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新生命教育協會呂郭碧鳳中學 家長通告 18/19-13 敬啟者: 「深化學習」計劃 本校一向重視培養學生積極學習態度,促進學生學業發展,期望學生能在學業上有所提升,爭 取理想成績。我們 2018-2021 三年發展計劃其中一項關注事項為「深化學習」,並於本學年為初中 學生推行下列三項計劃,藉此加強培養學生自主學習的能力,讓學生意識到學生是學習的主人翁, 例如按時溫習及具備有效的學習策略,為升學而努力等。計劃詳情︰ . 課後學術日 各科組將舉辦不同的課後學術活動,包括學科班、應試/學習技巧班、學術比賽、學科展覽及 專題報告匯報等,詳情請參閱附件一。大部分課後學術活動將安排於星期一及星期二放學後舉行, 好讓學生於上述兩上課天專心學業,在學習上較容易取得成果。凡自由報名、經甄選取錄的學生, 各科組將另發活動通告,詳述活動內容。未能出席者,須按校規向負責老師請假。 . 學生學習進度及測考範圍 各科組定下學生學習進度表,讓學生確切清楚本學年的學習目標,詳情請參閱附件二。學校鼓 勵學生在課前做好預習,帶着基礎知識進入課堂,更能投入學習。同時,各科組將於各測驗日及上 學期考試前一循環周及下學期考試前兩個循環周派發測考範圍,鼓勵學生及早預備及計劃溫習日 程。 . 設立重考 學校著重學生學懂知識。凡上學期考試的中、英及數成績不及格,而且在下四分位數內的初中 學生,須於 2019 1 26 (星期六)參加該科目的重考,目的是為了給予學生另一次成功機會, 肯定學生學懂學科知識。如有需要,學生會經甄選參加下學期相關的學科班。請 台端督促 貴子 弟善用時間,盡責學習,得到更理想的培育。 請於 10 2 (星期二)或之前,簽妥回條交班主任。專此函達,敬祈查照。 此致 各中二家長 校長 __________________ 謹啟 (陳國強) 2018 9 28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 回條 18/19-13 「深化學習」計劃 敬覆者: 本人已知悉有關「深化學習」計劃事宜 此覆 新生命教育協會呂郭碧鳳中學校長 學生姓名: 家長簽署: 班別(班號)( ) 期:

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家長通告 18/19-13



本校一向重視培養學生積極學習態度,促進學生學業發展,期望學生能在學業上有所提升,爭取理想成績。我們 2018-2021 三年發展計劃其中一項關注事項為「深化學習」,並於本學年為初中學生推行下列三項計劃,藉此加強培養學生自主學習的能力,讓學生意識到學生是學習的主人翁,例如按時溫習及具備有效的學習策略,為升學而努力等。計劃詳情︰

一. 課後學術日



二. 學生學習進度及測考範圍


三. 設立重考

學校著重學生學懂知識。凡上學期考試的中、英及數成績不及格,而且在下四分位數內的初中學生,須於 2019年 1月 26 日(星期六)參加該科目的重考,目的是為了給予學生另一次成功機會,肯定學生學懂學科知識。如有需要,學生會經甄選參加下學期相關的學科班。請 台端督促 貴子


請於 10月 2日(星期二)或之前,簽妥回條交班主任。專此函達,敬祈查照。




__________________ 謹啟


2018年 9月 28日


回條 18/19-13






學生姓名: 家長簽署:

班別(班號): ( ) 日 期:

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日期 出席學生 時間 地點 活動 負責導師


2018 年 11 月 20 日,

2019 年 5 月 7 日

中二級 下午 3:45-5:00

11 月 20 日


5 月 7 日

201-205 室

中文說話訓練 中文科會


2019 年 2 月 18, 25 日;

3 月 4, 11 日; 4 月 1, 8, 29 日;

5 月 6 日


獲選學生 下午 3:45-5:15 406 室






2019 年 2 月 19, 26 日;

3 月 5, 12, 19 日; 4 月 2, 9, 30 日


獲選學生 下午 3:45-5:15 406 室






2019 年 2 月 19, 26 日;

3 月 5 , 12, 19 日; 4 月 2 ,9 ,30 日


獲選學生 下午 3:45-5:15 306 室





2019 年 4 月 10 日(星期三)至

4 月 11 日(星期四) 中二級 下午 3:45-5:00 禮堂 STEM 展覽





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中二級 學習進度




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2018-2019 中二級 中國語文科 學習進度

循環周 單元名稱/課題 學習主題


單元一 記敘的方法和人稱


1. 《種梨》

2. 《回家》



1. 認識插敘法。

2. 認識記敘的人稱。

3. 複習記敘的方法(順敘、倒敘)。

4-6 單元二 人物描寫


1. 《差不多先生傳》

2. 《世說新語》(四則)



