catálogo productos inglés 2 - KOUMER specifications.pdf · Resistance to impacts >30 N ISO 4586...


Transcript of catálogo productos inglés 2 - KOUMER specifications.pdf · Resistance to impacts >30 N ISO 4586...



• The centre and wall mounted benches have been designed with a self-supporting modular metallic structure, built in 60 x 30 x 1.5 mm steel, type ST 34 ( DIN 17.100).

• These structures are protected with an epoxy finish, which is resistant to the action of acids, bases, alkalis and to impacts and abrasion.

• The structure has levelling elements hosted inside its base and construction system. Likewise, it has an overhead counduit carrier on the top section, which also supports the different power cables and is used to channel different fluids.

• The structure can be levelled to host the furniture with different dimensions, located under the worktop as independent elements, with the purpose of enabling the removal of these furniture pieces easily and quickly before accessing the overhead carrier from any point of the bench.

• It has accessible side and rear panels that cover the pipes.



Adherence In accordance with UNE 48032 >90% OK

Resistance to direct impacts INTA 160266

Resistance to corrosion In accordance with UNE 56843 / AST MB287 250 Hzs

A humidity resistence trial has never been performed.


1. High-Density, Stratified• Compact high-pressure stratified worktop with cellulose fibre layers impregnated in phenolic resin, perfectly

polymerised throughout the layer’s thickness, as a consequence of the fusion of resin during the press cooking cycle at a pressure of 90 Kg. / cm2 and at a temperature of 150º, achieving a material that is not altered by humidity, resistant to absorption, acids, bases, solvents, salts and temperature. Its surface has a thickness of 18 mm and it will be placed directly over the metallic structure.

2. DIN 12916 Jointless Stoneware• Technical stoneware worktop for laboratories, composed of a series of fine and dense clays with excellent anti-corrosive,

abrasive and thermal properties. In addition, it is resistant to all types of acids (except for hydrofluoric acid), salts and solvents, at any temperature and concentration. It does not contain any sort of toxic components, the materials used are 100% natural and it can be recycled. It is completely fireproof, in case of fire it responds in accordance with the DIN4202 Standard, page 4/3.1 on fireproof materials, is classified as A1 and is fully resistant to ultraviolet rays (UV), maintaining its colour throughout its useful life. The high density of the materials prevents any contaminating materials from seeping into its surface, for example, radioactive products. It requires no sort of maintenance, is easy to clean, decontaminate and disinfect.

Resistance to abrasion EN 438/2.6 Resistance to abrasion > 350 turns

Resistance to impacts with a large-diameter sphere EN 438/2.12 Dropping height > 100 cm.

Resistance to scratches N 438/2.14 Load > 3 N

Resistance to water vapour EN 438/2.24 Appearance 5th grade

Density 2.4 kg/dm3 DIN 51065 Resistance to bending 40-55 N/ mm DIN 40685

Resistance to pressure 300-400 N/mm2 Hardness, in accordance with Mohs (Scratching hardness)


Elasticity module 60000 N/mm2 Technical conductivity at 20º C 1,7 W/m.K

Thermal expansion coefficient at 20º C 2-5 - 10-6 k Thermal absorption (in accordance with DIN28062)


3. Chamfered Black Granite• It is extracted in Badajoz (Spain). It is of a very high quality. Dark grey rock with ferromagnetic components, compact and

with an irregular fracture. Medium grain size. Granular and hypidiomorphic texture, with a good homogeneity. Can be used indoors and outdoors. Mineral composition (main minerals): plagioclase, biotite, quartz, potash feldspar with apatite.

Apparent specific weight 2.810 Kg. / m3 Absorption / porosity coefficient 0,17 % / 0,42%

Mechanical resistance to compression 1.007 Kg. / cm2 Mechanical resistance to bending 134 Kg. / cm2

Resistance to wear and impact 2,27 mm. / 50 cm Young Res. Frost Module – kg 0,05 cm2

Alterations caused by thermal shocks Does not alter the materials



4. Pearl Grey Granite • Adamellitic granite. It is of a very high quality and extracted from a quarry, gray white rock, compact and with an irregular

fracture, medium size and granulated and idiomorphic texture, with a good homogeneity; recommended for outdoor uses. Mineral composition (main minerals): quartz, feldspar, potassium, plagioclase and biotite. Min. accs., apatite, sphere and amphibole. Min. sec. epidote and chlorite.

