cept.org11)061 - Minutes 59th WGS…  · Web view2011-05-16 · 3.4 WG RA . The 22nd meeting of WG...

ECC Electronic C om m unications Com m ittee CEPT Electronic Communications Committee Working Group Spectrum Engineering 59 th Meeting, Montegrotto 02 – 06 May 2011 ECC/WG SE CEPT/ECC/SE(11)061 Report from the Working Group Spectrum Engineering Montegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011 Mr. Bruno ESPINOSA Tel: + 33 2 98341233 ANFR Fax: + 33 2 98341230 Technopole Brest-Iroise CS 1382 Mobile: + 33 6 83812305 1/27

Transcript of cept.org11)061 - Minutes 59th WGS…  · Web view2011-05-16 · 3.4 WG RA . The 22nd meeting of WG...

ECCElectronic Communications Committee


PT Electronic Communications Committee

Working Group Spectrum Engineering59th Meeting, Montegrotto02 – 06 May 2011



Report from theWorking Group Spectrum Engineering

Montegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Mr. Bruno ESPINOSA Tel: + 33 2 98341233ANFR Fax: + 33 2 98341230Technopole Brest-Iroise CS 1382 Mobile: + 33 6 8381230529238 BREST CEDEX 3 E-mail: [email protected]


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

1 Opening of the meeting

The WG SE Chairman, Mr Bruno Espinosa, opened the 59th WG SE meeting held in Montegrotto, Italy, at the kind invitation of Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico – Direzione Generale Pianificazione e Gestione dello Spettro Radioelettrico (DGPGSR).

Mr Giorgio Crescenzi welcomed the delegates in Millepini Hotel in Montegrotto on behalf of the General Director of Frequencies and Spectrum Management. He emphasised the high attention paid by the Italian administration to the technical work performed by WG SE and expressed his pleasure to open this meeting. Mr. Enrico Tosato provided some information on the practical arrangements during the meeting and on all the facilities.

The WG SE chairman thanked Mr. Crescenzi and Mr. Tosato for the invitation and the kind welcome.

The meeting was attended by a total of 50 delegates from 25 Administrations, ECO, ETSI, DIGITAL Europe, Cable Europe and UIC (see Annex 02 for details).

Apologies for absence were received from Mr. Joao Duque, Jaime Afonso (Portugal), Mr. Jiří Otypka (Czech Republic) and Mr Petteri Jokela (Finland, SE7 Chairman).

2 Adoption of the Agenda, Schedule of Work

The Agenda was adopted as contained in document SE(11)031rev3. A copy is attached in Annex 01.The list of documents is attached in Annex 03.

3 Matters arising from meetings of:

3.1 ECC

The WGSE Chairman introduced the minutes of the 29th ECC meeting (SE(11)044).

The attention of WGSE was brought to the following topics:

- Decision to reduce the minimum duration of public consultation from two months to six weeks;

- Discussion on SDR/CR activities, including SE43 activities;

- Immunity requirements for DVB tuners in the range 470 - 862 MHz, with the development of a letter from ECC with regard to the proposed revision of the EN 55020.

The ECC discussed the call for guidance from WG SE on the request from cable operators to study the protection of cable services from WSD in the band 470 - 790 MHz. WG SE noted the letter sent by the ECC to ETSI and CENELEC indicating that the ECC outlined that no study should be developed within the ECC framework on the potential impacts of cognitive radio systems on cable services. Nevertheless WG SE and SE 43 can provide, if so requested, assistance to the appropriate groups within ETSI and/or CENELEC on the WSD


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

characteristics based on the outcome from ECC Report 159 and on the expected additional work to be performed in SE 43.

Concerning the WG SE progress on the work item SE21_16 dealing with the investigation on compatibility between the mobile service in the band 2500 - 2690 MHz and the radiolocation service in the band 2700 - 2900 MHz, the ECC confirmed the need to have some results as early as possible, in particular for the interference from the mobile service into radars (see section 7 on SE21).

The WG SE chairman informed the meeting about the latest proposals on the ECC structure within ECC/TG5, in particular those which may have an impact on WG SE. He invited the WG SE members to carefully consider these proposals. He also pointed out the need to carefully review the WG SE work programme during this meting in order to facilitate the discussions at the ECC.

3.2 ECC PT1

There has been no ECC PT1 meeting since the last WG SE meeting. WG SE considered some information on ECC PT1 correspondence activities, in particular on the development of relevant liaison statements from ECC PT1 on radar vs mobile service (SE(11)038) and on JRC measurements relating to UWB LDC device towards a WiMAX victim link (SE(11)039). Both liaison statements have already been addressed by the concerned Project Teams (SE21 and SE24 respectively).

The meeting noted that ECC/PT1 expressed its interest on various WG SE work items and agreed that the WG SE Chairman should report informally to the PT1 chairman about the progress reached on these items.