1. 認識直接描寫人物的方法:肖象描寫、語語描


2. 認識間接描寫人物的方法:人物烘托和環境烘


3. 複習從事件分析人物的特點。

7-9 單元三 景物描寫


1. 《在風中》

2. 《老區風景》



1. 認識景物描寫的方法:





10-11 單元四 散文欣賞


1. 《釣勝於魚》

2. 《風箏》

3. 《匆匆》



1. 領會散文表達的思想感情。

2. 欣賞散文的語言。

3. 欣賞散文的寫作手法。

12-14 單元八 議論:論點與論據


1. 《為學一首示子姪》

2. 《說「勤」》



1. 掌握文章的論點和論據。

2. 借助標示語掌握語段的結構和內容。

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15-17 單元六 借物抒情


1. 《愛蓮說》

2. 《醜石》

3. 《母雞》



1. 認識間接抒情的方法:借物抒情。

2. 借助上下文理解句子的深層含義。

18-20 單元九 文言選讀


1. 《桃花源記》

2. 《習慣說》

1. 學習閱讀文言文。

2. 掌握描寫人物的方法。

3. 掌握描寫景物的方法。

4. 複習借事說理的方法。

5. 複習記敘的要素

21-22 單元七 說明的層次


1. 《秦陵兵馬俑》

2. 《麥積山》



1. 認識說明的層次: 總分、分總、總分總。

2. 複習說明的方法。

3. 複習說明的時間順序和空間順序。

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2018-2019 中二級 中國歷史科 學習進度


循環周 學習內容/單元名稱 學習重點

1-3 隋代統一南北與速亡 1. 隋朝統一南北的過程

2. 隋文帝「開皇之治」的政績及隋朝興盛的概況。

3. 隋文帝的缺失及其與隋朝速亡的關係。

4. 隋煬帝的暴政和隋朝滅亡的經過




1. 唐代統一全國的過程。

2. 「玄武門之變」的經過和結果。

3. 唐朝從貞觀到開元的政局,以及貞觀、開元兩朝治


4. 貞觀與開元致治的原因和特點。

5. 安史之亂的起因、經過和影響。

6. 唐朝後期出現的藩鎮割據、宦官亂政、朋黨相爭及


7. 唐代衰亡的原因。

8 五代的武人專政 1. 五代十國的興替概況。

2. 五代篡奪相乘、武人專政、胡人掌政及受外患威脅


9-11 北宋的積弱 1. 北宋的建立過程。

2. 北宋中央集權及重文輕武的政策內容,兩種政策的


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循環周 學習內容/單元名稱 學習重點

12-13 北宋的變法與滅亡

1. 北宋中央集權政策與變法出現的關係

2. 北宋滅亡與外族入侵的關係

3. 北宋滅亡的過程及原因


南宋的偏安 1. 南宋能偏安的原因

2. 南宋建立的過程

3. 南宋聯蒙滅金的史事

16 元代的高壓統治 1. 元朝實行高壓統治政策的內容

2. 元朝統治政策的失當之處及其覆亡原因

17-19 明代的君主集權政治 1. 明太祖的中央集權政策的內容

2. 靖難之變的原因及成祖得位的過程

3. 太祖和成祖的君主集權政治的影響

4. 明朝中後期宦官為禍及東林黨爭的概況

5. 民變爆發的根源和明代滅亡的經過

20 滿清入關與康、雍、乾盛世的統治政策 1. 康雍乾三朝的成就,並如何使清朝的國力


2. 高壓、懷柔、因俗制宜等清朝的統治政策


21 清代的中衰 1. 清代的中衰的原因

2. 鴉片戰爭的背景及經過

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NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College

2018-2019 S.2 Computer Literacy Learning Schedule

Cycle Learning Content/ Unit Learning Targets

1 Intrduction

Google eClassroom

Google Drive File Stream

Familiar the operation of Google

eClassroom to hand in


2-6 Programming with Scratch

Typing Test

Familiar with Scratch statements

Progamming logic

Structure of a program

Improve English typing skill and


7-10 STEM learning: Coding to

control micro:bit

By using supplementary

package of Micro Bit to create

STEM applications

11-16 3D graphics with SketchUp Familiar with a 3D drawing


Create various 3D drawings

17-22 Progamming with App Inventer Familiar with an Android Apps

writing tools

Create simple Android Apps

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NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College

2018-2019 S.2 English Learning Schedule

Cycles Learning Content/Unit Learning Target

1 Introduction & Orientation

Reader: Charlotte’s Web

➢ Understand the routine in English lessons

and teacher’s expectation

➢ Grammar Quiz:

Irregular Verb table

➢ Grammar item:

Tenses Revision

2-3 Connect Unit 1

Reader – Charlotte’s Web

Grammar Quiz: Tenses

Grammar item: Present Perfect Tense

4-5 Connect Unit 2

Reader – Charlotte’s Web

Grammar Quiz: Present Perfect Tense

Grammar items:

➢ Making Comparison

➢ Comparative adjectives/ adverbs

➢ (not) as + adjective/adverbs + as

➢ Superlative adjectives/ adverbs

6-7 Connect Unit 3

Reader – Charlotte’s Web

Revision for the First Term Test

5/11 U.T.1

Paper 1: Reading & Usage

Grammar Quiz:

➢ Making Comparison

➢ Comparative adjectives/ adverbs

➢ (not) as + adjective/adverbs + as

➢ Superlative adjectives/ adverbs

Grammar items:

➢ Past continuous tense

➢ “When” and “While”

➢ Talking about amount

8-9 Connect Unit 4

Reader – Charlotte’s Web

Grammar Quiz:

➢ Past continuous tense

➢ “When” and “While”

➢ Talking about amount

Grammar items:

➢ Relative clauses

➢ Some-, any- and no-words

➢ Reflexive pronouns

10-11 Reader – Charlotte’s Web

Revision for the First Term Exam

(2-17 Jan 2019)

Grammar Quiz:

➢ Relative clauses

➢ Some-, any- and no-words

➢ Reflexive pronouns

Grammar item:

Passive voice

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Cycles Learning Content/Unit Learning Target

11-13 Connect Unit 5

Reader – Three Great Plays of

Shakespeare (Romeo & Juliet)

Grammar Quiz:

➢ Passive voice

Grammar items:

➢ Gerunds

➢ To-infinitives & Adjectives + “to”-


➢ Bare Infinitives

14-15 Connect Unit 6

Reader – Three Great Plays of

Shakespeare (Romeo & Juliet)

Grammar Quiz:

➢ Gerunds

➢ To-infinitives & Adjectives + “to”-


➢ Bare Infinitives

Grammar items:

➢ Modal verbs for giving advice

➢ Modal verbs for talking about possibility

➢ Modal verbs for talking about ability

➢ Modal verbs for asking for and giving


➢ Modal verbs for making and replying to


16-17 Reader – Three Great Plays of

Shakespeare (Romeo & Juliet)

Revision for the Second Term Test

25/3 U.T.2

Paper 1: Reading & Usage

Grammar Quiz:

➢ Modal verbs for giving advice

➢ Modal verbs for talking about possibility

➢ Modal verbs for talking about ability

➢ Modal verbs for asking for and giving


➢ Modal verbs for making and replying to


18-19 Connect Unit 7

Reader – Three Great Plays of

Shakespeare (Romeo & Juliet)

Grammar items:

➢ Reported statements

➢ Conditional Sentences (Type 0 & 1)

20-22 Connect Unit 8

Revision for the Final Exam

(3-21 June 2019)

Grammar Quiz:

➢ Reported statements

➢ Conditional Sentences (Type 0 & 1)

Grammar items:

➢ Conditional Sentences (Type 2)

➢ Connectives of reason and result

➢ Question phrases

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NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College

2018-2019 S.2 Geography Learning Schedule

First Term – Part 4 The trouble with Water

Cycle Learning Content/ Unit Learning Targets

1 4.1

What is the major threat to

water resources?

1. Water footprint

2. Identifying the major threat to the global water


2 4.2

Where does water come from?

1. Water cycle

3-4 4.3

What and where are China’s

water resources

1. Distribution of water resources in China

2. Major rivers in China

3. Relief of China

4. Monsoon climate of China

5. Wet and dry regions in China

6. Major human activities in a river basin that cause

changes to the water cycle

5-6 4.4

What problems does flooding

bring to China?

1. The various aspects of flooding in China:

a. Distribution

b. Harmful effects

c. Causes

d. Measures to ease the problem

2. Large-scale flood control project: Three Gorges

Dam Project

7-8 4.5

What problems does drought

bring to China?

1. The various aspects of drought in China:

a. Distribution

b. Harmful effects

c. Causes

d. Measures to ease the problem

2. Large-scale water project: South-North Water

Transfer Project

9 4.6

What problems does water

pollution bring to China?

1. The various aspects of water pollution in China:

a. Distribution

b. Impact

c. Causes

d. Measures to ease the problem

10 4.7

What can we learn from the

water management

experiences of other countries?

1. Water problems in the following countries and how

these countries deal with these problems:

a. Bangladesh

b. Singapore

c. UK

11 Examination Revision

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Second Term – Part 3 Food Problems

Cycle Learning Content/ Unit Learning Targets

12 3.1

Can we produce enough food

for our growing population?

1. Factors affecting food demand and supply

2. Trend of population growth in China

3. Trend of food demand (food consumption) and

food supply in China

4. Food self-sufficiency in China

13 3.2

How do we farm?

