· Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “...

Cat \ - U ndar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev f - t '^ r W m - ■ ___ _A__^^HjH|Br«^.'' ! Ruth Gnihn hat First Is Loa Angeles Times WASHINGTON - Nancy Reagan, in her defenso-cr her rolo- in r'.'J House issues, said Thi .... will continue to protec { and “if that interferes •jf'^ state, then so be it." Her impassioned r ^ - '^f-'eHoffiilence.that fo I tion of a t‘least three jTeam i __Tlio Assof intpd Prnsg ^ - WASHINGTON- A jVil flcarch team^has isolatet :‘y'| can blood sample ustrai P I caa cause a fatal AIDS-1 infecting, but not killin a sl human body. Jay A. Levy, leader c team that made thc d: ittlemen c r a strin g o f lig hts, arc) rear q u e st at-W i w peeli ^ ' ...^ .■ . • N la s rettu n ed to W ilso n E ady shoi books t ............... - .. paintini First lady trolt of jer most extensive range oi >• in ofUciat White • -“Ther Thursday that she first lad stcct her husband first lad; res with affairs of in a spe spouses 1 remarks broke Gas Cor t folIpwed.pubUca-._, ton,____ ree “kisa-and-tcH” Her c Isolates ----- =H3ovalopn- . - against tl - A'Califoraia re- ,,.A Uni' Ited from an Afri- ham tcai :rain of virus that virus ^sti )S-Iike disease by causes /A Iling, cells in the Geo’rgo W - said it a jr of the Univer* than .viru ! discovery, said strains ar w isolated strain thc joum j t new tool in the fhe ne create P/- . sold hfs ( SsS Sfe in three c fl& B m TImesrNj Call 7 ^ ' -.83rd vear.-No.162 rchaeo Io g U tsd elacately Wilson-Butte— ^ ing bac, It jSj^ 1 B u tte to con flrm d ates uld be a i 8 by former White House aii ;ing an often unflattering -p _o_f her involvement in a w DofWHite House matters, lere’s one-thing-on-which a lady must be a stone wall: I ady is first ofall a wife." she s£ speech delivered to about 1,0 jes of participants in the Woi iJonferencc meeting i_n Washii r comments surprised some rvirus cai p m ent^of—a n —effecti v e-drt it tbe AIDS virus. University of Alabama-Birmin cam isolated still another ne .strain from the family thi ,AIDS-|jJai_disea6e in Afrio } M. Show, leader of that tean t appears to be less viruler irufl strains identified earlier. L studies of tho new viru I are rejwrted in today’s issue c m al Science. new strains found by the rt t ....... " ' 4 'AC - b: avis or Hagerman .. ( Is grain bed > le d^ys using t)l8 /.] rN^ws Classing adl iX 9 ^ 6 2 6 NOWI - ^ E 62- - sly ra m o v e -th e-lay e rs o f I ^kmille I By ADRIENNE TC Times-News writer • P EN - In the Butte Cave, archa partitioned squar^i — -Trowcl&-and-bru painstakingly peel ofhistbry oneyeari Wilson Butte Ca' cal archaeology buf . cave's artifacts als sional archaeologis sider Wilson Butw significant archae ' North "America. An archaeologica: jK^|--firnHhat--prehi6ton cave 15,000 years £ H H of human occupatic ycar3“ earller~thur found in North Ame Wilson Butte’s 16 facts were first dis 1959-60 excavation gist Ruth Gruhn, ni sity of Alberta in Co tists, however, ren Gruhn's findings.’ • H H Gruhn has retu Butte with her husb, ____ after a 28-year hiat wife firsi aides President Reagan’s r g por- as well as others in . wide West Wing, where tl ■■■situatfdrartd drew ; h any - applause-for her dc I: The volvement in thovproj esaid 1,000. As- the Reagan j World down, the first lady 1 shing- ter of attention, larj __^_____ofthcdisclasures-in- ue of Donald T. Regan’s iusing A] ^ rug—searchers-arg-both-si immuhodeficiency vir "new ° that '® blamed for th( 1 Lakei Tw f hlstorv'rich soil a t W II eniurtis TOOMEY lenci 'er “T Lu>-a he recesses of Wilson bett« laeologists crouch in^ 'Grul- rgsofdirt. ' Sii rushewn hand,-they- ••i lour, el back millenniums of th ir a t a time. John )avb has attracted lo* • ment ufls for decades. The lay t llso intrigue profes- listed rists, and some coiP tone ite among the most aeological sites in . could . mote, cal excavation is cur- j proba ahiclunfly-help-CQarJ,- oitrp- oric-mnn visited tho tronic 3 ago. This, evidence For tion would be 3,000 was li nerica. - .to cor 15,000-year-old arti- turbe^ liscovered during a found tn led by archaeolo- ’ A 1 now at the Univer- pende !)onnda. Somescien- couM emain skeptical of Gruhi full-ti; turned to Wilson week, sband, Allen Biyan, “We atus in hopes of si- it, Nancy 3 most senior aides, throe ; n the White-House- • staff.” the Oval Office is Regi vsevcnii'bursts'of —trology defense of her in- tho pi residency,. schcdu '• other t presidency winds Soviet y has bccome a cen- range : irgely as the result perpow n."For-the Record,"-,_' l’s account of his , LlDS-like ■stramnif'hnman Levy 'inis two, strain o Dtype of thc HIVl ioAIDScpidcmic fered fi HIV2 have been weight 1 3nts in Africa, but nourolog I been found in the toms soe k J j ) f e r t < i d , wi t h , who died in this But L to have been in- ..unable, t ______________ these dis _ __ ^ ... TS even P Eliza, H 330 KAL 332 Twin Falls, Idaho sal /llsoin B u tte C ave ' ~ ? in cav^ ncing the doubting Thomases “The oldest dates from our fi A -a tib n ^ i^ frtinr bb~ne=lB»c liter to . get them from cha ruhn says. Since the initial excavation ur. collccto'rs-)iav'e-defitroyed the cave’s artifacts. Accord hn Lytle, Bureau ofLond.Mi m t D istrict archaeologist, thi / unprotected evpn though ted on the National Register < •ic Places. J 'It s on public land,-and the ildn’t do anything becouse it's ite." Lytle says. "In the future jbably put a gate across the Lrahce or set up some sort o; nic device.” fortunately. mo'st~nf~th^n s limited to the soil’s-uppor li le purpose ot'.tnis excavatior confirm that there are still i bed areas,”'says Bryan. nd th a t there i^’Stlll a lot hero V lot of sweat and dii? wa ided before the, arehaeoli :ld reach this optimistic conch ihn, Bryan and their fo'ur pc -time staff work seven di ik. None of them are paid. We take Wednesday aflemooi • Sec CAVE on Page A2 y declarc te White Houso chi egan wrote that her interest i: )gy-led h er to take a direct hai preparation of thc presid' dule and the timing' of,, or r things, the siting of the. 1 et treaty eliminating med ;e nuclcar weapons from thc owers' arsenals. >rmer—White-House-spokes Sec NANCY on Page A2 e disease 7-Baid-his-groap“ Ifiiilai*d- I of HIV2 from g bloq^sam from a native ofMoli wHo v Lalized in Ivory Coast, o West nation. He said tbe patient s from chronic diarrhea o t loss and died last fall fr logic complications, all syn M>en inA ID S patients. Levy said the researchers j say. how the virus cauE disease aymptoms. . NBA seri* dSQi^Qjet 50-10/26/SS 59 ALVAR C09P 322 S 3RD £ ALT LA<£ CITY ' U ■Ko Ibla Sou bombs tried to - North Korea or ' fired vollei^s of I bacL About 5,000 I American slo{ ‘^niteourfathe out of Yonsei I ^^^^■ .... head.for theJ k peninsula. ' Waves st bombs charged ( main gat§ to waiting ribt'poli( by firebombs sc covered in blazin H jj^U ' Other studen’ rocks and broki riot.troopers bc baA into t)ie sch Police surrou H H H I campub afler thi »NorARE« unification i . • - ' national' seciiri I _______ erupted at the si sYudehts screan - - . kees!" clashed w •to prevent them: 11 Scores of poli were injured Th ........ ' bums orniood pc ses. tr first "ex- ^ v ionI~ama'-~'_ ^ ' ' ording to may I.Monage* . . the cave The Associated Pi igh it is erofHis- WASHINGTO! picked Oliver L. I the tJLAl nrf dot'wnrfnnr t n t it'ssorc- - Contra.-conspirai ure, we’ll gested trying hii he cave’s, tional security ad 1 of elec- dexter. . ^ Independent cc -danioge—Walsh-nnt.ifipri ,T . ir layers. Gerhard A. Gesel tion was NoFnrbut also asi ill undis- sider Uie altema . “We’ve twojuriesforonei lero;" , tional Security, C( was ex- former boss.. eologists ' Walsh, who als nclusion. two-jury trial for i r person, Hakim and Richo days a this procedure still defendant’s com noons off against the. prejuc • A 2 nized congressiona es Cow chief of > , • slinas- ~ ~ b C l/1 hand in -------------------------- isident's TheAflflodatedP ‘om o n g " ’ le.U.S.- SANFRANCII nedium- . appeals court og the su-. reconsider its i . t f u i t . s ^ c k .dowi kesman -K>a-b«noeexiia}'^ A2 The9thU.S.Ci . peals granted the _ttfttign!Rjsflug9t ^ an 11-ffl^ber fort nf tho Poh in ------ p a ^ - o f the‘coia 'fsuf. Btitutionai:;. ; . Inth©pro»8»,ii ^ y ^ P~ .'mos^nials; as H - rs are ' affaiiwt BOT«iin^ ies — B4 turnrr^ G ___ . ., '902 350 I Cop f M*ete vtu. UT -M l 5 )rean tempt izing^l «l:Pr588; . . • d ra ________^ _____________ sluj outh Korea — Radical Stu •Jing hii'ntirpdB ji f fire- test to march to communlsT ~S on Friday as riot.poUce awn iftear gas to drive them fate scor } students, yelling anti-- j logons and . shouting 1^1 herland,” tried to march Qtii University in Seoul,to Jng J3order.30 miles to:Qie '.Moi . pla( students hurling fire- po, 1 d out of tho university's > attack thousands of E ilice. Several officers hit com screamed as they were firet sing gasoline. 20,0 mts pelted police with wi )ken bricks as lines of fron battled to drive them deni chool. joini ounded the sprawling the government banned . ^ i morch ds a threat to iriiy. ■Vicious fighting I school Thursday when aming ‘‘Skin " t h e , with riot .police try in g . Si n from assembling. met olicemcn-and students 'oroi rhuraday. Oflicers with ihg ■^uring frbm cuts were " bat£ tlT^sKTil / be due Press Ge sepat ON - The prosecution low 0 ,. North to be the lead* the i nh'e'first offour Tr¥n* mony racy trials b u t. sug-_ampl« him with former na*. ‘charg adviser John M ., Poin* Th( __________________ depen counsel Lawreni;e E. wron{ -U.S, District Judge' oflicin »ll ofhis selection of, bctri( isked the judge to con- day ( native of empaneling fendai e trial of the fired Na- ' In c Council aide and his posal meett llso proposed a joint the rij r arms dealers Albert leviati hard V. Secord, said tho gi Lill would protect each fendai )nstitutionol rights In a judicial use of immu- hear nal testimony. ^ irtwitlre 1 on^oiri IPress pellata - MMlui :igCO - A fedei^ TTie i sgr^^Tliursday to dischai laadinarlf ruling hasbec wn.the J&QO/sJban—:tboipi M dicra; Ciicuit C o ^ <^Ap>-' Seattle er panel for a hear- sexual '_____ IQ n ili^ Jn which-fl- J njitiona p n m ^ J I tte grounds of ho- ^ tftion-wers-u^. i»lthe court said ^w entitl^ tOftte- nbts^ dlscrinunatioD . detailH'< copyiifihr.tim'- ---------4% ^ 0 VtU.y N*«r*P*P«r. Inc. j F ^ ^ Friday, June 10,1988 1 march t-fuels -battle -J dragged away ])y comrades :o r f slumped exhausted against wails.: Student leaders said at least five pro*; testers were hurt seriously. .........^— Students took two captueff olfiiiera; * away with their hands.tied and their fate was not known. Police made' T scores of arrests. Running clashes were reported Thursday in at least eight provinciri cities between police and students tiy* ingjo reaA the <^jUl for the mbrchl More than 200 students were am^^ inKwongju andstreet fights also took--------—^ place in Suwon, Toeju, Taejoni Mol^- po, Chung, Iri ond Kyongju. Eight thousand riot police in green combat fatigues and visored helmets '' - fired thousands of tear gas bombs os 20,000 students stormed off the Yon; - sei campus, and more volleys came - from 15 armored vans. Otlser stu- dents trying to reach the campus joined the fray. “March to North Korea!" studenti shouted through cktuds' of tear gas that swept over the scene like: fog banks and glowed orange when a fire* bombhit-apoliceman-ora wall.----------------- - ^Students amned with w ^ e n and ' nietal clubs cW ged from streets * around the campus, repeatedly fore- ■ j ihg police back during th& four-hour_______ a^€ven1^ ^ Gesell ruled Wednesday,that,four 3parate trials were necessary to al- : ' IW ono defendant, say North, to use le immunized congressional test!- fony ol' Hakim br Poindexter, for ex* •' j ppIe,-aB-evidence-to- defend-the------^ larges against him. . - ' The judge ruled that because the in- ipendent counsel 'statute dealt with ; rongdoing by hfgh-level govemmentj . ficials. North and Poindexter should I tried first. He gave Walsn untii >'n- ' ' • " “t ly to” designate the lead-off de* ndant. In court papers, Walsh said his pro- sal for two dual-juiy trials Vould ?et thc court’s interest in protecting e rights ofthe defendants while kl- f-iating the enormous burdens on 0 government of trying each de* , idant se^cn'tially." In a two-jury tritU, one panel would ar the evidence against-one de- • See NORTH on Page A2 —j econsidef^ rsoldtersi lata roiirt had ever r u^^ 3uiIon.'; J.,1 Tie armed scifvi^’ right to baM charges oh hohfo&exual-CDsdii^': 1 been upheld by the court&:B^'' ippeal»-cou^ in-a case invidv-- -a-itoduffged-^oldto -ftw thef^ — ttie area, said the A m ys'r^- ■ nrin w nht fiirther iatfl.,thiajMlna______ ^ lersbnal privacy by applyinff fai •_ orientation, reg^ew of, duck.^._.„^-: ftB govfli'iiii^irnt’eontonami ♦jiw nc&'tha.'AnD]^'' ' . j. poent in matters of disdpl^ morale and also was I n c o i^ . with- the .Supr^e Court’s S'AilinCaphoiaizig 'law inOewgla. .. ' . ' ; ■ te-25^jiid^.apjM^.:cottii^- a re asoawi^e^gt^ lilaof ita voi8.'No date ' -----------

Transcript of · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “...

Page 1: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles



- U n d a r



“ f —

- t ' ^ r W m - ■

___ _ A _ _ ^ ^ H j H |B r « ^ . ' '

!R u th G n ih n h a t

First Is

Loa A ngeles Times

W ASHINGTON - N ancy Reagan, in her defenso -cr h e r rolo- in

r'. 'J House issues, said Thi .... w ill continue to protec

{ a nd “if th a t interferes •jf'^ s ta te , th en so be it."

H er impassioned r ^ - '^f-'eHoffiilence.that fo I tion o f a t ‘least th ree

jT e a m i__Tlio Assof intpd Prnsg •

^ - W A S H IN G T O N - A jV i l flcarch team^has isolatet :‘ y'| can blood sample u s tra i P I caa cause a fatal AIDS-1

infecting, b u t not killin a s l h um an body.

J a y A. Levy, leader c

team th a t made thc d: T hursday th a t the new I m ay bo on im portant n<

ittlemen c

I « r a s t r i n g o f l i g h t s , a r c )

r e a r q u e s t a t - W i

w peeli

^ ' . ..^ . ■ . • N

l a s r e t t u n e d t o W i l s o n E

ady shoibooks t

...............- .. paintiniF irs t lady tro lt of

je r most extensive range oi >• in ofUciat W hite • -“Ther T hursday t h a t she first lad stcct h e r husband first lad; res w ith affairs o f in a spe

spouses1 rem arks broke Gas Cort folIpwed.pubUca-._, ton,____ree “kisa-and-tcH” H er c

Isolates----- =H3ovalopn-■ . - against tl

- A 'C aliforaia re- , , . A Uni' Ited from an A fri- ham tcai :rain of v irus th a t virus ^sti )S-Iike d isease by causes /A Iling, cells in th e Geo’rgo W

- said i t a j r o f th e Univer* than .viru

! discovery, sa id s tra in s ar w isolated s tra in thc jo u m j t new tool in th e f h e ne

create P/-

. so ld hfs ( S sS S f e ■ in th ree c fl& B m T Im esrN j

C a l l 7 ^

' -.83rd vear.-No.162

r c h a e o I o g U t s d e l a c a t e l y

Wilson-Butte— ^

ing bac,

I t jSj^

1 B u t t e t o c o n f l r m d a t e s

uld be a i8 by fo rm er W hite House aii ;ing a n often u n fla tte rin g -p _o_f h e r involvem ent in a w D ofW Hite H ouse m atters, le re ’s o n e - th in g -o n -w h ic h a lady m u s t be a stone wall: I ady is f irs t o fa ll a wife." she s£ speech delivered to abou t 1,0 jes o f p a rtic ip an ts in the Woi iJonferencc m eeting i_n W ashii

r com m ents su rp rised some

rvirus caip m e n t^ o f—a n —effecti v e - d r t it tb e A ID S v irus.University of A labam a-B irm in cam iso lated s till ano th e r ne .s tra in from th e fam ily th i ,AID S-|jJai_disea6e in Afrio

} M. Show , lead e r o f th a t tean t ap p ea rs to be less viruler irufl s tra in s identified earlier.L s tu d ie s of tho new viru I a re re jw rted in today’s issue c m a l s tra in s found by th e rt

t ....... " '4

'AC - b:

a v is or H a g e rm a n .. ( Is g ra in b e d >le d ^ y s u s in g t)l8 / . ] rN ^ w s C l a s s i n g a d l i X 9 ^ 6 2 6 NOWI - ^

E6 2 - -

s l y r a m o v e - t h e - l a y e r s o f I


Times-News writer

• P E N - In th e B utte Cave, a rch a partitioned squar^i

— -Trowcl&-and-bru painstakingly peel ofhistbry o n e y e a ri

Wilson B u tte Ca' cal archaeology buf

. cave's a r tifac ts als sional archaeologis sider Wilson Butw significant a rch ae

' North "America.An archaeologica:

jK ^ |- - f i r n H h a t- -p re h i6 to n cave 15,000 y e a rs £

H H of hum an occupatic ycar3“ ea r lle r~ th u r found in N orth Ame

Wilson B u tte ’s 16 facts were f irs t dis 1959-60 excavation gist Ruth G ruhn , ni sity of A lberta in Co tists, however, ren G ruhn's findings.’ •

H H G ruhn h as re tu B utte w ith h e r husb,

____ after a 28-year h ia t

wife firsiaides P resident R eagan’s r

g por- as well as o th e rs in . wide West Wing, w here tl

■■■situatfdrartd d re w ; h any - applause-for h e r dc I: The volvement in thovproj e sa id1,000. As- the R eagan j

World down, th e firs t lady 1 shing- te r of a tten tion , la r j__ _____ofthcd isc lasu res-in -u e of Donald T. R egan’s

iusing A]^ ru g —searchers-arg-both -si

immuhodeficiency v ir

"new °th a t '® blamed for th(

frica United S ta te s ,eom, Both H lV l 'a n d Hilen t found in A IDS pationer. only one p a tie n t h a a bd rus - United State's to bclie of HIV2, T hat p a tie n t, \

country, is believed t; re- focted in Africa.

,4 ' i ■ ' . '

1 Lakei


f h l s to r v 'r i c h s o i l a t W I I

eniurtisTOOMEY lenci'er ■ “T

Lu>-ahe recesses of Wilson bett« laeologists crouch in ^ 'Grul- rg so fd irt. ' Siiru sh ew n hand,-they- •• i lour, el back m illenniums of th ir a t a time. John)avb has attracted lo* • m ent ufls for decades. The lay t llso intrigue profes- listed rists, and some coiP tone ite among the most aeological sites in . could

. mote,cal excavation is cur- j probaahiclunfly-help-CQarJ,- oitrp-oric-mnn visited tho tronic 3 ago. This, evidence For tion would be 3,000 was li

nerica. - . to cor15,000-year-old a rti- turbe^ liscovered during a found tn led by archaeolo- ’ A 1 now a t the Univer- pende

!)onnda. Somescien- couM em ain skeptical o f Gruhi

full-ti;tu rned to Wilson week, sband, Allen B iyan, “We a tus in hopes o f si-

it, Nancy3 m ost senior aides, th roe ; n th e White-House- • staff.” th e Oval Office is Regi

v sev c n ii 'b u rs ts 'o f —trology defense of her in- tho pi residency,. • schcdu

'• o th e r tpresidency winds Soviet

y h a s bccome a cen- ran g e : irgely as the resu lt perpow n."For-the R ecord,"-,_ ' l’s account of his ,

LlDS-like■ stram nif'hnm an L e v y 'in is two, s tra in o

Dtype of thc HIVl io A ID S cp id cm ic

fered fiHIV2 have been w eight 1

3nts in Africa, b u t nourolog I b een found in th e to m s soe k J j ) f e r t< id , with , w ho died in th is B u t L

to have been in- ..unable , t______________ th ese dis

_ _ _ . . .

TS even P

Eliza, H

3 3 0

KAL3 3 2

Twin Falls, Idaho s a l

/ l l s o i n B u t t e C a v e ' ~

? in cavncing th e doubting Thomases “The o ld es t dates from our fi A - a t ib n ^ i^ frtinr bb~ne=lB»c lite r to . g e t them from cha ruhn s ay s. •S ince th e initial excavation u r. collccto'rs-)iav'e-defitroyed th e cave’s artifacts. Accord

h n L y tle , B ureau ofLond.Mi m t D is tr ic t archaeologist, thi / u n p ro tec ted evpn though ted on th e N ational Register < •ic P laces. J' I t s on public land,-and the i ld n ’t do a ny th ing becouse it's ite." L y tle says. "In the future jbab ly p u t a gate across the Lrahce o r se t up some sort o; nic device.”fo r tu n a te ly . m o 'st~ n f~ th^n s lim ited to th e soil’s-uppor li le pu rp o se ot'.tnis excavatior confirm th a t there are still i bed a re a s ,” 's a y s Bryan. nd t h a t th e re i^’Stlll a lot hero V lot o f sw ea t and dii? wa ided before the, arehaeoli :ld reach th is optimistic conch ih n , B ry an and their fo'ur pc -tim e s ta f f work seven di ik. N one o f them are paid.We ta k e W ednesday aflemooi

• S e c CAVE on P a g e A2

y declarcte y e a r s .a s W hite Houso chi

egan w ro te th a t her interest i: )gy-led h e r to take a direct hai p re p a ra tio n of thc presid'

du le a n d th e timing' of,, or r th in g s , th e s i t i n g of the. 1 e t t r e a ty eliminating med ;e n u c lc a r weapons from thc o w ers ' a rsena ls.>rmer—W hite-H ouse-spokes

• S e c N ANCY on P a g e A2

e disease7 -B a id -h is -g ro a p “ Ifiiilai*d- I o f H IV 2 from g b loq^sam from a na tiv e ofMoli wHo v

Lalized in Ivory Coast, o West n a tio n . H e said tbe patient s

from chronic diarrhea o t loss a n d died last fall fr logic complications, all syn M>en in A ID S patients.

Levy sa id the researchers j e .to say . h ow the virus cauE d isease aymptoms. .

NBA seri*


5 0 - 1 0 / 2 6 / S S 5 9 ALVAR C 0 9 P 3 2 2 S 3 R D £ALT L A< £ C I T Y ' U

■ K o

I b l aSou

bom bs tried to - N o rth K orea or

' fired vollei^s of I bacL

A bout 5,000 I A m erican slo{ ‘ n i te o u r f a th e o u t o f Yonsei I

^ ^ ^ ^ ■ . . . . h e a d . f o r th e J k

peninsula.' W aves s t

bom bs charged ( m ain ga t§ to w a itin g ribt'poli( by firebom bs sc covered in blazin

H j j ^ U ' O th e r studen’ rocks a n d broki r io t.tro o p e rs bc b a A in to t)ie sch

Police surrou H H H I cam pub a f le r thi »NorARE« unification i

. • - ' n a t i o n a l ' seciiriI_______ e ru p te d a t the si

sYudehts screan- - . kees!" c lashed w

•to p rev en t them : 11 Scores o f poli

w ere in ju red Th........ ' bum s orniood f irs t "ex- ^ v

ionI~ama'-~'_ ^ ' '

ording to mayI.Monage* . .

the cave T he A ssociated Pi igh i t ise r o fH is - WASHINGTO!

picked O liver L. I the tJLAl nrf dot'wnrfnnr tn t i t 's s o rc - - C ontra .-conspirai

ure, we’ll gested try in g hii he cave’s , tional secu rity ad 1 of elec- dexter. . ^

Independen t cc -dan ioge—W alsh-nnt.ifipri ,T. i r layers. G e rh a rd A. Gesel tion w as N oF n rb u t a lso asi ill undis- sid e r Uie a ltem a . “We’ve tw o ju r ie s fo ro n e i lero;" , tio n a l S ecurity , C( was ex- form er b o s s . . eologists ' W alsh , who als nclusion. tw o-jury tr ia l for i r person, H akim a n d Richo

days a th is p rocedure still defen d an t’s com

noons off ag a in s t th e . prejuc• A2 n ized congressiona

e s Cowchief o f • >, •

s l i n a s - ~ ~ b C l / 1hand in --------------------------isident's TheA flflodatedP ‘omong " ’

le.U.S.- SANFRANCII nedium- . appeals court og the s u - . reconsider its i

. t f u i t .s ^ c k .dowi kesman -K>a-b«noeexiia}'^ A2 T h e 9 th U .S .C i

. peals granted the _ ttfttig n !R js flu g 9 t

^ an 11-ffl^ber

fort nf tho Poh in ------ p a ^ - o f th e‘coia

' f s u f .

• Btitutionai:;. ;. Inth©pro»8»,ii

^ y ^ P~ .'mos^nials; a s H-

rs a re ' affa iiw t B O T«iin^

ies — B4

turnrr^ G___ ■ . .,

' 9 0 2 3 5 0 I Copf M*ete vtu.

UT - M l 5

)reantempti z in g ^ l«l:Pr588; • . . • dra_____________________ slujouth Korea — Radical Stu •Jing hii'ntirpdB j i f fire- test to march to communlsT ~S on Friday as riot.poUce awn iftear gas to drive them fate

scor} students, yelling anti-- j logons and . shouting ‘1^1 herland,” tried to m arch Qtii University in S e o u l,to Jng

J3order.30 m iles to:Q ie '.Moi

. pla(students h u rlin g fire- po, 1 d out of tho university 's> attack thousands of Eilice. Several officers h it comscreamed a s th ey were firetsing gasoline. 20,0m ts pelted police w ith w i)ken bricks a s lines of fronbattled to drive them denichool. joiniounded th e spraw ling ’the government banned . i morch ds a th re a t to iriiy. ■Vicious fighting I school Thu rsd ay when aming ‘‘Skin " t h e , with riot .police t r y in g . Si

n from assem bling. m etolicemcn-and s tuden ts 'oroirhuraday. Oflicers w ith ihg■^uring frbm c u ts w ere " bat£

tlT^sKTil / be duePress Ge

sepatON - The p rosecution low 0 ,. North to be th e lead* the i nh 'e 'f irs t o ffo u r Tr¥n* mony racy tria ls b u t . sug-_am pl« him with form er na*. ‘charg adviser John M ., Poin* Th(__________________depencounsel Lawreni;e E. wron{ -U.S, D istrict Judge' oflicin » ll o fh is selection of, bc tri( isked the judge to con- day ( native of em paneling fendai e trial of th e fired N a- ' In c Council aide a n d h is posal

m ee ttllso proposed a jo in t the rij r arms dealers Albert leviati hard V. Secord, said tho gi Lill would protect each fendai )nstitutionol righ ts In a judicial use of immu- hear nal testimony. ^

irtwitlre 1 on^o iriIPress ’ pellata- M M lui:igCO - A f e d e i^ TTie i sgr^^T liursday to dischai

laadinarlf ruling hasbec wn.the J&QO/sJban—: tb o ip i M d icra;Ciicuit C o ^ <^Ap>-' Seattle

er panel for a hear- sexual'_____

IQ n i l i^ Jn which-fl- J

njitiona p n m ^ J I t t e grounds of ho- ^ t f t i o n - w e r s - u ^ .

i»lthe court said

^ w e n t i t l ^ tO ftte- n b t s ^

dlscrinunatioD . detailH'<

copyiifihr.tim'- ---------— 4 % ^0 VtU.y N*«r*P*P«r. Inc. j F ^ ^

■ Friday, June 10,1988

1 m arch t-fuels -battle -Jdragged away ])y comrades : o r • f slum ped exhausted against wails.:Student leaders said a t least five pro*;testers were hurt seriously. ......... — —

Students took two captueff olfiiiera; * away with their hands.tied and their fate was not known. Police made' T scores of arrests.

Running clashes were reported Thursday in at least eight provinciri cities between police and students tiy* ingjo re a A the <^ jU l for the mbrchl More th an 200 students were am^^inKwongju andstreet fights also took--------—^place in Suwon, Toeju, Taejoni Mol^- po, Chung, Iri ond Kyongju.

Eight thousand riot police in green combat fatigues and visored helmets ' ' - fired thousands of tear gas bombs os 20,000 students stormed off the Yon; - sei campus, and more volleys came - from 15 armored vans. Otlser stu­dents trying to reach the campus joined th e fray. •

“March to North Korea!" studenti shouted through cktuds' of tear gas that swept over the scene like: fog banks and glowed orange when a fire*bombhit-apoliceman-ora wall.----------------- -

^Students amned with w ^ e n and ' nietal clubs cW ged from streets * around the campus, repeatedly fore- ■ j ihg police back during th& four-hour_______

a ^ € v en 1 ^ ^Gesell ruled Wednesday,that,four

3parate trials were necessary to al- : 'IW ono defendant, say North, to use le immunized congressional test!- ■ fony ol' Hakim br Poindexter, for ex* •' jppIe,-aB-evidence-to- defend-the------^larges against him. . - 'The judge ruled tha t because the in- ipendent counsel 'statute dealt with ;rongdoing by hfgh-level govemmentj . ficials. North and Poindexter should I tried first. He gave Walsn untii > 'n - ' ' • " “t ly to” designate the lead-off de* ndant.In court papers, Walsh said his pro- sal for two dual-juiy trials Vould ?et thc court’s interest in protecting e rights ofthe defendants while kl- f-iating the enormous burdens on0 government of trying each de* , idant se^cn'tially."In a two-jury tritU, one panel would ar the evidence against-one de- ■

• See NORTH on Page A2 —j

econsidef^rsoldtersilata ro iirt had ever r u ^ ^3uiIon.'; • J . ,1Tie arm ed sc ifv i^ ’ right to baM charges oh hohfo&exual-CDsdii^':1 been upheld by the court&:B^'' ippea l» -cou^ in-a case invidv-- -a-itoduffged -^oldto - ftw thef — ttie area, said the A m y s 'r ^ - ■nrin w nht fiirther iatfl.,thiajMlna______ ^lersbnal privacy by applyinff fai •_

orientation, r e g ^ e w o f , d u c k .^ ._ .„ ^ -:ftB govfli'iiii^irnt’eontonami ♦jiw nc&'tha.'AnD]^'' '. j . poent in m atters of d i s d p l^ morale and also was I n c o i ^ .

■ w ith - the .S u p r^ e Court’sS'AilinCaphoiaizig'law inOew gla. .. ' . ' ; ■

te-25^ jiid^ .a p jM ^ . : c o t t i i ^ - a r e a s o a w i ^ e ^ g t ^

lilaof ita voi8.'No date '-----------

Page 2: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

pBrie' P i l o t t r a i i i i n j

T he Woflhington Post

WASHINGTON - tra tio n is considering

. for comimitcr airline ] th e sam e training Qsc

■ - . The changcs would _foim .m so

ing tra in ing or a l an a “ “ irddilionBl'hoara follov

called “initial operatir sim u la to r tests of pil<

, ence o f copilots who WJ The changes ore a s

— ■ developed by on indiu I FAA A dm inietrotor T.

A r m y h e l i c o p. ‘ KRUMBACH. W est

,UH1H helicopter h it : " craahcd in a field olo

' k illing its threc-raan A m an soid.

T he crash occurred Krcum bach district, £ Spokesman Sgt. 1st C

-i----------- Field-A rtillery- Brigod. m ile sea s to fS tu ttg a r t.

H e said the victims’r• _ . liesw cre.notiiied.____

’“7 =1 5 ®“ ParU

I V i n F a iia i B u r l« y , 1 o m o a n d G o<^lB g:

P a r tJy cloudy t ^ a y w 'a f te r n o o n sh o w en . ScuU

10 tb 20 m ph ahiflinR to .tho Into m orn ing . H igha

■ 80. P a r tly cloudy tonighi • d a y , b r c o v ond coolor v

^ . . . show sra .. Low s-w ill Im i: — ~ 4 0 s-U ig h sw iE b o < io n i-7 X

C a m a s P r a i r i e o n d V-------------V n U o y ;-- ---------^

• P n r t ly q joudy todny w a flo m o o n show on . Ligh th o m o rn in g becom ing w to 16 m p h in th e o f te n

; w ill bo from 70't<J 76. P< tO Bight a n d S o tu rd ay w

; B how on. C ooler w ith lowi > 40. H ighe WiU b e n e a r 70.! N o r t fa e r n U tafa a n d Nl

_ ; .. U TAH : S un n y , w indy I W r m e r todoy. S outh w ir

. I to a s ta iph w ith locally s t n I F a ir to n ig h t a n f f ^ n n y n ! coolor S a tu rdny . Lows tor

m id 4 0 b to low 60s. Higl th e u p p e r 60 b tb 'n o a r 100.

- ; .. .u rd d y fro m th e tow 60s to*'NfeVADA: PnrtJy cioui

chonce o r o ra in lihowor ' O ccaiiionol'h jgh cioudinei e n tir e o roo oti S a tu rd ay , doya in th e low er 70s to ' Lowb in th e m id 30» to mic

S tuxuDA ry:— . T ho leaHin g cdgo of ana

. • • ! w e s te rn bo rd er T hu raday ( T h o fltorm produced v

----- — para tu roB a n d - r t ro n g - g vth ro u g h o u t sou the rn , id n l

' a n d n o r th e rn Idoho w ill c feel th o m oat from th is ato

Tin i t m oves no rthc n a t- th •“ — B ta ls ^ ^ a y '. ' '

M orn ing fog opd cloudy , le n ip e ra tu rv a 20 degrees cc

n o r th w h e re o lU m oon ton w ere m o s tly in th o GOa.

T h e w orm cflt tem porntu Btale T h u rsd n y w as 94 c

. . H ag e rm o n . S tan ley rcporto__ ___ e s t a t 23 degrpcH,_________

T ho pollen count in T Thuraday_w oa.fifl p an ic lca m o to r b f n ir.

T ho o g r icu l ta rn l outlook __ : w ea k u p p e r level low p ^ i

I Ithot w ill move n o r tl . ; th ro u g h Id ah o • teday

__- w idely a ca ttered ahowera t

~ - e ra wiJI l i n ^ r ove r north*< S o tu rd a y . O th e rw ia e ’d ry »

' ' f o r m a t in th e valleya< th ro u g h Tucfldoy nn high p r * bu ild s o v e r th o s ta te . Temi I will bo abovo norm al in noui- Idnho todny . OliicrwiHC'neii

: National

■ Da-.iccv i-0 si OJ• ■ Cn.CASo IJ JO •

■;; o«ovof tc , Cil ' r-i. ■ ' Oc«M»rw,j •• 74■ D«lro.t IHi JO or • . Hoftoiu’w ' OS n

------------- a ----'.i.. ■ lno«fvir>o:i8 r j 61 10

; Iiid e^; . B u s i n e s s ................... ;: C a l e n d a r ...... ; ............

C l a s s i f i e d .................‘C o m ic s : : . : . . . . . . . . . . . .

: D e a r A b b y ...... ........_C irp.ulation..M .kc iwrr.

C irc u lu tio n pJione.'i arc- m;iii y o u do n o t r cc c iv c vour pn |

^ u r W a l ^ - -------- =__Je ro m e-W c n d cU -G o o d in j::ilj

B u r lc y -R u p c r t-P u u l-O iik le y— B u h l - G n s U e f ^ -------- ---------^■“ F ilor-R oR C T 5bniH olll5U r“ -

T w in Fn llf l u n d n il o th e r u rc i ' N e w s SU'plirn lluiiirn. miitini;

I f y o u h n v e ii n e w s t ip o r w is 111 d o p iir tm u n t . call 7.'i.1-()‘);il

- w e e k d a y s . To r e p o r t in to 01 „ a n d o n w u ek c fld s , ca ll 7.'J.'l.()l. A d v e r t i s i n g BUI n.l

I f y o u w ish to p la c i ' a n iid v c r n d s . g i l l 7 3 .r0 6 2 G M ond iiv ti

; p .m aVid S a lu rd a y H from 8 a, p la y a d s i s a v a ilu b lc w eekday

A-2 T lm o s-N o w s. Twin F

sffly—n g ' m a y t i g h t e n

o s t

— T h o F e d e ra l A v ia tio n A n g t i g h t e n in g tr a in in g req u ir n e p ilo tS j r e q u ir in g th e m (o .i IS c o m m e rc ia l j e t p ilo ts . . u id r e q u i r e c o a m u tc r p ilo ts I s o p h is t ic a te d f lig h t s im u la t( ,n a n n u a l r e f re s h e r c o u rse an llo w in g tra in in g 'n n d 'O T h c c k o i t i n g e x p e r ie n c e ." T h e FA A n p i lo t s a n d in i t ia l o p e ra tin g ) w o rk f o r m a jo r a ir l in e s , a m o n g im p ro v e m e h ts to piU

d u s t r y - p i lo t ta s k 'fo rc e appoii • T . A l la n M c A rto r lo s t fall.

> p t e r c r a s h e se s t G e r m a n y (A P) - A U.S. h i t ■ a p o w e r lin e T h u rsd a a lo n g a h e a v ily t r a v e le d hij n A m e r ic a n c rew , a m il ita ry t

e d n e a r H i t t i s tc t tc n v illage I, 5 0 m i l e s w e s t o f M unich t C la s s J o h n D ’A m a to o f thi g n d e ' l n ' S chw oeb iah“ G in iic i ir t .is’ n a m e s w e ro w ith h e ld u n til

Ely c lo u dy,y , R u p . r t , J . ^ ■ u m

y w ith ia o lu to d — Y haA u)Utl» w in d s fromI to th o w e s t in . »..&i[hs w ill bo n e n r C S H O ^ig h t a n d S n tu r-ir w ith iso la ted« in th f i- u p p e r ^ - g L ^ - \n -7 0 tb .7 e ____ __ -d W oo d R i v o r ’

t w ith iso la ted ^ \ . ig h t w in d a in |5 w e a t fro m 10 'to m o o o . H ig h s___ _ . 7 0 ^. P a r t ly c loudy •' w ith iso la te d V.lows fro m 36 to

1 N e v a d a : ^ ^idy n n d m u c h ... w in d a fro m 16 —s tr o n s e r -T m d-a-n tn i* ------to n ig h t in th o B m I H C

i ig h a to d n y in I B H H H [00. H ig h s S a t- to ’u p p e r 90s, - -

loudy w ith n , O d V t i fo r w en t to d a y . , ---------------mpftn o v e r t h e - - - ----- ^>y. H ig h s bo th I S * m

to ' lo w e r 80a. *m id d le 40s.

a n o th e r s to rm _______

ay afte rn o o n .1 w arm tem -- g U B ty ^ in d s — - ................. —H n h o .'C e n tra lill c o n tin u e to f S ^ F r *a to rm sy s to m ^ — r p u g h th e .

d y s k io ^ k c p t a coo ler in tliv to m p o r a tu re s ' '

■oturo In th e | | . o a A ac4 dofrrecH oL ■----------- ^i ^ d th o cold-

T w in FuIIb f dcs-pcT -cub ic___ _________ '~~C_

ook sh o w s II

sr th e o a tw n rd' p ro d u c in g tem pera tu res ra o n d th u n - a tn te th ro u g h '

i th e m Iddh 'o field w ork nncy w eo thei- is le n t th rough trv S a tu r d n y tored showoniI p r e s s u r e re- will not cnu.Hc ; e m p ern tu r i'B • «.;i-iitiicr is forelo u th c w s te m urdny throuKlin e a r n o rm n l Th.- .•xtrndcc

K.-in-..'iiC.ry ■ •• •'

J.*.nr«npoii» ", i:NfH Of<«nnt, . ,fK)0-'n->oniaCly P' :i>

or Omnna 7!Pnoarv.* ior, :jPinsDuron 0? j :

10 Pcxirana. 19 4J

C — — —..;.C l-2 F r i d a y S p i

.............D3 I d a h o .........

....C3-8 M a g i c V a l

..........D 6 ' N a t i o n . . . ,

— ,.D 4 .....O b i t u a r i e s

<vcr. circulaUbn dirxU r -- _______la n n c d ht-lw i-cn 7 a n d 10 ii.i pafH-T h y 7 a .m .. call th e ni

: i l a c c E m a i i_______________________ ■

w ish to iji lk to so m eo n e in l)i W.’il Ix ’lw c c n !)::!() a .m . a n d , ! n e w s a n d s p o r ts rcrsult.- a

-■, nilvi-rliiinpdiiTrtorv c r ti t^ c m c n l. a ilJ 7a ;j-oy31 . 'C y _ th n ( iti rh Friduy-fronv-H -H ,n B a .m . u n t i l nonn . In fn m ii t in day .s on ly ,

In F a lls , Id ah o Friday. June

___________________ -_________I

3 C a n a d i a.MONTREAL

and took two ho I Adminis- one o f C an ad a ’s( uirem ents The g u a rd a t I ;o .undergo , b u l th e hostages

' . condition, sa id P Dts to per- eral maximum-s<latora d u f - ..........The hostagcs-and to fly d river of a c a r th

± o u rta st r — p rlBotr=~%vct‘e~fo \ requires southeast o f th e p ng expcrl- Fourn ie r said

believed woundec pilot rules Police through Minted by ' " Bearch for tfw inn

The b reakou t b pain t shop.

r.S. Army S e n a t e J l n ojday and 'W ASHINGTOh highway, to P re s id en t Rei 7 spokes- would lim it th e u;

ployers. ge in the The legislation lich, said would p rev en t en: th e 56th _ a g a in ^ employee; lieh'dl 2i~ s u l t a ^

m . E dw ard At ntil fami* Senate L abor Con; .... - ...... - a n end to decades (

reathei/ , ^ f t e m o m

^ BO 90- 90


* t t *Com SMonwy

u - W e a t h e r ® f o r e c a s i l i m e C o n d i t i o n s a n d

■ r a n d . c o |7 y ] ------

Paci//c “ O c a a o \

•CB are expected ncronil tho Idt gh Tiiendny. ' aht

(Ui3~hnying will be excel-] ’jn ;h the period. Widely Hcnt- wiiors in the vntlcys todny • Ew »i(mificimt doln>-srFnii— ihcorccast for the pi'riod Snt- jfreikIi Tupsdny, wa:kIccI cuitloo'k for Southern Ciil

u? t i' •» • w jy

lO . i4

’ IdaholiJ'ia U3 . 4(i

39 '

I p e c l a l . / . ___ D - l > 5 ~ O p......... ...................A 3 -S p .a l l e y ................ . . . B l V a l................... ; . . . : . A 5 - 6 W ei e s . . : . . . ................B 2 W o

_____ .Subwcription ttixiKomr liclivrrv- ill'

a .m. only If $1,7.'; ,)rf‘w«-k. s num l 1 r muft br pnI--------1:-------... jjr

r ’li' . i r 'i r .Sunilny, S8.t>0 prr ....: ---- 6.mon»hvJ103:S0

(i7H-2r,r>2 fn.W, for a-mont

I the I'ditori- id r.i.'iO p.m.

a fii r .'■■:.1(1Moil Tnr<>rmalionn>r Times News u IVtin Krtlln, Iilflho,

i. Chll^siflL’d Inc. Socuntl.rluxit

_____________ “ fijcliJciriiljitiUaa.i


l i a n s e s c a p e p r i s eVL (AP) — T hree inm ates s I hostages T hursday while es I ’s oldest and m ost notorious { a t Laval In s titu te w as serious ges were la te r released in app; d P aul Fournier, a spokosmai □-security prison ju s t north of 'c s . —.. a - w om an-prison-gua r th e inm ates com m andeered liT o u n d '^ K In g on a road'aK be prison.lid earlier the guard token h ided by gunfire, b u t la te r deni< i^ h o u t th e M ontreal area I inm ates. , _ ■Jt began T hursday mom ipg ir

l i n i t s j i e t e s t s : .X)N (AP) — The Senate passt Reagan on Thursday legisl e use of lie-detector tests by i

:ion, which w as approved t employers from tak ing advei

yees solely on th e b ^ is of tl

i A t Kennedy, D-Mass., chain ’ommittee, said th e legislatioi lesofiryustice.”

t r — —^ sImWCTJU . A U a y . J u D c l O , ------ -------------

■< s o N N v y - ^ ^

_ _ l \I )

________ o i«a«t AttM w»«;

i S t (or Friday nd High T em peraii

T S T O H M ^

i. ^ — — I

idoho, Sundny through *Ti shows fair-through the period.

-wtlt-W4o-Ui»-70B Suaday-am d(Ty nnd from 76 to85'Tue«dii> will be in the 4 0 a .• Elsowhero in tho nntion Thi

tho highesndhipctftture was 1 grecH nt Del Rio, Texas. The wan 2 1 dcgrecN n t South Lake CnIif. •

to 22 lunfwrniit I),,i l n? Ln-i-.rsn 7CiV- • >,-cC,ri ; j

Twin Falls:

J ' .^^T oaayteunjo i 39 Tomorrw. 0 sun’pi#

D p i n i o n . . ....................s p o r t s ...............: .................C/ a l l e y h a p p e n i n g s . . .V B S t Z . .__ .............................Vorld........ Ai i - i r . _ ____________________: .liiily nn.l Sundiiy, $;*.()() ( r r v,rrk; k. Sunila), $1,00 |».r » rrk .Mail iul . P ^ ‘ -i!U‘‘jliP'!C?_aaiLun:.uvuibIili • orJiv^ry-tn-not-m atntnm H rdatl prr monlh, $25.HO for ;i.monlh«. $G]. 3:S0 prr>Tnn dnily nnly^" i»T n nonthn. J44.IO for »>-monlhii, J«R_2

prr mnnt)i;,jl(j.5u fur J-mi I"«*lkv per jCTrrtitutltnt-sni )y mml only: Jfi.GO [kt monlb'ror dml

.ion .......................................rn 13 lJubli.ilircl daily a l Third .Si ■Iio. by Mnj;ic Viillry .SVvi^p:i«> |K)«l«cr paid Bt 'IVin.Fcilh by;»^K»f3»-0(*OfrOf|-icialTltrTintrT5 iinnl lo ,Sr«ion tl(.' I OS nf ihHdaho t Tby driiiCTau-<r-u It..- d,i> ..Tyir >.m CLa-tMlIjM^-Puhluhcd. ________

. o n

shot a gu a rd

m ly w ounded Tho'pnjparen tlygoodla n o t th c f c d -

“J S -tepubllc ;

™ '“ poinl-by-t . , . I n a n e ;

I h .m clow .

" ' t o p c h o d .a

. A . said he wm th e p n so n

the count ■ left."

, p rivate c m ..,

k-erse ac tio n s i„ u-biSrw i d S,0 0 -w ,11 p u t

______________■ Bush said c_________________said-Dukali

rass Amet______________ weaken nai

late an isola The Duk

• g back, de/bn' . . crime an3 I

^ LovByThe/\ssc

Thunders..................-m uch of the

___ . the Carolin.^ _____ _______ stn.tcs_to_cy ~ peraturcs •

^ across muchThe storm

hail south c --one-inch hai

-. . . . .. tweenRalcif Thunderst

tho western radaRockies

— neayCoiora'd Rain w a s .

lures* C o n tir

to do Inupdrj Gruhn.

T hcarchae I . • _ _ _cavgting. the, ► Tj— . collectors hav — a rea we’re \v<---------- -- - - “I t’s-rocky-so

and there a ^ there,"

— I----- “ * —“ BecnusD'thI- I the team pati9 0 ' I ' trowel? nnd p

bucket^ ore tt ^ convoy'er bolts^ “The convejI us," snys Ma

ployee at the how much wo

.— .-tho-dirt-out b> possible."

The convey' ______________in to whnt 1.%'i!

«“h£ Nori[iiyTowii > 'C o n tIn i

fondant and th"s«

1C lowoMt fendant. One o: leTnhoi-. ' the courtroom

troduccd evide 3, other, such as

nal testimony. ” Walsh cited3'. • ju ry federal coi

procedure was i These indue

4t' bribery trial ofbia ofilciul.s.

o iipr,, Charles Richey because one of

K iveaa confess! ' able iigainst the

All the defent _ ^ 4 rctired.A irForc

^ NamA 7 - 8 -.-•-C ontinue_______ -_Larr>‘_Spcakes iGuilin''' ^ Jof’t'timeiM ^ X _____ s m ’e d o s ^ j n l jotirTinij' —stafT.-also-have- g Jo b k s -a tJ if . R-2H i" ; _ _.Whj^_Hou_se,_« •monlhs.. - oncesto’.Mrs, Reisnd-xrr:—r: -rr—---------- r---------Iniljnnd The fifst lady

— much ofit crit to fend ofFWhite e rs while Reagi from a variety of including the su

..SLW., in Ju ly I9B5 lo ; k” ‘-?T tu m o r growing inT5tr.TT7--------during-lhe-rt?cup0 Cod.'. - th e a ttem pt on hi:

___ ‘‘A president hi_________I s e n iim on foreign

Blush, Dl n dome3 Associated P ress

p residen tia l cont«nders looli T hursday , .w ith Demoo

?1 D ukak is p ledging a be tte r hip w ith C eq tra l America a ! ii:a rrG M rp ' B ilsh' traveling - a n d - la u n c h in g -J jis -h a rsh . y-point a t ta c k ye t on D ukaki news conference in his adopt twn of H o u sto n , B ush said, “V he governor and I, a g rea t de lestic a n d foreign affairs.” I■ was e a g e r 'to spell o u t tho ices .because “I am convincf m try d o esn ’t w an t to s'wii

rw hfl-w rap p B d -n ip -th e GC tion in .A p ril, m et in Houatc ; H ispanic c aucus to th e Texf can convention , then w ent I vention floor to address th !S.s speech, th e vice i n s id e r

D ukak is V a n ' "ou t< B am "politician‘> i t h a “flaweiJW."..old-style ’60s liberalism , id o fh is D em ocratic rival. Hi luikis-would-r-aise-taxesr-ha aencans w ith IR S~ 'audili national defense, and formu lolatinist foreign policy. >ukakis cam p quickly flret fending D u k ak is ' -record..or :3 his p la n to collect unpaic

IV tem peissociated P re ss

eretorm s rum bled ihrough the S o u th on T hursday from linas ac ro ss th e G ulf Coast i_cnstem _X exas._an 'd . tem- > were - unseasonably tow ich o f th e na tion , irms prodifced golf ball-sized h of H igh 'P o in t, N.C., and hail a l L ill i i \^ o n , N.C., be- icigh a n d Fayottoville. ‘rstorm s a lso (developed in im P la in s a n d in the Colo- ies. Sm all h a i l w as reported ra'do Sp'rings.' Colo:— — — as sca tte red over southw est

ve—tin u e d f r o m P a g e AL

dry and sh o p for food." says

laeological team is'only ex- b e J ja c k -o C -th e ^ x a v e ^ Io s t- lave s tay ed aw ay from the w orking in ,” says G ruhn.

-so-you-canyuse-a-flhovel-- i^n ^ t a lo t o f a rtifac ts bock

• th ey 'c a n n o t“ usc"sh()vels,'“ a tien tly rem oves d irt with i plffces i t in buckcts. The : taken b y w heelbarrow to (Its lead ing o u l o fth e cave, veyer b e lts a ro critical to Mark D n iss , a BLM em- be site. "C an you imagine work it-w o u l3 be lo bring . bv-hand?-Itr-would-be-im—-

•eyer b e lts drop th e -dirt

rth—I n u e d . l r '^ K a g e A l "1 the o th e r would considor :Igainst th e second de- je o f lh e ju r ie s w ouldleave |im before a defendant in- :idence p rejud icia l to the ins im m unized congressio- i y-ed seven prev ious m u lt i - ' fcourt t r ia ls in which th e r is upheld on app^eal.'luded a 1982 *dual-jury iof two D is tr ic t o f Colum- a;. U.S. D istric t Judge aley em paneled tw o ju rie s o

o f the d e fendan ts had pssioa.tH at.w as.inadm iss- clhe o ther. . riendants ex c e p t Secord. u d□ree m ajo r gencrill. were - q:

icv~lued f ro m P a g e A l . ot

iS and M ichnnI K nopv. le R eagan ad v iser who “ utv \Vhite H ouso chief nf i-CTm ttcn books provid:—^ - l i f c - in e id e - th e -^ a g a n -—‘ . which in cluded refer- Reagnn’s role, —

dy has d ra w n a tten tion si( rritical — for h e r efforts de ite H ouso a ides nnd oth- ah agan h a s ‘ r 6cupcratcd sic o f m edical procedures, “A su rgcrj' h e lu jderw cn t ns Lo romovo u m alignant tio : in h is'co lon , ns well a s . ‘

his l i f e 'i r iM a r S 1981.” sor■ has ad v ise r s to cou n - imi ign a ffairs, on defense, a |

Dukakis Bstic, fo

taxes before considerii • “It's c lear th a t the

ooked- doesn’t ’th ink th a t hii locro t v isioa enn bring hin ^ r re- needs in Novem ber,' a and spokesman Leslie D ac ing to . ■ -Recent" polls show ■sheet—aident-tra iling 'D ukak akis. o r more, b u t Btish saic opted ried. “I feel really re la j , “We said. “I really do. W e’ t^deal ing here. I like fighting •” He In Boston, Duknki those matically locked up t inced nomination w ith a fou ■wing sweep on Tuesday, h

m eeting w ith Costa P G O P ' Oscar A ria ru T a s ma; laton urged the U.S. goverhi 'exas age democracy in Ce ut to through economic asB

th e th an m ilitary force.“We did have a n op

'^?l?^ it^ 'f- h a s arid I havo and i wed about Central Amerii

leadership in bringing { sm,” gjon and about th e op■ H e nomically for developn: -h a- - s a id. ____ ___

The M assachusetts g m u- ised th a t i f elected h*e v

a new relationship basi ired i w ith tho lOQders'of C en t ..on Arias, asked by re ’.a id ... w anted lo CIIdDrseIluk^

Bratures JOregon and northern Ct the heaviest ra in a long t

Jgh Rain- was widesprea •om Eo5t~Coa9t from ' Miithi last gland to m e south_em-Ap?m-___.Tem pera tu res-soa to ilow degrees T hursday in sou

. ■ and the southeast com er zed ico while much o f th e n ind tcrnoon tem peratures in he- lower 70s..~ •'The cool tem peratures in far sou th as northern No:

tio- the Tennessee Valley a ^ d ^ k a n s a s ar^d as fa r wesi

ernpoftions~ofSfi(rnorth 2s t tra l P lains.'' •

powered shaky thing." 1 yg tion resembles a g ian t vii__ .-^nd separates modium-si

^from soil.T h e dirt is then carriei

* ^ l c v ( T w h i e i n r a b l n ( n j scuio bones. “A lot o f smal stay buried until a v.

^j-^ingrM ys-W illiam -A kiersl of vertebrate paleontok -Idaho MuMum o f Natural-

s. S F ef8tiih‘’Rords a tinyh between his fingers. *Bon e can tell us w hat th e e ■0 used to be like,” he says,• tied to certain environ:0 leo m a lo tifw e fm d b o n e s >■ of mouse th a t oQ ^^ivose moun tain area.s.’'________B ^ 1 artifacts are analyze i—-gori2c d in a mobile scicncc

on loan from Idaho S ta te t According to G ruhn, ISU

p v e n limiled grant^r~or r from prosecution by Congr• pel th e ir testimony befor f gressional Iran-Contra he,• year. Walsh cannot u se-i1 r\ized testimony of a■ ogainst th a t individual.

B ut Gesell haa ruled th • ' fondants could use each oth

nized testimony to help thei In h is filing Thursday. \

i t would be logical lo tr y 1 and N orth together because arc accused of “using their of tru s t and power to faci p rotect an illegal fm ancial a cal netw ork” to help tho-N rebels by privately raising n d iverting profits from the

-a rm ssa le s . . - , r . .. . .

. on th e economy, on politici num ber of m atters,'’ M rs.

"Mid; *3^1 no o n rbm ong ''a ir pe rts is thero to look a fl« r h

::inm?ldiiiazwlUchuniariZnM flesh-and-blood person who i w ith th e pressures ol hoi

-m psrpqwcTftilposltlon'on-e^ ■■"Take,'fofcxam plc, whe:

s id en hospitalized. Y es,.t dem ands of government, bu ti also basic personal righ ts o' siden t should not be denied." “As a wife. I believe my hust ns much righ t to a norm al r tion as any other husband .— . “No f ir s t lady need m ako n

sona l wel&ro. I t^ on im porta im ntp mlf> for n firct fn 1/a president’s health and wi

)reign pr ing tax hikes. • su rew o 'l ho vice president you deci( his ow n record or D ukakis' lim . th e voles, he ently , Ar r," sa id D ukakis er, we caach.____ _ ____ guage. Tl)w th e vico pro- Diikak ak is-b j-lO -po in ts- who’worr lid he w asn 't wor- for his 0 !a x ed ab o u tit,"h e also inch ^e’re n o t play-act- with. Pan hgback ." Antonio fk is r-w h o -m a th e - Dukaki I th e Dem ocratic repo rte r t 3u r-s ta te prim ary tem p ts to held h is second volvecons Rican Presiden t ican lead'

lany 'm pn 'th s.' H e ' th e adm lr Ti'm ent’to encour- , A rias ai C?entral America ' commenct issistance ra th e r vard Univ

can presii opportunity onw add ress a concerns tha t-R e- school’s pr 1 all o f us have E arlier •rica, about his cortcdhis B jseace to th e re- aachusetts opportun ity eco-, sh e u nden m ien ^ ” Dukakis Vcpnir ..twi

' ' ________ n cck.__ ^I governor prom- • Doctors ! would “develop neck brace ised on 'respecl” w ill be alio n tra l A m erica.'. th e iirhe"! rep o rte rs if he ceives the kakiS rsaid .'.'I’m . craticJ^atii

sweep niCalifornia, w ilh • . a frost J th e coast. posted for cad _ a lo n g th e e rn Michig th«m _N ew .E n- th e northe ifiC fllachians=^l_Pcnnsylvar jd-to-ovor-lO O — W isconainr Duthwest Texas e m N ew Er lO rofN ew M ox- Detroit Y nation had nf- --for th e dal« in th e 60s and 54 degrees

— high. Flint, os extended as 35 ju s t two Jorth Carolina, ord high, a nd no rthern O th e r re

esi as ea^-_ _ T hursday w th cm -an d cen-— o rn rB e a a C


This contrnp- son B u tte a vibrating sieve a t ISU’s Id -sized a rtifac ts H istoiy.

- .. ' “The findi ied to a w ater lion a re in tl ? s r ra c i m inis- tWi;'’ Siiys~ lall bones will should both wa^_r_^ wash- though wg-ti

rst^n r-ou rato r— rary -d isp lay ology a t th e M useum .” ol;H i6t o . r y j _ _ ;. .T h ecu rre r y gopher jaw th e la s t w( ones like th is G ruhn and 1

environm ent Wilson Butli “A n im als o re search . Thej

m m en ts .' We d ian Social i es from a type Council for a is in forested “Now th a t

'zed and catc- like to do n ice lab o ra to ry B ryan ."“We~ .e University , yea r da te i f ' U is lending w ith charcoal - b e c a u s e ^ l-^ m f t l -b o n e s r^

Sfnm rniTnlly N67iH71Tro gress to com- colonel, nnd ore th e con- Navy i;enr o{ lea rin g s la s t "num erous ac ! - th e im m u- tice a n d false 1 d efendan t covor up tl

‘E n te rp rise"’.V th a t th e de- r.. ,th o r 's im m u .- S im ilarly , I leirdcfonse. ‘>usiness, W alsh said

la n d lo g is ti-N icaraguan------ All- fo u r-de' m oney and with • conspirac le U .S .rIran em raeiU , thefl

— __ erty and" w iro f

ics. on any And, i f th a t in: rs. Reagan sta te , th en so b ill those e x -" A lthough M • him a s an m ention o f the re'edst-afi-a— m ents oppeaK o .m ust.deo l... p ub lish ed . criti o lding th e role, in th e viev

sE lT m 'm b ers .'

. t th e re arc P«"-been inv ited l(

isb o n d h aa .'•'■il "ni

1"iT” S Sf a t o c a j e o r hii

lo ad 'a .S ir-ta n t, legit- But,- she .snicJo o k a f lo r__m ean t - to-im plywellbeing, th ing a b o u t Don

planswe'll be a good friend of w hoever;' iecide to e lect.” H ow ever,'noting ikis’ ability to sp eak Spanish flu^, /Vrias nddqd, “P erhaps it’s e a s i ' e can get olong in th e sam e lan-B. T hat helps." ............. . . _kakis' discussion with Arias* ivoirthcr 1987 Nobcl-Peritc-Prizc— s Central A m erican peace plan,' included c u rre n t U.S. problems Panam itnian ru le r Gen. M anuel lip Noriega. ;kakis, speaking in S panish 'to q ter traveling w ith A rias, said at^.s to remove N oriega should in- consultation w ith C entral Amer» eaders — consu lta tion he said Imlnistration-has-ncglocted. ; _IS and Dukakis a lso took p a r t ii^ ' encement cerem onies a t H ap Jniversity, w here tho Costa Ri*- • resident delivered the keynote'3s and the governor joined tho’s proccssion;--------------------- ' ilier in the day, D ukakis es- hfs wife, K itty , hom e from Mas- letts General H ospital, w here derwent surgery.six doys ago to;..two. h ern ia ted d isce -in - h e r -------

o rs said she willTiave to w ear o' race while s h e recuperates, but allowed lo rem ove th e brace byhe"l e r h u a b a n d ' fdfraally“ ro:tho nom ination n t the Demc* ‘National C onvention in July. . :.

lationost ond freeze advisory wos for Friday m orning for north* chigan,.n fri?6ze'.w iim ing fo r , V" rtherh m ountains of western Ivania, with sca tte red frost insinrNew-York s ta te and north---------V England:lit had a rccord moming..low dolo of -10 degrees, which was ees less th an M onday’s record, int, Mich., tied a record low Lwo doys a fte r a 91-degree reo-I.' ■ ■ .............• record lows for the datfely were D ulu th . M in a ,.a i :M ii_ _ 'Sh7Fla7,‘69; afra ToledoTOhiq,

te artifacts will, be displayed 5 Idaho M use tim -p f N atural

indings from tho*first excava- ’ in their p erm anen t collection,iy rX n ih 'n .~ - ia c a l ly r 'th 'o y ------- -both be k ep t together, al-yg-may a iro n g e for a t^m po-_.___p Jo y -a l-T w in -F o lls^ H iirre tp ------

rrent-excavation onds du rin g ______week of Ju n e . However,

nd Bryan hope lo re tu rn lb lu tte to conduct fu rther rd* ' rhey plan to ask th e Cana- ial Science and H um anities j r a research g ran t, ha t we've confirm ed th a t un­

io more excavations," says Ve c a a co iifirm 'th e ■15’,000.

if we get som e good dates coal ra ther th a n only mam-

...........i retired M an h e lieu ten an t" ’ md Poindexter, a retired r admiral, a re accused of 3 acts of o bstruction of jua- ilse sta tem ents in tended to

the activ ities of the >■". Walsh said. ;

y, Hakim and Secord, for- ess partners who brokered icals through a se ries of for- inies and secret; Sw iss bank jre-both charged w ith con-

pay illegal g ra tu itie s to ie ttihgup a $2 0 0 ,0 0 0 tn is t s family, W alsh said.

defcndan ts^are - c h a ig cd ................liracy to defraud th e go'f- :heft o f governm ent prop- irofraud, - - -

I infcorefers w ith affairs o f ' •s(Lh«’l 6he s a i d . _ _ _ __________I Mrs, Reagan m ade "hothe recent, books, h e r com-________e a i^ - t o '^ s p o n d - t o - t h o ------------- '■critid sm -o f-;h e r-fo rc? fu l view of some W hite House

• lady's p ress socretaty,. _. sen, said M rs. R eagan badd lo discuss h e r role as id she chose to te ll 'her_au- “one of h o r h a rd e s t rol6s woplo rcnlizo_she_is_fir8 ts t a wife nnd th a t shefh im (tho p resid en t) ds a____ __g-” . .

.snid. “f -d o n 't- th in k shenply-in-thifr-speech-‘«ny------- fl------Don Regan o r h is bOTk." _ fi


_____ - ' 1

Page 3: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

r®"""Policei • B O ISE (AP)

h av e promptei sion chargcs 0 |

------ r ------— -With giving d n____ ___________ T h e charges

“ ih e condiSon i . :• , forcem ent autJ;

; C lem en taw ihom e o f a kind he a n d wo firs

■ " Driver, . . ' BLACKFOO

u la r manslaug^■ .“d e n t e a r lie r thi

J o h h J a k c s i felony charges,

'• w asb e in g h e ld A u tho rities i

........ ........ .....w hen_he .h it.Jis tre e t.

Bell faces a r in fin es on the

C $5,000 in finession o fh is drive

— - Dump!r . FO R T HALL

............ ing for action to^ w aste by others

“T h e problem • - ' m ission membei

^ M ostly prunii• • h a s re a lly begui

ccn tly discovercand pro tected s tow nsite .

: State t€. ■ • • B O IS E (A P)-

_____L received a $328.; tro i to e s ta b lish :

ficiency syhdroir o n ic ia ls said c

- and serv ices und In add ition , th

police a n d emerj cases. .

Firm chCO EU R D’AL

K ootenai County• . for 0 1984 fire thi

d’A lene lum ber n . V •. . . F ir s t D istric t t

. provided to show es t In d u stries .

