Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and...

Entrance Old Hundredth -1- Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 8, 2013 Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul Prelude Prelude No. 2 in G Major Felix Mendelssohn 1809-1847

Transcript of Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and...

Entrance Old Hundredth


Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary TimeSeptember 8, 2013

Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul

Prelude Prelude No. 2 in G Major Felix Mendelssohn 1809-1847

Gloria Missa Simplex Richard Proulx


Sign of the Cross GreetingKyrie Word and Song Number 2, Page 6


Liturgy of the WordWord and Song, page 259

First Reading Wisdom 9:13-18b Who can conceive what the Lord intends?

Second Reading Philemon 9-10, 12-17 Receive him no longer as a slave but as a beloved brother.

Acclamation Before the Gospel Alleluia in C Howard Hughes, SM


1. You turn man back to dust, saying, “Return, O children of men.” For a thousand years in your sight are as yesterday, now that it is past, or as a watch of the night

2. You make an end of them in their sleep; the next morning they are like the changing grass, which at dawn springs up anew, but by evening wilts and fades.

3. Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart. Return, O Lord! How long? Have pity on your servants!

4. Fill us at daybreak with your kindness That we may shout for joy and gladness all our days. And may the gracious care of the Lord our God be ours; prosper the work of our hands for us!

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 90 Richard Proulx


Gospel Reading Luke 14:25-33 Anyone of you who does not renounce all possessions cannot be my disciple.


11:00 AM Renewal of Vows

Archbishop Chaput:

God our Father gives us the grace to persevere in our resolutions. Let us pray to him for these servants of his who are resolved to renew their vows today in the presence of the Church.

All pray for a time in silence.

Lord, in your providence you have called these servants of yours to follow your Son more closely. Mercifully grant that they may persevere to the end along the way of your love on which they have set out with such joy. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

Archbishop Chaput:

I now invite all Religious Jubilarians to renew their vows.

Religious Jubilarians:

My God, I renew my vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, hoping, with your assistance, to observe them faithfully all of my life. Amen.

Profession of Faith Word and Song Page 12

Universal Prayer

Let your face shine upon your servant;and teach me your laws

Liturgy of the EucharistPreparation of the Gifts

Anthem See What Love Felix Mendelssohn 11:00 AM Cathedral Basilica Schola 1809-1847

See what love hath the Father bestowed on us in His goodness, that we should be called God’s own children.


Sanctus Community Mass Richard Proulx

Mystery of Faith Community Mass Richard Proulx

Agnus Dei Community Mass Richard Proulx

Amen Community Mass Richard Proulx


Communion Anthem Ave Verum William Byrd 11:00 AM Cathedral Basilica Schola 1543 - 1623

English Translation, Sung in Latin

Hail, true Body, born of the Virgin Mary,Who has truly suffered, was sacrificed on the cross for mortals,

Whose side was pierced, whence flowed water and blood:Be for us a foretaste (of heaven) during our final examining.

O Jesu sweet, O Jesu pure, O Jesu, Son of Mary, have mercy upon me. Amen..

1. God is renowned in Judah; In Israel his name is great.

2. His tent is set in Salem, And his dwelling place in Sion.

3. It was there he broke the flaming arrows, The shield, the sword, the armor.

4. Resplendent are you, more majestic Than the everlasting mountains. The stouthearted, despoiled, slept in death.

5. You uttered your sentence from the heavens; The earth in terror was still

6. When you arose, O God, to judge, To save all the humble of the earth. Dox. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, As it was in the beginning, is now, And will be forever. Amen.


Communion Antiphon Andrew Motyka

Recessional Hymn Lift High the Cross Crucifer


Music Reprinted under the following: GIA/ License Number A-0716682; OCP/LicenSing License Number U16794 and World Library Publications License Number ALD0211091. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission.

Postlude Sonata No. 2 Felix MendelssohnAllegro Maestoso

Salve Regina Chant 6:30PM Sunday ONLY Word and Song Page 782, Number 812

90 YearsSr. Bohdonna Podney OSBM

85 YearsSr. M. Germaine Grabowski CSFN

80 YearsSr. Molly McGuire GNSHSr. Catherine Mooney SSJSr. Marie Denise Reice SSJSr. Mary Philip Robinson SSJ

75 YearsSr. Marion Aherne SSJSr. Lois Beaucage SHCJSr. Marie Lucita Cangemi MSBTRev. Joseph A. Fitzmyer SJSr. Mary Agnes Loretta Ford RSMSr. Helene A. Gardner SSJSr. Miriam Magdala McDevitt SSJSr. Catherine Elizabeth Murphy SSJ Sr. Columbkill O’Connor OSF Phila.Sr. Angela Patrice Power OSF Phila. Sr. John Catherine Rohe OSF Phila.Sr. M. Salvatore Samko CSFN

