Catanduanes gov disowns ‘mega shabu Club Ilonggo in...

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2016 02 04 Catanduanes gov disowns ‘mega shabu lab,’ implicates NBI exec Club Ilonggo in Kuwait hosts ‘ProudNanay 2016’ Abu Sayyaf leader tagged in Samal kidnapping killed MANILA: The Abu Sayyaf leader who was involved in the 2015 kidnapping of four tourists on Samal Island in Davao del Norte has been killed, the mili- tary said yesterday. Abraham Hamid and two cohorts were killed during an encounter between the Abu Sayyaf group and local authorities in Lahad Datu, Sabah on Thursday. Two Abu Sayyaf members identified as Samsungaljan and Awal Hajal were also caught during the operation. Two others are missing, according to the Western Mindanao Command. Hamid is identified as the leader of the group that took Robert Hall, John Ridsdel, Maritess Flor and Kjartan Sekkingstad from the Ocean View Resort in Camudmud, Samal City on September 21, 2015. He was also tagged in the kidnapping of four Indonesian crew members of Tugboat Henry near Tawi-Tawi last April.— ABS-CBN News MANILA: Philippine Vice President Leni Robredo vowed Monday to spearhead national opposition to extrajudicial killings and other flashpoint issues sur- rounding President Rodrigo Duterte’s controversial anti-crime crackdown. The announcement, which came a day after she quit Duterte’s cabinet, makes her the highest-ranking official to publicly voice such firm dissent to the presi- dent’s hardline law-and-order platform. “This is not the time for fear. It is a time for convic- tion. It is a time for courage,” Robredo, a lawyer, told reporters. Robredo, 51, resigned from Duterte’s cabi- net after a top presidential aide told her over the weekend she had been banned from its meetings. Duterte on Monday accepted her resignation. The president and vice president are elected separately in the Philippines, and the current pair belong to rival parties. Robredo accepted a post as a housing czar after Duterte took office on June 30, following a tradition in which the vice president is given a cabinet position regardless of political affiliation. But their simmering tensions boiled over because of Duterte’s decision to allow the embalmed body of dictator Ferdinand Marcos to be buried at the national heroes’ cemetery last month. Robredo, 51, cited the Marcos burial as one issue on which she would be a “stronger voice” now she had quit Duterte’s cabinet. She also highlighted Duterte’s drugs war, which has claimed more than 4,800 lives and led to accusa- tions that the government is overseeing widespread extrajudicial killings. “I will oppose all policies with a stronger voice... that I think are detrimental to the Filipino people,” Robredo said, specifically citing “extrajudicial killings”. She also vowed to speak out against plans by the Duterte administration to bring back the death penal- ty and lower the age of criminal responsibility to nine. “If being an opposition leader entails that, then I will be an opposition leader,” she said. With surveys showing Filipinos overwhelmingly endorse Duterte’s hardline anti-crime policies, he has so far faced very little political opposition. Continued on Page 2 Manila says will not help US on patrols in South China Sea MANILA: The Philippine defense secretary said Thursday it is highly unlikely his country will allow the U.S. military to use it as a springboard for free- dom of navigation patrols in the disputed South China Sea to avoid antagonizing China. Delfin Lorenzana said U.S. ships and aircraft could use bases in Guam, Okinawa or fly from air- craft carriers to patrol the disputed waters. Under President Rodrigo Duterte’s predeces- sor, Benigno Aquino III, some U.S. aircraft and ships stopped in the Philippines on the way to patrolling the disputed waters to challenge China’s territorial claims. Duterte, who took office in June, has taken steps to mend ties with China and became hostile toward the Obama administra- tion after it raised concerns over Duterte’s deadly crackdown on illegal drugs. Asked if the Philippines will continue to host U.S. ships and aircraft patrolling the disputed waters, Lorenzana said Duterte will not likely allow that to happen “to avoid any provocative actions that can escalate ten- sions in the South China Sea. It’s unlikely.” Continued on Page 2 Philippine vice president to lead opposition to Duterte policies Fil-Aseak celebrates Christmas in advance Page 3 MANILA: Masked protesters display placards as they gather for a rally near the Presidential Palace to mark International Human Rights Day in Manila, Philippines yesterday. The protesters are calling on the Government for an end to extra-judicial killings in the country which already claimed the lives of more than 4,000 people. —AP

Transcript of Catanduanes gov disowns ‘mega shabu Club Ilonggo in...