1. Definition of farming

2. Farming as a system

3. Classification of farming

4. Major types of farming in the world

14 3.3

Where are farming activities

carried out in China?

1. Distribution of major farming regions in China

2. Factors affecting the distribution of farming

regions in China:

a. Climate

b. Relief

15-16 3.4

What are the major farming

problems in China?

1. Major farming problems in China:

a. Caused by physical factors:

- Physical limitations

- Frequent natural hazards

b. Caused by human factors:

- Loss of farmland caused by urban

development, environmental pollution, soil

erosion and desertification

2. Shortage of farm labour

17 3.5

What scientific farming

methods are used to solve

farming problems in China?

1. Scientific farming methods used in China and how

they help in farm production and solve farming


a. Irrigation systems

b. Use of chemicals

c. Use of machines

d. Use of greenhouse technology

e. Biotechnology

18-19 3.6

What harmful effects do

scientific farming methods


1. Negative impact and limitations of using scientific

farming methods

2. Graph reading: The trend of using large- and

medium-sized tractors in China (p. 45)

20-21 3.7

Are there other ways to solve

farming problems in China?

1. Other solutions to the farming problems in China:

a. Develop sustainable farming

b. Manage land use in a better way

c. Encourage farm specialization

d. Provide more government support

2. Regions/countries where food shortages are most

likely to occur

3. Causes of and solutions to food problems in LDCs

Basic law knowledge

1. Farming development in Hong Kong

2. Policy of environmental protection in Hong Kong

22 Examination Revision

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NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College

2018-2019 S.2 History Learning Schedule

Cycles Learning Content Learning Targets

1-7 The Renaissance

1. tell the characteristics

of the Renaissance

2. examine the causes of

the Renaissance

8-14 The Age of Revolution

1. explain the causes and

impact of the

American Revolution

2. explain the causes and

effects of the French

Revolution and the

Napoleonic Era

15-22 Life in the Age of


1. explain the causes of

the Industrial


2. explain the effects of

the Industrial


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NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College

2018-2019 S.2 Home Economics Learning Schedule

Remark: Students are divided into 2 groups (A & B) due to the room capacity.

Needlework (CPM) Food & Nutrition (LWM)

Group A Cycles 1-5, 11-16 Cycles 6-10, 17-22

Group B Cycles 6-10, 17-22 Cycles 1-5, 11-16


Cycle Learning Content/ Unit Learning Targets

1 (B)

6 (A)

1. Unit 13

2. Stay Healthy with

Balanced Diet


1. revise the meaning of ‘a balanced diet’ &


2. know some common diseases related to diet and

ways to prevent them

3. define plant-based diet

4. understand the rationale behind adoption of a

plant-based diet

5. be aware to choose food choice with more plant


6. develop a healthy lifestyle

2 (B)

7 (A)

Cooking Practice (1):

Plant-based diet

1. revise the points to consider when preparing a

one-course meal

2. revise the nutritional value and types of pasta

3. understand the principles in preparing plant-based

diet (western style)

4. revise the routine & safety in cookery lessons


8-10 (A)

Project: Plant-based

Diet for teenagers

1. revise the important points when planning

plant-based diet for teenagers

2. plan and cook a dish for teenagers applying

principles of plant-based diet in daily life

3. cultivate healthy eating habit

11-12 (B)

17-18 (A)

1. U.9 Cake Making (1)


2. Use of 3D Food

Printer (1)

1. know the common ingredients and basic

proportion in cake making

2. know the usage and types of raising agents

3. write the programme using TinkerCad

4. understand the usage, the features and care of 3D

food printer

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19 (B)

13 (A)

1. Cooking Practice (2):


(Rubbing-in method)

2. U.10 Cake Making

(2) P.104-106

1. know the utensils and main ingredients for cake


2. understand the preparation before making cakes

3. familiarise the methods of sensory evaluation

4. practise rubbing-in method

5. note the safety when using an oven/baking

20 (B)

14 (A)

1. Cooking Practice (3):

Dough making

Italian Pizza

(U.9 P.100-101)

1. state different raising agents & their properties

2. favourite conditions for making dough

3. practise dough making

4. revise the skills of handling ingredients

5. note the safety when using an oven/baking

21 (B)

15 (A)

1. Use of 3D Food

Printer (2)

2. Cooking Practice (4)

(Creaming Method

3. U.10 Cake-Making

(2) P.110-112

1. revise the basic utensils for cake making

2. revise the effect of raising agents

3. revise the preparation before making cakes

4. revise the proportion of the basic ingredients for

creaming method

5. familiarise the methods of sensory evaluation

6. practise creaming method using an electric mixer

7. carry out the 3D design programme using the 3D

food printer

8. revise the safety when using an baking & a 3D

food printer

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Cycle Learning Content/ Unit Learning Targets

