Catalyst Relay 2012 Midland - Patchworks relay -final




Transcript of Catalyst Relay 2012 Midland - Patchworks relay -final

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Rod Dillon Rebecca Ellis Sharon Calverley Asa CalowBiomedicine Environment Centre Signposts Madlab

Maria Angela Ferrario Will Simm Jen Southern (Catalyst Research Associates)

Introducing people

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Design process

• 12 workshops - DIY electonics- Microbe labs

• 4 personas• 3 PROTEE sessions• 2 prototype ideas

• 1 #Pat

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Making things together

Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct

How to w/shopsHow to w/shops

Decided which


Decided which


Official project


Official project

endBuilding prototypeBuilding


User testingUser testing

Exploratory workshopsExploratory workshops

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Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct

How to w/shopsHow to w/shops

Decided which


Decided which


Official project


Official project

endBuilding prototypeBuilding


Literature reviewLiterature review

research observation and documentation of organisations & workshopsresearch observation and documentation of organisations & workshops

User testingUser testing

Exploratory workshopsExploratory workshops

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sharing and publicising research

Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct

How to w/shopsHow to w/shops

Decided which


Decided which


Official project


Official project

endBuilding prototypeBuilding


Literature reviewLiterature review

research observation and documentation of organisations & workshopsresearch observation and documentation of organisations & workshops

Wider presentation and discussion of project at conferencesWider presentation and discussion of project at conferences

Writing academic papersWriting academic papers

User testingUser testing

Exploratory workshopsExploratory workshops







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PROTEE dialogues

Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct

How to w/shopsHow to w/shops

Decided which


Decided which


Official project


Official project

endBuilding prototypeBuilding


Literature reviewLiterature review

research observation and documentation of organisations & workshopsresearch observation and documentation of organisations & workshops

Wider presentation and discussion of project at conferencesWider presentation and discussion of project at conferences

User testingUser testing

Exploratory workshopsExploratory workshops

Writing academic papersWriting academic papers











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Tangible outcomes – the prototype

What it isn’t:

-Fully tested-Totally robust / secure-Commercial Product

What it is:

Proof of conceptWorking version to test in useBasic functionalityUsing email sub system“WIP” – ready for further development

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Relax, It is Prototype!• A prototype is a primitive form of a system built to

test an idea • It is not a final working product• It is not the only outcome of the Sprint. There are

several intangible outcomes

What we could have done better: the ‘evaluation’ of the prototype & its process– Q: how can we best capture the ‘value’ of what we

‘do’, design & build?

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Trust us, There Will Be at Least One.

We have learned to trust each other, each other skills and the importance of everybody’s input before outputs (and prototypes…)

• What could we have done better? Use creative methods to explore the team needs/skills/aspirations earlier in the project.

• Q: What is the best way to get to know each other and build trust? Can the same creative methods be used with different groups?

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Less Rush! Plan to Adapt to the Unexpected

Agreeing on a road map, milestones and ‘safety checks’ together & in advance is key. It makes dealing with devilish details and unexpected accidents more efficiently.

• What could we have done better? Spend more time reflecting on how both outputs and processes matched different peoples needs and the project brief.

• Q: How should decisions be made in a citizen-led innovation project?

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Questions for Breakout Groups:

1. How does innovation happen? Should it be ‘facilitated’? How can it be facilitated?

2. How can evaluation be built in into the process? How can we evaluate both tangible (e.g. prototype) and intangible (e.g. process) ‘outcomes’?

3. Is there a silver bullet for trust? What is the best way to get to know diverse participants and build trust? Do different groups respond better to different approaches?

4. What does ‘citizen-led’ research really mean? How should decisions be made in a citizen-led innovation project?

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The End {The Start}