CBC Key Performance Indicators Annual targets and 2020 ...

CBC Key Performance Indicators Annual targets and 2020 Goals 2014-2020 The following indicators are identified as key performance measures that align with the mission and goals of CBC; furthermore, they support CBC’s strategic plan Vision 2020 Keeping Student Success in Sight. The four goals each have annual targets that correspond to some key success measures that the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) has also set for CBC. There are four key terms that align with the four goals of Vision 2020 and support CBC’s mission statement. CBC Mission: Coastal Bend College is a comprehensive, public community college serving a diverse South Texas area. It is a student-centered institution committed to the highest integrity and to the development of an educational culture that supports creativity, encourages professional development, and promotes excellence in all areas. CBC Strategic Plan Statement: The heart of the Coastal Bend College Strategic Plan is STUDENT SUCCESS. With this in mind, we have identified focuses that direct us in our work, specifically: the instructional programs and support services we provide for our students, our commitment to the communities in which we function, and our stewardship of public and private resources. We refer to these focuses as our Strategic Directions. The genesis of our Strategic Plan can be traced back to the college’s inception. Bee County College, now Coastal Bend College, began as a passionately driven goal for

Transcript of CBC Key Performance Indicators Annual targets and 2020 ...

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CBC Key Performance Indicators Annual targets and 2020 Goals


The following indicators are identified as key performance measures that align with the mission and

goals of CBC; furthermore, they support CBC’s strategic plan Vision 2020 Keeping Student Success in

Sight. The four goals each have annual targets that correspond to some key success measures that the

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) has also set for CBC.

There are four key terms that align with the four goals of Vision 2020 and support CBC’s mission


CBC Mission: Coastal Bend College is a comprehensive, public community college serving a

diverse South Texas area. It is a student-centered institution committed to the highest integrity

and to the development of an educational culture that supports creativity, encourages

professional development, and promotes excellence in all areas.

CBC Strategic Plan Statement: The heart of the Coastal Bend College Strategic Plan

is STUDENT SUCCESS. With this in mind, we have identified focuses that direct us in

our work, specifically: the instructional programs and support services we provide for our

students, our commitment to the communities in which we function, and our stewardship

of public and private resources. We refer to these focuses as our Strategic Directions.

The genesis of our Strategic Plan can be traced back to the college’s inception. Bee

County College, now Coastal Bend College, began as a passionately driven goal for

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local citizens and community leaders. And that passion was rooted in the fervent belief

that education of the workforce was key to economic development and that everyone

desiring a college education should have access to one. From the beginning, the

individual student has been at the heart of all we do at CBC. That brings us to where we

are today: Keeping Student Success in Sight.

CBC Goals: Vision 2020 Keeping Student Success in Sight.

Coastal Bend College will offer a quality educational experience for all students.

Coastal Bend College will provide comprehensive student services to increase

overall student success.

Coastal Bend College will engage students and staff in support of our


Coastal Bend College will effectively and efficiently use resources to benefit our


Key Goal Terms aligned with the THECB Closing the Gap Goals




Institutional Efficiency and Effectiveness

The following targets are set based on these terms, strategic goals and aligned with the mission. Each

goal has key measures that have individual, annual targets and an overall goal to reach by the year

2020. Baseline data was obtained from longitudinal data (2000-2013) submitted to the Texas Higher

Education Coordinating Board (THECB) from CBC’s CBM state reports and presented as Coastal Bend

College Accountability Report on Community College Performance dated January 2014.

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Participation 1. CBC Goal = Participation (Vision 2020 – CBC will engage students and staff in support of our


Key Measures = Fall Headcount Enrollment; Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Enrollment; Dual Credit

Headcount and FTE.

Fall headcount enrollment. CBC Enrollment Target is 5,200 by year 2020 (Table 1).

