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    June 08-10, 2010 

    PowerGen Europe

    Fast Cycling and Grid Support

    Capability of Combined Cycle

    Power Plants to optimize the

    Integration of Renewable

    Generation into the European

    Grid:Live examples from projects in

    NL, F, UK, D

    Lothar Balling

    Gero MeineckeAndreas Pickard

    Dr. Ulrich Tomschi

    Siemens AG

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    Summary .................................................................................................................................... 3

    Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4

    The power generation market in a period of change.................................................................. 6

    Fast Cycling Concept (FACY)................................................................................................... 8

    Preserving warm start conditions ................................................................................... 9

    Ready-for-operation mode of water/steam cycle ........................................................... 9

    Optimized component design and plant operation to reduce material fatigue............... 9

    Automation concept optimization ................................................................................ 10

    Second-generation FACY – Start on the Fly ............................................................... 10

    Recent Operating Results............................................................................................. 11

    Grid Support............................................................................................................................. 12

    Load Stabilization at low frequencies .......................................................................... 12

    Primary and secondary frequency response ................................................................. 14

    Island operation capability ........................................................................................... 15

    Customer benefits..................................................................................................................... 17

    Conclusion................................................................................................................................ 19

    Copyright © Siemens AG 2010. All rights reserved.  2

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    Combined-cycle power plants (CCPP) have a large share in today’s power generation in

    Europe. The increasing contribution of CCPPs to power generation over the past decade can

     be explained through their high efficiency, short execution time and relatively low investment


    Meanwhile, regenerative and discontinuous power generation technology like wind power and

    solar power is penetrating the market increasingly. Renewable resources certainly lead the

    way to reduced CO2 emissions, but on the other hand their limited availability and

     predictability pose a considerable challenge to grid stability. Periods of low generation due to

    weather conditions (low winds, overcast weather, day and night conditions) have to be

    covered by other types, like fossil-fired power plants. As a result, the requirements on

    operational flexibility and rapid load response of the existing and new built fossil fleet, as

    formulated in grid codes and customer specifications, are constantly increasing. These

    developments drive modern power plant design to place a strong focus on operational

    flexibility and grid support operation in order to allow a large renewable capacity to be

    integrated into the grid systems.

    Integration of modern technologies and rigorous optimization of the plant start-up process

    have recently enabled Siemens to build most flexible and fastest-starting CCPPs in Europe,

    e.g. in France, Netherlands and Germany. This is illustrated by examples presented in this


    In the United Kingdom and similar markets the strict requirements of the grid code on

    operational behavior in case of frequency deviations can be met by deploying a range of new

    technologies. Island operation and part-load capability are being requested increasingly

    throughout developed and emerging markets and these can be provided by introducingadditional and innovative plant control concepts.

    Verification and validation of these capabilities was performed not only by theoretical

    analysis, but also by live testing during plant operation. This means that the customer benefit

    resulting from i.e. reduced fuel consumption and CO2- emissions during the start-up and

    ramping process can already be realized in power plants today.

    This paper describes the innovations in the area of plant flexibility and the results and

    improvements achieved in examplary, recently commissioned combined-cycle power plants

    in Europe.

    Copyright © Siemens AG 2010. All rights reserved.  3

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    Combined-cycle power plants are one of the more recent developments in the field of fossil-

    fuel power generation. They achieved their current importance in the power generating sector

    at the end of the 1980s. This is when power generation started to move away from the closed

    monopolistic market structures of the time and towards today's competition-oriented markets.

    The relatively low capital cost, high plant efficiency and short construction time are themain features that make this type of power plant interesting for new investments in a market

    characterized by increasingly intense competition.

    The first such plants quickly superseded existing older-vintage plants as a result of their

    relatively low power generating costs. Initially they were used to meet base-load requirements.

    Saturation of the electricity market and an increase in gas prices subsequently resulted in

    increased deployment of combined-cycle power plants in the intermediate-load range, i.e.

     plants were started up and shut down on a daily basis to cope with daytime peaks.

