Catholic Church · sociedad y una cultura que convirtió “lo gaseoso” en valor, existan...

St. Stephen Protomartyr Catholic Church 1280 Prospect Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018 847-824-2026

Transcript of Catholic Church · sociedad y una cultura que convirtió “lo gaseoso” en valor, existan...

Page 1: Catholic Church · sociedad y una cultura que convirtió “lo gaseoso” en valor, existan personas que apuesten y busquen asumir compromisos que exigen toda la vida. Sustancialmente

St. Stephen Protomartyr Catholic Church

1280 Prospect Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018 847-824-2026

Page 2: Catholic Church · sociedad y una cultura que convirtió “lo gaseoso” en valor, existan personas que apuesten y busquen asumir compromisos que exigen toda la vida. Sustancialmente

Selected paragraph's from the letter of Pope Francis to Priests - Aug. 4- 2019 Without denying or dismissing the harm caused by some of our brothers, it would be unfair not to express our gratitude to all those priests who faithfully and generously spend their lives in the service of others (cf. 2 Cor 12:15). They embody a spiritual fatherhood capable of weeping with those who weep. Countless priests make of their lives a work of mercy in areas or situations that are often hostile, isolated or ignored, even at the risk of their lives. I acknowledge and appreciate your courageous and steadfast example; in these times of turbulence, shame and pain, you demonstrate that you have joyfully put your lives on the line for the sake of the Gospel. I am convinced that, to the extent that we remain faithful to God’s will, these present times of ecclesial purification will make us more joyful and humble, and prove, in the not distant future, very fruitful. “Let us not grow discouraged! The Lord is purifying his Bride and converting all of us to himself. He is letting us be put to the test in order to make us realize that without him we are simply dust. He is rescuing us from hypocrisy, from the spirituality of appearances. He is breathing forth his Spirit in order to restore the beauty of his Bride, caught in adultery. We can benefit from rereading the sixteenth chapter of Ezekiel. It is the history of the Church, and each of us can say it is our history too. In the end, through your sense of shame, you will continue to act as a shepherd. Our humble repentance, expressed in silent tears before these atrocious sins and the unfathomable grandeur of God’s forgiveness, is the beginning of a renewal of our holiness”. Dear brother priests, I thank you for your fidelity to the commitments you have made. It is a sign that, in a society and culture that glorifies the ephemeral, there are still people unafraid to make lifelong promises. In effect, we show that we continue to believe in God, who has never broken his covenant, despite our having broken it countless times. In this way, we celebrate the fidelity of God, who continues to trust us, to believe in us and to count on us, for all our sins and failings, and who invites us to be faithful in turn. Realizing that we hold this treasure in earthen vessels (cf. 2 Cor 4:7), we know that the Lord triumphs through weakness (cf. 2 Cor 12:9). He continues to sustain us and to renew his call, repaying us a hundredfold (cf. Mk 10:29-30). “For his mercy endures forever”. Thank you for your witness of persistence and patient endurance (hypomoné) in pastoral ministry. Often, with the parrhesía of the shepherd, we find ourselves arguing with the Lord in prayer, as Moses did in courageously interceding for the people (cf. Num 14:13-19; Ex 32:30-32; Dt 9:18-21). “For his mercy endures forever”.

Selection de algunos parrafos de la carta del Papa Francisco a los Sacerdotes Ago 4 - 2019

Sin negar y repudiar el daño causado por algunos hermanos nuestros sería injusto no reconocer

a tantos sacerdotes que, de manera constante y honesta, entregan todo lo que son y tienen por el bien

de los demás (cf. 2 Co 12,15) y llevan adelante una paternidad espiritual capaz de llorar con los que lloran; son innumerables los sacerdotes que hacen de su vida

una obra de misericordia en regiones o situaciones tantas veces inhóspitas, alejadas o abandonadas

incluso a riesgo de la propia vida. Reconozco y agradezco vuestro valiente y constante ejemplo que, en momentos de turbulencia, vergüenza y dolor, nos

manifiesta que Ustedes siguen jugándose con alegría por el Evangelio.

