Cect 649 11kv 2mvar

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Transcript of Cect 649 11kv 2mvar

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar









  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar




    I N$%&'( &)*&%&)+ &. 4-6

    II S&()% F(%(. $ %( !& 5

    III G()( T(. ) C$)&%&$). O C$)%'% 7-32

    I S'(( $ M%(&. 33

    L&.% $ L$'%&$). $ S88, E('%&$) )

    C$&..&$)&)+ $ C8'&%$ !):. 34-3;

    I T(')&' S8('& !& F$ ?FORM-I> 94

    2> P($)'( S('&% F$ ?FORM-II> 9;3> C$)%'% F$ ?FORM-III> 96-95

    4> M)'%(.@ A%$&%&$) F$ ?FORM-I> 97

    ;> D(%&. %$ ( )&.( %( M)'%( ?FORM-> 99

    6> P($)'( S%%(()% ?FORM-I> 100

    5> S'(( $ (*&%&$). ?T(')&' B C$('&>?FORM-II> 101

    7> D('%&$) %$ ( +&*() %( '$8) &) (+ %$ 102 R(%&$) %$ %( 8$$%(. $ !':&.%(/D((

    C$8)&(. %&&%&(. ?FORM-III>


    1.Payment terms, Delivery period, Performance Bank Guarantee, Taxes andDuties should e in line !ith the terms and conditions of the speci"cation. #fany idder does not meet any one of the conditions, such tender !ill not econsidered. Please note that the conditional o$ers are also not considered.%ence the idder shall sumit the tender in line !ith the terms and conditions ofthe speci"cation.

    &. The idders shall check the !esite #8'()%8$(#'$ and#(8$'(()%#+$*#&)for amendments, if any, upto one day prior to the

    date of tender openin'. The amendments shall e indin' on the idders.

    P$)(. 040 - 2343103;, 23431026F N$ 040 23431034



  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    CENTRAL POWER DISTRI!UTION COMPANY OF A#P# LTD#(th)oor, *orporate +ce, -int *ompound, %yderaad /(.

    (-P$'(()% T()( N$%&'( ?P8( N$%& 7elays 2#D-T !ith %i'h

    set3 10 ? @0 2-ultiple 4econdary *urrent +ption3 2:3 1156 >eeder *Ts of ratio (//A&//;1A10,

    /.& *lass eAprocurement platform.

    >or further details re'ardin' detailed tender noti"cation, speci"cation, please visit

    !!!.apcentralpo!er.com ? !!!.eprocurement.'ov.in.

    Phone &:(:1/&C>ax /(/A&:(:1/:(.

    4d;A 2-.6=950T=43

    *%#=> G=9=70 -090G=72P?--3

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    ONLINE ERSIONT()( N$%&'( N$CECT-649/2013

    N$%&'( I)*&%&)+ T()( D(%&.S#N$


    1 Department 9ame *PD* of 0P td.& +ce Purchases ? -aterial -ana'ement Ein', *orporate +ce,

    *PD* of 0P td: Tender 9umer CECT-649/2013( Tender 4uFect 4upply, erection and commissionin' of 4!itched type

    1156 &-607 *apacitor anks alon' !ith associatede8uipment of various types.134ustations re8uirin' #ndoor reaker and adapter paneland s!itched capacitor ank to e installed on roof2A>&3 4ustations re8uirin' #ndoor reaker and adapter paneland s!itched capacitor ank to e installed in ard2!>:3 4ustations re8uirin' +utdoor reaker and s!itched

    capacitor ank to e installed in ard?C>(3 4ustations havin' #ndoor reaker and adapter paneland s!itched capacitor ank to e installed on roof?D>@3 4ustations havin' #ndoor reaker and adapter paneland s!itched capacitor ank to e installed in ard 2E>#

    @ Delivery 4chedule The material to e dispatched directly to the destinations.4upplies includin' erection and commissionin' !ork atdestinations shall e completed !ithin "ve months fromthe date of issue of purchase order or date of issue ofDra!in' approval !hichever is later suFect to thefollo!in' condition.The Dra!in's to e sumitted !ithin &/ days from the

    date of receipt of etter of #ntent. #f, any remarks are to eattended in the dra!in's sumitted, the revised dra!in'sto e sumitted !ithin three !orkin' days on receipt ofremarks throu'h fax or eAmail

    C Tender Type +penH Tender *ate'ory 90I Bid 4ecurity 2#973 2i3 &J of the =xA!orks 8uoted value 2or3

    2ii3 =xemption letter of Bid 4ecurity in case of Govt. "rms.K Bid 4ecurity Payale to #n the form of DD in favour of Pay +cer;0P*PD*;%yd1/ Processin' >ee 2#973 9#11 Transaction >ee Transaction fee 0ll the participatin' idders !ho sumit

    the ids have to pay an amount L /./:J of their "nal id

    value online !ith a cap of 7s. 1/,///;A for 8uoted value ofpurchase upto 7s.@/ crores and 7s.&@///;A if the purchasevalue is aove 7s.@/ crores ? service tax applicale L1&.:CJ as levied y Govt. of #ndia on transaction feethrou'h online in favour of APTSThe amount payale toAPTS is non refundale.*orpus >und 4uccessful idder has to pay an amount of/./(J on 8uoted value throu'h demand draft in favour of-ana'in' Director, 0PT4, %yderaad to!ards corpus fundat the time of concludin' a'reement.

    1& Transaction >ee Payale to APTS, %yderaad1: Date ? time of preAid meetin' !ith


    20-07-2013 % 12#00 H.#

    1( 4chedule 4ale openin' date /IA/IA&/1: from 1(// %rs

    1@ 4chedule 4ale closin' Date /KA/KA&/1: pto 1H// %rs.1C Bid 4umission *losin' Date ? time 10-09-2013 U8%$ 1200 H.

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    1H Bid sumission +n ine


    PreAMuali"cation? Technical Bid+penin' Date 2Muali"cation and=li'iility 4ta'e and Technical Bid4ta'e3

    10-09-2013 % 1;00 H.#

    1KPrice Bid +penin' Date2>inancial Bid 4ta'e3 1IA/KA&/1: at 1&// %rs

    &/ Place of Tender +penin'

    +;o *hief General -ana'er;P?--*PD* +f 0P td., (th>loor,*orporate +ce, -int *ompound,%yderaad @// //(.

    &1 +cer #nvitin' Bids; *ontact Person *hief General -ana'er;P?--;0P*PD*;%D=70B0D

    && 0ddress;=Amail id

    +;o. *hief General -ana'er;P?-- *PD* +f 0P td., (th >loor, *orporate +ce,

    -int *ompound, %yderaad @// //( c'mpmmLapcentralpo!er.com.

    &: *ontact Details;Telephone, >ax Ph. 9o. /(/A&:(:1/:@, &:(:1/&C, >ax 9o. /(/A&:(:1/:(&( =li'iility *riteria 0s per 4ection 6#&@ Procedure for Bid 4umission !&. . ( .&%%( $)&)( $)

    #(8$'(()%#+$*#&)8%$1. The participatin' idders in the tender should

    re'ister themselves free of cost on eAprocurementplatform in the !esite#(8$'(()%#+$*#&).

    &. Bidders can lo'Ain to eAprocurement platform insecure mode only y si'nin' !ith the Di'italcerti"cates.

    :. The idders !ho are desirous of participatin' in eAprocurement shall sumit their technical ids,price ids as per the standard formats availale atthe eAmarket place.

    (. The idders should scan and upload the follo!in'documents in support of technical ids. The iddersshall si'n on all the statements, documentscerti"cates uploaded y him, o!nin' responsiilityfor their correctness;authenticity

    a3 Bid 4ecurity should e furnishedi3#n the form of DD in favour ofPay +cer;0P*PD*;%yderaad

    2or 3 ii3 #f exempted 'ive details of Bid 4ecurity =xemption in case of Govt. "rms.

    3 4ales Tax *learance *erti"cate >or the >inancial year &/1&A1:.c3 >inancial Turnover certi"ed y *0 for last @ yearsd3 Details of previous supplies alon' !ith purchase orderand delivery challan copies for (/J 8uali"cationre8uirement as per tender document.e3 Performance '(%&

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    i3 Duly "lled and si'ned proforma as per >ormatA6.F3 Transaction fee payale to APTS@. The rates should e 8uoted in online onlyC. 0fter uploadin' the documents the copies of theuploaded statement, certi"cates, documents, ori'inalDemand Drafts in respect of Bid 4ecurity 2except the Priceid;o$er;reakAup of taxes3 are to e sumitted y theidder to the *hief General -ana'er;P?--;0P*PD* so asto reach efore the date and time of openin' of thetechnical id. >ailure to furnish any of the uploadeddocuments, certi"cates, efore the date and time ofopenin' of technical id !ill entail in reFection of the id.The Department shall not hold any risk on account ofpostal delay. 4imilarly, if any of the certi"cates, documents,etc., furnished y the tenderer are found to efalse;faricated;o'us, the idder !ill e dis8uali"ed,lacklisted, action !ill e initiated as deemed "t and theBid 4ecurity !ill e forfeited.

    H. The department !ill not hold any risk and responsiilityre'ulatin' nonAvisiility of the scanned and uploadeddocuments.

    I. The Documents that are uploaded online on eAmarketplace !ill only e considered for Technical Bid =valuation.

    K. #mportant 9otice to *ontractors, 4uppliers andDepartment users

    2i3 #n the endeavor to rin' total automation ofprocesses in

    eAProcurement, the Govt. has issued orders videG.+.-s.9o. 1: dated. @.H.&//C permittin' inte'rationof electronic Payment Gate!ay of #*#*#;%D>* Banks!ith

    eAProcurement platform, !hich provides a facility toparticipatin' suppliers; contractors to electronicallypay the transaction fee online usin' their credit cards.

    &C7i'hts reserved !ith theDepartment

    0P*PD* reserves the ri'ht to accept or reFect any or all ofthe tenders received !ithout assi'nin' any reasonstherefore. The 0P*PD* also reserves the ri'ht to split thetender and place orders on more than one tenderer at its

    discretion&H General Terms and *onditions 0s per tender documents.

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar





    4peci"cation 9o CECT-649/2013-aterial S88, (('%&$) ) '$&..&$)&)+ $

    S&%'( %8( 11K 2MAR C8'&%$ !):.$)+ &% ..$'&%( (=&8()% $ *&$.%8(.

