· Central 'Times. iqTMtigBted for hinstolf. b . hi* Atad* i* Hi* t . vi. the people cub Id oqjfy...

Central 'Times iqTMtigBted for hinstolf. b hi* Atad* i* Hi* t vi the people cubId oqjfy rat boU. they foil dint- iher e*f* Ho would d » - oata while ilrfenAii the field inti all IM iag, H oi tteTrnoal -wbolo country waa'Ql Which connected *1 i«t ni these Rratj ulma the ezciledia n*uj at lass, rutjFEmtn ws ai . cato*. Ho did aai expwt that the entdrpriee to ilit be of the alightast Talus to fiun* who should in Teat in i i He i t h v l t l to do'just What otlmri want doing— (r tell hit stock and potkcT ih«j:pro«ed», while Investors pv.rkrt ad their losses, It van all an j acu te t urine as operation with him.; fcnd he Intftidnl to take advantage of fie ei- « turn cut id th* time to "dead full" B»V«nraVo and a ll the- tegn'un 'rh n fiJ __f ---- g it hit eokbiij home, walla hU ' ailiiiude of i retoe operated in their owW. local- [ litosjliout the It* ch tickled over'hi* [woe «•> of; Ibt land J |{b ha roptemplaw l some groat, ' and huprattiblh fctod dead that Would be ol idealcu- 1of (peculation th ktile twubhl io: hie atifktwn, Hr:‘ L“ "■■ ' rtttn .il no qualm of coneoiofce, no'; kqrttlt uf ponnn al honibr, ihi npann at .sympathy ,or pity, ae'hc Hurried home u»*»rry out hfo project ! Itaforv, night of the day of his ar-. :fiea| ft heoama noited tbroudh the Sillng-ti that line prrat jirrprieljr had' bera to the oil regions-. The fee- t rail to FamUIr-, it , den to F. 0. Box 1213, PLAINFIELD I.I KKU MIRKIS. i: Warrenville, N. J, .riled o* hkciaj ftotn the lUj |f i mental Petroleulf n 4 .sefully firrwnri who had iniettdd ojrd, iw’ tbal; 41 ti lie brought th U the real, and a « Merchant Tailor. ivcrie*^, ei E. W. ft N. RITNTOW, ^Homrira & IT Lrttt. FROST STREET, ’PLAINFIELD, N J. HftnoPUlit! nf leenonn*. muu uh en- terprise, *pon which they hfol built •ucli high tope, arid they, bed come to Iwliere that lie jess a kindlier suaa (ban they had formerly supposed him to bo. Already, hiiweyur, there wore suspi. cions in tnaiiy mind* that Uteri' were bubbles on'llieif- nit, heady In bunt, and rrvekl the ihalluwrtra* of the material .beunnllil than! ; bill them. Tory suspicious Urged then, to treat Mr. Uelehor well, and *», keep hi*, ill U>rnatrd for their- Thin htslmtiij against Itln leafing thetujT Thfjr as, annul him of ihbir frierdahitL They i.u tu ii-. 1 _j _1 _ L ______ P. P. GOOD, ATTSKHEI t COIISELUE i f U f , NOTARY PUBLIC, Ikira m fuiiui q maim. liter)leu's |lur.lw,.rt ttlotv) uonatiiutrd commjitjfo o f citiiuna.Y ttwroly .failed to i^-giire into tlfo.'w d m ot the reglnh h » hiul etijlyi Ur Haleher t o kgita at hi* ei and imt.-rad at out-* upop a naryui of la. visit. II*:hfol *uppo-.«lt the ■Htjtehienjt w«^*itbont soj g foumlalioq. but .tfie aid wna ip’i llliire : uud hr did? not serf why busineee j not |c lugitiiusde i buuud n.i nay in.thaav.irlj Tbewb world ueedud lie dik had tble i l b aae localit/ i qiat prudu^e.1 Hurrt wag undoqyjedtT bsotb tit i o f a dd ipeeulaci jD.jbonHerted *tth undi ooiiddtriui: fix value W chh t ii wan ai>( to be'irnhde at On the wkute.rll war tin big| thitaif Ihut bad tuT-*?d up durine liYeliam. \ ] J •’ : CutiMtittlly ieudipg. them away it the tfjpiu o f inVBagiwal, ba rt*a their can with thoftorivAoC tiidieu unit.a fnTlUi.n llthG had Lti-ujoiu until ihnie wa> i.tiga man liefutb I who Wii-t mot irndjUti. invest h£if - fertuar, he ini the lie® ' , h ’idall/, ojifiof iheiK.irwTr^ • lid [htfinbent of.; l§i>);roup inkyni Ifr. Ik ir her liiel ilfey liad "-uifte |i TOsti-dto incf st, i f llioy fuqnd jfii ■[ .ki, 19 - ... i A. CJTEEEIEONK, CIVIL ENGINEERS SURVEYOR, PLAum ito, 8L j. ■ A'MrltB I 1 IfTtl.l KWSlflU.UU. Ij the shoiH, in thn strait, inj social gixmpk nut jnlbert-d at urrniiig, and -ri.ere' was great ruricaiy ’ t<j! know -what he had loiuTied, had w li* opin- ions hn had A m td . Ur. JtsT.-fciir irtaw how to play hie cards, arid h*T- *0g eel I ho people, talking, ho filled ioutand eeDtTo each of lh* riirw of tHo Pvo paatoru « f the Tillage, u » ’bill Line Choice Coodfi. LIVERY STABLE. ,1«WJ,ihii IU m-IU-V , ABRAHAM LGBERTSON, , i‘it.'I'Uiijt■n • . . OiiTinyri *r nl tu t h ' fe/sd aa^is act EYsaisfi tq lst . Cl IAS. H/JAQir&H, ARCHITECT. f JJnii. fi<-It I, i ^ ovy .fot'-ri?y. al, lout, be tuLd llwia that it was too tali’--lliai bft hiij ]iurulinf*J nqd fur— nishmi a himiii for himself m the city they 'tailed a public meeting, and, after mdown rwgreitul so j costpli-' monihry ipec^rt, from rUrjrjr and laity, ruatiived 1.- , - “ 1st- That ar» liar. Ii-araed with' j r fnuud regret chat our (Hiungiush- ed irHow^-itizoa^ EonrjtT Bittcnra, ■Eaq., ia about thiemoue'hi*resideflre Irons anumg n»j hod.to becolnn a rat- ! inn df.Sit giNil comunuil eiujjoii- I on nf mir county. •■id. That da reciigiiixe in Uni a gei.il«u*q of g^eal luiixiai onirr- prija, « f ganetoisa' imuiaeK, of r»; ru.uksht. JJU.V.U ’ -pirii. and (U . poraaa. al iilutdraliim uf tuo bonetideiit tnllu- "m.* ol Ir.wil jiii stud of fmii detaol eratiy Eoatitntiyin. * ‘SU-- . That inn citizen* nr Seroti - I auks will ever bold in kintlty remetn, : •brums* u gen’tbltn'ji. who tm. bee it ; * idenlilird wilhiftlm growth aqd im. IKirbsadnuf their Ldared rillage, and ihut they sliall C.lLaw him *• lib new humo'-tiits lieatjieat g;.>l wi.i.Ci- end prayHm'fJr bin Wclfuire. , ■•»dl That Iwlmuever tu t||« lu, turn Us. beirt nrii'hi, -teps -hall turn toward till otd tium.i ■und the friei.dshf hi. youth, he shall be grool- i-d with, v-jiuo : iff u nh-jiur. and heart* and kinti« of Ooepitaluy, ; “ ‘th, l ’fuit 'those; r-.sulutliins shnfl pbhnulled in the ««in ty nnd '•hut a copy H14H b»[privo-nt,.t to ill* ffeutlamoa untied thercio, by a m.Uev to bo adpointvd hy tho chair- (ly delight*!, and. of- coiirwj |sm- .lyifoarjhonrt had nut paiwsd bh when jorbry i» an, women anti child In $ev- ctuiaks (was acquainted with th| traa»- : nprioB. | 1‘eople began In TnTi^edheir jtiagaittits af the man irhcuti th*f :ldd so. aerwrely condemn ed. .Vltef gall, it we» th» Way in win.-h bu b*-4 dptre thing, in furnisr da/e, atul tliu! :thty hid name to n vj.iij ap^rthou- IsiOu uf th.- fart that he had'dude then luf a purpose, which invariably tor. ;urinated in biruesif, they rodlJ not we wliat there wa* to bo gulped by so! u.u* illcent # gift- Was {be not eudravoriiLg, by. self-T^criliicj In h! n briek a portion o f Hie c.arid era ti,in h i ; .had formatIy etiyoyod ? W n ig n e ) ' ■*ponleinoa vt •■^reng domglit Kr..nf ;judgment ? Tli^rfl 1 were•mdn whs ebixik thhir lu'ada, ami ' ‘Jidoli know about it:” bns tbg pTepoudeia'neorif feeling was ou the side of the!prq|iri- uriir. who nut in .hi* •'library indim'- uginiil iust ih u t. cm in pfo^rcih stoilml him; pay, raUulated U[I>H 1 11, aa a ehenil.it mlcuWtcs the r«j>ul|s. of certain icosbinntiona.in hj» Isboratd- ,.ry. He knew the peoj.Ea i gseut deal bettor than, they ktew lu tp, or •Tan lhr-iuselves, ' i , i . Mir* ltutter quitb rdlJu l , nl She hnoso o f th " Tfev b.duinunl Snow, Who, immediately upfn her ritraucs, tdiik ht* wat in Kin. anu'uhlir, and adjusted hie bridge. The iktlo irir m^n was jo combative npd , riieuivo that this always neehied a UTTimary -piecunfiOn on tip part nf (hid geu- HnaaJ , “J want to «>o it t" said JlUr llut- Mrworlh, witUnut Uie'■lightest indies- : t«ia uf the object of her cariuhily. : Mr». Bnow ro*o without hHtUliut. nhd, ituiiB to a trunk iu her bydrouia,-r bruughl out her pruci.aut eqrtidcalo .-it —si* --1 thk hantje Base teal 11 He ter- m t ir M U. , r-aritkiT aWb <is\n.cxeh-e RISING HORSES [OF FLAJNFlfilji, N, J. er uf -Front ft Someraet atracta, HOUSES MOVED. C. GRAHAM ft SON. ARCHITECTS » anothar Building Superin|«ndenLs O F x r c a: Cor, Cherry St. & North Aye. PLAISVISLD. H. J. Hll5iI.VE.stj G-UlLtJ. wetr quiet, with c^r. <4.on to tbefew i talkers who had * r i.'v been there and were rotayning. t Mr; IJelaher •Detailed tii.tlwrti, laughed at them, rco-Hs,) *t there arfjemaa, aqd lard op r*r>-fully nil thuit -th*f *nid. Bufore lin arrived at Gem he Hu) nnjsiid •atrilnriibhi kncwlmlge qf tip. oil-held*, aiid-doteTialm-d upon |ii 1 . «f: operation j " • ) - . A* b* drew- noaror lee. jfiaat cen-' l*r o f e •' Kesi.-ui, bu f * a‘a nioralfittw; contact with t!io_oiaiic iwli'? hpd gtth- ■rod llipio, I’jBiml vitk tbf >L| irit uf i[nw ulatiuii; Mi l- wc|w akuoud him wkuso elotbo* Were alqninjs yvit.li bit- utuen The air was ]oad<f>a mth the smell uf pelruluum ji.irriiku Were thrown up on avery •id*' 1 ‘lull* Woro' al work’ jui-tuiag the earth ; yillagev were sinruBg aiuuujj ni$rop4 (till f»kh at the top, aa i f ilinir ttuug wnru cut ti.rv . s o iir K , BOOT & SHOE PTOIMi r«oxT vrwi.fr The CUlfiis^iave 4 laying that ( , uulucky vn nr dropped iruau th ’ ungim < animt A » druwn back by a (iEOHftK A. Koal Ijitatr Agfili'y, tbo eojhm'itiuw appointed win earn, posed Of Lhuctf uuw. deaptjr intun-.c- ed in We nffilin of the < hntineniat Petrolokm Company. Mr- JleJchrr nvsrnd tjit> eiiwaji*- im rary graciesaly. and nu<3e them a uaat lliulo dpaouh, which In* Ind car,dully prrptnd for a*p occasion. In cuncsudingjpH allndeii! groat epurulalioD ;rif whicli th*ya with ■, many <lf their Hlnefitituni, hod em- burkud. - 1 ; “Uaatl«Bl»af‘ sniilw, "tk.T» jft uo oha nlt« hnldvj wl Urg* an inti rust iq the Cjl»!ini*n!al , 1.1 tnysrlfi I linvu partedi with iihny o f ' my Ibnn-d tu gratify thn d«ne, Ilf- thn peupfcn of rtovsnnaka to posse** thru,, but I siiLi hbld nice then «o j iif yen-- id the «'nt«irprise proepnia, ,1 shall inusper with yuii f l‘ it |>ix*( down, w t sin- censly :3rofm it u5.y col—uium for yuur sikea, b+liev* mo. than my tr*4i .-I shall .tilft-r wiih jo a 1*1 -j. for the, best l bare -ilrvady 11tulh'K Siior.t bSy diTide Jd ul 5te o per cent arill bo pii l yeti before I nth called Upon to leave y.,u That edr. Mini* looks like prosparity, triiatlo- mnn, I hid yOU farowull.". When they had dt-partmt, haring i first heartily tdultnx thu proprietor's Land, t|ut gent Iran a locked hi. dDor, and pued for a long tiruu inh. hi* tulfiui. . , [ j ‘■J{ob*rt IVIviier,’’ said L*. "sTri you is Tjut-al? Who any* ra— raj ? r 'Are yim *uy iu m than the ■row>| * | How badly would nay of tiuw pro! ; saoui f*Uun-citizens a/ yours feel if | ilmj know their income was drawn I from .fcltur uiun's Bralitb? Eh?-—'j TVoulrJn't thay prvlsr te liar* -am- M j kiffiir rsiiiur (ban Isas their ih-j Tirstufonta'f Verily, verilyj I say «n. to JO*, they would. Wouldn't they bake it out of you if- they could?— I enJyi rrnly: Nm wy bn* follow, riwj’rt jua: like you—« rcry uaa for hluanelf- h o i s devil o f 'em eve r a,Led you whether the btlrttoM A i luginoiulA or nut., or cared s h u v tkoir Airidendt rune from, prorided they jprt,tb«m. Tlfry ku«w the thing u-aa half humbug |snyway, and they wanted a cbim.- wt it -big prr.fi and aasaU ou (J»r T&cy would moke h«4 for yoii if jam wera hare, hut t t*n m lliui wont*I d yet Tuoa Hattoi ; iiunavlfuu aru m a r-wtr* Old. ' * uf Afo tan dr 1 a, V(] eoitklKlhanl (liiriy, jerer homiWed hei but builly : ir t going to cjo me, and ahargo rhi with leadilg into it ?*' ■ ‘ J “ Sot Ol all,’’ arai rcsju-adrd, pi in unison. ■ 1 . ?, “If you want Vigo into the?'- ncaul, I ph'iuM1there i« ,ti|| 1 at'Xlt to ho hod. ; It' yon wish; n act ns yoar afpfoff I will reri^ plroauro; but, D ari , jun, I ta^r rei|>On*iBility. t r%rili n-c-.- ,*0- ; money, and yo^Uall b**v yndr lificatos M *Ouo MPtiwmsil a jiff b tlu-m, and, if I in i jp t uu *hn thn Ournpeny, y ^ ’Vi—u '-------A— my •am- j Thry |ir.i’.L •■!. I wish to put hi( but qaiolly pforl hands. Etst* ■ Uuuated sn.l recj □bar jnDtiil rijii hnv* ilmlr isn.lll •ftn they leiirq to id the n, thsltj the cunsr fromirijr .ulao frinbdi- i I Jlu; nriJ'JUg tho*c Irk#4s S. T. VARIAN, , ) . bkai.ee jk- l*lllM l. Ill .AES, EARTHEN- WARE, LAMPS ft KIXTI'Ktji, MliVKH-l'lTTKf), Hrflaiipitt, Iruu, Tin, Willnw «ud IVtHidPii W arf. O U T L ERY, Ekfilfrntm, Wlr* 3£»it Sottf. CROQUET, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, 'UHFIELO COLLEGE I r>“ “v.i " ■ ul tb-S tadores-.: ' J( crrtnlnly y u h h ■tuck, tu tbv i-.f'ujuul ..'f ip the r>.ntin»nUl Fttroleuih < Jrtny, nod Mr, Ifoluhar'i ujnm vm rf-d among |l*e eigoalufce uf ;lhe efll- uym. ,)■ ! j , : “ WpU, tbnl beat* ul- 1" ufiJiirneil Min*'ButterifOTih. “What-do you oiippusB tho old snake iraniiririow *” ; “That's jnst what 1 mj —jh»t what rsay.r nipundrd Mrs.Snow.,! -.•(Jaofi- n«-5tt Hu'i'Ts. if It’s worth anything, we need k/ hut whit Jan bo wrint r* i “ You'll find put euLirtiiuil. Tafe xnjp,«-«nl for it* be has a large are to ikd .vu, pui j riuui I1 , u T(tA|.ER IN REAL !EKTATft [that beli- m iappena to h sw bi. .< zinsi happeu ■ | . is nut J- H. PLATT t J ! H EYSER REAL ESTATE. COB. M T H HE. liD CHEHET Sf.. BfiAmfUTG * DAT SCHOOL USTLCrilWB ' SiiltmirlEi Bejartini, SsE- Cor, Cherry * Fourth St*., ^PLAINFIELD, N. J., M mmMon lay September lilb. JuSaSftMBVAS&Ajsfi Chair a*w well liad" stAttfi huodredsof barrels ui by nod by, hv lie down srm and wurk for ’ TViiau i L havo you tu ui -Vyjukrr, *<Ek thorn." <Ja found to U a Th#tnari wl fur an err it, I ussn cbsHnim hi(art imn# sail weak, « j . The fwet « 1| applied In si worth, sbuYTi ‘ dut the uhnrity that was rii in him. end rluinl it St nn< Uisz Ilutlcrworth would jjr (Cell, lei us be *u .* 1Km possible aalfish modv* fof OT.raffflii-d niiiniUocni-L-. ' . T .W O H 7* H , >l>V'-» Hcs. dr Saddles, Hftrn«»t Ac., ’ria.'iEMrfe (•/.AJ.Vl’ifcLiVki. J. . u- in 1 ;r»*J *K -1 wuraMa Via* 1. 11*11.1 ■ HpOl I 1 r r tl u | rV^lriog. M k a W h M i s J'-S-VB- L, HEYNIGER & CO., WHuLlUU G U U n Ui . W000 £ WILLOW WIRE, t'OKltAtlH, TWlb'Et3. ftc. iSFullcs SL'Js IBEFani St, ». Y.. A i VBDIt 6. I. HAUK1B. wunllh, and, aaf:j thmn or four H whuni Mr. ikkkt wugirrt*. thattfci ed w.ith.wiiiLun:tj one 1.1 Whims bf| Sitlenrociiu Soni^ryet Street, . north pj a j S. S. VERMEULE, •• what reetneted uaren of ihooane '' I ' Rha l5uttrrwi.,rl>i sat dieting tLa I, opawfi, and trotted' h«r ktj*», Mhu 1 , bud no faith in thn paper.: and ,h« !' frankly said so . , ! *■ Don't b# footed," she iijjj to jOfrs. Snow. “ By *iu| by you will find out that it {■ all » trick. I>n«jt ejpect anything. I toy you I kuuis Robert foleliw, and I knew beV a Irnare. , if tb«r*:*T*r W0a oue I can feal bin. — I cen foal hi Da now— ubuakling CT- sir this busineae, fur burinq^a it ri." “ Whnt wuuld you da if iron were in my pUear" inquired M ii Snjw. ■■'Mfould you send it bnuk fa him f “ Ya*, or I'd-take- it witft a pair of *>n(i and throw if. out d; the wJn- Juw. 1 tell you (hero's a rinaty trick “k<n» up la ths 1 paper ; and if yuij'ra 'going to keep it, don’t nay anything in asKiiiit **L> ai THiuuien jsonxr von Union 4 Somerset Count!**. Miss MARY E. FERINE, oacher of Plano, nalendi Mr, :tV p L , V I I - rr r j, • ii * ■. | 1 . . ■: ■. -------------- ' ■■! r h " : ...... " PL.ViNFI.KLD, X jj. THVKlJDAY. At'KXL s. IS7S. :l ^:1 ' Tg l Jl J •NO. 342. —1------------------------- ----------- A-------- ------------------ ------------------ -------- - ;.i— ii 1 . si JLJ j..',— 1 y ---- f"-**

