CeQebno - University of Wisconsin System


Transcript of CeQebno - University of Wisconsin System

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CeQebno titlg... CRegeaJtch, [;choQaJtghiP

and 0eative cAchieveWlent Reception held

Tuesday, February 24, 2004 3:00 - 4:30 PM

Atrium, Chalmer Davee Library

Guidelines -Printed items were published or acceptedfor publication during the calendar year of2003.

-Creative work was produced during the calendar year of2003.

-Grants were proposed during the calendar year of 2003.

Page 3: CeQebno - University of Wisconsin System

good Md

and Food Science.) Johne s tests utilizing

ofWisconsiItiSystem Cooperative

"Preference Dairy Mineral Flavors Added to a Standard Dairy Mineral Trial #1) . .. Funded by an Applied Nature Grant from Braes Feed Ingredients, Inc.

"Effect ofAdded Water or Wet Molasses on Selective Consumption (Sorting) of Tmr Diets by Dairy Cattle." Funded by the University of Wisconsin-System Cooperative Research Grant Program.

Cooper, Dennis P., Department of Animal and Food Science

Funded Grants: (In collaboration with Dennis Cosgrove, Department of Plant and Earth Science) "Yugoslavia Dairy Forage & Feeding Program." Funded by the United States Department of Agriculture - Foreign Agricultural Service.

(In collaboration with Dennis Cosgrove, Department of Plant and Earth Science) "Romanian Young Dairy Scientist Program." Funded by the United States Department ofAgriculture - Foreign Agricultural Service.

Cosgrove, Dennis D., Department of Plant and Earth Science

Funded Grants: "Nutrient Management Planning for Dairy Farms Practicing Rotational Grazing." Funded by the United States Department of Agriculture - Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.

collaboration with Dennis Cooper, Department of Animal and Food Science) "Yugoslavia Dairy Forage & Feeding Program." Funded by the United States Department of Agriculture - Foreign Agricultural Service.

(In collaboration with Dennis Cooper, Department of Animal and Food Science) "Romanian Young Dairy Scientist Program." Funded by the United States Department of Agriculture - Foreign Agricultural Service.

Ferriss, Terry, Department of Plant and Earth Science

Academic Posters: (In collaboration with her students: Mark Konlock, Kurt Hulett, and Gregory Ruskell). "An Example ofMeeting Storm Water Ordinances with Native Plantings." Presented at the looth Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science; held in Providence, Rhode Island, October 3-6, 2003. (Awarded First Place in the Collegiate Branch Faculty Poster Competition.)

(In collaboration with Gerald Nolte and Nate Splett, Department of Agricultural Economics, and Lanny Neel and Brian Smith, Department of Plant and Earth Science)."Business Management Training for Horticulture Students." Presented at the looth Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science; held in Providence, Rhode Island, October 3-6, 2003. Supported in part by a USDA Higher Education Challenge Grant.

Hadley, Gregg, Department of Agricultural Economics

Funded Grant: (In collaboration with Laura Walsh University of Wisconsin-Extension programs in Agriculture and Natural Resources, River Falls Office) "Puentes Program." Funded by the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board Grant Program.

Keirn, Steven, Department of Animal and Food Science

Funded Grant: (In collaboration with Larry Baumann, Department of Animal and Food Science.)

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"Evaluating Stage ofLactation and Pooled Sample Effects for 10hne:S Tests Utilizing Fecal Culture." Funded by the University of Wisconsin System Cooperative Research Grant Program.

May, Ranee, Department of Animal and Food Science

Proposed Grant: "Development ofan On-Line Sanitation Course for Wisconsin Cheesemakers. "

Submitted to the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board Grant Program.

Neel, Lanny, Department of Plant and Earth Science

Academic Poster: (In collaboration with Terry Ferriss, and Brian Smith, Department of Plant and Earth Science, and Nate Splett. and Gerald Nolte, Emeritus, Department of Agricultural Economics) "Business Management Training for Horticulture Students." Presented at the tOOth Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science; held in Providence, Rhode Island, October 3-6, 2003. Supported in part by a USDA Higher Education Challenge Grant.

