ccents our Wednesday Night with the

“WITH ACCENTS ON ACTIVITIES OF THE CHURCH ” CHURCH OF CHRIST 1100 E Wilkins PO BOX 688 ANGLETON, TEXAS 77516 Phone: (979) 849-6391 ccents A November 7, 2021 A.M. Worship 77 Contribution $5,487.00 Weekly Budget $5,287.00 NOVEMBER 14, 2021 GREETERS November 14 Gerry Austin Sharon Austin Doris Burnett, Lucille Hudgins D.D. & Francene Lindsey November 21 James Henry Cindy Gernand, Christina Henry Curtis & Tammy Sanford Dan & Roberta Talbot MONITOR November 14 D.D. Lindsey November 21 Scott Ratcliff MEN TO COUNT CONTRIBUTIONS Nov. 14 William Stidman & Joe Maywald Nov. 21 Rick Arnold & Kim Smith SPECIAL SERVICE Communion Preparation Sharon Barrow Clean Communion Trays Sharon Barrow Baptismal Garments Joe & Margy Davis Nursery Sheets SCHEDULE OF SERVICES SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASSES 9:30 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP 10:30 A.M. SUNDAY EVENING WORSHIP 5:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY NIGHT WITH THE MASTER MEAL 6:00 P.M. ACTIVITIES & BIBLE STUDY 6:30, 7:00 P.M. THOSE WHO SERVE November 14 November 21 LOCK BUILDING Jeff King Jeff King PROJECTOR Walter Anderson Kim Smith Gary Faycosh Joe Davis SCRIPTURE READING Curtis Sanford Brian Casey FIRST PRAYER Jeff King Dan Talbot LORD’S SUPPER Dan Talbot Gerry Austin Carl Barrow Stephen Bailey D.D. Lindsey John Trammel Josh Palin Quincey Trammel Michael Welch Gary Faycosh Brian Casey William Stidman Randy Wilkinson Drew Stidman Larry Timaeus James Carr Kyle Teat Aaron Black David Johnson Abel Black CLOSING COMMENTS Jeff King Jeff King CLOSING PRAYER Kim Smith James Henry EVENING SCRIPTURE READING Gerry Austin Joe Maywald FIRST PRAYER James Henry Walter Anderson LORD’S SUPPER Rick Arnold William Stidman Carl Barrow CLOSING PRAYER Joe Davis Curtis Sanford ELDERS Walter Anderson Jeff King Curtis Sanford DEACONS Joe Davis Scott Ratcliff Kim Smith William Stidman John Trammel VOLUME LII, NUMBER 45 NOVEMBER 9, 2021 The next Men’s Meeng is scheduled for November 10th, at 8:00 p.m. immediately following our Wednesday Night with the Master acvies. We want to encourage all of our men to make plans to aend. en’s eeting