3.3 WG FM

The WG SE chairman introduced the minutes from the 71st WG FM meeting in Luxembourg (SE(11)45) and pointed out that various liaison statements from WG FM would need to be addressed on the following topics:

- The use of the band 1785-1805 MHz by PMSE applications (wireless microphones) (SE(11)034) (see section 5 on SE7);

- Broadband Direct-Air-to-Ground Communications (DA2GC) (SE(11)035), taking into account the further elements from FM48 in SE(11)040) (see section 12);

- UWB Low Duty Cycle mitigation (SE(11)036) and “location tracking in railroad environment” and generic UWB regulation (SE(11)037) (see section 8 on SE24).

3.4 WG RA

The 22nd meeting of WG RA was held in Cardiff simultaneously with the last WG SE meeting. WGSE considered a liaison statement from WG RA (SE(11)033) on the Electronic Working Methods. The WG SE project teams were invited to follow the guidelines from WG RA on the use of EWM.

Mr Andrew Gowans (UK) provided some update about the WG RA activities on the RIS template.


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

3.5 CPG

There has been no CPG meeting since the last WG SE meeting. The WG SE chairman indicated that at the next CPG meeting in Oxford in June 2011 many ECPs are expected to be approved. He therefore invited the participants to monitor the latest activities from the various CPG PTs.

In relation to the recent activities within WG SE on WRC-12 matters, the meeting briefly considered whether there is a need to modify ECC Report 124 to include the band 92 – 94 GHz and decided to delay conclusion on this issue up to the next WGSE meeting pending the results of the discussions on WRC-12 AI 1.8 at the next ITU-R WP 5C in June 2011 and at the next CPG meeting.

Concerning AI 1.20 WRC-12 (HAPS), Bruno Espinosa informed the participants that at the last CPG PTD meeting, ESA presented a technical sharing study HAPS vs EESS passive in the band 5850-7075 MHz. After discussions this contribution was accepted by all participants of the PTD meeting and it was decided that France will present it at the next WP 5C meeting in June 2011 as a CEPT contribution. After a discussion it was also decided that for the time being there is no need to modify ECC Report 156 to reflect this contribution.

3.6 ETSI3.6.1 Report of ETSI activities

The report on ETSI activities was provided in document SE(11)058. The ETSI Liaison Officer Michael Mahler introduced the following documents for information: - SE(11)Info 007 on TR 102 886 "Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Technical characteristics of Smart Metering (SM) Short Range Devices (SRD) in the UHF Band; System Reference Document, SRDs, Spectrum Requirements for Smart Metering European access profile Protocol (PR-SMEP). This SR Doc is finalized and published.

- SE(11)Info009 including the draft TR 103 055 v.0.0.8 "Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); System Reference document (SRdoc): Spectrum Requirements for Short Range Device, Metropolitan Mesh Machine Networks (M3N) and Smart Metering (SM) applications” for information. The document was adopted at TC ERM#43 meeting to undergo (30 days) ETSI internal enquiry in view of a subsequent approval by TC ERM for publication that may happen just before the next ECC-WG FM meeting of May 2011.

In relation to these two SRDocs, it was pointed out that both were presented during the ECC workshop “SRD, RFID and Smart Metering” 4th to 5th April and that an additional SRDoc to describe the alarm and social alarm applications is under preparation in ETSI ERM TG28. The finalization is planned for summer 2011.

The meeting noted in document SE(11)Info010, the information provided by ETSI ERM to ECC PT1 that contains feedback on the implementation of Least Restrictive Technical Conditions (LRTC).

The ETSI liaison officer introduced document SE(11)041, a liaison statement developed by ETSI TC BRAN to WGSE on the revision of ETSI EN 302 567 V1.1.1, which addresses the following topics:


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

To align the power limit to Annex 3 of ERC Rec 70-03 by specifying a single power limit of +40dBm as well as aligning with the 2010 version of the EC Decision for SRDs (2010/368/EU).

To align the spurious emission limit above 40 GHz with the FCC limit to enable global regulation and a global product solution.

To clarify the measurement method for the spurious emissions. To consider changes because of the note 1 in Annex 3 of ERC Rec 70-03.

WGSE participants expressed concerns in particular on the proposal to align the spurious emission limit above 40 GHz with the FCC limit. As a result, WG SE developed a reply to ETSI BRAN (see Annex 20) highlighting some relevant elements from ERC Recommendation 74-01 on the unwanted emission levels in the spurious domain and their measurement methods.

The meeting considered in document SE(11)062 another liaison statement from TC ERM dealing with ECC Report 159 on cognitive radio systems in the white spaces of the frequency band 470-790 MHz. This was addressed in the section 10.3 related to SE43.

3.6.2 Relationship between WG SE and ETSI activities Mr Le Devendec (ECO) presented the background of the general discussion on means to facilitate the consideration for WG SE members of the draft harmonised standards in progress in ETSI, in particular for those which are related to WG SE activities (see SE(11)059).

The meeting considered the updated spreadsheet containing the list of the relevant harmonized standards. It is based on the ETSI ERM Agenda in March and it considered the information available on the ETSI Work Programme (see http://webapp.etsi.org/workprogram/SimpleSearch/QueryForm.asp).

The WG SE chairman thanked Mr Le Devendec for the development of the spreadsheet and emphasized that some further support is required from the WG SE members, in particular the Project Team Chairmen in order to:

- further develop the spreadsheet (for example with the addition of harmonized standards under development in ETSI groups other than TC ERM, such as TC BRAN, TC RRS and TC SES);

- check that the content of these standards are consistent with the results of the related studies performed within WG SE.