Page 1: Catanduanes gov disowns ‘mega shabu Club Ilonggo in · 11/12/2016  · SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2016 Catanduanes gov 02 04 disowns ‘mega




02 04Catanduanes gov disowns ‘mega shabu

lab,’ implicates NBI exec

Club Ilonggo in Kuwaithosts ‘ProudNanay 2016’

Abu Sayyaf leadertagged in Samalkidnapping killedMANILA: The Abu Sayyaf leader who was involvedin the 2015 kidnapping of four tourists on SamalIsland in Davao del Norte has been killed, the mili-tary said yesterday. Abraham Hamid and twocohorts were killed during an encounter betweenthe Abu Sayyaf group and local authorities inLahad Datu, Sabah on Thursday. Two Abu Sayyafmembers identified as Samsungaljan and AwalHajal were also caught during the operation. Twoothers are missing, according to the WesternMindanao Command.

Hamid is identified as the leader of the groupthat took Robert Hall, John Ridsdel, Maritess Florand Kjartan Sekkingstad from the Ocean ViewResort in Camudmud, Samal City on September21, 2015. He was also tagged in the kidnapping offour Indonesian crew members of Tugboat Henrynear Tawi-Tawi last April.— ABS-CBN News

MANILA: Philippine Vice President Leni Robredovowed Monday to spearhead national opposition toextrajudicial killings and other flashpoint issues sur-rounding President Rodrigo Duterte’s controversialanti-crime crackdown.

The announcement, which came a day after shequit Duterte’s cabinet, makes her the highest-rankingofficial to publicly voice such firm dissent to the presi-dent’s hardline law-and-order platform.

“This is not the time for fear. It is a time for convic-tion. It is a time for courage,” Robredo, a lawyer, toldreporters. Robredo, 51, resigned from Duterte’s cabi-net after a top presidential aide told her over theweekend she had been banned from its meetings.Duterte on Monday accepted her resignation. The

president and vice president are elected separately inthe Philippines, and the current pair belong to rivalparties.

Robredo accepted a post as a housing czar afterDuterte took office on June 30, following a tradition inwhich the vice president is given a cabinet positionregardless of political affiliation. But their simmeringtensions boiled over because of Duterte’s decision toallow the embalmed body of dictator FerdinandMarcos to be buried at the national heroes’ cemeterylast month.

Robredo, 51, cited the Marcos burial as one issueon which she would be a “stronger voice” now she hadquit Duterte’s cabinet.

She also highlighted Duterte’s drugs war, which

has claimed more than 4,800 lives and led to accusa-tions that the government is overseeing widespreadextrajudicial killings.

“I will oppose all policies with a stronger voice...that I think are detrimental to the Filipino people,”Robredo said, specifically citing “extrajudicial killings”.

She also vowed to speak out against plans by theDuterte administration to bring back the death penal-ty and lower the age of criminal responsibility to nine.

“If being an opposition leader entails that, then Iwill be an opposition leader,” she said.

With surveys showing Filipinos overwhelminglyendorse Duterte’s hardline anti-crime policies, he hasso far faced very little political opposition.

Continued on Page 2

Manila says will nothelp US on patrolsin South China Sea

MANILA: The Philippine defense secretary saidThursday it is highly unlikely his country will allowthe U.S. military to use it as a springboard for free-dom of navigation patrols in the disputed SouthChina Sea to avoid antagonizing China.

Delfin Lorenzana said U.S. ships and aircraftcould use bases in Guam, Okinawa or fly from air-craft carriers to patrol the disputed waters.