Estoy convencido de que, en la medida en que seamos fieles a la voluntad de Dios, los tiempos de

purificación eclesial que vivimos nos harán más alegres y sencillos y serán, en un futuro no lejano, muy

fecundos. «¡No nos desanimemos! El señor está purificando a su Esposa y nos está convirtiendo a

todos a Sí. Nos permite experimentar la prueba para que entendamos que sin Él somos polvo. Nos está

salvando de la hipocresía y de la espiritualidad de las apariencias. Está soplando su Espíritu para devolver la belleza a su Esposa sorprendida en flagrante adulterio. Nos hará bien leer hoy el capítulo 16 de Ezequiel. Esa

es la historia de la Iglesia. Esa es mi historia, puede decir alguno de nosotros. Y, al final, a través de tu

vergüenza, seguirás siendo un pastor. Nuestro humilde arrepentimiento, que permanece en silencio, en lágrimas ante la monstruosidad del pecado y la insondable grandeza del perdón de Dios, es el

comienzo renovado de nuestra santidad» Hermanos, gracias por vuestra fidelidad a los

compromisos contraídos. Es todo un signo que, en una sociedad y una cultura que convirtió “lo gaseoso” en

valor, existan personas que apuesten y busquen asumir compromisos que exigen toda la vida.

Sustancialmente estamos diciendo que seguimos creyendo en Dios que jamás ha quebrantado su

alianza, inclusive cuando nosotros la hemos quebrantado incontablemente. Esto nos invita a

celebrar la fidelidad de Dios que no deja de confiar, creer y apostar a pesar de nuestros límites y pecados,

y nos invita a hacer lo mismo. Conscientes de llevar un tesoro en vasijas de barro (cf. 2 Co 4,7), sabemos que el Señor triunfa en la debilidad (cf. 2 Co 12,9), no deja

de sostenernos y llamarnos, dándonos el ciento por uno (cf. Mc 10,29-30) porque «eterna es su

misericordia». Gracias por el testimonio de perseverancia y

“aguante” (hypomoné) en la entrega pastoral que tantas veces, movidos por la parresía del pastor, nos

lleva a luchar con el Señor en la oración, como Moisés en aquella valiente y hasta riesgosa intercesión por el

pueblo (cf. Nm 14,13-19; Ex 32,30-32; Dt 9,18-21); porque «eterna es su misericordia». 2

Page 3: Catholic Church · sociedad y una cultura que convirtió “lo gaseoso” en valor, existan personas que apuesten y busquen asumir compromisos que exigen toda la vida. Sustancialmente

Please pray for our parishioner who was born to eternal life:

Regina Bittel

Grant eternal rest unto her O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon her, and through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 REQUESTED BY: 8:00am Familia Perna Family 6:00pm Familia Perna TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 8:00am For Priestly, Deacon & Religious Vocations WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 5:45pm Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help 6:00pm †Jack Krystyn Dennis Krystyn THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 8:00am Communion Service FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13~ St. John Chrysostom, Bishop & Dr of Church 8:00am For the Youth SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 ~The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 8:00am For the Parishioners 11:30am Baptism ~ Olivia Tello 5:00pm Camille & Ricky Tiglao, special intention Jurado Family †Bill Pellinski Family SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 8:30am †Kathleen O’Brien Fiacre Heffernan 10:00am †Marion & Dick Vana Family †Simeon Alfonso, Jr. Isabelita Rosales 12:00pm For the Migrants

Masses, Intentions & Liturgies Pray for the Sick and the Homebound Lorraine Forbes Lumen Dulay