    +cer to !hom the id !ill e addressed 4uperscription on the id cover andthe outer envelope

    # 4peci"cation 9o. CECT-649//2013# Due date and time for online sumission 10-09-2013 8%$

    12#00.'# Date and time of online openin' 10-09-2013 % 1;#00

    .# Payment of id security

    i3 #f paid 'ive details DD 9o.NNNNNDt.NNN for 7s.NNNNNN

    ii3 #f exempted 'ive detailse. Ehether K/ days validity o$ered OOO2yes;no3.

    f. Ehether id is made acceptin' payment terms *lauseO.2yes;no3.'. Ehether delivery is as per delivery schedule indicatedO.2yes;no3h Ehether the samples 2if speci"ed3 has een enclosed;sentO2yes;no3i. Ehether the 8uotation is in t!o parts O. 2es;no3

    *ontent of Biddin' DocumentsT( %(&./(=&8()% (=&(, &&)+ 8$'((., ) '$)%'%%(. ( 8(.'&( &) %( &&)+ $'()%. . &.%( ($

    a. 9otice #nvitin' Bids.. 4alient feature of the contract.c. 4tandard General terms and conditions of

    contract.d. 4tandard Technical speci"cation and

    dra!in's !herever necessary.e. Muali"cation 7e8uirements.f. 4chedule of materials 2delivery 4chedule3

    40-P= >+7-4.'. Bid >ormh. Performance 4ecurity >orm20pplicale for successful idder3i. *ontract >orm20pplicale for successful idder3F. -anufacturers 0uthoriQation formk. Performance 4tatementl. Details to e furnished y the -anufacturer2>ormatA63

    m. 4chedule of Deviations 2Technical ? *ommercial3

    The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and technicalspeci"cations in the iddin' documents. >ailure to furnish all information re8uired y theiddin' documents or to sumit a id not sustantially responsive to the iddin' documentsin every respect !ill e at BidderRs risk and may result in the reFection of its id.

    Deviations from standard iddin' documenti3 General terms and *ondition of *ontractii3 Technical

    The aove deviations supercede the existin' terms of G** and Technical4peci"cation



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    T( $ C.(.A I)%$'%&$) 1/1 De"nitions 1/

    & 0pplicaility 1/: 2a3 4tandards 1/: 23 #nterchan'eaility 1/( 4cope of Eork 11@ =li'ile Bidders 11! T( !&&)+ D$'()%. 11C *ontents of Biddin' Document 11H *lari"cation of Biddin' Documents 11I 0mendment to Biddin' Documents 11C P(8%&$) $ !&. 1&K an'ua'e of the Bid 1&1/ *ost 0ssociated !ith Biddin' 1&

    11 Documents *onstitutin' the Bid 1&1& Bid >orm 1&1: Bid Prices 1&A1:1( Taxes ? Duties 1:1@ 4tatutory 6ariations 1:1C Bid *urrencies 1:1H Muantity to Muote 1:1I Documents =stalishin' Bidders =li'iility and Muali"cations 1: A1(1K Bid 4ecurity 1( A1@&/ Period of 6alidity of Bids 1@&1 Tax *learance *erti"cate 1@&& 4ervice *ondition 1@A1C

    &: >ormat and 4i'nin' of Bids 1CD S&..&$) $ !&. 1C&( 4ealin' and -arkin' of Bids 1CA1H&@ Deadline for 4umission of Bids 1H&C ate Bids 1HA1IE O8()&)+ ) E*%&$) $ !&. 1I&K +penin' of Bids y the Purchaser 1I&I *lari"cation of Bids 1I&K Preliminary =xamination 1IA1K:/ =valuation and *omparison of Bids 1KA&1:1 *ontactin' the Purchaser &1F A $ C$)%'% &1

    :& Post Muali"cation &1:: 0!ard *riteria &1A&&:( PurchaserRs 7i'ht to 6ary Muantities at Time of 0!ard &&:@ PurchaserRs 7i'ht to accept any Bid? to reFect any or all ids &&:C 9oti"cation of 0!ard &&:H 4i'nin' of *ontract &&:I Performance 4ecurity &::K *orrupt or >raudulent Practices &:(/ se of *ontract Documents and #nformation &((1 Patent 7i'hts &(

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    (& Places ; ocations &((: Delivery &((( #nspection and Tests &(A&@(@ 9ame Plate &@(C Packin' &@A&C(H Delivery Documents &C(I #nsurance &CA&H(K Transportation &H@/ #ncidental 4ervices &H@1 4pare Parts &H@& Earranty &I@: Payment &IA&K@( Prices &K@@ *han'e +rders &K@C *ontract 0mendments &K@H 0ssi'nment &K@I Delays in 4uppliers Performance &KA:/@K Penalty for delay in supplies :/C/ 7isk Purchase :/C1 Termination for Default :/C& Termination for #nsolvency :1C: Termination for *onvenience :1C( >orce -aFeure :1C@ 4ettlement of Disputes :1A:&CC Surisdiction :&CH 9otices :&CI >orei'n =xchan'es :&

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar




    A# I)%$'%&$)

    1# D(orm si'ned y the Parties,includin' all attachments and appendices thereto and all documentsincorporated y reference therein.

    23 The *ontract Price means the price payale to the 4upplier under the*ontract for the full and proper performance of its contractual oli'ations.

    2c3 The -aterials ; e8uipment means all of the e8uipment, machinery, and;or

    other materials !hich the 4upplier is re8uired to supply to the Purchaserunder the *ontract.

    2d3 The 4ervices means those services ancillary to the supply of the -aterials;e8uipment, such as transportation and insurance, and any other incidental4ervices, such as installation, commissionin', provision of technicalassistance, trainin', and other such oli'ations of the 4upplier covered underthe *ontract.

    2e3 G** means the General Terms and *onditions of *ontract contained in thesection.

    2f3 The Purchaser means the or'aniQation purchasin' the -aterials ;


    2'3 6endor is a supplier !ho has re'istered !ith the purchaser for supply ofmaterials;e8uipment.

    2h3 The 4upplier means the "rm supplyin' the -aterials;e8uipment and4ervices under this *ontract.

    2i3 Day means calendar day.

    2# A88&'&&%

    These General *onditions of contract !ill apply to the extent that they are not

    superseded y provisions of 4alient features of the Bid.

    3?> S%).

    T( M%(&./(=&8()% .88&( )( %&. C$)%'% & '$)$ %$%( S%). ()%&$)( &) %( T(')&' .8('& I)%(')+(&&%

    0ll similar materials and removale parts of similar e8uipment !ill einterchan'eale !ith each other. 0 speci"c con"rmation of this should e furnishedin the id.

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    4# S'$8( $ W$:

    This speci"cation covers desi'nmanufacture, testin' and delivery includin' erectionand commissionin' at destination locations >0D4 2>ree at destination locations3 ofthe materials descried at 4ection #6 and Technical 4peci"cation 4ection 6.

    ;# E&+&( !&(.

    The -anufacturers !ho have re'istered themselves !ith department of industries of4tate;*entral Govt. !ith full manufacturin' and testin' facilities for supply of thematerial;e8uipment listed in 4ection 9o. #6, of Bid speci"cation.


    6# C$)%()%. $ !&&)+ D$'()%

    C.1 The -aterials ; e8uipment re8uired, iddin' procedures, and contract terms areprescried in the iddin' documents as listed elo!

    1. 9otice #nvitin' Bid

    &. Technical 4peci"cations:. 4chedule of -aterials 2Delivery 4chedule3(. Bid >orm and Price 4chedules2online only3@. 4alient >eatures of the BidC. General Terms and *onditions of *ontractH. Muali"cation 7e8uirementsI. Bid 4ecurityK. Performance 4ecurity >orm1/. 4chedule of Deviations

    C.& The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and Technicalspeci"cations in the iddin' documents. >ailure to furnish all information re8uired ythe iddin' documents or to sumit a id not responsive to the iddin' documents

    in every respect !ill e at BidderRs risk and may result in the reFection of its id.

    5# C&

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    The id prepared y the Bidder includin' all correspondence and documents relatin'to the id exchan'ed y the Bidder and the Purchaser, !ill e in =n'lish.

    10# C$.% A..$'&%( &% !&&)+

    The Bidder !ill ear all costs associated !ith the preparation and sumission of its

    id, and the Purchaser, !ill in no case e responsile or liale for those costs,re'ardless of the conduct or outcome of the iddin' process.

    11# D$'()%. C$).%&%%&)+ %( !&

    The id prepared y the Bidder !ill comprise the follo!in' components

    i. Bid 4ecurity in accordance !ith *lause 9o.1K.ii. 0 Bid >orm and appropriate Price 4chedule 2$)&)(3 completed in

    accordance !ith *lause 9o.1& and 1:.iii. Documentary evidence estalishin' in accordance !ith *lause 9o.1I that

    the Bidder is eli'ile to id and is 8uali"ed to perform the contract if itsid is accepted.

    iv. Documentary evidence estalishin' that the -aterials ; e8uipment andancillary services to e supplied y the Bidder are as per the Technicalspeci"cation of the iddin' documentsU and

    v. Tax clearance certi"catevi. 4chedule of Deviations

    a) Technicalb) *ommercial

    0ll the 4chedules !ill e duly "lled ut not necessary in the sheets attached to thespeci"cation unless full details re8uired in the schedules are furnished the Bids !ille liale for reFection.

    12# !& F$

    The Bidder !ill complete the Bid form and the appropriate Price 4chedule ?$)&)(>furnished in the iddin' documents, indicatin' the -aterials ; e8uipment to esupplied, a rief description of the -aterials ; e8uipment, 8uantity and prices.

    13# !& P&'(.

    1:.1 The prices 8uoted shall e FIRM. Bids !ill e called for !ith prices >0D4 inclusive ofpackin' and for!ardin' =.D, =ducation *ess, 0P60T;*4T and other le'allypermissile duties and levies !herever applicale, handlin' char'es to cover thetransport y road from destination rail!ay station to site;stores and insurance2transit and stora'e at site for (@ days3.

    1:.& =ven thou'h composite price is 'iven the reakAup for all the duties, taxes, frei'ht,insurance, packin' and for!ardin' etc., shall e furnished.

    1:.: #t is the responsiility of the Bidder to inform himself of the correct rates of dutiesand taxes leviale on the materials at the time of iddin'.

    1:.( The proforma credit availale to the idder on the purchases of inputs 2ra!materials3 conse8uent to the introduction of -+D60T 4cheme may e taken intoaccount !hile 8uotin' the prices.

    1:.@ The Bidder shall indicate on the appropriate Price 4chedule 2online sumission3 theunit prices 2!here applicale3 and total id price of the -aterials ; e8uipment it

    proposes to supply under the contract.

    Prices indicated on the price schedule 2online3 shall e entered separately in thefollo!in' manner.

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    The price of the -aterials;e8uipment 8uoted =VE+754 and all excise and otherduties and sales and other taxes payale on the "nished -aterials ; e8uipment !ithindividual reakup for Taxes and Duties, packin' and for!ardin', frei'ht andinsurance etc.

    14# T(. ) D%&(.

    14#1 A &( & ( ()%&( (.8$).&( $ =$%&)+ %( '$('% %(. )%&(., $%( $' %(. $ (*&(. & ), &'().( ((., (%'#, ( . %$ &)')%& '$8(%&$) $ %( '$)%'%# F$ %( 88$.( $ (*%&$) %( &(.$ '( &)&'%( %( E'&.( D%, S(. %/AT ) ) $%( (*&(.8(# F&( %$ )&. .' (%&. (. %$ $&)+ . &)&'%( &) %((*%&$) '&%(

    1(.& #f the rates of statutory levies assumed y the Bidder are less than the actual ratesprevailin' at the time of iddin', the Purchaser !ill not e responsile for sucherrors. #f the rates of statutory levies assumed y the Bidder are later proved to ehi'her than the actual;correct rates prevailin' at the time of iddin', the di$erence!ill e passed on to the credit of the Purchaser.

