INTRODUCTION INDUSTRY PROFILE We use the term information technology or IT to refer to an entire industry. In actuality, information technology is the use of computers and software to manage information. In some companies, this is referred to as Management Information Services (or MIS) or simply as Information Services. The information technology department of a large company would be responsible for storing information, protecting information, processing the information, transmitting the information as necessary, and later retrieving information as necessary. History of Information Technology In relative terms, it wasn't long ago that the Information Technology department might have consisted of a single Computer Operator, who might be storing data on magnetic tape, and then putting it in a box down in the basement somewhere. The history of information technology is fascinating, check out these history of information technology resources for information on everything from the history of IT to electronics inventions and even the top 10 IT bugs. Modern Information Technology Departments In order to perform the complex functions required of information technology departments today, the modern Information Technology Department would use computers, servers, 1





We use the term information technology or IT to refer to an entire industry In actuality

information technology is the use of computers and software to manage information In some

companies this is referred to as Management Information Services (or MIS) or simply as

Information Services The information technology department of a large company would be

responsible for storing information protecting information processing the information

transmitting the information as necessary and later retrieving information as necessary

History of Information Technology

In relative terms it wasnt long ago that the Information Technology department might have

consisted of a single Computer Operator who might be storing data on magnetic tape and

then putting it in a box down in the basement somewhere The history of information

technology is fascinating check out these history of information technology resources for

information on everything from the history of IT to electronics inventions and even the top 10

IT bugs

Modern Information Technology Departments

In order to perform the complex functions required of information technology departments

today the modern Information Technology Department would use computers servers

1967-1973 Minicomputers processors network and freedom

Fast repetition Birth of the Minicomputer

Fast repetition Integrated Circuits processor companies

First microcomputers

Software of mini- and microcomputers Unix CPM and programming


Internet and Ethernet


1974-1977 Birth of the Personal Computer

The first self-built microcomputers

Club stuff

Software C Basic

1977-1980 Home computers

Commodore PET Apple II Radio Shack




IBM PC first prototype


Digital Equipment Corp introduced the PDP-8 the first commercially successful

minicomputer The PDP-8 sold for $18000 one-fifth the price of a small IBM 360

mainframe The speed small size and reasonable cost enabled the PDP-8 to go into

thousands of manufacturing plants small businesses and scientific laboratories


Douglas C Engelbart of the Stanford Research Institute demonstrates his system of

keyboard keypad mouse and windows at the Joint Computer Conference in San

Franciscos Civic Center He demonstrates use of a word processor a hypertext

system and remote collaborative work with colleagues

Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore leave Fairchild Semiconductors

Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore found Intel Corporation

State of the art software and hardware

In 1967 Mac HACK VI became the first program to beat a human (rate 1510) at a

competition at the Massachussets State Championship

In 1968 International Master David Levy made a $3000 bet that no chess computer

would beat him in 10 years He won his bet The original bet was with John

McCarthy a distinguished researcher in Artificial Intelligence


Processors at 1968 were soldered together from a large number of single transistors

and a number of small chips containing relatively small amounts of transistors each

Recollect Birth of Intel and AMD 55 Shockley Semiconductor (Shockley was one of

the inventors of transistor Nobel price in 56) 57 Fairchild Semiconductors (group of

8 Shockley engineers) 68 Intel 69 AMD (Noyce (integr circuit constructor) amp

(Sanders + 7 others)


ATampT Bell Laboratories programmers Kenneth Thompson and Dennis Ritchie

developed the UNIX operating system on a spare DEC minicomputer

Intels Marcian (Ted) Hoff designs an integrated circuit chip that could receive

instructions and perform simple functions on data The design becomes the 4004


Intel announces a 1 KB RAM chip which has a significantly larger capacity than any

previously produced memory chip

Bill Gates and Paul Allen calling themselves the Lakeside Programming Group

sign an agreement with Computer Center Corporation to report bugs in PDP-10

software in exchange for computer time

Jerry Sanders and seven others leave Fairchild Semiconductor to form Advanced

Micro Devices

Gary Stark weather at Xeroxs research facility in Webster New York demonstrates

using a laser beam with the xerography process to create a laser printer


Xerox opens the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)

Intel creates the 1103 chip the first generally available DRAM memory chip

Wayne Pickette takes his computer-on-a-chip design to Intel and is hired began

working for Dr Ted Hoff

At Intel Wayne Pickette proposes to Ted Hoff the idea of building a computer-on-a-

chip for the Busicom project

Gilbert Hyatt files a patent application entitled Single Chip Integrated Circuit

Computer Architecture the first basic patent on the microprocessor

Work begins at Intel on the layout of the circuit for what would be the 4004

microprocessor Federico Faggin directs the work


Intel creates the first 4004 microprocessor First microprocessor Intel 4004 1969 The

first microprocessor ndash CPU


The first commercial 4-bit microprocessor 4004 -2300 transistors -10 μm features -10 mm2

die -108 kHz kH


Relational database software theory and first research groups

In 1970 an IBM researcher named Ted Codd published the first article on relational


Codd envisaged a system where the user would be able to access information with

English like commands and where information would be stored in tables

Due to the technical nature of the article and the reliance on mathematics to support

its case the significance of it was not realized immediately However it did lead to

IBM starting a research group known as System R

Eventually System R evolved into SQLDS which later became DB2 The language

created by the System R group SQL (Structured Query Language) has become the

industry standard for relational databases and is now an ISO standard

First commercial SQL database created by Honeywell Information Systems Inc

which released a commercial product in June of 1976



Computer-to-computer Communication expanded when the Department of Defense

established four nodes on the ARPANET the University of California-Santa Barbara

and UCLA SRI International and the University of Utah hellip1971hellip

Intel ships copies of the 4004 microprocessor to Busicom [55610]

Gary Boone of Texas Instruments files a patent application relating to a single-chip


The newly developed device the EPROM is integrated with the 4004 to Enhance

Development Cycles of microprocessor product

Intel introduces its 4-bit bus 108-KHz 4004 chip - the first microprocessor Initial

price is US$200 Speed is 60000 operations per second It uses 2300 transistors

based on 10-micron technology It can address 640 bytes

o Documentation manuals were written by Adam Osborne The die for the chip

measures 3x4mm The chip is introduced to the public in Las Vegas by Wayne

Pickette hellip1971hellip

Intel announces the first microcomputer the MCS-4 system It uses the 4004

microprocessor 4001 ROM chip 4002 RAM chip and 4003 shift register chip

Electronic News publishes an ad from Intel promoting the 4004 chip

The National Radio Institute introduces the first computer kit for US$503

Steve Wozniak and Bill Fernandez build a computer with lights and switches from

parts rejected by local companies They call it the Cream Soda Computer hellip1971

The Ken back Corporation introduces the Kenback-1 computer for US$750 It uses a

1KB MOS memory made by Intel

Niklaus Wirth invents the Pascal programming language

Texas Instruments develops the first microcomputer-on-a-chip containing over

15000 transistors

IBM introduces the memory disk or floppy disk an 8-inch floppy plastic disk

coated with iron oxide

Wang Laboratories introduces the Wang 1200 word processor system

Intel introduces the 1101 chip a 256-bit programmable memory and the 1701 chip a

256-byte erasable read-only memory (EROM)



Intel introduces its 200-KHz 8008 chip the first 8-bit microprocessor It accesses

16KB of memory The processor was originally developed for Computer

Terminal Corporation (later called Data point) It uses 3500 transistors based on

10-micron technology Speed is 60000 instructions per second

Researchers at PARC begin work on a prototype Alto personal computer

At Xerox PARC Alan Kay proposes they build a portable personal computer

called the Dynabook the size of an ordinary notebook PARC management does

not support it

Texas Instruments introduces the TMS1000 one-chip microcomputer It

integrates 1KB ROM and 32 bytes of RAM with a simple 4-bit processor

National Semiconductor introduces the IMP-16 microprocessor

Steve Wozniak develops ldquoblue boxrdquo to make free phone calls and sells the boxes

to fellow students at UC Berkeley 1972hellip

Some gaming stuff

Space war was a first graphical computer game created on PDP-1 in 1961

In 1970 an engineer called Ralph Baer created the game called Computer Space

based on Space War

Nolan Bushnell tried to make an arcade version of Space War and created

Computer Space Nutting Associates bought the game hired Nolan and

manufactured 1500 Space War machines The game was not a success because

people found it difficult to play

As Nolan felt he didnt receive enough pay he created his own company Atari in



Atari ships Pong one of the first really successful commercial video games

In 1977 Atari enters the home computer market among others hellip1972

Magnavox Odyssey first home video game along with Atari

No processor combined analogdigital

Plastic overlays on TV screen to get a background picture

over 80000 Odyssey and over 20000 rifle packs sold in 1972

Altogether ca 350000 made 1972 Colossal Cave a text-based adventure game

Written by Will Crowther Will worked on developing the assembly language

program for the original routers used in creating the ARPA net In their spare

time the Crowthers both avid cavers explored and mapped portions of the

Mammoth and Flint Ridge cave systems in Kentucky for the Cave Research


Crowther wrote a computer simulation based on the maps for a Digital

Equipment Corporation PDP-10 computer in FORTRAN His first version

included caver jargon and many of the names of rooms in this version came from

actual features in the caves Will had been exploring

Unfortunately it was during this period that Crowthers marriage ended Feeling

estranged from his two daughters and wanting to be closer to them he decided to

write a program that they might enjoy

Crowthers daughters enjoyed the game and it was passed from friend to friend

during the early days of the Internet appearing on countless computers on and off

the fledgling network What happened later with Colossal Cave

In 1976 Don Woods was working at Stanford Universitys Stanford Artificial

Intelligence Lab otherwise known by the acronym SAIL Woods found a copy of

Crowthers rudimentary program left on one of the SAIL computers by some

unknown Johnny Appleseed so to speak

He contacted Crowther by the simple expedient of sending email to

crowthersitename where site name was every computer then on the Internet

only a mere handful of sites at the time After corresponding with Crowther and

getting his blessings Woods greatly expanded the program

Influenced by Tolkiens writing Woods added touches such as a troll elves and a



Jim Gillogly at the Rand Corporation spent several weeks in 1976 porting the

code (with Woods and Crowthers blessings) from the original FORTRAN source

into C for UNIX Most UNIX systems run successors of this C version Gillogly

later ported the code to Heath kit and then IBM-PC personal computers with the

help of Walt Bilofsky founder of The Software Tool works (which was

eventually renamed Mindscape) This version was marketed in 1981 under the

name The Original Adventure hellip1972

Canadas Automatic Electronic Systems introduces the worlds first

programmable word processor with a video screen the AES 90 The computer

system uses magnetic disks for storage and a custom built microprocessor

Gary Kildall implements PLI on the Intel 4004 processor

The Peoples Computer Company is founded

Bill Gates and Paul Allen form the Traf-O-Data company

Traf-O-Data develops a primitive microcomputer based on Intels 8008

microprocessor for recording automobile traffic flow on a highway

5 14 inch diskettes first appear

Xerox decides to build a personal computer to be used for research Project

Alto begins


Intel files a patent application for a memory system for a multichip digital


The first prototype Alto workstation computer is turned on at Xerox Palo Alto

Research Center Its first screen display is a bitmapped image of the Sesame

Street character Cookie Monster

The first operational Alto computer is completed at Xerox PARC

Traf-O-Data shuts down It made about US$20000

Design work is completed on the Micral the first non-kit computer based on a

microprocessor (the Intel 8008) Built in France the Micral is advertised in the

US but is not successful there

The term microcomputer first appears in print in reference to the Micral

1048708 In 1975 it is used on Soyuz-Apollo mission

for calculating critical course-correction




Intel releases its 2-MHz 8080 chip an 8-bit microprocessor It can access 64KB

of memory It uses 6000 transistors based on 6- micron technology Speed is 064


In a desperate act to save his failing calculator company MITS company owner

Ed Roberts begins building a small computer based on Intels new 8080 chip

with plans to sell it for the unheard of price of US$500

MITS completes the first prototype Altair 8800 microcomputer

Bravo is developed for the Xerox Alto computer It is the first WYSIWYG

program for a personal computer


Altair was one of the first successfully sold personal computer kits for do-it-

yourself computing fans No monitor no keyboard

Keyboard and cassette drive can be added

Oscilloscope can be attached to be used as a display


Railway Express loses Ed Roberts only prototype Altair computer route to New

York for review and photography for publishing by Popular Electronics

Les Solomon publisher of Popular Electronics receives Altair number 0001

Lauren Solomon 12 year old daughter of Les Solomon publisher of Popular

Electronics suggests the name Altair for Ed Roberts new microcomputer

Altair was the name of where Star Treks Enterprise was going that night on TV


Popular Electronics publishes an article by MITS announcing the Altair 8800

computer for US$439 in kit form It uses the Intel 8080 processor The Altair

pictured on the cover of the magazine is actually a mock-up as an actual

computer was not available

Paul Allen sees the Popular Electronics issue with the Altair and tells Bill Gates

that the microcomputer revolution is just beginning hellip1974

Gary Kildall of Microcomputer Applications Associates develops the CPM

operating system for Intel 8080-based systems

Motorola introduces its 6800 chip an early 8-bit microprocessor used in

microcomputers and industrial and automotive control devices The 6800 was

designed by Chuck Peddle and Charlie Melear

Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie develop the C programming language

RCA releases the 1802 processor running at a blazing 64 MHz It is considered

one of the first RISC chips It is used on a variety of devices from video games to

NASA space probes

Engineer David Ahl suggests Digital Equipment produce an inexpensive version

of its PDP-8 minicomputer for US$5000 Top management call the idea foolish

Gary Kildall and John Torode begin selling the CPM disk operating system for

microcomputershellip1974 Alto

Xerox releases the Alto computer

A personal computer to be used for research

Cost $32000

Never produced for profit

First serious machine to feature a modern user interface windows mouse etc

invented by Engelbart in 1964


Paul Allen meets with Ed Roberts to demonstrate the newly written BASIC

interpreter for the Altair Despite never having touched an Altair before the

BASIC works flawlessly

Bill Gates and Paul Allen license their newly written BASIC to MITS their first

customer This is the first computer language program written for a personal



The Xerox PARC-developed Gypsy word-processing system is first field tested

by end-users Gypsy is one of the first word processors termed WYSIWYG

meaning what you see is what you get Gypsy runs on the PARC-developed Alto

personal computer 1975

Fred Moore and Gordon French hold the first meeting of a new microcomputer

hobbyists club in Frenchs garage in Menlo Park California 32 people meet

including Bob Albrect Steve Dompier Lee Felsenstein Bob Marsh Tom

Pittman Marty Spergel Alan Baum and Steven Wozniak Bob Albrect shows off

an Altair and Steve Dompier reports on MITS and how they had 4000 orders for

the Altair

Stephen Dorsey founder of Automatic Electronic Systems sells his 25 of the

company for $135000

The second meeting of Fred MooreGordon Frenchs computer hobbyists group is

held at the Stanford AI lab 40 attend The name for the group is chosen Bay

Area Amateur Computer Users Group - Homebrew Computer Club 1975

Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Micro-Soft (the hyphen is later dropped)

MITS delivers the first generally-available Altair 8800 sold for US$375 with

1KB memory

MOS Technology announces the MC6501 at US$20 and the MC6502 at US$25

At this point the Intel 8080 costs about US$150

Bob Marsh delivers the first Processor Technology 4KB memory boards for the


At Xerox John Ellenby proposes they build the Alto II a modified Alto making

it easier to produce more reliable and more easily maintained His request is


Bill Gates and Paul Allen sign a licensing agreement with MITS for their

implementation of the BASIC language

Bill Gates and Paul Allen ship 4K and 8K version of BASIC v20

Dick Heiser opens Arrow Head Computer Company subtitled The Computer

Store in Los Angeles selling assembled Altairs boards peripherals and

magazines This is the first retail computer store in the USA 1975

Micom Data Systems ships its first product the Micom 2000 word processing



IBMs Entry Level Systems unit unveils Project Mercury the IBM 5100

Portable Computer It is a briefcase-size minicomputer with BASIC 16KB RAM

tape storage and built-in 5-inch screen Price US$9000 Weight 55 pounds

(Price over US$10000 )

The first issue of Byte magazine is published

MITS releases a version of Microsoft BASIC 20 for its Altair 8800 in 4K and

8K editions

Southwest Technical Products releases the M6800 computer kit

Sphere Corporation introduces its Sphere I computer kit featuring a Motorola

6800 CPU 4KB RAM ROM monitor keyboard and video interface for


Scope of the study

The scope of the organization study is concerned with in the Cerebra Integrated Technologies

Limited it is one of the casting production organization The study is limited to understanding

the finance production and other department in the organization

Objectives of Study

To study organization as a whole

To study and understand the activities of various departments in the organization

To do the SWOT analysis of the organization

Limitations of the study

The present study mainly focused on the primary data as well as secondary data In

organization they did not disclose to give more information regarding each department


In order to achieve the above stated objectives the study has covered both primary and

secondary data


Primary Data

Primary data is collected through the personal interview and discussion with the employees

and also higher authorities in the organization and observation Method

Secondary Data

Secondary data is collected through the company manuals company profiles department

manuals and websites text books


The management team at cerebra has combined experience of over 100 years in wireless and

enterprise solutions We pride over selves as a complete business driven software service

providing and working to words providing solution without burdening our partners with

technology decisions with the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity team

key solutions

Cerebra provide to the solutions on various platforms like windows mobile system android

blackberry and I phone I pad and have demonstrable prototypes ready

Some of our solutions

1 LBS for content distribution

2 Logistics last mile delivery

3 Bluetooth based content and coupon management

4 SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobile web based pos

5 On field sales and support

6 RFIDBARCODE integration for asset and inventory tracking


Significance of products and components ready to deployed

1 Mobile marketing platform

2 Bluetooth based content delivery platform

3 Supply chain solution for the retail

4 Mobile application to handle distribution and route accounting

5 Mobile application to handle courierrsquos distribution

6 Integrators 3rd party ERPSCMCRMs

7 Mobile application to handle in line sales and support


Company profile


Commenced its business in 1992 starting with the hardware sector amp later expanded to

provide software services IT training ampconsulting and today offers total IT training amp

consulting and today offers total IT solutions comprising LPO BPOampKPO Services

Cerebra is public limited company and services its customers are served through jars in the

USA ampUK cerebra is an ISO 9001 2008 company and all its products adhere to strict quality

contract standards

Cerebrate has over 50000 installation of PCs and service ace across the country cerebra has

survived the through times and is moving on achieve its mission being one among the top it

solutions provider in the globe

Started Integrated Technologies a partnership firm was established 25th July 1992 by

technocrats MrV Ranganathan Mr Guru Raj upadhay were into manufacturing computer

system and trading in peripherals components etc Cerebra were converted to a public

limited company limit in December 1993


Cerebra began its endeavor for backward integration started manufacturing motherboards

Add-on cards etc Company turned net worth positive bagged large order for contact

manufacturing from Indian and USA customers for energy meters RFJD products ticketing

machines etc


To be a nimble amp effective IT Integration company


To create value for customers through innovative IT solutions with a commitment to


To enable customers amp partners to leverage information technology to the fullest extent

To enable partners amp employees to deliver relevant amp proven technologies to customers



The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

1974-1977 Birth of the Personal Computer

The first self-built microcomputers

Club stuff

Software C Basic

1977-1980 Home computers

Commodore PET Apple II Radio Shack




IBM PC first prototype


Digital Equipment Corp introduced the PDP-8 the first commercially successful

minicomputer The PDP-8 sold for $18000 one-fifth the price of a small IBM 360

mainframe The speed small size and reasonable cost enabled the PDP-8 to go into

thousands of manufacturing plants small businesses and scientific laboratories


Douglas C Engelbart of the Stanford Research Institute demonstrates his system of

keyboard keypad mouse and windows at the Joint Computer Conference in San

Franciscos Civic Center He demonstrates use of a word processor a hypertext

system and remote collaborative work with colleagues

Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore leave Fairchild Semiconductors

Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore found Intel Corporation

State of the art software and hardware

In 1967 Mac HACK VI became the first program to beat a human (rate 1510) at a

competition at the Massachussets State Championship

In 1968 International Master David Levy made a $3000 bet that no chess computer

would beat him in 10 years He won his bet The original bet was with John

McCarthy a distinguished researcher in Artificial Intelligence


Processors at 1968 were soldered together from a large number of single transistors

and a number of small chips containing relatively small amounts of transistors each

Recollect Birth of Intel and AMD 55 Shockley Semiconductor (Shockley was one of

the inventors of transistor Nobel price in 56) 57 Fairchild Semiconductors (group of

8 Shockley engineers) 68 Intel 69 AMD (Noyce (integr circuit constructor) amp

(Sanders + 7 others)


ATampT Bell Laboratories programmers Kenneth Thompson and Dennis Ritchie

developed the UNIX operating system on a spare DEC minicomputer

Intels Marcian (Ted) Hoff designs an integrated circuit chip that could receive

instructions and perform simple functions on data The design becomes the 4004


Intel announces a 1 KB RAM chip which has a significantly larger capacity than any

previously produced memory chip

Bill Gates and Paul Allen calling themselves the Lakeside Programming Group

sign an agreement with Computer Center Corporation to report bugs in PDP-10

software in exchange for computer time

Jerry Sanders and seven others leave Fairchild Semiconductor to form Advanced

Micro Devices

Gary Stark weather at Xeroxs research facility in Webster New York demonstrates

using a laser beam with the xerography process to create a laser printer


Xerox opens the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)

Intel creates the 1103 chip the first generally available DRAM memory chip

Wayne Pickette takes his computer-on-a-chip design to Intel and is hired began

working for Dr Ted Hoff

At Intel Wayne Pickette proposes to Ted Hoff the idea of building a computer-on-a-

chip for the Busicom project

Gilbert Hyatt files a patent application entitled Single Chip Integrated Circuit

Computer Architecture the first basic patent on the microprocessor

Work begins at Intel on the layout of the circuit for what would be the 4004

microprocessor Federico Faggin directs the work


Intel creates the first 4004 microprocessor First microprocessor Intel 4004 1969 The

first microprocessor ndash CPU


The first commercial 4-bit microprocessor 4004 -2300 transistors -10 μm features -10 mm2

die -108 kHz kH


Relational database software theory and first research groups

In 1970 an IBM researcher named Ted Codd published the first article on relational


Codd envisaged a system where the user would be able to access information with

English like commands and where information would be stored in tables

Due to the technical nature of the article and the reliance on mathematics to support

its case the significance of it was not realized immediately However it did lead to

IBM starting a research group known as System R

Eventually System R evolved into SQLDS which later became DB2 The language

created by the System R group SQL (Structured Query Language) has become the

industry standard for relational databases and is now an ISO standard

First commercial SQL database created by Honeywell Information Systems Inc

which released a commercial product in June of 1976



Computer-to-computer Communication expanded when the Department of Defense

established four nodes on the ARPANET the University of California-Santa Barbara

and UCLA SRI International and the University of Utah hellip1971hellip

Intel ships copies of the 4004 microprocessor to Busicom [55610]