Transcript of  · Central 'Times. iqTMtigBted for hinstolf. b . hi* Atad* i* Hi* t . vi. the people cub Id oqjfy...

Page 1:  · Central 'Times. iqTMtigBted for hinstolf. b . hi* Atad* i* Hi* t . vi. the people cub Id oqjfy rat boU. they foil dint- iher e*f* Ho would d»- ’ oata while ilrfenAii the field

Central 'Times

iqTMtigBted for hinstolf. b hi* At ad* i* Hi* t vi

the people cub Id oqjfy ra t boU. they foil dint- iher e*f* Ho would d » - ’oata while ilrfenAii the field inti all IM iag, Hoi tteTrnoal -wbolo country waa'QlWhich connected *1i«t ni these R ratj ulma the ezciledia

n*uj at lass,

rut jFEmtn ws a i . c a t o * .

Ho did aai expwt that the entdrprieeto il it be o f the alightast Talus tofiun* who should in Teat in i i He i t h v l t l to do'just What otlmri want doing— (r tell hit stock and potkcT ih«j:pro«ed», while Investors pv.rkrt ad their losses, It van all an j acu te t urine as operation with him.; fcnd he Intf tidnl to take advantage o f f ie ei- « turn cut id th* time to "dead full"B»V«nraVo and a l l the- tegn'un 'rhnfiJ __f ----

g it hit eokbiij home, walla hU ' ailiiiude o f i retoe operated in their owW. local- [ litosjliout the

It* ch tickled over'hi* [woe «•> of; Ibt land J |{b ha roptemplaw l some groat, ' and huprattiblh

fctod dead that Would be ol idealcu- 1 o f (peculation th ktile twubhl io : hie atifktwn, H r:‘ L“ "■■ ' r tttn .il no qualm of coneoiofce, no'; kqrttlt uf ponnn al honibr, ihi npann at .sympathy ,or pity, ae'hc Hurried home u»*»rry out hfo project !

Itaforv, night of the day of his ar-.:fiea| ft heoama noited tbroudh the Sillng-ti that line prrat jirrprieljr had' bera to the oil regions-. The fee-

t rail to FamUIr-, i t ,

d en to F. 0. Box 1213,



i: W arren v ille , N . J,

.riled o* hkciaj ftotn the lUj |f i mental Petroleulfn4.sefully firrwnriw ho had iniettddojrd, iw’ tbal; 41 ti lie brought th U

the real, and a «

MerchantTailor. ivcrie*^, ei

E. W. ft N. RITNTOW,

^ H o m r i r a &I T L r t t t .


’P L A IN F IE L D , N J.HftnoPUlit!

n f leenonn*. muu uh en­terprise, *pon which they hfol built •ucli high tope, arid they, bed come to Iwliere that lie jess a kindlier suaa (ban they had formerly supposed himto bo.

