Catalogue Forthcoming Titles Spring 2013

FORTHCOMING TITLES Spring 2013 Medieval Studies Early Modern Studies Manuscript Studies & Book History Art History Medieval & Modern Literature Church History & Religious Studies Social & Economic History Byzantine, Near Eastern & Oriental Studies Philosophy Music History


New and forthcoming titles scheduled to be published up till the end of June 2013.

Transcript of Catalogue Forthcoming Titles Spring 2013


    Medieval Studies Early Modern Studies Manuscript Studies & Book History Art History Medieval & Mode r n L i t e r at u r e C h u rch H i stor y & R e l igious Studies Social & Economic History Byzantine, Near Eastern & Oriental Studies Philosophy Music History

  • F orthcoming T itles Spring 2013

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    Medieval Studies 2

    Early Modern Studies 7

    Manuscript Studies & Book History 9

    Art History 11

    Medieval & Modern Literature 15

    Church History & Religious Studies 18

    Social & Economic History 19

    Byzantine, Near Eastern & Oriental Studies 20

    Philosophy 21

    Music History 23



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  • 2

    Les voyages dAlexandre au paradis: Orient et Occident, regards croiss

    Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas, Margaret Bridges (d.)approx. 375 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, AR 3, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54623-0 (print), 978-2-503-54730-5 (online) approx. 70 Publication prvue pour mai 2013

    AlexAnder redivivus

    Alessandro/D l-Qarnayn, il paradiso e la fonte della vita nella letteratura araba medie-vale Ren Bloch, Alexandre le Grand et le judasme : la double stratgie dauteurs juifs de lAntiquit et du Moyen ge Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas, Les eaux troubles de la qute dAlexandre et les sources orientales du Roman dAlexandre franais : fontaine de vie, fleuve de mort et Paradis terrestrelection et rvlation : une conversion ?Patrick Gautier-Dalch, Quatre notes sur Alexandre et la cartographie mdivale Christophe Thierry, Lpisode du voyage au Paradis dans le Straburger Alexander ( fin du XIIe-dbut du XIIIe sicle) Hlne Bellon-Mguelle, Les imprvus du voyage : le voyage dAlexandre au Paradis terrestre dans la litt-rature franaise de la fin du Moyen ge Ele-na Koroleva, Les Brahmanes et le Paradis dans les romans dAlexandre russes milie Piche-rot, Le Paradis interdit dans le Rrekonta-

    MedievAl sTudies

    miento del rrey Aliandere : tude du sta-tut non prophtique dAlexandre le musulmanLa dmesure du dsir et le dsenchante-ment : un jugement ?Mario Casari, Un lieu de traduction : Alexandre au Paradis dans la tradition per-sane Marina Gaillard, Dun bout du monde lautre : lieux paradisiaques et terres ultimes dans le roman dAlexandre en prose de lIran classique Anna Caughey et Emily Wing-field, Conquest and Imperialism : Medieval Scottish Contexts for Alexanders Journey to Paradise Margaret Bridges, Five La-te Middle English Versions of the Narreme of Alexanders Wondrous Gift Jean-Claude Mhlethaler, chec amoureux et chec poli-tique : le remploi du Voyage au Paradis dans le Chevalier errant de Thomas III de SalucesSlection bibliographique Index des uvres et des auteurs Table des illustra-tions Table des matires

    Pierre le Mangeur ou Pierre de Troyes, matre du XIIe sicle tudes runies

    Gilbert Dahan (d.) 368 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, BHCMA 12, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54759-6 (print), 978-2-503-54825-8 (online), 80 Disponible

    BiBlioThque dhisToire culTurelle du Moyen ge

    Pierre le Mangeur, connu galement sous le nom de Pierre Comestor, est souvent appel par ses contemporains Pierre de Troyes. Il est n probablement dans cette ville et y a t doyen du chapitre cathdral.

    Le prsent volume examine diffrents aspects de luvre de Pierre le Mangeur et situe cet au-teur dans lhistoire culturelle de son temps: trs marqu par les conceptions hermneutiques de Hugues de Saint-Victor (et li cette cole ma-jeure du XIIe sicle), il est aussi lun des repr-sentants principaux de ce que lon a pu appeler lcole biblique-morale parisienne du der-nier tiers du XIIe sicle. Le retentissement de son uvre fait lobjet de plusieurs tudes et rap-pelle que lHistoria scholastica a t imprime ds le dernier quart du XVe sicle.

    Les contributeurs: Claire Angotti, Emma-nuel Bain, Mark J. Clarke, Gilbert Dahan, Sophie Delmas, Pierre Gandil, Ari Geiger, Guy Lobrichon, David Luscombe, Franco Morenzoni, Annie Noblesse-Rocher, Xavier-Laurent Salvador, Francesco Siri.

    John of Salisbury, Metalogicon

    John Barrie Hall, with an introduction by Julian P. Haseldineapprox. 360 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 12, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53398-8, approx. 60 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    corpus chrisTiAnoruM in TrAnslATion

    John of Salisbury has long been celebrated as one of the foremost humanists of the twelfth-century renaissance, an erudite correspondent, legal expert, historian, poet, diplomat and po-litical thinker, and clerk to two successive arch-bishops of Canterbury, Theobald and Thomas Becket. His Metalogicon, ostensibly a defence of the role of logic and of Aristotles Organon in the educational syllabus of the day, makes a powerful argument for an educational system

    of real practical utility for society, one whose intellectual coherence and rigour should un-derpin political morality and rational gover-nance. As such, it has been seen to stand along-side the more famous Policraticus as an integral part of the intellectual contribution of one of Europes great political theorists. This new

    Professor J.B. Hall is Hildred Carlile Profes-sor of Latin Emeritus, University of London. Apart from John of Salisbury, he has pub-lished books on the textual criticism of Clau-dian, Ovid and Statius.Dr Julian P. Haseldine is Senior Lecturer in Medieval History at the University of Hull. He has edited the letters of Peter of Celle and published widely on medieval friendship and friendship networks.

    Margaret Bridges et Catherine Gaullier-Bou-gassas, IntroductionTransmissions et croisements culturelsJean-Pierre Rothschild, LIter ad Paradisum entre homlie rabbinique, roman, trait dapo-logtique et exemplum Marco di Branco,

    Table des matires

    translation is based on the edition of J.B. Hall, auxiliata K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, appeared in Cor-pus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaeualis as Iohannes Saresberiensis - Metalogicon (CCCM 98), and so makes available to the student and general reader for the first time a translation of a text of this important work established on modern critical principles. References to the corresponding pages of the Corpus Christiano-rum edition are provided in the margins of this translation.

    F orthcoming T itles Spring 2013 / Medieval Studies


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  • 3William of Malmesbury,On Lamentations

    Michael Winterbottomapprox. 385 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 13, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54849-4, approx. 60 Publication date scheduled for June 2013

    corpus chrisTiAnoruM in TrAnslATion

    William, a Benedictine monk of Malmesbury in western England (died c. 1143), is well known as the author of two major historical works, on the English kings and bishops from the beginnings down to his own time. These and other works, especially several saints Lives, have always been easily accessible. But the com-mentary on Lamentations was not published in full until 2011. It presents itself as an ab-breviation of a ninth-century predecessor, one

    of very few who had commented on this book. William follows his precursor in applying the traditional threefold interpretation: literal (historical), allegorical and moral. But he is no slavish imitator. He aims to re-write and im-

    Michael Winterbottom (born in 1934) spent most of his career teaching in Oxford, where he was Corpus Christi Professor of Lat-in from 1993 to 2001; he has edited several Latin prose text of the classical period, but for thirty years has been working especially on William of Malmesbury, in collaboration with R.M. Thomson.

    The Memory and Motivation of Jan Hus, Medieval Priest and Martyr

    Thomas A. Fudgex + 307 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, ES 11, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54442-7, approx. 90 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    europA sAcrA

    An exploration of the identity and significance of Jan Hus.

    Jan Hus (1371-1415) gave his name to a social and religious revolution which captured the at-tention of Europe. The central figure in a late medieval reform movement, he died a con-demned heretic. Martyrdom made him famous

    but his essential identity has remained a point of controversy. Who was Jan Hus? This work explores the driving forces in the life and work of this medieval priest as he moved from obscurity to the vulnerability of a publicly accused heretic and the disgraceful prelude to martyrdom. It also focuses on the construction and facilitation of the memory of Jan Hus. His-torical facts are often compelling but these postulations cannot be approached apart from the manner and process in which those events are remembered. This book illuminates the life and work of the medieval priest and martyr who rose from humble origins to national hero and popular saint on the platform of a unique and renewed practice of the Christian faith. So profound were his challenges to the church and so bellicose were the reactions to his untimely demise, that the name Jan Hus was destined never to fade into oblivion.

    Aux origines de lidentit urbaine en Europe centrale et nordique Traditions culturelles, formes dhabitat et diffrenciation sociale (VIIIe XIIe sicles)

    Sbastien Rossignolapprox. 350 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, HAMA 19, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54781-7, approx. 70 Publication prvue pour juin 2013

    hAuT Moyen ge

    tinct dun habitat rural ? Avait-on conscience dune spcificit, dune identit urbaine ? Les re-cherches archologiques des dernires dcennies en Europe centrale et nordique permettent une nouvelle considration des formes dhabitat du haut Moyen ge. Seule une approche interdis-ciplinaire permet de mettre en lumire pourquoi le processus durbanisation reprsente bien plus que la formation dun cadre de vie matrielle : lide urbaine est un phnomne culturel au centre de la structuration et de la reprsentation de toute socit.

    prove on his source in both content and style. His characteristic mastery of the Bible and of an astonishingly wide range of classical and pa-tristic literature is everywhere apparent. The source text of this volume appeared in Cor-pus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaeualis as Willelmus Meldunensis monachus Liber super explanationem Lamentationum Ieremiae (CCCM 244). References to the corresponding pages of the Corpus Christianorum edition are provided in the margins of this translation.