Gary Boone of Texas Instruments files a patent application relating to a single-chip


The newly developed device the EPROM is integrated with the 4004 to Enhance

Development Cycles of microprocessor product

Intel introduces its 4-bit bus 108-KHz 4004 chip - the first microprocessor Initial

price is US$200 Speed is 60000 operations per second It uses 2300 transistors

based on 10-micron technology It can address 640 bytes

o Documentation manuals were written by Adam Osborne The die for the chip

measures 3x4mm The chip is introduced to the public in Las Vegas by Wayne

Pickette hellip1971hellip

Intel announces the first microcomputer the MCS-4 system It uses the 4004

microprocessor 4001 ROM chip 4002 RAM chip and 4003 shift register chip

Electronic News publishes an ad from Intel promoting the 4004 chip

The National Radio Institute introduces the first computer kit for US$503

Steve Wozniak and Bill Fernandez build a computer with lights and switches from

parts rejected by local companies They call it the Cream Soda Computer hellip1971

The Ken back Corporation introduces the Kenback-1 computer for US$750 It uses a

1KB MOS memory made by Intel

Niklaus Wirth invents the Pascal programming language

Texas Instruments develops the first microcomputer-on-a-chip containing over

15000 transistors

IBM introduces the memory disk or floppy disk an 8-inch floppy plastic disk

coated with iron oxide

Wang Laboratories introduces the Wang 1200 word processor system

Intel introduces the 1101 chip a 256-bit programmable memory and the 1701 chip a

256-byte erasable read-only memory (EROM)



Intel introduces its 200-KHz 8008 chip the first 8-bit microprocessor It accesses

16KB of memory The processor was originally developed for Computer

Terminal Corporation (later called Data point) It uses 3500 transistors based on

10-micron technology Speed is 60000 instructions per second

Researchers at PARC begin work on a prototype Alto personal computer

At Xerox PARC Alan Kay proposes they build a portable personal computer

called the Dynabook the size of an ordinary notebook PARC management does

not support it

Texas Instruments introduces the TMS1000 one-chip microcomputer It

integrates 1KB ROM and 32 bytes of RAM with a simple 4-bit processor

National Semiconductor introduces the IMP-16 microprocessor

Steve Wozniak develops ldquoblue boxrdquo to make free phone calls and sells the boxes

to fellow students at UC Berkeley 1972hellip

Some gaming stuff

Space war was a first graphical computer game created on PDP-1 in 1961

In 1970 an engineer called Ralph Baer created the game called Computer Space

based on Space War

Nolan Bushnell tried to make an arcade version of Space War and created

Computer Space Nutting Associates bought the game hired Nolan and

manufactured 1500 Space War machines The game was not a success because

people found it difficult to play

As Nolan felt he didnt receive enough pay he created his own company Atari in



Atari ships Pong one of the first really successful commercial video games

In 1977 Atari enters the home computer market among others hellip1972

Magnavox Odyssey first home video game along with Atari

No processor combined analogdigital

Plastic overlays on TV screen to get a background picture

over 80000 Odyssey and over 20000 rifle packs sold in 1972

Altogether ca 350000 made 1972 Colossal Cave a text-based adventure game

Written by Will Crowther Will worked on developing the assembly language

program for the original routers used in creating the ARPA net In their spare

time the Crowthers both avid cavers explored and mapped portions of the

Mammoth and Flint Ridge cave systems in Kentucky for the Cave Research


Crowther wrote a computer simulation based on the maps for a Digital

Equipment Corporation PDP-10 computer in FORTRAN His first version

included caver jargon and many of the names of rooms in this version came from

actual features in the caves Will had been exploring

Unfortunately it was during this period that Crowthers marriage ended Feeling

estranged from his two daughters and wanting to be closer to them he decided to

write a program that they might enjoy

Crowthers daughters enjoyed the game and it was passed from friend to friend

during the early days of the Internet appearing on countless computers on and off

the fledgling network What happened later with Colossal Cave

In 1976 Don Woods was working at Stanford Universitys Stanford Artificial

Intelligence Lab otherwise known by the acronym SAIL Woods found a copy of

Crowthers rudimentary program left on one of the SAIL computers by some

unknown Johnny Appleseed so to speak

He contacted Crowther by the simple expedient of sending email to

crowthersitename where site name was every computer then on the Internet

only a mere handful of sites at the time After corresponding with Crowther and

getting his blessings Woods greatly expanded the program

Influenced by Tolkiens writing Woods added touches such as a troll elves and a



Jim Gillogly at the Rand Corporation spent several weeks in 1976 porting the

code (with Woods and Crowthers blessings) from the original FORTRAN source

into C for UNIX Most UNIX systems run successors of this C version Gillogly

later ported the code to Heath kit and then IBM-PC personal computers with the

help of Walt Bilofsky founder of The Software Tool works (which was

eventually renamed Mindscape) This version was marketed in 1981 under the

name The Original Adventure hellip1972

Canadas Automatic Electronic Systems introduces the worlds first

programmable word processor with a video screen the AES 90 The computer

system uses magnetic disks for storage and a custom built microprocessor

Gary Kildall implements PLI on the Intel 4004 processor

The Peoples Computer Company is founded

Bill Gates and Paul Allen form the Traf-O-Data company

Traf-O-Data develops a primitive microcomputer based on Intels 8008

microprocessor for recording automobile traffic flow on a highway

5 14 inch diskettes first appear

Xerox decides to build a personal computer to be used for research Project

Alto begins


Intel files a patent application for a memory system for a multichip digital


The first prototype Alto workstation computer is turned on at Xerox Palo Alto

Research Center Its first screen display is a bitmapped image of the Sesame

Street character Cookie Monster

The first operational Alto computer is completed at Xerox PARC

Traf-O-Data shuts down It made about US$20000

Design work is completed on the Micral the first non-kit computer based on a

microprocessor (the Intel 8008) Built in France the Micral is advertised in the

US but is not successful there

The term microcomputer first appears in print in reference to the Micral

1048708 In 1975 it is used on Soyuz-Apollo mission

for calculating critical course-correction




Intel releases its 2-MHz 8080 chip an 8-bit microprocessor It can access 64KB

of memory It uses 6000 transistors based on 6- micron technology Speed is 064


In a desperate act to save his failing calculator company MITS company owner

Ed Roberts begins building a small computer based on Intels new 8080 chip

with plans to sell it for the unheard of price of US$500

MITS completes the first prototype Altair 8800 microcomputer

Bravo is developed for the Xerox Alto computer It is the first WYSIWYG

program for a personal computer


Altair was one of the first successfully sold personal computer kits for do-it-

yourself computing fans No monitor no keyboard

Keyboard and cassette drive can be added

Oscilloscope can be attached to be used as a display


Railway Express loses Ed Roberts only prototype Altair computer route to New

York for review and photography for publishing by Popular Electronics

Les Solomon publisher of Popular Electronics receives Altair number 0001

Lauren Solomon 12 year old daughter of Les Solomon publisher of Popular

Electronics suggests the name Altair for Ed Roberts new microcomputer

Altair was the name of where Star Treks Enterprise was going that night on TV


Popular Electronics publishes an article by MITS announcing the Altair 8800

computer for US$439 in kit form It uses the Intel 8080 processor The Altair

pictured on the cover of the magazine is actually a mock-up as an actual

computer was not available

Paul Allen sees the Popular Electronics issue with the Altair and tells Bill Gates

that the microcomputer revolution is just beginning hellip1974

Gary Kildall of Microcomputer Applications Associates develops the CPM

operating system for Intel 8080-based systems

Motorola introduces its 6800 chip an early 8-bit microprocessor used in

microcomputers and industrial and automotive control devices The 6800 was

designed by Chuck Peddle and Charlie Melear

Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie develop the C programming language

RCA releases the 1802 processor running at a blazing 64 MHz It is considered

one of the first RISC chips It is used on a variety of devices from video games to

NASA space probes

Engineer David Ahl suggests Digital Equipment produce an inexpensive version

of its PDP-8 minicomputer for US$5000 Top management call the idea foolish

Gary Kildall and John Torode begin selling the CPM disk operating system for

microcomputershellip1974 Alto

Xerox releases the Alto computer

A personal computer to be used for research

Cost $32000

Never produced for profit

First serious machine to feature a modern user interface windows mouse etc

invented by Engelbart in 1964


Paul Allen meets with Ed Roberts to demonstrate the newly written BASIC

interpreter for the Altair Despite never having touched an Altair before the

BASIC works flawlessly

Bill Gates and Paul Allen license their newly written BASIC to MITS their first

customer This is the first computer language program written for a personal



The Xerox PARC-developed Gypsy word-processing system is first field tested

by end-users Gypsy is one of the first word processors termed WYSIWYG

meaning what you see is what you get Gypsy runs on the PARC-developed Alto

personal computer 1975

Fred Moore and Gordon French hold the first meeting of a new microcomputer

hobbyists club in Frenchs garage in Menlo Park California 32 people meet

including Bob Albrect Steve Dompier Lee Felsenstein Bob Marsh Tom

Pittman Marty Spergel Alan Baum and Steven Wozniak Bob Albrect shows off

an Altair and Steve Dompier reports on MITS and how they had 4000 orders for

the Altair

Stephen Dorsey founder of Automatic Electronic Systems sells his 25 of the

company for $135000

The second meeting of Fred MooreGordon Frenchs computer hobbyists group is

held at the Stanford AI lab 40 attend The name for the group is chosen Bay

Area Amateur Computer Users Group - Homebrew Computer Club 1975

Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Micro-Soft (the hyphen is later dropped)

MITS delivers the first generally-available Altair 8800 sold for US$375 with

1KB memory

MOS Technology announces the MC6501 at US$20 and the MC6502 at US$25

At this point the Intel 8080 costs about US$150

Bob Marsh delivers the first Processor Technology 4KB memory boards for the


At Xerox John Ellenby proposes they build the Alto II a modified Alto making

it easier to produce more reliable and more easily maintained His request is


Bill Gates and Paul Allen sign a licensing agreement with MITS for their

implementation of the BASIC language

Bill Gates and Paul Allen ship 4K and 8K version of BASIC v20

Dick Heiser opens Arrow Head Computer Company subtitled The Computer

Store in Los Angeles selling assembled Altairs boards peripherals and

magazines This is the first retail computer store in the USA 1975

Micom Data Systems ships its first product the Micom 2000 word processing



IBMs Entry Level Systems unit unveils Project Mercury the IBM 5100

Portable Computer It is a briefcase-size minicomputer with BASIC 16KB RAM

tape storage and built-in 5-inch screen Price US$9000 Weight 55 pounds

(Price over US$10000 )

The first issue of Byte magazine is published

MITS releases a version of Microsoft BASIC 20 for its Altair 8800 in 4K and

8K editions

Southwest Technical Products releases the M6800 computer kit

Sphere Corporation introduces its Sphere I computer kit featuring a Motorola

6800 CPU 4KB RAM ROM monitor keyboard and video interface for


Scope of the study

The scope of the organization study is concerned with in the Cerebra Integrated Technologies

Limited it is one of the casting production organization The study is limited to understanding

the finance production and other department in the organization

Objectives of Study

To study organization as a whole

To study and understand the activities of various departments in the organization

To do the SWOT analysis of the organization

Limitations of the study

The present study mainly focused on the primary data as well as secondary data In

organization they did not disclose to give more information regarding each department


In order to achieve the above stated objectives the study has covered both primary and

secondary data


Primary Data

Primary data is collected through the personal interview and discussion with the employees

and also higher authorities in the organization and observation Method

Secondary Data

Secondary data is collected through the company manuals company profiles department

manuals and websites text books


The management team at cerebra has combined experience of over 100 years in wireless and

enterprise solutions We pride over selves as a complete business driven software service

providing and working to words providing solution without burdening our partners with

technology decisions with the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity team

key solutions

Cerebra provide to the solutions on various platforms like windows mobile system android

blackberry and I phone I pad and have demonstrable prototypes ready

Some of our solutions

1 LBS for content distribution

2 Logistics last mile delivery

3 Bluetooth based content and coupon management

4 SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobile web based pos

5 On field sales and support

6 RFIDBARCODE integration for asset and inventory tracking


Significance of products and components ready to deployed

1 Mobile marketing platform

2 Bluetooth based content delivery platform

3 Supply chain solution for the retail

4 Mobile application to handle distribution and route accounting

5 Mobile application to handle courierrsquos distribution

6 Integrators 3rd party ERPSCMCRMs

7 Mobile application to handle in line sales and support


Company profile


Commenced its business in 1992 starting with the hardware sector amp later expanded to

provide software services IT training ampconsulting and today offers total IT training amp

consulting and today offers total IT solutions comprising LPO BPOampKPO Services

Cerebra is public limited company and services its customers are served through jars in the

USA ampUK cerebra is an ISO 9001 2008 company and all its products adhere to strict quality

contract standards

Cerebrate has over 50000 installation of PCs and service ace across the country cerebra has

survived the through times and is moving on achieve its mission being one among the top it

solutions provider in the globe

Started Integrated Technologies a partnership firm was established 25th July 1992 by

technocrats MrV Ranganathan Mr Guru Raj upadhay were into manufacturing computer

system and trading in peripherals components etc Cerebra were converted to a public

limited company limit in December 1993


Cerebra began its endeavor for backward integration started manufacturing motherboards

Add-on cards etc Company turned net worth positive bagged large order for contact

manufacturing from Indian and USA customers for energy meters RFJD products ticketing

machines etc


To be a nimble amp effective IT Integration company


To create value for customers through innovative IT solutions with a commitment to


To enable customers amp partners to leverage information technology to the fullest extent

To enable partners amp employees to deliver relevant amp proven technologies to customers



The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Processors at 1968 were soldered together from a large number of single transistors

and a number of small chips containing relatively small amounts of transistors each

Recollect Birth of Intel and AMD 55 Shockley Semiconductor (Shockley was one of

the inventors of transistor Nobel price in 56) 57 Fairchild Semiconductors (group of

8 Shockley engineers) 68 Intel 69 AMD (Noyce (integr circuit constructor) amp

(Sanders + 7 others)


ATampT Bell Laboratories programmers Kenneth Thompson and Dennis Ritchie

developed the UNIX operating system on a spare DEC minicomputer

Intels Marcian (Ted) Hoff designs an integrated circuit chip that could receive

instructions and perform simple functions on data The design becomes the 4004


Intel announces a 1 KB RAM chip which has a significantly larger capacity than any

previously produced memory chip

Bill Gates and Paul Allen calling themselves the Lakeside Programming Group

sign an agreement with Computer Center Corporation to report bugs in PDP-10

software in exchange for computer time

Jerry Sanders and seven others leave Fairchild Semiconductor to form Advanced

Micro Devices

Gary Stark weather at Xeroxs research facility in Webster New York demonstrates

using a laser beam with the xerography process to create a laser printer


Xerox opens the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)

Intel creates the 1103 chip the first generally available DRAM memory chip

Wayne Pickette takes his computer-on-a-chip design to Intel and is hired began

working for Dr Ted Hoff

At Intel Wayne Pickette proposes to Ted Hoff the idea of building a computer-on-a-

chip for the Busicom project

Gilbert Hyatt files a patent application entitled Single Chip Integrated Circuit

Computer Architecture the first basic patent on the microprocessor

Work begins at Intel on the layout of the circuit for what would be the 4004

microprocessor Federico Faggin directs the work


Intel creates the first 4004 microprocessor First microprocessor Intel 4004 1969 The

first microprocessor ndash CPU


The first commercial 4-bit microprocessor 4004 -2300 transistors -10 μm features -10 mm2

die -108 kHz kH


Relational database software theory and first research groups

In 1970 an IBM researcher named Ted Codd published the first article on relational


Codd envisaged a system where the user would be able to access information with

English like commands and where information would be stored in tables

Due to the technical nature of the article and the reliance on mathematics to support

its case the significance of it was not realized immediately However it did lead to

IBM starting a research group known as System R

Eventually System R evolved into SQLDS which later became DB2 The language

created by the System R group SQL (Structured Query Language) has become the

industry standard for relational databases and is now an ISO standard

First commercial SQL database created by Honeywell Information Systems Inc

which released a commercial product in June of 1976



Computer-to-computer Communication expanded when the Department of Defense

established four nodes on the ARPANET the University of California-Santa Barbara

and UCLA SRI International and the University of Utah hellip1971hellip

Intel ships copies of the 4004 microprocessor to Busicom [55610]

Gary Boone of Texas Instruments files a patent application relating to a single-chip


The newly developed device the EPROM is integrated with the 4004 to Enhance

Development Cycles of microprocessor product

Intel introduces its 4-bit bus 108-KHz 4004 chip - the first microprocessor Initial

price is US$200 Speed is 60000 operations per second It uses 2300 transistors

based on 10-micron technology It can address 640 bytes

o Documentation manuals were written by Adam Osborne The die for the chip

measures 3x4mm The chip is introduced to the public in Las Vegas by Wayne

Pickette hellip1971hellip

Intel announces the first microcomputer the MCS-4 system It uses the 4004

microprocessor 4001 ROM chip 4002 RAM chip and 4003 shift register chip

Electronic News publishes an ad from Intel promoting the 4004 chip

The National Radio Institute introduces the first computer kit for US$503

Steve Wozniak and Bill Fernandez build a computer with lights and switches from

parts rejected by local companies They call it the Cream Soda Computer hellip1971

The Ken back Corporation introduces the Kenback-1 computer for US$750 It uses a

1KB MOS memory made by Intel

Niklaus Wirth invents the Pascal programming language

Texas Instruments develops the first microcomputer-on-a-chip containing over

15000 transistors

IBM introduces the memory disk or floppy disk an 8-inch floppy plastic disk

coated with iron oxide

Wang Laboratories introduces the Wang 1200 word processor system

Intel introduces the 1101 chip a 256-bit programmable memory and the 1701 chip a

256-byte erasable read-only memory (EROM)



Intel introduces its 200-KHz 8008 chip the first 8-bit microprocessor It accesses

16KB of memory The processor was originally developed for Computer

Terminal Corporation (later called Data point) It uses 3500 transistors based on

10-micron technology Speed is 60000 instructions per second

Researchers at PARC begin work on a prototype Alto personal computer

At Xerox PARC Alan Kay proposes they build a portable personal computer

called the Dynabook the size of an ordinary notebook PARC management does

not support it

Texas Instruments introduces the TMS1000 one-chip microcomputer It

integrates 1KB ROM and 32 bytes of RAM with a simple 4-bit processor

National Semiconductor introduces the IMP-16 microprocessor

Steve Wozniak develops ldquoblue boxrdquo to make free phone calls and sells the boxes

to fellow students at UC Berkeley 1972hellip

Some gaming stuff

Space war was a first graphical computer game created on PDP-1 in 1961

In 1970 an engineer called Ralph Baer created the game called Computer Space

based on Space War

Nolan Bushnell tried to make an arcade version of Space War and created

Computer Space Nutting Associates bought the game hired Nolan and

manufactured 1500 Space War machines The game was not a success because

people found it difficult to play

As Nolan felt he didnt receive enough pay he created his own company Atari in



Atari ships Pong one of the first really successful commercial video games

In 1977 Atari enters the home computer market among others hellip1972

Magnavox Odyssey first home video game along with Atari

No processor combined analogdigital

Plastic overlays on TV screen to get a background picture

over 80000 Odyssey and over 20000 rifle packs sold in 1972

Altogether ca 350000 made 1972 Colossal Cave a text-based adventure game

Written by Will Crowther Will worked on developing the assembly language

program for the original routers used in creating the ARPA net In their spare

time the Crowthers both avid cavers explored and mapped portions of the

Mammoth and Flint Ridge cave systems in Kentucky for the Cave Research


Crowther wrote a computer simulation based on the maps for a Digital

Equipment Corporation PDP-10 computer in FORTRAN His first version

included caver jargon and many of the names of rooms in this version came from

actual features in the caves Will had been exploring

Unfortunately it was during this period that Crowthers marriage ended Feeling

estranged from his two daughters and wanting to be closer to them he decided to

write a program that they might enjoy

Crowthers daughters enjoyed the game and it was passed from friend to friend

during the early days of the Internet appearing on countless computers on and off

the fledgling network What happened later with Colossal Cave

In 1976 Don Woods was working at Stanford Universitys Stanford Artificial

Intelligence Lab otherwise known by the acronym SAIL Woods found a copy of

Crowthers rudimentary program left on one of the SAIL computers by some

unknown Johnny Appleseed so to speak

He contacted Crowther by the simple expedient of sending email to

crowthersitename where site name was every computer then on the Internet

only a mere handful of sites at the time After corresponding with Crowther and

getting his blessings Woods greatly expanded the program

Influenced by Tolkiens writing Woods added touches such as a troll elves and a



Jim Gillogly at the Rand Corporation spent several weeks in 1976 porting the

code (with Woods and Crowthers blessings) from the original FORTRAN source

into C for UNIX Most UNIX systems run successors of this C version Gillogly

later ported the code to Heath kit and then IBM-PC personal computers with the

help of Walt Bilofsky founder of The Software Tool works (which was

eventually renamed Mindscape) This version was marketed in 1981 under the

name The Original Adventure hellip1972

Canadas Automatic Electronic Systems introduces the worlds first

programmable word processor with a video screen the AES 90 The computer

system uses magnetic disks for storage and a custom built microprocessor

Gary Kildall implements PLI on the Intel 4004 processor

The Peoples Computer Company is founded

Bill Gates and Paul Allen form the Traf-O-Data company

Traf-O-Data develops a primitive microcomputer based on Intels 8008

microprocessor for recording automobile traffic flow on a highway

5 14 inch diskettes first appear

Xerox decides to build a personal computer to be used for research Project

Alto begins


Intel files a patent application for a memory system for a multichip digital


The first prototype Alto workstation computer is turned on at Xerox Palo Alto

Research Center Its first screen display is a bitmapped image of the Sesame

Street character Cookie Monster

The first operational Alto computer is completed at Xerox PARC

Traf-O-Data shuts down It made about US$20000

Design work is completed on the Micral the first non-kit computer based on a

microprocessor (the Intel 8008) Built in France the Micral is advertised in the

US but is not successful there

The term microcomputer first appears in print in reference to the Micral

1048708 In 1975 it is used on Soyuz-Apollo mission

for calculating critical course-correction




Intel releases its 2-MHz 8080 chip an 8-bit microprocessor It can access 64KB

of memory It uses 6000 transistors based on 6- micron technology Speed is 064


In a desperate act to save his failing calculator company MITS company owner

Ed Roberts begins building a small computer based on Intels new 8080 chip

with plans to sell it for the unheard of price of US$500

MITS completes the first prototype Altair 8800 microcomputer

Bravo is developed for the Xerox Alto computer It is the first WYSIWYG

program for a personal computer


Altair was one of the first successfully sold personal computer kits for do-it-

yourself computing fans No monitor no keyboard

Keyboard and cassette drive can be added

Oscilloscope can be attached to be used as a display


Railway Express loses Ed Roberts only prototype Altair computer route to New

York for review and photography for publishing by Popular Electronics

Les Solomon publisher of Popular Electronics receives Altair number 0001

Lauren Solomon 12 year old daughter of Les Solomon publisher of Popular

Electronics suggests the name Altair for Ed Roberts new microcomputer

Altair was the name of where Star Treks Enterprise was going that night on TV


Popular Electronics publishes an article by MITS announcing the Altair 8800

computer for US$439 in kit form It uses the Intel 8080 processor The Altair

pictured on the cover of the magazine is actually a mock-up as an actual

computer was not available

Paul Allen sees the Popular Electronics issue with the Altair and tells Bill Gates

that the microcomputer revolution is just beginning hellip1974

Gary Kildall of Microcomputer Applications Associates develops the CPM

operating system for Intel 8080-based systems

Motorola introduces its 6800 chip an early 8-bit microprocessor used in

microcomputers and industrial and automotive control devices The 6800 was

designed by Chuck Peddle and Charlie Melear

Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie develop the C programming language