1 (A)

6 (B)

1. My pencil Bag /

Utility Bag (1)

2. U 27

Elements of Fashion


(P.249 – 259)

1. understand the basic principles of design

2. match different colour schemes & materials for

their design

3. choose different sizes, colour schemes & suitable

materials for their design

4. sketch the pencil bag / utility bag

2 (A)

7 (B)

1. My Pencil Bag /

Utility Bag (2)

2. U 20

Common Fibres and



1. state the names of different natural and

man-made fibres

2. understand the main properties and uses of

cotton and nylon fabrics

3. choose suitable types of fabrics to make the

Pencil / Utility Bag

4. practice with different sewing equipment

5. draft the pattern for the pencil bag / utility bag

6. measure materials for making the pencil bag/

utility bag

3-5 (A)

8-10 (B)

1. My Pencil Bag /

Utility Bag(3-5)

2. Unit 24

Using the sewing



3. Unit 23

Fastenings and

Examples of Hand



4. Unit 19

Take Care of


and Family clothing


1. Practice the preparation before sewing (e.g.

preparation of fabric, laying out, cutting out,

marking out)

2. practice with the sewing machine

3. learn the properties of different

fastenings and their sewing methods

4. apply suitable decorations e.g. embroidery

stitches, lace etc. on the pencil / utility bag

5. understand the basic knowledge of care labels

6. take care of their clothing

7. handle household apparel

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Cycle Learning Content/ Unit Learning Targets

11-12 (A)

17-18 (B)

1. My Wall Hanger


2. Unit 25

Wardrobe planning

and choice of



1. know the advantages of wardrobe planning

2. state the steps of wardrobe planning

3. choose different sizes, colour schemes & suitable

materials for their design

4. design and draft the wall hanger

13-16 (A)

19- 22 (B)

1. My Wall Hanger


2. Unit 27

Elements of Fashion


(P. 249-258)

1. Understand the design details and features and

apply to the wall hanger

2. Practice with different sewing equipment

3. Practice to prepare before sewing (e.g.

preparation of fabric, laying out, cutting out,

marking out)

4. practice with the sewing machine

5. revise the properties of different fastenings and

their sewing methods

6. apply suitable decorations e.g. embroidery

stitches, lace etc.

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2018-2019 中二級 通識教育科 學習進度

循環周 學習內容/單元名稱 學習重點

1-3 第一章 《改革開放的重點與


1. 改革開放的進程

2. 改革開放政策的成果

4-6 第二章 《改革開放下的社會


1. 中國的貧富差距

2. 中國三農問題

3. 中國農民工問題及其負面影響

7 統測評講

8-9 第二章《改革開放下的社會問


1. 議題探究—中國的霧霾

10-11 第二章《改革開放下的社會問


1. 中國改革開放下形成的文物保育


12 考試評講

13-15 第四章 《參與國際事務與綜


1. 綜合國力的概念,及衡量綜合國


2. 中國參與的對外事務

16-17 第五章《中華文化》 1. 中國傳統的家庭觀念

2. 中國傳統節日及習俗

18 統測評講

19-21 第五章《中華文化》 1. 議題探究—中國傳統習俗歷久常

22 溫習

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NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College

2018-2019 S.2 Mathematics Learning Schedule

Cycle Learning Content/Unit Teaching Targets

1 Ch. 12 Polygons 12.1 Sum of Interior Angles of a Polygon

12.2 Sum of Exterior Angles of a Convex Polygon

12.3 Tessellation

2 Ch. 11 Linear Equations in Two

Unknowns (Book 1B)

11.1 Linear Equations in Two Unknowns

11.2 Graphs of Linear Equations in Two Unknowns

11.3 Points on the Graphs of Linear Equations in

Two Unknowns

2 – 4 Ch. 4 Simultaneous Equations 4.1 Simultaneous Linear Equations in Two


4.2 Graphical Method

4.3 Method of Substitution

4.4 Method of Elimination

4.5 Applications of Simultaneous Linear Equations

in Two Unknowns

4 – 6 Ch. 3 Identities and Factorization 3.1 The Concept of Identity

3.2 Some Algebraic Identities

3.3 Factorization

3.4 Factorization by Using Identities

7 – 8 Ch. 5 Congruent and Similar


5.1 Congruent Figures

5.2 Congruent Triangles

5.3 Construction of Triangles

5.4 Conditions for the Congruence of Two


5.5 Similar Figures

5.6 Conditions for the Similarity of Two Triangles

9 – 10 Ch. 9 Algebraic Fractions and


9.1 Simple Algebraic Fractions

9.2 Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic


9.3 Formulae and Substitution

9.4 Change of Subject of a Formula

11 – 12 Ch. 1 Estimation and


1.1 Estimation

1.2 Estimation Strategies

1.3 Choosing Appropriate Means for Calculations

1.4 Significant Figures

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Cycle Learning Content/Unit Teaching Targets

