Catálogo Inglês 23032010 CURV - Quality Automations · 2013. 9. 28. · quality automations Add :...

SECTIONAL DOORS Residencial Industrial Sectional Doors Automatic Devices High Speed Doors Automatic Glass Doors

Transcript of Catálogo Inglês 23032010 CURV - Quality Automations · 2013. 9. 28. · quality automations Add :...

Page 1: Catálogo Inglês 23032010 CURV - Quality Automations · 2013. 9. 28. · quality automations Add : #351 &352, Kempegowda Layout, Outer Ring Road, Laggere, Bangalore - 560058. INDIA



Sectional Doors

Automatic Devices

High Speed Doors

Automatic Glass Doors

Page 2: Catálogo Inglês 23032010 CURV - Quality Automations · 2013. 9. 28. · quality automations Add : #351 &352, Kempegowda Layout, Outer Ring Road, Laggere, Bangalore - 560058. INDIA

Sectional Doors

Panel and Colours

Composition and Accessories

Residential Sectional Doors



Automatic Devices for Residential Doors

Industrial Sectional Doors



Automatic Devices for Industrial Doors

Recognised Quality

Flexidoor sectional doors fulfil all the safety requirements of theEN 13241-1:2003 standard.

All the safety components, further defined, are anintegral part of our doors. Our customers therefore have the ga-rantee that our products are designed with a view to their safetyand well-being.



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Technical Assistance

Flexidoor has a specialised and skilled technical

team, both in the commercial and manufacturing

sectors,which offers you all the necessary support

from the planning tothe installation phase. In this

way, safety will be at your side at the time of the

execution of the work.

We all give increasing impotance to the aesthetic

appearance of our homes, since it is essential for us to feel

good in what is, after all, our house. Thus, we provide you

with different types of sectional doors in wide-ranging

shapes so that you can make use of

everything that you desire.


Well-being is allwayson our mind!

Sectional Doors

Sectional door

Aware of the demands of the market, Flexidoor launched

a range of produts that can adapt to i ts

most complex realities. Thus, having as our primary

aim the satisfaction of our customers, we provide

them wi th p roduc ts tha t comb ine qua l i t y,

robustness, aesthetics and class with which they fit

into any type of edifice, i.e. house or building.

Flexibility, Quality, Robustness and Elegance are the

characteristics that best define our doors.

Page 4: Catálogo Inglês 23032010 CURV - Quality Automations · 2013. 9. 28. · quality automations Add : #351 &352, Kempegowda Layout, Outer Ring Road, Laggere, Bangalore - 560058. INDIA

The panel

The panel is a key component in the composition of a

sectional door, appearing in two different shapes: Groove

and Frame. Both have identical characteristics of comfort,

safety, robustness and reliability by virtue of their being

composed of a double steel plate of 0.5 mm in thickness of

40 mm, to which a rubber is applied, providing a perfect

water-tightness, making the door insulated to the


The panels Groove (plain) and Frame (cushioned)

are eqipped with an anti-finger catching safety system and

present a wooden effect when seen from outside.

Tecnical Characteristics

Thermal Insulation

Acoustic Insulation

Water tightness

Wind Pressure Load

Colour Range

Sectional Doors

Lacquered Brown Ral 8014


Lacquered in white similar

Ral 9010

Lacquered in G Ral 9006


rey Coated in PVC wood

imitation (Groove)

Lacquered in Green Ral


Lacquered Beige Ral 1015


Lacquered in Blue Ral

5010 (Groove)

Acrylic paint of 2 Ral components

chosen by the customer

Lacquered in Red

Ral 3000 (Groove)

Page 5: Catálogo Inglês 23032010 CURV - Quality Automations · 2013. 9. 28. · quality automations Add : #351 &352, Kempegowda Layout, Outer Ring Road, Laggere, Bangalore - 560058. INDIA

S a f e t y i s n o t l e f t t o c h a n c e ! ! !

Flexidoor has in its doors a set of solutions wich do not leave the safety of their users to chance. The anti-finger catching system

is one ofe these solutions, not permitting any kind of pinching, even in cases of negligence.

Th e r o b u s t n e s s o f a p r o d u c t ! ! !

