Celebrate | Love | Share · Steve Healy: 865-2869, [email protected] Dr. Bob Jackson: 481-8800,...

221 John Paul Ave., Statesboro, GA 30458 | www.saintmahewsparish.com | 912-681-6726 Office Hours: 9:30 am—4:30 pm. Phone: 912-681-6726. Worship Schedule Weekend Masses: Saturday: 5 pm (Span.), Sunday: 8 am, 10:30 am, and 6 pm. Daily Mass: M, T, Th, and F at 12:10 pm; W at 5:30 pm. Confessions Wed: 5—5:25 pm, Sat: 4-5 pm, or by appt. Eucharistic Adoration Adoration Chapel available 24/7— Sunday at 7 pm through Saturday at 3:30 pm —in the Cry Room. Infant Baptisms For information on scheduling baptisms and baptism instruction classes, please contact Helen Almeter at 912-681-6726 ext. 203 or via email at [email protected]. Marriage Preparation Newly engaged couples should contact Fr. Johnson at 912-681-6726 to schedule prepara- tion sessions and a date for the wedding. Religious Education Meets on Sunday from 9 —10:15 am Sept. 8 —May 12 for Grades PreK—12 . Catholic Eagles GSU students: For information on bible studies, events, and retreats contact our FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) Team Director Sarah Talbot at: [email protected]. Parish Registration Welcome to the St. Matthew parish family! To register at St. Matthew parish, please fill out a registration form on the St. Matthew web site: www.saintmatthewsparish.com/about. Forms are also available at the front entrances of the church. Persons interested in being add- ed to the e-newsletter mailing list, please con- tact the parish office at 912-681-6726 or via email: [email protected]. Bulletin Deadline: Monday at noon. St. Matthew Church CELEBRATES the Catholic faith in Jesus Christ by inspiring all to LOVE God and one another and to SHARE the Good News of God's love with others. July 5 2020 Celebrate | Love | Share

Transcript of Celebrate | Love | Share · Steve Healy: 865-2869, [email protected] Dr. Bob Jackson: 481-8800,...

Page 1: Celebrate | Love | Share · Steve Healy: 865-2869, healysj1@gmail.com Dr. Bob Jackson: 481-8800, rjackson@georgiasouthern.edu Ryan Macy: 912-536-2715 Dr. Brian Vlcek: blvlcek@georgiasouthern.edu

221 John Paul Ave., Statesboro, GA 30458 | www.saintmatthewsparish.com | 912-681-6726

Office Hours:

9:30 am—4:30 pm. Phone: 912-681-6726.

Worship Schedule

Weekend Masses: Saturday: 5 pm (Span.), Sunday: 8 am, 10:30 am, and 6 pm.

Daily Mass: M, T, Th, and F at 12:10 pm; W at 5:30 pm.


Wed: 5—5:25 pm, Sat: 4-5 pm, or by appt.

Eucharistic Adoration

Adoration Chapel available 24/7— Sunday at 7 pm through Saturday at 3:30 pm —in the Cry Room.

Infant Baptisms

For information on scheduling baptisms and baptism instruction classes, please contact Helen Almeter at 912-681-6726 ext. 203 or via email at [email protected].

Marriage Preparation

Newly engaged couples should contact Fr. Johnson at 912-681-6726 to schedule prepara-tion sessions and a date for the wedding.

Religious Education

Meets on Sunday from 9 —10:15 am Sept. 8 —May 12 for Grades PreK—12 .

Catholic Eagles

GSU students: For information on bible studies, events, and retreats contact our FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) Team Director Sarah Talbot at: [email protected].

Parish Registration

Welcome to the St. Matthew parish family! To register at St. Matthew parish, please fill out a registration form on the St. Matthew web site: www.saintmatthewsparish.com/about. Forms are also available at the front entrances of the church. Persons interested in being add-ed to the e-newsletter mailing list, please con-tact the parish office at 912-681-6726 or via email: [email protected].

Bulletin Deadline: Monday at noon.

St. Matthew Church CELEBRATES the Catholic faith in Jesus Christ by inspiring all to LOVE God and one another and to SHARE the Good News of God's love with others.