12 – 14 Ch. 6 Square Roots and

Pythagoras' Theorem

6.1 Squares and Square Roots

6.2 The Values of Square Roots

6.3 Pythagoras' Theorem

6.4 Proofs of Pythagoras' Theorem and its


6.5 Applications of Pythagoras' Theorem

6.6 Irrational Numbers

14 – 16 Ch. 11 Introduction to

Trigonometric Ratios

11.1 Cosine Ratio of an Angle

11.2 Sine Ratio of an Angle

11.3 Tangent Ratio of an Angle

11.4 Applications of Trigonometric Ratios

11.5 Properties of Trigonometric Ratios

16 – 17 Ch. 8 Inequalities 8.1 Inequalities

8.2 Graphical Representations of Inequalities

8.3 Basic Properties of Inequalities

8.4 Linear Inequalities in One Unknown

8.5 Applications of Inequalities

17 – 18 Ch. 2 Measurement and Errors 2.1 Direct Measurement

2.2 Indirect Measurement

2.3 Errors in Approximate Values

18 – 20 Ch. 10 Areas and Volumes 10.1 Areas of Polygons

10.2 Areas of Similar Figures

10.3 Circumferences of Circles

10.4 Areas of Circles

10.5 Lengths of Arcs and Areas of Sectors

10.6 Prisms and Cylinders

10.7 Accumulation of Errors

20 – 21 Ch. 7 More about Statistical


7.1 Frequency Polygons and Frequency Curves

7.2 Cumulative Frequency Polygons and

Cumulative Frequency Curves

7.3 Percentiles

21 – 22 Ch. 13 Measures of Central


13.1 What is Central Tendency?

13.2 Means

13.3 Medians

13.4 Modes and Modal Classes

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2018-2019 中二級 普通話科 學習進度

循環周 單元名稱/課題 學習主題

1-2 一、天有不測風雲 1 朗讀有關暑期活動及天氣的對話

2 認識有關天氣狀況的普通話表達方法

3 掌握「詢問」和「評述」的句式

4 掌握帶介音的韻母

5 掌握拼寫規則:Ü 上兩點的省略、聲調符號的位置

3-4 二、萬聖節怎麼裝扮 1. 朗讀有關準備萬聖節的對話

2. 認識有關比較的句式

3. 掌握「比較」和「選擇」的句式

4. 掌握表達自己看法的技巧

5. 掌握聲母 n─l 、k─h 的分辨

5-6 三、妙聯趣話 1. 朗讀有關妙解對聯兒的話劇對話

2. 認識粵普表達中「只改一字」的成語

3. 掌握「評價人物」和「憤慨」的句式

4. 掌握聲母 zh ch sh ─ z c s 的分辨

7-8 四、一起來猜猜 1. 朗讀有關元宵節猜燈謎的對話

2. 朗讀重點詞語、補充詞語

3. 認識粵普詞語中同字不同義的詞語

4. 掌握「猜測」和「醒悟」的句式

5. 掌握聲母 j q x ─ z c s 的分辨

9-11 1. 朗讀訓練

2. 温習

3. 口試

12-13 五、通訊新紀元 1. 朗讀有關在社交網網站上載相片的對話

2. 認識有關資訊科技用詞的普通話表達方法

3. 掌握「建議」和「贊成」的句式

4. 掌握聲母 j─zh、y─r 的分辨

14-15 六、動漫節 1. 朗讀有關動漫節的對話

2. 認識卡通人物的粵普譯名

3. 掌握「勸導」和「安慰」的句式

4. 掌握「一」和「不」的變調

16-17 七、「特色」香港 1. 朗讀有關搶包山風俗的對話

2. 認識普通話中「也」和「都」的不同用法

3. 掌握「追問」和「推測」的句式

4. 掌握輕聲的規律和作用

18-19 八、探訪獨居老人 1. 朗讀有關探訪獨居老人時的對話

2. 認識有關家務的普通話表達方法

3. 掌握「徵詢」和「回應」的句式

4. 掌握兒化韻

20-22 1. 話劇

2. 口試

3. 溫習

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2018-2019 中二級宗教(基督教)科 學習進度

循環周 單元名稱/課題 學習主題

1-3 摩西 依靠上帝突破自己的限制,活出更豐盛的人生。

4-6 參孫 明白如果自恃有過人的能力,欠缺謙卑和謹慎的態度,


7-8 路得 明白若全心關懷家人,對家人不離不棄、體諒、犧牲及



9-11 大衛 學習培養自制力,並在犯錯後要承認錯誤,改善錯處。

12-13 所羅門 明白追求明辨是非的智慧,比要求財富、長壽和勝利,


14-15 以利亞 明白在我們失落的時候,上帝仍會看顧我們,叫我們重


16-17 但以理 明白上帝會看顧持守信仰的人,在面對壓迫時不要輕易


18-19 以斯帖 明白上帝會賜予我們幫助他人的機會,因此我們要留心


20-22 尼希米 明白人要有堅毅的意志,才可以克服困難,完成重任。

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Cycle Learning

Content / Units Learning Targets


7.1 Air



1. State the percentage of main gases in air and their main properties

2. Describe the tests for oxygen, carbon dioxide and water

3. Give examples of the daily applications of oxygen, carbon dioxide and


4. Recognize that photosynthesis is the process that plants make their own


5. State that light energy is converted into chemical energy in food during

photosynthesis in plants

6. Write the word equation of photosynthesis





1. Understand that light, chlorophyll, carbon dioxide and water are the

necessary factors for photosynthesis

2. State that food (e.g. carbohydrates) is the source of energy for all living


3. Describe respiration as a process in which food is broken down in cells

to release energy in usable form for cells

4. Write the word equation of respiration


7.4 Gas exchange

in plants and


1. Understand that the net gas exchange in plants

2. Compare the temperature and the composition of gases (oxygen, carbon

dioxide and water vapour) between inhaled and exhaled air

3. State the significance of gas exchange to body cells

