cautTon. - · C. BECHTINCER, M. D., U TrMtS IIISSK.KVU KS AS...

...11VI h PC ItLtSII F.I WKKKLV IJV iik.m;j M. 111 TNEm . v SIX nill.LAKS PER 4XM M. IIOXOLU'J.r, HAWAIIAN LSLAXDS. APRIL -- 21. ISM. VOL. X. .No. 41. WIIULK .5I7, PAcinc Commercial Advertiser. Goil on tlir- - Oc-i- u. AVe ere cro...b-- d in the Ctbiu; I I Nut a s .ul did dare to sleep; It was midi.i.'ht u the wt.-r?- , Ar.i! a st'rr Vji ou th-- r ilep. Tt a t.irv.r in winter F ' ttT'-.- l in th- - lna.-t- , An t t ti.r tv'u.j. trumpet T?tin Irr, Cut am y the m.i3t '" we itiiiM-rr't th- - xi i- For the s:-- ut i.t h-- While the hungry w:i riri:i', Ar..l tl.e LrrukeM t.ile.I wiib lJeut!i. A we tuliy it in .!:irkr,es, K.f!i one .!' at rr:jt-r-r- , nre l'.-- .t I' the c;i,ti:i As he stiller.-- J t tn tle stair j. Il'it hi lit:!-.- - il iuJitcr w liSj.t-r- v J, As he to.k Ins u jr linn. I. t in.t .! tiM,r t'ue i.nn, Jut the wi.e m uu the iau I ?" Tlica we ki.-Je- il the li:t!e In ii.K-n- , Aifl We tfie eti-- r th-r- ; Ai.-- l e stiih-ret- l :ife in'xr W i.'-i-t tiie iifrn thinir .' clir. Stlicttd. VAKIETV. V.'lnt is thit which every i.ise can ItiJe, Lut no ! ctie can s-- e wlierc k divule-- i ? Writer Why is a negru j.eJ Her like a wine vault ? lie-C.iu- Lfc'i a daik teller ( ) Why is coii-c'nii- like the check ftrii.g of a cr-ri.i- e ? 15eo:iu-f- c it is au iuwrd check ou the outer lunn. is the diJlcrerice Ketwten rert'everance anl otstiii'ioy ? Utie is a ttnmg will, anJ the other is a fetrong wont. Why is the Chinese Tirgnie like un Kniilish mob ? 15ecaue it is coiji oeI ot tucii iueer characters. Why i- - a tnan luoktnt; for the iiiilosotiher's stiue j like Mefitune ? Utcau.--e he's :i see king wliat never j vain. In wtmt city of the w.rl J lo they h iVe UO lunatics ? .Mil 'I rid! j . . I W h it "ocl rrtson can ne given for dentists having ; t ut few ehiMren f.r cu-tom- ei s ? Uecause the tiiost j of their butlerers are groan folks ! . i A lazer-bi- er cellar must have a iJejresing innn- - ( ence uj.oti its customer!, fur their downward progrtt-- i (tu it) lend to a basement. I A Cobbler's Sole iijport. In shoereuts he fiuJs j Lis awl ! Having too many irons in the fire" lias cancel inany billow from those who wish to rune the wind. A Lt:.R Chanuk From being a nation under the rule of an old Duck, the South is now rtduceJ to a j Stagnation. j It must be somewhere written that the virtues of ! mother- - h til occasionally be vi-it- ed upon the chil- - ' dreu, us well :is tlic sins of the l itlier. Those are ; rai worthy levellers who would raise j the lowest part cf society to the level of the highest. ; Scknk is as Katino Hoc-j- Irascible Gent, (to j waiter;) "They My there's nothing like leather, j i.n't ilu-yf- " "Ye-- , sir." "Then it's a lie, for j this ?teak is !' (Waiter evaporates.) j A eo d one is tol l of a Qu.iker volunteer who was ; in a Viritii tkirmi?h. Coming in pretty close ......vf...-- . .iil. 'i . r..l.f l . ruiiL i. I . frriorot i d I 1jil.ll II 11 null 1 - 'n.,, aib.a., f unfortunate, bat Mai.d ja-- t V here I'm going to ! .t t 1 I .1.. .. ....... What :ire yiu with my microscope, i 1 fleorce?" I've been shaving, father, and I want to .ee if I lure's any hairs ii: the lather as yet. At Did Jr iy tiar. Kllnbur, we have : j -- II ,. ... rave ruy w ,fe doth He, ! ..w .she's at rest, and so am I." i livery thins: h is a tint cunxr, except perhaps some ! few unlucky candid te for leg il practice. ; TllOe who walk the fa-te- st ill going to dinner j cttell walk eloWirt in guitli back to Work ' . ,, .1. i Awntiiox. AVARU'f. uivn, ikLVKNt.i: .h inese ek It r t.intrs. and her alone; ! they are neither pte-enti- d tolier, nor Will she come to them, tfhe ! however, her timi JS to them. To Atnbi- - I Hon iie send- - pwer; to. v nice, wealtii; to i.ove, ; - . f ..I .h..t ..... , otu fo loatty other names for vexation and d:;ap- - ; pointtucnt I When any c:np!i:n. as liig-ne- s did. that he his to hunt the streets w it !i cn.d.i at uoou-da- y to uiiJ Hn h'li- -t in an. we are apt to think that his nearest i.ciSt. r wi ut l hive quite as much dilliculty a; himsrif iu making the ry. - If aii in ii.kiiit wete -1 let. ly to partake themselves to telii.. il.e truth, an 1 lu.thin- - but the truth, the wh .Ie worU w. mi l appear to h .ve put ou a iuaw ; tnetely irom r.artuj?; t iiicn one vjr. I An Iii-h- m m's Sj.i.-- : ch, Jamie, an did yu ; never hear iv my pa ich afore the lliot-rnia- ocie- - r .. V., I'.. r lioor e..!il.l ! t'.r sure I w is not on i A ' . ii tt T r.. T ,,!l.,l I mi r. uu , . j up. n t y the Il.l octety tor a -- paach; and be ( iiier. I rose ith the enthusiastio cheers of thou- - , ... i .. i ,.f ih.,,.,,.li. . itl. ...v heart over- - i uu. i...-- - tliwing with pratitu ie. :"I my ejes toil of tears, I arid a ilivil of a Word iii 1 I spke !' Salt v.t. mt Thr at. A terson who has always ; been a fn in -. re throat, and itHlcte l uior i r le wi:h a c un!i. recommends the use i f the fol- - j Ling. It's to try and certainly can do no harm. If trernen i ?ns iptiack with a building i nine tories hiti, and tdi.rit-- s in the new-pape- rs a gre it deal higher. -- houM put up this simple remedy iu a ed h pe, the sui-- ce ptible public would probably pay a high price for the privilege ef trying it. J T I.-v-- t fill Vt-- were induced to try what virtue there W ii in CumniMU ya'.t. AVc commcnevd ty using it j thre times a diy, morning. I.OC'tl tllnl Iiighf. e , J a large table-spoonf- ul of Common sIt in atom half of a tumbler full of Crod water. With j thi- - we gargled tin throat most thoroughly j'ist be- - j tore meil time. ILe re-u- lt has been that during the , cr.rire winter we were not inly free from the usual Coughs and ecl Is to hi h so tar as our memory ex- - ; i i ..- -j i. ...... ...lo,.!- - loir tli ilrv. teii.lS, we llilf l;i)l .lerii cuijsvm - j w i hacking couh his entirely disappeared. We attli- - bite it entirety to the mU gargie. anj uo moev cordially recommend it to those of our readers who are -- ulject to di-- e a-- cs of the thtoat." FOR SIL f A r o .'i in lii ur i ii e : XkITlI IMTKXT KKCil L ITK. IS IXC'II T Cyl.n lo inch troi.e. Adapted to run linir CLN- - i Tilt! L'i L MAIU1M-- - ; l.oi.t. and may te s en at the lliNI.t"I.L IKON AVoBKsCo. TKiiAIS KKAXf.VA 1JLH. frxm Co-Psii's.Hi'fl- iip Police rpm: r.MiKusicxiiii iiavk this ij.iv tntrre 1 iuto ni stop, as PLVXTIIItS A.M (JII.NIIKAL STOKK t Ki:i:n:i!S! A At Keopuk:H North Koua, Hawaii, under the name and tle of j XKVILLF.Jl 1IAKKKTT. j K. K. NKVILLK. HAM1.I, BAKKF.TT. t Kr pukj, Xoith Kona, IUii, tr--h li illlui ( j justness (Larfcs. J. ii. :om:, fSrCi.'l.s..i,K To A. y. KVKlitTT.) At hi late rj",riis, tueeu 47i-l-y ii. v. si: vnii a.:i:, XTCTioivrEEri., --4A7 COMMISSI OX M KUCllAXT. rir--jroo- r storp. IColiinsoiiV IJuiUin);, wl ki.n sti:i:i:t. Lr. Will coiitiiiu- - buslines at the !; Rtunl. 4T7-l- y II. UW.KVVAmU & Hit. Oeiierstl Cviuii.iSsI.ju Airtms, Oulni, a. I. 47S-l- y K. Hori'MAXV, M. I., Fhj ticUn ni ?ari;i;..n. Mike-'- s Ulock, corner tuceti atl Krta huiiiatia street. 47"i-l- y DOCTOn KENNEDY, I'Iiviciax, .liu;kon am accoi chklr. Fort S:re t. next hi-u-- the lii-v- - rrnnent ifliL-t-- . 50'.-n- in C. BECHTINCER, M. D., U TrMtS IIISSK.KVU KS AS IMIVMCIA -I ll'ihJV t thn I'utili.r ,f Honolulu. He may i.e ciiiii!:ol in the KiiL', iie i:h, ii.tnili aii'l It.ihun l.tli'UlrS. Particular attention j aitl to Dis'aos i f ti" Kis. CIV- - ll.,ur fr..n 9 A. M.. to 1.' !.. :m I from 2 to 4 1'. M., at the lru iorc of Mi ?sr. J. M. tiuith A: Co. 6i:i-- W. II. KI II VltDS, I I Z?rI"I-'f- . F..rt street, H .i.oiulu. uiiice over the oiKce .f lr. S. P..rter F..rJ. iil-l- y IU. J. MOTT SMITH, 0:2ce corner of t atil Hotel Mre. ts. 612 ly JOHN H. PATY, Honolulu, II. I. Ofliee at the of Ui-h- A: Co. 61i Cm W. N. LADD, Importer anil Ie;iler in II ihi-- ahk, Citi.kht, .AlKfjiAsirj Xii - ami Ao Kiel" ii n-.- L 1m:'I.kvent, For street. Kmia lulu. 47-1-- 1 v C. L. RICHARDS & CO., &hii C!iHii4ilr4 :niil fiiiiiiiiisioii .Mrtli;iiit iltvilrr: in Mi-p-l.- li.n. K'-e- constantly on liainl a full a.-ortn-ii nt of iiierelia.ulise. for the supply of Whalers ami Menhaut venae!. iW-l- y - vox holt. ".chuck w" ,IO,'T 11 Mi'K. general Coiunii..-ioi- i Merehants. Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. 47S-l- y . - - VIjIIX. J. ' V ItT It I Ci HT V Commis-iio- Merchant ami General Hupping Agent, Honolulu Oal.u, 11. I 47S-l- y JAMO.V. (JHEl-- X V C:., Commission Merchants Fiie-l'io- uf Uuilding, Queen street. Honolulu, April 1, 47S-l- y ED. HOFFSCHLAECER & CO., Importer and Commission corn-- of Fort nd Mr.-!i:iti- t Sts., Ilotiolulii, lVn:ds. G071y E. C. mVjASIiI.KS?. JOHN HATV. Fal'OANDLESS & CO.. liters in Jki.i-hok.s- , i:ki ad and (ikn kka l N. K. comer of Fort and King streets. Honolulu. 11. I. 4 . . - - - f I I ' It I rl' - TV 1KA1.KK IN WIN K.s, S PI KITS. A I. K aM 1" K T K K Iloiioluln. 4Si-l- E. O. K ALL i SON, Imi-r- u-r ana ival. rm Hardware ury . ,ms, i aims Oils, and i ' general L...ii.-r..- , r..i. .io.i .v.. . ! 1 OX l I ; 1. 1 STKAJ1 II.tIIC JllI.Ii. FL'-- I K. llKAS AMI F. r l.y 47J ly S. SAYIiMiF., Proprietor. ' t p. EHLERS, i li.ttl.x. jM 1rv ' (iols. V. ! 4 ort Str.i t, Honolulu, Oahu, H. I. - FRED'K PFLUCER, Deal-- in Staple and Fancy Iry O. ..!- -, Men's Clothing, 1!.H and Mi s. an 1 Ya:"k-- " N- - !. M-- re ou F-- rt Street, . i. i.. i u..:r a- - . ovarii i i. .i-- - -- - j - i 11. I. SNOW, IMPOUTFII ANI IK.LK IN .KNEKAL MFKCHANMISK Honolulu. Ci!im. II. I. 47S-l- y C. II. LKI!1. J. O. Dickson. MlWrilS A DICIiSH.X, Ies'.crs in l.uuiieraii-- l UuilditiiT Ma:ai:;V.Foat Ilouoiula. 47S-1- i .1. V.'OIKTII. I,ca!er ;n -ra M. r.l.a-idis.- 11:1 1. Hawaii. supplied ilh recruits at the sonrtest notice, on reasoTianie ii'iuii. Bit! of exchange w ir.u .1. 47S-l- y , - - f, F ,1'IDD Vtt..rney ami l o.:i.- - Ilor at batv. coi:; KU K.ur and MFUCH AN r Sr.. HoNOI.L l.r. o UIU 4iJ-l- CEORCE C. HOWE, j l''-- in and Nurthwe-- t I. im'ier, Sioii'. s, Hoors j ?a-!- i. B o ds. N o -- ,l aiots. AC . Ac. &c 4 11 Muii.I on Hie P:l:iiim;-- . 4s.-l- y ,!!2 ! M V kUUIWU 1 UW, lrfiV!.".i;tM r. . IXItT HI. i.nrorl..r ,.., ,.t!e ! a er in AVim and Spirits, itid Malt Li.,u rs, Chariton Wharf. Honolulu. II. I. 47j-l- y AFONC fie ACHUCK, lmi-orter-i- . A l...e, i!e anl i 1 rs in ieneral Mercli inlie and - O.M. is. li.e pr.of si-r- i .Nuuai.u Sire. t. uo.B r tl.e Pu'-i.- H i:'.. A. S. CLECKORN, Dealer in Oeneral M ereloindi-e- , Ii re- - prooi store corner of Ka- - ahuui inu and tju. en stre. ts. o po-,'- .e s iikh-k- . Also. Ketail estat'lisoiin lit ou Nuuanu treet. almve Ki-.p- . V Produce i ouht ati l sold. Island orders carefully attended to 4.'4-l- y I J. S. H1LKKK, S. C. AI l KN. O. C. HATE-S- . WALKER, ALLEN & CO., Importers and Commits. Merchants Ie,ii, rs in iSerera Merchandise, un l Acet.ts f r t!..- - Sale of Island produce A IS Agents for the I.ihue. Metca'.f. and PriiiCevlIle Plai.ta' ions. ly I. X. I' Continues t.ia old husiness in the firepio-.- f l uilding Kaahuma uu Street. Chronometers rated hy olis. rv:,tions of the nn and stars with a transit instrument accurately adjusted to the of Honolulu. Particular at tei.tioii civcii to tit.e watch rcpairink'. Sc:a:it a:i.i jr'.as.-e- s silver--.- ! ir.d adiusted Chart n 1 naulica instruments constant v on hand and for sale 47S-1V- - I C. W AT Kit M AX Jk CO.. C OM MISSlOy M EhCtt.4 .V TS. Fspecial a:ret.t:. n paid to the int. rests of tic- -; Fleet by the furuish'l: of funds, purchase and sale of I.xrl.anre, Oil. :. i.e. Ocneral . and tl.e pr. curing of Freight r.FFKUKNCKS. M-- sr. Na i.- - H i xxo. Ja., Co., New Be.l:..rd W. 5. K. P. I K. H., d . V ua.AN.Sr.iMK .".. San Francisco. J. t:. Mno:ll!. .V Co. .Ii 47S-1.- U a k b. i: & V O W A v , K A AV A 1 II A K. H AAA' A 1 1. ill the tleu. i.i M. r hati.ils- - and Shipping lm:rn ss ' j at the a'-.- ve p rt. ie r- - they are prvpan d to famish the justly celt or it'-.- l K.iwa.hae l'i.::.:i-s- . a'. : such i .lo-r re cruits a are re. j,reC wh ii- - -- nl j.s a: the shortest notice and on the most r- - as .i le terms. 47--- ly FIRE WOOD ON HAND. C NEVILLE 6l BARRETT, Planters anil fiem-ra- l Store Keepers. Keokuk, North K iia, II nwrtii. nnr Kea!ak-:ik'- i'i l:.y. Il:itiil i't .ilU'-- hiui.-ht- . rhii .ujijli.- - i wuii Vik1, Uovf ainl 'thcr liecesiries. Asei.1 at Honolulu, A. S CLK'iHOKN. 514 y A.'4'L. S. J. B. AtH-lllM- MHS S. CUOKE CASTLE & COOKE, Ueneri! Mi-- !.:ifiti in t)i- - r'ir.'i rxif, Stre-t- , ol'JKi. ile tl.e Ci.i.- - I. aio a ; k.vis roic. I;r. Jjyi.t- - Cel'-orate-- l Kitinly M lie l:n ?, V heel-- Vi!-.- n' ewini; Muchiiu s, '1 I- i- Ivoh il.i u.'.ir (. ni..ii..v. The New Hn.'lun.l Mutual Life Insurance Company, 1 fie New York l'ti iii Marine lnurniue Coiii):i!iy, '1 he N-- irk ur.ty M.u ine ir.iti. e Citti-iii!y- . ouH-- l v ft.Ci. II. A. f , CAKTKIi i. B.M:ii.i.rr. C. D Ft EWER & CO., Commission &, Shipjiing Merchants, Honolulu. Oiiliu, II. I. a;:: nis (r lli- - I!olon uiiil HuiioIiiIii I'lii lit'l Iinr. AdKNTS I'or I! Miilti-t- . WiiihiUii X Ilititit ITiiiilalioiin AiiKNT.S Fur I In- - 1ii i 11 - i mi Su It- - ol" I la ml l'rod m-i-- . UKFKU TO Jons M. llo.iit, Kn New Yolk. 1 1 . .- I' . JAMI.S III nskh m i., hn. i J. . .'Uiirii L A: Co. ) K. Ii. a: C... . , mh Francisco. I'HAi. AVoI.I'oTr IJKO itS, K-- ) 4Jj ly BOLLES & CO., Ship Chandlers and Commission LE'RCHANTS UUKF.y STREET. I'articiihtr Attention paitl to the purchase an. I sale ol Hawaiian I'ruiluce. s ly to 15. F. Snow Messrs. AViilki-- r Allen. & Co., Messrs. C. A. AVilli-it- .V: Co M'.'Jsis. C. lirewer v Co.. M Castle .V C" .ke., M.ssrs. H. HurkfeM ,t Co., l. C. AVat iiiian. . . . Messrs. C. L. li.ioh.inls A: Co. ;0!'-- l v MELCHERS & CO., Isnpos'trB atii! CoaaaBiiiMiuii AOENTs FOU T11K H A V BtR';tI-ll- K KM KN FlKE lssfBASCK CoMPANT, KAIWIKI SloAR l'l.AXTATI.l.V, ToUKV StOAK I'LASTATIOX. Ocstav C. Mklciikks, J. T. W'lCKK, F A. SrHAKrKR, Bremen. Honolulu. Honolulu. 403-l- y ClliS. K. BlS.tup. . A ALDK1C BISHOP & CO., Hankers, Office in the east corner of " Makee's Itlock," on Ka thu umanu street, Hon ilulu. I'raw Itills of Kxchanir"? on The Uask ok CALir'oKMA. - - San Francisco. Messrs liuiNNKLi., M is ri u.s A: Co., New York. " I.kks ir, - - New York, Hesrv A. I'kii'.cr, & t.'o., - - Boston. "J'hkmost Natiosai. Bask, Boston, Ias?. OUIKSTAI. I'iANW CoKI'OKATIoS, 1.11. loll. Will receiv; dt posits. discount tlrst-cla- ss business paper, and attend to cullectin;;, etc. 47S-- ly CHCSi: HoO.V. TOI'NU SUKOSG CHUHC HOON & CO., Cumiiiissioii Merchants and general au-eti- Agents for the J'aul a.i and Aniaiiulu Suirar I'laiitatioiis Importers of teas and otht-- I'hii ye and or i:n troods and wholesale dealers iu Hawaiian produce at the new Stone Store, Nuuanu Street, helow B'inir. 4'io-l- y . P- - ADAMS, pifiii 'ii i iii rii ivh iiriirii iv v cull iiritfii i VTiit'P olllr llllM'l.CU a .A if I'ttLLU l.i liLALiiAL Jii.l.l 11 .Pi.xr., I.AIIAIXA, .MA n. Irish and Sweet Potatoes, with other lecrnits, constantly on hand and tor sale at low rates. 4'.iJ-0i- A. S. CRINBAUM & CO., Importers and AVholesa'.e lieahrs in Fashionable t'kthinir, H.i'.s. Caps, Boots and Shoes, au l every variety of tientle-i- m n's Sup'-rio- r Furni-'hl- OoimIs. Stnr", formerly occu- pied - AV. A. Al lrich, Ks., iu Makee's Block, yueen Street. Honolulu, Oahu. 4VO-l- y THE NEWSPAPER KUOKOA. Pu'ili-le-- d weekly in the llawn I.uil'u i e. It has th largest ciri-u- l iti hi in itf irr nio. is rea l li .tli Ly ll iAai ans and Foreiju r. I'ru-- e y'.o0 a ye ir iu advance. Adver- tisements ti -d into Hawaii. in fr-- e of ch.ii i."-- . Ollice, S nitli c irner f the Sailor's IL.tne. ;"o7-l- y S. H. DOWSETT, LUMBER MERCHANT! H.MAA 1 It m A Kr. l Kill K.MSH 111 11,1) M int, .'laieiioi "i inij nesei iiii"ii ill me lowest .ii;irhe rates. Orders fr.-- the country, and other islands s.-l- ited. I.umher ard n Corner ot tu-e- n and Fort Streets. 512-6- Tiis. sesoti;!:!:, SHIP OH AN DLER ! Piah r in tlcm-rn- l .Merchandise. Island Produce, Sec, and Com m i'sio'i .M-Tch- a ut. Byron's Bay, Hilo, S. I., AVill keej. constantly on I. .ml an extensive assortment of every description of u'imiiIs required hy ships and others. The hicti ''.t price civen t'.r Inland Produce. Moti-- v advinced for Bills of Kxch-in- at reaon table rates. Ilil... S. 1HI oll-l- y "gi:. ("HAS. IHKCKSS V I II F 'I IV- - . 1. f .nn the resio. n;s of Honolulu and the other Islands, tliat it is his intention to make a tour tt.roiijh the IS roup during t!i- - Summer, fi r the purp e of making a series of IWNOK A.MIC VXD ST II It KOSCOI'IC V I11WS All orders f.r uc!i work can he left at his rooms. Tli'ise vvli i wih to have riioTocitAPiis AA'ill please call as s.v.n as josi! Ie. piTOEMPE una i I HA V 1 XC; KK V K. 1 V V. I I V K XTIKE STviCK ..F I Pliotographic Apparatus! i With all the re-eii- t improven.. i, H in t!.e art, I wish to inform i th- - if th..e lilar.ds that it is my intention for the lutcr - to I tl.e Higher llranclic- - of the Profession only! a:;.l l'.e-.o- !r:tic ph"t' era; h nri.I.- - in n.v oxn ro nis. where p- r:r aitur- - w; l t..- - my cn-ta- ! IV.-.'- s will I e si:, wn ;. persons sittuir f r f.f rt q .jested;. Particu- lar at: nti :i paid t c ;. : . 1! j ictur- - s. Mr. 1! is i; av Mil ts t pr.vluce Lan .pe. turosc "pi- - a i i Mi r aoc Pictures of a;.y si.. 1JT An r:ii!-r- t of in ,1 and II wool Frame : Morocco. J..nny Lin '. ami A elvi t Cases constantly on hand. :!0-.a- ('HAS. BCUISKSS. Phot era phic Artist. Just Received per 44 Ethan Allen." CASKS SIM I S L 1 XI 'OTTO X SEF.Ih l.T Sa C I V oO.-J- WAIKKSl. ALL FN' A: Co. Hawaiian I'liraM KooKs. 4 si pi'LV. ijouxi ix xkat and! s.v. IVr -- .! l, If. V wuitvkv. 3fcbcrti5Cincnts. CHINESE MATTING. AM WIIITK 4-- 4. CIltCKKI) iT itle at 613-l- MKLCHF.RS i CO "S. TAPIOCA, FA H IX A anil AISROWUOOT Of Superior Quality. 11.1 Xl'FA C'TI- K HI AT KOLd.t. li .tl' Al- - 4.V con-tatii- ly on hand fi r sale in Uantiti-t- n suit t y 6eJ-i- a Mtl.CHKKS jc Co French Claret and Burgundy Wine. nOCKWlXK. I(KTWIXK, Cherry Cordial, m ca'es. Sherry and Ctiret, in wiuj. CK.M'IXK HKinsiCK CHAMl'AGXK, in quarts and pints. Alcohol Hi pec cent., iu demijohns. For Sale at 513-In- i MF.I.CHF.KS A CO S. XI OX II AND A NH IVoiv OUor For Ssalc THE FOLLOWING ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, &C! rHIL'KKKV UCI) AXIIVKLLOW IMIIXTS, Lare, med:um and buiall patterns. l ine llluck Cubourjjjs High and low cost Black Alpaca, figured patterns White Tarltons, Fancy French Prints, "V" ery IT i 11 o L i 11 e n s ! Assorted Qualities. AV II I T K I. I XK X S III It T S . Iolit s' Very Fine and New Style Black Trimmed Silk Mantles! Children's do. do. do. India lUibber Tiger Hugs for Carriages. LOW PKICK1) WHITE COTTONS, BLl'K S Till I'KD TICKS. Ulue Welleil lienjjiili, While Wefteil lieniil-- . rni' Trimiued Felt Hiding Hats, 27 Inch Silk Pongee. LIGHT AND HEAVY 40 INCH BAGGING. 1' A X CV CA It I K T I X U ! BOLTS COTTON CANVAS. loiicuiit? Wire, 3NTo. I and G. London and Colonial Co. l'ORTEK, IN Ql'AUTS. I. A lie K LOT OF 3 IU TZ 1? TJ 3X I?, Y ! Which will be Sold Very Low. Consisting of Fancy am! Brown Windsor Soap, assortment of Lutiiu's, Gosntll's and Price's Best I'xtraets. Shavin-- ; Cream, Tor it h l'aste, Persian Compound for seintin Clothes iu drawers, Uosntli's cchhrated Aromatic Kau lie. Cologne. ASSOIITUI) II. lilt. ltllt'SHHS : HAIR OILS AXI POMADES. Ate, &c, &c IRON AVOltKS COMPANY. rmHH FOl'XDRV AXI IRHN' WOKKS fi havinsj recently much eniaijfed and supplied with ss complete a Sot ol Tools I As is to he found on the Pacific Coast, are prepared to execute f:x(;iXLi:iiix: works of ail kinds; At very moderate rates. ST K .1 M K X t; 1 X US, HOILIIBS. COOLERS, TAXKS, srCAR MILLS. C F. XT It. I F I'd .1 L .M.VCII1 X ES, ., &.-- .. Xr., &:- -. Execut -- l on short notice. Patterns of srveral siz-- Sugar Mills are on hand Sugjsn- - nam For Sale, 1 IfT- - rent siz--- are on hand and in progress. The Company would call the attention of Planters to the most recei.t an I approved f ra of Vaccuum Pan, Of which detailed drawings are to be seen in the r.lSce, and also to the plan of doinir away with Air Pumps, and the rantire power f..r them, in those siumions where a butlicient quantity and head of water exit. thus reuderim; the A'ACCt.'l'M A X at the same time the most etticient, econrmical, and fimpi evapora-.- i rs. 1 racings Sent at a short notice without charge. They would also call attention to their large stock of MACHINERY REQUISITES ! Such hs : SIIAFTINK, of all usual sizes up to 8A inches. BRAS? COCKS and VALVES of Sl'PERIOR make. Iron Pij'inir, Elbows and Tees, India Kubber Packing, Injectors, Steam flanges, itr.s r in: st n .v it utox : Boiler Plate, Sheet Iron, Angle Iron, Fire Clay, Boiler Tube?, ic, &c. A Ira'izh:sm m ' f experience in S t'ar Machinery is em- ploye.!, who will t up plans an l drawings of wors or ma- chinery to suit the views i f Planters. The P if. rn ).'-- ; lrvi::? en filled with the lft and niot SA W'S ai d LABOR SAVIXti .M ACIIIX-EK- V, le-- f .r Machinery cu-- i le furniahed w;th promptitude and econom'. Apjly to THOS. HUGHES, Manager. 505-.?- tr to JANION, GREEN 4 Co., Ayenli. I . 11 V litrttscmcnls. C. BREWER & CO.! OFFER FOli SALE To Arrive soon ua San Francisco. ALKS UrULAI'S. IS 11 1 It LA I 11 A U S. fot Coffee Babs. HALES Ui:sT 1IK.MP IU CK. ALSO :ioo cai:s coal oil. 515-5- t Sugar and Molasses Containers. J"- - AXI S Otill. P1XE SHOO KS. clean and brigh & 14 U.ILL. Tl.E SHOOK S, clean and bright; 14 CALL. CI1EST.WT SUOOKS, clean A- - bright; 31 UALL. i'.Vf SUOOKS, 31 HALL. CUESTMUT SUOOKS. 1 1XK lit X ES in Shooks, to hold about USO lbs. 11 KO OAK, 4U gall. Shooks. for Molassis or Syrup. For sale by 603-S- m C. BR K AVER 4 Co. oolb:i:s, cooluks : UtOX CtlOLEItS. 1 FEET BY 200 4J Feet. PKIC'I', $33 UACII. For Sale by fiOO-C- C. BKEAVER & Co. METALLIC PAINT ! CONSTANTLY ON HAND. re II .1 T I X" V A LlT A IJ K, I I' It A 11 L K, F L E X M ible. preservin;?, nti corrosive METALLiC l'AIXT For Coolers, Boilers, Roofs, Steam Engines, Cast Plows, Houses, Fences, Schooners, Steamers, AXI) ALL OT1IEK.IKOX or WOODWORK. For Sale by 500-6- C. BREWER & Co. IIOKSL POWERS f TWO HOUSE POWER MACHINES, WITH THRESHERS and CLEAXERS FOR IVH EAT. E.iy MILLS FOR RICK OK COFFEE. For Sale by 50j-3i- u C. BKEAVER & Co. Superior Plow Harnesses 7TOR SALE CHEAP BV 515 lui CASTLE k C00KK. HOXES 1 AND 2 OYSTKIIS TARTAR. SO 1A. CREAM Ginger, Saleratus, Olive Soda Soap, Irish Moss and Mace. For Sale by 515 lm CASTLK & C00KK. Superior French Fancy Cassimere, Double Avidth for (.lentlcnien'tj wear. TOR SALE BV 1 515 lm CASTLE k COOKE. PARIS, EACLC 20, 73-i- , 75, STEEL IX OO PLOWS, ROWS, 1 1- -2, 1 3-- 1 AXI) 2 INCHES, OX Ox Yokes 4. 5 and 6. Planter's Hoes, Oos, and Wheel Barrows. For Sale by 515 ltn CASTLE & COOKE. STATIONERY ASES OF ASSORTED STATIONERY. For Sale by 515 5t C. BKEAVER Co. DAIRY SALT TiOR SALE II Y 515 it C. BREWER k Co. LOUISIANA CANE KNIVES, With Extra Steel Backs. OR SALE II Y F 515 5t C. BREWER ir Ui. PAIR HANK'S SCALES riOUXTER A XI PLATFORM, For Sale by 515-5- C. BREAVER & Co. ULACKS.MITIPS 1IELLOWS XVILS-ULACKS.MI- TIIS and COOPERS. A VICES Blacksmiths and Coopers. For Sale by 515 5t C. BREWER Co. HCX(;S AXI) STOPPERS I, 1, l.J, IJ and 2 inches. I710R PROVISION AND MOLASSES BARRELS, For Sale by 515-3- C. BREAVEK ir Co. !JTTA Ii:iiCIlA mosi:. f I'lY 1- -2 IXCH HOSE. jm 3 ply J inch Hose, 3 ply i inch Hoje, 3 ply 1 inch Hose, 3 ply 11 inch Hose. CUTTA PERCIIA PACKINC; , 6, , and g inch. For Sale by 515 3m C. BREWER t Co. Anchors and Cables. IROX STOCK ANCHORS, 700, 800, 900, 1000, llioO j.ounds. CHAIN CABLES, 1 and J inch. Fur Sale by 515-3- C. BKEAVER it Co. FELT HATS A TEST STYLES. 1A For Sale by ol.VOra C. BREAVER & Co. siiivi. nAcin.i:K. A F F. W NI O R E or the W I LLI A MS &. O R- - oTjL VIS' plaiD, inexensive, simple and effective SLWINC; .MACHINES AVill do any kind of work, strong stich, and not liable to get out of order. H7" rico S3 S . 515-3- m For Sale by C. BKEAVER & Co. II LANK ETS Heavy White, Scarlet and Blue Blankets. 74 and 92 inches. SALE BY FOR C. BREAVER k Co. For Sugar Boilers. SA CCH A ROM ETERS, MICROSCOPES, 4 FEET METAL THERMOMETERS. For Sale by 515 3m C. BREWER k Co. pi: mps c OPPER SINK PIT MPS, Engine AVell Pumps. Lifting Pumps. For Sale by &13-3- C. BKEAVER k Co. A ORE E M i: XT II L AN K S . OLAXK FORMS OF AGREEMENT RE. twen Masters and Servants the on'y authorized form Price Sl.OO per Dozen. rr sale by II M. WHITNEY bbcrtiscmnris. Tl IIE.T. THE IIOI'SE RECENTLY OCCCPIED bv T. T. ItOl'lS H t'RT Y. Ha.. or the one at oresent "I .e.. I.e I II UlWlll In lin .i.i.lo M K 1 in FOR SALE! A PIECE OF L. XD ADJOINING THE premises at present, occupied by the MAkikl IVonritintt School, coiiiuicncin at the malai corner of said au.l running 1X feet uloiij; Kamehameha, thence 3o0 ft niaukit to Kinau street. 100 fl lo niauka corner of the Makiki Boarding School, thence 3oJ ft to place of commencement. For particulars, apply to 514 3t J. S. LEMON. For Sstle or Incase. THE UNDERSIGNED Now OflVr 0- - for sale or lease his premise at PAW A A on the J AVaikiki Koa l, about three quarters of a mile .aJLa. Wyond Mr. C K. illmms' place, comprising one acre of laud enclosed with a ood fence in two separate lots, one dwelling house J4x30 with four rooms, one building 17 v'0, for cook boue and dining room; two well of good water. The above pretuivra are in good repair aud well adapted for family use, apply ou the premises or of 614 5t Z. Y. S1CIRE3, of Honolulu. To Ict. THOSE RETIRED AND COMMODI- - ous Premises, known as the ST. JOHN PUKMISEd ad- joining the residence of J. Montgomery, Kj. Thry have lately been put in thorough repair and are within five minutes walk of the Pout Ottke. For particulars apply to 512-5- t A. S. CLEOIIORM. jlu t THE STORE NOW OCCUPIED II Y the L'ndersigneU. 509-3U- 1 B. F. SNOAV. To E ELIGIBLE FRONT OFFICE, OVER 111 Post-olLc- e. Possession given immediately. 504- - Apply to II. M. WH1TNET. VALUAB LE LAN D jTorSale ! TIIE VALUA1M.K AND PLEASANTLY LOCATED LAND " Moakca," on Molokai ! Is off. red for sale for the purpose of closing the estate of the late Captain THOMAS KINO. This land is situated on the Eastern end of Molokai and contains 150(1 acres, more or less; about 600 acres if which are excellent Cane The land extend from the mountain to the sea, a small island off the coast belongs to the land, anil there ta a landing for boata and a fishing right. A fine stream of water runs througb the laud and there Is an abundance of WOOD on the estate. This is one of the finest locations on the group, girlng a splendid view of the channels and the ojen Sea to the north- ward and is only offered for sale to close Hie estate. For particulars apply to FRANK M0LTEN0, Executor and Administrator, 505-3l- i Or to PETER II. TREADAVAY, Lahaina. "cautTon. AOT1CK. flAHK ITXDERSIGXED IIEREHY CAUTION I all persons not to allow their Horses, Cattle, Mules, Don- keys, Uoats, Hogs or Dogs to run on the lands of MAXA X IT I and I A LEA. district of Ewa. Oahu, or on the FISHERIES lielonginpr to the above mentioned lands. Also, on the ISLAND OF MOKLl'MHUMK and the fisheries thereto. All persons are also cautioned against shooting r trespassing on the above lands, as persons lound violating thia notice wilt be prosecuted to the utmost extent of the law. II. JACKSON, J. KKON1KAPU. Agents for Caroliue Jackson. Honolulu. April 6th, 1806. 515 lm lrOTOGItAlIIS. de VISITEt CARTES PHOTOGRAPHS; COPY1XG ANT) ENLARGING; RETOUCHING done In the beat utnautr, and on the most reasonable terms. Also for gale, Photographs of the Crnlrrs Kilnurn ami II ii Irnkiilit, aud other Island Scenes; the KINGS. KAMK-1- 1 EM EH A, kc, ifC At the Gallery on Fort Street. II. L. CHASE. P. 3 Having purchased the Portrait Negatives from Mr. AVeed, duplicate copies can be had by those persona wishing for the same. 514-u- i II. L. C AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! HAVE ON HAND And For Sale at Low Eates ! PLOWS JlAGLE PLOWS, Xo. 2, 12. 20, 70; HORSE PLOWS. Eagle A, Eagle O, Eagle II. SIDE HILL PLOWS, A No. 2, A No. 3, A No. 4; STEEL PLOAVS, V. Q. 3J ; X IJ, X i U. O. Extr:i Teeth for above Patterns. PLOWS, with and without W. k C. Cult ivsi tors STEEL REVERSIRLE TEETH, SPARE TEETH, SPARE TEETH FOR DITTO. Hakes STEEL, IRON AND WOODEN TOOTH RAKES. Scytlics BUSH AND GRASS SCYTHES AND SNATHES. Hay Cutters, No. 2, No. 3. No. 4 XT sxy Cutt o i k Very Urge with pully and balance wheel For Cuttinc Sorchnm Cane Tops, Acc &e. FAN MILLS, HORSE HOES. ROAD SCRAPERS. OX YOKES, various sizes. OX BOWS, assorted sizes. CANE KNIVES. COLLARS al HARNESS, WHIFFLE TREES. PLANTER'S HOES, assorted sites. HORSE POWERS. LEATHER UELTIXG. 5, 4, and 3 inches. RUI1UER HELTING, 3, 2J. 4 k 5 inches; 2, 3 k 4 p!j And a Variety of Smaller Articles,

