CCT 05-29-2011 A1: Carnival season heats up

BY ALISHA GEORGE TIMES STAFF WRITER Gamber’s fire company kicked off the warm-weathered carnival season in Carroll County Saturday with food, raffles, games, rides nd family entertainmen t. The Gamber carnival is also the only one in the county to start on Saturday and be open for eight nights. “Ifwe do ha ve ba d we at her , it gives us extradays to mak e up for it,” ompany Chief Charlie Green Jr. said. A big att ract ion at loca l carn iv als is its sig nat ure foo d, esp ecia lly pit eef . Ann ual Gamber carn iv al-goe rs may not ice a bra nd-newpit bee f stand where an older structure once stood, complete with a masonry arbeque pit and plaque with dedication to Matthew True, a Gamber ire company member who died from meningitis in March 2010 at 3 years old. Gree n sa id T rueloved the car ni va l and helped out at th e event ea ch ear, so the fire company decided to name the stand “True-Cut TOD A Y IN THE TIMES DAVE MUNCH/STAFF PHOTOS ulianna Allender, left, Alessandra Stevens and Brooks Allender ride the Baja Buggy at the Gamber fire company arnival Saturday . Below, Matt Hanks serves Jackson T urrall at the Tr ue-Cut Pit Beef stand at the carnival Saturda y. ir e companies rel y heavi l y on fu nd r aisers sa nds of dol la rs to the compa- INSIDE I Full listing of county carnival dates; Nashville musician returns home for Memorial Day concert See page A7 Ga mb er pi t be ef stan d ho no r s me mb er Bad we ather at te ndance can cost units thousan ds of dollars Poo l s to reo p en to t h e p u b lic BY PETER PANEPINTO TIMES STAFF WRITER Westminster resident Paula Cook has been taking her 13-year-old son to the Westminste Municipal Pool almost every summer since he was 2 years old. “He learned how to the swim there,” said Cook, 53. “He loves that pool.” With the weather forecasts predicting tem- peratures in the high 90s early next week, Cook and her son, Sky Teel, are planning to cool off at the pool Monday. T oda y’shigh temperatu re is for ecas t to rea ch 89 degrees, followed by a high of 96 Monday and 95 Tuesday, according to Several Carroll County pools are scheduled to open, just in time. The Westmin ster Municip al Pool opens Monday, from noon to 7 p.m., and it will be the first chance for the public to enjoy the newly installed park equipment, said Ron Shroers, director of recreation and parks. “It’s going to be a beautiful day,” Shroers said. “Come one, come all. New additions to the park include a basket- ball court, two tetherball stations, a new fence and the playgr ound with accompan ying shade structures. The park also includes the NOES 360, an interactive electronic game that ap- peals to adults and children. The park and equi pment was funde d through a $140,000 grant a city received from the Community Parks and Playgrounds Pro- gram. Cook’s other son, Blake Brown, said he’s been swimming at the Westminster pool as long as he can remember. Brown, 28, said he loves attending the pool because it has a perfect spot to play “Shark,” a game of tag played in water. “One pers on starts as the sha rk, Bro wn sai d. And each person that’s tagged becomes a shark until there is one person left.” Count y has man y pl aces f or warm-weather recr eation Please see Pools, A Please see Carniv al, A7 Carnival season fires u p $1.00 1911-2011 100TH ANNIVERSARY 100TH ANNIVERSARY 1911-2011 Sunday, May 29, 2011 S PORTS: Liberty’s girls win ti tl e, Carroll athletes br ing home gold at st ate me et  / B1 , 8  / A3

Transcript of CCT 05-29-2011 A1: Carnival season heats up

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