    1(.:. Deemed =xport Bene"ts This is not applicale for local purchases !ith 0P*PD*funds.

    1;# S%%%$ &%&$).0ny variation up or do!n in statutory levy or ne! levies introduced after si'nin' ofthe contract under this speci"cation ? !ithin the delivery schedule !ill e to theaccount of 0P*PD*. #n cases !here delivery schedule is not adhered to y thesupplier and there are up!ard variation ; revision after the a'reed delivered date thesupplier !ill ear the impact of such levies and if there is do!n!ard variation ;revision the 0P*PD* !ill e 'iven credit to that extent.

    #n case of 4uAvendor items Taxes ? duties are inclusive in tender price. 9o statutoryvariation is applicale. >urther price variations in respect of 4uAvendor items !ill econsidered on the tender prices.

    This is allo!ed only once durin' delivery period i.e at the items of delivery of 'oodsat factory.

    16# !& C()'&(.

    Prices shall e 8uoted in #ndian 7upeesU and !ill e paid in #ndian 7upees +nly.

    15# ")%&% %$ =$%(

    Bidder shall 8uote a minimum 8uantity of at least &/J of the total 8uantity per itemindicated in the id 4peci"cation. +$ers less than the minimum prescried are lialefor reFection.

    17# D$'()%. E.%&.&)+ !&(. E&+&&&% ) "&

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    material in 8uestion made so far to 0P*PD* durin' the last @ years andother reputed utilities.

    1I.1 Documents =stalishin' -aterials;e8uipment *onformity to Biddin' Documents. TheBidder shall furnish as part of its id, documents estalishin' conformity to theiddin' documents of all -aterials ; e8uipment and services, !hich the Bidderproposes to supply under the *ontract.

    The documentary evidence of conformity of the -aterials ; e8uipment and theservices to iddin' documents may e in the form of literature, dra!in's, and data,and !ill consist of

    2a3 0 detailed description of the essential technical and performance characteristicsof the -aterials ; e8uipmentU

    23 The idder should speci"cally mention aout furnishin' the test certi"cates anda specimen form of test certi"cate should e furnished alon' !ith the id.

    2c3 0 list 'ivin' full particulars, includin' availale sources and current prices ofspare parts, special tools etc., necessary for the proper and continuin'functionin' of the -aterials ; e8uipment follo!in' commencement of the use ofthe -aterials ; e8uipment y the PurchaserU and

    2d3 0n itemAyAitem commentary on the PurchaserRs Technical 4peci"cationsdemonstratin' sustantial responsiveAness of the -aterials ; e8uipment andservices to those speci"cations, or a statement of deviations and exceptions tothe provisions of the Technical 4peci"cations.

    F$ 88$.(. $ %( '$()% %$ ( )&.( 8.)% %$ $*(, %( !&(& )$%( %% .%). $ $:).&8, %(&, ) (=&8()%, . ( .((()'(. %$ ) )(. $ '%$+( )(. (.&+)%( %( P'.(&) &%. T(')&' S8('&ax ; photocopies of the idsecurity !ill not e accepted and !ill e reFected.

    1K.& The fact of havin' enclosed id security y DD alon' !ith the id should e clearlysuper scried on the id envelope.

    1K.: 4umission of B#D 4=*7#T y !ay of Bank 'uarantee, che8ue, cash, money order,call deposit !ill not e accepted and !ill e considered as dis8uali"cation.

    1K.( Payment of B#D 4=*7#T !ill e !aived at the discretion of the 0P*PD* in thecase of fully o!ned Government undertakin' of the *entral or 4tate Government.4uch undertakin's should immediately apply and otain exemption eforesumittin' their Bids. They need only refer to the details of such exemption in theirBids. =xemption accorded y any or'aniQation other than 0P*PD* !ill not econsidered.

    19#; R(=(.%. $ ((8%&$) $ 8()% $ !ID SECURITY & )$% (()%(%&)( &) ) $%( '.(#

    19#6 A) & )$% .('( . $*( & ( (('%( %( 8'.(#

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    1K.H nsuccessful BiddersR Bid 4ecurity !ill e dischar'ed or returned as promptly aspossile ut not later than thirty 2:/3 days after the expiry of the period of idvalidity prescried y the Purchaser.

    1K.I The successful BidderRs Bid 4ecurity !ill e dischar'ed upon the Bidder si'nin' thecontract.

    19#9 T( !& S('&% ( $(&%(

    ?> I !&(

    i. Eithdra!s its id or alters its prices durin' the period of idvalidity speci"ed y the Bidder on the Bid >orm, or

    ii. Does not accept the correction of errors pursuant to *lause9o.:/.&U or

    iii. +$ers post Bid reates, revisions or deviations in 8uoted pricesand ; or conditions or any such o$ers !hich !ill 'ive a ene"t to theBidder over others !ill not only e reFected outri'ht ut the ori'inal Biditself !ill 'et dis8uali"ed on this account and the Bidders B#D 4=*7#T!ill e forfeited.

    ?> I) %( '.( $ .''(.. !&(, & %( !&( &.

    i. To si'n the contract in accordance !ith *lause 9o.:H.ii. To furnish performance security in accordance !ith *lause 9o.:I.

    1K.1/ #n cases !here the Bid *over *ontains superscription of havin' furnished Bid4ecurity y !ay of DD ut if the same is not found !ithin, such Bids !ill e reFectedand idder !ill run the risk of ein' anned.

    20# P(&$ $ &&% $ !&.#

    &/.1 Bids shall remain valid for the period of 9inety 2K/3 days from the date of idopenin' prescried y the Purchaser. 0 id valid for a shorter period !ill e reFected.

    The idders should clearly super scrie on the sealed envelopes of the ids aoutthe validity. Bids not containin' superscription of validity !ill e reFected andreturned unopened.

    &/.& #n exceptional circumstances, the Purchaser may solicit the BidderRs consent to anextension of the period of validity. The re8uest and the responses there to !ill emade in !ritin' 2or y cale3. The Bid 4ecurity provided under *lause 9o.1K !illalso e suitaly extended. 0 Bidder may refuse the re8uest !ithout forfeitin' its Bid4ecurity.

    21# T C()'( C(%&

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    2a3 -aximum amient air temperature 2in shade3 (@/ *23 -aximum amient air temperature 2under sun3 @// *2c3 -aximum daily avera'e amient air temperature :@/ *2d3 -aximum yearly avera'e amient air temperature :// *2e3 -aximum humidity 1//J2f3 0ltitude aove -.4.. p to 1///-

    2'3 0vera'e 9o. of thunder storm days per annum @/ 2h3 0vera'e 9o. of dust storm days per annum +ccasional

    2i3 0vera'e 9o. of rainy days ; annum K/2F3 0vera'e 0nnual 7ain fall K&@mm2k3 9ormal tropical monsoon period ( months2l3 -aximum !ind pressure 1@/ k';48.-.

    &&.& Due consideration !ill e 'iven to any special devices or attachments put for!ardy the Bidder !hich are calculated to enhance the 'eneral utility and the safe andecient operation of the e8uipment ; materials.

    23# F$% ) S&+)&)+ $ !

    &:.1 The id shall e typed and shall e si'ned y the Bidder or a person or persons dulyauthoriQed to ind the Bidder to the contract. The person or persons si'nin' the id& &)&%& 8+(. $ %( &, except for printed literature.

    &:.& 0ny interlineations, erasures, or over!ritin' !ill e valid only if they are initialed ythe person or persons si'nin' the id.

    D# S&..&$) $ !&.

    24# S&..&$), S(&)+ ) M:&)+ $ !&.#

    24#1 T( %()((. ( (=&( %$ .&% %(& &. &) %$ 8%. . )(

    ?&> P%-I !& S('&%, T(')&' !& B "&

    ?&&> T( P%-I $ %()( .$ ( )&.( &) .(( '$*(.8(.'&&)+ %()( ()=& )(, )( $ %(&, )( $%( &( ) %( $ %()( $8()&)+

    ?&&&> P%-I $ %( & & ( $8()( $) %( ( %( $ %()( $8()&)+#

    I) '.( %( &(. *( (() +)%( !& S('&% ((8%&$)?'.(-19>, $'()% (*&()'( $ %( .( .% ( )&.(#T(

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    2a3 Bid =n8uiry 9o.23 Due date and time for online sumission.2c3 Payment of Bid 4ecurity

    2i3 #f paid, 'ive details D.D. 9o. Date2ii3 #f not paid or exempted, 'ive details.

    2d3 Ehether K/ days validity o$eredOOO.=4 ; 9+2e3 Ehether the 8uotation is made acceptin' Payment terms clause O.

    =4;9+2f3 Ehether the delivery is as per delivery schedule indicatedO. =4;9+2'3 Ehether the samples 2if speci"ed3 has een enclosed; sentO=4;9+2h3 Ehether the id is 8uoted in t!o parts 2clause &(.13O. 2=4;9+3

    &(.@ Bids not super scried as aove are liale to e reFected.

    &(.C The Bidder shall invarialy complete the Bid in full. Details to e furnished y theidder and 4chedule of Prices 2+nAline only3 attached to the speci"cation andenclose the same to the id !ithout fail.

    &(.H The ids shall e in ound volumes 2Eith the documents in the volume notdetachale3. 0ll pa'es of the id except inAamended printed literature shall einitialed y the person;persons si'nin' the id. The pa'e numer shall e referred in#ndex. 0ll pa'es includin' literature, type test reports of the id shall e numeredand the pa'e numers shall e continuous. 4oft copy of the technical and desi'ns!ith dra!in's shall e 'iven in >loppy disc; *D also. 4ummary sheet in the 'ivenformat on the top of the id duly si'ned and sealed y the idder.

    &(.I The time of actual receipt in the oce only !ill count for the acceptance of the idand either the date of id, date stamp of post oce or date stamp of any otheroce !ill not count. The 0P*PD* !ill not e responsile for any postal or any othertransit delays.

    &(.K Tele'raphic 8uotations !ill not e entertained under any circumstances.*lari"cation, ampli"cations, and ; or any other correspondence from the Biddersuse8uent to the openin' of id !ill not e entertained. The Bidders are advised toensure that their ids are sent in complete shape at the "rst instance itself.

    &(.1/ The envelope shall also indicate the name and address of the Bidder to enale theid to e returned unopened in case it is declared late.

    &(.11 #f the envelope is not sealed and marked as re8uired aove, the Purchaser !illassume no responsiility for the idRs misplacement or premature openin'.

    2;# D(&)( $ S&..&$) $ !&.#

    &@.1 Bids to'ether !ith modi"cations if any, or other !ithdra!als must e received ythe Purchaser not later than the deadline for sumission of ids speci"ed in the4alient features of the Bid#

    &@.& The Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for the sumission of idsy amendin' the iddin' documents in !hich case all ri'hts and oli'ations of thePurchaser and Bidders previously suFect to the deadline !ill thereafter e suFect tothe deadline as extended.

    26# L%( !&.

    &C.1 0ny id received y the Purchaser after the deadline for sumission of idsprescried y the Purchaser !ill e reFected and returned unopened to the Bidder.

    &C.& -odi"cation and Eithdra!al of Bids.