Transcript of cautTon. - · C. BECHTINCER, M. D., U TrMtS IIISSK.KVU KS AS...

Page 1: cautTon. - · C. BECHTINCER, M. D., U TrMtS IIISSK.KVU KS AS IMIVMCIA-I ll'ihJV t thn I'utili.r ,f Honolulu. He may i.e ciiiii!:ol in the KiiL',




PAcincCommercial Advertiser.

Goil on tlir- - Oc-i- u.

AVe ere cro...b-- d in the Ctbiu;I


Nut a s .ul did dare to sleep;It was midi.i.'ht u the wt.-r?- ,

Ar.i! a st'rr Vji ou th-- r ilep.Tt a t.irv.r in winter

F ' ttT'-.- l in th- - lna.-t-,

An t t ti.r tv'u.j. trumpetT?tin Irr, Cut am y the m.i3t '"we itiiiM-rr't th- - xi i-

For the s:-- ut i.t h--

While the hungry w:i riri:i',Ar..l tl.e LrrukeM t.ile.I wiib lJeut!i.

A we tuliy it in .!:irkr,es,K.f!i one .!' at rr:jt-r-r- ,

nre l'.-- .t I' the c;i,ti:iAs he stiller.-- J t tn tle stair j.

Il'it hi lit:!-.- - il iuJitcr w liSj.t-r- v J,As he to.k Ins u jr linn. I.

t in.t .! tiM,r t'ue i.nn,Jut the wi.e m uu the iau I ?"

Tlica we ki.-Je- il the li:t!e In ii.K-n-,

Aifl We tfie eti-- r th-r- ;

Ai.-- l e stiih-ret- l :ife in'xrW i.'-i-t tiie iifrn thinir .' clir. Stlicttd.

VAKIETV.V.'lnt is thit which every i.ise can ItiJe, Lut no !

ctie can s-- e wlierc k divule-- i ? WriterWhy is a negru j.eJ Her like a wine vault ? lie-C.iu-

Lfc'i a daik teller ( )

Why is coii-c'nii- like the check ftrii.g of a cr-ri.i- e

? 15eo:iu-f- c it is au iuwrd check ou the outerlunn. is the diJlcrerice Ketwten rert'everance anlotstiii'ioy ? Utie is a ttnmg will, anJ the other is afetrong wont.

Why is the Chinese Tirgnie like un Kniilish mob ?

15ecaue it is coiji oeI ot tucii iueer characters.Why i- - a tnan luoktnt; for the iiiilosotiher's stiue j

like Mefitune ? Utcau.--e he's :i see king wliat never j

vain.In wtmt city of the w.rl J lo they h iVe UO lunatics ?

.Mil 'I rid! j

. . I

W h it "ocl rrtson can ne given for dentists having ;

t ut few ehiMren f.r cu-tom- ei s ? Uecause the tiiost j

of their butlerers are groan folks !. i

A lazer-bi- er cellar must have a iJejresing innn- - (

ence uj.oti its customer!, fur their downward progrtt-- i

(tu it) lend to a basement. I

A Cobbler's Sole iijport. In shoereuts he fiuJs j

Lis awl !Having too many irons in the fire" lias cancel

inany billow from those who wish to rune the wind.A Lt:.R Chanuk From being a nation under the

rule of an old Duck, the South is now rtduceJ to a j

Stagnation. j

It must be somewhere written that the virtues of !

mother- - h til occasionally be vi-it- ed upon the chil- - '

dreu, us well :is tlic sins of the l itlier.Those are ; rai worthy levellers who would raise j

the lowest part cf society to the level of the highest. ;

Scknk is as Katino Hoc-j- Irascible Gent, (to j

waiter;) "They My there's nothing like leather, j

i.n't ilu-yf- " "Ye-- , sir." "Then it's a lie, for j

this ?teak is !' (Waiter evaporates.) j

A eo d one is tol l of a Qu.iker volunteer who was ;

in a Viritii tkirmi?h. Coming in pretty close......vf...-- . .iil. 'i. r..l.f l . ruiiL i. I .frriorot i d I

1jil.ll II 11 null 1 - 'n.,, aib.a., f

unfortunate, bat Mai.d ja-- t V here I'm going to !

.t t 1 I .1.. .. .......What :ire yiu with my microscope, i 1

fleorce?" I've been shaving, father, and I wantto .ee if I lure's any hairs ii: the lather as yet.

At Did Jr iy tiar. Kllnbur, we have : j

-- II ,. ... rave ruy w ,fe doth He, !

..w .she's at rest, and so am I." i

livery thins: h is a tint cunxr, except perhaps some !

few unlucky candid te for leg il practice. ;

TllOe who walk the fa-te- st ill going to dinner j

cttell walk eloWirt in guitli back to Work'. ,, .1. i

Awntiiox. AVARU'f. uivn, ikLVKNt.i: .h ineseek It r t.intrs. and her alone; ! they are neither

pte-enti- d tolier, nor Will she come to them, tfhe !

however, her timi JS to them. To Atnbi- - I

Hon iie send- - pwer; to. v nice, wealtii; to i.ove, ; -. f ..I .h..t ..... ,

otu fo loatty other names for vexation and d:;ap- - ;

pointtucnt I

When any c:np!i:n. as liig-ne- s did. that he histo hunt the streets w it !i cn.d.i at uoou-da- y to uiiJHn h'li- -t in an. we are apt to think that his nearesti.ciSt. r wi ut l hive quite as much dilliculty a;

himsrif iu making the ry. -If aii in ii.kiiit wete -1 let. ly to partake themselves

to telii.. il.e truth, an 1 lu.thin- - but the truth, thewh .Ie worU w. mi l appear to h .ve put ou a iuaw ;

tnetely irom r.artuj?; t iiicn one vjr. I

An Iii-h- m m's Sj.i.-- : ch, Jamie, an did yu ;

never hear iv my pa ich afore the lliot-rnia- ocie- - r

.. V., I'.. r lioor e..!il.l ! t'.r sure I w is not on i

A ' . ii tt T r.. T ,,!l.,l I

mi r. uu , . jup. n t y the Il.l octety tor a -- paach; and be


iiier. I rose ith the enthusiastio cheers of thou- - ,

... i .. i ,.f ih.,,.,,.li.. itl. ...v heart over- - iuu. i...-- -

tliwing with pratitu ie. :"I my ejes toil of tears, I

arid a ilivil of a Word iii 1 I spke !'

Salt v.t. mt Thr at. A terson who has always ;

been a fn in -. re throat, and itHlcte l uiori r le wi:h a c un!i. recommends the use i f the fol- - j

Ling. It's to try and certainly can do no

harm. If trernen i ?ns iptiack with a building i

nine tories hiti, and tdi.rit-- s in the new-pape- rs agre it deal higher. -- houM put up this simple remedyiu a ed h pe, the sui-- ce ptible public would

probably pay a high price for the privilege ef trying it. J TI.-v-- t fill Vt-- were induced to try what virtue there

W ii in CumniMU ya'.t. AVc commcnevd ty using it j

thre times a diy, morning. I.OC'tl tllnl Iiighf. e , J a large table-spoonf- ul of Common sIt inatom half of a tumbler full of Crod water. With j

thi- - we gargled tin throat most thoroughly j'ist be- - j

tore meil time. ILe re-u- lt has been that during the ,

cr.rire winter we were not inly free from the usualCoughs and ecl Is to hi h so tar as our memory ex- - ;

i i ..- -j i. ...... ...lo,.!- - loir tli ilrv.teii.lS, we llilf l;i)l .lerii cuijsvm - j wi

hacking couh his entirely disappeared. We attli- -

bite it entirety to the mU gargie. anj uo moev

cordially recommend it to those of our readers who

are -- ulject to di-- e a-- cs of the thtoat."

FOR SILfA r o .'i in lii ur i ii e :

XkITlI IMTKXT KKCil L ITK. IS IXC'IIT Cyl.n lo inch troi.e. Adapted to run linir CLN- - i

Tilt! L'i L MAIU1M-- - ; l.oi.t. and may te s en at thelliNI.t"I.L IKON AVoBKsCo.

TKiiAIS KKAXf.VA 1JLH. frxmCo-Psii's.Hi'fl- iip Policerpm: r.MiKusicxiiii iiavk this ij.iv

tntrre 1 iuto ni stop, as


Ki:i:n:i!S! A

At Keopuk:H North Koua, Hawaii, under the name and tle of j



Kr pukj, Xoith Kona, IUii, tr--h li illlui (

j justness (Larfcs.

J. ii. :om:,fSrCi.'l.s..i,K To A. y. KVKlitTT.)

At hi late rj",riis, tueeu 47i-l-y

ii. v. si: vnii a.:i:,XTCTioivrEEri.,--4A7 COMMISSI OX M KUCllAXT.

rir--jroo- r storp. IColiinsoiiV IJuiUin);,wl ki.n sti:i:i:t. Lr.

Will coiitiiiu- - buslines at the !; Rtunl. 4T7-l- y

II. UW.KVVAmU & Hit.Oeiierstl Cviuii.iSsI.ju Airtms,

Oulni, a. I. 47S-l- y

K. Hori'MAXV, M. I.,Fhj ticUn ni ?ari;i;..n. Mike-'- s Ulock, corner tuceti atl Krta

huiiiatia street. 47"i-l- y

DOCTOn KENNEDY,I'Iiviciax, .liu;kon am accoi chklr.

Fort S:re t. next hi-u-- the lii-v- - rrnnent ifliL-t--. 50'.-n- in


-I ll'ihJV t thn I'utili.r ,f Honolulu. He may i.eciiiii!:ol in the KiiL', iie i:h, ii.tnili aii'l It.ihunl.tli'UlrS.Particular attention j aitl to Dis'aos i f ti" Kis.

CIV- - ll.,ur fr..n 9 A. M.. to 1.' !.. :m I from 2 to 4 1'. M.,at the lru iorc of Mi ?sr. J. M. tiuith A: Co. 6i:i--

W. II. KI II VltDS,I I Z?rI"I-'f- .

F..rt street, H .i.oiulu. uiiice over the oiKce .f lr. S. P..rterF..rJ. iil-l- y

IU. J. MOTT SMITH,0:2ce corner of t atil Hotel Mre. ts. 612 ly


Honolulu, II. I. Ofliee at the of Ui-h- A: Co. 61i Cm

W. N. LADD,Importer anil Ie;iler in II ihi-- ahk, Citi.kht, .AlKfjiAsirj

Xii - ami Ao Kiel" ii n-.- L 1m:'I.kvent, For street. Kmialulu. 47-1-- 1 v

C. L. RICHARDS & CO.,&hii C!iHii4ilr4 :niil fiiiiiiiiisioii .Mrtli;iiit iltvilrr: in

Mi-p-l.- li.n. K'-e- constantly on liainl a full a.-ortn-ii ntof iiierelia.ulise. for the supply of Whalers ami Menhautvenae!. iW-l-y

-vox holt. ".chuck

w" ,IO,'T 11 Mi'K.general Coiunii..-ioi- i Merehants. Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. 47S-l- y

.- -VIjIIX. J. ' V ItT It I Ci HTV

Commis-iio- Merchant ami General Hupping Agent, HonoluluOal.u, 11. I 47S-l- y

JAMO.V. (JHEl-- X V C:.,Commission Merchants Fiie-l'io- uf Uuilding, Queen street.Honolulu, April 1, 47S-l- y

ED. HOFFSCHLAECER & CO.,Importer and Commission corn-- of Fort nd

Mr.-!i:iti- t Sts., Ilotiolulii, lVn:ds. G071y


Fal'OANDLESS & CO..liters in Jki.i-hok.s-

, i:ki ad and (ikn kka l K. comer of Fort and King streets. Honolulu. 11. I.

4. .- - -

f I I ' It I rl' - TV1KA1.KK IN

WIN K.s, S PI KITS.A I. K a M 1" K T K K

Iloiioluln. 4Si-l-

E. O. K ALL i SON,Imi-r- u-r ana ival. rm Hardware ury . ,ms, i aims Oils, and i '

general L...ii.-r..- , r..i. .io.i .v... !

1 OX l I ; 1. 1 STKAJ1 II.tIIC JllI.Ii.FL'-- I K. llKAS AMI F. r l.y

47J ly S. SAYIiMiF., Proprietor.'t

p. EHLERS, i

li.ttl.x. jM 1rv' (iols. V. !

4 ort Str.i t, Honolulu, Oahu, H. I. -FRED'K PFLUCER,

Deal-- in Staple and Fancy Iry O. ..!- -, Men's Clothing, 1!.Hand Mi s. an 1 Ya:"k-- " N- - !. M-- re ou F-- rt Street,. i. i.. i u..:r a- - i i. .i-- - -- - j -



Honolulu. Ci!im. II. I. 47S-l- y

C. II. LKI!1. J. O. Dickson.

MlWrilS A DICIiSH.X,Ies'.crs in l.uuiieraii-- l UuilditiiT Ma:ai:;V.Foat Ilouoiula.



.1. V.'OIKTII.I,ca!er ;n -ra M. r.l.a-idis.- 11:1 1. Hawaii. supplied

ilh recruits at the sonrtest notice, on reasoTianie ii'iuii.Bit! of exchange w ir.u .1. 47S-l- y ,


f, F ,1'IDDVtt..rney ami l o.:i.- - Ilor at batv.

coi:; KU K.ur and MFUCH AN r Sr.. HoNOI.L l.r. o UIU4iJ-l-


l''-- in and Nurthwe-- t I. im'ier, Sioii'. s, Hoorsj

?a-!- i. B o ds. N o -- , l aiots. AC . Ac. &c4 1 1 Muii.I on Hie P:l:iiim;-- . 4s.-l- y,!!2 !

M V kUUIWU 1 UW,lrfiV!.".i;tM r. . IXItT HI.

i.nrorl..r ,.., ,.t!e ! a er in AVim and Spirits, itidMalt Li.,u rs, Chariton Wharf. Honolulu. II. I. 47j-l- y

AFONC fie ACHUCK,lmi-orter-i- . A l...e, i!e anl i 1 rs in ieneral Mercli inlie

and - O.M. is. li.e pr.of si-r- i .Nuuai.u Sire. t.uo.B r tl.e Pu'-i.- H i:'..

A. S. CLECKORN,Dealer in Oeneral M ereloindi-e- , Ii re- - prooi store corner of Ka- -

ahuui inu and tju. en stre. ts. o po-,'- .e s iikh-k- .

Also. Ketail estat'lisoiin lit ou Nuuanu treet. almve Ki-.p- .

V Produce i ouht ati l sold. Island orders carefullyattended to 4.'4-l- y


J. S. H1LKKK, S. C. A I l KN. O. C. HATE-S- .

WALKER, ALLEN & CO.,Importers and Commits. Merchants Ie,ii, rs in iSerera

Merchandise, un l Acet.ts f r t!..- - Sale of Island produceA IS

Agents for the I.ihue. Metca'.f. and PriiiCevlIle Plai.ta'

I. X. I' t.ia old husiness in the firepio-.- f l uilding Kaahuma

uu Street.Chronometers rated hy olis. rv:,tions of the nn and stars

with a transit instrument accurately adjusted to theof Honolulu. Particular at tei.tioii civcii to tit.e

watch rcpairink'. Sc:a:it a:i.i jr'.as.-e-s silver--.- !

ir.d adiusted Chart n 1 naulica instruments constant v

on hand and for sale 47S-1V- -

I C. W AT Kit M A X Jk CO..C OM MISSlOy M EhCtt.4 .V TS.

Fspecial a:ret.t:. n paid to the int. rests of tic- -; Fleet bythe furuish'l: of funds, purchase and sale of I.xrl.anre, Oil.

:. i.e. Ocneral . and tl.e pr. curing of Freightr.FFKUKNCKS.

M-- sr. Na i.- - H i xxo. Ja., Co., New Be.l:..rdW. 5. K. P. I K. H., d .

V ua.AN.Sr.iMK .".. San Francisco.J. t:. Mno:ll!. .V Co. .Ii 47S-1.- U

a k b. i: & V O W A v ,K A AV A 1 II A K. H AAA' A 1 1.

ill the tleu. i.i M. r hati.ils- - and Shipping lm:rn ss'j

at the a'-.- ve p rt. ie r- - they are prvpan d to famish thejustly celt or it'-.- l K.iwa.hae l'i.::.:i-s- . a'. : such i .lo-r recruits a are re. j,reC wh ii- - -- nl j.s a: the shortest noticeand on the most r- - as .i le terms. 47--- ly


NEVILLE 6l BARRETT,Planters anil fiem-ra- l Store Keepers.

Keokuk, North K iia, II nwrtii. nnr Kea!ak-:ik'- i'i l:.y. Il:itiili't .ilU'-- hiui.-ht-. rhii .ujijli.-- i wuii Vik1, Uovf ainl'thcr liecesiries.