4. Recognize that smoking is harmful to health (e.g. causing lung cancer

and heart diseases)


7.5 Balance of

carbon dioxide

and oxygen in


7.6 Air quality

1. Understand that there is a natural balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen

in the atmosphere

2. Recognize some human activities are disrupting the balance of carbon

dioxide in Nature

3. Describe the effects of the increasing amount of carbon dioxide on the


4. Give examples of common air pollutants


10.1 Senses and

sense organs

10.2 Sight

1. Recognize that there are specialized sensory cells in different sense

organs for detecting different stimuli

2. Relate our sense organs to the types of stimuli and the senses produced

3. Identify the main parts of an eye and state the functions of the main

parts of an eye

4. Describe briefly how an image is formed on the retina

5. Recognize the limitations of our eyes and the various ways for

extending our vision

6. Describe the ways of protecting our eyes

NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College

2018-2019 S.2 Science Learning Schedule

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8.1 Introducing

electricity and

simple circuits

8.2 Circuit


1. Understand that an electric cell and a closed circuit are required for

lighting up a bulb

2. Recognize that an electric cell is the energy source in a circuit

3. Identify electrical conductors and insulators

4. Understand a switch as a device to open or close a circuit

5. Recognize the circuit symbols

6. Draw and interpret simple circuit diagrams


8.3 Electric


1. Use an ammeter to measure electric current

2. State that ampere (A) is a unit of electric current

3. Recognize electric current as a flow of charges

4. Recognize the heating effect and magnetic effect of current


8.4 Voltage

8.5 Resistance

1. Recognize voltage as a measure of the amount of energy supplied

2. Use a voltmeter to measure voltage

3. State that volt (V) is a unit of voltage

4. Recognize that battery with greater voltage will cause a larger current to

flow in a circuit

5. Recognize the differences in resistance between electrical conductors

and insulators

6. State that ohm (Ω) is a unit of resistance

7. Understand that a higher resistance will result in a smaller current to

flow in a circuit

8. Recognize the use of resistors in a circuit


8.6 Series circuits

and parallel


1. Identify series circuits and parallel circuits

2. Recognize that, in a series circuit, the current is the same at all points in

the circuit

3. Recognize that, in a parallel circuit, the current in the main loop is the

sum of that in the branches and that a larger current flows in the branch

with a lower resistance

4. Recognize that, in a parallel circuit, the voltage across each branch of

the circuit is the same


10.3 Hearing

10.7 The brain

and our senses

1. Understand that sound is produced by vibrations and its transmission

requires a medium

2. Recognize that hertz (Hz) is a unit of frequency of sound and decibel

(dB) is a unit of loudness of sound

3. Identify the main parts of an ear and state the functions of the main parts

of an ear

4. Recognize the harmful effects of noise pollution on our health

5. Describe the ways of protecting our sense of hearing

6. Recognize that the brain integrates and interprets information from

different sense organs and acts as coordinator for making appropriate


7. Identify the cerebrum of the brain and state its function

8. Be aware that our senses are not always reliable and there may be


9. Recognize the effects of taking or inhaling drugs on our judgements,

responses and our health

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11 Revision on E1 Revision

12-14 STEM projects 1. Conduct a science project in groups to encourage self-directed learning