    F orthcoming T itles Spring 2013 / Medieval Studies

    Y a-t-il eu des villes dans les territoires de lEu-rope situs lextrieur des anciennes provinces romaines avant lessor dmographique et cono-mique du Moyen ge central ? Bien que cette question ait proccup de nombreuses gn-rations de chercheurs, les rponses proposes sont restes ambigus. Cette tude reprend le dossier en abordant le problme du point de vue des auteurs mdivaux : avait-on, lors des sicles prcdant les transformations accompagnant la fondation de villes nouvelles aux XIIe et XIIIe sicles, une conception dun habitat urbain, dis-

  • 4

    Sacred Authority and Temporal Power in the Writings of Bernard of Clairvaux

    Alice Chapmanapprox. x + 253 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, MCS 25, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54105-1, approx. 85 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    MedievAl church sTudies

    The aftermath of the Investiture Controversy left the relationship between the Church and imperial power in ruins. In reaction to these de-velopments, the Concordat of Worms in 1122 sought a compromise to restore the association between the two sides. The Concordat was only the beginning, and a spirit of cooperation between the Church and temporal powers be-

    gan to emerge. This collaborative relationship is exemplified in the writings of Bernard of Clair-vaux (10911153).Bernard of Clairvaux was both a Cistercian ab-bot and a major political figure in the twelfth century. He inherited the Latin vocabulary of earlier Christian writers, but needed a more nu-anced language to express the complex political relationship between church and state during the settlement of episcopal investiture. In his writings Bernard distinguished between the authority (auctoritas) of the Church and the power (potestas) of temporal rulers. The lan-guage of separation was designed to delineate spheres of influence rather than to reflect op-position a vocabulary that ultimately presents the relationship between the two powers as less of a fencing match and more of a dance. Sacred Authority and Temporal Power empha-sises and enhances our understanding of the significance of Bernards writings for the me-diation of power and authority in the twelfth century.

    The Indies and the Medieval West Thought, Report, Imagination

    Marianne ODohertyapprox. x + 303 p., 12 b/w ills., 8 colour ills., 16 b/w line art, 160 x 240 mm, 2013, MV 2, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53276-9, approx. 80 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    MedievAl voyAging

    This volume offers a wide-ranging and inter-disciplinary treatment of European representa-tions of the Indies between the twelfth and the fifteenth centuries. Drawing on encyclopaedias, cosmographies and cartography, romance, ha-giography, and legend, it traces the influence of classical, late antique, and early medieval ideas on the later medieval geographical imagination,

    including the imagined and experienced Indies of European travellers. Addressing the evidence of Latin and vernacular manuscripts, the book explores readers encounters with the most widely read travellers accounts, in particular, those of Marco Polo, Odorico da Pordenone, and Niccol Conti. Chapters on The Book of Sir John Mandeville, medieval Europes most idiosyncratic yet popular work of geography, alongside world maps produced across Europe, point to the ways in which representations of the Indies were inflected by temporal concerns, specifically, their relationship to Latin Chris-tendoms past, present, and future. The Indies relates the texts, documents, maps, and manu-scripts it discusses closely to the changing ideo-logical concerns of their times, notably those of mission and conversion, crusade, conquest, and economics. Nonetheless, the relationships that the work delineates between spatial representa-tions and notions of dominance, whether reli-

    gious, political, economic, or epistemic, have implications for the post-medieval world.

    Catherine of Siena The Creation of a Cult

    Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Gabriela Signori (eds.) approx. x + 353 p., 30 b/w ills., 2 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, MWTC 13, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54415-1 (print), 978-2-503-54485-4 (online), 90 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    MedievAl WoMen: TexTs And conTexTs

    How does one construct a saint and promote a cult beyond the immediate community in which he or she lived? Italian mendicants had accumulated a good deal of experience in deal-ing with this politically explosive question. The posthumous description of the life of Francis of Assisi (d. 1226) written by the Master General of the order, Bonaventure (d. 1274), could be regarded as paradigmatic in this regard.

    A similarly massive intervention in the produc-tion and diffusion of a cult can be observed in the case of the Dominican tertiary, Catherine of Siena (d. 1380), who in many respects (e.g. the imitation of Christ and her stigmatization) competed with Francis of Assisi. Raymund of Capua (d. 1399), the Master General of the or-der, established the foundation for the dissemi-nation of the cult by writing the authoritative life, but it was only the following generation that succeeded in establishing and disseminat-ing the cult on a broad basis by means of copies, adaptations, and translations. The question of how to make a cult, which stands at the center of this volume, thus presents itself in terms of the challenge of rewriting a legend for different audiences. The various contributions consider the role, not only of texts in many different ver-naculars (Czech, English, French, German, and Italian), but also of images, whether separately or in connection with one another.

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  • 5Sacred Communities, Shared Devotions Gender, Material Culture, and Monasticism in Late Medieval Germany

    June L. Mecham, Alison Beach, Constance Berman, Lisa Bitel (eds.) approx. x + 278 p., 48 b/w ills., 1 b/w line art, 3 b/w tables, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, MWTC 29, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54134-1, approx. 80 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    MedievAl WoMen: TexTs And conTexTs

    Sacred Communities, Shared Devotions takes us behind the gates of six medieval Saxon con-vents and into the lives of rich and noble nuns going about their daily labour of religion just

    before the Lutheran Reformation. Drawing on writings by and about the nuns, as well as an analysis of the costly art and architecture of their monasteries, June Mecham reveals how monastic women wielded their wealth to create a ritual environment dense with Christian im-ages and meanings. Mecham argues that nuns chose devotions and rituals within the frame-work of a distinct material culture, influenced by local religious customs, gender structures, and social protocols. She questions perceived differences between monastic and lay piety, emphasizing instead the shared religious cul-ture in which monastic and laywomen actively participated, and the continuity that shaped female devotion. Looking through lenses of art, history, and spirituality, Mecham describes the spiritual and social tensions caused by women who vowed poverty but lived a seemingly lav-ish life funded by private income. Medieval re-formers, as well as modern scholars, suggested that profligate nuns hastened the decline of medieval convents, but Sacred Communities,

    Shared Devotions proves that these women did not oppose reform. They simply fought to maintain their traditional devotions and re-ligious environments even as they adapted to new religious sensibilities.

    Raising the Dead Early Medieval Name Stones in Northumbria

    Christine Maddernapprox. x + 299 p., 40 b/w ills., 10 colour ills., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, SEM 38, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53218-9, 95 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    sTudies in The eArly Middle Ages

    This is the first work to explore and explain the form, function, and theological meaning of Northumbrian name stones, both in their immediate Insular setting and within a wider European context. Earlier studies have concen-trated on the archaeological and epigraphic as-pects of these monuments, which has resulted

    in a tentative dating framework but also a blan-ket designation of gravestones. This book chal-lenges the assumptions behind this designation

    and focuses on the iconography of name stones as a reflection of theological ideas of the period, based on a central hypothesis that many emu-late the format of manuscript pages. The author also addresses the contentious ques-tion of the placing of name stones, in particu-lar whether some stones were actually placed in the grave. Her analysis presents not only evidence of differential burial practices within the same Northumbrian cemeteries, but offers parallel examples from other monastic sites in both Britain and the Continent and sig-nificantly broadens the field of argument about early medieval burial practices. In this book, the author combines approaches from ecclesi-astical history and iconography, theology, and archaeology to draw out the significance of the Northumbrian name stones and to explore the living presence of the dead in early medieval religious communities.

    Preaching and Political Society From Late Antiquity to the End of the Middle Ages / Depuis lAntiquit tardive jusqu la fin du Moyen ge

    Franco Morenzoni (ed.) approx. x + 320 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, SERMO 10, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54423-6 (print), 978-2-503-54486-1 (online) approx. 90 Publication date scheduled for May 2013


    The connections between preaching, politics, and society have been manifold yet varied in the period from late Antiquity to the end of the Middle Ages. In this multi-lingual volume, these associations are studied within their historical context over twelve new contribu-

    tions, addressing a wide range of geographical areas and opening up a series of sources which have previously been neglected. Special atten-tion is paid to the cultural and geographical circumstances in which the complex relation-ship between political thought and preaching should be explored. These contributions reveal the circumstances and the procedures that in-spire various preachers to reflect upon political topics, which are often of a sensitive nature. In this way, the powerful and the general public of believers have access to an array of political ideas, allowing opinion-making and political discussion. Furthermore, the collection also shows news ways in which political thought and preaching can be explored, revealing new methods and lines of inquiry allowing insights into the complexities of medieval societies. The international cast of contributors provides a broad perspective on the subject, through six articles in French, and six in English.

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  • 6

    Preaching the Word in Manuscript and Print in Late Medieval England

    Martha Driver, Veronica OMara (eds.) approx. x + 265 p., 6 b/w ills., 6 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, SERMO 11, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54185-3 (print), 978-2-503-54205-8 (online), approx. 80Publication date scheduled for May 2013


    The focus of this volume, on Middle English and Latin material in prose and verse, concerns the preaching of the word of God in an expan-sive sense in late medieval England. This col-lection of essays explores the multiple ways in which the sermon in England in the later Mid-dle Ages both influenced and was influenced by other devotional and didactic material, both

    implicitly and explicitly. The essays pay special attention to examples of textual complexity in the sermon as manifested in the manuscript

    Sermo doctorum Compilers, Preachers, and their Audiences in the Early Medieval West

    Maximilian Diesenberger, Yitzhak Hen, Marianne Pollheimer (eds.)approx. x + 400 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, SERMO 9, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53515-9 (print), 978-2-503-54325-3 (online), approx. 95 Publication date scheduled for May 2013


    composite homiliaries; and a few question our concept of early medieval sermons as a peculiar genre that merits special attention. By bring-ing early medieval sermons into the centre of discussion this volume, which is the first book dedicated to early medieval sermons and ho-miliaries, makes an important contribution to our understanding of the religious culture of the early medieval West. This multi-lingual col-lection of papers examines a plethora of texts which, in the past, were pushed to the margins of historical research, and offers a fresh look at these works in their own cultural, religious, and social context.

    Writings on the Spiritual LifeA Selection of Works of Hugh, Adam, Achard, Richard, Walter, and Godfrey of St Victor

    Christopher P. Evansapprox. 600 p., 1 colour ill., 152 x 229 mm, 2013, VTT 4, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54848-7, approx. 80 Publication date scheduled for April 2013

    vicTorine TexTs in TrAnslATion

    The Canons following the Rule of St Augustine at St Victor in Paris were some of the most in-fluential religious writers of the Middle Ages. They combined exegesis and spiritual teaching in a theology that was deeply rooted in tradi-tion but also attuned to current developments in the schools of Paris. This selection of their writings on the spiritual life is divided into three sections. The first presents three works by Achard and Richard which treat the develop-ment of Christian life from the beginnings of conversion to the perfection of love and con-

    templation. Prayer, meditation and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are the subjects of the works by Hugh and Richard included in the second section. The final section presents poetical, ex-egetical and homiletic works honoring Mary by Hugh, Adam, Richard and Godfrey. This rich and representative sampling of Victorine works is a clear window into a world that still has much to offer modern readers interested in spirituality, medieval or modern.