Asei.1 at Honolulu, A. S CLK'iHOKN. 514 y

A.'4'L. S. J. B. AtH-lllM- MHS S. CUOKE

CASTLE & COOKE,Ueneri! Mi-- !.:ifiti in t)i- - r'ir.'i rxif, Stre-t- , ol'JKi.

ile tl.e Ci.i.- - I.

aio a ; k.vis roic.I;r. Jjyi.t- - Cel'-orate-- l Kitinly M lie l:n ?,

V heel-- Vi!-.- n' ewini; Muchiiu s,'1 I- i- Ivoh il.i u.'.ir (. ni..ii..v.The New Hn.'lun.l Mutual Life Insurance Company,1 fie New York l'ti iii Marine lnurniue Coiii):i!iy,'1 he N-- irk ur.ty M.u ine ir.iti. e Citti-iii!y- .

ouH-- l v

ft.Ci. II. A. f , CAKTKIi i. B.M:ii.i.rr.

C. D Ft EWER & CO.,Commission &, Shipjiing Merchants,

Honolulu. Oiiliu, II. I.a;:: nis(r lli- - I!olon uiiil HuiioIiiIii I'lii lit'l Iinr.AdKNTS

I'or I ! Miilti-t-. WiiihiUii X Ilititit ITiiiilalioiinAiiKNT.S

Fur I In- - 1ii i 11 - i mi Su It- - ol" I la ml l'rod m-i-- .

UKFKU TOJons M. llo.iit, Kn New Yolk.1 1 . . - I' .

JAMI.S III nskh m i., hn. iJ. . .'Uiirii L A: Co. )K. Ii. a: C... . , mh Francisco.I'HAi. AVoI.I'oTr IJKO itS, K-- ) 4Jj ly

BOLLES & CO.,Ship Chandlers and Commission


I'articiihtr Attention paitl to the purchase an. I sale ol HawaiianI'ruiluce.

s ly to15. F. Snow Messrs. AViilki-- r Allen. & Co.,Messrs. C. A. AVilli-it- .V: Co M'.'Jsis. C. lirewer v Co..M Castle .V C" .ke., M.ssrs. H. HurkfeM ,t Co.,

l. C. AVat iiiian. . . . Messrs. C. L. li.ioh.inls A: Co.;0!'-- l v

MELCHERS & CO.,Isnpos'trB atii! CoaaaBiiiMiuii


Ocstav C. Mklciikks, J. T. W'lCKK, F A. SrHAKrKR,Bremen. Honolulu. Honolulu.

403-l- y

ClliS. K. BlS.tup. . A ALDK1C

BISHOP & CO., Hankers,Office in the east corner of " Makee's Itlock," on Ka thu

umanu street, Hon ilulu.I'raw Itills of Kxchanir"? on

The Uask ok CALir'oKMA. - - San Francisco.Messrs liuiNNKLi., M is ri u.s A: Co., New York.

" I.kks ir, - - New York,Hesrv A. I'kii'.cr, & t.'o., - - Boston."J'hkmost Natiosai. Bask, Boston, Ias?.OUIKSTAI. I'iANW CoKI'OKATIoS, 1.11. loll.

Will receiv; dt posits. discount tlrst-cla- ss business paper, andattend to cullectin;;, etc. 47S-- ly


CHUHC HOON & CO.,Cumiiiissioii Merchants and general au-eti- Agents for the

J'aul a.i and Aniaiiulu Suirar I'laiitatioiis Importers of teasand otht-- I'hii ye and or i:n troods and wholesale dealersiu Hawaiian produce at the new Stone Store, Nuuanu Street,helow B'inir. 4'io-l- y

. P- - ADAMS,pifiii 'ii i iii rii ivh iiriirii iv v cull iiritfii i VTiit'Polllr llllM'l.CU a .A if I'ttLLU l.i liLALiiAL Jii.l.l 11 .Pi.xr.,

I.AIIAIXA, .MA n.Irish and Sweet Potatoes, with other lecrnits, constantly on

hand and tor sale at low rates. 4'.iJ-0i-

A. S. CRINBAUM & CO.,Importers and AVholesa'.e lieahrs in Fashionable t'kthinir,

H.i'.s. Caps, Boots and Shoes, au l every variety of tientle-i- m

n's Sup'-rio- r Furni-'hl- OoimIs. Stnr", formerly occu-pied - AV. A. Al lrich, Ks., iu Makee's Block, yueenStreet. Honolulu, Oahu. 4VO-l- y

THE NEWSPAPER KUOKOA.Pu'ili-le-- d weekly in the llawn I.uil'u i e. It has th largest

ciri-u- l iti hi in itf irr nio. is rea l li .tli Ly ll iAai ansand Foreiju r. I'ru-- e y'.o0 a ye ir iu advance. Adver-tisements ti -d into Hawaii. in fr-- e of ch.ii i."--

. Ollice,S nitli c irner f the Sailor's IL.tne. ;"o7-l- y

S. H. DOWSETT,LUMBER MERCHANT!H.MAA 1 It m A Kr. l Kill K.MSH 111 11,1)M int, .'laieiioi "i inij nesei iiii"ii ill me lowest .ii;irhe

rates.Orders fr.-- the country, and other islands s.-l- ited.I.umher ard n Corner ot tu-e- n and Fort Streets. 512-6-

Tiis. sesoti;!:!:,SHIP OH AN DLER !Piah r in tlcm-rn- l .Merchandise. Island Produce,

Sec, and Com m i'sio'i .M-Tch- a ut.

Byron's Bay, Hilo, S. I.,AVill keej. constantly on I. .ml an extensive assortment of every

description of u'imiiIs required hy ships and others. Thehicti ''.t price civen t'.r Inland Produce.

Moti-- v advinced for Bills of Kxch-in- at reaon table rates.Ilil... S. 1HI oll-l- y

"gi:. ("HAS. IHKCKSS V I II F 'I IV- -. 1. f .nn the resio. n;s of Honolulu and the other Islands,

tliat it is his intention to make a tour tt.roiijh the IS roup duringt!i- - Summer, fi r the purp e of making a series of


All orders f.r uc!i work can he left at his rooms.Tli'ise vvli i wih to have

riioTocitAPiisAA'ill please call as s.v.n as josi! Ie.

piTOEMPE una iI

HA V 1 XC; K K V K. 1 V V. I I V K XTIKESTviCK ..F I

Pliotographic Apparatus! i

With all the re-eii- t improven.. i, H in t!.e art, I wish to inform i

th- - if th..e lilar.ds that it is my intention for thelutcr - to I tl.eHigher llranclic- - of the Profession only! a:;.l l'.e-.o- !r:tic ph"t' era; h nri.I.- - in n.v oxn ro nis.where p- r:raitur- - w; l t..- - my cn-ta- ! IV.-.'- s will I esi:, wn ;. persons sittuir f r f.f rt q .jested;. Particu-lar at: nti :i paid t c ;. : . 1! j ictur- - s.

Mr. 1! is i; av Mil ts t pr.vluce turosc "pi- - a i i Mi r aoc Pictures of a;.y si..1JT An r:ii!-r- t of in ,1 and II wool Frame :

Morocco. J..nny Lin '. ami A elvi t Cases constantly on hand.:!0-.a- ('HAS. BCUISKSS. Phot era phic Artist.

Just Received per 44 Ethan Allen."CASKS SIM I S L 1 X I 'OTTO X SEF.Ih

l.T Sa C I VoO.-J- WAIKKSl. ALL FN' A: Co.

Hawaiian I'liraM KooKs.4 si pi'LV. ijouxi ix xkatand! s.v. IVr --.! l,

If. V wuitvkv.



613-l- MKLCHF.RS i CO "S.

TAPIOCA, FA H IX A anil AISROWUOOTOf Superior Quality.

11.1 Xl'FA C'TI- K HI AT KOLd.t. li .tl' Al- -4.V con-tatii- ly on hand fi r sale in Uantiti-t- n suit t y

6eJ-i- a Mtl.CHKKS jc Co

French Claret and Burgundy Wine.nOCKWlXK. I(KTWIXK,

Cherry Cordial, m ca'es.Sherry and Ctiret, in wiuj.

CK.M'IXK HKinsiCK CHAMl'AGXK,in quarts and pints.

Alcohol Hi pec cent., iu demijohns.

For Sale at513-In- i MF.I.CHF.KS A CO S.





Lare, med:um and buiall patterns.

l ine llluck Cubourjjjs

High and low cost Black Alpaca, figured patterns

White Tarltons, Fancy French Prints,

"V" ery IT i 11 o L i 11 e n s !Assorted Qualities.


Iolit s' Very Fine and New Style

Black Trimmed Silk Mantles!Children's do. do. do.

India lUibber Tiger Hugs for Carriages.


Ulue Welleil lienjjiili,While Wefteil lieniil-- .

rni' Trimiued Felt Hiding Hats,

27 Inch Silk Pongee.


1' A X C V C A It I K T I X U !


loiicuiit? Wire, 3NTo. I and G.

London and Colonial Co. l'ORTEK,IN Ql'AUTS.

I. A lie K LOT OF

3 IU TZ 1? TJ 3X I?, Y !

Which will be Sold Very Low.Consisting of

Fancy am! Brown Windsor Soap,assortment of Lutiiu's, Gosntll's and Price's BestI'xtraets.

Shavin-- ; Cream, Tor it h l'aste,Persian Compound for seintin Clothes iu drawers,Uosntli's cchhrated Aromatic Kau lie. Cologne.

ASSOIITUI) II.lilt. ltllt'SHHS :



fi havinsj recently much eniaijfed and supplied with sscomplete a

Sot ol Tools IAs is to he found on the Pacific Coast, are prepared to execute

f:x(;iXLi:iiix: works of ail kinds;At very moderate rates.



., &.-- .. Xr., &:- -.

Execut -- l on short notice.

Patterns of srveral siz-- Sugar Mills are on hand

Sugjsn- - namFor Sale, 1 IfT- - rent siz--- are on hand and in progress.

The Company would call the attention of Planters to themost recei.t an I approved f ra of

Vaccuum Pan,Of which detailed drawings are to be seen in the r.lSce, andalso to the plan of doinir away with Air Pumps, and the rantirepower f..r them, in those siumions where a butlicient quantityand head of water exit. thus reuderim; the A'ACCt.'l'M

A X at the same time the most etticient, econrmical, andfimpi evapora-.- i rs. 1 racings Sent at a short notice withoutcharge.

They would also call attention to their large stock of


Such hs :

SIIAFTINK, of all usual sizes up to 8A inches.BRAS? COCKS and VALVES of Sl'PERIOR make.

Iron Pij'inir,Elbows and Tees,

India Kubber Packing,Injectors, Steam flanges,

itr.s r in: st n .v it utox :Boiler Plate, Sheet Iron, Angle Iron,

Fire Clay, Boiler Tube?, ic, &c.A Ira'izh:sm m ' f experience in S t'ar Machinery is em-

ploye.!, who will t up plans an l drawings of wors or ma-chinery to suit the views i f Planters.

The P if. rn ).'-- ; lrvi::? en filled with the lft and niotSA W'S ai d LABOR SAVIXti .M ACIIIX-EK- V,

le-- f .r Machinery cu-- i le furniahed w;thpromptitude and econom'.

Apjly toTHOS. HUGHES, Manager.

505-.?- tr to JANION, GREEN 4 Co., Ayenli.

I . 11 V



To Arrive soon ua San Francisco.ALKS UrULAI'S.IS

11 1 It LA I 11 A U S. fot Coffee Babs.


:ioo cai:s coal oil.515-5- t

Sugar and Molasses Containers.J"-

- AXI S Otill. P1XE SHOO KS. clean and brigh& 14 U.ILL. Tl.E SHOOK S, clean and bright;


1 1XK lit X ES in Shooks, to hold about USO lbs.11 KO OAK, 4U gall. Shooks. for Molassis or Syrup.

For sale by603-S- m C. BR K AVER 4 Co.

oolb:i:s, cooluks :

UtOX CtlOLEItS. 1 FEET BY200 4J Feet.

PKIC'I', $33 UACII.For Sale by

fiOO-C- C. BKEAVER & Co.



re II .1 T I X" V A LlT A IJ K, I I' It A 11 L K, F L E XM ible. preservin;?, nti corrosive

METALLiC l'AIXTFor Coolers, Boilers, Roofs, Steam Engines, Cast Plows, Houses,Fences, Schooners, Steamers,


500-6- C. BREWER & Co.




50j-3i- u C. BKEAVER & Co.

Superior Plow Harnesses7TOR SALE CHEAP BV

515 lui CASTLE k C00KK.

HOXES 1 AND 2 OYSTKIISTARTAR. SO 1A.CREAM Ginger, Saleratus, Olive Soda Soap,

Irish Moss and Mace.For Sale by

515 lm CASTLK & C00KK.

Superior French Fancy Cassimere,Double Avidth for (.lentlcnien'tj wear.



ROWS, 1 1- -2, 1 3-- 1 AXI) 2 INCHES,OX Ox Yokes 4. 5 and 6. Planter's Hoes,Oos, and Wheel Barrows.

For Sale by515 ltn CASTLE & COOKE.


For Sale by515 5t C. BKEAVER Co.


515 it C. BREWER k Co.


OR SALE II YF 515 5t C. BREWER ir Ui.


For Sale by515-5- C. BREAVER & Co.


For Sale by515 5t C. BREWER Co.

HCX(;S AXI) STOPPERSI, 1, l.J, IJ and 2 inches.


515-3- C. BREAVEK ir Co.

!JTTA Ii:iiCIlA mosi:.f I'lY 1- -2 IXCH 3 ply J inch Hose, 3 ply i inch Hoje,

3 ply 1 inch Hose, 3 ply 11 inch Hose.

CUTTA PERCIIA PACKINC;, 6, , and g inch.

For Sale by515 3m C. BREWER t Co.

Anchors and Cables.IROX STOCK ANCHORS, 700, 800, 900, 1000,

llioO j.ounds.CHAIN CABLES, 1 and J inch.

Fur Sale by515-3- C. BKEAVER it Co.


1A For Sale byol.VOra C. BREAVER & Co.

siiivi. nAcin.i:K.A F F. W NI O R E or the W I LLI A MS &. O R--

oTjL VIS' plaiD, inexensive, simple and effectiveSLWINC; .MACHINES

AVill do any kind of work, strong stich, and not liable to getout of order.

H7" rico S3 S .515-3- m For Sale by C. BKEAVER & Co.

II LANK ETSHeavy White, Scarlet and Blue Blankets.

74 and 92 inches.SALE BYFOR C. BREAVER k Co.

For Sugar Boilers.SA CCH A ROM ETERS,


For Sale by515 3m C. BREWER k Co.

pi: mps

cOPPER SINK PIT MPS,Engine AVell Pumps.

Lifting Pumps.For Sale by

&13-3- C. BKEAVER k Co.

A ORE E M i: XT II L A N K S .

OLAXK FORMS OF AGREEMENT RE.twen Masters and Servants the on'y authorized formPrice Sl.OO per Dozen.rr sale by



Tl IIE.T.THE IIOI'SE RECENTLY OCCCPIEDbv T. T. ItOl'lS H t'RT Y. Ha.. or the one at oresent

"I .e.. I.e I II UlWlll In lin .i.i.lo M K 1 in

FOR SALE!A PIECE OF L. XD ADJOINING THEpremises at present, occupied by the MAkikl IVonritinttSchool, coiiiuicncin at the malai corner of said

au.l running 1X feet uloiij; Kamehameha, thence 3o0 ft niaukitto Kinau street. 100 fl lo niauka corner of the Makiki BoardingSchool, thence 3oJ ft to place of commencement.

For particulars, apply to514 3t J. S. LEMON.

For Sstle or Incase.THE UNDERSIGNED Now OflVr 0--for sale or lease his premise at PAW A A on the JAVaikiki Koa l, about three quarters of a mile .aJLa.

Wyond Mr. C K. illmms' place, comprising one acre of laudenclosed with a ood fence in two separate lots, one dwellinghouse J4x30 with four rooms, one building 17 v'0, for cook boueand dining room; two well of good water. The above pretuivraare in good repair aud well adapted for family use, apply ou thepremises or of

614 5t Z. Y. S1CIRE3, of Honolulu.

To Ict.THOSE RETIRED AND COMMODI- -ous Premises, known as the ST. JOHN PUKMISEd ad-joining the residence of J. Montgomery, Kj. Thry

have lately been put in thorough repair and are within fiveminutes walk of the Pout Ottke.

For particulars apply to512-5- t A. S. CLEOIIORM.

jlu tTHE STORE NOW OCCUPIED II Ythe L'ndersigneU.

509-3U- 1 B. F. SNOAV.

To ELIGIBLE FRONT OFFICE, OVER111 Post-olLc- e. Possession given immediately.

504- - Apply to II. M. WH1TNET.



" Moakca," on Molokai !Is off. red for sale for the purpose of closing the estate of thelate Captain THOMAS KINO.

This land is situated on the Eastern end of Molokai andcontains 150(1 acres, more or less; about 600 acres if which areexcellent Cane The land extend from the mountain tothe sea, a small island off the coast belongs to the land, anilthere ta a landing for boata and a fishing right. A fine streamof water runs througb the laud and there Is an abundance ofWOOD on the estate.

This is one of the finest locations on the group, girlng asplendid view of the channels and the ojen Sea to the north-ward and is only offered for sale to close Hie estate.

For particulars apply toFRANK M0LTEN0,

Executor and Administrator,505-3l- i Or to PETER II. TREADAVAY, Lahaina.


flAHK ITXDERSIGXED IIEREHY CAUTIONI all persons not to allow their Horses, Cattle, Mules, Don-

keys, Uoats, Hogs or Dogs to run on the lands of MAXAX IT I and I A LEA. district of Ewa. Oahu, or on theFISHERIES lielonginpr to the above mentioned lands. Also,on the ISLAND OF MOKLl'MHUMK and the fisheries thereto.All persons are also cautioned against shooting r trespassingon the above lands, as persons lound violating thia notice wiltbe prosecuted to the utmost extent of the law.


Agents for Caroliue Jackson.Honolulu. April 6th, 1806. 515 lm VISITEtCARTES PHOTOGRAPHS;COPY1XG ANT) ENLARGING;

RETOUCHING done In the beat utnautr,and on the most reasonable terms.

Also for gale, Photographs of the Crnlrrs Kilnurn amiII ii Irnkiilit, aud other Island Scenes; the KINGS. KAMK-1- 1

EM EH A, kc, ifC

At the Gallery on Fort Street.II. L. CHASE.

P. 3 Having purchased the Portrait Negatives from Mr.AVeed, duplicate copies can be had by those persona wishingfor the same.

514-u- i II. L. C



And For Sale at Low Eates !

PLOWSJlAGLE PLOWS, Xo. 2, 12. 20, 70;

HORSE PLOWS. Eagle A, Eagle O, Eagle II.SIDE HILL PLOWS, A No. 2, A No. 3, A No. 4;

STEEL PLOAVS, V. Q. 3J ; X IJ, X i U. O.

Extr:i Teeth for above Patterns.PLOWS, with and without W. k C.





Hay Cutters, No. 2, No. 3. No. 4XT sxy Cutt o i k

Very Urge with pully and balance wheelFor Cuttinc Sorchnm Cane Tops, Acc &e.




OX YOKES, various sizes.

OX BOWS, assorted sizes.



PLANTER'S HOES, assorted sites.


RUI1UER HELTING, 3, 2J. 4 k 5 inches; 2, 3 k 4 p!j

And a Variety of Smaller Articles,

Page 2: cautTon. - · C. BECHTINCER, M. D., U TrMtS IIISSK.KVU KS AS IMIVMCIA-I ll'ihJV t thn I'utili.r ,f Honolulu. He may i.e ciiiii!:ol in the KiiL',

COIYIIyIEIlCI.A.1,. avkii. n. .

r.r vv .! Or ir v .hv 4i t ri-i- .! .'. tAr.l-- .

' I 11 r.'.-- i a.,. I it j i 1 i,i 1 ;i j . n th' " 1 . f M if- - :..

I: h 1 1 ', . l.j. 1 ... .. t: .. r. s l- -.I y t:.eI - .'f C t;r-- i on urr-:-y, . ! - rf. s U- - Jo--a.'- -: I

. f ti. ! A it- - '.. f - .y s : I

T. .r '. - r :,rr !:...'.. 'j-- :! r :v ivr v.- - ... t ..... t I... 1 n... : ; - .I tt . w

. i r- i Ve- te.-!.-- r. :.m.-- . s f .:.- -- i ' i 'T'f --It To II - o4- - .

r . 1. t . - -- , i irt :!. Ire- - .rj f r u :ru.;- - y f.o ...

: - j. .. - p.yi. ! 1 t;.r n f 1

i - . i a i:. i 4 ':- .- ; ti :t - lt. r tr .ii; :. : nt ( I.rt of i.e. curr-i.c-y

,.'.....-.-.- ; r r tj 't::.-i.- t r- to par. wi.rn..:. i L-- . 1 i:, ti.e i ..ry. ti.- - t- - ri.rrje:.; . c.ra- -

i . . - : .. rl'-- u .: --- rr-'. y ? ( r. 1.- -: - Urz a y-- ru.:. - f j

i -- , r... -. .,1 ':. Av-.:..- ..- -: i -- i.-r :ji U- - f r ;.! i"..V'- - ii ar-- r ... tt.y i t. j

.y t. u.-- :.t .r t- a. o...:t :i.r. -f t!.c or. xl- .- t

. i - t ; in f.i.'.:r.I: ,.;: a, :- -r fr m t.v.-.- ' :r . !.:'- - U a..-- t:--.


t'i n-- r . t'.j. . r- - : r.I y ' f oa-- .. f? Vn :rr .4 tv"r. ! f y ir f-- r.t . j

I.. Mrf !i It- - r-- i t cf It- - ta- - I.'. e- -r. - r.r ,:i f.r t i ei iroi' r: il.o:. i ,oi.;--'- ! . :

:. i f.v- - i.t.-- s m nir,jr ' ac I

!i.wrtl u Vor 4rmt tfv flrmt m k M J

..'r.. 1. c. rr-- ;- r. ..r.rf rti'- -i of 'liir J 1

u-- y 'i fiir) rr ott :!i rv.'-ti- ) l a rt. t

1 . t.j.. :ti r:t;rr.!. i.. r!-- r l i r--v- li ; j

t - n" r tjl.u'f,- :. t'.'iii::- -

r..': r c-.:-. f- r uyi, !Ui.:e'. .z 'A


I: fr.'. 9 ui t.V: t'.s ..'xfr-- . calrula'l crrt:s.'.T- -, r .Mrt : ' t?.e rv--! iii3:r.ti, ail jcx.ur ;ir.5

Ii tuu-r- i t-.- rr W.'.e '. ttt ir -- iucr !

. r fJ.-- r : tf .:y J'T :.t . a t!. :

f it u'.: mo y ; i. y lf T' r, t!,!!.. l.r- - :i j j

i lai-.t- ej U. t Iti- - : fr ! la'ovr r .:!.- r I

rif. Vr: ' .r U.r.I rr ui. i.rV ay 4.i!jrl ti, ni rx-- t, ar. 1 .f o cr- - arT-r- t t s I j

.o.:-.r- t- I 4 'C. lt .rv:r, it i atu.fV.r Ii sri.! ! c j' I..M U- - re r t iAc cr l.'.Uc Ii Ll L Ur- - are .u.u.--r-;- - ! ! t!.r r. ."

Xl.-- r F.r.U'U - p A'et'rn Lai t n 1 t ! lf..l f rr I'.- - !.' ?r !. .?"?! carry f ur a:, i Sf '.iil::. 1

Ii.r.l-- . a:. J li.-.- c i .4'n.a.' a,..;.TIxe l ir i.mnitn a!- - a.lTli3t'I i.t ll.e U- - g-- Lr t. ib

t" t.e'iil U ran I' rir. ::'.Tl. S...yrni:ti a full ci.Vs c' "a'r a:. I

n. :! a i t'-- ijy (r .'i i'rucrc-- . 1 c II- -

r.Tftm wi.l in t!i- - irr.- - I.n- -.

In I'fj'jh Ir., rtf f'-- r,f ?4 r'y I . - !,a.-i- l .ui44b. V.Vai.-?-:ay- , t U--I ly ::.a.(aM.'(ii.

Ha. . A; r:: T, :?:.I'Kja It :r. - alt 4f f .1. - :

A j , .l J - :. . r. Ui.,rj. f-.- m !. C .. l.'J a !i.2 C'Mir-r- . M HiM. fr U'Atr. HA ;.

Vaia, fr tn liutr.-- . 'A n.Ljr.l i. Iij(i-i.vj- y. i II t 4.1.

Vltia.-vl- - r. II y. fr tn , c!-n- .

rr.i.Ll i. II . fr m 'sJ Wh.f t.,ir.i a, l'.-f- ". fr-it- p.

1 Kk rvr. I av.t, fr'.r ii la-.- iu Ti!r.i!.'i.:.--v- , ii-;p-.

li-A-i'- t.'i:,i. fr r.i Kr i'i , i--

Ijt . r wr t r.I WilU m I :.'ttr, !.i .h wjiT Oii I : ! 1. I'Ui.tatioi. arv rh'-r- t f atr.Vilrti; I Jiilu b:':.rir:t; ta lark .'n.'' i cr !::; on

?.or a.b u..U-- lu li!! t! Cj Uia, ir Msj kMil b:o

art li'aif. kif. !! wa x ii.--- lK. J y b-- f.-- Ja-rir.- -

Ji.u;i.- - k, at. t Icu:I .v- -f tjf trt at l!.? Curt.Aj-r.- i l'.-.h- . Tr.-- : Hurop-- i i;a ti.i I. M., l'v:..b' c:.!y t..

Uit tr r.;t inV hum truly, JvHX VCBT3.

COM ITEMS.Th it ly Cm to.- -: fas. In 2it Yotic laontl to

I. . . , . i1 1 w i ir. .u ,a;r arc.M.n i.--. r t; n iar.- -

1 ai.-- l -- 'J i- tii.u cay. f r J IjI."..jj. fh-- y c-n- -

tiirt tfP hrj'.t. uia i,'.A3 trj-a-- is ut uar mTh i.t I". . rev.-r.ii.- ? Jur.njr t!;c w--' nrrre

1.1 ).iij. ta ikia, lr..; th- - 1- -t . f J r.'i iry. f 'J ?' 5.767. Tht Um tktf-r.- i Uuk circjiaa-.- 14 ; Jia,3lo. .7. I which elevenI.'ia-l- 1 t.'.'.-ott- r J ILir - i LjC week.

Ad auiuw -t- ..- of zs.i lUi MuLite oat-n- . oa ja. ijr,:. 1 ! t.:e in N- - V'rit a u.l. at a cf .

'...u u -- a!e. ihe whole ri.g- -.

a.4-- : f- r 1 .e t tia lal.:. U.a--,

P"e.g imX Ixa.-i.- '- Ihe avrr- - li. c.jue in cu-i- Lai LecuI'j ucuis r I'.uni g ll: la: s.x tu'rita.s.

Mi-- vt CHaiarr. A M-rt- l. ! t tnim-- t. r U.r totii -c-r-try oj lt,e Imtiiry .a)insr. tf the'.mlUe;t; w. r.. with tit.-!- to, ar..l thec..- nt-rif- them a ttr. U.,ks ii io-- to the u'jvcru- -CiTit. $1.73.

La- - .i rTLi ft. Th Awrica !S. Y.) Tii' tJ.r.t a

...! a,7 '3 ixurxi.-- . th.-- j rojrty r.f ... ir:j arriv- -i I ain it. at iier..ii m x. rk IvrIb.'-y- j, Tr.;? the rr-'"ar- e to ti' ,,0 f.,r to I

.-- .t tir city iot.-.- -. wu r,i i.rvr.1 D;, f r i

.i.r.r.. r on W asufaMu birth-Siy- o-- h' Ul Lad or irr-.-- J

iLr-n- . i atoa-a-..- .r ioari. ! h:W'Ht.i'; at oi a os Vv-jM.- . Tlie wh'ir.i corr.nn.l.-- s in '..M cratu--ii:.- . Lt e , k:!i-- J a ri-- iit w,:

F iuc 'jir-- . They tht.1 i.i:a wi-.- a bai un-le- ti-- e ;h-- l..--r Lia.1 j. 11 tlthlr f. et :rt Ier.ah ar.J ai. uu

i :i U'.tijy w.e fttt arl ei.-i.- t itjeh. toSkr- -i tt.-- rlke (p.ii.t of tail.) He lw l.arre'.i ' foil anl .vrr l.s) j.ur.i cf aatcViitc, The It h iUtVrr Jl ljl.lJ.

iiocsa Kbstil. Tte Vtcvj layi that lwlinii ho'ise r--

fr n jf i--i t- J' jv-- r ra.-t'- i in Franri-.- . at U.e pre-e- nt

l:mr. aa l the tl-- m tnj 14 coa-tar.t- ly .n Uie increaie. As Srin..iv irice. it will t imp.--sil.l-.- - t.. ?. t a c..fTeniM.t an.l cm- - ; x

f- rt;U-l- r. i.le:n in thoc ty of n.u.'l. r- - i.t thantht abure. This shows ti.e (rrtat irti-i-- y atl coi.taiuousijr .wUi of t!- - city.