Thus, it was agreed to include in the WG SE programme a new work item in order to formalise this activity (see Annex 5).

The spreadsheet will be further updated, taking onboard comments received during the meeting (see http://www.cept.org/ecc/about-ecc/ecc-etsi).

4. Documents for final approval after public consultation

The comments received during the public consultation related to the documents sent by WG SE have been summarized in document SE(11)042Rev1.

WG SE considered the received comments and the resulting proposals from the responsible Project Teams on:


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

- Draft ECC Report 162 Practical mechanism to improve the compatibility between GSM-R and public mobile networks and guidance on practical coordination;

SE 7, as the responsible PT for this draft Report, previously considered the 10 comments received during the PC and developed a revised version of the draft ECC Report 162 as contained in the annex 2 of document SE(11)048. This was considered by the meeting together with some further elements provided by France in document SE(11)055rev1 in relation with one issue addressed within SE7 during the resolution of comments: the comparison between the effects from GSM and from wideband systems into GSM-R. WG SE agreed to include, with some modifications, elements from document SE(11)055rev1 into the version provided by SE7. With some additional improvements of the Report proposed during the meeting by the Netherlands, WG SE subsequently approved the ECC Report 162 for publication on the ECO website as given in Annex 06. A liaison statement was sent to WG FM (see Annex 17) to inform them about the publication of the ECC Report 162.

The following statement was provided by the UIC

“Regarding the changes introduced in chapter 7 (Conclusions) of Report 162 during WG SE meeting, UIC stated that they accept the wording found regarding the interference potential from wide band systems to GSM-R terminals. Additionally UIC raised the point not to take the usage of wide band systems as a general rule of the thump to improve coexistence. The discussed changes are pure theoretical calculations and the confirmation from practical experiences is missing. Further studies should be carried out, to estimate the impact of wide band systems to narrow band systems, taking into account the real receiver and transmitter behaviour.”

- Draft ECC Report 163 The usage of the 7125-8500 MHz band within the CEPT for the elaboration of the revision of the ECC/REC/(02)06 from version 2002 to version 2011;

SE 19, as the responsible PT for this draft Report, previously considered the 6 comments received during the PC which where mainly editorial. WG SE endorsed the latest amendments proposed by SE19 and subsequently approved the ECC Report 163 for publication on the ECO website as given in Annex 07.

- Draft revision of ECC/REC/(02)06 Preferred channel arrangements for digital fixed service systems operating in the frequency range 7125-8500 MHz;

SE 19, as the responsible PT for the draft revision of ECC/REC/(02)06, previously considered the 5 comments received during the PC. SE 19 found a compromise, where Annex 1 and 2 have the same priority level, with the inclusion of a new 28 MHz channel arrangement in the annex 1 so that administrations planning to use, or restructuring, the frequency range 7725 MHz to 8275 MHz should refer to the arrangement based on 28 MHz channels. Administrations using 29.65 MHz raster channel arrangements provided by Recommendation ITU-R F.386, are encouraged, in the future, to migrate to the 28 MHz solution. WG SE endorsed the proposals from SE19 and subsequently approved, with some additional editorial improvements, the revision of ECC/REC/(02)06 for publication on the ECO website as given in Annex 08.

- Draft ECC Report 164 Compatibility between Wide band Low Activity Mode (WLAM) automotive radars in the frequency range 24.25 GHz to 24.5 GHz, and other radiocommunication systems/services;


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

SE 24, as the responsible PT for this draft Report, previously endorsed the comment made by the Russian Federation and WGSE subsequently approved the ECC Report 164 for publication on the ECO website as given in Annex 09.

- Draft ECC Report 165 Compatibility study between MSS complementary ground component operating in the bands 1610.0-1626.5 MHz and 2483.5-2500.0 MHz and other systems in the same bands or in adjacent bands;

SE 40, as the responsible PT for this draft Report, previously considered the 3 comments from Globalstar, France and Ericsson received during the PC by correspondence. The results of the correspondence activity are summarised in the SE40 chairman’s report (Annex 2 to document SE(11)054). WG SE endorsed the proposals from SE40 and subsequently approved the ECC Report 165 for publication on the ECO website as given in Annex 10.

A liaison statement was sent to WGFM to provide information on the outcome from the ECC Report 165 on the consideration of the introduction of Complementary Ground Component (CGC) of MSS in bands 1.6 / 2.4 GHz (Annex15).

- Draft ECC Report 166 Coexistence between zenith-pointing meteorological radars at 24 and 35 GHz and systems in other radio services;

SE 40, as the responsible PT for this draft Report, previously endorsed the editorial comments made by EUMNET and WGSE subsequently approved the ECC Report 166 for publication on the ECO website as given in Annex 11.

5. Report from Project Team SE7 ( Compatibility and sharing issues of mobile systems (except IMT) operating below 3 GHz

In the absence of Mr. Jokela Petteri , Mr Jean Philippe Kermoal (ECO) kindly introduced the SE7 progress report available in document SE(11)048.

