CCA Brand Brochure

Bringing people together to help beat cancer.


CCA Brand Brochure

Transcript of CCA Brand Brochure

Bringing people together to help beat cancer.

What will you do today to help beat cancer?

Cancer survival in Australia has improved by around 30% over the past 25 years, thanks to research-driven improvements in prevention, early detection and patient care.

On current trends, around 66% of the 120,000 Australians diagnosed with cancer this year will be alive in five years, many of them going into permanent remission.

Together, we can work to help ensure more and more Australians will survive their diagnosis.

Cancer Council is the only charity that works across the full spectrum of prevention, detection, treatment and care, to improve outcomes for all cancer types in Australia.

We have the largest network of scientists, educators, patient support staff, advocates and volunteers – able to translate your support into improved cancer outcomes in Australia.

Together, we can do things every day, in every way, to bring the defeat of cancer closer.



A key aim of our group organisations is to support people who have come in contact with cancer, either through a personal diagnosis, the diagnosis of a friend or family member.

Our 13 11 20 Helpline provides information and support from experienced health professionals.

We also provide such services as transport to treatment, lodges where people can stay during treatment, practical support programs to help ease the financial burden.

Research is the key to finding answers to our questions about cancer - what causes cell damage, why cells turn cancerous, how cancer grows and spreads and how we can most effectively attack it.

Cancer Council is the leading funder of independent cancer research and related activities in Australia, granting more than $49 million to cancer research, research scholarships and fellowships in 2012.

We are Cancer Council.

Together we can help beat cancer.

We are Cancer Council.

Together we can help beat cancer.



Our belief is that the incidence of cancer can be reduced by prevention methods and lifestyle control.

Our early detection and prevention programs aim to help people quit smoking, protect themselves from the sun, eat healthier foods and engage in physical activity to reduce the risk of cancer.

Cancer Council advises government on the needs of our stakeholders and provides an independent voice for improved cancer control policy based on the evidence.

Cancer Council also publishes the National Cancer Prevention Policy which advocates for a concerted and comprehensive national approach to the prevention of cancer.

All questionsAll cancers

13 11

“'does cancer run in families?”

“i just need to talk to someone”