CITY OF HAMILTON | TOURISM & CULTURE CENTURY STREET PARKETTE PUBLIC ART STAGE 2 SHORTLISTED PROPOSAL Strong and commanding while simultaneously warm and inviting, Cascading Waterfall is our vision for a contemporary sculptural installation that references Hamilton’s renowned hIstory of steel production and its identity as the “City of Waterfalls”. Large scale and visible from a distance, the experience becomes something else as you draw near. You notice the texture of long-lasting weathering steel, with its very natural, warm-hued, organic patina. It gently curves around you as you walk the path into an art embrace. The space between the steel structures gathers playful sunlight as it enters through the various openings, simulating movement, while the square rods act as pixelated falling water. This work will add visual interest to the space and be welcoming to passing viewers and Century Street Parkette visitors. The waterfall concept is befitting to Hamilton as the land upon which it is situated has an abundance of waterfalls that the city is welcoming as an integral part of its identity. Due to Hamilton’s position on the Niagara escarpment, which has been shaped over millions of years by erosion from weather and streams flowing over rock, there are more than one hundred waterfalls and cascades within the city limits, creating an incredible amount, and diversity, of falling water. The waterfalls were the ready power source for saw, paper, and flour mills, as well as for blacksmithing, and through this, a thriving industrial hub was created. It afforded plenty of job opportunities and brought many migrant workers to the area, a significant num- ber of them lived in the GALA neighbourhood and worked in the steel industry. Steel was a Hamilton identity since 1912 and has endured through to this day, even though it is no longer considered the city’s current key industry. We chose steel as our medium to acknowledge Hamilton’s past reputation, forming it into a waterfall to acknowledge Hamilton’s future. This future embraces, promotes, and cares for the city’s natural resources, specifically the waterfalls, thereby creating a new reputation. Our stylized waterfall concept is not a traditional representation; it is a contemporary piece that connects a past reputation to a future one. It is a transition toward engagement for this com- munity and its land. For viewers, Cascading Waterfall has the potential to raise questions about place, culture, and belonging. This installation can encourage awareness of the abundance of cascades in such close proximity and further one’s appreciation of nature. Appreciation promotes pride, which encourages people to care for the space, grows engagement, and can further develop- ment. Cascading Waterfall can also increase cultural capital and encourage future investment in the neighbourhood. Contemporary art is engaging; it becomes a meeting place, a land- mark, and encourages social capital. It projects a feeling of growth and transition in the neigh- bourhood, increasing park users, and strengthening community ties. We believe this installa- tion will be beautiful, useful and engaging, by its site specific design, concept and location. Title: CASCADING WATERFALL Artist: OPUS ART PROJECTS INC. 1 OF 4 Artist Concept Statement 1 OF 4

Transcript of CENTRY STREET PARETTE PLIC ART Artist Concept Statement

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Strong and commanding while simultaneously warm and inviting, Cascading Waterfall is our vision for a contemporary sculptural installation that references Hamilton’s renowned hIstory of steel production and its identity as the “City of Waterfalls”. Large scale and visible from a distance, the experience becomes something else as you draw near. You notice the texture of long-lasting weathering steel, with its very natural, warm-hued, organic patina. It gently curves around you as you walk the path into an art embrace. The space between the steel structures gathers playful sunlight as it enters through the various openings, simulating movement, while the square rods act as pixelated falling water. This work will add visual interest to the space and be welcoming to passing viewers and Century Street Parkette visitors.

The waterfall concept is befitting to Hamilton as the land upon which it is situated has an abundance of waterfalls that the city is welcoming as an integral part of its identity. Due to Hamilton’s position on the Niagara escarpment, which has been shaped over millions of years by erosion from weather and streams flowing over rock, there are more than one hundred waterfalls and cascades within the city limits, creating an incredible amount, and diversity, of falling water. The waterfalls were the ready power source for saw, paper, and flour mills, as well as for blacksmithing, and through this, a thriving industrial hub was created. It afforded plenty of job opportunities and brought many migrant workers to the area, a significant num-ber of them lived in the GALA neighbourhood and worked in the steel industry. Steel was a Hamilton identity since 1912 and has endured through to this day, even though it is no longer considered the city’s current key industry.

We chose steel as our medium to acknowledge Hamilton’s past reputation, forming it into a waterfall to acknowledge Hamilton’s future. This future embraces, promotes, and cares for the city’s natural resources, specifically the waterfalls, thereby creating a new reputation. Our stylized waterfall concept is not a traditional representation; it is a contemporary piece that connects a past reputation to a future one. It is a transition toward engagement for this com-munity and its land.

For viewers, Cascading Waterfall has the potential to raise questions about place, culture, and belonging. This installation can encourage awareness of the abundance of cascades in such close proximity and further one’s appreciation of nature. Appreciation promotes pride, which encourages people to care for the space, grows engagement, and can further develop-ment. Cascading Waterfall can also increase cultural capital and encourage future investment in the neighbourhood. Contemporary art is engaging; it becomes a meeting place, a land-mark, and encourages social capital. It projects a feeling of growth and transition in the neigh-bourhood, increasing park users, and strengthening community ties. We believe this installa-tion will be beautiful, useful and engaging, by its site specific design, concept and location.


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Artist Concept Statement

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CENTURY STREET PARKETTE PUBLIC ARTCascading Waterfall by Opus Art Projects Inc.

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Site Plan


Art Installation Locations (red), Pathway Through The Art Installation (black)Art Installation Footprint: ~ 8’ deep x 12’ wide

a) 5’ extended, 4.5’ curved, b) 7’ extended, 5.5’ curved, c) 5.5’ extended, 4.75’ curved

* to be confirmed upon final engineer drawings



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CENTURY STREET PARKETTE PUBLIC ARTCascading Waterfall by Opus Art Projects Inc.

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Elevation and Details


~ 168” high x 84” wide (~28 tubes total width, 3” each)~ 120” high x 66” wide (~22 tubes total width, 3” each)~ 96” high x 60” wide (~20 tubes total width, 3” each)

* to be confirmed upon final engineer drawings

approx. example of proposed cor-ten steel

8 4 ”

6 6 ” 6 0 ”




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