5.1 GSM for railway purposes (GSM-R)WG SE considered final approval of the draft ECC Report 162 on GSM-R (see SE(11)048 annex2 rev1). Further details on WGSE decision can be found in Section 4.

5.2 Broadband Wireless Systems (BWS) at 2300-2400 MHz

WG SE noted the working document on BWS and existing services in the band 2300 – 2400 MHz and in adjacent bands (SE(11)048 annex 3). PT SE7 asked WGSE to postpone the target date for this work item and it was accepted. WGSE invited administrations to contribute to this WI and requested SE7 to give priority on the BWS study.

5.3 DECTWG SE also considered the working document on the DECT studies (SE(11)048 annex4) in response to the WG FM request (SE(11)003). WGSE agreed that this document should be improved and provided the following guidance:

SE7 should focus only on the technical part of compatibility studies for DECT addressing the increase of radiated power from 250 mW up to 4 W (e.i.r.p.) for licence exempted applications taking into account all up-to-date existing and designated


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

radiocommunication services in adjacent bands by using directional antennas (up to 12 dBi gain) compared to 0 dBi antenna gain.

SE7 should not mix regulatory and technical issues SE7 should also consider reducing the size of the report. The working document, in its

current form, is too long.

5.4 Use of the band 1785-1805 MHz by PMSE applications

WG SE considered the confirmation from WG FM (SE(11)034) for studies, in cooperation with ECC PT1 where necessary, on the sharing conditions around the 1785 MHz band edge and for the use of the band 1800-1805 MHz by PMSE applications. A new WI (SE7_15) was created (Annex 5).

This was communicated in a liaison statement to WG FM (copy ECC/PT1, SRD-MG) on use of the band 1785-1805 MHz by PMSE applications (wireless microphones) (Annex 22).

5.5 Future SE7 meetings.SE7 has reserved the following dates for the next meeting:SE7 7-8 June 2011 HelsinkiSE7 21-23 September 2011 ECO, Copenhagen

6. Report from Project Team SE19 (Fixed Service)

Mr. Jean Philippe Kermoal introduced the SE19 chairman progress report available in SE(11)050.

6.1 High Altitude Platform Stations (HAPS) in the range 5850 – 7075 MHz

WGSE confirmed that there is no need to update the ECC Report 156 on HAPS in the range 5850 – 7075 MHz.

6.2. WI SE19_23: Review of ECC-ERC-T/R Recommendations made in SE19

6.2.1 Draft revision ECC REC (02)06 and draft ECC Report 163

WGSE approved for final publication Draft ECC Report 163 and Draft revision ECC REC(02)06. See Section 4 for further details.WGSE noted that the proposal of new channel arrangement of 28 MHz should also be reflected to the ITU as part of the WI SE19_24 item (Coordinated inputs to ITU-R: WP5C).

6.2.2 ECC/REC(11)01 WGSE confirmed that the errors reported by SE19 on the ECC/REC(11)01 in the annex 3 of document SE(11)50 are of editorial nature and tasked the ECO to correct them without public consultation as instructed in the ECC Working Method Appendix 5 article 5.3.

WGSE requested SE19 to further assess what are the remaining recommendations to be reviewed in order to see whether the WI SE19_23 (Review of ECC/ERC Recommendations) should be closed or not. 6.3. WI SE19_25: FS in Europe - Current use and future trends Post-2011


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

WGSE noted the progress on the ECC Report 003 (WI SE19_25) and accepted to extend the deadline to March 2012, meaning that the work has to be finalised and presented at the October 2011 meeting. WGSE chairman will discuss offline with the ECC PT1 chairman so that the ECC PT1 industry members are invited to provide any information on the trends Post-2011 of their backbone infrastructure directly to SE19. WGSE confirmed that it is important to have a status on the current deployment, but also confirmed that the main point of this exercise is to know the future trend of the FS usage hence the need to get as much information as possible from the industry.

6.4. WI SE19_26: Guidelines on technical aspects for coordination/licensing conditions currently used for PP systems

WGSE noted the start of the activity on the WI SE19_26 and invited administrations to be more involved in this work as the guidelines to be developed under this work item are primarily intended to help the administrations.

6.5. Support/LS to other groupsWG SE noted the various support of SE19 to SE7, SE24, STG and FM 44.

6.6. RIS Template

WG SE noted the translation of the ECC/REC(11)01 in RIS template. WGSE reminded that the translation of a recommendation to RIS template should be performed on Recommendations that describe the conditions of use of spectrum only.

6.7. ECA Table

WG SE noted the support of SE19 to the ECO in the task to update the ECA Table with the new ECC/REC(11)01 for WG FM.

6.8. Next meeting

Meeting 57 (either SE19 or DG dealing with the revision of ECC Report 003): 8-9 Sept 2011 (ECO, Denmark)

7. Report from Project Team SE21 (Unwanted Emissions)

The progress report of SE21 (document SE(11)053) was introduced by the SE21 chairman, Mr. Alexander Klyucharev (Russian Federation).

Since the last WGSE meeting, SE21 held two meetings from 14 – 16 March 2011 and 18-19 April 2011.