Alex Rodriguez Michael Kramer Tom Niemczyk Jim Niemczyk Marge Kopec

Norman Kozlowski Carmela Anderson

Vicki Foy Salvador Espinoza Charles Bransford

Larry Fortier Sue Hochmuth

Vicki Hall Angela Hanson Gloria Kosmicki

Angelita Valasquez

Rita Jay Kathy Barhyte

Kathy Drelicharz Grace Flynn Lenore Bittel

Mary Karen Vana Lucille Vece Mary Nurre

Edwin Del Carmen Judy Cooper

Amparo Ramirez Cherie DeCesare

Jack Joseph Federico Garay Robert Galway

Maria DePasquale Lillian Morrison


September 14 5:00 PM Rev. David Arcila Deacon Bill Warmouth

C Darrey Cantor S Clark B Stancato N Johnson Z Teran V Kasman Sr. C Ahanihu, SLW

September 15 8:30 AM Rev. David Arcila Deacon Conrad Wojnar

L Ryan S Fortier

Cantor R Bahamon K Mietus L Bahamon M Niemiec J Kozlik T Schrautemyer

Lee Manor - R Bahamon L Bahamon M Niemiec

September 15 10:00 AM Rev. David Arcila Deacon Bill Warmouth

L McGuire-Giovanni M Bilodeau

Folk Choir L Gallichio L Rodriguez B McGahan P Suerth D Mirallegro A Zagorski T Ring D Zagorski

B Pluta G Figueroa J Williamson

September 15 12:00 PM Rev. David Arcila

M Perez G Alvarado

Spanish Choir T Castro A Duran I Fajardo M Fajardo J Gómez R Guerrero A Hernández M Hernández J Mancilla S Mancilla

J Ibarra E Benitez J Gomez

M Pandolfi S Pandolfi M Kindle

L Hernandez

Liturgical Ministries Schedule

Please go to our website and click on the green online giving icon. If you are a new user, then click on the link “Sign up for a new account” and follow the prompts as directed. If you have any ques ons, please call the Parish Office.


STEWARDSHIP for Fiscal Year July 2019 - June 2020 9/1/19 Budgeted Actual Last Year Sunday Collection $8,000 $ 6,103 $ 5,399 Electronic Giving $ 465 $ 353 Children’s Collection $ 13 $ 38 Other Income $ 4,771 $ 3,098 For Week $11,300 $11,352 $ 8,874

Surplus (Deficit) for Week $ 52 Surplus (Deficit) for Year ($24,158)

Page 4: Catholic Church · sociedad y una cultura que convirtió “lo gaseoso” en valor, existan personas que apuesten y busquen asumir compromisos que exigen toda la vida. Sustancialmente

DATE/EVENT LOCATION Monday, September 9

6:00pm Escuela de Guitarra 6:30pm Catechist Meeting (Eng) 6:40pm Knights of Columbus Member Mtg 7:00pm Baptismal Prep Class - Eng Baptismal Prep Class - Spa Vigilia Grupo de Oracion

Music Room St. Isidore Room Mezydlo Room St. Joseph Room Deacon’s Office Church

Tuesday, September 10 6:00pm Coro de Grupo de Oracion 7:00pm Folk Choir Rehearsal Parish Council Bylaws Meeting RCIC Ongoing Formation Sacramental Program RCIA Finance Council

Room 9 Music Room St. Isidore Room Room 4 Room 6, 8 & 10 Deacon’s Office St. Joseph Room

Wednesday, September 11 6:45pm Holy Rosary 7:00pm Circulo de Oracion Spanish Couples Group

St. Joseph Room Church Room 20

Thursday, September 12 1:00pm HandMades 6:00pm Coro de Grupo de Oracion 7:00pm Sol Azteca Dance Group Celebracions Marianas Deacon Formation

St. Joseph Room Room 12 Hanley Hall Church St. Joseph Room

Friday, September 13 6:00pm Testimonial Dinner

The Cotillion

Saturday, September 14 8:30am Polish School 11:00am El Shaddai Prayer Group 4:00pm Choir Rehearsal Before Mass

