Central City Sector Plan Update Agenda

Agenda: Agenda: Timeline/next steps Role of sector plan Recommendations: Land Use Community Facilities Transportation Open House – Review Boards Central City Sector Plan Update Central City Sector Plan Update Knoxville Knoxville-Knox County Metropolitan Planning Commission Knox County Metropolitan Planning Commission Presented by: Mike Reynolds Presented by: Mike Reynolds October 2013 October 2013

Transcript of Central City Sector Plan Update Agenda

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Agenda:Agenda:� Timeline/next steps� Role of sector plan � Recommendations:

���� Land Use���� Community Facilities���� Transportation

� Open House – Review Boards

Central City Sector Plan UpdateCentral City Sector Plan Update

KnoxvilleKnoxville--Knox County Metropolitan Planning CommissionKnox County Metropolitan Planning Commission

Presented by: Mike ReynoldsPresented by: Mike Reynolds

October 2013October 2013

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March:March: Background report completed

April:April: Met with neighborhood leaders

May:May: Distributed survey

May/June:May/June: Met with neighborhood and community


June/July:June/July: Round 1 Sector Plan meetings

October:October: Round 2 Sector Plan meetings

���� Monday, October 7th

���� Thursday, October 10th

Dec. / Jan:Dec. / Jan: Draft Plan to MPC

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What is a Sector Plan?What is a Sector Plan?

� Furthers the General Plan goals

� 12 sectors within the General Plan

� 15-year time horizon

� Guides capital improvements program

� Covers land use, community facilities,

and transportation

� Growth Policy Plan

� Sector Plans

� Corridor Plans

� Small Area Plans

� System Wide Plans

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� Guides zoning decisions by matching zoning districts to land use


� The land use plan (“Sector Plan”) must be amended if the

current designation does not recommend the desired zoning of a

property owner

Proposed Land Use PlanProposed Land Use Plan

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Land Use Classification TableLand Use Classification TableTranslates the Proposed Land Use Plan to Zoning


� Description of the land use classification

� Location criteria

� Recommended zoning and programs

� Other zoning to consider

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Example of New Land Use ClassificationsExample of New Land Use Classifications

� Pubic Institutional (PI) →→→→ Civic Institutional (CI)

� Mixed Use (MU) →→→→ various Mixed Use districts

� Commercial →→→→ General Commercial (GC), Community Commercial (CC)

� Traditional Neighborhood Residential

� Business Park Type 1 and 2

� Slope & Stream Protection are now transparent, allowing a land use below

Stream Protection(SP)

Hillside/Ridge TopProtection Area (HP)

Old Old NewNew

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Neighborhood, Small Area and Corridor Plans since 2003Neighborhood, Small Area and Corridor Plans since 20 03

Oakwood – Lincoln Park Neighborhood Plan (2006)

MLK, Jr. Avenue Corridor Plan (2006)

Magnolia Avenue Corridor Plan (2009)

Lonsdale Neighborhood Plan (2005)

Cumberland Avenue Corridor Plan (2006)

Downtown North/I-275 Corridor Redevelopment and Urban

Renewal Plan (2007)

Broadway, Central, Emory Place Small Area Plan (2007)

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•• Development that contributes to the overall quality of Development that contributes to the overall quality of life for all those that live/work/shop in the area.life for all those that live/work/shop in the area.

•• Convenient access to daily services, whether by car, Convenient access to daily services, whether by car, walking or biking.walking or biking.

•• MixedMixed --use development that is compatible in scale to use development that is compatible in scale to the surrounding uses and appropriately located.the surrounding uses and appropriately located.

•• Safe and convenient pedestrian connections to Safe and convenient pedestrian connections to destinations such as parks, employment centers, reta il destinations such as parks, employment centers, reta il and entertainment.and entertainment.

2013 Central City Survey Summary2013 Central City Survey Summary

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Current vs. Proposed Sector PlanCurrent vs. Proposed Sector PlanCurrentCurrent


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Mixed Use DistrictsMixed Use DistrictsAreas with a white crosshatch Areas with a white crosshatch are locations of existing Mixed are locations of existing Mixed Use Districts.Use Districts.

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What is a Mixed Use District?What is a Mixed Use District?Allows for multiple land uses within a district or site (mixedAllows for multiple land uses within a district or site (mixed--use use

building) and specific zoning recommendations.building) and specific zoning recommendations.

Adjacent, single usesAdjacent, single uses

Small scale vertical mixedSmall scale vertical mixed- -useuse Large scale vertical mixedLarge scale vertical mixed- -useuse



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Types of Mixed Use DistrictsTypes of Mixed Use DistrictsSpecial Mixed Use District (MU with reference number)� Provide the most flexibility because each is specific to the location

� These can address urban design, pedestrian and transit-oriented development

and vertical mixed use in designated areas.

� Areas may include older portions of the city or county where redevelopment

and/or preservation programs are needed for revitalization purpose

Neighborhood Mixed Use Center (MU-NC)

� The buildings of these centers should be designed to a residential scale

complementary to the surrounding neighborhoods.

Community Mixed Use Center (MU-CC)

� The core of the district, with its predominantly commercial and office uses,

should be within ¼ miles of higher intensity residential uses.

Regional Mixed Use Center (MU-RS)� High intensity areas such as downtown Knoxville and its surrounding areas.

Urban Corridor Mixed Use (MU-UC)� Allows the redevelopment of commercial corridors with a mix of retail,

restaurants, office and residential uses.