7.1. Coordination with ITU-R WP 1A (WI SE21_9):

WGSE noted that SE21 considered and agreed a CEPT contribution to ITU-R WP 1A (May 2011) with a proposal to update the Category B limits in Recommendation ITU-R SM.329-11 based on newly revised ERC Recommendation 74-01. This document has been submitted to ITU-R WP 1A meeting by Switzerland (SE(11)053 Annex 1). WGSE chairman invited the CEPT administration to actively support this contribution during ITU-R WP 1A meeting.

WGSE also noted in SE(11)Info 11 a German input to WP1A, discussed within SE21, with proposals for modification of Annex 8 of Recommendation ITU-R SM.1541-3 in relation to


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

the formula for the determination of the B-40 bandwidth of frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radars and on the “design objective” for the slope of the radar emissions.

7.2. Revision of ECC Recommendation 02-05 “Unwanted emissions” (WI_SE21_15)

WGSE noted that SE21 had agreed one proposal for further revision of the “roof” ECC Recommendation (02)05. It was also confirmed that proposals for revision of Annex 2 “Boundary and limits for primary radar emissions” to ECC Recommendation 02-05 will be considered when ITU-R WP 1A has concluded the work on revision of Annex 8 to Recommendation ITU-R SM.1541-3.

7.3. Compatibility between radars in 2 700-2 900 MHz and mobile service in the band 2 500-2 690 MHz (WI_SE21_16)

WGSE noted that SE21 made good progress on its study on compatibility between the mobile service in the band 2 500-2 690 MHz and the radiolocation service in the band 2 700-2 900 MHz.

The following results have been reached:

- the preliminary list of relevant parameters and working assumptions which should be used in study for the concerned services was created (SE(11)053 Annex 2). This list has been sent to ECC PT1 for comments and for submitting relevant information on MS systems which is still missing;

- on the basis of various studies submitted to SE21, a document was developed (SE(11)053 Annex 3) which collects the preliminary results of the study on the impact of mobile service transmissions on radar receivers. It is confirmed that there is a possibility of interference from the stations in the MS (both BS and UE) towards the radar. It also provides elements on the possible mitigation techniques.

The meeting endorsed these preliminary conclusions and proposed mitigation techniques provided in SE(11)053 Annex 3. This will be included into the WGSE chairman’s report to the ECC.

It was noted that the required isolation between two services will need to be assessed for a range of separation distances.

It was also pointed out that the conclusions of the actual sharing study do not take into account the potential impact from the radar emissions on MS stations.

It is expected that SE21 can start assessing the impact of radar transmissions on mobile receivers at its next meeting in May when missing information on MS has been received from ECC PT1.

France presented the document SE(11)051 on compatibility between radars in 2700-2900 MHz and mobile service in the band 2500-2690 MHz in a cross-border situation. Taking into account that, from a technical point of view there is no difference between national and international scenarios, it was agreed to include into the draft ECC Report a note that proposed mitigation techniques may also be considered by administrations in their bilateral discussion.

The WGSE chairman invited administrations to contribute to the draft ECC Report on compatibility between the mobile service in the band 2 500-2 690 MHz and the radiolocation service in the band 2 700-2 900 MHz and pointed out that it may be needed to organise some


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

correspondence activity to make effort to finalise draft ECC Report on this issue in time to the next WG SE meeting.

7.4. LS activity with other PTs

WGSE noted the activities with the other project teams and especially that following the SE7 request a liaison statement to this group on the study for the BWS in the band 2300 - 2400 MHz has been sent to SE7.

7.5. Date and place of the next SE21 meeting

It was agreed that the next SE21 meetings will be:

- on 18 – 20 May 2011 (Budapest (Hungary));

- at the beginning of September 2011 (TBD).

8. Report from Project Team SE24 (Short Range Devices)

The SE24 Chairman, Marc Le Devendec (ECO) introduced the SE24 progress report as available in document SE(11)049;SE24 had two regular meetings in ECO (2-4 March 2011) and in BNetzA, Mainz, Germany (12-14 April 2011) since the recent WG SE meeting.

8.1 Public Consultation of Draft ECC Report 164 (SE24_31)See section 4.

8.2 Maximising spectrum use efficiency (SE24_23)

SE24 considered further spectrum access methods. The working document was reviewed in order to include this material. It is expected that the working document will provide technical material for the future studies relating to SRDs within ETSI on ECC.

It is expected that the working document would be ready for Public Consultation for the next WG SE in October 2011.

8.3 Studies relating to UWB as described in Annex to CEPT Report 34 (excluding Airborne UWB) (SE24_28)

WG SE considered the draft ECC Report on UWB specific applications (see SE(11)049 Annex 1 rev1). It was noted that the draft document was already sent to FM47 and that the technical conclusions were further considered allowing reaching a compromise through the development of draft deliverables within FM47.

WG SE discussed the document and clarified a number of points. It was agreed to send the document to Public Consultation (Annex 12). Concerns were expressed with regard to the protection of existing services from LAES in case of emergency situations since in such situations it may be difficult to implement separation distances. A liaison statement was sent to WG FM in order to invite them to consider this situation when developing regulations for LAES (Annex 19).