Idiiho Forest 1 sued th e Watson

’ ’’ gence t h a t resulU T he s u i t accus(

------■-— ------ tra in ing -and -supr “ duty'the~nlghtT5l

Ron S a m p e ^ l wa------------—7-—guess—th e fi re i

has d en ied the all

Jacobs• ■ - ' B O ISE (AP) -

■ people involved ir jn U .S. D istric t Cc

------------------ Ju d g e Harold-Rya■ • m ent fac ility for <

and fined $50.Jaco b s is one of

spiracy d a tin g bo■ trolled substanco^

^ 7 ^ —Funds siWASHINGTON

h as approved neai ington C entennial

The subcommiti dorsed b y th e full j gress, earmarlliodc tra il in Idaho and ington.

Q ffioal s dry irriga time ahe;

--------- •BOISE- (A P)- - Dmonths of above-normal Idaho farm ers s till cane:

' ri^ation season , sa id Ha th e s ta t^ D e p a r tm o n t i

’r~7l'r "sources._______ B u t:._ w ith .th ree^w el

M arch, April a n d May - looks like w e’ve broken

— cyclc;” 'A nderson'Baidrnc t i l M arch,-Idaho had-hai tive m onths o f below-no

_ "tafaon. ,__________ •This_would n o t bc a ba

i f -K a h o 'h a d h o f h a d 'i ; 1987. ho said.

Southern Id ah o ’s prec been about 80 to 85 pcrce

. arid no rth ern Idaho’s al ra n t o f norm al, h e said. 1

---------i a ii’se-of-the-droughtHaat■ voir levels a re on ly 65 t o ' norm al in so u th e rn Idali

• 85 perccnt in n o rth e rn Idi

■iefly—;e drop:drag cAP) — Questions abou t tho v pled the city o f B oise 'to dro{ ‘3 against a teen -ag er w ho mi drugs to throo children. -

•ges were d _ ro p ^_ p g a in s t _M on th a t C lem ents not bring luthorities.I was arrested la s t December dndcrgarten child, who te ld i first-graders h ad tak en on th(

tr charged in sOOT (AP) - A S helley m an i lughter' and d ru n k en driving this week th a t leiVaaO-year-

es Beir, 20, will face a J u n e 1 ' ;es, th a t also include leaving eld in the-B ingham C ounty Ji cs said Bell w as driv ing a r I .Jimmy.Colvin .as th e boy-w

a maximum pen a lty o f sever the m anslaugh ter charge ar aes on each o f th e o th e r two rivers license for one to fivey t

ling-upsets IniLL (AP) - Shoshone-Banno' n to stop flag ran tly illegal dui ers on Uie sacred s ite s o f th e 1 lem seems to .be ge ttin g wor ibcrE m aline G eorge said, unings, old furhiturfi a n d ful !gun to offend tr ib a l leaders s ’cred-near old-burial grounds id sites like th e C edars ju s t

receives AIDiP) - The Idaho D ep artm en t 128,000 g ra n t fro m jlhejederc ish new program s for preventi rome among H ispanics.A m er lid district hea lth d epartm ent jority organizations will con under the g rant.I, the money will u n d erw rite r lergency personnel a n d increi

:lea ri^ 'o f liab'ALENE (AP) — Tho p riv a t inty S heriff Rocky W atson ht ! th a t caused .more th a n $2 mi jrm ill.ict Judge Jam es M ichayd ha;low the W atso^A gency breai

s t Industries and its insure son AgencvJn_May__I_98_5_fg,r^ ulted m a lire a i th e A tla s 'ne ;uscd th e W atson Agency o f n supervision-of-M ark-Hnm m i t^^fth trfire rK o o ten o rC o u n i was quoted in court documi

rew asde lib e ra te ly -cau sed -b • allegation. ,.

> en ters guiltyI - Victor M. Jacobs; charge d in a m ajor drug-dealing rini t Court here Thursday.

Ryan to spend six ■wcek& or drugs. Hc also was placec

s of nine people a rres ted earli bock to 1983 to m anufactu


set :fpr:^ldaho 1ON (AP) - A Houso Appri learly $5 m illion for construi lial Trail.n ittee action on W ednesday, ill Appropriations Committee od over $1.3 m illion tow ard th nd $3.6 million tew ard th e $’

sees[ation H ead H

Despite- three nal precipitation, m ex p c c ta d ry ir- Hal Anderson, o f — nt of W ater Rc-

.wct_iDQnths...— y - in a row, “it °<en the drough t_____] ^ H |rn o tinp thn tT in- had-16 consecu-

^-normal precipi- _................... ............. iiS 5~

1 bad w ater y ea r _ ■ d 'a ' drought i n ' .

'recipitetion hasTcent of norm al, 'i obout 90 per*. ^Id. However, be- J j

teT O p e n x n to fdaho and 75 to ' s jI Idnho, ••'_______ ___

c h a i s e s,0 way police obtained evidenct rop misdemeanor d ru g posses m ay have boon w rongly linket

Michnel .I^_C lem ente ,.18 ,.on ig any claims oga inst law en^

<er a s iwlice were sea rch in g the Id them he had found th e LSD th ek iteh en floor u t hom e.

acc id en tn h as been charged w ith vehic- ing ih connection w ith o n occi-ar-old b o H e a i ----------- —! 17 p relim inary h ea rin g on tho ng th e scene of on accident. He r Ja il in lieu of S50,000-bond, a motercycle Tuesday evening ,t-walked-along-the-residentiai

von years in prison and $7,000 and five years in p rison and

vo chargcs along w ith suspen- tyeora. . . . _________________

Indian tr ib e__ _inock tribal ofTlcials a rc press- dumping.o_f_trn.‘ih_ n n d /an n in g . le F o rt Hall R eservation./orse,” Tribal L and U se Com-

full tra sh bags, th e dum ping •s since piles of w aste w e re re- ids,-hunting and-fishing-aroos: is t w est of the old F o rt H all

>S grant ^n t o fH eolth and W elfare has erolJIJentiLrs for D rseose Con- intion of acquired im m une de-.

Gnts, the Idoho AIDS F ounda- »ntract- to provide program s

;c m ore extensive t r a c i n g for :reoscd investigation o f AIDS

____ _________________ I________

bility/a te security firm of fo rm er hos been clearcd of l ia b ili ty .. million in dam age te o C oeur

has ruled tho t no’ foots wore cached its duty to Idaho For*

jre r . Harbor In su rance Co.,or^g^2 mjljip.n,jUl.eging_negli-— .1-

f negligent hiring, re ten tion , im er,- the .sec u rity -guard - o n . . JttiyT ^fe D c p a rfm e iilX iip ir" im ents os saying i t w a s hia . l-by-H am m er,-but-H am m er

t y p l e a

rged with being o ne of n ine -ing in Idaho, pleaded guilty

’grcragygd b r t J :s.-D i5 tn c f :..somo sortof-jaiNtypo tre a t-— ced on five years probation*

irlic r and charged-with con-** cture and d istribu te a con-

> tra il—— ^ - ViprBpriations subcom m ittee ruction of tho Idaho-W ash- '

oy, which m ust s till be«'Vn- tee and both houses o f Con*I th'e$i2.4 million cost o f th e i $7.4 million cost in W ash-

H a


! O E _ E N I M ^ _ R ^ I N E 1 9 , 1 9 8 8

W IN S ]Depa«*t:wn

W e n d e l l . S t o r e H o u r s M o n -


C o u rt on Thursdo !nce u se o f testimony i ^ s * , h ea rin g in o la tere

th e w itness was ni- ■ - f y - ' - .................•-, o n ------------B ecause of th e r

p relim inary natilr h earing , the use o

“ 0 u n fa ir to tho defer 'S p ^ C o u rt sa id in a 4*1

T h e Idling ove------- :------vn ted -b a ttc ry 'co ri

------------Elisondo.-H c w as iyon County case

hie- year-o ld , uncle, Ci “ J- w as sentenced te

th e Key witnesses irHe v ictim ; Elisondo's s

his daughter, Chriing .

“ WKifij"*! BO ISE ( A P ) - '

K eith G ilbert says

apologize te anyone----------—__A nd-he-m ain taii,55'. sen ten ce Thursdoj j ,„ lo ted charges wos p

b y 'h is ’Kootehai'Cd jjj. g e tr id o fh im .

. _“I am . th e victim

las::-- Policein dou

. - . . • • POCATELLO (Al la s t weekend's doub a N am p a convonieni

I"' - - in to custody Thursd th e G reyhound Bus lo, police said.

D avid Leslie Can up a s J je walked a l Pocatello Police Ch

His m other, Heh also tak en into c

___ _ th o ritie s snid .no cpected te be filed aga

C ord was wanted J r in connection wilh t l -y- ing o f Eugene Moro> ir Sh irley , 40, os they

, o u ts ide th e store Sur ■e • T he Moreys, .cont r* th e Idaho Press-Tri

w ere sh o t in the ne m erous tim es as the,

Controv project^ second^]

• NAMPA (AP) - A y e a r o f drought hos b in to th e environmer

• sia l proposal for a n ' Boise R iver o t Twin S D irectors o fthe Boi

of C ontrol, searching 1 ■ croasc'Tieeded ngricul

plies, a r c teking a h p roject ju s t below th

l 1_ lh e ..m id d le .a n d norl Boise R iver.. -- • “I,;th ink it ’s the on sa id D onald Lenz,' '

: :a h c n d -w ith i t r l^ h in l due.”

B u t B ureau of Reels pred icted onother do would d raw s tro n g '( environm ental groups,

A 1968 study o f th e Springs project, 42_mi se,' show ed its resorvi dote 7V2 m ile so fth e ri

----- i and M m ile so fth em ic

DMFOIIw i t f r n o s t i i n g s a ttB

Wing tit m akes th e hec!-hui^. I Full grain, w ater-repellent lc; shank foot support.M i . p I c I . [ X p

IAlS.[a-15T7-l6 I 7-U kw-nil 6-18-} e___ .-Sugges


^ - $ 7 !^ MADE IN u s A.

!L O W \aent StoKJl. & J e r o m e - I - S a f 9 - 9 S u n 1

rt rules- The Idaho Suprem e the doy s tru ck down th e -y from a prelim inary pre r crim inal tr ia l w here sub n o t ava ilab le te testi- test

■ ■ ................... .. ....... th e5 r a th e r in form al-and— teal lire o f a , p relim inary tria o f such testim ony is »r

en d an t, tho Suprem e ■1 V i s io nv e riu m s_ th e nggra- onvictlon o fR ic M ? a " 7 ^ s convicted in a Can* • e o f bea tin g his 74- C ruse G alindo, und0 up te 14 y e a rs in•----------in the tr ia l w ere th e tice

s sis te r, M arth a ; and . prel iristina, w itnesses te scoli

i^su^rSi- W hite sup rem acis t “ Uies ys he isn ’t abou t to o u t

n e fo P itr" wasa in s -O ia t-h is -p r iso n - in -p r oy on four race-re* Rj1 p o rt o f a conspiracy ply i 'duh ty 'n 'c ig h 'b o rT K h n iF

thro in o f a . child

e arrest J nble muiAP^ — A-siispect-in p e rs 1 uble m u rd e r ou tside guntn ■nco s to re w a s token c n r ai sday afternoon n e a r—th e w js D epot in Pocatel-

ird . 27, wos piekea along a city s tree t,,Dhief Norm P ropst jj.

elen S u llivan , was custody, b u t au- ^

^ a r g e . s jsero_ejc- g a in st her. _;d by N am pu Polico ^ th e predaw n shoot- ey. 42,-and h is wife ” ey s a t in th e ir cur .unday m orning . be obi in tract c a rrie rs for The V ibune in N am pa, tia lly neck ond h ead nu- a n d tl ley folded th e ir pa- w arro

versial ““ given l o 6 K ” ~ 7 ”

A second s tra ig h t ii b rea thed new life en to lly controver- • I new dom on , the Springs.

'Oise P roject Board ___g fo r op tions to in-u ltu raH vn tcr-sup -— ----- •]ha rd look a t th e ■ " I

th e confluence*of 3rth.,fQrJis.Qf the :____

only th in g to do,"■ “We should go ink~ it '5~1oiig uvur-— --------

:lam ation officials • Silom on the river o f \•opposition from • H'

ps. . Hihe proposed Twin N oim iles eost o f Boi- H e-voir would in'un-. w illriver’s no rth fork - .

lidd iefo rk . ____

t a c h e d ! -

^ in g d itlc r-lea ther... p iu s ,

Effl_ _ ^isted-BetaiE _ .1 $105.95 _ ^


'9 9 7 -: :b * pi1 2 - 5 1— ^

s againi ie beating.

:M artha, the sister, testifioi ire lim inory hearing. B u t c iubpoenaed, sho failed te .app e s tlfy .o t t r i a l Over th e objc( h o defense, her'p relim inary eatim oriy was adm itted a t El r ia l and h e wos convicted.

T h e Court of Appeals. citin( ■uling by the Idaho Supreme •uled th a t wns permissible,

- ^ e Supreme-Gourt-decide< toy to overturn tho 1981 decif e tu m to a 1899 stondard b a r ISO o f preliminary h ea rin g te. n c rim inal coses. “ ln"Di"decfslDir\PTlttcirb}rCh ice A llan Shepard, th e m ajo r re lim inory hearings o re n< :ole tria ls, in which both side

macist s«lese people te shut m e up and J t o f town," he told U.S. ] idgc"Hiirold'Ilyan7Shi>rtly"a as sentenced te on ex tra 18 i

R yan said he felt G ilbert wi y m ain te in ipg he w as in n oi u r charges of civil r i ^ t s vio rough threatening people, inc ild ren , becouse of th e ir race.

suspect irder cas<rs fo r delivery. AuthoritieS'Sa n m an opparently w alked up ' a n d fired repeated sho ts th‘ windows^---------------------------

Details o f Card's a r re s t ;tchy, bu t Propst snid th e . ne shortly after polico recei 2ty p e from Nampa a u thoritie i : th a t C ard wos possibly tra ' ■ough tho area ih a 1977 p ck. M inutes later, police u n itf

th e truck parked a l th e .jnd-BufrDepotT-------------- ;—‘T h ere was no resistance fro: 5pect,'ond noweopon w as fou n,” P ropst soid. H is vehicl m impounded and a w arra r ob tained te search il.

rhe^ chief said Card would 1 Ily .inter\'iewed by Pocatello J th e n returned lo N am pa ofl r r a n t is processed.




^ W O OS e e f^alph W hite (A lias

if w o o d Into a life-size gi H e d o es 'a ll of th is w ith ; H is w ood ca rv in g s hav e

lo rth w e s t . . fe s p e c ia liz e s In th e a n lr irlli b e fo r sa le In th e D&E

HOMEIf-pA. Gas


\ ' ^ y/ \» J

3 6



ist pre-complete invest

ified a t the lengthy crojss-ex t a lthough R ather, thoy appeor ond ceeding conduct bjections of formal mammo: iry hearing pose is to m ake : Elisondo’s cause, ns con ln

lishm ent o f guililing 0 1981 .

C ourt, , At preliminni fense hos .little :

. , , _ ine prosecution d ^ T h u r^ - i ty sa id rs in c e “o: ecision and custom arily derr D am n g th e th e magistr. : testim ony would be considc

engage in exte ■chn?T3us— iroi!i73iiitFtiwni ijority said dence'the p rosec

no t. full* Justice S tep! jides s tage . w ith th e re.sult,

>ays he’sind g e t m e "A ju ry has fo 5. D istrict judge said, and y"afle r he co^ld appeoTifhs 18 m onths Gilbert, 48, o------------ — sto te-p rison -tem. w as sim - a t least 1992 on inocent o f fraudr T he s te te w olations welfare checks I including many m onths af\<

:e, ------- forthom ...................Ryan ordered

L m onths on each 0[. , sentonce is to ru r — Dthcirand a fte rh i

. sentonces. A fou• tence w as m ade C(

vsaid th e " U.S. Ju s tic e 'D up te th e W illiams, w

through Divi.sibn in Washi mended pnson lei

s i wore on the four counts 10 a r re s t Because of Gill•ceived a . ...............

S r g - l l V e ' r e C

S ptBIfrom th e W e ’d like found on licle has ra n t wiil

d bo ini- M - Ilo police »■a fte r th e ^


t l S O N A V E . E . f l

OUNTAIH-niPCABVas "T h e M ountain Mari” )I grizz ly bear!th a c h a ln sa w !jv e b e c o m e fa m o u s th ro

n lm a ls & b ird s o f th e No i&B S u p p ly p ark in g lot.

elite:IS Powered ing Trimmer

s p i i iN B S A \ /m a sIT-155 STRING TRIMMeK'Fasi'siiut unil* 1 lo 3 duH W'lifnj* Ftftoonip conlrols lop mounilow viOrniion «0’"« -Sol'd Milo-'O'vi.on----------

g S I i Z g g g g I ^

You%-$8 9 9 9 :::A l t o r R e b a t e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


im m ade loJiLyour.saw. _ in old chain to match

.........■■ ■■■; , ■ “ 1

■trial tej's ligalions and get in to ha' exam ination. ' tesy a re “a truncated p ro - p rt icted in a re la tively in- efE; je r for w hich-the p u r- ' -. 1 te a finding of p robab le ' ddj Irastcd w ith th e e s ta b - a-^ lilt beyond a reaso n ab le Bir

lowlary hearings, th e do- ste e reason to cross-exam - I n w itnesses, th e m ajo r- gra “'only television l£\wyers doc *molibh the prosecution " yea tr a te ’s court.” I t a lso laU dered a toclical e rro r te app tensive cross-exam ina- F nH tghn 'ovcflt-m T i^ 'v l: —B(5i ecu ter could use liTter. cau phen Bistline a j^ c e d wat It, b u t soid he would^^^^o£p

> conspirifound you guilty ,” th e duci id advised G iU ^ r t-h c —tifie hd feels ho is innocent. g already is se rv ing a

rm -th a t-\v ill-ru n -u n til— n 35 counts of w elfa re « te alleged he collected . „ i for h is cfiilBren fo r P fle r he no longer c ared

i G ilbert to serve s ix ^ h it 1 o f th ree counts. E ach Thoi un consecutive to e achho completes h is s t a t e —Gilbf

bu rth , six-month sen* T concvrrent te th e o th - menl

send.D e p o r tm e n t 'a tte m e y ‘agen w ith (he Civil R ights_ viola

(hington, D.C., iw o m - 'f in e i .erm s ol oney ea r e ach McCi ts. “Ifilbert's previous con* cuSet

C elebrating oi

ilRTHDAe to thank Twin Falls

y e p r a trem en d o u i .......... F r i d .

\ A F re e C ookMAIN S. - 1 4 0 M orn

■ ^ D O W N TO W N

» L S E R V I C E Y O

T W I N F A U S , I P .


’) tran sfo rm a b lo c k . ^

-o u g h o u t th e Llo rth w est. H is w o rk


• Modol/V360

• ViDtalion isoUilon subduos ■

an<i lho handioa—IMP senvef*5iefl©ootn<* hits-----

ram muVo ponino lOf moto horcopowo' wilM gro.ilor luol

: OCO(KHTIY=rTr7 ; —• Aulomaiic Oilintf qw<w smooinor cuiitno cfiam wo.v

-* Ciuun icnbonmg saow auows.- convofiioni cfi.nn ad|usimoni

'• DuiilctwnWt SoHwio'™ _jl’ij!f,or.K(!cp3 noiio lovob down _

Bar & __________ Cha i n ________

Oil ' \ I . '

Friday, J u n o ’iQ . 1988

Idaho/O fjs t im o n y |hove rejected tho prelim inary hearing testimony because in h is opinion, tho prosecution did n o t m ake a good faith efibrt te get th e w itn eaa io testify...................... -- - In anolhor decision released^Thure-doy, the court unanim ously reversed ,, , ' a -7th~Di5tr ict • C ourt-dccision" in a- Bingham C ounty m edical malpractice lawsuit and ordered th e su it rein* steted.

Dislricl Ju d g e Jam es Herndon granted judgm ent_for-tw o-B lackfoot. d e te r s sued by th e paren ts of a 2Vi- year-old p H who d ied b f w hat w as la te r d iagnosed 'as acu te gangrenous appendicitis. '

Herndon ru led th a t testim ony of a■BfiisoilsctortouldTioi b rad m ltted b e ---------cause it was not estab lished th a t he was boord-certified in th e specialities ' - o^podiatrics or surgery .

racy targetduct, tho m axim um sentence w as jus*tifiedrhecontendcdr— -------------------------------

But Gilbert's a tto rn e y ,.a s th e d ^ fendant himself, m ain ta in ed G ilbert didn’t do any th in g w rong. ’

Gilbert wos active in th e w hite bu- .premacist - A iy an -N a tio n s 'o rg a n iz a -------------Lion headquartered a t H oyden Lake.

Because of “a . backlash" t o ' t h e ■ _ vhite supremacy ac tiv ities, a tto rney . rhomos McCobe m ain ta in ed , tb e fed-irol governm ent. decided to “g e t " ------- —Silbort-and.other w hitejuprem aciB tot_____ L

“I’m convinced th a t if th e govem- nent wonts to g e t someone, and ends out enough feds and F B I . gents, they will find 'som eth ing th a t iolatos federa l law . T hey cost o-veryine net ond cam e u p witH nothing,"________TcCabe said/,

“I didn't d'd th e th in g s I was ac- u fledo fdo ing ,"sa idG ilbert - ..........

our I ^

M f Sills for m a k in g o u r first ous success!dciy'-Onl'y'i—- _ookie with every Purchase.STREET TREATSafn A venue N ., Tw in Foils » *vV N »T W IN F A L L S /734-8 161* ' '

r o u D E S E R V E ^

733-9233 _ _ _


— —


1 Gai. $ 2 9 1 9

'88 T lm os-N ow s. Tw in Falls, Idaho A-3

Page 4: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

WilUa- Publl!


T lic m cm bc arc S


S e c r e t a r y i / w H a t ^ a p p a r e

-C -• e a s t i n h i s e f l f o r a n A r a b - I

T h e S h u l t z t a l i z i n g o n t}

- . i n t h e W e s t B s e c f e t a r / s e j a r e a i n p r o d u

'■ W j t h o u t l s r■; o f t e f r i t o r ^ f o

■in J o r d a n . W p r o m p t d i r e c t r a e l i P r i m e c o n s o l e d .c h ie : v a l u e i n s i i s t s m e n t . .

S h u l t z s a i d B a n l r i s - a '^ d e :

* g o v e r n m e n t , r h a l f t h e I s r a e l

' B u t o t h e r I i----------- - e v e n - w h e n - i t ' l :............. m a r i a g e a b l e l s t

n e x a t i o n o f t h c S h a m i r s p e i

f o r s o m e o t h e r p r o a c h i s b e t t c t i v e m o d e r a t i c A r a b n e g o t i a t i e l e c t s m N o v €

K i n g - H u s s e i ; ,, S o d o e s t h e P

w h i c h i s u s i n g . n e g o t i a t i o n w i t

............... m e r e l y t o f i r m 1C u r r e n t l y th^

n o t i o n o f w a r n U n i o n .

T h e t ^ o c o u r r :T T -p ro ach © E rtC ra"^

k e e p i n g M o s c o ’--------— t a c t s - w i t h - I s r a *; ; t i o n a n d “ p r o m ]

V p r i v i l e g e s t o r e s -• I n 1 9 8 9 , a f t e r

S t a t e s , . n o j J o u b t e s t i n g o f t h e d i ]

I t s h o u l d n o t . r a e l w a s t e d a v

R e a g a n y e a r s . ^

_ t h ^ r w e l f a r e w h f o u n d a t i o n o n w i p e a c e b i d .

-----------— I f l s t e a d , " D ic - g' ■ a g a n t i m e j u s t t i

b i l a t e r a l c o o p e r ; s p u m i n g W a s h i r : T h i s l e a v e s I s ; f o r e i g n p a t r o n a ; ; e f e t i n i a n s , i i e c e s s ■ f o r p e a c e .

Letters-M ini-Cassia overd for television stati«

f I, loo. WJIS surprised a l Ihu e n t put-down of Mini-Cassia i

_ - byJilark Berrv’hiJl on KMVT i J u n e 3rd,

1 have found lhe people her very supportive of theirnejK^i

I wish Channel 8 und Steve son every success with their n sta tion . Il is aboul time we hn own tele%-ision-stalion.-Thunk:

■ -M ajT jr Fronk and to c-vc-rj'one helped moko th is possible,

BONNIECHILDS----------------Du t l c y ■ . ___ _______

A ttack by Channel on C hannel 8 unfai. Did KAfVT do the news storj

week about Mini-Cassia televii ceplion o ul o f du ly to tell the ni w as th e molive.subversivo out ousy?

monoy in Twin F alls. Ju s l coun and 2M license p lates there on i weekend. Yet, th e TV story on (

AlUam E, HoCuard * VubIlsiKT -■ f

:cpKcn Hatigcn ^jnacjingEdilof C

ib c rs o f ih c cd ilonni board i c S ic p h c n H arlgcn iind Wil

ultz's pe< [Its in fru7 o f S t a t e G e o r g e S h i r e n t l y w i l l b e h i s l a e f f o ^ t o s t i r l i f e i n t o 5 - I s r a e l i ’p e a c e . ~ ' ’ I t z s h u t t l e a r o s e f r o r

t h e s h o c k o f t h e P a i B a n k . B u t i t f o l l o w e

e a r I i e r “ a i ^ o m a t i c i u c i n g p r i n c i p a l l y f n I s r a e l ’s c o n s e i ^ t o d i ' f o i : p e a c e , S h u l t z w ;

W i t h o u t K i n g H u s j c l t a l k s ^ h e w a s u n t ! - M i n i s t e r - Y i t z h a k - J

s t a i n i n g A m e r i c a n d

i d t h e I s r a e l i o c c u p d e a d " e " n d “s t f e e t . ” I t ‘‘ ;, m o s t p e o p l e e l s e w l l e l i e l e c t o r a t e s o b e li< ' I s r a e l i s b e l i e v e t h q t - b r i n ^ s - a i m p t j 3 m g I s t a g e o h t h e w a y t o : h o s e t e r r i t o r i e s . D e a k s f o r t h o s e I s r a e r s , w h o b e l i e v e t h a t t t e r s u i t e d t h a n S h i t i o n t o p r o d u c e s o n a t i n g p a r t n e r . S h a i i v e m b e r .l e i n h e l p s h i m b y p l a

f * a l e s t i n e J L i b e r a t i c i g t h e u p r i s T h g n o t 1 v i t h t h e U n i t e d S t a t ( n u p i i t s “p o s i t i o n w i t l t h e I s r a e l i s a r e m u c : i r m i n g u p r e l a t i o n s

u n t r i e s r e m a i n f a r a r M r d m e - : E a ^ r p - e a c e c o w f r o m w i d e n i n g r a e l , - a l l o w i n g - m o r e - i n i s m g • n e ^ c ^ t i l t u T E ‘e s i d e n t S o v i e t J e w s . ; e r . e l e c t i o n s ' i n I s r a e l n b t t h e r e w i l l b e a p d i p l o m a t i c p o s 's i b i l i t : o t b e o v e r l o o k e d , h t 1 v e r y l a r g e o p p o r t u r. I n R o n a l d R e a g a j

v h p o f f e r e d I s r a e l a s w h i c h i t c o u l d h a v e :

!“ S h a m i r - g o v e r n m e r t t o m a k e h u g e a d v a > e r a t i o n w i t h W a s ] t i i n g t o n ’s a p p r o a c h t f I s r a e l m o r e d e p e n d a n d m o r e e s t r a n g e c

‘s s a r i l y i t s o n e p a r t n ^

' f h o W

* ________________

rdue nul 11 make.-;. sia people don

Valley. W h a t: Ih uappar- Berryhill’. 's l a iia c ilizen ;;' .stor^’.-T newp - - T h e reason,]

.'Jtand behind ( h e rc lo lx ' Burley is becai iKlibor, show how m uc ^ community,eve 1 tiomp- > i •. i • ^ T T Id o n t knowirn cw IV 11 1 .V,.... . .-'Unally; but we

, and 1 know hi.s' I" MinivCu^M

about his .Mini-_______ has relum ed lc______ (lu ittin K k iS m

— -- “ iii.*r8b't*causi*H_____ MaybejCCholel 1 1 aboi^iotirarea.

Fgil- ^ l a t C hannel t

tory last physically be in evisiori're- investment in o en ew s, or fair to a ttack a j m to rjo a l- K.M \Tshouldn

we all watch Ch' ^^ ‘ t of--------3un l4C Pocatelio, o n a N O IIM A STI )n C iian-______ B uriey_____

¥O iWiIlinmC.BIak- AdvvniniKjMnnBjOT - - •

Mich.iH GowrrCircul.iliiin Matuifor _____

d a n d w n lc r s of ed:iorials Vilham E. IHowiird

:ace trip istm tionS h u l t z h a s c o m p l e t e d , l a s t t r i p t o t h e M i d - Lo t h e A m e r i c a n p l a n

o m t h e h o p e o f c a p i - P a l e s t i n i a n u p r i s i n g v e d t h e c o u r s e o f t h e c x n r t ’i ' a t i v e s i n t h e f r u s t r a t i o n , d i s c u s ^ a n e x c h a n g e w a s u n a b l e t o d r a w u s s e i n ’s c o n s e n t t o n a b l e t o d r a w i n I s - : - S h a m i r . S h u l t z i s -

d i p l o m a t i c i n v o l v e -

L f i a t i o n o f t h e W e s t [ t is ,. T h e A m e r i c a n w h e r e a n d p e r h a p s l i e v e .

t h g o c c u p a t i o n , T g r i s a d i f n c u l t b u t t o a t V o r p t i o n 'o r a n -

r a e l i s a n d p e r h a p s a t h i s h a r d - l i n e a p - h i m o n P e r e s ’s r e l a - o m e d a y a s u i t a b l e a m i r c o u l d b e r e -

► la y in g h a r d t o g e t . t i o n - O r g a n i z a t i o n ,: i d m o v e t o w a r d a i t e s a h d I s r a e l , b u t i t h i n A r a b r a n k s . ' i c h t a k e n w i t h t H e is w i t h t h e S o v i e t

■ a p a r t i n t h e i r a p - :e ^ T 3 u fc £ H ’a F ^ i s - n o t g d i p l o m a t i c c o n - - e - J e w i s h ~ e m i g r a - — r a l " a n d ' r e l i ^ b u s : s ._____fe i a n d t h e U n i t e d

p e r i o d o f f u r t h e r i t i e s .h o w e v e r , t h a t I s - : u n i t y d u r i n g t h e : a n I s r a e l i s h a v ep c p l y d c - v o te d —t o ---------M Q l i d a n d s e c u r e . e l a u n c h e d a b o l d

u s e d t h e k e - n a n c e s i n a i d a n d i s h L n g t o n , w h i l e .-tC L P_e.ace^j_______________i d e n t o n - i t s o n e : e d f r o m t h e P a l - : n e r i n a n y r e a c h

IW a s h i n g t o n P o s t '

c. ■ t

es it_.sound iike .\lini-Cas- flon’t support the .Mapic • t<a t I’m referrin(;to is M ark a s ta tem en t a l the end o fh is n

)n iIin i-C u ss ia - '!w iir .........d C hanne l 8's studio in a cause th e y consislenlly cc luch they caro about our

Nuvv S teve Thompson per- th we have m utual friends Ijj li.s ropuLgtion. I know h e - mss ia na tiv e and carcs-............ jnni-C flssia community. Ho ca1 io_Mini.:.Ca,‘;sja a flc j_________V T jind to work for C han- th /H e ro re .s .’ - ’ ' ho■htmnei l l c i i r e d as m uch__ pa?a. th ey would be doing o.g 2I 8 is doing. go■sc-KMV'i‘-doP5Ti‘tT v a n tto ~ rr ijin B urley Und make a n cal

n o u r community it’s no l for a .station th a t does. A nd ter

Jn ’t bo surprised when 'C h a n n e ls and M ini-Cas- spi 4 l« -» l» r t-n p p « ir in ^ n — '—tn t

T E V E N S O N k g

pin ti a n

I J__*d . _____ ______ _a-'n _ 2 . _________ _______

i -

S . ■ . - e _____ _________ _________


3_____ 1 —

-X ^ontrYour recent a rtic le s >

. '- in B lh eS w an F aiis-A B ing political rea d in g bu

Tho issue is w ho shoi ' the federal governm eni

think conlrol o ver Idah longs in Idaho. My opp<

I voted to keep Idaho Stallings’ actions h av e j and the "Swan F a lls Ag Lrol over tho S n a k e Rivi ' The Idaho L e g iiia tu r

Agreement". T he F ed e r ■ mis.‘!ion refused to ratify

“agreement". O u r s e n a t FERC’s ratification . It F intotrouble-in th e Hous his own bill and he ld i t i “incorporate c h an g es to ialiHs:” ( fn T O r N e 7 ^ i ‘

Those "changes" w ere ___ s lx 12a1n-flQw.sLudieii.and-

FBI piThe te le p lU e rin g s -

voice in terrupts:-FBI"“This is C harles Loverf

_ - une...C an Ih av ey Q u rn iir "Why?"“Why? I’m w ith th e S ta

few questions."_ “V ^ a lquc .s tionsdo vqij ' ■■ “Excus'({m 'e,sir,let m e

know whom I'm ta lk in g tc ■; “Well...." -

“You have a prob lem wi------“Gcncrailj7 wo'dcr'*------

The'preceding is artTXCl conversation I hod lo s t we the Casper office o f th e F c galion. I was t ry in g to Irac the FBI's Library .Awarent w hether lh a l p rogram had ming.

I quote portions of th c cc obvious but often overlook! eran4i driniblligenco ugeni

Those who w ork for fede CIA, the Intelligence Divis National S ecurity A gency t to ask to define th e 'I im ila ti anleed lo A m erican citizen, menl.

What a ttitude to w ard a f motion can one cxpec t from ore even reluctant, to t^ive t l conversations w ith rep re s fi

Yet, Presidonl H eag an in National Security Decision th c Nationa.l S ecurity Agem lim it access lo all " sensitive m ation." Goneraily, so-calio in form ation 'H s-avarbblcto- card . or a modem u nd som e 1

-----Ihadefih itioQ of "sensiBtith en expanded from a lean c hatioirnrk^urily-reldtcH Tnl

-paranoid’s-dream, “O th e r go _est.?„.related b ut n o t lim ited g olernm ent or governm ent-!

'manTnnu'ncial, in d u s tr ia l, uf cal, and law enforcem ent infi form er National S ecu rity Ad ter.

The subtle th ru s t o f th e FI sp ies in libraries" p ro g ram is

Tho argum ent p u t fo rth in KGB and the L ibrary T arget, s Lmuned.up.this.ivay4-Tii*j.Soi

......................~ ' '1

ilr ilw lt.

m l-o fy t!S d iscussing my roll ih pass- \g reom cn t” m ado for interes b u t m issed th e p o in l en tiro lj lould control th e S n ak e Rive int o r th e people o f Idaho, I iho 'a rivers and s tre a m s be- iponent a p p a ren tly disagree; fio in control o f Idaho’sAvatei e jeopard ized Idaho’s righ ts Agreement" and le f t th c con-ivcr in question . : ----- -ure passed ih c "Sw an Falls, e ra l Energy R egulatory Con: j fy th e Idaho p assed , a to rs wrote a bill requiring t passed the S en a te b u i l t ra use w hen .Mr. S ta llin g s wrot I in com m ittee to to sa tisfy th e environm or^.

re a m endm ents calling for id-coram iltcc-rcport-lun.-----

rogran- twice, th ree tim es. A

indosky at.U ie S lar-T rib-

tar-T ribune and I have a

ou w an t to iisk^" le llr-st g e ty o u r n am e, so I to." ,

w ith that?"

fcerp t from a te lephone veek with a n a g en t from 'e d e ra l B ureau o f Investi-' ■ack doiivn som e d e ta ils on • ■ness Program and ad been in 'stituted in Wyo-

conversation to m ak e an ■ iked point: T he m odus op- )ncies is secrecy ..Je ra l agencies like the ■i.<;ion o f the FBI. iind the y should be th e la s t people j t ib n so f lh e f ig li l i ^ a r - ,‘ns by the F irs l Am end-

:i free exchange o f infor- tm agencies whose people llhc_ir name.-; in telephone

n tatives o f th e p ress? in th e fall o f 198-1 signed m Directive 145. giving >ncy au tho rization lo ­ve b u l unclassified infor- liod "sensitive ' :o-anj-on^^vith a l ib m ry - ic com puter savvy, itive in form nlion- w as - \ concept, ‘‘unclassified inforilTalion'' to a’flabby ■governm ent-in ler-r— --------ed to llie.widej:imge-o£-------t-derived economic, hu- ag nc iiltu ru l, teclinologi-

nform ation." th a n k s to \dvi.‘ior Jo h n .M, Poindex-

FB I’s "no.'^ingaround for is^ticiually uim ed a t iso -.

in its recent re p o r t! 'T h e ' el, 1962-Present." can be >oviot&4iav© found--------- -—

I.___ ~ '■


X ■ 'iver; ;-----—■I guage w hich would gi 'c- m inim um s tre a m flnv ■ees. th e ‘‘A greem enl". itpr. A ttorney G e n e ra lJ Its Mr. S tallings o f th e pi m - ab.4olutely no th ing to

e ither d id n 't understa Is, .tion or he .supported ll om- governm ent conlrol of

- used or w ns unab le to Ig Sena to r M cClure th ran Seriate in a n a tte m p t I

rote added by S tu iiin g s WOI Idaho's w ater.

— .-^-D(^pite.tHc‘.efl'Qnso ' ' "t’ed c ra f lish e iy agenc r intent of C ongress by i ---------ies as « vehicle-for seeil

n cliillsC h a iLeve

.American lib ra r ie s to b<

.The S oviets w a n t tha the m ateria l in th e se lit o fit is “sensitive" and CI efTorts. T iie re fo re . the F nt surveillance o f those ’ tion.(Such research ers! the employ o f th e Soviet ing of the f ree u se o f libr

The FBI's L ib ra ry Aw de facto, w ithou t namii){ ing m aterial, a new .seen

------ lion for loyal A m ericans^al^ean F'BI ag e n t to 'the

The next logical slep w to sign n loyally o a th befi card. No d oubt th e re arc th a l access to lib ra ries is

> m atter w hat th e F frs i Ar ■ '\V h y allth i.rsecrecy 7 T M5 focused on th e "mosa mation: Isolated b its ofs( data taken in the aggrcgcsified inform ation. .........

The mosaic th eo ry is nc il may be re la tiv e ly now t counterspies. Bib? o f data puzzle — they have odd ji clues aboul th e b ite o f dut

When a p hysical.anthrc likely size of one o f th e far upon n more f ra g m e n t ofji m ur dug out som e 700.00C

— tied • in to a ia y e ro f e a r th y at work. Time a nd the;ean rovc.iloaroven tliough’onlj

--------~ LT h c T i m e s - N e i

_ t h o s e i t c o n s ic b e s i g n e d a n d L e t t e r s o f m o n


I .*__________

shoMd^me W atkins

d give FERC th e ability lo set flows instead o f complying wil

al Jim Jones repeated ly warne e problems ye t M r. S tallings di ' to address them . Mr. Stalling rstand the im plications ofhis a )d the attem pt to give the fedei >1 ofthe Snake R iver since he r ; to get th e language changed:' e then am ended the bill in the- ipt tb clarify l h a t “changes’ would j)otgivO-FERC control c

ts of McCI ura-and Jone&,— v. enclosure try ing to subvert lh” by using fisR a n d wildlife stud- s c c id n g h ig h c rT iv c r flows im h


0 be enviable sollrcijs of techno'informa tion, ____________lha l information. A lthough ull 2 libraries is unclassified, somi d can aid the S oviets’ m ilitary le FBI has a im ed its pro|p-ntn )se who seek sensitive*informa >rs could bo Soviet spies or in .•jets.) The net effect is a chill- libraries.Awareness P rogram creates, iii)g it so and w ithou t remov- ecret classification - informa- ins only. Be a loyal American, the library. ;?p will bo to requ ire a citizen befdVc g ran ting a library arc those p repared to.arguc s is a privijege n o t a righ t - no: Amendment m eans. ______1/? The p residen t’s directive osaic theory" o f secrc t infor- )fsensitive b u t unclassified regate may reveal highly clas-

s not a new concept, though !w to the world o f spios and ata are like pieces o f a jigsaw d ju tsa n d jags. They give data which fit in to them. Ihropobgist projects tho familfee o fea rly 'm an based ofa skull and a broken fe—- - ,000 years a fle r they had sel- li^that’s the m osaic theory earth's dark se c re ts can be u n lyshard^ofdh la e x iiii'T r”

L ite rs uJew s w e l c o m e s l e t t i s id e r s l i b e l o u s o r i n d s h o u l d i r^ c lu d e o re t h a n 4 0 0 w o rd *


1 f

i-staydn. S ^keR jver."(P ost-R

In the same article, director ofthe Idaho \ snid, “Il's on attem pt I

!t tako away private pro /ilh T hat'soundstom el

water! That is not wht ned ■ th e Legislature agreec did '‘agreement” and I don

ngs ranchers would agree 1 sac- I stood on the Milne: leral no doivnstream flow bt ’ ref- o f w ater FERC demam d;. ' " “ th e r e w l l boncorrespi le ... am ount of water flowir

N orthside and Twin Ft I o f th e pumping projects.

Control ofthe w ater eontfolouK bttOBtnyin

the__ Daiie WalkiQso fldai

th e CO'rri’rcxs fnm THaJio's ■'

ise of lil^ doesn ’t m atter how seci

aw ay ils secrets.M ore information ha;

R eagan administration rdoiicyryTTrlnssinrdUai

.. .m a in h as been classifiec riu ! has been reclassifici

no- , info-phobia i« noUnerel,---------o le s a seriously.anti-dorill m a te ly sclf-defbating. ■ne T h ink ofthe'body o fa ■y field . Imagine thul we ct1_____c:lcs-tacn<jlotie fiome-of .tlla - , circ:lc to fonco in classifit1 cordon q(Tsensitive d a ta 1- i ls n a tu re and the revela

is closely allied lo cla.ssif . I t ’s obviiHis that to qui

in th e inner, classified ci la- ^ th a t circle must increase 1. o ftlip innerc irc loen la rg i

room for information to t c ircle. Thus more data be a n d thereby the outer c ir circumference.

10 T h e mor*; sensitive ma------ th c opportunity lo cross t

re a lm o f secrcl data. Thai m e a n s .

T h e conlusion must be s- tion tho government class

- - m a te r ia l will inevitably b m e n t defeats its own purp po n d ing wHlit informalior

V ItA vouldbefarw iserlo cle of.classifled data - fn r \

* to new scientific informal! tin u e o u r technological lea lion unafraid of sharing id

-....... Ify o u invite a• inv ite h im to rend • not to I

—■1 —Charles ccCasper. \V\a.,Star-Tribum

w elcom et e r s t o t h c e d i t o r b J n _ b a d t a s t e . E a r f2 t h e w r i t e r ’s m a i l i s m a y b e e d i t e d fc

A -4 T im os-N ew s. Twin I

t0dahcm ^st-R egisler 5 / 11/8 8 ) id c , S hery l Chapm an, executive ho W ator U sers Association, npt by th e federal agencies toproperty ." •------------j

mo like federal control o f Idaho’s • w hat I o r any o lhor m em ber o f . reed to when wo voted for th e ; - • don 't th in k Idaho’s fa rm ers a nd •• roe either.ilner D am recently. T hore was w below tho dam. F o revery foot ' aands bo tu rned dow nstream esponding reduction in th e " ' ' ">wing in to the M ilnor-Gooding, ' ■ n Fulls canals, not to m ention:U5. <Iter is th e issue.J-believe th e •. , • yin-Idaho:whOT^tJyionc?g:-~"~~"-”" - ^ -

Idaho Falls isa candidate for ’_________0 '&• Sccnndl^IsiFicl.---------------- ----------------

ibrariessecurely the earth has locked ’

1 has been classified d u ring th elion th a n during any o th e r pres-_________I d a ta a lready in th e publjc d ? ified^OncO'declassifled m a te -— ^;ificd. T h is adm inistra tion’s erely unw ise because it in iti-.-dem nrrn(trtraditJQ npL;.^»U i. . . ,

of all inform ation a s a v a s t f la t •I'e^can dra\^ two concentric cir-of^,the-informTitionrThtrin‘n e r— T---------silled d a ta ; the o u te r circle to la ta . S ensitive infbrm ation, by velations o f the mo.suic theory , • - i.ssifled informntion.' q u a ran tin e m ore inform ation d circle, th e circum ference of ;ase, \Vlien the circum ference arges, th en there is more to touch th e ou ter edge o f th a t , a becomes known ns sensitive, ■ r circle m u st also increase i ts •

m ate ria l there is*the g rea te r .ISS th a t in n e r fence into th c ' r h a l’s w h at the m osaic theory •

, be t h a t th e m ore informn- lassiflcs, the.m ore classified iy be revealed. The govern- ' i iirposobyunjudiciouslyex-, 'I tion is c lassified a s secret. ______r to severely narrow th e c i r - . 1far w iser to rislc freer access 1nation so th a l we can con- ■ i ■ (1 leadersh ip through a na- ' • IIg ideas. .............................. ' FB I a gen t to the lib ra ry ;---------------- i: to look over your shoulder. • , • ’

is editorial page t'dilorvflhe —---------------

e ]l ■r b u t w il l r e j e c t >^ch ..le t t e r m u s t — a i l i n g a d d r e s s . ;•

f o r l e n g t h .

vin F a lls , Idafio F riday , J u n o 10, i 6B8'

Page 5: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

_ Trac— 1 W v ^ H I N G l W

p j t r im e n t r c lc u t H h o w in p t h a t I c lL 'fid ta u r e im p im p r e v io u s ly bei T lie d c p i i r tn ic r

f i r s t t im e in tw o__ ____________ n u m b e r s fo r noi

H h lp p in jf p a i l c m W ith sc u so n iil

d c f i r i t f o r M a rc h lio n . 2 2 p e r c c n t 1 r e p o r t e d S 9 .7 bill T h e n o n - a d ju s tc

i n t h r e e y c n n j , h i ( 'l in u d m in i s t r a t i ti^e c o u n try 'H t n t u r n e d u r o u n d J

________ Tlie ad m in is tm lb u l l s h o w a n inij; t h o u v o n if je m o r

' • : _ .*-h.^i'_*” p n th n o f t c o m p a r e d to u n i»

Ser. — i on: : W A S H IN G TI

J T h u r s d a y - to ch a c t io n on a bil

----------------m n jo T 'd r t i^ ’don'• 'H io d e c is io n '■ « u p p o r t« r s ond

_____ _ ro H u lt in app n i^• ' - • " T h iH H cnds I

t o l e r a t e t h t ' k i 'K t r c e ts o f o u r ci c h i e f u u t l i o r o f i

; W a s h . , d e r id e d a p p c a

_____________ a h o u t i l leiriil dpen a lty .a lreu d y

—r:-------------------d e t p r r ^ d r u g -p, _ . .rO n c c -URuin^

s la m d u n k (in B im ila r b ill wa! p r e c ip i to u s s te p ty ."

T h u r s d a y 's ta fiO n e e d e d to in \


-------------------W A S H IN G T O N --p a s s e d l e g is la t io n c; c a r e - to h e lp th e el( thc.cqsLH.^of se rio tm

*■ f a v o ra b le m e n t io n f^ ___H o u s e a n d th e 'e n d o ;

"— P residen t-G eorR c B day.

____________ ‘T h e p r e s i d e n t is- _ about~iong-tcnn~hog.....................h iis -s i iid a 'n u m b e r o

H o u se K p o k e sm a n . r t e r s a id . "W e d o n 't w th e i ln a l u c t io n o n tl

! lo o k f a v o r a b ly u p o n i B u s h , w h o f lew 1

c a m p a ig n - f o r ’ th e p d o r s e d tht^ m e a s u r e i is s u e d a s L a te m e n t t

P rotect a witnci co stly c

-------- - W A S H IN G T O N “ (A. u n H v craK c _ o £ _ S lia .2

jJ ro te c t a f e d e r a l , S.'JG,500 to c o n d u c t a a l \ \^ ire tap , t l i e J u s t i c i s a id ’f h u r s d a y in a re

' a n ^ j u s t i c c .T h e s tu d y b y th e 13i

Lice S t a t i s t i c s a lso . H c o s ts S 1 3 .2 0 0 a y e a r f e d e ra l p r i s o n e r a n d v id jriiH w h o re c e iv e c u n d e r v a r io u s s tJ i tc p a w a rd e d ' a n a v e r a i ' ia p ie c e . ____________ _

T h e U .S . M a r s h a l s I a t e s th o w i tn e s s so c a i

■ fo r .'j.2 0 0 p e o p le w h o U j’o v o r n m e n t in m ty o r ( e s a n d . f a c in f ; p o s s ib a r e u iv e u n c w . i d e n t i t i c a te d a t g o v e r n m e n t oj

S o m e S-16 b ill io n________ a ta tc - u n d lo c a l tu x e s w

b u ll) c r im in a l a n d civil t*;m in t h e U n i t e d ,S t a t h e r e p o r t s a i d , r e i t e r a i p u b lis h e d in a n e a r l ie r

................T h e .d a L a . b u s e d un-------- -- ( '«tljen.>d f ro m 1 9 8 0 tc

is.l.ucd a t a n e w s con fe i A t to r n e y G e n e r a l E d w i U n d e rsc o re d L lic -im pac t

^ S N A K E J B I M I

rT ■ ^"B o caureall

_ _ i ;_ J ___________differ1 2 7 5 B l u e L k s .B i

7 3 3 -7 5 7

. 1688'

.''"s ■■■ .

ide defiX )N (A J> ). T h e C o m m e rc e I e a s e d n e w f iK u rc s T h u rsd t th e c o u n t r y ’s h u f’e tra m p ro v in i; b u t n o t u a quicl< b e lie v e d .

n eiit's new atuListics for t Iwo y ea rs a d ju s t th e month n o rm al s e n so n u l ch anges_

em s.tia l a d j u s t m e n t , t h e trai r c h t u r n e d o u t t o b e S I 1 .9 b n t h i j 'h e r t h a n t h e p rev io u s b ill io n n tn i r e .is to d f l j ;u r t‘, t h e b e s t show it , h a d b e e o h a i l e d by th e Itc r a t io n a s s o l id e v id e n c e thi

t r a d e p r o b le m s h a d fina l

t m t io n s a i d t h e n e w fifn in in ip r o v in j ' t r e n d , n o tin i ; till n o n th ly d e f i c i t fo r th e f in

$ 1 2 .5 b illiui n a v e r a g e d e f i c i t o fS l-1 .3 bi

nate chi ndrttg^l3 T O N fA P ) - T h e S e n a te ► c h o k e ofT i i - f l l i h u s to r Ih itl

b ill p e r m i t t i n g U ie d e a tli d on lerfl w h o k i l l po lice ofTice ion s e t s u p a v o te on th e bil u n d o p p o n e n t s a ff re e d p ro ijn iy a l .- ___ __________is th e m e ssa g e th a t w e’ro i

kind o f w a rfa re we re so( r c ities." S e n . A lfonse IVAm of th e b ill, to ld h is colleiif^i ic n l s H iirh ii« S t-n n n n iol ed th e m e a s u re a s an elecli jc a se p u b lic d e m a n d s to do L d n u c s .-T h c y . a lao -no tcd idy cx is ta ih m a n y s ta te s a;g-pushcnr.—------------- -—lin^. w c 'r c -K o in K for- a n ol in d r u j 's , " K v n n s s a id , noi w a s p r o p o s e d i n 1 985 . "W te p s lo i n d u l g e o u r ow n pnl

1 U illy w a s n i n e v o te s tn o r in v o k e e lo tu r c . th e p a r l ia ir

I, W hite n ded M(“ - - (A l’J - - N o w ly flee. \ n e x p a n d in g M e d i- "The

e ld e r ly d e a l w i th y e s te rc tm i l l n e s s , r e c e iv e d s in c c li n f ro m t h e W h i t e le n d bi lSor,scn;ie;n4 ..n , f V ic c _ ^; B u s h - T jn - 'l ’h u r J f ^ i r e n i i r

l ife 's SIis v e ry c o n c c r .n c d t>y-a.Pr

T o f t im e s ." W h i t e oxpatjHin . ,M a r l in F i f / .w a - ia m oret w a n t to f o r e c a s t a l o ri|;in t h i s b i l l , b u t w e d e i i t . Hjn i t . ” •' a n d H iw to H o u s to n to h a s sui2 p r e s id e n c y , en* R eagun re in a s U i t e m e n t T h o r I t t h r o u g h h i s o f- 8 6 -11, o

• t i n gess_____ _chorfB I ^

7 A P ) - 7 t c o s t s ■ - 7^ .a ,2 0 D - a - .y e a r . . to . .,1, w i tn e s s a n d a s t j j t e o r f e d e r - ' ' *

lic o D e p a r t m e n l I r e p o r t o n c r i m e V

B u r e a u o f J u s - kMI) fo u n d t h a t i l e a r to h o u s e a JJm d ' t h a t c r i m e ■e c o m p e n s a t io n e p r o ( ; r a m s aro<,■ai'e o f S.'J.OOO

ils S e r v ic e o p a r - r c a r i ly p r o jn 'a m lO te s t i f y fo r t h e o r c r im in a l c as* isib le r e p r i s a l s . . l i t i e s u n d r e lu - ., l u x p tm s e . - - ^ 1m in f e d e r a l , . ■■a w a a s p e n t o n . | iv il j u s t i c e s y s - S u i t e s , i n 198.-5. - , ‘r a t i n g a f i g u r e 0^,^,i e r s tu d y ,o n .m f o r m u t io n . --m ajei ) to 1 9 8 « . w a.s sol'isi i f e r e n c e w h e r e noo(j J w in M e e a e H I . a c t o f c r i m ^ ----------------


E B T I R E ■ -

D D Y E A R ----------------------

m -:au so th e r e ally Is aference '* _ • . B lv d . N .

Ficits irre I3e- lion in the final th r e rsday decline o f 13 p ercen t. Irado T he non-adjuslcd flj;i lickly e r 21 percen t d rop fro___ _ to th e firs t qua rte r.r th e "*rhc trad e d eficit is 0 nthly expo rts a re increasing la a n _ caun ig in g -p ic tu rc J n _

t ra d e deficit." sa id pre iradc M arlin F itzw ater in [) bil- w as echoed by p r iv a te >usly "TTio seasonally udj

t h a t trad e is slow ly wing 'sh o u ld be th e slo ry i Itca* year," said Allen S in a th a t th e Boston Co. "T lieri iiiMy discouracod by Lhe new

^C om m erce U ndersj-cr a re s s a id th e revised figu re tlia t ed. given tho f a d th a t first w ays climb sh a rp ly du lion, seasona l a d ju s tm e n t \s 1 bil.- accouni.

\okes o f j penaltx;t« u :flt« l_ 0 9 -2 7 _ d cc_ u aed _ in iitl h a s blocked ' n e n ts begun ill) pen a lty for a flo r D 'A m a ficers. ' m e i i r to 'lh e 1 bill today th a t B u t D'Ami robably would fense bill tv-------------- :----------provuLuILtbD•0 n o t go ing to S en a te Dem< seeing on tho a se p a ra te d( \m a to . K-N.Y:. S en a te ap gues. House, w h entiol Ij. III H tTVL’clion-year a t- th e p a s t s le i do .som ething su re to th o fli

£d_Llie deu tli____D'Amulo'sj-iu n d i t 'h a s n 'l can be im pos

oral coiirLs 11 oleclion-year then Meparal

noting th a t a ' m en l officers "We're tak in g al laws, b u t political vani* stales.

Before invo lore Lhan th e a proposed a r amenlJir>- de- penally o f life

House led ita rei'he logislalion which passi erday w ill, for the firs t t i r e th e founding of M edicare^ e I b en e fits 'fo r our sen io rs." ll -presidctiLJuid.-^Juvv_tljey-.« have to live T irrear"lh al~ th o I savings would be w iped oi ■ProIongedJiQapiUilizatiop '' ic legislation, the f irs t niaj( tjsion o f Medica're in 23 y ea urc am b itio u s th an tho propo; if'inally laid o u t by th e p res . However, SecreUiry o fH e a lt Huniun Services O tis Bowe suid hc will recommend Lhii un sign it.0 m easu re pusscd Lhe S e n u ti , on W ednesday and w as sen

au'll find the latoel Inoycw oar faajr complolo coloci lon ol'oyofllass fraiiin lonsor.. C hoose dmly wear soli coi ajortjrandSsuchasCoopoiTnin. Hy. sflspins. Pjflb. you savo money an d s )0d ifirou^i July 2.

'o-iiuiminaiion not inciJdcd. No omur c mlaws Io (Htwofo o (-s6D.-olh»r bf.inO: i*wont sMownTrny/xQl bo avoilnblo nl <i(

— - G i m ^ P - i - i e e s —

T h e E y e w (7

- — — ow ntow n TWIn F ails • 7 3 3 ’

O pon M on.-Frl. 9;00-5:

nprovch r e e m o n th s o f 1987 , aH . If l j ; u r e s sh o w ed a s h a rp - sf ro m t h e fo u r th q u a r t e r h

is o n a d o w n w a rd t r e n d , ai in g a n d i t 's a v e ry en* fii n _ lc r n is _ o f th e fonH e n y. p r e s i d e n t i a l sp o k e s m a n in a n u.s.H cssmcnt t h a ti t e e c o n o m is ts . aa d j u s t e d fiffu res s h o w j iivly t u r n i n g a n d '■ t h a t Ary'. f o r th e r e s t o f th e lcin a i . c h ie f e c o n o m is t o f (l e re i s no rea.son to ' b e yin e w f i jru ro s ." S:e c r e t n r y l{ v h e r l ,O r tn e r tij r e h a d b e en a n tic ip a l- Lrla t U .S . e x p o r t s a le s ul* y id u r i n g M a rc h a n d th e 'I

t w o u ld U ike t h a t in to si_ .......... .................. ‘ b i

y f i i ibus ' m easui—in ^ L h c - S e n u le l u .c n d .u - f l;u n a n e f f o r t Ui ta lk t h e m e m a l o o r ig in a l ly a t t j ic h e d i t lie d e f e n s e liu d g o l liTll. V m a to d r o p p e d h is a n io n d n

tw o w e e k s a g o . lo a d in g t b u t m e u a u r c . . i n rcL u m -fu ; L 'm o cru tic l e a d e r s to a l lo w

d e u t h p e n a l ty m e iu su re . a p p r o v a l w o u ld s e n d th

l e r e i t f a c e s a n u n c e r t a i n fi :iuuK4«->hidioiHry4^>innHtt4M> H le a d f a s t ly refu .setl to s e n c

flo o r , , ... .u 's j-b i lL p ro v id o -i- tJ ia L -Ihc-.i fJOsod o n p e o p le w h o a r c cm .s o f r u n n in g a d r u g r in g raU *Iy c o n v ic te d o f k i l l in g ? r s o r p r iv a t e c i t iz e n s . I t a p u l c o u ld a ls o b c fo llo w ed

iv o k in g .c lo tu r e . lh o S e n a t e I a n i e n d m e n l L iiat w o u ld h i l i f e im p r is o n m e n t w i th o u l |

! endors ! legisla

to th e W liiti.' H i s s e d T h e new le g is la t t i m e k in d o f s a fe ty n e t

ex* b e n e f ic ia r ie s f iiced t h e n a ry e x p e n s e s f ro m

:y _ d o — « u c li- a » « in c o r , . --------th o ir -------i t^ lM n a i 'ro d u u rs1 o u t s c r ip l io n d r u g h e r

. M e d ic u m —proL'r j t in - l a j o r t im e , a p p ly in f ' lo t in y e a r , m o re Lhan $<>()() a >pos- b ills . . . r e s i - T h e e x p a n d e d b e i t a l l h m a te d lo c o s t Iw e n n e x t f ive y e a r ^ a n d t h a t b y Lhe p o te n t ia l

th r o u g h a n a s s e s s r lU te ; m o n th o n M e d ic a r e s e n t 3 2 m il lio n c o v e re d im

f t i f l a B u i i

raa h lo n o , a t Royal O pilcall Sav 1 fram os in slock, whon purchanefl I con iac t Ionsos (or only S39SO pci HyafO<;uivOSolImaloB,'ofB.-iusc

id sa v o Iimo. wiia our new fast ;ier.

lUf dl&COUlUs lipply._________ ^

- r ^ - ^ F a s h 9 c r v i c c ! '

Optical'y c T a r E x p e r t s

I -FH ■3 3 -8 6 6 8 • 151 Main Ave. ^5 :3 0 • S al. 9 :00-N oon

e but nM o s t n o v iT ii in cn l s la li> r

to f a c to r o u t [ lu c tu a tic n is s e a s o n a l basiii. s iic h a s lli

_ h o u s in g c d n s ln a 't in i i m o n th s . B u t lh e c o v e rn n ii a b u n d u n » e ah u a a l ad,iu.sLni f ig u r e s fo r tw o year.'; b<-r;

j v i t h colleeLiji^: l i i r ( I j ija on

W ith t h a t iin .b l f in m iIv m e n t w ill rc.sunu- r<'t>iirliti j u s t e d t r a d e hc j;iA p r i l t r a d e re))i>rl, s c ii . 'i l e a s e d n e x t 'l \ ie s d a v , O r l n e r s a id ih iil l l i e d i'

y e a r is ru n n in i : a l a n a n 51 .'iO b ill io n , aliduL w h a t t io n ha .s be en ex p ee l iii j;, '1 L ra tle d e f ie i t h i i a r e c o rd SI y e a r .

'I 'h e a n n u a l l ic a r e I'or I ! s l i i 'h l l y from a n c iri |; i t ia 1 b i l l io n . T h e lOHff f iiia n - w;V

" -\— p ,

sterp i

refilib u ste r. Oppo-— _L"'-'.lu -aK u re to d e ;ilii ’" ' ya a s a n m n.-rid-

i m e n t on lli«-lie- u - I! lo .S e n a te a p - ,for-u .prjjaiiwuiiy------------^V f lo o r a c lid ii oa

t h e h ill .to th e f u tu r e , l l w oiilii

♦MVw.ihieh-hHf.-iip--------n d s u c h ll tae.'i- *

i--deaLi> p e n a l ly IV''.’ r o n v ic te d in fed- | ' ^ . g a n d w ho a re -j-|Ii,",.' i g la w e n fon 'e-:ip p l ie s lo feiler- d b y in d iv id u a l ''"■'it',

l e ,!'ha% ^ i .a p o .,.,! a 'I piirol*-, ti'tm ',7 i

> e ( h

. . ■ Weition ,;o: 'lo iija t io n pt'Dviilcs a * NO IT l e t . f o r M .'d i’c an - y | jI w ilh e x lra o rd i- I H

;-s a’ n e iu 'f a l l i iv ^'P n c f i t inir) (hen - for__U le ^ iu .1 - ^ *-------- -h o s e w h o r a n up a y e a r ia d ru j; -

■ enefits a r e e s ii- .) b i l l io n o v e r th e d a r e lo he paidII h e n . 'f i r a r i . 's s n i e n t o f ,'S-! a re p r e r n ia a is <>l‘ in d iv id u a ls .

ii-4- o f tO |

■ s k i r t s .

T h e ' in c lu <

•' a n d (

• WOV€w h i t e

• n a v y .T h e E

:ave50 ''.on 2 2 . 0 0cdcomptoio- r n t t nDCr parr; iromischSLcnii).................O t h e iervicel Ollr'f • 1 9 . 0 0

S iz e s -:

. f ^ — — 1 1 :

e . W.• • 1 2 4 M e

1 ' " '

not as jLi>lios lin l -a c l ja s le d s h o wIS w lu'e lj>S i.a ir un ;» c l ia i igti l l ' iK iraiiil d ro p in n n ir e

• ia rn i i; w in te r f n a n :iiiUTil w iis foreed (o e l ia n g t ia i'n l.-. u l'U a- i r a d r Tlu< ii-iMa’-t-' o r.p r.ih lfitiH ly liei

■ “ 'd e f i c i i n lv cd . th e iiovi'tri- w a s lo t i t i |: se ax m a ll.v a d - S i l ,:i I ( •C ian iaj; w ith th . ' C o v e ; h r . l a i r , I Id In- r<- Kivisoi:

t h e n■ l. 'l 'in l Ml la r th is .som e a n n u a l av,-vai;.- o l m a r k e .1 l l i r a < ln iitiis lra - u r e s .. I 'll . ' ra e re h ; .a d is i‘. S17tl.;! h ill io a H a J i

l<i th eliIKT w as ri'vi^^.-d O c lo h e

.1 l i i a ir c o f $17 1 .2 m o n lh ; w;'.% a l s .; r .-v isr.l to ' h 'c-hrui

^ o r k e r p a i ,

y i l e u p F - 1

. > At-^K Ht->N V I n - 1 A I. i r .if w ild p i|;s t h a i w a n d e r a r s .- j;ol h it hy a n K -IC H t-< iajT ill.- i i i ld l 'l i . 'e j i 'e t a s L i-n.-<l o fT a ru n w a y a n d era.Hl ekM onvillc ln le r n ; i t i o n a l A ir T lie |) i« s w en- k il le d . 'I 'h e .s h n i is c d . 'I 'he $1 (> n iil li( IS d t'sL n iveil la l.- 'H ie s d a v . I .t. ( ’ol, S a m I':7rt(?r w a s r w n t h r n i t iw a y a t H it) rn p h id in i ; w h en saw "a b r o w n d fell a b u m p .b e fo re h i s A i n a l C i ia r i l ji't vi-i-n-d to w i ell a n d a .^liiiiil o f p in e s , 'i irli-i'. w ild h a s lli iw n j e t r e l l i a a '2-I 'v e a rs , incliid irij^ < o v o r N 'lCtnaill. e jc c le d b■ i i i t r i i d l |)low cd in to t h e w ;' r i 'a .a i i i s nl' a p a i r o f w ild !•<• lii iiad ^L-attere<l o n (h e

ll a v e ry iri);li)n'ou.‘N w a y I i a iilh iH i a i ro r a l l lo e o n ie I

sai<l C a r le r . b r u is e d h u t is<- iin in ja r i 'i l , l l w a s th e

h e h a d ry< 'r b a iled ouL.

FHEISEN MOTOR I v e r s t o c k e d S a l E

m ust sell 100 new unil'ord Moior Co. will iTi3keif0uril0wn??filti

loM jiyiuliljountlel.

HEISENMOTOHt IVIaIn A v e . E » 7 3 3 -7 7


)R GIRLS 7 to 14n o o s e f o r m a v a r i e t y o p s . s h i r t s , s h o r t s , f s , p a n t s ' o r ^ d m o r e , e c o l l e c t i o n l u d e s s o l i d s , p r i n t s , d c h e c k in k n i t s a n d v e n s . v a r i o u s L y _ i n : _ .. t e , l i g h t b l u e , a n d /y . P h o t o g r a p h e d :

E S P R IT "BLU" t - s h i r t , DO, o v e r s t r i p e t o n k n i t s k ir t , 2 2 . 0 0i e r p i e c e s f r o m ...........) 0 t o 3 9 . 0 0 . s - 7 f ' t o . l 4 .