    This new field of application first became apparent at the end of the 1990s in the U.S. and the

    United Kingdom. The price of fuel continued to rise due to the large number of plants built

    during the boom. Base-load plants which had already been planned were shifted to the load

    regime of an intermediate-load plant.

    The challenge presented to projects by this changed requirement gave birth to the idea of

    trying to improve plant flexibility without compromising plant service life or plant efficiency.

    As the market continued to develop, the demand for quicker startups soon followed the

    demand for more frequent startups. This market demand finally resulted in the launch of a

    development project (FACY – FAst CYcling) which combined all the initial engineering

    ideas into a single integrated plant concept. The aim of the subsequently inititated R&D

     program was to design a plant for an increased number of starts and to reduce startup times. If

     possible, no limits were to be placed on the gas turbine by other power plant components,

    such as the heat recovery steam generator or steam turbine, during a hot and warm starts.

    In the course of the project, potential areas came to light in which further optimization could be achieved, although these had to wait for a second development generation to be

    implemented. The major improvement offered by this second generation involved the startup

     procedure. Hold points at which a plant waits until certain steam parameters have been

    reached were eliminated as part of the shortened "Start on the Fly" startup procedure. The

    steam turbine is now started up parallel to the gas turbine using the first steam which becomes

    available after a hot start.

    Whereas the first FACY generation reduced startup times for a hot start from 100 to 55

    minutes, the second generation succeeded in pushing startup times down below the 40-minute


    The first plants incorporating the advantages of both the first and second generations of theFACY concept are now being operated commercially. 30-minute startup times were recorded

    e.g. at the 2x 430 MW F-class Single Shaft Sloe Centrale plant (NL) during acceptance tests

    achieving more than 59% net efficiency. Equally good results have been exhibited by other

    reference plants. This means that the expectations placed on the second generation of FACY

    have been far surpassed in a number of cases.

    Shortening startup times and improving the starting reliability while increasing the number of

    starts was only one of many requirements with respect to plant flexibility. The ever increasing

     percentage of renewable resources on the grid results in a certain destabilization due to

    fluctuations in the availability of these resources. High-availability power plants, such as

    combined-cycle plants, are required in order to compensate for these fluctuations. Therequirements with respect to grid support, which are usually defined in a grid code, have

    Copyright © Siemens AG 2010. All rights reserved.  4

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    recently become more rigorous for these reasons. Some of the most stringent requirements are

    to be found in the UK grid code. The topics

    •  Load stabilization at low frequencies

    •  Primary and secondary frequency response

    •  Island operation capability

    have presented operators with a special challenge for quite some time. Siemens finally

    demonstrated with the recently handed over 840 MW Multi-Shaft F-class power plant

    Marchwood in UK that the problem could be solved by introducing additional technical

    features and optimizing the plant concept without compromising maximum efficiency above


    As with the development of FACY, a decisive success factor was the integrative approach,

    which combined the potentials of several systems and components in a single solution. The

    challenges were met based on the use of gas turbine compressor and firing reserves and fast

    wet compression combined with an optimized I&C/ closed-loop control concept.

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    2 208 10 2218164 146 12 240

    Peak load:

    Pumped Storage,

    SCPP/Aero derivative/etc.

    Intermediate load:

    Predominantly CCPP

    Renewables replace baseload units because ofmust feed-in obligations,but must be backed upfor wind/sun shortfall

    Product Requirements:

    • Low electricity production


    • Short startup times

    • High starting reliability

    • Good part load behavior 



    DaytimeBase load:

    Nuclear, Hydro Running

    Water, Coal Steam Plants

    Daily load profile (schematic)

       E   l  e  c   t  r   i  c   i   t  y

      p  r  o   d  u  c   t   i  o  n

    Figure 2: Daily load profile (schematic) and impact on CCPP

    The new demand for extremely fast power generating availability is also becoming apparent

    in our customer assessments. Whereas some customers made absolutely no assessment of

    startup times only a few years ago, the assessment figures have increased in recent years in

    some projects to over 100,000 €/min.