Already, hiiweyur, there wore suspi. cions in tnaiiy mind* that Uteri' were bubbles on'llieif- nit, heady In bunt, and rrvekl the ihalluwrtra* of the material .beunnllil than! ; bill them. Tory suspicious Urged then, to treat Mr. Uelehor well, and *», keep hi*, ill U>rnatrd for their- Thin htslmtiij against Itln leafing thetujT Thfjr as, annul him of ihbir frierdahitL They i .u t u i i - . 1_j _1 _ L ______


N O T A R Y P U B L IC ,Ik ira m f u i i u i q m a im . liter) leu's |lur.lw,.rt ttlotv)

uonatiiutrd commjitjfo o f citiiuna.Y ttwroly .failed to i^-giire into tlfo.'w d m ot the reglnh h » hiul etijlyi Ur Hale her t o kgita at h i* ei and imt.-rad at out-* upop a naryui o f la. visit. II*:hfol *uppo-.«lt the ■Htjtehienjt w«^*itbont soj g foumlalioq. but .tfie aid wna ip’i llliire : uud hr did? not serf why busineee j not |c lugitiiusde i buuud n.i nay in.thaav.irlj Tbewb world ueedud lie dik had tble il b aae local it/ i qiat prudu e.1 Hurrt wag undoqyjedtT bsotb tit i o f a dd ipeeulaci jD. jbonHer ted *tth undi ooiiddtriui: fix value W chh t

ii wan ai>( to be'irnhde at On the wkute.rll war tin big| thitaif I hut bad tuT-*?d up d urine liYeliam. \ ] J • ’ :

CutiMtittlly ieudipg. them away it the tfjpiu o f inVBagiwal, ba rt*a their can with thoftorivAoC tiidieu unit.a fnTlUi.n llthG had Lti-ujoiu until ihnie wa> i.tiga man liefutb I who Wii-t mot irndjUti. invest h£if - fertuar, he ini thelie® ' , h’idall/, ojifiof iheiK.irwTr^• lid [htfinbent of.; l§i>);roup inkyni Ifr. Ik ir her liiel ilfey liad "-uifte |iTOsti-dto incf st, i f llioy fuqnd jfii ■ [

.k i, 19 - ... i

A . C J T E E E IE O N K ,


■ A'MrltB I 1 IfTtl.l KW SlflU.UU. Ij

the shoiH, in thn strait, inj social gixmpk nut jnlbert-d at urrniiig, and -ri.ere' was great ruricaiy ’ t<j! know -what he had loiuTied, had w li* opin­ions hn had A m td . Ur. JtsT.-fciir irtaw how to play hie cards, arid h*T- *0g eel I ho people, talking, ho filled ioutand eeDtTo each o f lh* riirw o f tHo Pvo paatoru « f the Tillage, u »

’bill L in e C h o ic e C o o d fi.


A B R A H A M L G B E R T S O N ,, i‘it. 'I'Uiijt ■ n • . .

O iiT inyri *r nl tu th ' fe/ s da a ^ i s a c t E Ysa isfi tq l s t .

C l I A S . H / J A Q i r & H ,A R C H IT E C T .

f JJnii. fi<-It I, i ^ o v y .fot'-ri?y.al, lout, be tuLd llwia that it was too tali’ --lliai bft hiij ]iurulinf*J nqd fur— nishmi a himiii for himself m the city

they 'tailed a public meeting, and, after m down rwgreitul so j costpli-' monihry ipec^rt, from rUrjrjr and laity, ruatiived 1. - , -

“ 1st- That ar» liar. Ii-araed with' j r fnuud regret chat our (Hiungiush- ed irHow^-itizoa EonrjtT Bittcnra, ■Eaq., ia about thiemoue'hi*resideflre Irons anumg n»j hod.to becolnn a rat­

! inn df.Sit giN il com unuil eiujjoii- I on nf mir county.

•■id. That da reciigiiixe in Uni a gei.il«u*q of g^eal lu iix ia i onirr- prija, « f ganetoisa' imuiaeK, of r»; ru.uksht. JJU.V.U’ -pirii. and (U. poraaa. al iilutdraliim uf tuo bonetideiit tnllu- "m.* ol Ir.wil jiii stud o f fmii detaol eratiy Eoatitntiyin. *

‘SU-- . That inn citizen* nr Seroti - I auks will ever bold in kintlty remetn, :

• brums* u gen’tbltn'ji. who tm. bee it ;* idenlilird wilhiftlm growth aqd im.IKirbsadnuf their L dared rillage, and ihut they sliall C.lLaw him *• lib new humo'-tiits lieatjieat g;.>l wi.i.Ci- end prayHm'f Jr bin Wclfuire. ,

■•»dl That Iwlmuever tu t||« lu, turn Us. beirt n rii'h i, -teps -hall turn toward till otd tium.i ■ und the friei.dshf hi. youth, he shall be grool- i-d with, v-jiuo : iff u nh-jiur. and heart* and kinti« o f Ooepitaluy, ;

“ ‘th, l ’fuit 'those; r-.sulutliins shnfl pbhnulled in the ««in ty nnd

'•hut a copy H14H b»[privo-nt,.t to ill* ffeutlamoa untied thercio, by a m.Uev to bo adpointvd hy tho chair-

(ly delight*!, and. of- coiirwj |sm- .lyifoarjhonrt had nut paiwsd bh when jorbry i » an, women anti child In $ev- ctuiaks (was acquainted with th| traa»-

: nprioB. | 1‘eople began In TnTi^edheir jtiagaittits af the man irhcuti th*f :ldd so. aerwrely condemn ed. .Vltef gall, it we» th» Way in win.-h bu b*-4

dptre thing, in furnisr da/e, atul tliu! :thty hid name to n vj.iij ap^rthou- IsiOu uf th.- fart that he had'dude then■ luf a purpose, which invariably tor.; urinated in bi rues if, they rodlJ not we wliat there wa* to bo gulped by so! u.u* ill cent # gift- Was {be not

■ eudravoriiLg, by. self-T^criliicj In h! n briek a portion o f Hie c. arid era ti, in h i ; .had format I y etiyoyod ? W n ign e )' ■* ponleinoa vt •■ reng domg lit K r..nf ; judgment ? Tli^rfl 1 were• mdn whs ebixik thhir lu'ada, ami ' ‘Jidoli know about it:” bns tbg pTepoudeia'neorif feeling was ou the side of the!prq|iri- uriir. who nut in .hi* •'library indim'- uginiil iust ih u t. cm in pfo^rcih stoilml him; pay, raUulated U[I>H1 11, aa a ehenil.it mlcuWtcs the r«j>ul|s. of certain icosbinntiona.in hj» Isboratd- ,.ry. He knew the peoj.Ea i gseut deal bettor than, they k tew lu tp, or •Tan lhr-iu selves, ' i , i .

Mir* ltutter quitb rdlJu l , nl She hnoso o f th" Tfev b.duinunl Snow,Who, immediately upfn her ritraucs, tdiik ht* wat in Kin. anu'uhlir, and adjusted hie bridge. The iktlo irir m^n was jo combative npd , riieuivothat this always neehied a UTTimary

-piecunfiOn on tip part nf (hid geu- HnaaJ

, “ J want to «>o it t" said JlUr llut- Mrworlh, witUnut Uie'■lightest indies­

: t«ia uf the object o f her cariuhily.: Mr». Bnow ro*o without hHtUliut.

nhd, ituiiB to a trunk iu her bydrouia,-r bruughl out her pruci.aut eqrtidcalo

. - i t —s i* --1 thk hantje

B ase teal 11 He ter- m t ir M U ., r-aritkiT aWb <is\n.cxeh-e R I S I N G H O R S E S

[OF FLAJNFlfilji, N, J. er uf -Front ft Someraet atracta,



» anothar

Building Superin|«ndenLsO F x r c a :

Cor, Cherry S t. & North Aye. PLAISVISLD. H. J.

Hll5iI.VE.stj G-UlLtJ.wetr quiet, with c^r. <4.on to tbefew

i talkers who had * r i.'v been there and were rotayning. t Mr; IJelaher

• Detailed tii.tlwrti, laughed at them, rco-Hs,) *t there arfjemaa, aqd lard op r*r>-fully nil thuit -th*f *nid. Bufore lin arrived at G em he Hu) nn jsiid •a trilnriibhi kncwlmlge qf tip. oil-held*, aiid-doteTialm-d upon |ii 1 . «f:operation j " • ) -

. A* b* drew- noaror lee. jfiaat cen-' l*r o f e•' Kesi.-ui, bu f * a‘a nioralfittw; contact with t!io_oiaiic iwli'? hpd gtth-■rod llipio, I’jBiml vitk tbf >L|irit uf i[nw ulatiuii; Mi l- wc|w akuoud him wkuso elotbo* Were alqninjs yvit.li bit-utuen The air was ]oad<f>a mth the smell uf pelruluum ji.irriiku Were thrown up on avery •id*' 1 ‘ lull* Woro' al work’ jui-tuiag the earth ; yillagev were sinruBg aiuuujj ni$rop4 (till f»kh at the top, aa i f ilinir ttuug wnru cut

t i . r v . s o i i r K ,

BOOT & S H O E PTOIMir « o x T v r w i . f r The CUlfiis^iave 4 laying that ( ,

uulucky vn nr dropped iruau th ’ ungim < animt A » druwn back by a(iEOHftK A.

K o a l I j i t a t r A g f i l i ' y ,tbo eojhm'itiuw appointed win earn, posed Of Lhuctf uuw. deaptjr intun-.c- ed in We nffilin o f the < hntineniatPetrolokm Company.

Mr- JleJchr r nvsrnd tjit> eiiwaji*- im rary graciesaly. and nu<3e them a uaat lliulo dpaouh, which In* Ind car,dully prrptnd for a*p occasion. In cuncsudingjpH allndeii! groat epurulalioD ;rif whicli th*ya with ■, many <lf their H lnefitituni, hod em- burkud. ■ - 1 ;

“Uaatl«Bl»af‘ sniilw , "tk.T» jft uooha nlt« hnldvj wl Urg* an inti rust iq the Cjl»!ini*n!al ,1.1 tnysrlfi I linvu partedi with iihny o f ' my Ibnn-d tu gratify thn d«ne, Ilf- thn peupfcn o frtovsnnaka to posse** thru,, but I siiLi hbld n ice then «o j iif yen-- id the«'nt«irprise proepnia, ,1 shall inusper with yuii f l ‘ it |>ix*( down, w t sin- censly :3rofm it u5.y col— uium for yuur sikea, b+liev* mo. than my tr*4i .-I shall .tilft-r wiih jo a 1* 1 -j.

for the, best l bare -ilrvady

11 tulh'K Siior.t bSy diTide Jd ul 5teo per cent arill bo p ii l yeti before I nth called Upon to leave y.,u That edr. Mini* looks like pros parity, triiatlo- mnn, I hid yOU farowull.".

When they had dt-partmt, haring i first heartily tdultnx thu proprietor's Land, t|ut gent Iran a locked hi. dDor, and pued for a long tiruu inh. hi* tulfiui. . , [ j

‘■J{ob*rt IVIviier,’ ’ said L*. "sTri you is Tjut-al? Who any* ra—raj ? r'Are yim *uy iu m than the ■ row>| * | How badly would nay o f tiuw pro! ; saoui f*Uun-citizens a/ yours feel i f | ilmj know their income was drawn I from .fcltur uiun's Bralitb? Eh?-—'j TVoulrJn't thay prvlsr te liar* -am- M j kiffiir rsiiiur (ban Isas their ih-j Tirstufonta'f Verily, verilyj I say «n. to JO*, they would. Wouldn't they bake it out o f you if - they could?—I enJyi rrn ly : Nm wy bn* follow,riwj’rt jua: like you—« rcry uaa for hluanelf- h o i s devil o f 'em ever a,Led you whether the btlrttoM A i luginoiulA or nut., or cared s h u v tkoir Airidendt rune from, proridedthey jprt,tb«m. Tlfry ku«w the thing u-aa half humbug |snyway, and they wanted a cbim.- wt it -big prr.fi and aasaU ou (J»r T&cy would moke

h«4 for yoii i f jam wera hare, hut

t t*n m lliui wont*I d yet Tuoa Hattoi ; iiunavlfuu aru m ar-wt r* Old. ' *uf Afo tan dr 1 a, V(]eoitklKlhanl (liiriy,jerer homiWed hei

but builly : ir t going to cjo me, and ahargo rhi with leadilg into it ?*' ■ ‘ J

“ Sot Ol all,’ ’ arai rcsju-adrd, pi in unison. ■ 1 . ?,

“ I f you want Vigo into the?'- ncaul, I ph'iuM 1 there i« ,ti|| 1 at'Xlt to ho hod. ; It ' yon wish; n act ns yoar afpfoff I will reri^ plroauro; but, Dari , jun, I ta^r rei|>On*iBility. t r%rili n-c-.-,*0- ; money, and yo^Uall b**v yndr lificatos M *Ouo MPtiwmsil a jiff b tlu-m, and, i f I in i jp t uu *hn thn Ournpeny, y ^ ’Vi—u '-------A—my •am- j