Chn..,.s .i 5hj mK'n... A liar-rhi'.- l c of th-- i

S.-r- a tiii'ttr --ay: TJ.r fir v tnsiae-- s here lia in:tea r..u.jte:.; rharijr- -. tice. fiv- - rs a.--t

say, the out th-.-i- r t .f i.K-.- . ma le tii- - ci11

ai.-- l tb.-n- i:i. thu litter ..jv-Ta- n otirn al iy r h .If a Uy. Mu; n jW r --ry thin.- - dt,e by s;e .m. a..!

y ltrt of the busm.'-- s i c.tiri-..- l on ..f l.hes-- n? ith-.- turn cat ar:.l "tliT niiii:, an-.t- r u.;-t- ,

ni aiw ttwr r is cut, an.l firmlly tiw wrA are inaleby .. am ipiw-- t exrluiT-!- y. A iu:nl.--r f new estalV-- e b n lat--t- y startcl, wrke l by jowtr entirely.

, Ships .Mitila.F.-- Sat raivtsoi er ?u.yri.; .tc, thi-- . Jay, Aj-ri- i -- 1.

Kahclu ;..r K l- - i, 4 i'. M.F-- l.aattN jw-- Netile Merrill, Ta-lay- .


Alt It I VALS asAjaa la I.r. hlj I' . tVu.U, 11 fr- - ra San Frar.oiseo.

It jsehr Actit. I lut..y. fr.-t- L.i t.i.a.1 4 A ia w tt shift Tt Ii ka-o- n. J-- n ei-an-

. C tar., fr.-- j mlioiae. r:a't 1j6 I lit wh 17a bbh sr. 01L l.uO

Il. .- - v

It Am it lark Ma tchu--r.- WiC t, 5 r:i.. fr-i-

;a lliio. tth Z'i bM S( oil.It Am wi bar li-- il W-..I- , Khn. n.l. 11 li s. oat

from h- tii-- r i t II Io. m u M.Isi SO 11 - h. . it. theti s. i.r l1r::.ce.Ila-.-.- : i. fr- m Ii Am r. barti llarrir-.a- , C x.ty, Irtu Cal. C'oa-- t with

14-- . bb.s , I

li ctl.r l. , fr ia K.-- tr: 1 Wa:rn-- a. !

1 , I. .

li An. c.ji-- r K.caVr.'Mar-!.- , 10 .!ys fr. m an !

i.'1;1,'? !

lo,,. n.rtan.1, itt .lays froui tan . lm h l ark Kr. tv . IViis n, fr rn Cal. via I

Iia-- t wan 07 j b! Is wb oil.I'i Ant wh sh: I'larr ("r.-k'-- L?i n an, fr.-- Cat.

( tt tit II. U. wh .j t.l-- t ah ..a.


t." .t m.. .. t . I . I T ... "... . tTj ' . .....I..-.- - . iMt.i, . u-- a. ir' ia ritii i- -. t.t ' -- v. -- hoiL i i'

I. !. r ye rn.!. K.i.t.-y- , fr in IL.:-- at. 1 .M..I- -l-- a liay.

17 Am wh reirlc Trf lent, 1 . tt:i'-- . fr ini :i

r..i l i.u o. . .it.17 Am b..r Can-ri-n- . i t T.2 tays fmra Tort An- - !

! V1.3

1? Am wn iup l...i:-jn- , Itaro' len, Cl n...- -. fr-r- h- - ite, ''tA ai air iiti-- 7v.ift-nn- : v. a).-e.

e 1fr. m Va!.araio.

IZlt'lrl Il Vrta

i;v ' ar;'ra . x0i';


- -- '' fr-.- Hit-.- . t

h.p ArnoUa, Hawes, fr. m 'JaLcua.-t.wa-h j;o whale. j

HiZi.;';X Am wh i.ij. M.rcury. iw.-r.fro- m Cat. Coast--0 S-- h Moi -h, fioni Nawiliaili.Jt Ntiv MerrltL Kit neyt, fr- - ia Ijthaici.S. Lr Kate Le--- , from Lahaina a;..! Makees.

DKI'AUTltRKS.Aj rii 1 1 An wh shijt K. in.Ie.-r- Kavner. Antic.

U s. hr M i Wal.iri- -. f. r NawiliviU.1 s, hr AltK-mi- Clark, r an I K m.14 S. hr Ktiki. N;-l.t- . f- r Kiiclui.It Am (ark Fanny. Hur.tTin;. f. r Arctic.11 Am ihip ( n'l 1'i.e. It. K -- Am wh bark M- - titie- - It... Pbii' t . f-- r Arctic.1 Am wh bark Nile. Fish. r Arctic.15 Russian . .bill. IV.'i:ie. f. rtl Am il:f.- - r sh . K ittl.-r- . Marsh, f'-- r llongk f.s- -

1- - Ara wli bark II irriori. f- r Am w't !.h'i Frraly . Athearn, Arctic.

17 Atn lii Alpna, f r Aretic.17 Schr F.rr.eln.r. Crane, f r K.n. anil Kau.17 Schr Kal.ura. M.tka'.i. for Kohala.17 sci.r Mary Kil.-n- . Vef. f..r aihe- -

17 Ara wh bark Mi-S-.-, f .r Ocliotsk.17 Am wh baric Aurora. Av.l.r.e. f.r Arctic.17 Am wh bark Ma.-- hueUs, W ilcox, f-- Arctic.IS Am bark J..hrt P. V.'.-s- t. Tink-r- . Arct c.IS l:r. clij-l-e- hin f it liaker's U .J.IS Am borii UhKlT. Fnll.-r- . f r Ne I'dt.-rJ- .

v ActOe, ttlaney. f'-- r i..hti..a.Hs.-h-r Onwar i. Ltni-r:- . a ar..l Waimea.1 -- A m wh-sbi- Vittx Fi.--h, Arctic.13 Am wh ship Rainbow. H.iker. for (Vh-Xt-k- .

1'J Schr .Vett: M'-rrit- Kinn-- y. I.thaina.'Jl Am wi ship M.K H iwt , I. r Ar- - tie.

Ajrl .'.Ji. ly Aru 4 - N.I. r f I. f.--

5.- - r .

j. ! : I f- - i --.

'.-j ! .t jr fi r u .

i .r i:-v- i: ..::"Ii.,r, ;:i. A; rJ It, 1J. A : a I' v

Vt:sKI IN tOKT 1 1 3 1.

u:.'t A.-:- , I'..-a?y- .

kr.- -'llv.--rcr:- ;. V u;. frr Krir.-:- - .

ri bir ,fux. tty. ki ! f r Fr- - - ..

A -- i V ir-- : M u;. f .r -- i:iAn r ,r r". '.r. Is i i u : t r I r ir. .;.-- -

I.r. r. r..-- . ..-- .A : i

JliJi t i.r Jlrr;'tUr vr. i. .v.'i -.

lin':.!r:.-i-: i. A:a Ar:. ; I II .x-- s.

A':. ' ;!:. .:.!.. I. 1. C nu. A::j U J l (.

A S3 sh T. t:ct!-,Jn;-rtn- Am h s. !!aat-kn- .

A i.m. T;i ! r.t. K- -



Fr rn V i T As... , t..r CVutl-.-i:- . Afr:l IT X f: r :.-h

:. - r. i f: !r--- jl Jau-r- . iiU It Kkt'. M)

- . S. J lirii. .J ri...ri. 1 x


F r Nft' ' r, aj ra 1? i4I !.jieI ' Ij75 U .. 1U 1 is rm i. .1 $V.). 1 c- - : C

I ii :.- r v u :i ri:..-.-:.- -.

1 l

I. i..-- t J rrofu-- .

t..r f.-f- . :ii i'r 4-- . i 'J?" - Tr :.?. ; ! 4JJ0 Jt

K r ii .m. r ll AyrW Iv 10i I i.'j fi:..--c

v.t;.j- -- r i f-- i: $:.t tt

ivtM:.(; . ri F... - Ora.i- -, Aj.ul 11 Mr ai.i Mrs

li W F..a aa l 'i ci... Ir .

f- -r r. Afril H Mr aril Mr iW V, . t . ..... :.-- n. j vh I:z 7.

hiki.: Kj!- -I t.v a r..-'.- t whale o.T .'Ian .r. 1, J..n. 1 ,:tt. t rr ; c -.J. a .a.--a A Ac. a sh j. la ra A i tt:.-1- .

.t i : : ; T I r 1 :TJu:i F-- . r:. : I- z. e u try 1 J .t: csI. V- - . y. . - a - . v ! j wl. a- - ...--k Ir.l ....!.

I - r.-r.,-.: i. iv- - fci.v. W la.e Tulr-- f fT ti e C. a- -t c' ' ,:.' ,r- -r

t. J:.. t. 1;. Um. I.uf.rr.i. f liaTil i. N. Y a: J J - ;.liy. a i'.rtMurr i tj W..;-r- :i Irl.ta-t-r- , ti :li iVy.ti-- i

-- r l r

THU PACiriCCommerdiil Advertiser.


-SATCJiJ)AY. Al'JiJl. 21.

The attention if our is directed tothe c Uiiiai.L.iciitiuii on scta U in an culaian.Tiitf po-iti'- 'ti .f the writ-- r, Rev. K. Iind,andhi?--I .n as a teacher an J lab jn-- r ' of liawaiiaii.?, will Coiniuund the respectjf the public i'..r the as-.rtion- s he makes.

If it bi true t!at the Iiitpector General ofSchools is tarnino-- out Protestant Hho.l teachers.aiid ajj" Antiu v'atholi. in tii.-i- r jlae- - witli- -

out regard to the religious views ainl wi.-he- s ofthe parents of a majority of the ptipils, andiif-in- g hi.? office f.r fectiriim end and if it betrue that the Uoard of lidueation sustains him

, .in new and singular proec-dure-

, the soonerthe j ub'ic kn.w all the facts, regarding it theLetter.

We uro th? more inclined t believe that Mr.Ii .r.d's statements apply equally to all t'ie irdundsas to the di-tii- ct f Kohala, from a remarksaid to laue leen i..adc within a ?lmrt time, ly

ii. aiVr of tue of in sub- -..stance that tiiougli he siwuld never faor tlie

Ameri-a- u Mi?-ionari- ed in the matter of school?-- ,

fetired t'ie In.--f ector (leneral was carrying his... . . .......f .ill. Ill L'f '

'I f'jlloWir. is the form of. . -

in n.e eommutoeatioii oi our C''rres..f.-ii'jcii- :

131' ORDCIl..,p

T II ft Ii O A II I) OF EDCCATIO.V.i; j oi-


u. j at Dji!y 0,.tlius anl citing of U jvtriar.-i- it

OPr.Mro; OK SCIiooI..l: F.ith'T. whi.-i- i art i i IleHV.n; ILaiow.-- l 1. - thy Nam- -:Oi Thy kio I'.iii c n.f. Thy wilt I-.- .l.-n- in A ? it - in

av.-n- ; .ie us this A ay our ii tily l.rta.l. an.l for.'ie us ourus w..-- ii.rjiv... th'tn that tr-- rtj.ili.-- t u- -; At.--

us not into Hut us fr.m evil. At.ieii.

I. isivo tiy st'Ho.lF..ti..-r- . wh'rh art in -a; II l; by Name; ,Ol'l: kiiiL-1.- -i ; Ti V will be !!? in earth. A- - it is in

ilvav.-n- ; (tire us this il.-i- our 1 tily lr-- airi f i.s . uras we ttittn tre-jia- -s ajaii-s- t u- -; Ai.-- l

lea.l us not into t. tnj t.iti- n; Lut .letiwr Us from evil. Ar.jeii.(ii TV b.- - t" th'- - tath-- r. ami tothe : a:nl to the Holy liho.-t-.I.. a- - b. tht-- fix in o,.r hearts the jro.i thm.'s we

l.av- - learnt this .lay. . ble-- s this Kiu-.b--in an.l aave our I

irae:ou Kin;, Ka4IIM. V., atnl uh the ll-y- al Fal.i-ly- ,

thr.-uj,-r- J..--U-- ia.!ist. JNo one certainly cin object to a judicious . t

form of 1 raver for sch'jols; but the mutilationthe auth ori.'-- version of the Lord's Prayer,f jtin 1 In the l'ible and Prayer Iiook?, is cen-

surable, and the teaching: of it to children is

re so. Who-.-vc- r is responsible f.r i; i? totally "unfit 1 1 Mt in the Hoard of Education, if heoccitj ies such a s at.

The charg. s math' in Mr. Hond's l.-t- t ex againstInsp. ct r licin ral are too serious t be over- -

looked. It would seem from the evidence ad-

duced that he has lx-c- usin-- ' his oflice andauthority to induce Protestant females to f.r- -

saketiair homes and be placed in the Sisteis'scho .1 in is s:ii.L thev are -.

" ' Jbajii.- - d I cfbre leaving tli institution. More-

over, be is charged with authorizing the Catho- -

- ,T ti.eT.i to tiie prcuus. ti ana ot Coiiri-- J tlie sui-c- r

vj,;,.n 0f the jri-st- . Is n t this as open and '

..r. fae d r..i- iytiny as was ev r i ractic.--l onthis earth? Although loth to it, the

the .tatcimntsuf Mr. H.nd,until greater evidence i3 brought to rebut

7,Lut there are always two sides to every story,

and the Inspector Ceiunil will probably jack Up inhis (lui'.l t defend his nets w ith hi.? customary

- s - to arpear in print. As however, hehas called for the tacts regarding what

term?, in a late article, -- 'the ofFdeclin? and fall of Protestantism in this coun- -... ,

try, we nave no otourt iic tiers will lortn- - acoming, as rapidly as he can manage them. It n it, however, bv sne-.-r- andthat this .piestioii is f be set right. The policy weof the (ioVcrnnu nt hould be in harm diiv with atiie best interests of the people, and iit aim tofavor one s.-c- t or one cliotie to the prejudice of tak...... ... . . . . hati-- i. t.i.ijot iij

This matter is very easily righted, it there isary disj ii the pirt of tiie Hoard and its lnag-nt- s t do p. . If tftere is not, th ca-- e isah T' - J; atel the subject boeames a nu-r- seri aisone.

Ia.atrtM. 'o:a. late f th. 1 Yi. ' ". to r.o. t!i" Jitrures in our la-- t relating ttt- -

ot ti.e . is p.issavre t;" -an Franciso Th.U'.'.'.stki- - bit 11, i. .'.:,'.;.. 1 r. M.. .latiiiary tt.. and

atiivi-- d at Sau Francisco, taking the pilot) at t

a. M. on the tth making lo days at! If h.urs.iiad Ph..not Ltdiys ami J h.-.;- t - as . u- - r j- if.

lv-.Jms- Mii Aar..ia.Arrl., ts h.rae,ctta:.. j J,. 1'ri-- st at Kohal.l, to break lib a school Coll-- Vt

Am wh b-- rk .M.! .s. -, Lj.-s- . ui H .c.e,waa lou Sou wh . .1. Msting iiitin lv of Prot' ctant children," or trans--




70 sp.Wahin.-- .


whwh Ku



wh farOracle.















I:i-- t -- hurt 'I'l-i- i '

TL-- I irl t :'.' lay t':i.' - rt ut Jav- -

rviiur-li- last. Lining Lad t!:v :

itji- - S m I'rui.i-i.-- m.iii'j l y ;i (..---.!

v-ir- . I: N '.. -- . o -- i's t'.ir I vi-- it toII ij.jiuiu iii til.. 'i. j . 4C -j -- ks .'.!

jt Li;a :i a n.iviut-jr- , ::..;t - :i .;:.'a trij !.

ii:Uiuo'.-- l every shiji railing with Llm. Ia tLi?

last iiii-tliC- iie y.iiicd Ir in ;in Frj.ln.i.-C- u twodays aft-- . r t!;.- - HcH'r and ai;d arri-- '

over thirty h- ur ah-.-a-- I of the Ji. and two i

days lu'lrt.-- the .V. Ho took the Dut'., !

a curve far jut vf the cour.--,i

uck lor vc-v-is :'ji:ni iromi." . . . . ir. i .i . ... . . . . ...i i t .an i ra:n.i.-e- o 10 ji'jiitjmiu, a; . v::vii iifit

w!:. i- - Tiie fwllowin is from hhs I...

f. 5ar. Fr.i:.c:-- o .. P. !. M .i. lay, A ri i; r I : ;t:."- - L i 1J1 s 14 i.f.-- s rur. 1

" 4 L.:. 1 : l.-- i i; - - 175 M! 5t; 1 3 17

I. a. 7 : 4: L K'-- ... " l''T7 t4: I nv IC4 OJ " - '.J7

La. - i.. 1.7 - lo u! ; L..:.. 1 4 J - lj

U:. -- I LJ. 144 " 2;j1 1 - L-.- t i. I? s u

" IJ Lit .1 : i7; Iy.r..--. Ii2 -- 0 " 'J.'l-- 1 - uj; l r.. ICo: 6.;

A. 1j p. m. h v-- -t j n-- ar Cf j II -- i J. J i!.iyi:i:'.t.I'.y tl.ii statjuicrjt it will sii. Caj t.

Vri-i- t vk tho extrtria Suutiuriy track, rr. -

in latitude c-- in Ijivi li'at, and Ujakia J

all liis latitude ll'.re he was .:t-- day? cut l

fr.;in San P"r.ii!ci-i-- o. Xut niie vo-.-- l In tu-i,t-i


Vctiturcs far to th? sotitJiwarl a lil t!:e '

trud-- , which i..ihd 23 ia:l.-- thetw irt-- , and vet beat, by fr.-- 3 h ars tt 11d vs tae!i, tiht which Sar. Franeiseo.... . , , ,, .. , . , , .

t iue aIIle time witti aii ui wiueti i

ia- re direct roate-- , arid th-- bar!: S,:mu-- ! M-rri- t j

which tu.k the ui-.t- t nortiierly trajk. iaaie t!ie i

l ii.-r-t j.a.-.-a-e. The Uh-tuue- e froiti San Fran- -j

ci-e- 3 t'j Hon ..lulu in a dirt-r- t line i al-.u- t Ul i

iaih.-s-, and i: ia difiieult for lnf-s- t rs.-n- to s e !

why a track covering 2100 l.ail.--s -- hvald be t re-

ft rru-- 1 1 the in. re direct one.The Qw.Ws jKfsui tvouI 1 --, an t- hi ponciu-?iv- e

jr.. f that the rou:.. is t!.e I c- -t

on.- - wl;.n t'je tiitd.a are Uht. Aii iTi-r ca-- e in-- .Int. In 1'jo, the clipper ship Mtifay, Caj t.

Ilatchiii-n- . left Franci.-e- o S-- j tetuhL-- r 2. j

taking nearly a direct Cwiirsj f r Ilotioluai, andarrived at'ur a j ae of 23 days, having b. ..n

--, n beaten by the 1 a. t, under (.'apt. I'aty,ah ul live dav: the hitter taking a iu.r' uth- -,riv track. The f. llowin- - war, l.-oi- , theM.i.'ay Kit San Francisco abrtit one wo k c:ti lierthan on the piwiou. vovne. Caj-t- . lititehin- -

sjn tiii time to k the extreme soutin.rly track,and ina-i- t'ie pas-a- -i in 12 d;ivs, beating thef- -t M,ry I.. Sutlon one day, and otherversels froat two ta five days each.

After carefully Comparing routes and ras-r-a- -.

.s made during the a?t ten years, wo arefcati.-Ce-d that vers' Is which, on leaving San Fran.pim'o during the months when the winds arelight, say from S pteii.ber to .March, make asmuch .southing as cro.-?in-g latitude 3uat r cast of longitude 130, and running'. ut theirlatitude belore reachitig loiigitiiuo 10, wiImake better pauges, nin times 0ut of ten, than i

by taking the track. They have to sail j

over more miles, but as a general rule the tradesar j moro steady and reliable below latitude 23than above it. There are M-atji- when thetrade? are fresh as high as latitude 40, or evenhigher, when vc.-se-ls wiii make .shirt ias.sageswhatever track they may take. These remarksaj-pl- to seasons when light w inds prevail.

.V Very ftiriotis J'tiiiiplili't.Sitae attentive friend Jaa? recently sent us a

curhiM little pamphlet, entitled OccasionalI'aj-e- r of the Hawaiian Church Mission' ev-

idently in tend. d for circulation bolely in d

and America. It was printed in Lai-do- n

in lS'fio, :tnd contains among other things,extracts from Ill-ho- p Stah-y'- s journal, the init-

ial of which affords u much amusement, thatthe wonder with its is that a few hundred copies

wire not ticnt out to Honolulu fur sale. Accord-

ing to this journal of the 3Ji.?hop, we have somevery remarkable na n " on the island.?, andhome not vo remarkable. Mr. Ci.," at Kau,.... 11 t; v. i;i.o.-- ,i ... ..1

i t i..ll.ri Lcna.lV alt ni.Otl tlfitikiuntil 1 iiivti,i r'.au', 11 im1 iiui(.4'L.-- aI

Mr. C- - at Hilo, " is Sjutliern i

Aiin-riean,- " a thorough gntl. 111:111, and atruiy Christian man, but he went over to theHuman Church only last year, having nothing

b Iieve, and :.o obj. ctivo worship under Mr.Conn's wretched svsrem."

It is particularly noteworthy, as wefrom this panij-hlet- , that when the Hew Dr.Anderson cal hid upon Uishop Stahy at Hilo,

his manner wais very This de-

ferential " manner, in which the Hishop rch rs toAiits- - , remirids us of a certain man in Kt, glandwho was accustomed, when he spoke of hims lf,always to take his hat oft'! Porl.ars. it was tosee whether the honored Secretary's manner had w

hanged, that the llishop, when in Hostou lastJanuary, took rooms in Pemb.rtoii S'piarc,neiirly opposite the A. II. C. F. M. lioom-- , and

tit his card acre.-- s the street to Dr. Andersonand Secretary Treat, with a rcpi.-s- t to sc.- - them.Whether ti.-'- called or not we do not know.

In this pan.-ph- t we find Hishop Stahy n.iik-i- n

the broad assertion that "this ntition is ntnalhj hfathfii us nr it vis, only witli a thinhha of Christianity over it. This assertion is

$' the same tenor with his never-- t n

statement, made in tbe puipic 01 tne i. nurcn oi o

the Incarnation in New York, that Hawaiianswere ten times worse off than before the Mis-si- .


.narics cam? am. i:g thim. Ret rt says that,a sermon reached last Sabbath morning, he

denied ever Inning made any such sweeping as-

sertions. The sermon, we understand, is to be

published. It is said to be veiy complimentaryNew Fingland and New Knglanders.

Tlie pamphlet under consideration also containsrepublication of that old shmder about Rev.

Conn's pulling np the cofFee trees, the refu-

tation of which has been so often published thatarc surprised to see it in what professes to be

Missionary tract. Tiie pamphlet is a most cu-

rious document, and, unless we are much mis- - the

ti, tie- - Li-- b .p would give his thr-e-- c jmeiedto suppress its circulation just mov. "We St

should n t siq p-.s- that he would ivr wish to at. t again s.tue of the gentlemen whom he has

caus.-- to he published before tine peoi le of of

I!i:g! it.-- i as men." W.- - reserveot'.-.- r i:i it f"r a future occ:i.-io-n.

.'t "iV.- - i in our for. and

v. I I - tf' tig. lincily pastor "f th-- - Fort tiie

ia this ity. v;is about to give a in

f.V.-- s in ! rati'.-i-e- oa tne i'

. The !l:- - -- eii.-s was I t takeApril -t. and - ibi.vt s and

rv f !I v. i"' ""


".. ..


noti: or tiii: avi:i: k. Am are n to j

i i i i C .1. . J. . .

i ' '. '. i .

.1 : t:: s :: s

t i ay, a;

:... ! .: i i.

.' , ? ..

.1- -I ; ? .;. a'; ; cat :..tai :V i -

He i - I i ! I . ::: :v. . it

h:..l had a k: . !: w. .,;!! have kiii-- .l- I: v. ! .:V. : Hi'

t!:a:i v.. 1i ur- -. H' !!. !i-- il. I ! !: d

. .......:,,, ... ....... , ......,? ,,..,- .. j t . ..... .... ..

. .i j. aaiatatr-.l- . A a

;u.-.- l that ; .1

the .:.- - ;!. th.t 1'fiv :!'' w a- - I. ha.tliat will c-rr.T!-. ! a

I c.t :'" l.i- - ha a 1 raih--- :h .a la-ta- i Ml' . I'll; a v.--h ih-- :'.. Kv.-r- v.i:.m:i ha- - the rir!:t I ..l'- -


va:a h..-- f w!:.-:- i !. h is ar.y.j i .. . ..? laaa iia-- t a:?y .r n ; ;) a .:j kr.M-.v- h: .:.' vi ahi -- u: '."-"- that h- - had.

: Mt. II. Fixen.a r.-h- h-ut ,f Mskawa...Maui, camut'.etl Mih-hl- rn Sua. lay uti h-- r thei "I'.iisv::. clra.t:tanees. II. Stat n.-s-- .l UU hers--an-

'.a,' a t ike e. - t. K..hah.h 'ath- - u-.- n- thither, he -- t..; !,v'.e.fa-t.-ne- ,l

ta. i r.--e lu a t!-e- . t! ii : h a f..; ..i.d hai:- - hha- -

It i . th.- - t:ve. No nt itix 1'i.r the : .? aa l

r. t ir-- I t;e v. a- - f I..e i . ! 1 .1 1. V.

'. he v. a- - t ... -- 1 : : u" . y a!diete.!. .1

iii.i: r-- tti'i v'-af- - he aiieiiiJitvo .,. , . ,1 . . t.iil It . .1 Ul ii. lte Kepi .1 Milan 1VI..U

.:! i,i M.i'. i'.1,..- -. Hi.-- ta:!i r aiel a brother areahl to have f.;i'.t.-- iih;ide. I;' m. tin' .H.-.-a- -e

or ai.u.ia. ov what. v.-- r ii be tern.ed. be. have l eeil ki!j- - d.

Naval T ta.--i.- ta .!.'.-avriv.-.- l attiii- - p.rt las: V1 ties Jay all--- : a.ooii. 4i' .lays tVein

Valparaiso. I:-: : a v ay n.-a- i little r...:"t. carry-i!v- r

iw.. ii:!--.- l . ir.a.a.s. and -- ai'.- !;..i!'y 1'. r Japan.'1 !.t the kin-la- . -- - .r. J. loii:r.a:i. wo Lawb.-c- i favored v. ith a. li.--l .l her otlicers. whi. h aivh-- :v aan-x- -l :

i, t lit. .1. K:- ,- u'y.t'i.-.- t J nl naul A!. Kt-!.- ' !..

..--- I irlttlK ll.t V.. lkul.Tnir-- Lit uttni'.t W. I.:.Mi it. K .:ik-- a .:c!i..' Al. .I.i-i- f

D'ctjr 1'.

llmjimsr M. Fe-i- an. i

lb-".- . Au-o- n Kurlia-ratn- e. Y. S. Mi.n.-ie- r to"l.iua. a:td d'ea. Ik N'an N'a! henberg. Miai-- u r to

Japan, arrived ia San Fruti.-i-o- i by the -- teani.-r

from N.-- Yct k of March 1. Tin--

a few weeks in (.'aliloiuia beloie proce.-.ha- totijeir they de;reto b eotae aeoii-.-.iut- 1

with lite cl' that Stale, ia view of theiiic;va-..-- d cohini'-iv- between tlie I Statesand tho-- e countrh-- that is expected to f.jlh)W t'il'Coliieiaiiht'.e.i ii'ie of iejiiii-iiip- s beLWeellFr.iiii -.-o and A- -i ttle and will make some-

thing of a tour b.-iui- e leaving. A day or twoafter th.-i- r arrival in S.uu Francisco. W.