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    Fast Cycling Concept (FACY)

    As already mentioned, the idea of focusing plant design on an increased number of fast starts

    originated from experienced market conditions and executed projects. A multidisciplinary

    team of component and plant experts (for the steam turbine, gas turbine, balance of plant and

    auxiliary systems, control technology (I&C) and steam generator) was formed around the year

    2002 already to identify improvement potential in the existing plant concepts.

    The team identified the following potential areas for improvement:

    •  Utilization of different technologies like stack damper, auxiliary steam etc. to maintainthe pressure and temperature in the main components during shutdowns

    •  “Ready-for-operation” mode of the water/steam cycle by a fully automated start upconcept without manual operation or intervention during hot start

    •  Optimized component design (e.g. high capacity and fast acting de-superheaters) and plant operation to reduce material fatigue caused by load cycling

    •  Flexible operation concept to allow the operator to predetermine component fatigueand to choose start up time and ramp rate

    •  Optimization of the automation and control concept

    •   New startup sequence "Start on the Fly" to allow a nearly unrestrained ramp-up

    Figure 3 summarizes the main features of the FACY concept.

    Figure 3: FACY features

    All FACY features mentioned below help to reduce the startup time significantly. They are

    modular and will be offered, configured and implemented on a project-specific base.

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     Preserving warm start conditions

    One of the focus components is the steam generator. Major heat loss occurs through the stack

    and therefore a stack damper has been deployed to limit heat loss during shutdown. Cooling

    down of the boiler is considerably reduced and delayed.

    Furthermore, auxiliary steam can be used to heat the main heat-recovery steam generator

    (HRSG). These measures clearly increase the maximum possible shutdown periods duringwhich criteria for hot and warm starts still apply.

     Ready-for-operation mode of water/steam cycle

    Auxiliary steam is also used to maintain the water/steam cycle in a ready-for-operation mode.

    This means auxiliary steam is fed into the gland steam system of the steam turbine. Keeping

    the gland steam system in operation prevents air from being drawn into the steam turbine and

    the condenser. Since the steam turbine and the condenser are sealed off from the ambient air,

    the condenser vacuum pumps can maintain the vacuum.

    To enhance the startup procedure, the condensate polishing plant can be used to bring the

    water/steam cycle within specified chemistry limits faster.

    Optimized component design and plant operation to reduce material fatigue

    The high-pressure drum of the HRSG is one of the most critical components involved in the

    startup and ramping procedure. As a thick-walled component it is exposed to large

    temperature gradients and high operating pressures. Thermal stress in the high-pressure drum

    walls limits the load-, start up- and shut down- gradients of the HRSG.

    The main feature of BENSON® boiler technology is once-through steam generation, which

    means that conventional separation of steam and boiling water inside a boiler drum is not

    necessary. Steam is generated directly within the evaporator tubes of the boiler, as shown in

    Figure 4. There is no high-pressure drum in a BENSON®-type boiler, so these limits do not

    apply. A temperature-controlled startup process which uses an optimized high-capacity de-superheater to limit steam temperatures during the startup process has been developed for

    warm and cold starts. This reduces thermal stress in critical components of the steam turbine.

    The application of BENSON HRSG allows to increase the number of permissable starts and

    cycling events over the lifetime by reducing stress induced fatigue in the high pressure section

    of the HRSG.