Under President Rodrigo Duterte’s predeces-sor, Benigno Aquino III, some U.S. aircraft andships stopped in the Philippines on the way topatrolling the disputed waters to challengeChina’s territorial claims. Duterte, who took officein June, has taken steps to mend ties with Chinaand became hostile toward the Obama administra-tion after it raised concerns over Duterte’s deadlycrackdown on illegal drugs. Asked if the Philippineswill continue to host U.S. ships and aircraftpatrolling the disputed waters, Lorenzana saidDuterte will not likely allow that to happen “toavoid any provocative actions that can escalate ten-sions in the South China Sea. It’s unlikely.”

Continued on Page 2

Philippine vice president to lead opposition to Duterte policies

Fil-Aseak celebrates Christmas in advancePage 3

MANILA: Masked protesters display placards as they gather for a rally near the Presidential Palace to mark International HumanRights Day in Manila, Philippines yesterday. The protesters are calling on the Government for an end to extra-judicial killings inthe country which already claimed the lives of more than 4,000 people. —AP

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Continued from Page 1Turncoats are a feature of the Philippines’ democra-

cy, and many members of Robredo’s Liberal Partyjoined the president’s alliance so they could receivefunding and enjoy other opportunities of siding withthe winner. Robredo also on Monday elaborated onher claims Sunday that there was a plot to oust her asvice president.

She alleged that Duterte’s allies wanted to installFerdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jnr, son of the late dic-tator, in her place.

Marcos Jnr finished a narrow second to Robredo inthe May elections, and has filed a legal challenge tothe result alleging voter fraud. The Marcoses areDuterte allies and the president has said they helpedfund his presidential campaign.

A statement from Marcos Jnr’s office hailed

Robredo’s cabinet exit. “Her departure from PresidentDuterte’s cabinet is long overdue given her very obvi-ous adversarial attitude and opposite stance from hispolicies,” it said. Duterte made no mention of Robredoin a Christmas speech at the presidential palace, hisonly public appearance on Monday.

However he reiterated there would be no let-up inhis campaign against illegal drugs, telling police not tofear being accused of abuse. “Do not worry. Just doyour job. Just obey my order, look for them and huntfor them. Follow this and I will take all the responsibili-ty. I will answer for it personally,” he said. Duterte haslikened his campaign against drug addicts and traf-fickers to Adolf Hitler’s efforts to eliminate Jews.

Last week he threatened to have human rightsdefenders killed for speaking out against the crimewar. —AFP

Continued from Page 1“ We’ l l avoid that for the meant ime,”

Lorenzana said. “Anyway, the U.S. can fly overthere coming from other bases.”

In Washington, State Department spokes-woman Elizabeth Trudeau said Thursday shecould not comment on Lorenzana’s remarks asshe hadn’t seen them, but added: “Our adher-ence to freedom of navigation is well known.You know, we will fly, we will sail anywherewithin international waters and we will con-tinue that.”

The commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific,Adm. Harr y Harr is , sa id last month thatdespite Duterte’s rhetoric, military coopera-tion with Manila has not changed.

Duterte has publicly threatened to scaleback the Philippines’ military engagementswith the U.S., including scuttling a plan to car-ry out joint patrols with the U.S. Navy in thedisputed waters, which he said China oppos-es.

U.S.-Philippine annual combat exerciseshave been reduced and will be redesigned tofocus on disaster response and humanitarianmiss ions. Among the maneuvers to bedropped starting next year are amphibiouslanding exercises and beach raids aimed atenhancing the country’s territorial defense,military officials said.

Duterte’s actions have become a hindranceto U.S. efforts to reassert its presence in Asia,although the U.S. military has vowed to con-tinue patrolling one of the world’s busiest

commercial waterways.After Duterte met Chinese President Xi

Jinping in Beijing in October, China allowedFil ipinos to f ish at disputed ScarboroughShoal. China took control of the rich fishingarea in 2012 af ter a tense standoff withPhilippine government ships.

Phil ippine coast guard ships have alsoresumed patrols at the shoal.

As ide f rom the eas ing of tensions atScarborough, Chinese coast guard ships areno longer blocking Philippine resupply shipsfrom Second Thomas Shoal, farther south inthe Spratlys, Lorenzana said.