Itiook-- . li.-.-.. Consul for Japan, gave a dinner t.

ila se Kepit-s.-ntativ.'- On their way t Japanand i l.ina. t!a-- hoj e to touch at Honolulu, andSpend a feW da S.

' The l'o'lowi:!g it-:- will give a better idear.f wealth of ihf .!ewi-- h population (,f SanFrancisco than anything t'.a.t cntild be given.Over one hundred thousand dollars were realizedfrom the sale of than half of the pews in tinnew Svn;'.a"gtie. the co-- t of which was I :

At tie .f sea in tiie new SvnacTi araeLiji ui.t-K- I. .March nuu w as realize.!, the highest premium paid for any one eat being cT.'.u. byMichael Iteese. A - lit sale took place,realizing s.iuvio. Tims ftoni two -- :tles. itt whicholdv idj.-li- t oOfl -- e;tis Wife o!'!. t.Ver 1 HU.Ol I W;issecured, whieit. wiih the SO.Uni) expected fro 111 tiies.lie "f tiie Soi ietv's Svuagogiie 0:1 1 tiojid WilV. willon far toward? meeting the tost of the new one. inwhieit there are still about tin'j seats to be sold.'"

Avorur.i: Sru i in:. Mr. W. i'. Lobe, ii ( Ict tnan whoformerly kept a cli- - e salo .n oa Fort and after-

wards on Hotel streets, killed himself oil Tuo.-da- y

by -- with a knite. He had once beforeattempted to take his life by cutting his ;U-- witha razor, but was unfortunately discovered i.t timeto iv re him to his senses, compelling him to gotiilo-iLii- l the wi.ol pel l'ormanc.; again. Where aman urea oi nviu a.l bent on ic.sirovi:ie; his-

" " "-

loii' Iiis meiiijil anguish and delirium, especiallywhea. a.-- "ni this, rum is the inspiring cause.

McriNV. A d:-tu- :b ii:ce. v-r- mucli like a n.u- -

tiliV." oc.-Utl'e- on board the schoolier .!'. rr.which left this p,,rt on Tue-h- y evening f..r Lahaina.One or two "f the seamen refused duty, and on the

attempting to compel them to work, a

irelieral lo.V took place, lit which all hand- - appearto have shared, from the steward to theAft.-- r some threats o: :h- - part of !h" sea rur-- to

kill the cat-taiti- . he deci.icd it best to arn to thi-- -

port i! beef and l'UIll Wcle at tlie le ni

of ii T'.v o t.,f the saihas were trie. I an-- l lined cflooea-n- .

I i:ov.H!. Steven lirn.l'.ey. second man of ihehub-shi- .l".n-- :T:.'i-t- h of New Itediord, in

on. a t- :ara n board his shi.about 1 1 o'clock Tu- .lav l ..ver. uearlycap.sizimr the buiit and plunaing aTio'di r personint-- th- wat.-- r witli him. Me was ui;..l..-at.-- atthe time, and ia ciao-an- wi:;t two of his ship-

mates. A native immeai.ttely d ve ,1-- wn aft- - r hiiti

and l,nm-::-!;i- ::i up. bat beln--ta- p. iie-- with lhpn r

all itoits to restore him to lit"-- were iaeifcctiiah

He lee.-tme.- l . Kevsvilh-- . N. V. State, and was

about ( itv years of age.

i.M-..-- a l':::i Oa Friday m- riii::g. ab.-.u- "

e i ic ii-- i.e. toi V .. l;:e - un. Iry was iKs-:- .

covert d oa tire, and .1, :u .h-- h The f re

to be eorilin. i to a t.lie of e I-

the building, v. hh-i- i h-t- eid.-nt.iil- iguit.-d- . ai.dhad v been ;' a a day or two.;::,- ,.f the tlnib.-r- the building w. re bu: ;it.

btit. to the tinc-i- discovery t the t.rc. nose'.i'-u- damage was

7 3 The weather, since the loth of February,has be.-- cry dry. all ovi-- the ;.l.i:h is

unusual f-.- this of the year. Fv.-- at Ifan:i-l.- -i

and ilih.. phi wh-r- e it genera'.! v rahis ev.-r-

dav. there was hardly a sh-cve- during March.With the return .f ihe ira-i.---- light have

oCetirre 1 a the wir.dv. at l - o :rou; b- -

tee-- si. is - i .1: v -- till.

r.C-- ' . ': a M-- .;.. d. . .vei u.-.-r f ti.e

.t-- - t.f ('a'.if-'- i ni t. tlie.i - i ' '. ia San Fram-i-- . o.

aii ttk-- ill Metchaiit .-ei. which he cUler.--

s..ta.-v.h.t- t fatigu.-.I- . H- - was'rm r at the tin;.ihe vi-- it of preat to that -- ia.-.

aiid was coat t. oii-I- y by hlai at Saera-titeiit-- i.

T;--iii.- L'dwln Forrest, th.-gi.-a- t tragedlaa.the ni. -t rT.-i..v..'- iiet-.- r living. i so,. a to vi-- it

i '.t.-'ii- eo nst. 'dr. l'-- fe-- t will leave New oil;

Ap:ii t pr- ' I V 1 II. .1 in .ot

Fran-is- .- li i (' too Mav.

The bark S-- -l t t anand t' e 4. 1 V

;- - t'if v . : i i : o t li.u nil'1-- -i :.r

v..!i- trarI !'- -

. i .. ., ; i hum ri-i;- s i

are; r.i

t:m:i on- - s to rurh- a 1 V c (ratii.TOt Uitf ,

. u ft ! :t- r than anTt'.ir. elsr '

..... ,: '.1..- tan- - :'.!. oivurRj the IK'c .

rs t- ti.- - ex..uant:':t. f Uio j

:o a -- -. t j

whia i r. Ti..- - rvj'-irtfr- s ne i.jry Uki'.: vi vrn .

-''. :! tt.-- . fir: ct." '.'J :u.-r..- 'd ti I

v t s .; 'a-- 1 !.. J -:- !-. ! '.ii--- ' t t '

v . a !.;i.a :..: ; i .i r .! into the c.i'a- - i

, I . r - r - a:i!'.-'- - if a !...'.i- -' :airs i'i th.-i-

.': ,) .: . v. i ' :::- - Lr. '.. f.r j

11 :. :l r: t !..- - i .'i r fniii; .: -- it .riil-t.-r- .ir..i avor. d

! . . 'i':.-.- ;:; .r: v.v wh- was ex .iuau:.i; lhw.,.. . , j:..- ... i aau.:-.-- ; ti:- - i r i'.;. st. in tx

h i.. i: i..-- r ;. ui- .i. . 'r 1. r : the: . :, ,1-- r. t ! r - r.- - i r a. i ar..l was :

s .On rt -- u r-- 1. . u r,ii .f :a.-- CI.ty urcct rUurut werei':.:-- - t w t:i prrs.'r s rat:- - if :h-- :r nr. ::.! ty ir.-s- i: s.irae hai tieariy ,

;!.:,.-....! th- - caa;.-- . ' th-- v. w :r. the ethrrs. joaie 1

i ltd;- - ra-- i. ' r I a: ah a str .:i-.-- f ret :fal::v n.-r- i

. v.vl t . r.tar:: a:i-- t .r t!..-.- l.i- - :.l ..a r a.l .!.!:- - r wai. vr. t centi-r!!- ) in ran ru two th-i- .i f rTir. ftti-- wheni.- - rT .r'.i-.- i .! e ?;r. t n t vesait .k - a .iruaken man. The

ctack.-- l from the cetiin-- to t.'ie! I...--; r.:.- - ;:. i..,.v w

r". tat tUrc a? n . real aa::..i-- - (o r.y I in thecay.

::; iv. Ac-.-r-ilaa- : to the annual report of theSe. ivia:y State lot" 1 div-o- n a

a . ! r. i.o:1 ). w!;.i:a i'.T.O-o- . are male-- a i

The inai'-e- r of acre.- - under ca'.tivatior. is Mld'J. j

Th.-r- arc 7D.."."2 horses or taore than on.' to j

ea-.-- man. w.-tua- and eh:!d. There are l.tU'-t- J j

eat tie. and 3i:;.!v she.., pr.'daeiaa- - CTthooO j ..J wool The staple product are theat. t

cat.-- , l.aii . hay. ho,.!. eorn. t.- -

a). pies. n . hei -- e. buiter and?a!ui.!i. t.' 1 : : ire xteaively wrkeil. and i

-- - eral - Ill pcpuhltiolland the nuntber cl" horses. Oivg-'i- ranks about j

filial to t'.ii- - Kir.a-doia-. Weihtd 110 valuation .riwn i

to the ot" her we oiiestina whetherher populaiicu rais-- ' luoic ia Value than due.? that j

!' this Kiii-dei- ii. r whether her exports xceed

We are indeb-e.- t.i Paid I., (.ivirir. j

tor a copy ia pamphlet t'otaa of the Fht AnnualUeport l the Superintendent !" i'ublie In-tru- e- j

thai ot the Stale of Nevada." fr the year endingAn-ii- -t 31. Im'.'i. Ai c a .liiia" iheiej-ot- t of Sn- - j

pci iateinl, tit Wiiite. the total receipts for ;

thai i.-- ls-ij- i w.-r- i;.io.77. and ihe e.xpen- -

;au. soO.To.h The total number cl s. hooks

jioit.-.- l by the Sane is twenty-three- , and tin i

number of teach, rs thii t The number ofciiihii- a ia the Stale, between and eighteen

eai ft a is I.e.-- Of th. nnlv l.t'iis atelejiolted a- - ;ltte!eli:lg the public Sfllocls. Aceoid- -

iiig to t! - .;....-'u!i- lit the altl.ual cost d educatingthe in Nevada is ?:t7 tilt each.

l!y oehtnnttiiai of the King, the Legisla-

ture lias been onlereil to a.-se- le on Wednesday,the oth of April.

.t" Tie- - bal k ''-.'-.- . W It'll ihe N.-- Yolk mailo! Man-- 11th. will be due r,;i Sunday or Monday-V- .

e suppose -- he - twelve days out to-da-


A CARD OUTRANKS.rjpiloMAS IH'GHrts OETMK II O NO I.I" 1. 1"A Itto.N WoilKS, Lei:s to ss las ft. lire thanks to Ins. Jin 1 both Ff an-- Hawaiirtns,

v. i.o j r ::.; :iv ren.l re-1 their ;tid :i-- . .ne- - in eti:.L.-u:-ii-ii--

the FIKI-- on hU r ci.--.--s ..n FKIOAY Mf'UNlNll last. It

CALIFORNIA I.I .M 5t 11 mltUKSK DALlt CUM KM', u'.l i.i j.eri'eot or -r.

Jitsl li'Kii "? , r COMyr and fur aalr by017 :i:n - Vns IIOLT i IIKI'CK.

TWO PIAFOS !l.eceived per li. W. Wood, from Ilainburp.

TIIKSK I NSTR I'M F.NTS ARK"tj f th- - I" -- t Oertnati maiiuf icttire, seven ctavs.

5 j O "3 i c:is- -. cttajre style, with I it.-s- t im- -- 1 r .v-- in nt- -. in or.h r miJ being carefully :u k- -'l ej.r: h- - to ;h - t!.i-- r 11 it.-is-

For reasonably attil 7 "in V. in-- HO I.T ir IIF.rtKs.

For Z5 le IA I.ADVS f J E.VTLlt S A I -

dle iiors:-:-.

In.jiiire ofit tVi'I- - ANOliK'.VS.

f!t!IK A N V I' 1 .M KKT I NO OF TIIK3 mo. i;ifoi.i'i.i:s ot th- - unyo.t:u; zlu.ih .v.i.v-- ir.u rcuiMi .i.xi) nr.i ;.vA(; .. f r ti--- . r

.'tli.-er-- . e..iuiii.iii..;i i a.v-iii-t-- . .Me . u.;l be h.-- I nt Uie t (flu eof O,.- - Ii :t:.-r- ..a Mtl.'vJi.t V, April 2.1. lit l(O'Clocli. A. M.

It I'er .inter I. ItAKTLhTI, Secretary.


SAN FitAXCSSCO.rgiiFt rMir.ttsic.M'.i) UAVixfi ih-:k-

tm A-- - ::'s th- - al.--v- ; : 1.. p. m y, be- - loni'.-rt- ti.e the j.jhiic, that they are tiov,- - .ie.,ii-.-.- i toM A R I N i--: I N S V R A N (' It I O I, If I USon C i::", Fr- luht a:nl Ti . to ar. I fr..::i all parts of thew.j-- l

II. I! A Clt FI'.LIt .v CO.It . A l J T--tJ. ol7-- l v


.F- -


Crop oi' 2

fi.iou i. i(i .v.-iiiir.- f st i ii litCA.-TL-i; V. Cim.;KK.


ItGCOivcdLX- -

-s --ti-C ms- -.JL J. kv. KJs J.JL m

A Choice and Complete t ;'.1G

.Xoilli West LumberTo

And are now prepared to fill all Orderswith Promptness an-.- I I)isp,atc!i.

5 It

PDRE WSLt EHElICffi. i'l.i



9 I'.Kf.'s TO AWOCNCt: TO I! IS FI'.IKNI.stT?a '. t." Put.!!..-- It.Ht ..- - has ,. - ! I.rinr st-T- -

1f s. p. For.'.. I at:!. - e .rr.- -r ' F- rt it t:. a it wij! be hi eiiilfaTi r

iv t'.ein with

Genuine Drugs, Pure Chemicals,cmoici: ii:itFU3n:nv,

.i ? J 'iri

j M7 pj'.F.SCUII'T.IItXS nlii f.- c an.l area-r:.- t-


iy .1 witt. t.e .'...-it- . . f t':-- - J .j e.,nal.

MUDICIMl i HF.STS - I' i. t 1 ir.l r ri l ra r, r.t-- r a s. j l:t!,''!.

AM AST Kits f VF.ssKLS :t:i.l MKtiCHAX rs cuiliw:;: ,t t . tii- tr i - ea.i :.t tt.. "it;-- ; anl leave rn

tlic.r - r

N. Ii Dr. S. I". I'llUil ti.e OiTae at his Orbil ii urs to asset tl. se riq lirit-- ti-- li.-a! I.etp a i 1 a lviee. 1.

Ii-- :i lol . A ' i t '- l -'- . .'.I-- Itltl

5:j v:iii:m J:8-U'- l Biik;

SAX FKAXCISCO.Tl.ii F.:.0 Nt-- .'li - r liri.

HesperianGEO. A. WOOD, Co 111 in :i mi. r.

Wi!l have Cisp iali tlie ai.vve p. ri, a:: I f. m f'.t- .- lit:,

m..3a:.oiiji far a C'a'iin aivl Mccrag- - as. r.Fi-- freight or J as.-- i.--

e a taily t

VVAI.KaH ALI.I.N .v C ...4;r 'tt at Sun rV. innim,5;7--- t M..--r-. HAS. W. llt'.i .' Ks A '...

fiE:iw:iisii iirkrl tLfiroit


1113 i-iiio-te

C'IIAi:i.F .1. l.OVKTT. ( .

Is riuw takina in car' i f r the atove jmrt atui will on

This Day, Saturday, 21st.F.-- fr.vght t-- ii.t-sa- o, liaTiug suj'cri r Hco i:a:i.lsti..iis f--

fahin a:i.l stevrage passengers,AiTlyt..

WAI.KKH, AI-I.K- C.A-.- -at j.

Ajtnt lit Sin Francisco,Messrs Chas W. Brooks & Co- -



O o 1T1 e t,Coniuiodore JOHN PATV.

Will sail r,r th- - :ii. .. jwri in or .shout

TSic J.llSa EE.?--. stul !

F. r freight or I' aj-j-l- to('. IiKK.Wi!t A- - d . r t.

Sl-- II. UACKFKI.n .V 1.0.

FOK- 8AB-1- !

p n i'i ds! eck . . uiii:ims. c:i:Mfii I.V KIIV.VU"" lt-ri-

- i tit Khr-inio- . Ctirlp Hlaii.-hr- .

A!olpli- - . ollin , C I111I011-- . b. M. C :m- - ItlaiiclirThe al'ove f.ivor.te of C ' II A I I A li X K are just

receive.l ana ffcrtii for sal.- -

510 1m II. 11ACKFFM i Co.

WANTED.Tn Greoiihaclcsl


516 Im II. M. WHITNEY.


just i5i:i!:ivs13 y rr ri i: c o e t !


Odd Fellow's Hall, Fort Street.riALinillMA SALOON I'lLOT I(UItAI).

Tins Soda Crackers,Tins "Wine Crackers.

Sacks Chili Hurley.Pure Cider Vinegar,Craham Flour,Priservei 1 C 1 i n pes ,

XeW Ilopn, Smoked Siilinoii,Caiiiiry Seed, Smoked Heel',Streaked Ilacoii,

Kastern Cranberries, Hilling's Hams,New California Cheese,

New California Lard,California Coldon Syrup,

True Lemon Syrup,French Capers and Olives.

-- 1LSO


In .10 ii' iuiil mats.For ?nle c!i' ai

oIC 4t A. D. CAKTWUI.ilir.


Eslalc of Holier t C. Sv. Esq.,

Foi Sale :i t Av.ction.I1Y VIRTl'KOF AN OiiULK TS.-ll- in

,'.;; "ut of the - Court of tia- l':mail;io JisiSfthe Kxei-utor- s of th.; Will of K. C. wL

W yl.i--- will offer h r sale at


Saturday, 12th day of May, 1SGG!AT 12 O'CLOCK. NOON.

77j I'olli.u i ii'j Vt it:i r t y :

1. The mate ii of th- - I'F.LLY I'll KM ISltS.?:tuat I at f li- - tl Ailam's Str t. ui-- i sin :ti

t on ll .t- - St . fcrnl ! feet on Ailaus stre. t an l at '.resentby Mr. Ileu-ti- s.

-- Tti - iiiauka ion of th- - f'El.I.Y PREMISES,iioi.1.' t N". 1, 71 ( el on Ailatn's sire, t, i.t..l

ext.-n.ii:,- .' in th'.- - luo f-- et, ai-- 1 ;.l j. resent itvuj-ie-- l by M r.Fuller aa l s.

y. Th" N" 1 1 1) I) LKS' I R K ! IS KS so cali. t. n.H ;tr

L-- t No. J. measuring 4C f t on AiamV !r'-.-t- , an lin the re;tr 112 f et, an 1 at .res.-n- t reuj-ie,- l by Mr. C.-tt- ii.

4. N..-.- ..lies' Pi- i.ii j. Mr-.-t- tv aff r the -- i ofti.e above. w,i! the C A I) .1 1 . !. LOT . .tl- -l. s an.-it.-- l

Kiuikah'-ku- . Nmiitei :i!i v. re ar the v .ll v resul .fl .t-- l.j.--ty- , ) 74-lu- ii a- rrs, a.iii .h-cr- e eil in

Koyal Patent o. 7 J.

Iii.ttinlintr juisyi.r.'mn will !.r yirm of all than'irr jiri inisrs.

T-r- ina-l- l.i,-.'w- i :it time of S,,;.-- . F.-- furtiicr j articuiaraj-l-l- to

J. W. AC-TI-N.

(J. M. Uol.ltUi'SoN',S. C. ALI.I.N.

at Qti-Titt- f th - F.-- c eut.-r- of tie VV ill ..f U. C. AVyli;..

For Sale.rgrm'i.AR hoim.k with i irk I M. 4 i ....; S ,:.e!i -,k-, c nn.lete.- h ..1 a brtr-.-ai- nt

ill am HoNoLl. LC ILoN WoUK.S Co.

5 O 1 1 N MITT. THOMAS ItOWMAX AMIt. S ' l i' i' 1 i c th-- li. it :io y . I

i a tr!-.- . ..a the -t ii iy of ,l;u. i .ry. 1 '",, the,,f . .iriyia-,-- n bu.-i'- i. f C i r.'sKe-t lronaii-- l

Sti'.:thi.ic. u:..i-.-- r the tc.yle t J. NOT'i" C. f'tOOt

C A 1. 1 V ll 7i 3 A . 1 .IX 11M R()S1:nI)ALK CKMItNT.a. Ala-i.y- - a sus.j.Iy on hail i for sal- - low by

61." i'.OI.LK .V To.

llrtXOLULlIJHSTILLEUYrjMHS I'lOXKKU F.S T A II L I S II M K N T.which i r.or ui full -i c.i n, has ciistanlly on hand a

-'- .:;.;-:- of various

KINDS OP S1MKITS IN IIONI,inr.fai-- ur fr.-- nv-tr- i ils. a;al cuarantee.l j'r- -

free fr..ei nil i:,-i- -- r . : :i i.aa rati i. :e,-- of a ijiialit va str-i,-- :!, hit-h-r- a:. ! a Mt ."II LOW I tit.

is i. l . 'n i ? nj) in s at:. quan- -

"a en-- :, tn- rs. r I r Lor.,.- or rt.

fair an I in, pr. ju ti,- -,l tr!-,- :s r -.-. tfaily -- ..Jicite, ; r.t.,1 ii isa.)tici,at.-,- l t!, a ;, r II v .hio'ii i

ol- - exciit-iv- . ly froi.i the y r .luct ; "of Istatuls. will:ui 1 a .hvi-- -- 1 ti-- e from a .li- - eroieir j

rs t,e r.t ti," W.-ik- . . r i.i the Port n.i,e. l;.--

ai-.- sha',1 jireui' tiy hf.eii-1- - 1 to.r'l ' '"'in T. YV. AVAKKKX.


Page 3: cautTon. - · C. BECHTINCER, M. D., U TrMtS IIISSK.KVU KS AS IMIVMCIA-I ll'ihJV t thn I'utili.r ,f Honolulu. He may i.e ciiiii!:ol in the KiiL',

CO ...... ....vmryirrnn---


v ii. v. si:vi:it.. i:."

GENERAL SALEOn Wctlfis'Mliiy, April 5ih,

AT lo O'CLOCK, A. M..W ii! b- - !! :.t A..- - I...--! .

A ":iii t v ol" M ! h.'imJi.-.--f unMitiu.j of

pry t,o.-!- , li'. rrr Ktr fn !.M .t. T .bac.-.- . I.r Fru.', -- tc.Aii'l ini'it:

VALUABLE LAND AT AUCTIONTi.-- r I ij -- r!..'.i-'l will -II at

I n I 1 i ; .A. iKition!At t!e- - , urt I! : - !or, Il-- dulu,

Monila.v. - - - April 2:5, ISG(.i'J O'CLOCK, Ol).,

Tlio Following Named Lands !

Or a-- n: any f th.-rt- i n rn .y t- - f..r th- - .rym-r- t r.ft,.-i- i' ! n f th- - lite l..t. I. El I II A At. El. EA,in j.ur-- i mc- - of .n '( I r of Court -- r.iii:.-l tf.-- r A lu.ui-tr..l.,- r

of :. I v. :

Th-- ? Land of Kn!iiriui. ?i'ua.-.- l n th- - .,f M ,;.- i iai. '

- .Mniiatiiinili -- uuil 'l- Kiipunlri,

.4 l uniiii'lr, - -

A wiimiiiii, k

Aliiku ' " "K !: ii. -

W A I Mil A. -- no .:. d on th I'! ti,. of K old.V IK-K'- .

!! in ( th- - I..I A US i.i.iy tc .- - n at th- - Auction i.-o- iu oltl. : I'mb rd.-n-. I.


The Tivli Poisil :t .l!:itm:i!u:i,l'l-- -l Prire. Sn r Voir.

I' .1.1 to .lt in 1 p.i.rt ' the an 1 Ua-..- - l' Illtl fort jp aM. j

II. v.". -- hYKKAXf. Au' ti.r. I


-Y ji c: i: s :r I


T 1'" I w i.l . t ir i:in A l TIO Vr3J in n N"t.i:i.t'. iv- - u..-- .i o.w

. t I i ri t . f II ..;;. i,r u many ( t m a tn v I

u tr t. !. n' t.f rf- ,- 1.Ik4 .f F.i.i- - f tli- - l.SrM .11. I.KV I llfl.t:. in .Mr'i r.r- - t an .r.-- i.f l''.nrt,ft n-- - i t lUv A liiiiiiti t of . K.Utc.

AT t OTI.OCK. ! Tin: en:r iiousk i')oi; in iionolcu;.

4!y or ! r ..f t..- - A Jn.iiil-l- r it'.r of s.;. -, v:x :


itl i't ll..- - I.;ri-- t ) Iiil..

Tin: a ii i" ifa a or iiakalau tu.ut.i in ii.-- " Ii-u- ;. ;.f Iltl't.

T?r .Ui'nt H;ir''!l nn.l fiT'.rHr !rrv-- f..r llijr uttiv .t... .f SI." I. A 1 1 i N I:. :rj.l rrtiiprl-- !i I ir.'- - tr.irt..f in-- , t V.ilu il.l l ui.r UumI. A!., I'A.--l l K K ai.l H'UWl)I. l .

Tin: a ii i i r a a or no. a iwa r ti iu Hi Ii'lrii:l f K..L t.

A l.iFi.l w. :i :fc.l:-i.- - ! f. th-- - ri:'iv:iti..n i.f oIlANGK.--

J Ml i:.K I fiKt KK.


r :uat.;a iu :ii- - I'i-'r.- tt "f K i. i, a U.v V. o.: LAN l.I!. V. SKVI-'.UAXC'K-

Au'rlii-in-cf- .

J. . --La U TLriTLOilers I'or Salr at ! Store on I'ort St.,


New and Desirable Goods!I.AiKLY KKO:ii:i, 1Z:

111 MISIM V I. A WNS.) rry lr.-- .f Krt-nc- I'rlut.f :i-- I French IViutcJ

lfc r..I'rii.t'-i- l ! Uxi.. I'l.itn Sv.trli l'I:ti!,A larir - '"t t f t.fur W..-;- i iio-.I-- .

V'.t- t- H l,:t.' I.'i.ttr.i:. IJii- - ii ?l:-.-lii- lri-.i- i

k'.UH'y I It Vi!.-i- i :i:wl.--

I..U)IKS' UI.AC-- SII-- X ItAMlt'lXKS.Hit hit Irimmr.l. of the. trry .iy...

at. I Cii- - '.At.l. SUA I) KS Of l)t)l ill.K, SIMCI.E AMI XPI.IT

i;ki:i.:: wool:Kn.lir i !. ry!H, All M:li- - ( !:u-- an.I white Kl;tic,

r. r lt.

if. ACK SII.K N ATA I.AC 11.


f.AIHK' EI.VE N.A llMllliOlUl.llEI) CORSETS,

EUi:i:ftllERri 1.1 SEX CORSETS,


I:ilir Vhit' unA "4ioriMl Kitl :iovrs.S l.'Z't lr pair.

i. iittt:' purs ei. 1. 1 o t win.!: Wh.t- - r.n l H;.icW Ki-- I S'j.-r-.

A l:fs- - v .r tv . f i.i! lr-- i' n-- M- i- V

:. fARllS OE EUllRfHI'ERElt C A MHRIC ASliMVxl.lS O EH T O.V.V .! EIhUX ;".

si'ik.;ioii :irts mi,ks.I.i:l;tij I'-- f' Htt-- l K'.'inl iti-'f- .

In..- - r:;t." V -fi N't J. l !!;. itun,Ai f --n t ! t ff Artificial I'lowrr :r.l V rrulli.

I .!. t III'. -.. I"-- !:iu.- -' Vrlv.-- t K.i-i.if- ,

V ti.;.- - :n. I .,. .t T ir.. I f.. Vin.l.I. ... m, I 'lu-U'- Cumin Muff. K'ln ilur-- I'rli.l.

r ii.i l." ti : Fi". y Kii-Ik- j.

'r t. Krnt-iti.- '. rtnii'i i.l. ry an.: -I C.'t;ns,l.imrc W. f"- -! "lik I" in.liu" ,1. 1 I.. --

- II I It. I :u..l II r V tt-- .

f.i - r r .Ti.t !' r .lr. - J-.

I..i.ii- - - r.iu -i. in. Ii-- I- i.uiitl-t- ,

-t- i.fcU II ;ri.

1. Ii " jin.I l.U'lr. !." t'.n w?.i:.- - r- .ttun a:iI I. thri-u- il I!..i.i-.- r tri'l 1 r.-.- - u t - I. ii.' n ami N.. i::.