    Figure 4: Drum-type HRSG vs. BENSON®-type HRSG

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     Automation concept optimization

    There are two approaches to optimizing the automation concept:

    •  Design limits are enhanced by the use of a closed-loop control instead of earlierempirical approaches. A turbine stress controller is used to determine thermal stress

     based on temperature differences measured within the steam turbine and ensures thatstress limits are not exceeded. The turbine stress controller makes it possible to

    shorten the startup time without reducing the lifetime of heat-critical turbine


    •  Two additional startup modes – “FAST” and “COST- EFFECTIVE” – in addition tothe “NORMAL”- mode were introduced. The operator has the option of choosing the

    appropriate startup mode depending on current electricity market prices and operating

    and power supply requirements. Maintenance intervals can be extended using

    the ”COST EFFECTIVE” setting and the “FAST” mode permits controlled fast

    startup with consequently more frequent service activities.

    The startup procedure is automated to a level that enables hot starts with only a few operator

    actions, the aim being to minimize inefficient and unproductive periods during startup

     preparations. Draining and venting are largely automated.

    Second-generation FACY – Start on the Fly

    In addition to the original FACY concept, a procedure for parallel startup of gas and steam

    turbines has been developed. It is based on monitoring and controlling the temperature

    gradients within limits acceptable for all critical plant components and the long term operation

    experience with different steam conditions in our Siemens turbine design. The new concept

    enables plant startups without any gas turbine load hold points. A new startup sequence wasimplemented for this reason – see Figure 5. The main innovation is the early steam turbine

    starting point with earlier acceleration and loading of the turbine.

    Figure 5: Improved startup through “Start on the Fly”


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     Recent Operating Results

    The above desribed features have been implemented across Europe and the second generation

    has been showing excellent results in single shaft as well as in multi shaft configurations. As

    examples the F-class single shaft plant in Pont sur Sambre (France) and the F-class multi shaft

    configuration Irsching 5 (Germany) can be mentioned, as shown in Figures 6 and 7. Both

    units have demonstrated their capability to start after a typical over night shut down to fullload in around 30 minutes.

    In addition to their excellent dynamic capabilities both units have proven, that fuel efficiency

    will not be compromised, since efficiency values above 58% and 59% respectively have been


    Figure 6: 430 MW Pont Sur Sambre

    (SCC5- 4000F 1S)

    27 min

    It is noteworthy, that the Siemens single shaft operation concept allows a parallel start up of

    all plant units individually, resulting in a multiple unit power output (e.g. x times 430 MW)

    available in around 30 minutes, as it had been demonstrated in the above mentioned time

    frame in the project Sloe Centrale (Netherlands) with 2 units.

    Figure 7: 860 MW Irsching 5 (SCC5- 4000F MS)

    Total Plant Load

    GT1 Load

    GT2 Load

    Plant Start-u Time ~ 30

    ST Load

    ~ 762 MW ~ 827 MW



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    Grid Support

    In liberalized electricity markets, the minimum requirements with respect to the power

    dynamics of power plants are defined in grid codes. Some of the most stringent requirements

    imposed on plant dynamics are to be found in the UK grid code due to its island character.

    Here we are focusing on three of the most critical dynamic properties:

    •  Load stabilization at low frequencies

    •  Primary and secondary frequency response

    •  Island operation capability

     Load Stabilization at low frequencies

     Normal fluctuations in the balance between generation and consumption are reflected in

    fluctuations in grid frequency which can be compensated by means of regular frequency

    control measures. The frequency can, however, also decrease or even increase more

    significantly in the event of unusually serious and uncommon disturbances. Unfortunately the

    decrease in grid frequency also means a reduction of speed and subsequently a decrease of power output. This decrease in speed causes the compressor in the gas turbine to transport a

    reduced volumetric flow, thus decreasing gas turbine output if appropriate measures are not

    implemented to compensate for this behavior which is due to physical reasons. The UK grid

    code stipulates that the power output must be maintained for a minimum of 5 minutes down to