( c h i l d r e n ' s a t t i c )

v lq in A v e n u e N o r t h . T

. . X

fast as>w a d e f ie it o f Sir>ri,l » iij;es in lh e a n n u a l toU r e c o m p le t e d a t a r a t h t - r tin rn s e a s o n a l . a d ju s tm e n t s wl in g e a n im a l l<iLals. u< K e h n ia r y d e f ic i t , w h ic h I b e e n r e p o r te d - n t S K i.8

. Al!... 5 . b i l l io n w h ile i i c i i . o r ig in a l ly r e p o r l e d a s S ■i lo w e re d by l h e s e a s o n a l a< .:i b ill io n .i v e r n m e n t s la t i s L ic ia i i s lui s o n a l a d jn s lm e n t s . h y srn

in o n th -L o - iao iiL h v o la t i l i l ; l e o f t h e e x t r e m e rea c tio ) rkeL s h a v e h a d to t h e m o n tl:

d t r a d i ' fi(> iires w e r e blam e< •he p e s s i in is t ic in o a d r i | ;h l ohe r'.s s to c k m a r k e t c ra sh i l h s a i;o tj ie o r ig in a l , r e p r u a r y d i-ii.: it. w h ic h w a s it

ir r r n ^16t A l»)— A—

o irf i | ' h l e r . _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W

A ir p o r t .'h e p ilo t I lio n j e t _

s r o l l in g ..p h a f t e rv n b lu r " w BB W ^A ir^ N a - ■

j e t s fo r i i i i f s o r - 'I bo H jre .• w o o d s .■ild p ii:s h e r u n -

Tfii!e to a n At o n ly S 599 , m l o th - b e s t b a rg a ih e f i r s t rc

lie!inltS. Modni:.iiri.3 ~,«,.<v,.».


IRS ▲ — ,—1 ^D E L

1 4 l l ’

5tY '


I d

c )

Jw in _ ^ l'ls . 733-150

' ................ ~ 'i:2 = = - ' - ..................... '

FncJiiy, June tO, lOBO

s first 1b ill io n . T in - t h a n h a d

tta l s r e l l e c le d .Jo n e s in d i b a n a n y e fii -c t p o in ts , i t s f w h ic h w ill nt.L

T h e s e a s 1 h a d o r ig in a l - id x a i l K(i p( I b ill io n , w a s c x e r p l i .a i ■■ t h e ■Jaa u i i r y i i ie i i l su id i i SI 2.-1 b ill io n , p a t t e r n l a t a d ju s tm e n t Lo In- ad jaste< l

. B e fo re l ‘l^ u ip e t h a t t h e n d ju s l e d tl rn o o lh in ); o u t f ig u n - s to ily w ill e a s e p a ll« -rn s . H io n s n n a n e i a l <lon th e p r ith ly trad < ‘ fij;- o v e rw lie l in i

S«‘rv iee to p . — 'u t im e ly ba^

ie<l fo r a d d in g I n s o m r‘*ti' lit b e fo re l a s t • o f la le inl'oi sh . . J u s t tw o aceo iin te< l li e p o r t o n t h e , J .iV s_ t< ita l. 'I j i i a c h h i j j h e r . , .d u a :d J j i .u r o


is is the least9, th o D olta 14" W o o d Cutting ja in s a ro u n d . B u t th o truth is . r e a s o n s for b u y in g o n o lhan

• C u ts w o o d , p la s t ic , b jild ii bak elilo , a n d n o n - lo rro u s

•P o w o r lu l 3 /4 h p m oior• R e s ilien t m o to r m oun t cui• P r e c is io n -b a la n c e d aium i• D o u b lo - so a lo d , lubricatoo• E n c lo se d s t e e l s ia r d

l'.1, .>„. tiarii Jmiu-i'r 1 uMil Jum

^ ..........

7— ____________ 16<VHtCHJ

•y i j i


i0 6 • V a l i d a t e d p o r k i r

'J _

XiO Tiriiun Now;;, Twin Falls, IcJatio A 5


thoughtad !.i-<-a expi'cted . s e a t th e Dow in d u stria l a v r ra n c dow n by 101 its fiflli'w orsl loss i-viT.

.eiiscjtiid adJustrnentH w ill cover (i percen t o f U.S. tn id o . O n c m ajor ai wilt be oil im p o rts . T h e f'livern- • lid it eo.dd not t le te c t a n y seasonal la the^e sh ip m e n ts 's . . th e y wiinVoi <te<l. :1‘IHti, Lhe ,:overn inei> t h ad always I till- iiKiTilhly im p o r t a iu l I'xporL lo srnoalh o u l fieasuiuU shippingI. Howev.'r. il w a s forccd lo aban-

practice when a t id e .o f iriiports■lined th e ab ility o f thi- Custoriis to pt'oeess th i“ t r a d e in fom ia tion onbasis. ... - - ____ . . .

r-*tiionlhs. lh e so -ca lled earryovei^------al'oraiaLion from p rev io u s nionlhs •:<1 for .')() [lereent o f Lhe new nion-II. 'r i ia t , figure h a s now -b een re- .u round II p e rccn t-p o r-ju o u th -------

5t of them.tting B a n d S a w in o n o o f th o( is . th e re a ro lo is ;o f b e t l e r .la n it’s low price.] . . . ;jilding m a te r ia ls , .. 1 :a u s m o ta lsr ' - -1 c u ts n o is e a n d v ib ra t io n um in u m w h e e ls a tod-lor-iifo b a ll b e a r in g s

iCHU M O A V tJ., rw iM fA l,lS _

’ . .. 7“

rk in g in 2 n d A v e N . L o f '

■ ......... ' )■

Page 6: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

I r w ^I pul

WASHINGTC........... Speaker Jim ..^

Thursday a full conflict*of‘int«rc

- i - b i m ^ t h o H ou£m et to discuss I vcstigation.

“I am suprcm t all o f it is 6«en • lhe sunlight it c lear to.cvcryor rules wero violat as,’to Idrcport«n

Ho said ho Thursday w ith t had written an<

................ lease to the pub— count explaining...............—“ The ethics a>c

began reviewing by Rep.' N ew t

- charging Wrigh House rules. C<

_________nnn.pmfif gm iiptighter govemm ( f ^ s , ’ also called

............... - Citing publishf

rid), a political fo« of improperly lol cials and the lat

'"flidenfA nw ar Sa oilmen with w hoir rclatioDships.'

The complaint the propridfy of \S

dard rate for a bo....... — was published by c

^ ________ paign con trt^_ r.--_Jt.alflo \yas-repc week tha t W right Copitol Hill stafTc

I OfficicI t e s t in cI ATLANTA (AP) -

officials recommendei H a ll pregnant women b H a titis a n d th a t nowb H women bo vaccinat

___ •3,50P_babie8ayearfrtentlaily doomed hope

H The Centers for £H . which in 1934 recon H hepatitis tests for wor H groups " 'such as

H patien ts - said T hun obstetrioans don’t k

I ' . h ig h 'r i ^ groups a re , 0H — — n o t workedi---------------■ . “I t is now cvidcni I screening of all pregiH ---------- th e x in l j^ a tc B y ih a rH ccptable control” of H - ' hepatitis B transm is:

s a id in its weekly repor Each year in the

abou t 16,500 babies a r______ ccs_wjih_hepntitjs_B.

GDC said. About 3,5( fan ts become chronic b n e rs , and it is estim s

- th a n .25 porcent o f th l iver c a n « r or cirrhosis

/MPO/jmrADi// HOW TO h SAY NO TlIn the ease o f ti

alcohol :inJ dm g abc ihc also poinij the solution.

I’c c r p re s s u re ofcen cilcd as a rea: kids .say yes to alco and drugs.

Drug p ro d u c e d another powerful lun: p sy c h o lo g ic a l a n d physiological addictic

Poor se lf im ag e . tccn.s lo their fanias

m ake sotiic teens fe no thing lo lose by i anddn jgs.

Then too, em otii lh a t o f te n , a c c o m i d e v e lo p m e n t ca

--------- -v u ln e ra b i l i ty .. io _ t l iappeal.

Experts co u ld gi------------ r c a s o n s " w h y “ su 'iiu

' a i i r a c ie d lo d ru g : im ponant reason nec

--------- -H ttii'tm onriarunaatiaClo n g in g . T h is Ion everyone. When it i.s

' people often w ander areas seeking to 1111 tht

Tliesc factor.s :iss( d rug and alcohol abus

----------t^ 'w cn v n c im -y o u r icc.

• oiysH

T lm os-N ow s, T

Vation ^

ightprjiblicre&JTXDN (AP) - House I-------I-W righ t promised on .. full pub lic response to te res t charges agoin'st0 U80 cthics-committee. ____ss tho scopc of its in* /

smely confident, when v in o u t on th e table in A it w ill bc absolutely v l

yone” th a t no Houso ^ }Iatcd, W right, D-Tcx- ' ters.10 w as filing briefs ' ~ h th e comiTultec, and and would soon re-

)ublic a .n a rra tiv e nc- M ming h is s id e ....... ......... B H SCTinmittec~Iast'weck~W « ing a com plain t filed B p j v t G ingrich, .R-Ga., igh t w ith violating H u i E

C ommon Cause, a up-w W ch-pushcs f o r . PI* n m en t e th ics stan- llcd for. an investiga- p ile th

. " ■■■ ’licTrlaished repo rts , Ging- thopn 1 foe, accused W right ntXnx{

lobbying U.S. ofTi- The la te E p -p tia n Pre- anothe S a d a t bn beha lf of ing wil

iom h e h a d financial was b< .X work ti

int a lso questioned Ging f W righ t’s receiving th a t oi 'eral-tim es-the-fltan— book-ht book he w rote tha t Wjig

by a f riend and cam- the chc ir.-_- —deflectepoHfid ea rlie r .this _ thiiRgx ght u sed one of his current affers to holp com- Attome

ials recoi rg for hep

- F ed e ra l health The ided T h u rsd ay tha t Adviso >n bc te s te d for hop- mends iw bom s o f infected tested n ated , to prevent prenaL rfro m becom ing po- her biiop a titis carriers. immunr D isease Contrdl, 12 hourom m ended type-B ale p nw omen in high-risk cine wias iryeetible drug -m o n th ; pTOnerea7=aisflW c " ''--5u^Tilu rsd ay th a t many cent“ari

know w h a t tho vfintir^ge, a n d th e p lan has chronic------------------- ' searchelen t . th a t Toutine The.(•egnant women is ing hoila rv i irp ro v rd e a c : partnerof mother-to-child noting tnission, th e CDC “Heptport. man vac10 U n ited S tates, rious chI a re b o m to moth- fatal typB. in fQ ctio n s^h c____ StUi,_

3,500 o f those in- child inic h ep a tit is B car- iis B is nim ated th a t more point, si'th e m .'w ill die of hepatitii psis. . j y g im t^

DWCf TO PARENTSFROMP/ >_HELP YOORTE TODRlJGSANDif le e ii Iabuse . I / /in l .s to ;

rc i s l ■ > " reason I . ,lcqlioll>L . ■

' r sell'-inia! e'd e u p h o r ia is* of the fa lufv tha t deepens young pi ,nd s o tn e u n ie s They lie c tion. some ofIge.-; th.M b lin d g row ing itaK tic -p o tcn tia l— oxciling-

fee l_ tl)ey have . life and f y u.sing a lcoho l th a t c

coinniittiio tio n a l tu rm o il C liris tm p a n ic .s le e n help your c a n c r e a ie - in Chris'

-tlic .ch c iiiita J .^ .-iiic itii iiijif c :\ulingr'

I g iv e U.S o th e r h app ine ; i’tii'e ~tc*ells a re prodUL'ed u g s , b u l o n e Ncarfor,^ need in g special synilietic:' iaG c iL ap iiilua l= ^and jnc3n . o n g in g i.s in H cjp i.s n o t fu llllled , drugs an

ler in to .strange them to I the vo id . C hurch ,

isso c ia ted w ith Avenue I: [)use d on 't have S upp ly ).tccil.s—------ :T7;omg'-^c}cii

to m eet t about .serv

s . T w in F a lls , Idatio T n a j y :


1 ‘

JIM WRIGHT P la n s r e s p o n s e t o c h a rg c i

‘ the book, "Reflections o fa Pul Man'.’~TIie“trmpI6ytVs'’work~o projcct itK luded a tr ip to Texa oxpayerexpopse, he sp e a k e r has begun work o thor book. A n 'a i tk collaboral w ith h im oh th'a't project said i

being done ou tside of ofTicio k tim e .ingrich subsequen tly concedci ; one o f h is aidoff-worked on i(-he-wroter---------- =-----------------'jig h t's su p p o rte rs have callei charges a-R epublican effort u

criticJsm ioPeth icariapses ir R/>ngnn nrfm inigtrptinn nnH th> en t con troversy surroundinf m ey G en e ra l Edw in Meese III

immend patitis Bhe CDC’s Im m unization Prnct isory C om m ittee now rec ids th a t p reg n an t women ed for h e p a tit is B during an ei la ta l v isit. If a woman is infec bab y .ah o u ld .rece iv e hepatiti; lune g lobulin , preferably wit lOurs o f b ir th , lo p ro n d e immi pro tection , and hepa titis B \ w ithin seven days and again i th and_6 m onlhs.?ch a 'Voiflm c ' i v b cH ^ ^ rrB o ^ “and 9 5 pe rcen t effective in f ing_a_ch ild_ frQ m _becom ing nic h e p a tit is B carrie r, CDC :h e rssa id .e.CD C -iilsd.itcQ m m ends scrci lousehold m~bmbers and sexi iers o f in fected women and vat ig them i f appropria te , ep a titis B vaccine is the first I vaccine t h a t c an prevent bo th ; chronic d isease a n d ’a uniforn

type of can ce r,” tlie CDC noted li_ v a c c in a tin g „ e v e r ,v - ncwbo in th o .U n ited S ta te s for hepu is n ot p rac tica l from a cost slan , said D r. M a rk 'K an e , a CC itis .specia lis t. A child’s vaccii enxosts-SSO-or-niorerhe noted:


Y o u c a n tu rn p ee r prc.s.sure into a positive fo rc e , linco iiragc ynur te e n s lo s tic ia li/e uitli gootl kids,-

C'hri.stian peer griui|i\ h e lj) d e v e lo p hea llh y

nages b y p ro v id in g visions fan ta s tic co n tribu tions any

. p e rso n c.iri be lo society, h e lp e a c h o th e r ih ro u g h

o f the p a in assoe ia ted willi n g u p . T h e y g e n e ra te lg-idoa>-H!Kl-C«»tlCfp!s-ilbtltlt- ti fee lings o f purpdsefiiiness

c h a l l e n g e te e n s lo itinent.r is i ia n y n u n g p eo p le can ju r teens reali/.e ex[x;ri«nccN ris't lh a t m a k e life iiKire igful. in o rc reg a rd in g , more g ~ It‘is l i r t i ie glow o f such ness i h ;it th e e u p h o ria ed by a lco h o l and drugs is ir,vvhat it is ' - a'.se'coiKrratc” ic:'exjx.*rience vuid o f liepiha n in ^ .:-— ------------!p y o u r te e n s s a y no to and a lc o h o l hy b rin g in g

B ethel Tem 'ple Apostolic I. .■?2()() R o a d a n d N in th : F.asl. ( rig h t b eh ind D itB ). T w in .F a lls , We ha\-c

Iciiii iiiL'iis iliai w uutd fnvT“:1 th e m , l-o r in fo rm a tio n :rv ices.cali 7.1.^-1162.

jy . Ju i'rl j lo . 'iOM ----------------------


R eagnn said T hu ^ problem with d r stem s in pjI th e 1960a and

m ented with ille 're ta in e d thuir “d(

' i its ."-“In m any ways

■'"paytnp^for th o 'e i a n d th6 decline i t h a t occurred in

3 ^ ’ 1970s," Reugan s i f . corporate- leader 7 d rugs from the wo ' ' ‘T h e studen ts

- - - used illegal drugi — coliogo havo, .in

th e ir destructive them in lo ihe ir m en t." R eagan sai

: D ru g .u se rs -a t^ - - Hgfln-Kaidr-^poKo>a

w orkers and repre, ^ 1 ^ bis and a national ( 8 8 3 ? . The president s

once defended a s ■acfl - "‘•‘ -Costing Am_eria

a y b a r in.jost produ Pub. In his speech to iron-------------- ----------- ——HouseI" ■ W ASHINGTON

approved a two-; " spend ing plan for

ence Foundation i , ,- tr im m ing the m ea

.p l y w ilh P resident ^ T he bill, which c

illed th a t give, governn searchers , wa.H ap

^ . __sent_to the'Senhte.• ----- T h e bill as appro

^ 0 --------sp a c rn n d Tochnolcenvisioned $210 m

• ing th a n the prcsic

I Birtf. . . i e . mrecom- _ v pR K (/

m ental b irth cont n early prom ise for block

six m onths withoi B ■ effecLs. II prelim

wifh.n gesis. nmedi- j ^ e vaccine s t ? m une .systems c

tee rs to d isrupt lls-.,.-:-..........Jiormone.neiltdcd.J

searcher-ssnid. in pre- 7 ,,^ vaccine's el

.......n o t be-tested -d rnwomen hud boen ized'. But the imm

icrcen- . - tion appeared to I sexua l_ _ t«.w <trkrresearche

. ... The study is de

•st hu- . ith so-

N O T I.vbouj--------T he-Parm er& -H cepati* e le c t io n th is y e a iland- belovi^ m u s t b e II CDC r e tu r n e d in p e rs i

____ A v en y £ .JE w in Jr£______ ypu-dQ -nQ LvQ lol

— I b la n k e n v e lo p e i b la n k e n v e lo p e •

...............lo .m a il .y o u rb a ik--------------iho'-outQC cnvelo j

r e n d e r y o u r b a lk o b ta in e d from yc

' T ^ e s la te of non- b a llo t be low . T he

'Uf in th e "V oter C e r ilh r e g a rd in g v o ting

a b o v o . Fm HA el« ipN / e g a r d to ra c e , o hy • 'a lfilia tip n , m arita lns ............. ..........................ny U .S . C■y F A R ]

1' BALLOT FC/ 'I-V .

s s S T A T E - I D A H O


CANDIDATE(S)F r a n k P e a

CN irere;h---------------------- - ----

K • '* ’ *........." P lo ;

ll' VOTER~ - - S a b p a r f “W o r p a r t

r e q u ir e s lh a l all vo ^ e le c t io n s m oo t th e

■ f a rm e r s ; (b) d e r iv e (th a t is m o ro th a n

B Irom a g ricu llu ra l p c o p e ra t io n w ithin tht:----------TKjra:----------------------n

Dy s u b m ittin g th is

/ — ;----------------

igan biiON (,f\P) - President for lu rsd ay th a l America’s Re Iru g use in the work- stc p a r t from students of

1 1970s who experi- Po llegal substances and lo ■do.?tructive drug 'hnb-— dri

■ o fys, o u r couniry is still pei erosion ' o f 'o u r values 'h d i : in self-responsibility I n th e I960.S ond the an t . sa id in a speech to J . ; e rs t r y in g . to drive mil vork s ite . , sues o f th a t period w ho, _ _ J Igs in high iichiKil or proI m any-casG s. taken -T 'e d ru g hab its .with on r places of employ- figh aidr- ■■ ball t^Ui(ilworkplaci;,-Re-—.flgai-a-threat-to-thoir-co---------re se n t a corporate cri- m atII catastrophe." pow

sa id th a t w hat wa.s t r a fs a victimless crime' Rea,ic_a bjllions ofjlnjlars_____XJductiv ity ." . , th e rto tb e N ational Con- tiiu<

: OKs scieuiN (A P ) .— The House voic< 0 -y e a r , . S’1.2 billion am e or th e National Sci- ' lo rt, 1 on 'T hursday after sa su re down to com- It R eagan’s r e i iu e s f I con tinues programs

approved -105-5 and e. J lroved by th e S c icnce ,--iting 5log;^Committeo-had— sperr m illion more spend- ployt ? ident requested. By su re

H control pears pre(AP) — An e.xperi- d ay ’.s

n lro l vaccine show.s m edn rk inp pregnancy for A.ustrlO u l sign ificantsldc__ nizatim in a ry study sug- * and (

lum bistim u la ted the ini- Scii

o f w o ^ n volun- have th e actimh*f«a key con trj

IJo r . p r t;g n a n ^ fc - - . .p e r i» i ^ l e n couid contrc ireet l y bfc.i use the— ccptip n surgically .steril- Sev. ,m une system reac- have ; ■) bc ^;irong enough .-;izcd’'iliers%aid:------------------ju s t uiescribed in Satur- a rm i

ICE OF El^om e-A dm inisl^al^on-{Fm Ja r w ill b e . h e ld o n J u n e 2 filled Qut, d e ta c h e d a n d

s o n to F a rm e rs H o m e At E a lls ;jd a h o -8 3 3 0 1 -n p t- la i E ilin -p e rso rL y o u .sb o u liln ] J m a r k e d "ballot" to e n s u ? s h o u ld b.G p la c e d in s id e ■lIoi, Y our n a m e a n d a d d r lo p c .-F -a itu re - lb p ro v ia e ^ ^ tlol inva lid . B allo ts a n d e i / o u r loca l F m H A 'o llice .

m in e e s fo r Twin F a lls C o n e q u a l i l i c a l io n s o l p e r s e 3 rti(ica tion S ia lo m e n t." Ft g a n d v o te r eligibility, s e c s le c i io n s a r e o p e n lo a ll € co lo r , re lig ion , n a tio n a l o a l s t a l u s , s e x , a n d /o r h a r

D E P A R T M E tJ f O F A G = IM E R S H O M E A D M IN = 0 R C O U N T Y C O M W in

'c O U N T V


j a r s o n - '_____________

O N LY V O TE F O Rloaso dolach this natico boforo '

R C E R T I F I C A T I O N *

rt 2 0 5 4 of fu ie 7 , C o d e 0 c o lo r s fo r Fm H A C o u n ty > i e fo llow ing eligibility re q i / e t h e p rinc ipa l pa rt o f lh n 5 0 p e rc e n t of th e ir g ro s p ro d u c tio n ) ; (c) h a v e th e t h e c o u n ty b r a ro a fo r w h

s balkDt, I a tte s t th a t I m e

lames dfe rence 'o n a D rug-Free W R eag an did .no t advance s te p s to combat drug abuse.

T h e Cabinet-level Naliot Policy Board is deliberating ] to ta k e aw ay studen t loans j driv e rs ’licensesT or“anyone ( of u s in g drugs and impost p en a lties for d rug dealing ne bousing projects:

B u l sources say the pane! m d th a t E ducation Secretary I. B en n e tt is trying to' steei n in is tra tio n away from ; >uch h a rsh proposals.- Reogan-did-norTnentton'thi iroposuls.■The p resident said th ere a r

in w h a t can be accomplis ig h tin g the. supply of drugs 'a t t ic aga inst drugs m u st beg a in s t th e user,----- ------------- ‘-‘Because-so-long as-there- la n d for illegal drugs, there ' ow erfu l financial incentive I •affickers to satisfy th a t di e a g a n said.-T h e ..p re s id e n t s a id .-h c _ l l e re h a s .been "a m ajor chani lu d e in A merica" about drug

ice budgetjice vole, the Houso appro ■nendment by Rep.-Sherwooi r t , R-N-Y., to cut th a t amoun'

T h e House also added a pt fe red by Rep. Jam es Trafic hio, giving domestic firm s an

e s fo r governm ent science coi

.The bilF included language- n g -- th c -sc ie n c e foundatior e n d in g monoy in'casos'in'wh o yers have nol taken steps re a drug-free workplace.

)/ vaccine ^omising>>’s issu e of The Lancet, a Bril d ical journal, by scientists fi s tra l ia , the World H ealth Oi a tio n - in -G onova,- Switzerla i O hio-State..U nivor.;itv-in‘. abus.ic ie n tis ts in several laboratoi .•e been developing long-last Iracep tive treatm ents. Some i»iB nts-focu6--on-injeclinR-t :eres” lha t. release a d rug a tro lled ra le . - providing conl

Several foreign govemme: e approved use of m atch-st ■d’'capsule's th a t 'a r e im plahl " o n d e y ih 't 's k in 01 a woma'I u n d e r local anesthetic.

;l e c t io n•m H A }-teounty-C om m ilte€ } 2 1 , 1 9 8 8 . T h e ba llo t Id m a i le d a n d r e c e iv e d or A d m in is tra tio n . 6 9 3 F iler • ia t& n h a r r3 o n s * 2 rs T n i -m a lL y o u rib a llo U n s id e -a - s u r e a s e c r e t ba llo t. T h is d e t h e e n v e lo p e y o u u so I d r e s s m u s t b e leg ib le o nr iH Is ln fo 'rm a tio n will--------e n v e lo p e s m a y a lso b e

b o u n ty a r e lis ted in th e ' s o n s v o tin g a ro d e sc rib e i F o r fu rth e r in fo rm ation

; e e th o c o u n ty offico listecII e lig ib le v o te r s w ithou t I o rig in , a g e , polilical la n d ic a p .


r v - T W I N F A L L S

R O N E . ■■

ro voting ballot

J STATEMENT> o f F e d e ra l R e g u la tio n s [y o r a r e a co m m itte e s q u ire m e n ls : (a) b e th e i r in c o m e from farmini

O SS in c o m e rnust com o, h e i r p rin c ip a l farm ing iv h ich th e e le c tio n is b e in t

n e e l th e crite ria lo vo te .

drug usW orkplace, th a t “th e mom

:e any new those who cele >e. .. lu re to those Vrtional D rug others do th e s ng proposals "It is th is ch ns and deny believe makes nc convicted on~drugs not jose federal m ately certain,: n ea r p u b lic __ Tlie N ationi- also 'is considerinel is sp lit, w ithholding ft ary W illiam and 'loca l gove teer th e ad - un iversities a. a adopting nanced in stitu t

th e anti-drug rtho ’p n n o rs r 's t i l l in th e d is n

U nder currei ! a re “lim its s lilu tions recei plished" in qu ired to certif ugs, so t h e ' abusep reven lit be directed A tlorney Gei------------- -------< h a irs 'th e polic;?re-is-H -de-_-trying to -s tee r TO will be a tra tion aw ay fr< ve for d rug als, according . dem and," sources speakiil

nymity. hf»lif>vpH A gpnlfiM;mnn

la n g e o fa t- Education, Loy •ug use and opm m entonB er

; P o licy 'T m B ” ing having slu

S l e h - A G r e)unl; ' : W e V

1 provision e s L a b li .s h i aficant, D- , S e n i o r P an advan- n i a d t : o u

ign-cmnpti: m o m o r a b....... (•

igo-prohib*- lliinsqn*'!_ _Scliuiim Cvclcry____^ l'wiiil-;allii*rjiiuii

which em- iimsi Itomc Cciii. ops lo en- 0 |iiiiiiKrciul>

liflllll litHISlLTS_____________ Duii^rOB .

Tri;iH);Io Ycnidji's I I’cp^i ]!oul|ii|; ('o .Sctiocil I3i lric1

eH;iL-li l’hoi«(;Mplijl’.i|);'i Ki-lscvS Moiiik- Mu'sii.- WciiflunisL- 2 ; ; ,So(ltni'ti.T I’ll''.!1‘riiiii; Cm

British , \vvml)'s !s from ,. Jeiisi-n s Ji-wi-lL-rs

sa - Aim'>. Hiilhiurks-'rland,....... Kit's ( ’Timm - -io' Co--. , . -Wtkjiuuhli s .

..Siuaks a t o n e s ,

m o'o '2S ' l i n f c ----------- -----------------5 a t a _

i-stickla h te d ''' ^TOlirTs 3 t~ M

' M M

r i IIf o r ■ lerI— f " ■ 12

lis ‘ ^so a <>'

^ . ; ile . - ^

S' ribed J

;tcd S 12 'It . S ___

a 12'


M 12'

M• ____


3 12':. . . . . . -----------— 1 2 ^

g - 1 2 ': is , ” 3

% 9ning ^


------ r ------------------------

se oh th■mcnlum has shifted from • si leb ra ted th e drug siiIk u I- .ct who ju s t say no and h e lp .. .tl

• sam e.":h an g e in a ttitudes th a t I ’ a ?s to ta l victory in the w ar jj, >1 ju s t pos'sibltTbut uUi- ' sc in,’’ Reagan.said. crin a l Dra g I^ljcy _Board j;c e r in g \^ e tK e r’to endorse federal a id from .slate

vem m enLs, colleges and and . o th e r publicly fi- j*”

u tions i f they don't adopt . g proposals, which are ^scus.^on-stagc:— -“ren t law , educational in- e iv ing fcdcm l aid'nro ro-— tify th a t they have drug ' tion program s, leneral Edwin Meese III icy-botird,-but B r-lho R oagan-adm inis-— -1 from som e o fth e propos- ng to adm inistration ' ;iilg on condition of ano-

m .for-tho .D epartm entof- •' oya M iller, declined to 1ie n n e l t ’s v iew s. ____ Ia m e m b e r s a re d isc u ss - '" 'T'' l u d e n t lo a n r e c ip ie n ts ’ “

E A T T i m e W A i

w i s h - L o t h a n k t h e l< h m e n t s fo r t h u i r k i n d f P a r t y . .Y o u r u i ‘ G r a d u a t i t i n e v c n i b l e o n o .llicm kl.ilio_ llic l^iTf (■|ii'vriili-l .Hickiiry l-.inns’t y - .................... Kariwlkoni ---------UlliL---- -------- _______________tlllT Jii's

'r.ii-irtiincIk-ntio'sN.iliiiiil rri.MMiro's

's Dairy IIk’ I c.iiiii''o. , ’ Ilii.Isim's•111 Cf.miL-v'stliy Jiidi's HiHikMnri-

1110 l'.iris . K.illiy's Doiuiollv's

.- Cio's Hi«)ks

iUipcr's - .Spurts Cuuniry

i;sc.i|K- ^ ■ VcllMlll's

-• Kiu-hciiM.ii:ii; lliitf in'iuls

: OtliL Koi iifn, ('t«ikii:H;ikki'is“


■ TKl t.s fhij-sof.SH Crachmiidu

rI2 'X 5 'ia '

3 ' X 6 ' 5 '

.......C i i l2 'X 1 8 'S '

— ^ -----------2 ' X 1 0 '3 " U v c l I ^ p

Bcigc CO

2' X 2.‘5’ C o m m e r c m l ''U row nco li

2 - x : 9 W S c u lg ^ d ^

! 'X 9 y -

!'X18'6" T h ic k '^ c c i __________________ BoigpcoJt

;.X 28g" •

9 0 D A Y S F R E E F

S B A r---------------^T27-2ND-AVEfH

he 1960s^•sign a document sta ling th a l being a.convicted d rag user-can-mcan-losa-QL---------

.. . th e loan. . ,. T hey also are discussing m aking i t ,

a federal crime to sell drugs n e a r p u b - ' lie housing, sim ilar to th e federal schoolyard law making it a federal crim e to sell drugs in th e vicinity ofschool.s.____________________ ,, ...............

A nother proposal under discussion n l th e policy board calls for s ta te gov­ernm en ts to refuse lo issue first-tim e d rivers’ licenses lo m inors who have fjbeen convicted of drug use. T he fed- ^

fnvpm m cnt would enforce th is by j ___ ^ •th rea ten ing to w ithhold federal tran s- ^

, p oilntion.funds ____________________________|

THEISEN MOTORS | OvetstockedSale! |

"W em ustseiriO O new units.- :------ g• Ford Molor Co. will make your dam payinent. ^.♦ ISeittrt Affllars irill fSf ffluf yslw l a x .__ «*100,00{tmilewarTant]f. a •No money cuioljfourjii]i;,l(el.'

THEISENMOTORS |yo'i~M 5ifrA ^E;— » 7 3 3 -^ 0 0 ■ f |

H a d B y A l l ! ■ >. f i? Ibllowini^ in d iv id u a ls & , -v id s u p p o rt o f o u r A ll-N igh t ' V )UK c o n tr ib u tio n s & h e lp .* c n in ^ ' a m o s t e n jo y a b le ,______ [■'

.Hfiiili.TWork'i _ , _ All AmcriL'iin Ypijijns ^


____________ .■r;ilhini.l’lli'.. _ . ___ _______ ^Miiclc In lcl.iti(. ^l’l•lIny■ ^.Sctiiibji-h's j

ros Ilii; limi ■n , • l*ro Imaci; a

•Siitulpipcr ■ ' Jlidliiliiy till) ; I '

L- {.-.ifc Ok-- _. .1. - .Suiilati Ik 'jt li , • a

Il0ll'‘i • I .K:iy llank-ii ’ |.Maxics _ j

'. wrijiiii's . . : 3niciscn Moinrs 1I'rosiy.ShopKc ;Schtick-s J INk-Dimiild's

All llic wtllin'p patciil5_’__ ______ i. wjiii M;r\cil Cti;ipcrom;N

.uul P;iny Chaimmn.

idu Nijthl I’lirty (^iminillfe nnd I*TSA

a S o l a r i a n ‘

n G o r to np a in cp a ttcm $ 3 4 . 2 0 ' . .. :

m E s te e m u w Jiu -tao io a$ 7 7 . 9 4 ■

$ 1 7 3 !9 1

ImTsfl] C a r p e t

$ i 5 9 . n s ^c d B erb e rowhiu, - $ 2 3 7 .6 9

r y S h a e..M co lo r $ 1 1 4 . 8 0

ic c ry P ilc$ 2 4 6 . 4 5 .—

i F I N A N C I N G



Page 7: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

■ I p B r iil Airport

■ y SYDNEY, A n n 'senger tcrmin. a . ' iw erereported, j a The fire cau

— roof a n d , . r a ' ■ ^ e rs and passer ^ Airlines said.

.............w - Tho‘blaze"tit■ M of dollars in do

a •— •■anonymity.y , • FlighU were 3 - ■ were canceled.

^ “^Czechc;> pub lish ed unde

p '.o n charges o f sI jday.

The tria l o f I ’ . . . .“_.:'.ccntral.Slovflkij

o f anonymity.1 ■ Polansky, wh

- has been in cu^ ” • the U n ju stlp ^n r ir-p riso n hospital,

-f 2 i . H e was dccus____ I ___ ' i / 'u n ofllcial re ligic

7 -ceivea m axim ur

^ j:; Embass'■ BEIJING-(AP

JI Americans on T} ■: other country m

' ;; Chinese capital.Thc unprecedc

. -V : a lert to the 1,50rr----- 'm w mC5-t5~pr6;■ -• Pendergras§,

- . Tl i e em bassy £:: -• . the em bassy We<

----- I — -ir.—an unspccifiod-thr ; mation about tl S- planned.


I •• wounded four o n '■ I • ” . occupied lands, a:

I . the seventh monti I A t least 203 Pa: I J* jured sincc th e up

; An Israeli soldier - Stores were cloi

y. cupied West Bani ... I t h e army said mar

___ i A 40-year-old A:I stoned a s h e passi*• arm y said. Israel; 'owned cars, a p p a r

Cave-irTHes— - - ’S ^ o s i a v i r

^'BELGRADE, Yugos................E3ghL homes, w ere dei------------ 9&8^lsn mining town 01

65-fOflt-wide hole opi t jie ritan d escaping gas new spaper reported Thi ; -No>injuries \yere repi ) w p le fled the ir home \wr& ideatroy«d~by thi

— — }ialo4n4ho-ealt>mining-SiJistTof Belgrade, th e c J^pvasti reported.

— -^ -C B s c a p in r^ rc a u B h r iof the sm k hole wl

__ uEound h~6bn Wednesdo• - “I t h a p p e n e Jw rtH ^ ; i^looked through the^ iJould see was dust," Me

__ __ i5.a.!Cuzla.citi2CB^aid,i[:!;ibrahim Imamovic, a H iz la , s«id undergrour .Sdlvcd sa lt deposlts-caui ^ca>*ein . .

I ■ A ^

; r " “ ............ T f l A ^ r

_ W E ’R E j!

TH EBU O p o ro lo d b

464 E a t lla n d Orlv

■■ ■. R^JircllBg C»n1»r

OConuincf n« Co<i)OfaUon

Vorld '■

■iefly—irt suffers fire(, A ustralia (APJ — A fire swc ninal a t Sydney's, a irp o r t ear led.caused severe dam age to a : nd a baggage chcck<in a re a a isengers to flee the building,d. ____ ___}"start*d in 'a n “arr-condit:oni I dam age, said the sppkesm a

■ere delayed for up to th re e 1; ed. The cause o f the fire w as I;

(loslovak to sinderground religious l ite ra tu Df subversive activity , on cm

jf lv an Polan8ky,.G2,-wili tak ak ia ,.on iIonday , sa id .th e soi f-who reportedly suffered a he :ustody for six m onths. The C "t*rosec^ied said PoianlKyTu .al, -cased in th e ind ictm en t o f "p :igious and o ther l i te ra tu re .’ num 'of 10 yoars in p rison.

ssiTreacts to 1•AP) — -The U.S. E m bassy is I T hursday a f te r C hina warn I m ay be p lanning a tta c k s o al.redented w arn ing caused the ,500 A m ericans living in Ch prblecrihV m sU lves':'said U.5

3y saldTifghTeW CHTrrose'pi W ednesday o f possible te rro r l-third;Country.-Th6-Chinese ; the te rro ris ts or w h o t ki

tee m o u n ts in;M (AP) - Israeli solcliers on T hursday , one of th e most ), and A rabs mounted anothi 3nth o f theirrebellion . Palestin ians have b een killei

• uprising began Dec. 8, ond J icr and a Jew ish se tt le r also I closed and public tra n sp o rt h ank and Gaza Strip, a n d in - Tiany P a lestin ians igno red th d A rab m otorist died o f a heai assed the D h o is h ^ c f a p b cd •ael rad io said camp residei parently to enforce complianc

estroys ,— h o i H e Bgoslavia (AP) - ‘ | jnof-Tu2l a :w h e n - f l - |- W a »opened beneath j

gas caugh t fire, a I | [ k l #T hursday. | W ^Mreported.-A dozen I |)mes 'before they Ithe- 50-foot-deep I

ng4own-dO-miloe—le daily Vecemje I

h rfiw ru n h 'e 'B o P "T “ ^ ^ l f when i t formed Isday . - _______I___ . iT h an g and w hen I q ■ le^ window all I I M ensur Josarev- - ~_________ I_______ 1:, a professor in I ound w ater dis- 1 causing the ea rth I - 1 /2 M

^ A ^ ^

f S T O T iJ T h eh a b iiWill Pay

Alul \ ^ A J Ci

^ P e r Pound

H INIO'CASH ond cicon wp wtult

ER E C yC L IN G I H O W A B (

; ’EM FOR BLBUOWEJSER RECYCLINGd by M o g lc V olloy R o h o b llllo 3 rlvo S ou th

tn« tM :fy ' O l i l r lb u l ln g o cn Your O udw ol!

••' ‘ ' • » i

e dam ageiwept through th e domestic pas- sarly T hursday, b u t no injunes

a first-class lounge, the termi- a and forced h undreds o f work- ig, a spokesman for A ustralian

aning d uct and caused millions n a n , who spoke on co;idilion of

e hours by the blaze ond eight IS being investigated.

stand tria l—nj5!oTnk-CflthmnnKtwRt*-»hiritu re will stand tr ia l n ext week emigre source reported Thurs-

Lakeplacein-Banska-Bystrica,- sourco who spoko.on-condition-

h ca rt a ttack before his a rrest, e Czechoslovak Com m ittee for Tias”been-dontcd'trali5fbr‘tO'a“

r"publish'ing and d istributing rc." If convicted, he could re-„

(th rea ts' issued an “iTrgent notice” to im ed th a t te iro ris ts from an- s on Americans living in the

Jie U>3. Em bassy to js su o jin. . China th a t they should take U.5. consular ollicial Ucwey,

rpilblic's'ecurity officials'toTd ro r n ttarks on Am ericans by ■se did notrgive-specifie-infor—

kind of o ttacks m ight be

n Israel ^rs killed a Palestin ian and - 3st violent recent days in the. ither general s trik e to begin^

lied ond more th a n 5,000 in- id 5,000 Arabs a re in prison.}o have been slain .•t halted Thursday in thc oc- in Arab cast Je rusa lem , butth e general s trike . ........e a r t a ttack a fte r h is car was I cam p 'ncar B ethlehem , the dents stoned several Arab- incc with the strike .

r : : 7 C D D P O N ^ _ _ .

c i t e r s i r d e - & M i n i - G o l f .

nWOPEN 'Ha tu r

O n - B a n k - S h o t - ^ ____

s k e f b a l l . W a t e r S l i d

& M i n ! G o l f

E x it 1 8 2 o n 1 - 8 4 ,M ile E . o n F r o n t a g e i l d . .


BtUTATION SERVICES’a y You Cash o n th e

§ p o t for E m pty Muminutn O everage Cans o f ANV KIND.Il's an cosy w jy lo com

:»iro_riipficyJoLypy':.cJ(. . : you' ciub or

-------- fOVO/ilC CtkVily’" ' ■ ■___ Tumivvtut could bc_______ —•tijlc you'fC clcjnin^ upi

\BO U T y o u ?

IG C EN TER llo fio n Sorv lcos

Twin Foil*. Id a h o -

; J:30p.m,

g a n d Som J o r d a n >o(aor O lilr lb u fo r

“ a

:ork- ’lian I


gh t

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OK0 I£ ^ o f f , IITEM IN ST O R E |

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JUNE 10 th ru SUN .

TWIN FA5 B lue L akes'



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Q 0 ™3N.COOO-THAU— ^ - i nINC U, 1088M VALUL lll’U' I , , ”

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)UR OW N ! w r ItePON S CON P E R IT E M S O N E C O

5' 0 I >OFF A JtIN S T O R E I A N Y 11

i s a


m S t a n d F r o s h ”

W IT H . J H ; C O U P O N

AGGS ALPHA M BETA BUNS Hg o r a n d H o t O o g . | ^ | *

8 P a c k '

BETAMILK W1%. O n e G a l lo n . ~

“ ; ■ LIMIT-1 I H^ % / -W IT H - - - I H -........... - -■■ M __

NFLOWER-llm__HSEEDS l lDAVID | H > ; .

W IT H l l i C O U P O N

jl ;

It e Y O U R O W N ! ■OUPON 9C O U P O N P E R IT E M B H

25S.. I« 'ITEM IN S T O R E _____

SB ' '

Page 8: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

. jr H Conti

M A N A G U A . Nic T h e l e f t i s t S o n d in i u n d lh o U ,S.-b(icl ch n n R ed propoimlH t a i l in g c o n c rc fc t im c tu b lo B fo r dis. f o rd e m o c ru l i c ro fo r

T h e rcbclH know n 'jt-'cUr'd—p u rtfl or*l'H( propoB ul, in c lu d in g d c m o n d t h n t th e fiO’ c iv il libc rticB b e fo re

AmbaL IM A , P e r u fAP)

rilliiH n t tn c k o d th e H udor'ii re s id o n c c wi T J iu rsd u y , d a m u jp n g

. p n o b la s t b u t 'a iu i t i i-------------- om bB SB y.and po lico o

A m b a s s a d o r Alex — wa a e n t in u b rcn k fo !

s to ry , co lo n in i resid w ife u n d in f a n t diiuf: u t h o m e w h e n u 6 ( a h c l l e x p lo d ed a t G:

'T h o u m b u flsa d o r tl i t w a s th e b a c k f ire ol n o t a b ig exp loaion ," E

I t w as U ie th i r d a- ......... g o v o m m o n t bu ild in i

s in c c A p ril 198G.Po licc H a id _ ^ re o m

p ro -C u b a ’I \ip a c An t io n a r y M o v e m e n t f ir t a r ro u n d s a t t h e bu i c a p v d in a w a i t i n g cu r

f------------------ l!W c.hciird a b o u t tw.■--------- ;— b i t s - a n d p iLix*» » f~oni

u n d o n c e ls e w h e re on E c s o d i Bujd.

South Aft will reimp emergenc

J O H A N N E S B U R G ,; (A P ) - T h e n a t io n a l sL g c n e y is e x p e c te d to b fo r a th i r d y e a r , govc te le v is io n re p o r te d n ig h t .

T h e S o u th A frica ;; I; C o rp ..B a id L a w a n d O n A d r io a n V lok .-hud*brie d c n c ia l a d v in o ry coGTic c u r i t y s i t u a t io n in 'l l i e d ic a t i n g t h a t th e s tj ile cy o n d d e te n t io n w ithe m a in e d n e cc ssa ry .

T h e s t a t e o f e m erg e

V lo k s a id w i th o u t sue r e v o lu t io n a r ie s w ou ld c

------------« n d - e a u 9 e - m if ie r in n fo rp e o p le .

'T h e s ta te m e n t c am e.............. tc r .L h e .b ig g e s i a n ti long

s t r i k e e v e r w ag e d nm h u d e n d e d .

I • D e s p i te th e b a n n in g o I- g r o u p s u n d r e s t r ic tio n

. . l e a d e r s , m o re t h a n 2 mi! s ta y e d a w a y from w ork .

- - Arab leadcsiippnrf Pl

; A L G IE ltS , A liroria f-----------A rn b " B i iT n n T in a l li-d l7 n

P L O -p u id e d rebL‘llion i r a e l i r u le in th e W esl

--------- C a « i - S l r ip - m d e d - T h n Tu g r c e m e n l by rich A nil) s u b s id i z e th e u p r is in g .

E ig h t d e le g a tio n cliie in g o f th e fo u r xvcnllhie;

. .d e v is e d a fo r m u la in i m e e t in g for K ubsid ics lo t i n i a n s a n d U) S y r ia an w h ic h a re in Lhe fo rc fn c o n fro n ti i t io n w illt I sm e l

In a c o m tn u n iq u e issi; o n d o f th e l l t rc c - d i iy su

.2 1 A ra b League* de rtignaU -d th o P a lc a lin t io n O rg iiiiizaL itin ''iis th e g i t i n i a t e repretiL 'tilalivL '" m il l io n Pak-M tin ians.

T h r y n iso a g re e d to oj p e a c e in it if iliv e t lm t excl

... . . . p a r lie ip i ilii) ii ,iiiK l lo .d u m t.te rn a t i i in i i l p e a c e confere i e tjua l.H U iU is lo a ll c o n c tic K rjn c li iii in j ; lh e PL O .

S o u r c e s lo Uk- s a id S a u d i A ra b ia , Kiiwi a n d th e U iiiU ;d A n ib a in x 'c d to "H pccific su w o u ld hL''pruv5i3c'd fo r On a n d lo S y r ia a n d Jo n li in .

------------C h iu f-P U > -t.|H .k o S t!l.l tl------- A b u S h n r i f to ld reporttT .s.

t h a t t h e A ra b k-ader.s i -------k e e p ^ e p r e r is c s u m s - .T s i

THEISENMOTOretstoclceasWe must sell 100 new • f t r f Molor Co. lill male your d m


7 0 1 M o ln Av&. E . 73

--------------A-d fimos-NovrJ, IV


tras rejeN ic a r a g u a ( A P ) - u p ih t l in i s ta g o v e r n m e n t T h ela c k e d r e b c ln c x - p la n (^1h T l iu r s d u y d e - a e p a nc m e a a u r e a u n d th e laid i s a r m a m e n t a n d fo r alliifo rm s. " T h)wn u s C o n t r a a r e - (N ic o r‘ITie g o v J r m n c n 't ' s m a k e sin g th e k e y r e b e l u g rcc ng o v e r n m e n t g r a n t le a d e r

b re th e reb e lH ffiv e is ts .

assadorkP) - L o f l i s t g u o r - H e I th e U .S . ' i im b n s - t h a t th

w ith m o r t f j r f i r e r a m p i :ing th e r o o f w i t h ' roof. Hi u s in g n o in ju r ic H , *nnd no:oorfioiH lB B a i d . --------- T ito iile x a n d c r W a tH o n c a te d o tfoBt- in t h e tv /o - tr e e - lin \s id e n c e a n d h i s th e c it lug fiU ir a l s o w e r e bu ild ing I GO m m m o r t u r b e h in d i L G:30 a .m . . e m - P e ru vJ M Q J ia c o t lL f ia id .___ih c .o u tiir t h o u g h t Q t f i r s t s e c u r ity e o f a c a r . I t w u .h v e h ic le s I," E c s o d i B u id . Policed a t t a c k a t U .S . fro m a b d in g s - in L i m a .

; m e m |y ;rH ^ o r t h e _A m a ru I l e v o l u - j ff ired t h r e e m q r - V i

b u i ld in g a n d u.h- ■

tw o . 'I l i e y f o u n d Ionu u n th u r o o f ■on th e g r o u n d s . " I

ftica l l ipose I‘ c y I

.G, S o u th A f r ic a I s t a t e o f e m e r -0 b c r c im p o s e d 'o v e m m e n t - r u n cd T h u r s d a y

B r o a d c a s t in g ■O rd e r M in i s t e rl)rieie3 a p r e s i - '___iT it^ .o n t l i c 's e -^he c o u n try , in - ..... -l ie o f e m e r g e n - ith o 'u l t r i a l -

rg cn c y e x p i r e s 1 ^ %

su c h m e a s u r e .s Id c re a te , c h a o s for T n il l io n s - o f* ------------ -------

tie th e d u y a f-o n g e s t g e n e r a l ............;• •a m o n g b l a c k s ______

ig u f a p a r t h e i d • io n s o n t h e i r m il lio n b l a c k s


iers----------PLO_______.1 fA P ) - A n lo“3 is c u s s D u ; n a g a in s t Is - -■si B a n k a n dh u r s J iiy w i t l i -----------------------ral) n a t io n s t o , ,

■liiefs, in c lu d - h ie s l n a t io n s .1 a 2 - t--h o u r •to th e P y le s - a n d .h i r d a n .

e fro n l o f t h e ■uel. •is su e d a l t h e s u m tn il . t h e

tu b e rs a g a i niU ne L ib e r a - /th e " s o l e I c - ■■ /VL'" o f th i! r> / j

) o p p o se n n y [ ;■xchulrs i ’I , ( J . J JL:mund a n . i n - ___ ______ / I Si^renee g iv i i i j : ,iic iT ned p u r - / ' ^ S). I MIn- c i i 'l e g a te s R '® fiiw iiil, Q iiU ir lb IC in in i tc s siini.K" t h a tth e 'i i p r i 's i i i j ; ' " \ V j f i S

in. | * H ^ 8im ti — ZLZLv8 E g er.H, l io w c v e r , V flW r •.s a g re e d Uj .T sc c rc t;--------------------------

ITORSl----\I Salerew units. ,dovn parmenl. malejlu. M

,7 3 3 - 7 7 0 0 I

1, iWliiV jin ;, lu j i m r i idjy.-3nn

ect Sandth e i r w e a p o n s .l i e y o b je c te d to t h e S a n d in i , n foK a m n iis ly , t h e d e f in i t io n a ru t iu n o f p a r ty a n d f l ta te n la c k o f a d e f in i te t im e sc h e d i

a llo w in g d e m o c r a t ic f re e d o m s T h e s e a r c f u n d a m e n ta l fo r tro ra g u a n ) R e s is t a n c e ____a< e » ,th e d if ie re n c e b e tw e e n 2c m o n t o r no a g r e e m e n t ," r e l ie r A lfre d o C e s a r to ld j o u m .

r's home’ to ld T h e A sw ocia ted P ro th e e x p lo d in g s h e l l d e s t r o y e d

p a n d l ig h t in g f ix tu r e o n ll H e sn id th e r e w e r e n o in ju r i

no o th e r d a m a g e . lO a m b asB (td o r's r eH id e n ce is -l J on th e e d g e o f d o w n to w n , c l in e d -A re q u ip a -A v c n u o , on i) c ity 's m a in b o u le v a r d s . T l ling u n d g a r d e n s a re " e n c lo sc id a 10 -fo o t-h ig h c o n c r e te w a i ru v ia n p o lic e f r e q u e n t ly g u n r u te id c o 'l 'th e w a ll a n d e im ) n sH i t y a g e n ts p u tro l t h e / o n e i jes.icc s a id t h e m brC a'r w a.s f ire ' a b lo c k a w a y .



P u i P k . I ‘

i , ■

z z i z t z

dinista c'H ic C o n t r a s m

lin isU i T h u r s d a y 's ' Uilk.n. io n o f . c o n lin n e in io t h e es e n n d 'In st.le d u lc T h e g o v e rn m e n t im s . s e n le d 'H iu r s d a y m ) r t h e H u n ib e rU ) O rt e g n . .. .a n d . . i 'ra d u fil_ P '’l> tica l n n :n a n f i r s t 200 p r i s o n e r s r e b e l s ig n in g o f a n iif jre

i m a l - I a s i c om ing on S e p t .'H ie rebe l p ro p o s i

e fired uP r e s s In A p ril lOHR. y e d a r e b e ls a x p lo d e d a 1 t h e l .‘)0 p o u n d s o f ,d y n a t u r i e s o f th e r e a r w a l l e n c

p o u n d ,. T h e e x p lo s io is - lo — w a l l -b u t -c a u n e d -n o - n . o n re s id e n c e , no o f - — T h c - a n ib a « s u d o r Ll

T h e Jo rd iu ) . W al.son h a s o s c d s in c e la le 198(5.# a l l . ICesodi s a id t h e g u j n r d d a y le fl f lie rs e o n m i iiSHV d e a lh <if a n ro -C iih a _ e in ■ e r , L u is .d e la P u e n te ,

h i s in su rg e n c y o n ..J u I r e d w a s k illed in c o m b u

lu t e r a n d Iuk g r o u p bi



' I-

f K

BBbPtxv itwliimrn I!L fri I

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governi]m a in ta in e d thiiL o f lh e . w h ic lr w ere ' l</, fiv e dn ev«M iing, w e r e th e le a d e r

w o u ld I t p r o p o s a l , p re - T h e m o r n in g h y G en . p o lit ic r n . c a l le d fo r a n u tio n i im n e K ly . .m U i . th e . . j iy n ip u l s f r e e d a f l e r th e t h e ftg i r e e m e n t n n d th e 'I 'h c J t . 2 8 . a n n e dis a l c a l le d fo r a ll fro m tl'

upon F"'I \ i p a c A m a ru

I c a r c o n U iin in g a m i t e a t th e s id e ic lo s in g tl i e com - r i io n dT u iinged th e f f f f fg o - d n m n g c - to - th c — ---------

L h e n - w a s D a v i d __ JIIS h e ld liie_poH l ' ^

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mentis ilie p r is o n e rs to b c f r e e d w i d a y s o f a n a g r e e m e n t . Coi

e r A ris t id e s S a n c h c s sa ii Id be a “'s h o w o f g o o d f u i th . ' ic r e b e ls su id t h e r e a r e 4 , .ical p r is o n e rs , w h i le t h e In onni R ed C ro s s , B een h e re p u th o tia to t h e g o v c m m e n t r Ig u re a t 3 ,3 2 4 . le C o n t ra s n lso d e m a n d .‘d fo rces t d la l ly b e s c p a J

th e r u l in g S a n d i n i s t a N utJ

1988*AHADEOFHOMEi‘F ulfilling th e A m e r i c a n e a m o f H o m e o w n e r s h ip

JUNE 11-18to 8 p.m. Weekends to 8 p.m. Weekdays

icK-Salurriavs 6 - 1 1 fi.1 lltlon of the Times-News }r addresses to homes:


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proposew ith in a l L ib e ra t io n F r o n i

C o n t r a a s a c t io n s . T h e gcs a i d - i t to th e • 's c p n r n t ioth ." d o n e e o f th e p o w c nI 4 ,2 0 7 T h e r e b e ls w a n t i I I n te r - ic re a en t r p u t —

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H O IN,JUNIOR< N'S GIRLS, I‘thing for the En

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o f e J ^ rc .s s io n , th e r i g h t to te . e le c to r a l re fo rm s a n d g u u r - ie s o f a m ix e d econom y.

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Page 9: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

CatiB y M A R T A C L E A ’ Times-News writer

' _ T W 1 N _ F A L I^ _ : JoicKed o d e g re e T h u r s d a y , t h e I d o l c u tn e th e f i r s t np ri ^ B tu tc to fo rm u to o .

M e m b e r s o f th e i r e c to r s d e c id e d p u l th o i r m a p th s a ro irsu its .

" T h c rb a r o so m e t h a t ta k e u g r ic u l t IC A E x p c u t jv e D ire

F o r m in g u n ICy^

Beerq g ^softbcthirstjB y b r a d B O W L IN Tirrtca-Ncwn correiipc

R U P E R T - R u p c r w ill b e a b le to d r i r c i ty 's n d u l t H oflball

______ s u m m e r .'I’h c c ity c o u n c il u r

p ro v e d u t TXicHduyH i c e p t io n to t h e to w n ’i h o lic bevcr«B C 8 in T h e v o te w ill u ilow P u r k d u r in g s c h c d u l b n ll g a m e s .

R o g e r M a n n in R o o n ly p e rs o n w h o sh o b a te t h e is s u e , opposi s u y in g th e c i ty w a s *■ g e ro u s B u b s tu n c e • m u k in g i t e a s i e r to gc

"I W ould j u s t h u te i e x p a n d in g i t s u s e ,” M

M n y o r 13111 W h i t t c o u n c il wttH " n o t a u t d in e s s o r d r u n k e n r

________ B ^ e s ■ u n d ^ ^ n t tw o u ld b e c lo se ly c o n tr

’H ie n ie n s u r e w o s I to t h e c o u n c il la s t M in i -C u s s ia M e n ’s So n tio n ;

A f t e r a t r i a l p e rio d

m o tio n fo r th e r e m u i i I f t h e r e is a s ig n i f ic n r

' g a m e s r e s u l t i n g from c o u n c il m a y rcfuRC t m e u H u re fo r n e x t sj

— ^ -^ ^ ^ O o u n c ilm BTrD w in cl>c~: T h e m e a s u r e is expe

to u r i s m d o lln r s to t> w o u ld o th e rw is e h uve in n o n rb y B u ’H oy, w hic s t r i c l i o n s on d r in k i ip u r k a . I ’ , ______

O r g a n iz a t io n s . sp o r ffO flbm i g u m e s w ill b e r e g i s t e r th e e v e n t s w i r e c r e a t io n d e p o r tm e n t $ 6 0 d e p o s i t to c o v o r cof in g . N o g la s s c o n U iin e i

B e s id e s F I n k c P u rk , P o r k u ls o is u fT ectcd b y

y o u th b a s e b u ll g a m e s , to b e e r o n ly d u r in g th g o m e t h a t h o s b e e n w i th t h e c ity .

In o th e r a c t io n , th e p r o v e d tw o m o r e p e rm w o rk s v e n d o rs , b r in g i r n u m b e r to f iv e . T h e f

• S e e B E E R b n P ,

Hageripossib]B y T E R H E L L W IL L IA M Timcs-Ncwa writer

h a g e r m a n - A w otb e e n s c h e d u le d to fig u u p r e e a b le c o n t r a c t fo r p i in H n g c r m a n .