5. Stainless Steel • It is composed of an agglomerate board with a 30 mm thickness, coated with a stainless steel overlay, with perimeter

edge, 18/8 AISI 304 polished quality.

Apparent specific weight 2.690 Kg. / m3 Absorption / porosity coefficient 0,48 %

Mechanical resistance to compression 1647 Kg. / cm2 Mechanical resistance to bending 262 Kg. / cm2

Friction wear resistance / Res. to impact 0,07 mm./ 65 Alterations caused by thermal shocks Does not alter the materials

6. Stoneware Tile• Manufactured with an anti-humidity agglomerate board with a 40 mm thickness and lined with 60 x 60 cm stoneware,

joints glued with epoxy paste and varnished beech wood front panel with spill-proof edge.

7. Tempered Glass• The worktop is built with emalit tempered glass. The rear area is stainless, the water, gas and vacuum services and

basins, etc. will be installed next to the wall on wall tables and the centre of centre tables, which will have a 30 cm width, stainless steel.

8. Stratified, Post-form Plastic• It is composed of an agglomerate board with a 30 mm thickness, with 0.8 mm stratified or polyester coating. (minimum




9. Trespa Athlon

• It is composed of high-pressure compacted laminates with a high reticulation and resistance resin surface. Its surface has a thickness of 20 mm and it will be placed directly over the metallic structure.


Changes caused by increased thermal rates (dry heat)

Shine no changes Colour no changes Cracking no changes


Elasticity module >10,000 N/mm2 ISO 1184

Resistance to traction >100 N/mm2 ISO R527

Resistance to bending >100 N/mm2 ISO 178

Resistance to impacts >30 N ISO 4586

Resistance to scratching >3,5 N ISO 4586

Resistance to wear / Flat colours >650

Resistance to wear / Dotted colours >350

Water absorption <1,0 % weight ISO 4586

Dimensional stability <2,5 mm


Conductivity coefficient +-0.3 W/mK DIN 52612

Thermal working temperature -40 to 130 ºC


Spain Type FR, M1 Classification

Reaction to fire in accordance with UNE 23/21/90


Hydrochloric acid 37% no effect Hydrochloric acid 48% no effect

Sulfuric Acid 33% no effect Sulfuric Acid 96% no effect

Nitric Acid 30% no effect Nitric Acid 70% no effect

Phosphoric Acid 85% no effect Chromic Acid 60% no effect


Ammonium Hydroxide 28% no effect Sodium Hydroxide 20% no effect


Ethanol** no effect Toluene** no effect Acetone** no effect

Chloroform** no effect Carbon tetrachloride

no effect Formaldehyde 37% no effect

Furfural no effect Methyl ethyl ketone** no effect Naphtha no effect

Ether 1,2 no effect Petroleum no effect


Potassium permanganate

10% Good Sodium hypochlorite

5% no effect

Sodium chloride 5% no effect Copper sulphate 10% no effect

Ferric chloride 10% no effect



10. Trespa Top Lab PluS

• Flat self-supporting board, manufactured with thermo-hardening resins, homogeneous strengthening with cellulose fibre and manufactured at high-pressures. The Top Lab Plus worktops have a decorative surface that is integrated in the material, based on pigmented resins, hardened with the discharge of electrons (EBC technology Electrón Bean Curing). In addition, they combine an excellent resistance to scratching and wear of the Trespa Athlon worktops with the well-known chemical resistance of Trespa Top Lab.