Nolte, Gerald, Emeritus, Department of Agricultural Economics

Academic Poster: collaboration with Terry Ferriss, Lanny Nee1, and Brian Smith, Department of

Plant and Earth Science, and Nate Splett, Department of Agricultural Economics). "Business Management Training for Horticulture Students." Presented at the tOOth Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science; held in Providence, Rhode Island, October 3-6, 2003. Supported in part by a USDA Higher Education Challenge Grant.

Onan, Gary, Department of Animal and Food Science

Proposed Grant: (In collaboration with Tim Lyden, Department of Biology) "Development of Practical Laboratory Experience in Data Generation & Handling within the University of Wisconsin-River Falls Anatomy & Physiology Curriculum. " Submitted to the National Science Foundation's Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement Grant Program.

Ridley, Steve, Dean, College of AgricultUre, Food and Environmental Sciences

Funded Grant: "University of Wisconsin-River Falls Research Internship Program." Funded the United States Department of Agriculture Challenge Grant Program.

Proposed Grant! "Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board Projects." Submitted to the Wisconsin Milk

Marketing Board Grant Program.

Smith, Brian, Department of Plant and Earth Science

Academic Poster: collaboration with Terry Ferris and Lanny Neel, Department of Plant and Earth

Science, and Gerald Nolte, Emeritus, and Nate Splett, Department of Agricultural Economics). "Business Management Training for Horticulture Students." Presented at the tOOth Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science; held in Providence, Rhode Island, October 3-6, 2003. Supported in part by a USDA Higher Education Challenge Grant.

Funded Grants: "Determination ofProjitabilitytptential ofNew Raspberry Cultivars in

, • •• - • _..< of Wisconsin-System Applied Research

of New Commercial Cultivars for the gricultural Development and Diversification

n Department of Agriculture, Trade and

Adapted Commercial Cultivars for the Development and Diversification

itPO"n"rtmpnt of Agriculture, Trade and

Horticulture American Society October 3-6, 2003.


iotechnoliirtvlFood Safety

Migration: Contexts of the Bethany Indian presented at The Biennial Conference of the

American Studies: America in the World; Life and Culture in the United States, held at the

and Technology, Trondheim: Norway, August 6­

Blodgett, Earl, Department of Physics.

Proposed Grant: "American Association ofPhysics Teachers I Physics Teaching Resource Agents

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Rural Regional Center at University of Wisconsin-River Falls." Submitted to the American Association of Physics Teachers Grant Program.

and Sciences; Department of English

Dean, College of Education and

nn-lHver Falls and Partners Elementary and " Funded by the University of

Secondary Education Act Grant Program.

erusalem lies at the core of western religiOUS throughout history is essential to

LllCUJULlS o(conflict and confrontation. The archaeological record 'the making, gives us a unique insight into biblical,

in the Middle East, from generation to generation."

Ernie, Kathryn, Department of Mathematics

Funded Grant: collaboration with Thea Dunn, Department of Teacher Education


"Enhancing Mathematics Teaching and Learning in Diverse Classrooms: Virtual Observations, Critical Reflection, and Culturally-based Curriculum Materials. " The outcome was the creation of culturally relevant mathematics materials using traditional tapestries and textiles to explore mathematical concepts. These materials are now used as a part of the College of Education and Professional Studies' Partnership with St. Paul Schools. The grant was funded by the University of Wisconsin System Institute on Race and Ethnicity.

Forest, Marguerite, Department of Geography and Mapping Sciences

Funded Grants: "High Resolution Air Photos for Analyzing Rural Land Cover and Land Use

Changes on Haida Gwaii, British Columbia." Funded by a University of Wisconsin-River Falls Faculty Research Grant.

"GPS Equipment and Software for Complex Data Collection and High Accuracy Mapping." Funded by a University of Wisconsin-River Falls Foundation Faculty Grant.

Garry, Clarke, Department of Biology

Funded Grant: "Project Assistant Funding for Kinnickinnic River Macroinvertebrate Survey. " Funded by Trout Unlimited.

Proposed Grant: "Proposal for Archive Materials in Support of Kinnickinnic River Macroinvertebrate Diversity Survey." Submitted to Trout Unlimited.