C i ty c o u n c i l - m e m b c rs a t 8 p.mzT-TXieodny, a t cit;

----- G o o d in g - C o u n ty - S h o r if r ia n d th e G o o d in g C o u n t ,

1 s io n e rs to r e n e w a pn ltce I AtTisBUc is th e d e s i r e b

c ia l s to h a v e a n a s s ig n I a n d u r e g u la r p a tro I sc h o o ls d u 'r i r i f r b u s y - i r h i ! W o g c r m n n , . w h ic h ., h a s I r o r c e r i8 ~ 8 c r v i c e d 'b y Vi ' C o u n ty d e p u ty n s s ig n e

to w n b u t w h o l iv e s in B lis ^ fic in ls c o n te n d t h e n r r d o e s n o t p ro v id e H a g e n c o n tin u o u s 's e r v ic o .■ B u t A ju h n s s a id Hag<

r e a d y h n s 2 4 - h n u r n ro tcc i o t h e r d e p u t ie s n s w ell,

. t h a -to w n 'n -p a y n > o n t- o f —$

ttle as:b a v e l a n di t e r

S _ i_ J d n h iL j: iH tk ‘m c n _ h M c ce o f p o l i t ic a l fo c u s . B u t d u h o C u t t lo A s s o c ia t io n be- ig r ic u l tu r o l o r g a n iz a t io n in n a p o lit ic a l a c t io n c o m m it-

fie b s sQ c ia t io n 's b o a r d o f d i- p u t l i n g th c i r m o n e y w h e r e e m o y y io ld th e m b o t t o r re -

m e fo lk s i n t h e L e g i s lo tu r e ; u l t u ro fo r g r u n te d ," s a id ) i r e c to r G a r y G le n n , IC A -P A C w ill h e lp e n s u r e

will j ich >allts :INi t p o n d e n t

p e r t so f lb iil l fu n s I r in k b e e r a t t h e a l l d ia m o n d t h i s

u n a n im o u s ly u p - / s m e e t i n g a n ex - v n ’s b u n on alco"- i n p u b lic p a r k s .)w b e e r a t F lu k e d u le d u d u l t f lo a -

: o f R u p e r t , th o ih o w e d u p to do - ')o sed th o m o tio n ,IS ‘■ tak ing a d u n -

* a lc o h o l • u n d > g e t . "Uj to HOC o u r c ily■ M a n n in g s a id .] i t to m fluid th e a u th o r i z in g r o w - e n n e s s " a t th e ______

~ t h c _ 8 i t u o t i o n • .. n tr o l le d .IS f i r » t p ro p o se d s t y e a r by th e _ S o f tb a l l A ssoc i-

r o d l a s t su m m eV /’ ,

m i n d e r o f 1 988 . c u n t I n c r e a s e in w d in o B B ^ n t^ th o — —)m th e b e e r , th e c to r e n e w th e

s u m m o r , sn id

x p e c te d to d r u w T i m v / t t h e c i ty t h u t

u v e b e e n s p e n t t,'h i c h h u s no r c - r*. k l n f b o o r i„

p o n s o r in g th o * 'b e r e q u i r e d lo w i th t h e c i i y s

; n t u n d le a v e u . rc o s ts fo r c ic f in . “ " " ‘i j n e r s w ill b e u l- -

^ k ? B i g V u llcy " ' " ' ’ " I"

ro „ i« U ,ro d , ,

V, I W u tlh o c o u n c il a p . . . ■rm ita fo r f ir e - i ,,.,,,,,, g in g i h e toU .l e p e r m i ts u r e '

I P a g e B 2

'man coi )le reguA M S m o n lh lo

___fo r a d d i l io rA t t h e I

kvo rkshop h u s , m e e t i n g 'Hi ig u r e o u t u n s io n e r Hobi■ p o lic e p a t ro l to a g r e e w

d e to ilH o f e ra w il l m e e t a g r e e t h n t c i ty h u l l w i th s io n u r c nc ifT -R o b er t A ja - r e a c h il s a l J n ty .c o m m is - b o th a id cn ,'ice_cpn.trjic t,____ atv id . - - ,■ eby c i ty o f f i ' . I n o t h o r I: ig n e d d e p u ty - O w s le y t r o l . a r o u n d S 2 fi0 to th i fcronic h o u r s . .T ^ nndn— fo r >8 no po lice /, c x t c n s io n .p ’ V r ,G o o d in g te n d t h e pi ;n e d to U ie i n to S n u k e I [Jliss. C i ty o f- e n d s n t Lh u r r a n g e m e n t c h c m ic u l re j e r m u n w ilh w a t o r c h u m

f o r n 'L-arby n l a g e r m a n a l- O w s lo y wi tc c t i o n . fro m t lHO fo r bidi 11, a n d ' t h a t s o o n u s l h e ( f -$ l .,r> 0 0 -p e r---------.Tb<‘-e o u ii

¥Mii s o d a t

t h a t l e g is la to r s w h o u r c u t t le i n d u s t r y w ill b e r

P o l ilic u l n o t io n c o m ir i v e _ H o le p u r p o a e . o f c o n t r ib i J u l l it ic a l c u m p a ig n s i n t h e b e - isHuo o r in d u s l ry T o r fe n l i

in , "A j^ r ic u ltu ro s h o u ld 1 lit - cundiduU 'H w h o t tu p p o t

flCcEorij o f b u s in e s s d o ," I d i- G le n n p o in te d o u t th i •re b e n t le g is lu t o r s w e r e d r e - m u ry l u s t m o n th , a n d b t

b e rs . I te p , W u ld o M u r t i i j r e M a x in e B e ll in D i s t r i c t lid , C a lle n w u s n a r r o w ly b e

R o b b in s in D i s t r i c t 2.'>. tre G le n n a s s e r l c d l h u t . . i

■B igfc'

A f t e r 2 s y e a i f s ' o r i ^ n n l r v

--W a fts:a U R lE N N E ,T O a A tJ i.V -^ ^ —■jt’rt-AVu'.s w r i te r

W I N F A L L S - I t 's h n r d t o in r h ig h s tu d e n t s k e e p in g u s e c :sp c c iu lly )i p l u i i i p r - ju i e y - s e its u t R o b e r l S l u u r t m u n u g c d

P r in c ip a l J u c k W a l t s co m p ! ia _ w h o n -th o y -h e W -* » -fu ro w e 1 h o n o r ^fou s h o u ld h a v e s e e t i h i.s fn e C la r k , a f tee reU iry a l U o h o r h im th e r e w uh u p r o b le m in

n m k ‘d J u B J i d p - A \ ^ u i U i u - w lie schoo l w u s s i t t i n g t h e r e , i t e d p lu y in g H u il t o ' t h e C h ie i ick W u tls h a s b e e n lh e 'c h i r r t '.n rn iu r H ii 'lr sT ric e l h e .self ), A l le r 2r> y t-iirs a t R o b e r t i 1, " T h e re c o m e s u l im e f o r r e i III l h a l p o in t."u l l 's r e t i r e m e n t rniiV ks l h o e r ducuLion s p i in n in g ' M y e u r s . in in T ex a s w h e r e h e U iu g l y e a r s . "H e 's p r o u d to b e u k . ■ 'aoTneiinies h i s f r i e n d s ci

)uncil wi ilar polir) tln i c o u n ty is n o t e n o u g h •ionlil co v cru g e ..• H a g e m ia n C i ty C o u n c il 'H iesduy , A ju a n d C o m m is - o b e r t , I ’u p p e r w e r e u n u b le w ilh c o u n c il m e m b e r s o n

)f th e c o n tra c t . T h e y d id n t tn o re t im e n n d d is c u s - nec’d e d . "W e j u s t w u n t to

S f il is fac to ry a g r e e m e n t o n cn," M a y o r M e rle pw_H li!y__

'rb iis in e s H ;y su id lh o c i ty is s e n d i n g < t h e S u ite D e p a r t m e n t of. f o r - n s c w c r - 'p l p c l i n o " " !

p ip e lin e a b ^ u t H O f e e t i ;e R iv er. N ow . th e p ip e l in e J Lhe r iv e r 's e d g e a n d a r e a c t io n in U io s t i ig n a n L

iihos a n u n p l e a s a n t < tdor c / rcflldent.'i. .................... j.

s a id lh e c i ly w ill u d v e r - t ) id s on th o e K le n s io n u a f le p e r m i l i s g r u n t e d . cH H ie i l -« w e p l« l - t t - ^ b id - to — b

'agict i 6 h f<u r e s u p p o r t iv e o f th e tr ie

e r c - c l c c te d . h e sa id . hue m m i t t e c s e x is t fo r t h e • w otc ib u tin g -n * o n e y - to -p o ------ - Ct h e n a m e o f a specific m e j n t e d g r o u p . e s .d b e u b le to su p p o r t C p o r t t h o m lik e o th e r on )," h e s a i d . d u st h a t o n ly tw o incum - tio r

d e f e a t e d in th e pri- m o i 1 b tf t[ i w e r e IC A m em - p u b r t i n s w u s d e fe a te d by ile d ic t 2-1, u n d l ie p . J e r r y T b e a t e n by R ep . G ary lio n

>. p e ti, t . . u t le u sL in th e D is- s u n

. y

i l n ' g l f o B c r t S t u a r t . J a c I

i retires----------------------— -:A....-« n d -a ak r

W ultK ih r e e yi

I im u g i n e fiOO ju - O 'L e u ry s e c r e t . th e n s’e i- s e c r c t ; - Y cl s tu - fou r yeu i i{ed lo t u k e r e t i r - a r t . - n p le l e ly hy s u r - ‘T v e b i v e i l i i s s f n |h ! y in W n tts - sn

1 fuce.**- s a y s Di- c a le d beib e r t S l i i i i r t , "VVe ih in k it's in t h e g y m . a n d , p r in c ip a l

;^ w u lk e t l - i n ^ lh o ^ v iB i h l« ; : -e . u n d th e b a n d , A ny n iil i e f , '" conscfiueic h i e f III l{ol)erl iriisto,■icHo(»l o p e n e tl in '.’H e winr t S t u a r t . W a tts n io r h ig hr e l i n - m e n l , u n d iirL .‘le c re t

■ a n d a ll II e n d o f a c a r e e r w o rk s stii r s . H is c a r e e r "special r eu g h l s c h o o l f(ir to .see h in ;u T e x a n ," s a y s M a n y

s c u l l t h e (jITlee ir ib i i le lh

ill discu lice patrh p u v e s l r e c l s bL'hind Liu

n n d in f ro n i o f th e se n ! il c e n te r .^ in d sjMil-coal se v I- o f L a k e S t re e t . T h e w in e S8,.'Jr)n w a s from W inn n B u h l .J ■ - T h o Council de c id e d - lo u d - . '^ c n k c r- s y B le m fo 1 p a r k . O w sley s a id peo 1 flppcche.s d u r in g 't h o ' rec ! D a y s co iild noL bc h e a r d

n o w tty s tu m will b e k e p u i fo r f u tu r e c ity e v e n ts o r

\ o t h e r g ro u p s , r. .. . .-T h c .c ity .r ile d .lo rcn e v !"“ lo" a l l n i e '^ w i l le r Fro — S p r in g s .- e o B r i 'o r th b ” Hp: . p u t o f five c u b ic -fee t-p e r

SJ500 p lu s u p e rm it fee o f

•O n .Ju n e 2H, w o rk w i o n E a s t A v en u e lo f in is t

■ j e c t ' o f in sU il lm g 'n p e rfo i to c o l lc c t g ro u n d w n tc r f ro m fa rm u r e a a b o v e U u c o n s t r u c t io n w ork is ach


.Valo r m sr ic t 2 5 r u c e , " i f l h e c a t t l e i a d u P A C , t h e r e s u l t s o fo u ld h n v o b o o n d if rc rc n t ." 'e o n tr ib n tio n s^ lt 'tT C -K n tt l e m b e r n u n d f ro m c u tt le - re

C undiduU 'S will receive d II t h e b a s i s o f I h e i r sup p o : u s t r y i s s u e s , u n d n o t ih e i o n , ' r h e IC A -P A C hoani w lo m b e r s o f b o lh t h e D einc L ib lican p u r t io s . C o n l r ib u t i i e d lo s l a t e - l e v e l r a c e s for n ' r h e b o a r d a ls o voled to

on o f t h e s U ite in v e s t in e n ; t i t i o n d r iv e is proceeding i ro o n t h e N < iv e in b e r e ln

S fc v - - - ------------Br

c iT W a t t s s o ^ 7 " T h c r ^

rjromrlk H o -s p c n lc -w - th c -g n v o m n r .8 m o v e d to I d a h o in HJ.'i y e a r s u s v ic e p r in c ip iil y J u n i o r M ig h o n ShoH hoi le rv e d a s ' M o rn in g s id e '. 'i N irs b e f o r e I r a n s f e r r i n g tn

b e e n in t h i s b u s in e s s for i !»n>Ttr-'-'Nothing-T’ver-!?uiyB'

T h e kid;» I ia v e b e c o m e in le c u u 's e o f T V u n d socieU i I 's m o r e d i f r ic u l t to b e i a l n o w b e c a u s e o u r m is ia li

n i s U ik e s n ia d e - b y W a lls sc l e n t i a l - h i s i‘n ip i< iyet;s p ra

?iis m y v ic e p r in c ip a l w h e n :h ." .sa y s N a n c y L a r s o n , a •eU iry, " N o w I 'v e w o rk e d f

I c a n s a y is h e is j u s t fi 10 w e l l w i lh t h e ,k i d s , W v r e lu l i o n s h ip . a n d i t ' s gninj

t e a c h e r s a n d a d m in is t h e c lo s e b o n d a m o ti) ; Hob

ISS p irol (h e c i ty p a r k B y C IL \I n io r c i t i z e n s ' ' i h i i i ' s - N c L'vorul b lo c k s i n n in g b id o f T W IN I a n d C o . o f W a tk in s

H o u se Ilfd Lo b u y a' " D a n e :f o r I h c - c i l y d o l e n n d f o p le g iv in g fay in n is s.■ e e e f i l 'r o s s i l----- -R ichard-fcr d ,w e l ] ^ ’n i e _ IU u l c i ty h u l l • SL atijw ide ir fo r r e n t to W l>«t Syi

S U il lin g s 'e W - iL 4 .d u i :a ......... _ " S ( a l l inFoiii— P()Tu.^--------^And-Tvhrrrp H n g ’s l u i u r e p r e s e n t; e r - s e c o n d is l " » )fSr>(), th e tc a in l t

" W h e n iw ill r e .s u n ie o th e r a re a ish t h e p ro - S y m m sr o r a i e d 'p i p o ' W a lk ia s v c r d r a i n i n g k 'lL or, S y r h e c i ty . "010 w a lec h e d u le d to 'H ia t po

politiile a sH D cia tion h a d e lim in i iI o f l h a l e le c t io n IC A opt ." ' • • - u s e f u l I :n ttc ! rf 'tn y (T m -!C A ~ v V sirn ‘e•re la l< 'd busini'SM - e n u e g(

n iin in u id o n a t io n s s o le ly E m m e l

p o r t f o r .c ^ i l l le in - "W e >h e i r p a r ty a f i i l ia - s ig n IhiI w ill liav i* i ic l iv c lo t," G lim o c ra l ic a n d Ro- T h e 1i it io n s w ill b e lim - to Uikor now , . O ppto s u p p o r l r c t e n - t h a t p r iie n t ta x c r i 'd i t , A h in g foing to g e l a n u -a - p o lit ic s. 'lec tion b a l lo t lo lo rep e ii

c c o n ic s a t i m e f o r r e t ]

R o b e r tnr-nC 'm xnfT"------- \V').'■>() a iu l sp<-n t " H e 's bi

ml -iit lh i. ' ' o ld p o s il iv e ," lo n e S i r e e l . H e ,p h y le a c h s p r in c ip a l fu r "W e 've i - to K o h e r t S tu -- - ic m R - th 'n t

k n o w w e>r u lo n g t j m c , ' . . le m a n d 1 y B*t h'f'~> I li il I- oF '""pfoliTe m s . m o re s o p h is t i - T e a le r a

I 'la l e l ia n g e s . I w h o ’ p la n L‘ a t e a c h e r o r W a tts , "M l a k e s a r e n io r e in g ." s a y s---------------

s e e m Uj l ie , in - d ite s ," i r a i s c h im w iU i - W a tts ' I-------------------------- a U E td-iL -'alen 1 w a s in j u - un<l s l u d t , u {{iihcrl S l u - • W a tts ,Jun i d fo r h im , lo o . " 'I 'hu Sci L fan la sL ic , i i o b u t w e do i W o a ll hav<- n -P T A C o -P in g t<j h i ' l i u n l ( h e y w e r e

is s u e a t Ihi i i i s l r a lo r s a t - t io a . W e 'n - lo lie r t S l i tn rL 's

Symms g during U

A IG L I N C O L N N f iv s i r r i l r r

N FA L U S -_ K on. S i e v e S IS w ill t u r n i n lo a good c am ( ir R e p r e s e n U il iv e s , ie is g a in / ' t o d e v e lo p , in lo i nd h a s p o t e n l i a l U) b e u gon s s a id . W a lk in s i s c a m p a ig d S t a l i i n g s f o r I d a h o 'B '2 n d i

lu k e _ jy an n e n d o r s e h ie n t id e •- t c i c p h n n o ^ e w s - . c o n f i 'iy m n is w a s a d a m a n L a b o u i;s' l i l ie n i l is n i . l i n g s . i b . i i l i b e r u l—D ero o cn i p r r ld n h n ‘K-‘.> nd -l? lK tric t s r.- ■ntlng u c o n s e r v a t iv e H e p u l •in o c ra t, i l c u u s e s ' c h u n g e s n lry , S y m n is s a id .■n i l g iie s l ) e n i ( ) c f a t , th e y tl r e a s " in lo e l e c t i n g D e n io c ra n s a l r e a d y th r e w h is ' ft w ilh a f u n d - r a i s in g l e t t e r > ym m s s a id W a lk in s h e lp e l i t e r r i g h t s le ir is la tio n , p o in l h n s b e e n d i s p u t e d by m l woiK. to p w r t h p ngrdjnT C

" ■ Obituar■ West B:■ Sports I

ica l aci n a l e t h e i n v e s tm e n t u>x > o p p o s e s r e p e a l b e c a u s e th e

u l I d o r f d r l t l c m e n . i t im o ih e n t a n d 'm o r e jo b s^ a n d iRi -• g e n e r a U - d fro m i t s r e p e a Im u l. s u id J i m L it t le , a c u t t l n e l l ./e w i l l i i e e n c o u r a g in g Idnh i l h e p e liL io n lo e v e n p u l i t i G le n n s a id .le IC A b o a rd a ls o v o te d u r k e t h e fo llo w in g a c l io n s a n d .)p p o se r e p e a l o f Lhe H a tc h p r o h ib i t s f e d e ra l e m p lo y e e s fo r p u b l ic o ffice , o r b e in g i

ic s b e y o n d Lhe p rec ,in c l lev< p e a l i l h u s p a s s e d th e U .S,

c t i r e m c n t . a n d I 'm a t t h

IrSttfart'7~'< •

r\V ifll>T ^IendersliT p." • ------H b e e n w o n d e r f u l lo w o rk f e ," s a y s A r l e n e I b u ie r , a wi ic h o r n t R o b e r t S t u a r t fo r 21 ve n e v e r h n d to d e y l w ith inl K n t o t h e r » tn fT s-d o ,'- sa y » .ve c a n go d ir e c t ly to h im w id f ix i t , MO w o -e n d - u p n o l n s .■r lu id C b 'r k a r e tw o o f n in e a n to le a v e H o b iy t S l u a r l " M o s t o f l h e p e o p le le av in j ly s C l a r k . "A fter b e in g w il ;onrH ,' IhV y a r e g o in g to “ gi

i' lo n g re c o rd o f d e d ic a lic t_ea m n u iK n iin ionK um nloyi-. a d e n t s to r e n a m e lh e sci u n i o r H i g h . 'S c h o o l B o a r d r e je c le d ou r d o n 't w a n t to s e e th e is su e :) - P r e s id e n l B a r b a r a A llen , .•re to o in v o lv e d w ilh lh e c l h e L im e to g iv e i t c o m p le te

■'ro g o in g to I ry a g a in 'in .h ib

• S i ;c W A 'T T S o n P a g e E

gives Wai telephorn

-- - ' -H .tm ^s a y

' S y m m s s a y s D a n e w ith : a n d id a l e fo r th o U .S , "It

lo a v e r y g o o d c a n d i- exp li g ood r u p r c s c n tu t iv e ," ap cc a ig n in g a g a i n s t R e p ., S yid D ls t r i e iT -------------------- w nd iin t c u m e - d u r in g a S e n . s n f c r e n c c ' *I'hur% dn>'. ■— lo u t is w h u t h e c a l ls S ym i

H es c r a t ^ - S y m m s - s a i d , —for-lf

p u b l i c a n a r t a - g o e s . . . ."I..; res in o t h e r a r e a s o f a t nl

n e e dy th i n k t h e y c a n fool H e c r a l s , S y m m s .sa id . k e e p ; is' s u p p o r t b e h in d te n n Ler hisL w ee k '. I n t h e ' jp-ouj: Ip e d c r u f t t h e S w n n " p a th

1 b y p u r t i e s w h o d id "I f im?nt-toiTt!thi7r^------------blm T

sries/Hospitals B2 33!B 4-6

c : t io n <C l

c c r e d i t , 'f h e is in t h e S e n f i t^ c r e d i t [s a ; - U rg e th o i r o u r u g e s j i v . , .p u 8 h . .C o n j : r .n o s l a t e r e v - U ix." T h is ti ;u l w o u ld b e t h u t c h u n g i t t l e m n n f ro m e x p e n s e s fi

d u c l ib le lo I ih o a n s n o t to p r e c iu te d ow t o n t h e b u l- le m m n k c n f

m o n o y b a c k u n a n im o u s ly • T l ie c o m m nd p o s i t io n s : e n t i r e c o n g ri h A c t , a lu w s o r t h e b i l K e s f ro m r u n - • S u p p o r l ' in v o lv e d in h ig h s c h o o l v e l . 'T l i e b ill u p o n u d m is s : !, H o u s e u n d tic s .

H i l S

viT h e A t

b e e n c o m c

S e a t t

o ir itn o n

c e n t ly i

T h o I S u n Vc



t h e S u i

V -

s u b s U iru

co\)rH c I

W e lls H(photo-MNOV AR6NZ " I t bl

. h a t p o i n t '

_____, _________ re U lin 0

I ------------------------------ c r . *1 bo ------ ----------- -- V uIIey lc

• _________ S u n V■; 7 ■ , c o m c u nfor. H e IS so n u m b e r

w o rld g e o j r u : . . ,c 6 n tB o i i 21 y c n rf i . o f O u sin t e r n a l p ro b - c h a r g e s { » C l a r k . "Wo .. T h e n i w i th a p ro b - e x c e o d in i

.1 h a v in g th e .1 9 8 6 -8 7 .

n e e m p lo y e e s e d g e d bu •I a lo n g w i th a b o u t 331 m g u r e r e t i r - A f t e r c

g o ^ c n „ t

, - M o u n ta i ru o n h u s in - K e tc h u m ,ye»'S...PJ l P ^ t S __ p p r r n n t n4choi)l’ " J u c k to r s h a d 1

e r a g e r c f u r p r o p o s j i l , t h e r e s o r t u e d ie , ' s a y s M e an w !m . "W e fee l " w a s founc

c r e a t i o n is ih a n d sp e m le c o n s id e r a - L h e-rep e a l

M A C S 1B 2 t l ’*-' " L y p ii _______ I • S e c

itkins sui le confenH e .b i t e d .S t jd l i n g s ' oppo flltii

in N ic n m g u n a a a " lib e r y w h e l h e r S U iI lin g s ’ posil t h I d a h o 's r e s i d e n ts ." I t w a s o u t o f l i n e w i th w h i ," t h e j u n i o r s e n a to r s a id . "S p la in u v o te . lo c o n s t i tu e n U L-clivo w i th w h a t 's w a n t e d b S y m m s u ls o su id h e w ill p r Id e m b B 's 'b ill s u p p o r te d b y '( n . J a m e s M c C lu re . ‘W Jld iT iiu K 8 - |s n -p o 1 ic y ~ i l i i m m s s u id , "I p ro b u b ly w ill v ■Ie uIbo s a id h e w ill t r y to ii l« n j ;u n p e th n tn v i l l TcleUHO

II b l i t n o L u p p r o v e d f o r w Tldt 1 U iin k Ih o ^ H y -w i l l- c o m c -^ n il t h i s w ild e m o sB n o n s e n ^d to d o i s m n n u g e a l l t h i s lc I e s a id w i ld e rn e s s is u It •ps p e o p le u w a y f ro m fo re s i

m a d e u n d t h u t is d is j ju te c i u p s . P l u c in g m o re r o s t r ic l i th o lo g ic u l ly i r r a t i o n n L p u : «

I h u p p o n to b e on t h o s id e e e n o u g t i w i ld e rn e s s in Id a l

---------- FrWay. Ju n o t0 . . l9 a a

Bg r o u p

S e n A lo now , -th o N u t io n u l C a t t l o A o so c ia tio n to - .n g r u a a -U b e - r o p o B l- o f - th e — 'hCTfejr-------------is U ix is p u r t o f. th o n e w tu x low in g e d p re p r o d u c t io n u g r ic u l tu ru l

fn im -- b e in g , im m o d iu te ly d o ­lo b e in g c u p ita l iz c d o n d th o n de - 1 o v e r se% Tral y c u rs . 'T h e n o w sy s- e s f a r m e r s w u it lo n g e r to g e t th c i r ic k f ro n t U ie g o v e rn m i> n t. m m i t le e u lso v o te d to u^-go Id a h o 's n g r e s s io n a l d e le g a t io n to co -spon -

lo r t r e in s U i te m e n t o f c r e d i t for 3ol v o c u tio n a l u g r i c u l lu r e c ln asc s l is s io n a l a ll Id ah o , s t a l e u n iv e rs i-



cAfltJOCiuled P r e s s

!U N V A L L E Y T M b s t w i n t e r v is- •fl to t h i s r e s o r t c o m m u n i ty hov o n h e ro b o fo ro , a n d w h o n th e y 10 b u c k th e y s p e n d m o r o m onoy , o r d in g to a s tu d y c o n d u c tc d by • ' c a t t l e n m r k c U n g "firm , h o r e s u l t s o f t h e s t u d y by C S , a lo n g w ith t h o f i r m 's n jc- n o n d a t io n s fo r f u t u r e S u n Vol- n r o a m a r k e t in g p lo n s , w o ro ro ­i ly d e l iv e r e d to t h e S u n V olloy- c h u m C h a m b e r o f C o m m c r c o , h o f ltu d y is t h e l o to a t o iT o rt by I V a l le y to t r y to r c c l a i m ita .• -p ro m in e n t p la c e i n t h o n a - u l s k i s c e n e .^ i l o th o 6 5 -p p g e r o i r o r t eon- 8 f e w H u rp r in e s , J o h n W oIIb , a JOrty m u n u g e r a n d p r e s i d e n t o f S u n V u lle y -K o lc h u m C h a m b e r io m m o rc o . s a id i t p r o v id e s u so -

i n f o r m u t io n fo r a d v e r t i s i n gl e g i o s . - .........- - - - - ...................M o ro t h a n a n y t h i n g e ls o , i t • - D tu n tia te d th o n B R u m p tio n s ... u l o t o f UH h o d m a d o o v e r th o ■HC o f o u r b u s in c sR c o r e o r s h o ro >un V n lle y a b o u t o u r v is i to r s ,"Is H tiid.'. t b r o u g h t m o re c le a r l y . . . t h a t lu v e to c o ril in u o to w o rk h o r d ,~ ^w o rk h a r d e r in t h e f u t u r e , to ------------.

in o u r r e p e n t g u o B ta ," h o s a id . ___ ^

b e lie v e , a t in t r o d u c in g S u n ly to n e w s k ie r s ."n V n lle y C o . m a n n g o m c n t h n s ___________

un d c i^ f i r e fo r a a lido - i n t h o ‘3o r o f s k i e r s s in c e 1 9 8 2 . A ro-U oiao S t o l e U n iv e rB ity .C o l le g o ----------------B u s in e s s s tu d y b u t t r e s s o d :e s o f lu x m a n u g e m c n t .? n u m b e r o f flk io r d a y s , a f l o r . . . d in g 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 in th o 1 9 8 1 -8 2□___a l u m p r d _ t o - 2 S a , 0 0 0 —in ---------—87 . T h o n u m b e r , h o w e v e r ,I b u c k u p l o s t s e o s o n , t o t a l i n g 3 3 0 ,0 0 0 , W ells s a id .

a r c o r id u c t in g 9 3 9 in t e r v i e w sn u a r y. F c b n m ry - a n d - M a r c h ------------- ---lo k o u t R e s t a u r a n t o n B o ld t a i n a n d G iu c o b b i S q u a r e in u m , M A C S f o u n d t h a t 6 4 .6I t. n f .Sim .................-a d b e e n t h e r e b e fo r e . T h e ov -

r e p c u t v i s i to r h u d b e e n to s o r t 1 3 .3 t im e s , in w h ile , t h o f i r s t-U m o v is i to f lu n d to t r a v e l le s s f r e q u e n t ly p e n d le s s on v a c a t io n s t h n n p e a t v is i to r . .Z S a ls o devjL 'loped a p r o f i le o f y p ic u l " w in t e r v is i to r to S u n . ic c R E P O R T o n P n g o B 2

ipportrencef lltio n tq f u n d in g t h o C o n - ' " ---------ib e r a l" vote, b u t w o u ld n 't >OHilton w ns in c o n s is te n t

w h a t w a s g ood fo r A m e r i - 1. "S o m e L im c s y o u h 'u v o to ,L-nts. I t 's a m u t t e r o f p e r - >d b y c o n s t i tu e n ts ."I p r o b a b ly v o te o g o in s t aby G ov. C e c il A n d r u s n n d , ,

i l l v o te u g u in s t i t ." lo a m e n d th e b ill , a s k i n g ISO In n d u n d e r c o n s id e r ii- ” "T ld o r n e s s s o o n e r -----------— . - I - ---------n e -w h o n -p e o p le -s v iU -lo o k ' -------------i s e n s e n n d su y w h n t w o ' is l a n d ," S y m m s s a i d . *a lu n d d c s ig n u t io n t h a t * r e s t s , u c la im h o h u s o f- •J te d b y e n v i r o n m e n t a l i s t ........ t ________•iclions on fo rest l a n d is I hi: suid, * '

ide n f U m t i«ann _______Id a h o ," h e sn id . t

18 . •• Tlmos-Nows. Twin Fotta, IcJafio

Page 10: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

■a-2 Timor,Nows,TWini

"'“ “ P r o s e aW A S H IN G T O N (A l'

f c i c n i l 'p r»M 'c»«)r_________ O i t i {;r<• s;i td c ru c k (3iiw

p o m ' i)iirv.'.vur.-. ii i id ” ciibrc* Ic l. 'v is io ii iiy n o w jin t i-p y n io i;r ;i[ jiiy b y till- iid m in if

U .S . A tto rn c v H rcii in )i , . l . i l . 'm t - ia [u-r(ir.

• .IiK iic iiity (^ .i i in i iU f f........ ■ I h i i t U it b ill w uu ld p n

n r s U U n i t Um b io u tl a u t y i)y 'c iili li' m u l s iih sc r

W nnI till- t.i'«U .S . i i t to rn c y s (I

t o jin i-ncciitr T V o hsccn

CoU!si(W K N D K L L - 'T i j . !

'I V i i i CiM iirv i . i U.-niiilvMm'n wi l y ’I 'li iir sd iiy ivlu-ii l i i l I c j i r IravL 'litij: Llic w n iiit liT-iUit.' Hi:

- - I lc id i lk - iiip li 't iu m , : K a lU , .iifc l iif liT l)L-inf' I S l . Ik -n c < lia 's F a m ily

n x ; r ’ i r r .k T n m f ; Id ah o S• hTTu}. cu/Jisiiiti occii)

1 2 ;.'i0, u n d I lc n ip l e s s tliHii nn lio iir Im rr.

l,('(.n H (jw ard . (iO. ( ---------- w » H - d r iv r t . | ! - h i i - IH 7 a -

: C r ^ a/ I 'l l -K K • .’IV o Im Ilt w

i»<jiiri‘(l W id iK 'sd iiy wlioi (!<)lli(lcil in u n inlorsL’ct soiH licuM l o f h o rc . olTiciii

M uW A n tic L in to l ti , ri lu -u ii i t i ju r i i 's u n d w tm t t.() th c M uj'ic V u llry Olll (^fiiU ’r w lu -re wht- wi }'()i)d c o n d ilio n T Iu irs d u A n d rL -aso ti. l ( j . w us Uil

-O b itu

' ' '

H e i d i 'M e m p l e i n a h

T W IN FALLS - Heidi H------V20.-«.f-Twin-Follwr<li(Hlcnrl’

n jo rn in jf . Ju n n I). 1»88, ofTi minc-ti in iin-automobilo no Wonii.-ll.

H orn J u ly .M l 19B7. in 1

a to d from 'INvin F hIIk HiRl' _ ' j S S f i . D uring h ifh Hcliool n

'■ t i 'v ir in U EOCA 'nnd in lh<r' I liK h School (jrclii'.sinu Shu th o T j^ in C inem a in Tw in Fi

Sh('griuliii>t<'(l rnim (h r Ir • T pchn iciii Ji 'i'riKlc School

.U n iv iirx ilj’ w here nhe wnf c rin iin iil ju s iii 'f .

S h e . had worked .it ih f >utc-rinliniHO.

~ S erv i■ i ■

---- — n i! l- ll, — .Thu-fMii.-».|l furli r r ^ . yi*. of Huhl. whn dici w in hf a t ■» p m111.' I '.irm .'r iMiniTiO Chiipe H iirin ! will I'oilow n l Sui>»<'l I 'i . r k ii> I'win FalU Fni'nd. a t th i ' rh ap c i IiKiav un lil 1 f u in ih -u>.;k..-ts i.R'inoi-ial l io n s t.i th r A rth rili- Foui Id n li... 701) Hohbinn K<l., Suii 8 370^ .

... m .-iJI.K Y - T h - fu .irra l 7i». oi' llurlcv.

■ M oriciav. .n i l 1„. conducted S aU lr.inv a t ihc Vi..w W

- - C h r tp r L - H o n a l w,I| h r in C .-iii .'t. IV. F ri.’nil'. inav call loc-lxV F iliirra l lio n ir ,n. Dui

, . f ro m r> I.> .S.-id p i>i , and nt t* ^ S .it iiiihiy cair hinir p rjo rm ti;

............ I ’C JC iTELLO ..Th'. fu'H(-b.-."t .1. \V. r,',. Ill'w lu . (Ii. tl .Suiuiav. w,;i bo nm •J I. rn tm iav a t llu ‘ llihk (.:ln]T(h, 2nd Av.- h i.I.t< vi.-w in,; .in.- h .m r pn,.i- lo Hi ,,1 lh .. ,-h iinh . liu r^ il will I T w in F/.il-. r .-n i. 't-rv , Tin- II F u n .T a l ii .im r in I’acMt.'l

. --------------------------M A(;u;-VAi,'i,------------------ -------------- MEDICA

- • A dnMi;:. AiicuIc .Mtndi'i of Kimix

Mr.. N .air,.III Wi,^-ht ..f Fih'r; Sllll rt.- ufMtiitd.jkii. I.M Tiivlorof .Miiik.iv. C.M O Hnlm .)!'HMbl; anh.Tly,

. ----------------- . . . ----- RclcLilJic AIIlh. DuIIr' Jnhn.Hon and

niiil A n firu i and .Mrn, 2'hillip Ellit S andr;. Wil.-i.n an d Clyrio .\I>cni. I

n irSufi-- tl, .Mr jiiutM rr' AniadiiM.v

vin Fnlls. Jdoho FrWoy, Juno 1

SitoiTwain:AIM - U t a h 's t o p flnm c wiir h a s i i r j 'c d in v o lv in iJinvn on “ d i a l - a - a n d v idem l“ (>;i:;7iTCy'on Hir Ha:y s u p p o r t in { ' a e n exisLiiiiy b ill p ro p o H c d o b u c cn cin i s t r a t i o n , a m indor e n t W a r d .sa id in d c -ccn tforc' t h c S u n u t o . ont-H, wI f f W c d i i f s d t iy m c a n o r .p ru h ib iL f o r t i i c " I . s p o

s c r ip t io n I f l c v i - proHCcuU W a rd Na

i.i'w b ill w o u ld b f t- n hIoi i th e c u p a b i l i t y cu L io n s. 1 c c n i ty c asc .s t h c Hi(jn o f ci

ion killsH! d a u i ’h l c r o f d o o r c a s t

C m n ii i is h io n o r In tu r« U itj wuH k il l e d c a r : h e H lriiek il b c iid -o n b y a S u b a r u , ou t; w a y o n I n - c q u ip m i.T

w a s ta k e : ;i, 2 0 ; o f ’I \v in { 'io n a l Me ■1C t a k e n to t h e H ospiU : y M c d ic a l ( r e n - n o o n lis tc10 S t i i t c - T n l i c p — d i t i o n :-----.c u r r e d a n i i^ n d .C p l . P h n ip ie in a n d ie d in i ; ofTlceIZ:_________________ le rc d ._ .i i_I. o f G o o d in f '. H o w u r d 'a 7H—K o rd —f o n r-— h o s p i t n l r '

* w o m e n w e r e H um e hosf'l io n l h e i r c a r s I c a so d .le c lio n n m i l e T h e aciic ia ls H aid. ( i:0 5 p .m ,I. r n , H u ffe rc d c o u n ty ronIS ( .ra iiH p o r tc d E a s t , l e j 'io n a l M e d i-' w an l i s t e d in A ndroHHsd ay . (’y n t h i a l a t io n , w aU iken to t h e ;3800 N o rt l

v a r i e sI ■ Su rv iv ing

i . M arv;< F a U i; tw o b . 7 u n d JolT H

ono « o f Tw in L aV em o

T ho funor S o lu n

C hapo l in 1 K onno th H

. m cR t wilt f(P j - J R

Q |||& } a 'OAKLEY

\ o fO a k lo y . 1988 . a l t h (

' ' ■ M tirtnuR h,• ^ ( * * * ^ B o m M on

B m oved from^ lo 'O nk loy in» HChOOlB,

s h r w w H J ' o n J n n . 13, 1

11 Ik -m p lom on , L D S Tem ple

i)T irfluricM'HUs- E D S X h 'e f^ iiccidont n o n r R e lie f Societ

Hidcnt. StAki n T w in Fnlln , R c lio f viHitir

liRh School in wnH n m em b1)1 nbi’ wuH ac> U tn b Pionooihe T w in Fnlln ' O rtkloy HinteShe w orkod n t SurtfivinRn Falla. "Kully" Poull<• Induritrin l & P o u lto n o f Mlool in Hoine, L«“c (I iu lh lM i BiiiiH! Su ilt! , »>'-o,th.-'r, Jo h twnn s tu d y in g 17 grundchil'

. d re n ; n n d HC\If M ann T ho- d re n . S h e wi

h e r hunbnnd

rur-C m i:.Mi»i- canrK e qi nrdic’d Sundny ! niiiy Do miiUiTp m . todnv n l SinKlon C lubnpel in Ik jh l. f ' i l o Speeial ii^ot .Mi-morial ]\rd .;yn ,D rive

i l ' 'r i M n 'T h - R U P E R T -rial c iin irihu - L. Vc-nlxini,•ountii.iioa o f M ondav , willS u ito 1. H ois.' to d a y a l tho C

C 'hurch . Uuri/ C onio terj'- Ft

ral for l-lm .-r cv. w ho diedtod a l 1 p .m . c l l 'T K '- f fa r r r

W /.rii I D S w iH hm nynin l.I., l lu ' View Vcr

•all a l M cCul.IJurh.y U.dny nt h . c h » re h

‘ w ho died Tuo- - - n t 10 n .m . tod

fun.-ral f.,r Ch.ip.-I in Twi111' {’.x-al.-lio. low j i t ' i p.m,nm d u c tcd i.i i„ rv . Fri.-ndn rihlu nai.tiH i <i„v from a ii.{,I..r<.n>,-, w .ih r ,.„ ,-n .l.■.) lllp NcTviCi’dl bc in lh e CA REY -

ii.-iid .Tson H -im -y P "rke .it.'lln IN Ul T u o sd n y . will

kl.I.RY H K<;K)NAi7--C A L C E N T F,R ---------------------\d m J ttc r t-----------------rniwrly; Svlvin HjiU’iolil of Jori it ; M .-rnll of Ruport; fi r ..r i !u r l. 'y , Mr«. R onald Chislmi ; and .Mn., W ilham M.ll/inp of }

t c l r n s c d ■ ------------ "■ —and Liiidu Q um tun . a ll o f Duhl; Ellin nnd dnuK hl.-r. bo th of Jero r<i. both o f T w .n F n lln; Hnindi O'

liirthHMl. ndo2 of K im horlv; .Mr. and ^

10 10. 1908

nts crackidw a y th e y n o w h a n d le thoBi

' i n i ' p r in t e d m ii tc r ia lH , m ovic iideo cu aB c tte a . _______Haid th c liHl w o u ld HlrengCIv isU nf? f e d e r a l la w b y m a k in g le d ia l- a * p o r n u fe lony , r a th e i id o m c a n o r o f fe n s e . S cx u a ll> Mit c a l ls , r a t h e r t h a n obHcenc

w o u ld r e m a i n a m isde-

ip o u k tu .y o u n u w u s th c o n ly itt f im e v HQ f n r lo a t te m p t to u te a d ia l-H -p o rn co m p an y ," s a id . " T h e f a c t t h a t 1 h a v e d o n e in b r in f jin K su c h prone- s . h o w e v e r , ih n o l ho m u c h a f d i s i n le r c H l .h y th e D e p a r t -

i Heidi Hi s t in th e w e s tb o u n d liincH of jiL c 8 4 _ n e iir _ W o n d e ll w h e n i c k 'H e n ip Ie m u n 't t u i r . a 1961 1. P o lice u s e d e x tr ic a t io n l e n t lo. r e m o v e H o w a rd , '.yho k e n to lh e . M a fj ic V tillcy R e- M e d ic a l C e n te r . liUil o f fic in N T h u r s d a y aflt^r- s le d H o w a r d in s e r io u s con*

P a t M o o n e y , t h c in v c a tifra t- icer. s a id ofTicialH a d m in is*1 1 ^ljlflfldj.Ucpha]— lest— to .I 'a fU - r h e w u h l4 iken lo th c l r T h o 'r c H a l t f l“ h n d ‘ n o l U o e ir

ljuries to IoapiU il a n d t r e a t e d a n d rc*

a c c id c n t o c c u r r e d a ro u n d m , a t t h c , i n t t r a c c l io n o f roadH nSO b N o r l h u n d 2 3 0 0

MiHon, c i lc d f o r u IrafTlc vio- w a s d r iv in B w e s tb o u n d on i r th w h u n 's h o f a i l e d to y io ld -

5 - --------------------------------—

ng o re: ho r p a re n ts , M r. and irv in H o m p le m an o f Twin0 b ro thers . D nnn Hemplorrlnn

H cm plem an , b o th o f Twin.0 diater, Kasiiio H om plem nn Falls; h o r (rrnndm othor, Mrs. S choth of Jo rom o . noral will bo conduetod at- 1 u rdoy u t R oynoldn F u n e r a l ' n Tw in Fa lla , w ith th o Rov.

■Himpio o tn c ia t in g .. Inter*1 follow a t S u n flc t M emorial

* o u lto niY - Lola T odd Poulton. 93, y. died W ednosdoy , Ju n e 8 , . th e hom o o f h o r d a u g h te r in j h.foreh 7. 1896, in D riggs, she Dm Driggii to P a r k e r nnd thon ' in_I^10, w horo oho nltended

m w o ? 9 rg < rR re K » M -p < n n re ir^ 3 ,1 9 1 3 , in th e S n k U k e City pie.

^ r~»yn erc n r ie l iu d acrvcd oii riety p ron idont. P r im a ry pre- .ake R dliof S oc ie ty aecre tary. iting to n c h o r,.S u n d o y Bchool .

m ber o f tho D au g h to rn of tho lOorM nnd wnn involvod in thointorical Socie ty ........ ...ig n re: tw o .Bonn. Ralph - ju lton of O ukloy a n d Bill R. fM n lta ; ono d n u g h to r , Mm.) MiithowH o f M u rta u g h : ononhn C- Todd n f P rovo . Uta h ; ’__:hildrcn; 41 gronl-grnndchit- Hcven RTont-great-grandehil* wan p receded in d e a th by

ind, tw o Honn, 10 brolhers

urningeniontH . Momnrinlit SUu' t'O' t tTB O n to C rty -C m ttin»—."Cub of Pocalollo o r th o Poca- ' t al Olyriipicn P roR ram . 1C37 c ive. Pocatello 83201 . . d

ir■ — T lio fu n e ru l for Robert I, 21, o f R u p o rt, w ho died •ill be conducted u t 11 n.m.,0 C ontro CriH tinno Spnninh . T urial will bo in th e Ruport

Fricndn m ny cn ll n t tho p ior to th o fu n ern l. The , fiirtunry in R u p o rt in in . irrnnKom ontn. F riendu who iinke m em oriaU in b e h a lf of C entura a l th e F i ra t Inter- in D u * ,v . ■ ■

M L S - T lio fu n e ra l for T ucker. 9G. o f T w in Fnlln,

'uondiiy,-w ill bo conduetod . .1 todny n t R eyno ld s Funcrn l E ' rw in Fnlln. B u r ia l wiil fo|. wi m, nt"TTic G roenTonf Come- ' n't In mny cnll n t th e chaprl_ to ._ wi n.m. u n til th o tim e .o f.U io . Tx'

th ' U l

TIu' fum -nil for .lahn Th ■ke. f>:3. n f C n rcy , who died bu ill bc conductod n t 'J p.m. ^Ch

— Norm an'AV rinht'of FilfT!'------------ M ackuy; dauK-hl(ir» to Mr,

nnd Mr. nnd Mrn. JaniVn Aloromo;; Rynn CAih«m ofafK im - Florence Crouch and E

WriKht o f H eybum ; nnd W

■*‘‘;C d. G lenn j^ iynn Kin erome; jju rjey; Josephine Miller; ° “ ™ ba m ,___________________

d Mrn. A baby to Mr. nnd Mrn. >

down onlo a e m c n l o f Ju B tice a s i t v ie s t h o la w h a s be en in a c

_____ A r c c e n t a t t e m p t t[jCIv a 'deq iiu 'cy w aa p u s t in g H clm H -D lilcy B ill, Hi •h e r b y P rc n id e n t R e n g u n . a l ly " H o w e v e r , e v e n H e n e H crio u n ly d e fic ie n t i n i )de- n a p c c t i" h e s a id . '.'.U i

o b s c c n e d iii l-a -p o rn i in ly , b o - p u h iu K u b lo '- on l>

__ p io i in o rs .; ’___________ny," ■ W h e n ih c H c im a -B a v o a lu d i e d by ConRTCSS »He- D e p i t r l m c n t s tr o n g ly h a d iu l- a * p o rn b e ' p u n ii i r t - f e lo n y , h e aa id .

Plempler4 o f o b t a in e d by la te T h i le n n o o n ,- a n d th e iiccidc )S1 u n c ju r in v e a U g u t io n . . io n P o l ic e cIoBcd th c h if ,'ho b o u n d la n en fo r a p p r Re- h o u r lo c le a n u p ih c w

f a u t la n e r e m a in e d cloi e r - a .m .jn* _ H e m p k m u n w u s _ ■' p o lite" a u ld — lit* n o t w e a r in g h ia s e u t l is* p in n e d u n d e r th c d a s h - to ____ .h e H c m p le m a n .w au .u e « B o i» e ~ S ta tF IJ n !v e r5 I ty

Filer wor*c* a t a s to p sig n a n d H tr_____w h o . WiiB B o u th b o u n d .oi d -n T w in F n lls C o a n ty o f L in c o ln 's car, n 198100 H h i / .e r , ' n tid s idow uyH

o n c o .

o- A n d rc a s o n 's c ar, u - 15 )n T b p tiz , a n d th e B lu z e r % Id . t a l c d i Uio d e p u ty s u id .

1 a n d (lister*, two grondd- tw o ^ o d t-g ra n d ch ild ro n .

T h o funeral will be com p .m . S a tu rd ay a t th o O S ta k o C enter, w ith B iah

, C r a n n o y officiating. B u rin th o O ak ley Ccmotory.

F r ie n d s maj* cnll a t th o : tu u r y In Burley todoy from a n d o t the church S a tu rd s p r io r to tho funeral.

Irene M. Powson- K IM BE RL Y - Irene M.,:

o f K im berly , died W odnoI n o o n , Ju n e 8, 1966, a t hci I c a r d ia c arrest.

B o m Ju ly 28,-1020. in C t N o b ., th e daughter o f C M a ry Klingnieck Burnn. sl m n n y ycnrs in Tw in Fall l iv e d , 'i n Kimberly for tl

'^ 'y o Q r s . '. ■■■.■S h o m arried W illinm T.

D oc. 10, 1943, In Tw in Fnl----- o n D ec. 11,-1983. —

S u rv iv in g are; two nonn, P a w tio n o f H oybum and La so n o f Filer; one da u g h

. A n d e rso n of Evanston. Wy----- UwW JW Uft^Carnion.ofTwii

E ln io P roligh, formerly o f : a n d n in e grandchildren. SI

' c e d c d in d e a th ' by ono- g r a n d n o n and two ha lf b ro tl

T h o funeral will be cond p .m . 'S a tu rd o y n t \Vhit* W T w in Fa lls , w ith the Rev.

__nny ofTlci'nling. Bun'nj w illT w in Fulla Cemetery.

F n o n d s may cnll a t th o m d n y f ro m 3 to 6 p.m., and Sn t i l noon .

S o tu rd u y a t the Carey LDS T 7T C rcm ntton-«n il-prrc« le~ ih .

T h o nnhoB will bc-jscottorod C u ro y Valle;). A rrangem en t d o r th o d irection of Wood Riy in H o ilo y .- i

K IM B E R L Y - Tho funert gon o M . W hite. 86. of K im b

' d iod M ondny, will bu conduc a .m . S n tu rd a y n t W hite : C h a p e l in Twin Fnlla. In to ri follow in Sunset M emori F r ie n d s m av call a t tho m or d a y f ro m 3 to 8 p.m. Tho fa; gcfltn m em orial contribution

. AgoicHH.Senior Citizen C onte bo r ly o r thc K im berly ( C h u rc h .

. D U H L - Tlie funcrnl for E v an n , 70 . of Uuhl, who d ied ' w ill bo conductcd n t 2 p .m . i oTU io F ik rM ii'iironhry Chui-c w ill b*r in Sunnct Momorinl T w in F n lla : iVrrnngcmcntd ai th o d ire c tio n of thc F a rm er C B u h l . N u public viewing ia T ho fn n illy (tURKcntn m em orif b u tio n n to th e Filer Mi C h u rc h bu ild ing fund.

I*r:-nnd M 7 n n d Mrn' Ronold ( Mr: u n d Mrn. Willinm Millnup o.

Vn A rb n u g h of Jerom t.

C A S S L \ MEMORLU- A d m itte d

d E n r iq u e ta Pndron. both of Bu idW ila rd Y atfsofM nltn.

R e le a se d King nrid baby nnd Edward Tn Her o f R upert; nnd Amy Thum t

B i r thrn, Jo e l W righ t of Heyburn______

Meiporn 7,fo

top uid<i t is n s ig n t h n t u t M e d a d e q u a t e . " d „ y th i. to c u r e t h c in - e d g e " t l i s s n g c o f th e f in u n c c s ig n e d r e c e n t l y E d i th f'- c iu l UBBH c lm s - B l i l e y ia n o r . tolc n o n e i m p o r t a n t c ru l. km U n d e r ‘t h i s , la w , . JJ30J1 k r

m e a a u g e s w ill lo a n ." ily « « m is d o * T h e d_____________________ le a r n e d ,•B lilc y B i l l w n s t h o u g h 98, t h e J u s t i c e t h a t d e ’ :ly u r g e d t h u t p ro v id e c n i s h u b lc u a a

Beman -co' f lu b jc c t

■ h u rsd a y n O c r - C h ie f T l i d e n t r e m u t j ie d P o n T

\ h ia concl ig h w u y s w e k * a p p r o v e e r o x im a t£ ly ^ ) n _ _ c o n flic ts ,

w re c k a g e , '^ l e P o l lu n loB cd u n l i l 3:45 Ht-cJ Qq

.T a y l o r It _ w c u r in g h o r p e r m i t w —H d w u rf ':.w H H — 'I’n y J o r f i t b c i t u n d waH o n c o f i h ' ^ h b o u rd .

------------------ C o r

m e n ......., , i n g fu lh c ;

t r u c k L in c o ln , -jo n 2 3 0 0 E u » l , . , t i

ih ir iB ’ lik183 ChevroluL „“ “ "«< I’ iPP'-'*! » o m c t.n o

to c d u c a l : W a l ts 1

1 9 8 7 M e r c u r y s t u a r l , b r w e r e b o th lo-

Re, I • C o n

/ V a lle y : a ■ Ich ild ron a n d '. le g e g r a d i

h o m e a m .nd iic lod o t 2 S 8 I .„ ( ,o ,

? S I n . i i d t l

t<;^ v isito r0 P a y n e M or- - n i e a s u r in i m O to 8 p .m ., v e r t i s in g •day ono h o u r f a c to r s vi,“

t r a v e l to tl

A s p a r ^I.,Ptiw«on. 67. a t t r a c t , vi) nead'uy ufVor- h u y an '.'e i, l e r h o m o o f a . t i o n a l sk i

e x to l l in g t G ra n d Is la n d ... . o i i i o s iiP tl C h n rlo s a n d v e r l i s i n r ii aho lived for . , - '*

n ils n n d hndth e pnnt 10 / m e s a s .

r . Paw aon on '^nlls. H e died

nT C H uH eflT ir ' 1 7 ^L arry L. Pnw- ?h tor, G loria ■Vyo.; tw o nia-

^ ^ i n FaUaT^ B IS ho w na pro- ■1 a ia to r, one ' sthe rn . I nduc tod a t IM o rtu a ry in

K G rog Lind- I ill hx iri t h p W ________

m o rtu a ry to- S a tu r d a y un-

- II is....... ..................[ ■

DS C h u rch . ,

od ovor th c ■ . | n n ta a r e un- ■ ■:i|’c rC hni>el ■ ^

:rn l fu r Eu- ■ nborly, who •ucted 11 H ^< M o rtu n ry H ^Drmont will ■trial Piirjc. H Oiortunry<*io-fam ily aug- ^ong to th o H,t(!rJn ,K im - ! ■

ir Jo h n H. I r ed Tuondny, ■ , VI. S n lu rd n y Hi-cK. B u ria l • ■ --------- fXni P n rk in _ ■ • . , wa re u n d e r H ,

' ChnpcI in a p lanned .rini c o n tri- I 'l 'Minnionnry

H i

.................i Ghiflhnm ofI u r K i o iU T iy rM j • ^ —

3urlcy; D arla H j :

....................... H | ■Tnylor. all o f H jmton o f Hey- H '____________

echam aide slO B N IX , A n?:. (A P ) - A Ton l id e lo E v a n M e c h a m tc s t i l e c h u m V c r im in u l t r i a l T in t h n t i t w a s ' ' g e n e r a l k n o ■ .th a t h e b o r ro w e d S 350 ,0 .0( icc h ia .lO fiG c a m p a ig n . i th - I l ic h u rd s o n , w h o w a s s ^BBi8t^ ln l to t h e f o r m e r gov o ld t h e j u i ^ , " I f e l l i l w a s g k n o w le d g e .. . I t w a s j u a t ct; k n o w le d g e , t i i u t t h e r e , w u t

c d e fc n a c w i tn e s s te s t i f i e d f c d , p r o b u b ly _ c u r iy _ in .I i) a 7 _ : h . s h e w a s n o t c c r l i i i n w h i d e v e lo p e r B a r ry W o lfso n h [led th e m oney .

e e r ------C o n t i n u e d f r o m P n f{ c B l: t to t h e a p p ro v a l _oT F T lia y n e 'H iy lo r .1 P o l la r d o f P o c a te l lo vo ie ) n c e rn t h a t T u y lo r m a y r v e hiw p e rm i t b c c a u s c o f p i : l s . ,_ ...........u r d , th e r e g io n a l m a n a g e r I D ev il K irew o rk .s , a a id Lh• lo ld h im l a s t y e a r t h a t I t w o u ld n o t h r a p n ro v p d 11( \• fo u n d ~ illen a T " fT r(Jw o rk s ■■ lh e R u p e r t b o o th s .

i i t t s ~ =O T itin u c d f r o m P a R e B l

ird in g to A lle n , few p e o p w h o -I lo b e r t . S t u u r l . u .J u u ii i h e r o f t h e O re g o n T r a i l , w a ; iieaa h e w a s a p ic Jn ec r w l

t h r o u g h U u‘ a r e a - o r «oni. l ik e th a t ." A lle n s a y s .H m o re a p p r o p r i a t e It) hon» l e w h o h a s d c d ic a tc d h is lil r a tio n ."■s a a y s h e w ill m is s K ohet , h u t is e n th u s i a s t i c abo i)

3port—o n t i n u e d f r o m P a g e B l a 4 0 y e a r o ld . m a r r i e d co! i id u a le w i lh tw<i c h i ld r i 'n a lind a n - a n n u a l ' in c o m e i> ). ,d d i l i o n to id e n t i f x in g tli< e n s l i c s o f -S u n V a lle y w in :o rs , th e s tu d y w a s a im e d »■ in g th e e fr e c t iv e n e s s u f a d :g a n d d e t e r n n n in g - w h a t v is i to r s u s e d in d e c id in g l< [) t h e r)2 -y e a r-o ld r e s o r t .

i r l o f i t s n i i i rk e t i i jg f lT o r t I. v iK itors, l h e c h a m b e r w ill .e ig h l-p i ig e ii i s i - r t in a n;i- sk i in a g u z in e t h i s w in t e r g th e v i r tu e s n n d o p p n rU i- r t h e r e g io n , W e lls s a id . A d- g a ls o is p la n n e d for r e g io n - >ns o f s u c h n a ti.m il l n ia g ii- M S p o r ts I l l u s t r a t e d . T im e

i o L i f e I n s

t t h e m o s t i life i n s u r a n t

Fei f e l in e .

W ■ l - J . - U U l - l . . J - .1. . I- - - - - - -

U l t i m a t e s i3 - w ; i y . - b e n e f i t : d e a t t

t i o n a t i n t e r e s t - s e n s i i

An Accelerated Be equal to 2 5 % o f o f most life-threate attack , coronary ;

Tht.- AccL-ic/.'fitn) Benefit p to the policyowner iinc restrictions on th e useLifeline’ Ulliniatc ti l h e on fjo!icy H\-t! <an p io v K lc 11' w h en they 're needed ri<-iintng {he ((=<<.Mionai pro; .itlvaniarjfs o n l y interest-s m sL ifc ince c .^n o li f i

P rofbsslonal E c b h d m l ■ P.O. 80X 1234. Twin I

says loan wcfo rm e r " E v e r y o n e k n e \H tificd th e e a m p a 'ig n ." tilr im r s - n ia j i ) r . l o a n , M r s . Icn o w l- f le d . O th e r w i tn c b s e a

te s t i f ie d t h a t th e yK s p e - s o m e g e n e r a l k n o vgover* b u t t h a t t h e y d id ns gen* -Was t h e s o u r c e . •. c o m - O n e p r e v io q s dLVUH -u D c a n .S e l lo r s , w h o i

n o te ti> b a c k p u r t o:d Bho flud W o d n e s d u y h eM7 111- f lu ' t i m o I h i i t fl \ynw h e n , b u n k a n d t h u t h e 1 h a d W o lfa tm 's ro le .

, F o r m e r l o p M ech

P o l la r d i n s i s t e d I _!• i r e . - i H e f j a l - f t r c w o r k s - l r

. . w o rk e r s w i l j i , tl;ic H £ £ J _ 4 lm L _ L h e y _ w o u ld b if B in ic , w h e r e f ir c w o

P ‘*^t „ r c l e s s s t r i n g e n t .- S in c o h e is lice

‘■•r fo r d i s t n h u lo r , P o l la r d t h a t a l lo w e d to k e e p illej:

*• h i s h a n d to b e s o ld oul

” > s t a t i n g th e y w ill 1 c r a c k e r s a c r o s s th e t

I t h e f u tu r e . "1 d o n 't lo p le W o rk in g . I ’n i j u s t chtiu n d r ......... W u t lS - w ilL J u u n c hrtfiis. c a r e e r by w o rk in g w h o w^ho l a k e s s t u d e n t s )n i( .- - -W a tlK KuvK h o 's ih a s ) "W e in p h o lo g r a p h y fiir si.

o n o r " T liis is a g o o d m : lifc> c o n ia c t w i th k id s ," h

a b le lo s la y in t h e s h e r t w i th o u t h a v in g a l l t lio l it t i v i l i i 's l ik e h a l lg a n

* a n d N e w s w e e k , co l- W e lls s u id the- C h aII a l n ie rc e h a s b u d g e te d I o f I p r o m o te th e e n t i r e ' a

jii.-il S u n V alley , a n d th e , , c a m p a ig n to r a i s e i

v in - $•’ .■(),0 (10.

a d - i g i J g j g j g M a f g j g j a / ^

!to I Valley '

.: . : O Pt e r § T h u r s d a y , J•tvi- i•\d - S S a t u r d a y , J i

| a is sh o u

i s u r a n c e I s

i t e l i im m x ju U .

revolutions ice since lifF e a t u r e d i n t l i e T i m i

1 9 B 8 & i n t i n e W a i l S

s t in e o n l y .life in su tc n r 3 t t i - b e D c f n p r o t e c t i o r

i s i t i v e r a t e s p l u s ■

3eneflt w hich maki if t h e p o l ic y 's faitenlng, catastrophi / a rte ry surgery, kl

[ pays cash directly .:incl iM c 'c v i/e no se of th e money.o n ly l/ri.- inM .jf.'u ice ' living benefits d m ost, w h i l e tT)cii(i- irotc*c{>(.)r^~ivitnjs s t - s e n s d iv e lilt.-

' _

jm lc 'S e rv lco s Inc. !• in Falls. Id. 83303 i__________________________ I


'as common hlew ... a n y o n e in C a r lsy t t iu i l th e ro w a s a til le d

R ic h a rd s o n t e a t i - ' t r e s s e d th e lo a i

: a i n th e t r i u l i i i i v c E v a n ey m uy h a v e h j id jw a s hij ow le d g e o f a lo a n , t r c a s u r n o l k n o w W o lfa o n c e a l ia g

m e n ts rd c fe n a e w i ln e s a . M e an

0 s ig n e d U.S1Q.OQO . to o k n .I o f tlie lo a n , t e a t i - H ose M

le h a d a s s u m e d a t a i o i r u l /iULEorning. fro p i a w a s to 1 h e d id n o l k n o w fo rd 's ti

s h e s ti lc h a m a id e D o n n a feC ls fro

1 l h a t h e g a v e tli l i M iiyoi •to a p a i r o f h i s • a p e a k w c u n d e rs l J in d in g th e m ee b e _ tu lu iu _ o u t o f l e r n e x t

v o rka r e g u ln t io n a 'f h e c a h e a d U

c e n se d w ho leK iile o i ty 's p a d s a id t h a t h e i s a f re e go e g a l f lr c w o rk a o n 'I 'lie c lU l o f a tu to o r to c h a n f ie ds g n - ra ir -n R id ifv - jt: -T irhedtiin

b e la k in g f l r '> A sso c ia l i : b o rd e r . a n d th e I

' t in te n d to i j u i t m u s ic pc:h a n g in g jo b a ." W atCs. :h . . in lo .u .a c c o n d _ . looks..R >ri; w ith a f r i e n d h o le s in 1, sch oo l pic ture.H . h i s wife-.i< licpn in to r o s to d - " I 'n i.-a is e v e ra l y e u rs . greyliD tiriw a y lo sU iy iii sImiI g rc ;h e aiiys. " I 'l l b e tn ic K s irschool b u s in e s s O re / io a . "th e o u ts id e a e - h o u n d tr;

lin e s , m e e t in g s , to s e e on i'

'H ic chil ia n ib e r o f C o m - »-x(ensiv?- e d 8 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 to a im e d . a l c iim m u n ity , n o l w h o w ri te d h u s sU ir te d a in t; in la n i

a n a d d i t io n a l 'lO.OOl) pci a n n iiu lly .

Chrisfilan [ Pre Schoc

» E N H O IJune 9fh - From 7

a / s olune 11th - From 1)up Ave. W.. Twin Falls

s W o r t h P j

| l />—

f i n a t ilarv a«lvanc( fe insurancenes-News Reach Se Street Journai & Mo

tnnce policy to offer Dn and tax-deferred c.

kes an Im mediate c 'ace a m o u n t upoi hIc Illnesses (cancer, kidney failure)

■ For <)tIcliIion..Hl iMroriii,iii f e iu f n I h e o a b c h c c i (;oi

CALL NOV ............... ALL THE-P



-JA W IE S ^R ^L O l--------3 r d -F lo o f - lr ir£ l . .!n lc rs l________________ T w in F a lls ,-1

. JACKSON NATION.'Vl Insurance ConHOME o /n c T lanI'inc; '

I knowledge |Isy n , r. JirO M 'C lllii’ii u il n . . li;:d l a s t w e e k s h e .-.viiii <l.--.. ,flcd" w h e n - . - h e t c . i n . <i lo a n in A l i ; : i i s t 1 !>M*. ~y u n .iio H . W il la rd . .M.

h ia b r o t h e r s I 'J ' '! ' c .ia iiK n i 'n s u r e r . iir<- c lu ir i; . 'd \ '.i t i i c c in - ’ in g t h e l o a n on l liu m f ia l it.s r e t j u i r e d h y til .-■ .tu l- '. ' 't r a n w h il e T I iu i-m L .v. ..iM riiM y '- .. { , , r o r m a l .d . ’iH,Mi>M,i fro m C n e . ^;> M o fn ird d i i r in i r a .•in -.'d •- u l h e r linm r-, T h f t a h«‘ i ih .’il il l lii :a ol .Mr;.. .Mij!'

’s L e s tiin 'o n y in c n u tt, t . i c a u : '. 'S lill h a s h e e n su ll '.- .m ,; ill - r - J I f ro m a m i ld i'oti(;^!i'.-!;>!i. • •

iiyo r • W h i t tm i . :"iikl iu- v .i.uM - k W i t h T :iyh>r, -r- _:i i e e l in j ' . a n . i n ' . . ( h , - ;n i: o x t w e e k . ' ■■ ■ ■

o a i a e i l i^l^.■ th .: n-d U) tw o re 5 id - 'i i t : . tu u:.i> lh-- ; p a r k '. - in d h a a d ,.ia a c l i.: ..(-h ;.- L -gospel c i . n c ii - lin i- ' Io . c c o iin e i lV iie s i n .e . tu v r i- ('(.(1 t.> r. p . i n ' .)1|K 7, .h i . . in-rnnilirt.^rr-.rTrh-^hn^trm hr.„— -.•iatio 'a o f C i i i r . i ..n t ,- iv n .- r h e [ n < lr p e n r i . - n , - i - iv iv h . . 'i , i . ,v

;p c rr< in i i.iiii -< ''. . --------------------tCs. a n . iv id Ih 'i h .- n » : ,i i ,.J t . r w n > :d _ i . |_ v .. , i , i j . ;_ |- :_ lH n ;; . ; . _in l h e a n .( •.•.nf,

i f . - . . n w . l v e a r - . . l . ’: in . . \ h . . . i , i.-alKO - .iu u ;r i : : .b ;d . in .. . . .m ind -r.' sav.-> U 'l i l - . 11.- Iki g r c y lu m ia l l i l l . i . n , i .o n ,. . .

a . " l< la h i . .h . . ' . - .n l Ii. .m - / i v v 'I t r a c k v c l , Nal f d t,-,illv lik .-

chan il.cT - a ) ..,, i-. I i in .ia ,; ' . i r,iv?. d ir .- c t - in ; , i l ......... .• a l p r i o r v i - , i l , , r , .in,I ■rite I.) I h e .-li:.!,,!..-. n - f u . ' I r o n n a t i r i f l . W ell' :ik1 .llinn i ■ p e o p le a , ; ik . . m „-1, . o . n r . i , . .Ily.

^ D a 'y -’C a r e l :> o l ' i r

H J S E - - - i : .......

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c e B»<ggaB7i.' t;.; . •S e c t i o n , A 'p r ii 1 1 ,

\/1o n e y M . ^ g . ^ z i n e .

f p r ^ l i r '. r .,• , • W:

I c:i.’ h (JI! .l ' ;

? C a s h p a y m e n r .Don occurrence j.;.; er, stroke, h ea rt.,

il,lIiL)n. 1.,-!; .1. -, ■ ■ jn-’l •

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OW FO'R••PLUSES--'-....—

a l F P ^ r

■4545_______ § ____ :O V Er-LU TCr-, - - - - - -2r s la t c - l i ; j p .k .B ! c l o — - i £ l . . - ------l s , - l d a h o _________________- 4 — —


VAL i.n-'i:


Page 11: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

1 ^ 1

t SealI v '- - ......... SEA TTLE-(A I

, s tuden ts bused t. a ttle w ill b e halv

'• 1 ficials said '-Thuimajor city, to di

.',v ; rooms w ith o u t a (— system to educnt

on .: ■ ito h o m e ." - -•

iL------ ------------- Scattle-is-adopf..j concept designed

• in C am bridge, J plan d iv ides S e a t

_ balanced c lu stersschools from- wh “controlled choice

'''■ . ' M ich ae l. Alves . " consultan t w ho h£

. oiTortf ac ro ss the tthe p lan “firat-i adopted u n an in


' IDAHO FALLSa c to r .'a t tH c Ida neering Laboratoi

-------s tandby-— a s — -nw hether i t shou ld

--------- ^ _ _ c a n c e r.tre a tm e n tcThe P ow er Bu

; _ search re a c to r pro 7 ' ” oF a n e iitro n ' bca

deadly b ra in tumo. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d o w n , d u r i n g t h e .

Boron N eu tro n Cagram. __________

■ B ut th e prbgrantured to incorpo tions from a team a t the N a tio n a l Cai

Won on ch

OREM , U tah wom an charged i

h e r 6-year-old ^___ ___ w as bound over:• c o u r t a f t e r a p h y

b o y ’s g r o w t h h o 3 s t u n t e d .

Fo u rth C ircu Dimick ru le d th

■ " cause to ho ld L tr ia l on o ne coun

- felony c h ild abusi class A mi^demc

; ‘ following a preW ednesday.

____ L arsen , 33 . wip e a ffo r^ ^ a ig n n r

• , '4 th D is tr ic t Jud |

the boy . th re e daj_________er'a A p n l 5 arrea

and found th a t t verely m a ln o u ris l . Robbins testide lira inaiy h e a r in g be possible fo r the

............. norm al body s ize {---------------- : -------T h © - 6 * y e a i M ) i d

pounds — w as e size o f a 2V^-y( h e ig h t- rS S jn c h e

• ~ • ____ nf n ]

••■■■ jirfge.V. — - L a d e n 's ex-E

Shaw, te s tified thi

-----Gompaisite of h

ROBINS A IR .F O I (AP) - A M issouri i has not decided whe million, pou n d s o f h flown to R obins A ir 1

-Canada fo r h a u lin g ' — ' be disposed.

A spokesw om an foi ronm ental S ystem s PC B -contam inatcd r will be tru ck ed overtfc from Robins to th e cc ville, Mo., h e ad q u a rte 'in chemical d u m p s ir disposal.

AmerEco spokeswor lock said W ednesday could bc in c in era ted chemical d u m p s ’in A

........ sas, Novada.-Texas o r '----------The-m at^ r ia l-c o mei

.dated ra d a r s ta tio n s ii ' in the 1950s by th e U,

to ^B o ^ is^ '^ 'b T in 'th 'e______ T he.wastes_began_a

.- ins on T uesday and w environm ental groups placem ent o f th e m ate i Critics, inc lud ing groups in G eorgia and bringing th e m atcri.

. m eans, cach sh ipm en t travel 900 m iles th roug Missouri.-

----------PG D sror-polyehlorin■ are liquid chem ica ls thf

- . in su la t« -e lec trica l-tra i

V - g - ...............

(AP> — The- num ber-o f - n i ;d for integration in Se-. sc alved by 1989, school of- h u rsd ay afler the f irs t sc I desegregate its class- is t a court order adoptcd’A— all catc m nnjrpupils closer

■ ' ...... .........'an

dopting-a-clusteM chool— ~ ned a fte r one in stitu ted !, M ass., in 1981. The e a ttle into eight racially :er8 , each w ith six to 10 chi w hich paren ts have a for )icc" of schools. p it

ves, _a M assachusetts0 h a s w o rk ^ on s im ila r ^ h e country, pronounceda t-ra t«” after i t was-------nimously W ednesday bla

[LkeepjiLS'fAP) - An idle r e - ' ' T Idaho N ational Engi- sca atory will be kep t on p b r 'T c se a rd ie rs— dficide'"ofIi( j ld bo converted in to a saic n t gpntpr • i •B u rs t Facility, a re- te s t proposed as the source re s t beam .for Bombarding T im o rsrw ill-n o l-b ^h u t— a-«c he. assessm ent o f th e tom C apture Therapy pro- proi

---------------- • • ■ ■ con^ram has-b6en-n!8 t ^ - _ J _ rporate recommenda- now am o f medical experts m ao C ancer Institute. g ra r

nan wiU hild abuiah (AP) - An Orem five ed w ith abusing - food old son by starvation tim e d is tric t - food, jhysician testified th e • T l 103 been perm anently t e r

s h e ircu it Judge Joseph were

th e re was probable . H osj1 L o re tta 'L a rseh T o i' leas( ju n t o f second-degree ilyS ' ju se and one count o f Al ;m eanor child abuse in si prelim inary hearing d ren

0I4 .w as orderj&d to a p - ^

fhm eiit F riday W o r e £j3e" fudge Roy M. Hard- -diffei

form ed a physical on fathe days after h ia m oth- was' i T e s ^ y Orem police - T.n. iT th e youth was se- w hileTOhed........................... • convi.ified during the pre- grand n g th a t i t never w ill, 'i j i r s e th e boy to obtain his ze an d weight.oid-’s-w e ig h t------- a i - .f g .gas equivalen t to th e J® 2-year-old, and his ^ u t h( ches - equal to th a t j . R obbina td fi t h t '

■'v—' . • infom jx-boyfriend," 'K im — th e n a th n t tho boy, one of • w ith p

inyTinsurehazardousFORCE BASE, Ga. capacilin company says i t P ro tedvhere the nearly 1 causedf hazardous waste c a d e a j i r Force. Base from 3g to Missouri w ill '

for AmerEco Envi- n s Inc. soid the I m aterial, which - r t h e n ext 10 weeks J company’s Kings- irters, could end up 5 in five s ta tes for

woman Shelly M at-' lay th a t the waste cd o r deposited in I A labam a, Arkan- or U tah.m e s -fro m -17-out-—IS in CanadaTbuilt f U.S. Air Force. A -

thT 0ni{ea‘St5tes:“ n a rriv in g a t Rob- 1 w ere greeted by ips opposed to the __ i t e r i^ a t th e base.: 'environm ental- nd elsewhere, say ;erial to Robins ,ent will have lo ...Dugh five sta tes to

)rinated 'biphenls;— th a t were used to

transform ers-and- . H H I

W e s t

its numln ig h t ■ by- th e c i ^ s seven-; school board,

“I t will m ain ta in deseg schools, i t should work in a w is fair, and 3 th in k it is const

■ally‘aefensi^e,"'A lves said.■ S eattle 's ■ b lack civic leadei

'am ong those'w ho had to be co: t h a t chaneing th e IQ-vear-old p lan would not m ean a re turn regation.

