Ce134p Escruz Syllabus 20110815

 MAPÚA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY School of CE-EnSE VISION  The Map ua Institute o f T echnolo gy shall be a global center of e xcellence in education by providing instructions that are current in content and state-of-the-art in delivery; by engaging in cutting-edge, high- impact research; and by aggressively taing on present-day global concerns! MISSION a" The Mapu a Institute o f T echnology disseminat es, genera tes, prese rves and a pplies no #ledge in various $elds of study! b" The Insti tute, using the most e %ective a nd e&ci ent means, provid es its stude nts #ith h ighly r elevant professional and advanced education in preparation for and furtherance of global practice! c" The Insti tute enga ges in r esearc h #ith h igh socio -economic impact a nd re ports on the resu lts of su ch in'uiries! d" The Insti tute bring s to bea r human ity(s vast sto re of no#le dge on t he pro blems o f industry and community in order to mae the )hilippines and the #orld a better place! PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES MISSION a b c d *! T o enable our graduates to practice as successful civil engineers for the advancement of society! + + + + ! T o promote professionalism in civil engineering practice! + + + + COURSE SYLLABUS 1. Course Code CE1!"P #. Course T$%&e STRUCTURAL DESIGN # STEEL AND TIMBER DESIGN !. Pre're (u $s$%e CE*), CE*), ESE*./, CE*0 CE*), CE*.* 1for CEM" ". Co 'r e( u$s$%e 2one ). E( u$ *+&e,% -ourse 232E . Cred$%/C&+ss s-0edu&e ) u,$%s 4 units lecture 15 hrs6#ee" and* unit lab 14!. hours per #ee" . Course Des-r $2%$ o,  This course de als #ith the behav ior and design o f structural steel and structural #ood sub7ect to 8exur e, tension, compression and combined loads; connection designs and provis ions of the 2ational Structural Code of the )hilippines and other relevant codes and standards! 3. Pro4r+5 Ou%-o5e s +,d Re&+%$o,s0$2 %o Pro4r+5 Edu-+% $o,+& O67e-%$*es Pro4r+5 Ou%-o5es Pro4r+5 Edu-+%$o, +& O67e-%$*e s 1 # 1a" 9bi li ty to apply no#ledge of mathematics, science, and eng ineeri ng + + 1b" 9bi li ty to desi gn and conduc t exp eriments, as #ell as to an aly:e and interpret data + + 1c" 9bi li ty to desi gn a syste m, co mpo nent, or process to mee t des ir ed needs + + 1d" 9bi li ty to function on multi-disc ipl ina ry teams + + Course T$%&e STEEL AND TIMBER DESIGN D+%e E8e-%$*e * st  tr S</*/-/** D+%e Re*$sed March /*/ Re-o55e,ded 69 Structural Engineering A22ro*ed 69 =!9!9!>y )age * of ?



Transcript of Ce134p Escruz Syllabus 20110815



VISIONThe Mapua Institute of Technology shall be a global center of excellence in education by providing instructions that are current in content and state-of-the-art in delivery; by engaging in cutting-edge, high-impact research; and by aggressively taking on present-day global concerns. MISSIONThe Mapua Institute of Technology disseminates, generates, preserves and applies knowledge in various fields of study.The Institute, using the most effective and efficient means, provides its students with highly relevant professional and advanced education in preparation for and furtherance of global practice.The Institute engages in research with high socio-economic impact and reports on the results of such inquiries. The Institute brings to bear humanitys vast store of knowledge on the problems of industry and community in order to make the Philippines and the world a better place. PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVESMISSIONabcd1. To enable our graduates to practice as successful civil engineers for the advancement of society.2. To promote professionalism in civil engineering practice.


1. Course Code:CE134P


3. Pre-requisite:CE132P, CE133P, ESE150, CE132X

CE133P, CE151 (for CEM)4. Co-requisite:None

5. Equivalent courseNONE

6. Credit/Class schedule:5 units: 4 units lecture (6 hrs/week) and1 unit lab (4.5 hours per week)

7. Course Description:

This course deals with the behavior and design of structural steel and structural wood subject to flexure, tension, compression and combined loads; connection designs and provisions of the National Structural Code of the Philippines and other relevant codes and standards.

8. Program Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational ObjectivesProgram Outcomes

Program Educational Objectives


(a)Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

(b)Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data

(c)Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs

(d)Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams

(e)Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

(f)Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

(g)Ability to communicate effectively

(h)Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context

(i)A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning

(j)Knowledge of contemporary issues

(k)Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

9. Course Objectives and Relationship to Program Outcomes:

Course Objective

Program Outcomes


To provide the students with the understanding of the concepts of the design of structural steel elements and timber structures.

To enable the students to use the principles of steel and timber design as applied to buildings, bridges and other engineering structures.

