Caves - Grotte in Baronia

Feasts and popular traditions Feasts and popular traditions Sant¶Antonio Istituto Tecnico Istituto Tecnico Commerciale e Geometri Commerciale e Geometri L. Oggiano L. Oggiano Discovering Siniscola Discovering Siniscola Come and see my Come and see my town town At the foot of the  Mount Al bo, a steep calca reous ridge, alo ng the homony m river,  Siniscola fac es toward s the  beaches and the cliffs of the east Sardinian coast. The territory offers a series of agrarian and natural landscapes of surprising varie ty from the limesto ne dolomites mountains of  Mount  Albo to the cultiva tion (grov es, vineyar ds, pastures) of the  pl ain fur rowed by water course s tha t flo w into the amp le coastal lagoons that extend from the hamlet of  La Cal ett a to the stupendo us beac h of  Berchida. The zone is very rich in woods and springs and has a territory of grea t naturalistic inter est because of the prese nce of plants and rare animals among which the  Bonelli royal eagle, the mouflon, the boar and the owl. The prevalent activi ties consist in shee p and cattle rearing, workmanship of the dairy products, extractive and artisan activit ies, harbour and fishi ng. In the terri tory numero us tes timonies of the anc ient pre sen ce of ma n are  present. In the countryside of Siniscola there are about 26  Nuraghi , some giants graves and only one  Domus de Janas of which only ruins remain. Sant' Antonio¶s festiv al takes  place on the 16th and 17th of January. A fe w days bef ore the re li gi o us fe st iva l, the wome n in a lo t of houses  prep are the typica l sweets of this holiday Su Pistiddu. For this occasion the people gather up the rosemary and take it to Sant' Anton io¶s churc hyard;  before unloading it the tractors drive around the village. The  pe opl e pil e up the ros ema ry around the pole to make a high  bonf ire . According to the t ra di ti on t he p eo p le wa lk around the fire three times to 1)Elene Portiche 2) Gana µe Gortoe 3) Sa Nurra de Fruncu 'e Oche Cave 4) Sa Conca  Manna de Locoli Cave re ceive good lu ck. A pi g is put at the top of the pa le, whe n the fire has bee n lighte d young boys climb up the  bonf ire to get it. Sant' Antoni o¶s festival is a tradi tion which unites all the village. San Giacomo San Giacomo's festival is celebrated on the 1st of May. Many  people go to the church square, where a committee organises a dinner for the publ ic. In the afternoo n some folk groups  perform the typical folk dances of Siniscola. Sant¶Efisio Sant' Efisio' s fest ival is in Sept ember . He's simila r to San Giacomo's festival, they organise a lunch and there are typical fo lk g ro u p s of Siniscola who perf orm in ve ry fa mo us Sardinian dances. Festa delle Grazie Festa delle Grazie's festival is celebrated beginning from the second Friday of October till Monday. A lot of stalles offer and sell typical Sardinian foods like torrone. Su Petticoccone On the second of November, All Soul's day the children take a pil low, go arou nd the vill age kno cki ng at the doors and as ki ng for swe et s and bon bo ns . Duri ng tha t o cc as i on Siniscola' s peopl e prepa re typica l Sardinian's sweets like  pa  passini and casatinas. The students of I.T. C.G. welcome you to Siniscola with the intention to meet your requirement, to le ad you towards the wonders of our Island and to disc over the ancient tastes of an old land Project Manager Maria Francesca Carta English Teachers: Giuseppa Maria Gerardi Giuseppina Virdis Fredericks Carol May 2002

Transcript of Caves - Grotte in Baronia

Page 1: Caves - Grotte in Baronia

8/8/2019 Caves - Grotte in Baronia 1/2

Feasts and popular traditionsFeasts and popular traditions


Istituto TecnicoIstituto Tecnico

Commerciale e Geometri Commerciale e Geometri 

L. OggianoL. Oggiano

Discovering SiniscolaDiscovering Siniscola

Come and see my Come and see my 

towntownAt the foot of the  Mount Albo, a steep calcareous ridge,

along the homonym river,  Siniscola faces towards the

 beaches and the cliffs of the east Sardinian coast. The territory

offers a series of agrarian and natural landscapes of surprising

variety from the limestone dolomites mountains of  Mount 

 Albo to the cultivation (groves, vineyards, pastures) of the

  plain furrowed by water courses that flow into the ample

coastal lagoons that extend from the hamlet of  La Caletta to

the stupendous beach of  Berchida. The zone is very rich in

woods and springs and has a territory of great naturalistic

interest because of the presence of plants and rare animals

among which the  Bonelli royal eagle, the mouflon, the boar 

and the owl. The prevalent activities consist in sheep and

cattle rearing, workmanship of the dairy products, extractive

and artisan activities, harbour and fishing. In the territory

numerous testimonies of the ancient presence of man are


In the countryside of Siniscola there are about 26 Nuraghi ,some giants graves and only one Domus de Janas of which

only ruins remain.

