CBRNe April 2013 Web - Decovy

Oh Rose, Thou Art Sick Medical Countermeasures & CBRN To Sleep... CBRN Coroners & Pathologists Only Dreaming Syria and Future Threats CBRNe WORLD April 2013 $15 CBRNe Convergence 2013 see pages 55 to 59

Transcript of CBRNe April 2013 Web - Decovy

Page 1: CBRNe April 2013 Web - Decovy

Oh Rose, Thou Art SickMedical Countermeasures & CBRN

To Sleep...CBRN Coroners & Pathologists

Only DreamingSyria and Future Threats





Convergence 2013

see pages 55 to 59

Page 2: CBRNe April 2013 Web - Decovy


Picture Perfect: Your cover brought

to you by…

Pent up response: PFPAs evolving CBRNE capability


Change abounds: Syria and strategic inflection


24-29RDD Ready: SCDF and theirnew RDD defeat capability

Battlefield LA: LA CountySherriff’s Department and

their CBRNE capability

Doing MOF: Army Research Office’sPPE program


Body of Evidence: The role of Coroners




47-54Medical Emergency: New developments in MCM

South Central: South Savo and their

DECOVY project


2 CBRNe WORLD April 2013 www.cbrneworld.com


6th Annual CBRNe Convergence, Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, 29-31 October 2013, www.cbrneworld.com/convergence2013

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Published by Falcon Communications Limited

Page 3: CBRNe April 2013 Web - Decovy

East and West: SCDF’s maritime role and LA Co. Fire

Train now arriving: DHS and their

CBRN Metro project

Learning from Amerithrax:Jeffrey Bigongiari offers a retrospective


Capability Profiles

Procurement Guide To… and Prairie Dog



Legal Niceties: Reproduction in whole, or part, of any content of CBRNe World, without prior permission, is strictly

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those of the author and not Falcon Communication Ltd. Photos are credited individually, non attributed articles are

from the CBRNe World archive. ©Falcon Communication Ltd 2013.

Front cover illustration by Nick Spender ©CBRNe World

Air Techniques International 29

AirBoss Defense 53

Argon Electronics 73


Avon Protection 11

BBI Detection 17

Bertin Technologies 21

BioFire Diagnostics OBC

Bruker Daltonik IFC

CBRN Hungary 29

CBRNe Convergence 55-59

CBRNe World Directory 51

Chemring Detection Systems 35

Cristanini 63

Federal Resources 30

i bodi 45

ILC Dover 87

Immediate Response Technologies 35

NBC Sys 45

Osen Hunter 13

OWR 41

Pathsensors 37

Paul Boye Technologies 7

Proengin 27

QinetiQ North America 13

Remploy Frontline 69

Scott Safety 33

SRC 15

Thermo Scientific IBC

TSI 53

WL Gore 39

Advertiser Index

3April 2013 CBRNe WORLDwww.cbrneworld.com

CBRNe World (ISSN No: 2040 - 2724, USPS No: 000 - 138) is

published bi-monthly in February, April, June, August, October

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60 CBRNe WORLD April 2013 www.cbrneworld.com

CW: The Finnish authorities are

cooperating in a multi-authority CBRN

project called DECOVY. Would you tell

me briefly about the project? What is

your role in this project?

Isto Heikkinen, DECOVY Project

Manager, Executive Fire Officer, South-

Savo Regional Rescue Department: The

DECOVY project started on 1 May 2012

and it's leaded by South Savo Rescue

Department. The aim of the project is

to improve national CBRNE processes

in Finland.

The project will create national

recommendations to CBRNE process

equipment, systems and services.

Another challenging aim is to find out

the education and training fields

which can be used on the internet.

That education programme is meant

to serve all authorities working in

CBRNE operations. The project is

funded (50%) by Tekes, the Finnish

Funding Agency for Technology and

Innovation, the most important

publicly funded expert organisation

for financing research, development

and innovation in Finland. The rest

of the funding comes from

partner organizations.

Toni Leikas, Executive Director,

CBRNE, Innovation and Technology

Center Miktech Ltd: Miktech Ltd is

an Innovation and Technology

centre, whose majority owner is the

City of Mikkeli. One of their major

programs is Environmental

safety, and CBRNE; it coordinates

the subprogramme of CBRN

Finland. Miktech is responsible for

DECOVY-project administration and

reporting. The most important

work is the definition of the future

innovative training and

education platform.






6th Annual CBRNe Convergence, Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, 29-31 October 2013, www.cbrneworld.com/convergence2013

Members of the DECOVY (Decontamination Joint Authority Co-working)

Team in Finland tell CBRNe World about their latest multi-agency project

Cleaning upFinland

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CW: What is the role of each of the

participating organizations?

IH: Our partners are the Ministry of

Interior, six Regional Rescue

Departments, one hospital District and

the Technical Research Centre of the

Finnish defence forces. The Ministry of

the Interior Department for Rescue

Services directs and monitors rescue

services and will support the project with

their connections into other Finnish

authorities and the EU. South-Savo

Police are not a project partner but an

expert participant. The Regional Rescue

Departments' role is sharing their

knowledge and testing the newest

Finnish equipment in the field of CBRNE

and participating in the development of

the definitions for an innovative future

training platform. Their area of

responsibility covers over one-third of

Finland and around one-quarter of the

Finnish population, which forms a good

test bench. The Technical Research

Centre of the Defence Forces will provide

a multi-disciplinary expertise for

planning the recommendations for

acquisitions and the hospital district

participates in the project because they

are in charge of the first aid. Our

partner will be an example for many

hospitals in the future.

CW: What are the objectives of this

multi-authority CBRN project?