The panel used in the manufacture of sectional doors has an interior reinforcement, turning it into a product of remarkable

robustness. The interior reinforcement is an invariable component in panels for industrial and residential doors.

C o m p o s i t i o n o f a F l e x i d o o r D o o r

Acessories are of primary importance in the fabrication and functioning of our doors. As such, each acessory was the subject

of rigorous tests before being selected to be inclued in the manufacturing process, in order to ensure the final quality of the

product and therefore guarentee the utmost satisfaction of all of our customers. accordingly, there were multiple criteria for

the selection of these accessories, of which we wish to highlight the following:

1. Silence during use

2. Durability of materials and, subsequently, of the door

3. Balancing and dimension of lintel

4. Anti-finger pinching safety

H and l e

Flexidoor doors allow the customer to choose between two

different types of hendles: Lever and Embedded.

The decision depends on aesthetic and funtional factors or

simply the personal taste of each customer.

L o c k

O p t i o n a l A c c e s s o r i e s f o ra F l e x i d o o r Doo r

All the sectional doors are equipped with a set of accessories that

provide them with the safety, aesthetic elements and robustness

necessary for their perfect functioning. There is, however, a series of

other extra (optional) accesssories thet may be added to a final

product according to the wishes of the customers. Accessories of this

type are aesthetically an added value for our doors. Flexidoor is a

company that seeks a solution and has something to

say with regard to the manufacturing of these products.

always always

L e v e r H a n d l e E m b e d d e d Ha n d l e|

I n t e r i o r L a t c h

Sectional Doors

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Characteristics - Accessories - Options






Page 7: Catálogo Inglês 23032010 CURV - Quality Automations · 2013. 9. 28. · quality automations Add : #351 &352, Kempegowda Layout, Outer Ring Road, Laggere, Bangalore - 560058. INDIA

The use of this accessory is another guaranteee of the safety level of Flexidoor

doors. In the case that a spring breaks, this element is automatically added,

immobilising the door and making it safer. Its use is obligatory, taking into account the

strict observance of current European Standards.

S p r i n g B r e a k a g eD e v i c e

App l i c a t i o n s

F i x e d o n t h e L i n t e lF i x e d t o t h e A n g l e B a r

The central hinges in galvanised

steel unite perfectly all the door panels.

They have an anti-finger catching

system that prevents finger pinching and thus increases

the safety of our doors.

This is another item that contributes to the safety

level of our doors. The cable breakage device with

a tuner is a component that immobilises the door

in the event of discovering a rupture in the steel


C a b l e B r e a k a g e De v i c ew i t h t u n e r

Mounting RLF Reduced Lintel. Suitable for residencial

construction with reduced lintel, if the lintel (H1) is

between 170mm and 200mm, and with low lintel, if the

lintel is between 200mm and 300mm. These types of

mounting are for span heights (H) bellow 2800mm. To the

reduced lintel the span height (H) is smaller than


Mounting NL Standard Sectional door with normal lintel

(H1) for residential construction. For a span height (H)

bellow 2800mm the arrow lintel is 300mm.

Mounting IL Special sectional door. To determine the

inclination, measure the distance A (A=2000mm) then

measure the distance X.

Note: Usable only up to 8º inclination.

An t i - f i n g e r Ca t c h i n gS y s t emH i n g e

For this reason, the Flexidoor sectional door is equipped with a cable and spring safety breakage device, both manual and automatic.

W h y r i s k i f y o u c a n h a v ea s a f e s o l u t i o n ?

The strong nylon rollers allow a better and more correct

sliding in a a quiet manner.

(On the photo, applied in a superior bracket in a

double pipe, duly protected).

Ou r L i n t e l s !

Support bracket with gal-

vanised steel hinge, adjus-

table in height and depth.

This component has an

anti-finger pinching system


An t i - f i n g e r Ca t c h i n gS y s t e m B r a c k e t

N y l o n R o l l e r

R e d u c e d - RF L L i n t e l - N LL i n t e l N o r m a l|

I n c l i n e d - I LL i n t e l


Adjustable bracket to allow

an easy assembly of

the door.

Zinces springs on residential doors, thus avoiding their

deterioration through corrosion.