Specific weight + 1.400 Kg/m3 ASTM-D 792-91

Weight of the 20 mm thickness. 28.0 Kg/m2


Length - 0.0/+5mm Width - 0.0/+5mm Thickness + 0.7 for 20mm


Changes caused by dry heat (maximum temperature: 180º C) EN 438-2 (8)

Shine 5 (= no changes) Colour 5 (= no changes) Cracking 5 (= no changes))


Elasticity module > 8.000 N/mm2 DIN 535457

Resistance to traction > 90 N/mm2 DIN 53455

Resistance to bending >100 N/mm2 DIN 53452

Resistance to impacts value of index 4 (>50) N EN 438-2:11

Resistance to scratching* value of index 4 (>5) N EN 438-2:14

Resistance to wear* value of index (> 600) revolutions EN 438-2:6

* Depending on the colour and printing patter


Working temperature

Constant - 40 / + 140 º C Maximum, max. 20 min. +180 º C


The test was carried out by applying 5 drops of each reagent to the surface, covering it with a watch glass (except in the case of tho-se marked with **). The test with the chemical products marked with ** was carried out by saturating them with a cotton ball that was then covered with a bottle. The chemical products were tested during a 24h period, they were then rinsed and assessed.


Hydrochloric acid 10% no effect Hydrochloric acid 37% no effect

Sulfuric Acid 33% no effect Sulfuric Acid 98% excellent

Nitric Acid 30% no effect Nitric Acid 65% excellent

Phosphoric Acid 85% no effect Acetic Acid 99% no effect

Hydrofluoric acid 48% bad Chromic acid 60% no effect


Ammonium Hydroxide

28% no effect



10. Trespa Top Lab PluS


Silver nitrate 10% no effect Potassium permanganate

10% no effect

Iron (III) Chloride 10% no effect Copper sulphate 10% no effect

Sodium hypochlorite 13% no effect Sodium chloride 10% no effect

Organic chemicals

Formaldehyde 37% no effect Furfural excellent

Solvents **

Acetone no effect Ethanol excellent Ethylene glycol no effect

Butanone no effect Dichloromethane no effect Ethyl acetate excellent

Acetic anhydride no effect n-Butyl Acetate no effect n-Hexane no effect

Methanol no effect Methyl isobutyl ketone no effect Tetrahydrofuran no effect

Toluene no effect Trichloroethylene no effect Xylene no effect

Biological stains

Acridine orange 1% no effect Basic fuchsine 1% no effect

Carbol fuchsin 1% no effect Malachite green oxalate

1% no effect

Methylene blue 1% no effect Methyl violet 2B 1% no effect

Wright’s Stain 1% no effect Gentian violet 1% no effect

Most conventional cleaning agents no effect



11. Silestone

• This is a 96% silicious sand and natural quartz agglomerate, pigmented and bonded with polyester resin. 20 mm thickness. Silestone is very easy to clean and maintain, as a result of the low porosity of Silestone. Daily cleaning can be carried out with clean water and neutral soap. Tools removed from burners should not be immediately placed on the worktop. Continuous exposure to the high temperatures of objects could damage the worktop.

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS UNE Standard Intermediate result (1) NF-EN Standard Intermediate result (2)

Wear caused by friction 22.183 Wear in mm. 2.50 P61.505 102 Wear 160 mm3

Resistance to frost 22.184 Loss of weight %0,01 does not alter the mate-


P65.513 202 Does not alter the materials

Resistance to compression 22.185 Compression 233,6 MPa

Resistance to bending 22.186 Bending Module 49,68 MPa

P65.503 100 Bending 40.7 N/mm2

Resistance to shock 22.189 Cracking height 125 cm.

Resistance to thermal changes 22.197 Variation in weight 0,043 % P61.507 104 Does not alter the materials

Water absorption 22.182 Absorption coefficient 0,04%

P61.502 99 Absorption coefficient 0,16%

Resistance to acids 22.198 Variation in weight %0,01 (does not alter the


CAHIER 1.905 Does not alter the materials

Thermal expansion P61.506 103 Expansion CoefficientLinear Thermal 25-10-6 m/mºC

Resistance to scratching P61.504 101 Hardness Mohs 5-4


Acids 3 High resistance

Oils 4 High resistance

Coffee, wine, etc. 4 High resistance

Soft Drinks 4 High resistance

Bleach 2 Do not use during maintenance, if the product remains on the surface during more than 12 hours it could become dull.

Alkaline cleaning products PH>12. 2 Do not use during maintenance, if the product remains on the surface during more than 12 hours it could become dull.. High resistance

Trichloroethylene 1 It can be used to remove determined stains, the surface must be rinsed with clean water after scrubbing the stain.

