Cell Signaling Objectives - Sanchez

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  • 7/25/2019 Cell Signaling Objectives - Sanchez



    Principles of Signal Transduction: Objectives

    1. Be able to compare and contrast the overall properties ofendocrine and synaptic signaling mechanisms.

    a. Endocrine Signaling echanism:i. !ormone is secreted by an endocrine gland and is

    carried" via the bloodstream" to a distant target cell

    ii. Signaling is S#O$1. %elies on passive di&usion and blood 'o(

    iii. Signals are )*#+TE1. %eceptors have high speci,city and a-nity for

    the signala. hemically based speci,city and a-nity

    /. There is a slo( termination of the response0slo( dissociation rate

    iv. Endocrine cells secrete many ligands 2 thus thetarget cells must be speci,c (ith a high a-nity

    v. E3ample: Steroids

    b. Synaptic Signaling echanism:i. Signaling is 45ST

    1. +ses electrical impulses over short distanceii. Signals reach high local concentrations

    1. %eceptors have lo( a-nity for the signala. echanically based 0based on the

    placement of the synapses/. There is a rapid termination of the response

    06uic7 dissociation rateiii. Secrete fe( distinct ligands 2 the speci,city comes

    from the precise nerve8target cell contact point

    iv. E3amples: Peptides and proteins9 catecholamines

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    Principles of Signal Transduction: Objectives

    /. Be able to identify the four major types of signal transductionpath(ays and give e3amples of ligands and cellular responsesfor each.

    a. %eceptor Tyrosine inasei. #igands: *nsulin" lots of gro(th factors

    ii. *nsulin %eceptor Signaling:1. %eceptor binds t(o signal compounds 0in this

    case" insulin peptide (hich activates atyrosine auto7inase. This also phosphorylates*%S;1 0ro(th: *%S1 phosphorylates Shp" activating

    %as.a. %as activates 5P (hich activates

    Transcription factors (hich promotegro(th

    /. >lucose +pta7ea. *%S;1 phosphorylates P1?" initiating a

    phosphorylation cascadei. #eads to >#+T@ 0transporters of

    glucose onto the plasmamembrane

    ?. >lycogen )eposistiona. *%S1 phosphorylates P1?" initiating a

    phosporylation cascadei. #eads to stimulation of enAymatic

    steps in the conversion of glucose

    to glycogenb. > Protein;#in7ed %eceptors

    i. #igands: a great variety use > Protein;#in7ed%eceptors

    1. atecholamines" Ts" Peptide hormonesCii. / possible cellular responses:

    1. c5P Signal Path(aya. c5P activates c5P;dependent Protein

    inase 0P5 by phosphorylating P5i. inase is a tetramer

    1. / c5P;binding chains

    /. / catalytic chainsb. Binding causes release of activated

    catalytic subunitsc. atalytic units phosphorylate substrates

    0usually enAymesd. oderation or reversal of response is

    achieved via:i. )ephosphorylation of substrates

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    Principles of Signal Transduction: Objectives

    1. By phosphatasesii. )egradation of c5P

    1. By phosphodiesterases 0P)E

  • 7/25/2019 Cell Signaling Objectives - Sanchez



    Principles of Signal Transduction: Objectives

    /. Phosphatidylinositol Path(aya. !ormone signal causes increase in

    cytosolic aDD and activation of P"leading to / distinct 0but interactingchain of events:

    i. aDD binds to almodulin 0a1. yosin #ight hain inase

    0# phosphorylatesmyosin

    a. auses interaction (ithactin and musclecontracts

    /. itric O3ide Synthase 0OSii. Protein inase phosphorylates a

    variety of enAymes and proteins1. *on channels 0li7e aD8!D

    pumpa. Phosphorylation leads

    to increase of cellularp! and proliferation

    /. 5ctivation of transcriptionfactors controlling genee3pression

    c. *ntracellular %eceptors 0steroidsi. E3amples of ligands: >lucocorticoid" mineralcorticoid"

    progesterone" estrogen" androgen" vitamin )" thyroidii. Three domains

    1. Transcription activation )omaina. %esponsible for interaction promoting

    activity by %5 polymerasei. Thus" ommunication (ith Pol

    /. )5 Binding )omaina. Site of direct interaction (ith )5 in the

    promoter region of genesi. Thus" %ecognition of !ormone

    %esponse Elements?. #igand Binding )omain.

