Cell Transport chap. 7-3

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Transcript of Cell Transport chap. 7-3

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Cell TransportCell Transportchap. 7-3chap. 7-3


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I. Cell MembraneI. Cell Membrane1) POLAR ends face INSIDE & OUTSIDE cell [where water is]

2) NONPOLAR tails face each other inside bilayer [to avoid water]

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Outsideof cell

Insideof cell(cytoplasm)




Lipid bilayer


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3) FUNCTION: SELECTIVE PERMEABILITY = allows only certain materials to go into & out of cell

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a. Why doesn’t the cell membrane let everything through?

HOMEOSTASIS!- Cells maintain a stable environment by controlling what enters & leaves.

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II. Cellular Transport – Two II. Cellular Transport – Two Major Types (Passive & Major Types (Passive & Active Transport)Active Transport)1.Passive Transport = moves molecules across cell mem. using NO ENERGY

Movement going with the concentration gradient (normal flow)

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1.Diffusion – molecules move from HIGH conc. to LOW conc.

a. Small molecules: O2, CO2

b. Slow process

A. Types of Passive Transport

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Passive Transport Video Cliphttps://www.pinterest.com/pin/


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PROBLEM for PROBLEM for Cells?Cells?


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2. Facilitated Diffusion – movement of molecules with help of a carrier protein

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a.Moves large molecules

like Glucose and Fructose (C6H12O6)

b. Faster than diffusion

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3. Osmosis – diffusion of WATER across cell membrane

* H2O moves to area with LESS WATER

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a. Direction of Osmosis:1) Hypotonic Solution = H2O moves INTO cell & CELL EXPANDS

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2) Hypertonic Solution = H2O moves OUT OF cell & CELL SHRINKS

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3) Isotonic Solution = H2O moves INTO & OUT OF cell & cell stays NORMAL SIZE

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* EQUILIBRIUM = concentration of molecules is same everywhere

* Molecules never stop moving – even at equilibrium

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2. 2nd Type of Transport Active Transport

1. moves molecules across cell membrane using ENERGY

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B. Types of Active Transport

1. Transport Proteins: in membrane- move substances from low to high conc. (opposite of how it wants to move)

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2. Endocytosis = cell surrounds & ingests materials from OUTSIDE to INSIDE cell using VESICLES

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a. Steps:1) membrane folds in & forms pocket2) Pocket closes & pinches off in cell vesicle 3) vesicle fuses w/ organelles to release contents

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b. Two Types of Endocytosis:1)Phagocytosis – LARGE particles (food) or whole CELLS (bacteria) into cell

2) Pinocytosis – large amounts of liquids/ fluids into cell

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3. Exocytosis –releases large amounts of material to the OUTSIDE of the cell using VESICLES

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a. Steps:1)Vesicle forms, travels to & fuses w/ cell mem.

2)Vesicle opens to outside & releases contents

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Video clip