IH: The objectives are to improve the

cooperation between the authorities, set

up recommendations for acquisitions

both for the equipment and for systems

and services as well as defining an

innovative training environment, and a

model for commercializing the training


CW: How would you describe the

present state of cooperation of

authorities in CBRN situations in

Finland? How do you think this project

will improve the cooperation?

IH: The cooperation has been good but

there is still room for improvement. For

example, we need to study how the

personnel and the equipment of the

defence forces can be used faster when

it’s needed. How can we decrease the

time from a couple of hours to less than

one hour? The same goes for other

authorities such as the police, hospital

districts and other experts. The project

gives us knowledge of the equipment

and the mode of operation of the other

organizations in a CBRNE emergency.

CW: One of the objectives is to define

a joint training and exercise system.

Why do you consider it important and

how will it benefit the authorities?

How will you proceed in order to

define this system?






Decovy has been designed to improveCBRN defence at all levels in Finland

©South Savo Regional Rescue

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62 CBRNe WORLD April 2013 www.cbrneworld.com

IH: Common exercises for police, first

aid and rescue authorities are organized

very rarely, and there are regional

differences. A common training

platform is needed in order to improve

the cooperation, as it will provide

possibilities for cost-effective common

training in an interesting learning

environment. We are mapping out

training platforms that are already

being used and we will test some of

them during this project. The final

recommendations for training platforms

will be defined as group work. The

working group will consist of people

working in training and communication

in the partner organizations.

CW: Decontamination of contaminated

areas is one of the greatest security

risks in today's world. Thus the

compatibility of systems, facilities and

services is growing in importance.

Another aim of your project is to

provide acquisition recommendations

in order to assure compatibility...

IH: Finland has 22 regional rescue

districts. In defining the acquisition

recommendations we will estimate what

kind of equipment and systems should be

used in each rescue area. What should all

the rescue personnel have in their

pocket (pocket guide for hazardous

substances), in the fire trucks, police

vehicles, ambulances, chemical

prevention units, the regional fire

departments, etc. We also need to

consider the regional needs according to

the risks and the distances in a sparsely

populated country. Where shall we locate

the most massive decontamination

systems, where will it be enough to have

temporary decontamination areas? It is

also important to study the

compatibility of the equipment in

order to guarantee smooth cooperation

with other authorities. The

acquisition recommendations will be

created in cooperation between

authorities and experts from various

different organizations.

Heikki Seulanto, CBRN Research

Manager, PVTT: Finland is a wide

country, and we have quite a few

operative CBRN teams with the right

type of education and equipment, but all

the operative teams must be available in

CBRN accident cases regardless of

which organization they are coming

from (Rescue Service, defence forces,

private companies etc). Well-organized

management and working information

systems are of course basis for

successful cooperation.

CW: One of the projects aim is to

provide a ‘Best Practice Handbook,’ to

the participating authorities. What is

this book and how are you going to go

about validating this? Will it be ‘Best

Practice in Finland’ or elsewhere too?

IH: The Best Practice Handbook is an

internet database that has been

collected during the project from the

partners, training sessions and experts.

The information and the expertise exist

but they are scattered and to use them

one needs many different sources of

information to find what you are

looking for. Rather than best practice

handbooks, the database should be

called the ‘library of CBRNE expertise’.

The final result will be for national use

in Finland.

CW: What is the wider importance and

meaning of this project? How will it

improve the cooperation between the

authorities in Finland and could the

results be used elsewhere?

Seppo Lokka, Rescue Director, South-

Savo Regional Rescue Department: In

Finland, the cooperation between

authorities is truly good. This project

will further strengthen the

collaboration. I believe that a lot could

be learned from this multi-authority

cooperation outside our borders.

Liisa Kokkonen, Chief of the Emergency

Medicine and Casualty Centre, Päijät-

Häme Social and Health Care Group:

The project shows a new perspective,

the whole ‘CBRNE- decontamination

–chain’. So we will now prepare to do

effective and safe decontamination at

every level, from the field to hospital

and these results could of course be

used outside Finland.

Heikki Seulanto, PVTT: One of the main

goals is to get better knowledge of

Decon capabilities and preparedness of

different authorities. Under the

DECOVY project we have started work

for getting uniform methods and

equipment for CBRN decontamination.

We will get a better model of action on

how to get suitable troops from

different authorities to the CBRN

accident location as quickly as possible.

This is the first pilot of cooperation in

CBRN decontamination between

different authorities and we must take

into consideration all experiences and

knowledge from this project

CW: Next Fall you will organize a

common exercise. What is this exercise

about and what agencies will be

involved in it? Is there anything

unique, or new, in this exercise that

has not been seen before?

IH: The CBRNE-2013 exercise will be

held in Mikkeli, which is within an easy

access for the project partners. The

exercise will be held from 10-12

September 2013, and it will have a

variety of training points. The same tasks

will be carried out twice to give more

people the chance to practise and test

new Finnish products developed for

CBRNE situations. It is not a

management exercise, it is about

technical and tactical skills and testing

new products. In addition to the

partners, the special department of the

police and the protection group of the

defence forces will participate in the

exercise. Equipment from the

Emergency Services College will also be

brought to the exercise for presentation

and testing. We will also put into practice

the CBRNE First Response guidebook,

published in 2012 and the HazMat

countermeasure database (TOKEVA),

which was published very recently. The

exercise will include: dressing exercises

for the first aid and police personnel,

using positive air pressure devices for the

police, building a decontamination line

for the hospital, DIM exercises, dealing

with obstruction or leaks, recognition of

explosives, EOD PPE for police or

military personnel and document use.

The exercise is expected to provide them

with new expertise that can be delivered

further in their area of activities. Next

year there may be a LivEx CBRNE event

with management aspects.

Cleaning up FinlandCB





6th Annual CBRNe Convergence, Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, 29-31 October 2013, www.cbrneworld.com/convergence2013