    The editor of this volume is Christopher P. Evans (PhD, St Louis University; Depart-ment of Theology, University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX), the editor of Hildegard of Bingens Explanatio symboli sancti Athana-sii (2007), Vita sancti Disibodi, Vita sancti Ruperti and the Triginta octo questionum solutiones ( forthcoming; Corpus Chris-tianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis) and Radulphus Ardens: The Questions on the Sacraments (2010).

    and early printed traditions. By examining sermon technique and methodology contribu-tors present related material that either travels alongside sermons or shares the same preaching or teaching milieu. While analysing sermons and other homiletic material, the essays also ex-plore areas, such as the dating and illustration of incunabula, which have an important bearing on the sermons and devotional literature of the period, but are normally studied in an isolated fashion. These fit in well with the particular emphasis in the collection on the sermon in the early printed period. In addition, attention is paid to some of the ways in which sermon-study was first brought to the fore by late nineteenth-century editors and early twentieth-century commentators. In this way various threads are brought together, new texts and ideas present-ed, and potential future avenues for research suggested that will continue to be important for an understanding of sermons and related reli-gious literature in late medieval England.

    Despite their large number and their potential significance for our understanding of the gen-esis of Christian thought and practice, early medieval sermons have been conspicuously neglected by modern scholarship. Taking their lead from recent studies that transformed our understanding of the post-Roman world, the various contributors to this collection of essays explore a wide range of topics related to the composition, transmission, and dissemination of sermons and homiliaries in the early me-dieval West. Some papers focus on individual sermons in an attempt to identify their authors and aims; others examine the manuscript evi-dence for the compilation and transmission of

    F orthcoming T itles Spring 2013 / Medieval Studies


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  • 7Humanistes du bassin des Carpates II: Johannes Sambucus

    Istvn Monok, Gbor Almasiapprox. 350 p., 14 ill. n/b, 155 x 240 mm, 2013, HU 2, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53162-5, approx. 75 Publication prvue pour juin 2013

    europA huMAnisTicA : huMAnisTes du BAssin des cArpATes

    Cet ouvrage prsente les pices liminaires des uvres transmises ou publies par les soins de Johannes Sambucus (1531-1584), rudit hon-grois, fils du maire de la ville prospre et cosmo-polite de Trnava, au nord-ouest de la Hongrie ancienne. Parcourant lEurope pendant une dure inhabituelle de vingt-deux ans, il passa son temps constituer une immense biblio-thque de manuscrits grecs et latins. Ce fonds devint sans doute la plus grande bibliothque prive de manuscrits en Europe centrale et orientale. Bien avant son installation la Cour impriale de Vienne, il stait taill une solide rputation de lettr aprs la publication de son splendide livre dEmblemata, issu des presses de

    Plantin qui allait devenir son principal diteur. Bien quil ft officiellement historiographe de lempereur, son intrt principal se tournait vers la publication des trsors uniques de sa biblio-thque. Il prit part la publication de trente-deux auteurs classiques, byzantins et no-la-tins o lon retrouve des ditions marquantes dAristnte, de Diogne Laerce, de Ptrone, de Plaute ou de Janus Pannonius. Il contribua aus-si aux premires ditions de certains textes de Gmiste Plthon, dHesychius, de Nonnus ou de Stobe. Son travail de philologue est analys dans une ample introduction en contrepoint de ldition des pices liminaires.

    eArly Modern sTudies

    Die deutschen Humanisten Dokumente zur berlieferung der antiken und mittelalterlichen Literatur in der Frhen Neuzeit. Abteilung I: Die Kurpfalz; Bd. IV: Hieronymus Commelinus, Balthasar Copius, Lambertus Ludolphus Pithopoeus, Henricus Smetius, Simon Stenius und Friedrich Sylburg

    Wilhelm Khlmann, Ralf Georg Czapla, Reinhard Gruhl, Michael Hanstein, Volker Hartmann, Susann El Kholi, Bjrn SpiekermannCa. 726 p., 155 x 240 mm, 2013, DEU 4, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54648-3, Ca. 85 Voraussichtliches Erscheinungsdatum April 2013

    europA huMAnisTicA : die deuTschen huMAnisTen

    Mit dem vorliegenden vierten Band zum Hu-manismus in der Kurpfalz wird erstmals der Beitrag des Verlagswesens zur Antikerezepti-on in der Frhen Neuzeit, insbesondere zur Grzistik, seiner Bedeutung angemessen dar-gestellt. Hieronymus Commelinus (ca. 1550-1597) regte nicht nur unermdlich Publikatio-nen an, die er in seiner Offizin druckte, sondern war auch selbst ein produktiver Editor. Er gab u.a. die 1595 Akten des Konzils von Ephesos (431) heraus und kompilierte aus verschiede-nen Historikern eine 1587 gedruckte Gesamt-darstellung der englischen Geschichte von der ausgehenden Sptantike bis zum Hundertjh-rigen Krieg (1337-1453). Sein Lektor Fried-rich Sylburg (1536-1596) machte sich um zahl-reiche vor allem griechische Autoren verdient. Noch fr den bedeutenden reformierten Ver-leger Andreas Wechel in Frankfurt am Main ttig, verffentlichte er 1584 bis 1587 eine elfbndige Werkausgabe des Aristoteles und di-verser Philosophen der peripatetischen Schule

    sowie 1588 bis 1589 eine aus zahlreichen latei-nischen und griechischen Autoren zusammen-gestellte Historia Romana in drei Bnden. In die Heidelberger Zeit fallen Editionen patris-tischen Schrifttums, aber auch eine gemeinsam mit Commelinus erarbeitete Sammlung mittel-alterlicher Quellen zum Islam (1595). Simon Stenius (1539-1619) bemhte sich besonders um die Vermittlung des Kirchenvaters Basi-leios. Vor allem als Erluterer des Horaz trat Lambertus Ludolfus Pithopoeus (1535-1596) hervor. Der Prediger Balthasar Copius (ca. 1530-1600) wirkte u.a. als Vermittler des Hei-delberger Katechismus in die Niederlande wh-rend der Zeit vor dessen Annahme als refor-mierte Bekenntnisschrift durch die Synode von Dordrecht (1618-1619). Mit dem jahrhunder-telang in ganz Europa verbreiteten metrischen Lexikon Prosodia (1599) des Henricus Smetius (1537-1614) wird auerdem das erfolgreichste Werk in der Geschichte des kurpflzischen Hu-manismus vorgestellt.

    The Giving of the Soul The History of an Infanticide

    Adriano Prosperiapprox. x + 416 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, ES 10, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53174-8, approx. 100 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    europA sAcrA

    On 5 December 1709 in Bologna Lucia Cre-monini is accused of a terrible crime: the mur-der of her newborn son. This tragic episode, exhumed from the depths of time, is placed at the centre of an enthralling study by one of the leading scholars of modern history and the his-

    tory of religious beliefs. During the course of a dramatic trial the crime is debated by represen-tatives of religious, philosophical, moral, and scientific culture, all characteristic of the forma-tive period of the modern world and all seeking a convincing answer to fundamental questions. When does life begin? When can a human be-ing first be described as such, so that his or her killing is a crime punishable by the maximum penalty? What is the true role of baptism in the formation of the human person? These are all highly topical questions in an age like our own, where belief is subject to the powerful assaults of scientific research and new questions are be-ing raised about the essence and the limits of human existence.

    F orthcoming T itles Spring 2013 / Early Modern Studies

  • 8

    The Drama of Reform Theology and Theatricality, 1461-1553

    Tamara Atkinapprox. x + 227 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, LMEMS 23, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54651-3, approx. 75 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    lATe MedievAl And eArly Modern sTudies

    The Drama of Reform establishes the impact of late medieval and early modern religious reform on dramaturgy. Taking an interdisciplinary ap-proach, it examines the interactions between theatricality and theology across a range of dif-ferent plays including the Croxton Play of the Sacrament, Jacke Jugeler, John Bales Three Laws, and Lewis Wagers Life and Repentaunce of Mary Magdalene. Tracing the development of argu-ments concerning the interpretation of the sacra-ments, the relationship between priests and play-ers, and the use and abuse of imagery and drama in religious worship, The Drama of Reform draws on a rich variety of contextual materials includ-

    ing liturgical texts, heresy trial accounts, dramatic treatises, polemical tracts, and religious laws. Fo-cussed on the period between Archbishop Arun-dels Constitutions in the fifteenth century and Archbishop Cranmers second Book of Common Prayer in the sixteenth, The Drama of Reform explores the phenomenological similarities be-tween drama and certain religious rites, notably the eucharist, and proposes that religious reform prompted attempts to reform dramaturgy. In presenting this analysis, the author argues that while drama continued to function as dramatic propaganda, efforts to initiate new modes of playing were only partially successful.