SE24 received a liaison statement from WG FM (see document SE(11)036) asking if there was any evidence of potential harmful interference from Low Duty Cycle (LDC) UWB devices into radars. There was no report of such situation within SE24. Germany introduced document SE(11)057 proposing the establishment of a new work item in order to consider


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

compatibility studies between UWB with LDC and primary radio services in the band 2.69 to 5 GHz. WG SE agreed to adopt a new work item SE24_36 (see Annex 05). A liaison statement was sent to WG FM in order to inform them about the adoption of this new work item (see Annex 18).SE24 received a liaison statement from ECC PT1 (see document SE(11)039) and also a letter from the WiMAX Forum dealing with the measurement of LDC and the protection of WiMAX in the frequency range 3.4-3.8 GHz band. A reply was sent to the WiMAX Forum and copied to PT1 (see SE(11)049 Annex 3). WG SE was of the opinion that no further action is needed.

8.4 Surveillance Radar (SE24_33)

Compatibility studies relating to the protection of RAS stations were considered. Additional information on the characteristics of the systems is expected to be provided. This work may also need to consider the results of the project MOSARIM, dealing with the coexistence situation between automotive radar applications (information on this project were provided at the March SE24 meeting).

8.5 Airborne UWB in the frequency bands 3.1 - 4.8 GHz and 6 - 8.5 GHz (SE24_35)

A revised working document was considered within SE24. Previous studies would have to be included in the working document. Further studies are needed before concluding on this work item.

8.6 Rec. 70-03 – Annex 1 – possible extension of 60 GHz (SE24_36)

SE24 liaised with SE19 in order to get additional guidance on the limits under discussion for the frequency range 57 – 64 GHz. Considering the concerns expressed by SE19 with regard to the deployment of SRD in the frequency range 64 – 66 GHz, this band is currently outside the scope of the study.

SE24 considered draft EN 305_550 which is currently under National Vote. It was noted that the band 64-66 GHz is included in the EN and that a different limit compared to those under study within ECC is proposed in the EN. A liaison statement was sent to ERM in order to highlight those points, it is expected that ERM will review the EN at a later stage in order to align the document with the output of the studies undertaken within ECC (see Annex 16).

Administrations were invited to contribute on this work item in order to finalise the ongoing studies.

8.7 Any Other Business

It was noted that SE24 has sent a reply to SE7 on Broadband Wireless System (BWS) in the band 2300-2400 MHz.

8.8 Date and place of future SE24 meetings

M60: 14-16 June 2011 Ofcom UK. Regular meeting.M61: 5-6 September 2011 and 7 September in the morning (Joint SRD-MG/SE24 meeting and Regular meeting), OFCOM Switzerland.M62: 27-28 October 2011 [TBD]M63: 12-14 December 2011 [TBD]

9. Report from Project Team SE40 (Space service compatibility issues)


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

The SE40 Chairman, Jean-Yves Guyomard (France) presented the SE40 progress report contained in document SE(11)054.

SE40 met three times since the last WGSE meeting:- the 3rd of February in Maisons-Alfort and the 31st of March in Mainz for meetings dedicated to the IRIDIUM-RAS item.- the 4th and 5th April 2011 in the premises of ECO in Copenhagen.

9.1 ECC Report 165 on the MSS CGC in the 1.6 and 2.5 GHz bands

SE40 introduced its proposals in response to the public consultation on the draft ECC Report 165 on MSS CGC in the 1.6 and 2.5 GHz bands.

The ECC report 165 was approved for publication (see section 4).

9.2 Meteorological radars at 24 and 35 GHz and systems in other radio services.SE40 also considered and approved by correspondence editorial comments provided by EUMETNET on the draft ECC Report 166 on the coexistence between zenith-pointing meteorological radars at 24 and 35 GHz and systems in other radio services.The ECC Report 166 was definitively approved for publication (see section 4).

9.3 Compatibility between MSS terminals and ECN at 2 GHz (SE40_18)A draft ECC Report has been initiated. In addition, a working document has been developed, listing all scenarios to be studied, and for all scenarios the parameters and assumptions, agreed by all parties. Cooperation between SE40 and ECC/PT1 is on-going to gather all the required information on ECN parameters. WG SE noted the progress on this issue.

9.4 GNSS Pseudolites (SE40_16)SE40 completed the work on compatibility between pseudolites (indoor or outdoor, CW or pulsed) in the band 1559-1610 MHz (band L1) and radioastronomy in the band 1610.6-1613.8 MHz and forwarded the results to FM44. The meeting noted the SE40 progress on the study to address the impact of a pseudolite on non participative RNSS receivers working with different signals (e.g. GPS pseudolite on GALILEO receiver) and on the further development towards a revision of the ECC Report 128.

9.5 FSS terminals on mobile platforms in Ka-band (SE40_19)WG SE was informed about the start of the SE40 work on this item in support to FM44 and noted the clarification provided by FM44 to SE40.