    a. Site of high;selectivity binding by steroid

    hormonesi. Thus" Binding Site

    iii. / 5ctivated Steroid %eceptors recruit the !istone5cetyl Transferase 0!5T omple3

    1. #eading to acetylation of histonesa. auses )5 to un(ind

    i. 5llo(ing the binding of thetranscription apparatus.

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    Principles of Signal Transduction: Objectives

  • 7/25/2019 Cell Signaling Objectives - Sanchez



    Principles of Signal Transduction: Objectives

    d. #igand >ated hannelsi. onverts e3tracellular signals into electrical impulsesii. Occurs bet(een nerves and target cells 0ated channel opens" allo(ing entry of ionsiii. E3ample: icotinic 5cetylchnoline %eceptor:

    1. hannel opening re6uires / molecules of ligand/. hannel opens only brie'y

    a. loses (hile still ligated?. #igand dissociates" returning channel to resting


    @. )issociated 5h is hydrolyAed bycholineresterase

    ?. Be able to identify or describe the 7ey steps and moleculesinvolved in each of the four major path(ays" including structureand location of receptors" /ndmessenger molecules 0includingcalcium and nitric o3ide" e&ector enAymes" and substrates.

    a. #igand;>ated hannelsi. ey Steps:

    1. erve terminal releases neurotransmittersa. ia fusion of storage vesicles (ith plasma


    /. T binds channels present in synapse region?. >ated channel opens" allo(ing entry of ions

    ii. olecules involved:1. eurotransmitters

    a. 5h" >5B5" Serotonin" >lutamate">lycineC

    iii. Structure of receptors:1. omposed of F transmembrane polypeptides

    a. Each chain GFHH 55s and traversesmembrane four 0@ times

    /. 1 heli3 of each chain contains polar 55s:

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    Principles of Signal Transduction: Objectives

    v. /ndmessenger molecules:vi. E&ector EnAymes:

    1. holineresterase 0hydrolyAes dissociated 5hvii. Substrates:

  • 7/25/2019 Cell Signaling Objectives - Sanchez



    Principles of Signal Transduction: Objectives

    b. %eceptor Tyrosine inases:i. ey Steps:

    1. #igand binding to the insulin receptor 0*%a. *nduces phosphorylation on tyrosine

    residues on the intracellular domain

    b. / ligands of insulin peptide are re6uiredfor full activation

    ii. olecules involved:1. *nsulin Peptide/. *%S1?. %as 0for 5P 7inase cascade to promote gro(th

    factors@. P1? 0is phosphorylated by *%S1" initiates

    phosphorylation cascadeiii. Structure of receptors:

    1. Single transmembrane alpha heli3

    /. E3ample: *nsulina. / beta and / alpha chains 0sul,de bond

    connects themb. 5lpha chains: contain hormone;binding

    sitec. Beta chains: traverse the membrane and

    contain tyrosine 7inase domainiv. #ocation of receptors:

    1. On the plasma membrane 0transmembrane/. E3tracellular domain

    a. #igand;binding site

    ?. *ntracellular domaina. Tyrosine 7inase activity

    v. /ndmessenger molecules:1. *%S1/. %as0for 5P 7inase cascade to promote gro(th

    factors?. P1? 0is phosphorylated by *%S1" initiates

    phosphorylation cascadevi. E&ector EnAymes:

    1. 5P inase 0activates transcription factors topromote gro(th

    vii. Substrates:

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    Principles of Signal Transduction: Objectives

    c. Steroid 0*ntercellular %eceptors:i. ey Steps:

    1. / #igand;ed Steroid %eceptors recruits a co;activator that contains the enAyme"

    /. That enAyme leads to acetylation of histones?. The acetylated histones allo( the )5 to

    un(ind@. The un(ound )5 allo(s for the binding of

    general transcription factors 0such as Pol **ii. olecules involved:

    1. S% 0Steroid %eceptor/. !SP?. *P@. o5 omple3F. T5T5 0gene e3pression begins here via %5

    transcriptioniii. Structure of receptors:

    1. !/ 2 Transcription activation domain 2 )5binding domain 2 #igand binding domain 2OO!

    /. %eceptors are al(ays

  • 7/25/2019 Cell Signaling Objectives - Sanchez



    Principles of Signal Transduction: Objectives

    d. >;Protein #in7ed %eceptorsi. Structure of receptors:

    1. enerates @ intracellular and

    e3tracellular loops

    b. E3tracellular amino terminus:i. #igand binding site

    c. *ntracellular loops:i. > Protein *nteractionii. Phosphorylation;mediated

    inactivation1. $hen ?rdloop is

    phosphorylated" the receptoris inactivated

    ii. c5P Signaling:1. ey Steps:

    a. !ormone stimulateion causes rapidincrease in c5P

    b. 5denylate cyclase cleaves 5TP togenerate c5P and pyrophosphate

    i. *%%EE%S*B#E stepc. )egradation of c5P by

    phosphodiesterasei. Jields FK;5P

  • 7/25/2019 Cell Signaling Objectives - Sanchez



    Principles of Signal Transduction: Objectives

  • 7/25/2019 Cell Signaling Objectives - Sanchez



    Principles of Signal Transduction: Objectives

  • 7/25/2019 Cell Signaling Objectives - Sanchez



    Principles of Signal Transduction: Objectives

    /. olecules involved:a. c5P" P5 0c5P;dependent protein

    7inase?. #ocation of receptors:

    a. On Plasma membrane

    i. 5lpha chain:1. Binds and hydrolyAes >TP/. 5ctivates adenylate cyclase

    ii. Beta and >amma chains:1. 5nchors alpha chain to the

    cytoplasmic face@. /ndmessenger molecules:

    a. yclic 5P 0c5PF. E&ector EnAymes:

    a. 5denylate cyclase cleaves 5TP togenerate c5P and pyrophosphate

    i. *%%EE%S*B#E stepb. )egradation of c5P by

    phosphodiesterasei. Jields FK;5P

    L. Substrates:iii. aDD8Phosphoinositide Signal Path(ay:

    1. ey Steps:

    /. olecules involved:a. am 0almodulin

    ?. #ocation of receptors:a. Plasma membrane

    i. On they cytosolic face@. /ndmessenger molecules:

    a. )iacylglycerol 0)5>

  • 7/25/2019 Cell Signaling Objectives - Sanchez



    Principles of Signal Transduction: Objectives

    b. *nositol Trisphosphate 0*P?c. aDD *on

    F. E&ector EnAymes:a. # 0phosphorylates myosin" causing

    muscle contraction

    b. itric O3ide Synthase 0OSc. Protein inase 0phosphorylates lots of

    enAymes and proteinsL. Substrates:

    @. Be able to describe the major mechanisms by (hich each signalpath(ays can be inhibited.

    a. Tyrosine inase" Steroid" and #igand;>ated hannels:i. )o(n;regulation of ell Surface %eceptorsii. Prolonged hormone e3posure leads to receptor


    iii.b. >;#in7ed

    i. *nactivation of receptors via phosphorylation:1. Excess hormone

    a. %esults in receptor that can bind

    hormone but not activate > protein/. Phosphorylation of serines and threoninesonintracellular loops

    ?. A-kinase,rst to phosphorylate (hen c5Plevels get too high" follo(ed by BARK

    @. 4ully phosphorylated receptor is furtherbloc7ed from > protein by beta arrestin