RCA releases the 1802 processor running at a blazing 64 MHz It is considered

one of the first RISC chips It is used on a variety of devices from video games to

NASA space probes

Engineer David Ahl suggests Digital Equipment produce an inexpensive version

of its PDP-8 minicomputer for US$5000 Top management call the idea foolish

Gary Kildall and John Torode begin selling the CPM disk operating system for

microcomputershellip1974 Alto

Xerox releases the Alto computer

A personal computer to be used for research

Cost $32000

Never produced for profit

First serious machine to feature a modern user interface windows mouse etc

invented by Engelbart in 1964


Paul Allen meets with Ed Roberts to demonstrate the newly written BASIC

interpreter for the Altair Despite never having touched an Altair before the

BASIC works flawlessly

Bill Gates and Paul Allen license their newly written BASIC to MITS their first

customer This is the first computer language program written for a personal



The Xerox PARC-developed Gypsy word-processing system is first field tested

by end-users Gypsy is one of the first word processors termed WYSIWYG

meaning what you see is what you get Gypsy runs on the PARC-developed Alto

personal computer 1975

Fred Moore and Gordon French hold the first meeting of a new microcomputer

hobbyists club in Frenchs garage in Menlo Park California 32 people meet

including Bob Albrect Steve Dompier Lee Felsenstein Bob Marsh Tom

Pittman Marty Spergel Alan Baum and Steven Wozniak Bob Albrect shows off

an Altair and Steve Dompier reports on MITS and how they had 4000 orders for

the Altair

Stephen Dorsey founder of Automatic Electronic Systems sells his 25 of the

company for $135000

The second meeting of Fred MooreGordon Frenchs computer hobbyists group is

held at the Stanford AI lab 40 attend The name for the group is chosen Bay

Area Amateur Computer Users Group - Homebrew Computer Club 1975

Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Micro-Soft (the hyphen is later dropped)

MITS delivers the first generally-available Altair 8800 sold for US$375 with

1KB memory

MOS Technology announces the MC6501 at US$20 and the MC6502 at US$25

At this point the Intel 8080 costs about US$150

Bob Marsh delivers the first Processor Technology 4KB memory boards for the


At Xerox John Ellenby proposes they build the Alto II a modified Alto making

it easier to produce more reliable and more easily maintained His request is


Bill Gates and Paul Allen sign a licensing agreement with MITS for their

implementation of the BASIC language

Bill Gates and Paul Allen ship 4K and 8K version of BASIC v20

Dick Heiser opens Arrow Head Computer Company subtitled The Computer

Store in Los Angeles selling assembled Altairs boards peripherals and

magazines This is the first retail computer store in the USA 1975

Micom Data Systems ships its first product the Micom 2000 word processing



IBMs Entry Level Systems unit unveils Project Mercury the IBM 5100

Portable Computer It is a briefcase-size minicomputer with BASIC 16KB RAM

tape storage and built-in 5-inch screen Price US$9000 Weight 55 pounds

(Price over US$10000 )

The first issue of Byte magazine is published

MITS releases a version of Microsoft BASIC 20 for its Altair 8800 in 4K and

8K editions

Southwest Technical Products releases the M6800 computer kit

Sphere Corporation introduces its Sphere I computer kit featuring a Motorola

6800 CPU 4KB RAM ROM monitor keyboard and video interface for


Scope of the study

The scope of the organization study is concerned with in the Cerebra Integrated Technologies

Limited it is one of the casting production organization The study is limited to understanding

the finance production and other department in the organization

Objectives of Study

To study organization as a whole

To study and understand the activities of various departments in the organization

To do the SWOT analysis of the organization

Limitations of the study

The present study mainly focused on the primary data as well as secondary data In

organization they did not disclose to give more information regarding each department


In order to achieve the above stated objectives the study has covered both primary and

secondary data


Primary Data

Primary data is collected through the personal interview and discussion with the employees

and also higher authorities in the organization and observation Method

Secondary Data

Secondary data is collected through the company manuals company profiles department

manuals and websites text books


The management team at cerebra has combined experience of over 100 years in wireless and

enterprise solutions We pride over selves as a complete business driven software service

providing and working to words providing solution without burdening our partners with

technology decisions with the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity team

key solutions

Cerebra provide to the solutions on various platforms like windows mobile system android

blackberry and I phone I pad and have demonstrable prototypes ready

Some of our solutions

1 LBS for content distribution

2 Logistics last mile delivery

3 Bluetooth based content and coupon management

4 SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobile web based pos

5 On field sales and support

6 RFIDBARCODE integration for asset and inventory tracking


Significance of products and components ready to deployed

1 Mobile marketing platform

2 Bluetooth based content delivery platform

3 Supply chain solution for the retail

4 Mobile application to handle distribution and route accounting

5 Mobile application to handle courierrsquos distribution

6 Integrators 3rd party ERPSCMCRMs

7 Mobile application to handle in line sales and support


Company profile


Commenced its business in 1992 starting with the hardware sector amp later expanded to

provide software services IT training ampconsulting and today offers total IT training amp

consulting and today offers total IT solutions comprising LPO BPOampKPO Services

Cerebra is public limited company and services its customers are served through jars in the

USA ampUK cerebra is an ISO 9001 2008 company and all its products adhere to strict quality

contract standards

Cerebrate has over 50000 installation of PCs and service ace across the country cerebra has

survived the through times and is moving on achieve its mission being one among the top it

solutions provider in the globe

Started Integrated Technologies a partnership firm was established 25th July 1992 by

technocrats MrV Ranganathan Mr Guru Raj upadhay were into manufacturing computer

system and trading in peripherals components etc Cerebra were converted to a public

limited company limit in December 1993


Cerebra began its endeavor for backward integration started manufacturing motherboards

Add-on cards etc Company turned net worth positive bagged large order for contact

manufacturing from Indian and USA customers for energy meters RFJD products ticketing

machines etc


To be a nimble amp effective IT Integration company


To create value for customers through innovative IT solutions with a commitment to


To enable customers amp partners to leverage information technology to the fullest extent

To enable partners amp employees to deliver relevant amp proven technologies to customers



The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Intel creates the first 4004 microprocessor First microprocessor Intel 4004 1969 The

first microprocessor ndash CPU


The first commercial 4-bit microprocessor 4004 -2300 transistors -10 μm features -10 mm2

die -108 kHz kH


Relational database software theory and first research groups

In 1970 an IBM researcher named Ted Codd published the first article on relational


Codd envisaged a system where the user would be able to access information with

English like commands and where information would be stored in tables

Due to the technical nature of the article and the reliance on mathematics to support

its case the significance of it was not realized immediately However it did lead to

IBM starting a research group known as System R

Eventually System R evolved into SQLDS which later became DB2 The language

created by the System R group SQL (Structured Query Language) has become the

industry standard for relational databases and is now an ISO standard

First commercial SQL database created by Honeywell Information Systems Inc

which released a commercial product in June of 1976



Computer-to-computer Communication expanded when the Department of Defense

established four nodes on the ARPANET the University of California-Santa Barbara

and UCLA SRI International and the University of Utah hellip1971hellip

Intel ships copies of the 4004 microprocessor to Busicom [55610]

Gary Boone of Texas Instruments files a patent application relating to a single-chip


The newly developed device the EPROM is integrated with the 4004 to Enhance

Development Cycles of microprocessor product

Intel introduces its 4-bit bus 108-KHz 4004 chip - the first microprocessor Initial

price is US$200 Speed is 60000 operations per second It uses 2300 transistors

based on 10-micron technology It can address 640 bytes

o Documentation manuals were written by Adam Osborne The die for the chip

measures 3x4mm The chip is introduced to the public in Las Vegas by Wayne

Pickette hellip1971hellip

Intel announces the first microcomputer the MCS-4 system It uses the 4004

microprocessor 4001 ROM chip 4002 RAM chip and 4003 shift register chip

Electronic News publishes an ad from Intel promoting the 4004 chip

The National Radio Institute introduces the first computer kit for US$503

Steve Wozniak and Bill Fernandez build a computer with lights and switches from

parts rejected by local companies They call it the Cream Soda Computer hellip1971

The Ken back Corporation introduces the Kenback-1 computer for US$750 It uses a

1KB MOS memory made by Intel

Niklaus Wirth invents the Pascal programming language

Texas Instruments develops the first microcomputer-on-a-chip containing over

15000 transistors

IBM introduces the memory disk or floppy disk an 8-inch floppy plastic disk

coated with iron oxide

Wang Laboratories introduces the Wang 1200 word processor system

Intel introduces the 1101 chip a 256-bit programmable memory and the 1701 chip a

256-byte erasable read-only memory (EROM)



Intel introduces its 200-KHz 8008 chip the first 8-bit microprocessor It accesses

16KB of memory The processor was originally developed for Computer

Terminal Corporation (later called Data point) It uses 3500 transistors based on

10-micron technology Speed is 60000 instructions per second

Researchers at PARC begin work on a prototype Alto personal computer

At Xerox PARC Alan Kay proposes they build a portable personal computer

called the Dynabook the size of an ordinary notebook PARC management does

not support it

Texas Instruments introduces the TMS1000 one-chip microcomputer It

integrates 1KB ROM and 32 bytes of RAM with a simple 4-bit processor

National Semiconductor introduces the IMP-16 microprocessor

Steve Wozniak develops ldquoblue boxrdquo to make free phone calls and sells the boxes

to fellow students at UC Berkeley 1972hellip

Some gaming stuff

Space war was a first graphical computer game created on PDP-1 in 1961

In 1970 an engineer called Ralph Baer created the game called Computer Space

based on Space War

Nolan Bushnell tried to make an arcade version of Space War and created

Computer Space Nutting Associates bought the game hired Nolan and

manufactured 1500 Space War machines The game was not a success because

people found it difficult to play

As Nolan felt he didnt receive enough pay he created his own company Atari in



Atari ships Pong one of the first really successful commercial video games

In 1977 Atari enters the home computer market among others hellip1972

Magnavox Odyssey first home video game along with Atari

No processor combined analogdigital

Plastic overlays on TV screen to get a background picture

over 80000 Odyssey and over 20000 rifle packs sold in 1972

Altogether ca 350000 made 1972 Colossal Cave a text-based adventure game

Written by Will Crowther Will worked on developing the assembly language

program for the original routers used in creating the ARPA net In their spare

time the Crowthers both avid cavers explored and mapped portions of the

Mammoth and Flint Ridge cave systems in Kentucky for the Cave Research


Crowther wrote a computer simulation based on the maps for a Digital

Equipment Corporation PDP-10 computer in FORTRAN His first version

included caver jargon and many of the names of rooms in this version came from

actual features in the caves Will had been exploring

Unfortunately it was during this period that Crowthers marriage ended Feeling

estranged from his two daughters and wanting to be closer to them he decided to

write a program that they might enjoy

Crowthers daughters enjoyed the game and it was passed from friend to friend

during the early days of the Internet appearing on countless computers on and off

the fledgling network What happened later with Colossal Cave

In 1976 Don Woods was working at Stanford Universitys Stanford Artificial

Intelligence Lab otherwise known by the acronym SAIL Woods found a copy of

Crowthers rudimentary program left on one of the SAIL computers by some

unknown Johnny Appleseed so to speak

He contacted Crowther by the simple expedient of sending email to

crowthersitename where site name was every computer then on the Internet

only a mere handful of sites at the time After corresponding with Crowther and

getting his blessings Woods greatly expanded the program

Influenced by Tolkiens writing Woods added touches such as a troll elves and a



Jim Gillogly at the Rand Corporation spent several weeks in 1976 porting the

code (with Woods and Crowthers blessings) from the original FORTRAN source

into C for UNIX Most UNIX systems run successors of this C version Gillogly

later ported the code to Heath kit and then IBM-PC personal computers with the

help of Walt Bilofsky founder of The Software Tool works (which was

eventually renamed Mindscape) This version was marketed in 1981 under the

name The Original Adventure hellip1972

Canadas Automatic Electronic Systems introduces the worlds first

programmable word processor with a video screen the AES 90 The computer

system uses magnetic disks for storage and a custom built microprocessor

Gary Kildall implements PLI on the Intel 4004 processor

The Peoples Computer Company is founded

Bill Gates and Paul Allen form the Traf-O-Data company

Traf-O-Data develops a primitive microcomputer based on Intels 8008

microprocessor for recording automobile traffic flow on a highway

5 14 inch diskettes first appear

Xerox decides to build a personal computer to be used for research Project

Alto begins


Intel files a patent application for a memory system for a multichip digital


The first prototype Alto workstation computer is turned on at Xerox Palo Alto

Research Center Its first screen display is a bitmapped image of the Sesame

Street character Cookie Monster

The first operational Alto computer is completed at Xerox PARC

Traf-O-Data shuts down It made about US$20000

Design work is completed on the Micral the first non-kit computer based on a

microprocessor (the Intel 8008) Built in France the Micral is advertised in the

US but is not successful there

The term microcomputer first appears in print in reference to the Micral

1048708 In 1975 it is used on Soyuz-Apollo mission

for calculating critical course-correction




Intel releases its 2-MHz 8080 chip an 8-bit microprocessor It can access 64KB

of memory It uses 6000 transistors based on 6- micron technology Speed is 064


In a desperate act to save his failing calculator company MITS company owner

Ed Roberts begins building a small computer based on Intels new 8080 chip

with plans to sell it for the unheard of price of US$500

MITS completes the first prototype Altair 8800 microcomputer

Bravo is developed for the Xerox Alto computer It is the first WYSIWYG

program for a personal computer


Altair was one of the first successfully sold personal computer kits for do-it-

yourself computing fans No monitor no keyboard

Keyboard and cassette drive can be added

Oscilloscope can be attached to be used as a display


Railway Express loses Ed Roberts only prototype Altair computer route to New

York for review and photography for publishing by Popular Electronics

Les Solomon publisher of Popular Electronics receives Altair number 0001

Lauren Solomon 12 year old daughter of Les Solomon publisher of Popular

Electronics suggests the name Altair for Ed Roberts new microcomputer

Altair was the name of where Star Treks Enterprise was going that night on TV


Popular Electronics publishes an article by MITS announcing the Altair 8800

computer for US$439 in kit form It uses the Intel 8080 processor The Altair

pictured on the cover of the magazine is actually a mock-up as an actual

computer was not available

Paul Allen sees the Popular Electronics issue with the Altair and tells Bill Gates

that the microcomputer revolution is just beginning hellip1974

Gary Kildall of Microcomputer Applications Associates develops the CPM

operating system for Intel 8080-based systems

Motorola introduces its 6800 chip an early 8-bit microprocessor used in

microcomputers and industrial and automotive control devices The 6800 was

designed by Chuck Peddle and Charlie Melear

Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie develop the C programming language

RCA releases the 1802 processor running at a blazing 64 MHz It is considered

one of the first RISC chips It is used on a variety of devices from video games to

NASA space probes

Engineer David Ahl suggests Digital Equipment produce an inexpensive version

of its PDP-8 minicomputer for US$5000 Top management call the idea foolish

Gary Kildall and John Torode begin selling the CPM disk operating system for

microcomputershellip1974 Alto

Xerox releases the Alto computer

A personal computer to be used for research

Cost $32000

Never produced for profit

First serious machine to feature a modern user interface windows mouse etc

invented by Engelbart in 1964


Paul Allen meets with Ed Roberts to demonstrate the newly written BASIC

interpreter for the Altair Despite never having touched an Altair before the

BASIC works flawlessly

Bill Gates and Paul Allen license their newly written BASIC to MITS their first

customer This is the first computer language program written for a personal



The Xerox PARC-developed Gypsy word-processing system is first field tested

by end-users Gypsy is one of the first word processors termed WYSIWYG

meaning what you see is what you get Gypsy runs on the PARC-developed Alto

personal computer 1975

Fred Moore and Gordon French hold the first meeting of a new microcomputer

hobbyists club in Frenchs garage in Menlo Park California 32 people meet

including Bob Albrect Steve Dompier Lee Felsenstein Bob Marsh Tom

Pittman Marty Spergel Alan Baum and Steven Wozniak Bob Albrect shows off

an Altair and Steve Dompier reports on MITS and how they had 4000 orders for

the Altair

Stephen Dorsey founder of Automatic Electronic Systems sells his 25 of the

company for $135000

The second meeting of Fred MooreGordon Frenchs computer hobbyists group is

held at the Stanford AI lab 40 attend The name for the group is chosen Bay

Area Amateur Computer Users Group - Homebrew Computer Club 1975

Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Micro-Soft (the hyphen is later dropped)

MITS delivers the first generally-available Altair 8800 sold for US$375 with

1KB memory

MOS Technology announces the MC6501 at US$20 and the MC6502 at US$25

At this point the Intel 8080 costs about US$150

Bob Marsh delivers the first Processor Technology 4KB memory boards for the


At Xerox John Ellenby proposes they build the Alto II a modified Alto making

it easier to produce more reliable and more easily maintained His request is


Bill Gates and Paul Allen sign a licensing agreement with MITS for their

implementation of the BASIC language

Bill Gates and Paul Allen ship 4K and 8K version of BASIC v20

Dick Heiser opens Arrow Head Computer Company subtitled The Computer

Store in Los Angeles selling assembled Altairs boards peripherals and

magazines This is the first retail computer store in the USA 1975

Micom Data Systems ships its first product the Micom 2000 word processing



IBMs Entry Level Systems unit unveils Project Mercury the IBM 5100

Portable Computer It is a briefcase-size minicomputer with BASIC 16KB RAM

tape storage and built-in 5-inch screen Price US$9000 Weight 55 pounds

(Price over US$10000 )

The first issue of Byte magazine is published

MITS releases a version of Microsoft BASIC 20 for its Altair 8800 in 4K and

8K editions

Southwest Technical Products releases the M6800 computer kit

Sphere Corporation introduces its Sphere I computer kit featuring a Motorola

6800 CPU 4KB RAM ROM monitor keyboard and video interface for


Scope of the study

The scope of the organization study is concerned with in the Cerebra Integrated Technologies

Limited it is one of the casting production organization The study is limited to understanding

the finance production and other department in the organization

Objectives of Study

To study organization as a whole

To study and understand the activities of various departments in the organization

To do the SWOT analysis of the organization

Limitations of the study

The present study mainly focused on the primary data as well as secondary data In

organization they did not disclose to give more information regarding each department


In order to achieve the above stated objectives the study has covered both primary and

secondary data


Primary Data

Primary data is collected through the personal interview and discussion with the employees

and also higher authorities in the organization and observation Method

Secondary Data

Secondary data is collected through the company manuals company profiles department

manuals and websites text books


The management team at cerebra has combined experience of over 100 years in wireless and

enterprise solutions We pride over selves as a complete business driven software service

providing and working to words providing solution without burdening our partners with

technology decisions with the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity team

key solutions

Cerebra provide to the solutions on various platforms like windows mobile system android

blackberry and I phone I pad and have demonstrable prototypes ready

Some of our solutions

1 LBS for content distribution

2 Logistics last mile delivery

3 Bluetooth based content and coupon management

4 SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobile web based pos

5 On field sales and support

6 RFIDBARCODE integration for asset and inventory tracking


Significance of products and components ready to deployed

1 Mobile marketing platform

2 Bluetooth based content delivery platform

3 Supply chain solution for the retail

4 Mobile application to handle distribution and route accounting

5 Mobile application to handle courierrsquos distribution

6 Integrators 3rd party ERPSCMCRMs

7 Mobile application to handle in line sales and support


Company profile


Commenced its business in 1992 starting with the hardware sector amp later expanded to

provide software services IT training ampconsulting and today offers total IT training amp

consulting and today offers total IT solutions comprising LPO BPOampKPO Services

Cerebra is public limited company and services its customers are served through jars in the

USA ampUK cerebra is an ISO 9001 2008 company and all its products adhere to strict quality

contract standards

Cerebrate has over 50000 installation of PCs and service ace across the country cerebra has

survived the through times and is moving on achieve its mission being one among the top it

solutions provider in the globe

Started Integrated Technologies a partnership firm was established 25th July 1992 by

technocrats MrV Ranganathan Mr Guru Raj upadhay were into manufacturing computer

system and trading in peripherals components etc Cerebra were converted to a public

limited company limit in December 1993


Cerebra began its endeavor for backward integration started manufacturing motherboards

Add-on cards etc Company turned net worth positive bagged large order for contact

manufacturing from Indian and USA customers for energy meters RFJD products ticketing

machines etc


To be a nimble amp effective IT Integration company


To create value for customers through innovative IT solutions with a commitment to


To enable customers amp partners to leverage information technology to the fullest extent

To enable partners amp employees to deliver relevant amp proven technologies to customers



The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility


Computer-to-computer Communication expanded when the Department of Defense

established four nodes on the ARPANET the University of California-Santa Barbara

and UCLA SRI International and the University of Utah hellip1971hellip

Intel ships copies of the 4004 microprocessor to Busicom [55610]

Gary Boone of Texas Instruments files a patent application relating to a single-chip


The newly developed device the EPROM is integrated with the 4004 to Enhance

Development Cycles of microprocessor product

Intel introduces its 4-bit bus 108-KHz 4004 chip - the first microprocessor Initial

price is US$200 Speed is 60000 operations per second It uses 2300 transistors

based on 10-micron technology It can address 640 bytes

o Documentation manuals were written by Adam Osborne The die for the chip

measures 3x4mm The chip is introduced to the public in Las Vegas by Wayne

Pickette hellip1971hellip

Intel announces the first microcomputer the MCS-4 system It uses the 4004

microprocessor 4001 ROM chip 4002 RAM chip and 4003 shift register chip

Electronic News publishes an ad from Intel promoting the 4004 chip

The National Radio Institute introduces the first computer kit for US$503

Steve Wozniak and Bill Fernandez build a computer with lights and switches from

parts rejected by local companies They call it the Cream Soda Computer hellip1971