9.6 Leeheim measurementsSE40 completed the new draft ECC report on measurements of IRIDIUM unwanted emissions falling in the radioastronomy band 1610.6-1613.8 MHz. The draft ECC report contains a description of the new equipment used for measurements, the new calibration procedure, the direct static analysis results for all frequency channels and the epfd dynamic simulation results limited to the best and worst case RAS channels. The data loss is close to 100% in all cases. Two sections were recently added by SE40 to provide solutions on both the IRIDIUM and RAS sides to improve compatibility between both services.WGSE considered the Draft ECC report on the impact of unwanted emissions of IRIDIUM satellites on Radio Astronomy operations in the band 1610.6-1613.8 MHz and decided to send


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

it for Public consultation (Annex 13). This will be brought to the attention of the ECC in the WGSE chairman’s report.

9.7 Complementary Ground Component (CGC) associated with GSO MSS systems (SE40_15)This work item was under consideration for a long time in SE40, without any contribution. WGSE decided to close this WI.

9.8 Any other SE40 business WG SE noted the support from SE40 to SE7 providing revisions to the usage of the bands below 2.3 GHz by space services in the draft ECC report being developed on BWS in 2.3-2.4 GHz. Further work is going on with regard to space-to-space links in EESS/SRS/SOS by correspondence. The results will be sent to SE7 as soon as they are available.

9.9 Next meetingsIn order to limit the travels of participants that attend both SE40 and FM44, the next SE40 meetings are planned together with FM44:- 4th July starting at 2:00 pm- 5th July (FM44 will meet the rest of the week) in Biel/Bienne (Switzerland).- 14th November starting at 2:00 pm - 16th November noon (FM44 will meet the rest of the week), maybe in Pozzallo (Sicily).- 12th March 2012 starting at 2:00 pm- 14th March 2012 noon (FM44 will meet the rest of the week).

10. Report from Project Team SE43 (White spaces – cognitive radio systems).

The SE43 chairman, Dr Alexandre Kholod (Switzerland) presented Document SE(11)47 containing the progress report of the project team.

Since the 58th WG SE meeting, SE43 held its 9th meeting from 14 to 15 April 2011 in Copenhagen at ECO. The meeting was the kick-off meeting for the new SE43 work item following an updated mandate from WG SE.

10.1 Organisation of the SE43 studies

WG SE endorsed the proposal of SE43 to reflect the outcome of the studies on the issues identified as requiring further work in a new working document. This working document is to be prepared as a self contained document with the aim to develop a new ECC Report complementary to ECC Report 159. In order to avoid an overlap, references to existing material in ECC Report 159 will need to be used to the extent possible.

WGSE agreed that ECC Report 159 will not be revised as long as SE43 studies have not been completed. Upon completion or shortly prior to this, a review of ECC Report 159 will be required in order to decide on the extent to which the report needs to be revised in order to align its material with the results of the studies.

SE43 chairman also indicated that WG SE will be kept informed on the items that may result in a revision of ECC Report 159 and on those that are expected to constitute the complimentary report. This information could be indicated on the ECO website.

10.2 White Space Devices in the band 470-790 MHz (SE43_2)


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

WGSE noted the progress on Work Item SE43_2 and particularly that SE43 received contributions on the following topics:- combined geo-location and sensing approach;- feasibility of autonomous operation of WSDs using sensing;- identification of a common set of parameters to calculate location specific WSD power levels; - the impact of WSD on the mobile service above 790 MHz.

WGSE noted that these materials were used to constitute the first sections in the working document on further definition of technical and operational requirements for the operation of white space devices in the band 470-790 MHz.

WGSE also suggested that SE43 should consider propagation issues very carefully in order not to enter into the areas falling outside the scope of compatibility studies of SE43.

10.3 Protection of cable head-end receivers

WGSE noted that SE43 received a request from Cable Europe to study protection rules regarding cable head-ends. It was noted that cable head-ends are facilities that acquire and distribute video service signals over a cable television system. In many cases, the cable head-end will use an antenna with a high gain mounted high on a tower to receive TV station signals well beyond the station’s service area.WG SE considered the liaison statement from ETSI TC ERM (Document SE(11)62) requesting to consider protection of cable head-end receivers in the studies conducted by SE43. In this respect, WG SE decided to task SE43 to analyse first the issue of WSD interference into cable head-end receivers in the band 470-790 MHz in order to

(i) assess whether this interference case has been already covered or not by the considerations presented in ECC Report 159 with respect to protection of the broadcasting service; and

(ii) construct interference scenarios pertinent to this interference case.

This preliminary analysis will be considered at the next WG SE meeting where a decision will be taken on how to handle head-end receivers. A liaison statement was sent to ETSI TC ERM to request the system characteristics (i.e. receiver noise figure, antenna gain, feeder losses, signal-to-noise ratio, etc) of cable head-end receivers (see Annex 21).

10.4 Collaboration with ETSI

WG SE noted the collaboration between SE43 and ETSI TC ERM and TC RRS on different issues in relation to white space devices.

10.5 Next meetings

The following meetings of SE43 are scheduled in 2011:

10th SE43: 5-7 July 2011 in Bologna (Italy)

11th SE43: 19-21 September 2011 in Lisbon (Portugal)

12th SE43: 14-16 December 2011 in [tbd]


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

11. STG (Seamcat)

Mr. Jean Philippe Kermoal, the STG Chairman presented STG progress report SE(11)046.