    Ritual and Art across the Danish Reformation Changing Interiors of Village Churches, 1450-1600

    Martin Wangsgaard Jrgensenapprox. x + 681 p., 163 b/w ills., 10 colour ills., 27 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, RITUS 6, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54295-9, approx. 140 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    riTus eT ArTes

    This volume presents a thorough study of the more than a thousand preserved Danish medi-eval rural parish churches. It traces the trans-formations of church interiors from c. 1450 to 1600 (thus covering both the emergence and

    impact of the Danish Reformation) by inter-preting material changes within a broad histori-cal perspective that highlights changes in reli-gious practices and liturgy. The book explores the spatial and artistic implications of liturgy as well as the role of the congregation, the donor, and the clergy both in shaping and disrupting these interiors. It sets out to answer four basic questions: What did these rural churches look like by the middle of the fifteenth century? How did they change from the middle of the fifteenth century to the end of the sixteenth? How were they used and integrated into pub-lic as well as private ceremonies? And how may these churches have been perceived and experi-enced by the congregation and clergy.This study seeks to establish a methodological framework that incorporates the disciplines of archaeology, art history, history, and theology,

    Princely Citizen Lorenzo de Medici and Renaissance Florence

    Francis W. Kent, Carolyn James (ed.) approx. x + 341 p., 8 b/w ills., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, LMEMS 24, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54171-6, approx. 80 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    lATe MedievAl And eArly Modern sTudies

    Lorenzo de Medici (144992) was in his own time one of the most renowned of Renaissance figures. This collection of essays explores Lo-renzos apprenticeship as the de facto ruler of Florence and the means by which he exerted

    control over friends and clients to ensure the ascendancy of the Medici dynasty. The es-says place the religious and artistic patron-age of Lorenzo in the context of his political

    career and explore other important aspects of his emergence as the princely citizen of a still proud republic. Francis W. Kent (19422010) established his reputation as a cultural and so-cial historian of Renaissance Florence with his first monograph, Household and Lineage in Re-naissance Florence. He turned his attention to Lorenzo de Medici in the late 1980s, produc-ing a steady stream of essays, collected here for the first time, and a major study of Lorenzos art patronage, Lorenzo de Medici and the Art of Magnificence. After the death of Nicolai Rubinstein in 2002, the first general editor of the multi-volume critical edition of Lorenzo de Medicis letters, Kent took charge of the ongoing project and oversaw the publication of several more volumes. His forthcoming bio-graphical study of Lorenzos early career will be published by Harvard University Press.

    Imprimeurs & socit dans les Pays-Bas mridionaux [1473-1520] Tome I: dictionnaire prosopographique

    Renaud Adamapprox. 300 p., 150 x 250 mm, 2013, NUGER 16, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54774-9, approx. 65 Publication prvue pour avril 2013

    nug huMAnisTic suB signo erAsMi

    Imprimeurs & socit dans les Pays-Bas mridionaux [1473-1520] Tome II: tude historique

    Renaud Adamapprox. 300 p., 150 x 250 mm, 2013, NUGER 17, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54775-6, approx. 65 Publication prvue pour avril 2013

    nug huMAnisTic suB signo erAsMi

    Deux volumes des Nug seront consacrs la brillante thse de Renaud Adam. Le premier livre est un historique dtaill, ville par ville, de lintro-

    duction de lart typographique dans les Pays-Bas mridionaux et de son volution jusquen 1520, complt par un dictionnaire prosopographique. Le second livre rpond la question: comment les premiers imprimeurs se sont-ils intgrs au tissu socio-conomique des Pays-Bas mridio-naux et de la principaut de Lige au tournant des XVe et XVIe sicles ? Cette tude a t structure autour de deux axes. Les regards se sont ports sur le mtier dimprimeur avec des questionnements centrs sur le statut juridique et lorganisation de cette profession, sur le fonctionnement interne dune imprimerie ainsi que sur la commercialisa-tion des livres et le profil de la clientle. Les rsul-tats de la dernire partie sont le fruit dune inves-tigation dans la composition de la communaut typographique et dune tentative de dcorticage des trames rticulaires noues avec les autres ac-teurs de la socit urbaine.

    in order to facilitate an overall understanding of the architectural setting, embracing spa-tial, material, and artistic elements within the church through liturgy.

    F orthcoming T itles Spring 2013 / Early Modern Studies

  • 9Les lettres de rmission du duc de Lorraine Ren II (1473-1508)

    Pierre Pgeot (d.) approx. 450 p., 31 ill. n/b, , 156 x 234 mm, 2013, ARTEM 17, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54832-6, approx. 70 Publication prvue pour avril 2013

    ATelier de recherche sur les TexTes MdivAux

    Les lettres de rmission des ducs de Lorraine sont conserves aux Archives dpartementales de Meurthe-et-Moselle depuis le rgne de Ren II (1473-1508) sous forme de copies insres dans des registres de la chancellerie ducale ; les actes originaux malheureusement font dfaut.

    Outre la transcription des 324 textes rdigs en moyen franais mais sans particularisme lin-guistique rgional manifeste suivie dun in-dex des noms propres et dun glossaire des mots mdivaux, ldition dtaille la prsentation des documents et leur contenu. Ce corpus de docu-ments apporte des informations sur la crimi-nalit et la dlinquance en Lorraine la fin du Moyen ge et fournit des dtails inapprciables sur les comportements sociaux et la vie quoti-dienne dans les petites villes et les villages cette poque. Il renseigne plus encore sur ladmi-nistration ducale, ses mcanismes et ses rouages ainsi que sur la formulation et la perception de lidologie du pouvoir absolu du prince, admi-rablement vhicules par ce genre de document. Ldition des lettres de rmission comble un vide dans la mise disposition des chercheurs et du public de textes lorrains de la fin du Moyen ge.

    MAnuscripT sTudies & BooK hisTory

    Un tmoin de la production du livre universitaire dans la France du XIIIe sicle: la collection des Dcrtales de Grgoire IX

    Frdrique Cahuapprox. 600 p., 210 x 270 mm, 2013, BIB 35, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54499-1, approx. 90 Publication prvue pour juin 2013


    pus cohrent. Ce groupe de 74 manuscrits enlumins en latin et en langue vernaculaire na fait lobjet daucun classement artistique jusqualors et daucune tude monogra-phique. Une observation rigoureuse des pra-tiques codicologiques, une analyse du texte, du dcor et des traces de possesseurs ont per-mis dans un premier temps de les dater et les localiser. Lanalyse de ces manuscrits a contri-bu rvler un patrimoine insouponn de la production universitaire dans lancienne France du XIIIe sicle.

    Catalogue des manuscrits nots du Moyen ge conservs dans les bibliothques publiques de France Collections de Bourgogne et dle-de-France: Autun, Auxerre, Avallon, Beaune, Chalon-sur-Sane, Dijon, Mcon, Melun, Provins, Semur-en-Auxois, Sens

    Christian Meyerapprox. 250 p., 210 x 270 mm, 2013, CMN 3, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54845-6, approx. 75 Publication prvue pour juin 2013

    cATAlogue des MAnuscriTs noTs du Moyen ge conservs dAns les BiBlioThques puBliques de FrAnce

    Ce troisime volume du Catalogue des Manus-crits nots des Bibliothques publiques de France propose une description de quelque 130 ma-nuscrits conservs en Bourgogne et en le-de-France. Ces volumes tmoignent du chant litur-gique, de la messe et de loffice, cultiv dans les cathdrales de Sens, dAuxerre et dAutun, les collgiales de Beaune ou de Provins, quelques abbayes, comme Saint-Martin dAutun, Sainte-Colombe ou Saint-Pierre-le-Vif de Sens, enfin quelques communauts cartusiennes. Ces rpertoires retiennent lattention par les offices propres composs tout au long du Moyen ge, en particulier au diocse dAutun et lusage de sa cathdrale. Quelques livres conservs Sens et Autun documentent des usages plus insolites comme celui de loffice parodique de la Circoncision ou Fte des Fous largement diffus dans larchidiocse de Sens et dans le Nord de la France, ou encore des pratiques inattendues comme celles des danses ecclsias-tiques. Quelques volumes, dont le cantatorium de la cathdrale dAutun ou un livre lusage du

    prchantre de la cathdrale de Sens, permettent de reconstruire la distribution des tches qui prsidait lexcution de ces rpertoires. Dautres livres nots, comme les huit proces-sionnaux analyss dans ce volume donnent un aperu des pratiques religieuses en marge de la liturgie de la messe et de loffice et livrent un r-pertoire qui, dans ses strates les plus anciennes, transmet, par bribes, lantique chant gallican. Une introduction prsentant sommairement les fonds, leur histoire et leurs particularits, claire le cadre historique dans lequel ces livres ont vu le jour ou ont t utiliss. Chaque notice comporte une description codicologique du manuscrit, une prsentation des lments per-mettant de prciser lorigine ou la provenance du volume, la date de sa rdaction et son his-toire. La description du contenu privilgie les lments susceptibles dclairer lhistoire et lusage du livre et vise donner un aperu ex-haustif de certains rpertoires, celui des hymnes et les squences en particulier.

    La collection des Dcrtales de Grgoire IX est un texte officiel crit sa demande par Ray-mond de Peafort et sous son contrle afin de permettre aux fidles de connatre leurs devoirs et leurs droits, de respecter la doctrine fixe par Rome et de rsoudre des problmes canoniques similaires. Cette collection ma-jeure du XIIIe sicle est au programme luni-versit de droit canonique. La production des Dcrtales de Grgoire IX est trs diffuse en Europe. La premire tape de ce travail a consist dresser un cor-

    F orthcoming T itles Spring 2013 / Manuscript Studies & Book History

  • 1 0

    Space, Place and Ornament: the Function on Landscape in Medieval Manuscript Illumination

    Margaret Goehringapprox. 300 p., 88 b/w ills., 12 colour ills., 220 x 280 mm, 2013, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-52977-6, 125 Publication date scheduled for April 2013

    MAnuscripT sTudies (ouTside A series)

    This book proposes a new methodological framework for the study of medieval landscape imagery, by analyzing the functions of landscape imagery within Northern European manuscript

    illumination. Taking a historicist approach, this study explores landscape imagery within a broad range of specific manuscript contexts, taking into account the ideological and the eco-nomic milieus in which they were produced. Organized into three sections, this study will look at how landscape functioned as ornament, didactic tool (space) and political tool (place). The first section looks at the role that landscape imagery had in the hierarchy of book decora-tion, and how it responded to late medieval mnemonic systems and devotional practices. It also addresses the emergence of landscape as a form of ornamental elaboration, sometimes as a means to appeal to specific aesthetic criteria, or as a way to create extra-textual associations to augment the message of the text. The second section is concerned with landscape within en-

    cyclopedic and allegorical manuscripts, and will analyze how artists constructed space to com-municate specific lessons or ideas, for example to frame debates about the role of agricultural labor or to present the dynastic ambitions of the Burgundian court. Finally, the third section explores the visualization of the political and economic landscape of late medieval Europe, particularly focusing on how landscape was structured to respond issues of status, power and identity not only in works created for the landed nobility but within manuscripts made for urban patrons as well. Concentrating on manuscripts from Paris, Northern France and Flanders from the late thirteenth to the early sixteenth centuries, this book will offer new insights as it contextualizes the emergence of landscape painting in the late middle ages.