The Ken back Corporation introduces the Kenback-1 computer for US$750 It uses a

1KB MOS memory made by Intel

Niklaus Wirth invents the Pascal programming language

Texas Instruments develops the first microcomputer-on-a-chip containing over

15000 transistors

IBM introduces the memory disk or floppy disk an 8-inch floppy plastic disk

coated with iron oxide

Wang Laboratories introduces the Wang 1200 word processor system

Intel introduces the 1101 chip a 256-bit programmable memory and the 1701 chip a

256-byte erasable read-only memory (EROM)



Intel introduces its 200-KHz 8008 chip the first 8-bit microprocessor It accesses

16KB of memory The processor was originally developed for Computer

Terminal Corporation (later called Data point) It uses 3500 transistors based on

10-micron technology Speed is 60000 instructions per second

Researchers at PARC begin work on a prototype Alto personal computer

At Xerox PARC Alan Kay proposes they build a portable personal computer

called the Dynabook the size of an ordinary notebook PARC management does

not support it

Texas Instruments introduces the TMS1000 one-chip microcomputer It

integrates 1KB ROM and 32 bytes of RAM with a simple 4-bit processor

National Semiconductor introduces the IMP-16 microprocessor

Steve Wozniak develops ldquoblue boxrdquo to make free phone calls and sells the boxes

to fellow students at UC Berkeley 1972hellip

Some gaming stuff

Space war was a first graphical computer game created on PDP-1 in 1961

In 1970 an engineer called Ralph Baer created the game called Computer Space

based on Space War

Nolan Bushnell tried to make an arcade version of Space War and created

Computer Space Nutting Associates bought the game hired Nolan and

manufactured 1500 Space War machines The game was not a success because

people found it difficult to play

As Nolan felt he didnt receive enough pay he created his own company Atari in



Atari ships Pong one of the first really successful commercial video games

In 1977 Atari enters the home computer market among others hellip1972

Magnavox Odyssey first home video game along with Atari

No processor combined analogdigital

Plastic overlays on TV screen to get a background picture

over 80000 Odyssey and over 20000 rifle packs sold in 1972

Altogether ca 350000 made 1972 Colossal Cave a text-based adventure game

Written by Will Crowther Will worked on developing the assembly language

program for the original routers used in creating the ARPA net In their spare

time the Crowthers both avid cavers explored and mapped portions of the

Mammoth and Flint Ridge cave systems in Kentucky for the Cave Research


Crowther wrote a computer simulation based on the maps for a Digital

Equipment Corporation PDP-10 computer in FORTRAN His first version

included caver jargon and many of the names of rooms in this version came from

actual features in the caves Will had been exploring

Unfortunately it was during this period that Crowthers marriage ended Feeling

estranged from his two daughters and wanting to be closer to them he decided to

write a program that they might enjoy

Crowthers daughters enjoyed the game and it was passed from friend to friend

during the early days of the Internet appearing on countless computers on and off

the fledgling network What happened later with Colossal Cave

In 1976 Don Woods was working at Stanford Universitys Stanford Artificial

Intelligence Lab otherwise known by the acronym SAIL Woods found a copy of

Crowthers rudimentary program left on one of the SAIL computers by some

unknown Johnny Appleseed so to speak

He contacted Crowther by the simple expedient of sending email to

crowthersitename where site name was every computer then on the Internet

only a mere handful of sites at the time After corresponding with Crowther and

getting his blessings Woods greatly expanded the program

Influenced by Tolkiens writing Woods added touches such as a troll elves and a



Jim Gillogly at the Rand Corporation spent several weeks in 1976 porting the

code (with Woods and Crowthers blessings) from the original FORTRAN source

into C for UNIX Most UNIX systems run successors of this C version Gillogly

later ported the code to Heath kit and then IBM-PC personal computers with the

help of Walt Bilofsky founder of The Software Tool works (which was

eventually renamed Mindscape) This version was marketed in 1981 under the

name The Original Adventure hellip1972

Canadas Automatic Electronic Systems introduces the worlds first

programmable word processor with a video screen the AES 90 The computer

system uses magnetic disks for storage and a custom built microprocessor

Gary Kildall implements PLI on the Intel 4004 processor

The Peoples Computer Company is founded

Bill Gates and Paul Allen form the Traf-O-Data company

Traf-O-Data develops a primitive microcomputer based on Intels 8008

microprocessor for recording automobile traffic flow on a highway

5 14 inch diskettes first appear

Xerox decides to build a personal computer to be used for research Project

Alto begins


Intel files a patent application for a memory system for a multichip digital


The first prototype Alto workstation computer is turned on at Xerox Palo Alto

Research Center Its first screen display is a bitmapped image of the Sesame

Street character Cookie Monster

The first operational Alto computer is completed at Xerox PARC

Traf-O-Data shuts down It made about US$20000

Design work is completed on the Micral the first non-kit computer based on a

microprocessor (the Intel 8008) Built in France the Micral is advertised in the

US but is not successful there

The term microcomputer first appears in print in reference to the Micral

1048708 In 1975 it is used on Soyuz-Apollo mission

for calculating critical course-correction




Intel releases its 2-MHz 8080 chip an 8-bit microprocessor It can access 64KB

of memory It uses 6000 transistors based on 6- micron technology Speed is 064


In a desperate act to save his failing calculator company MITS company owner

Ed Roberts begins building a small computer based on Intels new 8080 chip

with plans to sell it for the unheard of price of US$500

MITS completes the first prototype Altair 8800 microcomputer

Bravo is developed for the Xerox Alto computer It is the first WYSIWYG

program for a personal computer


Altair was one of the first successfully sold personal computer kits for do-it-

yourself computing fans No monitor no keyboard

Keyboard and cassette drive can be added

Oscilloscope can be attached to be used as a display


Railway Express loses Ed Roberts only prototype Altair computer route to New

York for review and photography for publishing by Popular Electronics

Les Solomon publisher of Popular Electronics receives Altair number 0001

Lauren Solomon 12 year old daughter of Les Solomon publisher of Popular

Electronics suggests the name Altair for Ed Roberts new microcomputer

Altair was the name of where Star Treks Enterprise was going that night on TV


Popular Electronics publishes an article by MITS announcing the Altair 8800

computer for US$439 in kit form It uses the Intel 8080 processor The Altair

pictured on the cover of the magazine is actually a mock-up as an actual

computer was not available

Paul Allen sees the Popular Electronics issue with the Altair and tells Bill Gates

that the microcomputer revolution is just beginning hellip1974

Gary Kildall of Microcomputer Applications Associates develops the CPM

operating system for Intel 8080-based systems

Motorola introduces its 6800 chip an early 8-bit microprocessor used in

microcomputers and industrial and automotive control devices The 6800 was

designed by Chuck Peddle and Charlie Melear

Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie develop the C programming language

RCA releases the 1802 processor running at a blazing 64 MHz It is considered

one of the first RISC chips It is used on a variety of devices from video games to

NASA space probes

Engineer David Ahl suggests Digital Equipment produce an inexpensive version

of its PDP-8 minicomputer for US$5000 Top management call the idea foolish

Gary Kildall and John Torode begin selling the CPM disk operating system for

microcomputershellip1974 Alto

Xerox releases the Alto computer

A personal computer to be used for research

Cost $32000

Never produced for profit

First serious machine to feature a modern user interface windows mouse etc

invented by Engelbart in 1964


Paul Allen meets with Ed Roberts to demonstrate the newly written BASIC

interpreter for the Altair Despite never having touched an Altair before the

BASIC works flawlessly

Bill Gates and Paul Allen license their newly written BASIC to MITS their first

customer This is the first computer language program written for a personal



The Xerox PARC-developed Gypsy word-processing system is first field tested

by end-users Gypsy is one of the first word processors termed WYSIWYG

meaning what you see is what you get Gypsy runs on the PARC-developed Alto

personal computer 1975

Fred Moore and Gordon French hold the first meeting of a new microcomputer

hobbyists club in Frenchs garage in Menlo Park California 32 people meet

including Bob Albrect Steve Dompier Lee Felsenstein Bob Marsh Tom

Pittman Marty Spergel Alan Baum and Steven Wozniak Bob Albrect shows off

an Altair and Steve Dompier reports on MITS and how they had 4000 orders for

the Altair

Stephen Dorsey founder of Automatic Electronic Systems sells his 25 of the

company for $135000

The second meeting of Fred MooreGordon Frenchs computer hobbyists group is

held at the Stanford AI lab 40 attend The name for the group is chosen Bay

Area Amateur Computer Users Group - Homebrew Computer Club 1975

Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Micro-Soft (the hyphen is later dropped)

MITS delivers the first generally-available Altair 8800 sold for US$375 with

1KB memory

MOS Technology announces the MC6501 at US$20 and the MC6502 at US$25

At this point the Intel 8080 costs about US$150

Bob Marsh delivers the first Processor Technology 4KB memory boards for the


At Xerox John Ellenby proposes they build the Alto II a modified Alto making

it easier to produce more reliable and more easily maintained His request is


Bill Gates and Paul Allen sign a licensing agreement with MITS for their

implementation of the BASIC language

Bill Gates and Paul Allen ship 4K and 8K version of BASIC v20

Dick Heiser opens Arrow Head Computer Company subtitled The Computer

Store in Los Angeles selling assembled Altairs boards peripherals and

magazines This is the first retail computer store in the USA 1975

Micom Data Systems ships its first product the Micom 2000 word processing



IBMs Entry Level Systems unit unveils Project Mercury the IBM 5100

Portable Computer It is a briefcase-size minicomputer with BASIC 16KB RAM

tape storage and built-in 5-inch screen Price US$9000 Weight 55 pounds

(Price over US$10000 )

The first issue of Byte magazine is published

MITS releases a version of Microsoft BASIC 20 for its Altair 8800 in 4K and

8K editions

Southwest Technical Products releases the M6800 computer kit

Sphere Corporation introduces its Sphere I computer kit featuring a Motorola

6800 CPU 4KB RAM ROM monitor keyboard and video interface for


Scope of the study

The scope of the organization study is concerned with in the Cerebra Integrated Technologies

Limited it is one of the casting production organization The study is limited to understanding

the finance production and other department in the organization

Objectives of Study

To study organization as a whole

To study and understand the activities of various departments in the organization

To do the SWOT analysis of the organization

Limitations of the study

The present study mainly focused on the primary data as well as secondary data In

organization they did not disclose to give more information regarding each department


In order to achieve the above stated objectives the study has covered both primary and

secondary data


Primary Data

Primary data is collected through the personal interview and discussion with the employees

and also higher authorities in the organization and observation Method

Secondary Data

Secondary data is collected through the company manuals company profiles department

manuals and websites text books


The management team at cerebra has combined experience of over 100 years in wireless and

enterprise solutions We pride over selves as a complete business driven software service

providing and working to words providing solution without burdening our partners with

technology decisions with the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity team

key solutions

Cerebra provide to the solutions on various platforms like windows mobile system android

blackberry and I phone I pad and have demonstrable prototypes ready

Some of our solutions

1 LBS for content distribution

2 Logistics last mile delivery

3 Bluetooth based content and coupon management

4 SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobile web based pos

5 On field sales and support

6 RFIDBARCODE integration for asset and inventory tracking


Significance of products and components ready to deployed

1 Mobile marketing platform

2 Bluetooth based content delivery platform

3 Supply chain solution for the retail

4 Mobile application to handle distribution and route accounting

5 Mobile application to handle courierrsquos distribution

6 Integrators 3rd party ERPSCMCRMs

7 Mobile application to handle in line sales and support


Company profile


Commenced its business in 1992 starting with the hardware sector amp later expanded to

provide software services IT training ampconsulting and today offers total IT training amp

consulting and today offers total IT solutions comprising LPO BPOampKPO Services

Cerebra is public limited company and services its customers are served through jars in the

USA ampUK cerebra is an ISO 9001 2008 company and all its products adhere to strict quality

contract standards

Cerebrate has over 50000 installation of PCs and service ace across the country cerebra has

survived the through times and is moving on achieve its mission being one among the top it

solutions provider in the globe

Started Integrated Technologies a partnership firm was established 25th July 1992 by

technocrats MrV Ranganathan Mr Guru Raj upadhay were into manufacturing computer

system and trading in peripherals components etc Cerebra were converted to a public

limited company limit in December 1993


Cerebra began its endeavor for backward integration started manufacturing motherboards

Add-on cards etc Company turned net worth positive bagged large order for contact

manufacturing from Indian and USA customers for energy meters RFJD products ticketing

machines etc


To be a nimble amp effective IT Integration company


To create value for customers through innovative IT solutions with a commitment to


To enable customers amp partners to leverage information technology to the fullest extent

To enable partners amp employees to deliver relevant amp proven technologies to customers



The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility


Intel introduces its 200-KHz 8008 chip the first 8-bit microprocessor It accesses

16KB of memory The processor was originally developed for Computer

Terminal Corporation (later called Data point) It uses 3500 transistors based on

10-micron technology Speed is 60000 instructions per second

Researchers at PARC begin work on a prototype Alto personal computer

At Xerox PARC Alan Kay proposes they build a portable personal computer

called the Dynabook the size of an ordinary notebook PARC management does

not support it

Texas Instruments introduces the TMS1000 one-chip microcomputer It

integrates 1KB ROM and 32 bytes of RAM with a simple 4-bit processor

National Semiconductor introduces the IMP-16 microprocessor

Steve Wozniak develops ldquoblue boxrdquo to make free phone calls and sells the boxes

to fellow students at UC Berkeley 1972hellip

Some gaming stuff

Space war was a first graphical computer game created on PDP-1 in 1961

In 1970 an engineer called Ralph Baer created the game called Computer Space

based on Space War

Nolan Bushnell tried to make an arcade version of Space War and created

Computer Space Nutting Associates bought the game hired Nolan and

manufactured 1500 Space War machines The game was not a success because

people found it difficult to play

As Nolan felt he didnt receive enough pay he created his own company Atari in



Atari ships Pong one of the first really successful commercial video games

In 1977 Atari enters the home computer market among others hellip1972

Magnavox Odyssey first home video game along with Atari

No processor combined analogdigital

Plastic overlays on TV screen to get a background picture

over 80000 Odyssey and over 20000 rifle packs sold in 1972

Altogether ca 350000 made 1972 Colossal Cave a text-based adventure game

Written by Will Crowther Will worked on developing the assembly language

program for the original routers used in creating the ARPA net In their spare

time the Crowthers both avid cavers explored and mapped portions of the

Mammoth and Flint Ridge cave systems in Kentucky for the Cave Research


Crowther wrote a computer simulation based on the maps for a Digital

Equipment Corporation PDP-10 computer in FORTRAN His first version

included caver jargon and many of the names of rooms in this version came from

actual features in the caves Will had been exploring

Unfortunately it was during this period that Crowthers marriage ended Feeling

estranged from his two daughters and wanting to be closer to them he decided to

write a program that they might enjoy

Crowthers daughters enjoyed the game and it was passed from friend to friend

during the early days of the Internet appearing on countless computers on and off

the fledgling network What happened later with Colossal Cave

In 1976 Don Woods was working at Stanford Universitys Stanford Artificial

Intelligence Lab otherwise known by the acronym SAIL Woods found a copy of

Crowthers rudimentary program left on one of the SAIL computers by some

unknown Johnny Appleseed so to speak

He contacted Crowther by the simple expedient of sending email to

crowthersitename where site name was every computer then on the Internet

only a mere handful of sites at the time After corresponding with Crowther and

getting his blessings Woods greatly expanded the program

Influenced by Tolkiens writing Woods added touches such as a troll elves and a



Jim Gillogly at the Rand Corporation spent several weeks in 1976 porting the

code (with Woods and Crowthers blessings) from the original FORTRAN source

into C for UNIX Most UNIX systems run successors of this C version Gillogly

later ported the code to Heath kit and then IBM-PC personal computers with the

help of Walt Bilofsky founder of The Software Tool works (which was

eventually renamed Mindscape) This version was marketed in 1981 under the

name The Original Adventure hellip1972

Canadas Automatic Electronic Systems introduces the worlds first

programmable word processor with a video screen the AES 90 The computer

system uses magnetic disks for storage and a custom built microprocessor

Gary Kildall implements PLI on the Intel 4004 processor

The Peoples Computer Company is founded

Bill Gates and Paul Allen form the Traf-O-Data company

Traf-O-Data develops a primitive microcomputer based on Intels 8008

microprocessor for recording automobile traffic flow on a highway

5 14 inch diskettes first appear

Xerox decides to build a personal computer to be used for research Project

Alto begins


Intel files a patent application for a memory system for a multichip digital


The first prototype Alto workstation computer is turned on at Xerox Palo Alto

Research Center Its first screen display is a bitmapped image of the Sesame

Street character Cookie Monster

The first operational Alto computer is completed at Xerox PARC

Traf-O-Data shuts down It made about US$20000

Design work is completed on the Micral the first non-kit computer based on a

microprocessor (the Intel 8008) Built in France the Micral is advertised in the

US but is not successful there

The term microcomputer first appears in print in reference to the Micral

1048708 In 1975 it is used on Soyuz-Apollo mission

for calculating critical course-correction




Intel releases its 2-MHz 8080 chip an 8-bit microprocessor It can access 64KB

of memory It uses 6000 transistors based on 6- micron technology Speed is 064


In a desperate act to save his failing calculator company MITS company owner

Ed Roberts begins building a small computer based on Intels new 8080 chip

with plans to sell it for the unheard of price of US$500

MITS completes the first prototype Altair 8800 microcomputer

Bravo is developed for the Xerox Alto computer It is the first WYSIWYG

program for a personal computer


Altair was one of the first successfully sold personal computer kits for do-it-

yourself computing fans No monitor no keyboard

Keyboard and cassette drive can be added

Oscilloscope can be attached to be used as a display


Railway Express loses Ed Roberts only prototype Altair computer route to New

York for review and photography for publishing by Popular Electronics

Les Solomon publisher of Popular Electronics receives Altair number 0001

Lauren Solomon 12 year old daughter of Les Solomon publisher of Popular

Electronics suggests the name Altair for Ed Roberts new microcomputer

Altair was the name of where Star Treks Enterprise was going that night on TV


Popular Electronics publishes an article by MITS announcing the Altair 8800

computer for US$439 in kit form It uses the Intel 8080 processor The Altair

pictured on the cover of the magazine is actually a mock-up as an actual

computer was not available

Paul Allen sees the Popular Electronics issue with the Altair and tells Bill Gates

that the microcomputer revolution is just beginning hellip1974

Gary Kildall of Microcomputer Applications Associates develops the CPM

operating system for Intel 8080-based systems

Motorola introduces its 6800 chip an early 8-bit microprocessor used in

microcomputers and industrial and automotive control devices The 6800 was

designed by Chuck Peddle and Charlie Melear

Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie develop the C programming language

RCA releases the 1802 processor running at a blazing 64 MHz It is considered

one of the first RISC chips It is used on a variety of devices from video games to

NASA space probes

Engineer David Ahl suggests Digital Equipment produce an inexpensive version

of its PDP-8 minicomputer for US$5000 Top management call the idea foolish

Gary Kildall and John Torode begin selling the CPM disk operating system for

microcomputershellip1974 Alto

Xerox releases the Alto computer

A personal computer to be used for research

Cost $32000

Never produced for profit

First serious machine to feature a modern user interface windows mouse etc

invented by Engelbart in 1964


Paul Allen meets with Ed Roberts to demonstrate the newly written BASIC

interpreter for the Altair Despite never having touched an Altair before the

BASIC works flawlessly

Bill Gates and Paul Allen license their newly written BASIC to MITS their first

customer This is the first computer language program written for a personal



The Xerox PARC-developed Gypsy word-processing system is first field tested

by end-users Gypsy is one of the first word processors termed WYSIWYG

meaning what you see is what you get Gypsy runs on the PARC-developed Alto

personal computer 1975

Fred Moore and Gordon French hold the first meeting of a new microcomputer

hobbyists club in Frenchs garage in Menlo Park California 32 people meet

including Bob Albrect Steve Dompier Lee Felsenstein Bob Marsh Tom

Pittman Marty Spergel Alan Baum and Steven Wozniak Bob Albrect shows off

an Altair and Steve Dompier reports on MITS and how they had 4000 orders for

the Altair

Stephen Dorsey founder of Automatic Electronic Systems sells his 25 of the

company for $135000

The second meeting of Fred MooreGordon Frenchs computer hobbyists group is

held at the Stanford AI lab 40 attend The name for the group is chosen Bay

Area Amateur Computer Users Group - Homebrew Computer Club 1975

Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Micro-Soft (the hyphen is later dropped)

MITS delivers the first generally-available Altair 8800 sold for US$375 with

1KB memory

MOS Technology announces the MC6501 at US$20 and the MC6502 at US$25

At this point the Intel 8080 costs about US$150

Bob Marsh delivers the first Processor Technology 4KB memory boards for the


At Xerox John Ellenby proposes they build the Alto II a modified Alto making

it easier to produce more reliable and more easily maintained His request is


Bill Gates and Paul Allen sign a licensing agreement with MITS for their

implementation of the BASIC language

Bill Gates and Paul Allen ship 4K and 8K version of BASIC v20

Dick Heiser opens Arrow Head Computer Company subtitled The Computer

Store in Los Angeles selling assembled Altairs boards peripherals and

magazines This is the first retail computer store in the USA 1975

Micom Data Systems ships its first product the Micom 2000 word processing



IBMs Entry Level Systems unit unveils Project Mercury the IBM 5100

Portable Computer It is a briefcase-size minicomputer with BASIC 16KB RAM

tape storage and built-in 5-inch screen Price US$9000 Weight 55 pounds

(Price over US$10000 )

The first issue of Byte magazine is published

MITS releases a version of Microsoft BASIC 20 for its Altair 8800 in 4K and

8K editions

Southwest Technical Products releases the M6800 computer kit

Sphere Corporation introduces its Sphere I computer kit featuring a Motorola

6800 CPU 4KB RAM ROM monitor keyboard and video interface for


Scope of the study

The scope of the organization study is concerned with in the Cerebra Integrated Technologies

Limited it is one of the casting production organization The study is limited to understanding

the finance production and other department in the organization

Objectives of Study

To study organization as a whole

To study and understand the activities of various departments in the organization

To do the SWOT analysis of the organization

Limitations of the study

The present study mainly focused on the primary data as well as secondary data In

organization they did not disclose to give more information regarding each department


In order to achieve the above stated objectives the study has covered both primary and

secondary data


Primary Data

Primary data is collected through the personal interview and discussion with the employees

and also higher authorities in the organization and observation Method

Secondary Data

Secondary data is collected through the company manuals company profiles department

manuals and websites text books


The management team at cerebra has combined experience of over 100 years in wireless and

enterprise solutions We pride over selves as a complete business driven software service

providing and working to words providing solution without burdening our partners with

technology decisions with the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity team

key solutions

Cerebra provide to the solutions on various platforms like windows mobile system android

blackberry and I phone I pad and have demonstrable prototypes ready

Some of our solutions

1 LBS for content distribution

2 Logistics last mile delivery

3 Bluetooth based content and coupon management

4 SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobile web based pos

5 On field sales and support

6 RFIDBARCODE integration for asset and inventory tracking


Significance of products and components ready to deployed

1 Mobile marketing platform

2 Bluetooth based content delivery platform

3 Supply chain solution for the retail

4 Mobile application to handle distribution and route accounting

5 Mobile application to handle courierrsquos distribution

6 Integrators 3rd party ERPSCMCRMs

7 Mobile application to handle in line sales and support


Company profile


Commenced its business in 1992 starting with the hardware sector amp later expanded to

provide software services IT training ampconsulting and today offers total IT training amp

consulting and today offers total IT solutions comprising LPO BPOampKPO Services

Cerebra is public limited company and services its customers are served through jars in the