    49.5 Hz so as to avoid further taxing of the grid due to under-frequency. If a greater decrease

    in frequency occurs, the grid code permits a maximum decrease in output of 5 % at 47 Hz, as

    illustrated in Figure 8

    Figure 8: Load stabilization at low frequency in accordance with UK grid code

    To counteract this decrease in power output, Siemens relies on several measures for increased

    output which can be implemented at short notice. The decrease in output can be compensated

     by rapidly opening the guide vanes on the compressor. The fuel flow is increased at the same

    time. This can compensate for a drop in power of around 6 MW. In unfavorable operating

    conditions this increase in output will not be sufficient on its own to meet the requirement

    described above, however. In this case the Siemens patented fast wet compression concept

    can be used to mobilize a further power reserve of around 12 MW. Demineralized water spray

    is temporarily injected at the compressor inlet for this purpose. The mass of the injected water

    increases the mass flow through the compressor. The evaporating water also cools the air flow

    at the compressor inlet. The air density and consequently the mass flow through the

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    compressor increase due to this cooling process. Rapid activation of the system constitutes a

    challenge to control systems, as the increase in power output only takes effect at short notice

    if the gas turbine control and the water injection are perfectly coordinated through the

    optimized I&C system.

    The implementation of these grid support features has been validated and demonstrated in theF-class multi shaft plant Marchwood (UK) at a power output of about 840 MW and >58%

    efficiency (Fig. 9).

    Figure 9: 840 MW Marchwood (SCC5-4000F MS)

    The measurements from the Marchwood project in UK are illustrated in Figure 10. It can be

    seen quite clearly that an 18 MW increase at each GT was achieved by opening the

    compressor IGVs and then initiating fast wet compression, thus meeting the requirement ofthe UK grid code.

    Figure 10: Load stabilization at low frequency test per GT (Marchwood)

    CompressorTurn Up

    Fast WetCompression

    Simulated GridFrequency

    6 MW byIGV Control

    18 MW withFast wet



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     Primary and secondary frequency response

    The purpose of load stabilization at low frequencies was to prevent further destabilization of

    the grid when the frequency decreases due to major disturbances. Primary and secondary

    frequency response are now required for grid support during normal operation. For this

     purpose the UK grid code stipulates that a power plant operating at part load must be capable

    of making additional power available on a temporary basis. Figure 11 illustrates therequirement of the UK grid code. We can see from the diagram that the power plant operating

    at under 80 % load must be able to make available at least 10 % of its rated power within 10

    seconds in the event of a decrease in frequency. For secondary frequency response 10 % of its

    rated power must be made available within 30 seconds. As we can see from Figure 11, the

    requirements are reduced in the event of loads over 80 %.

    This figure also shows that the load must be reduced by 10 % of its rated power within 10

    seconds as a high frequency response in the event of overfrequencies if the grid frequency

    rises by 500 MHz. The island operation requirement is, however, even more stringent than

    this criterion. For this reason high frequency response will not be discussed any further at this


    80% plant load,

     primary frequency response,

    increase by 10% / 10 s

    Figure 11: Frequency response at low and high frequencies in accordance with UK grid code

    Unlike load stabilization at low frequency, there is no need to look for a further power reserve

    in this case. No new systems are required for this reason. The challenge lies more in the speed

    at which the power must be made available.

    To meet the requirements of the grid code, Siemens relies on fast repositioning of the

    compressor IGVs on the one hand. On the other hand the fuel control has been optimized tosuch an extent that load ramps are possible without destabilizing combustion. Figure 12

    Copyright © Siemens AG 2010. All rights reserved.  14

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    illustrates the results of the test in Marchwood and clearly shows that the required additional

     power is achieved both after 10 seconds and after 30 seconds. In fact, the criterion is

    significantly exceeded in both instances.