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    The Bidder may modify or !ithdra! its id after the idRs sumission, provided that!ritten notice of the modi"cation, includin' sustitution or !ithdra!al of the ids, isreceived y the Purchaser prior to the deadline prescried for sumission of ids.

    The BidderRs modi"cation or !ithdra!al notice !ill e prepared, sealed, marked, anddispatched. 0 !ithdra!al notice may also e sent y cale, ut follo!ed y a si'ned

    con"rmation copy, postmarked not later than the deadline for sumission of ids. 9oid may e modi"ed after the deadline for sumission of ids.9o id may e !ithdra!n in the interval et!een the deadline for sumission of idsand the expiration of the period of id validity speci"ed. Eithdra!al of a id durin'this interval may result in the forfeiture of its Bid 4ecurity.

    E# O8()&)+ ) E*%&$) $ !&.

    25# O8()&)+ $ !&. %( P'.(

    &H.1 The Purchaser !ill open all ids meetin' aove criteria at the time, on the date, andat the place speci"ed.

    &H.& The BiddersR names, id modi"cations or !ithdra!als, discounts and the presence or

    asence of re8uisite Bid 4ecurity and such other details as the Purchaser, at itsdiscretion, may consider appropriate, !ill e announced at the openin'.

    &H.: Bids that are not opened at id openin' !ill not e considered further for evaluation,irrespective of the circumstances.

    27# C&or purposes of these *lauses,a sustantially responsive id is one, !hich conforms to all the terms and conditionsof the iddin' documents !ithout material deviations. Deviations from, or oFectionsor reservations to critical provisions, such as those concernin' Bid 4ecurity, and Taxesand Duties !ill e deemed to e a material deviation. The PurchaserRs determinationof a idRs responsiveness is to e ased on the contents of the id itself !ithoutrecourse to extrinsic evidence.

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    &K.@ #f a id is not sustantially responsive, it !ill e reFected y the Purchaser and maynot suse8uently e made responsive y the Bidder y correction of thenonconformity.

    30# E*%&$) ) C$8&.$) $ !&.#

    :/.1 The Purchaser !ill evaluate and compare the ids, !hich have een determined toe 4ustantially responsive.

    :/.& The PurchaserRs evaluation of a id !ill take into consideration one or more of thefollo!in' factors

    0ll the ids, !hich are opened, and considered for evaluation !ill e checked for8uali"cation re8uirements in respect of technical and commercial aspects. 4uch ofthe ids, !hich do not meet the 8uali"cation re8uirements, !ill not e evaluatedfurther. The id is to e checked for its conformity to the technical speci"cation. #f itdoes not meet the technical speci"cation, the Bid !ill not e evaluated further.%o!ever, if in the opinion of the purchaser the idder has o$ered e8uipment ;material etter than the technical speci"cation the same may e considered. Theid may e reFected for the follo!in' reasons

    1. 9ot in the prescried form&. #nsucient id security or id not accompanied y the re8uired id security

    or exemption.:. Bids not properly si'ned(. The idder is a vendor !ho is anned from further usiness transactions and

    the period of an is still in force.@. Bid received after the due date and timeC. The id is throu'h tele'ram or fax

    >urther, the purchaser may en8uire from the idder in !ritin' for any clari"cation ofthe id. The response of the idder !ill also e in !ritin'. %o!ever no chan'e in the

    prices or sustance of the id !ill e sou'ht, o$ered or permitted.

    Bids !ill e examined for completeness and for any computational errors.

    0rithmetical errors !ill e recti"ed on the follo!in' asis.

    o Ehere there is a discrepancy et!een the unit price and total price, the unitprice !ill prevail and the total price !ill e corrected accordin'ly.

    o Ehere there is a discrepancy et!een !ords and "'ures, the amount in!ords !ill prevail.

    o >ailure on the part of the idder to a'ree to the aove corrections !ill resultin reFection of his o$er and forfeiture of his id security.

    #t !ill e ensured that the re8uired sureties have een furnished and that thedocuments have een properly si'ned.

    The purchaserRs evaluation of a id !ill take into consideration one or more of thefollo!in' factors

    2a3 Delivery schedule o$ered in the id.

    23 Deviations in payment schedule from that speci"ed in the 'eneral terms andconditions of the contract and technical deviations.

    2c3 The cost of components, mandatory spare parts, and serviceU

    2d3 The availaility of spare parts and afterAsales services for the e8uipmento$ered in the BidU

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    2e3 The proFected operatin' and maintenance costs durin' the life of thee8uipmentU

    2f3 The performance and productivity of the e8uipment o$eredU

    2'3 +ther speci"c criteria indicated in the Biddin' documents.

    #n addition the Purchasers evaluation of a id !ill take into account the net landedcost of the material at the "nal destination. >or the purpose of evaluation net landedcost is arrived at y addin' all elements of the asic price, allo!ale discount, exciseduty, ? any other levies, packin' ? for!ardin', frei'ht char'es, insurance 2transit ?stora'e3 as 8uoted y the idder, interest on advance if any, erection, servicin' andother char'es ('.&*( $ CST/ATas called for.

    #n addition any variation up or do!n in taxes and duties ; ne! levies introducedsuse8uent to id openin' and efore a!ard !ill e considered for comparisonpurposes.

    The follo!in' criteria may e adopted for taxes and duties for evaluation

    a. #t is the responsiility of the idder to 8uote all taxes and duties correctly!ithout leavin' any column un"lled. Ehere taxes and duties are not applicale theidder should enter 90. #f no duty ; tax is leAviale the same may e entered as9#. #f any column is left lank or "lled va'uely like as applicale, the same !ille loaded !ith the maximum of the other eli'ile Bids.

    . Ehere there is an exemption of =D ; 4T, the documentary evidence to thate$ect !ill e enclosed y the supplier.c. The idders for supply and !orks shall invarialy possess the T#9 numerand P09 9umer for the ids aove 7s. @.// lakhs and this must e veri"ed eforeenterin' into contract.

    Prior to detailed evaluation, the responsiveness of each id !ill e determined. 0sustantially responsive id is one that conforms to all the terms and conditions ofthe iddin' documents !ithout material deviations. >or this purpose superscription,8uali"cation re8uirement, id security, validity, delivery, payment term, priceschedule, taxes and duties !ill e deemed to e the critical provisions anddeviations in any one of these items !ill e deemed to e a material deviation.

    The purchaser may !aive any minor informality, nonAconformity or irre'ularity in theid !hich does not constitute a material deviation, provided such !aiver does nota$ect the relative rankin' of any idder. The purchaser !ill clearly indicate in theid speci"cation the methodolo'y for evaluation of ids.

    2a3 Bid price, !hich !ill include all, costs of manufacture and services atmanufacturin' place as !ell as, Transportation to destination location;stores,packin' and for!ardin', insurance and all Taxes ? other le'ally permissileduties ? levies payale.

    23 Delivery schedule o$ered in the id.

    2c3 Deviations in payment schedule from that speci"ed in the 'eneral terms andconditions of the contract.

    2d3 The cost of components, mandatory spare parts, and service

    2e3 The availaility of spare parts and afterAsales services for the e8uipmento$ered in the BidU

    2f3 The proFected operatin' and maintenance costs durin' the life of thee8uipmentU

    2'3 The performance and productivity of the e8uipment o$eredU and;or

    2h3 +ther speci"c criteria indicated in the Bid 4peci"cation.

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    :/.:2a3 The Purchasers evaluation of a id !ill take into account the 9et anded *ost of the

    -aterial at destination locations;stores inclusive of all taxes and duties exclusive of*4T;60T 8uoted y the Bidder. #t is the responsiility of the idder to 8uote all Taxesand Duties correctly !ithout leavin' any column un"lled. Ehere not applicale thecolumn may e "lled as 90. #f no duty ; tax is leAviale the same may e "lled as

    9#. #f any column is left lank the same is loaded !ith maximum of other eli'ileBids.

    :/.:23 0ny statutory variations of taxes and duties and ne! levies imposed after openin'of the id and efore a!ard of the contract !ill e taken into consideration for thepurpose of evaluation.

    :/.( 0 sustantially responsive id is one, !hich conforms to all the terms and conditionsof the iddin' documents !ithout material deviations. >or this purposesuperscription, 8uali"cation re8uirement, id security, validity, delivery, paymentterm, price schedule, sumission of Types test certi"cates 2as per *lause ( section6#3, taxes and duties !ill e deemed to the critical provisions and deviations in anyone of these thin's !ill e deemed to e a material deviation.

    31# C$)%'%&)+ %( P'.(#

    :1.1 >rom the time of the id openin' to the time of contract a!ard, if any Bidder !ishesto contact the Purchaser on any matter related to the id, it should do so in !ritin'.

    :1.& 0ny e$ort y a Bidder to in)uence the Purchaser in its decisions on id evaluation,id comparison, or contract a!ard !ill result in the reFection of the BidderRs id.

    F# A $ C$)%'%.

    :&. Post Muali"cation

    :&.1 #n the asence of preA8uali"cation, the Purchaser !ill determine to its satisfaction!hether the Bidder that is selected as havin' sumitted the lo!est evaluatedresponsive id is 8uali"ed to perform the contract satisfactorily.

    :&.& The determination !ill take into account the BidderRs "nancial, and productioncapailities. #t !ill e ased upon an examination of the documentary evidence ofthe BidderRs 8uali"cation sumitted y the Bidder, as !ell as such other informationas the Purchaser deems necessary and appropriate.

    33# A C&%(&

    ::.1 The Purchaser !ill a!ard the contract to the successful Bidder ; Bidders !hose idhas;have een determined to e sustantially responsive.

    N$ )(+$%&%&$). & $) ( ( &% (.8$).&*( L1 %$ (8$( %(8$..&&&% $ %( ('%&$) &) 8&'( (( %( %(. ( '$).&(( %$( %$$ &+ &% ((()'( %$ (.%&%( 8&'( $ 8%( 8&'(. $ %( 8.%

    $(.# T() %( =)%&% '$ ( $(( $) L1#

    Ehere ne'otiations are held, the follo!in' pattern of distriution of 8uantities !ill eadopted !hen orders are placed !ith more than one "rm suFect to theirmanufacturin' capacities.

    The follo!in' pattern of distriution of 8uantities !ill e adopted !hile placin'orders and at the same price.

    #. Ehen the sources of supply are t!o Percenta'e distriutionet!een 1 ? &

    a. Ehen there are t!o identical 1 o$ers @/ @/

    . Ehen oth 1 and & are industries in H/ :/ the private sector

    c. Ehen & is an undertakin' or Foint C/ (/

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    venture of Govt. of 0P;*entral Govt.

    ##. #n case of three sources @/ :/ &/###. #n case of four sources @/ &@ 1@ 1/

    %o!ever it is not indin' on 0P*PD* to accept the lo!est or any other Bid. #t

    reserves the ri'ht to place orders on di$erent Bidders.

    34# P'.(. R&+% %$ ")%&%&(. % T&( $ A

    :(.1 The Purchaser reserves the ri'ht at the time of contract a!ard to increase ordecrease upto @/J the 8uantity of -aterials ; e8uipment and services ori'inallyspeci"ed in the 4chedule of -aterials !ithout any chan'e in unit price or otherterms and conditions.