Thry |ir.i’.L •■!. I wish to put hi( but qaiolly pforl hands. Etst* ■Uuuated sn.l recj□bar jnDtiil rijiihnv* ilmlr isn.lll

•ftn they leiirq to id the n, thsltjthe cunsr fromirijr .ulao frinbdi- i I Jlu; nriJ'JUg tho*c Irk#4s

S. T. VARIAN,, ) . bkai.ee jk- ■

l* l l lM l. I l l .AES, EARTHEN­W ARE, LAMPS ft K IX T I 'K t ji ,

M liV K H -l'lT T K f), Hrflaiipitt, Iruu, Tin, Willnw «ud

IVtHidPii W arf.O U T L E R Y ,

E k filfrn tm , W lr* 3£»it Sottf.C R O Q U E T ,


'UHFIELO COLLEGE I r>“ “v.i " ■ul tb-S tadores-.:' J( crrtnlnly y u h h ■tuck, tu tbv i-.f'ujuul ..'f ip the r>.ntin»nUl Fttroleuih < Jrtny, nod Mr, Ifoluhar'i ujnm vm rf-d among |l*e eigoalufce uf ;lhe efll- uym. ■ ,)■ ! j, : “ WpU, tbnl beat* ul- 1" ufiJiirneil Min*'ButterifOTih. “ What-do you oiippusB tho old snake iraniiririow *”; “That's jnst what 1 m j —jh»t what

rsay.r nipundrd Mrs.Snow.,! -.•(Jaofi- n«-5tt Hu'i'Ts. if It’s worth anything, we need k/ hut whit Jan bo wrint r* i “ You'll find put euLirtiiuil. Ta fe

xnjp,«-«nl for it* be has a large are to

ikd .vu, p u i j riuui I1, u

T(tA|.ER IN REAL !EKTATft [that beli- m iappena to hsw bi. .< zinsi happeu ■ | . is nutJ- H . P L A T T t J ! H E Y S E R



' SiiltmirlEi Bejartini,SsE- Cor, Cherry * Fourth St*.,

^ P L A IN F IE L D , N . J .,

M mm Monlay September lilb.JuSaSftMBVAS&Ajsfi

Chaira*w well liad" stAttfi huodredsof barrels ui

by nod by, hv lie down srm and wurk for

’ TViiau i L havo you tu ui -Vyjukrr, *<Ek thorn." <Ja found to U a

Th#tnari wlfur an err it, Iussn cbsHnimhi (art im n# sailweak, « j .

The fwet « 1| applied In s i worth, sbuYTi ‘

dut the uhnrity that was rii in him. end rluinl it St nn< Uisz Ilutlcrworth would jjr (Cell, lei us be *u .* 1 Km possible aalfish modv* fof OT.raffflii-d niiiniUocni-L-.

' . T .W O H 7* H ,>l>V'-» Hcs. dr

S a d d le s , H f t r n « » t A c . ,’ria.'iEMrfe(•/.AJ.Vl’ifcLiVki. J. .

u - in 1 ;r»*J * K -1 wuraMaVia* 1. 11*11.1 ■ HpOl I 1 rrtl u | rV lri og.

M k a W h M i s J'-S-VB-L , H E Y N IG E R & C O .,


t'OKltAtlH, TWlb'Et3. ftc.iSFullcs SL'Js IBEFani St, » . Y..

A i VBD It 6. I. HAUK1B.

wunllh, and, aaf: j thmn or four H whuni Mr. ikkkt wugirrt*. thattfci ed w.ith.wiiiLun:tjone 1.1 Whims bf|

Sitlenrociiu Soni^ryet S treet, . n o r th pj a j

S. S. V ER M E U LE ,•• what reetneted uaren of ihooane ''I ' Rha l5uttrrwi.,rl>i sat dieting tLa I, opawfi, and trotted' h«r ktj*», Mhu 1, bud no faith in thn paper.: and ,h« !' frankly said so . , !

*■ Don't b# footed," she iijjj to jOfrs. Snow. “ By *iu| by you will find out that it {■ all » trick. I>n«jt ejpect anything. I toy you I kuuis Robert foleliw, and I knew beV a Irnare.

, if tb«r*: *T*r W0a oue I can feal bin. — I cen foal hi Da now—ubuakling CT- sir this busineae, fur burinq^a it ri."

“ Whnt wuuld you da if iron werein my pUear" inquired M ii Snjw. ■■'Mfould you send it bnuk fa him f

“ Ya*, or I'd-take- it witft a pair of *>n(i and throw if. out d; the wJn- Juw. 1 tell you (hero's a rinaty trick “k<n» up la ths 1 paper ; and if yuij'ra 'going to keep it, don’t nay anything

i n a s K i i i i t**L> a i THiuuien jsonxr von

Union 4 Somerset Count!**.


oacher of Plano,nalendi Mr,

:tV p L , V I I -r r r ■j, • ii *

■ . |1 . . ■: ■.-------------- ' ■■! r ■ h " : ■ ...... "

P L .V iN F I .K L D , X j j . T H V K lJ D A Y . A t 'K X L s . IS 7 S . : l: 1

' T gl Jl J

•NO. 3 42 .

— 1------------------------- -----------A-------- ------------------ ------------------ -------- - ; . i — ii 1 . s i JLJ j . . ' ,— 1— — y — — ---- f " - * *

Page 2:  · Central 'Times. iqTMtigBted for hinstolf. b . hi* Atad* i* Hi* t . vi. the people cub Id oqjfy rat boU. they foil dint- iher e*f* Ho would d»- ’ oata while ilrfenAii the field

C E N T R A L N E W J E R S f t Y T IM S 3 S .- -T H tT R B D A Y , A P R I L 8j

Before - Pn rdm siiig C lo th in gi^'i'Jur to ' clothe fraaan, hi( it l i-

Ml. J»nlsl AT THE U W iK* In/remr*! Spinner. the longtrird

nited PatM Xreutrur. ire L»t* nr lumioiu ^ a u fh of honesty. Pus ‘

1 u i lute, even, hue not Im d able to,I ratal* iaia f*ir nans* Itoriup hie! « final life «)f (burteep yaan •>+**I O.W»;*00 fair-,- pMed through hi*i II"J ■ Md not it dollar of it Itih cwri uck io bis pain*, and so Vigilant] i* he bten in diacllftrging hit to c red

r L A i m & D , i .

tH tra«o*.Y . aJ~h u . >• i|,7r'SHiHTS IN TBE MARK

S-TBEETi* OF K O (>1 \K fhljjiULp *>

I The v«y who Walk* (bo i j crooked street* <J fW .-a(!*?■»• "pe*i will b* elite to j

A N p

lit market cup *•gall kiuifoof

. Ira and ether »i fw allot ruu w

n — t . ,. -, n*d j to eat- lai. All Femur hi (be vtaitraUla bet you can gr uu n r ! arid wbtii ha retiree, a* M»tj « wulilownr,

"* &£&.£. %ions .if the jirojdn rrawn him as „ j ma| frh*| niarfaithfuli aarciit of the Republic.'- lag to ho Aaten,

dart of lb. papfw Mtant premiss*. SPRING OVERCOATSrunning into oaeh «h*T * ( ] » * v

the bridges. The vutuuuia pee thie city are Tory orddrlv andbulis-tcd. On the.fitcaai(ia:of tl stalls tioc of a Bishop. than- s crowd of- thirty thousattl p am on.I the n du dn l utfl *n slightest disturbance. - There U.«■ uny «lbotriug in,a crowd ; i f *

■ [tiro* Way. In the '. acute, whJtfa* Central I'irk of- Htysnrt policemen a." iu.L Uutr'1 and in

tjjui (iiatinirotebod 'UfotKlatit- 33s" ' BiCsTti* worthy art of all i* 1* refect I attempt to resets* Tilton from thr abyss of infamy into, which ho bun phingrl himself, liy Uerrertiag Hr.|ta«*ber*a| testimony. ' It'cLsjoi* thatAll. II. n-|wrted 00 the (TitvaM-atand Hint hr irwiievad TUtoK in the bagiaatut; boa«»t in A** eoffrution r-*p*c ting the alleged improper can. dart, end tliotcr.n*e<jttco(lj the whhU ITcufble first arose out oj (he wtal*- her. id™ of Hr. T , which, ft adds,' '•is m uch more pruLubl-- .itplann- ’ lion of the quarrel than the sunni *■> that Tilton mmled the charge «> s i ineaas of blackmailing/' A more l Htter dialortion of tbo truth i* hardly . jiowiljie. Mr- Mouther baa not tertt. lied' te anything of the port. The jiEgUisge M'htuli ho used ifc driutnik. |t<E his fueling*, at tiir liuir of: L i-, j'umobjSswrtice with Idoultun. whim j llw ao-oaJled apology was. prepared. * the r;ay* ha* 4 noted as bxpmving a.' present ronrictioc. A l tint liai.-’. , jahen the t* in ivuspirator* wore g<d- ling ha fonndatioo o f their pint tail, they ao urcitIced upon the soasilivo uiul lriagnanimoii* nathro o f Hr. fc'Mhor that hu was mad-- Jo'beliorc ^liturelf actually ammisl.le to couwuro, imd be eu nxproaaad hi* teeliug* p> Woulioq. l fM did net-assort ||,at ibis j i nos bis IwLuf mOr did h i (c'Stih. h» the New Turk Timet aifiras, that |ie beliutvd Mcc. 1'illon artually Imd

E iiip tH IA L NOTF-S.

«r as hrani fjfoin, (LA innl her. ,wkodi ^ -law 'made ". yef* diecriminsliog dwellings, e Of adjmuree in »pe*king of The-' '•**■ •or.- ' ■ “ "* * Wl<rt. - -T__ . ' people wbi■Uj-- iioiinepte Cardinal McC lot key, ftr» oalyi ; are inf '(tu«<l. baa bought bis State ‘T1* Fl "“P1 rriage. l^ t ^ - » - w n s that the a/aM<] fot yliraruoag the tjaaleean f id itm n J eatthum s

eapreee our hoaaal fi-niau rijB ejtiiltar %a *1®a epmiuWa reader*, we ealy aek fur ijhet lioa ahicli w «' eliall' alwftyi show those with ■“ “ T differ f llat in rb to r it ' olaa wT fa ll1 at least to farsiab a paper j-regat* thltueBt*. shall br in rectiou e f tha bast eultnreafl pla. especially in tbo inattar

icoiij?lveaby. j: !

Thai is a plaip i e g > h a | | t | t w o j handle (>i thb |

o*ertbeiipp.-e ' is aqd coals nnjl

caunot, ' shot been la-Aing lli't•one myself" ■ itVfrar.isrng j King I>isri(i

■ lit" « the Win Bur Hotel for d y* f*st Xcw York over, six s nd Sdl lie wss only i

R O O K S S O U T H O K - K . R . D K P <Foruyoung friend hanrcuimt ofmldd

V 'lliu lt-.mmiln

- - MIMS HP-thera -jr-c-i1 t. In Ebe>tpriM|

the Italian soil. g » i'l ca plain aa wallill ac*« oountles* mul

mi laded riiianna i n united'Wbatwvar frfditical iafAreow W"

tuijr has* ahfilbe gisen uare wrfn‘1 ly ti. Ibe J«cph),l.c.n F-rty And wennoounce, Ittth* ^ata«U tbit we bars not th* s*at Ayibpaihy nUlt tlte ipint of rort*ifi *<> etflad H*‘pobliciin jnuruals wh<>#e disnpjiomtrd {.oliliciJ mnUitiuBi and I*.iunded jifidii lists roared them sgnitrst |ha Party. IVa ire rot blind 10 lh » tutnpofary'11 ' whieh tbo -pcnUtcnt oa*ault» frotn Ihe^ aonrci'a bnre prwdncid *•> 11 E‘ ny Hepqblicaaa, but wo IkiIim1* that even such, in l|tetr better qiauUa, ate Wtiaflod Lhar itie in teres!* o f the ra» n- txy arc »atfr with tbe ..Id patty of the l rwh» than with ahy other. We hope tt> do ear part to fortify tbi.■ onfiction and, it pnaaiblu, ,H> pro­duce it in the min^a oi tliqse win now oppose tl.