Lorenzana said he and his Chinese counter-part agreed in October, during Duterte’s trip toChina, to resume exchanges of defenseobservers and students under a 2004 agree-ment. The exchanges were suspended in 2012when the Philippines brought its territorial dis-putes with China to international arbitrationunder Aquino’s presidency, angering Beijing,he said.

China has also inquired if it can supply arma-ments to the Philippines, he said.

China can further expand its influence in theregion if U.S. President-elect Donald Trump pur-sues an isolationist foreign policy, formerPhilippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosariosaid.

“If the U.S. relinquishes (its) leadership pos-ture in terms of the region, that vacuum will bequickly filled by our northern neighbor,” delRosario said.—AP

Manila says ...

MANILA: Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) officials destroy P3.1 million($62,000) worth of chemicals and laboratory equipment seized in President RodrigoDuterte’s ongoing efforts to stop the drug trade on Thursday in Valenzuela city,Bulacan province north of Manila, Philippines. —AP

MANILA: Catanduanes Governor Joseph Cuaon Wednesday vehemently denied any con-nection to a recently busted “mega shabu lab-oratory” in Virac town, linking instead aNational Bureau of Investigation (NBI) officialto the facility that can produce hundreds ofkilos of methamphetamine daily.

In a press conference, Cua said the lab,which is the biggest discovered in the countryso far, sits on a land that belongs to a certainSarah Sarmiento and leased by AngelicaBalmadrid, the common-law wife of NBIRegion 7 director, Atty. Eric Isidro. Cua addedthat data gathered by his team shows that themega shabu lab was constructed in 2015under a different administration.

A Chinese national named Jason GonzalesUy and three other unidentified Chinese menoperated the laboratory in the guise of a plas-tic recycling warehouse, the governor added.

The four Chinese were allegedly tipped offby NBI agents or local police of the a daybefore the raid of the laboratory lastNovember 26.

Cua went on to deny allegations that hedabbles with illicit drugs through his shippingbusiness. He surmised that his political detrac-tors are responsible for dragging his nameinto the narcotics trade. Insisting that he nev-er had drug ties in his years of public service,he added that he is open to any investigation.


Catanduanes gov disowns ‘megashabu lab,’ implicates NBI exec Philippine vice ...

‘Sing Galing Duo’ Club organizes Christmas Party KUWAIT: Pinoy Arabia FM ‘Sing Galing Duo’ Club has recently organized Christmas Party at the Slayton’s residence in Jabriya. The group has served sumptuous food over sev-eral number of songs shared to the thrilled guests and visitors.

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Fil-Aseak celebrates Christmas in advance KUWAIT: The Filipino Association of Secretaries of Employment Recruitment Agencies in Kuwait (Fil-Aseak) organized on Friday ‘Chritmas Party at Holiday Inn Salmiya. Event was attended byacting Philippine Labor Attache to Kuwait Angelita Narvaez and some other officials. The agency’s sectary and their companies being represented also received some awards/recognition from theembassy. Various activities followed like games and gift sharing.

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KUWAIT: Club Ilonggo in Kuwait (CIK) organ-ized ‘7th Cultural Fiesta 2016’ with a searchfor ‘proudnanay’ (Proud Mother 2016)! Theevent was held at the Best Western HotelSalmiya on Friday. Philippine Ambassador toKuwait Renator Pedro Villa graced the occa-sion along with other officers/staff/person-nel of the embassy and other Filipino com-munity leaders.

For the past six years, CIK celebrate CulturalFiesta with the hope of not only carrying onthis tradition but also to showcase Ilonggotalents and bring together and share the spiritof camaraderie of not only to other Filipinosbut to foreign friends as well. The highlight ofthe show was the crowning of CIK Queen. Butthis year the group came up with a differentplan. Realizing most members are motherswho have endured long years of being anOFW hence decided to give tribute to all theirsacrifices for the sake of their love ones backhome. So the Search for #ProudNanay ‘16(#proudmother) was created with thethoughts of honoring these super moms. Withthe initiative of the CIK President Oliver Doing,agreed to invite participants from otherFilipino organization that befits the qualifica-tion which should be a mother and 45+ yearsof age. “For Ilonggo’s, we are very fond of

hosting festival and fiestas, their high sense ofspirituality and inter-cultural values paved theway of this celebration as a Thanksgiving foralmost everything the Divine Providence haslavishly endowed them. This is already a tradi-tion all Ilonggo’s had loved and cherishedsince childhood. No matter where destinybrings them, they held this close to theirhearts,” Diong said.