Hanson, Patricia, Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts

Monograph: Hanson, Pat. The Five Goodbyes, Motherin& My Child with Down Syndrome ISBN: 1-4134-3209-3. Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris. 2003.

Heberlein, David, Department of Art

Selenium Toned, Silver Gelatin Photographs:

Included in the "Our Heartland: Contemporary Images of Rural Life" Exhibition at the Phipps Center for the Arts Galleries (Hudson, WI: Autumn 2003)

Piece #1: "Quail Ridge Development. River Falls. WI June 2003" [Panoramic Photograph - 40" wide by 13.5" high]

Artist's Statement: "/ am interested in the fringe area separating rural and (sub )urban landscapes in our area of western Wisconsin. These relationships offer many visual possibilities . ..

Piece #2: "Great Oaks Development. Eagan. MN - April 1993" Piece #3: "Great Oaks Development. Eagan. MN May 2003"

Artist's Statement: "1 hove been revisiting some of these fringe areas initially photographed a decade or more ago. They make interesting "then and now" comparisons . ..


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Heppen John, Department of Geography and Mapping Sciences

Articles: "Racial and Social Diversity and United States Presidential Election Regions. " The Professional Geographer. 55:2 (2003): 191-205.

Heppen, John and D. Mesyanzhinov. "Political Geography and Regionalism in Louisiana: The Impact of the French Influence in the Post-World II Era." Political Geography. 22:5 (2003): 519-533.

Jermal, Lynn, Department of Art

Mixed Media Drawing, 24" x 34":

Title: "Rooster"

Received the Third Place Juror Award at the Phipps Center for the Arts Galleries Membership Exhibition (Hudson, WI: June I9-July 19,2003). The annual Members Exhibition includes a large number of artworks with a wide range of media and intention.

Artist's Statement: "This piece is from a series ofdrawings ofa hen and rooster that grew up in our yard following one ofmy son's science experiments. Watching them individually and together captured my imagination. The work is in watercolor. charcoal and graphite on a textured sUrface. "

Johansson, Peter, Department of Modem Language

Funded Grant: (In collaboration with Mary Manke, Associate Dean, College of Education and Professional Studies, and Robin Murray, Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts) "High Quality Professional Development at a Distance: Enhancing Teacher Quality & Student Learning Through Content, Performance Assessment, & Reading & Writing in the Content Area." Funded by the University of Wisconsin System's Elementary and Secondary Education Act Grant Program.

Johnson, Douglas, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences; Dept. of Biology

Funded Grant: "The University of Wisconsin-River Falls Teaching Scholars Program." Funded by the University of Wisconsin-System Office of Professional and Instructional Development.

Johnston, Randy, Department of Art

Ceramic Piece #1: Green Vase Form (14" tall x 10" wide x 3.5" deep)

Ceramic Piece #2: Large Green Glazed Platter with Triangulations (2 feet-in-diameter)

Artist's Statement: "I am hopeful these pieces stand on their own as successful visual objects. I believe they provide aesthetic images that are meaningful, important and valid in their ability to rouse a full range ofemotions and intellectual responses with regard to form, color. light and texture. 1 hope you will sense a glimmer of the harmony art has enjoyed in earlier ages and other cultures, when it was less individual, and more willing to share its fundamental nature with religion and magic. "


Kahlow, Michael, Department of Chemistry

Jr., University of Minnesota) in the Reaction ofRibonucleotide

to the National Science Foundation.

Department of Chemistry) tl"ll(A(1.vanCement ofScience Grant . .. LA~$9Riation for the Advancement of Science

ucation) roblem-based

lion . .. Submitted to the dary Education Act

Undergraduate Research held Lakt;.City, Utah; and the

IfJr;p}}lltFgraduate Research, "Rvl>n;no ofRSCA," November 12,

, University of Wisconsin-River Falls

CaVOll!l..l and cytoskeletal elements in cultured primary

collaboration with Chris Knoop, University of Wisconsin-River Falls Biology Student) "Determination ofplacental trophoblast cellular differentiation-state through

DAPI staining and image analysis. "


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-\ ' .Presented at the Annual Basic Science Colloquium and ]-" Annual Chicago ,.. Cytoskeleton Conference-The Cytoskeleton in Health and Disease held at