10. Course Coverage:


1I. Orientation/Mission-Vision of CE-EnSE; Course requirements and grading system;Discussion/ Presentation

1II. Introduction to Structural Steel DesignAdvantages / Disadvantages of steel as structural materialUses of high strength steels and propertiesObjectives of the structural designerSpecification and building codesDesign load considerationsLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

1III.Review of Section Properties Area, Centroid, Moments of Inertia, Section Modulus, Radius of Gyration. Lecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

2IV. Tension MembersAllowable tensile stresses and loadsTension member analysisNet areas, effect of staggered holes, effective net areasLength effectsLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

2Selection of sections and design of tension membersBuilt-up tension membersPin-connected membersLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

2ExaminationQuiz # 1(Outcome 1)

3V.Design of Compression MembersDevelopment of ideal column formulasASD and AASHTO formulasLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

3End restraint and effective lengths of columnsColumns with different unbraced lengthsDesign of columns and strutLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

3Design of built-up columnsDesign of column base platesLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

3ExaminationQuiz # 2(Outcome 2)

4VI.Design of Flexural MembersGeneral considerationsSelection of beamsCompact sectionsLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

4Design of laterally supported beamsDesign of laterally unsupported beamsLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

4Design of continuous beamsWeb buckling, crippling and yieldingShear criteriaLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

4Strong versus weak axis bendingBiaxial bending and bending on unsymmetrical sectionsDesign of purlinsLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

4ExaminationQuiz # 3(Outcome 3)

5VII.Combined Axial and Bending StressGeneral Considerations of Axial load with bendingLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

5Calculation of stressesSpecifications and codes requirements for combined stressesLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

5Effective lengths of columns in building frames using Alignment ChartDetermination of the interaction reduction coefficient CmLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

5Design of beam-columns using interaction equations

Lecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

6VIII.Bolted ConnectionsIntroduction / Types of boltsHistory, advantages and installation of high-strength boltsLoad transfer and types of jointsLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

6Failure of bolted jointsSpecifications for high-strength boltsSpacing and edge distances of boltsLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

6Bearing type connectionsFriction type connectionsBolts subjected to eccentric shearLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

6Tension loads on bolted jointsBeam framing connectionsBolts subjected to combined shear and tensionLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

7IX.Welded ConnectionsGeneral considerationsAdvantages, types and inspection of weldingClassification of weldsLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

7Types of joints and weldsSpecification and code requirement of weldsDesign of fillet weldsLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

7Design of fillet welds for truss membersShear and torsionShear and bendingLecture/ DiscussionsResearch on Building Connections

7ExaminationQuiz # 4(Outcome 4)

8X.Plastic Analysis and DesignIntroductionTheory of Plastic analysis Plastic modulusLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

8Factor of Safety and Load FactorsPlastic analysis by the Equilibrium MethodLocation of Plastic Hinge for Uniform LoadingLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

8AISC requirements for plastic designContinuous beamsPlastic Analysis of FramesLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

9XI. Introduction to Structural Timber DesignAdvantages and DisadvantagesProperties and Uses of Structural TimberSpecifications and Building CodesDesign Load ConsiderationLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

9XII. Design of Flexural MembersIntroductionBending Stress on Beams Shearing Stress on Beams Deflection of BeamsLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

9XIII. Design of Floor Joists Lecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

10XIV.Design of Compression MembersIntroductionAllowable Compressive StressesCompression Member AnalysisLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

10Design of Rectangular/Circular ColumnDesign of Compression Truss MemberLecture/ DiscussionsWorkout

ExaminationQuiz # 5(Outcome 5)

10IX. Submission of Case Analysis and/or Design Project.Oral DefenseStudent Portfolio(Outcomes 1-5)

11Written ExaminationFinal Examination

11. Course Outcomes and Relationship to Course Objectives/ Program Outcomes

Course Outcomes

(%)Course ObjectivesProgram Outcomes

A student completing this course should at a minimum be able to:12abcdefghijK

1Know the allowable tensile stresses on steel needed to design and analyze tension members. 20

2Know the allowable compressive stresses on steel needed to design and analyze compression members.20

3Know the allowable bending stresses on steel needed to design and analyze laterally supported and unsupported steel beams.20

4Know the specifications and code requirements needed in the design and analysis of Beam-Columns for combined axial and bending stresses. Analyze and design bolted and welded connections subjected to tension and eccentric shear loads.20

5Apply Plastic Analysis & Design on steel members. Analyze and design timber beams and columns.20

Level of Emphasis, (Total Percentage), %100100100100100100100

Time Allocation, 75 hrs18.818.818.818.8

12. Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component:General education component 20 % Basic Sciences and Mathematics 30% General education component 50 %

13. Textbook: McCormac, Jack C, Structural Steel Design, 3rd Ed., Harper and Row, 1981

14. Course Evaluation: The minimum requirement for a passing grade is 70% final grade average from the following:

Lecture: Quizzes 50%Final Exam 20%Laboratory:Workouts/Plates 20%Case Analysis/Design Project 10%

Total 100%

Additional requirements of the course:14.1. Honesty and punctuality in the submission of required course works.14.2. Attendance to all meetings of not less than 80% of the total required number of meetings per term.

The final grade of the student will be given as reflected in the table below.Average (%)Below 7070.0-73.073.01-7676.01-8080.01-8383.01-8686.01-9090.01-9393.01-96Above 96.01

Final Grade5.003.002.752.502.252.001.751.501.251.00

15. Other ReferencesNational Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP), Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines Manual (ASEP), 2001Brockenbrough Structural Steel Designers Handbook, McGraw HillDubina and Ungureanu Steel: New and Traditional Material Build Mazzolani and Wada Behavior of Steel Structure in seismic Areas 2006AITC Timber Construction ManualThelandersson Timber Engineering

16. Course Materials Made Available:SyllabusHandouts/ Lecture NotesGuidelines, Grading Criteria, Format of Case Analysis and/or Design Project

17. Committee Members:

Prof. Edgardo S. Cruz & Structural Cluster Group

Course Title:

STEEL AND TIMBER DESIGNDate Effective:1st QtrSY2010-2011Date Revised:

March 2010

Recommended by:Structural Engineering ClusterApproved by:

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