    PeciaLe livre et lcrit, 15 (2012) : Texte, liturgie et mmoire dans lglise du Moyen ge

    approx. 250 p., 210 x 270 mm, 2013, PECIA 15, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54683-4 Publication prvue pour juin 2013

    peciA. le livre eT lcriT - JournAl

    Michael Jones, Introduction Commemoracion et advertissement de la mort de tres crestienne, tres haulte et tres excellante princesse, ma tres redoubte et sou-veraine dame madame Anne, deux foyz royne de France, duchesse de Bretaigne . Texte de Pierre Choque.Description des tmoins manuscrits et prsen-tation de leurs possesseurspitaphes latines et franaises de Germain de Brie (Germanus Brixius) [Ex. Paris, BnF, Yc 760, Ye 3966 Paris, Arsenal, 35483] (di-tion Jean-Luc Deuffic)

    F orthcoming T itles Spring 2013 / Manuscript Studies & Book History

    Le Trpas de lHermine regrette . Texte indit daprs le manuscrit de Paris, Petit Palais, Dutuit 665 et variantes du Paris, BnF, Fr. 5099 (dition Cynthia J. Brown et Elizabeth A. R. Brown)Compte rendu des funrailles : Lordre qui fut tenue lobseque et funeraille de feue tre-sexcellente et tresdebonnaire princesse Anne... Duchesse de Bretaigne, tant aux glises que au chemin depuis bloys jusques a labbaye de sainct Denys . (Lyon, J. Thomas, 1514). In-8, 8 f. [Ex. : Bibl. Lyon, cat. des inc., suppl., 868 Paris, BnF, Rs. 8 LB29 44 Paris, Bibl. Mazarine, 35475. Rs.]

    Table des matires

    Multiple subscription options & pay-per-view available

  • 1 1

    Le Baptistre Saint-Jean de Poitiers De ldifice lhistoire urbaine

    Brigitte Boissavit-Camusapprox. 400 p., 389 ill. n/b, 31 ill. couleur, 220 x 280 mm, 2013, BAT 26, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54831-9, approx. 75Publication prvue pour avril 2013

    BiBlioThque de lAnTiquiT TArdive

    En 1995, une quipe pluridisciplinaire a entre-pris de revoir, grce un examen minutieux des maonneries et des vestiges archologiques, larchitecture, le dcor et la chronologie du baptistre de Poitiers. Louvrage rend compte travers diverses contributions des rsultats de ce programme. Ces derniers modifiant les interprtations admises la suite des fouilles du pre de La Croix (1903) puis de Franois Eygun (1964), leur diffusion ncessite dvo-quer lhistoire des recherches sur ldifice et sur la place qui fut la sienne dans lhistoire de lart chrtien du haut Moyen ge occidental, et de les confronter, in fine, ltat actuel de

    la recherche sur les baptistres. Les conditions topographiques et urbaines de limplantation et de lvolution de ldifice au sein du groupe piscopal sont aussi abordes, en particulier grce la dcouverte, dans les annes 1980, de vestiges appartenant lecclesia et la domus ecclesiae. Le baptistre conserv a t construit au Ve s., lemplacement dune salle baptismale amnage dans une domus situe lest de la cathdrale primitive. Au VIe s., son plan est pro-gressivement modifi, individualisant mieux les diffrents espaces intrieurs. Au VIIe s., une campagne dembellissement architectural transforme son aspect, avec, entre autre, la pose des parements en petit appareil allong et la mise en scne du dcor sculpt. Les travaux de la priode carolingienne semblent lis ladap-tation de ldifice aux volutions liturgiques et ecclsiales. La reconstruction du XIe s. fixe sa physionomie dfinitive avec la reconstruction de la salle occidentale et la pose de peintures de qualit. Ces travaux, alors que le sacrement du baptme tait transfr aux paroisses urbaines et que ldifice tait dsormais loign de la cathdrale, montrent la volont de lglise de Poitiers de maintenir le souvenir de sa fonction

    ArT hisTory

    Brigitte Boissavit-Camus est titulaire dune thse soutenue en 2001 lUniversit de Tours, sur la formation et les transformations du quartier piscopal de Poitiers entre le IVe et le XIIe s. De 1985 2002, cest une archo-logue du ministre de la Culture, comme in-gnieure au Service rgional de larchologie de Poitiers, puis comme directrice du Centre national darchologie urbaine de Tours. Depuis 2002, elle enseigne lUniversit de Paris-Ouest. Elle est membre de lUMR 7041, Archologie des Sciences de lAntiquit, quipe THEMAM (Nanterre).

    Les glises rupestres de la rgion des lacs dOhrid et de Prespa, milieu du XIIIe - milieu du XVIe sicle

    Saka Bogevskaapprox. 350 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, BEHE, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54647-6, approx. 70 Publication prvue pour avril 2013

    BiBlioThque de lcole des hAuTes Tudes, sciences religieuses

    Pratiquer le culte dans des grottes nest pas un phnomne inconnu Byzance. Nanmoins, chaque rgion possde ses propres caractris-tiques, et ltude des monuments rupestres de la rgion des lacs dOhrid et de Prespa dmontre leurs particularits. Vingt-quatre glises, datant du milieu du XIIIe au milieu du XVIe sicle, ont t recenses et tudies du point de vue archi-tectural, iconographique, stylistique et pi-graphique. Lieux saints, fonds pour diverses raisons, ces chapelles ont connu de nombreuses transformations et elles sont riches en matriel qui claire plusieurs aspects de lart et de la socit mdivaux de la rgion. Retires dans des endroits solitaires, ces chapelles ont toute-fois eu un rle actif dans la pratique du culte des diverses communauts et notamment des

    moines, de la noblesse locale, des dignitaires ec-clsiastiques et du peuple. Dans quelle mesure les programmes iconographiques refltent-ils les fonctions des lieux ? Quelle est la diff-rence entre les chapelles des diverses priodes ? Quels sont leurs rapports avec les monuments construits ? Ce sont les questions que nous nous sommes poses. Les peintures des glises rupestres dOhrid et de Prespa tmoignent des changements stylistiques et iconographiques, ainsi que des mouvements des artistes entre les divers centres artistiques de lEmpire (Thes-salonique, Constantinople, Kastoria, Ohrid, Plagonie). Le croisement de tous ces courants artistiques confirme le rle central que cette rgion avait dans la socit et lhistoire mdi-vales balkaniques.

    F orthcoming T itles Spring 2013 / Art History

    initiale, exprim symboliquement jusquau XVIIe s, et de garder un lien fort avec le dernier difice en lvation du vieil episcopium. Aprs la Rvolution, ldifice fut sauv de la destruction grce laction des rudits locaux, de la Socit des Antiquaires de lOuest et de personnalits parisiennes comme Lenoir ou Mrime. Ra-chet par lEtat, il devient alors un objet scien-tifique, un bien patrimonial et une structure musale ; une histoire rcente dont tmoignent restaurations et fouilles.

    Elisabetta Sirani VirtuosaWomens Cultural Production in Early Modern Bologna

    Adelina Modestiapprox. x + 622 p., 180 b/w ills., 32 colour ills., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, LMEMS 22, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53584-5, approx. 150 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    lATe MedievAl And eArly Modern sTudies

    This is the first monograph in English pub-lished on the successful Bolognese seven-teenth-century artist Elisabetta Sirani (1638-1665). Modesti presents Sirani as a subject of her own genre, underlining the painters inno-vative qualities, not only in artistic terms, but also from a socio-political and historical per-spective. The authors discussion of the material context of womens artistic production and of the Bolognese seventeenth-century cultural

    world evidences how Sirani epitomized a new model of femininity and a new rising social genre: the single professional woman. Having been rightly admitted to an artistic, social, and cultural world historically dominated by men, Sirani was an unmarried woman who chose a productive and rewarding career over the traditional role of wife and mother. An ultra-modern artist, deemed by her contemporaries to be extremely talented and inventive, Sirani affirmed her professional status within a mostly male world thanks to her extraordinary cul-tural learning and virtuoso artistic skills, as well as the clever management of her public image and success.Being a woman was not a hindrance to Sirani, but rather a positive element: by projecting her own image and identity onto the femme fortes of ancient history, and by inviting important guests to her studio so as to observe her paint-ing, she organized her own public exhibition, thus becoming both the subject and the object of her own art. Modesti underscores Siranis momentous role in the professionalization of

    Italian womens cultural production and artistic practice at the beginning of the modern era and highlights Siranis role as an example for succes-sive generations of professional women artists.

  • 1 2

    Portraits and Icons: Between Reality and Spirituality in Byzantine Art

    Katherine Marsengillapprox. 350 p., 31 b/w ills., 84 colour ills., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, SBHC 5, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54404-5, approx. 65 Publication date scheduled for June 2013

    sTudies in ByzAnTine hisTory And civilizATion

    This book examines the phenomena of por-traits and icons, and spans from late antiquity through the end of the Byzantine period. En-gaging a wide range of material, it addresses persistent themes in the creation of a distinctly

    Christianized portraiture while analyzing the cultural and theological perceptions that guided its reception. Christian Rome inherited from antiquity its traditions and beliefs regard-ing portraits. Though altered for its new Chris-tian context, these perceptions did not disap-pear. This study proves that within Christian portraiture, the icon is not reserved for saints alone. Instead, one must imagine the Byzantine world as one where sacred and secular art inter-mingled, and portraits of Christ and the saints, emperors, bishops, and holy men existed side by side in visual messages of hierarchal author-ity. Indeed, in the portrayal of power and holi-ness, there existed a range of images that can be classified as icons. Certain individuals of high-ranking status, though not saints, were por-trayed in ways that recall images of saints be-cause their spiritual or divine authority ranked them closer to God. Their positions further up

    the hierarchy enabled them to help others in their spiritual ascent and daily needs. Viewers in turn understood these elevated members of their community to be efficacious intercessors and their portraits to be worthy of veneration.

    Katherine Marsengill received her PhD in Byzantine Art from Princeton University in 2010. Since completion of her degree, she has taught at Princeton and been a research and educational advisor for the exhibition Transi-tions to Christianity: Art of Late Antiquity, 3rd 7th Century AD at the Onassis Cultural Center in New York (December 2011 May 2012).