    Figure 12: Frequency response test at low frequency (Marchwood, July 2009, data for one GT)

    Simulated NetFrequency

    45 MW in 10 sec

    53.7 MW in 30 sec


    SecondaryRes onse


     Island operation capability

    In the preceding sections, the focus has mainly been on increasing power output. With island

    operation capability the primary objective is to stabilize the island grid. In this case it may

    happen that an excess of power in the island which has formed is suddenly faced with an

    abrupt drop in consumption. The grid frequency increases very quickly as a result. The power

     plant must react to this frequency increase by throttling power in order to stabilize the

    frequency without causing a forced shutdown of the power plant due to over-frequency or any

    other uncontrolled process. Uncontrolled shutdown of power plants can result in a grid


    This is why the UK grid code stipulates that the power plant must be capable of decreasing

    from rated power as a worst case scenario to the design minimum operating level (DMOL).

    The DMOL must not be smaller than 55 % of rated power in this case. This load reduction

    must be effected so quickly that the island frequency remains below 52 Hz. Grid studies based

    on the UK National Grid requirements show that the load reduction must take place within

    around 8 seconds.

    The power plant must detect island formation of this kind automatically and take immediate

    action. As soon as island operating mode is activated, permitted load change ramps are set to

    the maximum value. The inlet guide vanes in the gas turbine compressor are closed without

    delay. At the same time the different closed-loop controls ensure that the power is decreased

    at the maximum rate of change for load. The flame stability and potential flash backs in the

    Copyright © Siemens AG 2010. All rights reserved.  15

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    combustion system is the main objective of closed-loop control optimization so as to avoid

    emergency shutdown of the gas turbine.

    As we can see from Figure 13, the gas turbine output was decreased by 52 % within 4 seconds

    as the result of a simulated fast frequency increase of 0.9 Hz during the Marchwood test

    without initiating a plant trip. A further decrease of 4 % was achieved in the following 4

    seconds, thus also more than meeting the second grid code requirement.

    Simulated GridFrequency

    Power Out ut

    Figure 13: Island operating test at Marchwood with one GT

    Meanwhile these basic plant features demonstrated in F-class plants are being transferred also to H-

    class technology and have already been validated in open cycle operation at Irsching 4 (Germany)

    last year (Figure 14), demonstrating that even this latest and highest efficient technology is capable

    of supporting the same stringend grid code requirements.

    Figure 14: Grid code test at Irsching 4 (SSC5-8000H) in open cycle mode

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    Customer benefits

    The previous sections clearly demonstrate that FACY and Start on the Fly permit a reduction

    of startup times as well as operating modes with an increased number of startups. These

    features optimize the cycling regime of a plant.

    An operating regime which permits a larger number of startups and thus enables nightly

     power plant shutdowns offers two additional benefits:

    •  CO2 emissions are minimized by shortening inefficient plant startup times thanks to anoptimized startup procedure. Maximum electrical efficiency is reached faster and total

    emissions are reduced.

    •  Since nightly shutdowns and reliable startups become economically feasible, overallCO2  emissions are further reduced as inefficient overnight parking at part load is

    avoided. Other power plants within the grid can then be operated at full load and

    maximum efficiency.

    Customers benefit from this, primarily through fuel savings and a reduction in CO2 emissionsduring the startup phase. Shortening the startup time by using Start on the Fly for a hot start

    offers an estimated added value of more than 3 million euros alone, assuming that the savings

    described above are realized over the service life of a 430 MW power plant. The option of

    disconnecting the plant from the grid overnight offers enormous potential in the form of

    savings in operating costs.

     Night-time electricity prices are at such a low level in Europe that a combined-cycle power

     plant can no longer be operated at a profit during the night due to high gas and CO2 costs (see

    Figure 15). In order to minimize these losses, power plants are operated at part load or are

    shut down altogether at night.


    Electricity Price EEX 13.01.2010

    & CO2 Costs at Full Load Gas 

    20 22 16 1814121086 2  4 0







     Figure 15: Typical electricity price curve (€/MWh) compared with gas and CO2 costs (example

    from January 13, 2010, European Energy Exchange)

    Reducing the load already brings about a significant reduction in losses. However when the

    load decreases, so does overall efficiency, meaning that gas and CO2  costs can only bereduced disproportionately.