USA ampUK cerebra is an ISO 9001 2008 company and all its products adhere to strict quality

contract standards

Cerebrate has over 50000 installation of PCs and service ace across the country cerebra has

survived the through times and is moving on achieve its mission being one among the top it

solutions provider in the globe

Started Integrated Technologies a partnership firm was established 25th July 1992 by

technocrats MrV Ranganathan Mr Guru Raj upadhay were into manufacturing computer

system and trading in peripherals components etc Cerebra were converted to a public

limited company limit in December 1993


Cerebra began its endeavor for backward integration started manufacturing motherboards

Add-on cards etc Company turned net worth positive bagged large order for contact

manufacturing from Indian and USA customers for energy meters RFJD products ticketing

machines etc


To be a nimble amp effective IT Integration company


To create value for customers through innovative IT solutions with a commitment to


To enable customers amp partners to leverage information technology to the fullest extent

To enable partners amp employees to deliver relevant amp proven technologies to customers



The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Atari ships Pong one of the first really successful commercial video games

In 1977 Atari enters the home computer market among others hellip1972

Magnavox Odyssey first home video game along with Atari

No processor combined analogdigital

Plastic overlays on TV screen to get a background picture

over 80000 Odyssey and over 20000 rifle packs sold in 1972

Altogether ca 350000 made 1972 Colossal Cave a text-based adventure game

Written by Will Crowther Will worked on developing the assembly language

program for the original routers used in creating the ARPA net In their spare

time the Crowthers both avid cavers explored and mapped portions of the

Mammoth and Flint Ridge cave systems in Kentucky for the Cave Research


Crowther wrote a computer simulation based on the maps for a Digital

Equipment Corporation PDP-10 computer in FORTRAN His first version

included caver jargon and many of the names of rooms in this version came from

actual features in the caves Will had been exploring

Unfortunately it was during this period that Crowthers marriage ended Feeling

estranged from his two daughters and wanting to be closer to them he decided to

write a program that they might enjoy

Crowthers daughters enjoyed the game and it was passed from friend to friend

during the early days of the Internet appearing on countless computers on and off

the fledgling network What happened later with Colossal Cave

In 1976 Don Woods was working at Stanford Universitys Stanford Artificial

Intelligence Lab otherwise known by the acronym SAIL Woods found a copy of

Crowthers rudimentary program left on one of the SAIL computers by some

unknown Johnny Appleseed so to speak

He contacted Crowther by the simple expedient of sending email to

crowthersitename where site name was every computer then on the Internet

only a mere handful of sites at the time After corresponding with Crowther and

getting his blessings Woods greatly expanded the program

Influenced by Tolkiens writing Woods added touches such as a troll elves and a



Jim Gillogly at the Rand Corporation spent several weeks in 1976 porting the

code (with Woods and Crowthers blessings) from the original FORTRAN source

into C for UNIX Most UNIX systems run successors of this C version Gillogly

later ported the code to Heath kit and then IBM-PC personal computers with the

help of Walt Bilofsky founder of The Software Tool works (which was

eventually renamed Mindscape) This version was marketed in 1981 under the

name The Original Adventure hellip1972

Canadas Automatic Electronic Systems introduces the worlds first

programmable word processor with a video screen the AES 90 The computer

system uses magnetic disks for storage and a custom built microprocessor

Gary Kildall implements PLI on the Intel 4004 processor

The Peoples Computer Company is founded

Bill Gates and Paul Allen form the Traf-O-Data company

Traf-O-Data develops a primitive microcomputer based on Intels 8008

microprocessor for recording automobile traffic flow on a highway

5 14 inch diskettes first appear

Xerox decides to build a personal computer to be used for research Project

Alto begins


Intel files a patent application for a memory system for a multichip digital


The first prototype Alto workstation computer is turned on at Xerox Palo Alto

Research Center Its first screen display is a bitmapped image of the Sesame

Street character Cookie Monster

The first operational Alto computer is completed at Xerox PARC

Traf-O-Data shuts down It made about US$20000

Design work is completed on the Micral the first non-kit computer based on a

microprocessor (the Intel 8008) Built in France the Micral is advertised in the

US but is not successful there

The term microcomputer first appears in print in reference to the Micral

1048708 In 1975 it is used on Soyuz-Apollo mission

for calculating critical course-correction




Intel releases its 2-MHz 8080 chip an 8-bit microprocessor It can access 64KB

of memory It uses 6000 transistors based on 6- micron technology Speed is 064


In a desperate act to save his failing calculator company MITS company owner

Ed Roberts begins building a small computer based on Intels new 8080 chip

with plans to sell it for the unheard of price of US$500

MITS completes the first prototype Altair 8800 microcomputer

Bravo is developed for the Xerox Alto computer It is the first WYSIWYG

program for a personal computer


Altair was one of the first successfully sold personal computer kits for do-it-

yourself computing fans No monitor no keyboard

Keyboard and cassette drive can be added

Oscilloscope can be attached to be used as a display


Railway Express loses Ed Roberts only prototype Altair computer route to New

York for review and photography for publishing by Popular Electronics

Les Solomon publisher of Popular Electronics receives Altair number 0001

Lauren Solomon 12 year old daughter of Les Solomon publisher of Popular

Electronics suggests the name Altair for Ed Roberts new microcomputer

Altair was the name of where Star Treks Enterprise was going that night on TV


Popular Electronics publishes an article by MITS announcing the Altair 8800

computer for US$439 in kit form It uses the Intel 8080 processor The Altair

pictured on the cover of the magazine is actually a mock-up as an actual

computer was not available

Paul Allen sees the Popular Electronics issue with the Altair and tells Bill Gates

that the microcomputer revolution is just beginning hellip1974

Gary Kildall of Microcomputer Applications Associates develops the CPM

operating system for Intel 8080-based systems

Motorola introduces its 6800 chip an early 8-bit microprocessor used in

microcomputers and industrial and automotive control devices The 6800 was

designed by Chuck Peddle and Charlie Melear

Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie develop the C programming language

RCA releases the 1802 processor running at a blazing 64 MHz It is considered

one of the first RISC chips It is used on a variety of devices from video games to

NASA space probes

Engineer David Ahl suggests Digital Equipment produce an inexpensive version

of its PDP-8 minicomputer for US$5000 Top management call the idea foolish

Gary Kildall and John Torode begin selling the CPM disk operating system for

microcomputershellip1974 Alto

Xerox releases the Alto computer

A personal computer to be used for research

Cost $32000

Never produced for profit

First serious machine to feature a modern user interface windows mouse etc

invented by Engelbart in 1964


Paul Allen meets with Ed Roberts to demonstrate the newly written BASIC

interpreter for the Altair Despite never having touched an Altair before the

BASIC works flawlessly

Bill Gates and Paul Allen license their newly written BASIC to MITS their first

customer This is the first computer language program written for a personal



The Xerox PARC-developed Gypsy word-processing system is first field tested

by end-users Gypsy is one of the first word processors termed WYSIWYG

meaning what you see is what you get Gypsy runs on the PARC-developed Alto

personal computer 1975

Fred Moore and Gordon French hold the first meeting of a new microcomputer

hobbyists club in Frenchs garage in Menlo Park California 32 people meet

including Bob Albrect Steve Dompier Lee Felsenstein Bob Marsh Tom

Pittman Marty Spergel Alan Baum and Steven Wozniak Bob Albrect shows off

an Altair and Steve Dompier reports on MITS and how they had 4000 orders for

the Altair

Stephen Dorsey founder of Automatic Electronic Systems sells his 25 of the

company for $135000

The second meeting of Fred MooreGordon Frenchs computer hobbyists group is

held at the Stanford AI lab 40 attend The name for the group is chosen Bay

Area Amateur Computer Users Group - Homebrew Computer Club 1975

Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Micro-Soft (the hyphen is later dropped)

MITS delivers the first generally-available Altair 8800 sold for US$375 with

1KB memory

MOS Technology announces the MC6501 at US$20 and the MC6502 at US$25

At this point the Intel 8080 costs about US$150

Bob Marsh delivers the first Processor Technology 4KB memory boards for the


At Xerox John Ellenby proposes they build the Alto II a modified Alto making

it easier to produce more reliable and more easily maintained His request is


Bill Gates and Paul Allen sign a licensing agreement with MITS for their

implementation of the BASIC language

Bill Gates and Paul Allen ship 4K and 8K version of BASIC v20

Dick Heiser opens Arrow Head Computer Company subtitled The Computer

Store in Los Angeles selling assembled Altairs boards peripherals and

magazines This is the first retail computer store in the USA 1975

Micom Data Systems ships its first product the Micom 2000 word processing



IBMs Entry Level Systems unit unveils Project Mercury the IBM 5100

Portable Computer It is a briefcase-size minicomputer with BASIC 16KB RAM

tape storage and built-in 5-inch screen Price US$9000 Weight 55 pounds

(Price over US$10000 )

The first issue of Byte magazine is published

MITS releases a version of Microsoft BASIC 20 for its Altair 8800 in 4K and

8K editions

Southwest Technical Products releases the M6800 computer kit

Sphere Corporation introduces its Sphere I computer kit featuring a Motorola

6800 CPU 4KB RAM ROM monitor keyboard and video interface for


Scope of the study

The scope of the organization study is concerned with in the Cerebra Integrated Technologies

Limited it is one of the casting production organization The study is limited to understanding

the finance production and other department in the organization

Objectives of Study

To study organization as a whole

To study and understand the activities of various departments in the organization

To do the SWOT analysis of the organization

Limitations of the study

The present study mainly focused on the primary data as well as secondary data In

organization they did not disclose to give more information regarding each department


In order to achieve the above stated objectives the study has covered both primary and

secondary data


Primary Data

Primary data is collected through the personal interview and discussion with the employees

and also higher authorities in the organization and observation Method

Secondary Data

Secondary data is collected through the company manuals company profiles department

manuals and websites text books


The management team at cerebra has combined experience of over 100 years in wireless and

enterprise solutions We pride over selves as a complete business driven software service

providing and working to words providing solution without burdening our partners with

technology decisions with the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity team

key solutions

Cerebra provide to the solutions on various platforms like windows mobile system android

blackberry and I phone I pad and have demonstrable prototypes ready

Some of our solutions

1 LBS for content distribution

2 Logistics last mile delivery

3 Bluetooth based content and coupon management

4 SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobile web based pos

5 On field sales and support

6 RFIDBARCODE integration for asset and inventory tracking


Significance of products and components ready to deployed

1 Mobile marketing platform

2 Bluetooth based content delivery platform

3 Supply chain solution for the retail

4 Mobile application to handle distribution and route accounting

5 Mobile application to handle courierrsquos distribution

6 Integrators 3rd party ERPSCMCRMs

7 Mobile application to handle in line sales and support


Company profile


Commenced its business in 1992 starting with the hardware sector amp later expanded to

provide software services IT training ampconsulting and today offers total IT training amp

consulting and today offers total IT solutions comprising LPO BPOampKPO Services

Cerebra is public limited company and services its customers are served through jars in the

USA ampUK cerebra is an ISO 9001 2008 company and all its products adhere to strict quality

contract standards

Cerebrate has over 50000 installation of PCs and service ace across the country cerebra has

survived the through times and is moving on achieve its mission being one among the top it

solutions provider in the globe

Started Integrated Technologies a partnership firm was established 25th July 1992 by

technocrats MrV Ranganathan Mr Guru Raj upadhay were into manufacturing computer

system and trading in peripherals components etc Cerebra were converted to a public

limited company limit in December 1993


Cerebra began its endeavor for backward integration started manufacturing motherboards

Add-on cards etc Company turned net worth positive bagged large order for contact

manufacturing from Indian and USA customers for energy meters RFJD products ticketing

machines etc


To be a nimble amp effective IT Integration company


To create value for customers through innovative IT solutions with a commitment to


To enable customers amp partners to leverage information technology to the fullest extent

To enable partners amp employees to deliver relevant amp proven technologies to customers



The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Jim Gillogly at the Rand Corporation spent several weeks in 1976 porting the

code (with Woods and Crowthers blessings) from the original FORTRAN source

into C for UNIX Most UNIX systems run successors of this C version Gillogly

later ported the code to Heath kit and then IBM-PC personal computers with the

help of Walt Bilofsky founder of The Software Tool works (which was

eventually renamed Mindscape) This version was marketed in 1981 under the

name The Original Adventure hellip1972

Canadas Automatic Electronic Systems introduces the worlds first

programmable word processor with a video screen the AES 90 The computer

system uses magnetic disks for storage and a custom built microprocessor

Gary Kildall implements PLI on the Intel 4004 processor

The Peoples Computer Company is founded

Bill Gates and Paul Allen form the Traf-O-Data company

Traf-O-Data develops a primitive microcomputer based on Intels 8008

microprocessor for recording automobile traffic flow on a highway

5 14 inch diskettes first appear

Xerox decides to build a personal computer to be used for research Project

Alto begins


Intel files a patent application for a memory system for a multichip digital


The first prototype Alto workstation computer is turned on at Xerox Palo Alto

Research Center Its first screen display is a bitmapped image of the Sesame

Street character Cookie Monster

The first operational Alto computer is completed at Xerox PARC

Traf-O-Data shuts down It made about US$20000

Design work is completed on the Micral the first non-kit computer based on a

microprocessor (the Intel 8008) Built in France the Micral is advertised in the

US but is not successful there

The term microcomputer first appears in print in reference to the Micral

1048708 In 1975 it is used on Soyuz-Apollo mission

for calculating critical course-correction




Intel releases its 2-MHz 8080 chip an 8-bit microprocessor It can access 64KB

of memory It uses 6000 transistors based on 6- micron technology Speed is 064


In a desperate act to save his failing calculator company MITS company owner

Ed Roberts begins building a small computer based on Intels new 8080 chip

with plans to sell it for the unheard of price of US$500

MITS completes the first prototype Altair 8800 microcomputer

Bravo is developed for the Xerox Alto computer It is the first WYSIWYG

program for a personal computer


Altair was one of the first successfully sold personal computer kits for do-it-

yourself computing fans No monitor no keyboard

Keyboard and cassette drive can be added

Oscilloscope can be attached to be used as a display


Railway Express loses Ed Roberts only prototype Altair computer route to New

York for review and photography for publishing by Popular Electronics

Les Solomon publisher of Popular Electronics receives Altair number 0001

Lauren Solomon 12 year old daughter of Les Solomon publisher of Popular

Electronics suggests the name Altair for Ed Roberts new microcomputer

Altair was the name of where Star Treks Enterprise was going that night on TV


Popular Electronics publishes an article by MITS announcing the Altair 8800

computer for US$439 in kit form It uses the Intel 8080 processor The Altair

pictured on the cover of the magazine is actually a mock-up as an actual

computer was not available

Paul Allen sees the Popular Electronics issue with the Altair and tells Bill Gates

that the microcomputer revolution is just beginning hellip1974

Gary Kildall of Microcomputer Applications Associates develops the CPM

operating system for Intel 8080-based systems

Motorola introduces its 6800 chip an early 8-bit microprocessor used in

microcomputers and industrial and automotive control devices The 6800 was

designed by Chuck Peddle and Charlie Melear

Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie develop the C programming language

RCA releases the 1802 processor running at a blazing 64 MHz It is considered

one of the first RISC chips It is used on a variety of devices from video games to

NASA space probes

Engineer David Ahl suggests Digital Equipment produce an inexpensive version

of its PDP-8 minicomputer for US$5000 Top management call the idea foolish

Gary Kildall and John Torode begin selling the CPM disk operating system for

microcomputershellip1974 Alto

Xerox releases the Alto computer

A personal computer to be used for research

Cost $32000

Never produced for profit

First serious machine to feature a modern user interface windows mouse etc

invented by Engelbart in 1964


Paul Allen meets with Ed Roberts to demonstrate the newly written BASIC

interpreter for the Altair Despite never having touched an Altair before the

BASIC works flawlessly

Bill Gates and Paul Allen license their newly written BASIC to MITS their first

customer This is the first computer language program written for a personal



The Xerox PARC-developed Gypsy word-processing system is first field tested

by end-users Gypsy is one of the first word processors termed WYSIWYG

meaning what you see is what you get Gypsy runs on the PARC-developed Alto

personal computer 1975

Fred Moore and Gordon French hold the first meeting of a new microcomputer

hobbyists club in Frenchs garage in Menlo Park California 32 people meet

including Bob Albrect Steve Dompier Lee Felsenstein Bob Marsh Tom

Pittman Marty Spergel Alan Baum and Steven Wozniak Bob Albrect shows off

an Altair and Steve Dompier reports on MITS and how they had 4000 orders for

the Altair

Stephen Dorsey founder of Automatic Electronic Systems sells his 25 of the

company for $135000

The second meeting of Fred MooreGordon Frenchs computer hobbyists group is

held at the Stanford AI lab 40 attend The name for the group is chosen Bay

Area Amateur Computer Users Group - Homebrew Computer Club 1975

Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Micro-Soft (the hyphen is later dropped)

MITS delivers the first generally-available Altair 8800 sold for US$375 with

1KB memory

MOS Technology announces the MC6501 at US$20 and the MC6502 at US$25

At this point the Intel 8080 costs about US$150

Bob Marsh delivers the first Processor Technology 4KB memory boards for the


At Xerox John Ellenby proposes they build the Alto II a modified Alto making

it easier to produce more reliable and more easily maintained His request is


Bill Gates and Paul Allen sign a licensing agreement with MITS for their

implementation of the BASIC language

Bill Gates and Paul Allen ship 4K and 8K version of BASIC v20

Dick Heiser opens Arrow Head Computer Company subtitled The Computer

Store in Los Angeles selling assembled Altairs boards peripherals and

magazines This is the first retail computer store in the USA 1975

Micom Data Systems ships its first product the Micom 2000 word processing



IBMs Entry Level Systems unit unveils Project Mercury the IBM 5100

Portable Computer It is a briefcase-size minicomputer with BASIC 16KB RAM

tape storage and built-in 5-inch screen Price US$9000 Weight 55 pounds

(Price over US$10000 )

The first issue of Byte magazine is published

MITS releases a version of Microsoft BASIC 20 for its Altair 8800 in 4K and

8K editions

Southwest Technical Products releases the M6800 computer kit

Sphere Corporation introduces its Sphere I computer kit featuring a Motorola

6800 CPU 4KB RAM ROM monitor keyboard and video interface for


Scope of the study

The scope of the organization study is concerned with in the Cerebra Integrated Technologies

Limited it is one of the casting production organization The study is limited to understanding

the finance production and other department in the organization

Objectives of Study

To study organization as a whole

To study and understand the activities of various departments in the organization

To do the SWOT analysis of the organization

Limitations of the study

The present study mainly focused on the primary data as well as secondary data In

organization they did not disclose to give more information regarding each department


In order to achieve the above stated objectives the study has covered both primary and

secondary data


Primary Data

Primary data is collected through the personal interview and discussion with the employees

and also higher authorities in the organization and observation Method

Secondary Data

Secondary data is collected through the company manuals company profiles department

manuals and websites text books


The management team at cerebra has combined experience of over 100 years in wireless and

enterprise solutions We pride over selves as a complete business driven software service

providing and working to words providing solution without burdening our partners with

technology decisions with the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity team

key solutions

Cerebra provide to the solutions on various platforms like windows mobile system android

blackberry and I phone I pad and have demonstrable prototypes ready

Some of our solutions

1 LBS for content distribution

2 Logistics last mile delivery

3 Bluetooth based content and coupon management

4 SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobile web based pos

5 On field sales and support

6 RFIDBARCODE integration for asset and inventory tracking


Significance of products and components ready to deployed

1 Mobile marketing platform

2 Bluetooth based content delivery platform

3 Supply chain solution for the retail

4 Mobile application to handle distribution and route accounting

5 Mobile application to handle courierrsquos distribution

6 Integrators 3rd party ERPSCMCRMs

7 Mobile application to handle in line sales and support


Company profile


Commenced its business in 1992 starting with the hardware sector amp later expanded to

provide software services IT training ampconsulting and today offers total IT training amp

consulting and today offers total IT solutions comprising LPO BPOampKPO Services

Cerebra is public limited company and services its customers are served through jars in the

USA ampUK cerebra is an ISO 9001 2008 company and all its products adhere to strict quality

contract standards

Cerebrate has over 50000 installation of PCs and service ace across the country cerebra has

survived the through times and is moving on achieve its mission being one among the top it

solutions provider in the globe

Started Integrated Technologies a partnership firm was established 25th July 1992 by

technocrats MrV Ranganathan Mr Guru Raj upadhay were into manufacturing computer

system and trading in peripherals components etc Cerebra were converted to a public

limited company limit in December 1993


Cerebra began its endeavor for backward integration started manufacturing motherboards

Add-on cards etc Company turned net worth positive bagged large order for contact

manufacturing from Indian and USA customers for energy meters RFJD products ticketing

machines etc


To be a nimble amp effective IT Integration company


To create value for customers through innovative IT solutions with a commitment to


To enable customers amp partners to leverage information technology to the fullest extent

To enable partners amp employees to deliver relevant amp proven technologies to customers



The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility


Intel releases its 2-MHz 8080 chip an 8-bit microprocessor It can access 64KB

of memory It uses 6000 transistors based on 6- micron technology Speed is 064


In a desperate act to save his failing calculator company MITS company owner

Ed Roberts begins building a small computer based on Intels new 8080 chip

with plans to sell it for the unheard of price of US$500

MITS completes the first prototype Altair 8800 microcomputer

Bravo is developed for the Xerox Alto computer It is the first WYSIWYG

program for a personal computer


Altair was one of the first successfully sold personal computer kits for do-it-

yourself computing fans No monitor no keyboard

Keyboard and cassette drive can be added

Oscilloscope can be attached to be used as a display


Railway Express loses Ed Roberts only prototype Altair computer route to New

York for review and photography for publishing by Popular Electronics

Les Solomon publisher of Popular Electronics receives Altair number 0001

Lauren Solomon 12 year old daughter of Les Solomon publisher of Popular

Electronics suggests the name Altair for Ed Roberts new microcomputer

Altair was the name of where Star Treks Enterprise was going that night on TV


Popular Electronics publishes an article by MITS announcing the Altair 8800

computer for US$439 in kit form It uses the Intel 8080 processor The Altair

pictured on the cover of the magazine is actually a mock-up as an actual

computer was not available

Paul Allen sees the Popular Electronics issue with the Altair and tells Bill Gates

that the microcomputer revolution is just beginning hellip1974

Gary Kildall of Microcomputer Applications Associates develops the CPM

operating system for Intel 8080-based systems

Motorola introduces its 6800 chip an early 8-bit microprocessor used in

microcomputers and industrial and automotive control devices The 6800 was

designed by Chuck Peddle and Charlie Melear

Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie develop the C programming language