Celebrate | Love | Share

Page 2: Celebrate | Love | Share · Steve Healy: 865-2869, healysj1@gmail.com Dr. Bob Jackson: 481-8800, rjackson@georgiasouthern.edu Ryan Macy: 912-536-2715 Dr. Brian Vlcek: blvlcek@georgiasouthern.edu

Pray for our Sick Names will be kept on the list for four weeks unless the office is notified otherwise. Please pray for: Jim Agnew, Ted Bandoni, Terri Beasly, Bill Bolen, Drew Brandon, Mar-garet Brewer, Orlena Bussie, Karl Collins, Marguerite De-Foe, Jannett Dowdell, Judy Cowning, Margaret Dannacher, Fred Denson, Karen Dwyer, Chris Eaton, Joe & Cassie Gay, Mark Girardeau, Rosemary Girardeau,

David Greene, Martha Grindler, Madelyn Grovenstein, Tom Grov-enstein, Kate Hall, Nola Hammond, Bob Haranda, Jordan Hathaway, Kelly Howard, Mary Harrington, Jon Hart, Mattie James, Miranda John-son, Beth Joyner, Peggy Kearns, Greyson Kennedy, Emily Kerstiens, John Kindig, Elizabeth Koch, Cecilia Krause, Keith Kurchev, Marq Lett, Mae McCain, Selah March, Sarah Mathis, Hugh and Linda McClendon, Janet O’Brien, Cathy Orr, Brooks Padgett, Sande Perrin, Rick and Kathy Poole, Dave Reichard, Denton and Margie Rouse, April Shuman, Dot Sink, Shirley Smith, Elie Stambuk, Steve Steinman, Katherine Strickland, Carolyn Strozzo, Joe Subarton, Joe Sutter, Sullivan family, Connie Tousley, Sharon Tracy, Katharine Welch, Shirley Wilson, Brian Wolnewitz, Jamie Woods, Morgan Wurst, Wurst Family, and their care-givers.

Communion Ministry to the Sick/Homebound If someone needs to be added to the list for Communion Ministry to the Sick/Homebound, please contact Dr. James Stephens at 489-7025.

For those in the Military Trevor Alderman, Alax Baysinger, Audrey Brenden, Cole Carter, Chris-topher Doty, Ryan Erikson, David Liddell, Sean Limbach, Anthony Mul-len, Lexi Murry, Brandon Luke Revenue, Lance Rewis, Matthew Rob-bins, Cody Stevens, Brian Sullivan, Sarah Sullivan, Sean Sullivan, Kev-in Tyler, and James Ziegler.

Weekly Collection June 28, 2020 $3,022.00 Online Giving $2,555.00 Total $5,577.00


This Week at St. Matthew

Please contact your parish representatives with questions, concerns, compliments, or ideas!

Parish Council

Chairperson: Danny Jackson: 912-531-4023 Mary Anderson: 912-682-1147

Leonard Fatica: [email protected] Tony Lescak: [email protected]

Carolyn Lota: [email protected] Eva Mendoza: [email protected]

Amy Perry: 912-314-3840 Dr. James Stephens: 912-489-7025

SSgt. Michael Trevino: [email protected]

Finance Council Eric Pollak, Chairperson: 912-414-6929, [email protected]

Cindy Gantt: 489-1468 Steve Healy: 865-2869, [email protected]

Dr. Bob Jackson: 481-8800, [email protected] Ryan Macy: 912-536-2715

Dr. Brian Vlcek: [email protected] Dr. Mike Wall: 912-531-2559

Date: Activities: Mass Intention:

July 5 Sun.

8 am Mass 10:30 am Mass (Livestream) 6 pm Mass

+Elizabeth Koch +Melchor Barajas

July 6 Mon.

12:10 pm Mass

July 7 Tues.

12:10 pm Mass

July 8 Wed.

5 pm—5:25 pm Confessions 5:30 pm Mass

July 9 Thurs.

12:10 pm Mass

July 10 Fri.

12:10 pm Mass

July 11 Sat.

5 pm Mass

Volunteer Parish Nurse Mary Anderson is a retired registered nurse who shares her knowledge of the local medical community and resources with parishioners that seek or need a medical advocate for themselves or their loved ones. She also conducts blood pressure checks on Hospitality Sundays. She can be reached at 912-682-1147.

The St. Matthew Consolation Ministry Our Mission: To provide a listening ear and a compassion-

ate presence to help others cope with loss. Our Mandate: “Bear each other’s burdens and so fulfill the

Law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2). Contact: Melinda Cannady at 912-681-6726 or

[email protected].