    :(.& The purchaser reserves the ri'ht to vary the ordered 8uantity upto @/J durin' theexecution of the contract.

    3;# P'.(@. R&+%%$ A''(8% A)!& ) %$ R(('% A) $ A !&.

    The Purchaser reserves the ri'ht to accept or reFect any id, and to annul theiddin' process and reFect all ids at any time prior to contract a!ard, !ithouttherey incurrin' any liaility to the a$ected Bidder or Bidders or any oli'ation toinform the a$ected idder or idders.

    36# N$%&

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    37# P($)'( S('&%

    :I.1 Eithin >ifteen 21@3 days of receipt of the noti"cation of *ontract a!ard. Thesuccessful Bidder !ill furnish to the Purchaser the performance security for anamount 1/J of the contract value for proper ful"llment of the contract, !hich !illinclude the !arranty period, and completion of performance oli'ations includin'

    Earranty oli'ations. The Performance 4ecurity !ill cover C/ days eyond the dateof completion of performance oli'ations includin' Earranty oli'ations.

    #n the event of any correction of defects or replacement of defective material durin'the !arranty period, the !arranty for the corrected;replaced material !ill eextended to a further period of 1& months and the Performance Bank Guarantee forproportionate value !ill e extended C/ days over and aove the extended !arrantyperiod.

    :I.& The proceeds of the performance security !ill e payale to the Purchaser ascompensation for any loss resultin' from the 4upplierRs failure to complete itsoli'ations under the *ontract.

    :I.: The performance security !ill eO

    2a3 0 ank 'uarantee issued y a )%&$)&( ): acceptale to thePurchaser, in the form provided in the iddin' documents.

    23 0 ankerRs che8ue or crossed DD or Pay +rder payale at the %ead 8uarter ofthe Purchaser in favour of the Purchaser dra!n on any scheduled ank.

    :I.( The performance security !ill e dischar'ed y the Purchaser and returned to the4upplier not later than sixty 2C/3 days after the expiry date.

    37#; F&( $ %( .''(.. !&( %$ '$8 &% %( $*( (=&(()% &()%& ')'(%&$) $ %( ) $(&%( $ %( !& S('&% ) %()'( %$ :( 8 %( 8($)'( .('&% (8$.&% & ( ('%($ 8()&)+ 8()%. & ) ( %$ %( %()(( $ APCPDCL $) $%($(. &) &%&$) %( '$8) & .$ ('$( &( $ (&)+ ':&.%( APCPDCL#

    39# C$8% $ F()% P'%&'(.

    #t is essential that the Purchaser as !ell as Bidder;supplier;contractor for thepurposes of this provision, the terms set forth elo! as follo!s

    2i3 *orrupt practice means the o$erin', 'ivin', receivin' or solicitin' of any thin'of value to in)uence the action of a pulic ocial in the procurement process or in

    contract execution, and

    2ii3 >raudulent practice means a misrepresentation of facts in order to in)uence aprocurement process or the execution of a contract to the determinant of thepurchaser, and includes collusive practice amon' Bidders 2prior to or after idsumission3 desi'ned to estalish id prices at arti"cial nonAcompetitive levels andto deprive the purchaser of the ene"ts of free and open competitionU

    2iii3 Eill reFect a proposal for a!ard if it determines that the Bidder recommended fora!ard has en'a'ed in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competin' for the contractin 8uestionU

    2iv3 Eill declare a "rm ineli'ile, either inde"nitely or for a stated period of time, to

    e a!arded a contract if it at anytime determines that the "rm has en'a'ed incorrupt or fraudulent practices in competin' for, or in executin', a contract.

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    40# U.( $ C$)%'% D$'()%. ) I)$%&$)

    (/.1 The 4upplier !ill not, !ithout the PurchaserRs prior !ritten consent, disclose the*ontract, or any provision thereof, of any speci"cation, plan, dra!in', pattern,sample, or information furnished y or on ehalf of the Purchaser in connectionthere!ith, to any person other than a person employed y the 4upplier in the

    performance of the *ontract. Disclosure to any such employed person !ill e madein con"dence and !ill extend only so far as may e necessary for purposes of suchperformance.

    (/.& The 4upplier !ill not, !ithout the PurchaserRs prior !ritten consent, make use of anydocument or information except for purposes of performin' the *ontract.

    (/.: 0ny document, other than the *ontract itself, !ill remain the property of thePurchaser and !ill e returned 2in all copies3 to the Purchaser on completion of thesupplierRs performance under the *ontract if so re8uired y the Purchaser.

    (/.( The 4upplier !ill permit the Purchaser or his authoriQed representative to inspect the4uppliers accounts and records relatin' to the performance of the 4upplier and to

    have them audited y auditors appointed y the 4upplier.

    41# P%()% R&+%.

    The 4upplier !ill indemnify the Purchaser a'ainst all thirdAparty claims ofinfrin'ement of patent, trademark, or industrial desi'n ri'hts arisin' from use of the-aterials; e8uipment or any part thereof.

    42# P'(./L$'%&$).

    (&.1 Particulars of site location and nearest rail heads to !hich the e8uipments ; materialhave to e supplied !ill e 'iven to successful Bidders.

    43# D(&*(

    Delivery period !ill e reckoned from the date of si'nin' of the contract. Thedelivery 8uoted !ill e "rm, de"nite, unconditional and on the asis of receipt ofmaterials at destination in 'ood condition !ithout any earin' on the procurementof ra! materials or any similar prere8uisites. The commencement date and date ofdelivery !ill e indicted. The preferred delivery time, !hich is the essence of thisspeci"cation, is indicated in the schedule. >inal deliveries are ho!ever, suFect tocon"rmation at the time of *ontract. Delay in delivery of materials >0D4 2>ree 0tDestination store3 due to nonAavailaility of rail!ay ookin', nonAallotment of!a'ons and any such reasons !ill not e considered. #t is the responsiility of thesupplier to make alternative arran'ements for transportin' the materials y road orrail so as to see that the material reaches the destination !ithin the stipulatedperiod. The Purchaser reserves its ri'ht to defer the delivery date at any time after

    orders are placed !ithout any chan'e in the conclusion of contract other conditionssupply. The delivery period, !hich !ill e reckoned from the date of the *ontract,!ill e 'uaranteed under penalty as in *lause C1.

    44# I).8('%&$). ) T(.%.

    2i3 The supplier !ill keep the Purchaser informed in advance of the time of the startin'and the pro'ress of manufacture of e8uipment in its various sta'es so thatarran'ement could e made for inspection. The accredited representative of the0P*PD* !ill have access to the suppliers or his sucontractors !ork at any timedurin' !orkin' hours for the purpose of inspectin' the materials durin'manufacturin' of the materials;e8uipment and testin' and may select test samplesfrom the materials 'oin' into plant and e8uipment. The supplier !ill provide thefacilities for testin' such samples at any time includin' access to dra!in's and

    production data at no char'e to Purchaser. 0s soon as the materials are ready thesupplier !ill duly send intimationto 0P*PD* y 7e'd. Post and carry out the testsin the presence of representative of the 0P*PD*.

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    2ii3 The 0P*PD* may at its option 'et the materials inspected y the third party if itfeels necessary and all inspection char'es in this connection !ill e orne y the0P*PD*. #n case of material, not of acceptale 8uality or not conformin' to thespeci"cation, the materials !ill e reFected. The material has to e reAo$ered forinspection. #n such a case the &ndinspection char'es are to suppliers account. #ncase the materials are reFected in the &ndinspection also, the 0P*PD* reserves the

    ri'ht to cancel the order.2iii3 The dispatches !ill e a$ected only if the test results comply !ith the speci"cation.

    The dispatches !ill e made only after the inspection y the 0P*PD* +cer iscompleted to the 0P*PD* satisfaction or such inspection is !aived y thecompetent authority.

    2iv3 The acceptance of any 8uantity of materials !ill in no !ay relieve the supplier of itsresponsiility for meetin' all the re8uirements of this speci"cation and !ill notprevent suse8uent reFection if such materials are later found to e defective.

    2v3 The supplier !ill 'ive 1@ days advance intimation to enale the Purchaser to deputehis representative for !itnessin' the acceptance and routine tests.

    2vi3 4hould any inspected or tested materials;e8uipment fail to conform to thespeci"cation, the Purchaser may reFect the materials and supplier !ill either replacethe reFected materials or make alterations necessary to meet speci"cationsre8uirements free of costs to the Purchaser.

    2vii3 #n the case of transformers, instrument transformers and meters inspection !ill econducted every year, for the "rst @ years on a &J sample of the 8uantitiessupplied. 4amples !ill e collected at random to estalish that the 'uaranteedtechnical parameters are as per the sumitted id y the supplier. #n the case ofnonAadherence, the purchaser may take suitale action on the supplier includin'cancellation of vendor re'istration and annin' further dealin's, dependin' on the'ravity of the deviation. These random inspections may e entrusted to a thirdparty.

    ?*&&&> I).8('%&$) )$% '&( $% ( %$ )$)-(&)(.. $ %( %(& (*() %('$)%'%&)+ / '$) . ( 8& .88&( .('% %$ & $ R.# 10,000#00 #

    4;# N( P%(

    =8uipment should e provided !ith name plate 'ivin' full details of manufacture,capacities and other details as speci"ed in the relevant #44 or other speci"cationstipulated. The contract 9o. and date and year of supply and the !ords APCPDCLmust e etched on the name plate.

    46# P':&)+(C.1 The 4upplier !ill provide such packin' of the -aterials ; e8uipment as is re8uired to

    prevent their dama'e or deterioration durin' transit to their "nal destination, asindicated in the *ontract. The packin' !ill e sucient to !ithstand, !ithoutlimitation, rou'h handlin' durin' transit and exposure to extreme temperatures, saltand precipitation durin' transit, and open stora'e. Packin' case siQe and !ei'hts!ill take into consideration, !here appropriate, the remoteness of the -aterials ;e8uipmentR "nal destination and the asence of heavy handlin' facilities at all pointsin transit.

    46#2 T( 8':&)+, :&)+, ) $'()%%&$) ) $%.&( %( 8':+(. &'$8 .%&'% &% .' .8('& (=&(()%. . & ( (8(..8$*&( $ &) %( C$)%'% ) &) ) ..(=()% &).%'%&$). $((

    %( P'.(# T( .88&( & ( (=&( %$ :(.(8%( 8':+(. $(' '$).&+)((, (' 8':+( & ( :( $) %(( .&(. &% 8$8(8&)% / &)(&( &): &% %( $$&)+

    1. *ontract 9umer 2Purchase +rder 9umer3

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    & 4uppliers name: Packin' list reference numer

    46#3 T( .88&(, ()(*( &.8%'(. %(& %$ (.%&)%&$) .$8(8( %( $$&)+ &)$%&$) &) %( $ $ 8':&)+ .&8 &)=8&'%( ) .() %( .( %$ %( '$).&+)(( ) $%&) &.

    ':)$(+(()%# T( '$).&+)(( & (%) %$ %( .88&( $)( '$8 $%( 8':&)+ .&8 &% &. (:.# T( 8$$ $ 8':&)+ .&8 & ( .$$.