Acetone 1 It can be used to remove determined stains, the surface must be rinsed with clean water after scrubbing the stain.

Paint solvents 1 It can be used to remove determined stains, the surface must be rinsed with clean water after scrubbing the stain.

Hydrofluoric acid 0 Never use this product.

Dichloromethane 0 Never use this product.

NaOH, caustic soda 0 Never use this product.

Stripping agent 0 Never use this product.



12. Corian

• This is a top-performance product for indoor worktops and coatings; it is especially suited to laboratory environments due to its adaptability. It is a solid, non-porous material that cannot be exfoliated; it is almost impossible to stain; it is exceptionally hygienic, long-lasting and resistant to many of the common dangers present in laboratories.


One of the generally accepted chemical product resistance tests is the exposure of the material to a reagent during a 16-hour period, covered and uncovered. Reagents that do not have an impact on the surfaces are classified as Class I and reagents with adverse effects on the appearance and properties are classified as Class II. Most Class II reagents do not penetrate Corian, but they affect the surface, therefore, the occasional stain resulting from unexpected exposure to Class II reagents can be often eliminated with a fine sanding paper or steel wool.

Class I Reagents


Citric 10% Chlorhydric 20% Chlorhydric 37%*

Phosphoric 85%** Sulfuric 33%


Ammonium Hydroxide 28%** Sodium Hydroxide 10%

Sodium Hydroxide 40%** Sodium Hydroxide (flakes)**


Acetone* Isoamyl acetate Benzene*** Carbon tetrachloride***

Ethyl ether** Ethanol**

Gasoline Metanol** Toluene** Xylene


Ammonium ( 10% ) Hydrogen peroxide Iodine (1% alcohol content)

Bleach ( 1% ) Mercurochrome (2% water content)***

Sodium hydrogen sulphate

Sodium hypochlorite ( 5% )

Tri sodium phosphate

Vinegar Potassium Permanganate ( 2% )

Silver nitrate(10% )

* It can attack or dull the surface ** It can slightly dim the colour *** It can slightly darken the colour

Class II Reagents

Acetic acid( 99,5% )

Chloroform ( 100 % )

Dioxane Ethyl acetate Formic acid ( 90% ) Furfuraldehyde

Methylene chloride

Sulfuric acid( 77,96% )

Wright’s Stain (standard solution)

Trichloroacetic acid( 10,50% )

Sulfuric ( 33% )

In most cases, biochemical stains will stain Corian after a few minutes of exposure. However, stains can be removed by scrubbing them with acetone after they dry.



13. Polypropylene

• This is a chemically stable plastic material, with a very high resistance to chemical products (alkalis, solvents and many types of acids). It is resistant to constant heat, it has a high deformation when exposed to heat and can be adhered with layers coated with GFK.


Density, g/cm3, ISO 1183 91

Stretching tension, Mpa, DIN EN ISO 527 32

Expansion under stretching tension, %, DIN EN ISO 527 8

Tearing expansion, %, DIN EN ISO 527 70

Module E tension Mpa, DIN EN ISO 527 1400

Resistance to impact, kJ/m2, DIN EN ISO 179 no cracks

Resilience, kJ/m2, DIN EN ISO 179 7

Brinell Hardness, Mpa, DIN EN ISO 2039-1 70

Shore Hardness, D. ISO 868 72

Mean thermal expansion coefficient, K, DIN 53752 16x104

Thermal conductivity, W/m-K, DIN 52612 0,22

Behaviour when exposed to fire, DIN 4102 normal flammability

Resistance to electric shock, KV/mm, IEC 243-1 62

Surface resistance, Ohm, DIN IEC 167 1014

Temperature range, ºC 0 a + 100

Resistance to chemical products very good when in contact with many acids,, alkalis and solvents

Physiological innocuousness, in accordance with BGVV yes



1. Sliding furniture

• Sliding furniture or cabinets are built with a 19 mm melamine board, with PVC edges (2” radius). They are built with robust hinges that open at a 270º angle. They are also manufactured for wheels so they can be moved.

• Drawers have aluminium handles. The side panels of drawers are manufactured with an epoxy finished overlay, with telescopic guides and locking mechanism. The drawer’s base and rear panels are built with melamine.