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    In addition to the positive effect of load reduction, shutting a power plant down at night can

    achieve other important improvements. Only shutdown and startup costs are incurred by this

    method. Restrictions relating to the permitted number of startups for the plant have been

    significantly improved with the FACY program. FACY and Start on the Fly have also

    significantly reduced startup times. The result is lower gas consumption and lower CO2 

    emissions, providing the power plant operator with an additional economic benefit for everystart.

    Figure 16 shows the CO2  and fuel savings which can be achieved by night-time shutdown

    using FACY compared with night-time part-load operation at about 25 %. We can see from

    the graphics that the power plant in the example can avoid up to 130 tons of gas consumption

    and 362 tons of CO2 emissions per night through night-time shutdown. This increases annual

     power plant profit by 4.8 million euros as compared with night-time part-load operation.

    Figure 16: Savings of gas and CO2 emissions resulting from night-time shutdown

    The calculation example illustrated in Figure 16 is based on a gas price of 20.2 €/MWh, CO2 

    costs of 2.88 €/MWh and a night-time electricity price of 29.4 €/MWh. The performance data

    are based on an SCC5-4000F single-shaft with a cooling tower.

    Today grid support features are primarily specified by the grid access requirements of theindividual countries. No monetary valuation of the additional plant flexibility is included in

    tender specifications as yet. For this reason today's plants are designed purely based on grid

    code specifications. Depending on the level of electricity market liberalization, the different

    flexibility features allow to generate additional earnings, first of all by participating in the

    frequency reserve market. Furthermore, plants with high reliability and operational flexibility

    regarding their behavior under disturbed grid conditions are expected to be prioritized for


    -130 t

    Shut down &

    Start on the Fly





    -362 t

    Shut down &

    Start on the







    Shut down &

    Start on the Fly





    Reduction of gas consumption and CO2 emissions [per night] Economic impact [per year]

    Gas Consumption [in t] CO2

    Emission [in t]Cost for operation/ shut down

    and start up [in million €]

    Based on 200 starts p.a.


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    Siemens, as an original equipment manufacturer and turnkey power plant provider, has

    successfully implemented a new plant feature called FACY to enable highest operational

    flexibility with fast startup times and an increased possible number of reliable starts.

    FACY is a fully integrated plant concept, which comprises optimizations of turbine design,

    heat recovery steam generator, water steam cycle, startup sequence and automation concept.

    One of the advanced FACY features is the implementation of a stress controller to enable the

     plant operator to choose between fast, normal and cost-effective startup modes, corresponding

    service intervalls and life time consumption.

    In the light of these preconditions and the high startup reliability of combined-cycle power

     plants, daily shutdown and startup with FACY is the most economical solution to reduce the

    impact of nightly losses. This maximized operational flexiblity in combination with highest

    efficiency over 59% with our SCC5-4000F plant concepts ensures a higher dispatch rate

    compared to conventional power plants.

    FACY also significantly increases plant startup efficiency and in combination with a nightly

    shutdown mode this clearly reduces CO2  emmissions and increases overall power plant


    In addition to the optimization of startup procedures and an increase in the number of

     permitted starts, Siemens offers a plant design which can even meet very stringent grid

    requirements, e.g. in the UK. This is only possible if the plant is designed using an integrative

    approach. Closed-loop controls allow the plant potentials to be utilized to the full. A fast wet

    compression system is activated to maintain power output in the event of low grid frequency.The Marchwood plant has demonstrated that all the strict UK grid code requirements with

    respect to plant flexibility are fulfilled in addition to its top efficiency at more than 58%. The

     proven concepts and technologies are now ready for transfer to future F-class and H-class

    CCPP projects to support increasing operational flexibility and grid support requirements.

    The newly introduced features and concepts help to secure reliable power supply and grid

    stability and enable the fast growing market penetration of discontinuous renewable power

    generation to further reduce CO2 emissions in Europe.

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    The content of this paper is copyrighted by Siemens and is licensed to PennWell for

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