    PACKING SLIP ?A88&'( & &.8%'( %$ .%$(.>

    1. *ontract 9o.? Date.&. Muantity allotted to the stores and rate applicale.:. Muantity so far supplied to the stores and the rate applied.(. Muantity no! supplied and the rate applied.@. Total 8uantity supplied under the *ontract !ith rates applied.

    P$+( $ .88&)+ %( )'( =)%&% %$ %( S%$(.#

    45# D(&*( D$'()%.

    (H.1 Delivery of the -aterials;e8uipment !ill e made y the 4upplier in accordance !iththe terms speci"ed in the contract.

    The latest test certi"cates containin' the result of the tests as per the relevant #44 orother speci"cation stipulated must e sumitted to the *hief General -ana'er2P?--3 and 'ot approved y him.

    (H.& Documents to e sumitted y the 4upplier are speci"ed as underO

    2i3 #nsurance certi"cateU2ii3 4uppliers certi"cate certifyin' that the defects if any pointed out durin'

    inspection have een recti"ed 2: copies3.2iii3 -anuals in 4ix sets and one set of reproducile dra!in's.

    The Purchaser !ill receive the aove documents soon after the dispatch of materialsand if not received, the supplier !ill e responsile for any conse8uent expenses.

    47# I).)'(

    (I.1.1 The -aterials; e8uipment supplied under the *ontract !ill e fully insured a'ainstloss or dama'e incidental to manufacture or ac8uisition, transportation and deliveryand also stora'e for 4; .at destination location;stores efore takin' into stock.

    (I.1.& The idder shall a3 #nitiate and pursue insurance claim till settlement, and 3Promptly arran'e for repair and;or replacement of any dama'ed items in fullirrespective of settlement of insurance claim y the under Eriters. c3 0ll costsecause of insurance liailities covered under the contract !ill e to suppliersaccount. The supplier shall provide the Purchaser !ith a copy of all insurancepolicies and documents taken out y him in pursuance of the W*ontract. 4uch copiesof documents shall e sumitted to the purchaser immediately after such insurancecovera'e. The supplier shall also inform the Purchaser in !ritin' at least sixty 2C/3days in advance, re'ardin' the expiry, cancellation and;or chan'e in any of suchdocuments and ensure revalidation;rene!al etc., as may e necessary !ell in time.

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    The risks that are to e covered under the insurance shall e comprehensive andshall include ut not limited to, the loss or dama'e in transit, stora'e, due to theft,pilfera'e, riot, civil commotion, !eather conditions, accident of all kinds, "re, )ood,!ar risk2durin' ocean transportation3 ad or rou'h handlin' etc. The scope of suchinsurance shall cover the entire contract value.

    The insurance !ill e in an amount e8ual to 1//J >0D4 value of -aterials ;e8uipment on all risks asis. The policy !ill have a provision for extension to coverfurther stora'e if necessary at destination stores ; site at 0P*PD* cost. T(&).)'( ()(urnishin' of a detailed operations and maintenance manual for each appropriateunit of the supplied -aterials ; e8uipmentU

    d3 Performance or supervision or maintenance and;or repair of the supplied -aterials;

    e8uipment, durin' !arranty period, provided that this service !ill not relieve the4upplier of any !arranty oli'ations under this contractU and

    e3 Trainin' of the PurchaserRs personnel, at the 4uppliersR plant and;or onAsite, inassemly, startAup, operation, maintenance, and;or repair of the supplied -aterials;e8uipment.

    ;1# S8( P%.

    The 4upplier may e re8uired to provide any or all of the follo!in' materials,noti"cations, and information pertainin' to spare parts manufactured or distriutedy the 4upplier.

    2a3 4uch spare parts as the Purchaser may choose topurchase from the 4upplier, provided that this election !ill not relieve the supplier ofany !arranty oli'ations under the contractU and

    23 #n the event of termination of production of the spareparts

    2c3 0dvance noti"cation to the Purchaser of the impendin'termination.

    2d3 Time to permit the Purchase to procure neededre8uirementU and follo!in' such termination, furnishin' at no cost to the Purchaser,the lueprints, dra!in's, and speci"cations of the spare parts, if re8uested.

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    ;2# W)%

    @&.1 The supplier !ill !arrant the for the satisfactory functionin' of the total e8uipmentfor &)& 8(&$ $ ; Y(. from the date of commissionin' at destinationlocation.

    @&.& The 4upplier !arrants that the -aterials;e8uipment supplied under the *ontract arene!, unused, of the most recent or current models, and that they incorporate allrecent improvements in desi'n and materials unless provided other!ise in the*ontract. The supplier further !arrants that all -aterials;e8uipment supplied underthis *ontract !ill have no defect, arisin' from a desi'n and ;or materials as re8uiredy the PurchaserRs speci"cations or from any act of omission of the 4upplier thatmay develop under normal use of the supplied -aterials;e8uipment.

    @&.: 0ll the material !ill e of the est class and !ill e capale of satisfactory operationin the tropics under service conditions indicated in clause &:.1 !ithout distortion ordeterioration. 9o !eldin' "llin' or plu''in' of defective parts !ill e permitted,unless other!ise speci"ed, they !ill conform to the re8uirements of the appropriate#ndian, British or 0merican 4tandards. 2Ehere a standard speci"cation coverin' the

    material in 8uestion has not een pulished, the standards of the 0merican 4ocietyfor testin' of -aterials should e follo!ed3.

    @&.( The entire desi'ns and construction !ill e capale of !ithstandin' the severeststresses likely to occur in actual service and of resistin' rou'h handlin' durin'transport.

    @&.@ nless other!ise speci"ed the !arranty period !ill e @ years from the date ofacceptance of the -aterials ; e8uipment. The 4upplier !ill, in addition, comply !iththe performance 'uarantees speci"ed under the contract. #f, for reasonsattriutale to the 4upplier, these 'uarantees are not attained in !hole or in part,the supplier !ill at its discretion either, -ake such chan'es, modi"cations, and;oradditions to the -aterials ; e8uipment or any part thereof as may e necessary in

    order to attain the contractual 'uarantees speci"ed in the contract at its o!n costand expense and to carry out further performance tests as per the relevantstandards.

    @&.C The Purchaser !ill promptly notify the supplier in !ritin' of any claims arisin' underthis !arranty.

    @&.H pon receipt of such notice, the 4upplier !ill !ithin :/ days repair or replace thedefective -aterials;e8uipment or parts thereof, free of cost at the ultimatedestination. The supplier !ill take over the replaced parts;-aterials;e8uipment atthe time of their replacement. 9o claim !hatsoever !ill lie on the Purchaser for thereplaced parts;-aterials;e8uipment thereafter. #n the event of any correction ofdefects or replacement of defective material durin' the !arranty period, the!arranty for the corrected;replaced material !ill e extended to a further period of1& months.

    @&.I I %( S88&(, *&)+ (() )$%& &%&) %(30 ., %( P'.( ('% 0#; $ %$% '$.% $ 11K C8'&%$):. 8( ((: %( 30 . $ %( %( $ &)%&%&$) $ (('%..('% %$ & 8(&$ 8%$ 2 $)%., $ ..(=()% &. / ):+)%(( ) &%$% 8(&'( %$ ) $%( &+%. &' %( P'.( *( +&).% %( S88&( )( %( C$)%'%#

    ;3# P()%

    ;3#1 100 8()% & ( )+( &%&) 4; . (':$)( $ %( %( $('(&8% $ %(&. &)'&)+ (('%&$) ) '$&..&$)&)+ $: %(.%&)%&$). $'%&$). '(%&

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    %( 8'.( ):# T( .88&( & *( %$ 8((

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    %( '% $ %( (, &%. &:( %&$) ) &%. '.(?.># A. .$$) .8'%&'( %( ('(&8% $ %( S88&(@. )$%&'(, %( P'.( &(*%( %( .&%%&$) ) % &%. &.'(%&$) (%() %( S88&(@. %&($ 8($)'(, &% $ &%$% &=&%( +(., &) &' '.( %((%().&$) & ( %&

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    ;7#3 E'(8% . 8$*&( )( $'( (.( '.( ( %( S88&( &)%( 8($)'( $ &%. (&*( $&+%&$). & ()( %( S88&( &(%$ %( &8$.&%&$) $ &=&%( +(. )(.. ) (%().&$) $ %&( &.+(( 8$) &%$% %( 88&'%&$) $ &=&%( +(.#

    ;9# P()% $ ( &) .88&(.

    The time for and the dates for delivery mentioned in the contract !ill e deemed toe the essence of the contract. 4uFect to force measure *lause 9o.C(, if the4upplier fails to deliver any or all of the -aterials;e8uipment or to perform the4ervices !ithin the period2s3 speci"ed in the *ontract, the Purchaser !ill, !ithoutpreFudice to its other remedies under the *ontract, deduct from the *ontract Price,as li8uidated dama'es, a sum e8uivalent to /.@J per !eek on the undeliveredportion suFect to a maximum of @J of the cost of the undelivered portion !ithin thescheduled time. The numer of days !ould e rounded o$ to the nearest !eek andpenalty calculated accordin'ly. +nce the maximum is reached the Purchaser mayconsider termination of the contract.

    The check measurement date ie., the date of receipt of materials at destinationstores in 'ood condition !ill e taken as the date of delivery. >or calculation ofpenalty the date of receipt of material at the destination stores is the date ofdelivery suFect to the condition that the 'oods;material are received in 'oodcondition. -aterials;=8uipment !hich are not of acceptale 8uality or are notcon"rmin' to the speci"cation !ould e deemed to e not delivered. >or penalty,the numer of days !ould e rounded of to the nearest !eek and penalty calculatedaccordin'ly.The penalty speci"ed aove !ill e levied and !ould e adFusted a'ainstsuse8uent pendin' ills.

    #n cases !here ne! vendors fail to meet the re8uirement of the *ontract there!ould e no penalty to such vendors ut they !ill e excluded from the next id forthe particular item of the material.

    0ny failure on the part of ne! vendors for a second time !ould cause them to eremoved from the list of re'istered vendors.

    60# R&.: P'.(

    #ncase of supplier !ho has not adhered to the delivery schedule, the 0P*PD*reserves the ri'ht to purchase the alance 8uantity from the open market;)oatin'another tender and recover the extra expenditure thus incurred from the supplier.

    61 T(&)%&$)$ D(%

    C1.1 The Purchaser, !ithout preFudice to any other remedy for reach of *ontract, y

    !ritten notice of default sent to the 4upplier, may terminate this *ontract in !holeor in part

    i. #f the 4upplier fails to deliver any or all of the -aterials ; e8uipment !ithin theperiod2s3 speci"ed in the *ontract, or !ithin any extension thereof 'ranted y thePurchaser.

    ii. #f the 4upplier fails to perform any other oli'ation2s3 under the *ontract.

    iii. #f the 4upplier, in the Fud'ment of the Purchaser has en'a'ed incorrupt orfraudulent practices in competin' for or in executin' the *ontract.