Wh.t-- - l. ii' t I'i.i;- - r. I- -i I t;-- au.i t"l..ikrrfc'.K.n.i-- 1:1 .i!Sfc-- t in- I i ?.

.i t.auv.e iahiety ori.Ainr.s ii:;:ss Tiei3i.Mics

J l'r":i'!i F:i:.. I.:i !: - F.i twy : irt--r- s un.Ii.'l I.i.-:4- t. I I rfl-- . .' t i;a:r..n. :l

t r;f, ;n..I -- rv Uin l.iit:-m- .A i.r.--- ; v.n; ty


run vi -- .Mr.iiY. m aii: kki sjuis ami"O.IIIS, ... Arf.

VI it,.' ' ,H ,v-- ;.,.. ! wi'.' -! I .''t 'nr . .KV- - -- 1.!...prire- -

IMII.--I ! l TIIK T IK.ll'lla ''

CANVAS, fiom No. 1 tt N. I.i.f:s or si-orr-

n ('axvis ai v. r m-rri-

. r :.r!ic! , ..: I irra:it--.- l frru Jut-- .

V..r y WILL-- A. f.

31 ATC;iI KS.3oston cai;:i MATCIII'S.H l..r t il'? Iv t!ir C:f r Ur- -

' r,.LU4:Co.v:,:

S3HJKXN: TOII.KTO..MI'II1K. a ki ia i.m. KlI.MKIMfK

ili-i- ; n.lI.LK .V; Co.

OA KS !A SsOltTKn SIZKS. FKOM S TO i r .le iv it: I is fit

also, A ;i:m:i:ai. Ass!tTMi:xTOF



'or,:.ui:!y 1.11 J. tn.l and For at Low Trie .


Zl LuLLKs & Co.

4:232s f5re For SsaSo. ;

'iiik rxii:Ks!f:x7iT kki.v dksiroi-- s !

fl of - hit !iu: time and amotion to tinf Kistillry.with Malt Kiln, midf.r al-- thi iiIh.w ;

"ryri,:,!,' f r cariyii.2 on thr Itrtwinjr t.usiiies. lh.s Lrewr- -j

r;l.m.Ht tIiiiMysit-Jit- . il in tn-crv.l- . t j.hi. e iu ar t.ic city, ,

h-- i an abundant suj jdwof the J.ure-- t wntt-r-, and 14 now a j

pro-pero- m Ajo-l- y

T. V. AV. IUIKN, oti the cs,

CLVr.: ' or I'.nt O.tirc C!, Il-.- lulu.

nv j. ii. edit.On Tuesday. April

A IO 0C"Io K. A. M in Suit--. Uooui.h't Lr ,oJ :

A Varied Asst. of Merchandise,KX

J.ltlTlSil Mill SriVKRN.

S'trnt fij :

Wr;,.;- - r. ChK C..Ht4, C;..tU iHrkru. Fu't. I ,tl. ClouUi.I1..1. 1 JUL' . r t .. a...i I1, tin : l:i .. m...

-- n'.-. .. , ..t 1. !:..l..n. I'r.t.ti. I; ii.'- -. li..u.u-if- c

Til'V (Vvi, Fringe, r.rui.---- . S - k,. Ii iti a:. II;I ; k s.jk ...... I:. I Kl.t.n.. I. I:: n.k-- r, L 1..- - lUi at.l ri.l ,r-:- .l s'.i.: N...,.t:-- . Atpaci-ai- . ?i.j.I.rt,Trij-l- i. J.:.t. ri.-- , I yj, !. Tan.hl-r- -, I.tii,.-- ,

Six 1 hy :j( C:irvcd .Uirror,Am a fir at Vnri'.ty f ntfo r Artidt x.




FUrvETeis:5: male i

On Thm-Mlay- . - - - Auril 26tli.AT 1 it O'CLOCK . A.M..

At if ll"itf rrtitlf orinj-in- l , Air. '. r, inI'ort St., 0ji'isit: thr AMiiL ll u:

Wi:i ...-- s..: t


Ctn isttn'j ofl'Un't-i- , I.- - ii chair. i':t, Ki n U.iiiii table,

I iri r ta'.i. iiinri...- - t.: small ( .t ..

sirrs or i:k!::oom tTiixrri'KK,Vat.t-in-l- l.- -l t- -i. l. l".nr.Nt:i. T..M- -.

F".r Ci..iii . Uii.- - r, T-.- I rn-t- ;, A :.

TOILET SETS. IJISSER SETS. R RE A k EAST SETS,Llai.k.-t- . Lii. ri I'.ll .u-i--

Ti l.t . I'!i tur . 1 I4"h--n- ii tnI. i t t

Ami Oih-- r A ri iclf tr lloiivi-tinli- l Fnrtiiliiri-- .

On Friday, - - - - April 7tli.AT 111 O'CLOCK. A. M.

AT 'VU1 STOliKOF ASH,On th.- - rii. r i.f Kin,: ui..l Nauaiiii Sir.-.-ts.- ,

h ill br t,.l a iltt.jut rmtrii tiif-

Entire Retail Stock of said StoreCumixlintJ f it


;:' ki.iiwvaki:. ac, .vc

SI'liJtU XTI.V ON II.WIliiiul FOIt S A LF.c hy th CASK, I: A U 111. I. --r HAt.t.OX at

5H-:;r- o A; (Vs.

Ki:itosi:.M:wo't sai.i-- ijva .v .

ouiac;i:JAMLH I'OIl l ; P.. SI'.F.S FUO.M 1- -2

AT B null t i j im I,. ?. an FranciSC" and i:o-.;..- n manufactureMANILLA Ott lA H, U mainifactiir--- . Iri.iu

I inch Iu 1 i il. h'-s- .

IIK.MI' COKII AO P.h'st Hu--i- a r.iiinur.ii-tur.-- ,rt-

d i s.cU-4- , Mailine, II'u-i.:ii.- c, yarn. Ac, Ac.

513 ..t F-.- r Sale t y U1LL1 A C...

CALIFORNIA FLOUR.Ii-- r Iu-- t Ariivti!- - Irom San 1 raiicisro.4 iA H' AKTHK SACKS COLIIKX U' A rhZ

UAKF.ICS L.ViUA.4imi tiu irt--- r .n k tS.i- t- KMrn Family,In harrvii li..i Sen IS..O- - t ira Family.

For tale by5J5 :.t r..)Li.K .t co.

oi:i:r.o. ami svuiox.IttltUKLS .1X1) HALF II A It It P I.N, AIV uuality.

F. r byili-;,- t r...LLF JcCo.


For sal" y

ili ;t imi.i.k.- - a: 10.

Ofiex-r--A IT1 ox SttleTin:

Now Landing from the

y 2Z3 lE INT ! y v



M AKTIM.h,11 i:nn lSV,oT.vitn. nrrrv v .

SAHKAi . I" Wood aud Iottlo.



IN CASUS, l.'.I.aruf Ilotth-s- , eurh.

IX CASTS, 1 IIottl rac!i.

S I T i : 11 I ? -

in wood, urn- cordon'.

Vml nlwavs Oil iicI


it s ir a t' ass o 1: r i 1: n t o rBitters,



Ale, Porter,

Deriiijohns,Cider, 6tc.

THE PACIFIC('oiniiierchil Advertiser.


V. C. A.!v. r: r..M;:. Kin ilk: I:i ..i.r ..i' t!,.- :;

ii u-- I with hnich int nt tL i !u;ii d jM.:,.!.--!- ; JI iw.;I:." . i . i r ii;.- - c!i.ifa"-- : r ;ti:l i'ii- -

..i; ;r ..j" t!..- - i;..::r.I .f K i i l t :!. An. I

iu i--i ui!!i';:i with iiKinv . t J . - i -- ! 1 . 1 -- . Im-i--

a ..lii'-'- . cil'i fill 'jli-.-Hi- nf !:. iol!vr-- i i !' th-- '

l;..irl hi:i!,' th- - t iv u,' !!t?i. I ;tiiii v.i --M riiln"'.l i ;i ( !,!;.. v. i:; y J?i Iri:i.-;i- .

hi-- - It-- - .r. - b-t.t:;:'; illv em rv-t- . '1

"I : .;I' ::- - ili- - K .1 i;; i!.i- - J:-- t: :. ! . v. itLIu tl.- -

l.i-- t h;i!l" Vt-:t- liut- - !;' !;: I i 1 I ill '.!; Jirflll- -

i.n--- . ."!:. i tlic.---- i n i i 1 i ii i: .. us I in v

ii..- - ( l!:tl. il" I i:ii-:..l.- i- i.nt. wii.'i aII- -' ,ii i loi k i !i;;i it:;!!y uimn ih iac-t- as

t:.'-- ;ii- - i '.. 'ji-.- i u:n. !;.' us), will nabl yurs t' i! - fur ii.. i.i- -. l . - w l.c.l.i-- r I am

' or su.uiil-iuiii'l- . il.""Tl.i- - J :rt i.f t!:- - -t. in which I rt-i.- l.'"

ti-i- l ,.,!- -. ;.. if the-- .' !.:.- -. t'rciil tin"1..-- . n it 1,' i:..v:i .,!;.- - ii. 1. Tin- - -r lli.l 1 .it! I..:', lu-i-n- . l'i'ot-l.i:i- t

M:houl-- . . 1 1 ii nut h.i'.i .i tiu.-;- i iu thi-- allin., . illy !'i'.u-:..:- it.

Tin: Ii'--.- u!i.' ! 1 iu- - in nii'-t- l ti.-- ti..t m-.--

I lain -- in wus II. 1.. i: ol t!,.' jiiibli- -

chu-.-- Ihlt J- .' ir!., .i ni'.ihl hy I In- - l.ii.ii:iLriu-i- -il i;i tin iw v. - ,.,1..,. , , j ,, ,:i,t li.r tin

ill'lu'l I v.! . t t ti w uiir l.'i.m rs1 .1 M'l v. i;u. I

i ti.i- - ci.:;;.-!- -

-- u.-i i . i .: r Hal ll:.-;.- i

of i:..i' . .!.! i!- - ail liuin i

Uiiui.. :..:;. a 1 .i . i; i . - ainl l:o liiuro.1 li- niil li.Hi Im i i' lla." I.i- -; in 1 ;;!- - ail v uh- -

thfi.-to- . li'.i: tlil'l; !cliKiiiii t!. tit. in-li- t

tlint th' iiniii'1-- s li U-- it oil tin- - Iiiilnl of l!i..-- i- whoWt-l- - iii'iii; i I 1 1 : i wi.ii that ,. ii'h-iii.iii- . w t

in tl.i- - iii-liii- .t. in .Julv. i.::. mil through tl.i ;n.i.; il t!n- - Cuii.'.llilliitV. w.:? ';,(., .,..','-';.- . us.

It iliii Hut th.-ii- . if .1...-.- - il iinw, al'ii-- r n.i.u- - ;a.t-t- ui

- ro:i-i.- l. i ii'.ioii. :t itv 11 .t ri":i lit ciiiuo fur al'lo Hit l.. r. lit a of I'luti-.-tali- t 'ii I.l

il.i- - iils a'.l wi-iil- h it to say :t few Wuiii--iiJ- -i

11 itiu; ti ulhf.iliM 'it :t il infalsi huuij. in.t f h )m-t- to liuli- - urns sruilty

1 liitii- - oiii-- s i.l ii-- n arc uf aotiriij.riiiiiiiLT triih-- s

iiut t!i-i- r own : ta.r cm:'... if si--- -

l.y the nio-- t caiiful ii!sj..vti..n. lew a sin.j ie j.rnyi r f. r thel!esi!iw: i f (Sod ujioii the scIiih I, and even lin-- th: ni:etits ofJiuj.i!, coilid : rieard'd, iu ciniaon with cxjio.-tulatio-

iifctaiu-- t juv-.-nil- sin, in ' s- - i tarian." Vet. as it was p

rejM rtcd, .loin d.sliicts iii which the schools h id jrevi..u;ybeen d, .10 it was l. ui.d le re, that Hot a word was tole said in ..reins u iilary li. sp. I .ieicj.t. These thin;;were ti'-- l il'.ui.'.I.iliy t'itit. Ai.d il eti-in...r- e prayer wereLri.-f'- to be u'.lovti .i. it vvii 01 !y :i 11 favor iind Willi tie- -

ditioii of ) reiuptory brevity and can lulu. s i I diction !

It had teen n or.ed that ext. tnj.ore pr.iyeis o, tl.e schoolsw.-i-.- t- - be j.ut iiud. r tin- - ban and n f..rin if prayer rend thefoi 111- -r bein ph.uiiy sectnriaii " and the latter rhtirty

n.ii-se- . tarmii." II. arduij this ri Krt I inijuired of the In-- sj

ector li. . He nsur. d lu-- r that tic- -(pl.-stio- of a form of

r I r the school ha I tu ver coine l elore the board. Atthat s in.e time ! hud in my that a form ofj.r.iyer, tltti.jind f - the j.uliiic school- -, lia.l len i. visdatthe ipae- -t ol a I. .1.I.111; iii. i.ii. r of the Hoard, and Hubs, .pi.-nt-l-

w.- - have "by authority of th- - I'.i.trd of f.iluc.ition a ofjV ay. r lo ! c sal t" ia t!i-- public

Ly th- - time the r- - iti. .11 of the sclinoM lia ! be. 11 f.

11 su-- i ici'.n in more minds than 11 V own had been awak-ened th;. I si ct a iiiii." as up ;.i, d lo Common schools, hadit i't - ti It'll ii ..itin.J. N.-- r was tin supi.-ioi- i s nibiy jiilay.--when, subsi-fp.i- t.y. my the Cutholic j.riest,was I und p :ni about amoi e- -t !'r. faiuili.- - and i -i . t --

in.; that tin ir daughters rleiild be 111' ;. d tu in cult; to boti si h in Honolulu, and his de-ma-

n .71 11 It Iter from the Sellout Insjitctor tirnira,w hich he i xhibia .1. And Mibseipieiilly, n mo d with authorityfrom the same the. j.t itst entered a 1'rotcst.itit scliot.)i. e , a scli. m.I Consisting entirely of l'roti stant children de--

n. Iii.k' that all the b..y. sh'.uid I"- - tranb-rre- to his sehoolin Uu- - yard of the Catholic Church, Hecause, however, the.j. s ha.l tie-a- l icity n..t to ' se th it Soil of lion-sec-

iri iniiu, and s i refused to tii ir children to him. hew.iX'd warm an ! thrt .it.-n- t d to con: J. el them thereto by an

hj.jieul to ihe lnsp-cli- .r llciieral, who. he declared, hadsos.ure.1 him that all the I'r. t- - staiit b. ys of that school shouldbe put into his sch".. I ! This is Ihe substance of the account asriven uu-- reK-atcd'.- I y the uts of the district connected

vv ith the rx;!,o. 1.

Noe, after mucli of this Jnn-- e style of .-, in makingour j.ubiic schools " n.ia-s- . ct irian," can it be a matter cf sur-j- .i

i. e lo any timt a j.retty dear definition of u"ii-ectar:-

. I.o Is " was lUV.liiilly woikn.i; its way into my head?Fairly stab d, th- - a r imrt-iitl-

y h- -l l by t!i-- Honrdol ,1m! Ufa I ion. is just this : Schnos in irhiilt Prott stauAor-- fio rijlitst 1 1 it m tr tlirir own rhittlrt , but in vhirhRum. in Catholic (ami so J'ir ax nj'l't urn tiny tiltd nil tithtrslinwtir to 1'iot 1 stit n t ism ) iittrr lull Utility not only to con-

trol thtir oun ehildrt n, but those oj Prott stunt an ictll." ll.iw.iii'" is rijwht !

l t. en matters had coiiif this j as certain that we h idsmur rights, and 1 iiinlly certain that an attack like that namedi. bovo uja.n our rifibts was a -- ross abuse I wrote the Inspect-or n. ral. alluded to the fai-- narrated above, and itiiiiireJ ifthe-r-- jiorts hi in Ihe matter were true,

at the sain.: t ine 1113-- conviction tint it was not lair

for hini. as A j.ubiic oUic-i- -, nor yet for the Hoard ofIM11. r.i 11. thus tu abuse ti.- - ir ofii.-ia- l authority lor the j. rose- - j

1 tiuir of Hawaiian I'rolestnnt to Hoji.-ry- .

Ilis reply w.13 iu courteous; yet there are excej-tio- ;

to this. 11H'd be ajijiar-ii- t. The cardinal j.oints involvedar.-- . h .wt v.-r- , s!a:-- d. at .1 it is my own fault il theyare in theirc'iaracter and bearing niisaiiurehendtd.

1 he 1 .isp- c;.r ..vol s his preference f.r and recommendationof tie- - 11. man 'ath)ic school in Honolulu, and his j urj.i.s-- tort-j- . lac-ou- r I'rotest.uit j.ubhi-scho- t.-i- h-- rs by tenchi-- i s fr 111

th it school, so far as he sh-ii- l see lit I. f.. to rejilact? I'rolesluliti.ers with Io nian t'athi tic ; and with j.rofound

le - that ' he cannot conceive how such a. her canj.. c b- - a ft.urcf i f ii'mni to ihe rfliinus of any

sound-- ii'd.-- J.ei-oii- ." 1 betf thep. r. Ion, I ut I canii. t l.. ' ti.inki:i.r' that it Honnin Catholicteacher h.-- l : bus b.--- in Catln.'.io school?i f . in s iiool- - C"i,sisi:i . f K.atciu Calh.-li- jmj.iis, or il ;h-- I'r

: tant mnn.--t. r had ventured in... a Hon. an Catholic schoolan such tu errand a the j ries.'s, specified ab..v . with the1 .fn-- i .1 iiii;.rint'it i r. unl esp.-e- illy had a 1'rotes! ant fchool

.,v I ly 'be j.urj.ose to iu thuss i th- - I 1:11 ...ii- i.s i f i'opery for the advanta-- " of I'm- -

I ! I cin.t help tiiinkiiiir that he 1107,'d "havehe-- na'-!- t o - i:ce. v.- - b os' -- uch a e iir-..- - of j.i.s-e.-il- could be as nr. - of :;!..rai I. t he iei.t-- .11: if riiiij.. r.-- i.s."

An 1 b. si.l that, I 1. a j r- - tty .1- cid.-.ll- iliv.m't i:oiba: Ii 11. n ' ' ar, an I inn. 111. broad-!.!.- .-

wen- - tin 11 verv 11 uch to :he ta-t- .- of the pres. nt Inspectorli-- n., w!.. r. ii. a !.iti 1 :' th - existiui; j rovocatiou th- - r.f rh id I 'i i. by !:.- - th-- n li iv. rnint nt.

Th- - 1 T Mir - v is a .t a tn'.n.x Hut thi is Frot-- -. .nt- - '

isi:, .no t' t:mt , ai d I am r.ot un.ovaie thisii. ...1 ail the: diileience i the world, in certain minds. l ie- -

o is ai- - 110 ioi v-- r i tari m." siy- - t!..- - ln. ci..ri . I'r -! ai t chi' lr- - 11 c nip ii ir entire s. h.-'-- l a: 110 h.n.--nri i r lh-- ! conai l f I'r. t. j. .rents. 'Phut would be scctn- -

net. l'..i'. by lb- - 1 i .1 ...." in 1 d by tl r I. .mi i

.."! f. tht-- ait to tin Inut tlttjrtr l'.nl.t itwl. e.i-- i ! T" be -- urc. t .e -- c!:o .; may b- - iu the Koican Citho- -I..- - h..rch-yar- aid un.b r th-- s ie car- - i f th- - J.r.. st. but even

1: v. s ti" taitit ol olli ial " s. ct iriani-ni.- " Th rs av x; r- - "he h t taken away l!i- - nt i harac- -

t r of s. h -- ! " I hi is dci-iv- -. t l"r .test- - '

i utb r a siinp'i-r.- iv r or t- tivh v ith th- - tij of it h::!elin.-.-r- . any of t!.e common s. h" i. an I, jacsto ! we have ra:n-j.- .i

t ini ij':ci i! ovtarianism. !

No it would I.- - n- - si ;it!it .:.facti n to many Fr-in ti. ki: ' I ai.i Mtr.-- . c- ui i they 1111 ! I l ow 11 t- - ol-- i

v j.r. syst 111 ol turniiu ovi-- r our rr iesunt sl-1.-'. N lot'ath It t" I e con.-f-.l-.-- .I r ex u-- . d. 1 y a r i

a i u a f .rtnnia . f r. i.l- -. t.r by f i ii w hic!i are to our.iliii! coi-p- r. I - i.s 11. constantly violated in j.ractice.

We cire a'-- . :t ti e j.rivate views of l;. :..:-iii- r, ihta'.out i!. j.oi-c- of the Hoard of Fdiit-ation- , loutf at itiyrtu tict. ri jht. Nor din s it sutlioe t ns to lirre andIt er. . a iii.x. I s !'.! of I i-u J. irties. ov. r wh:ch aI'r. - slant t c!i-- r h f r the tiin- - beins placed. W e -- et tb-.-- e ara 1 xi;.; :ional c is-- , and we sr.: s .methii'iT ncreeven !h in thnt, or at we think, w- - see. that, th- - y are t x- - :

c ; ti m n iti 11 tut mi intj. And w hen the sch I Irjn.-cto- r

IS :: i ll U- -, :.s lie i .. that iio.withsw.i:. 1: n' lh- -oi:"..-- . 1 c.- n- ct.ii iani-in !' hi otVn-iu- ! c urc. h- j i s . o";.-- i illy

to patr.mi.'.- - K inati Catle l.e sch.-- . in Honolulu, an 1 when byhi tt'n-i- ii t!aei, j.nt f it !i t!.r. i;'!i the a.'ency 1 f I'. .;iij r: to obt 1111 and proselyte Hrotestaiil jiirls tin-r-

1 t!i--- send t h in a 111 srie.l, w(.. the J.'lpiisar- - a. I l'rotetai I and ail tins Lecau-- e tor-oo- tli the sclio-d- t

ar- - n.-- t n.c - f rm-r- ly -.- iaria-i- ( '.). we h- -- to declineir.ijii:.- - in the j r...-- - of tu'.:iticati.:i th a't-iup- t- d.J,' j.r,.f..; n.siv. re itiw-.- what tio-- i nrj oit p. be and nameswere thi-.-.'s- :.b won! I - well eiioneh. an 1 1 -- j ci illy a th- - In- -

speet.T i. ii-- r.l "has ruiined '.bat notbins seitarian shailfind .ntr.ui.v to the li..l-" .lurini.' hi admtnis-.ratioii- .

Hi, tlr.a j.r f hot j.r icticc. and nann t are notti.aiw.--". A !' j.i-- li n arshaiied I y a I'oj.i-- h priest, and f

I 1 ! y authority int ! c taj-..- ;! s y of I'r .v-ta- n:

hil !r- n are Xor unsict iri.ia. Imciu-- c the . arj of F.. I ionor iis ex.-- . ir.ive oth cl t tht-i- such. And it isa-- i niMi.t. le t only to I'r li slant:.-:-n. but to the cou.moii sense - f:,!! ;. j l . in the :".o-- of .1. i c re fict are daily spr .a 1

0:.' i re us. to :t in ctiiiuil tl.- - tu so.An :'.--- r p. u., l.d as part f t!:- - ! '.i. y of the Hoar !

i f K i n- - iti. i: w.-- is and acts n can any thin., i. tiiat iart fil" ;

art to hull io voift uhutrier in the Sttrti iii ol tt.ichtisr 1 1, r 1 r c.i, Jft n. and with tiiis wroiv i uj 11 thetn. it is


II l ai-- .i y -- ratifying t- th-- tn to have a H- mi-- ii j.riests. -- nilicaa'.iy t!.--t- :'.tt he nj. iitfiuenft a to this u.a'.Urwith th-s-- !. ! I: .p-ct- or Henera!. and will ue ii P. J articu- -I iriy when th-- y h..v-ev- i.i n lit it 1 i n; it t st.ati-li th-- ir

ciii .lr--'- i lr ai th- - ir own control. Tin y fe-- 1 on th-t- n iftt.. did not f elj that to be thus r hi -- 1 of their ri.'ht?.an I if frrifii Ki! coir roll. in,' iat-re- st in th- - t in ati ! of '

p.. ir own . iiii iren. is -- radinj to th-- ir m inho.l ant . "i - r -- !.t . f c .i.s. ienoe. I: is a cru-- thru-ti- nj tl.-- ui I ack

a ...i.ii.i.i.' r'nthes, and ev.ry tru-- fn-- n l of tin- - HawaiianJ..-- c r.ut feel th- - "rievous wrotiii: ihus done t'e-m- . And i

wh . ai!'. 1:- 1- to hk. i the sjcial em, that r- - n - rs it t

so ..' 1 l ... r 'tin in th-- ' of th- - J.- -. Se a iaiar-- lidll'-a- -j

I ;o i si 10 i;.; ,,e ii,..- - it- les. ani cunmuiiiiy me ji ..- - -- e w.ucnth. y ! v- - s . u-f- and ns-- d it w. li t ".. of c t

an i ! - the r - t. t h- r ? F 11 li of y ur re., s cma- - o i.i ' fro- .1 hi own oj.ini n ' f thi ipiestioii and not a few,as th- - j I tin f a-- kn.own. will under-tv- d th it th re can bei.o'hin..' .pi i .t i ou. ti. i bin - ur si f- - in b avin- - r.i! former ri- -

- v .' : ' -- i;' t !. U r- - 'iV !. i::iic- - . ! !.rr" ! rn

f.l'-- t in! ,rr,j. t.rf ,- -, , r; , - u rj u f ( Cll" ' I.. ..!"-

T:.- - -:- i!:r-.- J...I;l i'TV i f the II 'ir !, w.j w it, 14 rf pr i't:i:-l'- :i rif r.i ;N-r- . i.f.'y N vr.i.- - f.T-- th-i- :.

j r.ty ..j the ; p r in t: - n i f thrir .!.t vr. r- voice j: the .1 ftl if c!...i (in tvn-i.-.-- ;i

u Veri.1!'.--:.- : ::.-.- . I y ; r ul r.--r.- -,i in wr.-in- Ii:. a t!..- - I: rf Kaucikl: ui anj the

i free i j : n i I ?. nrnurnf nt ) asui. 1 r t.V: f rn.rr In-- .

t- - t irh 1 scici t schutuSin r rr. r- - jri ti. tl r:.--! -, in with the vit.ilit t- - f :h-i- r cli.l-.Jrrti'- edue itni-t- t!;an the ii.hahstai-t- s fAs. ?, -I . l.

Ai.d h:t !Ve t- - th: .le:-.t:- c i.!icy ff th- - P. ar.l. a noru' aj.ect to trietid t . re, U the fact. II. ntt'.'.-- Ii !. :hr Hi:!, in ..:hj r is kiruilyh --c iu- - . .in.- - i.f . i: r .h'.. U.;r:ct -iy -J hy I'r te-t:- it

.r-.-iit- s hive JartJ to lliur r.wrl.ts to their i'uchiiiir-- n la l F..- ha e i..-- ln-e- ai.i-- - to ee that the l..licycf the ? rs t J le :i:.y thau th o'.J utse i ftulxed

And rh. n it is!y know n that t y this new i f"eievali'..' th-- : c i;;i..i." thi" le (tluit - ty

the v apart f r thr- - or tur hour enrh srf-.-.- .

day.) th.- - eh-- I !r-- are ijh!:i;.-- in in seTeraJ c- i. two t.rthr-- mi;.- - tlit J ts mt iZtmj uu Iht utu. in tt ciudr , r.i-- itut, which i:i ruit.y are it:i.a.-tl.i- days toir-- ti r

I Miy th. - thiiii: r-- - irenerally kt.vwn. 4h-r- .

4ei !e th-r.-- : IV..:.tatit 1 a'. ui.a::. lail t- - ee the w. li. r- -f

jl i.f this much v:,u:.t .1 specific fr anstate i f ii.A'inl niurahty. Indetil if the couibini d wisdom i fthe j: v. ri1i- i.i c.iji 1 d- - vis.- - & ui. .re uiiphiit.-i...iica- l r ui- re

:upi.I pi. in f.r t xntinj rtrrumi; iiirfi, i

l pr.p'.sol, it sur.-I- w.uhl he little to the credit of theirI o.juiuii.n

W ith i:' !p--:- i : set. a..!- -, however, the jh.hj.1-- ; cuuli not If"iii"; sjttftztj into any tit aired A.j;.r Co .oof a ; i. r usf hi. !so, p. inj.-tit sch'. is ire frjwn-.- . Ilae m. if they re t- - be Trote-tau- t.

