Catatan Outline TCM

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Transcript of Catatan Outline TCM

  • 8/14/2019 Catatan Outline TCM


    Outline TCM , ada 5 heory:

    1. Yin-Yang

    2. Five Elements

    3. Meridians

    4. Zang-fu

    5. Qi, Blood, n body fluid.


    = everything in the world consist of two basic, everything can be divided by yin n


    If the balance is disturbed

    YIN-yang picture

    White = Yang

    Black = Yin

    1. Five elements (Zang Organs)





    Water -kidney

    2. Theory of Meridians :

    Branching from them is a network of other smaller channels, ada 12 main


    3. Zang-Fu organs (viscera/internal organs) = 11 organ

    Teorinya Sama scr anatomi, tp berbeda scr fungsional

    Zang (organ besar) 5:

    a. Spleen

  • 8/14/2019 Catatan Outline TCM


    b. Heart

    c. Lungs

    d. Liver TCM=store blood/make blood, make emotion more?, Moderen :


    e. Kidneys

    Fu (organ Kecil) 6:

    f. Small intestine

    g. Large intestine

    h. Gallbladder

    i. Bladder

    j. Stomach

    k. Three jiao (special organ in TCM)

    4. Concept of Qi in TCM

    Qi = Yang, memvitalisasi, propels, n warms the body.

    Fundamental substance of which all life activities depent = Qi is the energy,

    Chi = is energy in our body, we cant touch, but we can feel it.


    - Endogenous factors = illness caused by emotions

    Angry, sadness, worry, fear, joy, grief, pensiveness, n Shock 7 Emotions

    - Exogenous factors

    Wind, cold, damp, fire, dryness, n summer-heat Six Evil qi

    Di Indonesia, cm ada 3 evil Chi:

    Damp = in rain season

    Fire n summer-heat = musim panas

  • 8/14/2019 Catatan Outline TCM


    - Certain-case factors

    Include work (overwork), exercise (overexercise) , diet (overeat), sexual

    activity, n physical trauma.

    Klo di modern medicine, sebab penyakit itu akibat virus atw bakteri, tp klo di TCM,

    krn tiga hal diatas.

    TCM holds that human body forms an organic integrity, all part inseparable, n the

    physiologically kept in harmony.

    Reaction within physiological limit = adaptation

    Diagnosis : = specialnya =tongue n pulse examination.

    Ada Four examination :

    - Visual examination : Complexion, five sensor organs, tongue examination

    - Auscultation n olfaction examination: sound of voice, breath n others

    - Inquiry : complain, health history, SLEEP, APPETITE, Digestion, Bowel

    movement, EMOTIONAL FEATURES, bladder, sweat, pain, lifestyle features,

    gynecological features.

    - Palpation : u/ dpt Body temperature, moisture, dan pain

    - Palpation : Pulse Examination

    Special Examination : very same to modern medicine : Tongue dan pulse

    Syndrome differentiation: holistic

    Klo sakitnya dikepala, blm tentu yg diobati itu u/ kepala.

    Seize the root cause = syndromes differentiation

    Treatment must be based on Syndromes differentiation:

    Differensiasinya trgantung pada :

    1. 8 prinsip: most important syndrome in TCM

    Yin-Yang, Exteriror-Interior, Cold-heat, Deficiency-Excess.

  • 8/14/2019 Catatan Outline TCM


    2. Teori qi (chi), blood, n body fluid

    3. Zang-fu organs theory

    4. Six meridians (curve meridians),

    5. Theory, Wei, Qi,Ying, dan Xue

    6. Three Jiao

    Provide the basis of treatments.

    Treatmentnya :

    1. Acupuncture

    2. Herbology =

    3. Massage = (u/ perbaiki meridian)

    4. Qigong (chigong/ Yoga) = not effective in acute illness orr medical

    emergencies, tp u/ penyakit2 kronik.

    Acupuncture n moxibustion :

    Indispensable part of traditional Chinese medicine

    Chi is seen as the vital energy in ones body to maintain life. Memperbaikinya dgn

    Qigong (yoga)

    Review :

    Basic theories

    5 zhang Organs:

    Spleen-earth itu u/ digestive dan transportation, it produces material. Its mother of


    Lung-metal has descending nature

    Kidney-water to regulate the circulation of water