Room 17 Hanley Hall Music Room

Sunday, September 15 8:00am Choir Rehearsal Before Mass 10:00am Educación Religiosa 1:00pm Kermes Mexicana Comunidad Abierta

Music Room School & Mezydlo Hanley Hall Mezydlo Room

Weekly Parish Events/ Eventos Parroquiales Semanales


August Baptisms

Contreras Family

Gorzelany Family

Gordon Family

August Quinceañera

Arizmendi Family

Page 5: Catholic Church · sociedad y una cultura que convirtió “lo gaseoso” en valor, existan personas que apuesten y busquen asumir compromisos que exigen toda la vida. Sustancialmente


The church needs an ambry to hold the sacred oils. The total cost is $1,500. If a parishioner is willing to donate for this purpose, please contact Fr. David or drop a check into the collection basket marked “Ambry”. The name of the donor or donors will be engraved on a brass plate posted near the ambry. La iglesia necesita una emboscada

para contener los aceites sagrados. El costo total es de $ 1,500. Si un feligrés está dispuesto a donar para este propósito, comuníquese con el p. David o deposite un cheque en la canasta de recolección marcada "Ambry". El nombre del donante o los donantes estarán grabados en una placa de latón colocada cerca de la emboscada.


HandMades is a group of volunteers that create handmade items which we donate to local charities.

We meet at 1:00 p.m. on Thursdays in the St. Joseph

Room. We have materials for people who cannot attend our meeting but would like to participate. Donations of

yarn are always appreciated. Phone Avila at 847-824-1206 or Betty at 847-824-9693 and we will

supply you with materials.

Entrance Fee

Page 6: Catholic Church · sociedad y una cultura que convirtió “lo gaseoso” en valor, existan personas que apuesten y busquen asumir compromisos que exigen toda la vida. Sustancialmente

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512123 St Stephen Protomartyr Church (B)

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Richard Konyar - ManagerMike Yendrzejowsky - Director | Wyatt Lindell - Director

Tom Murray - Pre Planning Specialist

Church News & Events // Eventos y Noticias Parroquiales ANNOUNCEMENTS

** The Finance Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10th at 7:00pm.


Any parishioner who is ill or unable to come to Mass, may request Holy Communion. Please call the Parish Office to schedule a home visit from a

Minister of Care.


Cuidado de Enfermos

Cualquier parroquiano que este enfermo y no pueda asistir a

Misa, puede solicitar la Sagrada Comunión.

Llame a la Oficina Parroquial para solicitar la visita de un ministro de los enfermos.


Bulletin Announcement Submissions are due 2 weeks minimum prior to the bulletin date

you are requesting.

Los envíos de anuncio del boletín se deben 2 semanas (como mínimo) antes de la fecha

del boletín que se solicita.

Misas de Lunes por la Noche en honor de San Jose a las 6:00pm

Segundo lunes del mes: 9 de septiembre - italiano

Tercer lunes del mes: 16 septiembre - tagalog

Cuarto lunes del mes: 23 de septiembre - español Monday Night Mass Schedule in honor of St. Joseph at 6:00pm

Second Monday of the Month: September 9 - Italian

Third Monday of the Month: September 16 - Tagalog

Fourth Monday of the Month: September 23 - Spanish

Volunteers needed to do free tax preparation

AARP Tax-Aide is a volunteer organization that is looking for volunteers to do federal and state taxes in the northwest suburbs. Tax preparers and greeters are needed. No previous tax experience is necessary but basic computer skills are required. Those who volunteer receive IRS training materials and attend 4-5 weekday training classes in January at Harper College in Prospect Heights. Preparers will also need to complete an IRS certification test. Volunteers must be able to commit to 3-4 hours once a week during the tax season, February – April, 2020. Bi-lingual volunteers are also needed. For more information email Ray at [email protected].

To volunteer complete the online application at


Protegiendo a los Niños de Dios -

Entrenamiento Virtus

Habrá una clase de VIRTUS en español aquí en San Esteban el día 19 de Octubre, 2019 a

las 9 am.