Staff Directory

Fr. John Johnson, Pastor…………[email protected] or 912-681-6726 Fr. Douglas K. Clark (retired-in-residence)..………….……..912-681-6726 Fr. Tom Nellis (retired)…………………………..……[email protected] Deacon Mark Girardeau……..…[email protected] Deacon John O’Malley……………[email protected] Helen Almeter, Pastoral Asst./DRE…………….…..912-681-6726 ext. 203 Melinda Cannady, Parish Administrator……..……….……...912-681-6726 Keegan Ditto, Music Director……...……..……[email protected] Sarah Talbot, FOCUS Team Dir. ……………...…[email protected]

“St. Matthew Catholic Church and Newman Center”

Find the parish Instagram account at: StMatthewStatesboro

Abuse Hotline Number: To report sexual abuse of a minor by

a Diocese of Savannah employee or volunteer, call the abuse hotline number, 888-357-5330, or the Office for the Protection of Children and Young People, 912-201-4074. To read the diocesan policy on sexual abuse of minors, go to www.diosav.org/childyouthprotection.

Page 3: Celebrate | Love | Share · Steve Healy: 865-2869, healysj1@gmail.com Dr. Bob Jackson: 481-8800, rjackson@georgiasouthern.edu Ryan Macy: 912-536-2715 Dr. Brian Vlcek: blvlcek@georgiasouthern.edu

Readings for the week of July 5, 2020 Sun: Zec 9:9-10/Ps 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13-14 [cf. 1]/Rom 8:9, 11-13/Mt 11:25-30 Mon: Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22/Ps 145:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [8a]/Mt 9:18-26 Tues: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13/Ps 115:3-4, 5-6, 7ab-8, 9-10 [9a]/Mt 9:32-38 Wed: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12/Ps 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 [4b]/Mt 10:1-7 Thurs: Hos 11:1-4, 8e-9/Ps 80:2ac and 3b, 15-16 [4b]/Mt 10:7-15 Fri: Hos 14:2-10/Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-13, 14 and 17 [17b]/Mt 10:16-23 Sat: Is 6:1-8/Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2, 5 [1a]/Mt 10:24-33 Next Sun: Is 55:10-11/Ps 65:10, 11, 12-13, 14 [Lk 8:8]/Rom 8:18-23/Mt 13:1-23 or 13:1-9

A Prayer for Justice and Peace O Lord, open our hearts to respect and uplift the dig-nity of every person. Open our eyes to see the injus-tices within church and society. Open our ears to lis-ten and learn from the experiences of people of color. Open our mouths to speak out against prejudice and injustice. We commit ourselves to work for justice and peace, and to pursue a deeper relationship to You, Lord, so that we truly may be the Body of Christ on earth, Your church for the sake of the world; through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Dispensation Continued Fr. Firmin, acting Diocesan Administrator, has extend-ed the general dispensation through July 31, 2020. Catholics in the Diocese of Savannah are dispensed from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass during this time period. As case numbers continue to rise, it is important to keep the health and safety of parishioners as the top priority is to meet the spiritual needs of our flock. Please wear a mask in public and when you at-tend Mass. The 10:30 am Sunday Mass livestream will continue on Facebook.

The flesh is our old self of yesterday and the thing we left behind in baptism. It is the self of doubts and fears, sin and error, reluctance, untamed passion, and errors in judgment. It is also the self of missed opportunities and roads untraveled. Although we were baptized many years ago, eve-ry day is another day to live, not according to the flesh of yesterday with its regrets and misgivings, but rather to live the life of the spirit of today and tomor-row. The burdens of our personal baggage and of life itself can weigh us down. The love of Jesus Christ and the life of the spirit can pick us up, refresh us, and provide us with the hope for new opportunities and discoveries. We have been baptized in Christ, there-fore, we need not be anxious about what we did or did not do yesterday or anxious about what will come to-morrow. We need only to seek out the love that is be-fore us, around us, and in us and learn. — LPI Publi-cations

Meet Ashley Aut!

Hello! My name is

Ashley Aut and I am

excited to start my po-

sition as Director of

Development for Saint

Matthew Catholic

Church and Newman

Center. I graduated this

past May with a Bache-

lor of Marketing degree

from Georgia Southern

University. I have such

a passion for this parish! This is where I became close

with FOCUS missionaries, converted to Catholicism,

and served as President of the student board. I am very

excited to continue serving the students and parishion-

ers here at Saint Matthew!

Condolences Our sympathy is extended to Shelly Lescak and family at the passing of her mother, parishioner +Elizabeth Koch. May she rest forever in the peace of heaven with Jesus.