2. Wall mounted cabinets

• Built with a 19 mm melamine board, with PVC edge (2” radius). Assembled with dowels and glued, rear panel is assembled with 19 mm channels. With 2 glazed sliding doors.

3. Glass Cabinets - Chemical Products

• Built with a 19 mm melamine board, with PVC edge (2” radius), including shelves.

• Assembled with dowels and glued, the rear panel is glued and assembled with 10 mm channels.

• It has been designed with 2 bodies: a) Top section, with 2 sliding glass doors and partitions. b) Lower section, with two blind sliding doors and height-adjustable partition.


Physical-mechanical characteristics It maintains the values of the base board

Dimensional stability in length 0,7%

Behaviour when exposed to cracking Maximum classification: 1

Res. to food and cleaning products Maximum classification: 1

Behaviour when exposed to water steam directly. No cracks or dulling

Resistance to the colour of light After 100 h of exposure, there are no alterations to the colour

Resistance to abrasion Loss of weight after every 100 revolutions: 0.1 g.

Adherence of the coating to the support minimum 20 % of adhered fibres

Formaldehyde emissions 0,15

Mean thermal expansion coefficient, K, DIN 53752 16x104

Thermal conductivity, W/m-K, DIN 52612 0,22

Behaviour when exposed to fire, DIN 4102 normal flammability

Resistance to electric shock, KV/mm, IEC 243-1 62

Surface resistance, Ohm, DIN IEC 167 1014

Temperature range, ºC 0 to + 100

Resistance to chemical products very good when in contact with many acids, alkalis and solvents

Physiological innocuousness, in accordance with BGVV yes



4. Removable reagent cabinets

• Dimensions: 60 cm (length) x 60 cm (width) x 200 cm (height)

• Built with a 19 mm melamine board, with 3 mm PVC edge (4” radius), including shelves.

• Assembled with dowels and glued, the rear panel is glued and assembled with 10 mm channels.

• It has been designed with 2 modules. Each module is composed of: Removable 30 cm front door with telescopic guides for a full extraction, 100 kg and 5 trays.

5. Wall and centre shelf

• Built with a metallic structure of the same characteristics as those described for centre and wall mounted benches.

• This structure can be used to host shelves, electric, liquid and gaseous fluid service panels. It has been designed with a system that can be graduated to the desired height.

• Likewise, shelves are built with a structure that is similar to the one described above. They have storage supports on the column rods for assemblies and the shelves are height-adjustable, as in the case of the service-hosting panels.



1. Water and Gas Taps

• Built with a pipe that is coated with plastic Rilsan, in compliance with the ASTMB-117, AFNOR B-117 and AFNORX 41-002 Standards or equivalent European standards. They have been designed with a lock that employs 2 ceramic pads (aluminium oxide).

• Gas taps have a safety lock.

• Each tap is identified by the colour of its lever, in compliance with the DIN 12920 Standard.

2. Polypropylene Sink

• Sink with tap heads and perimeter edge, in compliance with DIN 12916, 40x40x25 cm central basin and self-supporting board with a 20 mm thickness.

3. Stainless Steel Sink

• Sink manufactured with 18/10 AISI 304 stainless steel.

• Drain with 11/2” valve and shutoff plug.

• Special sealing tape.

4. Electricity


• Built with 110 x 60 PVC.

• This conduit can be used to add or remove AC/DC sockets of different potential and line selection easily; halogen-free cabling.

• It complies with the DIN 50085-2-1; DIN UE 0604 - P1 -P2; DIN UE 0606 - P1 Standards


• Built with die cast aluminium and Rilsan coating, with insulating plastic casing. 2 or 4 SCHUKO bases for centre or wall mounted benches.


• The Emergency Shower has large diameter showers (250 mm), built in ABS, an anti-corrosive plastic, with a high-visibility yellow colour; large water flow rate and do not become plugged by dirt or lime, since the shower’s holes are small, and a circular water curtain.


• Eye washing basins with one or two sprinkles and yellow ABS basin provide a large flow of pressurised water, which bathes the person’s face and eyes, preventing damage to eye tissues.

• Eye washing basins have a built-in dust cover with an automatic operation that is activated when the sprinkler is used.