I'.. ii wr to sou.e r "f unj ieasai.t urjric on lenrn-i-v-- "cf the mow m-T- in tav-- nf i i lepeinletit sch-Is- , th In-

spect, r tien- - ral very kiiil'y infirn.s me that "it truly may b-- ;

w.Tth t). uhil-.- - an i in iu IttcoTiit fit duly uf the I:ipt.vtortt iin t t i'jate the cutitm" that have In! this j

thi.nk that th.-- had some ri,;li:s of their own and for veiitur-iiii- .'to ak the Hoard of K.iucatiou to concede them, when he

si a!! n.-x- t vi.--i: thi district The rca h-- r can I as well as he uaiy fancy to he the j.articular jmitit in the ijiiotalioiiahuve, ui.d--rs- c r.-- d in j.ail by uiyself. Can it he a crime toassert oi.e's manhood, in the Inspector General's view, it is ita crime only i!i t'rot.-sfants- to desire h recoftnki n of the rightswhich (.! has .ven and of which alone would Seek torol. t,. in. Hut it matters i.nt.

Th'-r- me some thiiiu'S. thank i..d, that in) J'.-- l poweron ei.rth cm control; and one of them i the as.-rti.ii- i r.f one'sriifl.t to himself and to the inheritance which iod, r.ot .

has itiveii him. 'Iht ltapiisiti .n may for a sia.-n- , rejircas theserising hut time mi 1 truth are stroiijr-- than allin.U:sitii.ns. jM.litical or religious; and these will as surely winas richt is ri.-h-t and iio.l is ti..l. K. H.

Kol.a'.n, Hawaii, Ajuil, j'.

Sur-i- e Court, April Tt-rm- , I Slid.TYt ( 'liicf .Jii-ti- cc Allt-n.aiu- l Assticiatt- - .Tu-t- ii

i Ivohi-rtsoi- i ainl Havis..'fa 's. 7.'.'f.i ;o't' C'liaroi-i- l w ith furious riilinjr.

when liv tin- - in roiial sali-l- ami lift- - of Mr. Thrumw i'iv of tiuilty. Fine 10(

ami cu-t- s. Tin Aetiii'; Atturnt-- v for tinCi'iiwn : A. I JiiiK!. fur tin1 luisuiifr.

.'.. vs. '.',' ( "hat-jiv- l vvii'i lui'triTV 0!' a tax ro-- iii-ip- t. "crti!it of guilty. Souti-i- cl to thrct- -

luuiiias iaipiisoiiiiit-i- at hard lain r, ttiul t.) ay aIi in of ami Thv' Aetiii"; Atturiii'y (lon-- 1

i'ral for l ho Crown : A. F. Jtuld. for the jiri- -

on.-r- .

.'..r vs. Mftiit"' ihirglary and larceny. Ver-

dict uf nut "ruiliy.J.' x vs. Kulttimt llurjilary and lari--n- y. A'er-di- cl

uf trinity, ami sentenced to imjirisonineiU athard labor lor four years.

1't.e vs. KitwiiHiiifi.t Larceny. Verdict of notguilty.

.' v. Alum f 'harfred with house-hreaUin- ir

and larceny of goods troin the stun of 1 IMhi-ge- r.

Motion to the indictnieiit. on the groundthat the indictment was not juvjtaivd. sign'd andjin-sciiie- by any legally authorized i.flL'er, hut hy

C. Harris. as Ai ling Attorney (iem ral. forhe was also Minister of e. mid these ollicesare ineoiuji-atild- e and incongruous. Argued at fulllength, and tin- - Court overruled the molioii Jus-tice Iavi discn:3ng. Case tried hi-for- a jury,ami a verdict ol guilty obtained. Counsel movedan arrest of judgment, on the saint ground as pre-vious motion. Me.-.-r-s. Jones ami Judd argued forthe motion, and Jlis Excellency C. C. Harrisairaint it. The Court decided that though no onel.'rsun could hold two commissions as Cabinetoliiecr. and la nce Mr. Harris could not be bothAttorney ( h neral and Minister of Finance, yet theKing, as the livecutive. had the power to issue an'Acting" commission whenever an exigency de-

manding it might, arise, and of which he tilnue wasthe judge. Justice I lavis was of the opinion thatthe commission of March 20. to C. C. Harris.Ksil.. as Acting Attorney (o-neral- . and accejited byhim. vacated and was a surrender of the formercommission of Minister of Finance. Motion over-

ruled, and prisoner sentenced to live years impris-onment at hard labor. The Acting Attorney (Jen-cr- al

lor the Crown : A. V. Judd. Ksq., for the pris-oner, assisted II. II. Stanley and AV. C.Jones. Ksqs.

i.'ij' vs. W'tiUtfr Oifenso on the high seas in-

citing a mutiny on schooner Albino. A wilejirs tpi.i entered.

Jt't.r vs. J.jiM. .fiHtffiuu Assault w ith a danger-ous weajion. Motion to quash indictment fur du-

plicity in joining two otr.-nce- s in one count. Motionsustained and prisoner discharged. The ActingAttorney Ci-nera- l for the Crown; AW C. Jones.K-q- .. fur the prisoner.

vs. Ai.H Charged with house-breakin- g andlarceny of goous from the store of C. F. I linger.A i"'.' trt,j.(', entered: but. on new evidenceb.-in- ili.-c- o ei'i-- ami a fresh commitment made,the prisoner was indicted again, and remanded fortrial at the next Term. The Acting Attorney (len-er- al

for the Crown: li. II. Stanley. Ksq.. for thepr.u:icr.

K .u;, and A'o' o.- - vs. i.- - Fjeetni.-ii- t plain-till- s

iiun-uiie- d. II. Thompson. fur jilainlitfs ;

A. I'. Judd. F-q- .. for defendant.A!, t.ri vs. A i. t and ll.ii'tu I'ebt to recov-

er the Mini of .j "J.')"..' . lost at g. iming. Judgment forMe.-- s: Judd and Thompson loi'plain-tiif- :

II. II. Stanley. Esq.. fur. u'.o '.!, 1! r.'.s. vs. .. h't"ti ( f.'.s--. This cast,

involving the right to tin- - use of tin- - church at.Vainiea. Kauai, i an appeal limni a Kauai Iis-tri- ct

Court, and i- -" still before the Court a.s we goto press.

fOf;i Advick. Uishop Lynch (Roman Cithclic)of South Carolina, in a recent Fcrnion in St. 1'nt-riok- 's

C ithe, his auditors this piece of goodadvice :

I would now proffer you a word of counsel onanother subject. Now that the war is over, all rem-iiint- s.

of inimical spirit should disappear. Set asideall rancor and hatred, and enter into the enjoymentsof peace. During the pist few years many thingshave ma le men at the North and South Litter enemies.The war is over, and all spirit of revenge should pa"3away. This is true chut ity. If these teachings and

ns of the church had more prevailed six yearsa", the ili-ast- cf the war would not hive takenplace. They must now prevail, and the church havefree scope. I know tiiat the interests of commercewill do much and we'd they should towards thiiend. lut they are, after all, specified understand-ings, guarded by a matter of calculation, each party

to attain Sutue pecuniary gain. The occa-sion calls louder for something greater, wherein allcan unite, not in a spirit cf calculation, tut in aspirit of kindness ar.d paciSeatiou. Then our tern- -pics will be rebuit, and the oM and the young, therich and the poor, once more worship together.Anzer, thn, should vanish, and calmness, love, andgood feeling reign in its stead. I trut God will blesy .ur efforts, f.r there are great interests at stake;liie-- s your efforts to supply my deficiencies, that youmay t e b!esed in this life in the Church of God, andthat you will all one day te united iu the Kingdomof cur Father in Heaven.

Simxir's Amexi-mext- . Sumner's amendment isas follows : " Representation shad be apportionedamong the several SratCo which shall be included iuthis L'tiicn according to their respective numbers,jvhich shall l e determined by taking the whole num-ber of per, iis excluded from the eiecrive franchisein any State, except f ir participation in the rebellion ,from the basis of representation therein, and theresh ill be returned the proportion which the nnmbercxciuJed bears to the whole number of male citizensover the age of twenty-on- e years to such State."

1 y FeltraplL :ml IN I ail.It is HwTiin repined th-i- : Alexin Jr Dumas issuing

to America on a hoiuritig tour.So fir, 1 nly cue national tank has failed that at

Attica, N. V. r. 1 its circulation is redeemed at par.Hnm Rf NTs--. The rent piuic, with which we were

aSicted alt ut this time Is- -t year, threatens to takehold of us with lenewtd vigor this season. Land-holder have decided to double and treble their rents,and if l'J.t'".' new houses were built before the firstof May, they would not aeeennm-lat- ail the famineswho wiii be fuUScless. .V. 1". lKtprr.

The New York Ti iluue says etlorts .are making byHenry J. Rivtm nd. Lewis 1). Campbell and othersto rgauize political action in support of the Presi-dent, and Raymond being Chairman of the Natim-a- l

Republican Mxccutive Committee, au attempt will bemade to control the machinery of that organization.

The New York Times (Seward) says: ' It is geu-era'.i- y

undeisUu l that the Recoiisdruetiou Cottiiuitteehave abandoned all hope of getting any propositionto amend the Constitution through the Senate. IfCongress d. es not have a care it will go to thewall iu its great Controversy with the I'resii'ent,just because it will not do auything. Memberscan't agree on a policy, and so Cougress tloats towardruin."

Washington's Birthday was a leg tl holiday in NewYoik this for the Srst time, under an act of thelast Legislature.

Mrs. Jeff. Davis and her two children arrived atCairo, March US. 0:1 the steamer Luminary, ac-

companied by Colonel Jenkins. The party go toLouisville en route for Canada.

The American Hoard of Missions at Roston receivedin January, making a total since September

1st of i loO.Sr-G- ; American Bible Society's receiptsin January, 5:73.511, of which 8ri0,73' were for sales;American Missionary Association, 5r'J'2.31G; BaptistMissionary Union, SG.O'JO; making 575,141 fromApril 1 to January 31, an increase of 572-2,04-

7 abovelast 3 cur.

The vote on the passage of the Civil Rights billover the veto in the Senate will not be reached tillApril C. It is hoped that, iu the meanwhile, thevacancies trom New Jersey and Vermont will be tilledby Republican Senators.

The Georgia Legislature has passed n bill makinghouse burning and burglary at night offences' punish-able with death.

Ghxhuai. The Washington correspondentof the Ihtllt tin, February 22 i, says there is a rumoratioat that Gen. Sutter who ia still there, and whohis made a very favorable impression u;-o- n SecretarySeward, will be appointed Minister to the Netherland.

Thk Mexican Loan. The Washington corres-pondent t f the Boston Post says : The Mexican Loanpnject should be thoroughly understood, as it willdoubtless be reported back favorably by the Commit-tee and pass the House. The correspondent adds :

These bonds, to the amount of fifty millions, havealready a nominal value in the market, having beensold in gtoss for 5. 5,( 10,000 to a wealthy combina-tion, which is now bent upon carrying the resolutionof guaranty through Congress, iu order to secure theinairnificeut results that must eusue. This conibina- -

j tion will pay a labulous sum for lobby expenses, andI it is proposed to give the scheme every semblauce of

legitimacy, by going so far as to secure the sauctionof the Fedeial Government to the equipment ofseveral thousand men, ostensibly for service in the

j cause of Juarez. All these expenses paid, the vast'

surplus of S25.0O0.U00 will be divided among themovers of this gigantic swindle. It is the biggestlobby job of late years.

Messa.i: of the I'iiesioest Mexican Affairs.Washington, March 22. The President transmit-- !

ted to the House to-da- y over one thousand pages ofmanuscript correspondence on the resources aud con- -'

dition of Mexico. It dates hack from this month twoor three years. Most of it has been published.

The friends of the Mexican Republic are circulat-- jing a piiuted statement showing that French inter-vention has created a debt which Maximilian seeks toimpose upon thecountry, amounting to Sl'J2,0G2,OO0,wholly in favor of France, to which should be addedthe foieign debt of 632,500 recognized by theRepublic in lbC2, and to adjust which the interven-tion was nominally begun, (t is further assertedthat Napoleon has expended 150,000.000 in addi-tion to the above in his attempt to establish the Im-

perial throne. The annual expenditures of Maximil-ian, including the interest on the debt, are stated at

while the expenses' of the Republicwere only 811,000,000. The interior debt of Mexicohas been entirely extinguished by sale of churchproperty.

The following telegram, which appears among theofijcial records here, shows that up to the latter partof July last, the authority of Congress in the restora-tion of the civil government was acknowledged :

Wasiiixcton, July 24th, 1865.To II. Li. Skar.ey, Provisional Governor of Mis-

sissippi : fYour telegram of the 12th instant has been re-

ceived. The President sees no reason to interferewith Gen. Slociim's proceedings. The governmentof the State will be provisional only until the civilauthorities shall be restored with the approval ofCongress. In the meanwhile the military authoritycannot be withdrawn.

(Signed) Wm. II: Seward.There has been no fatal case of cholera in Paris

since the 14th of January. The epidemic made itsappearance on the 15th of September, 1805, and inthe course of the four intervening months carried offti.SSS persons: The greatest mortality on any oneday was on the 14th of October, when 230 deathswere recorded. During the first fortnight in Janu-arj- -,

the rate was almost stationary at one or twoper diem. In 182 the cholera raped for six monthsand a few days, and made 15,000 victims. In the space of seven months anil ten days. 11,000individuals perished ; and in 1853 4 it lingered forthirteen months, during which there occurred 7, COO

fatal cases.

The Navy Department is about sending asopiadronto the fishing banks of Newfoundland to protectAmerican interest. No trouble is apprehended, butit is desirable to have a force on hand. Late Londonadvices indicate that the F.nglish Government willtiot insist on driving the American fishermen fromt tie waters though there may be some delay in es-

tablishing our rights, following the abrogation ofthe Reciprocity Treaty.

The M'orl l says the flying squadron, to be fittedout f.r a cruise on the British North American coast,it is said, consists of seven vessels in all. It is prob-able the vesr!s selected will be the ChniUtnooi ,Pcns'ichltt , .Iriatlnr, .i?gis.'rt: At mocicy, Osceol-- t

and the Galena. The above named vessels mount iuthe aggregate eighty-si- x guns. At the present timethere are over twenty vessels belonging to the Kng-lis- h

in those waters, and they are nearly all largevesse;s. mounting in the aggregate about one hun-dred guns, aial carrying over seven thousand men.France has a!-- o quite a number of vessels cruisingamong the Wo,c India islands and in the Gulf ofMexico.

The First Veto of a Soitk Carolina Governor.Under the old Constitution of South Carolina, the

veto power was not vested in the Governor, but thenew Constitution has conformed iu this respect to thatof the other States. The first occasipn of the exer-cise of this newly given power by Governor Orr, wasin regard to " An Act to amend the patrol laws."which in fact the Police regulationswith regard to freedmen. which had once controlledth-- as slaves. The Governor says that, havingaccorded freedom to .he African rice in their midst,the people of South Carolina are bound by duty andj Hey alike " to give him all the conco.mittnts ofwhat he regards as so great a b'-on.-" Eastern paper.

This dees not lok as if the leading men of theSouth are not acting in good faith. j

is an evidence that those at the head r.f affairs are hon- -

estly determined to do all in their rower to ti."Ve local j

regulations to conform to the new condition of affairs. j

The New York Times'1 correspondent "ays the de--bate preceding the vote asssumed a different form J

than wa expected at the opening of the question, j

negro suffrage being withdrawn as an issue, leaving j

the application of Colorado to stand upon the policy j

r.r impolicy cf admitting a young Territory of the,, west, with a mere village population, onan equality in the House and influence in the Senateequal with the great States of New York, Pennsyl-vania and Ohio. This subject h is for some timeengaged the attention of the Senate, aud the resultd'':clooes the settled purpose among its members of

loth political parties to eppow, hereafter, the admis-sion of new States until the p. pulatu n shall equalthe basis of representation for a member of Congress.It wa shown to-d- iy that it was r.jticab!e for anindividual, ambitious of Senatorial or other otlicialhonor, with good uiaaap-mcn- t and reasonable finan-cial resources, to literally cirry the desfiny of asparcely populated territory in his breeches pockets.The inequality i f representation like this ws, byMr. Wade, likened to the roiton borough system ofl.uroi.. Montana. New Mexico anil other aspirant"for State privileges, must now make up their popu-lation several fol 1 greater than they had expected toget along with.

Bkital Treatment cf Fkkeov.en. WAMiisaroN.March 1st A mob of the Copperhead rufliaus ofGeorgetown, incited by bad whisky aud a diabolicalspirit of enmity to the negro, last night combined inan unprovoked and brutal assault on a number ofthe freedmen cf this city, driving theui from theirhomes, sacking their houses, and indulging iu va-

rious other riotous demonstrations. Firearms wereused duriug the melee, but no casualties have thusfar been reported. The Inference is natural that tothe success of the rebels at the recent municipalelection and the President's late speech may te at-

tributed the disgraceful demonstrations ou the unof-fending blacks which have lieen made under thoshadow of the Capitol since the veto of the Freedmen's bill. .

Ri TeleuuaI'H. Congress haspassed and Presideut Johuson approved a joint reso-lution requiriug the Secretary of the Navy u detaila steam vessel from the Pacific squadron to assist inlaying the submarine cable across Behring's Strait.It appears that the Russian Government has alreadydetailed the steaiu corvette I'arlav, cf seventeen

i guns and three hundred and six men. to be placedat Ihe disposal of the company, which has seven ves- -

! sels in readiness to depart from San Francisco andVancouver. The reports accotnpan ving the resolti- -

i tion set .forth that this cable across Bchring's Straitswill ultimately connect 200,000 miles of telegraph in

j Asia and iu L'urope, and 10 ,000 in America. Wemay. after all, soon be receiving our L reign newsfrom London and Paris via California and Hongkorg.

Good Reports from the South Gen. Howardhas received letters from Gen. Wm. P. Richardson,commanding the District of Rastern South Carolina,and from a resident of that district, which give anunusually favorable account of the relations betweenthe whites and the blacks. Gen. Richardson says allthe freedmen are cuployed for the present year. Theplanters unhesitatingly confess that they are workingmuch better than wiieu they were slaves, and theyare showing their confidence in the freedmen byplanting as largely as their capital and land willpermit. One gentleman at Society Hall offers froru62.J cents to 5. 1 per day, besides a share in the crop.Another gentleman says he would not be willing toreturn to the old system of slavery, as his profits arenow larger, and ho has much less trouble with thehands ou the plantation.

A distinguished ludy of title has sent a communi-cation to the French academy announcing the dis-

covery of the cause of cholera to be a tnicrosoopioinsect. The savaus laughed at the idea nt firat, butafter hearing her essay, ordered an investigation.

The following letter from President Johuson toGovernor Sharkey appears in the voluminous reportto Congress concerning the process of reorganizationiu tho Southern States :

Executive Mansion, Aug. 15, 18G5.Governor Win. L. Sharkey, Jackson (Miss.): I urn

gratified to see that you have organized a Conventionwithout difficulty, ami hope without delay the Couveution will amend the State Constitution abolish-ing slavery ami denying future Legislatures power tolegislate property in man. If you could extend theelective franchise to all persons of color who can readthe Constitution and write their names, and to allpersons of color who own real estate valued at notless than $250 and pay taxes thereon, you wouldcompletely disarm the adversary and set nn examplethat other States will follow. This you can do withperfect safety, and you will thus place the SouthernStates, in reference to free persons of color, upon thesame basis with tho free States. I hope and trustthat your Convention will do this, and, as a conse-quence, the radicals, who arc wild upon the negrofranchise, will be completely foiled in their attemptsto keep the Southern States from renewing their rela-tions to the Union by not accepting their. Senatorsaud Representatives. Anduew Johnson,

President of the United States.

Jiaioc:&ii9Liverpool DnK-- o I o March Dili.

Portland, March 10th. The steamer Peruvian ,from Liverpool, via Londonderry, on the 0th, ar-rived this evening.

The House of Commons had passed the bill for thoabolition of Church Rates to 11 second reading, by285 against 252. The announcement of the vote wasreceived with loud cheering. It is thought the voteindicates nn early solution of the question, althoughthe present bill will - doubtlees bo rejected by theHouse of Lords ns usuaL

The London Post asserts that public feeling iadead about Reform. The Timet continues to protestagainst dealing with Parliamentary Reform.

Sir John Gray's motion for an Irish Church hasbeen fixed to be called up on Tuesday. The resolu-tion he proposes is, that the Established Church iaIreland is a grievous wrong to the people of thatcountry, and its continued maintenanca preventsthem from having any confidence in the justice orwisdom of the Imperial Parliament.

The total number of persnus (Fenians) arrestedunder the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus isone hundred and seventy-six- , of whom sixty-fou- r

are Irinh Americans. Four have been discharged.The London Owl says that a German crisis is im-

minent. The Prussian Government dispatched toVienna a summons iu respect to the Ilolstein ques-tion, which was peremptory. Bismark is ready toface war and its consequences. Austria, then,will at once take up the gauntlet, or yield to .thepretensions of Prussia in a somewhat ignominiousmanner.

A revolution had broken out in Romania. PrinceCouzi was forced to abdicate, and the Count ofFlanders was proclaimed Hospodar.

In the House of Commons, Labouchere called at-tention to the neutrality laws, and urged in favor ofrevision.

The Attorney General admitted the importance ofthe question, but defended the Courts of the Govern-ment during the Ametican war.

Watkins asked if representations had been madeto the American Government in relation to Fenianproceedings.

Gladstone regretted that the subject had beenbrought up. He said the Government's knowledgeof these proceedings would justify representations,but he believed public opiniou in America condemn-ed the movement. It would be undignified to re-

monstrate so long as no public act was committed.The cattle plazue was increasing. The last weekly

return shows 13,Oo0 cases the largest yet.The Peruvian iron-cla- l Iluesan remained t

Brest under surveillance.The banks of France, Prussia and Italy had re-

duced the rate of discount.The Prussian Government suddenly closed the

Chambers. The proceedings of the Deputies, whoare in opposition to the Government, tend towardsstrife. This action was quite unexpected.

The London Times, expatiating on the want ofunanimity in Russell's Cabinet, is not surprised atthe rumor that asks the Qii(:en to relieve himof his duties. The Times admits that the rumorwants authenticity, but it as a fr.ct. Itsupposes a new Liberal Cabinet will be formed, andsuggests the Duke of Somerset as its possible bead.No other journal says anything on the subject.

Hie condition of Fenian affairs is unchang&J. Ar-rests continue numerous in all directions, and armsand ammunition are frequently Etized. Thy uiilitaryin Ireland will be further augmented.

The English Government has seised two vessels atLoudon which were fitting out for the Chilian Gov-

ernment.The Times bitterly denounces the bad taste of

Bancroft's oration.The Government received a telegram in twenty,

one hours from India, announcing the settlement ofthe Bhoolu affair.

The Alcmoriul IiploMntique says the mission ofBaron Solard to Mexico is a mere starting point fornegotiations for the withdrawal of the French troops.The report thit 5,000 will return in May is at leastpremature--. The French expedition, which was loend in 1SC5. has cost 27,000.000 sterling nod11,000 men killed and disabled.

The latest dispatches received at Liverpool sbj therumored resignation cf Russell is denied.

Page 4: cautTon. - · C. BECHTINCER, M. D., U TrMtS IIISSK.KVU KS AS IMIVMCIA-I ll'ihJV t thn I'utili.r ,f Honolulu. He may i.e ciiiii!:ol in the KiiL',

Arris:: 3Mjmisrir.rr.ts.

ioisjszsrcji:OPV OK TIIE KKI'OKT Ol' TIIE


St'f YORK, t' i.Bi, l--



lit It pi.o.:y ai rr: rr.?- - cf work.J Ii fr : i i.: t: tch. ia:l.Mr !. ca! Kr.vt.

tj tr. YlnUX or to it.-- : Le.':. fcijd tx.v.?..ce of

Sii. Th-- ; n-il-t- oT ;:j ,r.-- ;. .f W.rk

report i tiii: (o.m.mitti:AT THE

$2iitc F:iii of Cstfifonaiitl G r .

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irC-.-uUrl- of rj il .tj: -- .rr. -- r.t ty wf.i--

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- ar r..r.ri w .rt?.y o? c.-- .i -- r. ; tt.COMPLETE a-- .J Po;ITIVE fMROL OVER TnE TEX- - :

rl'j.V, ti.'...:-.- l in u'.li MacL;.c, ki.t. ti.c Lr.J.aL,.luru, -t r t up l:.. of t:.- - tr.r- - l. a (i !

?r.c.a in w.:i. ut ai.y ai.-rra- jS, r.i wax.-ju- ; aLy ticp- -:

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."E-i- E OK LEATHER.Your Cv.ctt ;:!-- , tter.f,r, .- -f cl. ol carf.I luv v.- '- ;

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LOVE, BROTHERS,Commission Merchants !

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for the Orrtroi, t. to ahi.h per-x-ii.- a::cntioii will -- p.n 1,Uo(i wl.iUi csh w.II be-- uiifie when r.,'l.

BASUjCU KK'EBt'OK.S:CLas. W. Enik ii Co., IS i.l.'. r jk Lia.Iei.Ur.r,Jmi. Pitrick & Co.. Kre.l. Ikert,W. T. Colecoitn & Co., ttevenu. Raker Co.

PortlandAllen k LewU. I !.l A Ttltun. Leonard & Ore-u- .

IIi'SOLtLC KLfCkESCKS:VTaikt-r-, AlUn a Co , FaviJee.

iT-l- y





Clo t li i e t sOF

S A ?s K 1 A !X C ISCO.

oudkus t on A.w a.d allGoods for Gentlemen's Wear!

Will Intel with i.roniLt rit.-ntion- .


C UTTING & Co.,:


im:ki.i:s, ii:i;snit vi;s, saicls .

and all kinds ofj

iii:k3Ii:ticallv i:am:i 3xi:ats,noits. risir, viichta hliis, :

SOI TS, etc., etc. j

II AVIXG OXK O V TIIK MOST EX I EX- -t.'.r :.: --r f ..rvl ;. ! . -- ft J ; I f

i. r.r :t, cur ;..-.r-, i.J f a i,...:;:y ai.y a, t.v.-

All (jjil. yiiaruiJrul (it . in any Ciimate. j

l!i-- ' aud Sh).-muoi- u 'Hi'-- I iont St. j

MAN I i ACTuUY ul, r;. ui. -- T, j, Ul .Main st. '




Commission Merchants,Yit-tori.-i- , Vatirout-r- a Iohiinl.

N". B. IWticu'ar at:c:.:ior. j.ii! i of 5aijJicbIsiifl i'ro.ucr.

ittvrai, V. I., Jaijj.iry 1. 1 V:2 CIC-l- y

k B. MI.HX. f. W. O. W. akVK.- -. .








California Pails, Tubs, Brooms, j

lit ANlJ 310 .ACIIAMKMJ!

p. :rij Front ar,.I Davis,


W. II. DlVI.-- J. P. r UK I.!.ARft'STROKG, SHELDON & CO.



(si rt t. Xuni via I'A'-.y.-

Pioneer Lumber Dealer !

UNION MMHIIU YAltl).Ctri;cr (alif'-mi- am! laws Siro.t, autl o. lii Slarket Strt




JV1K- - C. KINO. III-.- 3 F. LtpMV.V.

JILiaUB G. KirG & Co.Miijijiin si ii ti Commission


SAN EU A N ' IS Co, 4 ' a i.: n h N i a . 4' 0-- y

Tllof. J., W'M. M. KlM'tl., II. ". IOWNlN..



Wholesale j'rocerv Autlion House! j

KSTAPl.ISIIEl' IN, i r priiiil Rrit-- It tiiiit iu. Xo..