The .)uestions am witai on which the dominant llatticadiTidSi wad are fit aubjorta fur i-arubBt and ™ an! j’ diarussion. Tbry cadnot b*1- dit^oc- nd o f with amid nr belittled with ftsneer. They will thrust" thwnaeiv. supon iia fwr lolutwa Anil while they itraVh upJhlred it id /ally to talk o f Ilia durolutniD of the parties which represent the different sld.ra of tlssee^ueatione. What arc ronaidcr ed sign* of a breaking up, by bur tim­id friends, nr» wrongly interpreted. The hVarty disgust which . Republic runs suuiotituw feel for tls*se who r.-jiTr unt u* is tbe best p )*U )l" ailfn itf the vilnlity ef the l ’arty. Aftd by nu iucsw. as is sappvecd iltkt now, an indication nf Party ib ro jl Hina- den will-tell, i f (hay are puriiatontiy. reiterated, and enough uijitd* will be

I t has Lr.-rt inlimauid that thni h tusn'in townielhu does* not lie lia yan xmt a B^wspapdr tttar than tb<- i ditor W » hop. ire n call Irani bitn avun. or* bring the wind m ema

md •* they depend na tut *1m ' crop ns the weatern f on that o f wheat, a good tlmt «.f 1 *74 make* them i . Anolher tiling yon see n

every day and everywh* str>«t-s*iTOper witli hi» cos curt, ounatrtstiy *t irork ;oi lrdui mgnaug till nighf. lire a tuOoin aud shovel ul .ing-[Kd. In she forward part of bii lisuii’caaC i* a anixll l* u k « watut- — W ins it's dry be.sprinkles th« itreet JJr a short "lintacte and tknu sweep", nnd, tiskiag lip t he'd At in pie shovel. dapouits it in til" ouT9re4j.eJ.rt. ■ In llti* way thn suoda are icjn as I'lean. nq they can. be without tlii Use 4f a

L B. si4K*s n>en in /'hiengo know Ilia ' Alan of adrertiilng They oven go ap Far na to allow wagons to run ovet l!ti-m iii (ho atrest*. in order to gkt t 4|i'i't uu ticii iii the local ralutuU of thewtaspapiT-.

J Tne sad news in in circulation that Jk». llr. ItusUuull in dncliaiair very IhpiiUy, with omisuiuptioii U’b* ^cmntrir win £1 af.Jrd to Un*» this re-

t arkablp mao from tile rank* o f its haolegicwl tpaclars.

•| T « t KuipfeVir pf Hr axil U reported

N E W S P R I N G S T Y L E Sia, the

to aj>ld.; but onkeop-jul tin. heat -e-

warjn'wiQtdr 'jiiail- is.

f brick or aioue, kudu flue, U1L-S a etoVL-tpipe, ia built lip walla s 'iw e ■ clHinney ought rA sort of iin.-plupe made of

' 'Vbut sli-dl be a*id of 1 great ne jiBjwr that,' ia trying to shield the HWia—the v ih h than muuuiMn— 1 ii wife timl cbjldrep fnint the u tempt uf mankind, will girii a (a mloting to foits t

It idea of, taking up fa Ike l aited Stktos. lit or. ndiuquish his firesa m l.eBsr* dBin so. V » 1 K

i Baptist t-forgv tnaocreed El«ly Week emion ovary fs^, roper. Hot ah.-re U on (fan look ..-lit Baptist Faitfi nnd . 1, , .1 .

1 \ttorrer liorril]a« a BtWMud by him ; tne wealth In

iulated L" regarded aof hia aaoonV , *uc

j T up expinOre (if (ho carjol fraodik New to ik ie and . Omm.'iitari »R he lark of hanurda our average puli- ktaT. It mak|iu no differdnee to ihich Party he belong*, hi* devotion sum* to lie luesnired by Iris »hnrr

sorti of] ttB.di and birds, j Here in u toafth Inn out long and tjiri'e f.x-i or man ubimi tho lludf- of (ho -liopi— l A!1. along oil the back e in nf (1»

1 houith thiirc U it bright gre o f j.iqxU ' and ia front o f il tiireo' gaum,"- of f spit*. ioaroDod in .vrioals^wiiioU are! turtod by u.achino'ry. rTh.rft farehalf a dilMi spit* in a gn-Up ofad any

j nun,carl bfayaKily liAnd Iroii il« ploci-j! III duo group u|t apir- yvk wiflt net.

-lowIt reVolviQgi *mlll tiifil*, among iheai Jjjaciu* s, pigesms sad cluokeus; IS J iu t iq UUI ■* * <!! as ivoiloj bmg

[Couad of hiBut "ttimafi - J Ibe a4rouuf uUjshLih art'll tbe into,.aud do seer

Tin: *?nt«noc o f Mr. bloroy or the iiffipt Tiio'i tu tea day* iatpriaon- :,iiii li.ia raided X great storm nf in- ignmidn aiapng^tii*' d« w«paper* ofr ia (irrd.n City, and yet they nil knoy lit his reurpltnp is*aultion pil/at* jarartor ought to have brought him , -T.si j ku.g ago.'

■Til D ladle* prajAftat (fan .tloannwfi ouoeit of ( Tccjgo with a petition to ■te ttu-ir . mentings opened with rayer, an the "ls*t «iu l *aving cll.irt iat ran he pul Airthic their bubal f." jin eisters -ftiefaiJ wall _eni -ugli, l.ul 0 ran ireuro tlictn that mnne mure eriiie treatment ■ i* needed to -are i h object* o f h«ir solicitude

W i can raucefro uf ho courea u. j re Rfinh ind uii-cyapulouh than thal

Imi-bf^n (ocently pursued ■■ i'wll iticct by tie Bull* in the Gold . mrkot.; W e have a taw to pur,i»k lu in an who lobe on* or his purer j at the hnirtl. es disvrganitorut trade,J- his greed, C*U hriug fuaUciai lost puu cc|imtl«*f victims, and' the l i * ik<u wo ttoticV uf lb* otttrwg*

pi*cc« of ‘bvt.r; iu *i:,»tli»r uiuti"Q. aud wailf the -its ruuvtiug, cue- (.Jiivers »r* hav'iug it" uigli^d out to' llicpa whatever they cull for. Tbe. curit’t iy M the cuuiftry is graduated to ilm cupacily of tfan penirest of tbe puur. Jimtac the dfaur of: tho cuok- alj t*|. a man is frying future, and a buy hands him one t rim-imi, which U ouh fifth of u cent, and for it he gut* a small square of pelencel What is "|*lunto?r It is |(icd mutli, tmutaot: y.-lti.w Mi. al, »hd >« to * large st- tcof the food o f tho'uiv>r Italtaa, just re-*iic(iie (bo food of the Athinaiuoa. A IJ| itif.iigh tl>« market and In lire s1Bwt Where r'-gctah'ten at*, sold, y»u will *"e tki’m frying jKiientu And

receiver!oc-knr.tvi oasilj- winks at tha fraudnlsnt

aud imdorlinridod mejina whir 11 may liavw lav'n usod to ucamiplisfa (In. re­sult whioli it nil is admires.; Hut we bnlioro that, after all, ua- ktvrlying tbi* passing ndMiralion fur -wfi*lis popularly called euccrse, there ?S X secret r jnvietiqn lhat ill* force irkirh ru iilu in a mural purpass i* juUuit.'ly tniira worthy, aud entitlet iitm who ealiibilq it in its strength,

■ toll"deserving o f the grcotuit IliiKur ;Th*. critiriams niafiu by men upon ■MeL(other in th... ordinngy iatunviurk-. iof every day life, verily' this .|*rt J ‘UliUnreiy and tricktry are da­i. Jnai .-d, aud tbe men guilty o f them are though they cannot ul-iways'diarurnr thi* fact 'by the treat- Jin'Rl they r.-raiv* from their frlluir*.

, 'i'or; often under tbo mask o)f bow* aml.euiiteB, thoywjuitlo*y*|ere’ s1 bit- jluriy appear friendly. ;f l ] uiiy Le 'art dow n; thrn. ro. ii]- ■ uutsevviUhle tl(sL the uau-l aneresa- ■lui life, when measured by what all

- iueu in their better inAmantN rncog- (lirn a* (bo truest ‘te«t, i* th* lifo jwhtaB U Undo* tile control of fcrrwt pioia.1 principles And Vcrtotaly, in yiew of the fact that a ll'* m*n cun plaitn aa rujlly h.a own, and whiih aloaaii impu lie liable, ia the iharaettr pi. baa tuadv for' himself—fur apart front this, 4:e gue* out uf the world quit, aw destitute'w* he rune iat(i it— we «*n *rulf *ay his is (he only S n - Cot41 LI 1 life which, with all italeaking Id name and fame, ha.- made a noble

« * MuJ.pl rv.-Bttit over j xlurtv^tiyilr <iii(.^or L 'i«

ir> »*J (V.Va,,“ "hv ■hvl" H 1 1<> Ik kvvt va liu i>cc»iH lit Lirnna as tin -I’an. Mj »nj ollitr ; i « . uf - hsui r j ■r"l se sinvietuKvii rroSlUii] I j .a.i.'.lnc irfiut kind ia 1 Mate, *re4r*. |ljt(.ra>«;

o( M.minuuil.. Miluitry '.xi'iBPteil irwn f v of llM Tie* tUid IbsL .1

■in.'.IU I’srk ifawr

BaaSf-Maile Citing,Cltlta, Gassiisrs, Yettiap,

CESfr UNll'HIH lilHIIIV it

of North djvjf,

E a r ly R d a e P o ta to e s


l».l abne .. l*. JJ-rr >.« *r: t<rm- Vl^ llo rr , f i t s l r y , Kalr, ; '

half hearted aappor*an< oi"i Republi­can principle*. i t is nuluruLJoi Uif moil to grow weary, at timer-, of ia itirn .il . faufiict. and to sigh for reel M» a lioN oyer "'ay it inky roue But; a.- old liaise* onto Jk'ng. “Norlnng coaus to mortal* wilftoUt great tabiW-’’ A ll that bait ever ttuno to uh ai *[ nation, of prrnWDont good, ha* co*l fa. ancri- fire of blood *Md treasure and p m a nal aa**- “ IA ( na have |tcac»" i* a

.1 • i

H’ hicli In- w ill sell at price tedonikh. nil. l ie hay a . ao n splendi.J stock o f

thoaepatterrui for

Pants to order - - -

I hi in is abuthcr article uffcod ahicli yi.R will w.' tor sale all ov,r ibu O.W JI - 11 la mail* nf th<- moat nf chest­nut*. ia o f the colter of cfajontat* and uf thn ooicaisteuM-Vf tEiirk .|i*ste. I i is exposed, tor sSUo iq shoSl iren pans by the -vbir man who "ills masted chfastoqtR. Everybody cat* it. a- the filth of. a rent arid fatiy >uiaU w.-u- tiiin- I f fa man Tjr.tr luritov iqr din­ner he can hare rt.w-itlicjvit haiiug a whole une ; fot i f you wifi look on that viand you will « w aftiirkay Ji- vjdod iaio i>u*r(ar*. ■ You Can buy of this man. a kind quarter o f a lurkay, take il rata hi* neighbor * shop and hjv# it roaated, sat & then, nr parry it houm. The luarkot u Hliuninntiy-----ii.-j —--ei-iiilly viiih ivegtlablre,

JicEfa Hindi ft* l-ltbbuge, colury' niid IrttuL*, re. ground; nil winter nnd

it the fararkv: ovary dsy - •MX, riavo bain ia 1h* n nuii, and fur lire Itvt

'I I ke rUfipidaival tovBd at !(v js ,«! ii.c act i-r last yeaririua4aytecllliiz tfv. N > v i

b» uppropAitni frv IS IeiuIS tu Lke tb-atr uflu-Hl IbeJMnU.iaIl Mr .Taftor Aclat^uc riparian fasd

. Tb« reaalt jjf tire «slecrio:i‘jji Gua- uecticut is no surprise lo tittKe a Ito hare bees familiar with tb* politic il rnadiliyn o f .thn el ate. livid t> Hi*aval of tbe gwnain* Itonrbon TiutU-W-1racy Of the North where i l ia k fjt to im[>oj»ihta b> main nay tavaSKiy upon tluir laaka. and wtiereAbe L'j i - pi<*j are so ' oqMlly divided i a t (ha laaat Jiveraionj'trom tire Jt»p«blic:ir-> I ’art/ ia m b W end to IU defrttl-