70 YearsSr. Vincent Marie Binder MSBTSr. Assunta Bonner SSJSr. Mary Rita Boyle SSJSr. M. Terentia Corcoran IHMSr. Patricia Joseph Corkery RSMSr. Anne Regina Curley MSBTSr. Marie Philippine Dirvin IHM

Rev. Paul A. Donovan SJSr. M. Catherine Dunleavy IHMSr. Therese Ganly SSJRev. Edward V. Griffin OSASr. Roberta Hoolahan SSJSr. Mary Paul Kelly SBSSr. Marie Claire Kleschick SSJSr. Patricia Marshall SBSSr. Jean McLaughlin RSMSr. Laetitia Okoniewski OSF BernardineRev. Anthony P. Roberts SJSr. Marie Evelyn Sinnett OSF Phila.Sr. Marian L. Steiner SSJSr. Marjorie T. Sweeney SSJSr. Rose Immaculate Waller OSF Phila.Sr. Marie Berenice Weaver SSJ

65 YearsSr. Joan Dolores Boyce SSJRev. Donald X. Burt OSARev. William A. Guerin OSFSSr. Paula Jacynyk OSBMRev. George P. Lawless OSASr. Rose Magill SSJSr. Charles Helene McNeelis SSJSr. Daniel Margaret O’Connor SSJSr. Rita Helen Rodgers SSJSr. Kathleen Patricia Sheehan SSJSr. Marietta Smolicz OSF BernardineRev. Joseph A. Spinelli OSARev. John J. Sheridan OSASr. Marie Michael Wanzie SSJ


60 YearsSr. Trinita Marie Amorosi IHMSr. Joan Marie Berk SSJSr. Elizabeth Bertoldi OSBMSr. Jane Dolores Biddle IHMSr. Jane Bigelow SHCJSr. Marita Christi Blinebury IHMSr. Maria Benedetta Boyle SSJSr. Maryann Burgoyne RSMSr. Mary Ann Burke IHMSr. Rosemary Byrne IHMSr. Andrew Marie Cavanaugh IHMBro. Thomas Chadwick FSCSr. Charlotte Mary Close SHCJSr. Elizabeth Collins SBSSr. Mary Elizabeth Condon IHMSr. M. Catarin P. Conjar IHMRev. James P. Conway OSARev. Robert S. Curry SJSr. Odette J. Dalfo IHMSr. Catherine Denny MSBTSr. Patricia Devlin SHCJRev. Edward Dixey OSASr. Patricia Doherty SSJSr. Mary Agnes Donnelly RSMSr. Dolores Jean Dowling IHMSr. Katharine E. Doyle SSJSr. Benedict de St. Vincent Driscoll lspSr. M. Martin Duffy CSFNSr. Paulette Elking MMSRev. James M. English SJSr. Marie C. Fenton SSJSr. Regina Edward Flanigan IHMRev. Richard L. Foley OSASr. Marie Honora Fraties IHMSr. Kathryn Gates MMSSr. Kathryn Gates SBS

Rev. Karl A. Gersbach OSASr. Alice M. Gleason IHMSr. Jane Catherine Glennon SSJSr. Louise M. Goeller IHMSr. Gloria Mercedes Gonzalez MSBTSr. Joan Gray SSJSr. Winefrid de Ste. Marie Haigh lspSr. Catherine Mary Harmer MMSSr. Maria Madonna Johnson RSMSr. Celeste Marie Kambic IHMSr. Mary Helen Kashuba SSJSr. Catherine Kilcoyne SSJSr. Joan Irene Klukaszewski OSF BernardineSr. Mary Elizabeth Kratzinger SSJSr. John Regina Lang MSBTSr. Mary Ann Leahy IHMSr. Marguerite Lewis SBSSr. Maureen Lowry RSM Sr. M. Julietta Ludwikowski IHMSr. Mary K. Lydon IHMSr. Patricia Lynch SBSSr. Mary Elizabeth Maier SSJSr. Mary Martin SHCJSr. Marie de Lourdes Mates IHMSr. Edward Mary McBride IHMSr. Maria Espiritu McCall SBSRev. Neil J. McGettigan OSASr. M Ann McGovern IHMSr. Joanne McIlhenney RSMSr. Joan McIntyre SHCJSr. Marie Shaun McShane IHMSr. M. Joachim Mioduczewska CSFNSr. M. Bernadette of Lourdes Moerman IHMBro. Gerard Molyneaux FSCSr. Regina Immaculata Monaghan SSJSr. M. Teresita Morales CSFN