Lacy Steele, p residen t of the ch ap te r o f th e N atfohal Assc fo r th e A d v ^ c e m e n t o f Colon p ie , said he w as im pressefl'w w ork dono by Superin tenen t \ Kcndrick and h is planners, wh tw o y ears on th e c lu ste r progi'a

— The p lan "should resu lt i b lack studen ts being bused b

' 1

>s idle^<IN EL will continue th e cam

o a rch deap tt* < h e t u r n ’s criti K3rt in April, D epartm en t of I ifficlals said T hursd’a y .^ fh a t a id th e reactor should not b o r te d —nor—sh o u ld -h u m a n —c Dsts ^ conducted until prelin w e a i ^ is done,' _

T he Energy D epartinen t ap{ -8caled‘down program aimed srm ining - -w h e th e r. th e thera rem ising enough to warrarA r inversion and te s ts on humtjns. “A,t le a s t we’re officially recoj

ow as a program ," said Peter laa t, th e governm ent’s spocia ram s director a t INEL.

i face tria tse chargve Larsen ch ildren, w ent withe od for for up to th ree days ai m e and w as forced to eat do d .--------- • - -------------T he boy and a 3-year-old daui r w ere w ith th e ir m other wh le w as arrested . T he two childr ere taken to O rem Commun osp ita l for exam inations and ased to the s ta te Division'ofFrf /■Services th a t day.A ll five Larsen children remc s ta te custody. H er o ther cl

en , a ll boys, a re 12 ,9 a nd 7 yeo

S h aw said L arsen couldn't i i e lv K j^ s l i r t r e a t e d ^ ’e ’onr'B [Terentiy th a n h e r o ther four eft e n . - h u t g t> P t n l f t h > m f ^ r iA T o o c i

h e r sp o iled 'th e boy while si is' in prison.

lile in prison on a drug-rclaU iviction in 1982. He w as-in h indm other's custody unt rsen w as paroled in 1983. '

>haw contacted police April ! eaid th a t dav L arsen asked hii eave th e house for several dayi ; h e decided to move o u t permt itly . —

Ifl- wont to a-ncigbboF^ft-houx )nned thom o f i'he situa tion a n n s e t up an .^ p o in tm e n t' to tall h police la te r th a t aftemooh.

dispbsa 5 materialicitors un til th e Environmen ;ection Agency found th a t U led cancer in laboratory mice a I ago. .

Sirucek Ct



Z p tn e ln i 'o T 'h e MCl i' ’ C a ll '

S ir u c e

iber of Ien-m em ber tiiby havcTwrm

ing," Steele sai( ■segregated face, it seems to a way th a t ' Some school institu tion- o th e r programs

a s much as $2 iders w ere and a s much'a's ! convinced in fu turo years, •old busing ratO nU 1.. u m « 5 0 g -

a n d two high ( the S ea ttle schools still woi Association- w h o le ' city ai ilored Pco- “m agnet” pro'gr I ’w ith t h e ' desiring special I t W illiam tra tio n s of « u d j w h o sp en t „ ' ' '7 gfom. Depending or

p lan may bc t( I t- in less D onntrD unninj d because relations. If no

EeactoiLrancer re - Boron N eutrt ritical re - involves loading oI.Energy ^CQjjipound.. whif hat; te am readily . As the i t bo con- boron atoms, the 1 ii'ljnifp l- l:hpnrMi>;iHy-tri)l elim inary dam aging surro

sue . T he main t i approved bla'stom a m ultif ied a t dc- m ost deadly braiilerapy - i s - - - ............ ... .A reactor IN EL research ^ns. ron compounds aijcognized . B rookhaven N at te r D irk- N ew York, where >dal pro- be tested on dogs

Federal officie

^ C o u nqe

BEND, Ore. ( Ithout d a m so n th e K la m ® ® a n d Kootenai Riv«

___ hom e -to -rainbovbanrlcd under a P lanrting Council]

The council's p tc c ta llr iv e rs .in O

'u n 'ty . Idaho an d westerr p o rta n t_ n sh e rie s 12,000 milesof-Ido

The council held ban k s of the De

■ s tre a m from two years E lectric Co. dan , ■ salm on and steel

- ,lh e -W arin .S p rin <tion.

‘■cftil- T he council’s in

= «he B u s Q Q

F c o r i ^

"until ’ BOISE lAP) - i Boise School Bus (

. signed complaintsp a r tm e n t of L abor!

Jy m --------oC4noro-than'-$60,0es.

' Ken F la tt, labor w ith th e departm er

)u s« r^ -.■that.tho-amount-ow■ and • b iggest m ass non-p ta lk . _ h ave'seen . This kini

' a ll th e timo, b u t it i------- J affects th is many pe

^ ' Boise School Bus a I em plojTes,—includi

chanics and ofilcoh pa id for th e last two

B u t Boise School Q u ih ten Homer sa

nental em path ized with tht ' they is n o th ing the schoi cade-., for them .

“Legally, we're in

Free ■ Test I for ^

j -ci.q]

“ B a c k ^ rrI Vi

g i c f V a l l e Y

111 T o d a y 7 3 3 - 5 5 5

6 K C hDr. Anthony

r ' ' .

b u s e d sm e the b'runt o f th e bus- ' \aid. “\Ve say, on the su r- s to be a fa ir plon.” -o ls w ill bc closed and sn s consolidated to save t>2 m illion th e first y e a r aas $3.7 m illion annually r •8, K endrick said.—

rom tw o m iddle schoolsI schools. Several o th e r ^ rould bo available to th e a t e ach level, w ith

'grams a ttrac tin g those ■ ^ al approaches orconcen-:dy. "

“ -' 6)on -families’ choices, th e tlto tally voluntary, fiaid tr

ing, director“ o f d is tric t irnot, school assignm en ts vi

=jan=s±a]Iron C ap tu re Therapy ov ig a tum 'or w ith a boron m a ich_ah so rb 3 -.n eu tro n s-,to D n eu trons “excite" th e m hoy e m it rad iation th a t on i l ls :th c tta ra o r . .withoul=:m j ro u n d in g ' heiilthy tis- mi tum or ta rg eU d is glio-

tiform a, 'w hich is tho ain tum or.

chers w ill te s t tl\e bo- an d th e n send them lo ational Laboratory in 1 >re th e com pounds will ser ;s w ith b ra in tum ors. i t 1 :ia ls w ill review th e . -poi


(AP) — Additional sim im ath R iver in Oregon else iver in M ontana, both Pni ow “ tro u t , ' would ■ b c— on-i a N orthw est Power II

il plan. pro'proposal would pro- a si O regon, W aslungton, o f !

;rn M ontana w ith im* . Rivies, |ud ing ._nbout._ .... tdaho stream s.}ld the h earin g on th e D eschutes R iver up- _■ j vo Portland G eneral ^ ams th a t d ek royed “1 lelhead runs beyond said ng& -Indian-Reserva<— m er

Watin ten t is to prevent e rs I

3>mpany en ainfs of un- M ore than a dozen we e ; Co. em ployees have . said, s w ith th e Idaho De- It's 1 ir seek ing th e ir share - - T e rr ),000-inHinpaid-wag— way-

othei)r com pliance ofilcer' have en t, sa id W ednesday Th jw o d -w ^ o n e -o U h o — w « k -paym ent_of wages I - m ent ind of th in g h appens . Boiset is un ique in th a t it__^paympeople.” ' ■ ees' pJsC o. h a s aboul 117 - ah id in g -d riv e rs ,- 'm c= bank: he lp , w ho w ere n o t • Eai

vo w eeks o f M a ^ unan: wl B oard P re s id e n t. tra c t said th a t w hile lie lated h e em ployees, th ere th e p lool d is tric t can do ceivec

r t h e «in a position w here for fir

:/ J . [ic HasThSirucekG hirc just installed D ynotron 20C Analysis Systr t t i e i S t i e n g t o T A n a L i •co m p u te rized devi< S E E .th a rasu lts-0~f-te m u sc le s , im p a ire d w e a k or p a in fu l ioi:

or"FRJiE"Test On So 155 O r 324-438;

i l r o p r cr J. Sinicfek

studentwill be m ade on a first-< served basis.

A dm inistrators say o t n s tuden ts will be bused for tion, compared w ith betwi an d ll.OOOnow rid ing buse rac ia l b alance..

Changes in the lO-year-o

th e m inority population in < climbed from 35 pereent i 52 .5 percent th is school y( refiecling a w hite exodus

. and suburban schools, ofiiei “I t’s a p lan th a t m any p

needed m ajo r, su rgery," said ; "TVe-wiirchange the ] th a t kids a rc bused all over tryside: We will see kids coi into the public schools fror v a le schools,” ho said.

indbyoverall program nex t y e a r m ine if conversion o f th e nuc

, to r. is justified. I t costB-ab m illion to keep the researe on standby b u t would cost i

^miUion'to'dccohLuminut«'ur m ission it. ,

L anguage in th e Sena te ’s e rgy and W ater a'pproprie would direct DOE to .carry 0 search after m eeting th e ca r tu to 's concerns'.

Idnho Sen. Jam es McClure sorted the language in th a t i t helped DOE decide to conti porting the program.

CS to ban lal damsiim ilar destruction from 0 ‘Isewhere in th e re ^ o n , said ’nu lus, Oregon’s sole represin-the counrilr"— — --------

If th e proposal by th e couni iroved in A ugust, Kootonai d i s im ila r project proposed b ^ if K lam ath F alls on th e I liver would be banned.

- L aurciY okom rn Bend resid nem ber of th e S ierra Club, : ouncil’s plan would die unles poke o u t in favor o fil.

“I t’s tim e lo soy .som ethir aid. "I don’t w an l.lo w ait u r ie r—Interio r—S«cr©t«ry>-TJai /a tt io r someone else gives up rs for development."

nnyployees npaid wa"g«e can ’t gel involved w ith it,” lid. ‘T h e Tesponsibility is no ’s up to (Boise School Bus jrry) K irkm an to try and. fi iy-out-bf-his-own-.problemr-I her avenues and resources I ive to tap."The school d is tric t w as order )e k - t^ m iik o -a n y -o u t^ n d iii m ts to Idoho F irs t N ational B lise School B us'cred ito r. A S y m en t — which includes ei s' pay for the la s t two weeks < a lready has been'forw arded 'nk:-------------------------E arlier this week, the school anim ously decided to cancel i ict w ilh Boise School Bus. S af ed problems th a t have emer,> p a s t yeor, coupled with 1 ved lack of financial stability> reasons given by board rge firing the company.________

tffiANSWlfficopractic-hos- d the new )00 Strength item.iL ysis:System :is;ar= ; v ic e th a t 'le ts y o u

d n e rv e s , a n d o in ts .____ ______

S a tu rd a y & S u n d a y83

c i c t i c

= 1 ^ its 1 ^st-com c, first-

it m ost, 4,800 NOTICE for desegrega- 3 Public ■tween 10,000 . by the D uses to keep n Quality, \

■ - proposc(jjran lan i

in th e schools It in 1977 toI yoar, partly us to private fieial sa id .y people said

Ifcndrick _ _____ .le p ercep tion - ver th e coun- com ing back

From th e p n -’'

;a r lo deter- nu c lea rreac --about-$2;2E)— ----------------arch reac to rs t a b o u t S60__ ^ iJi.|i.itttLni 1runU 'docom -. - Cwiilfuiiuai

e’s 1989 E n . j---------- — ^priation bill • y o u t th e re- . cancer in sti- .........................

u re , w ho in- a t bill, said in tin u c sup-

n ■

5occu rn n g

laid N orm a ro sen ta tive--------------------------- 3 * - .7-;■uncil is ap- li dam and b ^ th e cityB K lam a th J i

’sid e n t-a n d - ■ - - Jeb, sa id theiless people C > u r td m

h in g ," she , • _. u n til t f o r t ' 1— :-------

- -nr—— X-Wup o u r riv- Am'i'.s I lnHni________ , _____ ' _J m

fileit,” H om er no t ou rs.

Ius ow neri. find h is- t- . I ,

2s he will,

dered la s t I--------------- :--------d in g -p a y .-------II B ank , a A r V $90,0007 em ploy- 0k s o fM a yled' to th e (• i

ool board ■ .«« JlLi« el its con-*” “ W" Safety-re-' I ■ 1nerged in *h a per- P r

igem beis, Thermm ^



-------- -- ---- .T iin .

•LL IT!es-N ew s CipssifiefCAL.73;;e of hearing & p u b ulie Hearing lind Informalional Department ol Health a n d W

I. to d iscuss anO receive oral iCil liscal. 1989 ledRral-; lists------ :------?-A-PatJllirM Bettn5

Date: July 1 Time: 7.00 (

Place: Healir Location: 150 N

(Third Focali

— A Puailc.Mefltlnfl Date: July ITime: 2.00 r

Place: CiiyC Location: City II

710M ' Coeur

A Public Meeting - -D ate : ■' July2:

................ Tlmfl: 2:00 pP lace: Health

Location: 450 Wi

Boise,■n nl iiip pfopor.rt pfiofity lints or a 11 1)1 Hi..;illM ,-im) V/elinii.'. ol I4ili G.IOl.Oll .''jAiiliHHI.'MI IKhSH.- llldlM>S.l

t .J SAn-i/ mtIM

June 10,11, 12, 13',

irom e H ign: 8:15p.m. • Sunda

T i c h e t O

. v i c ^ E a l l s ------------- --- ^niark-Bl.iv f .a k ^ M a l l ” Ylu J i \ ______________

P a u l '_ ............... __*:Tln-.TIifnij:y.c:

X i c / c e t p i-A d u lr .s .$ 4 .

S e n io r C i r i r c n s (62 ;u u i C h i l J r e n ( I 2 iSt i

ity" is nrnJiiccJ by iirranuL-m L-rial tiiriiishcJ (iy Ta'ms-Wlv

Lcxinntun Avenue-, N e w

-Ht'irA.^oy-SGbJagenha^ \m e r ic :a n H eart Assoc ^ Twin Falls Chf S ev en th Ar

X Z jlCZ^.) U R N > ^* r ^ o s -A m a tu e r s • M e n -

N ew Cany,:O L F C G ID A V ^ Ji' e n t r y1 ^ ^ ^ P e r P o r s o n :

I N C L U C— ^ - 'IB H o l o s

* G r o a t T e c Pl• i’ r i z c s f o r I s

r • B u f f c l l u n c h. • R c l r e s h n io n i

F irs t H b l e - I n '- O n i e‘_r.“ r : m z : ~ W i n s : c n

190h-LeBaron CCoiipainonlt or

M ake Cheeks PayabI ^ American H eart.

c/o-Can.yon Sprin f ' - lU 32;-T w in : --------Forrnformatio

TI.OS N o w s P u b lic S e rv ic (


Friday , J u n e 10.198.

BUY IT!■ied Will Fill Every N eed ' 3 3 -0 6 2 6 _______ _ _

BLIC INFORMATION MEETINGSonal Meetings have been scheduled d. Welfare, Division ol Environmenlal Drai and written comments relalive lo ral-and slate municipal.constructjon sts . ■ .n n rtrsc fiB do lB ilfo r:----------- —■— ~ --------:J ly t2 ,1988 •00 pm.ealin&Wellafc Oflice Building 50 N. Third Streel'hifd Floor Conlercncc Room) --------ocaieilo, Idattotln fljs scheduled for:............... ................ j ____jly I'l. 1988 00 p.m.ily ijouncit Cfiambors --------- -------------- --------ily Hall,10 Mullan Avenue Deur d'Alene, Idatioing Is sch8 tlu le^ lD r:_ _ _ __ ____ily.2?r T998— = = 00 p.m.alitt A Ollice Buiiaing0 West Stale Street:tth.Eloor.Conlefcncc Room)...................- -------'ise, Idahoor addiiipnjt itiiOMiialion.-co(ilac!.liitt i(lalK)

1 ol inviionitiMiiai Ciiaii . Municipal raaiiiiw------ ----------------------


--- ----T/.,

1 8 , 1 9 8 8 .

igh School v ii d a y M a t i n e e : 2 : 1 5 p . m .

' D t 4 . t l e t s

■■YlicRimr;ilW..yHaitllllc;ih^^Wild WcM Video,

.’y.C.i-nicf I -.. — ------

p r i c e s ■

$ 4 . 5 0 .............. •(62 ik A b o v e) - iSi. u n d er) $ 3 .5 0

liL-ments wiiii. a n J th e tni.sir ;m |t _______w huiiiark 'M usic uhrurV ,7nc.T^ ew York NY 10022 _________

b a u f - M e m o r - i a l - - -----------—l o c ia l j o n o f I d a h o C h a p t e r

Annual _

» L F VA M E N Te n - L a d ie s I n v i t e d .

yc fn ^ r i n g s

I U N E 1 7V FEE: S 5 Oa n : F i r s t IC O o n t r l o s :

J D E S :'• S i io l i 'u n S tn r i a l '1 : 0 0 p m ' ' '

! P r iz e s • G o l f C a r l• 1 st '.H to a m s ................i c h (1 1 :0 0 a m ) len l^

>nie b n yM 7 ” " :

t C o u p o ' ■ :

XHn _ . j - Z "

( . / \ ( V I d L C ' or we (xiir

a b l e t o ( a n d t e a m r o s t e r ) :

ir t A s s o c i a t i o n o f I d a h oi r i n g s G o l f - C o u r s e ^ B o x ...............i n F a i l s , I d : 8 3 3 0 3 ■'

i t l O r r Q l l l : / J 4 - 7 b U 9 ^

v ico A d v e rtis e m e n t_____________

tOSB TIm ps-Now a. Twin Falla . Ida h o B-3

Page 12: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

--------------------- Losfor k<

In g l e w o o d ; cLos Angeles Lakers th e Detroit Pistons' book Thursdny nigh

■ • inp writt/»n nfT in tt onship Series,

“Everybody. got mon,” Magic Johnsc

!________ '.defending cbampiotrrric toryrthat'c i’gped:

series 1-L “We'doul Wc didn't let Vinni A.D. (Adrian Dantle

______ rhythm , like they„(game."

•‘We were n lot mo defensive end," Lake:

......... me. Even afler boLthese years, it seems to bo humbled to bc q

■Th e ’Pistons, who under 100 points in 1 ous 13 games, includi a chance to bccomc t win thp first two gnn on the road. But the. comc 32,5 percent s first half.'

— - - — “They were aggress defense,” Pistons coa said. “TTiey knew the They were so active, step slow and did not shota."'

'T hey did .what th t win and th a t was th Pistons ccntcr Bill 1 "We shot horrendous ha lf and we w eren't as

Jam es Worthy scon th e Lakers, includin

Boths! LEXINGTON, Ky. (Al

tions given by Emery W Freight employees regar age allegedly containing was sen t to a.UniVersity

ail I . baB ketballrecnuthA tba: s is ten t w ith past stories, one attorney.

seven employees’ tcstim stray from their earlier ac

.......... .. The lawyer for UK ass----------D wane-Gaseyrwho-alleg

th e package, said he foun cies in the stories.

“Based on w hat wc ho would be very suiyrised i

^did anything to the Univei •tucky or to Dwane Case; :;I{RrBlll~Cnmpb?llTjf'Bo^

Twitty a share tc

HARRISON, N.V. (AP) Howard Twitty, looking /

______yictoy_gince_I58i_compilfree, 5-under-pnr 66 Tl

, sh a re the first-round lend Roberts a t the $700,000 \ Classic.

Twitty iind Roberts pla sam e group and took advai improved nflcmoon w ent W ostchestcr Countrj’Club;

"It was quite plensnnt,' crtsrwho-had seven birdies

But it was far from pleat m orning starters, who pi cold rain and gusty winds.

“.Miserable,” said Steve

=Ri©ts rn. countdo

SEOUL, Soulh Korea cni .students bombarded f

Z '^ ..f ireb o m } )O in d ■ n>ck(j"TIi' - Sooul-began-H-lOO-day-coi th e fitart of the Olympic G N orth Korea reiterated its (»-host the Games.

---------- Girl.ScouLs,- Boy -Scouts

wives lo taxi drivers, joinec ing the lOOth day before the open in the Soulh Korean ra ising the flags o fthe 161 < nations in City Hnll Plazn.

--------- -Traditionnl inntnimontfi f- . rean tunes and a marchini•------ wuiiiL'n drcssed !ii blue”ah'o:

boots and rainbow .soshes s fanfare while' thousands i

________ '

a H e ts-Angelseeping', 'C alif. (A?) - The bound era took n page from _spurti Dns’ defensive hand- The igh t an d avoided be-, w ith u. th>. NRA Chnmpi- liM Tr

th ird col c loser to thcir the fou m son said a fte r the Afle: )ion L akers ' 108-96 Worth: edithtrbesT-ofi-scvfinrrkorant oublcd and rotated, tro ll 's , nnie (Johnson) and an 66-i itley ) ge l into the ir who g y „ d id .in . the JlrsL -m ade it

Denrm ore activc on the his 12

akers coach P a t Ri- led a r

being together all Byroi ms th e jm a lly have Lakers, i c a t 'th e irb e s t." prncticc ho held opponents, had 2 3 1 in 11 of the ir previ- reem Al ud ing G am e 1, hnd Los i\n{ IC th e firs t team lo points ii jam cs o f the finals 19. they couldn 't over- W ith X shooting in the died the

team tS‘essivc-all nigh t on -since thf coach Chuck Daly live title they had, to do it. But tl ive. Wc were one tho next not m ake our open Silverdo

th e Forithey h ad to do to schedule th e bottom line,” and Thu

11 L aim beer said. Los A ously in the first only the: t a s aggressive." . seven ro cored 26 p o ln ts 'fo r~ a t“ Chict ding two key re- two o fth

sides cl(AP) — Deposi- sa id Wee ’ W orldwide A ir whole lot c gard in g a pack- The - Lo jn g S i ,000 th a t ported in iity o f K entucky th a t an Er U^warfrincoa>rtir.,to..C!aud^ es, according to C hris M il

M arch 31.

tim ony did n ^ t tion, a yid' r accounts. w ere found a s s is ta n t coach " O n Tues llegrdJy-wiailed— rcprcscntii mndf'discrepan- said In an

ton H erald h av e heard, I oes. o f En

id if-the NCAA stood by th iversity o f Ken- sitions, asey,” a tto rney “th e r e v

said. "They


^P) — V eteran of Au.slralit Ig for h is first m orning hn ipilod-fl-bogey— a -6 8 ~ ‘It-w

T hu rsd ay to h n n g in lh c i md w ith Loren Some of 0 W eslchostcr were unnbk

.Masters cha played in the ' land, Briti.s v an tage o f the Fnldb of ! en ther, a t the LnngerofW iUbr" ■ ing s ta rte rsn l,” .snid Rob- Seve Bnllilio.'?......................... w in n e ro f theasu n t for the y ear, hii

played in a round^of Is. tra lia also p}ve Elkingtbn shiit7 .'l

larkvKor own to Qi(.AP>— Radi- paused alon|

d police wilh w u lch lhehu

c ^ G ^ e s ^ d — corifrontatioi Its dem and to

—. . R adicals. (1u ts a n d a sc--..';.cr.sily in Sc

ined in m nrk. a l“ iii-'nlth e Olympitq Korea ii6outan cnpita l Jivicled61 com peting mcntha-sdcH:fl. Afler lhe ctfi played Ko- burns-or blwii?iing band uf r^rliKKcd awjhorts, w hile slum ped exl;s sounded a S tuden i Icadts o f people testers wcrn>!

IS pr s s ales ered J NBA Ynd baskets during a decisive V. r t in th e fourth q u a rte r.'he Piston^, who lip so t th e Lake

a first-hiilf blitz in G am e I. r ■ rmm ln_12-pQint^dcricit in t

d quarter to tie i t 80-80 early fourth period. . . .fter two free th row s b y Johnso th y sandwichcd a rebound bc ttnd:aii|Fln~arourid-i)dunK,'byI] :’s John Salley, g iv ing th e Lake 16-82 lood with 6:17 leR. Worth

grabbed 10 rebounds, lat e it-91-82 with a layup.’nnis Rodman, who scored 10 - 12 points in the. fo u rth quartc 1 rally Jh n l got no closer tha

Ton Scott added 2 4 p o in ts for lh irs, while Johnsort, who misse ;ice wilh the flu on Wednesday 23 points nnd 1 1 a s s is ts and Ki Abdul-Jnbbar h a d 15 points fc

Vngeles. Dantley, w ho scored 3 s in the opener, led D etro it will

th the victory, th e L akers rekin ;heir hopes of becom ing th e firs

t6 repeal as NBA champioi the Boston C eltics won consecuities in 1968-69..................... -I they m ust win n t le a s t one o ext three games a t th e Pontiai ■dome l(j force a s ix th gam e a 'orum. Games 3, 4 ' and 5 a n ulcd for Sunday, T uesday nighi ■hursday jiight.1 Angeles handed th e Pistom .heir second defea t in th e ir last rood gam t^..D ctro it.w on tvvicc

licugo, defeated ;th e-C o ltlcs-ir r three games a t p o s lo n Garder

:laim prVednesday. “T h e re 's ju s t • a ot of major inconsistcnciesi” . Los Angeles D aily N ew s-re­in a copyright s lo ry in ^p ril Emery package se n t by Casey

id ^ U M h e - f i i lh e r 'o f -n ie n i t^ ilills, popped open in tran s it 31. When the package w as ex-

ddcocasselte and 50 S20 bills m d inside,uesdayriBe Lexington lawyer'" i t in g -E m c r jv -B u r l- M cCoyr in interview w ith th e Lcxing- ild-Leadcr th n t seven employ* Emery’s Los A ngeles oHice their stories d u rin g th e depo-

3 was no recanting.'* McCoy icy all tcstitied tn a l th e pack-

jerts—1_ leadilia, one of th ree m on in lhe hnlf of the field ab le to shoot -A vas-n-dnJ'TD U -jnFftry 'to*"here."of the major foreign s ta rs ible to handle th e conditions. :hampion Sandy Lyle o fScot- Open title -ho lder Nick r England and B ernhard rWc^t Germany — all m om- :rs - had7-J’s: ■ ' allcsleros o fS p a in , a form er ■ this tille nnd a p layo ff loser had un eagle-3 in a m orning 72, Greg N orm an of Aus-.

i plnyed in the m orning and

rea’s=--jamesong the sides of i h t p laza to hulf-hour ceremony.

hilc.-’scorcs o f policcm cn and ' were injurcd m t n e i r lato.sicion:-------------------------------------s .g a th e rcd .a t.Y o n se i Uni- Seoul to p repare for a 30-

-‘nt,. from com m unist N orth )ut forcing reun ifica tion ' of ;d peninsula. T'he govern- lcH:lared the m arch illegal.

L‘ clash, pulite officers with ;(Kid iwuring from c u ts were away .by c o m ra d e s" or exhnusied ag a in s t walls, iiders said n t le a s t five pro* r* ’iiiri seriously.

9 a r tilv a ote s deft hopes £e 11-2 , a nd i^ s e l the Lakers

’l o f the finals a t l b e i jik e rs A 'defeat Thursdj I. ra l- m ade the Lakers th e n _ th e lo Jose the firsl twe r ly in championship scries t

. . Los Angeles held U :nson, field goals in 40 a tt« I bas- • cen t, an ti took g 49-39 iyDe-__ ..-Tiie.^istonfl,-who ie akers tim e of Game 1, do: )rthy, 58-55 with 7:32 left i la te r riod on consecutive b

M ahom iirid 'JonJum i 10 o f The Lakers quickly ir te r ,. g in to 12 with a 17-; th an w hich Scott had six p<

• a steal and d u ^ th a t r lh o w ith 1:22 remaining ir issed Three straight basi' iday, c u t into the dcficit ag I Ka-— Lakers look a 76-69. j :s for ' th e final 12 minutes.:d 34 Mahom', who s ta i w ilh gam e b u t played only;

cause of a lower back }kin- six points as the Pisto first fourth period wilh an : pion tho scorc 80-80 with 8:1 lecu-' Johnson scored all :

h a lf points in the secoi le o f eluding a three-point | itiac le ft th a t triggered a 10- e n t ’The spurt, which s t a r c . ' b a r score fiveo fh isn in

ight te r points, extended lead from 37-35 to 47-3'

tons The Lakers, who fel last en route; to losing Go .vice.-.-thcir.first five shots Tl 3-in~-nnd-tntilcd-6»l-vrith '8: ■den f irs t quarter.

rogress• a age came open,during tl

looked into nnd th a t the Te- s e tte and money in it." Dril "I think they (the E i sey ■ ees) probubly saw Sl.OC

isit testified that Dwane C ex- $1,000 in the packoge.

prove Is no money was ii ills w hen it left the (U K j.l

fice.”'br C i i 's e y 'h a r sa ld 'h c '' jy^— $ t^ O O * iir th c “ package ig- M ills has said the p a d 5y* contain the money w hen cc ered to his Los Angeles hi K)-' Cam pbell acknowledge

oCthe Emery employees j oy lic r sta tem ents th a t the k- ta in ed Sl.OOO, B u t 'h e

contini*L WASHINGTON (AP •0 “ p a y e rs anxious to in

chunces of m'akinp thi ■s Olyjnpi^ basketball tcu: s- th e nation's copital Th I- il appeared the se K shrouded the tryouts d Springs last month wou i‘ ued,

David Robinson of r 1987ColloBePIaycroft: r th e NBA's No. 1 ciraft B -sophomore Rex Chapm !•- tucky, who hud ju sl m. available for the NBA

am ong the Olympic he gath'ered a t the campus tow n University to p n

... seven-gnme Ruronenn tr ■ OlTicials snid the

.' . .would participate in clot sessions daily through day.

3 Bill Shaplnnd, directc inform ation for George

~ V th e '^ c d ia would Mve."!

th e press would receive i tion on Thursday's p rac

; . w as ^ bc held for two hi

Shaplnnd highly discoi m em ber of the media 1 c rin g outside the g Thursdny night in an ef inform ation. At the T rial ticee-w ere closed, and sc

_ _nL ,finst dfiRffi tn thfi m- opened to eight pool repoi

E a rlie r this week. Thor

tsS €

e n s e | | alive Ir s 106-93 in G ame: Pi)£UIIL.........................d a y would have 1C firs t team .ever wo gam es of the s a t hom c P is to n s t o . l 3 . . . ^ ^ ^ H

t« m p ts , 32,5 per-

le d b y a ? a U i a U C ^ H lo scd th e gap to L in th e th ird pc-' b a sk e ts by Rick -

mars'. 'ly b u ilt th e mar- 7-8 sp u rt-d u rin g p o in ts , including p .a t m ado it 75-63 - j ..............m th e q u arte r. . \~Z s k e ts by Detroit ag a in before the M r *L ad v a n ta g e into . K

o r te d th e , first j ^ - y; 10 m in u te s be- O f t :k s tra in , scored E X - to n s s ta r te d the 1 11-4 ru n , tying 3:26 left.1 11-oP h is -f irs t- ';ond q u a rte r , in- t p lay w ith 3;39 ^ 0-2 ru n . Vsa w Abdul-Job* M . in e second-quor- W j Los Angeles' . «J•37.fell behintj 14-4 ^ Jam e 1. missed T h u rsd a y ,n ig h t I— . 8 t6?-le ft-in -lhe------------------

> in Kerth e so rt, i t was dence wos he ro w os a cas- UK baskc

them one> E m ery employ- “I've sa: 000 ,” Cam pbell T h is is a n o t-o n»oP th»m -~ belI-8atdr C asey p u l the w itnesses e . W h a t I can cry m plo in th e package inofe In’coi

'.b a sk e tb a ll of- not only a previous s

{' ■ard“ nol“ pu 'f" 'the”mbi^'c g e : a n d C lau d " 'H ow eve ickage d id not a tto rney fi >n it w as deliv- sistcncies hom e. ta ils .”Iged th a t none In h is H: s re c a n te d e a r - ' controvers, e package con- ' Casey told1 sa id no evi- he w as h

Olympic 'lue s_ecreiP ) - facven , th e W ashirim provV tHeir practices Ih e 1988 U.S. workshop!um arriv ed in tho te a m . .,'h u rs d a y , and ing to incoisecrecy th a t fans. My m5 in Colorado ing th is teaju ld be contin- Those wh

; • practice inif N avy. Uie ing, th e onlf t h c Y e a r a n i th e tryoutsrt choice, and Dwayne Sim an o f ^en * A rm strong;m ad e h im se lf Coles; Ariz\ d ra f l , w ere John’s Shehopefu ls who son's 6-foou s of George- Campbell,• rep a re for a Form er Ci n n _________Sjiilluimi-

11 ' p layers -S m ith alsoloeed practice - pate. - .........h n e x t Tues- Shapland

Taylor w ill i :to r o f sp o r ts ' o rder to par getow n, said o u t c am p .' !-~iinropportu - - . Ih uJ-l-p li

2 n o inform a- gin workou jc tico , which ' Ju ly 27, and h o u rs begin- held in la tc j|

rouraged any ers,I from gaUi- Tho Select

gym nasium ropcan schedeffo rt to get tho D utch nia ls , all prac- F inland. Thescrim m ngea, lional team! m odin ,-w are— and-as-w elh•orters. A ll-S tars befom pM n told Ju n e 25‘ln Sp

2 c o nPi - ■■

D e t r o i t g u a r d I s l

n tu c k yvas given to indicate C asey or sketball sta ff m em ber placc ney inside,said from th e very beginninj i a sw earing contest,’” Com; id s-'H ti-tite ’c red ib itity ^ f-m ;es ogoinst w h a t they (the E r ployccs).had to say. A jd th ICOnsistencies lh u ty o u 'h av e“ / 'among them selves, b u t froi s s ta tem en ts they had givei e 'cred ib lem y case_,bcc6ines'.’’' ‘ver, Fred P o tersr^ 'tex itiy tt) y for Emery, called th e incor es Campbell cited "m inor d<

} H rst public com m ents on th 2rsy in a lm ost two m onth: old reporters W ednesday tha

h a ^ y w ith the testimon;

zcagers :et drillshington Post hy wns closing i> bccouse "proctice is a p w here we put to ge ther I . ... it's not 0 m atte r o f try- iconvience th e press o r the ’ m ain concern is s lruc lu r- ^eam,"who arrived fo rT hursday 's included: Alonzo M oum -

only high .school p layer a l u t s . l a s t m onth; Florida's

Schintzius; Iowa's. B.J. Ig; Virginia Tech's Bimbo Arizona’s Steve Kerr; St. Ihelton Jones: nnd Clem- foot-lO sophomore Elden I,r Georgetown guard Gene id curren t Hovn Ch a rle s :

nd said Oregon’s .-Anthony ill ntJl a ttend the tryou^in )'akicipalc in an NBA tr>'-

■{jluy'cra.arc iimong th'5~27— inccd irom the i 'n a ts last

;outs a t .Georgetown on md the final camp will be:e August. ________tiro s te rw iil have 12 play-.

ect Team wil begin ita Eu- ledule on J u n e 17 ogainst . national leam in Kqtka, 'hey will then play th e na- ims of 'B rita in—Finland !lh»s-a 'teara=of-A uiilriiin '" before closing the to u r on Spain; •

id s e

I s l a h T h o m a s f i n d s h im ;

r c a g e il' o r a given by E m ery em plo laced In ano ther develop.

snid W ednesday th a t 1 ning: defamation s u i t ag a in am p- half o f C asey, un less F=m y-^m CT7~!oyw ers-T»n" Em*, mont.

1 th e McCov sa id th e r e w vc'T:; dence“ fro i^ lh e ””depo; from there was a conspirac> ivon, _ Campbell s a id he v s'.” ' ' was no m oney I'n th e e i'ton—left-lhirU K -om ce-thT^ icon- from a tem p o ra ry sei • de- who chocked th e pac

was sent.I th e He said a c ru c ia l'ls iths,- mining lh a t n o n e o f IV th a t employees w ho te s tific lony age pop open. C am pbi

P-Homul in Keni’ FRANKFORT, Ky.

ip NCA/\ wns w ith in i ts i n ~ ^ v o oi P aul H o m u •r nouncor on co llege fooll y. Kentucky S u p re m e ;e Thursday. f. The decision o v o r tu n

lion judgm ent H om un{ ’s against the N C A A dui

the case.Hornung, now a U

3 nessman, h ad b e e n h ii r. ball comm en tary b y WT0 ; lanta-based s ta t io n th1 ocross the coun try b y cn 1-

: NFL pi/ WASHINGTON (AP 1 JB rpncos linebacker,R icli

tified T hursday th u t he in g J c o m m n le ip te re J n

^ -~-6hap64o-DlQ'v-f(')<?ij>Hll- th ree days a f te r t h e NF

-------80cjation-endtjd-its-24--dnHunley, sp e a k in g ^ fc

istralive law ju d g e o fth e bor Relations. Bonrd._sa condition to p iny football the rest of my te a m m a t tJiosd on injured reserve .'

Judge B enjam in Schic ing asked to d e te r m in e ' discriminated a g a in s t

_ ac ti\ity ~by~ref\i3m em to partic ip a te in go

. 19, The NLRB g e n e ra J co ready ruled a g a in s t ' the

J complnint, bu t th e league


m s e l f d w a r f e d in L a k e r t«

investig)loyces. the driveiipm ent, Cam pbell scaled pnit he plans to file a whom helinst Emery o n be- package t>ss C am pt^ll and NoneolT ^ O c h “’0-TTBttle»“ SHjr'hOW“

McCoy sa:! w as not, any ovi- ‘“ c y j^ l l o t i s “ to^h 'ow adh'esiii'licy againsrU K . nges wheI will prove there cany vide' envelope w hen i t t h e tes[irougiriw ym ony routine picrvices secretary oges-to I:lackagc before . i t sealed, he

O ther ('Issu e was deter- Campbell,th e seven Em ery bills were

Fied saw the pack- they wer<i)bell said n e ither vidcocassc

ingJoses- itucky apy. (AP) - Tbe In 1981, s righ ts to disap- to broadgg lu n g as nn an-- legcfootbn olball games, the won the I ! Court ruled Dame and

Packers, w ira s th e _ $ l.l mil- submitted ng had obtained nouncor foi luring a tr ia l o f On Marc

vision Com .Louisyille.bufii-. .ficials to m lired to do foot-".'scason. TI ?T B S-']^ , a n A l- , was given i th a t is carried tion wantci cable outlets.^ the games.

layers Op ke^gfame

\P ) — D enver peal and is icky.Himley tcsr .th ecase . . 10 and his s trik - Tho hear in . good-«nough—is-ask ing -l ir-]r^it-Ort-TI=l,- .Ic o a t4 a )-g JFL Players As- six weeks. dny'Strilccr-;— — The-majo: efore an adm in: roturnod to he N ational La- te r tho club sa id .-!l-w as ,in _ league refus all, and so were compote in a les. . . .except choosing in e.” week of con[ilesinger is bc- placement p e if th e league The NFL t pja;t;ers for w ere.not pli a s ln g 'to allow games th a t ' gam es Oct. 18- tive tor 24 st counsel h a s al-* tiidn 'io 'E ro i rd 'N FIT i n ' th e nothing'"to d :ue filed an ap- ,t^ .

• B-4 H m e a -N o w s, Twin Fall

- V . . ■

t t i l t I

• A


ir t a l l t i m b e r

gationriver who f irs t discovered the tin- i package n o r th e supervisor to I he took it could say how tb e M , Ige became unsealed . \ie o fth e E m ery employees could low -th e -p a efc^ ^-poppednjpen;— ysaid.e r s a id i t w as common fctr th e ^ ive to come loose on larger p a ^ * i m when they w e re not m ean t to ■ .tm videotapes," M cCoy said. testimony also indicated i t w as

ic procedure lo r opened pack- to be exam ined and then re- I. h e d iscrepancies, according to bell, involved w h e lh e r th e $50 vere old and w o m ’or w hether 'ver<? crsD and th e color o f the______ossette box.

s-suit _ppeal981, tho s ta tio n won the righ tsidgast a c e r ta in num ber o f col- ___olball gam es ^ d H om ung, w ho 7fie H eism an/T V ophy-at N otreand s t a r r e r f ^ th th e Green Bays, was to ld h is nam e would be.ted to th e NCAA as an an-T for those gam es. jla rch 29 ,1982, th e NCAA Tele- ICommittee m e t w ith WTBS of- j/3 m ak ep lan s fo r th e upcoming - !. The' 1 9 -m em ber com m itteo..................'en a list o f fo u r peo})le th e s ta- inted to u se a s announcers for ies.

p ^ suit e pay -d is now p re se n tin g its side o f

learing, in w hich th e NFLPA !n g -for-bock^pay-to lalling a t ft^nTdlioii, IB ejLpyL'UHl'UJ l a « r

rg-Qi-ity o f th e a tiX ii . i - _ j - d to work Oct. 15, th e u b s 're p o rtin g d ead lin e .’The • * j efused to allow the.p layers to _ _ |! in th a t ' 'w ^ k e h d ’ g a m e s , ................'I instead to s ta g e ono final contests fe a tu r in g mostly re- |n t players. :fFL contends t h n t tho players t physically re a d y to p lay in '(lat weekend a f te r being inac-’A stra ig n t d ays, ahd t h e d ^ ---------Keep them ^o jf th e field hadto do w ith th e i r a ^ io n a c t lv i- ' ”

Falls , Id a h o ------ F riday , J u n e lO , 198a

Page 13: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

Hersh<'I’WlN FAL

; * ll .T .l ic v T ra c l— : ;..... I' j 'V- -'i'hf-.event-i:

] ;■ L'Omher.; , Rcjristratior

. [ ; .K 'hedulcd to S' ; ; T hero u re fi'

F u r th e r inf<

_____ - J - L i S t i - g r i: • PCtCATELL

' I • ih*ll will ho ld. ■ • endb, ru

i • w c k .Ttio cam p w

. : 11.— '; . . C qanviiibo! fo rd a y c n m p o r;• r A pp licationsI • E ach cam por; somilK'.‘ii r a n d ,

-------- -------- E iird iu r infotI iifficen l 236-27 '

-I S u th e ri T W IN FA L L

.1 . h o k '- iii-o rreu tL I S iithL 'rland’s

i CSI cli]1 - TWJXFALLJI - • d iij ib in g sum m i’ ■ cor’d ifi^ to iH tT CI T iie coursc , iiI iVuni J u n e !3 tlI ' • c l i in l i i r p a i id lh ap p lica tio n \

C ooperCOL0Rv\D0 1

niiich from nin1 r;>H w ’\^ A ‘ssocii

I'oD porhn.K ca i l^cfVL's o fL c w is ' I Tw o w oeks agii ■ i i i t i th . 'T h c aKso ! .•a riK 'dJn PRCA

■ Buhl pe' F n i L - T h e‘ n n d 'r iio sd a y ,.Ju :

— Thc-mrico-is-fo• pcti- in c a lf rid in ' - iiii; a n d brl;aku^

s ir 'i jr ridin)-, b a r r I tii’a k aw av rop in

_ T h e re w i l U h t J ' b a rre ls fo r j T he ^how will I 1------------F iir tlu -r inform

H _ B u b k a h- , !, . i 3 j i m n s L u a .

I 'l i i .a i b ro k t.'h is ( ■ B • i'U.r 19 feel.

f X f . B ubka , w ho bu I’ratr iie .c le ilrod ’tl

"I can loll you —

• C .'i 'choslovaknesvBubka. 25; is 11 li, .\fler his rcc

bill •yiiibtilically \< "A!\»-r brt'ukinf;

ti.^ii,’ Bubka snid. ----------- r~TTTDhnt:!:.'ton-rm3

Brown d________ _ S A N .W T O N io

r)ail r-i,H’h in f 'jo b s ' I n e x t fii.icli o f th e

i ‘I'lV- '[ • iiu( Brow n, w hc

_ ■ i l f i i in i li,-li.i:< acf;o ' T h ” San A n ton i'; th i 'j i ib , V

l : . i -M i'Cdinb.'firci •i vour SOL

; T h a f s t l

j -I''-',

I S a m a r a ni -.......n.\ncEI,ONA, E

. - o f t h e In lo rnn tiono .X iirtli iu irea a n d 'C

iin iits luck o 1 in .ii .e a c o n u ii itm o n j -.SpiM liirii'at a nc

Ift!).’ S u m m er G an ... ! .iru u u X u n J i K orea r ■ ' ■ i ;n .'i:-.o l1 V rto a il(

■>r i h r ( 'ly in p ics , n \ i . ' ilMiJiDcCoinmittoi. i i h r G .ia ifs (.pen, I I . ' i:i)]-th’s ollicial K on

i Indoor gr, .S .- \M .\.N T O N IO /j„ . J-\;u tb .ill L iaf-uo tea I .. u f fin an c ia l

•••• {• ' K o ^r i'G illrp ro s ld . ; ,, !fin:u>-.ilid no t w n n l i . Tli.‘ li;a),'iii-orHtrong< ; GiTT's.lid plaV w ns

Tijc---lav', (he I i ' p-rr-ti-.T --i.'a .-on .-tm '

. 1. . iH:r.iied O perations.I : G iih .itbU4it^^aaiU:

n a n c ia l iy strunR, biit - r* • : n in f ra n rh ie s w ere n(

F'liiy w iis-schedulc '

' -Bnef!iiey m e e t s la t'A L tS The Twin F alls Ki rack M eet S a tu rday a t Roborl ;t- i r o p in to a ll boya and-girls

tion will be held from 9 a.m .:o s ta r t a t 10.e five track and two field e to r inform ation can be ob taircd

frid-camp^opeLLO - Iduhq S tat« Universi old a no-contact camp for q

ru n n in g backs, linebacken

) w ill la s t from Monday, Ju ;

bo S195 for cam pers lodgingl>ors.)ns m ustJ jc accompanied by-< :por is required to bring h is nd, ifp ossib le jh ishe lm o t. ifo rm atioii-can be obLained.l •2779.

iriand sco res.LLS — Sieve SuU icrland of i t th e B luo Lakes C ountry C l d’s ace cam e on tho 150-yard

lim bing c la ssLLS_4_Nl(y?.(iiig hours.of Coili nm er course have been sh ifte e CSro'ffice of continuing e’dii I, in s tru c ted by Michael We i 3 th rough Ju n e 18 and inclu I th e correct and safe use of c )n will be applied d uring a tri

it e ig h th in bi)0 SPRIN G S, C o lo . - K e n t C lin th to eighth ^laco in the ociation saddle'b’ro'nc"’fd in g s ; e a rn ed S13,250 th is spring, i visville, Texas, the event lead ago. in th e last'se t o f PRCA i Ksociation ranks participam CA rodeos.

leew ee rpdeo'he B uhl Pee Wee Rodeo will Ju n o l4 , a t th e B uhl Rodeo fi s-for youngstcrs-agedo-thro i ding, b arre l racing, pole ben( kuw ay roping, while 10-14- ■arrcl racing, poie b ending, gc ping. _ •also bo sh w p riding for youi for those under,*}. . ill begin both n ights a t 8 p.m irin a tio n cnn bo obtained by j

hikes record^ :A .^ c h a filo v a k ia 4 A £ U » ^ lis own world rccord in th e p I' j inches on the second day

b e tte red the m ark of 19-9V d’th e h e ig h t on his first a tten ou th a t 1 \Vas doing six m et ifyT-l-ttm-in-great-shapcj^Bu 10W.S a g e n ^ ’.s th e on ly pole vault ju m p er record-setting vault, he had ly w alked under the bar. ing th e record I had no eon lid. "To sm ash tho world rocc TTTOch:* ------------------------------------

d e n ie s leayin•lio, T exas (AP) - K ansas cc

lbs become vacant, agreed ir he Sun Antonio Spurs, a ne'

vho led th e Jayhaw ks to the cCepied nn offer from th e NBi onio L ight qubteJT ources as h, w hich became vacant Tue ired second-year coach Bob \\ sources a re wrong. I haveti't s th e bottom line," Brown tol

inch p red ic tsS p a in (AP) - Ju a n Antoni

onal O lympic Com m ittee, sa :i<^ul>a will boycott tho Olym k of success in getting both ' nent.; new p ress center, his home Jam es, Sam aranch said tho Ml regard ing an IOC telex'sei a ib w th e country to hold five

K orea again dem anded tJ , ^w arded lo riva l'S ou th Ko Uoe declared it would s truggl 1. Il.s decision camc in a sti Corenn C entral News Agenc:

[irid league fo0 . Te.xas (AP) - The ow ners team s voted Thursday to po iai difficuitics, of^cials said. sldenrofthoS nn 'A ntonip-bai m l tb begin season play w ith mger franchises subsidizing \ .’US p ditpond until n ext sprini le Las Vegas franchise a nno i tm d e a r lie r Thursdny, th e S, n;^^pn f r>B Vripng nnH ,9f T! b iit t h a t th e Baltim ore, Indit 0 n o t a deqiiste ly financed. ' u led to h ave s ta rted la t« r thii

/y. . .fiy irr

I t e d S a t u r d a yKiwanis Club will sponsor th

►ort S tu a rt Jun io r H igh School, iris 9 to 14 years o f ago as o f De

m. to 10 a.m., w ith competitioi

ton ta . • . - •cd by phoning' John M unro ai 145................. ................... .................

t e n s —

ireity head football coach Garth■ quartcrbnckfi, wide receivers e rs and defensive backs next

Tuno 13, through F riday, Juno

ing in ISU dorm itories o r $110

jy a $50 deposit. — lis own football shoes and per-

;d-by-phoning-theiSU J'ootball

s a c e■ of Twin Falls recently shot a Club.ird fiflh bole; u sing a nine-iron.

is sh ifted ____ollege of Southem Idaho’s rock fled from 5:30 to 9:30 p .m .,ac-rdiication. ..................^e^ch o f Havre, M ont., w ill cun elude thc correct prinicplcs of of climbing equipm ent. Practi* tr ip to tho City of Rocks.

> r o n c r i d i n git Cooper of Albion moved up a the la te s t Professional_Rodeq.. ig standings. 'Ig, about $7,000 less th an Tom jader.A ratings; Cooper wds ranked a n ts on the basis on money

o t o b i e g i nvill be held Monday, Ju n e 13,-0 Arena.rough-14; Those 5-9-jWill-com- , ending, goat tying, calPdrCss- 14-year-olds will com pete in V goat tying, ca lf d ressing and

ojmgstors aged 4-6 an d stick _

.m .)y phoning 543-5166. .

d»Sarg6i>fiubka'Of-the>Sovi«t"< e pole vault T hursday, clear- ay o f an In ternational Ama-

•9Vi he se t June 23, 1987 in tempt.le te rs e.aaily a t my tra in ing” ' Bubka-told-GTKTthtroffiaai—

:e r to-ciear 6.00 m eters (19- lad the bar raised to 20-0^<,

»m potition nnd no motiva- • ecord twicc in tho sam e day

i n g K a n s a s} coach Larry Brown, whose tie a n d-'p rofessional-basltet^-^1 in principle to become the new spaper reported Thurs-

ihe NCAA title la s t season,JBA team . _____as saying That Brown had

'uesday when Spurs owner .3 Weiss.n 't s igned anything o r seen told the new spaper Thurs-

s b o y c o t t

onio Sam aranch, p resident said Thursday ho believes

r-mpic Games in Septem ber • th Com m unist countries to

Tietown and th e sile of the 10 IOC had heard nothing se n t th ree days ago reiter-ive W ym p jcev e i^ . ______ 'f T h a t l t ^ m ade a ^ h o s t — Korea. The N orth Korean ggle to gain the righ t until sta tem en t carried by the ney,and monitored in To-

o l d s __________________^jrs o f the six Worid Indoor postpone play u n til 1989

d.b aso d W F L rsa id thatrtho— th tho prospccts o f having ig weaker teams, ring.nounced it would n o t com- : S t. Louis L ightning sus- -

-LoutifrnnchisPB w ere fl- ■dianapolis and San-Anto- _

this m onth.

> iS r ^ ^

1 B yB R A D ER El• tho Timcs-Nem wr.

^De- • t w in FALLS en th inning led t

,tion boys to a 5-4 come e m Region “A“ A n ball victory ov er tl

o a t hero Thursday.The two clubs

’ . gam e sockirig the; -. ries, didn’t sh o w n

......... - -" th ■ ' looking for?** s a id < erg Federico, icxt ' “'^0

molions," sa id Ii n t --------- CoiyB ridgej.

• The Cowboys wi 110 , sleep ns Sage rig h

ton checked T w in .. — -over.sbc innings.)er. .............M eiihw hilor^Iin

sta r te r John •Haye mxU L -1 tho fourth m n ing .

Poulton led o ff--------------Jesse-V illanuevaV- ---------n e rs on firs l a n d se

0" ShelLOS A N G ELA

______ —Shelby cxtcnded-hi)ck 24 games w ith a j ac-, th e fifth inn ing T h i

Angeles D odgers be u n tro s4 -2 . • . o f i Shelby,, whose s t

:ti- in - th e miyors this d u ring a th ree -ru n lan Ryan, 5-4.

Franklin S tu b b s ' ou t, stoic second v

) a scored on M ike M aoq...........a 2-2 tie, Shelby, foi

a n d scored on M ik m _ fo r a 4-2 load.______

Padres 3, ly R ed s 1

SAN DIEGO (A P pitched a th ree ‘h it n ings and San D ieg'

.earned runs a s th e 3 , ' _ theC incinnatL R eds

The Reds took 'a 1n- I........ o n d 'tnn ing rP au l'O 'fs- single, his six th con in • a 5-for-5 perform an d n igh t, and scored on

E sasky, a line driv i :k fie lder Randy Read:

to m ake a shoestring .The Padres scorei

S c o re

NL standingsBail ni%iiion

--------',--SV-V«rl--------------» IMubunrti M VSJ----- -si,uui»--------------- —:.r

Chi(i(o UllMonirr.l s : ;iiP>ii!»ilflp!iu n ,11'


U(Af.ftl.. :!;• vn'Huu.wn ' -.30

• • . ,iu •>>

S>n[>irr>9,('innnrKliI Smn F«rwiirefl.All«nU4 Pi1Ul»<jrih4.Ch,r«n.1 ' OnlrKlftiti arh^gfrj


rhilntftlph'i <Kiwlry .1 cDrit>liMi,S33pm.

Allanu iGUrtnt ii Ilauxon- CTilfifnihroMuiri 1,.14.1'r. 0>,0 34(.m,


ukm 'm i’* U p V ’ ' ^

AL standingsr..t

hrvrUnd v;

'tilion*'" V? i:0«Itln)or« U

0 kl rt o’'

JuwirGir 30 vi’ •T.I.. ' » V« I

CliifOTi. h -i*' :■

ClmUftJ iTonmlijJ M.nrfKit.l.air.rJ

' CilifonitS.T'OtV---------------- —* ,Milirwkt»»>Miil»?

Dflrvil«. ClftlinlJ ■ TMn8,0.klir,d3

^D«iK:P_-sS=LS:;nCicttlc=llloiUin iSflWO-ii ti T«n>TiU) iSl

_S_M p n,[WII3,Si.«30p*m

04W»ni i«VW Mt II Tfni iKlI,!>' MiftnrwU lAAdrrvcfi 20* ll .^tul^


NL box scoresCHCAOO nnM iviitaIhinaiOTH <OOCilW>lf'0 .1 ^ rf 41 J u ;SnAnVb « 0 3 0 [Wi.lU3!>

.JPjpic I 0 0 0 TcU. rf Uw3D <110 MiUicn Ib

Jftckagnrf 4 0 ? ? L\7lrvph , 1 Gmuc*P 0 0 0 0 [WUi«r w DiPuu p 0 0 0 0 DCoiuIi M I

2 a 9 9 S a i n t _ U m nrir 0 » 0 0 HDi.i ph 1

™ C o wELAND ' . S'jritcr pick

th ir3 — A thrce-run sev- ton th e Twin Falls Cow- B

ne-from-"behind South- and im erican Legion base- ting th e M ini-Cassia Sage uevj

-Tbs, coming into th e tho I'eir f irs t lo a ^ e victo- b e lt m u ch enthusiasm . ' fenc

1. I s t h a t t h a - w o r d i i t t _ - i ! i Cowboy Coach Mike run

van(It going through the hoat

Mirii-Cassia Coach base------------- ■ Schc

w ere getting lulled to base ?h t-hander Dan Poul- Johr n F a lls on three hits scon

- - • Pc Iriico ta'ggcd'Cowboy ’ th e ' yes for three rans in Ques

___________ ' _f f w ith a walk and runn ’s-sing le put-the ru n -— Quos second. Villa

Iby hik<E S ,(AP) - John runs J iis-h ittin g s treak to - .Gwyi 1 go-ahcad double in ond h u rsd ay an d Ihe Los.O made b e a t the Houston As-

s t r e a k i s the longest B n tiis season, doubled SA Jn ra lly against No- pitchi

— Fr anc 33 w alked wilh ono a two

w ith two outs and avera la rs h a ll’s double for theA i fbllov^odjvith his h i t , . T h e iko Sdoscia's single scorec__ m ake

. n ing^ four a o u t foi

lP ) — Jimmy Jones LaC l i t t e r for eight in- h is 6 ;go scored lhree u n - . slraigl he Padres defeated is 3-1 Thursday., 1-0 lead in tho sec- Cut)’NctIl-|cd-ofrwitlra------ PITonseculivo hit afler Bonds in ce on Wednesday ■ th n t c 3n a double by Nick n in th ive th a t got by left' Pittsbi idy, who attempted. _Cubs 4 ng catch. Richred three unearned piichei

3s arid Sta■ ■ ■ ■ I h vv^r “ u Hr(

0 0 Get


"'r r»fi ril HItl - Honin —*n -- '• .....£-Eknilli.-Df*-»^ibini;;; j ..p. s. h»Au,sh ? ?n-

in -o 'Mi w i” .

iX '.t.r ''ivi ■)I Pci r,li 0

t l 7 3 1 l')ii>tur|Tk

— r i i H' * GolllfvfiUKnJ Ul V bJITt«n

,Vixii),IIillu>n.'n>inj. >lrSixiT-244, A-H.3UU.


„ 4 0 0 0

o r , - - - -

l.ncit'ii . f, 0 0 0 0

Toui. ,H i 0 ■: Ton!U*A(i<ilf« ■ C<

. IVl Oil 0.n»W.rBir<IUtt-.Mirlbr1,0 - i:-l>ci>n Sai. Wallin,; Il<;jl I 1/in-lto'jiU.n K. 1.04 AnttlM•,h,j ,T V»f>hill, Shfllj, 3U-I:S17 7 A.hSri?! SB-FVhl HI. .muM.',00 K 'I'OVouniiSJi.SlirlbvcJi

, *.*■' . ■ . H t1 r

. ivt Gn Wsith • J t_ Lm Aafrlti:i> H.nhimW.M « . 5

S17 ft JllmllS4 1 . 1r,i» II U’!'-II>nhixr,niin.<Vit 13 Ibpirta-Herntji’in, Fin ■ 4?4 131, t-f;>.i,H.mhSi.<l;Thinl,TiU,3711 Id T-JJ3 A-23.S3W

Cl.STISNATl SA.V I<bo3S> 4 0 0 0 Wnx rollinirf 4 0 I 0 I<Als=ON»;lIt( _ 4 1 1 C Knikl

lEWir^b 3 0 11 TUtif JO O O JU a.

MtCnffc J 0 0 0 Ranr,! Ufklnph OOOOThMt

0 0 0 0 JJofln1 0 0 0 CMrliu

frjlmuph 1 0 0 0 MiD..'Ytrrt'k-'TT----- GOOOHtCInJnc I OOO

Cuicinniu OilOffi

-Cia.Wmr.jnxRBI - [Uidji............... rp'jLOn-Sin th«f0 8. lH-lKll,Ai* l*>‘4j i;d!:ni.RAIofMf sn—Fltmwtiriiili- i.SuBci Cir<itiiuli

Iir-it-JiKi.U5 i . tOtl.fcre:. ' S-ft*** — - — 3 - —S. -

FKilliint . 1 0 S*a

« 3. MiDi<u9JI ] 0

iCIi llDP.£uiLk;brJJ,»M.

J s 2 AL box scores4 n ;• I OAKLA-SD' TTXA.*!4 1 1 0 UMiWJi 3 110 :i 0 1 0 r.»ii>(s2i> 10 0 0 U(D»i

—n m — ■.•iimpii ■ 1 u u u riKrtjJ u j u O 0 0 0 S tm r

, 1 0 0 0 C*»»«orf 4 I I 1 iBTTt*3 0 0 0 rukrrlf 4 0 10 Onnm1 1 0 0 M(0«irlb 4 0 10 Pirru.S>JOOD tUjlcfih 4 0 0 0 E»P7P«1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 PMT.IU

/ b o y s r iScott Condio bun ted and

licked it up and throw it'O hird basem an's head allowir on to score. '

Back-to-bnck singles by Mil nd Darron V andervcr, th e lai ing a Tcxas-leaguer, scored ova and Condio nnd Minico le - Twin Falls’ Shane Quesnell ho bottom of the fou rth inr c iting a hom er over th e li jnce.-ilinico-gavc'Poulton-aiw tho un cushion as V anden-or wall anced to sccond on a Jason oad singled nnd advanced t aso on a balk. W ith two o u t chow h it the ball down' thi aso line and tho ba ll w as bo< ahn H orner allowing Vande :orc.Poulton showed sj^gns o f ti:

l e 'b o t to m o f t h e 'iiix thy ucsncll w alked an d wont tb 1 a M iko Bus te r single. Aft< innors moved up on a-passe uosncllscored o n .a ^ c r in c c J iUonueva ran an d . m ade a

;es hit sns in tho bottom o f tho th ird vynn h it a two-out grounder d basem an JefE^Treadw ay ide two orrors'on th e ploy, '

iiqnts 6,raves^4 - -SAN FRANCISCO ( A P ) - W i cher Mike LaCoss s ta rted ancisco’s four-run th ird innini ;wo-out single, ra ising h is b )rage to .318, as th c G iants ! A tlan ta Braves 6-4 Thursday rhe Braves.'.down rod two runs in tho seven

5-_4. Joe Price pitched t\ gs of one-hit ball and struc r and Scott G arrc lts go t the for h is third save.

.aCoss, 5-4, gave u p five hits 6 2-3 innings and won his

light decision.

rates 4,<jbs3 —ids h it a two-out, tw o-run e t capped a th ree -ru n rally ii lh inning Thursday n igh t an' 5bu'rgh P irates b ea t th e ChIS 4-3. ................ ..ich Gossago, tho fourth-C h her, entered to s tu ru the i

I Kipj»fp UOOO ttVlMl. JO I

j?!OUI OOU OM-4 , OiUiiKl

igrMAKOTT Tfia*Gam* U'lnninf R[llitwT*T-< Lon—till------

;tl-Uw. /■ckwn ?. Oikimd 4.’ T.m 10.-umi flufth<l»'9i ."inluni• iiRFRnn.^o ■ “'" 'I ' • ‘3 a ' 1 I 0 e:i 0 0 .u 0 0

? 5 ? 0 0 I I 1 I 0 WT-CD.rii.

, . l'mpii...Hom.. Kj' J 2 3 3 ond. rVnkinf*r.'niiH,

Il.ninlheHh. nCTKOn’

s * - '-u>iiukr;!i 4 0 11 t^hrndinir 4 0 1'

a.v(;i:ls- . Tnmmiu s o o c• ?b 4*^10 ^ '’ 0 '

Mar.Silrf 4 111 SokMC ;] 0 1Sh.U7Cf 3 : 11 Salai.rlb I I M5no«uc 4 0 3 1 Knuhlih '4 1 J (ilinlinSb 4 0 I I Pr.knp3b 4 I J ,A;<d<>nM 3U0Q Tnali 3A611(IJH« 0 0 0 0 Clr^iini _

nP-ClmliBd 2. U

’» sTsk '**z F®‘'"■t Ii|'-I!«.lcn : Hrre*."ii'jktl.. S JH-CIW, ll.nn,rrinV.M.| H-U-U.tThi-r,HR- nfrtUnd

lil. Ilimillcn Cand.WlU-8 »!•

IIfm«fid*t piUhtd lo * 4 4 - 3 3 - Srtitttrttrwthedut b;1 0 0 0 0 l-KP|rT..|(>tt>., IUI 1 0 0 0 • 0 t.B4.Jof.n«!ii:rtlrt.MfH

FlAlir * s e r i iT iu ’ iDovU.E

Fn4»y.A.V nirW Anlon..‘;ui.4.C*l;fai

ibrhbi U^hiuSi!.Fton<a4ijMfrf 4 0 10 - fUlunliAJ»ri:!. 40 10 ?ti„foHIO.Fr^r«Su

4 100 rull.m «ao,M ...,Mdrir - 4 1 3 I ' rjndi«.C»lif»nil4S,iil i .f 0 0 0 0 Wi.-hiuSiiu7,Amoa■nliaroc 4 0 10 3 0 11 fu R, Frt«M

30 10 Fmf»3Sut««lniRat#d 3 0 0 0 Fii)l»nOTSnw»,Sunf

K t s " . r . ^

■ i l ” ”‘■“ ■ - • " S S

StatifofiJ 4. FlilUrliA Ft-11 HEH nn Ml mdjr,.GIIM 13.-WKhtU Sl

‘3 3 0 4 3 iosiSuu.U.I2.£.iapj&S. -B— B- 0 . «----Pdltitai?!0 0 0 0 0 f,rd,4«.33.l! 1 1 2 30 0 0 0 1 Ch«pionihip, 1 pa.

