Caught in a trap

PEOPLE feel trapped! Your sermon can help!


Pastors - people feel trapped. There is turbulence all around. Here is a quick sermon-check for you to help them out of their trap.

Transcript of Caught in a trap

  • 1. feel trapped!Your sermon can help!

2. Upheaval is all around Political unrest Natural disasters Life challengesIs it any wonder ~ people feel trapped! 3. 5 PARTSERMON CHECK To help people out of the trap! 4. PART 1 SERMON CHECK1. Describe the trap Wages are dropping Expenses are increasing Natural disasters are hitting Personal challenges mount Political viewpoints are tearing people apart People feel trapped 5. PART 2SERMON CHECK2. Empathy Have I been there? Has someone I know been there? How did Jesus face something similar? What does the Word of God say? 6. PART 3 SERMON CHECK 3. Safety How do I feel peace? How to draw Gods power? What IS success in overcoming? How do I get from here to there? 7. PART 4SERMON CHECK Step 3Step 24. Practical StepsStep 1Make certain people know thesteps they need to take.Ask them to commit to take thefirst step. 8. PART 5 SERMON CHECKYour messageJust for the people in your pews?For others, too?YES!Everywhere people feel trapped!5) Get your sermon outRecord it!Post it to the web.Share on FacebookEncourage your peopletake and share a CD! 9. Questions? More Information on howget your SERMON out! - Get you website up to snuff! - Free custom printing on blank CDs - Everything you need for audio - Everything you need for video! Call today 1-800-480-1011 Web Email [email protected] 10. Quality products. The RIGHT price.We do it right.Why not? We serve you AND the King!