Table 1 - Fall Enrollment/Headcount Target

Utilizing Fall 2013 as the baseline, headcount enrollment was 3,533. Annual/Census Date Target Headcount ACTUAL

o Fall 2014 3,533 headcount 3776 CBC / 3751 State o Fall 2015 3,810 headcount

o Fall 2016 4,088 headcount

o Fall 2017 4,367 headcount

o Fall 2018 4,644 headcount

o Fall 2019 4,922 headcount

o Fall 2020 5,200 headcount GOAL!

Fall Term Census Date, Full Time Equivalent (FTE). CBC FTE Target is 3,640/70% of student

enrollment by year 2020 (Table 2).

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Table 2 – FTE Target Full Time Equivalent (1FTE) utilizing Fall 2013 as the baseline FTE = 2,099.

Annual Census Date FTE Target FTE % of Student Enrollment ACTUAL

o Fall 2014 2,119 (60% of 3,533 headcount) 2250.60

o Fall 2015 2,286 (60% of 3,810 headcount)

o Fall 2016 2,575 (63% of 4,088 headcount)

o Fall 2017 2,838 (65% of 4,367 headcount)

o Fall 2018 3,111 (67% of 4,644 headcount)

o Fall 2019 3,396 (69% of 4,922 headcount)

o Fall 2020 3,640 (70% of 5,200 headcount)

Head Count Enrollment of Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment by High School and related Full Time

Equivalent (FTE). CBC target at 33% of 5,200 student enrollment is 1,716 Headcount/1,201

Full Time Equivalent (Table 3).

Table 3 – Dual Enrollment Headcount to FTE

Utilizing Fall 2013 Census Data = 1,164.

Annual Census Headcount/Full Time Equivalent ACTUAL Date Target

o Fall 2014 1164 HC/699 FTE (33% of 3533 headcount and 2119 FTE) 1324 HC/564 FTE

o Fall 2015 1257 HC/754 FTE (33% of 3810 headcount and 2286 FTE)

o Fall 2016 1349 HC/849 FTE (33% of 4088 headcount and 2575 FTE)

o Fall 2017 1441 HC/936 FTE (33% of 4367 headcount and 2838 FTE)

o Fall 2018 1532 HC/1026 FTE (33% of 4644 headcount and 3111 FTE)

o Fall 2019 1624 HC/1120 FTE (33% of 4922 headcount and 3396 FTE)

o Fall 2020 1716 HC/1201 FTE (33% of 5200 headcount and 3640 FTE)

1 FTE = The number of FTE is calculated based on fall student headcounts as reported by CBC on the IPEDS Enrollment (EF) component (Part A). The full-time equivalent (headcount) of the institution’s part-time enrollment is estimated by multiplying the factors (Public 2-year and <2 year (.335737)) times the part-time headcount. These are then added to the full-time enrollment headcounts to obtain the FTE that is used annually in the Digest of Education Statistics.

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Success 2. Goal = Success (Vision 2020: CBC will offer a quality educational experience for all students; CBC

will provide comprehensive student services to increase overall student success.).

Key Measures = Graduation/Persistence Rates; 3/4/6 Year Graduation Rates; Degrees and

Certificates; Developmental Education

o Graduation/Persistence Rates. First-time, full-time, credential-seeking, undergraduates who

have graduated or are still enrolled. CBC target by year 2020 is 53.4% (Table 4).

Table 4 – Graduation/Persistence Rate

Graduation/Persistence Rates utilizing baseline data from Fall 2007 Cohort (FY 2013) of 46.4%.

Annual Target Graduation/Persistence Rate ACTUAL

o Fall 2008 Cohort (FY 2014) 47.4% 43% o Fall 2009 Cohort (FY 2015) 48.4% o Fall 2010 Cohort (FY 2016) 49.4% o Fall 2011 Cohort (FY 2017) 50.4% o Fall 2012 Cohort (FY 2018) 51.4% o Fall 2013 Cohort (FY 2019) 52.4% o Fall 2014 Cohort (FY 2020) 53.4% GOAL!

o 3/4/6 Year Graduation Rates. First-time, full-time entering, credential-seeking, undergraduates

who have graduated. CBC target by year 2020 for 3 years is 28.3%, for 4 years is 34.2%,

and for 6 years is 46.4% (Table 5).