.1* ibe fight jraad* this y<*i was reprreaoW as an Adminianatlteii rcto- lest. ihsrr wu, ft goad opportunity for the “ third term” rear* to br uarti with eitrer Tills aluperidteus hum­bug. whore paurwily c*n b* _'ir*e. d to thafra w i j i i l i t ra id e ftev.i* **r- vmg almost a* good * purpea* in frighten the tiniJ. as the ret4 ^Ma­ker guns at Ball Ban w m A in ia-

.timidofing Gen. HrCtallan. Hkl this »pvrter will vaniah iu a li'-fi* while, when ilia men re become ■ little «!■*-

it HiHr-"*C-4*.iCI j k pvrsii'ti"1, ortiei .sod it will scare j ■vatleoatcaai-e. I it.a asiaad ia t!.J)} sjkI nr "oattuict appruprtatld

■- rnavr-v alhMgM Ui «i)te»:.| rbrcrraliya imi lri cti

uiarkrt a l l ___ ___________________rBiPUlfa groan pvar, though' both arti­cle* look on if the.v; had jutd it hard Struggle- F‘ j.-J J;

■fh.' farttwasl lio/ i (liiufc would ba wan'd if, on turning a *»rn*r. It* ■uifalaftty daaio upon * processiua uf the brother,, of ttsa hi,u-f.»'.«r(l(s — They wear a black, nbe ffaat cd.o** dawn to their lire!. k#J * black fmc-d tluit covorOthoir j*4e and fan-ovt, ^nd tlirotigh tire fa.kA are tv.,,big h.-l-. for tbo owe*. The way their hl»ck -eye* llawh through (fare* bole* i* frightful! The duly of U*re gvtilie- DIS1 of the M1,..frrueli* 1, to Carry tu tho fa.i^LtsI on n* litter any <m* who lift* to"! wltll i*1> oortdouC l oo f

■ also In *arf* tbi' dead tu tfaeir buriftt, i f requested tu dil I"f , Tb* **eij* isalways gratuittol*, and thA meaiber* ot the cuter *• is tfao r.reVilh many hre corn [rentes nt hum*, befofag to tom* of (ho fae« I*n,ili*e ia th* city.— When thear oemce* a r*..asm led. a BSf yuidger in -u-Ht tu ihmr. hoedqljsr-ten ; i lst|i bi ll ia the Yftmjrenila giro* tb* Olrrm and u.oe* brctheri who i r * or duty for (bat w**k hast-- an ti. their nailers, where ador mi litter* tr i always ready, u J putting eu tbo black dry-*, which

- l ’o«T*i»itK Japes e f iNew York foe mcoived enbanmlr-l pmise from e*.vy tide for ilia offieij][ integrity,

Erj SH of litv 'U mom UvS4XTing ofntiee than his benevolent eoedart in l^rwtttdiag at hn a»:n »x|#nw> attch unpaid Jetlcre *»*pp*ar to be mpur tint WLi-.i w* iein*mb«rtliat about

-eighty snvti letter" are received daily tbo treubl* aud, tiyosM attemling eicL n earvira are nu sin si I items.

; Tay boy mnrJervr, Jest- Pomeroy, now under aeab'tot* of death at Bos­ton, is said to 4 jT* bedoato a diligent iMdttof vl tholofaSok and krelia tan- gwagee Ily the Way. why nut • reive fipa mural aonatrcwiCy irons the gul- l.l“ s and w t if ho cannot be sdscunl iW'> * ijq*cisUs:titi*Mi. Th* rrpsri- p a t is worth trying, and would Car- . uph an sutervuli g rtiaptnr in ethics, ^ e command this cuure* to the nn- |i|pti|rned pity o f lfosttea. .

printing, • whit f i . ! " ' POPULAR CLOTOER

P L A l l V F I K L Dr a t w r S T . , ;

f liu * ilton Bart uf ltd N it. D ia l,

P L A I N F I E L D .Hrir boadreu Stamps

tsfan might have ihine and savedfit Financially be T i l * 1 wreck, which he never t+Otectred, bat f the Twin* o f hi. reloaul for- his mural character' cjtnfc out id ly aad graadpur, aad attend: to for incalculably tome 4a tbe lire o f th* mad, than all the usa- wealtt of which Lu Lad been |

Hpuce. uu m arnl'i" . which jigjier badlyi Tina paper iBS'luUsr tB«ure. 4 w T b» that usmKur hank m>t iinviug Wva (lrted, tin i tiu ritchs. wlurJl are fanned f iv e r ahem aa fojur, (fas in Lretwecfi.' sheet* uf jasupress"-! in hydraiiUc. prem*

■ u> their dmy. Thai alway* tfa»> fits n quick step. 7 -

Mfinaij* ;-aafiy taka, pinch ftlt-r 4ftrt, nlsd rocnesioti form* a sftiklng: '"'•■a - alt as doaao or rnara. tuefthe* bias

Page 3:  · Central 'Times. iqTMtigBted for hinstolf. b . hi* Atad* i* Hi* t . vi. the people cub Id oqjfy rat boU. they foil dint- iher e*f* Ho would d»- ’ oata while ilrfenAii the field

C E N T R A L N E W J E R S E Y T I M E S .— T H U R S D A Y ,] A P R I L

D e n t ia l H t w Js t s b j l im e s . Ii! ill. pm jewed newrum* fidmibr Del krf.ii-. PT'iot r.mt, our la MnH

L1 e .lM l» * et In t 1! "watch wml; IJhp, en*lt|,A

'W L awI MJtJUW flm nr* A»-oW (|;lira*etuet, will 'ran Ihruuuli up pfurrl jut' luwards Wo'UPfll V* 1 .1 . . ..i. . . . . lltfl£ar ife-i

KINDERGARTENpiai|JI>-1 by Hear!IftoVUi. sdJ Ip ip-

I Tbr (H im in clwalnto-ti, theii ,i*-W Xtutaft h i Is UKtir trnr.wl naon by Uu; Ceninl lii flipa*! my fabnftaltob Title|s V-hU W«* ncr.,r lepppp to r ill* IFP gnrppfj, Ip that pjf ' Lk. Id fairy Ilia iiaapMJrli litre

REDUCTIONI j i t s o s t s i b c k ■«!

C H R O M O f,■ EN G R AV IN G S , j

p t c . , & .C ., & C

* V V A l \ ' S , .

I A AV#tJf>rn j lUFflll], Jitobefily wi*h- inif la Jo1 the handbora« thing hjr the kx:*l duMiur. -iin'iilly uuauiicrd Hut ?*Dr. Cra-wfoni a-M csllr.l 'ir,- Mil HIpKt bis bfetuiil nod1 ekiJ.&l trial bumli (ha young man ’did! rya Wod- h id i j ofuTOMiij ”

FIEE, LITE & j li.n ip t

VEGETABLESIN S U R A N C E AG E fyCash Assats LepPetaxlsi

S 7 5 , O O 0 ,Cubjui. lew TmI jfEflUC^dkiKoalrfisL| .'

W tttS jin i rrt- m niinM .siiFn icii Bitot. iBSlClTT- IHvI Ljff. Sfw fort- iSfBrt i t t « . Harm

tduli> u cnl by au accident. and which oil ii AlivfiilatlitfiiP'rtl'.lKiji.lnc-l lilkin iu ffilrvi1. 1%ert*lBrday betorr Im ,fct,|-. [ill jralt iail- ijhi rnclral him tault Stjiifl Ex iaeBof; Hemlock, In «r|bfr i Ilf a •lUiliBiuisliol pnetltlini-llfc proceeded Mdkc the llrmluck flrSefc-J, tyiHi his.efi ft by lift elite to 4, ih.n liul.a .,e kli. ayupiunu, al iCiailiifl.Hbil) 'udder tin. influence

ij aai«m|a]itoy ipiduceacps nnui iff {lau-rruntrcl hr lii t I cm of ntliTsncc. §J|4tk Vffaite|aJtir he lUad. Tile Un-fl £*■ to Ins liil- ai4»i Wl*atifle luwrert flic a iifhttaaaic Ii* tires f<illo«r-lstrict* (k- ilin -ilona lor n«l tig the mnJicInr. fn>r Waller j(i-nilcp»ap a! call. JjiDil a pci> (iicirpai'li siiiHcni. While

■ >i i hat |.«i t Nail ci I Plain Add Art. !«• cp Ik# r-tlroe-l.eiH Frodt Pi. that part otf loat.HliwI rllrlil.M' U t jjn n Syrtell’a pitoiftr m Imp* i f Mr: » ' V.rta-olr

It lu. bean uarkrtf ken [hruaeliuti riel*'-, t iHef, ilul ibr din



UPtn llf» Ma ar l ^ y i|u' p

B U S lJ fF jS S ■

.'all n l*i p h-i I.IlILI Ffac-cnr awl ItiUK ir.L Urj* *ImiIaW At. 1-vrtrr.- .-J*.'. \ Print 7Wr. StcW jaUJ [.HraUlilliten Ifcj0>e |llaul#rjK.hl'..irrt.U et n

Varied A>

H . M . B E A L E & C O .

I ' l . d M t l S l S ,

R fS U E A M C Et* Stf.pt Hrtirf A-ot#«n*Bt ■ The r#j"iil "f Lite T ir|>ilaal ■ nhi i hci-p row-J h’y llir C'.imtiiuc CuunciL TUe i-m H'l* »*e crJtml |i*i l by Jane 1-1. ;|Aja-wie K. Clara, f ’liy A>il)«tor JII krrplpnil dial prpper.ljr thiMrra hu«f Llna.lr nil tic imjriu.pl In a I*f lb'! I.ie-enl i.ctp-uinpt. trill li t vr siil-uiii reranJcil nr tJtrm.

3 lb Peachey rrv* .

21b “ - u •

P lum s s “

P i n e a p p l e s “

3 lb Tom atoes quality jpSinnhnd. .

P$as r.


String Beans

IV ijat lealIbr vpfrr ot

All ElegSnl

IDIST¥lte nlltpucuS [wriafiH iljlluiir'i-miileun-ktr4r*lrtd- •’ - ; j :

11 crapIpadvEITy E.iir1*-, ai.iaa him orswalro hrn»J, Xoriii V yen tic. am ( hurryVt. < ijerh-ri. dllmdeJ :o pruinfily •i»'l carefully.1 w ruaMiaatlr rake".

s a s h s i,iiiann-| Ihr rrtlliiy rliah^ri inkinj piper

jefae lief, aM* Holier Ik* fnMifll Ptf tk* |‘I4;nB1tC Academy Ml Ite hall III Vrr- hi lilt ■ UdlkHafe, rorwerlyciccBplrJ a* llic t ojilieil UhimiUd. By wqnrinaikwcMi- IrA lacetUilL !•> his Krhuol, Frofi l.rnn M talcvk p win, Alep, which, <rc have no

D rM h e | a a W d O | l«a .bf CK|B llK O^ mUiau of Plalu-

’.art iiimlits'a'Tay. The l*"l w f t l.llic r u b onUiwe rdBorahhi our* |JamB-TJJoBSi who diril or the .kiy pf tl/.s in ant I, rroio an auacb of

iljals, r*Cclr.A lj* JaBHarr la»l jr Thum aaabnin iah ItakiTpy, N J.[ i l « i artpl( kli |«ertn!*IbU I'luca' la, |m7, wbrra be lirnt |l-hr rateinwd'Ui. Haliway la loam the jap trr*Virkde. m» an npyrcailcc to J »-

bah Hiliewriljii

W h i t e T ^ im a ji .n g 3Tb* lair rHue W tk(TlUliwI rnpi. Nrputklii'Hif, llunwr A -If ■ (rinada bar I It i icatif t*

■|>arwn'.a>.45M Vllc£I4

SM -SiLTUC.!1’Ua upcglk^aii (Ha# lf»l<-ilojjir PTbic-aiijiieteard In * ifiqii in •JUaera. Tltnwortli, Mil'll. I’oanstHots -»l Law 1

M bIscd.

m Irpriny Allt. Parlcf he cam# to l’l*l*Jh-kl whria-. bn mmr jura,i the billy penom ’of Ul* hoaimsa. IiucisScanJet, Bunf of ike ocA build- hat liiai"r bcai) known,** landmark! pn-nent gmcrallor w« rfc natal hr born- Among i lu.ac may Crt rara- l -l into la-cauard # huass i|« Etooi

F i m u

VTephlncKl* iinu Sit oih tab . alum

CabbagQ, Cit


• Ll.si ufib aybicli Ororc el reel now «w. The uid Doiur, no lung Mtuum osriisliJl-an- saf Llaic Jelr Robert AiliJ. I suai. lIUT.hn of till:; 1 PC I cut blsUMB uoILl

I N’uhb rtaipfcM TbwnsIDiieui ^cIkkiU wiuianp ni uf'dit w holers. s

T O L E T O N S H A R E S .

all. iiak *cer,«l ihr lUli uf I ir l'i Ae..adletl4M brbet» lie Will -|>e if.iuilj; e.cilia,g weir, (br lJlh of

i Clliiir.if.ilr.i» uc prepcmn the rai i'Rill'Ll r da I- as (.1 ptsuiu chi runic

ere iafur meal tkit ills bet weal rj ra>Lrbclive, douciit tlh u-jcl S|iee.1>;i«ill IPpkr Ofieciel CBurt# |. tfiKif pjr'la'plica ul .t Uu! Irctuir.