Conceptualizing a fun, humorous, melo-dramatic show, the organizers put a twist andspice from the usual competition. A total ofnine participants had been selected to com-pete on the following category:

#Pasikat Number (Production Number)where candidates opened the show withMegan Trainor’s hit “Better When I’m Dancing”as they danced their way to the audienceheart with a per fect score on audienceimpact.

#ProudNanay Attire -ramped the catwalk intheir uniforms at work may it be a Chef, aNanny, a Babysitter, a Sales Manager or anAerobic instructress. Everyone geared up withall props including “hugot lines” that drawslaughter and tears from the crowd.

#Pasikat in Nanay where they showcasestheir talents of dancing, singing, monologuesand even true-to-life drama that will make

you shed a tear or two...#PabongganiNanayis when they gracefully

walk down in their fabulous evening gowns,soft music from the background while thevideo of their family played on.This renderemotions not onlyvto the audiences but tothe candidates the most who only viewed thetime. Cheers and good luck from their familiesand children lifted enough spirits to inspirethem to give their best effort.

#PabibongNanay is an interview portionwhere the candidates picked the judges num-ber and this judge will pick the pre-preparedquestion from the envelop and read it tothem. All candidates answered from the heartand cheers and chants are getting louderfrom the crown for their favorite candidates.

Top five candidates finally capped theshow with Ms. Thelma Tamayo Canindo ofIWOK emerging as this year ’s#ProudNanay’16 title gathering all the minorawards of #Pasikat in Nanay, #ProudNanayAttire, #PasikatniNanay, #PabongganiNanayand #PabibongNanay award. 1st runner upwas ZarmelioneElguira from CIK, 2nd runnerup Edna Aguilos from CIK, 3rd runner upNenaMacastor from CIK/Rugbii and 4th run-ner up Emily Espiritu from OFW Sharing LoveFoundation. Other candidates are Lydia Perez

from CIK, Leizel Aba from Rugbii, Lorna Vernalfrom CIK and Virginia Crodua from OFWMovement. All winners received a bouquet,sash, trophy and cash prices. The pageantjudges includes Dr. Jesusa Cristina Puno, MissJennifer Torres, Mr. Rian Jay Banaga, Mr. NoelSilva, Mrs. Antonia Caba and Welfare OfficerNestor Burayag. Tabulators are: Mr.HengieTaton and Ms. Mae Ortiz..... And washosted by Mr. Gerson De Guzman...

The show was graced by his ExcellencyAmb. Rene Villa and team....

Major sponsors:Camella Homes Vistaland,Al Rashid Travel, California Dream Saloon, LbcExpress - Kuwait, AmiriPinoy Restaurant,FRONTROW, Mr. Mohammad Al Lababidi,Madam Linda Castro, Madam Mariam AlZankawi and Mr. Al SayedAyoub. Thanks to allCommunity Leaders and Organization, Guestsand to all CIKinians who were present duringthe event .

Indeed, it was a night to remember!Cikinians will keep and continue this traditionand keep the values of Filipinos of love, spiri-tuality, kindness and camaraderie. And so theCIK’s philosophy “Combined talents andefforts = Success. —By Gilcia Rose Hernan -CIK Vice, President

Oliver Tupaz Diong- CIK President

Club Ilonggo in Kuwait hosts ‘ProudNanay 2016’

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KUWAIT: ZPAVANOO-KWT organized a ‘Christmas Party’ at Hawally Qadsiya Sporting Club (Covered Basketball Court) last Friday. The event started with the ‘Santa Clause Parade’ participated-in bychildren, and parents who acted like Santas followed by the opening prayer by no other than Pres Edelyn Lucban. The magical show by Jeffrey Rendon, a certified & professional magician fromBaroue, mesmerized kids. Intermission numbers by Zin Janice, Mean & Mariz and other participants also added colors to the joyous feat.