Si tu trabajas con niños y no tienes esta certificación,

Favor de inscribirte para esta clase.

Personas sin esta certificación no deben estar

trabajando donde hay niños.


Please join the Sisters of the Living Word for a prayer experience on “A Prayer for Peace” led by Sister Barbara Mass, SLW on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 10–11:30 AM or 7–8:30 PM at the Living Word Center, 800 North Fernandez in Arlington Heights. Please RSVP to [email protected]. All are welcome!

Page 7: Catholic Church · sociedad y una cultura que convirtió “lo gaseoso” en valor, existan personas que apuesten y busquen asumir compromisos que exigen toda la vida. Sustancialmente

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Page 8: Catholic Church · sociedad y una cultura que convirtió “lo gaseoso” en valor, existan personas que apuesten y busquen asumir compromisos que exigen toda la vida. Sustancialmente

MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays: 8:00 AM - M, T, F, S Communion Service: 8:00 AM - TH OLPH Devotion 5:45 PM - W Week Evening: 6:00 PM - W Vigil Mass Sat: 5:00 PM Sundays: 8:30 AM & 10:00 AM 12:00 PM - Spanish CONFESSIONS Wednesdays 5:00-5:30 PM Saturdays 4:00-4:30 PM First Fridays 5:00-5:30PM & by appointment

PARISH CONTACT 1880 Ash Street 847-824-2026 Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 847-824-3842 (fax) OFFICE HOURS Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30AM -12PM & 1-5PM Tuesday & Thursday 8:30AM -12PM & 1-7PM Saturday 9:00AM to 1:00PM Sunday Closed CHURCH 1280 Prospect Ave., Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 WEBSITE EMAIL [email protected] FACEBOOK Stephen Protomartyr

PARISH OFFICE STAFF: Rev. David Arcila Pastor Bill Warmouth Deacon Tony Towey Deacon Emeritus Conrad Wojnar Deacon Sr. Revelina Santiago Pastoral Associate Sr. Teresa de Jesus Quintero Pastoral Associate Toni Olague Rel. Ed. Assistant Phyllis Rotondo Bookkeeper Noreen Johnson Parish Secretary Daniel Roldan Weekend Help Andrzej Kasprzyk Maintenance


Go to the link on our parish website

Create your user name and password (you need this to login later)

If you have any questions about how to sign up for this free faith formation program,

please call the office.


Trainings for New Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers

Saturday, October 19, 2019 Check-in: 8:30 a.m.

Training Sessions are held concurrently: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

St. James 831 N Arlington Heights Rd, IL

To register, go to A follow up session will take place in your parish that will include

any practices specific to your parish.

Questions? Contract Marie Paul at [email protected]

Archdiocese of Chicago, Vicariate 1 DEF

Fall 2019 – Basic Training for New Ministers of Care

This program is designed for persons to be commissioned and mandated as Ministers of Care in their respective parishes to visit and/or take the Eucharist to those who are hospitalized, in nursing homes or confined to private homes. Full participation in all sessions will fulfill Archdiocesan requirements for mandating. No walk-ins can be accepted. Reservations: You MUST contact the Ministry of Care Coordinator at your parish prior to registering for this workshop at Questions? Dcn. Joe Yannotta at [email protected] or [email protected] When: Sat. Sept 21 and Sept 28, 2019 Attendance on both Saturdays is required. Location: St. John the Evangelist Parish Center, 502 S Park Blvd, Streamwood, IL 60107 (Park Blvd is approximately a mile west of Barrington Rd and runs N/S between Schaumburg & Irving Park Rds.) Gathering: 8:30 A.M. each Saturday. Personnel will be there to direct you to the sessions.

Please bring your own brown bag lunch each Saturday, coffee and water will be provided. Please bring this notice as your agenda. Also bring a note pad and pen to take any personal notes you wish to make.