^rrf. M I’fl Rochester0 0 0 0 RCX-liESTON.Y.lAP

— 3 0 :1 DNI I.UM U Im rf S I I 3 RcchnUr IsurutiauL b^ t i l 40 10 p•^TI Ucwln»filb 4 0 3 0 i>,dnclM«a>Ifurr.TU.S dh 4 0 10 CiitflDf Gavia7 0 0 0 0 0 ShmiA«u!uufrnili4 3 I I 0 Dtn*U>Aexjm;«.it

a l l y t o 1b6at ]ym d H ay es catch in rig h t fit 'o v e r th e In 'th e sevenwing P oul- cided to pull Po

lanuova. BobbiMiko P rice ning w ith a ti) la t te r h it- w hen M a tt Ru£red V illpn- tho base u m p in0 led 3-0. ^ u n d ball bi icll opened looked like a dc inn ing by ucva’s toss to se

e lefl-fie ld sacks wore full.Quesnell sini

th o r-th ree- _ sen an d -w h en - valked, a d - s lill thought Jon W h i te - . Quesnell, he th r d to th ird th e runners a d \ outs, K on t’a sacrifice-il; tho th i rd Tw in F alls he ld booted by After w inninf

id e ry e r to nailed th e firs t 1 th e .youngster ii

f_tiring in tertoji,-^ h y in n in g ." ' The College tb second .. h u r le r m owed d

\ f tc r bo th ' tc rs in 17 pile issed ba ll, three.ceJly lth a t------- A flo r-th o -g a i

a d iv ing th e pitchers.

streak ilird. Tony w ith a 3-1 load ler to see- pinch h itte r S id '/ay, w ho doubles, chasing

: Frank D iPino,M ike LaV alliere

■ . moved B ream t.............. ■ Gonzalez "walkedW inning o u t in a rundow n

le d S a n Reynolds’ groun ning w ith advancing to tl s b a tt in g reaching second. ,„i,beat Tigers,ne .p o in t, I n d i a n s 2 - venth to CLEVELAND i d tw o in - Luis S alazar sin ruck o u t breaking run, s| the f ina l n in th in n in g T h u

th e D etroit T igen hits ov e r Ind ians 6-2r lis th ird W ith th e score

E v an s drow a oi n in th from Tom ( Lem on singled of!

___ ______ ^Ia2a_r___f ^ e e ^B arry SchlitzrdeF w iih c

n s in g le m iddle th a t score y in th e W alew ander. .

?"KieSo.A t h l e t i c s ^

Chicago ■ A R LIN G TO N ,' lO ^ninth Buechelc h i t a tw

30 I onu«hl.3b 4 1 3 ? W .IW r 3 0 10 U'llknn Jb 4 12 0 , rmJ; K.rr IOOO UvrrlKx1 2 6 I'r^TiT^’ l T T i T s " -

IOO UOO 010-? L^nAdan tRni - RurL imSi. ’ haibll>ink.reiw.'IlP-TfUa'? r.Otr-’ “ NiiOTtxi.!• 10. ?n-nn.wrr. Fl.uh.r Kn.Monii

' .'•Wa I,.,:------CTnTclf-r• Un>rardill> 'MiiiPUrk

11 H nKR nil SO

’ m'^1 n 0 I 1 P.Ty'sWrinlr'Ranf Nalvi Ilio.

I*. K«im, Fit.i, Cl.rk. Kr,.iiAIl--rh.rt,McCor,

CLir\TlASl) ^

r '^ R T n l'i’ b'’ 4 ? f ? W estcl0 I O^mnwdh '

1 '0 0 JifT5br3h 4 T» n i> Wi.'O'O'O^njcjirif "' J'J r i) ' ' ” «i-:iT7-!

i i l'jrwiraT"' 4 M u I Will «Toul. .^;ij Jit) 'J

f ^ £ . Z : ! r i S rIP II llKIl nil su ...

o '^ I 1 I IJ II !.:r.n, irilo I bali.r ,n lh. Ml,. ../ v--.,-,. Il"llj. rini; Ct.ft; SwLMfKtln . Fvjr:.,rr;

aries'' Al'omihV.'N.hn4»y.Jun. 3 , T'a : 'u : -•

^ ! , , j . n .4 S e n io raaii,Fl*.3 r-,-',ii4S,’c»!*rai«Tnrcin«t7dms&*Sui*4 - —r.-C'-r-i-Ctf.d<r.Jun.«*Mno SuiA 4. 17 innmr>

■ J S - 'Juiv. ■

;ni: j.-Miiar. no iiaP ------“Jum » . ........ '

'iJTOtJttMSrIOlrffBr*------r.i .r . 'T -- -:txU;,Jun*9 ii -.ii ..MlillUI . I...I-.........idir.JuMlO ll.U Suu, « .I i.l, y. An IL VOpj"-------' i..~ l*—,aiJWr»3-n,V4-!4iunUr. Jim* 11 5,..,-,


r 1 w »ow.vw Hik»y.ifKKkiiL b«i£( pUr*i] oa U- r-rtHjU Coun./, Cl.b .

i i i J r<«ri»n»y»r

L . . .

4ini-Gafield. .................... •

3n th inning, Bridges de- HoPoulton and inserted Vil- Hoby Jenco led off th e in- saitr ip le and came hom o !

^sm usscn hit a sh o t ofT a t > ire. Boomer W alker h i t aback to the box th a t hoidouble play, b u t V illan- 1second was high a n d tho ley11. ■ ■ 1ingled scoring R asm us- Saln-thc-M inico sh o rts to p __re t

ho had a p lay on bath rew it off the m ark a nd godvanced ono baso. B ust- thofl^scorcKi Walker and leftId a 5.4 lead. capng pitcher Jay Shepard ^t b a tte r, Fodcrico pulled 1 pin favor of Kolly Chat-, Sui

........... ................. Ip .e o f Southern IdahQ / 7 dow n tho next six bat- md

itches nnd s truck o u l fell

amoT--Federico-prnised,' ‘0-3.. I

to 24 giad. D am ell Coles and eigh id Bream opened w ith bentIg Gossago_;_____ Ranio,..0-3, pinch.hitter__A thl re on a grounder th a t Tl

to third ond D enny . th e i ed : Bream was; togged■'W esI vn on pinch h itte r R .J. S t indcr, with Gonzalez ,timc th ird and R eynolds—th e F

' S t -------- Fu

) (AP) ~ Pinch h i tte r qTi ■ingled homo th e tie- spark ing a ''fo u r-ru n i g „ i

lurs’Jay night t h a t lod :rs over the Cleveland ^ 4 .

re tied a t 2, D arrell one-out walk in tho -jt-u

1 Candiotti, 6-5. C het jfTCandiotti’s leg and . .^ ine ^ reliever D an__1 a ground’ball u p th e red pinch runner.J im

w ith? , cham

2 " ', Texas (AP) - S teve Be tw o-run homer in tho

TVD arr

- . J e a n

Fallsf t " toum;sr.-—T"—ss:":r'Firr” „ ■ a tun

t r ' ’ S T - 7 ? : i ‘

s E ; ; i f ; : ; ; ' iioidoi T Ths

.mk" . Janse:................. “ j * : ” ch o ri

Glend. 6.T nr

. ” ,3»-73 Hanch Messe:

C h e s t e r In tlxm B e t t y .

------ ^ D '^ c o - e h a r l o%cc

. - ^^eigs-W35-M w hile!

Colleei^ -----------------

■ ■ ■ i l Wo■ l l : f o m e i

TWi: Fa lls Slowpil

-g in con

^3^":ra All g ' ' t i e r F ie

iMijIn F irst j t i i lr t’ a.m ., {

Ole: 11, r c coin Ml

E a 'n d l

1; i j . - c;vu «i l j . an d La7 " ' w 3.’-ie Qhicagt

y,23~a resum e V ________ u'jfl“w _pior'shi

S 'S :;?" Di,M-ro champii• — — 3-£K£7';-«Jrtra-&


r # lBl

- S.p.,IVn..-n 0 “'

c ;

. . ' - 3 2 ^

1 ill COHS w - r pl400«-7> I .

Friday, j i j n o 10 .1983

assia 4 -3“Poulton w as h o tte r th a n ou r bats. .

Ho kept us gu essin g tho whole n ig h t.. .Ho really th re w a good gam e.“ ho eaid. ’ _ ;

Meanwhile, Federico was pleased a t C hattorton’s perform ance.

“Kelly th row s strikes, and row s..!, h a rd /h o said: :

Both te a m s w ill play T reasure Val- : ley opponents S a tu rd ay . ;

Twin Falls w ill tako on’ Meridian : Saturday a t 1 p .m . and 3 p.m. befciro.mtlim ing bnmf« fnr jfiftgiin_______battle with Pocatcllb . Twin Falls will go with r ig h t-h an d e r C hris Sm ith in tho opener and w ill probably go with lefl-hander Bobby Jenco in th e nights ; cop on S a tu rday . ;

Minico will h o s t tho N am pa team a t ;1 p.m,’ and 3 p .m . on S a tu rday and on : Sunday, Idabo F a lls \ ’isil3 R upert for |lp ,m .a n d 3 p .m .e n p g c m o n ts ;----- : ” •' Tho loss le fl T w in Falls 3-2 overall ; md 1-2 in k a g u e gam es. M ini-Cassia : ell to 2-5 nnd 0-2.Miiwiiii.;___zz-zzziKM » r oo<i“ 4~'i —«■ r --------TM»r.u.------------------000 101 Kn-« I I .

... fsd!«a_Vilkaa«T» l7J iniLHliiuhMi. lUn*. SW id lai • Ch.iun»Billnn49u.4n«U. W - Sb.p*rt Il-U L - ViltMom ' ‘0-3..IUl-'!Viiirilli.0\>MntU<1*. - - I

james ;eighth inning T hursda 'y n igh t .as un- -l»nten- Jdff R u sse il -a n d -th r-T c ia B -^ ------- -E^ngcra_defea ted_0ak land .5 :2 .- t h e . •_____ _\th le tics’fifth s t r a ig h t loss___________ ______

Tho losing s t r e a k is tho longest o f I ho season for th e A m erican league, •

Storm Davis, 5-3, lost for tho firs t • im e in 11 c a re e r decisions aga inst '' he Rangers.

Stanford dum ps Fullerton S ta te

OilAHA, Nob. (AP) - 'Lee H em elcotto rod olght h itf? fi?r h is nftff>nd Cfil-_______?ge Worid S eries v ictory a s defending hampion StanTord s tayed alive w ith

4-1 victory ov e r Fullerton S tate 'hursday night. •

Plemel, 12-8, s tru c k o u t seven in itching his sccond completc-gnmo ictory of tho t o u rn a m e n t H e allowed ine h its-in h is 10-3 opening-round'in over F resno S ta te on B atu riay .------ :--------

Stanford's v ic to ry se t up a re tu rn looting w ith th e T ita n s F riday night,'ith the w inner advancing to the hampionship g a m e S nturday

Soiseans collect - jest ball title

TWIN FALLS Boiseons Karen )arrington and Peggy Faylor hold off ' ' can Sm ith nnd K a rla Luchi o f Boise- 5 W i h i m f f i p 6 f i m p - f n " y i r i X v E ^ ^ '~ ' alls Municipal two-wom en b est ball; lum am ent T h u rsd ay . ■T ortH TB oise w 6 m e ii7 th l^ 8 m e 3 as tuneup -round a n d get-acquainted -

iy ..w ith .T w invF alIs ..M uny .fo r. t h e _______a tiu m m fr '- nm nti^iir which.wilLho-----------;ld on the coursc e a r ly n ex t m onth. •The cham pionship flight n e t prize IS shared by J a n H a tch and I ^ th y nsen and J a n e t C um m ins and lori W ebster, T w in F alls, a t 61 w ith ' ' ' enda M cGroer a n d Loise M addy a t

nnH .Tortfio f?naaf.r’ nnH TCrftl^y'______inchett and J a n T ay lo r 'an d Ju stin e }ssersm ithat65 .In thc first f lig h t, B etty Vech and tly Purves took to p honors w ith a ' •, th roe a head o f P h y h s Taylor,anda riutlu BruncHi:-------------^ 'Second flight title , w en t to Joan- ; i^ a n d ,,A .lic o .S a b a la w ith a n 88- lilo None ^ e a n d B etty B irrell nnd lleen Adams a n d N orm a Pickens. rc^cd -a tfl9 ____^ ----------

/omen’s softball : leet set SaturdayrWIN FALLS — T h e an n u al Twin Is Women’s C lass B Inv ita tional' wpilch Softball to u rn am en t has wn a n ine-team field and will be-'com pctitiom it-lO a.m : Saturday.— ----------

^1 games aro schedu led for Fron- • Fiold.'irst-round . p a ir in g s include: 10 I., Chicago C onnection vs. Cafe - : ll:,30a.m ., G a ry ’s C arpe t vs. Lin- 1 M erchants a n d C actus Pe te ’s vs.'nd R T ransporta tion ; 1 p.m., J a s s ;M a gic V nliny R n d to ln g y /T h e C o v e ; _______1 Lalham M 5tor vs. th e 'w in n e r of cago Connoction-Cafo Olc. aturday’s ac tion will conclude: h a single gam e a t 5:30 p.m. and im e a t 10 a ,m ..S unday . Tho cham- iship semifinal will_begin a t 11:30'.

and adm i ^ tl i e ^ h n c n o ~ ~ th e : mpionship b a ttle a t 3 p.m. I f a n ;a-session- is - re q u ire d ,- it~ w ill-b « ----------^cdat4:15p.m .

iNTACAR?!Bnnkruptcy-OK Ropo-OK

Bad Crodll-OK N o Cfo<Jll-OK First Timo Buyor-OK

Call M r.-H alM akorow 3 2 4 - 3 9 0 0 - ^ 7 3 4 - 6 5 8 5 , ______


■ ■ I

'89 T Im oa-N ow o, Twin Falla, Idoho 8-5

Page 14: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

B u h l i m

r e c o r d t (

w i t h I . F .


• . IDAHO F/\LLS - Cornelio llernnndez tc r ond il "four-hitl here Wednesdny nigi

•--a Southern Region " --------- gion doublo-hoadcr I

14-2 a n d I5 - t ,_________B rndy, making h js

Benson', struSc o u t i b a tte rs nnd'govo ug run jn lh e firat gam e

, th e regional Btanding

Legion bi

14 .h its, while Dor B rady , Doro 'l Liermt k insoB ciichhad two 1;

-------------- In-tlie-n ig litcop , 1m ak ing hi.’i llrst s ta r allowed ju s t three hit by eigh t Drrors by th

........ th e Ind ians pave himhe needed with a six-i then scort'd three moi and four in the third.

H enjundez ended---- ------ gamo-witl; sovon s trik i

Troy Rulitor, Atkjn? — each had three h its i:

-----------B u h in ra ifh 'c rrftrdey"for-7 a t the pintc, whil

---------4'for*4. - • — ............The victory left Buh

the regional Btandings ord, 6-0 nvornll. The Ir one o f tJie other unbe

• th e region, Pocatello, I noon a t 6 p.m. in a sch

_ __ in Pocatello’s Halliwi Rebels are 2-0 in confer

The two losses in-----------openerlcft-IdahcrPallr

0-1 in regional play.

B u h l 14, Idnho F a ll

Jinir >nd Ch«iBndyrlJiL - WMim|iO-l>.

B u h l 15, Id ah o F a l lid th e i iS f s .7 -z z z z z z r r

tbnitadHll4 r L-rvhnltiiMl.

- T w i n F a l l s -------T«laF«]liE»ell»liD»!l»UISaWMUifu'T<if*diV'iCJuti<aU«nioa»l*.«(

tJ.boMPIup.nn llKkil(>3g a n. - KiMiral'nan.Th«Gil:aOp.m. - T nmtn.C.mSuu'nT 3pm.-LnC(lOikii.. lUnUi*.

Ilirnon Dl>.<‘ IfrM ,.m. - lUhrnrr *Ca.-Soulh n»nCa

IJOpn -[Mnh.lVr’in [Vmn>»l a p m. - llip .Vnpl, luhmw

nstW a/iOaB Ilinaon I>l<k«

«im. - ltirtikjn»J.4»> Djtumo*.. 1530•til Anri*n-tunyD*i

~ C«.--------------->!Wpjn, ■ iJircotT.urrTrTwwGwtgt

a p D,TT>* l!iantj n. lliniwn tf 3.49 • «. - I ll 5lo tt"* " IVmin lOMt.Bi. - luml»ol-n<n.Eli(UI « r » p n - Ti>moi.UMti>rT.Mich


_________ ll«nyiipl».tfilOMiro - r jn rU «rm » A«T; 130 pra. - An»lfira»tf>l Suf«r

4taf7nrr'i Ktr k i'iki.3pm - McD^'nU.oi.Iilvk^cnd.n

IUn>MUU.tflBiffl -TK

'Hri l uth. Ngnre,tfr. Ir-ra:;,.p.^„............ .. .....................

U'ct]n*Ml«j''afram«im riS-^b>ert>UIDSOan. - ll.nH l-.i-r.. I'.m. Urjy pn - S*4nffT«t»r. f

1^.,-TTic iT.v.


ILM .n - f'i'13 jt

101& a in •• t .r.-wT r.T',L *>* riti'iclj'41?n -3p.n • IMIm 515p-, .


1.,.- "**“ *•"

o .R -n ;^c i'i.r... T r 'u r jiiT r

bjr .. ^- Ilooiil Lfacut

«• n - .' UrocuTa

— THEISEN MO^ ) v e r s t ^ c k e ^ ^W e m u s t s e l M O O n e• Ford Hoiof Co. will male your dc •TficijenMoIorswillpay)'Oi;‘ s3li •IDfl.ODOnilewarianty.•No money oul ol four pccksl.

_ THRSgftilVlQi701 M aJn A vo‘. E •

T w In F -i lls jl t la lib ,— .F fld a y -J

n p r o v e s

t o 6 . 0 . 1 V

s w e e p ? f „

,vs ■ ^

i - M ik e B ra d y ,o n d le z to s s e d a six-hit* h i t t e r , resp e ctiv e ly , l i g h t n s B u h l s%vept n “B “ A m e ric a n Le- ; r f ro m Id a h o Fa lU ,

h i s f i r s t s t a r t o f th e **’/ ' I t n in e 'I d a h T T n l i s u g j u s t o n e e a rn e d m e , w h ic h c o u n ts in ___ .in g s . r Z

baseball \m d th r e e o f B u h l 's .) o r r ic k B r in k m a n , r m a n a n d K elly At- jjpg ,

J , o v e r ), H e n r a n d e z .- a l s o - — <pj t a r t o f t h e season , h i t s , b u t w ns h u r t t h e I n d ia n s . S t ill, . ^ ro k

l im fllJ t h e offense ix - r u n f i r s t inn in g ,Tiore in t h e second f-,gj |

>d th e ‘f lv e-in n in g

----------------- c o n s i: in 5 o n .a n d H onecn. .. d a y ’s s in t h e g a m e fo r ' e y - th e - s v e i i in i ; - 6- 'h i l e A tly n s o n w ns p j^ yg

!u h l a l l a lo n e ntop igB w i th n 3-0 rec- i I n d i a n s w ill p la y e n c e ' n b e a te n te a m s in fu n d a0 S n tu rd ay after- s c h e d u le d tw m b ill n n n tji l iw e ll P a rk .-_ T h e I fe re n c e g a m es . ^ ion v

in t h e R u ss e ts H n rm I M - ^ t m r m l l - a n d -

ag a in :

^ a ll8 2 ■-------•!« n . i 4 14 I d a y s

a” ".H.., »■ e q u a l “T h

'a lls 4 w elli------ M l a - I I IS 1 Steve«.-Hiih??i*Zwra».V?------thinki

- ................................1 3pm--fl'

«T>vphir*TiT«n]*aii IMffvl«*»J.4 3p» .-B .DIm.*S

rr A Anar: fi Punr IW.n'

" • '■ J lo'S-.";'':i l _ I.MeJB.-Oaswa - 3 p.m.-Dll

>!*.«« •

rDr.n c- S'-i* n*»rawmto rjii'Tiwci.i'n-----

■mnt «1JUI«l.3fcLuIh.tin

»» _____________L»«n>

tTMin- -j/wr r, S.wiwiS IVmi^ .r .« , r * r o n - .u !®^p*r-''6

yr. r*li..n A



i„ , H .m -U .7* 10 JO a If. - I

l7* - (Vl-C*

»an ,.-.rWSrr.r>„ Ir..l..r,.c^ ,

.me. .

^ [ R ^ U |


■ V. TF. Cflir. Atf.'uof ^ -1

OTORSl Sd^ale! - 3 —new unils. ; - |urdownpaymenl.'salesla i.

m i m

Coachil3y R O N G A T E S ^imcs-A^cuffl w rife 'r '

T W IN F A L L S - W ith ope lay p la y in T w in F a l i n C n o /c a g u e b a se b a ll r ig h t a ro u n d o r c e r S te v e a n d M ar,e Leonn: e co n d -y ea r h u sb a n d -n n d -w ife c a g duo , a r e e x p e r ie n c in g th e i ire sea so n p ro b lem s.

“W e h a v e 15 p la y e r s , w h ic h m ‘ r e a l ly h a rd to g e t everybody a y s M a re .-“A n d th e sk il l lev els0 m u ch , S om e o f th e k id s p la y c

'i th a n d g e t in s t ru c t io n from n g s 'w h i le o th e r s c a n 't e v e n t l k 'e rhand .”'T h e I ;e o n a rd s ; w h o se 'L e o n a rd o le u m E q u ip m e n t C o m p a n y s ir s te a m s in tw o s e p a r a t e d iv is i *oke in to c o ac h in g w ith Q i ■ade K n o th o le s q u a d a y e a r ago. A th ird -p la c e le a g u e f in is h qi >d th a t te a m fo r th e p la y o ffs a r !W av o ca tio n w a s b o m . A lth o u g h th e y a lso f ie ld a n .er n s ls t in g o f 6 i>c th :g rade \boysrT i y ’s p ra c tic e w a s d e v o te d to th e ee L ea g u e L epco O ile rs , a cc }-ball t e a m m a d e u p o f f i r s t- j ly e r s f ro m _ S t. E d w a r d s S c ld A co rn L e a in in g C e n te r . ...........“I’ve n e v e r w o rk e d m u c h a t t e l so i t 's k in d o f a n e w exp' :o ," S tev e s a id . T h e r e a ro a Id: id a m e n ta ls to b e ta u g h t a n d ic h in g r ig h t o f f th e s e a t o f s ts ."r h e O ile r ; f i r s t t a s t e o f c o m p n w ill co m e a t 3 p .m . T u e s d a y rm o n P a r k 's d ia m o n d s ix agaii r r i i o n Sch’ool ’ w ith a ba t l in s t G em S t a t e T ro p h ie s /F r n ’ S to ra g e on th e s c h e d u le t fS la te r . W ill t h e n e o p h y te s la l to th e tn sk ?T h e k id s a re .c o m in g to g e th e r n 11 in te rm s o f h a n d l in g th e ba v e a s s u re s . “T h e y n e e d to n k in g - a b o u t - r u n n in g - th e - b a i

Bir—'OwiTwtlfy n Btnrflnit Lift * ------- ----- flirtum'xi. T.F. Moninh UoniCIub

Tlrandar’adtixa- DenneiW/a T». 8»tn»»n'*Lca.-Nwrtr» T.f. P»U(» AUiWlIt t^irutm. - l«prf»nl8«^nftv>.T.r.MonarthLiCpninu- D«0«flcu)LifiTa.81»n>0(>i<

lUraop- HouH*4Wh»tlir«.Tlm»iSrw«.m. -T.MUftkA^ilTi.LEPCO iL~Stfilmtt.BthitrmnrTuultrar -- Dl«oiiDniUr»Ti.SiniftLO.H' Jrr*«nfcn.i

'v*da«a<Ur‘a(1u » f.;Hogj*rfW>iHlrn:8lnjr»frr*“j«n»rnCran—1. - [>iu«Onllrnn.T.F. lUnkkTniai -TlIM.S««.ri.8t»l.r*

T«ia Falla belkola Bonball

tUrsM Dla.«4 Kinf Vi4r «t. M Minuu I-hMs

B. - R A R KnUrf no Tl. AuKin'i FirirM Mini M<l- - ItiSminirn BfirtiulanMMnMoarrMKhin*

WadMida/anamM ^; DU.«4 ,

RAR PnUijnlin n. L*in.!krran.Nr<wr SfarhiM -MUiflul.PhoUin

t ftafunij

AB*ri<*ii Laafu* ^______ .............................................tVxiollrr'in KinNrrIr1 - Main Caf Waih*. Dti=|frr™n- n«k»r>iarT!iacjT. Chrmital S.ipH. IV


. - Ch«niKal5upt>jrCe vi fVtn*r (’.in,;

.SalloaalLaafu..Hae<iar’a<iaaM - ^ frwilltrnia. *J

LaIjJva LrnvoclinA -Owir»|],'.n TVmFallallinkiTrj.i

- .1««nort-*i8n(it«nr» Mm Wriilliiiial'•-Cell


VI. 8awl.-jl>i ! lin{TT«. - LrnradKlATi T<rii> I'all. Hank k Tr\i»- LacrJTI Cjti Ccia •% Wr«ll>;txal

u c d o


M onday TuoscJay • Wc Auciior

" - S A T U R D AnO N z a n d e r ;

Advorlisoni..............- ----------M astcrrsAut_____________S A T U R D A


- .. ----------------- MTOSorsmiih A


Advoftir.oim Mor.norsmiih AM O N D A Y

ART PIERCE ES Advortisomo


ing kidjopen ing-Cnothole

th e

fe coach- )e u s u a l ’ *

m a k es

e ls v a ry ny

om sib r '■ ;iy1 th ro w — > .u ' r " _ -p -

la rd Pc :-------- :------- :----------------- -y sp e n - v isiona, a fifth ig o .- ■ -1 q u a il- ]_ _2-s a n d a . ,

i . e n t r y -: r T u e s n ; :— ~;he P e e ~ r -• co-eds t- y e a r ' T.School

I t th is experi- I lo t o f nd I ’mo f m y J. L e o n a r d P e t

.. th o u g h a n d w e ’r e t n l w n y f k n o w wHS-i th e y 'r e in t h e f ie ld , w ill l e a r n to a u to m a b a ll to t h e r i g h t g u y .

I t ’s a f a m i ly a f fa f ords w i th so n A u s t i i

o ld e r b r o th e r s B u c . y e a r-o ld S a m im p a n

'h*Tl " P*^*^®” c es a s a s s i s t a i c a ll , y o u n g e s t p a i r , A n n :

*j° a r e a tw o a n d th r e e , m in im u m a g e ib r p i

-------- R u p e r t ------------lluparl Utt:

l‘a« Waa MoBdar'a

DU."■ Tp Z Z i C . ' F a

Dla.<■Spm -V .II.,.Sp„,,„.. Sfw

_____. cm -

>’cf Wra At............... .....................

^ -KalU)rjl«^»».a»aBUp'-l-TrtplaCCoBcaiilral.

Wadaaadiir’i DU. a

flpm - laiSmnlrra TnpUC 7 pra - S«rn>rn'iMarrMari<i Upm - Tn rifcl*« KfUrjPtai

. ' .y-ai

8pm - rtup*ii.«erep1imu( v». I;pm -. n4n,Mjik.iv» sh«k»i

».» .• ' Hfm - Shc«kry'p«», Ruprrt Sop

^ Tpn -U i~nSalr... 114IIM.- - - - -• • Vawan U

Oi>ff> - Tinlr ck IWan4 Cram VITpm - noim'iFtt V, »ii(«rtl


''pnj - 1'irkyVU‘avaiJa VI Dor?____ . — If.'n

Novka L«aMoBda/iG

I'pr:. M.rcV.: r n -l'orr.„TlUIWi.l.v. ICj

Wadaaada 'al-jpm -H.,KVjl.vFocd.v,

MldratLaa. Tuaa.Ur’a Ol

JJUpra - MinitoAular«rtav» S - .......... 5 r —

a n ^


W odnosday • C iasciiiod Ad :iion H ouso ••DAY, J U N E T l l - --------7E R S -T W IN F/fLLS r.onioni: Ju n o 9•Auctton‘SCfVtco~'----------------J a y . j u n e i i —lUSEHOLOS & COLLECTIBLE!;fmioni;_Junn 9 _ _ _______ih Auciion Sorvlco ' ' ')AY, J U N E 1 8DLD • FARM • COLLECTlOLES omoni: Ju n o 1G Ih Auction Sorvico\y, J U N E 2 0ESTATE • JEROME

amoni: Ju n o 18 Auciionoors


s is a fa

! t r o I e u m s e c o n d b a s e m i

te a c h in g ^ e m j o a re alw j o’s o r n j a s e 'w h e n 7bot.~Id. H opefu lly th e y , T h u s la t ic n l ly th ro w th e lo t o f en. :y ." • co achesf a i r for th e L eon- ev ery ir t i n c o m p e tin g nnd • w ay . u c k , 12, a n d 10- “T h e j r t i n g p rev io u s ex- p lay ed t a n ts , T h e fam ily 's M aze oil in ie and W illiam , k id s aroi■ e-veafa-B hv-otlhe__noaltion .p a r tic ip a tio n , b u t fun ."

— T

JtllaUacti.4 NatioMl

IA K Aujnum ' Fama■SUpiTim. ^ B i i

fhu»kiwIgpftllWalt». Com To Com . ^ - 4

• l«ra.Vrt^lrtla•r’aCuMiCConnrlial» i« lr. C.I.T»»aii|

■Utpitr'anaa,. . ,• . Larwn Salrf k ./i

j^afiaB.. /

(L ^ fn. • • - - -- -----aCaniS “ — •“






lOamri .

• SthcKirSaRnirr

Effectivedate ; _

s thru June 20

— • - - .......

ES p^ -,r. .z


' i ■. ja — I

amily a

m a n E r i n M i c i a k g i v e s t

Iw aya e i t h e r o n h a n d or un^

u s f a r b a s e b a l l h n s providec e n jo y m e n t f o r p a r t i c ip a n ts a e s a l ik e a n d th e L e o n a r d s ho

in te n tio n o f k e e p in g i t t l

le f i r s t y e a r o u r o ld e s t s d th e c o a c h w a s p r e t t y s te n o ffe red . “H e n e v e r m oved t

iro u n d . T h e y w e r e s tu c k n to o n .fbr-tho--venr.-It-w ri6nU -m u

Dia.’ a Ia. -Bu~rii'rVECT.ri.HiUOil“ •nuratUr'a r,«maa

n. - VImlMa Pharmacr va. Rurpx FCT.- S<ho- i Phannacy v. Hill Oil


— F i^

¥ I


MIJNDIS' ' ' M .

C o c c h n il th e h; H u r r y ! S e a t in g i

T ic k e t s .irc S l^ i p iin :h ;isc d ; it th c s i

.......... T ^ ^ m - F h l l s r i V i ^JcT oim JT R oS ;-' \Xcm

■ ■ ; T ^ M -a ti


affair fo

V a j H

:s l a m i n a t e a n d b a s e r u

u n d e ^ _ “A u s tin f ia s _ a lw i B e s ire to p la y b a l

ided a “F u n a n d p a r t i c ip n ts a n d a l l a b o u t. iE verybod 3 h a v e • in e v e ry g a m e a n d t th a t to b e lo ck ed in to o n c

, T h e co ac h es w e n t t son b a se b a ll, a m u c h te m ," c a lle d th e “I n c r e d i l id th e d e v e lo p m e n t.a to n e .... “I t ’s s u p p o s e d to tm u c h — r e j i u l a i i o n - b a l l r b u t _________ th e lo n g a ^ a m .’’ J

_______________________ ru an iL' :

S p m. - MmiiMa IhnrTBaB va. H 7PO.-1H 3-4L.V1.A Rpm.- 9miiir'«R<>taiirani VI.

DU. I«pm. -(JualiijTlrtavt.Repar'i

C a c t u s „ E e t <

i m r

k l o n d a y , J u n e 2

: h a rd -h ittin p ac tio n live o n ng is limiccd. ,__________ T ick(15, $ 2 0 -Si.525. A ll icm ic s f outlets;■TTKlnVAXcsuTrn \X'e,ir rdow iito ';c ;r?F ?r\v i? H rB c n iri:H ? ?V ’r c

O Riatiasi: t ; ir J . i


>r Leon.

v n n e r J o s e p h M c K i n l e y

w a y s had_a_ g r e a t _ | | ^ e 1a l l ," a d d fd S te v e , m ucfi.' p a t io n is w h n t i t 's -j^-g o d y ’s go ing to p iny -j ^d th e y ’r e n o t g o in g . y e a rn e p o s it io n ." • j t ^ n a rn t o n to to u t a new cong jjjj :h s o f te r ve rsio nl i b a i r a s a m a jo r b u t the

, , t h i s o m) t r a v e l a s f a r a s au t- itr -d o e sn ’t - h a v e -------r— jV

Maze explained.

i - iS S Ia -------— Tp-»;-

a. Rupan Elk'ti.Acallartwart .v».8urnrS'»taF»ni>4 • a. #4 <"* Bpm.-

t e ’s P r e s e n t

f a * l ]ill &



2 7 • 7:00 p.m .) n c lo s c J -c in ru i t T V i n t h e

cets ____.’M.‘rv ed .-N 'o -n .‘fu n d 5 . T ic k c t ;

:<ivvii); B arion 's Jcw clrv (L v iw Q u ic k S c rv iif . B u r le y : T I k-

. c a ll lu ll-rrcf: l-SOO:SZ'i : i 10.


lard clan

■ ■ 'I ■i<

l e y g u i d a n c e i n p r a c t i c e 1;:

he kidj don^t back off from it ob____2icfi."' ■

'It’s great!." her-husband chimed ---------H“I can’t imagine coaching a fu^t , 'l

ir team with a regulation ball. I f j v i-aan’t for the new ball I’d havo to sider cautioning some parents lUt the safety of their children, ^they tako some good shots with ;

J on^ and shake it riffht off. ‘It_wilL_mako-the-transitlon -to “ rdball tnuch easier," he added. i;

p'm.--H»Mr!MKin*i.nftFanM---------------;------ ^TkBnday’aOaaaa ^

Dli.#t Up.ra. - Am ilanlxn va. MUilJoka IW an Bp.m. - litr>d« Cpm. - RupanElk'iv«.SuaivSiapaFlrma I

I t S . ^ _______ : ________________ _ J ..

........... .... - — 1^.-



viPioNsiap 11

{;l\t: Gala l^oom. I *

_______________________________ ___ ____ |_A i:kct.s can b o -------- ------- . 4 a!

MalD.“ “ ' ' ' j '*g"Ik- Burley lun.

r r o r r ^ ------------ --------- -------------—

H ' ' ] |'• .__________ ________________ _ ,_ | 1 Dad

J 8anDanMI

Page 15: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

M a rN E W YORK (Al

I k e t tu rn e d in an irI , T hu rsd ay , pausini; ' n ea r .i ts h i p e s t Ic'

. .......................The:D ow Joncajr W a la , up 48.36: eiippod back 9.601

A t midsession I w ith its 1988 closii reached oh'April back n e a r th e close

A dvancing issue d in e s by a t» u t 9

I tra d in g o f New Yoi • lis ted stocks,-with

OJid 448 unchanged "i V olum e, on the B o a r^ cam e to 235

■dow nfr6m '3l0.03n ous session. Natior

, volum e in NYSE-IL '■ ing’tra d e s in those

exchanges and in (t. •—m a rk e t: to taled 264

Moro th an one*f( ac tiv ity w as conce

... .w ith ,.. divideadfl- in E d ison ,.th o volume a t'T 3 % bn tuniover

- m illion shares.------. A nalysts said a n

, J IMM0rALU(*P1-W«dn»'>£ ne‘tupp*rT«Mr.Tirlnr«Mhifl

' s n PeutewrCwnMMnuaAi (J MVM IMWy. RutMit 1 Inch

S.9fr4JO.mmtOM.Oa.hwlm -| mMK 7.MMJB. nira UO-TJO; i

-----,'t cr lOOi’Ifi.OO-tBJO, Mm« t40,1

, . 10 ei mlnlmuffl «JO-im Mm> I-------

.V knun M(MM. mMBy ue. Ott - otmlftlmumlOMJanwlTt

|v CHICAaO(U>)-USOA-tbt I' plnepOlftUUauWtdntM«Tln1 ; <M> 1.H; ruiMli «» B MCU ne

ftuiMU U Ib unant IDO K CewrMe lO.Mjhuno tsj».i9ii>:

fluiMi* U B unent p« nr11.00-IIJO: ColonOg 1<«: k11.00-1l.s0.

1 NewronK(* -n/aiDv»>io> STOCKS

Op«) MbI> Lm-------- —-------«0M ----------------M«7J0ai

ci - J J J J W S l

— a ---------- E s t H H a t e

T 'C ^O P . "Crop^

-----1 " - A lfnlfQ --------- .23- ■j Sug.BcetB. ' .08

i'l P o ta to e s ; .20ijj B ean .05

. . F .c o m .OSI S .co m ’ .05

W .G ra in .27M S .G ra in • .27

1;^ P eas .25I. Luw n .23 .

O nion .15A pple .24. .

l i l o s------a-ljUW-WBIC-WP)- ThiifwJr, 4 (u

I ' ntDooM piteM for Nn> Yen Sleu Ci

j. PE(«ImLj(IO>

i ’ [’‘ ' ' . i ’s;!;::A«U6'1.M 16 tKII 41 -

; *»W.I 17» tm i 4iaSuut * m * 'i *•>•- '

■ j S ? '"■■ ■S TAioJjnlTiO II4MI' J4“ . 'C >lAm.c 17* r<S AICM IJO UJTOI U - - I

tm4i JO «s4in a ~ - ’*mH» .M, JIWM » - '

■ A/nDm02J0 9 U< 41 - ' ACytn 1J0 IIJiTI «9’« - '

, Ati)>wjjs. tssns M - '• jMUa .71 |4 1^^1^x-'

Awai ,4fl .•AmlUly.4l> ) JO 4»

AmSM .4J| ]» tM 77'*- "AraiOf .*4 14 J» U-*-IAT4T 1J0 1417Ul»x_>.Awtt. ,M IS IU 1J'«- M

■ A w " : iJ i? rAfltmf t4JU7 1C-«-’•An«l>* JO 17 7M 24 •

' AaMM ,M h u m 3I>*- ■«g AnAen|r.<4« » aO 14">. ’•

__ M.. 3 AnnW 1

t AmitO jo* 4 s rt »*«• 4* ■ -

— j-*#ncp------------ w - ia - jr^ r*D Aue« .40 14 Ml 1)~< •«3 Avt«eo J4 • u *1 »4“ .

9 Anifl . ~~2 i i n a J4»*- m

I * - - . . . - • .......4 BiAmv .40 a a 11 . ••I KSf as s.-M SncOnt.m nmiiij**1 BWT I.i0 11 U3 M-. '•

, 13 BnWffl HIM 11 • '•" n BmcA . 1 1IISS.44-. -

■ IS" TFET fc -f] . ^

r k e t t u r- The stock m or- int4

.n inconclusive show ing trai ising to te s t th e w inds in s t levels o f th e year. Cicaavcrago of 30 indu9*--sigr 3.36 on W ednesday, • asffSO to 2 , 0 9 3 , 3 5 . ___ ers.)n the average flirted U losing high of 2,110.08, inte ril 12. Then it pulled tho£ lose. , amosues outnum bered de> stoc 9 to a .in nationw ide B York Stock Exchange- cooli i th 815 up, 720 down past Iged. monthe floor ‘of tho Big pros 235.16 million shares, _-men D3 million in th e previ- year tionwide, consolidated W B'listed issues, includ* dcnc ose S tockton regional day, n the over-the-counter moni 264.80 million shares.— inde) le-fourth of th e day 's _ _ ncentrated in stocks • B x -im pen d in g .-.D e tro it me lea der, w as o1T ^!/b_poc* iver o fb e tte r th 'an 30-------------------------------------a modest upsw ing in oooi ---------------- -------------- 1 . - . jwni


l*wd»V*peW prtw«wl*. PgrSvM^4^un^r»•^ml: P*rb<nr>ua A lalrty UgAl. oexra nwomt. NalxlOntKataMnondnAmwh No!lhi tlow.a«>b*p«MMnen»lt*A t4peli JO; to b eirtent n40t 14.00-■im»-H.M.-ecwHenM>f Wgf»------ POmt140, MCMiOA*nr >>lgn*r i leinr, gnlm tnm «;uj.'t100l>ucu8 oiml»- Ho.t* S.^#ee»ie-^high**k>w.f;lB no.1»

Ho.2ti- Utlw peuto mtrw* roB tAlp- No.2bi •Tb<IOODMa*;C«lorMo<MAd thwdi :U r»n tin A CoioTKto XTM.DO; iOpet(DO eevni: WMMnglsrt 7M400; t i^ Cr K S S , '~ ’ “ ■ ' I f f i ;« cwl 7M0 CMRI; WiiMnglon Upctc K: kUho 14.00-11A); Or*oe» 14 pel p


m u a>wJ«fiMn*rtgHlomunatr. tn d le O

tren armiLM ci«M cna »fiwiJOpJ0anMH0>1.7»MW.»-t.M---- -— Ne,g1.U wost tu .it m a t - o.4s , m .i IJ5 laiOT 17117 1TIM-_i.M . H».2 M7ttJiT71I9 7IOJ«->07 - Ho. J'

” '’Si*SS,, 4,a70,l00 -I—— 40.Mt.ICe • n^ rwvTitM

te d -G F e p -w a te r-

---------.PBUy-------- -----------Dalop w n to r uao - Inohea U«o (

E T - J u n o For©.

i-.—OS___ 07—-0 8 ...- -------• .28 .21 :24 .2 5 '

) .10 .08 .09 .11' .25 .19 .23 .25i .08 .05 .06 -.06i .06 .05 '.06 .07• .07 .05 .06 .08

.33 .24 .29 .29

.33 .24 .29 .29— :2 t -----^ 4 -------- :2 8 -

.30 .21 .25 .24

.2S; .21 .24 .25

.19 .16 - .17 .19’ .30 .21 .26 .26

s i n g I•4(Lm. S«Y«, .Oil m i »-•KiCi- Ducko .40 in to ) ai'*-

Diwnt 41 11 MT ZT".mCKo. oSSlc.'i” lo r ttt «H

B«n>M IJS 1 4»n i l ‘*>■ » BORfd 1J3 I »«} 14'«- l“ - '• B>tUVr1.U i t o t s 41*«-(“ • '* Srttfl 11»t 14 CT it~ .I - ■' OnrnTr .41 -1 t]lt« J4-*.I Bfflwk J t ll20tt &■«.

“ OriWi UO tlM tr t»*«-CBS j ” ” It J»a I61"*.

.. csua t t i . . . . r u n u ■■

CPC 1.44------- I01W0 4T--'• . CTMi ^^4 •

- ” C4msp(44 uioM- " CpCiu JO la 44t t t i .

•’ Cifi>w t n a 4H J4«.- '* CirtHn 19 90a 10'*-

!• CMtKk 111173 n**>C«w .n 11J4M S4 -

*• “ CwiMK m <. I t t*3 4* .• - V c«nten 1.W- t1l4t l l"•t " C«iSoWL44 t r s u**-

••I u l^ p .i i l m ’Jm u '" r*- •• Ch«tC'.e:» I i a 4 ••- " OUM t n 73tt » '•>••1 CTimBntlTS I4MS»><-I- ’• Chwm tto 14ttU it'» -

ChMtfJJt » '» J Jl**.

'• .g IJ 4»T

‘1 - ^ 5 ? IW H imCdmIM .40 ItftOt 77 -

t Cecaa IJO-------- WiitlO»Jt>«-_______

• '* Conn T tt* li**'• Comm J u n i t JO"- CffMn 1 22 l » M • '■ •’ famm--------------- t1 g » -T f» ^- ’■ CamMI 1J0 ' i l l '

ContUJJO lo tm 44 - •• cem nam It t n j»'*- • Conrta U tm r x > <

Cnswr 17 4t0 4“ - Ce«M UB riJOS

. '• CntKp Ito 101ITO »7-»- •• '• OOM 41110 J#“ - C . •• Caetite IJO i n m t t -- '• CemOl 1.U 141J42 SJ". > I4J Crtyft* ai7J* tJ**- « :'m■ CyrtW IJO I' U 4T** “

■' Dl>l. Mt It f i t »■<.. •• Dw<*cpij> 11 Str jr« - >■

WB,m s i n i nn terest ra tes helped encourage xade'rs to cash in bn the recent n stock prices.

Otherwise,— howev’cr, thoy ;igns pereistcd o f increased en ism for stocks am ong money m rs a t investing institutions.

U ntil la tc la s t m onth, fears of nterest ra tes and inflation pror hose professionals to keep m ounts of th e ir assets out c tock m arket.

B ut with in te rest-ra te fears h joled and stQcks up sharply i: a s t week and a half, analysts loney m anogers ra ight feel mou ressure io m ake heavier cor iri tim e for-thcir >ar reports to clients.Wall S treet m ay face a te s t o f i

jnce about the inflation outlooli ly, when th e g overnm ent issut onthly report on th e producer | dex,----- - r..—________ ■

o a rto o (Af>) - HM Ftffli BWMU MtmeunW«Tiwf*atr---------------------------------OCATILLO-WIM <rt>Mt Jill (dm I);6«1»r4 U ptmnt tpilng jOl;.tUafBinL«Sna a o u - WMM BOMt l i t (devn I); bwWy no qu. •nt (prtng no «vM: 11 p*K«nt nlntM M QuM. DRnjUffi - m n iitMU J.T4 (dam il: tartn t u I); 14 p««M iprmg 441 (up 1J|; It pmwH »1Mr mt).UiTMLl - WhM ohMl M quou: LA. M «r IJfTTLANO (AP> - Homing nndi lor grtlflt mttw>dThw»0»ytorfBirtnt tNptmW »r » ivtM.>.1wNH(k«>hM)pel dull N. (print .fiMI 'xmsw® TAFT-- BW* 11-13O-0n.-|OmwTKt « tntrM II PoRUnd tor •Npnwil nil, tnM er Ir i M S i ' ™i.1wNHCiw«wt<Ml i.Jcem donNOeuH uJMnn.umtrtlnitndbirvM ^JbMydtfrwKltalnltndiru* 'petproum pclprw»m pelpteMA _ pelp««*ipctproMnpciprouinpelW»l«_______________________

e u n tm , BL {API - Tn>ek «td rM tM ler gnin d s CMetga Oueuaent trem m U<9A r*pr«Mnt wmkut lim an. procMMxi. miu tnd mwchMtd JOpJB-C^WUm.. •

WM. Tm.lo.aSe«l<ri>Ml-JJ4u— J4*------------ -le,1Y(i>e>M7«MW t.42!< tJ4 l».2TtSaaC«m 2.41 p 147'-' ■ lo.JViiWwCeni ]J t « }.44'* w oeefbMt•wquot*!. ■■ ■

Daily—- - AccumulnUd-WnUr U«« to (CT) (ET) Froffi'dato ahown. irecoBt Delow thru June!)

. . . --------0 7 —05— 0 3 - O l - 315 ■ :5 1.0 ■ 1.5 1.8 2.1 I I .2 .4 .5 .6 ; . 15 .4 .9 1.3 r.5 1.' 36 .1 .2 -.4 .4 )7 . a .2 .4 .4 )8 .1 .2 .4 .4 ., 9 .3 1.1 1.8 2.1 2.G 9 .5 1.1 1.8 2.1 2.5 8— — ‘-:5—l-rO—iT S - ^ T S r ^4 .6 1.0 1.6 1.9 2.15 .5 1.0 1.5 1.8 2.0 9' .3- • .7 1.0 1.2 1.3 5 .5 1.0 1.6 1.9 2.1

p r i c e !D»i»a" ■ m i : i’«--'

'* IXrtMtf I ja 112*42 • JT"r “ Omu jo ' ItSM «t“s : t s s s " , ^ 'f . i a . ; ' , : ’ ■’ . OtgWl l l l l l t iis» -t'

W.nn .« tlH H u*-. ’ ' - “ DomfU I.Ot . lO iat 4J'*- “1 ^ - ;* Oort> I.U I t 4JJ *t’»-ti<'»- '• DewOi 140 l l l i n M - ’JIT- '• DemJm .tt 14 4D J4'*- •S**-'** Or»»f JO ItltOt » “

duPom LIO ItUJT tt**- 'II"** “ DxUP IJO lOtHt 4i-»- ►

OuqU IM B 'ro »M

^ n r i j o u 't rT it*J • ’* IKodliIJO 12 14414 44"- ••

'« £«on 2 II Mi IJ“ - -;; echun .tj 21 m tr»- ••

! '• - ’• fAirth JO U ttt It**- '•^ Ki|i .44 ta n a ia ’*- '■

‘ .(uen t 2J0 1217271 4S’*- ■»Flic 7 n4 J4”*- '•FPlOpJJO ibJOM

• ;• rtlrtnd Ja 2» I0'>- '•” * • r«dm J t I t Jti i“ - '•

• • rtoMi .n , I4i4t t v - '•’• f « a i i,a 21 Jt n'«- «" fmcpA t t t im“ rnit, ,10 IH 4".” ,n « u » tJ4 t02(7j 21“ . . ’•r* ;rc«rid 1 X4

** J » S f i * *}S ” '** **“ rWteOiaB 11 410 J7*i- >•

JO . - II 4J0 a " . “ '•


" on iii uiSo SZ7 " U S 1 5 : :

' * 0««tCA 44 4S4J 27“ - ! “' o!5r ’ * ^ '*•- OnHeM J4 It ^ t 1 I.

^ O rl« JS ISJO tt-T r--" •^ On»BI.1J0 lia iO 4 t - - «

' - *• oiw to T i j t n n " - ••- « oy I Jt 14 ttg 40"- -*LLlJ-flfll__uo______ UJ42 M'«-• “ Qntlgnllja to HI iJ " - m > ** Omee 1> li t ••, ^ 0 ( ^ IJO tI tU JT*- X* J 0*APd 1J2 40 JO* 42"- >■■ , Oferfn • Jil J - .

u s hi c o n c l uage somo Losers among e n t ga in s eluded Exxon, do

e ra l Electric, dowi joy s a id can Telephone & ‘

en thU aP 'a t'S ey* ; Coca-Coli y m anag- and International

dow nlV '4atll5y8.i o f rising ■ _________irom pted I M p V i H H cp largoIt o f th e _

JIAOH - fre*MM IM ■ J»««n« nporu If* Wlort.j

[Shaving ly in th e h«d.^ t s s a i d.o u n tin g ..S S ’S f f l i . ' i ” ; com m it- rmto.

•onngw rrwig* 1MOOO raM ofconfi- PocATuio(»p)-ia*he(i

look F ri-

“'““ ‘•s S51'£SSSS-~S

________ hM*r •mM' 71»7ICtZJO: tlocttr «lnn tlOO-i:

• • c»u« n S S W w i»fl*» i'H.OM100: hMvr iMd

fin 4.40 (U0 con no quoM; NWi DMtm I JftW LU 47Ja;tMdwl«i*«ttJM00S.

. hlgh«.M«cetl*100-lHhl(OIUHA.N«0.(*PXU80A)-i

(tuo I Ion ut>aA*TNjnd4T:MMtfSts' ' HeMl1IOe;i«rre<n'«rftn

Sun WtdneMlr: 2204JO »• m r|.40(Na 1J0-JM leMr. Slew. I«« mec ' ' 2S0 M 4li04i.7l: 220-290 ». .M lngtl«erBifg» ^ ,omo un*eld miWy o»*r «

J.79 JSJM7.0aU.I.I-9l0»«t0M:

ijl^rte^. NEWV0nX(AP>-SMM.4»ji p«ei«t . . .-It^tttlMNniTMnaekl

i ” OccMwilPtIfS KSL,iM cnririltrJ.M PtnnlnK/i4.01 TftMO ■4J2 KtrlenUb4Jt4 JO rortSUetx4.12 AmwTtT_________ __

■ CknlKt


rdndtiry MM M tAtndlMX

liehtftBtThundtj: _ • -Opt»-Ttl5fr Uw fc

CATTU40.000 IM.:CMU«p»r«.Jun . n joAug * I7JGOei r j iOw laoiF« t t t iApr 7IJ0

I wtd.'o>i>in.t<2.___ W>d.-| «p«| w,otn Off 1,11

^ ■ 44M0iM.;t«nipi>». ^- K ■ .

iwn. Jm rrjjt ___ **^«i-«Mi.»jjoi. ’- 3 0.2.0 -

S ■ . S i s.4 Dm 4Ui <1K r«0 4t.t2 41

- Afrf....................... 4IJi 41.5 Jun 4IJ0 41

o o WK iM um .tja ,2^3 pon^iairs'"'” ^ * ' " ' "

-2 t r2.1 Aug ' a.H 11.2.0 K s s n '■? » £3} !f

WM.-tUl«irj42.— w»d,'4 ep«n IW JftHfc JIT.

>s—’♦-■x onwta' .M ■■ 1|H7t Jl -“ • " OUlO ,4S» 1J2H7 ia’>-- OKMug J tC9 14-«- .•t •*. Odneh l.n - 14T0JI- |,. **“" " • ” QrMO* 1.40 I42U4 27'* *- “ OWtPo JO 14 ro 27 . '•-1^ OtMa ,n , 10240* 42'*-

" or«r« I'jj Jttssit »'*r• Orumn 1 «7 20'*-

" oStin* *4»"'

H«ily ■** '*t m m"T- H*m* J l t j j i i .a '* -

= , £ , . ^ .'- " Htnuli t.U 4 T4I 4r>- '

" Mf»l>n .12 14 lilt 2J"- •'- >• HnrlPI J t JOtia »l"'• HWldrn t 121l 2t '- .

'- Hmiai JO . 102tU II • ■HonwMI2.10 lltSOt 7J"> •

■- ‘‘ HCA .77 I2III7 J l - . l- " Honinr 2 » to It">- " Houilnl 2 II 411 H "- ’

'• Mooind It* 12*40 Jl"' - '• Hunun .H IJ|t77 27". ••- « ick>d -tt Iiliii a " - '

t«T 1.40 II 211 It"- •• irrcp 1J4 itoT7 10" - '

UMWP. IJO IIM tB '* . M kMB tu

. “ DPo«r2.t4 |42tt l l”*rrw .40 II 731 »<•- <•

-- 1mpCf<}.*«« • I lI tt T«"*i". >• CA JO . H ||bi .• “ wco JO • i4tjai a "• taBwflilM 112111 42'*-"

IBM 440 l l tm i l^ '' l |"- " mtftav l.n 171D1I u

•JL h tf£ _ u a ____ - nIpiMO IJ4 I 704 a

'• .jm nr -tt. . 10J204.J41'-- " Jofuvtn 2 1141** Tt’*-r*" JoMnd T a tt"

. '• KM«n ! i? ’* 1 ^ 1 ^ .! "" • IUr»6 ^ 2-.

kcsm ij* -21 in to-*. ". •• K«iai l-tt I IMS 1l<«- X'• Kw»PLt.73 10 IH *4". X

- k S « i a la im 0 - 1 "■* KwtWs I.IO 211172 ]*••- u

O aba IJO IJItW S4«. u<• lOigMfl 1,12 It to* «r« . "

nesii s i v e s hg th e bluo chips in- “ P,iown Vs a t 45%; Gen- Lat<wn,V<j a t 43Ve; Ameri- itw ii Telegraph , down y» fe r fola, down % a t 38V'2, Nol B usiness Machines, pan;y»- 'son '

Umetsek U*r1n«ng AmocMwi kl Ca Ing prkM from Ok dtVf tan Md ^I M l hofl« c*rm tOJO-ltO.Wi. lOO.OO-lltOO •.: tOO-70* fc.With.). tCO.OfrtOOJO hMd: lr«»l.

£ s . s . : . » e f f i T 3 T s - ~ s

«Rmo*tndFMdtoin*pen: ' 2 2 ^2S b t TS.OO: tltugmtr htBin no "!****Ki:MKr>*lltrtn«Qu«(*;fMdw j S L , « 2 2 ; h ^ .» w ,n o v W t ;•WMrimonogura. «»«XM W L hr^li AueUon H Utho

TJte; DgM iMdw utitT V e^---- 2? ^ !?0-I2100: HoltMn leedw iM n

•tdtr hMftn tt-oi-TJJO: igMIMtWhOllMStUO-lftUOltlOM-----ri axiockaaoai' fn -— 4 iu . tdxneoi

. 44J0-l*J-0>niri«LlmloekliUrM4u». -.i!:**';' I2».900.<*« » » « O fc tl.» - l,» ie W . " l l "ine*»rl00k>«*r.ev»J0et>« ■ I Hr s s jS T X 'is - Q r s c i 5 . * r . i r ^ t :MSU&44.00


ipApileotnd/wlcMnotetn* uTrckZicntnetluw.lrtangM- . . u , , .> Uitt Chg. M

|JO.T2*,IOO ir« - '* w«l'22.4IIJOO JI-* - '* Weft'

' 7,111,100 11’* - '• juOAn4.1»t,t00 24 . •* 112,00012.tO«,4SO » '• UpijTzm t " -2" 5oi2JJt.OOO II" - " Jtn2.102,000 ll'« • '• iUr2.0$0,400 JJ" - IlnIJ11.700 JI-« - " Jgjl,7W,t00 11'' - '• Sts

1,794.100 - I’ _______I.TIt.lK ' 4i'« ••

Q 2 g j | ^ _ B■angenm»CMeigoUt>e«M

S«4 Chg. • -------- ^ —

m 'a VM Su zifa iT.n **.to n « -J* F«b -4 IMS etJ i SIH -.12— i S •I 7Ui tt.*S t tJ l -.10 . ^« ^ Ti « n '” ' S ^

5 Ttos rt.ld T.JO -JTi Tt-OO Ti.2l T ill , - a _ A;,,

f S i ’ S S S S s ;Jtn

. . . F«b

I I1J9 »X4I 11.00 -.42 ZiIJS 4t.t0 tO.BJ - IJ J J„n'WOO 4I.T0 41.70 -1.iO j„|44.Tt 4J.tO 44.11 . J ] AUO41U *tJ* 4*J7 -.10 W*d.-tt4UJO 4T.1t 41.42 -.10 wld!-iu4171 41.00 41J0 - m (mT[^io4tJJ 47,« 4T.T2 - , t t 42.0M^.e

_________________ § _

luo la « » S -too 2e t4C0 S}.<3 S1S2 -2X00*0 e*Jl I2JI -JOO F«t2J1 tl.SO tl.SO -2A) Mtr UJI *2M t2.M -1.M ' Apr, W*d.'t»tl

Kepth' .»ot' ■ ~40iisi '«b"' •• Krtn 104 I tu i t

•«- '• KreOM 1.12 1121*2 J4"-

" vIlTV ” ” 12»2 J -'• LMlfl 4Jt 2->

> LMmli ,a IT SI l<-<. >• Lm CM .*4 11 TT 2«"

• . <« Ljhrnnritt 4*0 12uar JJO 1I24S4 t4 " .

’■ UneMI2J« 12 2«* **«.•- Lftleo 14 I9J S4 ■- l» Lockhd 1.tO t l l t t 44"-

Leewi 1 *124T U’«-LrvSltr l.tO 11 lOTl «■«»

♦. - u ^ . » 2b *1 rn '- '* uctr* .to 29 a t *4"• ^ Luk*At .U t t»4 i t "

MCA .** a Hit 4t'».l4tCflMIJ0t 2T174MT4"-1

;MtrtUnJJI 2204 JO"-'• ’• v f l i^ tCt 2• ■* UaPCO 1 ' a SM U. M«Ttol JO 17122r 2»-- -I UtttM 1.10 I01S«('42’«

UmoO .40 11 17*4 2*"- <- ’• ItenM 2S«* • a-

MtyOl IJ* ll*4tt J2“ ->• " S f f l l S " S K S : : : ;- '• Ikoni J* II442T U "~ '• •* Ueonoisa a S42 a i- - '• '* UeOrH 144 112127 t4’« - •

UMd ,T* (14H JT»- •n-te« 1.40 f7» JO"

.2.10_____ UJ71-IT~» ■1 iMircBI JO 12 20 41'*- "

1 *2171 JS "- *. _____ I2I0S 10’? - '

!L *_K W _iaj--------1 0 -1 0 -1 * -^UM 112 11730* I2’*-1‘

•1" IBnoF!.1,7J-. 12. U1 ^ L40 IJIOOa 4«"4 <'

l!"S £^:» t ^ 1 * ■ 0 4 ^ J ^ - M

I" “*** -^N-N - **‘™ **“ " “MCa 1J4 I4JM * 4 " .I

•'<1 MPSCOJS* 11 T» IVHLM JO *** r*

" HWA .to lJiltZ244*«. ••“ Ntleo fJ2 . 1T11J4 JT . '*

» t«« IJO II IIO II . '•~ m J l a i It - <•“ MSotH • TIM 14 -- -*• HnUr • 10114T3 r ' - -

" H M ) Jte T17M a - * "“ MiHP Ije . ItltJT II - ‘4 » WM* IJO - I t 4402 2T»

sh o w i n g"P ahn ill K nitting climbed 2Va a te Wednesday S ara Lee Coi : would m ake a $10-a>sbaro te: Ir forSO jjercenfofPannU Ll— N orton Co. rose 6^4 to 64. Tl

any said it knew o f no corpon jn for the increase in ils stock

cant and C4M«: 10. Net mowgk l«> mMM M

DCS Homtl, tm {AF| {USOA) - C«i|r«| V.S. Tbundty: iB«>td Mel twnnoBl md dtnitnd tgini le mo6

nmlngt wttk on t OgM IMI kl« OHtMis irtd*. «* bated »ee( cuMul rakie o( cMe*7?tiO.TO m J* K lltoo 70»410 daw>-tt t( 11La Seta• «p .a el l««.14 ftepentd ttlN IRO iMdt ef I 9 Uedt Seei tm and Mt prxM*k<a beet : M. Cer>M UJ. CirM Cratt Aipen: ehetce J CM 1.00 toMr; ether eercMe rrpea not eeliMe >k undenone noted. Oemend tV« to very tsfil.• en mederiH euppiee wid efWlnge. Ttgtdtel «r cmaeete reported. tttVU CAnCASSCI: «0 Be iKOa, enetaf t MMtt M fdsoa 400 M ttja cow CAACAtUS: 14 laedi ee eteetfr H1 JO leaer. kiettrwee 100 kMw. Der «hl te medtrele eupplM. Bentno unaiy I-9 too I 0,«eMl«eW>By l*U«aidii8fil)10UI.09,.C md up ne 1700. Mdt end efW from • frpttel , me etaaaiM at ir t permdD>o .10tim m tntrel US-Ciilet PofK BttK reponed en U leec k FrMA Pert IMh 14-11 Bt (letdr M JJO to «,TMJO Mghtr; Sdtt Settee unenn. IMI »e I M ^ JI-ll IU 2OOU0 lew. UX He. 2 hog oeed ,« lq~U,irfiK''nl FretirPeri UI>» I )0-1110a ltd Heme IT-» Be t*JM7J0,.20 MtOO- SdH setltte IHt Be 4UMOOO; I t MCOO. • . reeieet tM ter iMtr hdtnl kiepectlen no, CeNee T,NO. Hegt 2t*,000. Sheep

*■ Open High ^TletO* Cfi»OAn-WORlOll.00»Bt.:eenitperB.

170 tt t t.U t.M t i l t t t 1.14 tK - --------- i .M - |j« - | ja - t.MIJ7 t.tO t.M

- -tJ4-- tM -t.U- tJ«147 tu t.M t t t


2121 2U 1 a j i a .a.fg SS s s sa2tJt 2IJI 2t.n 2tJt 21.»i 21.17 21.« 2l.t72l'.li 2l'.tS 2I.K ;tl'.«S 'ed.'eet<ee474—•------------------ ;-r—

'ed.‘eepenlnia,*0i.eflt2*. I

. o r "w ^b6L:0»H4npt>bW.

1TJS 1T.40 17.01 ITO*. . ___]7,44 .17,*I-1M0 .I7,12_

17,41 I7.U 17.10 17.1J17.« ir'lO 17J0 t7.'lS17.*l 17.41 17,11 IMS1TJI 1T,41 I7JS 17.121T9I ITJt- 17.n ITPtITJt 1T.JI ITJt 17.0*.

IT02I7JI 17J3 I7JS III*j.'iitieiU.<Ol,

gtlinnitpergtl !4t01 4*.10 4410 4tt0 • 4*41 4I1S 4121 4U«

- - ....... 4t>S-4tJ*--------- ;------- «T.tO~>7JO' 4t.n)' H74—

4tJ] 4IJS tail 4S144a.ll 4ajfl 41.70 4U44I.H 4tJl-4l41 4111

----- 4TJ0 47J* 4Mt-4«Jt-4U0 41.M 41.10 41.174t00 tiOO 41M 4494

4404-Ittlea1t,l44..-top*r)UISUJt.uplJTI. .DeOOASOUNt

«.n 4 .n u u a t t .

4*.'U 4tJ0 4110 4(.i0 •l t t “i 5!S *4iS 1*51 -•4101 410* 4«0t 4101 -

41JIe»tlee'll.t4t •1-e«U2lU.mU!m 2

' 'HotiMi.Ti' iaui? it«'-' '• *«StPw2.CJ II Ml 91"-

Henon 2 IIJ44*wt4 • 9 - MonrtI 2 • toil 44«-2-r Hrnei 404 10IM2 I*"-

- 0-0 -I" OolPeiJiO Jta4iH2*«-

OMOtd IM I24H 1|<«- l" . ^ outoejj* 12 I7t 21'*-4 - « OHtOKjij I 2JJ i i" J" - •• OmflCe 11 24 I'*l’«- It OMnCn I *21 11";■«» I. Orterd M ______ 11 10'«-

*• W l'.» ■ u a i t 41'«.PH 1 471 11’*-

PecCrA 141 12 14* 41"-PteOI l.«J . lliTlttJtlx-

'• PtcTU l.n DUtt »••-• . PaeiicplM . I JJJ M" *-1 PmAm tin 2"- *- ■» Par<lC 2 taiT 24»-

. . Paitfiey 2 II IHt 4t“ -“ PtPl t n 10 KT .J*

• Penwfl 2.40 111121 tT't- <• PwiruolUO - M 44t r t" -

::: S .f ■'i i i '- i : :

JJ® 10iSTt1W“ -•r " nS S « a r a it- 1 '• PMPd 4S • " - '

PBMy ’-n 47J440 J7«- v. «• pfc>r»w J2 'i t i tr r >

■ « ^ t l ' t o1 " MhS *aiu» a^»” **“ Puyff I n 1 ^ '■

>1 QuMrf> 1 ia*22P 4a'"- " Oo»c 40 2127 2J". »

. " 0ueattil4« 20 JO* a«*. .. - n-R _« '• WS7B.1J2 loeil 4T*- "■ RLC JO I 4t t'<- - HetaPwlJO 14 710 7»'»- -- - *teitd IHO 7"

■ “ •» ' lOttOt t t - .” "

■ Mutual;■ Markets■ Classifie

J Bffia2 M ito 9 y4. M o n th Coin ^ . . J u n . h v e cCprp aaid A ug . live c ) to d o r o f - -A u g ; fe e d .--------------------- - -Ju n .- liv e h. The com- J u l . w h e a t w ra te re a - J u l . c o m wk price. Ju l.B oybci

J u l . s ilv e r J u n . gold JuI..coppci J u n .p l a t i r

f t - t J u l . su g a rS e p .T rc a s

V.S.mitlBMa------------ -Jun/TrcBBJ u n .D -m a

edrwnnn.DMf J u n . S-fVaiJ u J

telecll-Jnr- Ju l.c ru d c <Met 2000 louttceJMIercer. _ liWiehed wm e __________________MKKHmifSCS: cMee J7M ehelet t ,r ^ | i ^ o ^ Closing prices oacunw^-j Stock E xchange a

------------'—A l^ rtso n s Blu Chp V al F ndConAgra------------Coors

• D ufT& Pheips F irst.Sec.B ank

J 'H a rv a rd in d .- —

■ H .J. H einz

J. Higby me He- York Id a h o -l^ r . Co.

t4* ->'13' -HMOrteiearastmatOrl I H *.'l2 ** •" "t™#* «• ■»»tnl Begl -.11 flooding J


M.tT CWCAOO (AP) - Soitieen.l ;« * ?i end e#«e* grew fulur»* eteeedn.W - « theCMcew 9o*fl l_TiiO*ji

At the etsee, artieel we* 2 ear

■ Jvhr H tl72 e bgthel: com *ea m Ju ir* itlU "tbu tM ie


' TrKHn>urt«ey;Optn Wgh Lo>.01 - . a WHEAT

,1 2 _ rJ l___ .SJOObwnUtlmumidoOertp*S --S S, .

