CBI model Fair,Tomg,Beam,Kath

CBI Model Unit : Environment Topic : Wildlife Mattayomsuksa2

Transcript of CBI model Fair,Tomg,Beam,Kath

  • 1. CBI Model Unit : Environment Topic : Wildlife Mattayomsuksa2

2. extinct (adj.) 3. scientist (n.) 4. species (n.) 5. competition (n.) 6. organism (n.) 7. endanger (adj.) 8. various (adj.) 9. breeding (n.) 10. habitat (n.) 11. illegal (adj.) 12. Present Simple Tense Use: 1) repeated actions (every day, always, often, sometimes or never) My friend often draws nice posters. I never drink milk. 2) things in general The sun rises in the East. 13. Present Simple Tense: Subject + V1(s, es) 1) repeated actions (every day, always, often, sometimes or never) ex. I never drink milk. 2) things in general ex. The sun rises in the East. 3) fixed arrangements, scheduled events (e.g. timetable) ex. The plane flies to London every Monday. 4) sequence of actions in the present (first - then, after that) ex. First I get up, then I have breakfast. 5) Instructions ex. Open your books at page 34. 14. Affirmative sentences: I/we/you/they play football. He/she/it plays football. NOTE: he, she, it - Do not forget the -s.Negative sentences: We use the auxiliary do. I/we/you/they do not play football. He/she/it does not play football.Questions: Do I/we/you/they play football? Does he/she/it play football?NOTE: We often use short forms in negative sentences in the Simple Present: I/we/you/they don't play football. He/she/it doesn't play football. 15. Listening Reading Speaking Writing 16. Activity1 Direction 1. Get in pairs. 2. Listen to the audio text3 twice. 3. Fill the words you hear in the gabs. 17. Listen and write the words you hear in the blanks. Extinction Many plants and animals have become extinct. This means that they have died out altogether. Scientists think that about one species a day . extinct ..became extinct 65 million years ago. It is.that this was because the world.get much colder.can be caused by: changes in the. disease .from other organisms that are better adapted human. Animals and.that are in danger of becoming extinct are called.There are various ways in which endangered animals can be saved: .of habitats by creating nature reserves breeding programmes in zoos and gardens making it illegal to hunt endangered animals and pick.plants. 18. 1.becomesbecome2.DinosaursDinopark3.thoughttaught4.finallysuddenly5.EndangeredExtinction6.environmentendangered 19. 7.CompetitionCompetitions8.activityactivities9.plantsplant10.endangeredextinction11.ProtectionsProtection12.endangeredextinction 20. 1.Teacher will draw a lot.(Each lot has the ID number) 2.A student who own that ID number read the question and correct the answer on power point. Then draw a lot for next person. 21. What is the word extinct mean? a. died out altogether b. in danger of becoming extinct c. changes in the environment d. human activity 22. What is the word endangered mean? a. died out altogether b. in danger of becoming extinct c. changes in the environment d. human activity 23. What can be cause the extinct? a. changes in the environment b. disease c. human activity d. all of above 24. How can we saved the endangered animal? a. protection of habitats by creating native reserves b. breed programmes in zoo c. making it illegal to hunt endangered animals d. all of above 25. When did dinosaurs became extinct? a. 10 years ago b. 2 years ago c. last year d. 65 million year ago 26. Which animals became extinct in 2000? a. The blue fin tuna b. The black rhinoceros c. The Pyrenean ibex d. The blue pike 27. Which animals become extinct in 1888? a. The blue fin tuna b. The black rhinoceros c. The Tasmania d. The blue pike 28. Which animals become extinct in 1975? a. The blue fin tuna b. The black rhinoceros c. The Tasmania d. The blue pike 29. Which animals become endangered of hunting? a. The blue fin tuna b. The black rhinoceros c. The Tasmania d. The blue pike 30. Which animals become endangered because of overfishing? a. The blue fin tuna b. The black rhinoceros c. The Tasmania d. The blue pike 31. Role Play 1) Make a group of three people 2) First student in your group have to act as a guide, another students in group have to act as tourist 3) Do the role play by using the situations: - The guide takes the tourists to see the animals in the zoo. - The guide takes the tourists to see the dinosaurs bone at the museum. - The guide takes the tourists to see the fishes. 32. Activity2 - Make a group of three people. - Each group will receive a paper from teacher. - Write the preservation about endangered species by using Present Simple Tense. 33. For example: If we go to the forest, we have not to hunt the wild animals..