Table 5 – 3/4/6 Graduation and Persistence Rates

Utilizing baseline data from FY 2013 for 3 (21.3%), 4 (27.2%), and 6 (39.4%) year Entering Fall Cohort of FY 2010/FY 2009/FY 2007.

3 Year 4 Year 6 Year ACTUAL Annual Target Target Target 3/4/6

o Fall 2011 Cohort (FY 2014) 22% 28.2% 40.4% 22.3% 26.3% 36.1% ACTUAL

o Fall 2012 Cohort (FY 2015) 23.3% 29.2% 41.4% o Fall 2013 Cohort (FY 2016) 24.3% 30.2% 42.4%

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o Fall 2014 Cohort (FY 2017) 25.3% 31.2% 43.4% o Fall 2015 Cohort (FY 2018) 26.3% 32.2% 44.4% o Fall 2016 Cohort (FY 2019) 27.3% 33.2% 45.4% o Fall 2017 Cohort (FY 2020) 28.3% Goal! 34.2% Goal! 46.4% GOAL!

o Degrees and Certificates. This reflects the number of awards, certificates by type, core

completers and field of study completers. CBC target by year 2020 is 1,014 (Table 6).

Table 6 – 3/4/6 Annual Awards

Utilizing FY 2013 baseline data Total = 868; Associates = 299; Cert 1 = 560; Cert 2 = 9. CBC Target is a 10% increase in Associates and Cert 1 and 220% for Cert 2 by 2020: Associates is 320; Cert 1 = 641; Cert 2 = 73.

TOTAL Associate Certificate I Certificate 2 Annual Target Target Target Target ACTUAL

o FY 2014 887 303 568 18 729 279 441 9 ACTUAL

o FY 2015 906 307 576 27 o FY 2016 925 312 584 36 o FY 2017 944 316 592 45 o FY 2018 963 320 600 54 o FY 2019 982 325 608 63 o FY 2020 1014 GOAL! 325 GOAL! 616 GOAL! 73 GOAL!

o Developmental Education. Underprepared and prepared students who successfully complete a

college-level course in math, reading and writing. Prepared students are given 1 year;

underprepared students are given/tracked for one, two and three years (of those that met TSI

requirements). CBC Target is to reach 31.7% in Math; 84.4% in Reading; and 63.2% in

Writing for students that MET the TSI requirement (Table 7) and 23.9% in Math, 61.2% in

Reading, and 39.9% in Writing for students that did NOT MEET the TSI requirement

(Table 8).

2 20% comes from a baseline of 69 in Year 2000 and a 7% increase to reflect the 1% annual increase for the next 7 years, 2013-2020.

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Table 7 - College Level Course Completion TSI Met

College level course completion (Grade A, B, C) including pre-matriculation credit. Baseline

data is Fall 2009 Cohort for Fall 2013 reporting period.

Math Reading Writing Baseline Baseline Baseline

Met TSI Requirement

o Fall 2009 Cohort 24.7% 77.4% 56.2%

(332+48/324) (4184+200/496) (5107+187/523)

Annual Target ACTUAL Target ACTUAL Target ACTUAL

o FY 2014 25.7% 78.4% 57.2%

27.0% 80.4% 57.3% ACTUAL

o FY 2015 26.7% 79.4% 58.2%

o FY 2016 27.7% 80.4% 59.2%

o FY 2017 28.7% 81.4% 60.2%

o FY 2018 29.7% 82.4% 61.2%

o FY 2019 30.7% 83.4% 62.2%

o FY 2020 31.7% GOAL! 84.4% GOAL! 63.2% GOAL!