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Special Mixed Use DistrictsSpecial Mixed Use Districts

Recommendations include:Recommendations include:�� FormForm--based district or Corridor Overlaybased district or Corridor Overlay

�� Historic preservation Historic preservation

�� Complete streetsComplete streets

�� Create public gathering placesCreate public gathering places

�� Enhance KAT ServiceEnhance KAT Service

�� Intersection improvementsIntersection improvements

Bus Rapid Transit concept on Magnolia Avenue.Example of how to step the height of buildings down when

adjacent to residential structures.

Example of how townhouses could be constructed on our mixed-use corridors.

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Existing Mixed Use DistrictExisting Mixed Use District


FORMFORM--BASE CODEBASE CODEOn City Council agenda for On City Council agenda for adoption October 2013adoption October 2013

Cumberland Avenue Corridor ProjectCumberland Avenue Corridor Project

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Low Density Residential Low Density Residential -- ChangesChangesLegend

Proposed LDR (Low Density Resident ial)

Current LDR (Low Density Residential)

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Current LDR ( Low Density Residential)

Proposed LDR (Low Density Resi dential)

Proposed T DR (Traditi onal Neighborhood Residential)

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LDR vs. TDR: Why make the change?LDR vs. TDR: Why make the change?

Low Density Residential

� Areas that are primarily single family houses with wider lots (75ft or more) and no alleys.

� Typically associated with suburban development.

Traditional Neighborhood Residential

� Areas that typically have lots that are 50ft wide with alley access and a mix of housing types.

� Recommends new zoning that recognizes this style of pre-existing condition.

� Heart of Knoxville Residential District

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““ Heart of KnoxvilleHeart of Knoxville ”” Concept (2005)Concept (2005)

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First developed for First developed for City funded City funded housinghousing

Infill Housing Infill Housing Overlay DevelopedOverlay Developed

Draft Heart of Draft Heart of Knoxville Knoxville Residential District Residential District DevelopedDeveloped

Heart of Knoxville Residential District (RHeart of Knoxville Residential District (R --1HK)1HK)

Heart of Knoxville Heart of Knoxville Infill Housing Infill Housing

Design GuidelinesDesign Guidelines

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�� Build to LineBuild to Line�� OrientationOrientation�� Scale & Foundation HeightScale & Foundation Height�� PorchesPorches�� Windows & DoorsWindows & Doors�� Roof ShapeRoof Shape�� MaterialsMaterials

What are good design What are good design standards for urban standards for urban

infill housing?infill housing?

Heart of Knoxville Residential District (RHeart of Knoxville Residential District (R --1HK)1HK)

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Commercial Use ChangesCommercial Use ChangesLegend

Current Commerc ial

Proposed NC (Neighborhood Commercial )

Proposed CC (Communi ty Commercial )

Proposed GC (General Commerci al)

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Industrial Use ChangesIndustrial Use ChangesLegend

Current Light Indust rial

Current Heav y Industria l

Proposed LI (Light Industrial)

Proposed HI (Heavy Indust rial)

Proposed BP-1 ( Business Park Ty pe 1)

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Provide ShadeProvide Shade

Provide BenchProvide Bench

�� Complete First and Second Creek Greenway connections from downtown to neighborhoods� Develop a plan for the location and distribution of dog parks� Foster the work of the Odd Fellows Cemetery and Potters Field Rehabilitation Project to create an interactive memorial landscape design with walking trails open to the community

Community Facilities RecommendationsCommunity Facilities Recommendations

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Green Infrastructure PlanGreen Infrastructure Plan

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Transportation PlanTransportation Plan

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Complete StreetsComplete StreetsRoadways Roadways designed and operated to enable safe access for all users. designed and operated to enable safe access for all users.

Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and bus riders of all ages anPedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and bus riders of all ages and d abilities are able to safely move along and across a complete stabilities are able to safely move along and across a complete streetreet

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Rightsizing StreetsRightsizing Streets

Rightsizing is the process of reallocating a street’s space to better serve its full range of users.

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�� Develop complete streets on all major thoroughfares, particularlDevelop complete streets on all major thoroughfares, particularly those in y those in Mixed Use designated areas (ex: Magnolia, Broadway, Central, MLKMixed Use designated areas (ex: Magnolia, Broadway, Central, MLK).).

�� RightsizeRightsize roads with excess capacity to create bike lanes and onroads with excess capacity to create bike lanes and on--street street parking (4 lane lane roads are good candidates).parking (4 lane lane roads are good candidates).

�� Develop complete sidewalk systems within the school Parental Develop complete sidewalk systems within the school Parental Responsibility Zones (PRZ).Responsibility Zones (PRZ).

�� Develop traffic calming programs for neighborhoods that address Develop traffic calming programs for neighborhoods that address cutcut--through traffic and speeding.through traffic and speeding.

�� Improve KAT service (study Bus Rapid Transit improvements to MagImprove KAT service (study Bus Rapid Transit improvements to Magnolia nolia Avenue, Broadway and Kingston Pike).Avenue, Broadway and Kingston Pike).

�� Provide safe and convenient pedestrian connections to destinatioProvide safe and convenient pedestrian connections to destinations such ns such as parks, employment centers, retail and entertainment.as parks, employment centers, retail and entertainment.

�� Extend Gap Road one block from Ohio Avenue to Texas Avenue.Extend Gap Road one block from Ohio Avenue to Texas Avenue.

Transportation RecommendationsTransportation Recommendations

Gap Road extension

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Thank you!Thank you!


Mike ReynoldsMike ReynoldsPlanner IIPlanner II215215--25002500

[email protected]@knoxmpc.org

Open House Open House –– Review BoardsReview Boards