CCaammpp IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn

C C a a m m p p I I n n f f o o r r m m a a t t i i o o n n Jacobs Well Environmental Education Centre 843 Jacobs Well-Pimpama Road, Norwell, QLD, 4208. Website: Email: [email protected] Tel: 5546 2317

Transcript of CCaammpp IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn

CCaammpp IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn

Jacobs Well Environmental Education Centre

843 Jacobs Well-Pimpama Road, Norwell, QLD, 4208. Website: Email: [email protected]

Tel: 5546 2317

Jacobs Well Environmental Education Centre - Camp Booklet - Page 2

About Us

The Jacobs Well Environmental

Education Centre (JWEEC) is an

Education Queensland facility

located 20km from Beenleigh

and in close proximity to the

islands and waterways of

southern Moreton Bay.

The Centre aims to develop

environmentally conscious and

active individuals by delivering

quality environmental

programs in an alternative

learning environment -

mangrove wetland, salt marsh,

sheltered waterways, sand and

mud islands and coastal forests.

Programs in key subject areas

for students of all ages are

designed in line with the Australian Curriculum.

Our Centre also offers opportunity for real life challenges and the development of social and communication skills in a

unique setting.

Facilities and Equipment Vessels and Transportation:

Our Centre facilities include: a 24 -seater bus for transport to local off-site study areas, a 12 metre catamaran ‘The

Educat’ for fast and safe access to a wide range of sites or to provide a ‘floating classroom’, Canadian canoes and two

wooden dories for use in activities.


Two cabins offer dormitory style accommodation for up to 40 students and 4 adults. Blankets are provided.


The amenities building comprise three showers and composting toilets each for boys and girls, and a disabled toilet

and shower room. As we are not on town water, showers are limited to 3 minutes per person. A laundry with

washing machine is also available.

Kitchen/ covered eating area:

The kitchen includes: upright freezer, large double door refrigerator; commercial oven; 4 burner gas stove and bar-b-

que plate; dishwasher; electric urn; 6 slice toaster; stainless steel preparation benches; 2 large eskies and drink

containers; and an assortment of utensils, pots and pans and serving bowls. Our dining room can seat up to 40 people

and there is a shaded outdoor eating area and pizza oven.


Catering for your camp is your responsibility. You are expected to ensure Education Queensland’s ‘Healthy Food -

Smart Choices’ policy is adhered to whether self catering or engaging the services of a professional caterer.

GAIL HOLDER from Jitters Catering is available for school camps at Jacobs Well EEC. Please contact her by: -

Email : [email protected] Mobile: 0412 172 332

Other Resources:

A Digital Projector, DVD player, television and art equipment are available for your use. A volley ball court is set up for

student recreation during camp. Giant Jenga, giant Connect Four and coits are also available.

Jacobs Well Environmental Education Centre - Camp Booklet - Page 3

Checklist for Teachers

Date is confirmed with the teachers of JWEEC.

Time of departure from school __________________ am

Arrival time at the centre _______________________ am

Time of departure from centre __________________ pm

Arrival time at the school _______________________ pm

Bus is booked.

If the bus is required to transport students during the day as well as to and from school, students

may board in a wet and muddy condition: -

Check the bus has seats and floor covers which are easily cleaned or

Put covers on seats – e.g. newspaper.

Catering is organised and caterers notified of allergies or special dietary requirements.

JWEEC teachers have been notified of students with special needs and changes in student


Risk assessments for activities have been checked on website.

Parents have been notified of student requirements, costs and details of the program.

Parent consent/permission form covers all intended activities as described in your program

and the use of centre vehicles to and from any off site activities (if required). First Aid kit includes a supply of sunscreen and student medication.

Departmental policy requires that schools provide an Epipen for each group in addition to any

prescribed for identified participants with a serious allergy. Anaphylaxis is life threatening.

All students diagnosed with this condition MUST HAVE THEIR OWN EPIPEN AND MANAGEMENT

PLAN with them on the day.

Please bring hand sanitiser for your students’ use throughout the camp.

Client List with names and relevant medical details of all students and adults on the excursion

has been completed. Please conduct our CoVid Health Check for staff and students the

morning of departure and tick column ‘Health Check Completed’ on client list. Adults

attending will need to complete our CoVid register (not applicable to EQ staff) and may be

required to complete a CoVid Health Questionnaire depending on health restrictions at that

time. Please hand the client list and completed health questionnaires to JWEEC staff on arrival.

The Cost of Your Camp The prices charged by our Centre are set in accordance with Education Queensland directives. Program costs vary depending on activities undertaken and transportation requirements. The cost of your excursion will be determined during pre-visit planning. Please do not attempt to pay in advance, an invoice will be sent to your school AFTER your excursion.

Jacobs Well Environmental Education Centre - Camp Booklet - Page 4

Checklist for Students For the first day...

Arrive at Jacobs Well EEC wearing a shady hat, old clothing that protects from

the sun and is suitable for muddy environments: shirts with sleeves and collars, long shorts or pants;

comfortable, old but sturdy lace-up shoes.

NO singlet tops, short shorts, sandals, thongs, gumboots or Velcro shoes. For their own protection,

students may not take part in any activities if incorrectly dressed.

For the rest of your camp...

Clothing and overnight requirements...

socks and underwear - 2 sets per day T-shirt or similar (no singlet tops) - 2 per day

2 pair shorts/1 pair long pants per day (summer) or 2 pair long pants/ 1 pair shorts per day (winter)

pyjamas swimmers (swimming/canoeing/snorkelling)

bath towel beach towel

2 pair walking shoes, 1 pair to remain dry (essential) thongs/sandals to wear in free time only

raincoat torch with new batteries (essential)

pillow, sheets, blanket and/or sleeping bag (beds have mattress protectors only)

Bring an old pillow case or a reusable wipe clean bag to take muddy clothes home. Wet clothes can be

wrapped in a towel for the journey home. Please note that we are trying to reduce the use of plastic bags to

help protect the environment.

reusable water bottle – this is essential – please do not bring 2 litre bottles.


toothbrush and toothpaste soap, shampoo, deodorant

hair comb/brush roll-on insect repellent, sunscreen


this should be clearly labelled with student’s name and dosage and handed to the class teacher.

Students should not have medication in their bags without prior consent of the classroom teacher.

Study Equipment...

pen, pencils

clipboard with book/paper

Optional ...

camera, binoculars

What Not To Bring... Mobile phones, electronic games, chewing gum.

If these items are brought they will be confiscated and returned at the end of the camp.


Jacobs Well Environmental Education Centre - Camp Booklet - Page 5

Health and Safety Policy & Responsible Behaviour Plan Adherence to policy and procedures and to the Responsible Behaviour Plan ensures a safe and enjoyable

environment for all visitors and staff.

COVID-19 Safe

Students, parents and visiting teachers can be assured that the operations at Jacobs Well Environmental Education Centre (JWEEC) reflect the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee advice on reducing the potential risk of COVID-19 transmission in schools (24 April 2020).

JWEEC will continue to implement strict hygiene measures for all staff, students and clients including:

Everyone to wash hands with soap and water and/or use hand sanitiser upon arrival and at regular intervals throughout the day - particularly before and after eating, and after going to the toilet- covering coughs and sneezes with ones elbow or a tissue & hand sanitising afterwards - placing used tissues straight into the bin

not sharing food or drink closing communal water fountains/bubblers.

Adults are to maintain physical distancing between themselves and each other.

Use of mobile phones at school will be discouraged and if possible, restricted. Centre mobile phones will be cleaned regularly.