    Dressing the Part: Textiles as Propaganda in the Middle Ages

    Kate Dimitrova, Margaret Goehring (eds.) approx. 350 p., 150 b/w ills., 32 colour ills., 210 x 275 mm, 2013, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53676-7, approx. 100 Publication date scheduled for June 2013

    ArT hisTory (ouTside A series)

    During the Middle Ages, textiles played a par-ticularly prominent role in the communication of wealth and authority by mediating the body politic and defining spaces of political, reli-gious, and social power. The intrinsic material value of textiles which could be woven out of silk, enriched with silver and gold threads, and garnished with precious stones complement-ed an elaborate visual language that conveyed ideological messages. Because textiles are portable, wearable and dis-playable their performative qualities result in multivalent meanings that medieval patrons exploited. In essence, the meaning of textiles can never truly be fixed. Textiles inherently represent a confluence of messages because

    Medieval Coins and Seals: Constructing Identity, Signifying Power

    Susan Solway (ed.) 350 p., 275 b/w ills., 16 colour ills., 220 x 280 mm, 2013, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54344-4 (print), 978-2-503-54417-5 (online), approx. 110 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    ArT hisTory (ouTside A series)

    ing Politics in Medieval Europe and the Middle EastGuido Berndt, Strategies of Representation: Minting the Vandal Regnum David J. Was-serstein, Coins as Agents of Cultural Defini-tion in Islam Lisa Mahoney, A Byzantine Pedigree: The Design of Coins and Seals in the Latin East Wayne Sayles, Classical Revival in Twelfth-Century Jazira: ReligionHu-manism on Contemporary Coins Susan Leibacher Ward, Reflections of Coinage: The Imago Clipeus on the West Faade of Le Mans Part Three: Medieval Women: Coining Identity and Sealing PowerLiz James, Displaying Identity and Power? The Coins of Byzantine Empresses between 804 and 1204 Anna Gannon, Money, Pow-er, and Women: An Inquiry into Early Anglo-Saxon Coinage Erin L. Jordan, Swords, Seals, and Coins: Female Rulers and the In-struments of Authority in Thirteenth-Century Flanders and Hainaut Kay Slocum, Bedes Ladies: Images of Anglo-Saxon Holy Women on Thirteenth-Century Seals Sua Johns, Seals, Gender, Identity, and Social Status in the Late Twelfth and Early Thirteenth Cen-turies in Wales

    Part Four: Sealing Civic, Urban, Rural and Corporate Identity in Western Medi-eval EuropeJohn Cherry, Seals of Cities and Towns: Con-cepts of Choice? Elizabeth New, The Com-mon Seal and Communal Identity in Medi-eval London John McEwan, The Formation of a Sealing Society: London in the Twelfth Century Markus Spth, Art for New Corpo-rations: Seal Imagery of French Urban Com-munities in the Thirteenth Century Phillipp Schofield, Seals and the Peasant Economy in England and Marcher Wales, ca. 1300 Part Five: Miniature yet Mighty: Coins, Seals, Medieval Art and Material Culture James Robinson, Medieval Seals: Image and Truth Jesse D. Hurlbut, The Mystic Lamb of Ghent: Aldermans Seal, Altarpiece, and Tableau Vivant Janet E. Snyder, Vestiary Identity in Twelfth-Century Seals Susan Solway, Ancient Coins and their Afterlife: Numismatic Passages into Medieval Art and Material Culture John Cunnally, Muslim Coins of the Crusader Period in a Renaissance Collection: Premature Medievalism or Mis-taken Identity

    Susan Solway, Introduction Part One: Crossroads in Medieval Stud-ies: Sigillography, Numismatics, and Art HistoryBrigitte Miriam Bedos-Rezak, Medieval Identity: A Sign and a Concept Lucia Travaini, Coins, Images, Identity, and Inter-pretations: Two Research Casesa Seventh-Century Merovingian Tremissis and a Fif-teenth-Century Ducat of Milan Part Two: Striking Identity and Mint-

    F orthcoming T itles Spring 2013 / Art History

    Table of Contents

    they operate within multiple systems of signs costume, liturgical display, ceremonies of state, funerary ritual, memorial display and personal or corporate identity to name a few. This volume explores the ways in which textiles were used or invoked in the construction and display of power. The essays include material culture studies that explore textile display, ar-chival investigations that reveal patterns of do-nation, technical studies concerning design and production processes, as well as art historical studies concerning the representation of tex-tiles in other media. All together, these essays offer insight into how textiles were interwoven with notions of identity, status, and power dur-ing the Middle Ages.


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  • 1 3

    Fallen Idols, Risen SaintsSainte Foy of Conques and the Revival of Monumental Sculpture in Medieval Art

    Beate Frickeapprox 300 p., 80 b/w ills., 5 colour ills., 210 x 275 mm, 2013, SVCMA 7, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54118-1, approx. 100 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    sTudies in The visuAl culTures oF The Middle Ages

    This book investigates the origins and trans-formations of medieval image culture and its reflections in theology, hagiography, historiog-raphy and art. It deals with a remarkable phe-nomenon: the fact that, after a period of 500 years of absence, the tenth century sees a revival of monumental sculpture in the Latin West. Since the end of Antiquity and the pagan use of free-standing, life-size sculptures in public and private ritual, Christians were obedient to the Second Commandment forbidding the making and use of graven images. Contrary to the West, in Byzantium, such a revival never

    occurred: only relief sculpture mostly inte-grated within an architectural context was used. However, Eastern theologians are the authors of highly fascinating and outstanding original theoretical reflections about the nature

    and efficacy of images. How can this differ-ence be explained? Why do we find the most fascinating theoretical concepts of images in a culture that sticks to two-dimensional icons often venerated as cult-images that are copied and repeated, but only randomly varied? And why does a groundbreaking change in the cul-ture of images the revival of monumental sculpture happen in a context that provides more restrained theoretical reflections upon images in their immediate theological, liturgi-cal and artistic contexts? These are some of the questions that this book seeks to answer.The analysis and contextualization of the revival of monumental sculpture includes reflections on liturgy, architecture, materiality of minor arts and reliquaries, medieval theories of percep-tion, and gift exchange and its impact upon practices of image veneration, aesthetics and political participation. Drawing on the histori-cal investigation of specific objects and texts between the ninth and the eleventh century, the book outlines an occidental history of im-age culture, visuality and fiction, claiming that only images possess modes of visualizing what in the discourse of medieval theology can never be addressed and revealed.

    LHistoire dAlexandre dans les tapisseries au XVe sicle

    Franoise Barbe, Laura Stagno, Elisabetta Villari (d.) approx. 275 p., 150 ill. n/b, 32 ill. couleur, 245 x 297 mm, 2013, SWT 5, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54745-9, approx. 100Publication prvue pour avril 2013

    sTudies in WesTern TApesTry

    partir des premiers textes consacrs par Aby Warburg aux tapisseries comme vhicules dimages, et en particulier celui consacr aux tapisseries de la collection Doria Pamphilj que Warburg voit Rome en 1913, cet ouvrage se donne pour objectif, la lumire des dernires recherches, denvisager la fortune littraire et

    iconographique dAlexandre le Grand la fin du Moyen ge. Au centre de cette recherche figure la fameuse tenture dAlexandre, restaure et expose depuis 2008 au Palazzo del Principe, la villa dAndrea Doria Gnes, ici tudie en comparaison avec lensemble de tapisseries et de manuscrits ddis Alexandre du XVe sicle, en particulier conservs au Petit Palais, Muse des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris et Glasgow. Lpope dAlexandre le Grand qui a toujours suscit des interprtations passionnes, est lun des sujets les plus apprcis la fin du Moyen ge. Lintrt port la figure du Macdonien, en Europe aussi bien quau Proche-Orient arabe et perse, lui confrant ainsi une relle uni-versalit, montre que la transmission des textes et des iconographies de lAntiquit tardive sac-compagne dune mtamorphose concerte et aboutit une recration sans cesse renouvele

    de son mythe et de son histoire. Au XVe sicle, Alexandre figure parmi les hros profanes les plus priss; dont les conqutes et les entreprises sont contes en paroles et en images dans les cours princires dEurope, notamment la cour des Ducs de Bourgogne. On a privilgi ici un ensemble cohrent de documents icono-graphiques tisss et manuscrits dune extraordi-naire valeur.

    Auteurs: Franoise Barbe, Chrystle Blon-deau, Piero Boccardo, Marzia Cataldi Gallo, Claudia Cieri Via, Guy Delmarcel, Yvan Maes De Wit, Marc Gil, Roberto Guerrini, Sandrine Hrich Pradeau Fabienne Jou-bert, Gabriella Moretti, Maud Prez-Simon, Franz Reitinger Victor M. Schmidt, Laura Stagno, Elisabetta Villari.

    F orthcoming T itles Spring 2013 / Art History

    Sir Joshua Reynolds: Propos sur lart

    Jan Blancapprox. 800 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, TA 4, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54337-6, approx. 175 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    Thorie de lArT (1400-1800) / ArT Theory (1400-1800)

    Aprs la mort de sir Joshua Reynolds, les pre-miers visiteurs de son atelier y ont dcouvert, en plus de plusieurs tableaux inachevs et des uvres de son abondante collection, un nombre considrable de manuscrits plus de 2000 pages de sa main ou de celle de ses secr-taires. Certains de ces manuscrits ont fait lob-jet de publications partielles, tout comme cest le cas des quelques textes publis par Reynolds tout au long de sa carrire pour lessentiel, ses trois articles pour lIdler et ses quinze discours acadmiques. Il nexistait pourtant aucune di-tion complte de ses crits, tant en anglais quen franais.

    Prsentant pour la premire fois lintgralit des textes connus de sir Joshua Reynolds, quils aient t publis de son vivant et aprs sa mort ou rests ltat de manuscrits, cet ouvrage pro-pose ainsi une rvision complte des thories et des pratiques artistiques du peintre, laune de textes connus, mconnus et inconnus. Runis pour la premire fois et prsents de faon sys-tmatique et comparative, ceux-ci permettent de mieux clairer une carrire et une pense plus cohrentes quon ne la dit, moins confor-miste quon ne la prtendu. Ils constituent sur-tout des documents capitaux pour une histoire artistique mais aussi culturelle, sociale, histo-rique, littraire, thtrale et politique du Sicle des Lumires.