Sr. M. St. Michel Mullany IHMSr. Margaret Mullin SHCJSr. Catherine Murray SHCJSr. M. Elizabeth Jane Murray IHMSr. Mary O’Connell SHCJRev. Joseph X. O’Connor OSASr. Annette Marie O’Donnell SBSSr. Juanita Ortega MMSSr. Patricia Patton MMSSr. Maria Fatima Pitt RSMSr. Maureen Quigley GNSHSr. Audrey Recktenwald MSBTSr. Carol Marie Repholz IHMSr. Marian Robinson RSMSr. Loretta Dolores Scribbick SSJSr. Miriam D. Scully IHM Sr. Martina Shaeffer MMSSr. Kathleen Sholette GNSHSr. Marian Perpetua Skala RSMSr. Ann Louise Smith MMSBro. Leo Smith FSC Sr. Mary Christi Spellman IHM Sr. Rita Kathryn Sperka CSFNSr. Lorriane Stein SBSSr. Elizabeth Strachan SBSSr. Ann Sweeney SSJSr. Donna Jean Tavernier GNSHSr. Mary Sue Thomas GNSHSr. Roseann Treston SSJSr. Mercita Marie Valentine IHMSr. Jean Vogel GNSHSr. Marie Francis Walchonsky OSBMSr. Shirley Wing MMSSr. Loretta Wundrok GNSH

50 YearsSr. Anne Hedwig Amati OSF Phila.

Sr. Rita Marian Angelilli IHMSr. Joan Bannigan SSJSr. Mary Richard Benanti OP HawthorneRev. Patrick T. Brannan SJRev. Francis R. Burch SJBro. Joseph Burke FSCRev. Gordon Cannoles CSsRSr. Anne Condart RSMSr. Maureen Crissy RSMSr. Mary Andrea Curran SCCSr. Victoria De Sante SSJSr. Kathleen Frances Donovan OSF Phila.Sr. M. Kathleen E. Doyle IHMSr. M. Rita A. Doyle IHMSr. Regina Joseph Doyle SSJSr. Rose Marie Eichner OSF Phila.Rev. Alfred J. Ellis OSARev. Kail C. Ellis OSASr. M. Elenore Joseph Ertel IHMSr. M. James Anne Ferrick IHMSr. M. Noreen James Friel IHMSr. Kathleen Marie Gannon OSF Phila.Sr. M. Margaret F. Gerner IHMSr. M. Kathleen Gorman IHMSr. Mary Gough IHMRev. Carl Graczyk OFM AssumptionSr. M. Rita Louise Guerreri IHMSr. Mary Catherine Gurley OSF Phila.Rev. John Hamrogue CSsRBr. William C. Harkin OSASr. M. Patricia Healey IHMSr. Alice M. Hess IHM

Rev. Arthur D. Johnson OSASr. Honora Marie Johnston IHM

Sr. M. Catherine Anne Kaporch IHMSr. Margaret Keane SSJSr. M . Ursulina Keller CSRSr. Patricia Kelly MSBTSr. Patricia Kelly SSJSr. Margaret Mary Klein OSF Phila. Sr. Joan Ann Koliss OSF Phila. Sr. Christine Kranichfeld OSF Phila. Rev. Michael J. Lee O.Praem. Sr. Patricia Leipold RSMRev. Gordon E. Marcellus OSASr. Mary Carroll McCaffrey SSJSr. Loretta McCarry SSJSr. Helen McDonald SHCJSr. M. Kathleen McLaughlin IHMSr. Evelyn Mingone SSJSr. Margaret Moran MMSRev. Paul F. Morrissey OSASr. Ellen Miriam Musick IHMRev. John Joseph Novielli O.Praem. Sr. M. Brendan O’Brien CSFNSr. Ann O’Connell RSMSr. Jane O’Connor MSBTSr. Beverly Palumbo RSMSr. Eleanor Joseph Peck OSF Phila. Sr. Velma Rose Pomes MMSSr. Stephanie Potraj CSFNSr. Marie Angela Presenza OSF Phila. Sr. M. JoAnna Ralph IHMSr. M. Rose Veronica Robinson IHMSr. William Margaret Romen OSF Phila. Rt. Rev. Ronald J. Rossi O.Praem.Sr. Elaine Anne Schaffer RSMBro. Edward Sheehy FSCSr. Monica Sheehy RSMSr. M. David Sibiski CSFNSr. M. Helen Richard Snyder IHM

Sr. Margaret Jude Sullivan SSJ Sr. Catherine Marie Swartz OSF Phila.Sr. Francis Maura Tierney MSBTSr. Frances Vaughan MMSSr. M. Joanne Wallace IHMSr. Maryanne R. Winterberg IHMRev. Richard Wyzykiewicz SchPSr. Renee Yann RSMSr. Florence Young MSBT

25 YearsSr. Cam Banh ACJRev. Robert L. Bazzoli OSFSRev. Alfred Bradley CssRRev. Joseph G. Campellone OSFSSr. Ivette Diaz RSMSr. Mary Lucy Hitchcock OP HawthorneSr. Catherine Therese Hubert VHMRev. Bruce Lewandowski CSsRRev. Bruce A. Maivelett SJRev. Thomas R. McCarthy OSASr. M. Catherine Msuya HSS