I'lelulichl lull nbr ril -Inj ilie rcsHJaasa trill Je.

(CiniiHc-nt. Fcti n I nil 7 TuvmsbJjJ f-'oilLXher uid

yrm n o n st. w r m u: ru tu n iiu «. i



B L A O E ^ l l l C O LO B E D :j

A l e I f A C A M .

IHiVc Cbureb, tils : > « ■ o is* winI'harwiej >cni TENOR SINGER WftNTEO

V E G E T A B L E PLA K T Sluk.cs.l.sA. ^ M B p lia lP !^of l*sl toertlaag. 1

* deal b In »l*e r.L kaUbr Conadlmei i JEWETT & SONS#

X K \ V | V O U K . f

A L O T 5 5 . 1 0 I


ru dafi rislllug ble frlnul, Her in'iy. ut SyrncUse. .

MAPLE TREES,Lurojiii^-yrum-nt uf ^

CtRPETS. a iL CLOTHS, 5 M tTT lH G S, H IT S , 41

K i p : & L O V T 5A s e f C U L T r .

i . i ;i i + : b i : i i > , l<.'onjclm't'H|lo»*k. PLftinfielit,

M "Ic* p Mioioioi»,r*eds-j-. witi rememlwrily i Oti Selilvawiy, I native Karen ■abeoni- I j jih'la ,1 All edoeatliM in thin cum a try lent

renin "a *vJr ami left lor lUiitueli A le1»rja-t %k Hull hi ni atiHfs that be ifcachid. . bismatiiwlailitl, »«d i*1 auw Prlacital dt ■

.).*.!- I » ‘ High rtekoet Mid aruitear of' tacruler uod religious Bi wifcafnir I la*

TTitcnflietla)- k*s OLllipInt the AikcrLciu ,lljt fn . Jy*L 111 (if tuetractiun, end leacbei iarge- ;.ai tlir ir (he! Huallek ..i*pa«e>e All iTirwueth' f euuu. Ib» Lull lnillej'Piua'iuccp. Orcal Gcltaiu rfas Wf-to ■»|4| In HL pj.irimeM cetawil*. Hug. ■nbg ;jtn H"*11 Tipt.Hooke. The uatlv*jwath laku

I paid of LV Uiutuiito with (treat earnest ! : ,J pc** ipircTy readily aritatre ability

Norway Spruce,

S b o ito n N u rs e r ie s ,i L w . n i o i r u M ,364 Bowery or. 4th SwN-Y.

t TAYLOi,M c J j n G t J i .

R . G . P A R S O N S a CO."|pk.u ahywii" by i bet Jlttw r (ar.ai»i,*e aoe»» .year* »*acr-

Jlr Clarke ben drawn off iIk water Ufa bis’Lake. IrtvcaCatory to IU henmU- r^cleenlaguat/ ‘Due In a nervier which u;,'. airih-r of util a budy nfaiiur cea-

■ *r llillLaky Aliejoy lug tableaux. • Charley character el*ibe P ita

icuminaaity vrlvo

umMDi i. ujm A VERY P L M KH<MV> HIIKHK,k ypiatlkiat a all hfnm, ., . a* iima

. ■ b lUt! Ann. _A Large &£T7'-Xm.

. mil. m- ai#|*ir4#t ov in *u Mvn., id . t i iU B K iH i i i n . iu c , .

Furnishing IMeitnkei,hOlERfUTTfsT, MJBaJI liaNT

a.-rU..- Inin iff A , S—«d Inkf bjUm FrvpiPLAINFIELD. H. J. .

a ii i m «i tuvrr.n: tirvitm

• _ r*re. ..Miry tVela.sljy tnufey, oi'tk >

P bright 111 uni, nation pen uHlce.budktu towards gin North. Tt irrfVciuU ull the bulUiot,.-, luJli.i caused an alarm of lire an.I No- 5 icr With i* [ihyi Itocsk Jt ladder lit «l*>oi LNruywWr Net tot p ‘O-uui I be ■i..oll.1rafk"i," yt JW»P»l 'tl*S jj Tutx nliira iiru’jeWr. ,

i Fir.. 1’k.rre Ihnliorii adi* fetidly hcft fiir Pf .f.irui.. lot Thuraliy. in I'amiWii}.

-.js. rll ollKrsall of whom Intro.*« ( « b e ap tbelrireeUleaeo oa the I’aeiM gjppe Mr OotKH-o earl hlr t-.-LimnW» wife will hr raided from WcnhlJ ttackf. iv’: l,dMt . lL,i|a llie KpeiteaCrll;pbil C»l’Utiiu.l f.u of Mr V' Will raruish ui with aa occniiou.kl irUck h keep Ik* old i *poirietiatl* frenll. .

o p u s i i f i f t i tPar ttiy miy .ungpeiu'uii- 'itx-lj on rIbe |‘n»'(ftl M it epuiUy c. tiplrt.u* of tQe .1 re. tn rnnntng ca ter tie* ililtruad. The Railiued ijumyahy bate ha ibr tuo- tnctetor gredlta nil tb. 'niK.‘ Vhd tfcr Tr Tunl rarrn^I l"o|. will Moe Itslmw wii gkeie fnreirto mecasleni'Em! Talewort «*-cc»pUatfcj. ud it,c . ,icWpiitAwell rtajs*il i (n i t haitirn mil Ik ("..I but Ibc mlwl* »; those elw Lair !■>.. oow>j*»'lad la irertl furs, ruu k Wak dp, . pro*i y am tU ekiir

Tae J'laa> lof tie tower, which thr-rtV- Ihpnrumt intrml Ul erect, he.r puttern dnelly ilttciJ apoji.e* » » ’ shj uaednb Thtoc igruKty accepted wen- : ™»i to ba Cud vietpireb-. when tie lilik. h ,t u«r,.i wen u peard. Thta to or. :*rdins u. the

Hi. Olive Plainfield FiTy s l e i in l i i PrtfcettiesFt>B HAI.K OB 10 LKT.

ni®her vt l

D^EssKAsma. ;I I A V A T D I i l L S O A

tor. Cwwsl A T .«d 2 d S i..


Page 4:  · Central 'Times. iqTMtigBted for hinstolf. b . hi* Atad* i* Hi* t . vi. the people cub Id oqjfy rat boU. they foil dint- iher e*f* Ho would d»- ’ oata while ilrfenAii the field

iGmcULTUML ill) noiirnt

COFFIN &b«: Ih'»1 ptrl n| Ii4 , i*j lK* r,»iiau<» of hi* doily dolma,‘, All s*# moliruf, Hro*. n>nceplic»ns,

:;ll tit - - > do not coton dotfn] (Jbtu bun for lb* bettori $ of lb* dui..-. mtaichbiro lit tbu nrdia*rj'T *8*if

Rim 1 'n in ' . Wtrm.rr Eo»* —J V ’into * Whli-bunerod «1«V. l® * * ! |bos’. Carolina Jjo*. dlpj-',*' Ipour on it tbrdd p«nt» at eeld roil* ;

K t n ( ( „ or Kaituti].- p>id ,u’ffVcoi Dunoon* gibse. - slibo.#o

, -if!!ijirir<j«rj n.vjo.a oi io p ij : , .■•»>■«•» .SoriEF B A M C lJ * o C F tllg ... MOO.UWl |> 1 T I1 l:> T tI.t 1.' S Y. ’ 3,2M,flW»r * I E * lX . ul Itin.ftiril - . k,HS3J*t>i> k:h iw a n a i e k . of j* vt n i l l l i % N 1 - ?i. <rn* . . ,F ft^ E n ^ jr * . ■■T|)CI l ( l M s ' "m u u i k m p r r . i i .■‘ EOPLFW' >1! Treoian.'...!*§flST£RS A I fllOfRS CF NT W fu :F A C T * R ecu rN t n > w a a h iN&t o n , I'i-nflctd.X J . P L A T E fil.AN*T iM V ELKH V ■ Hartford.

lE H - H n l'- L IF E t.«M •**', F- *|-EB»TEB, PUlnArii. Ti. J.

C O F F I N &rrrRTt FROM *AN£U.8.mim*..* . hnu , IMh St

; T imks.-TJic iiuuy** • " « * ; r*»I t i l Mbit ■octi tilrt'll'HnjlH* •*"■ In rrtu 3 Ul rir

S . W H I T E H E A D ,

: » :oV»,0(Ki1WJIR).•tiK.Ofw

5T ,S Bill'lland flx»--uftkiicnlnitralt *

C o a l iV W o o d


Ilm o-fiB i* |CiM.~-0»B p»f mam, ana pint of **K*rt poll tlinx ftgg«, aod*, iF f* .n ud m il and i r o i tif w ta r if e■ • m «tt; ilir »i[io lu lt / fo t l vd to form a imidtnilnl) >(1(1 It* Ti alia in • foaf.if you "want a • akr, or i*Tay*in if Jtili *ant B take or P '" » - iriil 1-alca i make * and pul in tBb’ eujx o| fiinib, V-urrnuu, Bod you h**o W nivp, | fruit cake-

radkiulMir wUrb I In i A (pjotnV jkrtofV.— uf un rqriool'v IbjtfACSiet—Imw prowl I *■*« I q«S-!V*|i i

lidY w'.s'iw"o ’ni’ w t* * ! M l’ lrl.1 m-il r;a|<-iBihM'd la t>*!W> r<imj »rr Ei **siic of I In iMUrr* btil rotor inn k r by llrf quittl} Of ti r11 Hiwrsrmj' •"

S . L . S T E W A R T ' S ■


| i ^ £ s 3>TOOLS, CUTLERY,

' IKON, STEEL au: ' F o r B L A C K S M I T H S a n d H O E S E

C O F F I N c V <



-|in'>i'iilinif o u t iH7.IMI0.0fHl

i t & i i f t .......................SSBEOQ.HO^ ECillSl UiraiWl rln - Ec CiQQQflflfJ M S W -■ ■ - , i.QOOOWa iitfr - - - - - ' i 50DlO

(iD'KtAl. amEst n>6 .

; M E T R O P O L I T A N L U ' I ',

‘CitizenB’-Cbal T:Cor. of Ifrrnr ,f /VlilJrfA

r iA iK F i t i i * . I t J.

A-fSAiT Pitlra.—CfcAmon brown

t-ap*r, dippod in lar ltna unplitlt, >< bn most [KTl-rUt *l»KdU*<» to Usb-k

vrapprra lor rillcr o r B w l m t l i ' l ij deairaLU tu M fB W Irnm a:ruad muiatiM*. and mofltr. A patk «j{e mar thus be iinda to *n« uro lh# it m tj be KHtked in m k ami in wiritent* kept ‘drj. Tpbe» maybi uiade of paperdLuo raliirated, will'-'I ail] Lout a longflinie feilprpei For lln ' -iriveVau'-'’ af Voter. ' Anvliudv t*i nwire nucH tubin|>, abd it* !>Khti»C'e aad clie*pfi'">* T ill t«SH8*Iid it tu

Uj lite rlj

mrrtiir riHru of I VitKrtT- hi* iranl;nip* net toH» ln»*■lirraipiu of Kama ■Irudi'Eit altd jra* ry .till aul tnmc II

r i ; v :M i i v r.R D N Y O I f & D O W N ,

BvaJM, . I i-l,... > —.!■, • 'EHIGH, .