Evanston, IL; and the University of ~siti:;'RiverFtills''$r/cietYf(lr'Undergraduate Research, Scholarly and

"Fieninl! of RSCA," November 12,2003,

University of Wisconsin-River Falls

during retroviral envelope protein-

Falls Society for Undergraduate ACtlVUleS sDonsored "Evening of RSCA,"

1~l:UIl~IIl-~lver Falls

University of University of Wisconsin­

& Summative " Submitted to the of Wisconsin-La

Spiczak, Department of Physics)

Survey ofAMANDA with the SPASE Detectors. The SPASE ollaboratlOn and/he AMANDA Collaboration." Nuclear Instruments and

Methods A. (2003):J419.

"Limits on Diffuse Fluxes ofHigh Energy Extraterrestrial Neutrinos with the AMANDA-BIO Detector." Physical Review Letters. 90,251101 (2003): I-II.

"Limits to the Muon Fluxfrom WIMP Annihilation in the Center of the Earth with the AMANDA Detector." Physical Review D. 66,032006 (2002): 1-14.


"Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Composition at the Knee with the SPASE-21 AMANDA-BIO Detectors." Astroparticle Physics. (2003): 1-25.

"Muon Track Reconstruction and Data Selection Techniques in AMANDA. " Nuclear Instruments and Methods A. (2003): 1-40.

"Observation ofHigh Energy Atmospheric Neutrinos with the Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array." Physical Review D. 66,012005 (2002): 1-21.

"Search for Neutrino-Induced Cascades with the AMANDA Detector." Physical Review D. 67,012003 (2003): I-II.

"Sensitivity of the Ice Cube Detector to Astrophysical Sources ofHigh Energy Muon Neutrinos." Astroparticle Physics. (Preprint August 15, 2003, pp. 1-40.) Published in Vol. 20 (2004): 507-532.

Funded Grant: "Ice Cube Startup Project." Funded by the National Science Foundation.

Proposed Grant: (Written in collaboration with Glenn Spiczak, Department of Physics) "Engaging Students & Educators with Cosmic Rays." Submitted to the National Science Foundation's Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement Grant Program.

Marchand, Daniel H., Department of Chemistry

Article: Marchand, D.H., L.A. Williams, J.w. Dolan, and L.R. Snyder. "Slow Equilibration ofReversed-phase Columns for the Separation of Ionized Solutes." Journal of Chromatography. A: 1015 (2003): 53-64.

Mulvey, James B., Department of English

Article: "Reexamining the Structure ofHemingway's 'The Doctor and the Doctor s Wife, '. " Eureka Studies in Teaching Short Fiction. 3:2 (Spring 2003): 36-46.

Murray, Robin, Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts

Funded Grant: (In collaboration with Mary Manke, Associate Dean, College of Education and Professional Studies, and Peter Johansson, Department of Modem Language.) "High Quality Professional Development at a Distance: Enhancing Teacher Quality & Student Learning Through Content, Performance Assessment, & Reading & Writing in the Content Area." Funded by the University of Wisconsin System's Elementary and Secondary Education Act Grant Program.

Padgett, Michael, Chair, Department of Art

Low temperature ceramic whiteware, 15" x 15" x 5":

Title: "Bird Bowl"

This piece is made from a low-temperature clay that has been oxidized in a cone 04 firing. Underglaze stains are sprayed, smudged, and brushed on the surface to achieve the color effects. Surfaces are intentionally worked to reflect a painterly and/or linear quality with the use of a subdued pallet and subtle glazes.


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Artist's statement: "My work has involved figures and bird images as a'major theme for well over two decades. Characteristically, these figures are not portraits, but refer to the psychological and spiritual aspects of being human as well as to the human body as form. Some of my earlier pieces explored the dark side of the human psyche, while my recent work recognizes joy, sensuality, connection and occasionally includes a touch of whimsy."

Peterson, Karl, Department of Chemistry

Funded Grant: "Synthesis of Incarfvillateine and Analogs." Funded by the Research Site for Educators in Chemistry through the University of Minnesota and the National Science Foundation.