RCA releases the 1802 processor running at a blazing 64 MHz It is considered

one of the first RISC chips It is used on a variety of devices from video games to

NASA space probes

Engineer David Ahl suggests Digital Equipment produce an inexpensive version

of its PDP-8 minicomputer for US$5000 Top management call the idea foolish

Gary Kildall and John Torode begin selling the CPM disk operating system for

microcomputershellip1974 Alto

Xerox releases the Alto computer

A personal computer to be used for research

Cost $32000

Never produced for profit

First serious machine to feature a modern user interface windows mouse etc

invented by Engelbart in 1964


Paul Allen meets with Ed Roberts to demonstrate the newly written BASIC

interpreter for the Altair Despite never having touched an Altair before the

BASIC works flawlessly

Bill Gates and Paul Allen license their newly written BASIC to MITS their first

customer This is the first computer language program written for a personal



The Xerox PARC-developed Gypsy word-processing system is first field tested

by end-users Gypsy is one of the first word processors termed WYSIWYG

meaning what you see is what you get Gypsy runs on the PARC-developed Alto

personal computer 1975

Fred Moore and Gordon French hold the first meeting of a new microcomputer

hobbyists club in Frenchs garage in Menlo Park California 32 people meet

including Bob Albrect Steve Dompier Lee Felsenstein Bob Marsh Tom

Pittman Marty Spergel Alan Baum and Steven Wozniak Bob Albrect shows off

an Altair and Steve Dompier reports on MITS and how they had 4000 orders for

the Altair

Stephen Dorsey founder of Automatic Electronic Systems sells his 25 of the

company for $135000

The second meeting of Fred MooreGordon Frenchs computer hobbyists group is

held at the Stanford AI lab 40 attend The name for the group is chosen Bay

Area Amateur Computer Users Group - Homebrew Computer Club 1975

Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Micro-Soft (the hyphen is later dropped)

MITS delivers the first generally-available Altair 8800 sold for US$375 with

1KB memory

MOS Technology announces the MC6501 at US$20 and the MC6502 at US$25

At this point the Intel 8080 costs about US$150

Bob Marsh delivers the first Processor Technology 4KB memory boards for the


At Xerox John Ellenby proposes they build the Alto II a modified Alto making

it easier to produce more reliable and more easily maintained His request is


Bill Gates and Paul Allen sign a licensing agreement with MITS for their

implementation of the BASIC language

Bill Gates and Paul Allen ship 4K and 8K version of BASIC v20

Dick Heiser opens Arrow Head Computer Company subtitled The Computer

Store in Los Angeles selling assembled Altairs boards peripherals and

magazines This is the first retail computer store in the USA 1975

Micom Data Systems ships its first product the Micom 2000 word processing



IBMs Entry Level Systems unit unveils Project Mercury the IBM 5100

Portable Computer It is a briefcase-size minicomputer with BASIC 16KB RAM

tape storage and built-in 5-inch screen Price US$9000 Weight 55 pounds

(Price over US$10000 )

The first issue of Byte magazine is published

MITS releases a version of Microsoft BASIC 20 for its Altair 8800 in 4K and

8K editions

Southwest Technical Products releases the M6800 computer kit

Sphere Corporation introduces its Sphere I computer kit featuring a Motorola

6800 CPU 4KB RAM ROM monitor keyboard and video interface for


Scope of the study

The scope of the organization study is concerned with in the Cerebra Integrated Technologies

Limited it is one of the casting production organization The study is limited to understanding

the finance production and other department in the organization

Objectives of Study

To study organization as a whole

To study and understand the activities of various departments in the organization

To do the SWOT analysis of the organization

Limitations of the study

The present study mainly focused on the primary data as well as secondary data In

organization they did not disclose to give more information regarding each department


In order to achieve the above stated objectives the study has covered both primary and

secondary data


Primary Data

Primary data is collected through the personal interview and discussion with the employees

and also higher authorities in the organization and observation Method

Secondary Data

Secondary data is collected through the company manuals company profiles department

manuals and websites text books


The management team at cerebra has combined experience of over 100 years in wireless and

enterprise solutions We pride over selves as a complete business driven software service

providing and working to words providing solution without burdening our partners with

technology decisions with the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity team

key solutions

Cerebra provide to the solutions on various platforms like windows mobile system android

blackberry and I phone I pad and have demonstrable prototypes ready

Some of our solutions

1 LBS for content distribution

2 Logistics last mile delivery

3 Bluetooth based content and coupon management

4 SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobile web based pos

5 On field sales and support

6 RFIDBARCODE integration for asset and inventory tracking


Significance of products and components ready to deployed

1 Mobile marketing platform

2 Bluetooth based content delivery platform

3 Supply chain solution for the retail

4 Mobile application to handle distribution and route accounting

5 Mobile application to handle courierrsquos distribution

6 Integrators 3rd party ERPSCMCRMs

7 Mobile application to handle in line sales and support


Company profile


Commenced its business in 1992 starting with the hardware sector amp later expanded to

provide software services IT training ampconsulting and today offers total IT training amp

consulting and today offers total IT solutions comprising LPO BPOampKPO Services

Cerebra is public limited company and services its customers are served through jars in the

USA ampUK cerebra is an ISO 9001 2008 company and all its products adhere to strict quality

contract standards

Cerebrate has over 50000 installation of PCs and service ace across the country cerebra has

survived the through times and is moving on achieve its mission being one among the top it

solutions provider in the globe

Started Integrated Technologies a partnership firm was established 25th July 1992 by

technocrats MrV Ranganathan Mr Guru Raj upadhay were into manufacturing computer

system and trading in peripherals components etc Cerebra were converted to a public

limited company limit in December 1993


Cerebra began its endeavor for backward integration started manufacturing motherboards

Add-on cards etc Company turned net worth positive bagged large order for contact

manufacturing from Indian and USA customers for energy meters RFJD products ticketing

machines etc


To be a nimble amp effective IT Integration company


To create value for customers through innovative IT solutions with a commitment to


To enable customers amp partners to leverage information technology to the fullest extent

To enable partners amp employees to deliver relevant amp proven technologies to customers



The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Popular Electronics publishes an article by MITS announcing the Altair 8800

computer for US$439 in kit form It uses the Intel 8080 processor The Altair

pictured on the cover of the magazine is actually a mock-up as an actual

computer was not available

Paul Allen sees the Popular Electronics issue with the Altair and tells Bill Gates

that the microcomputer revolution is just beginning hellip1974

Gary Kildall of Microcomputer Applications Associates develops the CPM

operating system for Intel 8080-based systems

Motorola introduces its 6800 chip an early 8-bit microprocessor used in

microcomputers and industrial and automotive control devices The 6800 was

designed by Chuck Peddle and Charlie Melear

Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie develop the C programming language

RCA releases the 1802 processor running at a blazing 64 MHz It is considered

one of the first RISC chips It is used on a variety of devices from video games to

NASA space probes

Engineer David Ahl suggests Digital Equipment produce an inexpensive version

of its PDP-8 minicomputer for US$5000 Top management call the idea foolish

Gary Kildall and John Torode begin selling the CPM disk operating system for

microcomputershellip1974 Alto

Xerox releases the Alto computer

A personal computer to be used for research

Cost $32000

Never produced for profit

First serious machine to feature a modern user interface windows mouse etc

invented by Engelbart in 1964


Paul Allen meets with Ed Roberts to demonstrate the newly written BASIC

interpreter for the Altair Despite never having touched an Altair before the

BASIC works flawlessly

Bill Gates and Paul Allen license their newly written BASIC to MITS their first

customer This is the first computer language program written for a personal



The Xerox PARC-developed Gypsy word-processing system is first field tested

by end-users Gypsy is one of the first word processors termed WYSIWYG

meaning what you see is what you get Gypsy runs on the PARC-developed Alto

personal computer 1975

Fred Moore and Gordon French hold the first meeting of a new microcomputer

hobbyists club in Frenchs garage in Menlo Park California 32 people meet

including Bob Albrect Steve Dompier Lee Felsenstein Bob Marsh Tom

Pittman Marty Spergel Alan Baum and Steven Wozniak Bob Albrect shows off

an Altair and Steve Dompier reports on MITS and how they had 4000 orders for

the Altair

Stephen Dorsey founder of Automatic Electronic Systems sells his 25 of the

company for $135000

The second meeting of Fred MooreGordon Frenchs computer hobbyists group is

held at the Stanford AI lab 40 attend The name for the group is chosen Bay

Area Amateur Computer Users Group - Homebrew Computer Club 1975

Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Micro-Soft (the hyphen is later dropped)

MITS delivers the first generally-available Altair 8800 sold for US$375 with

1KB memory

MOS Technology announces the MC6501 at US$20 and the MC6502 at US$25

At this point the Intel 8080 costs about US$150

Bob Marsh delivers the first Processor Technology 4KB memory boards for the


At Xerox John Ellenby proposes they build the Alto II a modified Alto making

it easier to produce more reliable and more easily maintained His request is


Bill Gates and Paul Allen sign a licensing agreement with MITS for their

implementation of the BASIC language

Bill Gates and Paul Allen ship 4K and 8K version of BASIC v20

Dick Heiser opens Arrow Head Computer Company subtitled The Computer

Store in Los Angeles selling assembled Altairs boards peripherals and

magazines This is the first retail computer store in the USA 1975

Micom Data Systems ships its first product the Micom 2000 word processing



IBMs Entry Level Systems unit unveils Project Mercury the IBM 5100

Portable Computer It is a briefcase-size minicomputer with BASIC 16KB RAM

tape storage and built-in 5-inch screen Price US$9000 Weight 55 pounds

(Price over US$10000 )

The first issue of Byte magazine is published

MITS releases a version of Microsoft BASIC 20 for its Altair 8800 in 4K and

8K editions

Southwest Technical Products releases the M6800 computer kit

Sphere Corporation introduces its Sphere I computer kit featuring a Motorola

6800 CPU 4KB RAM ROM monitor keyboard and video interface for


Scope of the study

The scope of the organization study is concerned with in the Cerebra Integrated Technologies

Limited it is one of the casting production organization The study is limited to understanding

the finance production and other department in the organization

Objectives of Study

To study organization as a whole

To study and understand the activities of various departments in the organization

To do the SWOT analysis of the organization

Limitations of the study

The present study mainly focused on the primary data as well as secondary data In

organization they did not disclose to give more information regarding each department


In order to achieve the above stated objectives the study has covered both primary and

secondary data


Primary Data

Primary data is collected through the personal interview and discussion with the employees

and also higher authorities in the organization and observation Method

Secondary Data

Secondary data is collected through the company manuals company profiles department

manuals and websites text books


The management team at cerebra has combined experience of over 100 years in wireless and

enterprise solutions We pride over selves as a complete business driven software service

providing and working to words providing solution without burdening our partners with

technology decisions with the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity team

key solutions

Cerebra provide to the solutions on various platforms like windows mobile system android

blackberry and I phone I pad and have demonstrable prototypes ready

Some of our solutions

1 LBS for content distribution

2 Logistics last mile delivery

3 Bluetooth based content and coupon management

4 SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobile web based pos

5 On field sales and support

6 RFIDBARCODE integration for asset and inventory tracking


Significance of products and components ready to deployed

1 Mobile marketing platform

2 Bluetooth based content delivery platform

3 Supply chain solution for the retail

4 Mobile application to handle distribution and route accounting

5 Mobile application to handle courierrsquos distribution

6 Integrators 3rd party ERPSCMCRMs

7 Mobile application to handle in line sales and support


Company profile


Commenced its business in 1992 starting with the hardware sector amp later expanded to

provide software services IT training ampconsulting and today offers total IT training amp

consulting and today offers total IT solutions comprising LPO BPOampKPO Services

Cerebra is public limited company and services its customers are served through jars in the

USA ampUK cerebra is an ISO 9001 2008 company and all its products adhere to strict quality

contract standards

Cerebrate has over 50000 installation of PCs and service ace across the country cerebra has

survived the through times and is moving on achieve its mission being one among the top it

solutions provider in the globe

Started Integrated Technologies a partnership firm was established 25th July 1992 by

technocrats MrV Ranganathan Mr Guru Raj upadhay were into manufacturing computer

system and trading in peripherals components etc Cerebra were converted to a public

limited company limit in December 1993


Cerebra began its endeavor for backward integration started manufacturing motherboards

Add-on cards etc Company turned net worth positive bagged large order for contact

manufacturing from Indian and USA customers for energy meters RFJD products ticketing

machines etc


To be a nimble amp effective IT Integration company


To create value for customers through innovative IT solutions with a commitment to


To enable customers amp partners to leverage information technology to the fullest extent

To enable partners amp employees to deliver relevant amp proven technologies to customers



The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

The Xerox PARC-developed Gypsy word-processing system is first field tested

by end-users Gypsy is one of the first word processors termed WYSIWYG

meaning what you see is what you get Gypsy runs on the PARC-developed Alto

personal computer 1975

Fred Moore and Gordon French hold the first meeting of a new microcomputer

hobbyists club in Frenchs garage in Menlo Park California 32 people meet

including Bob Albrect Steve Dompier Lee Felsenstein Bob Marsh Tom

Pittman Marty Spergel Alan Baum and Steven Wozniak Bob Albrect shows off

an Altair and Steve Dompier reports on MITS and how they had 4000 orders for

the Altair

Stephen Dorsey founder of Automatic Electronic Systems sells his 25 of the

company for $135000

The second meeting of Fred MooreGordon Frenchs computer hobbyists group is

held at the Stanford AI lab 40 attend The name for the group is chosen Bay

Area Amateur Computer Users Group - Homebrew Computer Club 1975

Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Micro-Soft (the hyphen is later dropped)

MITS delivers the first generally-available Altair 8800 sold for US$375 with

1KB memory

MOS Technology announces the MC6501 at US$20 and the MC6502 at US$25

At this point the Intel 8080 costs about US$150

Bob Marsh delivers the first Processor Technology 4KB memory boards for the


At Xerox John Ellenby proposes they build the Alto II a modified Alto making

it easier to produce more reliable and more easily maintained His request is


Bill Gates and Paul Allen sign a licensing agreement with MITS for their

implementation of the BASIC language

Bill Gates and Paul Allen ship 4K and 8K version of BASIC v20

Dick Heiser opens Arrow Head Computer Company subtitled The Computer

Store in Los Angeles selling assembled Altairs boards peripherals and

magazines This is the first retail computer store in the USA 1975

Micom Data Systems ships its first product the Micom 2000 word processing



IBMs Entry Level Systems unit unveils Project Mercury the IBM 5100

Portable Computer It is a briefcase-size minicomputer with BASIC 16KB RAM

tape storage and built-in 5-inch screen Price US$9000 Weight 55 pounds

(Price over US$10000 )

The first issue of Byte magazine is published

MITS releases a version of Microsoft BASIC 20 for its Altair 8800 in 4K and

8K editions

Southwest Technical Products releases the M6800 computer kit

Sphere Corporation introduces its Sphere I computer kit featuring a Motorola

6800 CPU 4KB RAM ROM monitor keyboard and video interface for


Scope of the study

The scope of the organization study is concerned with in the Cerebra Integrated Technologies

Limited it is one of the casting production organization The study is limited to understanding

the finance production and other department in the organization

Objectives of Study

To study organization as a whole

To study and understand the activities of various departments in the organization

To do the SWOT analysis of the organization

Limitations of the study

The present study mainly focused on the primary data as well as secondary data In

organization they did not disclose to give more information regarding each department


In order to achieve the above stated objectives the study has covered both primary and

secondary data


Primary Data

Primary data is collected through the personal interview and discussion with the employees

and also higher authorities in the organization and observation Method

Secondary Data

Secondary data is collected through the company manuals company profiles department

manuals and websites text books


The management team at cerebra has combined experience of over 100 years in wireless and

enterprise solutions We pride over selves as a complete business driven software service

providing and working to words providing solution without burdening our partners with

technology decisions with the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity team

key solutions

Cerebra provide to the solutions on various platforms like windows mobile system android

blackberry and I phone I pad and have demonstrable prototypes ready

Some of our solutions

1 LBS for content distribution

2 Logistics last mile delivery

3 Bluetooth based content and coupon management

4 SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobile web based pos

5 On field sales and support

6 RFIDBARCODE integration for asset and inventory tracking


Significance of products and components ready to deployed

1 Mobile marketing platform

2 Bluetooth based content delivery platform

3 Supply chain solution for the retail

4 Mobile application to handle distribution and route accounting

5 Mobile application to handle courierrsquos distribution

6 Integrators 3rd party ERPSCMCRMs

7 Mobile application to handle in line sales and support


Company profile


Commenced its business in 1992 starting with the hardware sector amp later expanded to

provide software services IT training ampconsulting and today offers total IT training amp

consulting and today offers total IT solutions comprising LPO BPOampKPO Services

Cerebra is public limited company and services its customers are served through jars in the

USA ampUK cerebra is an ISO 9001 2008 company and all its products adhere to strict quality

contract standards

Cerebrate has over 50000 installation of PCs and service ace across the country cerebra has

survived the through times and is moving on achieve its mission being one among the top it

solutions provider in the globe

Started Integrated Technologies a partnership firm was established 25th July 1992 by

technocrats MrV Ranganathan Mr Guru Raj upadhay were into manufacturing computer

system and trading in peripherals components etc Cerebra were converted to a public

limited company limit in December 1993


Cerebra began its endeavor for backward integration started manufacturing motherboards

Add-on cards etc Company turned net worth positive bagged large order for contact

manufacturing from Indian and USA customers for energy meters RFJD products ticketing

machines etc


To be a nimble amp effective IT Integration company


To create value for customers through innovative IT solutions with a commitment to


To enable customers amp partners to leverage information technology to the fullest extent

To enable partners amp employees to deliver relevant amp proven technologies to customers



The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

IBMs Entry Level Systems unit unveils Project Mercury the IBM 5100

Portable Computer It is a briefcase-size minicomputer with BASIC 16KB RAM

tape storage and built-in 5-inch screen Price US$9000 Weight 55 pounds

(Price over US$10000 )

The first issue of Byte magazine is published

MITS releases a version of Microsoft BASIC 20 for its Altair 8800 in 4K and

8K editions

Southwest Technical Products releases the M6800 computer kit

Sphere Corporation introduces its Sphere I computer kit featuring a Motorola

6800 CPU 4KB RAM ROM monitor keyboard and video interface for


Scope of the study

The scope of the organization study is concerned with in the Cerebra Integrated Technologies

Limited it is one of the casting production organization The study is limited to understanding

the finance production and other department in the organization

Objectives of Study

To study organization as a whole

To study and understand the activities of various departments in the organization

To do the SWOT analysis of the organization

Limitations of the study

The present study mainly focused on the primary data as well as secondary data In

organization they did not disclose to give more information regarding each department


In order to achieve the above stated objectives the study has covered both primary and

secondary data


Primary Data

Primary data is collected through the personal interview and discussion with the employees

and also higher authorities in the organization and observation Method

Secondary Data

Secondary data is collected through the company manuals company profiles department

manuals and websites text books


The management team at cerebra has combined experience of over 100 years in wireless and

enterprise solutions We pride over selves as a complete business driven software service

providing and working to words providing solution without burdening our partners with

technology decisions with the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity team

key solutions

Cerebra provide to the solutions on various platforms like windows mobile system android

blackberry and I phone I pad and have demonstrable prototypes ready

Some of our solutions

1 LBS for content distribution

2 Logistics last mile delivery

3 Bluetooth based content and coupon management

4 SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobile web based pos

5 On field sales and support

6 RFIDBARCODE integration for asset and inventory tracking


Significance of products and components ready to deployed

1 Mobile marketing platform

2 Bluetooth based content delivery platform

3 Supply chain solution for the retail

4 Mobile application to handle distribution and route accounting

5 Mobile application to handle courierrsquos distribution

6 Integrators 3rd party ERPSCMCRMs

7 Mobile application to handle in line sales and support


Company profile


Commenced its business in 1992 starting with the hardware sector amp later expanded to

provide software services IT training ampconsulting and today offers total IT training amp

consulting and today offers total IT solutions comprising LPO BPOampKPO Services

Cerebra is public limited company and services its customers are served through jars in the

USA ampUK cerebra is an ISO 9001 2008 company and all its products adhere to strict quality

contract standards

Cerebrate has over 50000 installation of PCs and service ace across the country cerebra has

survived the through times and is moving on achieve its mission being one among the top it

solutions provider in the globe

Started Integrated Technologies a partnership firm was established 25th July 1992 by

technocrats MrV Ranganathan Mr Guru Raj upadhay were into manufacturing computer

system and trading in peripherals components etc Cerebra were converted to a public

limited company limit in December 1993


Cerebra began its endeavor for backward integration started manufacturing motherboards

Add-on cards etc Company turned net worth positive bagged large order for contact

manufacturing from Indian and USA customers for energy meters RFJD products ticketing

machines etc


To be a nimble amp effective IT Integration company


To create value for customers through innovative IT solutions with a commitment to


To enable customers amp partners to leverage information technology to the fullest extent

To enable partners amp employees to deliver relevant amp proven technologies to customers



The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Primary Data

Primary data is collected through the personal interview and discussion with the employees

and also higher authorities in the organization and observation Method

Secondary Data

Secondary data is collected through the company manuals company profiles department

manuals and websites text books


The management team at cerebra has combined experience of over 100 years in wireless and

enterprise solutions We pride over selves as a complete business driven software service

providing and working to words providing solution without burdening our partners with

technology decisions with the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity team

key solutions

Cerebra provide to the solutions on various platforms like windows mobile system android

blackberry and I phone I pad and have demonstrable prototypes ready

Some of our solutions

1 LBS for content distribution

2 Logistics last mile delivery

3 Bluetooth based content and coupon management

4 SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobile web based pos

5 On field sales and support

6 RFIDBARCODE integration for asset and inventory tracking


Significance of products and components ready to deployed

1 Mobile marketing platform

2 Bluetooth based content delivery platform

3 Supply chain solution for the retail

4 Mobile application to handle distribution and route accounting

5 Mobile application to handle courierrsquos distribution

6 Integrators 3rd party ERPSCMCRMs

7 Mobile application to handle in line sales and support


Company profile


Commenced its business in 1992 starting with the hardware sector amp later expanded to

provide software services IT training ampconsulting and today offers total IT training amp

consulting and today offers total IT solutions comprising LPO BPOampKPO Services

Cerebra is public limited company and services its customers are served through jars in the

USA ampUK cerebra is an ISO 9001 2008 company and all its products adhere to strict quality

contract standards

Cerebrate has over 50000 installation of PCs and service ace across the country cerebra has

survived the through times and is moving on achieve its mission being one among the top it

solutions provider in the globe

Started Integrated Technologies a partnership firm was established 25th July 1992 by

technocrats MrV Ranganathan Mr Guru Raj upadhay were into manufacturing computer

system and trading in peripherals components etc Cerebra were converted to a public

limited company limit in December 1993


Cerebra began its endeavor for backward integration started manufacturing motherboards