3 Of the 32 that received credit pre-matriculation and the 48 successful course completers (A, B, C) of the total 324 it would take an average of an additional 4 successful completers each year to reach the 7% target of 31.7% (actual is 33.3% with 4 each year) by 2020. 4 Of the 184 that received credit pre-matriculation and the 200 successful course completers (A, B, C) of the total 496 it would take an average of an additional 5 successful completers each year to reach the 7% increase in target to 84.2% by 2020. 5 Of the 107 that received credit pre-matriculation and the 187 successful course completers (A, B, C) of the total 523 it would take an average of an additional 6

successful completers each year to reach the 7% increase in target to 63.2% by 2020.

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Table 8 – College Level Course Completion TSI Not Met

College level course completion (Grade A, B, C) including pre-matriculation credit. Baseline data is Fall 2009 Cohort for Fall 2013 reporting period.

Math Reading Writing Baseline Baseline Baseline

Did Not Meet TSI Req.

Fall 2009 Cohort 16.9% 54.2% 32.9% (6282/520) (7162/493) (8117/693)

Annual Target ACTUAL Target ACTUAL Target ACTUAL

o FY 2014 17.9% 55.2% 33.9%

21.6% 55.3% 38.7% ACTUAL

o FY 2015 18.9% 56.2% 34.9%

o FY 2016 19.9% 57.2% 35.9%

o FY 2017 20.9% 58.2% 36.9%

o FY 2018 21.9% 59.2% 37.9%

o FY 2019 22.9% 60.2% 38.9%

o FY 2020 23.9% GOAL! 61.2% GOAL! 39.9% GOAL!

3. Goal = Excellence (Vision 2020: CBC will offer a quality educational experience for all students;

CBC will provide comprehensive student services to increase overall student success.).

Key Measures = Licensure Rate; Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

6 Using baseline of 282 completers with an A, B or C out of 520; the addition of 6 more completers per year is required to reach the target of 61.2% (5-6 completers

per year at 6 it is 62.3%) increase of completers that did not originally meet standard. 7 Using baseline of 162 completers with an A, B or C out of 493; the addition of 5-6 more completers per year is required to reach the target of 39.9% increase of

completers that did not originally meet standard. 8 Using baseline of 117 completers with an A, B or C out of 693; the addition of 7 more completers per year is required to reach the target of 23.9% increase of completers that did not originally meet standard.

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o Licensure Pass Rate. Professional Nurse (PN), Registered Nurse (RN), Cosmetology,

Radiologic Technology, Dental Hygiene. CBC Target is a minimum of 91.5% for each

program and year (Table 9).

Table 9 – Licensure Pass Rate

Utilizing baseline 2012 report data for each of the following licensed programs: Professional Nurse (PN) 81%, Registered Nurse (RN) 94%, Cosmetology 81%, Radiologic Technology 100%, and Dental Hygiene 100%. PN RN Cosmo Rad Dental Annual Target/Actual Target/Actual Target/Actual Target/Actual Target/Actual

o FY 2014 91.5%/ 80.85% 91.5%/91.50% 91.5%/79.16% 95%/83% 95%/93.11% o FY 2015 91.5% 95% 95% 99% 99% o FY 2016 91.5% 95% 95% 99% 99% o FY 2017 91.5% 95% 95% 99% 99% o FY 2018 91.5% 95% 95% 99% 99% o FY 2019 91.5% 95% 95% 99% 99% o FY 2020 91.5% GOAL! 95% GOAL! 95% GOAL! 99% GOAL! 99% GOAL!

o Quality Enhancement Plan CBC Smart Start. A focus on student success through moving from

voluntary to mandatory orientation, open to dedicated advising, and requiring the learning

frameworks course named My Cougar Course for first time in college students.

Key Measures = Mandatory Orientation; Dedicated Faculty Advising; My Cougar Course

o Mandatory Orientation. CBC target by year 2020 is 91% (Table 10). Pre- and Post-Surveys

are administered to measure the overall percentage of knowledge gained during orientation.