Bottom Bracket

Sp r i n g s

C o m p o s i t i o n o f t h e D o o r

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W i n dows

E x t r a A c c e s s o r i e s

Ve n t i l a t i o n G r i l l e s

P l a i n W i n d o wP l a i n Ac r y l i c

Lozenge WindowP l a i n Ac r y l i c

Squa red WindowP l a i n Ac r y l i c

S u n e f f e c t w i t h 5 a c r y l i c w i n d o w s

The aesthetic appearance, together with safety, is one of the most valued characteristics by Flexidoor.

For that reason, the company has several types of windows that can be furnished with different effects

and materials, according to the taste of each customer. The introduction of this accessory makes the

door aesthetically more pleasing, decisively contributing to the adornment of the location where it is


S u n e f f e c t w i t h 3 a c r y l i c w i n d o w s

P l a i n W i n d o wD o u b l e L a m i n a t e d G l a s s

P l a i nA l u m i n i u m F r a m e

Squa red WindowD o u b l e L a m i n a t e d G l a s s

P l a i nA l u m i n i u m F r a m e

Lozenge WindowD o u b l e L a m i n a t e d G l a s s

P l a i nA l u m i n i u m F r a m e

D imen s i o n s

W i d t h : 5 3 0 m mHe igh t : 365 m m

C o m m o n d i m e n s i o n sfo r a l l r es i den t i a l doo r

w i n d o w s .

Granu l a t e d G l a s s

A l s o a v a i l a b l e i n :

Da r k G l a s s

Lacquered Aluminium Grille for

better ventilation.

D imen s i o n s

W i d t h : 5 3 0 m mHe igh t : 365 mm

W i d t h : 3 3 8 m mHe igh t : 132 mm

Ventilation Grille with Latch for

evacuation of toxic gases.

D imen s i o n s

Imag e L o c k

De t a i l e

Im a g eS i d e v i ew

De t a i l e

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Characteristics / Accessories / Options

Page 10: Catálogo Inglês 23032010 CURV - Quality Automations · 2013. 9. 28. · quality automations Add : #351 &352, Kempegowda Layout, Outer Ring Road, Laggere, Bangalore - 560058. INDIA

Flexidoor industrial doors are the ideal solution for the economisation of

the interior space of the location in which they are installed, since the

panels are places vertically next to the wall or parallel to the roof, avoi-

ding possible accidents.

Note: Reinforcements starting from 5250mm.

Flexidoor doors can be adapted to any building owing to the numerous

types of guides based on innovative techniques. These factors, along with

durability and visibility, are decisive with regard to choosing our products.

A d v a n t a g e s

C o m p o s i t i o n o f t h e D o o r

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F l e x i d o o r u p t o s a f e t y s t a n d a r d s !Ou r L i n t e l s !

Mounting NL - Standard sectional door with normal lintel

(H1) for industrial construction. For a span height (H)

between 2800mm and 4500mm the lintel (H1) is 420mm,

for (H) above 4500mm the lintel is 650mm.

Mounting RLF - low lintel. Suitable for industria contruction

with lintels (H1) higher than 320mm and span height

between 2800mm and 4000mm. When the door is manual

or with cable breakage devices, it stands inside the span,

160mm after opening.

Mounting IL - Special sectional door. To determine the

inclination, measure the distance A (A=2000mm), then

measure the distance X.

Mounting HL - Sectional door for industrial construction

with high lintel. The maximum ceiling height is below (L),

400mm. It used with lintels (H1) that are between 800mm

and 4000mm, depending on the size of the door, the

4000mm may be reduced.

Mounting VL - Sectional door with vertical elevation. Used

for high lintels. The lintel (H1) is above or equal to the span

height, plus 450mm.

S p r i n g B r e a k a g e D e v i c e

The use of this accessory is another guarantee of the safety level of Flexidoor doors. In

the case that a spring breaks, this element is automatically added, immobilising the door

and making it safer. Its use is obligatory, taking into account the strict observance of

current European Standards.

C a b l e B r e a k a g e De v i c ew i t h t u n e r

This is another item that

contributes to the safety level of

our doors. The cable breakage

device with a tuner is a

component that immobilises the

door in the event of discovering

a rupture in the steel cables.