Add-on cards etc Company turned net worth positive bagged large order for contact

manufacturing from Indian and USA customers for energy meters RFJD products ticketing

machines etc


To be a nimble amp effective IT Integration company


To create value for customers through innovative IT solutions with a commitment to


To enable customers amp partners to leverage information technology to the fullest extent

To enable partners amp employees to deliver relevant amp proven technologies to customers



The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Significance of products and components ready to deployed

1 Mobile marketing platform

2 Bluetooth based content delivery platform

3 Supply chain solution for the retail

4 Mobile application to handle distribution and route accounting

5 Mobile application to handle courierrsquos distribution

6 Integrators 3rd party ERPSCMCRMs

7 Mobile application to handle in line sales and support


Company profile


Commenced its business in 1992 starting with the hardware sector amp later expanded to

provide software services IT training ampconsulting and today offers total IT training amp

consulting and today offers total IT solutions comprising LPO BPOampKPO Services

Cerebra is public limited company and services its customers are served through jars in the

USA ampUK cerebra is an ISO 9001 2008 company and all its products adhere to strict quality

contract standards

Cerebrate has over 50000 installation of PCs and service ace across the country cerebra has

survived the through times and is moving on achieve its mission being one among the top it

solutions provider in the globe

Started Integrated Technologies a partnership firm was established 25th July 1992 by

technocrats MrV Ranganathan Mr Guru Raj upadhay were into manufacturing computer

system and trading in peripherals components etc Cerebra were converted to a public

limited company limit in December 1993


Cerebra began its endeavor for backward integration started manufacturing motherboards

Add-on cards etc Company turned net worth positive bagged large order for contact

manufacturing from Indian and USA customers for energy meters RFJD products ticketing

machines etc


To be a nimble amp effective IT Integration company


To create value for customers through innovative IT solutions with a commitment to


To enable customers amp partners to leverage information technology to the fullest extent

To enable partners amp employees to deliver relevant amp proven technologies to customers



The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Company profile


Commenced its business in 1992 starting with the hardware sector amp later expanded to

provide software services IT training ampconsulting and today offers total IT training amp

consulting and today offers total IT solutions comprising LPO BPOampKPO Services

Cerebra is public limited company and services its customers are served through jars in the

USA ampUK cerebra is an ISO 9001 2008 company and all its products adhere to strict quality

contract standards

Cerebrate has over 50000 installation of PCs and service ace across the country cerebra has

survived the through times and is moving on achieve its mission being one among the top it

solutions provider in the globe

Started Integrated Technologies a partnership firm was established 25th July 1992 by

technocrats MrV Ranganathan Mr Guru Raj upadhay were into manufacturing computer

system and trading in peripherals components etc Cerebra were converted to a public

limited company limit in December 1993


Cerebra began its endeavor for backward integration started manufacturing motherboards

Add-on cards etc Company turned net worth positive bagged large order for contact

manufacturing from Indian and USA customers for energy meters RFJD products ticketing

machines etc


To be a nimble amp effective IT Integration company


To create value for customers through innovative IT solutions with a commitment to


To enable customers amp partners to leverage information technology to the fullest extent

To enable partners amp employees to deliver relevant amp proven technologies to customers



The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Cerebra began its endeavor for backward integration started manufacturing motherboards

Add-on cards etc Company turned net worth positive bagged large order for contact

manufacturing from Indian and USA customers for energy meters RFJD products ticketing

machines etc


To be a nimble amp effective IT Integration company


To create value for customers through innovative IT solutions with a commitment to


To enable customers amp partners to leverage information technology to the fullest extent

To enable partners amp employees to deliver relevant amp proven technologies to customers



The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility


The main objective of cerebra is to deliver a combination of proven software amp hardware

solution in the enterprise mobility domin Cerebra provide a platform to the enterprise to make

real time decisions which are presently a hurdle due to lack of the availability of suitable Eco-

system supported by the companyrsquos vast exposure in the information technology Cerebra with its

existing business of IT Infrastructure provide its customers a significant ROI advantage in

providing a complete solution both in hardware amp software segments Cerebra focus on the retail

amp health care sectors amp provide solutions through its existing products amp components

With the vast experience of the team we have the process maturity to deliver turnkey solutions

The management team at cerebra has a combined experience of over 100 years in wireless amp

enterprise solutions

Continuous product review amp improvement in quality

Individually amp collectively all employees of cerebra integrated technologies limited

strive for eliminating waste in manufacturing amp non-manufacturing areas in to reduction

in the cost amp establish better employment

Ensure quality of personnel at all levels amp provide then the right work environment job

satisfaction amp professional challenges

Provide a healthy blend of employees who have grown with the organization amp those

selected from outside

Ensure employment of minimum number of personnel amp avoid surpluses

Motivate employees to be increasingly achievement oriented Identify personnel with

potential for growth

Provide adequate opportunities for personnel to improve the level of their professional


Personnel with talent amp potential for growth to be developed to shoulder higher


To imbibe the spirit of quality in every employee in the organization amp promote team




The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

The salient features of the company are

The company is known for quality PCBrsquos The company has designed developed and

manufactured special type of PCBrsquos are

Single sided PCBrsquos

Double sided PCBrsquos

Glass epoxy PCBrsquos

The company has having types of PCBrsquos

Manufacturing Design

The company is at present using the latest computerized design and drawing to achieve the high

standards applicable and the company is technically superior to other competitors in the market

The design department is headed by a qualified experienced manager with over twenty years of

experience in the design field being specially trained and assisted by qualified engineers

Surface mounts technology [SMT]

Surface mount device[SMD]


The secret behind the popularity of cerebra integrated technologies PCBrsquos is the strict adherence

to quality norms at every stage of manufacture

Quality policy

Manufacture quality PCBrsquos to the satisfaction of our customers

Cerebra integrated technologies ltd shall continuously work towards providing total solutions in

the field of information technology comparable to the best in the world Cerebra with the active

involvement of all its employees shall strive to deliver products amp services of the highest quality

to customers ensuring their complete satisfaction The Quality policy shall be understood amp

maintained at all levels of the organization amp shall be implemented through its adherence to

specific amp measurable quality objectives



The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

The following basic principles of to achieve TQM and ISO for the organization

1 Customer Focus- Anticipation of future requirements

2 Leadership ndash Motivate his team

3 Process Approach- Value added activity

4 System Approach- Collection of Process

5 Involvement of people- How to motivate the people to achieve the desired goal

6 Continual improvement-

7 Factual Approach to decision making ndash go by facts donrsquot go by opinion

8 Mutually Beneficial Customers relationship

Standards in cerebra integrated technologies ltd

Design conforms to Indian standards specification

The PCBrsquos are provided with standard accessories can be provided on


Product Range

SMD resistor packages

Resistor- o4o2



1206=gt [regular]























DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

















DEK 248


















































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility





































Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility




















Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility



Work Instruction


Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Title Philips GEM and Philips emerald


The work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this quality


Ensure operator wear heal strap or write strap and grounded while performing the quality


1 Ensure machine is free from dust partials

2 Ensure machine is set as per prescribed parametersrsquo by process team

3 Ensure daily PML preventive maintains is done at the begin of the shift

4 Clear the components reject in provided in the machine on daily basis

5 Any feeders issues are found identity the same and report to the concern person

6 Switch off the machines when not in use

Title Pre reflow instruction



The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility


The purpose of this WI is given to perform to pre reflow inspectional reflow inspection stage

during the PCBA assembly


This inspection is applicable at pre flow inspection stage carried out at cerebra integrated

technologies limited


All the associates Technicians engineers and quality r staff are responsible for carrying out of

this activity

Safety perception

a Ensure all concerned associates wearing wrist strap and grounded properly

b Store the pub assemblies in a antistatic bins trays or magazine


Perform the inspection activity and check for

a Alignment of the components

b Missing components

c Orientation of the components

d Role of the components

e Mount manual placement components if any ensure nearby components are not disturbed

while manual maintaining

Process of qualification for reflow soldering


1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

1 Set the screen printer as per the work instruction for DEK-248 screen printers screen

prints screen prints the solders pate on the PCB and carry out visual inspection for solder

paste print on the pads of to PCB The deposited solder paste shall over the minimum of

80 print the land pad area if the solder paste print is not ok adjust the parameter to get

the good solder print Then more the predetermined no of PCBs for screen printing record

the set parameter

2 Place the SMD components using topaz and emerald pick and place machine using

correct program to operate the machine be for work instruction

3 Set the work reflow as per the work instruction Once to oven reaches the set temp send

the SMD components placed PCBs in the reflow oven check the temp profile for PCB

and record the temp profile

4 After the reflow soldering carry out the visual inspection on all the cards record in the

process SMD inspection work sheet

5 If the no of post soldering defects is less than 5 of total no solder defects and individual

defects is within control limit and if there is no problems then the process is qualified




The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility


The purpose of this WI is to give the details of performing post reflow inspection in post

reflow inspection stage


This work instruction is applicable in cerebra integrated technologies ltd


All associates technical engineers and quality staffs are responsible for carrying out this



Ensure operator wear wrist strop and grounded while performing the activity



1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

1 Ensure the operators are wearing gloves ampfinger coats amp ESD requirements

2 Ensure operators perform inspection activity as per relevant documents like BOM

[bill of material] Pedro or reference cards if available

3 Ensure inspection failed cards are kept separately with clear identification amp kept in

NCM [non-conformance material] area for rework

4 Ensure operator performs inspection through magnifier only

5 And inspection the PCB a for following defeats

Components value

Components alignment amp Orientation

Missing components tomb stone amp solder-balls

Extra components amp bridging



Bharat sanchar nigam limited




High courts

Post offices















VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility









VXL Instruments

Dickenson fowler ltd


Stump vision

B-commerce Info system

Indian-Dept of Industries KSSIDC


Pidilite Industries



Trent limited



OTIS Group



Himalaya Drugs


Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Reserve Bank of India

Canara Bank

Union Bank of India

Allahabad Bank

UCO Bank

Vysya Bank

Infrastructure Management

As Enterprises scale their IT infrastructure to support business growth managing global

networks database applications becomes a herculean task which can over whelm internal


Cerebra provide comprehensives services to help organizations optimize critical it staff Our

Infrastructure Management services offer a complete portfolio of solutions amp for managing

enterprise It Infrastructures enable clients to

Reduce the total cost of IT operations

Focus limited IT resources on core business activities

Rationalize IT staffing costs

Optimize IT assets utilization

Facilitate service delivery

Improve uptime


Contract Manufacturing EMS


Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Cerebra an ISO90012008 company has its PCB Assembly line at peenya industrial area in

Bangalore The land fully ESD controlled modern facility amp is equipped with Philips pick amp

place machines vitronics reflow amp soldering machines along with the latest equipments for

inspection amp quality control

Cerebra help companies to choose correct method of contract manufacturing to save money

time amp improve the quality of customerrsquos engineers in design for manufacture stage amp ensure

that the customer is able to deliver world products to its customers

Cerebra provides EMS to customers who do not have the necessary infrastructure for

procurement amp logistic Cerebra can deliver fully tested ready to ship boxes to its customers

Computing solutions

Cerebra are one of the well known brands for personal computers servers laptops amp

workstations Cerebra range of products that cover entire IT requirements of its customers

Cerebra are able to offer end to end solution companies IT requirements

Desktop PCrsquos




E-Waste Recycling Facility

Cerebra is setting up one of Indiarsquos largest e-waste facility amp wants to be one of the leading

players in this world which has huge potential not only in terms of generating huge revenues

amp profits for the company amp its share holders but also wants to contribute in big way the

green environment issues that have taken off cerebra recognize that it would be a big social

responsibility to truly set up a world class e-waste facility

In this endeavor cerebra are in the process of setting up one of the largest e-waste recycle

facility in India The e-waste road map that this partnership will adopt would be chalked out

sin 3 phases


a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

a First phases- Repair Refurbishment amp Recycle of Electronic Boards setting up of

Indiarsquos largest recycle facility

b Second phases- Setting up of copper smelting plant amp other base metal extraction


c Third phases- Setting up of plastic recycling amp plastic to fuel conversion plant

Cerebra have approached this partnership to provide technical amp Management


1) Repair refurbish amp reuse of all electronic amp electrical equipment

2) Salvage components amp sell it back to the manufacturers concerned

3) Fully integrated e-waste management amp base metal recycling

4) PGM recovery amp its refining processes

5) Waste management at sources

6) Total support in scrap handling collection transport documentation shipping amp

[export] amp other areas

7) 100 recycling of all collected e-waste [zero land fill]

8) World class security system

9) Integrated EHS system [ISO amp OHSAS standard]

10) Web-based trading services amp accessibility

11) Logistics amp warehousing facility worldwide

12) Technical advice on plant layout

13) Training of technical personnel

14) Commissioning of day to day operations amp

15) Market support



Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Cerebra specialize in the outsourced product development application software development

and offshore software outsourcing services in the enterprise and mobility areas We work

specifically on mobile platforms to develop domain specific solutions Cerebra offers Product

enhancement into the wireless and enterprise domains

bull Setting up a dedicated off-shore development center

bull Offshore product development services

bull Cerebra has Domain expertise ndash retail logistics healthcare and education

bull SCM CRM Enterprise integration

We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies

converge Our approach focuses on new ways of combining IT innovation in existing

business framework and also to leverage the clients existing IT infrastructure The activities

under this area of offerings are

bull Mobile Strategy formation

bull Infrastructure Design

bull Application Development

bull Data Synchronization

bull Enterprise Intranet on the move

Cerebra provides the solutions on various platforms like Windows mobile Symbian

Android Blackberry and iPhoneiPad and has demonstrable prototypes ready Some of our


bull LBS for content distribution

bull Logistics ndash last mile delivery

bull Bluetooth based content and coupon management

bull SCMCRM for retail houses including a mobileweb based POS

bull on field Sales and Support

bull RFIDBarcode integration for asset and inventory tracking

Achievements amp Awards


The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

The company has achieved the ISO 9000 to maintain quality standards and trying to get ISO

14000 for pollution standard



An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped amp co-

ordinate The chapter ii deals with the organizational structure the organization structure is a

complete Picture about the organization The structure of an organization plays a significant

role in charting out its path to success An efficient structure facilitates co-ordination amp

smooth intertwining of employees amp communication systems The organization adopts

different structural pattern at different stages of its lifecycle The form of an organization that

is evident in the way divisions departments functions amp people link together amp interact

Organization structure reveals vertical operational responsibilities amp horizontal linkages amp

may be represented by an organization chart The complexityrsquos structure is often proportional

to its size amp its geographic dispersal The traditional organization structure for many

businesses in the 20thcentury was the bureaucracy originally defined by max Weber


An organization is a social entity composed of two or more persons who work together

towards the attainment of common goals For the organization to work as a cohesive unit it is

essential that a formal structure of reporting amp control be established among the different

members of organizationhelliphellip




The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility



The above organization structure shows the following points





















1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

1) Hierarchy relationship between different department members

2) Participative management

3) Cooperative work culture

4) Standardized of polices

5) Decentralized decision making system provided that some exceptions-

Valuable amp economical decisions are taken by top level management only So it is

centralized decision making

In all major decisions will be taken from board of directors they have full control over the

administration they will control the executive and general managers these board of directors

are selected by SAIL But the general manager of will have full control over the deputy

managers of project HRD production and material departments

These deputy managers will have full control over their respective area and they have a right

to take minor decisions regarding over their respective area







Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility






Production Department

Production department performs the function of producing finished goods from the basic raw

materials The manufacturing is headed by a group head whose main objective is to plan

execute co-ordinate and control all production activities with available resources inputs

equipment and facilities


1 To ensure direct and co-ordinate the activities

2 To ensure Quality Output

The Main functions of this Department are as follows

1 Procure the Raw materials

2 Store the Raw materials which are procured

3 Process the raw materials which are procured in the production and to turn them into

finished goods

4 In addition not to stop in any circumstances but only to perform round the clock and

round the year




Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility



Human Resource Department

The personnel department is one of the most important functional departments in every

organization Only with the help this department the organization can make efficient use of

the available work force for providing the desired product to the customer with desired

quality and reasonable price at the right time

Department Structure

The Personnel Manager is responsible for carrying out all the personnel management work

like recruitment selection training performance appraisal promotion wages and salary

employee welfare etc To carry out these functions the Personnel Manager takes suggestions

from the Managing Director whenever necessary

The future of any Company depends on its ability to-

Train and upgrade skill sets of its employees

Extract and retain talent

Robust performance appraisal and reward system

Manage and full fill expectations

Evolve performance parameters with respect to key result areas



Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility


Resource is any means of supply which can be drawn on when necessary To develop means

to grow mature and make progress in the desired direction Developing a human being in to

a resource means making him or her into a person of resourcefulness initiative wittedness

cleverness talent and ability

Human Resource Development is considered to be a super specialty of HRM It is a process

by which the employees of an organization are helped in planned and continuous manner to

acquire new capabilities and sharpen existing capabilities that may be required to perform

their present functions or expected future voles

HRD is a process which is geared towards developing the general enabling capabilities of

employees as individuals so that they can discover and exploit their own inner potential for

their own and or organization development purposes HRD strives to develop an

organizational culture where superior subordinate relationships team different sub units are

strong and contribute to the organizational health dynamisms and pride of employees

Training programs are as follows


Induction and orientation



Multi skill training





Cost control and deduction




Hindi training



Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility


Development of individual capacity

Development of competitive in relations job being performed

Development of corporate approach

Development interpersonal relationship

Development of overall organization culture

Role of HRD

Human resources planning

Human resources accounting

Human resources allocation and role planning

Human resources training and development

Human resources maintenance

Climate development of HRD

Activities of HRD

Training need identification

Training needs assessment

Training needs justification

Budgeting and controlling of cost

Selection of learning process

Planning designing conducting the training procedure

Evolution of program through the trainee and feedback records


Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Training Objectives

To help the trainee

To improve knowledge skill attitude amp performance

To develop competence to increase productivity

To prepare for greater responsibility

To improve interpersonal relationship

To equip with modern tools amp techniques of to harness best of the human resources

and maintains industrial harmony

Modern how to develop self and his subordinates

Recruitment sources

This company considers both internal and external sources for recruitment Internal sources

include the employees who are already on the payroll Whenever any vacancy occurs

somebody within the organization with necessary qualification is promoted to that job

External sources are obtained by giving advertisements in state and local newspapers


It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for

jobs in the organization so that the right person for accomplishing organization and

departmental objectives will fill up organization vacancies

In order to ensure that the right type of persons are available to the concern in the right

number at the right place the following steps are taken

The candidate will be given an application form through which the Personnel Manager can

come to know about the candidate with respect to the following

Educational qualification


Skills possessed by the candidate

Salary expecting


Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Screening of Applications


Physical Examination



The intention of the selection process is to choose the best-qualified and suitable candidate

for unfilled jobs The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can

most suitably perform the given job

The selection procedure is essentially a series of steps through which additional information

is secured about the applicant at any stage the candidate may be rejected due to non-

compatibility Therefore selection is actually a negative process of rejecting the unit


The selection procedure followed by the company is as follows

Training and Development

The company gives only on-the-job training Usually on-the-job methods of training are as


Job rotation


Job instruction

Committee assignments


After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

After the selection of candidates the candidates will be given on-the-job training in an

organization for 1 year If the candidate performance in this year is satisfactory as per the

requirement of the company then the candidate is selected as an employee for the company

This period of 1 year is known as the probationary period for the candidate When the

performance of the candidate is unsatisfactory then the company will provide further training

to the candidate to make him fully equipped to work in the organization

Safety of the Employees

1 Safety shoes will be given to every shop floor employee once in 6 months

2 Safety uniform will be given to every shop floor employees

3 Pairs of uniform will be given once in a year

4 Every employee in the organization is covered under lsquoEmployee State insurancersquo and

group insurance as well

5 Every employee in the organization will be medically examined once a year

Per day there are 3 shifts of 8 hours each The timing of the shifts is as follows

1st shift-----------------------------6am to 2pm

2nd shift----------------------------2pm to 10pm

Apart from these shifts there is a general shift from 900 am to 600 pm for office staff


Wages in the wide sense mean any economic compensation paid by the employer under some

contract to his worker for the services rendered by him

In this company the wages are fixed according to the government norms At the time of

appointment the company fixes the wages which is higher than the government norms After

a certain period the wages will be fixed according to the experience of the worker



An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility


An absentee is a person who habitually stays away from the job There are several causes for

absenteeism which are as follows

Maladjustment with the working condition

Industrial fatigue


Low level of wages

Family problems

Unhealthy working conditions

Unsound personnel policies

The company follows a procedure with respect to absenteeism If the worker is frequently

absent show cause notice is given If the absence is continued by the worker maximum

three-show cause notices are given If the absence is continued then the company will issue a

charge sheet If the absence is further continued the management conducts an in-house

enquiry During the enquiry the management decides as to whether the worker should

continue in his job or not

Performance appraisal

Production head or Works Manager will give the questionnaire to the employees working in

the production department and based on their answers for the questions the ranking will be

given for each worker and depending upon the rank the worker will be put in the certain


If any worker scores less marks then he will be made to work hard and achieve the goal

They will tell him his weakness and strengths in the particular field and motivate him to

achieve his goal and rectify his mistakes for achieving the organizational objectives



In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility


In this company the promotion is given based on seniority-cum-merit The management will

also take the following considerations while promoting an employee

Behavior of the worker

Attendance of the worker

Efficiency of the worker


Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Marketing Department

The marketing department performs marketing activity by supplying the products to the

customers within the mentioned time and the product is transferred to the domestic customers

by the road transportation and overseas customers by means of ships

Marketing Channels

Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing marketing The

channels chosen intimately affect all other marketing decisions

As the company is a manufacturing concern it undertakes the following type of marketing