Sant' Antonio¶s festival takes

  place on the 16th and 17th of 

January. A few days before

the religious festival, the

women in a lot of houses

  prepare the typical sweets of this holiday Su Pistiddu. For 

this occasion the people gather 

up the rosemary and take it to

Sant' Antonio¶s churchyard;

 before unloading it the tractors

drive around the village. The

  people pile up the rosemary

around the pole to make a high

  bonfire. According to the

tradition the people walk 

around the fire three times to

1)Elene Portiche 2) Gana µe Gortoe

3) Sa Nurra de

Fruncu 'e Oche Cave

4) Sa Conca

 Manna de Locoli 

Cavereceive good luck. A pig is put at the top of the pale,

when the fire has been lighted young boys climb up the

 bonfire to get it. Sant'Antonio¶s festival is a tradition which

unites all the village.

San GiacomoSan Giacomo's festival is celebrated on the 1st of May. Many

 people go to the church square, where a committee organises

a dinner for the public. In the afternoon some folk groups

 perform the typical folk dances of Siniscola.


Sant' Efisio's festival is in September. He's similar to San

Giacomo's festival, they organise a lunch and there are typicalfolk groups of Siniscola who perform in very famous

Sardinian dances.

Festa delle Grazie

Festa delle Grazie's festival is celebrated beginning from the

second Friday of October till Monday. A lot of stalles offer 

and sell typical Sardinian foods like torrone.

Su Petticoccone

On the second of November, All Soul's day the children take

a pillow, go around the village knocking at the doors and

asking for sweets and bonbons. During that occasionSiniscola's people prepare typical Sardinian's sweets like

 pa passini and casatinas.

The students of I.T.C.G. welcome you to

Siniscola with the intention to meet your

requirement, to lead you towards the

wonders of our Island and to discover the

ancient tastes of an old land

Project ManagerMaria Francesca Carta

English Teachers:

Giuseppa Maria Gerardi

Giuseppina Virdis

Fredericks Carol

May 2002

Page 2: Caves - Grotte in Baronia

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The CavesThe Cavesat the exit of Siniscola towards Olbia, opens in the

courtyard of a home. It¶s been explored by

 Nuoro¶s Speleo Club. It has an horizontal cave and

develops along 966 m. but it hasn¶t been entirely

explored yet.

 Elene Portiche is a big cave in the west of Monte

Lattu. The shape is not the original one because it

has been devasted by illegal excavation. Inside itthere is a room with sub-circular floor plan where

there is a stalagmite column and small niches on

the left side of the entrance.

 Sa Nurra de Fruncu 'e Oche Cave develops in a

sub-horizontal way and presents a big entry which

opens into a large room full of clay stone and

numerous niches. The second entry is higher up to

the right and opens into another large room which

hasn't been completely explored.

 Sa Conca Manna de Locoli Cave presents an

entrance which conducts to a lake. Past the lake

there is a passage rich in forms of erosion but with

no stalagmites and stalactites. The third lake is at

140 m. from entrance and can be crossed only by a


At the end of the last lake there are two branches:

the left one is made of architectural features

created by erosion and tortuous paths; the right oneleads to a syphon which French speleosubs have

explored for about 1000 mt.of underground caves.

A vast part of Siniscola's territory is characterized

 by a surronding rich in carsism phenomenon which

originated from the melting of the calcareous rock 

caused by atmospheric agents.

Limestone isn't a soluble rock but the water,

  passing through the ground, becomes rich in

minerals which transform it in soluble rock 

changing its morphology.The water filtering through the cracks, widens

them and slowly dissolves the rock originating in a

new cave. A lot of caves exist but the most

spectacular ones are those created by the passing

of the centuries thanks to the slow dissolution of 

the limestone.

Both vertical caves of wells and chasms as well as

horizontal caves of galleries and labyrinths can be

formed. In the later there are more natural

decorations caused by erosion.The drops of water which fall on the ground form

the famous stalagmites that can join with the

stalactites originating pillars.

  Nowadays fossil caves exist and active caves in

which the erosive action continues up today and

tourists can admire this wonderful panorama.

 Monte Albo is characterized by carst caves of 

modest dimensions which have fossil origins.

Only in some of them we can find abundant

dripping caused by winter atmospheric agents. In

 Sa conca manna de Locoli  there are small lakes

and a brook flows through Gana µe Gortoe.

Some caves are important for the fauna and for the

  presence of troglodyte animals, which had adapted

to underground life. Some of them are of archaeological interest and they were inhabited by

man in prehistory. The cave of Gana µe Gortoe,