11.1 SEAMCAT Official version The Official version of SEAMCAT is version 3.2.3 (http://www.seamcat.org/).A 3.2.4 Beta 3 is under testing/investigation http://www.seamcat.org/betaversion/.

11.2 Work overview WGSE noted the planned activities for SEAMCAT (development of specifications for new features scheduled for the 2nd half of 2011, revision of the handbook, development on the software)

WGSE noted that, in order to strengthen the quality of SEAMCAT over the years, STG agreed on the principle of using Junit testing. The development of the Junit testing will start in 2011. As a result WGSE agreed to postpone the parallel processing task to 2012.

WGSE noted the contribution related to ITU-R Report SM.2028 to WP1A developed by correspondence led by Mr. Karl Loew (BNetzA) as given in SE(11)046 Annex 1.

WGSE also noted that a new terminology with new display will be reflected in a SEAMCAT 4. The release date of SEAMCAT 4 is scheduled for the end of June 2011 (depending of course on the overall development progress).

11.3 Next STG meeting The next web meeting (STG29) is scheduled on Tuesday 31 May 2011 (10:30-12:30).The next physical meeting is scheduled on 1st -2nd September 2011 at the ECO (start Thursday at 12:00 and closing Friday at 12:00).

12. Broadband Direct-Air-to-Ground Communications (DA2GC).

WG SE considered the information provided by WG FM (SE(11)035) and FM48 (SE(11)040) on sharing/compatibility studies on Broadband Direct-Air-to-Ground Communications (DA2GC). It was emphasised that the studies should be initiated in the following frequency bands:

- 3400 – 3600 MHz,- 2400-2483.5 MHz / 5855-5875 MHz,- 1670-1675 MHz / 1800-1805 MHz, noting that additional information on this band

will be provided by WG FM. The UK indicated that it was planning to submit an input to the next WG FM meeting concerning this band.

As a result, a new work item was agreed within WG SE to deal with these studies.The studies should initially take into account both directions for Broadband DA2GC (ground to aircraft and aircraft to ground) both for FDD and TDD (see Annex 5). After some discussion on the appropriate working arrangement to conduct the required work, WG SE agreed to create a new Project Team (SE44) under the chairmanship of Mr Stefan Bach (Germany) with the Terms of Reference as provided in Annex 4.


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

SE44 is invited to cooperate closely with FM48 and to arrange their meetings in the same location in sequence.

A liaison statement to WGFM (copy to FM48, ECC/PT1 and ETSI TC ERM) was developed (Annex 14) to inform about the creation of SE44.

13. DFS testingThere was nothing to report on this issue. The corresponding work item (SE_8) is expected to be closed at the next WG SE meeting.

14. Cooperation with R&TTE CA The letter sent from the 58th WG SE meeting has not generated any feedback yet from R&TTE CA and ADCO. Some contact will be taken with the representatives of these groups in order to stimulate the cooperation process.

15. Leeheim measurements See item 9.6

16. EMC issues

The meeting was informed that the two CENELEC draft standards discussed at the previous WG SE meetings (EN 55020 on EMC immunity requirements for DVB tuners and EN 50561-1 on PLT) just finished their consultation period and that CENELEC TC 210 will meet soon to resolve the comments.Information on these two standards and on the ITU-R activities on PLT will be made available to the next WG SE meeting.

17. ECO assistance to WG SE Mr Jean-Philippe Kermoal (ECO) presented document SE(11)052 on the ECO assistance. WGSE noted the various support item provided by the ECO.

WGSE appreciated the presentation made on the new CEPT portal. The new portal was welcomed with positive feedback (www.cept.org).

WG SE members were invited to consider the relevant material available on the ECO site and to provide feedback to the ECO.

WG SE considered the proposed man-days for the ECO support to WG SE activities for 2012 and provided feedback to the ECO.

The meeting was informed about the planned dates for the Public Consultation (start: 28 th of May 2011, end: 8th of July 2011).

18. WG SE Work Programme and Terms of Reference of the SE Project Teams The WG SE work programme was updated to reflect the various discussions. It is attached as Annex 05.


Report of the 59th WG SE MeetingMontegrotto, 02 – 06 May 2011

Doc. SE(11)061

The Terms of Reference of the SE Project Teams are available in Annex 04.

19. Any other business There was not any other business

20. Approval of the Report of the meetingThis report was approved by the meeting with authority given to the Chairman to make necessary editorial improvements.

21. Date and place of future meeting

The further dates for the WG SE meetings are fixed as follows:

60th WG SE: 10 – 14 October 2011 – Tallinn – Estonia.

61st WG SE: 26 – 30 March 2012

62nd WG SE: 10 – 14 September 2012

Administrations were invited to consider the possibility to host WG SE meetings in 2012 and 2013.

22. Closure of the meetingThe WG SE Chairman thanked all the WG SE delegates and the Project Teams chairmen for the excellent work in preparation of and during the meeting. He also thanked the Secretary, the Vice-Chairmen and the ECO for their very efficient support. He also expressed his gratitude to the Italian administration, to Mr Enrico Tosato and all the supporting staff for their hospitality, their reactivity and the excellent facilities provided.

Finally the WG SE Chairman concluded by wishing all participants a pleasant journey home and closed the 59th WG SE meeting.