Peterson, Edward N., Department of History and Philosophy

Monograph: Peterson, Edward N. The Limits of Police Power: The Ma&debur&er Stasi 1953­.82. (Accepted for publication in 2003; ISBN: 0820470503; Peter Lang Publishing; forthcoming in 2004.)

Petzold, Donald E., Department of Geography and Mapping Sciences

Articles: "When I was Young . .. ' 'Perceptions ofPast Winters by Elderly Residents of Northwest Wisconsin." The Geo&raphjcal Bulletin. 40:2 (1998): 114.

(Written in collaboration with his student, Micah A. Zeitler) "Lions and Tigers and Bears - The Geographical Significance of Wisconsin Public High School Nicknames." The Wisconsin Geo&rapher. 17 (2001): 25-36.

Rusterholz, David, Department of Chemistry

Proposed Grant: (In collaboration with Karen Klyczek, Chair, Department of Biology) "Merck American Association for the Advancement ofScience Grant." Submitted to the Merck American Association for the Advancement of Science Grant Program.

Spiczak, Glenn, Department of Physics

Articles: (All written in collaboration with James Madsen, Department of Physics)

"Calibration and Survey ofAMANDA with the SPASE Detectors. The SPASE Collaboration and the AMANDA Collaboration." Nuclear Instruments and Methods A. (2003): 1-19.

"Limits on Diffuse Fluxes ofHigh Energy Extraterrestrial Neutrinos with the AMANDA-B10 Detector." Physical Review Letters. 90,251101 (2003): I-II.

"Limits to the Muon Fluxfrom WIMP Annihilation in the Center of the Earth with the AMANDA Detector." Physical Review D. 66,032006 (2002): 1-14.

"Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Composition at the Knee with the SPASE-21


AMANDA-B10 Detectors." Astroparticle Physics. (2003): 1-25.

Selection Techniques in AMANDA." (2003): 1-40.

!.f}snheric NI'utrinos with the Antarctic Muon 66,012005 (2002): 1-21.



,..... . Students to Find Their Voice. " (December 2002/published in 2003). 1-2.

Grant: (In collaboration wit1\;J;;ll.~ra Zlogar, Department of English). "Multicultural Education in the English/Language Arts Classroom." Funded by the University of Wisconsin System Institute on Race and Ethnicity.

Zlogar, Laura, Department of English

Funded Grant: (In collaboration with Ruth Wood, Department of English).


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"Multicultural Education in the English/Language Arts Classroom." Funded by the J.Jqiversity of Wisconsin Sy?t~m Institute on Race and Ethnicity.

OJ1d 8cOflOWlicg

International Study" presented at ulty Poster Session.

MilIeli'Department of Business

Academic Paper: collaboration with'Claire Kilian, Department of Business Administration)

"This Bud's For You!" Presented at The Midwest Business Administration Association'S 39th Annual Conference, Chicago, March 12-14, 2003 (and published in the Proceedings).

Kilian, Claire, Department of Business Administration


Monograph: Kilian, Claire, Edwin Leonard, and Raymond Hilgert. Labor Agreement Negotiations. (7~' edition) ISBN: 0759313148. Thomson Learning, (2003).

Academic Papers: (In collaboration with Jacque Foust and Darryl W. Miller, Department of Business Administration) "Cheese Anyone?" Presented at The Midwest Business Administration Association's 39th Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March 12-14,2003 (and published in the Proceedings).

collaboration with Dawn Hukai, Department of Business Administration) "This Bud's For You!" Presented at The Midwest Business Administration Association's 39th Annual Conference, Chicago, March 12-14, 2003 (and published in the Proceedings).

Kilian, Claire, Edwin Leonard, and Roy Cook. 'The Positive Suggestion Box. " Presented at The Midwest Business Administration Association's 39th Annual Conference, Chicago, March 12-14,2003 (and published in the Proceedings).

Kilian, Claire and Edwin Leonard. "What Will It Take to Motivate Callie Michaels?" Presented at The Midwest Business Administration Association's 39th Annual Conference, Chicago, March 12-14, 2003 (and published in the Proceedings).

Miller, Darryl W., Department of Business Administration

Articles: "Classifying Services by Tangibility/Intangibility ofAttributes and Benefits." Services Marketing Quarterly. 24 (2003): 35-55.