Some students who attend orientation may have prior knowledge due to their own research or

may have information from their high school, friends, or family. Targets include dual enrollment

students. (Legend: Beeville Campus/BE; Alice Site/AL; Kingsville Site/KV; Pleasanton Site/PL;

Face to Face/F2F; Cougar Day/CD).

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Table 10 – Mandatory Orientation



o FY2014 40% NA 30% NA 30% NA 30% NA 30% 30% Actual 70% 75% NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 68%

o FY2015 48% 57% 40% 57% 40% 57% 40% 57% 40% 40% Actual 71% NA 71% NA NA NA 71% NA 78% NA

o FY2016 56% 64% 50% 64% 50% 64% 50% 64% 50% 50% o FY2017 65% 71% 60% 71% 60% 71% 60% 71% 60% 60% o FY2018 74% 78% 70% 78% 70% 78% 70% 78% 70% 70% o FY2019 82% 85% 80% 85% 80% 85% 80% 85% 80% 80% o FY2020 91% 92% 90% 92% 90% 92% 90% 92% 90% 90%

Dedicated Faculty Advising. CBC target by year 2020 is 83% (Table 11 Student Advisees; Table

12 Faculty Advisors).

Student Advisees are administered a survey each semester to provide feedback on faculty

advising sessions (Appendix I). The initial target is higher for students enrolled in workforce

programs because in many workforce programs the same students are in classes with the same

instructor for the majority of their program courses. Our 2020 goal is 83% of our CBC Students

received quality services to meet their educational plan; the educational plan includes assisting

students obtain a signed degree plan, advising on registration for the right courses each semester,

and providing referrals to support services as needed.

Table 11 - Student Advisees

CBC AS Degree AA Degree WrkFrc Core Transfer Annual Target Target Target Target Target Target

o FY 2014 52% 50% 50% 60% 50% 50% 61% NA NA NA NA NA ACTUAL

o FY 2015 60%9 58% 58% 68% 58% 58% 94% 93% 93% 97% 84% 98% ACTUAL

o FY 2016 64% 62% 62% 72% 62% 62%

9 Fall 2014 My Cougar Course will be mandatory for all FTIC and 1st time at CBC unless they meet the exemption requirements. My Cougar Course will require students meet with their Faculty Advisors and create a Cooperative Educational Plan; therefore, there will be higher percentage increase from FY 2013 to FY 2014 than in following years.

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o FY 2017 68% 66% 66% 76% 66% 66% o FY 2018 73% 71% 71% 81% 71% 71% o FY 2019 78% 76% 76% 86% 76% 76% o FY 2020 83% 81% 81% 91% 81% 81%

Faculty Advisors are administered a survey each semester to provide feedback on the educational

plan process (Appendix I). Feedback is for the advisement meetings with students, if the time allotted is

adequate, and any recommendations to improve the process. CBC target to complete the students’

educational plan with each student by year 2020 is 83%.

Table 12 - Faculty Advisors CBC AS Degree AA Degree WrkFrc Core Transfer Annual Target Target Target Target Target Target

o FY 2014 52% 50% 50% 60% 50% 50% ACTUAL 25% NA NA 49% NA NA

o FY 2015 60% 58% 58% 68% 58% 58% ACTUAL 27% 11% 11% 49% NA NA

o FY 2016 64% 62% 62% 72% 62% 62% o FY 2017 68% 66% 66% 76% 66% 66% o FY 2018 73% 71% 71% 81% 71% 71% o FY 2019 78% 76% 76% 86% 76% 76% o FY 2020 83% 81% 81% 91% 81% 81%

My Cougar Course (Learning Frameworks EDUC 1300). All First Time in College (FTIC) and 1st

Time at CBC students are required to take My Cougar Course starting Fall 2014. CBC Target by

year 2020 is 98% for students to persist until end of course, 99% for successfully completed

end of course, and 100% for students who took their next level course for their degree

program (Table 13).