GeaP, M iEM lrtM Aiiils,HAVE E N lA llfJK Ii T ttE IH ;

FURNITUREParlii-ulai ittislionAnM tO aupplfiajO i*i i f ih» o*ti ;

O a k a n d H i c k o r y .W o o d ;■ ilr lOe j «t. I , I

., i im j u .i i *Cud 1,/ikr to*d •-» Hwoi."FLOUR ANI* FEFJ>,


0, RUNYON’S C D R N I T U R Cr . S T O K E , I -

F R O N T S T R E E T ,!’ l-M M 'l H I N J.

, f ,T K 'S . i r , i x : L a r i b - T ^ K frun iumi h v ij i

B e d r o o m S a l t s , P a lo r S u i t e a .

Block, on Front st., nd|r Groce,nud w ill eiOiiLil l<f lba i-uT?S<r * bFW* if lriM<i*r can*Utiug of |

om and Eed-Riom Saits, <TH EY A » $ N (JV S E L il f i f ! * '

N e w Y t f r k i P r / c | * f o i ' Cr l m n i t o f W i n d o w S.

In ScltcpHiii.'th ij tiifo On bam

t *** Ctar or ri«E ltb. - A * Hie ■now and i™ dn>ap]Kiar. inuob' rttb* .biah that ha* oolleiJtFl flimnp the winter, will U* anojt«r*ii. Thom k In, [in* in thn country tin k » care- leu* about matters tSfidinf file

; health. Foul norfai'o w-jitar froquent- iy flows into1 tine,'well, 1,'e^poeU Nail

- I liAUfFLELI*, N J .

C a p i t a l * -

'ii v " I” mi * ■

. I Uf IIll'lL KrOfUl*. L! rajua-roBH. 5e Eaii.11 ’fCel--.*, j iv-nt nsMlir.'l, J

i t t e - v t s t - A , - i f .a-a s a e r - ;


LUklBER AND COAL• o'dratltii .[auhejl

l u m B e b ;'y o u n g , W E E D Si (X J .

L iffih i& B iiifM a iiJ ],

B u re a u s a n d C la s s e s ,Red*tend*, T bMih, SMtrds, Chain,

Afkitrumea, Beila, Redding.I Fefttben, /

W in d s # S h a d e * a S p e c ia lty .

and younginuTod, tJiofiM*priti|; T1li' i

cer m a iu f lK niefcqnBi« iu l ie Pri.mdk'

Bf. J ,

r s K f c f f i ' - f f r iS h e r i f f ’ s S a l b*fOr»

furnut ■

® WlRttBS im pro ved M L

DEGRIiAf & CHCHKIHE.' 152 and 154

W e s t T v r e n t y - t h i r d S t-,U m t r,(0, u.3 frreUa AMU*I, .

NEW H B K C , n . ■B l t l l 'A f T I H E I I I

; »A ] JabGE ABfORTl^iHT iickcfs, Com cas, Picture FnihieK, liipnii^r Bo* ‘lif. Rinkcti, Clotbci

Cull O 1! tun i.L fiumlicti iu tniuliiiki SalesrjHims m (he firnf Hoof an* i n i r i n t a n d t J p l i

J Jlj itl.l. I i n B&AlVuBES

iti<w ~ia.i. iri-uiiitiiui. and U mdrerlodnly ouom-.Kiiiu, ,■■ a good icnc*. Ikaily activ­ity uud tnidiiv liMiPh arv l.ituiojlAnt- ble.l' I f tbo IbowBli i n jl'jos*, duo it in W , im iit t liter* arid .a: uorhiag until’ }'Ou are well. 1 Tyi" tliruo Ih->I iniwliriuei la tlm World art , Wyttjuli, alidicrncii. and Pe|M»K'i |

; CoLiioAiHi Fomin Un ji | , t|ia pe "Lug” having ;ip[ivaT«l |d*t o jinrte*if finy Jnrw-y. IVn**- lia, nnd in olhcc Lustaru litcali-h beford riiuii-j, il— u,i|ui raiic>'| force ciav b., lookr-d for 1I11’ g Oensoa. Till-! tint bee ties » ill ■front chryoolijlaj - wbh-b h»vn

. _ Jn tlie gtouml dUtrirdvr. Ihowwill lay- I'gg*. Anil flhn lirriv- trow tin*-- tbango to b-tetlr* in -bout a month this first hl+od will prodii'i' a -eeond, Bill that b third, rliii'ti m I

T m b fi : , avK 2I),a

FURNITURE, . \v h o L e s a ! a : A-NJ> R trra i i .


M41HM0N i V l l : A T i l l l t i l ST,f

P L A I N T I E L I 1, H . J .


i C A R P B T ^

KjjgliHli 3SrLisi=cK Three-Ply a|iESTlIiTC

"'Or*- »ilt p- D-ii'i . *

( A P & li A s s o r t m e n t o f

CtiiadL ia.1 Hickigaa Seasoned Pine LumberSPRUCE PLOORKT'r.


S O l’T n E R N CKi/AK, O Y F J lE S f


. AT *Ilt ’i;P' NiiTiHlC FMn! —nj .-—i j I- —y .CliU

M.tNl l ACtl |;Eli, o f SII' D|ii l\' (uai.Vir.

O O J L l i ,bT TJIB < t n-UXsp os oifilESWIst:. ’

fcb ubucv a-a nliwr-l hibh-h, k>.., I.,Vi. CU1 ujmns&i. nwcSsf

18 TKEi SIGN USED BY,i H o r s M ^ m . P U n f l e U j l J ,IFLOI- GEORUE DEMEZAMock for 1*7p Tlili vitally intw r -

nut tiling to do, is lowsirh for lA , tied lioatles with llje -|;| earaliCi' ili.i liist potato tupa, jaiul not wait, ui- lil the ravag-a of honlca rail for not­in' uhoiiit**. \ 'ifilancfi, whether1 boy a[i|Hiared but rear or uol. u tinloan aavirilial thing. . ■‘v-rcA j t itcii, **J Lut, iu (he beginning.— A i*. Jiff/fit-

w : ______________D | m i k u j i n j-WTirk

a riuiY of dkpdieriA d u in in aihousf,

S e o o n d - H a n d F i

Crockpry, Hardware,■ S to Y e s , & c „. ' \Vt* r

C h o i c e B i' S N O W F L A K S .

■ < w a m i

Fco»k ib«ta will c, la our OrvtliiT.'u aw] ifarittLCir ktnjliiic- . ,tasastkl’.vk w it vtan Mr rLfbdofcnm«e.i.*-i.._ ■__ .. ,ii,.,„

i o o d J f e w s

B u r 1 1 * 0 —* t ie m i n a h

■ raffli & WBAPHNG PAPER"oiu Pnuy lTitiie Winter

h O A F , ”Kflom y*acr .

> E W D R O P , ”IK CEANCERT OF HEW JERSEY.hr- H o « r - * I 'a ver itr I 'r r o n p -

(lowl» <crr DtroRSlf rrcoamwiKlrfllli1 thvM, J- ical fju iiiy jn l :» i.rtj-ij- juv-vriin I tkitNwg tlwtr Fvioalc J'ntleub* Il I# wiuiliy .,i -91 coudOfiicr, a# ta-X tc ■I—U Item W |S«Al.io1ti|, it-, liin.11,J i' 11

I'r.ll H Cilirilui, I’ialtiWajalL, Nrh writer: IJoavo Binler trvaimi'Ut #i J«*J>,njniji.ir the ;nl»L KUB TUt, b*» l*CB ■afuitnl. nntl aru-r iryuar wrdia vbjr-i- c'crti* vitih-ant riealskM hcncBt, i*->rirt-»g

- 1 2 v 13! I t U E A S TA £ T , ,. , 'i 'io t A r t i c l e - f F r e p m e e A F .o r . v .

Buckwheat, Ryfc, and Graham Fiour. Extra tine White &; Ye:low C( rn Meal

■ Wheaten Grits, Hominy, Oat. Me ( Grain, Feed of all kinds,

And ovrtryiliifw ]>ortJ ininf? to tlu'i InisinesrtjafwayH on (j.n l\irni.4p«l -it the lowe-d price* for t h i s l * .

PLACING* ' Ari-wiiA. 1 1ft-: H. V. h our, BaBLIu, N 1 7V,ir .— Ili-v. lt,y. MO nil |u cl,in-x u,p uf*Vftbi lour Kilrirt nad s w i. i• It njpeasd. Tin-fc I* ikoc i-’pc *t»i u-iiJ.k-kur akL'dlclue- since lb*t have■ ilWiuahl her*, bat lh»t cub •o-f wiib ,tKcji Ifave- tKCkl gnatkf1 ulartMinl ** I Uauc bmi -.i taklM- t li} |I» fl*c, or v ten iron od uu Ti-rt of alllitucinnIViiM-f Incdltluc*. mJ »iW n-h' it inLcY-nrilir*, after hriitf viifHf or the, I* (U**-keA» mice. V -j — ills ii,n 1 141 iiv■ 1 *Wr,»,ir, It Crva H in vnr cltf. b*,mutoriug my * «tcr 1 wruuyiiu sIhuii. •Jir li-* rx-.-n uiMi-r tin t ir* of tlinc

RtIKD K , •

^OLDINGB,;i P O S T S , i f .

i f G r e a t B argainI orders (eiSniptly, 5, 11

parte bf the Cit; f. FRENCH & SONS. B u vk h liiM fG taT e*. U u d e i

■ knw Ilraw eia, 4c.,ADBtfijS H.l Ulg*.


CoHauiiaim1 Sale ef Real Estal.-. :la ike in*iwr*f ti# kola «■ Us-t* ao-’•m*■ WKltara*-t nad4 pawut tv u ,.*riI* - lb* UlBB-b*' I U»H A Uu l - i l , tor Bd.il* *, -ibnh bl at h*limbrr, 4. I* (iitl ■; TO* > d td tJn ab fl* iiU -a lo t , k m * ** “J101™ 4 ''t T a*ic—r. ■

’RHAlAtTuMALLBY;, '■• . , u m * Afftk11Ati. I; caw'rd■ , OAVILI A-/TOKEk. 1:

Vtay in *. THili- h(PA«L,\M V l>t I'jcrccv Kiinrl;i pr--rrlp;l„a ,

i-std by aj i 1 Ira!cos Ic Miilii.'luA'* cncrallrph:er

tk" tllE Ok»:aj r-i*rc» i,Btt-i +t "tiillkr- rrjy L rurbrU t aevi" ii j M w Iu, extl qnatl-'| lb- l"« . haiUdy Ltn!»p«ww, Hue flavor od<1 JJ,. j bejiliiifaja^a. lifacyn artl it,

mgs * W hy W ill } « * c « S h . 'tie l>t Dla-rt>' Oyrn afTar, Wild Cbwrjr,

arj , and II vt-lioai—I wnl ts r a coigti la one- ! ho* ttw o-wvwn U> tar* U »\kl'

' luy other tnedialtr adH n Om, a. *<,1 by ® J1.11 ttfjla*tt*l>. hut by rea»<kiinr the uu r. !t]u •■bdoink tb« Irritation uu tulinrUz. frk.- ***cwl part rtw ALJcaiwtof Lyrragltl*. i t*) fcopcwMon ot LoasolVoter.ft, j »*«cr».cpiri>Bieorlla*irrtii*:t, ni*h».CrouJ-' uifo or Avttitn*, it win iMfmioritorarvuasDi nee* l*M!cl»r that hoi .ter brfui* been pfn-Twj aala to tfic public. In..i*irtly hotanic and

blmraMt t* take- Trial>ti*aaly lDcents° ns- FlruccsltABdl squire about tl. Stan S

U C N r L A J I .M illin c ry , Boonets, H d

Blearking »r.d ;F r * ,* i* v thori notice Fernthi l r

tad dy*d. .Piakin. do- _ AJLSO.. .

‘A La tot A ’ > e «i» ix i u»

Braid’s Swiltki'ii, a id

F A N CY Jl MPA P I .F UH(H J3 M IN .u iia n s H:k_: . t e i p d


imamittBi ssTTLirar.

• •• i. •* i •it'. h u U mj: ,v ,«TI|NI..Vu Ks4»A.*


!.«ki (A4-.il sin I. .a to.Kl--u.lns -