(Written in collaboration with Michael Stoica, School of Business, Washburn University) "Comparing the Effects ofa Photograph versus Artistic Renditions ofa Beach Scene in a Direct-response Print Adfor a Caribbean Resort Island: A Mental Imagery Perspective." Journal of Vacation Marketing. 10: 1 (2003). 11-21.

"New Technology Adoption, Business Strategy and Government: The Case of Mobile Commerce." Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing (Accepted for publication in 2003IPublication forthcoming in 2004).

Academic Paper: (In collaboration with Jacque Foust and Claire Kilian, Department of Business Administration) "Cheese Anyone?" Presented at The Midwest Business Administration Association's 39th Annual Conference, Chicago, llIinois, March 12-14,2003

published in the Proceedings),

Najafi, Hossein, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems

Articles: (Written in collaboration with Reza Rahgozar. Department of Business Administration)


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"An Empirical Comparison ofHedging Models in Managing Oil Revenue Risk." Journal of the Academy of Finance. I: I (2003): 100-1 13.

(Written in collaboration with Reza Rahgozar, Department of Business Administration) "Effect of Diversification on Managing Revenue and Risk: An Empirical Analysis Using Crude Oil Futures Markets." Derivatiyes Use. Tradin~ & Re~ulation. 9:2 (2003): 133-149.

Ngoboka, Pascal, Department of Economics

Article: (Written in collaboration with Brian Schultz, Department of Economics) ''The Effects ofClass Size on Student Academic Performance in a Principles of Microeconomics Course." Southwestern Journal of Economics. 5:2 (2003): 99-113.

Nemecek, Barbara, Dean, College of Business and Economics

Funded Grant: "The University of Wisconsin-River Falls Small Business Development Center Program for Calendar Year 2004." Funded by the University of Wisconsin Extension.

Pinola, Rudy, Emeritus, Department of Business Administration

Monograph: (Written in collaboration with Reza Rahgozar, Department of Business Administration) Privatization and Valuation Methods. ISBN: 1-883428-07-6. Hudson, WI: Economic Research Service, 2003.

Potts, Glenn, Chair, Department of Economics

Academic Paper: "Transparency ofMonetary Policy and Equity Market Volatility." Midwest

Busjness Economics Association Proceedin~s (2003). pp.I-14.

Rahgozar, Reza, Chair, Department of Business Administration

Monograph: (Written in collaboration with Rudy Pinola., Emeritus, Department of Business Administration) Privatization and Valuation Methods. ISBN: 1-883428-07-6. Hudson. WI: Economic Research Service, 2003.

Articles: (Written in collaboration with Hossein Najafi, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems) "An Empirical Comparison ofHedging Models in Managing Oil Revenue Risk." Journal of the Academy of Finance. I: 1 (2003): 100-113.

(Written in collaboration with Hossein Najafi, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems) "Effect ofDiversification on Managing Revenue and Risk: An Empirical Analysis Using Crude Oil Futures Markets." Derivatives Use, Trading & Regulation. 9:2 (2003): 133-149.


International Conference Paper: 'Mnnfll>ino Crude Oil Price Risk; An Empirical Comparison ofHedging

~, Applied Business Research Conference, llublished in the Proceedings).

-.t.mnlovment? "


Teri Crotty, Department of Teacher Education, as organized by the University Assessment

slipportij)rovided by the Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Acadeffiic Affairs.) "Assessing Learning Outcomes with Electronic Portfolios." This poster highlights a variety of assessment tools that were created to evaluate and document student performances as evidenced in electronic portfolios. Rubrics, checklists and performance guidelines are included. The resulting evaluations were useful for evaluating student outcomes in courses as well as providing


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documentation for external reviews. (Supported by the Electronic Portfolio Integration Project, and funded by the University of Wisconsin System.)