: 3 K ■ SSMJ - J , U.y . ,:iO..« -J» Jul J.42"

~ Wr).'tt»lee 20,1*4.T02 - J l wtd.'tepe»lniujos.enii « ” ' j t.. gCbumlnkm^midefy^

Ok '« -1 mu _ S “*7 t l f *u — A - ----------------

^4 - u, i4 - u I Wed.'aepenkuilt.tta,ea:

s - - ? .M -49 ' 2*42M rJ j i «« “*;.d.V.«.elS2. ^

w»d.',t24.ofllll. SOYBCAftt

^ tMObemkOmumidefltnperb.


> -100 r S JI - » . J u l I LSJ »» -.W . Ai,fl , I U l *M - » t t«» MD T


|mV ir'R ickirt .72 tJ tro "lt'«I I" - noH44l .12 1I12U J1-(»"- •« Rohr 1I2TI4 JO'*M -I'J Horere JO 20 471 JJ"i4«- Rewtn 2» l f 7* " - I. HorlOttJe T S Jltllf*

RTdtr J* . t t m r » " »»_ .« - l - s -*-•- .. SWeo 1 II H J*t.I '* - " SFeSPt .10 ..- 4J07S II".I " . <• BtnUeIJO 14222* IT '-1 " - <• tCAHA 140 10 2U! '• SeVPIgl.40 Itjei* U .I " StMa* IJO IT4J0t M"<0'«- •« ^ t tP i ,T4______t22*W J»"•

t Beare 2 t« 10« Jl"^r« . '• SftellT 4.tSe 14 m TT»i'« - >• shnrin .14 IS t r r . i r " .

•« Strona .U IS IH 11‘»-IIK-M. SmUl IJ4 111M7 » " •)••- •• Sooel 2 * 411 2T».t " - SSff? S r?SH? a " Il» - - *0«thCetl4 t424J!'•- i« »w8«B 141 1l4Sa J t‘<-

" SmP« 112 II 4«S 27«-S MrO 142 l4iM« ftl . Bqutt IJO . 112410 *4".

•• Stem) Jd| 20 41 **••-« " ' laepShe .»4 a 2 ^

" SunCe J IT *U 'M - .■* Simtti IJO ir»J7J 40--*> *rt«o -a 1*1141

TlCOtr42“ ~ 12 271 a - .TBW IJO II1J01 4T«-

• '•■'Tsei tr i i- is .i■*- '• ■Tenn JO 1*3 I t " .“- '• Tandem tte cn l l ’«-

-rL^-i.^gn:;=.t — r a a u w l

« ' 1 ^• Ta*»*t 1 1*100 J*-~>- TWnet-.T*------- 17*10 * ra -■- T«P*o .to 42 t J0“ *

T tiuau* **0*4.2$"-Teilmtf I *10«t4a •••TIgarM ' 10H«2 11"-

" Tkaa 1 • 21 732 *4"-- “ Tniart 42 ISIT** 2J«- « l" TkBkan IJO J* 41* *0 >1

TetTwa M II «* a » «Teaao it tm

TrtrttoolJ* tn JT^M• I/t*1ert40 11 i m * •" -

THCorv4,**e . 2J0 2T-

S - !5 t5 S -- *• Tuaairito II B* s r a - •. " - u-u -- " uALCp itasn IT". '

Ml 114 t >4 Z7*a« '

- - .............. ............i—

.. j .

lls C2 ts C2^ed advertising G3-8

P « VJommodity Clooo H1 c a ttlo 72.75 71) ca ttlo 67.12 6 '.d e r c a ttle . -75.57 H^ h o g s ............ 51.42 5]o t . 3.69-V4

2.51Hjona 8.60V^, i2r • 7.131 456,10 45)Cr 105.15 10tin u m 575.50 58i r - 9.85 !a su ry Bills 93.46 93.asrBondB--------- 88:20 Sfil a r k 57.99 56 a n c 69,59 6 £ ;n 79.67 '8C c o i l 17.33 , , 17 .............Q’uo'tatdons fh>m S ind

ts from th e N ew York Long. I and the NASDA. Micro ^ ^ ~ C l o s e Chgr~Mi5t7

32M) Moorei 6 M-K-- — 29Vi-— ^--------:prem£

. .. 1 8 ^ 0 .. . .-..V's..Tnifl-J BVi Unive:

26 -h Vll. U tah l............7H - - +- Valhi

41% , SaraLIVi - Vl

22Vt ~ H

Q lerHT-*JB.-B*i*dBf«ln-«JR-j*tl----- ftraatneJ|r by Hingaa’e. Other gr^iytaaa Smaint leolcVtM,deat.r«Mt«te.ueb. JMpkignpentd ton wNleonaal June OMtA tnerrttprlro. Junt de»r«nr. t i n W Mew. I• brneedOnkiCamOoedlno. . greaert. t(


tn and eai ivlurw prteat eomi Md nodttdr Mohw Thureder en mkvi.LJBtkl-OMMb proepectt let—p kS tw^k>.wtolaantth>,.«.inretJcaWtleiaetleSeanttWghtr

im^OAmeChlcageBeerdot <r« . Uei Cho, _ ICOIreTOl

____________^n ■n ITI 1H'*J.T2 •JJ'" Am■2 'Sig iS ffi tu ;S S S - ’l ' - J S : ’-rriOT. f i .

Deeperbuthti ^bW W ^ IT« 1TI'< 114 t n *.0J W»4.'4e| ■T"2J2' 171"l*r- .,02 . - f l™ rl'*lM 171'* 2JS - J l 't ^ t(0 r#

?“ i h " 2jV“’2J2 ~ T " JjJ (11121 . _ . Bje- '

rtB“,5S S'I 2Jt 142 2J« ..II ^' i t t 2J4 W4 ' v S"111. tattUt*.

Wtd,1 ep.

• f f i" w ffi.. : j ! ' 'I t s U I S TjT* pKiWemel1.00 111 UT .JOO FrwtfwlbV1.02 144 t.00 .JT* BirWilltatfll-tl Ul Ul .J t l4UJ0teka«m Ul, 142 .JT HandrtHanrT.1T 749 ^ -Im

t'« . " 'uNOneioie........l\ 4*l' io'*-, |" . 1* inrQ 244 T2M04J2"-0 " - '■ U*C 1.126 ISIim4l0**- " UM IJO atTH Jt'*-T - UCarb IJO 101J112»__t'* . ..»" UnPtt 2 191410 «•*-

UnltTtI I IHH9 Jl".I**. ’* UBmdt 12 94 IT*'*►**- " USWaailU lotni ll’*.

" UnTeeftiJO I» I1 » ’«.lI " - J .OnfTel IJJ UM 90".I"* >• UMeKi .n lltJ07 J2-* I " . >. ututllj* 10 110 JT -

w epc-iji-------- i r « e ' j o « r"• Vtntn J* 471403 2*"-

Vartlj IIOIT J'*-

'* W i O T B H V M I

'* HtW rOAK (AP) - Thundif 4 PA M ^ M^prleaa tor Amam SBtt Ci hang

'* PlStlttlMChi“ - *J Am 10 2271 27‘•-V*. AmdtM JO 1T«72«lr«. '- - - • APet» IJOt 10 a 70 -I

ASCII 110 a J . '!• Ampel J t I 11 1" . ’

l.Vll ilS£* II* !*»- . >• Atmg JO o r *

_____“ABaCti ’*’lJ l '? i t l !AOtairt 111 14-*.f

. " a*T j» t t a I" 'S Z ng .** 110 21" .^

. . cJtcp -11 II y' t >• Can«rn.40 I Itt 1J - . "• - •« CMKpCn 9* 4"• CaaiM JS It* * " - x•- w C»ha«-----T - ----- « 4 - I " —

•• “

• I ’- .OeIeJr.1* f S io2 . "■- - Dikaad IH 1>- •• DonaP 4**07lJ-ll.i-ia.1 o « ^ J* 12 a II'*. X

' . >• b*DSt JT ttiiJ ita . X• • b«>eaiJii iiiieo I"- " naeo uum r*.1 MB! too 2" . ••- " .PkBta 21 ID T . “

F ^ i ^ ^a a

1 >• Nm x*i.0* 10 4* r*

. »• Orms a 14't. - OMB .70 H 17J *4 . -

F riday , JunolQ .-IB M

».... - c - -Closo

H igh L ow P.M.72,82 72 .2 0 72.3767.60 6 6 .67 ' 66.65 -76.05 7 5 .10 75.30 , -51.60 . - 50 .4 5 51.00 - -

3.76 3.68M) 3.722.54 2.44V^ 2.53-V48.89 8.51 7.03 7.18

459.00 -455 .10 457.10109.00 105 .20 107.50586.00 572 .5 0 581.50

9.98 9.58 ‘ • 9.96 .93.45 93 .4 0 93.4388.20 88 .0 5 88.0958.39 . S 8 .01 58.3569.99 69.51 69.908 0 .23 . 79 .78 * 80.20

, 1 7 ,4 0 ____17;05 -.-1 7 .0 7 iinclatr o nd C o. ' i

ong. F iber 68 + 1 IicronTech 24 — Vi • | H t o r ..oore Fin. Gp. 26 I•K 39 - V I^m ark— :-----------------3 4 % - -------------- 1■Ufl-JolBt_________ _ -22V4____± ..3 '* ,.. , Iniversal Foods 30% - 1 - I:ahPowCr‘ 30% - Vi' . 1tlhl 10 + .V i IraL ee 37% ^ - I

; Q uo ta tio n s from IE d w ard D . Jones & Co. ; l

IM lUBlt III, MMffl ttUO 10 tTtXB. ■: ~ ~ *■ntet:IIU0let1S.0a ■

' 'I<W |t*^ UA Me. t beena. Met Idaho baai l a ■

mn(AP)-BaBim«WaTNnd^Ora>arMMM ' HiTaadr«rTjeMan*rr«MMnMrAfaMT.Mea. ----WM thd Ntcratki. I7.00-tu0; OimI NerMrm, H*. ' - ■j,lTJa.enafkm1TJ0. ■

I■reroLidonanpartmoi- ■ H

4m o 4s*jo 40.10 . i « ■_ _ —-------------------------------IIUO-*1JO----- \----- ■ttB.00 «*U0 4IU0 4*1.70 .1X0 ■

>.4t4J0 4MJ0 4*4J0 4*UB .1.00 ■«7QJ0 *71.70 4*U0 47111 .140 ' ■47740 4TSJ0 47TJ0 4rT.I0 .l-SS ■4I0J0 ttUO 4IU0 4*Ut «1.40 ■4S440 4HJ0 4*440 4S« .LW V

S » sSa SS mio .*ij£ . ' f lIIJJO .1.40

..................................... . w jo -» *« M

it)0rei;eantaperb;M0X. H________ - ___________________________ H

70B-0 7I4J TDSJ TUI 's-0S S S J S J J S ; i f ' ■

74T.T *S.1 - -■7SS.0 Tt«J T4U Ttl4 .S-0'7U.0 TTM n u n s j ' .« j

-.i*7 ■MO-O *004 tno 10*4 .44*21,1 S214 I21J OU^ .U *

aatt* uooa Wtd-'ieeita 33.01. t1eptfllMI0,(T2.upl«l ’

etadwerWMprtoaaTkuttMT," men*etik»g leS ttW efljmflamaenfhdmtt^JS^im«IR>M«t4St.ll.aKm*.IW tflamoon |4t<.10. eft >1*1.

irti*i4i*jT,eti«t.4‘l!**'^-irdMrtc*BditM?>.n.eatlil . . . .Tn?nf ! f? tT iS * ^ ' ! m ** ________

' ^ f l10'*- '• WtckM 40a II O O "- "J2"- '* WiMIe ,11 atOO 2T*M WvnC 4* . llJOt* J4".-**Jt'*-" Wvwt-2,1* 111111 ** "-"28-------WtthMm.l6a,.--------T 2M IJ" . •• .............O'*. '* wmm 141. 11 IP IT*. ’•U'*- " WtUF 140 U TS7 SI"- "Jl". '* WUnton T40 2" . "IT'*'. ‘* WatgB 2 lOJtTJ U ". '•U'*. » W ^ e 1.30 I14TJ1 2T*-" 'tf^'l'* 1,10 12101 2T". ••W". " WhBSak I I in J l"- '■IT"-’* W«effl1.40 T B » » - - “9” wuoa IJS 'i im 2 O '*-u - *

Wohrm 1.»4 1927H 12^- “^ ^ Wynne U 27 20". "

I* xtm u~ZerMhE laO 24’*. '•

lAna- OldFM ia " .l- ltcfttngt QCiBRii.40 2H ll"» >«

Hetbro .12 HIM II '* ."

r r t S ; s s ' HT^^^ -HmMer - -407nt t " . l "

knp0«si40 im (T . "• '* Intay 11127 1"

<* Msm M4 4 - ". . 91 IW 4"f "Ldma« 40 7 J I"

Uontl 14 tl 4 - "-•>1-11 LwTtI 14240 II" . >•p*.'" HCOTta ' ~B JSJ IP '-"" ' '•‘* - ;* iKon* - 19 t-n

" KPtoe l!«ra 12 tOtiia".|"t - NTnna44 lltIM 2T*

'* HCdOs JO 1107 I*" .'" -" OMeo 4*e 14* **

~ P ^ ' . 4 0 i«ittl’ Jo-M-----------" • " pnua.iji TiTTi r« . "

'* PIBMyfjO 12 40 HAanebg a 11 . "

'*. " naariA o ao J* . "1*111 £ S l M 2 " . " .'*. " TV ' 111 2“ - u

• " Tetaaph It4 P*. t*•TeiAIr J2St 12 .

; - S 2 : - Li. a ei ^ -

SS!m ''* ' " 2 i t" - i .V - WDtgll

■10S8' T im o s-N o w s, Twin Falls. Idaho

Page 16: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

I P;2 TlmOS-NQW3.1


wwron liV) - tm tot'

OMiin., tv . n »• (rtcw n •Mtfi VMM nesiaM m ai hm Wwi M MM tMM nka) or boo rt (nU piM Mtn cMrp>; n>ndiT.

* c ip £ ? ' U7 L it- Ml AAlUvamt

........... »■»--...... t » IMI- JlHUMp *.71 tOM

AARPkntCetfCr H47 NL< .11QMM . ILI4 « .• .Cl(hnU H7I Ml. MOftta & ■ NL-JI

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AST:'grjP «

l« * IMABlFunat:

OMp U t 't U . Jl .Ccndl TJI 7ja>\m cirwp M iia io .j}Ornwyp U l U J- Jl

- •— Hnrwp -• u » n » * j j -- - - LM p -M* ISJ7-

Sund tnWM<« •.!> U ( . Jl.

AHAAnlt.-QMOIp 1.11 Nl4 J]CMtIp IT7 HLCMTI IIM I14l< .11 IOM ^ f t

Onrflp .tUO HL-i« . tMTp lUI NL. ‘M C

AWVtodi: 1IJ7 ‘

Ontl 'l t a t M * A S S i 'in i« ? * .j?_

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, A M I U ll l l l j i M AteiMbp;

ASMp U t M«- Jlsmnp i w t x « > «Comp t a tri> M Comp l u i i t u . .« WvWp LM HIS t^ P t o U \7 JI

___ WTrf I tJ M l. a iM p 1141 IT.M. JO Cc

• Kifri 11J1 til l ,. .M _lUar*ip IIJI 1U1 I

----- iM tP ------11CU7--------- 1OUMT IU) 1t«4. J9 I««irt»p 11.10 11,71. .IQ Ce

aJ T cU - 1CBMk tu i t u t - m I cap • TJT T4J. « c law . ca

Nto im fim- S IOortM tu t 10J4- m <

---- (MU— — 117J"HMr tu t t i n - J l 'HTW t l i t n . aihnB ir.» t u r . ' JT iOTC U l U t JPm» t u t H U - J t ^

. PmU U l 4M -J1 J"T W t t n i t j j . mT aip IOJ7ll.1t. M ‘Vtr» tIM HM- JU C

i s J^ CaeWp . J l . M

eupwp aM *r.7i. .ti ooHim K7I1LI1 Ol.0<Mp ^ini44« CmOra* t t t i i u e - J i e»

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- S '"a?? ” - iOanMFunet:_____________ ORFiv . »MVI 117: NL- m CWJJ

CpCtn .H Nl______ cm IH HI______ Ortl.

. . hK W UU NL- .IJ oitx omrio 7.74 r.M- j j OMwr OtMwaOpAU:_____________ Ond • •*' a m n t7 l .B M . e*TFM ti7 HI_______ rirt V CiTn to.ti Ift. .01 : C**>HT Ml NL______ unn« , OMU t n Ki> Jl ooch

______ ,_nrn_______ U7_M_____ocdCiiN m . I0J7 NL* Jl OodCilTJtltO OJ* J l OWIC

. Tgim MJi NL. J l OMI>tplOOO KM M.. J t DnmihTsJtOt 2IJ4 M.. .tt ftMiTgKtt IU« K.. .11 0«n

S e.'Cwtpp B Jtoyup 1I.T< H .-M fi»»t

lt.14 I t f*4ql»p0»p 1174 NL m a

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cujien f • C*«f *' OoldCoh

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CWnrtORX*: KTTuO*,' AM 11.41 OP> .11 NYhia

««<rP t7a i7 JJ . J l tNnt• a h n lU l lU I . J l tvAgp

tecWp K7J UM -M Mfiep- J t- te cM lU ttU J i JI- Mn,p

(ecfa I to IlM. Jl ttwpTiTU IM7 1171 T ab

. .I I Ttflf lU I IU i. JJ TMO. J l utOw 1U IIU I. J l itaan. J) WMt t7J9t7Ji. .10 EMMVvt- J) OMtwOra*: UUul . » Mu'* ■»*»• ema'.. J l N tw onoop

m l an«

Jl Tw«j i»»T»i mid"'' Ja CvTwwrimdi: IkOm' Jl C ^ IU4 t i l l - J9 knvl

dpTKp U t IU]- J l uunBdc ^ ^ iJ ii l i* S to

M MSM- 1141 W,- JU ¥*WJJ dam n • 7tM Nl-JO bflpCg Jl OOKAFundt: ' tn>OldJ | - * ^ p - —11.71 1«l*-,1|-efiWwI“

0«y««p ».M1W7- bjenctM Ortip 11MtUI-J4 AeOAl

J l. Nmap 1U7 is jt. J4 ( m i twep 7JJ t a • TeOWlI

J l l»f>ip 7« 7j}. ,tl HSO.I VMp IIM im bitM.

.11 « ^ R * « 7 : ewpTMnr

k 'l l‘!o It* tllot . IMTrl tM H> Jl rSLOtit ‘jl.QiCitt IlfTlUO FPAFiMC

m ~ -u u a f— OJI-JTM.-Jt— Pm«— JJ Cirtp t n 7Jt. J l P«M JT CpCtfip u rO A ) . J l FiMM 11 CCalp 4U04U 1.JI F«MnMrv3i--»T«»i------ r.T»-tsit-Ji— cpcrfi—

b»M ILM I tll . J t ^«1 OtWp IIM IIM- J l ^

0<tMp IIM IIM -JJ FtWI tl OtwCi IU4 1I4J- J l riMT

3 —MTDBp------7J0 TTT* Jt"-0»«AtoOMp U7 l i t . J l 0«n tafh Ul t n - m Hmd

n MTip iM t7i. J l Ftirr 8 l*iTIp 171 TJ4. J l • IfigStI *rmp UT tn> j i . Pipooa OhTIp UT UO. J l IhoftII TX»»p TJT T,7I. J l lasd t Tifip im IIM. J l tuck 1 UlOlp 741 7M UtOey »— ui*dp----- tu t U B - .«-fi9iBir»tmi0 CMMfaF<nM: A ^ r 9_ fiiid _____ im .m ____ U m __

<M> . a n NL-.« BJuKr'- ..IbM l. - lU I lUl........ -CAT» -1 tpdt J4JIJUI. ,tt CAII0 CenBenMtM: Cdir1 OM It.tJllM -JJ C ^ p

Q/wVI ' tt7< 11.74- J41 OrtK 1UJ tIJI- JJ CcmT I CMiAl 1.41 tJ4 conn .

ei«co Ijt ti4 cmt«

' w n - i t - j j I S ', Qnrtip lUT 11.11. J l * £j~ W tfp - tM-Ul* J l ---------} NWPip lU tlU t. J7 ^

Trfip 7.H TM. J l S SUtO>p no..iM ^

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leS i ‘ t i j i t i« .’ .« ^J S S ^ ^ t a ti7._M

IWWI t i l UJ “f ffbpinr lU t lOM- JJ !■ ''copn 4U0 4 i a - j i

.CMmVU . .U t.N L..'Jl * "2ftntrr tM « .. J l |T®“ OfCv i i t t i u i - j * cem i IM tM - ji boriCVp t74 IU4- J l 0«vMnFtMi:

Cmp I tl U l- JJ^C rtM i......■ - s , - • , I

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CKffp 114JIIJJ. j l ^OvrQil U t tM . .11 EMtit ItM ItM- « JJ™HTO- -tU llV B '** '•frrrr iim iim - j i . '=W tn t t " Jt

•SifSr s s ; wUBI t u j . l t s - J l ; 7v«ui lUT t ur - J »— ,a

MawOmip: .Jo u 'r ^i tM iin . Jl * ? £ ? '•

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IRFiMr tiPipi ticCiOnp UH IIM- .a 104c>mp tw IM- M .S IVC' 14Ortcp IU IH s««r IIIoicop. l u t . a j t . .It—aoL;------ uMDRii IIM - 01 Sdont K lma >7U • JJ UTki. IllinM 7.11 NL- J) Ujnt n rFltf loia NL. JlFMPijmm-J«Mn jan .!«.• .07 Ag^l . I7<UKInt 27J3 W.. M <U>Mp .1IJ4j S a i ™ j S * » i L M s y /

£ * ioa*teL47- • i"«cip i SMU 114] l i s tnidl tM•mikMM: tpcUp 14Mh i* XM I i j t - J l na<c« 11 NIOI lUl lOS. JI nwcwpn»: » > ( ' t n t n CMiw U

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.01 .10 diun AA 4). 44. (mo.« .IJ .<]'4J.U<v«D;4}. 41

/3. Twin Falla, id a h d Friday,


m d s - ^rop toot HL. J t ruM m n:trip IlM HI. J4. QU«p 10.M twn • 1149 M.. J l Omp IM It f ' 1UJ l is t . JJ Omfp tlM 1■ Ti IUO » • J l Qr»«p t a ' I ITip ttJ7 HI. a HffiTp 1141 14 ^ p 21M NL. J t kxenp U t Ihp 1040 W.. J l Hmp t u t 14mi t u t HL- J t ctilnp U l <Agp 1 1 4 tr . ll .J7 tpcU IIMIInep lUO 1140. J l TOip i n Itritp " lU l 17Jt. J l V«M I l i l 11Wp 114I10JI.J4 FnrUtp ti l l IC■ b lUO HL. J t FtagtnMn:«0 i n HI. J t bpOp LUOti> tlH NL Krr»p IIJI t liVvier TMip tU I 11Uul U l U l . J l f^tfiNeOmf.IB. 1140 I441-.M «T1P 11* IJOOP IMT liW CpCMp J3M

Kt 141 141.'Jl a»Hp US 11Id i M .u i . Jl im p 10.11111 iot 141 laca . ^ P I«t uiBd t i l 111. Jl PlTZp tJ t u<1. I i.n . .11 Tfinp itb itiof . ITJl l i a - .U VATIp 141 17Up - 111 u t - JJ nafwM:Ipl lUO 11.44. J4 BMP 11N * a U J Nl. JJ Onhp IlM NId 1140 t r a . JJ *>co>p u n »I l----■-1TB-170--J1— W p------ lOiJ HAl 1I» lUS- JJ ' m il ' 14* 141 jl u t u$ nowi 1104 n il•II 1140 1140-J l KTTFl US t r•I . 1« ^1^. Jl M » ^ Its^ l*HnFundc Psuidn Or«v:1 11Jt HI. .M StnCp 14) M11. i&n K.< Jl Qrwnp r j t k

1 U .t0 4 t.J l t ^ p ^ Nl__ 114) 144t. a Ffw«lnOn>iip:

- tT i 'i4 ii- :j |— Aor-------- U t UOI------1 t1 |-IltJ.-J)— Ca*a----- I14*'I1HI 114J t in . J4 (MSe- .IM I0J4

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ta n NL- .10 F«dli ttM lt.44IM HL- Jl OoU IIH lUI

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> 1U0 Id.- J l luTF 1UJ.II4111CD Nl. J l WTu tti ) IIJ7

tiM N L -HYIu lU ltU t f I.M . NL,. J). ' OKM . t u t .11.14

I 1*4 t l l - « PlTT UJ 171.ta il HL M m U t Ul-ISJt NL PRTF IUS 1tn<1140 HI- J l un, TJ7 T-n. a t r NL- JS u to n . i n tjs IM HL-.JJ C4<Tl i n TJt-

rmr.-------------------rrHOCBiniWi;-----------r I1J7 HI. J t Eqvm 170 tn<- I t u i t a o —.tJ-.OMMI- -IM) 11.11-

1141 lO Jt-M QB1I llJ t llJ t- -lOJt H L-.ei-0.W I— - * l« » l« .

tlO HL. « 0<1>bl IM USr 1140 1147 in

m i NL- J l Aggtlp ' IIM I i a . n i l » . J l Qmtp ta t 11*0. 1144 NLt J t omip 114*1141. I.M IN . Jl ixetp I i n t t J .

m S H M . FinttMcr- t ln t i n . .1) EqTrp 141 U l-

174* NL- X 0 ^ U t t u------ llO t-N L-«-W M Ip------ lUI-NL-

174 HL O M I IU* HI. IIM HI- J l (MesIp ' a i t Hl-1141 HL. J l OITlw.1;1101 NL- Jl CoSpc t l t l 1111.144 NL KTd 1U7 1U7

1141 I1T4- J t he U l t4t> 1441 u r - J t twun • UT 1.17-

IM NL. Jl OHAht MTtl.M Kl. .a OtnrfOi 111$ 10.11-t i t t NL. J l O h ^ i in t i n -

---------------4 ^ 4 1 U . .O L W im 17.11-

1 ^ - S ‘ j l ^ p 1174 nW-‘- • i r HI- J l pkHp irtJ IIJJ-

7,n Kl- J l WkMp 10.1] lO.M*1U0 NL- .tl Omtgrp iOJO NL- i n NL. .01 Oan l»clm:

114* NL. .ca Dfnin l in to.n-lu j NL- 01 tmiTf M j j i i a -

ir .f f ii ii- -w timriI tm iJ O .’.ri u.Ug lIJStIJO-.

t n KL- .01 owMe it.n 11.U 11M l l t J - J l OnTitp lil t NL-.

_,_tl|,l4T-,,5j_Om*IOm*;_____U4 HI butp m j ” HlT

IIOJ-IIH. JJ OinlFd . tu r HL- i n NL- a Ocfm* t u t HL

JT4J HL-. M Om^p - I14J KL- .

n n 'hl. J l btoip i iu nl- .II: Oi«p t in IIM- .T

lOM HI Oppbp I1T4 Nl- .1I in Nl- .ot OmUAlp ll.H IIMlOM NL Ortilnd ItJ NL- .(

s l i s S ” ; H v ‘

~ f i^ t i4 i - J t tWiom I4M t u i - .O'l u i u n * M *'1 'S''*llM tl» J . 'o7 HMflOp t i l t t t

; 741- j j '•“ Wp >«31«0- ■'IO.n 11.11- 01 "•"'9‘ P tlTTIt.IO-J:la t s i i J i . 10 * * ^ p i n 141. Jl

- T T T - U I^ ----iiBj lu o - ID hoimki im i t r . i i - J t13 U l- S '»*T *- -»1740 m i . II HwnmOn»v:1149 u r t - M tu s t0 4 t - j ]K r t jw i . j ) C4m to jjiiM ..Mn . j i i m . M 'I.n n il- .Mtu * IIM- Jla r r a i j - u *« tu - .c i^T4t^r.H-'!ci -- tlM IIJA -.^

n l r i ’ t "- n t u i i l 3 . .asi n u o . J i _ «<>*q11_ n i l IIM- .ot

■“ '14^. » w s i ' 'ITT- on il n i l - ” in'W'P -T«' r44- ,o 17 tt 17JJ- 01liTj n a - o r ' *0®“ "•« •«•- MBeni t u M.- Jl174 I0.1J. m n

1IJ4 1141. j l t r a HL. j : l a t u - Cl

11A1J4J1.--CJ— --------- l>.H_KLr-.»tu r i iT o . JI ------IIH 114*. ,01 DW«I 111 t i l . ,0IN n n - J l loudp 4u 4MI4M IIM. .01 CICip 411 ID . .01 1144 NL- J l K>SDP UO T4t- JS

C t^p- - 7.M 741 .

4JJ K.* 41 .«< P UT i n tta M.- J t B*'P t o IM ■. t n JJ WOP IT4I I t t l . Jt7J1 HL 44t IM . JlU t w.- aj oshci iM U l. Jl1170 NL- M KKhep 4.71 IN - JtIIS ift. o »*«p 111 i r . .11

I14J Nl- M <»Ng III i n717 Nl- 01 0«Tp 40 U7-. ,0t11] « l. SI lOIJ P 141 inrto « .. .01 ffljTp i n ti4

ll.n Hi' 04 It'tlp 47t 104. 01t4t Kl »Mp tn o . .01

1100 HL - Pinl>cl 440 U S. M 114) Nl- .Ot .P™«P , 7.77 111-.01

41 M» I.N IJS

4S 40.11 4t

- ‘ _ .Ot . . i t•to .11J t .10 40 40

OJ .Ot ' .u uJ7 1.00

- t « "WUI «~0». Uti» aa .J> M. m..

ay, Ju n o 10.1988

• toekp I74J t i n - JLM 1T7. J t o a S i d ; . .LM 1140- J t Ha I1.4J 114*J»-t10i’JJ t e l ' • l i n II.H41 tl4 t . J4 kluJ . Wt 1041

M U t . J l BMOd lUO 1047. ,01 MIUO. J4 Mata I i a 1117. J]S ,S .^ s s , . . . “ *s l i s i s g s ; . ' s . ' s ; s.11 lUI CiMcp l0 4 S .J J

Oratip lU J n i l - .10 US NL- M wrup 11*4 j jH 1143. .10 Hoxil IIM 1U4. Jlu 1141- J t hePii i n u r - J l

tttnp llJ t IIMI IM. J l ToORp tlM t u t - J l0**17U J l InSSh''' 'l w V ^ * J 4J t n - S JScI^ ■ tre i n i S S n i I . J I tmlPsrOeM:I U t . J l [,,ut1 lU T IO Jr-Jl7 lU l. J t o m i TJt TJt 9 l.4t- J t WTdl ' U l U l . JJO n ij . JI ir,PTn i t t n s - j jI i n - J t opnt . t a , i n - j i

rnom«;.N NL. J l . HkKp t u t t u t . -JIM H I-J4 . Ma* l U t l I J t - J lJJ ’J r . f i . “eitF, tiM t u t . Ma HL- a knRMN l i t U 7. J l

' UWp tU ) NL- J t I U l - J l (,,Fu««,;M in - a (Mh n ts n l . j i» i n M lo ia NL.41J IN - J l M n n HL. J lIt HL- Jl. JPO>«> IIM IU»- JS

JPheo 144 tOM. Jf0 « , - J ) AnuiPuW: • ' 9 NL> J t Fa<d 114) HL‘-J1- t NL- J l VM i n NL■S NL Vmu - - n M NL. J t« -0) Jip«t»Fd I tn NL. 4)

u a . J t ' * £ ? ^ S u t i t t t - atOJ4. JT On«i 11*» n M -jj>t NL Mnep l a 174. J l- s s f j — S S '— .v i - f a T - s rtt.44. , ipcc, I t t IM . JS

» 4 t - J l ^ ■ '55*147* ■“ '- .‘ " j o 'T . ? .1141. JJ I

S ” SX'Tu. S K I S171. J l MTM 11.10 IIJ I . JJ U l - J l mean i n t n . J i t i t n . J l mtn t n IOA. . I l lT4t~ . . Opn 141 t46- J l tTJt. J1 fcgw I M IJJ J,t n . M TMRI 7.11 74111.11. J t - UJO.------ LOt..Ut______| | j ( KrTlFr 141 141. J l

■** Cuta'I 1U7IS4T. J l "OM. J t CimSIi n i l t i n - .al a . .11 CiaKlI US I4J- .01 M i n . .11 cu*ni' 141 141 Mu i . II cuMii n n t i n - J * Mi n . J l Cu*S» T47 747- J t

C||»MI i n i n . .MSi-” S!, ,SS-.S-HL- t t — -T*nil---- 1047.1047.^1 — ,« . . JS r r? !*!', ni . iV ■*' '

-I U l t44- J l jt l j . J l OorfcL U j i a o I IS47 OIUI IIM- .04 IU t. .a U l 1 ^ - .m ,

I*■” “ ■” KPtl 1117 1117- J t " *___IA.___“« « ____!4.n.lU t=..fll_,

Nn . 1101 ii t s - J) k .11- J t NT Mr U tJ 1S4t- .01 » .tm n SpO»' <UI lU t- .0) t

LJ7. .11. LMmrtFM: H.07. .10 C*pO *44 Nl. .« I-J). IJ Ctnw------- 1BJ8 M .~M "nM* Jl IM Kl- J1 I- " L i r , s s - , „ sSrii'‘T T ' .H .L I!ITB______ W" HI. .n WwCQ- 01 ' VtlTrp UM NL. -tl [, .U ■ L«0pi a n NL. .or O' w .-J I ■ IM HL- .01. 0.

t s a "£.'‘S:-SC«.. J4 Onrti IJI Kl. .01 M(ti

■ ■■ ' AmcT-........ I4JI-HL • Wn . . . u TIDM . UO-Kl ISi “ '?i ^ fflldr“"'^ 'llM 1144- .01 it Cn.*>e *47 t n - .01

J* S UM*«0 MT 1007- ,01 ISJI jV m L*nn"p--*iirj n i l . .01

11 1 1 H L ..0 I.UJ[- •« Undrt IMI 'HL. .OS «

?' W l -■ ■-iu t - w.~~ .1t —laJ Uul MM NL. .01 onl> , AflM ' U l 1041- .M 0 ^

>-« JS'r'^SrSSsgFdvnp m t i i J t ~ - a i . g ^ a<«Mp IN l i t

^ — Tfc* im i i 5 . m Sc' ■" \tuf> n n i r n ' j i S•“ -** UMnnBrs: »

_ 8r«HI IM 10.11 oS~ " F>M l i n tlM - J t Oe*

^ j f SK.-.S Z- M . - * « ........ lino IIM -Ji...O tC. 01 (M r to a il.t) On>. ,0J OrtStt 111 *11- -n f t r. J l c j p o r - iiJ i I IM -j» .n tn, ei spKi IN u i . J l SpM, (S Mcnp n u 11.04- .BJ Tirfi. H ImQl 14jr'tll7. .07 TtFt. .'n TocOd 1140 1141- .01 rinw■ ® OiHTp 7.M IM - O USOI . M mtfM IIM 11S1 ‘ OTCte. J l FhOd nto 14.11- .01 P^ne

.01 •« *eft'MuM tUO 1171. .OJ HTM

- t t TTCAp i n 117. .01 PUKTlm h p -— i tH 'ju t ,. J l - w a rrTTIMp 1441 IIJO. J l PUAiK

« TTNCp n i l II.IJ. J l AlUlTTVAp llM 1147.' .« A««

■“ T W - 1UI 1100. J l Wtl’ _ HuHT ' 141 i n - J l ONHJ

V aiM M r MTWiCtpOl 141 U l. J t HTIkiQMatt 11.11 11.11. JJ knOdte a i U t U t . J l IMtlbw t IN IN NROJ

f ' IM IM - .01 MtOlf 0»PII JM 7M- .a H>X|•" KM U t U l- .a Orpi*

iUMI 740 740. J l TuCi•01 usoFd • t i r I t - J7 «>nA.p

UKUrShWU: p*r»«i._ c«A#i ' n t j n i t - .01 pmwo•" -Corwi t n i n . .01 Ptwcc

CrpSdl too fOO- M HlWVJ«' ciiMii . t n ini.-.M-PwiflSq

•“ oarftt t t i t t i - fwwiiKTrfni IM IM . Jl

L B E B> ~ ^ T * * ^ "**1 monnclOMdTWI C ew .n .1^.1 te»w sp<>w *iu

' Oeld.»«nJS>MrtHviM>i(af»T« I OMd-S4f7.ttp«ny(>(.HTCeti>ti

tih«-I7.1M FM r A (OfiTr (M » t « . P.14S pw irey 01. NT C«mei

n>«.iMKvnr • UJ s H-04 s 00 pw n B n*H Msonym. BIIOWIM 40 Irer et, N. Y. I PIMlpun • Un4S H.T. Uve tpol pw ev

IKtW ronx {AP) - HMr • Ittnian tn.

Th* MAsn prtca lor wy*r MTDw M lem l040tS.

Enpdfwd Uh» r .m .e 't OJIS. Ubc BOIL

NY Com*, tike .pet mono.

' J t T<xni l u t t u s - j t Pta J l ViMl- U l U l Phen■ 7JJ- J l • clf5

A«M t i n 1U7. J4 -QwOptoe 7.41 110- JJ ItOv

JJ lliiitM Fde: KYKIn ■ ImOfp ■ 1141 IWwT j l •

mOrp U t 1114- J l PnmT«tip t u t 11.11- J l - (He,

J t HMn I lt) n t J . J l ._ fv *J l Wwcfrl 2S4S 1&4S- a FHb<JJ HMoFtfM: ONIL.10 PATT ll.n Nl. JJ tfTWJJ UtOH ll.n M.- J l UtgoJl QrMi to n NL- J l PAH(J l Uin«Lp<«: p ,^

ftM 1141 t u t - J l RtiPra Citnt t i n n n . a pun*«J l Cipa lU ) n n ocmJ4 CfOn 111) t044 Fwida toBdi 1141 t u t - J l IJ ) .bnFd t n IN . J t ■

Mtep 147 Ml . PvtrJt:m Fdt.I lUO 14J0- JJ7 :

QM»I 1177 1047. JS CeilpJ l mr<e 740 141 tonJl . M ip ' _,U0 140* P ,^ J ija Mn. U Jl 1144. j l CipA#J l UJM . t n i n . . EquinM MMI' I M l i a . j a .-GUU01 ■tMiel ' 14* 11* (MlJ t HuJM TJI TJT- J t OAlncJ l NSftal . lU O IU O .JJ k»m41 PKFdi n n i o j i . .11 htiM41 PMlI 1144 n i l . J4 MItBOS Aeat It.ll> J l UfTifPJ «*«/ « 0 #40. J» mwA

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WdAm U7 U7 (MnI KANO i n l i t tPtceII MAJIT IM .lU t. J t . pR.Md .

■ ^ P w r 147.-.Ol PrtnnrFur' noip t i l l n n . .bj omi, noip tu r i i 4 » - j » - - owci “' FITip IM US TEOd' MO.P 1114 IUS- J l PrvSpepJ im p IIIJ10J4.J1 PrwMriWC» Uonnp IUS IlSJ- .« UiPtiI ' I n 'iM

Himi*le<Om«hi' ” FUji'' Aw lies' k l- :b1' FlC«f'

Own 7 a 7M. J l ONUAI—mom ......lO t-M J.-Jl------OWIt-

TiFn OibCAl ••mmalMfiM:----------------------ONUl"

e«cn a t i HI- .04 0.P1I (kMM a u HI- .ot 0.PII1 >»••(• n u .It Q<i3ci

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■ HilT*l* IU4 t u t - JS N<IMn»IO*Fd«:_H«M-------It* i i M - a —

m1741 NL- Ot

OMTd 1101 Kl- N ue-r U l KL. JI K ~IWtl M7 NLUWiM 111 NL '

- STIS 'asrs,

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ta 11) 164- J l thivri IBnexUlM*: UuNCl 10etnti HIT 1140- JJ ikMu 1Cvfd IIM 174J. J l UuHTI II0<W1 -1U1 TTa- J7 iw ri te!«»( i n u t - J l Mioni llIfYU LU *47. .cn MkiPil 1*l«* .. 1147 IIM NOht ' tcTotfltp IlM 11«- J l CfMl r

& ' : S'- ,1SForte t « 17t-.JI PuMFwM; FHInp , 1*0 t n . CCA/p Ol BNIU n i l I4JJ- J1 CCOw 41:m sp . r a r « . j i citi hi»NP i n 141- a ( ^ 1>AHp ItlJ 1141. .O C*0*P I 'l>t»lap a .n l lJ t ' Corrr Uls u “ “ a , 'KKM t u UT. a 0*orf 111w<d i u s a i l > j 4 CloMp lU

n i l I tN - .M OraMe 11*I 14.74 till.-.OS HMim n r« JtlW/: . , . , 104I4UXP IJI »47 HIYM U*«Hp . 141 UJ HYdtp II4Ct u p - ISO 140- j s hfoSe n il«F>jnd«: MCt UM•nr to t HI. ,01 trrwi. tj:ipA# n*4 HL. J l m ill tt.TiUU----- M l N L -jl UiTlI ItJJM n i l NL. JJ onTii ti.nMnc n n IO.- J l NYTi llMTId 1044 Kl* a OTCTp lUlmo IM NL. J l Optn Ula« 'i 'm hl ' t*? ? * £ i!5rTif 114 HI. j t m m 1U7

n i l NL* Jt usoid IIMko 1I4J HL. JJ vutt ir,nIF Ml Nl- J l V»|r»9- tillTe 14* Kl .0u*«0< II4«rut l a NL OM«tfd 21C.'ri u o KL ANCQr w .a _____ii«_Wi_.ei._CYS*ep— « J -•« 110^1 Rgerp n i l ■Tl llJ l Nl- .07 WltWp l i t>IPt**>: (Uk*> 101M .. Ul.iizi-Jl.FiM Or_____ lUJJ1P1 IN 140- .0} flChTno ntS'E 111 M l. 'jS FDgnMaOroup;f* ts i 1.17- J l CMCp n n id -----------IMMU - OirMcp . . . l l« I»fimd»: nocfwl*rTdt:A* 1147 llM . .04 CmOp IM ' _ ... 1041.1174.. Ctrrtlp 7.17Id I'oS n n r M 22ll‘' llM 1ep 7.SI HL* j l Tup IIJI t'OWOkK*: Ho(Mrt9U»«:II llH IIM OneUS 141 t>il IISJ I04J. .01 Omn |.n I • t a U l - J l hncq t t a el i n » n . J l RoA*cMl«l/;I. Ml tJI CpCMtp llM l r DO UO tnOdp U] i Al ten 14.77. J l Rito>p u r i ( I t— isjriaTrr-wTte^Fgndi.---------r i— o i--r" "____J i . i 0 4 r ’“' t i j *1 i n i n - .01 nutfmcrvOimp:cl uninn UPk) 12.17I . [1,1411.14. .04 orcia. t inI 1400 1100*-.01 woto 111I 1041 1041. .04 UJOm INI 1171 10.71. J l IiFlg 10441 n ts HM< .01 Tiflni n i lI IftlS 1D.IS- .ot S8SFCV ' 1040

1117 n i7 . J l tOSfOr IIM1 ts tt t0.t0 • ' SFTO««p: 'I n u .01 DWKtp lo.n ti,I i i« to n - .01 b»Rp tiBJ 11I lOIMMl. .01 • USOrp IM 7

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ISK-.S "^r -i n i n . J l wFdi i m i t j j -

IU7 IU7. J t . toMil n i l Ht4t4 n i0 .n . J l t(l*est«ev:IIM l i s t . J t e*m 1117 HL.u s 14S. JJ EffiS U t NL-

s r s s :tUO IIM- .01 MMC n a HL-

^ .lu j t i n - JJ_ ^ 1 ^ ^in IJ-

is St I ' , i r . £ s BtlM IS4J. J t I4>,to UM NL-

i S u n - j i s s rIU) ITJl. J t OMU I14S NL- IM JI Qnrtn- 1110 Kl-

. l i n t t . u . kdP« .MAI NL UM tlT4. J4 u n i n Kl.11 ^ t i n . « Ifnu - 1140 NL.

i n IUS- J l ^ S * . '14.17 a n . ,OS #-*o,dP»*:t p IIJT- J l AnShp 1171 KL-

IT.n IMI- J l Cipfd • il41 tIMiriifS*-”. „»J,'5-(no< NL- J l ^ t l j l lUT- i

111 i i n * i iM i in ” i 144 i n - a UTl 7M IBI- .t i4iJi4T._Bt:____________r ln - j i i—

IM lltS - - WviTl T4T T.Tl'- ’HOTi i n T4I. J

m a n . J t -iwiii 7,10 7.77. 0Ul JU I- untp U l m s . .01L«144l-JV -HYTB TAI T.n* J!

(WoTi 741 747^ 7 7" * ■“* S i r t r “ 7*^

IM 1UI S t r t 11* M *■ 41 1140- M ' OrOMp 7.17 7 a - Jl

mc8p 741 741- J l

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boucM a n Nl. .ICi,n.i7J-_.Bi...a*(af»-------it4t n a —oi.11 111* ,01 STwrMnFundt;

«T>i M r Nl- '.M1117 NL- .N . VOf n w ISJ4- J li n NL- .n App.. a a a n - .to111 NL- ,M c«iuu. ISM IUS. .nIN KL- .n F4VU( 101 U J- .01U4 M.- .Ot OM*I 14411347. .01n i l NL Hmd noo i i h * .o41040 HL unci t7.n 1U7- .MIM .H l.O t Ijfln ! in t l 7 l - J 4

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GUNABINETis and Veneers s g . 6 8 9 9 5


• tLMOl a if J i i7 - M r jw3 - J l £ 5 J . ' 'iS 'siV i- j j iS Stl ILSffl n i l IU9- .17 Ff n

Ipc~g . i i n i i n - J4 CW)

SiiS'iS'. '.tS'.S:S SKL. J ) IpOfl l4Jtl4Xt. J] hc9

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L - :» Slo" 147 u » " ■I - J l tmlp 10111171- OS SMO.1 . J4 Bpclp IM tS J- .M IMO. L> .41 Ta« p |)4(IU 7. J( CoWi 1 . « ,UM« Ul JM ^L. .01 wiwp n i l til l- a ojfir1 SflKBQ 1747 hi. .M QnrtiL. xa EkflOH tJI IM- M HwmiI . .01 SmrnOiriwr: LTOrua. Eq«t» I i rn i i - .C » s«Kt

»iefl « Il.M 11,77- Jl TiCln. .01 1.11 t49 TlClT

- .J l UeOil 1141 lU J-J l UMI' to * s i u i - a UM.I IMM HAS 1U4. .01 W.tif. J l ujort noi n a - .01 uiuc^r• a 8oO«p I7M114I. a Corml

SoimSA t in Nl- a Oom I .- .n SAMVT 113 Nl. ot Onm . .05 Bihtuai - ItM lUl- .ct hM

Boy.rn IIM HI}- JJ iKSaSJ»1*ElondOrp: • JM

Coflitt 1)7 IM -.01 tifH- .a Chwi 7M U t- .01 tiQ- 41 P r ^ I4M U P- .0] TiESI'

_THU___ IJJB1141 •. Jl _ IMW Ml■ J l US Oor 441 SM- J l Cmd• .01 SlFtm#«i: 0«». .01 ' OMh 1)11 lllKi .OS MI-------- Him-------- 7.n77.H.-JI----*M—

Jl StSOMinoW' UMMFu EicA liO.lllJlT7-.Sl Aetiii

' ,B1 Onrti n,IJ n4 t- 4t Bond .01 m i n . i i n M - a contw .01 ta**dmwiFuMi: CM.a -.Anhd UJ HI- J l 0.««

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HYDd* lU Nl- .01 ielr^.01 hlUu n o HI v».g

UfSM • 141 Nl IMSmvMJt- -ilpdU--------I.SI Nl- ,01-- OBI----

Primf IM Nl- 01 ONM0* Sptel.......... l i l l Nl- Jl ...OWStif-..10 Slen ISIS Nl Cn4i

.Jl__ toiam_____a n - i o - j i - im*—Onl, IIU Nl. .04 UCNI

.IS Findi: HPror.M C*pR 111 17I- 01 PnperJ l mn) 4.0S 4.40- ,0t.10 SUIT i r 110- .01 USTF.n sntno. 14.M Nl.'Ol VJ7M.01 sm on »M Nl vufre.01 SnngFiMt: ViUUraF« ^ !m s ; 11 s r

J^ s s . dJ J ' siBd n i t Nl- a u,(3i J l Tow i u i a M - a

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R EG U LA R $ 0- ^ 4 9 - ^ 9 5 — Z -

■ ( - -

i n 1441- J l WOyl • tlBl M. '•Tnnm IM 10.44-41 Vmlel:7*»pl.M»CraMi: OWRip U l 1M

Ff n tlM 11.70- .11 W»« tU tlU I- .JJCW.I N4S . J l - jn ^ p t » 1 U t . « eeei iiM ij.4*. J7 MWTrp uoetii4«.ni (inrti n n uw * .» VmKinpoUlw;hC9 l O a i i a . J l CATTp. l4 J t lt4 J .'J |world U 47IU 1.M ftnoip lU J I tlJ .- J l -

T)om*onM<KWi: • - .............WOdp l l* J U a .> i ---crtKi 10.11 n i l " J l mTTp l u i t r . n . j i

’ S S t ‘ 'uoT^iij^ JS iao .p“ ~ } i £ i S ^ i hcoi I IM I.M -J7 Vine*enft*nB»;

Jpofi 11.MI1.M-.0S c«e t i n t u t - ' j iTulil 10&S10IS-.01 DO* t i n NL--JI

S i ' ■ImttOrp 1441 NL- .!• bOo , 1114] NL-a

'rwlFiMi: &*ft) 040 KL-,4]OAdtp Ml Nl VingiiartOimp: ■ 'S«t0.p I.H HL -I OdIftI 117 M. -imO.p 111 Nl Corrrrl IM NlCoWip l » HI- .04 Cqlne m m iVUup US H I- .01 Cipir a j t N l-'Jt

OOiC««lurr: Ciptl a i l NL. J tOmr T.M 7.n- ,10 UOfS 1141 NL. aQnrt< tlN NL- Jl H***T 1107 Nl. .IJH«1nr 117 110. J t . Pmcp . 47JI Nl. J7LTOfid ■ IIJ4 HI VHY8 14.1* Nl- JSSMKt - a n KL-.BJ -tPnt: to t NL. J lTiCln r . n NL VARP 11J4 NL. J lTinT K4I NL* .t* (Ju«nt IIM NL-4lUWt 7-10 7.JJ- J l tTAfl .1047 NL - .UM. M.n H I-JS rcmi ii .n nl. 47m.i>r u t lU . J l tcum r j o m..: jsUAC mup: OKUA l a NL . •Oom I i n Kl- .'m mand r a NL.'aOwfli 1t.M HI-.OS »MTr tSJ) NL.*Ineo tic« NL. J l ankm • l l i Nl-.JjKSa u t t NL- J t U4Tr 104 NL-i4tui i r a NL- J t Wt£it It.TI NLfM[!a 'i rn l i . SSht* » . • »IltSh IBM Nl- J l Uiint 1I.T1 NI--J1mwMBniTt;.. ... . . . . . ...I tx± i------- J l l t - J t ^ t ------imt 141 HI- J l Hul4 t n NL.'Jli« i n u NL. a 1* ^ i t ^MS IH Nl. .01 cum* uo NL.InM ----------14JI-I*----01—M*»---------U4- HL..J1-------iMFondi: HYIm lOt NL..JO« n -• 14$ T.OI--.DI - Pwwin .... US W ,..S -----und 111 l i t VtPCc ll,n NL.-}««Rhc is-ii 11S7- .01 vspor t i n NL--a aso. - I .4 4 'ia - J 4 VSWp h it Hl.'M lrtS« 440 sotr .01 Vtwr ' - U B W,_-JS '«om u s 7.41- . r wpTr t i n hl- - «Ihe IlO JllIS. J l W*IW n i l HI.'41sues-------I ts - to t . JI — Wtnm---------iitr-W -^ n -------M I ito 11^7- a ' ^1^

irtcpi . S« 114..01 WdUS 741 NL-Jt Mr* U7 S47- .01 V«namAd«t**n:■.Vft I00MC44-.O1 mcpi 141 B4S._4t.S.ICM: NYV«i ^ T . n u i . f l _fKA t n HI ' RpFii t l t l n 't i- .ndStif-........OS.-NL--.J«.moln______ I t a HL-S7 .»» 7.IJ HI- -M WMRhp 7.11 NL-JI>*--------IM-Kl—JI-«r«U4>i*li 0»«ri------------ -.•----- -—Cw IU HI- .ra Tydfr 1140 F<L-<ni t.a HI- JI WPO . 141 w . - a ..wer .71 NL Oort U t Kl- aE>i iJ t NL. .n Own *110 K i- j iiTF 1047 Nl- .QWinSl U l IM- Jthi I.IS NL- .01 WmrflftA:1 lO.BI Nl- .01 A*UUI 1141 HL.'.ISlUwFd; I Oondl IIM NL-. ^pm 117 NL. .M 'CpJal IIM HL'. .41n. lOW Nl. .01 iMCol ILOl HC.JI■4 USI NL- .n Wi*ri.flp t i i u u s . ^ lrOI 1140 Nl. .OS N«» ' u n HI.V11 nOd . n n NL- .01 Ph* 1l4t W.-\0 M t i n N l- .01 nftiQi 1117 1117-a

■ M A G W A W O X - ----------- -


• CABLE READYl ^ ^ W ’ O N L Y

‘299 95



2 9 ^ 9 ^ -

Page 17: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles


V, 001 Ftofi»li- O O J lo H il■............... ..... 003-5p«<:ial

■ JD ' ■ m * Kidi Kc

- •?' 006 Pcr.on

I •> -M■ ■ .007 Jobjof

000 So ld P: /00<> Adull C«

« '^OlOPfoloii; ; ON ChSdCa„ '0 1 5 OabylWc

. ,,j 016 Employjn 017 Ou»l/.oi

' •** OfO Incomo• 0?0 Money

5 OJI Money'033 Inyoiltr

J7 025 lnvl»ucl0?6M u»icl.

1 . r a REAL]OJ9 0poiiMc

■U 030 Hamoi F2 . 031 Oulol-T

« . : 033 Klmbdflj« ■ , 034 Je«omo I_ 03S GoodingS ____ _______ . '_ -.M 6.« iT =j j 037 fo rm io r5 ----- ■ - • OaO-Ac/eoflaS 039 Ouimo«»« • 040 Comot#.'M . .. 043 Vocallor," - '0 4 4 ConJomIJ] 04S Mobile H

f ~ m r j050 Fu/iioboc OS! Unlurniih

: 052 Forn. Apl, ------- -------------- ^.-0S4-U nIu»n.AI 055 RoommotT ....................................056 RoOfn»F.oI 057 RcniolMe — ------------------------ — a5a-orr<q«-D! 059 Coodomir, 060 WorehoulI 061 CorogeR<

, 063 Woniod le

I “ ‘ "■’“ • " r

BillI 067 MliceNani

060 Compulaf069 Comtfrai 1070 Warned lo071 W onledio

. 07} Anllqubi • 071 DoiOo'iA

; ‘ 074 iWutlcol Im

' ^ A n n o u n c e

:'~M 2-L o8t& Found

-'b lcyelo .'ll you lost i ; 733-2314.




f L0CATED:1396triAV

1. Spanlol X pup, . blacK.• 2. Poodlo. (Tolo.opHc

3. Torrlcrfom alo.bto'• 4. Stiophofd X.


; 1. Samoyod/Husky X ' whito.

------------------- --------- D pw ST pirron iMondoy thru Frid


' Q pcauso Dogs aro t In ovory hour and S( DESTROYED aftor 48

...................- p ioaso - c a ll-o r .—vis.p o u n d dally to ' w holhor your pol ha: 'p rckod up. This Is i

|.up -to -tfo to Il8l. Mlxoc '•OfO hard to doscrlbo. : to Iho pound to aoo - p o t Is thoro. Como or -o u t 0 puppy or full •d o o - TH^y WOULD


---------------AVAILABLE FOR


.‘ l . 1 malo Gorman • halrod Polnlor X. bro

- ; mofitha

H oars Mon-Frl ; 1:30pm 2:30pm.

■ Shollor locatod on 1 w oat road, uso Iho onl to Sowor plant ncroo. rood from KART Radio.

................. 1883 doo llconsos mapurchasod ot tho City \

-O fflco_____

___________ _ _ _ C # 1 I 3 2 « * 3 6___________l tn o « n « w f - . ; ........ 324

Lost Seolllsh Torrlor i w /aom o brindlo, Woarl rod collar. Loal noor Ca Rim Rd. noward, 733-12: L ost; Clock and . .

— Mlntalura— Schn«u2or,. KItnDorly. Reward ofli A nsw ers lo "Jock" .

-423-5491 or 32^3258.. .'L ost: Black cal wUh *

:-C h o a t & stub-tail. 9 mo - 'o ld . 4 mllos south & Vi ‘ :o f Filer. Anxious lo : - baclc^C^lll3^^5^81:-------

- 003-Specla lN olica8

" ' l wilVnol bo rdsponsibfi Z 'o n y olhor dohta oxcop - J o ^ n Anllo Kathaloon Hai

'• I ^ ,




■&FoundKtialHolleoi "■ ••


o o lln le r o i l 01 Peoplo ill Cnrolo ttiono l Sofvlcoi dCare Soivtco* ylinori Wanux) iloym ont Wotitcd

O ppoiluiiiliov )me Properly

'J r W o .p d


Oi For Solo ol-To~n Hornet-

Jing/W endoNHomoi

Io n d Ronchet

....................... '> te«yloii . . . . ,llor«Pcopofly om inlum i For Solo leH om ni For Sole


ihed H oute t n<il>odHou>e«Apl», « OuploKotn. A ptt.X .O uplexoi . . . ____m ote t W onirdI For Renl . ....... ................................I Mobllo H rm e. - 'S 'D uiIneki Renlal ,mlf,lumBonioU gV lOute/SlorogoHenlQl le Rertfoli>d lo Ront ,Honr,e Spoco


loneou t For Solo

01 S Equlpmerxl d io Buy d ro Trode btlA C ro IltII In n fc .ven lt__________________

■■■ 003-Special Notic---------- ^ T T ^


nH ' " II you hovo had '- witn any producl;

fB’ s e nwiffft" W C T -W ppiitTd b y 'e>st ono coll U sers, pioaso nc

Timos-Nows ofllco I aa possib le. Hovjni

-----------------^OTTOalfoh^ill.-onatiDNEWS m oro carefully mo

UFETIME S ^ C ' l t ^ J o K o l l. ,. bualnoss wilh only


)up, m .io, 'v f e T r i r m E f iv Sprlcol. W,o nood your hoi brown lo tho m oonng, I s ;, lomolo, J u ^ o t t h o o l d ^ o <

Your ad l9 Importai Tho Timos-Nows-C

cy X, molo. Dopt, roquostacustom ers placlna . u s chock Iholr ods

ronty----- -- -day il r u n s T d fo "Friday Should any chango:

roctlons bo noecTod . . . . o x t 284 contac t us ImmodI- n3-0626. ..Sorry, wc-0 brought rosponslblo lor tho1 SOLO or sofliononly.r 48 hours. — — — — — —

o’ “ o f f S -O M -K W sK o m er-hns boon ——


H S m ^ r s o m l s

"loJE A l p H O Q iII. ANONYMOU • _______ C«ll73W3bO

50R C ^ T G e T B a r ie y G't Endless supply. K

econom ical. Moro po an Wiro- D lslrlbutorsnoede brown. 6 dialrlbulor leo. For

Informallon call 733- , ' C haulfourodC arSo rn Byadvancooppoinl f"- Locai-Roglonal. Roa:

, „ roios.j,..423-5179. FrOi

o n ir .'S S DIAL-A-DA1J0.3IM 1-976-1111

Fun, friendship, oxcl • a, romanco. 59c/m ln.''

moy bo For an out-wosi cami Ily Water a rool covorod waflor

for weokond rontal roi IDAHO Q A I^ E N S -«

* 3 2 4 ^ 3whon shared . Worjw;

. Association. Spm to 7 r ^ n y o nH 222. t-oay soeklng gon — t t t : frlond, 3W 4 yoors,

llko kids. Respond t ■tpggrtJTJTTlmos'Nowi

,® ‘’ (Lil B0»S48.Twin Falls. ID MARY KAY COSMEl

'.L ■kI;" For 1 froo com(ilom taclal coll Tammy L733-C769.____________

‘ ,0 oot OVEREATERS J r . ............... ANONYMOUS- T.F.& Jorom o.733-t . . ' PREQNANT-NEEOHI 2 PiM— progaancy— l;ih i„ uvoliablo. Call Prog coot mv Hotline & Crisis Conto HSrris 7472,24 hours a doy.

cem ents-

E D i n d e ;077 H omoEnlmtoinmor 070 Com municoiiot.Oo\ 079 Appl.oncei

• OOO MeollngS Alf Cond. OQI rurnitu»e«C orpci»

_ 08} DolldrngMDIurioUOOJ Coiogo Soloi 004 Toolk

------ --------0flS-Bi<y«l*»:-----------------006 Firewood007 Lawn ft Ca'don OOO Vorloty Food*090 P o u a S u p p n e t091 Cfoollvo World092 Auction*


093 F o rlilijo r(tlo |. So.1096 Fo'rnSood097 Hoy. Groin S Fuud

-090 Fotm»lorRer.l099 Poslurot lor Root100 lIvDltockWorHod101 Ai>;rnolOro»J.Mg 10} Coltle103 D oifytquipiuc.n104 H orto105 H oriofquipm ool

'106 Swioe100 Sliocp/GooU HQ Pox^llifS RobbiH 11} Ir.igolion113 Fat»>SRonch Suppilo114 Form lii 'piornonlt115 Form Work W ontod


-------- l-12a-A »lo llon —--------------___ __ 131 .Oooli a Mo_f.irip !l,om»-

152 SporllngCoodi 133 C unt ond Rillet 124 SnowVehlclet 135 Tro.el Tcoilurt 126 Comport a Sliolit I}7 Motor Hornoj

............... 120 Utility Trollert ' - •


131 Auto Service133 A u1oP orlt4A ccc tto ri

___ 133 A uloi W anlsd . --------134 Autoi lor Rani

____:-----135-Cyelei-S.Suppl.ei--------136 HeovyEouipmor>l139 Plck.UpIrucVtUO Heo»y Iruckt/Sonii » 141 Vont143 lm porl/5poruC o '»146 4«4 '.8A JV »140 Antique AutOJ149 Auloi ■ AMC153 A u lo .ck -154 Autot.Cociilloc 1S6 Auloi -Cl>ry>ler150 A uto t-C lo l

.160 Aulo* -Oodge162 Auloi Forcf166 A utot ■ Mercury 4 Unco160 A u lo t-O ldnnob .le -172 A uloi-Ponlioc173 A utot .Plyrnoulh -174 A ulot.Oll»o«175 Aulo Oeolort

--------- 3J0rS5r7TtTDT77Kl5r?

3tiC8S 006^Personal3riqN ' PrivaiV*’room ~ ln~ ii READERS homo, porsonol lovii

nnd laundry. Call 734- td^-problems sd o ad for an tiques

. “ K .S S S o to s y js lro lo g x J iO ; • in i V I T A M I N .A C RnoblQ-njs-to- OKo~BF nN A You mt


i ly th e m w t .o a d ab o u t( lin th o um s and^lo NATION’S NEWS , HEADLINE articlos.loaoinffT'.or ^ ^ Y LONGEFsom onis. h AVE IT HERE NOW!

733-0379 or 324-3248 veterans or32<, como ---- --------------------1st Wod In

hockorau to RCQ u p m _ c o m a ^ - S e l e c t e c L o

rtant lo us! -------------------------------

J 0 7 ^ o b 5 o l ln l» r e s l

— A T T O R N E r“ o'ccuracyT DffpUty— A IT O rn o y ^ gos o r cor* position a l Public Em{ lod . pioaso Rollromont.. S)odiatoly at bualnoss law backg WQ doslral>tQv Sond rosur

Iho firsl In- John J. .McMahon.Dopuly Attorhoy Go

Houso, Roomf _________ Bolao. Id. e37?0,

I bolso ioljpio n oeds nanny, room, board , s

lOllceS vacation, wook-days • - no houso work. 383-02&

Christmas A round,tho ' now hiring dom onstr

— part-time. Troo trolning L1CS $300 kll. Call 543-4900. DUS Collodions ClorK Noo

oxpoiioncod pro(( ^ Fluotil know ledge' ol

- Spanljh-lanouaoo-w ou yGreen? bonollclal. S ond ,ro su r y.M oro apply: St. B onodfcfs F t poworlui Modlcal Conlor, ?09 N ^ded.N o coin, Jerom o. Id. 83338.

m y p Exporionced port 73^1008. jiishlor hoBl/nostOBS Sorvleo.' ovoning shill. M ust b

)inlmonl.' loasl 19. Apply In pc oos’onoblo allor 5 pm. Also, part i^red. sr lulMlmo co o k 's assI A T C 10 wotk somo a .m . &

shills. Pay dopondinj 11 oxporlonco. Apply ofi ' ' ______ um. Goorgo K's Rostaun •+ loM •

"i ■ Experloncod logal socri am poul In niigallon W k g r o

good D onoflts-and-woi onvlronmoni, R osppnd

= 5 5 ^ ^ rosumo Io: Box L-99. 3-0 i22 Timos-Nows. P.O. Box fprbb lo rn Twin Fai^s, ld7B3303.~<ialHosim -----^ ^ ---------.0 7am. 24 i» ? _ jo t)s ol In terest

f ^ l J O B S ! JDwnrP^o:----------------P f o d u c t i o

l o a

S P a r y • T h u rsd ay . J u r ' Lynord. • 9------------- & S a tu rd a y , J) l Supar8M ot8 l*126(]j3 .g „ 3 ,

• l(U«II*n» B«n*rrti « No Cxpori«n«o B.

rognoncy » » •*«»« ntor, 734- M O D . ’,

\ I , , .