    61#2 I) %( (*()% %( P'.( %(&)%(. %( C$)%'% &) $( $ &) 8%, %(

    P'.( 8$'(, 8$) .' %(. ) &) .' ))(, . &% ((.88$8&%(, M%(&. / (=&8()% $ .(*&'(. .&& %$ %$.()(&*((, ) %( S88&( & ( &( %$ %( P'.( $ ) ('(..'$.%. $ .' .&& M%(&. / (=&8()% $ S(*&'(.# H$(*(, %(

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    S88&( & '$)%&)( 8($)'( $ %( C$)%'% %$ %( (%()% )$%%(&)%(#

    62# T(&)%&$) $ I).$*()'

    The Purchaser may at any time terminate the *ontract y 'ivin' !ritten notice tothe 4upplier if the 4upplier ecomes ankrupt or other!ise insolvent. #n this event,termination !ill e !ithout compensation to the supplier, provided that suchtermination !ill not preFudice or not a$ect any ri'ht of action or remedy, !hich hasaccrued or !ill accrue thereafter to the Purchaser.

    63# T(&)%&$) $ C$)*()&()'(

    63#1 The Purchaser, y !ritten notice sent to the 4upplier, may terminate the *ontract, in!hole or in part, at any time for its convenience. The notice of termination !illspecify the termination is for the PurchaserRs convenience, the extent to !hichperformance of the supplier under the *ontract is terminated, and date upon !hichtermination ecomes e$ective.

    63#2 %o!ever the -aterials ; e8uipment that are complete and ready for shipment !ithin

    thirty 2:/3 days after the supplierRs receipt of notice of termination !ill e acceptedy the Purchaser at the *ontract terms and prices.

    64# F$'( M((

    64#1 The 4upplier !ill not e liale for forfeiture of its performance security, penalty forlate delivery, or termination for default if and to the extent that its delay inperformance or other failure to perform its oli'ations under the *ontact is the resultof an event of >orce -aFeure.

    C(.& >or purposes of this clause, >orce -aFeure means an event eyond the control ofthe 4upplier and not involvin' the 4upplierRs fault or ne'li'ence and not foreseeale.4uch events may include, ut are not restricted to, !ars or revolutions "res, )oods,epidemics, 8uarantine restrictions, and frei'ht emar'oes.

    C(.: #f a >orce -aFeure situation arises, the supplier !ill promptly notify the Purchaser in!ritin' of such condition and the cause thereof. nless other!ise directed y thePurchaser in !ritin', the 4upplier !ill continue to perform its oli'ations under the*ontract as far as is reasonaly practice, and !ill seek all reasonale alternativemeans for performance not prevented y the >orce -aFeure event.

    9o price variance !ill e allo!ed durin' the period of force measure.

    6;# S(%%(()% $ D&.8%(.

    6;#1 #f any dispute or di$erence of any kind !hatsoever !ill arise et!een the Purchaserand the 4upplier in connection !ith or arisin' out of the *ontract, the parties !illmake every e$ort to resolve amicaly such dispute or di$erence y mutual


    C@.& #f, after thirty 2:/3 days the parties have failed to resolve their dispute or di$erencey such mutual consultation, then either the Purchaser or the 4upplier may 'ivenotice to the other party of its intention to commence aritration, as hereinafterprovided, as to the matter in dispute, and no aritration in respect of this mattermay e commenced unless such notice is 'iven.

    C@.: 0ny dispute of di$erence in respect of !hich a notice of intention to commencearitration has een 'iven in accordance !ith this *lause !ill e "nally settled yaritration. 0ritration may e commenced prior to or after delivery of the -aterials;e8uipment under the *ontract.

    C@.( 0ritration proceedin's !ill e conducted in accordance !ith the follo!in' rules ofprocedure#The dispute resolution mechanism !ill e as follo!s

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    1. #n the case of a dispute or di$erence arisin' et!een the Purchaser and a 4upplierrelatin' to any matter arisin' out of or connected !ith this a'reement, such disputeor di$erence !ill e settled in accordance !ith the 0ritration and *onciliation 0ct.1KKC. The 0ritral Triunal !ill consist of three 0ritrators one each to e appointedy the Purchaser and the supplier the Third 0ritrator !ill e chosen y the t!o0ritrators so appointed y the parties and !ill acts as Presidin' 0ritrator. #n case

    of failure of the t!o 0ritrators appointed y the parties to reach upon a consensus!ithin period of :/ days from the appointment of the 0ritrator appointedsuse8uently, the Presidin' 0ritrator !ill e appointed y The #nstitution of=n'ineers 2#ndia3.

    &. #f one of the Parties fails to appoint its 0ritrator in pursuance of 4uA*lause 2a3!ithin :/ days after receipt of the notice of the appointment of its 0ritrator y The#nstitution of =n'ineers 2#ndia3, !ill appoint the 0ritrator. 0 certi"ed copy of theorder of the #nstitution of =n'ineers 2#ndia3, makin' such an appointment !ill efurnished to each to the parties.

    :. 0ritration Proceedin's !ill e held at Purchasers %ead8uarters, and the lan'ua'eof the 0ritration Proceedin's and that of all documents and communication

    et!een the parties !ill e =n'lish.(. The decision of the maFority of 0ritrators !ill e "nal and indin' upon oth parties.

    The cost and expenses of 0ritration Proceedin's !ill e paid as determined y the0ritral Triunal. %o!ever, the expenses incurred y each party in connection !iththe preparation, presentation etc., of its proceedin's as also the fees and expensespaid to the 0ritrator appointed y such party or on its ehalf !ill e orne y eachparty itself.

    @. Ehere the value of the *ontract is 7s. +ne *rore and elo!, the disputes ordi$erences arisin' !ill e referred to the 4ole 0ritrator. The 4ole 0ritrator shoulde appointed y a'reement et!een the partiesU failin' such a'reement, y theappointin' authority namely The #nstitution of =n'ineers 2#ndia3.

    C@.@ 9ot!ithstandin' any reference to aritration herein,

    2a3 The parties !ill continue to perform their respective oli'ations under the*ontract unless they other!ise a'reeU and

    23 The Purchaser !ill pay the 4upplier any monies due the 4upplier.

    66# &.&'%&$)

    0ll and any disputes or di$erences arisin' out of or touchin' this contract !ill edecided y the *ourts or Triunals situated in Purchasers %ead8uarters only. 9o suitor other le'al proceedin's !ill e instituted else!here.

    65# N$%&'(.

    CH.1 0ny notice 'iven y one party to the other pursuant to this *ontract !ill e sent tothe other party in !ritin' or y cale, telex, or facsimile and con"rmed in !ritin' tothe other partys address.

    CH.& 0 notice !ill e e$ective !hen delivered or on the noticeRs e$ective date, !hicheveris later.

    67# F$(&+) E')+(

    9o >orei'n =xchan'e is availale or expected for this purchase. +$ers !hich do notre8uire release of >.=. or procurement of import license y 0P*PD* only !ill econsidered. Ehere some of the components are to e imported the manufacturer!ill have to make their o!n arran'ements for import license etc., and should notlook for any assistance from 0P*PD*.

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar





    S# N$# D(.'&8%&$) $ %(& "%#R(=&(

    N$.#S88, (('%&$) ) '$&..&$)&)+ $ S&%'( %8( 11K 2MARC8'&%$ ): $)+ &% ..$'&%( (=&8()% $ $$&)+ %8(.#

    1 4ustations re8uirin' #ndoor type reaker and adapter paneland s!itched capacitor ank to e installed on rooftop?A>


    & 4ustations re8uirin' #ndoor reaker and adapter panel ands!itched capacitor ank to e installed in the ard2!>


    : 4ustations re8uirin' +utdoor type reaker and s!itchedcapacitor ank to e installed in ard2C>


    ( 4ustations havin' #ndoor reaker and adapter panel ands!itched capacitor ank to e installed on roof?D> 1&

    @ 4ustations havin' #ndoor reaker and adapter panel ands!itched capacitor ank to e installed in ard2E>#


    NOTE-2i3 The prices 8uoted shall e "rm in #ndian 7upees.

    2ii3 Desired Delivery

    The material to e dispatched directly to the destinations. 4upplies includin'erection and commissionin' !ork at destinations shall e completed !ithin "ve monthsfrom the date of issue of purchase order or date of issue of Dra!in' approval !hichever islater suFect to the follo!in' condition.

    The Dra!in's to e sumitted !ithin &/ days from the date of receipt of etter of#ntent.if,any remarks are to e attended in the dra!in's sumitted, the revised dra!in's toe sumitted !ithin three !orkin' days on receipt of remarks throu'h fax or eAmail


  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    SECTION-VL&.% $ $'%&$). $ .88, (('%&$) ) '$&..&$)&)+ $

    C8'&%$ ):.

    S#N$ L$'%&$) $ %( S.%%&$). W(%( O%$$/ I)$$

    S-S%%&$). (=&&)+ I)$$ (:( ) 8%( 8)( )'8'&%$ ): %$ ( &).%( $) $$%$8?A>

    1 -othi -ahal #ndoor

    & -othi 9a'ar #ndoor

    : 4rina'ar *olony #ndoor

    ( 4. D. %ospital #ndoor

    @ -ithrivanam #ndoor

    C 7oad 9o 1& #ndoor

    H 6 Prasad -ar'h #ndoor

    I Greenlands #ndoor

    K 5undana'h #ndoor

    1/ akuthpura #ndoor

    11 uminipark +utdoor

    1& 0irport #ndoor

    1: 0dda'utta #ndoor

    1( -0 *olony #ndoor

    1@ Sa!ahar 9a'ar #ndoor

    1C %yder'uda2*entral3 #ndoor

    1H 5#-4 #ndoor

    S-S%%&$). (=&&)+ I)$$ (:( ) 8%( 8)( )'8'&%$ ): %$ ( &).%( &) %(

    1I 5anchana'h #ndoor

    1K Gudimalkapur #ndoor

    &/ akevie! #ndoor

    &1 PetlurQ #ndoor

    && =xhiition #ndoor

    S-S%%&$). (=&&)+ $%$$ %8( (:( &% .&%'( '8'&%$): %$ ( &).%( &) %( ?C>

    &: *hanchal'uda +utdoor

    &( 0sifna'ar +utdoor&@ an'arhouse +utdoor

    &C 4eetharama'h +utdoor

    &H Bhudevina'ar +utdoor

    &I 5andikal'ate +utdoor

    &K 9#-42 +ld 443 indoor;+utdoor

    :/ %P4 +utdoor

    :1 #ndirapark +utdoor

    :& %ussain sa'ar +utdoor

    :: Be'umpet +utdoor

    :( ##*T +utdoor

    :@ 5ulsumpura +utdoor

    :C *lock to!er #ndoor

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    S#N$ L$'%&$) $ %( S.%%&$). W(%( O%$$/ I)$$

    S-S%%&$). *&)+ I)$$ (:(. ( *&( &) %(..%%&$) ) '8'&%$ ): %$ ( &).%( $) $$?D>

    :H =4# #ndoor

    :I 9iQamcolle'e #ndoor:K Xamisthanpur #ndoor

    (/ 5oti EomenRs colle'e #ndoor

    (1 axmina'ar #ndoor

    (& 77 Xillaparishad+ce24omaFi'uda3


    (: 4aidaad 2-alakpet B 8uarters3 #ndoor

    (( 7oad 9o1: #ndoor

    (@ 5urma'uda #ndoor(C 7ace course 2-usheeraad3 #ndoor

    (H -ufkamFha *olle'e 2BanFara %ills3 #ndoor

    (I Gaddi annaram #ndoor

    S-S%%&$). *&)+ I)$$ (:(. ) 8%( 8)( )'8'&%$ ): %$ ( &).%( &) %(

    (K Boraanda #ndoor

    @/ 0liaaad #ndoor

    @1 Gudimalkapu 20lluri 4eetharamraFu3


    @& #T# mallepalli #ndoor@: 7ail 9ilayam #ndoor

    @( Thirumala'iri #ndoor

    @@ Golnaka Brid'e #ndoor

    @C Bus Bhavan 2-usheeraad3 #ndoor

    @H 9#-4 2ne! 443 #ndoor

    @I >athena'ar >lyover #ndoor

    @K -alakpet'unF #ndoor

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar





    I# SCOPE

    This speci"cation covers supply, installation, testin' and commissionin' of &-607 at11 56 2&.C(-607 at 1&.C@563 4!itched *apacitor Banks in three steps !ith step 1 of CC/k607, step ## !ith CC/ k607 and step ### !ith 1:&/ k607 at 1&.C@56 asspeci"ed !ith all associated e8uipments viQ. 7eactors, 4!itch'ear, *urrent Transformers,*ontrol and 7elay Panels, Breakers, 6acuum contactors, 76T and 0B s!itch, i'htin'0rresters etc includin' monitorin' soft!are in various con"'urations in rooftop ands!itchyard !ith adaptor panels as detailed elo! to e installed in various ::;11 56sustations in %yderaad.