Pilot." Funded by the OUo Bremer

; International Programs in

Department of Health and Human , organized by the University

the Office of the Provost and

" This poster to evaluate and document

Rubrics, checklists .evaluations were useful

documentation Intekration Project,


:o/uJi:WlOn: Influences of Instructional £.I:illJ2;Ll

Department of Mathematics.) and Learning in Diverse Classrooms: Virtual

and Culturally-based Curriculum Materials. " of culturally relevant mathematics materials using

textiles to explore mathematical concepts. These materials are now used as a part of the College of Education and Professional Studies' Partnership with St. Paul Schools. The grant was funded by the University of Wisconsin System's Institute on Race and Ethnicity.

Proposed Grant: (In collaboration with Laurel Langford, Department of Mathematics)


"Enhance Student Understanding in Core Subjects through Problem-based Learning, Performance Assessment & Technology Integration. " Submitted to the University Of Wisconsin System's Elementary and Secondary Education Act Grant Program.

Emmett, Judith, Department of Counseling and School Psychology

Article: (Written in collaboration with Jacqueline Mosconi, a licensed School Counselor in MN and WI.) "Effects of Values Clarification Curriculum on High School Students' Definitions of Success." Professional School Counselin&. 7:2 (2003): 68-78.

Foster, Connie, Dean, College of Education and Professional Studies

Funded Grant: (In collaboration with Terry Brown, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences) "Planning for the University 0 f Wisconsin-River Falls and Partners Elementary and Secondary Education Act Proposal, 2003." Funded by the University of Wisconsin System's Elementary and Secondary Education Act Grant Program.

Harty, Stephanie, Department of Teacher Education

Funded Grant: "Gender Based Literacy Grouping." Funded by a University of Wisconsin-River Falls Faculty Research Grant. The outcome is a paper that has been accepted for presentation (and for later publication) at the Hawaii International Education Conference, held from January 3-6, 2004, in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Manke, Mary, Associate Dean, College of Education and Professional Studies

Funded Grants: "Developing Productive K-16 Partnerships." Funded by the University of Wisconsin System's Virtual Initiatives for Technology, Teaching and Learning Program.

"Developing Teacher Leaders in Technology Integration." Funded by the University of Wisconsin System's PK-16 Program.

(In collaboration with Robin Murray, Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts, and Peter Johansson, Department of Modem Languages.) "High Quality Professional Development at a Distance: Enhancing Teacher Quality & Student Learning Through Content, Performance Assessment, & Reading & Writing in the Content Area." Funded by the University of Wisconsin System's Elementary and Secondary Education Act Grant Program.

Proposed Grant: "Improving Teacher Education through Partnerships in Technology Integration. " Submitted to the United States Department of Education's Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology (PT3) Grant Program.

Phinney, Margaret Yatsevitch., Department of Teacher Education

Article: Phinney, Margaret Y. and Kristine K. Fortman, Robert O. Fisch, and Terese A. De For. "Books and Babies: Clinical-based Literacy Programs." Journal of Pediatric Health Care. 17:6 (Nov/Dec 2003): 295-300.


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Children's Picture Book: A Trip to the City. (Accepted for publication in 2003; ISBN: 1-58653-800-4; Mondo Publishing, forthcoming in 2004.)

Scheurman, Geoffrey, Department of Teacher Education

Funded Grant I Culminating Project: "Still Searching for America: Conversations on National Identity Grant: Freedom to ... Freedomfor ... Freedomfrom. H A weekend workshop, pertaining to America, for K-12 history, social studies, humanities, language and literature teachers to improve their teaching. Held in River Falls on December 5 & 6, 2003. Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Tarr, Susan, Department of Health and Human Performance

Funded Grant: "PK-16 Initiative. H Funded by the University of Wisconsin System PK-16 Teacher Quality Initiative Grant Program.

cAdmiJ1StkathJe, cAcadewtlC ond CQcmg~ed gloM Ballou, Roger A., Dean of Students

Article: "Alfred Adler and His 1937 Lectures at the Historic St. Paul Women sCity Club . .. Ramsey County History. 38:3 (2003): II -15.

Bartelt, Kathy, Small Business Development Center

Funded Grant: "Small Business Administration Support." Funded by the United States Small Business Administration, subcontracted by the University of Wisconsin-Extension

Boortz, Carmen, University Outreach

Funded Grant: "College for Kids and Teen University." Funded by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

Brady, Carolyn J., Admissions Office

Artwork: Free standing glass and fiber piece; 6" x 16.5"; (work available through juried galleries in Hudson, Madison, Duluth, and Minneapolis.)

