conducted by Sobel & Co. for the Cerebral Palsy Associa on of Middlesex County, the Youth Development Clinic of Newark and Catholic Chari es of the Trenton, Metuchen and Newark dioceses, Freedom House, and C.J. Founda on. In addi on, she handles all of the firm’s educa on audits and holds a Public School Auditor’s license. Bridget is also responsible for reviewing and overseeing the prepara on of nonprofit tax returns. Philanthropic and Social Service Commitment Bridget carries her commitment to social services beyond the work place to include her personal involvement in several areas, such as St. Benedict's school in Holmdel where she is always available for volunteering for projects and special events, New Jersey Chapter of Make‐A‐Wish, a volunteer with professional business groups in the New Jersey community, including Monmouth Ocean County Nonprofit Commi ee and Western Monmouth Chamber of Commerce where she has served as Treasurer and helped to found both the Young Professionals’ Group and the Nonprofit Commi ee. Professional Creden als Bridget’s commitment to her career and professional growth include being a member of American Ins tute of Cer fied Public Accountants (AICPA), a licensed Public School Accountant (PSA), a member of New Jersey Society of Cer fied Public Accountants (NJSCPA), a member of the PFK Nonprofit Community of Prac ce and an ac ve member of the New Jersey CPA Society’s Nonprofit Interest Group. Educa onal Background Bridget graduated with her Bachelor of Science degree from Montclair State University.

6. About The Authors

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Ron Matan, CPA, CGMA, PSA Ron Matan, a Member of the Firm, brings a unique blend of public accoun ng and business acumen to every nonprofit engagement. A key member of Sobel & Co.’s Leadership Team since joining the firm in 1997, Ron works exclusively with nonprofit organiza ons, including United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) projects, A‐133 engagements, and low‐income housing tax credit programs (“LIHTC”).

Experience in the Nonprofit Niche As a member of the firm’s Nonprofit and Social Services Prac ce (A‐133 and HUD audits and LIHTC programs), Ron is responsible for the firm‐wide quality of this prac ce area and is the firm liaison for the AICPA’s Government (Nonprofit) Audit Quality Center. With over 40 years of experience in public and private industry and accoun ng experience with all types of nonprofit and social service organiza ons, Ron brings a unique blend of knowledge and insight to these specialized engagements.

Philanthropic and Social Service Commitment Ron is dedicated to the communi es where he lives and works, having been appointed to the Union County Educa onal Services Founda on Board, serving on the audit commi ee of Farmersville Parent‐Teacher Associa on as well as on the membership, nomina ng and marke ng commi ees of the Pomfret Club and having been the former treasurer and board member of Kids Peace Treatment Centers for emo onally disturbed children, located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Professional Creden als Along with his community involvement, Ron is also highly regarded as a Cer fied Public Accountant licensed to prac ce in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. He has also earned accredita on as a licensed Public School Accountant (PSA) and he has the Chartered Global Management Accountant designa on, adding value by helping nonprofit leaders understand income and costs, and risk and opportuni es, focusing on an organiza on's future prospects as well as past performance. He is a member of the American Ins tute of Cer fied Public Accountants and New Jersey Society of Cer fied Public Accountants (NJSCPA). He was recently re‐elected to PKF North America's Nonprofit Commi ee and was appointed to the New Jersey Society of Cer fied Public Accountants Peer Review Execu ve Commi ee and serves as a member of the NJSCPA’s Nonprofit Interest Group. Ron is an instructor at Fairleigh Dickinson University's Center for Excellence ‐ Cer ficate in Nonprofit Board Leadership Program and has also taught classes at Seton Hall University’s Nonprofit Cer fica on Program. He is a cer fied Tax Credit Compliance Professional and has been listed in the Guide that is circulated to all State Agencies Alloca ng Tax Credits, as well as the Internal Revenue Service. He has taken courses in advanced training for peer reviews and performs peer reviews of other accoun ng firms.

Educa onal Background Ron is a graduate of Kings College in Wilkes‐Barre, Pennsylvania, where he received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accoun ng.

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Sobel & Co. is a regional accoun ng and consul ng firm located in Livingston, New Jersey that has been providing nonprofit and social service organiza ons in the New Jersey/New York metropolitan area with audit, accoun ng, tax and advisory services since its incep on in 1956. The firm is dis nc ve in its approach to the nonprofit community because of its sincere passion for serving this sector. As it says on the Sobel & Co. website, “We work with the nonprofit sector because we feel good helping those who do good; we have a passion for helping nonprofit organiza ons achieve their mission of helping the world's most vulnerable.” The firm currently works with more than 220 nonprofit organiza ons with revenues ranging from $100,000 to over $75,000,000. Based on this depth of experience, the professionals in the nonprofit group are keenly familiar with the issues facing nonprofits and they will apply this knowledge to bring added value to every engagement. As a further demonstra on of the firm’s commitment to the nonprofit community, several complimentary programs are offered throughout the year. These include quarterly webinars, roundtable discussions and an annual symposium on mely and relevant topics. We also encourage you to visit our website at www.sobel‐cpa.com and click on the Not‐For‐Profit niche page. Once there please browse our resource library where you will find published white papers along with a variety of ar cles. We provide a Desk Reference Manual for Nonprofits, a Survey of Nonprofit Organiza ons that contains interes ng insights on nonprofits, a wide range of tools and benchmarking data, a monthly e‐mail newsle er that offers relevant informa on to organiza ons like yours and links to other key sites that are valuable for the nonprofit community.

8. About Sobel & Co., LLC