The company gets order directly from its customers and it directly delivers the finished

products to its customers as it has producer-customer type of marketing channel

Marketing Strategies

Usually the Company follows the following marketing strategies

Quick delivery

Better quality

Service after sales




Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Marketing Segmentation

Market segmentation means dividing the market into different segments or sectors In this

company market segmentation is made on the basis of components


Packaging is normally not done for rough castings unless it is specified by the customer in

which case due care shall be taken to follow the customerrsquos specification only nice castings

are packed in the boxes

Handling of customer complaints

The details of customersrsquo complaints corrective action taken etc shall be

recorded on corrective action report and a copy shall be sent to the customer

Whenever possible customer confirmation is obtained

Managing Director shall forward the same to the Manager-Quality control for the


Based on the result of investigation the complaints are bifurcated as Genuine

Casual complaints

All genuine complaints are thoroughly investigated and a suitable corrective and

preventive action is taken recorded and given to the concerned department for

further action

All casual complaints from the customer are informed accordingly

The managing director shall receive complaints from the customers A complaint

number is allotted and an acknowledgement is sent to customers


The following records shall be maintained by marketing department

1 Enquiries and Quotation

2 Purchase orders from customer and its Amendments

3 Verbal order

4 Order Acceptance

5 Delivery challen cum Invoice


Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Finance Department

Finance is the lifeblood of any industry At any movement business firm can be viewed as a

pool of funds These funds come from a variety of sources investors or shareholders

creditors who lend in money and past earnings retained in business Funds provided from

these sources are committed to a number of uses Fixed assets used in production of a product

or service inventory used in production of marketable goods cash and securities used for

transaction and liquidity purposes

The sales of the company are accompanied with sales bills which are generated from

computer The terms of sales varies from 30 days 60 days and for few customers the

document is sent through Bank for payment

The export sales are against payment through Bank with a credit period of 45 days from the

date of shipment

The purchase of raw materials component parts and consumables are affected against a credit

period from 15 days to 60 days The purchase made from the local vendors is paid on the last

day of the month irrespective of the material receipt date

Department Structure




The main functions of Finance Department are as follows

1 Making the payment as salary to the employees

2 Meeting the manufacturing expenses of the organization

3 Preparing financial statement of the organization

4 Maintaining the liquidity position of the company

5 Helping the management in taking financial decision

6 Maintaining the rules and regulation laid down by the companyrsquos act of 1956

7 Making payments to the suppliers

8 Receiving receipts from the customers


Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Accounting Procedure

The company follows cash and credit basis of accounting of its income and expenditures

The income of the company is fo0rm sale of castings development of patterns for new items

and by sale of bye products The major expenditures are power charges manufacturing

expense labour raw materials and consumable spares administrative and selling expense


The following are the books and records maintained by cerebra integrated technologies


Subsidiary BooksRecords

This register is maintained to keep track of the material in-warded GRN wise and to enable to

effect payment on the due dates on the basis of the credit terms Immediately after accepting

the material by store and counter signed by the quality Assurance Department the necessary

entries are made in the registrar

Customer RegisterBill Register

This register is maintained to keep track of the sales made to each and individual customer

The follows are maintained customer wise and the detail of invoice number and date and

value with cumulative value is maintained in the register This register also helps to make

follow up for payment The entries in the register are made immediately after the invoice is

generated from the computer

The receipt of payment against each customer and invoice is also entered in the register to

enable to know the balance outstanding customer wise

Salary advance register

This register is maintained to know the advance outstanding employee wise Immediately

after issue of advance the necessary entries are made in this register Similarly after receipt

of advance through slips the entries are made in this register to know the exact balances of

advance employee wise


Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Customer Rejection Register

This register is maintained to keep track of customer rejection of castings

Immediately after receipt of rejected castings the GRN is made and the entries are made in

the computer and the computer list is enclosed with the GRN to made entries in the customer

rejection register where in the details of rejection via invoice number grade quantity and

weight value excise duty sales tax and forwarding are made

Books of Accounts

Petty Cash Book

This is day book maintained by the cashier by making necessary entries of receipt of cash and

payment made against vouchers The payment voucherreceipt vouchers are duty verified by

the Director and then necessary entries are made in the books through computer

The vouchers should be filled in all respect with date debitcredit account name paid to the

received from whom amount in words and figures If the payment is made above Rs500-

necessary signatures should be taken on affixing rupee one revenue stamp

Bank book

Since the company has availed cash credit and bill discounting facility from bank two

separate bank books for cash credit and bill discounting are maintained

The receipt of payment through chequedemand draft and payment through chequedemand

draft is maintained in the register The balance of the book should tally with the balance in

the books of accounts maintained in a computer

In the bill discounting register The bills lodged with bankers for discounting are entered and

the over draw amount against the discounted bills necessary credit entries are made in the

register to arrive at the actual balance against the sanctioned working capital


General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

General ledger

This ledger gives the details of transactions effected by the company at any point of time The

receipt and payment of cash as well as the receipt and payment of bank are posted to

respective accounts in the general ledger This ledger should be updated on day to day basis

to know the actual balance of each account The trail balance and receipt and payment are

made at each month end which should necessarily tally The profit and loss account is also

arrived on the basis of the trail balance which can be arrived month wise quarterly half

yearly or yearly

Inventory management

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies

in India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all the three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level o finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only the ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method

of inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method

raw material which bought first will be sent to the production department first

Cost of production

The following items determine the cost of production of the product

Price of raw materials

Labour costs

Other production costs

Market condition


Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Mode of Payment

1 Advance Payment

The firm takes an advance payment of 20 to 25 of price from the new customers

2 Credit

The firm gives credit facility to its old customers which is secured by the following

- Invoice performance credit

- Letter of credit







Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility






Particulars 30-9-2010 30-9-2009


Sales amp Services 588808535 503398844

Other Income 8458654 1291991

TOTAL 597267189 504690834


Materials 565924569 471247636

Manufacturing amp Administration Expenses 15640011 16247496

Marketing Expenses 249660 127791

Interestamp Financial Charges 248640 382737

Depreciation 1588627 2055635

TOTAL 583651507 490061295

Profit Before Extraordinary Items 13615681 14629539

Profit [loss] Before Taxation 13615681 14629539

Provision for Taxation

MAT 2524347 (1894)

Profit[loss] after tax transferred to balance 11091334 14631433





PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility




PARTICULARS 30-9-2010 (Rs) 30-9-2011(Rs)

Sources of funds

Share Holderrsquos Funds 159555820 150740820

Share Application Money 29211000 5643501

Reserves amp Surplus 242157224 242157224

Minority interest 334875 ------

Grand Total 431258919 398541545

Application of funds

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 46078186 46259057

Less Depreciation 28342562 26103945

Net Block 17735625 20155113

Deferred Tax Assets 63249 ----

Investment cost 2000 2000

Current Assets Loans amp Advances

Sundry Debtors 318650954 337538013

Cash amp Bank Balance 12439646 9113641

Loans amp Advances 114671053 45651808

445761654 392303462

Less Current Liabilities amp Provisions

Current Liabilities 293343081 290079690

Provisions 2810681 1999

Net Current Assets 149607892 102221773

Profit amp loss Account 263850154 276162659

Grand Total 431258919 398541545


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility


The 7s Model for management analysis was developed by McKinseyrsquos and company in the

late 1970s to help managers address the difficulties of change The model shows that

organizational immune systems and the many interconnected variables involved make change

complex and that an effective change effort must address many of these issues

simultaneously This is often a daunting managerial challenge

The 7s frame work provides an effective way of analyzing an organization in terms of dynamic

relationship among 7 key elements namely ndash Structure System Strategy Style Staff Shared values

(subordinate goals) Skill

According to Richard Pascal these factors are called ldquoThe art of Japanese Managementrdquo The

Richard defines that it was because of these factors the Japanese companies excelled over

American firms A very important feature of this Model is that McKinsey consultants in their

studies of several firms have extensively tested it

The McKinseyrsquos model is only a tool available to the managers to study the organizations A

major premise of the model is that many performances related issues are rooted among the 7

factors outlines This study is important from a strategic marketing Organizational

performances related issues are rooted among the 7 factors outlines These 7s are

interconnected aligned and working together in high performing organizations



The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility


The organizational structure of the company is based on the functional departments and the

decision taken from top-level management of the company For analyzing and for taking

decision the top management will consult the functional managers performance of various

tasks in departments will be assigned to its functional head

The way the organizationrsquos units related to each other centralized functional divisions (top-down)

Decentralized (the trend in large organizations) matrix network holiday etc The organization chart

associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and



Usually in a foundry Industry two types of skills are required They are as follows

1 Administrative skills

2 Technical skills

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are those skills which are very much necessary for office staff It

involves managing the resources of the organization Cerebra integrated technologies limited

is doing everything to impart these skills in its employees When the candidate is selected he

will be given an on-the-job training for about 1 year and also training in each department to

make the candidate familiar with the organization Every month a training program will be

conducted wherein personalities having expertise in various fields give lectures

Technical Skills

Technical skills are those skills which are directly concerned with the production Shop-

floor employees are expected to possess these skills to carry out the production activity


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited they give more importance to technical

knowledge than educational qualification


Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Different training programs are conducted to impart technical skills among employees When

a candidate is selected he will be subjected to an on-the-job training for 1 year Sometimes

the company gets its employees trained by external training agencies Guest lectures are

arranged once in a month to help the employees update their knowledge with the industry


Cerebra integrated technologies limited continuously monitors the performance of the

employees of various departments and identifies the training needs to be given for employees

and for enhancing the skills of the employees


The company follows a centralized system of decision-making Only the top management

takes the decisions and the suggestions of the lower level employees are taken into


To study the style of functioning of Cerebra integrated technologies limited I have taken the

purchasing activity as the parameter When the raw materials for production are out of stock

the storekeepers inform this to his immediate superior lsquoProduction managerrsquo who in turn

reports this to his immediate superior lsquoDirector Commercialrsquo thus adopting a bottom-up


In Cerebra integrated technologies limited there exists an authoritarian approach when it

comes to decision making Only the persons who are in higher authority take decisions about

the day-to-day operations Thus decision-making is restricted to the upper layer of the

management For eg While taking decisions regarding purchase only the MD and Director

[commercial] will take decisions regarding the vendor quantity and quality of the raw

material and tenders The higher authorities do everything There is no participative

approach and most of the employees have no or very little knowledge about all the aspects of

the companyrsquos administration



Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility


Strategy is about setting corporate goals defining steps needed to achieve these goals

followed by systematic action and allocation of resources to achieve corporate goals

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is aiming at gaining a substantial advantage over

competition through its quality products with reasonable price To price their products

reasonable they should minimize the cost as much as possible One way of doing this is by

waste elimination

The strategy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited regarding waste elimination is very

simple and feasible ie ensuring that the quality of raw materials purchased is good well in

advance before starting production activity By using the good quality of raw materials the

company can produce quality output without any damages or cracks in the castings Thus

reducing the wastage

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has one more strategy regarding waste elimination

Ie by carrying out the production activity according to the procedure and under watchful

eyes of the supervisors Thus there would be no room for the shop floor employees to

commit any wrongdoing


Responsibility and Authority

The company has defined responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective

implementation of quality management and these are communicated to relevant persons in

the organization


Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Managing Director


1 Overall control of the company

2 Ultimate responsibility for product quality

3 Responsibility for customer satisfaction

4 Responsibility for marketing

5 New product development and process improvement

6 Growth and profit


1 Approve quality assurance manual

2 Interact with customers

3 Approve capital goods

4 Release the product whenever there is ambiguity

5 Disposal of non-conforming products

6 Sign cheque

Director (Commercial)


1 Responsible for purchasing and supplier development

2 Financial management including cash flow management

3 Responsible for storersquos management

4 Administration and personnel management

5 Functions of managing director in his absence


1 Sign the purchase order

2 Sign cheques

3 Prepare the yearly budget and follow up

4 Interact with statutory bodies and maintain records


Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Works Manager


1 Overall responsibility for production planning and control

2 Overall responsibility for pattern equipment and product quality

3 Safety and house-keeping of entire company

4 Upkeep of all equipment

5 Process improvement and productivity

6 Training of production and quality control personnel

7 Upkeep of relevant records


1 Co-ordinate at all stages of production to ensure material of right quality and quantity

reaching customer on time

2 Introduce new production methodsmaterial to improve productivity and quality

Manager Maintenance


1 Monitor and control the activity of the administration office

2 Upkeep of statutory records

3 Make payment to suppliers on due date

4 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Prepare and send chequesDDrsquos


Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Manager Accounts


1 Account all the vouchers and bills after acceptance from stores

2 Maintain books of accounts

3 Update all the accounts regularly

4 Prepare financial statement at defined intervals

5 Update the salary advance register

6 Housekeeping in respective areas


1 Enter accounts data into the computer

2 Raise debitcredit notes

3 Issue stamped receipts for the payment received

Assistant Manager Quality Control


1 NDT inspection

2 Inspection of castings in first second and final stage

3 Upkeep of related records

4 Housekeeping in respective department


1 Authorized to inspect and release the product for next stages


Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance


1 Incoming and in-process inspection

2 Overall responsibility of calibration of EMTE

3 Training of quality assurance personnel


1 Accept the product at inward good stage

2 Approve the liquid metal before pouring



1 Charge calculation

2 Inspection of incoming materials

3 Mechanical testing

4 Housekeeping in the related areas


1 Authorized to approve the liquid metal before pouring in the absence of Assistant



Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Marketing and Administration Officer


1 Delivery challan cum invoice preparation with its related activities

2 Central excise formalities and related activities

3 Cash handling

4 Upkeep and maintenance of the following records


1 Purchase stationery

2 Co-ordinate with central excise department on behalf of the company

Supervisory Moulding


1 Allocate the work for the workers based on planning

2 Arrangements for production of moulding core as per planning and documented


3 Inspection of pattern and core box before and while production

4 Ensure correct mixing of sand as per procedure

5 To maintain a clean and neat working environment


1 Authorize to reject mouldscores in consent with assistant manager company

Supervisor Maintenance


1 General house-keeping in all area

2 Attending machine break down

3 Arrangement for lining preparation



1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility


1 Authorized to arrange for spares in the absence of Manager Maintenance and in

consent with the directors

Supervisor Inspection


1 Inspection of castings in all stores

2 Final clearance of castings before dispatch


1 Authority to clear material for dispatch in consent with Assistant Manager

Purchase Officer


1 Local purchase

2 Cash purchase

3 Out station purchase follow up as and when assigned

4 Attending bank work


1 Authorized to procure material from approved supplier in consent with Director



Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Cashier Steno cum Typist


1 To prepare covering letters for the entire invoice towards dispatch of castings

2 To prepare letterspayment reminders at defined intervals

3 To maintain petty cash book daily


1 Make payment of Rs20000 against approval by the Director (commercial)

2 Procure postal stamps and revenue stamps for office use

The responsibilities and authorities of Management Representatives include the following

a) Coordinating for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management

system with other head of the departments in the company

b) Coordinating and obtaining approval and updating the quality assurance manual

documented procedures detailed procedures and process maps

c) Reporting to management on the performance of the quality management including

needs for improvement through management review meetings

d) Ensuring awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization


Cerebra integrated technologies limited uses complete systemized processes in all fields like

quality control systems performance measurement systems order execution systems

Inventory control systems etc

Inventory Control System

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a majority of companies in

India Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and

components that make up the product The various forms in which inventories exist in a

manufacturing company are raw materials work in progress and finished goods


A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

A manufacturing firm will have substantially high level of all three kinds of inventories

While retail or wholesale firm will have a very high level of finished goods inventories and

no raw material and work in progress inventory

Cerebra integrated technologies limited has implemented only ldquofirst-in first-outrdquo method of

inventory control technique which is popularly known as FIFO method In this method raw

materials which bought first will be sent to the production department first The inventory

system of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is very effective to have a control over the

raw materials Inventory control systemrsquos main objective is to avoid over stocking or under

stocking It maintains the level of raw materials at equilibrium This system works by

estimating the production level for the next one-month and then it estimates the raw materials

required to meet the production for the next one month If the stock of raw materials is not

enough to meet the production level then it places an order for the raw materials that too one

month in advance so that the production will not be affected even in case of any


Order Execution System

The company receives the purchase order from its customer The purchase order may be in

terms of written format or a verbal order The overall responsibility for review of purchase

orders lies with the Managing Director As and when required Managing Director shall take

the assistance of Assistant Manager Quality control and Assistant Manager Company for

review of contract

The following are the various steps taken by the organization to execute a purchase order

from a customer

1 All purchase orders receipt and then issued stamped with date of receipt and then

issued to the Managing Director for study

2 Managing Director shall study the technical and commercial requirements with

respect to the following


a Normalwitness pouring

b Third party inspection


c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

c NDT requirements

d Acid Picking requirements

e Previous history of the product available in computer


a Rate

b Delivery period

c Mode of Dispatch

d Mode of Payment

e Payment terms

f KSTCST Number of customer

g Dispatch destination address and mode of dispatch

h One copy is sent to customer

i One copy is filled to customer wise along with purchase order

3 Managing Director shall interact with the customer and get the necessary clarifications

regarding technical delivery and commercial conditions

4 If everything is found correct Managing Director shall issue the purchase order for entering

in computer

5 The same shall be entered in computer and the purchase order shall be stamped


6 An order acknowledgement shall necessarily have the following details other than items

grade and rate and delivery date

7 After the same is cleared by the Managing Director

8 The concerned production department shall have an access to order acceptance from


9 The production department will go for producing the products as per the requirement of the


10 The dispatch section will send the products to the customer as per their requirement


Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Shared value

Shared values include the core values which are the essential guiding principles doctrines

and core purpose which encompass the companyrsquos business goals how it strives to achieve

and the values it will uphold in determining corporate destiny

Cerebra integrated technologies limited Shared values have two variables They are as


1 Mission

2 Corporate Objectives

Serve the community around through welfare schemes

In order to fulfill this shared value the Company is involving itself in many charity

activities Like providing the necessities for the local schools and giving donations to

charitable institutes

To become a Global entity for the supply of finished Cast components in wide range

of materials with highly committed and socially responsible employees

The company in order to become a global entity with highly committed and socially

responsible employees is putting all its efforts to make its employees skilled enough

to handle any complex job To make the employees skilful the company is organizing

training programs regularly The company is taking measures to create social

awareness among its employees

Strive towards making work environment safe and environment friendly

To make the working environment safe for the employees the company has provided

safety gears like safety goggles safety shoes safety clothing etc for its employees It

is also taking measures to minimize the harm to the environment by recycling the

sand and using it again for casting purpose

The quality policy of Cerebra integrated technologies limited is to ensure manufacture

and supply products of high quality to the complete satisfaction of each and every

customer and thus achieve leadership in market as reputed and reliable supplies

Cerebra integrated technologies limited is giving due importance to the quality of its

products There by achieving a sense of satisfaction among its customers The

employees are made to perform the work with due concern to the quality of the


products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

products Through its quality products the company wants to achieve leadership in

market as reputed and reliable supplies

Endeavoring to fulfill social responsibilities

The company in order to fulfill its social responsibility has undertaken many

community development projects which include donations to charitable institutions

and providing necessities for local schools etc besides the company has a huge

concern for environment Therefore it has made a policy to minimize harmful effects

on the environment

The company is committed to the following

Continual prevention of pollution reduction of waste and consumption of

resources in all its operations

Promote environmental awareness among all employees and ensure their

participation in implementing this environmental policy at their place of work



A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S)

weakness (W) and those external to the firms can be classified as opportunities (O) threats

(T) Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred as SWOT analysis



1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

1 Easy and timely availability of raw material

2 The company is having expertise Human resource

3 The company has equipped with latest technology

4 The company has good machines for manufacturing purpose

5 The company protects employees by giving safety equipments


1 Lack of education among the workers in the lower cadre

2 They have not given the additional facilities like cab facilities etc

3 The company does not have its own products to sell It should rely heavily on

customer orders

4 Lack of space inside the production department

5 The company more depends on the casual workforce in its production



1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

1 The company can expand its business in Europe which is a potential market for

industrial machines

2 By maintaining its quality of products the company can enter different foreign


3 Presence of auto majors in the region especially in south India

4 Cheap and skilled labour is also acts as an opportunity for the company for producing

quality of goods effectively and more efficiently


1 Pollution control norms laid by the government are getting stringent

2 A liberal importexport policy has made the Chinese steel industries to enter India

With its cheap products they can kill domestic industries

3 Labour incentive

4 Expensive transportation cost

5 Industries heavily rely on non-renewable resources These resources may get




Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

Cerebra integrated technologies limited which are one of the IT solution industries


The organization is not success in both domestic and export market to meet their


The company is not providing proper training to their employees

The company is financially sound

Rising cost of raw materials

Products processing facilities are not enough

They should make more advertisements

The name Cerebra integrated technologies limited itself stands for quality and




The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

The Cerebra integrated technologies limited having the good working environment The

employees are very happy to work is the Industry And this Industry is having good

Infrastructure facility to develop the employees And industry was taking well initiative To

strengthen their employees and also to improve the quality of life their employees

Cerebra integrated technologies limited industry has posted a good performance with all-

round improvement is production sales and profitability

Lastly I conclude that the company is having good market for their product but also it has to

give Advertisement for their product to create awareness in the minds of the customer The

prospects of the company continued to be positive And also the industry has delivering

superior value to the customerrsquos stake holders and other by providing good quality products



The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

The training has created a sense of practical exposure and enlightenment in my mind as to

what actually an organization is and how theoretical concepts are practiced in with only

theatrical knowledge several management concepts were slightly difficult to analyze

However after implant training I have felt empowered with confidence to understand

different management concepts in a pragmatic manner

The training helped me a lot in recalling the theoretical concepts which I learnt in my 1 st year

MBA I also came across real problems faced by organization in technology human

resources etc and the way in which the management tackled those problems

During this implant training I realized that management is a backbone of every organization

and without which every activity of organization will go haywire

I came to know the importance of Management Information System [MIS] in the

organization and how it assists the management in every aspect of its business and how it

helps the management in the process of decision-making

I came to know how communication acts as an important tool for the smooth functioning of

the organization and how we should communicate on different channels and with different

grades of peoples

As we all know that finance is lifeblood of every organization I personally had a look at the

finance department I came to know the importance of finance department and I came to

know the different tools they use to have a control over the liquidity position of the company

I came to know the importance of Managerial Knowledge such as planning organizing

staffing directing controlling and decision-making I came to know about the rules

regulation policies and procedures of the company and to what extent employees are

following the rules and regulation laid down by the management I came to know about the

punitive actions taken by the management against the individuals who breaks the rules and

regulation of the company

Apart from these I also came to know about the Leader ship traits such as ability to motivate

counsel and train sub-ordinate in a humane approach to their problem develop personnel

support and team spirit


In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility

In training also helped me in knowing the importance of group effort when compared to

individual effort in organization In addition importance of human relations was known

which helps the management getting the things done through its employees

Personally I gained many valuable insights in Cerebra integrated technologies limited which

help in my career It is about the working environment about dealing with the employees

about the attitude required to sustain in an organization and so on

In total I am very much benefited with this implant training Once again I thank the

authority of Cerebra integrated technologies limited of giving me this opportunity to carry

out the implant training and expose myself to the corpor ate field and I thank all employers

of Cerebra integrated technologies limited and as well as who are helping and for giving me

continuous guidance to make this project work successful



The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility


The companyrsquos Reports are

Quality Assurance Report

Production Report

Finance department Report

Marketing department Report




Financial report - Financial section in Cerebra integrated technologies limited


Kotler Philip and Keller Kevin Lane (2006) Marketing Management (12 th

Edition) Pearson Education

Cooper Donald R and Schindler Pamela S (2005) Business Research

Methods (8th Edition) Tata McGraw Hill

AshwathappaK (2005) Human Resource and Personal Management (3rd

Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill


Company Magazines

Hand books Catalogue Journals amp Reports


  • The future of any Company depends on its ability to-
  • Responsibility and Authority
  • Managing Director
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Director (Commercial)
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Manager Accounts
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisory Moulding
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Supervisor Maintenance
  • Responsibility