ZPAVANOO-KWT organizes ‘Christmas Party’

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Page 8: Catanduanes gov disowns ‘mega shabu Club Ilonggo in · 11/12/2016  · SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2016 Catanduanes gov 02 04 disowns ‘mega

MANILA: Reigning Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach will crown her successor in front ofa Filipino crowd next year.


Pages 6-7


‘Christmas Party’

VEGAS: WBO welterweight world champion MannyPacquiao said Tuesday he felt like a young man in histwenties and would relish another crack at FloydMayweather.

The Filipino icon, 37, made a winning comebackfrom his brief retirement earlier last month and saidhe was in great shape to try to avenge his defeat toMayweather last year in the richest fight in boxinghistory.

“I feel young. I feel like I’m just 25, or that I’m just 28years old,” Pacquiao told ABS-CBN television.

Asked if he wanted to fight Mayweather again,Pacquiao said: “Of course, if he wants to come back (to)boxing”.

Pacquiao fueled talk of “Pacquiao-Mayweather 2?when he invited the undefeated American, who retiredin September 2015, to attend his successful comebackagainst Jessie Vargas in Las Vegas on November 5.

Last week, Pacquiao teased fans about a possiblerematch by posting pictures on social media wearinga suit bearing photos of him and Mayweather in thelining.

But Mayweather, 39, said days later he had no plansto come out of retirement.

Pacquiao originally retired in May after beatingAmerican Timothy Bradley in a non-title fight beforestanding for and winning a seat in the PhilippinesSenate.

But he said he would not be stepping away from thering again any time soon.

“I still believe in my skills. You just need discipline,how you discipline yourself and work hard,” Pacquiaosaid, adding he would only walk away once he nolonger wanted to put in the long hours of training.

“Because once you get lazy, that’s the start of thedecline of your performance and your body.” —CBB

‘Feeling young’ Pacquiao eager for Mayweather

MANILA: The next Miss Universe pageant isalready set in stone.

In a press conference on Thursday, TourismSecretary Wanda Teo said the coronation cere-mony of the next edition of Miss Universe willbe held at the Mall of Asia Arena on January30, 5 a.m. The announcement was made amidrumors that the upcoming pageant will becancelled, and a petition to reconsider hold-ing it in the Philippines.

“After all that’s been said and done, I happi-ly welcome on behalf of the DOT the latestannouncement of the Miss UniverseOrganization (MUO) through Pia Wurtzbachthat finally the Philippines will indeed playhost to the much awaited 2016 Miss Universepageant,” Teo said.

“ The Miss Universe 2016 in Manila isbrought to you by the DOT, MUO, LCS Groupof Companies partnership with OkadaManila, SM Group of Companies, Solar EntCorp, our broadcast partner.”

“This is one proud moment for all of usFilipinos to be a witness to the reigning Miss

Universe Pia Wurtzbach of Cagayan De Oro asshe takes her final walk and passes her crownin her home country, the Philippines.”

“We are counting on you, our media part-ners, event partners, sponsors, to join us as wewelcome the Miss Universe candidates, theirfollowers, and their supporters from all overthe world. Together, let us show them the soulof the Philippines, and our warm Filipino hos-pitality,” Teo said.

It was last July when Teo announced thatthe Philippines will host the next MissUniverse. The pageant has so far been held inthe country twice - in 1974 and 1994.

The Philippines will be fielding MaxineMedina, a 25-year-old interior designer andmodel, in next year’s pageant.

She will attempt to succeed Pia Wurtzbach,the first Filipina to win the Miss Universe titlein over four decades.

The two other Miss Universe from thePhilippines include Margie Moran (1973) andGloria Diaz (1969), mother of actress andmodel Isabelle Daza. —ABS-CBN News

Final date, venue of next Miss Universe pageant announced

LAS VEGAS: MannyPacquiao believes

he’s suited to fight FloydMayweather again ...justlook at his jacket. With arematch seeming more

and more likely every day... Manny is now using hiswardrobe to add to the