Exemptions apply for students that meet certain criteria; for example, students with 24 college hours

successfully completed10. There are three Student Learning Outcomes that are measured with a rubric

for My Cougar Course:

#1 – Research and theory in psychology of learning, cognition, and motivation;

#2 – Factors that impact learning; and

10 Successful completion is defined as having made a grade of “C” or better in the course.

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#3 – Application of learning strategies; CBC’s Student Retention Management System,

ZogoTech, will be used to determine the targets below for persistence, successful completion,

and if the students took the next level of courses for their degree plan.

Table 13 – My Cougar Course Targets

Took Next Level Persisted to Successfully of Courses for their End of Course Completed Course Degree Plan Annual Target Target Target

o FY 2014 80% 75% 70% o FY 2015 83% 79% 75%

ACTUAL 91% 58% 65% o FY 2016 86% 83% 80% o FY 2017 89% 87% 85% o FY 2018 92% 91% 90% o FY 2019 95% 95% 95% o FY 2020 98% 99% 100%

4. Goal = Efficiency and Effectiveness (Vision 2020: CBC will effectively and efficiently use

resources to benefit our students.).

Key Measures = Full-time Faculty Equivalent to Full-Time Student Equivalent (FTE Student:FTE

Faculty); Contact Hours Taught by Full-time Faculty to Part-time Faculty; Finances/Expenditures

per FTE student; Revenue per FTE Student.

o Full-time Student Equivalent to Full-Time Faculty Equivalent (FTE Student:FTE Faculty) to

reach an average of 20:1 ratio by 2015 and stay consistent at a range of 20:1 to 22:1. CBC

Target is 22 FTES:1 FTEF by 2020 (Table 14).

Table 14 - 3 FTES to FTEF Ratio

Utilizing the Fall 2012 data FTF = 91; PTF = 83; 17:1.


o Fall 2014 17:1 21:1

o Fall 2015 18:1

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o Fall 2016 19:1

o Fall 2017 20:1

o Fall 2018 20:1

o Fall 2019 21:1

o Fall 2020 22:1 GOAL!

o Contact Hours Taught by Full-time Faculty (FTF) to Part-time Faculty (PTF). CBC Target is to

reach and maintain a minimum of 60%:40% and a maximum of 70%:30% by year 2020

(Table 15).

Table 15 - FTF to PTF

Contact Hours taught by full-time faculty (FTF) utilizing Fall 2012 data is 79.1% to part-time faculty (PTF) at 20.9%.


o Fall 2014 77.1%:22.9% 69%:31% o Fall 2015 75.1%:24.9% o Fall 2016 73.1%:26.9% o Fall 2017 71.1%:28.9% o Fall 2018 69.1%:30.9% o Fall 2019 69.1%:30.9% o Fall 2020 69.1%:30.9% GOAL!

Coastal Bend College is committed to institutional effectiveness policies, procedures, and practices that

support accomplishing its mission and growing through its strategic plan goals. To affirm that

commitment CBC has aligned IE processes in an annual planning calendar that mirrors College-wide

processes, such as the budget development process, program review, and annual reports on progress

towards meeting targets/goals. Each employee and respective department is assigned responsibility

that supports College-wide engagement and commitment to meet its mission. For example,

all instructional programs requires a minimal number of student enrollments to keep it solvent; data

is reviewed to ensure that students are successful in their respective programs of study and

entering the workforce within the various industry sectors or transferring to the university for

advanced education and training;

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each workforce program that has licensing requirements must meet their success rates to meet

CBC annual targets;

each department has to submit an annual program review with budget requests and implications

that align with the cycle of budget development;

faculty that are assigned student advising are required to enter information in student portals (i.e.,

Zogotech, Campus Connect) to keep current knowledge and status on student progress;

staff are responsible for cross-training employees and finding cost saving measures through better

use of technology and other College resources;

QEP Director is responsible for ensuring that the QEP components are being practiced, measures,

reviewed, and when needed recommend changes for improvement of student success.

It is the working together to support one agenda – Student Success – through the various roles

and responsibilities that CBC is ensuring best efforts are practiced in institutional effectiveness