8.7 Our household


8.8 Electrical

safety with



1. Recognize that electrical appliances are energy converters

2. State the mains voltage in Hong Kong

3. Explain why parallel circuits are preferred to series circuits in domestic


4. Understand

the wiring of a 3-pin plug and identify the colour coding of wires

the danger of overloading in the use of universal adaptors

the condition leading to short circuits and its danger

5. Recognize the importance of the use of earth wire


8.8 Electrical

safety with



1. Recognize fuses and circuit breakers as devices for protecting circuits

2. State safety precautions in using electricity


9.1 Common

acids and alkalis

9.2 Acid-alkali

indicators and pH


1. Give examples of common acids and alkalis found at home and in


2. State the properties of acids and alkalis

3. Recognize that acid-alkali indicators are used to classify solutions as

being acidic or alkaline

4. Recognize that the pH scale is used to describe the relative acidity and

alkalinity of substances

5. Be aware that some natural pigments give different colours in acidic and

alkaline solutions

6. Describe how pH paper, universal indicator and electronic instruments

can be used to measure the pH value of a solution

7. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using universal indicator

and electronic instruments in measuring the pH value of a solution


9.3 Neutralization

9.4 Corrosive

nature of acids

1. Present the change in pH value in a neutralization reaction with a pH


2. Understand that salt and water will be formed when an acid is mixed

with an alkali

3. Recognize that the mass of reactants and products is conserved in

neutralization reaction

4. Give examples of applications of neutralization

5. Recognize that dilute acids can attack metals and some building

materials (e.g. limestone, marble) to produce hydrogen and carbon

dioxide respectively

6. Understand the causes of acid rain and its effects on the environment

and living things

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9.5 Potential

hazards related to

the use of acids

and alkalis

11.1 Motion

1. Recognize that acids and alkalis can be irritating or corrosive and may

cause injuries to our bodies

2. Recognize that mixing common cleansing products may be hazardous

3. Describe the emergency treatment for accidents involving acids or


4. Recognize the relationship between average speed, distance and time

5. State that metre per second (m s1

) is a unit of speed

6. Represent a motion using a distance-time graph

7. Interpret a distance-time graph

8. Identify uniform motion and non-uniform motion


11.2 Force

11.3 Gravity

1. Describe the effect of force on changing the speed and direction of

motion of an object

2. State that newton (N) is a unit of force

3. Use a spring balance to measure forces

4. State that forces can act at a distance

5. Give examples of contact forces and non-contact forces

6. Recognize that an object will stay at rest or in uniform motion when the

forces acting on it are balanced

7. Use free-body diagram to show the direction of forces acting on an


8. State that gravity is the force that causes two objects to attract each


9. Recognize that the force of gravity experienced by an object increases

with its mass


11.4 Friction and

air resistance

11.5 Action and


1. Recognize that friction and air resistance are forces that oppose the

motion between contact surfaces

2. Describe ways for reducing friction and air resistance

3. Give examples of situations where friction or air resistance is useful

4. Recognize that forces always work in action-and-reaction pairs

5. Understand that action-and-reaction pairs are equal in magnitude,

opposite in direction and act on different objects

6. Identify some action-and-reaction pairs of forces in daily examples

7. Recognize the frictionless motion and micro-gravity motion of

spacecrafts in space

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2018-2019 中二級 視覺藝術科 學習進度

Cycle Learning Content Learning Targets

2-3 Art history-

from Baroque to


In this unit, students will be able to:

1. recognize the characteristics of Baroque Art, Rococo Art and


2. understand the close relationship between art and social background.



Face Jugs

In this unit, students will be able to:

1. understand the characteristics of Face Jugs.

3. understand the basic technique of coiling and appliqué.

4. apply the learnt knowledge and skills to make a coiled face jug.

8-11 Printmaking:



In this unit, students will able to:

1. understand the characteristics of traditional Chinese wooden print.

2. understand the skills of woodcutting and printing.

3. make a print by using the basic techniques of engraving and printing.

12 Glazing In this unit, students will be able to:

1. understand the characteristics of glaze.

2. the basic skill of brush-on technique.

3. glaze the pottery.

13 Art appreciation In this unit, students will able to:

1. analysis and interpret the idea of art works.

2. apply the learnt knowledge to evaluate an art work.

3.apply the learnt knowledge to complete the group project.


Drawing: portrait

In this unit, students will be able to:

1. learn about the proportions of human face and facial features.

2. learn the tonal change of facial features

3. learn the characteristics of drawing pencils

4. apply the learnt knowledge and skills

to draw a portrait.

18-20 Watercolour


Still-life objects

In this unit, students will be able to:

1. understand the characteristics and basic skills of water colour.

2. appreciate the expression of sunlight in Claude Monet’s paintings.

3. apply the learnt Knowledge and techniques to present sunlight in a

landscape painting.


中國畫─人物姿態 在此單元內,學生能:

1. 認識「骨法用筆」的意義和技巧。

2. 運用已學習的知識和技巧描繪人物姿態。