Braun, Dale, Campus Planner

Funded Grant: (In collaboration with Kelly Cain, Department of Plant and Earth Science) "Wisconsin Green Building Alliance Conference." Funded by the Milwaukee Energy Group.

Digby, Todd, Chalmer Davee Library Automation Librarian

Article: "Where Does That Electronic Resource Fit on the Library Web Page?" Comguters


and Libraries. (Accepted for publication in 2003, forthcoming in the January 2004 Issue). [24: I (January 2004) 6-7 & 55-56.]


is a piece that combines ballet and modern with the idea that the movement should be by the music. It is performed by Jessica

fRpl,d~nvil1e1\V1) to music by George Gershwin rregional, national, and international dance

- 1st place - 1st place

MN) - I st place - I st place

Dance Competition


Expansion Initiatives Supplement. " of Education.

Funded Grant: "The C.H.ILD. Center. H Funded by the Ann Marie Foundation.

Ryan, Karen, Director, Educational Technology Center

Funded Grant: "Vital/ssues in Virtual Assemblies." Funded by the United States Department


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of Education's Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers To Use Technology (PT3) Grant Program.

the University of Wisconsin-River Falls;

in electronic and paper formats): ISBN: 1411602528. (Available in paper

Enterprises, 2003, and in electronic format


" Funded by the United States Delinquency Prevention

Drug Abuse Coalition.


but &'lot l&'l 200g

Acken, Alicia, Geography and Mapping Sciences

(In collaboration with Sue Therin, University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Landscape and Design) "Your Town Wisconsin 2004." National Endowment for the Arts Grant Program.


Anderson, William, Department of Plant and Earth Science

"Western Wisconsin Sustainable Agriculture Field Experiences/or Area Producers, Ag Educators, and Undergraduate Students (Pre-proposal)." The United States Department of Agriculture's Sustainable A~riculture Research & Education Grant Pro{:ram.

"Western Wisconsin Sustainable Agriculture Field Experiences/or Area Producers, Agricultural Educators, and Undergraduate Students." The United States Department of Agriculture'S Sustainable A~riculture Research & Education Grant Program.

Ballantyne, Scott, Department of Biology

"Request/or LJ-COR DNA Synthesizer." Li-Cor Biosciences Grant Program.

Cain, Kelly, Department of Plant and Earth Science

"Sustainable Development in the St. Croix Valley." National Conferences on Undergraduate Research Laney Initiative.

Foster, Connie, Dean, College of Education and Professional Studies

(In collaboration with Mary Manke, Associate Dean, College of Education and Professional Studies) "Assistive Technology." Target Stores.

Hadley, Gregg, Department of Agricultural Economics

"Puentes/Bridges." The Kellogg Foundation.

"Puentes/Bridges . .. (In collaboration with Shaun DuvaIl) Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Agricultural Development and Diversification Grant Program.

Kernahan, Cynthia, Department of Psychology

"Denial 0/Racism: The Effects 0/Empathy." The University of Wisconsin System Institute on Race and Ethnicity.

Madsen, James, Chair, Department of Physics

''Toward a Kilometer-Scale Neutrino Observatory: Evaluation and Outreach." National Science Foundation, subcontracted by University of Wisconsin-Madison.

"Polar Research Experience for Teachers (Pre-proposal)." National Science Foundation.

Manke, Mary, Associate Dean, College of Education and Professional Studies

(In collaboration with Connie Foster, Dean, College of Education and Professional Studies) "Assistive Technology." Target Stores.


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Marchand, Daniel, Department of Chemistry

Department of Biology) 'Dlomycete Populations Associated with

ntibiotic Activity, Genetic Variation, Nutrient " National Science Foundation Collaborative

Grant Program.

Classroom to Build Nftli'tiEultural Education Content, Skills, and

System Institute on Race and

Sponsored by: Chalmer Davee Library, the Office o/the Provost o/the University o/Wisconsin-River

and the Office o/Grants and Research o/the University o/Wisconsin-River Falls.

Catering by: Chartwells 23

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