    Plus dinfos:

    Prix de lancement: 149 valable jusquau 1 juin 2013

  • 1 4

    Ceci est un buf: la querelle des inscriptions en peinture

    Emmanuelle Hninapprox. 350 p., 92 ill. n/b, 87 ill. couleur, 156 x 234 mm, 2003, TA 5, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54885-2, approx. 90 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    En crivant Ceci nest pas une pipe sous limage dune pipe, Magritte sinscrit en faux contre le concept de mimsis qui, depuis lAnti-quit, prsente la peinture comme une copie du monde rel. Tout en polmiquant avec la mimsis, son tableau rpond une anecdote an-tique: selon lien, les premiers peintres taient contraints dcrire ct de leurs figures ceci

    est un buf, ceci est un cheval , tant elles taient mconnaissables. lpoque moderne, la for-tune de cette anecdote rvle lexistence dun dbat sur les inscriptions et leur utilit dans la peinture, dbat aussi mconnu que le phno-mne des inscriptions lui-mme. Or ce dbat, en apparence limit, renvoie la vocation fon-damentale de lart: doit-il plaire ou enseigner? Reprsenter ou signifier? En effet, linscription met en tension reprsentation et signification, pourtant indissociables dans la rception de luvre dart: ses partisans invoquent les nces-sits de la signification, et ses adversaires celles de la reprsentation illusionniste. Lpoque moderne est traverse par ces contradictions: dun ct, la modernit postule lautono-mie de lart et rejette les inscriptions comme un expdient archaque; de lautre, le rle didac-tique des images parat un enjeu crucial tant

    aux yeux des thologiens de la Rforme et de la Contre-Rforme, soucieux dinstruire les masses et de lutter contre lhrsie, quauprs des institutions artistiques qui, de Louis XIV la Rvolution, veulent largir le public de lart pour le mettre au service de lunit nationale. Cette proccupation culmine la veille de la Rvolution franaise, pour se concrtiser bien-tt lors de la cration des muses: on met des tiquettes sous les tableaux. En suivant ce dbat au fil de ses actualisations historiques, le lecteur sera libre de faire sienne la rponse de Magritte, ou de considrer la question comme toujours ouverte: devant une image, faut-il comprendre ce quelle reprsente? Quel est le rapport entre plaisir cognitif et plaisir esthtique? Le langage de lart est-il irrductible toute signification verbale?

    Fragmenta 5 (2011): Art and Knowledge in Rome and the Early Modern Republic of Letters, 1500-1750

    approx. 200 p., 160 x 240 mm, 2013, FRAG 5, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53638-5 Publication date scheduled for June 2013

    FrAgMenTA - JournAl

    IntroductionIlse Slot, Michelangelos Q on the Sistine Chapel Ceiling Marieke van Wamel, An Iberian Dialogue: Francisco de Holanda versus Felipe de Guevara Simone Kaiser, Garden Design as Organized Knowledge: The Villa dEste in Tivoli and its Dragons of 1572 Jan de Jong and Sjef Kemper, Where the Gate Drips Near the Vipsanian Columns. Aernout van Buchel Gathering Information on the Culture and History of Rome: the Pantheon Irina Oryshkevich, Through a Netherlandish Looking-Glass. Philips van Winghe and Jean lHeureux in the Catacombs Barbara Tramelli, Artists and Knowledge in Sixteenth-Century Mi-lan: The Case of Lomazzos Accademia de la Val di Blenio Sabine du Crest, The Elusive Aztec Mask in the Medici Collections Joris

    van Gastel, Guido Reni and the Poets. Paint-ing through a Different Lens Margherita Fratarcangeli, On an Architects Library. The Intellectual World of Francesco Peparelli (1587-1641) Thijs Weststeijn, Between Rome and Amsterdam: Barthold Nihusius (1589-1657) and the Origins of Egyptology Anne-Lise Tropato, The Eloges of Gaspard de Monconys: A Forgotten Paper Museum of the Respublica Litteraria Alessandro Bor-gomainerio, Borrominis Facade of San Car-lino and the Greek Tripod. A Question of Method Ulrike Feist, Francesco Bianchinis Discovery of the Venus Markings. Strategies of Evidence and the Foundation of Knowl-edge in the Early Modern Astronomical Community Louis Cellauro and Gilbert Richaud, At the Origins of Neoclassicism: Marie-Joseph Peyre and His Circle in Rome, 1753-1756Index

    F orthcoming T itles Spring 2013 / Art History

    Table of Contents

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    Ung bon ouvrier nomm Marquet CaussinPeinture et enluminure en Hainaut avant Simon Marmion

    Dominique Vanwijnsberghe502 p., 445 ill. couleur, 220 x 280 mm, 2013, CSFP 12, HB, ISBN 978-2-930054-17-9, 66Publication prvue pour avril 2013

    conTriBuTions To The sTudy oF The FleMish priMiTives

    On savait jusqu prsent trs peu de choses sur la peinture de livres en Hainaut avant larrive de Simon Marmion Valenciennes, vers 1458. La prsente monographie entend combler cette lacune en sortant de lombre la production de Marc Caussin, un miniaturiste hainuyer qui fut actif Valenciennes ds les annes 1430. Au d-part dun missel cambrsien authentifi par un extrait de compte extraordinairement dtaill, un groupe de quatorze manuscrits a pu lui tre

    attribu. ct de livres de dvotion au conte-nu standardis, cet ensemble comporte aussi des commandes plus personnelles, parmi les-

    quelles une Chronique enlumine la demande de Philippe de Cro, comte de Chimay. Caussin travaille pour dautres prestigieux bibliophiles, dont le plus clbre est sans nul doute le duc de Bourgogne en personne, Philippe le Bon. Lac-tivit de lenlumineur a pu tre contextualise grce un remarquable dossier documentaire: une cinquantaine de documents qui donnent des informations uniques sur les antcdents familiaux de Caussin et sur son insertion dans le tissu corporatif en Hainaut et dans dautres villes des Pays-Bas mridionaux. Exploits dans toute la richesse de leur contenu, les manuscrits regroups autour de Marc Caussin permettent pour la premire fois de reconstruire un milieu artistique, social, religieux et intellectuel large-ment mconnu.

    Dominique Vanwijnsberghe est chercheur lInstitut royal du Patrimoine artistique (IRPA, Bruxelles), spcialiste de la peinture et de lenluminure du XVe sicle.

  • 1 5

    ChroniconMedieval Narrative SourcesA Chronological Guide with Introductory Essays

    Jnos M. Bak, Ivan Jurkovi (eds.) approx. 250 p., 140 x 216 mm, 2013, BEEC 5, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54833-3, approx. 50 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    Brepols essAys in europeAn culTure

    This practical guide aims to facilitate the dis-covery of narrative sources (chronicles, annals, saints lives) for a given area and time period. It

    Jnos M. Bak is Professor Emeritus at UBC (Vancouver) and CEU (Budapest) and has published mostly on legal and social history.Ivan Jurkovi is Assistant Professor of medi-eval history at the University of Pula (Istria, Croatia) and studies problems of Croatian nobility.

    La cronique et histoire des mervilleuses aventures de Appolin roy de Thir Daprs le manuscrit de Londres, British Library, Royal 20 C II

    Vladimir Agrigoroaei (d.) avec la participation de Claudio Galderisi et Pierre Nobelapprox. 245 p., 2 ill. n/b, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, BITAM 1, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54878-4, approx. 65 Publication prvue pour avril 2013

    BiBlioThque de TrAnsMdie

    Apollonius, roi de Tyr aussi bien que marieur au dbut du roman, fuit les hommes du roi dAntioche qui veulent le tuer cause de son interprtation dune devinette que le roi lui a pose. Aprs avoir perdu tous ses biens dans un naufrage, il est recueilli par le roi de Cy-rne, qui le charge dinstruire sa fille. La prin-cesse tombe amoureuse de son matre jusquau point den tre malade ; le roi apprcie beau-coup le jeune homme et par consquent lui

    donne sa fille en mariage. Cest ainsi que les aventures du protagoniste du roman peuvent se poursuivre en suivant une autre pente. Le dveloppement narratif est condens dans toutes les versions latines, elles-mmes tant

    Vladimir Agrigoroaei est diplm de lettres classiques de lUniversit de Bucarest en 2002 et docteur s lettres de lUniversit de Poitiers (2011), avec une thse sur lhistoire des traductions en franais au XIIe sicle.Claudio Galderisi est professeur de langue et littrature franaise mdivale lUniversit de Poitiers (CESCM UMR 7302).Pierre Nobel est professeur de linguistique romane lUniversit de Strasbourg (LILPA EA 1339).

    Jean Molinet et son temps Actes des rencontres internationales de Dunkerque, Lille et Gand (8-10 novembre 2007)

    Jean Devaux, Estelle Doudet, lodie Lecuppre-Desjardin (d.) approx. 290 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, BURG 22, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-52557-0 (print), 978-2-503-54798-5 (online), approx. 85 Publication prvue pour avril 2013


    Reprsentant majeur de la littrature bour-guignonne, pote et chroniqueur, proche des

    milieux artistiques et notamment musicaux de son poque, Jean Molinet (1435-1507) apparat comme un auteur fdrateur des tudes portant sur lhistoire politique et lit-traire au tournant des XVe et XVIe sicles. Organis du 8 au 10 novembre 2007, locca-sion du cinquime centenaire de la mort de lcrivain, le colloque dont les actes paraissent aujourdhui a t le fruit dune collaboration rgionale et transfrontalire entre lUniver-sit de Gand, lUniversit Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3 et lUniversit du Littoral Cte dOpale (Dunkerque). Par le croisement des disciplines et des approches, il a contribu de manire dcisive mettre en lumire toute la richesse de cette uvre foisonnante et sa situa-tion au croisement des espaces et des cultures, reflet de la ralit complexe des principauts

    Jean Devaux est professeur lUniversit du Littoral Cte dOpale (Dunkerque et Bou-logne-sur-Mer HLLI), o il enseigne la langue et la littrature franaises du Moyen ge. Estelle Doudet est matre de confrences en littrature mdivale lUniversit de Lille Nord de France (UDL3- IRHiS). Elle est spcialiste des Grands Rhtoriqueurs.lodie Lecuppre-Desjardin est matre de confrences lUniversit de Lille Nord de France (UDL3- IRHiS). Spcialiste dhis-toire urbaine et des Pays-Bas bourguignons, elle y enseigne lhistoire mdivale.

    MedievAl & Modern liTerATure

    lists editions, modern translations and, as far as possible, internet sites for texts. Nine introductory essays discuss genres of his-torical narrative and the methods of medieval history writing, and also highlight the special character of Byzantine, Muslim, and Eastern Christian narrative sources.