5. Gas Extraction Cabinets, mod. KV- 1800

• Dimensions: 1.80 m (length) X 0.92 m (width) X 2.65 m (height)

• Composed of the following elements:

TOP BODY• Interior body, built with Fireproof high-pressure Resin (complies with the new European regulations), classified higher

than the former M1.• Maximum resistance to fire.• 1 U-profile metallic structure, 50x30x1.5 mm ST 34. • 1 Double hung window built with profiles, with two 3+3 mm high safety sliding laminated glass doors on 10 mm compact

Stratified guide rails.• Built with a safety counterweight on the rear section that prevents the double hung window from being accidentally

dropped, with double steel cable and opening on the rear.• All metallic elements of the fume hood have been treated with an epoxy coating.• Two top accessible doors and side doors with melamine board, intermediate fiber density and 2 mm PVC edges.• Jointless acid-proof stoneware worktop, with a 30 mm thick spill-proof edge, clear grey colour.• Top condensed gas evacuation device.

LOWER BODY• Front service panel for remote control, electrical bases and electrical protection elements.• Installed in a vertical position.• Design for ease of access to installations.

SERVICES• 0.37 Hp Polypropylene extractor at 1,360 r.p.m. Flow rate: 2,300 m / 3 h.• Control board.• Speed variator.• Fire detector.• Stoneware basin, 240x 90 mm.• Gas tap, with remote control.• Water tap, with remote control.• Three 10/16 Legrand electrical sockets

ELECTRICAL PROTECTION ELEMENTS• Earth leakage protection, circuit breaker and motor protection relays.• Interior lighting with fluorescent lamp > 500 lux.• Flashing light.• Modular 2P 20A switch with red LED.

FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS• Extraction speed safety with fire protection system with built-in rate-of-rise detector.• Maximum opening device, in compliance with the UNE- EN 14175 Standard.



6. Bench for Weighing Scales

• Metallic structure built in steel 60 x 30 x 1.5 mm, in compliance with the standard (DIN 17.100). This structure will have an epoxy finish.

• It has an anti-vibration Granite plate, 45 x 45 cm, on anti-vibration Silentblocks.

7. Armchairs & Stools for Laboratories

• TELIPO Series: Ergonomic chair, High Backrest, Permanent contact, with wheels, gas-elevation system. Interior wooden seat. Upholstered in Imitation Leather, Aran.

• INFOR 60 Series: Intermediate backrest. Permanent contact. Gas-elevation system. Polypropylene Casing of the seat and backrest. Ergonomic design. Polyamide base with wheels. Upholstered in Imitation Leather, Aran.

• INFOR 60-B Series: Intermediate backrest. Permanent contact. Gas-elevation system. Polypropylene Casing of the seat and backrest. Ergonomic design. With armrests. Polyamide base with wheels. Upholstered in Imitation Leather, Aran.

• INFOR 61 Series: High backrest. Permanent contact. Gas-elevation system. Polypropylene Casing of the seat and backrest. Ergonomic design. Polyamide base with wheels. Upholstered in Imitation Leather, Aran.

• INFOR 61-B Series: High backrest. Permanent contact. Gas-elevation system. Polypropylene Casing of the seat and backrest. Ergonomic design. With armrests. Polyamide base with wheels. Upholstered in Imitation Leather, Aran

• INFOR 60-AR Series: Intermediate backrest. With footrest ring. Permanent contact. Gas-elevation system. Polypropylene Casing of the seat and backrest. Ergonomic design. Optional fixed armrests. Polyamide base with wheels. Upholstered in Imitation Leather, Aran.

8. Stools for Laboratories

• ZEUS Series: Five-leg stool with 22 mm diameter steel tube, white epoxy finish with chrome plated footrest ring. Rotating and height-adjustable with a spindle. Upholstered with polypropylene, imitation leather, varnished beech wood.

• NO 10 Series: Five-leg stool with polypropylene legs, chromed steel tube, chromed plated footrest and adjustable height. Polypropylene seat and backrest. Lift/gas-elevation system.


Furniture Manufactured in Spain

Polígono industrial Areta C/ F. Ezponda31620 Huarte - Pamplona (NA) SpainT. +34 948 12 31 46 F. +34 948 33 37 [email protected]