Transcript of ccents our Wednesday Night with the

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November 7, 2021 A.M. Worship 77 Contribution $5,487.00 Weekly Budget $5,287.00
NOVEMBER 14, 2021
GREETERS November 14 Gerry Austin Sharon Austin Doris Burnett, Lucille Hudgins D.D. & Francene Lindsey
November 21 James Henry Cindy Gernand, Christina Henry Curtis & Tammy Sanford Dan & Roberta Talbot
MONITOR November 14 D.D. Lindsey
November 21 Scott Ratcliff
MEN TO COUNT CONTRIBUTIONS Nov. 14 William Stidman & Joe Maywald
Nov. 21 Rick Arnold & Kim Smith
Baptismal Garments Joe & Margy Davis Nursery Sheets
o n
ra m
scheduled for November 10th, at
8:00 p.m. immediately following
encourage all of our men to make
plans to attend.
en’s eeting
Rick Arnold is hoping to have a CT scan soon on
the shoulder he hurt falling a couple of weeks
ago...Suzanne Gautney is having health
issues...Jackie Smith has tested positive for
COVID; she was also taken to the ER Monday for
heart related issues and was hoping to go home
today...David Beegle, from the Impact church of
Christ, had surgery last week...Bryan Evan, family
friend of the Stidmans and Trammels, remains
hospitalized with serious health issues; he is
Oftentimes people come up to me after a sermon and
say, “You stepped on my toes with that lesson!” I used
to respond, “I promise that wasn’t my intention.” I
have to confess, that’s a little bit of a lie. (A lie for
which I apologize!) While I never preach to a specific
person, I intend that every lesson has an affect. One
aspect of that is to cause you to think about the life you
are living, and whether certain changes need to be
made to better yourself as a Christian. Lately, when
people tell me, “You stepped on my toes,” I respond
with “I need to aim higher because I was going for
your heart!”
In today's article, “Sorry…Not Sorry,” I am aiming for
your heart! I know that some people will not like what
I have to say, and you are more than welcome to be
angry with me, but is it me you should be angry with?
Our numbers for Sunday morning worship have been
going up, but we still have several members who are
worshipping from home. At the start of the pandemic, I
was grateful for the technological advances that
allowed us to worship and remain safe. I admit that
covid is still very much a part of our world, and while
covid numbers going down, I agree we still need to be
cautious and safe. Some worship from home because
they are generally concerned for their safety, and I
completely understand your feelings. However, for
those who worship from home because it’s “more
comfortable,” I caution your decision as it says a lot
about your faith, heart, and love for the Kingdom. Let’s
not forget why God wanted us to come and worship
together! Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider
how to stir up one another to love and good works, not
neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but
encouraging one another, and all the more as you see
the Day drawing near.”
When we worship from home, away from our spiritual
family, we can’t stir one another up in love, and we
definitely can’t encourage each other the way we do in
person. I know we don’t worship on Sunday mornings
for ourselves, we worship for our God; however, we
benefit each Lord’s Day in the fellowship that comes
from surrounding ourselves with like-minded people.
When our hearts are hurting, when we are struggling
with sin, or we need a little encouragement; coming to
worship and seeing our spiritual family provides that
help. And maybe you’re not struggling, but I can
guarantee someone is, and God made us to serve
others. We can’t help when we don’t come and
assemble with the saints. As one person wrote,
“Christians aren’t consumers, we are contributors. We
don’t watch. We engage!” Matthew 20:28, “Even as
the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and
to give his life as a ransom for many.”
I write this to encourage everyone who reads it, to
examine their heart and ask themselves if they are
doing their best to be a good Christian. It’s easy these
days to make the excuse, “I’m scared” when in
actuality we are just “comfortable.” Why get up on
Sunday morning, and get dressed, when you can
worship in your pajamas? Plus, I can worship whenever
I want, and not at a specific time! Here’s the truth…If
you are comfortable going to parties, events, family
gatherings, or even work, where other people are
present, then we should be comfortable coming to
worship. I promise you are just as safe, if not safer
here. While we don’t currently have a mask mandate,
there are still several people who wear them, and if you
don’t want to shake hands, we respect that as well. We
don’t just want you to be here, we need you to be here!
Your smiling face is a blessing to us all, and the love
we get from worshiping with you aid our souls.
Remember, if you worship from home because you are
trying to stay healthy, I respect that, and our Facebook
Live is set up for that reason! But ask yourself if that’s
the real reason you are worshiping from home. How
does it look when we don’t come to worship in person
because of covid, but we are fine eating at a restaurant,
or going shopping at the mall? I’ve used the pandemic
as an excuse for other things besides worship. I’ve said,
“We should skip, it might not be safe,” and then the
next day go out and have fun with my family. I realized
quickly that I didn’t have the right attitude and needed
to change. If that’s you, then we want to encourage you
and help you! So, if this article has upset you, or you
feel like I’m “calling you out personally,” I promise
I’m not meaning to step on your toes, but I am trying to
prick your heart! And remember, I’m not writing this to
any specific person, but everyone. When you are gone,
I miss you; the whole congregation misses you. And
while I want to say sorry, if this article hurt your
feelings, I am not sorry. All I have done today is share
God’s truth. Never forget what it says in John 8:31-32,
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,
and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you
free.” God bless, and I love you all! David Olmos
We’ve been having an awesome Wednesday night class, brother Scott Ratcliff has been a blessing to teach with. But if you need extra incentive to come to our mid-week youth class, tomorrow, Wednesday November 10, we will be picking a color for the youth room which we will be painting in the not so
distant future! If you want your vote to be heard, we want to see you tomorrow evening at 7:00 p.m.!
Please come speak with me if you would like to be one of our hosts for the progressive dinner this year. It will take place on Friday, December 17. Thank you in advance.
Upcoming Events:
Nov. 14 Devo @ Sanfords’
Dec. 5 Devo @ Andersons’
Dec. 17 Progressive Dinner
Dec. 19 Devo @ Ratcliffs’