Certification Django

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  • 8/18/2019 Certification Django


     June 28, 2012

    CATHERINE SOTTOClaims ManagerGSIS, Pasay City

     Thru:MAPRE Insular Insurane


     The un"ersigne" #$ul" li%e t$ erti&y that MR. EDDIE C. GRAVADOR  is an

    em'l$yee in my $(e as a )egislati*e S'eial Ati*ities Pr$gram +)SAPem'l$yee-

    .e is 'ers$nally %n$#n t$ me an" I an *$uh that he 'ers$nally sh$ul"ere" all theme"ial e/'enses he inurre" "uring the ai"ent he suere" last May 1, 2012-

    I reuest an" h$'e that a settlement 3e ma"e in &a*$r $& Mr- Gra*a"$r &$r hisa''liati$n-

     Than% y$u an" m$re '$#er!

     Sinerely y$urs,

    NILO M. ABELLERA, JR.  C$unil$r, 1st 4istrit, 4a*a$City