207 ''nil fit Iiluriiiii Mrt-t-l- , itvo iluor. j

Hum Eruiii. j

SALE 1AVS TiKirs ano Eui:avs. j

".VItIj. iy "ii-- li A l :i im i' a !o . n -


'I mK l ' ir i. 11 ii,. iii ,,r u .i.o r j i.vai- - sale, ttii l allin- - i :::. '. .'. : !iC.:i- - . r. i. i. r- - l in,.'! or-- . j

r 1 y :j t- -VJ. i;r. C. L. P.:. .v l.- IPa.. '.ua i

a. P. . -.

Mi- - o i.kv ,i C is 'raw!:-.--Eai k la ,vr

.--;. k ,V C

i'i -- , n,. v c".Tank i;. a o i,vd:i

STT-ly j








1 1- - 1 A-- :

VDUllllinil!11 rkIf i m-r- . I



(V,G .MOMdO.HLKV STREET,t ! nt.-- . n.. ry PI k)

".lll Jl'.'U icis-C'- O. 4 '.'7 Cm

AMERICAN m E!IMI E F.V IERSI:XEI FORMERLV PRO- -1 pri.t.T rf th ALPRIC1I llol'sE. b. p to in:..rm the

citizs:as or hoaolb li :ANI THE

TIE A VELI.I S(i PFIILIF : EXF. It A LLV,Thai 1. h i taken t.- - w--- o kn .a n pr-n- .'. a .:i li. -- :r. et.reirei ly - cape 1 1 y l .e laai.-.-h C..;n:i.i ier, i.i-.-- he wiiltn a l.t s i.ti- - n a a

FIRST CLASS HOTEL!The i iti'.n are anipb', th r- - runiep us

th-- n'.H tti-.i- i h .ry. an. I tor liiie ry an.l ?!.a.letf' n th- - reiui will r::ke it a : t r'tr- - t.

Th- - pn j net. r lr.;-:- $ that i i rev- - jrair.r.l inthe f t: - A Mr- - h II i S a -- ufEcanttr: ir:.!.-.- - that he uiil c to Tn-- r.t a h:ir- - if !fnrpi:' lie-- putroiiaiT'-- .

No pains nr rxp-n- - wiil bf spare I in provi.iii c thtr tru-- rt

well all the dehea.-ie- j as Weil a- - the 5 ..i.ii thai liitfli..tri.e

5e:-Ci- u M. KIltCIIIIOFF

cotto.x a:i:i.K.XFIVESEA 1SLXT CUTTOX SKKD.Ju Ree-eiv- e l frota PEA I' FORT, s. C, f:r ale at

cc?tpi-:c-f- ."i C'ciiln prr PonnihH. M. WHITNEY.


TES PACIFICCoiiuiiercial Advertiser.

1aIv Foreign Stem.i n i r I;?.;tain. Fct.ian arrests ec:.:i:.u-d- .

The cattle plague in Earoje is raj-idl- -

Foreign Iina-t:- . It is singular thatthr 'Ugh- - ut Europe the reigning dynasties arc efforeign extracti n. Id F.nglaml.a rules;in France, a ; in Si aiu. a EourUu : inItaly, oil'- - who h h'-i-- J a tv ti.e iak.ritvof la sul'jects ; in Austria, a Spaniard ; in

a Fr'noi.n.u.ii ; i I'russlahave iuiij ljiT'.-m-u-s 1:1 jiiarc!.!. In Greece there wa; latc'va U.ivarian, ar.i Dv'.v a Dace ; in n;tj.u::r:v ie,a 'i.Ti jIi-- n.

A Pi.i-i- v D;mi to lt Tem? a King."During tiie ic?;ii:i- - ? of Cr,n:niaa .1 iar-r- cake

of very rich wi Fv M..e un-kr.j'.- vn

a j :jwis with grvat j hy tin- - i.vt-rno-

fji.iilr, ar.i tr.e ir was rlacvd on the.j ttn iij iitt.e CereiuoIiV, n cuttir.i

i: the teujj:h.r, inside was tound tj be ni.relv ashell. Contain!;!.: iiuineroUs eojiei ol' ;.,arn"tlajToinbited in cnleswii bv order f the General.

' Japan and China. Friii Jajan we learn thatthe tw.j treaty jiorts of liia.i and Usae have

, bv- - n thrown f'j:.-- t-- eomtceree according toar-.-vn...-nt- . The oj-.-r- ati on.-o-f the s

I ot Knhind. Fr and II. Ilaiid aj jv-i-r to have

j brought a!oUt the result. In India there Were, fears of famine in Ueual. and of warlike trouble

in Al:':h.i.:. and al-..n- the Punjaub frontiers, i-i- r

Rutherford. Aleoek, the British Aiahassador inj China, was j usbir.u forward t j Pekin without

obf.rueti jn. His object is stated to be to obtainauthority tj construct an English railway in the

i Celestial Emj ire. running us near to the ear ital'

The Hook, of CVmuon Pkaye". T.he Areh-bisho- p

ol Canterbury s-- t hi., fj t up nti:ej r .jeet for the of trie ll .ok ofl'rayer, whieh has been agitated f.r s. ne in En-lan- d. He j.jint-.di- eond.-nm- s t!.wh- - have i.!att-,- J a coinj-roinis- j and ..ttl mi-nt

whieh ha for three hundred years, andare introducing vestments and ceremonies" of verydjubtlul legality, ;mi really, tliotlh UIievD- -seiously, doinr the work of the Worst enemies ofthe Church :'; and adds :

L-.- t it not be suj that I have any sym- -

with those whowouid mutilate th- - s rv ieesof our Chureli, or its dir- - eti r.s ; mvanxiety is to see that uni.'ormity j rtvaii in our

worship which it has. been the sj.-cia- l

ohj-- ct of the iief.Tmed CI ureh of Ei:L'l in l tsecure; but hoj-!es- s indeed Uii'.st be eeiyj io?- -

of uniforuiity if each eleryuuin is ut libertyto r j. reduce, according to his individual eaj .rice,the us.-- of S.tlisbury, Hereford, Uanpir, York, orLim-oln- , which diversity is tsj re-si- y

in the T e t our Uook of Coii;moii I'raver."A S ikntimc Marvel. II. A. Clum of Iloches- -

ter, . i ., has invented an nistruinent culled44 w Iiieii foretells tin ajj ioach rif

with unerring j r ci.sion. Thest nu whichj roVed s us t the Uumside exj-Jitio-

was j redicted six days in advance. The ;n.itst-irn- i of the Eat ur:d 21 of January, lol, wasjredicted by this instrument eiiit tiays before itiiial-- j it aij-artnc-

e, and while yet beyond theltocky Mountains. .Since the instrument fasbe-.-- set u no storm occurred which had n.tbeen jrei usly foretel l. The A- - ll jscoi i: is amost flab rate j ieee of w orkman-hij- , and is theresult of twenty-on- e years, of study n the j artof Mr. 'luui. who has solved a j robh-- that hasbeen for c nturies a study with scientific men.

The Caj itul Punishnn nt Commission in F.i- -land has submitted to the Queen the fuilowin--recommendation: 1. " That the nuni-hmc- nt ofdeath be retaine--i f r all murder- - deli! j- latelyComniitted w ith cxr ress malice af suenmalice to be found as a fact by the jury." '2.

That the jaini-hme- nt of death be al-- o retainedfor all murder-- , committed in, or with the viewto, the on. cr jie after the j.erjeti-a- -

ti .n, or attemjit at j.erjetration of any of thefollowing felonies: Murder, arson, raje, bur-- :jdary, robbery, or .'J. Tiiat in allother eases of murder the j'iini.-hm-n-ts be jservitude for iile. or lor any j not lev-- thauseven year-:- , at the discretion of the Court."

The iVashin t n CJironi' U: records tlie f 11 ow-

ing nov-- I c -e ju-- t Iecid-- by the ."vy-ivtar- f tin;Treasury : "It lij.jj ars tliat a in Liver-- d,

Ener'and. sbijj.ed a l"t tjf swine to NewVork. During the vya..- - a sow hal a little of

which on their arrival at New Vork couldnot be landed, as they were not included in theoriiinal manifest. The Collector of L'ust'-m-

immediately lied the Secretary, askingwhether t!i stock was liable to seizure, where-upon the following laconic decision was theresult : ' Land tin j'ijs.'' :

The citv directory of Mobile, just issued, eon- -tains about 7,0IU nai'nt-s- ,

uj-o- which the j.ojiula- -tion (including Ireedait-n- ) is estimated at 0',UCi.The Mubile Trilum it is a fact of s me in- -

i. re.--t that of the names w hich wa re in the EEtiv-in- '1 riireet-.ry- . of lOn, not i.ioi'- - than aboutont-thi- rd are in th'.- - directory f this year,

The int' rnal tax of N't v Y rk yit Id. d.during the year lNJ". s'7 . 1 o' -l 1 1 . This isnearly s40 j er head l r every man, woman, amichild in the city. This does n t include the sums

from the sale d'stamjs, whieh will j.rob- -ably am-.un- t to ten lailii- - n-- ' m .re, nor the returnsfr-m- i the tax on bank and insurance stock, etc.

American Eii. ti.-- wnn Em;i.ami. Sirl'red ri'-k Hrut-e- . who n w rej r (ti. . n Vie- -toria h'-r- . is a com teous, hosj.itabl .j.l Englishg'-nt- l in in," whose charming niece. Lady EmmaThuilow, gracefully j rtsi'hs at famous dinners,to which (.'oiigros-me- n and other iiotabl.s are in- - witlout stint. Eat we are, ncveithe!raj idiy drifting di j 1 .laatieally into what Tall'-y- -

rand called '.-- t c: f'.'fjrii :.,' or anintercourse .f nd lfiiua oft.-- - :ni o;!ici ilarraignunnt of England itt li - eu!"gy nj 'ii jeoln but e.j res- - ss in j lain language SfWi'.r.Esmore stmli-- d jhra-.- s. For examj le, when ourSecretary of State acknow ledged the turning t rto us of the S'i nandonh. he -ai l : " We accej tthe ve--.-- lt but 1 regret to say that theaceej t.ince

.t att led v itii nv satis. acii .n on tiie raitf this h.vernment." Then, a!t r adverting to

the facts of the ease, Seward went on t drtw.on b- - half .f the l'nit'd States. theinf'-ren'-- that la-- r Majesty's I.vernm. nt have

t !.! 1 guihl.-.-- s of all crime subjects ofla-- r Majesty who have in time of j rofuii d t- aeewage naval war iiHn the higli -- .as against un-

armed citizens of the Enited Siat-.- s ei gaged inlawful commerce and navigation.

This hard raj over the knuckles vva r ad toLord (.'larend u late in I)ec.-mbe- r by Adam-- , towhom Seward had S'-n- t it t he communic ttcl tothe liriti.-!- i (ioverniuent, and hi Lord-hi- n wasonly l.'.-is-t-l to remark that notliing but a d siret i j. reserve fri-nll- r liti ns with the EnitedState--s jrevented his rej lying in f.rcible language.Et.--t w' k Sir Erederiek Uruce rea l a uispat.-- toS.'ward. the up-h- ot of which was that HerMajesty's ioVei nm- - iit think that by n..,t r- -

t so unfounded and extraordinary an accusationthey have !c.--t pres. rved their M an-

while SeW.ird has pr oof thatnineteen d t;,e original crew of the Sinnn-ii-were Eritish subj-vts- recruirci in England, andthat fifty more Eritish subjects w. re shipp.- - i atMelbourne, with the full connivance f th-- ' Aus-tralian authorities. This j seudo-neutralir- y ofJohn Eu'tl may yet cause hint a deal of trouble.

I'.irliameut wa oj ened by thetue. n in personon the 4 1 Ii Jan. lie was l.v theL..rU L i.anc'.-ilor-. It :innouiu-ee- l tin' approa'-in-

marriage f Vrincess Helena and Erinee Christiane f Sehlc-wi-g Ho'sTein, Sanburg A ugustenbourg,and rtl'er-- i it elingly to the rec nt death of theKing of U !gium. Ti e Eelati ns with foreignpowers are amicable an 1 satisfactory. The meet-ing rf English and French fE-t- had tended to

; ceu.c:.: amity of the two r.atior.. Itlit--- - the l nited Stutts upon the aUi;ti.u ofMaVi TV md its reevv-r- fr m th

vv: It at u.' rti-- t!.l.a e Ct.niu-- 1 tii'.1 sla e tr i n ti v

f A:ri.-.- i t ry narr-- liiiiit. Itir.Tvrruj.Ln it' j

rv of dit Soir.atit r. i.iti- t:?with Krazii iiiouis luueh a:i.-:at.-ti n. A; j. 1 .11 ot? of with Jajn, and

M'ain ami Chile. The ijerr.or of Caiiz ha.iI trii n .t.fv-.- l by by the Minitv--r at Lv-i- . i 'ii, t:..t: twu. Vrvu;1

..avl lelt tHe1

-- Ier-AC

s".v unJer 1 cruvian dar, but JeatineJ f.r jriva- -

tf-nr.-- r arai:: "ja:n uu-i.-- r the t niiiaa G.:i.1 w.j otltr w ere bein tittei out n theCivde f.r the rurt--

t therei 1 b.iehehri a:.d I '27 wido in theK::. 11 j use l.iii-.-rs- l:r.: t.i t:-:i- t .

.re UiUt - but tew MiarrKd u.vii among theJUi laetl oi

The Qui'iii uf t. e Mrdwi.-- h I?hr ds lat-.-l- U

Well?, in England, and w.i? rtwived withlaach state. The Volunteers turned out to do thehonors, and the coUiU.aTid was iveii to I .IV' The Kin.: . t.'.e I. at.n; ii EI lliv Wieii tl.e

cat tain n;; ' o.-e-d w.ks t.! l.ati, inl air cf theCountry from wi eiioe Her Ma:estv tame!

Columbus t s,iil Eridav. August 21.1402;fist discovere--l land Eridav. ct,-Ix- 12,diseovereil the Cntinent Eii iav. June 1494 ;

Pil-rri-m Fathers landed Friday, DeCeu.K-- r 22.

lo2i.; Washin-t.- n born Friday. February 22,17o2 ; Hunker's Hill f )i:rht Friday, June lo,I70o ; .aratot taken Friday, October 7, 1777 ;

and the motion in Congress fr American Inde-j.endeo- ce

Friday. July 7, 177.Hr. Evvaid, the editor of the famous Alnunuzch

t!t (i.u'fui, that m-i-- eons rvative of annuals, inw!:ieh the name- - ..f jurt kins were inscribedyears alter they had eeas. d to reijn. atid t!ienames" of Jc Juto kiii. were carefully excluded,is dead. The doctor was i- und dead in a ouarrv

lie Was eighty Years of a:e.The Uel-ji-

o throne is not a bad cat, as tiiiicsKinr E.j-'i- l used t say but it is

neither oid nor strong enough to afford bein j

J laved tricks with. 1 wi-- h to leave it to ravin a sound Condition, an J let him keep it so it' he i

can. j

M. Louis Iluarf, the r u'act' ur-- f n-c- hj of theParis Cmrivori , and e neof ti'-- indefatialde three(himself, Taxiie Hea rd, :.n i Cement (. ar.iiruel),w ho ior many years exc.usively farnislieJ tne v it i

and humor of that j lototyj e "of Punch, died in j

Paris lately. ;

lhe Emj ress Eugenie tontinuts to set an ex- -amjle to tiie world as regards th'simj-iieit- of h-- r dre.-s- . An American gentle--man, an oid frit nd cf Louis JNa recently1 reakfastt-- at the imj-ri;i- l j alace. when the I

Emjrvss ajj'tired in an English linsev tlrvss, j

dark ee l .rs, with a narrow limn collar and cutis,ami a blue n.ek-ti- e her hair ur-.-se- d jicrlcctlv '

j.lain, turned back from the face and gathered j

into a knot behind. At a st.t-hun- t, a short i

while ao, her Maj-st- y, who merely drove to therendezvous, wore a black id!k dre.-s- , loojtd upoer a scarlet merino a violet j

and Marie Tud.-- r hat of black Velvet, i

W , th a black aigrette in front.1m i.i !.Nt r. or .Mothers. John Eandolj-- never

ceased till his dying day, to remember with un-utterable atleetion the ji us care of his mother,in teaching him to kneel by her side, and withhi- - little hands j.iessed together, and laised up-wards, to, in slow and measured accents,the pattern j rayt-r- .

" My mother," said Mr. lienton, not long he-fo- re

he died, " a.-ke-d me not to drink iijuor,andI never did. he desired me at another time toavoid aiming, and 1 never knew a card. Shehoj ed 1 would not use tobacco, and it neverj -d my lij.s."

Not 1 ng ago the Ecv. Ir. Mills, in one of hisjiowerful ujijteuls to m jtheis to consecrate theirchildren to tne ministry of the I'jsj el, said : Ayouth, alter great deliberation, and with theknowledge that his mother desired him to be aclergyman, decided at la-- t ti become a lawyer; j

and soon alter his mother iinjuired ef him, in atone t,f .le..j., tender ir.teit.-s- t : Mv son, what haveyou decided to do?"' " To study law, mother." j

.".he oidy re lied, I bad h .jed otherwise," and j

h'-- r couvuhive told the of her dis--

aj jiointment. " Io you think,"" s tiel he, " I j

could go into the law over my mother's tears?" ,

Hi' c iiisideri-- the case, and has long been an '

cliici'-n- t clergyman.All that L. igh ilichuioiMl was. be attributed to

the licity j roj riety with which hismother end. avoi ed to win his attention, and j

his memory with truths, whenyet almost an infant.

Mi,it Christian mothers would but wake up j

to the i;se ol" their j.owers ai.d ii.llucnces, a Sam- -uel might arise-- out f eerv family, and I.ei-I-

i ,

s In-- numbered by tiioiisands .' JJai'sJ.iurnal H a.'t.'t.


Th? FiiJiiisigiJcd if as Just liecciveui: X A .1 A X !

a riioiri: sj:jj:ctio. of.

O E X T L E M I N S FIXEi r i 'a.ili.Uf W . t i.j I.

.!.V I.:- -, o t ii-t.i.- t! I. r ti.iii-i- f.

v...-- . ll-- J!:. I . Can' li- ot- -. -- ,.es;L...L M..--? ' i.i..! I ln'.ilren"- - E ;.- hmI siioe-- .

a Ch. irr S '..a ..J

sn:t:i' f r Mi un-- OiM-Jrei.'- s It- - - s.

As.,, On U.iid, rr li. Y. U "...,50,000 GOOD cigars:

W.-.ic- w.Il -? s. ."..I very . t r C:h at hi' s r- -.


Mlt'll. MelNERNY.


PXDERVIRXEI) MAS JEST R E- -1 j r I .'. MI i;rav. i f. .v f

Guperior Netting, GO inches wide..11. iO, A SMALL I. Ol' Ol' i LilY


Wh:ch i f..r at nr. r a to r aes ai 10- - st re c rnt-- r

. f II : ::i:.:.i at. 1 t str-- .

511.'It V!I'1!L M INKKNV.


I&;a:i3:ic:s 2'S:s32S :a 2 son, FEW KKiiMlF EXTR A Xo. 1 Sl'G A K.

f." in iu.ill b.t- - bvjam i.n. i:r.n:. .v c.-- .

C05-1- ra A.--"'- .' Kiali-- a I'l iritati n.

t. -- ?-i



si; A 11

1866 !CHOP COMING I.V. For sIe by

o't-t-S- m WALK F.R, LLF


pOKtstir Vro.utf.

LEWERS PLANTATION.1880. 1866.Sugar and Molasses(PKOP SOW VitMlSV. IN AM I tlUSAl.Ex t u.: .-

..' C. l:i;HVEK Jte I O.L.


1866.t)V COM I G IX AM) FOll SALK IX

X t j sua, tyMELCHEI15 CO.

Wiiiknpii Plantation !

II. C'OKX WKI.L, Proprietor. j

Sugar and Molasses j


P' .u. Ai i- U

(il.e. C. M. LEAN. At't-r.t- .

iODDi 1866.. ITI 111 1VH 101 ASSESk3LU.lU AlM JlWli


1liOI C'OMlXCi IX AXi) FOIt SALE IXjU ih..'..'."; to J jrcl " '

Ol-- . .::!! W ALKER, ALLEN CO.



irni CO.MIXO IX A XI) FOU SALE IXC duau-ati-.--s to Miit j)Uix!.;i.v'rs y

w Ai.ui-.- ALLEN o CO.Jll- -

1866. 1866.Sugar & Molasses

From XiihuG Plantation !

COMIXf; IX AND FOR SALE IXCROP iti-.-- s to suit i.urc)i;i. eri'lO-ia- n WALKER. ALLEN Jtt CO.


J0' S V 1.1- - It VP.REWEK .V Co., npeiit..


n'ew Crop ol'

Sugar & Molasses !

V()V COMI.Mi IN.ii jO n C. P.REW ER Co , i.pcras .



let- Sale tyT.;j.,, C. l.aEWEP. - Ci nc-nt- s.

Sugar & MolassesFROM THE

Plantation of T. II. Hobron.1IiOI NOW CO.MIXO IX' AXI) FOR SALE

r.i ipa.i. lilies to ut purch;s-r- s by4 .'.'; in J A s. M. CiREEN. fceen t

Suuar & MolassesUF THE




J . II w o o i , p n t) i it i i: t o r .


Of Sugar and Molasses I

I : i in Ih.ia.Hi'u. in .i.t'ti' t . suit.

hast .flsiiii llautnfson.

VOW ((l.MIXi; IX. AND oflere.lC1ROII ill J.ti. lilies to U.t bvII. HACK EE LI) Ct).,

Act-iit- .


ana k- file c o cgar r W. u t-- W


.' iii WA I.KI.'R. A I. LI N .V Co . Al'HS.

i""T j --2f. .yt'r r

And :i: ( ) j". .ss;i-:- s

IIOXOLFLF R E F 1 X Pi Ft V XVIL IA VMini- u. ir.;t pi : r

HARD SUGARS, ANDFirst and Second Molasses !

;" " on n rruorr (oxr.ii x r n .

WALKER. ALLEN .V; CO...''.T-';i- n 5ui.,i'..t.

L A II A I X ASL- A It CO.SsssgE' ;s sad EToS:!1

THE A IiO V E COM I A N YS M I LLSB f r - by

0 ' WALKER. ALLEN .v C . Au-o.!-

II A 2 A: Ai)AMS.

Sugar and Ivtlolasses !!OM rilE AMOVE .MILLS FOR SALEy to .i t l v t

J V.I.KI".R. ALLEN ft Co., Asrent

IIALAWA PLANTATION.Sisjsai staid Jfff oI:m w.

fKOM THE A ROVE PLIXTATIOX I ORtt m'-- :r. ijait.!.',.-- , t.j -- j.t bvWALKER. ALLEN ft V,.

Sugar & Molasses ! i

from tiii: ;

0:M2 21 1 PL WTATIOl.l:OP NOW IJM I XO IX A M) FOR SA LE.' :i - to uit p.ue-h.i--r-

- v i


M'AIALUA plantation.BROi THE A HO Y E PLAXTATIOX' FORJi !H t ,?;. to e O. .v

'WW KI R. A I. I.i ft (',,.

rou iva 1 11 1; 1:, .11 a i i.


T!i? l ine :?c!ijor.t r

Mary ISllenIJ. 'VVK.--T, M.:nr.

Hans tLe at ir frr.l.tregularly to tie irt. 1 (UMJ.aly to U.c Caj.taiu cu L-- jrJ or toS15 Cm C. PRE WER .V Co.. As.t.g

F035 1ISI.O.4. 4 99


Wiil ruu regularly fvr the iibovt- - jh rt. t r fr-:- .t or as-- j

8j i iy tM-- Cm C lilt EVER O...

i for ham, kaito axd miliko.r

lanuokawai,MARCH A NT, Master.

W"i'.! run regularly. F r frviJ.t or j.i?-3:- e ajj.i t514 6ia C. lillKH tK & Co., apou!.

lAegular lra elect forLahaina and Iflakee 's Landing.

The Eiia- - ttauach Ciii'.-- r cinx.orr

EULNTAIN, Master.V ill run reuUrly ai;J liuiiotu-ll- oa the above rv ute. Eur

frei).-h-t or passage apply to t!r. Matt r r,n boar 1, or toCm C. PR EWER Co., ujoUj.

Xlio Seliooiiei- -


"3IOI KKIIvl!"JI 'ill run regular and with Quick iJifjuich,

Between Honolulu and iiahului.Shippers anJ passengers Can rely on the rejrularty of then?

Ve.-- U. Apply to4'OJ-6i- u J AS. XI. (ilU.EN. a(-u-

T7o 1 1 AiJ :i5:The Lriir

"Thrill ioiinoi m .Will ruu us a regular puck a to the port. F..r freiphl or

p:-i- re :.pi Iy to WALKER, ALLEN & Co..i-- i 1 A genu.

FOR L llo !

The Schooner

Will run as a regular packet to th- - al . ve j rt. Fr freight orpHs;n.e apply lo WALKER, ALLEN 4r Co.,

ilo Hill ApeliU.

FOR SALE.The Clij j'er Urigantine

dS: !ISr aliie 1:1 aena,With a te suit .f Atit-li-jr-, Clutins, Suin.iiiijf aud

Kuurari R.j; all in ltim. 1

Eor teiir.d apply toCH lui WALKER. ALLEN & Co.


The Sell liner

V ill run a a retrul r piic-k..- t t- the jw.rt. K-- freight orp:is-:ii.'- .- Hpply to WALKER, ALLEN .V 'i.,

515 aia


The cliotii- r

V ai run as a re;ru!tr packet to th above For freight trpariiir.- - spiiiy to W ALKER, ALLEN & Co..

515 3in A gent.

Tor J l.-mal-oi.

TLe Schooner

ii3 ei i: CE,Will run us a rtrular packet to t!,v ;:bovo port. For fr- - ij;ht orp:i-utr- .- apply to WAl.KEH, ALLEN Cti,

515 :Jm Av'tits.

IlaAvniinn ??jiiii siikIGENERAL IHTER-ISLAN- D fAV. CO.

Th'-- Eine Scho u r

O xi -w a, x-- cl ,i.A.Mia.ur, blaster.

Will fur KOLOA and WAI.1IKA. Kauai.The Eine

--A 1 Id e i xx i ,CLA RK. J.M n-- t. r.

ICO Totis r, will run regularlyFOR K AW A I II A II A X I K ) X A I

The Clipper S'A.iniitr

M ettie Merrill !

Eot'NTA I N, Ma-- : r.Will ruu as a regular packft to

Lahaina and Ivlaalaea Bay.or j.artii-ular- s npply to

C.ipt. PRANK MoLTI.NO.Ur .IAMoN. oaEKN A: C...

V- : ts II. -. an l U. 1. I. N. Ci.


Criii er o 1 ' Tvi lai ion !

THIS EST A RLIII .VI EXT IS v f?r- .i i"1 en f .r tin: ie pti.n, f '

Visitors to the VolcanoW f,o n ay r.-l- on fin.Rn;'


KxiH-riciin-- d Onilt-- for tin- - Cnilir a:ay-- i in

Steam ;nfd Sulphur Hath-- .Ilirs's Shd, In I ,n,d Cniin'd tf' Jtsind.

Cll RUES REASON AliLE.I'.rl- - L' th-.- V .o via 1 ii ran procure aiamnlt' u r ii ". to th- - j .ur: byy, applin io l. II. liiti-h- -

co I;. 11,1...oil am J. L. RIi'IIaRIisON ft C.

bgai;tify your honksA fixe colli: riox of FLA IX AXO


II RO.MOLn IIOC.R A PUS, PIUXTSaxi) piioto:ha:iis.

f a.. :.t an.l IoihN, frvia 5 to i .I..! each.Catal.-itue.!- .vc- st i.t. ai n a is- -. to pcTson r' -- iJing

Ii t '.- - ot i.,i:iiU41--l-

!n E. If. M. WHITNEY.


CIOR V ELL'S OFT LI XE MA I'S, FOR SCHOOL?,r- -'l m-i- l in

Coruii's Car is f r map .Innvinir. in ts.

liii.--s' te-.i- r ,i.lV a,n tiuthne Mai, liouivl ito.Frame. 1 C..un-.-i-- . f.r chiKhen.

Scho i Reurai-'- l IicLets, plain rol re.l.slates and slat.- - pencil, in variety;

I' Car ls, P ucelain Iates for .Ira win?,I'rawinsr o,.ks an l j.eiicils.

5V-- 4t E r cal" I y I!. M. WHITNEY.