    =xcept !here other!ise speci"ed or implied herein the e8uipments shall comply !ith latest

    applicale #ndian standard ;#=* speci"cation.

    0 *apacitors #4 1:K&@, #=* C/IH1A& or latest version #=* or #4

    B 6*B #=*AC&&H1A1// or latest version #4;#=*

    * *urrent transformers #4&H/@

    D Potential Transformers #4:1@C= #solators #4KK&1,#4 1I1IA1KH&, #4 KK&/ 2PartsA#A#63 1KI@

    and #4 KK&1 partsA# to #6> >uses a3=xternal #4&&/I

    3#nternal #4 1&CH& +7 #=* @K:

    c3 %7* >uses #4K:I@ 2 PartA#3 ; 1KHK

    G Protection relays #4:&:1

    % 0utomatic 4!itched nit #=* C1///# 4eries 7eactor #4@@@:

    S Bushin' #4&/KK

    5 #=D 7elay #4:&:1

    a3 #mpulse !ithstand @ k6 #=*C/&@@A@

    3 >ast Transients, *lass #6 #=*C/&@@A&&A(

    c3 =lectroma'netic 7adiation, *lass ### #=*C1///A(A:

    d3 De'ree of Protection, #P @& on front Panel #=*C/@&K

    e3 6iration, 4hocks, =arth8uakes, *lass ## #=*C/&@@A&1A1,&,:

    3 i'htin' 0rresters #4 :/H/ 2 PartA#3 ; 1KI@ +7 #=* KKA1;#=* T*:HEGA(

    -3 #solators #41I1I1KH&, #4KK&/2PartA##63; 1KI@93 Post #nsulators #4 &@((A1KH: and #4@:@/ 2partA###3 ;1KH:

    +3 #ndicatin' #nstruments26oltmeters ? 0mmeters3

    #4 1&(I;&//:

    P3 Transformer +il for *Ts #4::@

    M3 GalvaniQation #4&C::

    73 Primary Terminals 1/C/1

    43 General arran'ement for s!itch'ear #4 (&:H

    T3 De'ree of protection for enclosures of control'ear

    #4 1:K(H;Pt 1;K:

    3 =lectrical !irin' #4&&H(

    63 =ner'y -eter #41(CKH

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    =8uipments meetin' any other e8uivalent international standards !hich ensure an e8ual oretter 8uality than the standards mentioned aove !ill e acceptale. #n case, thetenderers !ish to o$er e8uipments con"rmin' to the other standards they shall furnish an=n'lish translation of the relevant standards.



    L$'%&$)A% *&$. $'%&$). &) %( .%%($ A) P(.

    i3 -ax. amient air temperature 2de'. *3 @/ii3 -in. amient air temperature 2de'. *3 H.@iii3 0vera'e daily amient air temperature

    2de'. *3:@

    iv3 -ax. 7elative %umidity 2J3 1//v3 -ax. altitude aove mean sea level


    vi3 0vera'e 0nnual rainfall 2mm3. K&@vii3 -ax. !ind pressure2k';s8. m.3 &//

    viii3 #soceraunic level 2days per year3 @/ix3 4eismic level 2%oriQontal accn.3 /.: '.

    4# SYSTEM PARTICULARSa3 9ominal system volta'e 11 563 %i'hest system volta'e 1& 56c3 9umer of phases :d3 >re8uency @/ %Qe3 4ystem 'roundin' n'rounded 9eutralf3 6olta'e variation A:/J to < 1/J'3 >re8uency variation @/%Q < or A&%Q



    P%&'. R%&)+

    1 9ominal system volta'e 11 56& 5607 *apacity at nominal system volta'e

    re8uired&/// 2-in.3

    : 7ated volta'e of the *apacitor ank 56 1&.C@ 56( 7ated output of capacitor ank at rated

    volta'e&C(/ 5607

    @ 7atin' of capacitor unit &&/ 5607

    C *onnection of capacitor ank 4in'le star !ith =xternal fuses

    H 9umer of units;ank 1&

    I Po!er loss 9ot to exceed /.& Eatts;5607 2-ax3K Permissile over loads -aximum permissile over loads !ith

    reference volta'e, current and reactiveoutput shall conform to #4 1:K&@.

    1/ Type of 'roundin' n 'rounded11 *apacitors impre'nant 9onAtoxic 2i.e.3 nonAP*B

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    1& Type of protection =xternal fuse1: Type of dischar'e #nternally throu'h resistor provided

    !ithin the capacitor units1( *apacity to receive in rush currents 9ot less than 1// times rated current.1@ *apacity unit arran'ements The tenderer shall 'ive calculations for

    raisin' volta'e in other units in theevent of failure of elements of acapacitor unit. The maximum raise involta'e shall not e more than 1/J ofrated volta'e even if the entirecapacitor unit failed;short circuited andrelevant calculations in support of thisshall also e furnished.

    1C Temperature *ate'ory The *apacitor shall e suitale foroperation !ith upper limit of amienttemperature @@ De' *.


    >or capacitor covered in this speci"cation, the maximum permissile overloads !ith re'ardto volta'e, current and reactive output shall not exceed the limits speci"ed in #4 1:K&@.

    5# PHYSICAL ARRANGEMENT OF !ANKSThe *omplete *apacitor Bank includin' 4eries 7eactor, =poxy *Ts, 6acuum *ontactor, %7*>uses, 76T, etc shall e enclosed in -etallic =nclosure suitale for outdoor installation.

    7# C8'&%$ C&'( ?M(%&' E)'$.(>#t shall e free standin' outdoor type sheet steel enclosure faricated from & mm

    thick *7*0 sheets. *apacitor cuical shall e mounted on mild steel channel frame of siQe&.@ mm and ase frame shall e provided !ith mountin' holes for "xin' on concrete

    foundation. 0ll doors and covers shall e desi'ned to avoid in'ress of !ater, moisture, dustetc. and shall e provided !ith suitale 'askets to achieve #PA@@ de'ree of protection.*overs and doors shall e provided !ith electrical interlocks to avoid access to live parts. #ncase some unauthoriQed person opens the door or covers, the main incomer reaker shoulde tripped. 6ie!in' 'lasses shall e provided to vie! inside parts like fuses, contactors. *>type internal panel li'htin' shall also e provided to have proper vie! in the ni'ht.*apacitor enclosure shall e duly painted !ith ase coat of =poxy ased primer and "nalcoat of polyurethane paint. >7P canopy shall e provided at the top and !hich proFectsaout &// mm eyond cuicle on all sides. 0ll internal !irin' shall e made usin' >7 P6*!ire of siQe &[email protected]. 0ll cale entries shall e from ottom throu'h cale 'lands ofsuitale siQe. %T VP= cale entry shall e throu'h a cale entry ox mounted on cuicle or"xed separately on foundation and coupled to the cuicle. 9ecessary Dan'er plate ? 9ameplate etc shall e provided at prominent places. 0ll other necessary "ttin's and accessoriesshould e provided y manufacturer to ensure safe and smooth operation of the e8uipment.

    The tenderers shall state total numer of capacitor units per ank, numer of series 'roupsper phase, 9o. of units in parallel 'roups per phase and enclosed. The tenderer shall furnishthe detailed !riteAup aout the constructions features and manufacturin' process of thecapacitor units detailin' the internal arran'ements of the elements, protective features ofelement, functionin' of dischar'e device.


    C8'&%$ !): % 12#6; K S%(8 C$)

  • 7/24/2019 Cect 649 11kv 2mvar



    *apacitor *uicle !ill consist of one #ncomer Panel ? three *apacitor 4teps.

    13 a3 =ach CC/ 5607, 1&.C@ 56 4tep consists of 1 9o. 6acuum *ontactor, : 9os. of *Ts, :9os. of C: 0mp, C.C 56 %7* >uses, 0, : 9os. 4eries 7eactors, =poxy insulators and allother re8uired accessories etc.

    3 1:&/ 5607, 1&.C@ 56 4tep consists of 1 9o. 6acuum *ontactor, : 9os. of *Ts, : 9os.of 1// 0mp, C.C 56;11 56 %7* >uses, 0, : 9os. 4eries reactors, epoxy#nsulators and all other accessories etc.

    &3 #ncomer panel consists of common 76T for protection, indicatin' lamps for +9 ? +>>indication, 0mmeter ? 6oltmeter, other accessories.

    *apacitor units should e connected in externally star !ith appropriate numer ofcapacitors per step. >or =xample : sin'le phase units of &&/ k60r !ill e connected in starfor CC/ k607 step and & capacitors units of &&/ 560r !ill e connected in parallel per phasein star con"'uration for 1:&/ 5607 4tep. =ach 4tep shall have provision for mountin'minimum C 9os. *apacitor units to enhance the *apacity of =ach 4tep if re8uired ?accordin'ly Bidders are re8uested to desi'n the *apacitor *uicle.

    II# T(')&' S8('& CAPACITORS

    D=4#G9 09D 4T09D07D#40T#+9

    The s!itched capacitor anks shall e suitale for

    a3 #nstallin' in the outdoor; indoor includin' on 7oof Top ; 4!itch ard !here there isa space constraint.

    3 The s!itched capacitor ank to e installed shall e in complete shape duly takin'

    the precaution for nonAin'ress of moisture durin' rain and under normalconditions and shall e vermin proofc3 The s!itched capacitor ank shall e installed !ith all protection and control

    e8uipments assemly.d3 >acility for installin' C 9os. of *apacitor nits in each 4tepe3 #nter connections et!een *apacitor nits, >uses, 6acuum *ontactor, =poxy *Ts ,

    7eactors y proper siQe 0luminium us ars includin' suitale adaptor panel !ith#ndoor 6*B i