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Transcript of CATIA LAB 4

  • 8/18/2019 CATIA LAB 4




    Prepared by : Mr Wan Shahrizal Bin Wan Nadhari 

    School of Mechatronic Engineering UniMAP 

  • 8/18/2019 CATIA LAB 4


    Connector Assembly


    1. To assemble different components2. To analyse an assembly

  • 8/18/2019 CATIA LAB 4


    1. To get in the assembly design workbench, go to StartMenu Mechanical Design Assembly Design.

    2. Right click on the default product (Product1)in the

    specification tree and select Properties option in thecontextual menu to get the Properties dialog box.

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  • 8/18/2019 CATIA LAB 4


    4. To add the components that are ready (i.e. alreadydesigned) in this assembly, click on the icon.

    5. In the folder ConnectorAssembly_MasterExercise(Mex4), select CATASMConnector_Shell.CATPart and

    CATASMConnector_Card_Assembly.CATProduct byusing the [ctrl] key.

    Click on the

    Existing component


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    6. The part and the assembly are added in the geometry

    and in the tree.

    the part and the assembly

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    7. To duplicate the shell for the bottom part of theconnector assembly, copy the Connector Shell andpaste it into the Connector Assembly.

    The second instance of the connector shell is added in the

    tree and in the geometry.Hint: You do not see it in the geometry as it is at the exact

    same position as the first instance.

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    8. To give explicit names to the instances: right-click on thefirst instance and select Properties. Type ‘Top Shell’ inthe top ‘Instance name’ field.

    9. Repeat the same procedure for the second instance andtype ‘Bottom shell’.

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  • 8/18/2019 CATIA LAB 4


    Step 2: Positioning


    1. To define all the necessary constraints to

    define the relation between the cardassembly and the 2 shells

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    1. Open the ConnectorAssembly2.

    2. To fix the card assembly in space (so that it will becomethe reference element), select the Connector Card

     Assembly component in the tree or in the geometry.

    3. Then click on the fix icon. The component is now fixed inspace.

    Click on

    the fix icon

  • 8/18/2019 CATIA LAB 4


    We shall now position the components in the geometry in such a

    way that constraints will be able to put on them later.

    4. First, separate the 2 shells. Make sure that the Connector Assembly

    is the active component (blue node in the tree).

    5. Drag and drop the compass onto the top face of the Top shell until it

    turns green. The Top Shell will move with the compass.

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    6. Position the cursor anywhere along the z axis on the

    compass and drag upwards.

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    7. To move the Bottom Shell now, select it in the tree or in thegeometry to have it highlighted in orange.

    8. Move your cursor on the z axis of the compass and drag downwardsthis time.

    9. Flip the Bottom Shell to have it match with the top one. Select the zyarc on the compass and drag along it until the shell is flipped 180degrees.

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    10. To reposition the 2 shells with respect to the Card,

    rotate both of them 180 degrees on the xy plane of the

    compass. Multi select wit [ctrl] key both components.

    11.Select the xy arc on the compass and drag clockwiseuntil both components are flipped 180 degrees.

    Flip 180


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    To start constraining, first set the axial constraints between the holesof the top shell and the card,

    12. Select the axial icon.

    13. Zoom on the left holes and select the inside of the left hole on the

    Top Shell and the inside of the corresponding hole on the card.When the constraint is set, the top shell moves above the card so asto have both axes perfectly aligned. The 2 red circles are thesymbols showing the coaxial constraint.

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    14. Repeat the same procedure on the right hole of the top shell with itscorresponding hole in the card.

    15. Now the top shell cannot slide anymore on the horizontal plane, butit can still move up or down. To constraint it in that direction, select

    the contact icon and the top face of the card. Then rotate theassembly so as to able to select the bottom face of one of thestandoffs on the top shell.


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    16.The surface contact is added in the tree and 2 square

    symbols appear on the geometry. The top shell is full


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    17. To constraint the Bottom Shell to the card, double-click on the axialicon so as to keep it on for both holes. Select the inside of theBottom Shell left hole and the inside of the corresponding hole onthe card.

    18. Repeat the procedure for the right hole.19. The circle symbols are added on the geometry and both constraints

    appear in the tree.

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    Finally, constraint the Bottom Shell to Card in the vertical direction.

    20. Select the Contact icon and the bottom face of the Card.

    21. Rotate again and zoom well to be able to select the top face of thestandoffs:

    The bottom shell automatically moves up so as to match the top shellaround the card assembly.

    The last constraint is added in the tree and the 2 square symbols are addedon the geometry.

    22. Save your work.