    F orthcoming T itles Spring 2013 / Medieval & Modern Literature


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    des traductions supposes dune version ori-ginale grecque. Cest en France toutefois que le roman eut le plus grand succs, car parmi les traductions en langues vernaculaires se trouvent aussi huit versions franaises. La version que nous publions ici est une tra-duction assez fidle du texte latin. Intitule daprs lincipit La cronique et histoire des mervilleuses aventures de Appolin roy de Thir , elle a t conserve dans un seul manuscrit, le Londres, British Library, Royal 20 C II.

    bourguignonnes lpoque o le Moyen ge sapprte pouser la Renaissance.

  • 1 6

    DOrient en Occident Les recueils de fables enchsses avant les Mille et une Nuits de Galland (Barlaam et Josaphat, Calila et Dimna, Disciplina clericalis, Roman des Sept Sages)

    Marion Uhlig, Yasmina Foehr-Janssens (d.) approx. x + 465 p., 26 ill. n/b, 10 ill. couleur, 21 line art n/b, 12 tables n/b, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CELAMA 16, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54687-2 (print), 978-2-503-54738-1 (online), approx. 115 Publication prvue pour mai 2013

    culTurAl encounTers in lATe AnTiquiTy And The Middle Ages

    Le prsent volume offre une occasion excep-tionnelle de dialogue entre orientalistes et sp-cialistes des littratures occidentales sur quatre rcits tiroirs.Des Mille et Une Nuits aux Canterbury Tales, des Panchatantra au Dcamron, en passant

    par Artamne ou le Grand Cyrus, un vaste rseau de textes tmoigne de la richesse et de loriginalit du rcit tiroirs hrit de la tra-dition orientale. Le nombre impressionnant des rcits concerns, de mme que lextraor-dinaire diffusion quils ont connue en Orient comme en Occident, au Moyen ge comme lpoque moderne, illustrent lurgence quil y a repenser ltude de ces textes dont plusieurs comptent parmi les fleurons les plus illustres de la littrature universelle. Les travaux ici runis se concentrent sur quatre recueils, le Calila et Dimna (ou Panchatantra), la lgende de Barlaam et Josaphat, le Roman des Sept Sages (ou Livre de Sindibad), et la Disci-plina clericalis de Pierre Alphonse, dont les trois premiers ont marqu, bien avant leur apparition en Occident, toute lhistoire de la littrature orientale. Quant au quatrime, il constitue lun des recueils les plus importants que le Moyen ge nous a transmis, comme en tmoigne son immense diffusion du Roman de Renart au Dcamron de Boccace. Cest partir du XIIe sicle que ces rcits-recueils font connatre les traditions narratives du Levant dans lEurope mdivale. Leur influence se fait sentir jusqu lpoque moderne dans le domaine occidental,

    travers des rcritures et des adaptations. En runissant les travaux de plus dune vingtaine de spcialistes des domaines et des littratures concerns par cette transmission, le prsent vo-lume entend suivre le parcours des quatre textes de lAntiquit tardive et du Moyen ge laube des Lumires.

    Dreams, Medicine, and Literary PracticeExploring the Western Literary Tradition Through Chaucer

    Tanya S. Lenzapprox. x + 220 p., 7 b/w ills., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CURSOR 18, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53481-7, 70 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    cursor Mundi

    This groundbreaking volume explores the in-tersection of dreams, medicine, and literary practice in the poetry of Chaucer and influen-tial literary works from antiquity through the late fourteenth century. An introductory explo-ration considers topics such as Asclepian dream healings of ancient Greece, Old English poetry,

    medieval mystics, and foundational works by Hippocrates, Aristotle, Galen, Avicenna, Mac-robius, and others. Detailed analyses of a series of Chaucers poems follow. Frequently incorpo-rating and commenting on antecedent works, these late medieval poems span various genres including the dream-vision, the romance-trag-edy, and the comic tale. Dreams and medicine are woven into the fabric of these texts, the au-thor contends, revealing distinct and often sur-prising insights. One such insight is the double potential of literary practice, medicine, and dreams - that is, each is capable of facilitating healing and wholeness yet equally capable of causing harm and disease. Ultimately, this book shows that the joining together of medicine and dreams constitutes a vital dimension of these key works in Western literature - one that reveals a profound connection between litera-ture and the fundamentally human experiences of disease, healing, and dreaming.

    From Tyrant to Philosopher-KingA Literary History of Alexander the Great in Medieval and Early Modern England

    Charles Russell Stoneapprox. x + 247 p., 7 b/w ills., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CURSOR 19, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54539-4, approx. 70Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    cursor Mundi

    Since his death in Babylon in 323 BC, Alex-ander the Great has inspired an unparalleled legacy founded on both histories and legends. From ancient Alexandria to twentieth-century

    America, and from politics to popular enter-tainment, he has remained a source of fascina-tion and debate. Today our conception of Alexander rests upon two Roman inventions of history. The first, that of a bloodthirsty tyrant corrupted by Persian decadence, was recovered in medieval monasteries and thrived for centuries, until the second, which viewed Alexander as an enlight-ened ruler and the head of a harmonious global empire, flourished in the age of humanism. From this clash of intellectual movements arose our modern debates over Alexander as either a madman or a philosopher-king, the epitome of corruption or of ideal government. This book explores the investigation of Latin and Greek histories of Alexander in twelfth- to sev-enteenth-century England and the radical evolu-tion of a man still abhorred and imitated today.

    F orthcoming T itles Spring 2013 / Medieval & Modern Literature


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  • 1 7

    The Manere of Good LyvyngA Middle English Translation of Pseudo-Bernards Liber de modo bene vivendi ad sororem

    Anne E. Mouron (ed.) approx. x + 574 p., 1 colour ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, MWTC 30, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54566-0, approx. 115 Publication date scheduled for May 2013

    MedievAl WoMen: TexTs And conTexTs

    In recent years, much critical attention has been devoted to medieval texts written for re-cluses, such as the Life of Christina of Markyate, Aelreds Institutio reclusarum, and the Ancrene Wisse. The Manere of Good Lyvyng, in contrast, brings the focus back to the conventual life and to the needs of a nun rather than an anchoress.The Manere of Good Lyvyng is a late Middle English translation of an earlier Latin text, the Liber de modo bene vivendi ad sororem, long at-

    Les lettres romanes - 66.3-4 (2012): Le souci de lavenir chez les crivains francophones

    Christophe Meure (d.)approx. 300 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, LLR 66.3-4, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54108-2 Publication prvue pour mai 2013

    les leTTres roMAnes - JournAl

    lpe : une posie guerrire et gurisseuse Georges Khoriaty, Les itinraires de limagi-naire de Salah Stti dans le tissage du texteLes Livres Notes bibliographiques Tables du tome Soixante-six 2012 Index des noms

    F orthcoming T itles Spring 2013 / Medieval & Modern Literature

    Christophe Meure, Introduction Mor-gane Leray, La question de lavenir dans un prsent qui nen finit pas. Rflexions sur la temporalit dcadente Andrea Accardi,

    Table des matires

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    Marcel Proust. Cahiers 1 75 de la Bibliothque nationale de FranceCahier 53

    Nathalie Mauriac Dyer, Kazuyoshi Yoshikawa, Pyra Wise (d.) 2 vols., 575 p., 225 x 295 mm, 2013, MPC 4, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54338-3, 200 Disponible

    MArcel prousT. cAhiers 1 75 de lA BiBlioThque nATionAle de FrAnce

    Version primitive de la future Prisonnire, le Ca-hier 53, rdig au dbut de la Grande Guerre, tire sa substance de prcdents Cahiers dAlbertine et sorganise autour de larmature de la matine, hrite du projet Contre Sainte-Beuve. En 1916, Proust en arracha de nombreuses pages pour nourrir dautres cahiers : le fac-simil critique reconstitu par les diteurs permet de saisir le dynamisme si caractristique de son criture.

    There is a word that appears regularly on the pages of Prousts manuscript and which des-cribes perfectly the first two volumes in this series: Capitalissime. (Thomas Baldwin, in French Studies: A Quar-terly Review 63/4, October 2009, p. 487)

    Reviews on previous CahiersConstitu en 1962 et complt en 1985, le fonds Marcel Proust est lun des fleu-rons du dpartement des Manuscrits de la Bibliothque nationale de France, et lun des plus riches et complets de manuscrits littraires jamais runi. Les Cahiers 1 75 prs de huit mille pages en constituent la pice matresse.

    Cette publication est incontestablement prometteuse.(M. Vernet, dans Acta/Fabula, 19 janvier 2009)The importance of this and future editions of the cahiers for scholars working in the field of genetic criticism is immeasurable. These volumes also offer a fascinating addition to Proustian scholarship more generally by ma-king such high-quality and meticulously an-notated reproductions accessible outside the BnF. Moreover, the quality of these editions feels considerably closer to the originals than the microfiche format in which they are now accessed in the BnF. The publication of further cahiers is thus to be eagerly awaited. (M. Topping, in Modern Language Review 105/1, January 2010, p. 252)

    tributed to St Bernard of Clairvaux. Whether in its Latin form or its Middle English ren-dering, this work is a fascinating text and one with considerable artistic merit. It is neither a flamboyant text nor one strewn with images such as one encounters in the Ancrene Wisse. It is a quiet text, with the beauty and simplicity of a manuscript perfectly written in an elegant script, where no illustration distracts the reader from its reading.

    Le suicide de lavenir. Une impasse reprsen-tative chez Maurice Maeterlinck Jean-Mi-chel Caralp, On vous veut attraper dedans cette criture . Le storytelling comme dispo-sitif d-venir dans Dtours de Ren Crevel Ben de Bruyn et David Martens, La passion aristocratique de lOccident. Denis de Rou-gemont : lecteur dune tradition, prophte dun dclin Patrick Bergeron, Apocalypses dentre-deux-guerres (Ramuz, Spitz, Mes-sac) Simon Bran, crire lavenir : les choix de la science-fiction franaise Michel Ber-trand, Les structures archaques, fondatrices du futur dans les premires uvres de Michel Butor Jeremy Lambert, Rcit mythique et posture desprance. Rponse au tragique contemporain partir de luvre dHenry Bauchau Christophe Meure, Conc