I n d u s t r i a l B r a c k e t

The central hinges in galvanised

steel unite perfectly all the door


Support bracket with galvanised steel hinge

adjustable in height and depth.

I n d u s t r i a lH i n g e

N y l o n R o l l e r

Mounting AL and VAL - Sectional door for industrial

construction with high and vertical lintel. Suitable for

doors of any height (H) up to 7000mm with lintels (H1) of

at least 1200mm. The section pipe is squared between

600 a 900mm from beginning of the lintel (MT).

The strong nylon rollers allow a better and

more correct sliding in a quiet manner.

L ow L i n t e l - R F L i n t e l - N LN o r m a l L|

H i g h L i n t e l - H L Ve r t i c a l E l e v a t i o n L i n t e l - V L|

L i n t e l w i t h I n c l i n e d Roo f - I L

Ve r t i c a l E l e v a t i o n L i n t e lL i n t e l ( w / c o r b e l - VA L H i g h E l e v a t i o n ( w / c o r b e l ) - A L|

A =


C o m p o s i t i o n o f t h e D o o r

Page 12: Catálogo Inglês 23032010 CURV - Quality Automations · 2013. 9. 28. · quality automations Add : #351 &352, Kempegowda Layout, Outer Ring Road, Laggere, Bangalore - 560058. INDIA

Coun t l e s s o p t i o n s e n s u r i n g t h a t F l e x i d o o ra l w a y s h a s w h a t y o u a r e l o o k i n g f o r ! ! !

I n d u s t r i a l W i n d o w s

Lateral device with steel cable and spring with the objective

of closing a door, with normal lintel and shaft motor or

differential, preventing the respective steel cables from


C a b l e Te n s o r

By turning one of its sides, the

shaft junction enables constantly

similar movements, thus reducing

alignment deviations.

Sw i v e l

Composed of a circular steel chain, its function

is to enable the manual lifting of the door.

D i f f e r e n t i a l

D imen s i o n s

W i d t h :He igh t :

6 8 0 m m3 7 3 m m

Wid th :He igh t :

6 6 3 m m3 4 3 m m

W i d t h : 6 3 0 m mHe igh t : 195 mm

Flexidoor has not overlooked the aesthetic appearance of industrial doors as well. With a framework of synthetic material,

there are three types of windows available in different dimensions.

Lacquered Aluminium Grille

for better ventilation.

Ve n t i l a t i o n G r i l l e

D i men s i o n s

W i d t h : 5 3 0 m mHe igh t : 365 mm

The acrylic or plated panels can be perfectly combined with sandwich panels, providing them with an unsurpassable robustness,

elegance, durability, reliability and thermal insulation.

De t a i l e

I m a g e S i d e V i ew

A door characterised by its elegance, manufactured in aluminium and acrylic profiles, fitting perfectly in any type of space,

whether modernly designed exhibition space or common pavilions, irrespective of their design.

B I G A L USo l u t i o n s t o a n y a p l i c a t i o n ! ! !

BIGALU panels fulfil the strictest safety and quality standards. They

are manufactured in extruded aluminium profiles, making them very

robust and resistant to the most diverse atmospheric conditions.

Furthermore, they provide water-tightness and perfect thermal

insulation due to a high-quality rubber added to the respective

panels fittings. On the other hand, the aluminium used can be

lacquered in any of the colours available in the RAL catalogue,

giving the door a great and unique aesthetic appearance. BIG ALU

also comprises a double acrylic with a thickness of 3 or more mm,

wich enables sunlight to enter, clearly contributing to a better

illumination of the space where the door is installed.

E x t r a A c c e s s o r i e s

QUALITY AUTOMATIONSAdd : #351 &352, Kempegowda Layout, Outer Ring Road, Laggere, Bangalore - 560058. INDIA _ Tel. +91 080 28397671 / + 91 9591975597 / +91 9686077009 Email - [email protected] , Website :

QUALITY AUTOMATIONSAdd : #351 &352, Kempegowda Layout, Outer Ring Road, Laggere, Bangalore - 560058. INDIA _ Tel. +91 080 28397671 / + 91 9591975597 / +91 9686077009 Email - [email protected] , Website :