S HOovlcoi

^ _ S u n i-------- -Depeiidebiel^^^ha

loon wants yatd Ruport oroo. Coll 4: bo you hood y dono? If 80 Kolly Honl-O-KId 733-909: youino sw oat&ho Exporloncod baby:

a r k e t

' class. Clean house 0.1 lor Angl 733-8431. ,

Expotloncod law. <1 havo own lawnm<

wood wachor. I Hon. but profor <

' S luan aroa. will acars, and nny ml Call 734-2609.I Ijabyslt 4 havo ( wllh .corlllicale MVRMC bobysllllni

-Jt^ hou r, 2 kids Ji lawn, & Kim w/wo 13 years- old. Avt

phoiI'm 14' yoars old B

d (or a daylimo sumnBuhl, Will do_yai

n iabysll, w ash dial 3NAL H oathorToddolM 3

............. -0 0 7 -Jo b s of Intere

Collcgo ol Soulho vocollonal droltlng tor. Toach H-m onil dralling program tc

..................... - s tuden ts -for cnlemployment.

™ prolorrod. bul not iMusl hnve minimi yoaro omploymoni

.. . sporson wllh oxpot lorie* training In a re as i______ _ _ .IuraL mQchanlcal._

compuior-aidod ________ _ MooL__ sloto. .__Y(

toachor corilflcail quiromonis. Saiarj

'* Excotlont Irlngo. rebonolils. Submil and wrillon narri quallllcaUons lo Whilo. Coliogo of £ Idaho, Box 1238, Tw ID 83303-1238 by J 733-%4. EOE.

COOK IN SUN VA Exporloncod braakf lunch line cooks, f

ncoln yoar around posillotpli/3 bonus p lus t Call Miko days 72E> ovonlngs 622-3198, _ Coamololo^lM^nood

■ J3.75 por hour 4 i sion. nl«rt bonofllj. ■ piolofaional sta ll i Dimension C uts al t Lakos Mall. Ploaao

_________ yai6rJo.ati33^733:^1 llconsed Counuy Sido Living loving caro jf, Mackay h a s opei ^<•3537. fulHlmo working 100 luos undor to doal w /oldorly &tS th------ cappcd^cQ oking^cl

numor- nnd personal coro. H bG-M24 salary, ond pald'V i ^ D C ^ X l ' Coll6pm-9pm S88-2S3:

O fM g N S l^ Q B S j I mny hnvo Parly plan. NO.lnvo: on ?RIME FREE J300 kil & si lil on . Extra bonus thru Au l/ISION, or 53^-fl?20or537-6851.- w«5PAPPn’ Exporloncod cooks WSPAPER wallporsons. ApplyRPB9 WP “O" fo'w oof’ ’ Oaf" ^

8 Exporionced trout I Apply al 450 S. Loci

--------------- orcall73MS29Exporloncod ’ rocoi

■I __lor prolossional oill - O n d F S - •eotrtT^Typing s kills-;

Established ollico wil -----------1— salary & bonoflla.

e s t . Twin'pSlIsiMfoa^^’'^

P m n ll^ n J fX* SOU-mOliVOlOd. R(c S « « m w /rosum oio260 2nd,

, C & Jisum o to: * Framing corpool in. Chlol framlngcrow G onorol * Drywallors. plo<

)om 2lo! lootogo. m ust have loots,

H IJ ■*’ Roolor6;'piocoworxd N ' K

Call wookdnys 8:30 o 5 801-531-7700 a

Iho World Julio or mall namo, ai nstra lors , ji phono num ber to; ling, froo v /arnor. c /o Ivory i^ _____ L pony. 370 E. South T‘Noodod. Sullo 1500. Soil Laktiroforrod. UTB41H____________

of th o Full-tlmo : nnd pa would-bo- -m otal-cutlorTT-M ust isum o or oxporlonco w llh, a < •s Family lorch. Call 734-7440 lor9 N. Lin- appolnlmonl.________

____ Fulle r Brush. 733-9314,pon-tliTio Havo oponing (or 1 LP OBs ror , pn, 3nm_ conip

wogos, ■ oxcoilont bo po rson contocl Suo Wogono:

3a r-1m o cn ro Ciss ls ta n t / j5, e oE________dlno'^'ori HEAVYCONSTRUCl

^fler 9 Troln part timo os o Maurani Conslruclion Equi|

Oporalor, Train-------:— wookond a monlh iocrotory ^ y^ar, Leam I

-ovof-JflO O-HCOkonsLto Coll SSG Albert McA> 733-2671 In Twin Falls.


St ■ 007 -Jobs of Interest

J O B S ! JO B It i o n W o r k e r s N e e d e d j c a l I n t e r v i e w sJu n e 9 thru Friday. Juno 10

9 AM - 6 PlVl - y, Ju n o 11. 8 A f^ -12 Noon 260 Blue U k e s Blvd. N .*1Wln Fa

Mooi witn our . •"»* Roprwonuiivosmiswoc• B*<jolrod aopontmoni nocosea


:cf offers •

gmer^Woiltd work In mow your lawnI43S-9143, m achino oi' do

yard work w ork Ihot noods t< Illy Minor al Inlorfn097 wllj savo Shano at 734-1216.hassio . N ood a fob donobM litorT oo 324-3136 a call arMV K o n a ”

babyslliors jso lo o IA a k to o b ig o r to o sm al

iw,nmowing;' Pluyino sollbal mower ond during summor, bi

Iranspora- w ork (ovon ono do r coliogo & wlllInO to learn.I a lso wash good job, would Ilk m lsc ,'jo b s , o round sports, a___________ grocorypart-ilmo. i} graduolod Ploying sollball, oli lie from tios during sumi ting course , noftd work, prolor J1.50. Mow Ing ovonlngs and v wood-oalor, to work oround S( Vvoil wook- o th e r acllvillos. V 1733-4959 w orkan d loarn. 733- I & looking polloblo babysiriol Timor job In kids. I .would also ( yard work, to clean tho housi Ish'dsT'otd: ba6ys-fiJ'bofofo“ Ft M3-6087. Coll Sarah 320-<418,

’res t ' ‘ 007—Jobsofln ten

horn Idaho High Sch 'doriociai ng inslruc- and ' PE toachr nlh gonoral coaching. Also to proparo loachor, Coniact H

miry- 'lovol School Dlstrlet 837 Degroo appMcalion, Cloalt

>1 roqulrod. Ju n o 23 ,19S8. EOE.mum ol 8 ..............HSQRADS

O ''0f 300 skills to Ovor « 0 0 por mo,

- M G-l- Bill & lul'*on— - nvflifablo.-H-you-quj

drolling 3 5 0 Albori McAvo'_y0C(ili0nai 2871 in Twin Foils. Al


r £ irrntlvo ol ’3 'spo:o David « l:i2_69o ;^23 i89L f Soulhorn -IMMEDIATE JCTwin Foils. OPPORTliNIT

Ju n o 15. Will trnin woldln{>. 1 sh o p skills and

i/Ai 1 FY m alnlonnnco. Mon ikfasi and com o w /no loyolls.

fu»-iimo looking (or mollvol ion.


bdod.' iuii- i'n°'’oi?r^

, ' o ^ u c i „ rc ; !S V b ‘i r r 'liguros. Exporlonci

ng Con or rosumo. So. Ijonlng (or uudw olsor. P.O. 6 ° i " ’h dl* Twin Falls. Id^83303. c IcanlngL indlvldi

•vomI iSS' ^°m p. j i ly ^ ’ie - jT 'c0 7 ' 6214 for salory and c

lorm ation. _____LnejLdfidLS n o T r T n ^ l ' - ^ a r ^ a n 'I ? A ^ C a l i l l i - m h ________, ....... L ondscapo ' irika' and- lochnicion. compo

' Com pany. Inc.. 726-45------- :— Looking (or • dopeI Doners, nord-w orker lo run ( icust. TF. p foas. Exporio'nco r<________ w /p ro ss & Hyslor.coplionisi involvod. Send rosu olflco In ro loroncos to PO Bi s - s -p l tr s r B u h W 0 ^ 33tfc-548-490 Atllh good CoviNG FAMILY, Bo S. Sond 2, looking for coring, x389 n y Irom B-8-88/9-i-8‘________ room, bath, tisb ol ca

ollico housekeep ing , sconi ^ -Im u a l- o m a w J orso y, 20 1 Ja Respond MEDICAL TECHNOK id Avo. S. Full-llrho atid;pari-limi__ ______ical tochnologlsl opciQlors ' A Nollonally nccoplod

' — lidcolion- roqulrod. locowotk openings: 2 pm lo 1 IVO own full-llmo ond 10 pm lo

7doys o n /7doys oil. I ncbynno ' hourrrforTO-hours-or IVO own ALSO PRN (cam ^

Tochnologlsis 10 wot 1 a.m . 10 shift OS noodod, ovor I a sk lor 1 td 2 shlfis por monlh address lacl ' Humon floci

to; Mojk doparim onl. MVRMC & Com- Box 409. Twin Fall

I Tompio 03303-0409, or coll 73: Jko Clly, EOE, _________• Moscow Chombor olpon-lime m orco is curronlly in s tat tiuvo" of'lnr»ovativo-p«f9on- I culling strong buior background to sorvo ;

ocutlvo Vico Presidonl 14 ' individual will bo ros;■ PM nnr. blo for iho doy to doy ( LPN and ,|q „ q , Chamber 1

.'I® Tho position includos nol lim ited to plat prom otion. budg

i.«onior. pyf,,|(. relations; )ourn.— and som o Irovol. C<

CnO N degroo an d /o r jnlnlmi a Heavy 3 yoa rs Bualnoss Ma luipmonl m enl roqulrdd. Closint

one Juno 22. 1968. 1 & Iwo C ham bers Soorch Co

n & Qorn 100. PO 8ox 9121, Mo;-tO_3lQrl,. 10 83843. . ^ ________jAvoy al Nationwide lool dialrl IS. Army onorgollc aaloa. p c resontlvo lor local oKIc■ uxporlenco nacastary ,---------- - ry-pald-aurinn iroinlng

opportunity for right I <idual. Apply 10am-1p----------- 1 242 Main A von_______I C | Nood com panion lor

roilfom ont contor,_Ff(....,_____ pm.7 a m _ g O%_Dl_pal

aro fomalo, lady woul

r tforrod. No work, o; om ergency. Room/t providod In oxchange.

734-5516or 733-2513. NEEDED IMMEDIATE

Fa lls O reon A crea Care Cor Is now occopllng opi

■ Uon»..for. nursing assi!*«*. no oxporlonco prolorrod. JO<y me t M arsha. J3 4 -^ 1 .

Dasotaii. nppto pio arxJ Cioycr Miod . . . imii's itiu'Amo -----------1 W.iy.- - —'.- - .-

I -Real es,

Wanticvica— I— wUli R«6ponalbl«—— vn wilh your looking for 0 )ob. Jo any yard or Gooding orot la to bo dono. oncod wllh babl< ormallon call call 886-7747 or B8(16;________ _______________3no? Givo Rosponslblo i<

and aak lor babysiller. grn abyallllng lo MVRMC babysilli iws. no job is Also housosit 01 mall. Jobs. Aak for Laur

733-7837. • ball/ba'sobafl Sunni’s ChUdcor ', bul wont to ^57 M onroo S t. ' I doy a wook) Drop-Ins wolcomi n will do 0- 9 om to 5 pm . $' 1 IIKo 10 work por, any kind/ Coll 734-6229.___IO.733-8S80. Thirloon y r Old b rolhornclivl- for sum m or job. f ummor. bul i>avo son-)lorably dur- onco. Clovor o r Id would llko ColI32(H098.I sports and WIN babysit In m' . Willing 10 wlllm owlnwng. 73 33-6613. W illing' to loom .

Iller. I love w ore~m -TO od. r )0 bo willing Som o work lha l v lUso. I hovo cha^nco lo grow in

Fifor oroo; o-gob<i-jdb.--1-wlit- 18, In July. Coll 733-881

iterest.-..............0 0 7 - J o t» o f ln te i

ic iarstudios No‘uc0‘to*Jo’b 8ook( chor wllh: Fedora).. ..Jaw 50 Vo-Ag omployors to vorli ;t Hagerman omployoos havo 837-<S72 for right-to work In II osing dalo Stoios. EmployersIE;________amino do cu m en ts t,0S oslobliah yourto train In. (driver's llconso 0 10 lo sto rt' cord) and your worl I o'sslslnnco authorizollon (so d quallly. Call- !lf “ le^rA 'C yicofl! woy at 733- Port-limo -su rg o r ..Army. nurso. oxporlonot CANBE.' rodr somo coll PENING: coniact Pot Romso) i or. oxperi- Position opening ii spood. Call operation. M ust bi92;________ oncod In onlmoEJOB m onagem ent. opoNITY m htntononco of OQi . mochlno Sond rosum o w ro Id enolno >o- Bo* H-01 %Tlmi lo n lh ly 'in - Box54e,T .F ..Ida33i Ils. Wo aro • RECEPTION!; Ivolod H;S.' 'COMMUNrrYN ho wonl to ASSISTAN'27 yrs. 'pm. 1-600- Tho Timos-Nows ii

(or 0 lull-timo now m in g '’ for '"on i rocopllonlst lur Burlev ‘'on a s socrolory 1-limo po3^- -m anagm n-oaitorr-i viousoxpo- odil com m unity nc ory control and cnlondors. IVO good achodulo and cond arking wilh^ ol Tho TImos-Now! lo balanco and school g roup ncod only can ts should hnv« D Id Dist/ 'Ion®! spelling and

Box 423 skills, tho abllily 10 03. ' diverse rongo of p

<julrlos. and Iho c .vvQfk.lnJhcjworldj3;

1 r r .11 w communicoil< Is J6.00/hour plus

Id olhor In- Including health ca — -------- sion-and-401K-.plai

nioy. Call and covor lotlor, I____ _____roloroncos to: Mary

irrigation % Tho'Tlmos-New6,iponsalion 548. tw in Foils., IIonco. Call R esum es should b<or Flood & od no lolor than^538 . Juno 17.1988. EOE.opondablo Rosponslblo womarin priming in. core for rocu3 roqulrod lady, lighl houjr. LKlIng ro (orencos roq. 734-;jsumo^w/- RN n o o d o d 'fo r Lof

Box 472. c a re Unli. For mor-«W6 - -------ma tion—caii - s i . -gBoys 6 & m a 324-4301.

Ing, NAN- H N 'slsoing hIrod, c1-89. Own oopohdBncy tr<I car. light conlor. C.D. oxporio

“ '77-3440 w ogos. good-bono^^'OLOQCSL, working condllionatime (Hod- 'Linda al HCAoponlngs, Conlor. l-800-227-419(lod cor- School is oiit. W oiid. - s m f l Hko to-holp-on eidoi0 10 pm. In ho_mo7_Cj»_73i:552:

so iL A voN ,i-on-duty.- -S po rts-o jlon lod_pu t

Modlcol com pany h as Imrwork doy opening (or public r(vorooo of porson who enjoysmlh Con- s l’'® " “^ol In tho Vlocoufcos MIdwoslorn s ta le s . IIIMC. PO v»IIIIno 10 work hordFalla ID ^nd hovo dope737-2170 transporlallon, call B

I or. [n !9 [Yio^-S P po I Ql n01 Cbm"- Sun VaMov oroo. 0

in soarch "OOd a lovlno nnnny sn-wim-a Iot-yauJL-chl!tlien2_.l business would like tho oppo “0 os Ex- WON qualilied lont. This roloroncos. Plooso w rosDonsI- Inlorviow to Box K- ovoDorV Timos Nows, PO Bt orSlIlco. Twl_n Falls,1D_633P3. los but is SYSCO GENERAL planning, SERVICE SUPPLY, | Jdgollng. Sysco. Inc.. tho n urnalism. lorgeat. -food 1

Coliogo d ia irlbu ioriscurron tl] limum of mg n morkoling os; Manage- solos tralneo. Ap Jlng dolo nood not have solo's i

Wrlle: once bul o strong fo< Commit- vIco background I Moscow, quired. Pioaso sond_________ rosumo..lri_C(iro, ol:^iflFu'm; Eby.D lalrlci So los MO iIos roo- Syaco/G onerol. P.O. !(Mco no S^B. Bolso, IdahoS37C» r y , . ^ -- ----- :_f£L E PH O N E _ilng.'oxc ■■ SALESPEOPLE )ht Indl- Tho Timos Nowa Is li i-1pm 01 for circulolion (olo

sa lespeople . This is j or small ■I'"® ovoning )ob. FfOm_7 Pfiono ®®los oxpo

io S o m a ' '’O cossaryi-For moro ^uld b o ' m ollon 'soo- S in d l at

oxcoDt t^ows. 132 3rd St. m /board f*"'’ . 'D, No 1go. Coll <^?.P.!oa80:._ _ „ _

Twin Falls Caro Cor rfP L Y ~ looking for a po

bookkeeper, oxpo ^ n ir-n w l'f ' M odicoro/Modlca S n t InO prolorablo. Must ” Con ■«oloroncoa:--Sotary- r ■ blo. P lo aM _ c^titac

ifxJ CUS- polnlm onl. ,___ ^__itnorican w antod: oxpoVioncod

oporalor. Coll 324-7148,

state--------------------- j 007 -Jo b s o lin

" T ' l ! O ffio Noiioris (ost w l i A T ^ retailor, ond loo

s ijo lashlons oil

' ' onlry lovol maV ' r r f n Sky is the limit

iionol poopio.wl t i atliludo who fo

B - ■ lovo a challongited irs, s°s;— : - J oxcopUohat'.cor

i°o a s Expo"“‘“j i ' o ® - l o r v i o w : Lane Br, B8CK2489, vjiKjy „ m |

_ 9lh, Vpm 10 7 prrlo o n ago jun'Xi lOlh. 10 01

grnduoto ol coll 734-3105 lorsilling course , (ormallon il noodt ond do odd Trinity-Chiisiian

American Falls 1---------------------Ing appllcallonalco ro -6« fv io» r -or parMlmo adm;t. Twin Falls, toacho^poaillonj

It suporvialon. ^ diatiwas--------------- ------- salary and bono'd boy looking call Mary Lundinb. P ro lo r farm (oroppolnlmonl.n°r"piin?*n'’rnn’ W an 'tod :'" NuTsi o r Filer nroa. c .N .A .'s prolorn

' m'II omployor. Appl)Hivor Convaiooct

srn. wanI lo 5 t r Eaat 4th. Shi . rotoll, etc. or coll 886-2228. a t will hovo 0 vvoniod: o.'routo

,0 ‘o.-w !ljdo . K,o-lor-ioooi doir 'com pany. '

1-8880. bonolils. dayshlf_____________ through Friday. A, . ,. ” T .^Ih Avo W.. Twin F nlr»fftSl 'W aniod':-Tracior.m e re s t—L.— — --------- hydroulics. dIoso

•foQuiroa “ “ 0“ - 'rorlly thot Oil »vo th o logal Wanlod: doyllmon Iho United overly woman-iro rs m ust ox- homo. Hours, c ) ts to ' salary nugollobiur idontliy phono 880-2335 m0 or stoto ID ’ l .a m .^ o in o o M vork . Wantod; Full-time lociol socurl- limo milkor. oxpoi :ortlHcoto). rolorcncos roquigory scrub 66^77^6.________inoo -p ro lor- W onlodi-Porson till includod, lood lot, muat bisoy 324-4301 drivo truck ondin in foodfnti loader, somo -01 bo oxpori- vrilh caitlo- roqui imol hoollh «3-4278 loavo m(sporotion, i . '•y-5551_________' oqulpm onl. Wo'ro growing am^/ro loroncos oponing for a corim os Nows, salos roptesonioll83303. looking for an o)N iST/ it'dlvidual 4 a s(Y N E W S ..........Wo oiler on-excoilANT Ing environment i

bonolils. Call■s is looking Mokorow for onlow s dopan- mont ol Conlist to func- C h o v ro lo l-P o n tory lor tho !L4=l'8-32?-3!)p_0or; irr-typrr^JnO ' "\vona6H yclio5n3r

now s copy is occopling oppUca rs . ond a junlorlsonior hlio nduct lours music loachor.ow s lor civic 'opon until sullabioa u p s. Appil- (ound. Contactinvo oxcop- School Districtmd gram m ar .P.O.Box 307. We' 10 han d lo o 83355, or phono 5363( public in- , pTpo"movoV n.0 d o s iro to miles wost ol Jid ja J jn o d e rn , .Bfiou-llnBa..Oit)8r-l:o ilons. Pay during Iho dayus bonolils. Call 324-7691:


o S S l J J Tlory Karron.w6, p o -o o x -006—Sales People

ID 83303. .............. . ............ ..J bo rocolv- immodlaio oponlnilan Friday, saloaporson al onilE. bosl aulomobllotTtan' l'o ilvo al’lPO In ■f‘0 Norlh' ocuporalino I ? ' 'housew ork worker, honost, roll34-7250.___I_oood wilh poopio,

c/o Timos Nows. ___________ 548. Twin Falla. 1083.

j r S WANTE__________________TDffiaTVTttiv —

o n s , C ^ Exporloncod lo \ ' Wolkor solicitor, oxcollonl 4190 • Iho righi poraon,sToijtiT s;

M9 -A d u l tt o e S e r Immodlolo '

fv s°ox ion ! 01t>-Profe5Slonal 0 W osl 4 Senrlces

?;d“ fo r“lon 'C O M P lJ fW S O m

SHIntmoni dBASE III*. Word I 'G<?:onL_. supofColc. Lolus,. do you BASIC, For IBM con iny to care microcomputers. It > i_.Il_ao_l_ .supporir— of>-«llo— Ia po rtu n ly Cali 733-4547,0 wrllo^ or Housecloaning’ i od

K 1 c /o 'O ls_J34^22 or 733-3',B « ' 548, LAWNS UNLlMi

J. _______ Wo do lawns and a wFOOD moto. Call 423-5355.

f . p a n ol SUi^'VALLEY AREA,' notion a lovIng nonny sooks

sorvleo posllion lo caro foin tly sook - children, Experio ssoc lo le rosponslblo. dopoiA ppllcont havo oxcollonl rolei

08 oxpori- For inloniilew ploasifood sor- Box J-1, c /o Timos

1 is ro- PO Box 548. Twin F jnd a (ull 83301o l : , Doug ------------------------------

>1o,"“ &ox 014-ChiW Care Serv____ Aifordablo ‘ sTimmo’r

IE________ caro-byXSLoUiiUmU’LE noar Lincoln school.Is looking TLC. Call 733^400

Allordoblo child cor 1 - r^ i^ home, nulrltlous mofl

snacks. will polly-lrol

a t T im os Babysitting,' my, honit W ost “QOS. lunchos. snacklo phono ofTLCMon-Sol. 734-61

Boat child caro InC onlor la Small group, lols. cport-limo games and oullngs.

xporlotico included. Days only.jlca ld b lll- Coll 733-6504._________lust hovo Caring (or illllo ones,y- nogoll- 4 talf. brosklaat, lutitoct Pat gnack (or a ll. Proscfto

________ crolls tor (un, Ploasicod balor como and soo mo. my U S .' lsCathv.Call733-5ieO.

in tofost O H -D ay C a r e s

i? t0sT g7^rn‘g " '^ L D R E N S Voodor In p lus Quallly day coroallo rs oxclling oablo p tico . 0:ipportunily for pm. Mon-Frl. fl:4!nonogor. Tho s# t. Pro-school.lit for oxcop- cooking. Hotwith a can-do Phono_______734

,nslbiilty. in

i S S n s a t lo n . -hlon onvlron- 0®/®

prolorrod. In- Molhor in JororrBryonl, Magic coro (or your chihursdoy Ju n o iblo lorms. Coll 3am nnd Fridny Mr. M om's Doyiom to 7 pm. oponlngs, ' 3-(

'or lurthor In^ snocks, lunchosodod. nizodllmo. C0 II7; an School -ol

i f o r r j u l ™imintstraloT & -Evenings, In 1ins,226-7136 non-smokor. onl;0 Conlor hos porloncod wllh n (or 0 cook child nood opply. ■osttor. goodS”„ " ; ; > S S S O I6 - :E m £ o ^ = ,ll. Rotolllling, IractoTnnn nidna ' gordons ond smo irred Wo a ro Vernon Adam s. 4<

opportunlly Two 16 year o lds ply a t Wood nood sum m or Ji jcont Contor. work, babysittint jhoshono. Id. You namo It. wo'll____________ Call 734-9185, anyt

jto solospor- Will coro (or olc oiry-ond food Je rom e-aroa .-by ■■■ Excotlont hourt324-2419o r 3 h id . Mondoy — — — ^ r^Appiy 01 143 017 -B u8 inesaO |

i r m ochonlc. DONUT. SHOP. .1,mllior wilh loplocollon. 324-3so l. os woli 7:30 am or a lte r 4:0

havo ow n For loose: sm all tiOO.-------------- 'carQ.-gOofllormB.-:no caro (or LOCATION-LOCA' -In -h a r-o w n On Shoshono-61.-

doys, a n d rololl. sorvleo. ri ablo. Tolo- posuro, 1200 sq ( m ornings to wilh firo sprlnkllm is_^2to5p_rn, burglor olorm, mo o r -p a ri- sulalod, low low I )o rlo n co a n d ampio parking, ju lred . C all ,AFFORDABl.6.»<5; ............. ......... C0IISI0V0734-1298,

'bo S l; COLDWELLBA J 1,0m ond WESTERN RE ,oi:o"S"°S5S 733-2365m essa g e o r Indopondontly own

o porolod._________J n o T I J S T n Mobllo'lunct) wogocom m ission on Oodge PU. Icoiollvo. W o'ro oludod good cor

oggresslvo Coll324-5l03.sell-siortor. Must solll Low dcoilont-work- ovor-poym onlB. - 1t ond g rea t food rostaurani

Mr. Hal Burloy. ID, 333 Wiin appoint- Coll 678^020. _ _’ n W r R O U T E 'SA t3r 734 M 5 o» onrning

'm ooaslul deale rshigh school dopondoni buslnoi r. Position oorning an avo J looppllcanl $30 000 annually 5

moro Ihnn S70.000;? WE PROVIDE:"ondo ll. ID .E atobllshodA ccb

.FrooT ralning n e e d e d .. 5 •Im m odlotoCash F Jorom o. 2 •»LoasodVohicio

/ p ossib le . •sO oyW ook _______ •N o(ronch iso (oo1 to holp m o .* No royally paymor ilOfi-W QrtC l»-F-UllDU3lnOgg-gUBl

Small Invoslmonl ro—------ ------ - (Socurod by ;, roceivablo4invontc‘I®----------------F o rdota lls 4 condd

I ,,, "!, ton/low sond rosumi ^^2 GEORGE MOKINl5 ° M14 South David 4

To SANDY, UTAH 64C h fl d Of call a01-671-0061

oNOblo ond W oll-ostabllshod la0 , Top in- -Cafo lr> Paul soo ls jo n o li is lo r plo. <';i''0-uP 4 wnll n Plooso <38-5304 (Al s Rnv n -n i or 436-3271 afte r 4 P.f

1. P.O.Box •Groa n rm iiy o u a in es 83303 2900 sq fl oulomotiv--------------- loclllly on busyc n or wllhoul oq iC U 15' high entry, u so I

or w orohouso pK ■parxing; T ako^ovo r

„ buslnoss or bring ycn pay to r Addllional 4000 s t V or 'Oioiod non-coi’'o ® ' business avnlHrtilo,

8 0 x 546. soil- or ioaao (or_____ . reasons. Box E-0

Timos Nows, P.O.B iervlces TwInFolls. 10 83303

, O lft-lncom e Proper

Motel (or solo b;_________ownor. 10 units, idoTWARE lion. Coll 733-1438 I lo your ■'

a 'po rioct" 021-M oneyW anted , Poscoi! .u r :r . j-— :— T ompniiblo Thoro 's o g roat

inc ludos vour iulure. Find II t - i r a in in o r - In ^ ln -c ia s s ii lc d -s - i

m onlscclion,o d d jo b s .

023-Investm ent

w ho l? lot W SH FO RY O U w hole jot CONTRACT

A, m oturo I'll pay you cosh (c ks livo-ln trust dood. mortgogi lor your im c a or no los. Anj

erloncod . nny position, Fosl. f jondoblo , nndfairl loroncos. m OST WESTERN ST ISO wrilo CALLTOOAYI5S Nows. Moiropolllon Finor

Foils. Id Sorvlcos_________- 734-0367 or f-60(>44S

Firat trust do ed nc srvlces sale, oxcoilont socurl------------- In 3 yoars wllh mo,or child 14U yiold. Call Tom

-7g6-3049.-<»v«»B7W-437{ 1. Lots of Firsl'Oood ol Trust. U-------J — 10 go on 20 yoar nol:oro, omy colleni paym ent rocoi lOols ond 3011 J17.800 nolo boor roln. Call ,orosl Df 6.5%' for :oa.^-.____co sh . Sacurod by 40o m e .-a ll high quality (arm U cks. Iota mllos Wost, Vi m iles •6126 ol Jorom o. - Chonp '

Coll Colo Rood. 637-flT!. o l furl --- --------- ----- -J. Monls 026-M uslc L essons

________ Gullor and -bnnjo loiJS short boglnnora or advance! lunch & 734-5732. v ;hool w i l l _______________ ______h-a rts-4 - -AT3a ‘ on~tD- ygur T 3m ISO coll. odopting an odoroblo ny nomo dog. Uso.clnssUiod to 10. pol you can lovo .,

[ J - ; - - - -

F rid a y . J u n e 10.1988

0 0 2 ’ 0 3 0

re Services 1NsviiTLAQE” L u R e a l e s t a t e:oro ot on illo r- ----- ------- ------------------------ •:. 0:45 am-9;30 -------------------------------------- -

^ftu^m birn 'o^X 0 » - 0 p o n H ousesHot lunchos. ■ " V— —

-------- 030-H om es For SaleTLC child coro. --------- . - - — ---------- ^— ,

y s 4 ovonlngs. Roducod for quick n lo . - }S 2-7, 734-<i534_ «7,600, npprnlsod »<8,500,

' homo oood foom. Ilrepioco w/oarth in- •hea »ort. cu to country Mlchon______- ~6 n 2 lo is ........................... :.734-4455

• childron. Flox- ATTENTIONall 324-4977. __ _Singles. Couples, Seniors! 'baycoro has 2 Vo(y'~Dlliclenl, comlortablo' 3-6 — yoars, one- bodroom collage,:hos or)d orga- Unusuol am onlilos Includo011733-0672. pormanont • aluminum

" ■ siding, molol window awn- Ino®' oulomallc sprinkler

tie rs W anted - jy jto m , air conditioning, - -z r j " T T - — colling (on. built-in chIno

onlv ihoflo ex ' w asher ond dryor..f^h^«n flruvn 5^5 *■'' St. . North. «1,000,ni^ owner will considor nnonc-,p|y, 734-4044, Ino, Coll Ed sm ith, 733^940.

(m entW anted COLDW ELL BANKER • n c x E F ^ v '^ o T . W ESTERN REALTY smoii lots. Coll 733-2365»'^?3-S357.. . _ indopo n d o n S ownod 4•Ids and a mom oporolod/________________• '

Givingupgoir7Acfvttms«ijt)ur ciuM I o , i o .o « S s t ■

oldorly lody, By ow nor/tranalorred. 3 -by ttio day-or Mrm. 2 bath , Ja cu i2l,J*n9: -----------

P Twin Falls corndr lol In T F , will Irado^4^3774 boloro vohlcio Of land. 734-7037--------:---------r4:00pm . Bv Ownorl Roduced lo!all town b a r 4 t35,900. 3 bodroom . carport,----------- '


sq It bul’lding TF or surrounding lowr».ikling syalom , Phono326-5934n. fully In- T iS O fT T R Y d r e a m row hoot bills. . Lovoly 4 bedroom , 3 balh

family hom o On nicoly land---------- scaped almoat-1 acro lot, a ------------

‘" 8 - llroplocoB. family roomQ A i.11/ c b o sauna, covorod patio .- 2 - ........B A N K E R S Mllos (rom Twin. PRICED


R O B E R T J O N E S _____________ R E A L T Yvogon Diplnio 73»0404._________

For salo by ownor: 0-1 xor*- cond. S4600 duplex. S table incomo,

----------------------curronlly roniod, potontiaf,V down, loko singio (amily dwelling.B .-n ic o faat >49.000. Call 7330051.

/14* : n ' Your Monoy Back ovon} W ost Moln, In 20 years: 4 2 « sq It o( 0)j-

-------- --elusive design , comtori.SA L E S solltudo. Almost no malnto-ling for 00- nanco o r houso cleaning,

i ^ * O u r * s ^ R M s 'on^ lo te rm s .423-4934.KS aro In-lin e ss poopio A A A

avorogo ol . . w w w Iy .,Som o not300. ■ - .

HOME&SHOP accounts . Boaulllul 2 bdrm home wllh

(obulous kitchen. Lorgo util- ishF low , ' Ily room. Orivo-thru shop io^^^ bldg^ Basom ont. covered

•• T h is ^ m S ^ i l s ^ n porfocl00 condlllon-onlyS37.900.'m onls . CALLTODAYi____ ^

T O r e m i B s i T y " ' ^o n l # « O m C E ....733J<O Tinddontlal In- ------------ -sumo to: Davo H am lett..73W 030-KINLEY - _________________________ -vid 410 East Homo for sa lo . 4 bodroom,164070 gos (urnaco. wood slove ,,•0061 corner lot. VA 10% loan..1 lost ’ loca <42,000. Call 73M453._____ L)ols 74 ptfo- HOME TO BE MOVED • 'walk-ln win- Now laking b ids on throo 'M's Frostop) bodroom hom o in W endoil- • •4 P.M. aroa. M ust bo moved right-

!o » v rre p q ir ‘‘""'^ANDMARK REALTY»y h ig h w a y _________ ________________oqulpm onl. Low Intorost assum able

ISO for sh o p FHA loon, 1900 sq ft. 3 bdrm, plonly o( 2 bolh, (arnlly room, dining

vo tT Jfo sw nr -room;----- flroptanr;----- nowly-----------g your own. remodoiod and docoralod,

sq It '4 t53,500. Call 734-3510.-i-confllcjlng. .Moving JU no 30:-3 bodroom-. ......n ilo . M ust Home. Can a ssum o FHA lor m odical (pan. Ownora will carry W ol

M l . c /o down.J29.900 or 1st accept- .O .Box 546. able aid. Call 734-COSO.

, Musl ,soli .b o ro ro .Ju ly .._ 3 ........bdrm, n o 'd o w n , toko over '

sperty payment. Coll 734-0938., by local N E W 'L IS T lN e

idool loco- 3 bdrms. >2 ba th s, oil oloc..) garogo, Irult troos. gardon.----------------- fiV Parking..................138,600,ntftd Ralntww Realty 733-2273._ __ Park-llko sotting/CUSTOM

- - — - - — — house in Ruport. Altraclivo . J , yo ' luncllonnl kltchon (lots

I II by look- 0 , cabinet spaco). MahyLa-ompioy*- -tuxoflos-lnciiKlino-covered-----------

pallo wllh BBO. cbvontd----------------- pool, stono Ilroplaco. Below

appraisal. Floyd a t 436-327T.!__________ Roomy 4 ixlrm. 2 bolh. w/YOUR basom ont. patio: and viow.CT Term $52.500.734-3537.

ROOMYI 4 bdrm. 2 balh, dbl h (or your ga,ngo, linishod bsm t, d/w, gago , con- n ij^ o,oo_ ,347 c r , avo. E. T l S i I H A , g j ; 6«°r7a3.7.M ■ ,

^^STATES 1979 VAN DYKE.inanclal Irollor In im moculoto condl-s Hon. Two bdrm, two batrt,'I-34S-0753 1200 sq It doublo-wldo, Ex-

nnin tor collont location, J75/monlhcurliv duo font spaco . Coll Golnollo (ormo piTits <"0^0 Inlormatlon, J23.000^ - -- _Tom. days ..............................

STATE " :pcord! will REALTY

7 3 W 4 0 0/ 4 0 M r « ORTOLLFREEn land, 4 1-800<M5-»685«Xt E115ilios Norlhop w ater. —... .___ ________________ _7-5T53 2 bodroom mobllo homo o n ' '■

privalo lot. City w aler and

M o u i i t^ n y io w ^ '7 3 4 - 1 ^I le sso n s . 3 bdrm. 2 balh . plus hot lub. ncod . Coll 2 cor garooo and largo.38 x

48' shop on W acro.*(5aIi Jim .Paulson 543-4930 or 5 4 3 ^

ib1o"cal o r 342 A l lu r a a ^ .^ b r l c k . 1 d to Hnd 0 bodroom, hoat pump/AC.- sprinklers. S56.500.734-6114.

988 T im os-N ow s. T w in F a lls . Idoho

Page 18: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

031- O u l of Town

By ownorl 3V4 bdffn.; -W basom onl, nium brick BOO. now I carpo t & sink lops; old appla aro nogc Cornor 2 lols, chal fonco.l2B.500. call 62S 12 X 60 S a h tn with llp-oul, 2 IxJmi. m bl

. cl 60 * 120- snsdy lc_________ condition__ 114.000,,-

will carry b r <12,000-----------€oe-340-eMl-R»»d,>J

man. Colo Rood S37-fl1

032-B uhlfllerH onifl

■ i.&3 acro s, 3 or 4Vo^r2 bairi, basomani, Di outbolldlf\08 ...'■■..323 bodroom; basi opartm ont, no)» stove c arpo t/oak ' cablnola O w nor on promlsos. S B 0ai3lhA voN .»6, Bur

03^Klfiiberiy*Hans8iH anson . 4 bdrm, 1V hom o, family sizo kii aunny broaktast hook bsm t, grblJnd door room , gas hoal, ga rago . frull troos, pric $22,500. OlCk 73: (WoatomRoa»y)of<l23-

PflJCEflEOCfCeOf 3 bdrm w/full bsmi. Irg ly rm. on « aero, fo backyard & pasluro. u

______ oround... aprlnklera,- gaBPOl.Only$29.000.432-»

- S torm ■ windows.- -sli -b^mt, garage, qulot at totally romodolod i b

■;------------W.750. Call 733^798:------

034-Jflrome Homes 3 ”M rm ,~ rb a th ,- run b m'onl. 2Vi car/RV oarajsi ae ro . In ' county w, w ater. 32<-6359ailnr6orr


037—Farms & Ranches

* 3 U Acroa* caitio rar grain , hay & corn, 3 hoir N W ofShoshono.TTl.*. 325 Acre** contour r igated row crop fa G ooding homo, good i rj<)n, (oncod.* ^ 0 Acrea-sm all 100 to h oad cattlo oporalion v BLM ailotmeni next dooi o ldor homo. com W ondoll. T23.


IHO-Homss For Sllo

^ U Y ^ N I*72,000 ALL BRICK 4 I famUy rooms, (Iftplaoe, plus 1305 in partially i landscaping. MIHLLIJ • • • • • • • • • •

' S4a,000-1578«4. n.ho

poroftts. In-laws, children.


f i > - ' 7 3 4 T i

_ I M I.— :--------- 1 Conact atcaLflswft^

• - propefiyofiomakeano• Bids musl be received b]

at11;00a.m. onUiedaie ateinviiedloallcndlJiai

------------------ftDorn-36STjnn3Teacrai' West FonSireei. Boise, I

• HUOfeseivesiheiigfiiK • • These prepenics may cd(

__ • HUD (Joes nol warranty a

N O T E : P l e a s e n o t e............. - .................a n d b id s w ill



Gl8/20/8S -io f iO n ls .F l le r .l

' e / z a m 74BHiaraust.ii

E x ten

843 East tStti Ava


, __________ E x ten145 Polk St. West, 702 3rd An. West, 335 «. 5th*w. r »




. . C -4T im bs-N ow s.

tea t estaI . 037-Farms 4 Ram

m . 2 sto ry , g y owner, 5!oooim siding, cu stom log hom e..4w kllchon bo th , oak kllchon. aps; 1Vi yr fdmlly room alllogotlablo. a c r e s . Full w aior ah.:haln link w hool lino. SouthI629-534B. Jo rom o . Call 324-flSSIth fl X 12 F o r aalo by ownor,i bath, Jrt- imotoly 101 acroa, 2y lol. oxc o t Kasoia Rd. A & ID,_.ownor. w ith llltio monoy-<«o000 c aah . 67B-2952 0f678-2525.

_ By ownor: 1?0 aero ran c h N.E. ol B l

jmes a h o fo s TFCC watoi-------------- a c ro a la w alorod byiodrooma.. o<j froo waior. all• ■'■wo 175'k50- con-• 328-42^ tro u t • ponds, yoar

basom ont s to c k water throug tovo/DW / y a rd . Older 2 story, lo la /roof. nom o, (ull basom on s. Soo a t: go rago . I00’x30’ Buhl. . b lock machine ahod. ■“ V a h o p . 2000 bu granc

fir(loorlno& 75 'x30-j co w barn with loalini

1% bath 10‘*12’ broodor kitchen fl‘^ 0 ' slorago ohod:

ook lull P'PO C'^rraoo r util Snako Rivor. N

small A c lo artn io . All ( o r l ' prlcod a t tJown. balanco ui 733-2365 V^ora 10%. A skoboi

SS y°;5o”S ' 3 - a * 5 '

foncod ’ 20 acro s. 10 milos (roi ) undor 3 houae. 0% r-g a rd e n C all fo rdo lalls..........7:a-6621.^-siding,' • 0 3 8 -A creage& L ots

1 bdrm! ^ io n la l . homo. 3000" — m arty^xlrsar^alcon'' ' ■ a tre am plus vlow. 324-^

• M obil* home lola. Adi ” fam ily subdivision. Cli •I h . .» . u tilitie s, term s. FHA o r ig o approvod . Call 734-894;

w /clty NOTHING DOWN! Bu }fim, . dolighKul 3 bodroom.

hom o,In tho couniry f lull ’V " balanco of ai

^ . 5 0 0 , ANYONE a asu m o lho oxlsilng

. . a n d nfovo right In. 2'/z o t aprlnkloO pasluro

_________w ato r shares. A PARi:r POFiTUNITY-CALL TOC

I R W IN R E A L -T - 734-6500

our Ir- 2V3 dc io bidg Jo t. Kim farm. S choo l DIsi., near TF.

id cor- rosirlctivo covon <12.000.324-8271 koop tr

I to ISO 2Vi lo ts In Holllstor. n with w atar. aopllc lank. 655-4 lobr lo T T icro a wlinin 5 miloa ;orrals. palla. 18 x 56 building.

tic, aom o larm machli _______ fonccd ..N O M .dow n. ob S will carry. Call 734-7442.

Seasonal sporimg o q u ^ IS a bosi sonor >n cias&iio

030 -H o m esF o rS ale

J E O R B O r n iC 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath hom* w im : oe, 1413 aquaro fool on main levt Jly (Inlihed basom eni. BoauiKu LLMORE.> • • • • • • • • • • • • a'.i. hom* with 3 bedrooms and lamili tt I ny^iy vfon " lalnnifiBfl yard H kt make g rea t companion homo (oi ren. 830 FILUMORE

r - R E A L T Y i N c f O f c • 6 5 0 0 } ? = =

d P O R T A N T■3QenM{-yoiHvtsh-lCHfisoee»-8oy— an oKw,a by 10:30 a.m. and will be ocened daiesiaied OifcfOfsandihciiageni tJiO openings, which arc held in- fcrai biufl. / Coutifiouse ai ;>f)U sc, Idaho. . I — hi 10 fejcciany or all bids.'Contain codtrviolaiio'is ityanyprooeny.

)te lh a t th e b id p e rio d nov Arill b e o p e n e d a i - i r ; 0 0 a , LL P R IC E O F F E R S A N D O f AT 3 P .M . O N TH E DAY O FAOOnESS • PHICE

iR O U P I - A SS e a l e d Bi

9T. n . . , s23,siH .H .. iw (n Falls , ra. $48.oi

t e n d e d L i s t i n g s : O l f e r ir

Avtt.,Jenime. iO. SZ2,Bt

l U P II - A L L C

________________ S e a l e d Bi____________ N<e n d e d L i s t i n g s ; O ffo r m es t, Klmberty. 10. $24.00

rest,'Iteln Falls. 10. $15,50 ,1W a Fan's. 10. ' $14,00

E N T S A L E S I N F O !

L I S T I N G S !

L T H E 2 4 H R . l i


^ :

l io iia iH a___________________iTUMITT .

/s7T w in F a l ls . Idaho FFraa

Mte-Merchanches | 033—Business Prope

M O ~ a q ~ n loFFICE BLOG, 2000 : B..4 bdrm. 2 privolo odicoa, largo 1. and ia ras iion area, kllchc II on 33.5 )basomont slorago, ahoros and parking, noor CourtI uthwool ol oxcollont lorms. 734-71 B5SJ;______ ______________________

& B wolor. ' •J O . . . , M i . | 043-vacatlon P roper

Wosi Magic largo 3 cro larm & unllnlofiod cabin, larg Buhl; 118 nor loi w /lurnlluro .

tttor.-f- 2Q pllancos.. J15.000. 734-! by ilcons- ------------------- -------------

ia r round . rOfbaiB3ugh barn — ■ ■■ ry. 8 roomlont, 2 car 045-Moblie HomesI’ cindor ___ _________________od. 40‘x30’anory wilh • ASSUMABLE LO'1™ “* " i n t e r e s t LOA^

houno wilh small down willOd- Som o i98a-Fiootwood-mrrals 2 ml ''° rn o in adult Mobllo t. N o'llono park. 3 bodroom. 2 batirSISOOOO couniry soiling,

up to 15 uudrun lordoialls 734-1:


733-2365t monsw InOoponaonlly owno ^ ^ 7 5 ^ oporalod: , , ,,

24-i5e2 , FOR MOBILE HOMES Adull and-Clly T F ' SInpIo so /d o u b lo 3.

A ondV /( ' Must be paid for 1943. andhovocloortllloa.Buy Ihis

Brockman'eM oblieHon 4 ffll N o( Porrino bridg

a cprox On Highway 83, Jerom Ing loan 734-3187or324^203 ,I'/t acros ----- --------__ _________ _jro wllh Comlortablo silos lo aol (RE OP- *0' mobllo homoa. Vill 'O dX V T w osi MODira-'KCino-p _-i-v— -Corn«f-ol-Wo8l-«lh-#nd- ' ' ' , Fir. J oromo,-Call 324.5S40

Floolwood. 24x60‘,- (Irnhnrfi/ Iffoplaco. 3 bdrm, 2 bath ■P aVod t>O.«^OV0d.J15,500.733^.onan ls . NEW LISTiNGP trying 1973 Governor. 14x70.'r, yard. bdrm. 1 balh, appis. Ci5-43ll. adult pork, ONLY J8.800.oa"fw in Rainbow Really 70-227:10. .CP- NEWLISTINGchlnory. , 4^70 Floolwood.* 3 bdi• ow nor.. apple,-sw am p-coolof,-ox ‘2. nlc(wlnclud08lol.j29,000. Rainbow Realty 733-2273u .^ o n i

you can OWN your_pwn !■

i homo with ioundallon :on largo 90x75 lol In iarr

l ^ ^ l . socllon ol vory nlco. qu J I M.H. Esiaios. 3 bdrm. I i , . bain, Slovo. roirlg. AC. D

disposal & slorago she Lots ol room wllh many,

Tit^ Iracllvo loaluros & you c landscape 4 bulid on

I ■ your proporiy Iho w ay-y wanti J29,000 or 5ia;(

^ 1 : down. Assumable loan. ,* ;* ! - r - - to r in fu a n m n r— T T ^ m :

pymls olJiSO/monih.Call 783-8338 ollor 1pm _

•%__< — w tial flro-yo'u.wajimo-loi a ----------i'i j t u iiij< u L j iiuu-ao-tooa-

U M MO-HomesForSai’s

r I N F O R M A L------------ ^HOfsJfHtieselisiings-tJo-

p u b l ic a lio n . l e d ^ H U O p r o p c i i i c s a i e o l t e r e c l e n i s p u r c h a s e r s v^iifioul r e g a r d_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o f .n a i i o a i l o r in in P u r c h a s)i)U e s i a i e a g e n t o l i h e u c h o o s i

• 'L B P ' p i o p e i i te s l is te d b c ic - i n d ic a lo c o n s i r u c f fo n p r i o r

lc ,i d - b a s e d p a i ) H E xfiiliii B s u b m ille d w i ih i t i e H U D 9 5

• addendum (Of OWNER OCl o w C lo ses a t 10 :3 0 a .m .- a .m r - —......... ....................... - •O F F E R S O N EX T EN D E D U S O F R E C E IP T . (No bids w i l l b e l i e s BDH/HATH SQ Ff RLMAflK


B id s R e q u i r e d

3 .s in 3n 1037

9.000 3/2 1456

• m a y b o s u b m i t t e d a t a n y2,800 3n 1003

C A S H , U N I N ^

B id s R e q u i r e d ____________

MONE_______________m a y b o s u b m i t te d a t a n y .000 3/2 . 1714

•5«> . 2420 _ 4 - p le x.000 \ n 841


I N T H I S A D ?


3 3 4 -9 3 1 !


B ox 042; FBmSCH.'SSO W o------------ ,..-B o lio ,4 D .,a 3 7 2 4

Tclephono No.l334-H

ld a y ,J u n a l i i .m H ^ ---------------------

handiseo p e rty W S-M oblleHome:

00 sq It, 4 14 X 84 Champion, •go rocop- bdrm. 1 balh, gooc ic h o n o tl^ Kon. foncod yard, m0, pavod nothing down, lurthouso, llnanclno. Call 320-33 ± I 2 ° L ^ ' t4 X 70 Broadmoro,

2 (ull baths, oxpar its Ingroom, nlco Burlo

— t10,000. Call 678-3074 J972_14Ar5..C48tlQ..o;

p e n y condition, custom-c -b0df00m»-wtth-3-(ull

laroo cor^ Call 430^)446.•o & ap- 190214x70-Sanaro’. . . ’34-6080 3 bdrm. 2 balh, stovo, — — w oodslovo& dock. 73

3 bdrm doublo-wldo. den . pallo. carport. 1 Sot. up on rental lot

' month or movo to ownDwain B u tler Rei

s , 834-5322 anytlmi: ■ 80 X 24 Reetw ood, 3

1 n W 2 balh. woodslovo, r X V 3hod ,-^4-ocre. Aoot )AN , loan. Call655-4209. will buy ‘82 WIngalo. 14x70 d-m obilo pllancos; o x c cond.“ lo Homo movod. S8S00. Call 438- batn in a ■- Ing. Call Soiling Is a- c In c h ' M-1298 you u se a claasidod

sprood Iho word oboi NKER Horns you hovo (dr saloiLTY — -................

vnod & R e n t a l

050-Fum lshed House

Sm 1 bdrm. complololy-------- trallo r;—so t- u p r 8.— ak»<ESI Ideal for 1 poraon. *18

4- do p. No pola. 733-301 o '3- r bodroom, somo ulil

socuriiy deposli.-privati p o i a . / .......................733

H om es 051-U n(um . H ouses [l5l®? Availablo 2 bodi

W/D hook-up, (Irop dock, big yard (or.tho :

-----;----- 178 Roso. 734.7321. ___vm aoo Sharp 2 bodr~ P a ^ .country—hom o,-,large-.

Three M Property Mg A331. 2 bdrm, a ; carpotlng. J325.734-5858.

- • Three M Property Mg ' A404, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, for

.2 yd. Ulll room. J285.7 3 4 ^1. DVV. Throe M Property Mg

■ Boaullluliy landscaped d 4-plox; 2 bdrm, garogo. W/O hook-up. spacl<

bdrm , vary cloan. yard caro li ,-o itr a . .ulll3,pd. S375/mo. 733-210 000. BRiCK 2 bdrm duplox. n a 73. ly carpolod & palnlod, V

w hon hook-up .. foncod yard, vn lol? ,tondlllonor. supor sta mobllo" -home. Oenl—tKO^mo. n s lls poslI'SIOO. Call 733-2717' lamlly. nanza Enlorprlses or quloI 4j82.^oavo m^s^ago._

rm . 1 BIOS jl> 5 ' In Kimbc Z. DW. Oldor homo, largo yard, sh o d , bdrm, all oppiiancos.

tny, at- Elwood-Evans Proporty ( )u c a n _____ . 734-1401_______

Elwood-Evins Proporty » - 734-14Q1 - ,

“ B184 S350 Nowly paintoc bdrm, bsmi. W/O hook

------- garago, (onced tJ . Elwood-Evans Property h ooar-------------------- 73T-T401----------

03l)-H om es ForSale

m o NrtJoflof-beeoflie-olfteraHlKetrch—

ered lor saleioqualiiied lard io lhe pufc^iasersiace: color

oosing.below w ilh 'LBP* disignaiions r io rio 1950 and may coniain . jilB<nbSl5tcom pleiedS )9 5 ^ 8 'S -B ?'sales conirad and OCCUPANT PURCHASER ONLY . -

L IS T IN G S * ARE b e o p e n e d o n F ridays)

ARKS ^£W W f3E nS ‘ [

BLE 1________ 121C33170203_________

12t04831727o' •

i n y t lm e . |_______-



n y t l m e . ._______________


Ilex __.121044342203 121053939203

E S E oE t E -


DIBAN DEVELOPMENT W o st F o ri S i r --------------------2 4 ------------------------------:-------------t - 1 0 8 7

ie s i 051—Unfurn. Hous

n”. 187B. 2 ' “cio‘a n 3 ‘bdrm hi >od condl- Appis. loncod ys m otal'ah- pj)_n_^..J350/mo. 733-

^ ownor COMFORTAE — T - ~ — Clean, lamlly homo.

2 bath, dbl garago. nnrk’ «ChOOl d istrict; J410

rloy park, AURORA CAPfrAL Evoa/w knds-Joan7

.oxcQilont - G o r y - ? - o ^ r ^ 'b d i ;h lh School. J27S

uu-oaina , •gep7Cair324jt38g .~

: - j7 5 0 0 : " 'E A G E R 'vo, roirlg. [or a good lamlly. 3 734-5681 garago .

school distric t. *390 t in AURORA CAPrPAL 1

it a t J W -E-V»»/**'nd8 .Joan7; wnIM Excollont noighboi in a lh / 3 hom o wll« ^ Slorago ig a ra g o .. .Km . ------- FOSTERMANAGEi

3 bdrm. - 250 2nd Avo S 733 -5 .911‘n n jo o r hom o r

iBumatsltr rom? Got ho ip (rom 1________ vico Dlroclory, dii70. ap- Tlmo3-Now5 ClassltK

JEROME RENTA ^ -^ 2 6 . , ,0 3 bdrm s. S125 r-.— r — Valley View Really . 3< J B arS T»30UI tho *‘>'00 mobilo homo 1,0 324-744? boforb'JO 0X1

" J o n e s W e H a i1 will movo you ANYV (or lo ss than ronting a

FREE ESTIMATE:________ Call 324-3490-

— Kimborly- 3 bdrm.- Stovo, no -pots. Ro(s

. doo rooulrod. S275 m iiyTUTiT, 4244 d a y s .432-5535 eve a k ln o c r -L -argo-T -bO rm -hom t 185/mo basom ont and garage 013 doposil. L oss wilhIlilitlos. No pots. R oloronco 'a to .n o quirod. Call 342-5084 o j ’33-3838 Newer duplox. E aroa. ' Also 3 bdrm. 2 batti t270. 734-8906 o r 733-13!______ Nlco 2 bdrm hom o forJdroom In nlco location noar opiaco. School. saOQ + (to o d0 kids. U. roloronc08_._734£776,______ Nlco 3 bdrm. Insulatedidroom no smoking or po ts , d »-.don. ii .- r e lt ,-S ^ /m o . 734-5A

Small 1 l)d rm .'apD la p£>S.S160 f d o p . 733-1'

—®—— S m alM -b ^ ro o m homo appis, yafjj A -carport. soo ot

2nd Atfonuo W osi. S2I W l- _ dop. Ctyi 733-C745,_ ^ n « d , i ’ 2 bedroom housi

uparfmonis. 4 com m t IBJ— proporllos. Coll Charlo1 brick W osiern Hoally. 7 ^ 236 ! 0. AC. 2 bdrm w/famlly ri CI0U3, jiovo 4 Iridgo lurn., : ; 'u rn . , lichen. J_275/mo. W 5 & :— 2 udrrii, nowly rodocorf■ ^sm t. g a ra g o .'657 2nd

f^2S,Cali 734.9131. _ iia rto l 2 bdrm lownhous'o. J24

ttSQ rir.nn.ill r ^ i l W.H J_cnoanoal734.0400,

r 423- 2 bodroom. ilSO. Soo al Madron St.,0f c an 733-47:

iborfv 2 bodroom. stove , ro •d. 2 ^ W/D, JIOO dep o sit. S

month + ulll. 734-6420 ov :yMgt 3 bodroom. W /D hool____ atovo. roirlg. J200/m ontovyllli JIOO dop. N opo ls . 733-30

4 bodroom 'nouso . In B yM gt lor ronl will* w asho r/d- t — jiopk:up-CalL543t.4Z7S__lod .'3 4 bodroom. g a rage, (on okup, yard, J230 per month.

Call 734-1793altor6;30 yM gt • ' . -____ 052-Fufft. Apr. i Dup.

IA cToan Sludlo. J140 -k oi trie. J70 doposlt. No piCoM73_4J263......' ' “ " I "A Sludlo apartm ent, ullllllos paid. N o po ts . J

' > doposil. Coll 733-2513.■ Ali utilities paid li'

1 bdrm sludlo, com n b a lh ..... Jl25/m o.' FOSTER MANAGEMEN'

2«_2ndA voS 733-0739 * ~Altraciive small apaiiiiio----- Phono 734-4226. Rosidi

m anager Api. 17 In rear 660 Ma!n_Avo. N.Clean studio, w ater pa

__ tIfiS * rtopn«lt TTU.If.Q.-• ^ F R E E ^ . •-

2 w ooks ront and w o-p your hoal, sludlo and

- bodroom a partm on l.'203 4SIN , Call734-8752._____ ^

GOOONEIGHBORHObD Apartment for o n o , 1200 JSS dop^ sllX all 733-9J99._ Lookinp lo r a h o u se or ap Call Q ^L lC i, 7 3 3 ^ 0 . Nice, lighl'' Sludlo! Gour lloor. Cloan. J150. 734-422

- I M anager. 17, GCO Ma North, TF.

I Nico ap i lor 1 Individual. ; u^ls^. 7»5923 or 734-5933. _

■“ Nlco largo 1 bdrm (urnlshe aparlm oni, all ulll Incl, JIBi

- Call 734-8464 or 734-0464; Spacious, cloan, 1 bdrm. Ir

------ c lud t« -m o5rum rT r45T --n iposll. roloroncos. 734-2944,

- Studio apartm ent. J160 h deposit, no pots. Call 734

- 5 5 l6 o r 733-2513. _ _ i_ •1 bedroom apt & 2 bodroon

“ ap t in Fllor, Call 326-532iallor 6 p_m. ask'lor Pog .

- 1 bedroom apartm onl. lur nlshod complololy, w alorb

- od. AC. all ullllllos paid J235 4- ITS doposlt. N o po ts

- C^.ll734.55l6or_7M-2St3 ____2 bedroom aparim ont. fur. nlshod no bods, all. ultlitlos paid, J300 + J7S d ep o sit. No po ts . Call 734-5516 or 733- 2513 ............ ...............

^ .054 r-U nfu fn . A pts, t . & Duplexes

A cloan 1 bdrm w /W 0,-ri5 ( oloc. N qpots. 734-0263,

A CLEAN 2 ' bdrm" duplox, ne a r hospital, W/D hook-up,

- a p p la , pano. NO— PET9; W alor/sanlt/yard caro lurn

- .+ dop. 733-7550_______A clean 2 bodroom apt. J250, no pots. SparksApartmonia, 733-5122.___A 2 bodroom duplox wilh appis, somo ulllltlos paid, no po ts. 245 Ridgeway,

- t300rmD.Call734<i82t.---------

duplex, W/O. hook-up, car­port & storage.' 410 E aslland N orth.C all 734-7321.

)uses Q 54-U nlum .A pls.__________ & D uplexesnh o u se •• _________

y**'?'. AppiowoodAp___ N ow ron ting2 bdri

‘A B L ^ 1770 Hoyburn Av^ 0 .3 bdrm. _______C?II.? » :^ 3?1□0. Porrino A( LYNWOOD MA110-f dep. bdmi, m balh, JAL734-«347 pllancos, carport, 1»n 733-8633. trie. Call 733-3869 .Jdrm. -noar, Altraclivo—2 - bdrm;275 + JIOO W/O h o o k u p ,, oliI------ :--------- pnnrmorsioraaffTrtl'R------------- n0p0la.J24S. 733-25<

S ' ? ™ w /i on ‘‘P- diohw ashor. dO'

S '° °iv is a llo repm orw oekon i

GEMENT “ A V A IL A erE N (733-0738 2 bdrm^ 2 bolh. < lO roady lo parking, air cond m Iho Sor- J350.00 -f dopoall.

daily In AURORA CAPITAL 7jlfloda. E ves/w knds-Joan 73ITALS A231. Kimborly 2.5125 S UP. .Opl*. appl. garago, 2■.324-3351 J2M ...........................T a E iS :

mo, J225, Bonuillully landscape or alter 6. 4’Plox. 2 bdrm . garac ^ a7il” ' ' hook-up, opi

vory cloan. yard cofi lYWHERE utllspd, J375/m o.733- g a lru c k . b r ic k 2 bdrm duplox

ly corpotod & palnloc hOok-up/ 'fohcod yai

!).• wood conditioner, supe r 1(3 & J 200 home. Ronl J250/mc . mo. 734. posll jio o . Call 733-27

___ nanza E n te rp rises 0imo“ wlih‘ «ia2rloave m ossago . □go. $350 B109J300AllutilTiioopl ilh loaoe. 3 bdrm. carpo t. (rpIc, y i c e s ro- Eiwood-Evano Proport >eves. _ 734.1401 —•oa, 1275. Canyon Villa Apis.- Mth apt, hdrm, uniis avail. Wj•^359, bnsic— cnble__poId._for ronl. hdspllol. Starting olJ21

oar High FOSTER MANAGEMi0 dopos- 2502nd A voS 733^);

___ Clean 2 bdrm in 4-ple:lod, gas, pis. W/O hook-up. 351 , dopos- TFJ200/J t0 0 d o p .324-8; ' 5 ^ ' - . Clean 2 b o d ro o m -d i iDla. no, carporl..-utllily, room.- 3-1500. POf.0.q.nih-_Call 733-J221 imowitfi- C om ioriab le-2—4 —3 -

a t 1073 lownhousos. in counir) J200 + ling. Appis, W /D hoo

J250 * J100 do p . Rola ru'sos" 4 W ashingtonimorclal T?.*i>,"o,H30S.-734-230^ _ u lon at EXCEPTIONAL 2 bdrm >365. dlshwaahor, rolrig. rn

room ' ulll room, no pfito. „ Somali J295fmo. ■f-_0op.7i^36 1^881 _ FALLS APARTMENT •oralod Across Irom CSI 4 nd Avo ^Hopping- Children

[ como. Warm. Irlondl: tiVe T quiol. 1 4 2 boflroom a

monia, J200 & 1255. J7I

foiling your aparfr 4? y ready 10 ron l? G et holp I

tno Soivlco Oiroclory. ( roirlg, (n Tlmo3-Nows Classllloi

Gooding ‘ C ouniy .'- .ivailablo (or ront,

lookup, bodroom apartm onis. onth + based on incom o. Wesi -3013 Coun Aparlm onts. Good1 Buhl. EHO. Call 934-4986, j r /dryor Jorome H erilaooH om i

(oncod or handlcapped/disob . Will considor single

sons undor 62. Fodoi —— — aasialedr f to n t/u t ils .-h i;--------- on incomo;. e ^ ^ 6|

. Joromo 2 . bdrm ap t '- olu'c- garage, rango. roirlg. 0

po ts" Trash com paclor. Ilropu■filfi)— q u ii! l~ ii '0a r ' wa

I oli sower-yard mainloria i ' j l 3S P<)' J300/mo. Availablo 3 88, Call Bob or Linda

W tshlngion Federal . _____

ENT - MAPLEGROVE 739 APARTMENTS• J2 bedroom ^oU i_____S T •Appliances Furnished sidon .Enclosed Porking

.Elovalor ..- •Socuriiy Sysiom

paid, .J435 monlhly

)-p3p 1’4 2 Bodrpoms, Playground 1 4 'Laundry Faclllll)3 4ih Jackpoi,-NV. 7tl2-7S»-2M7_ _ NORTHVIEW m a n o r "

iQO "Now Imaao" Excopliona00 + cloanri-2-3 bdrm . J195-J? 9 . Free Coblo. Sen io rs w«”oi? ." /d 'sco un l,availab

i 3?2 Wa5n ing tonS t.N .— - 733-0740, oldce. No Pots ound .................- .............— - .....

S n QUIET LUXURYSpacious 1 4 2 bdrm apis

1 aij WalK-in c lo so is ; ACI ' Laurel Park A partm onis ' —. 178 Mturico SI. N .. Apt30<

TOWNESQUARE*LJC:-------aaiSfioshD naSLJ^oriri.

Sludlo 81 bdrm opadm on IDAHO LAND,. 733-9300

> ♦ 734-1242________Two bedroom apartm on

; ., Paniy lurnishod. For Into 3om mallon call 733-5374,

Valley V Is la v illa g e .17 t bdrm apis (or low Incomo

; oldorly, & handicapped . Ronl basod on Income.

Equal Opportunlly Housing

7; - 1 bdrm.-cioan. AC. No pouJ185. Call 734-0234._________

No 1 bodroom ap t, rango ^33- 'o'r'O. + do p . W/(

• • hook-up.-n opo ts , 734-8511,— 142 bdrm sp ts. U nfurn. Ren

oaeod on inc om orN ioo dis c oun lony riease . EHO CaiaDfllPrado324-a4a4—

5185Ono bedroom, froo gas, now carpot. 309 4lh Avo N.

i— Phono 734-4089.2 bdrm duplox, AC. garogo,

tSL ju lo ^ s p r i f ik lc r ^ n a x p o i s , irn J345.324 Rldgoway. 734-8721

2 bodroom duplex , appis. ^ somo ullllllos; no pols, S ': J2aS/mo. 494' Wokeriold.

734-8944 {Rancon InvOSl-- monla.orallor^734_^7M9,,13 You ll novor Know tno vaiuo o7 g,y_ cl.-is'.jl>od urMil you uso it. . -

— 2 bedroom apt In K Im borl^ «n- -^ t« t l« — Inoludwt. ■ m i l ar- month + jtOO d oposil. Calf hd Wall or Jonoane a t Gem

Slnlo Rnoltv. 734-0400.

pis. 054—Unlum. Apts}s & Duplexes

jA p ls . 2 bedroom apt for bdrm opts po ts , 045 Quincy S: n Avo. E. Call atlor 6 o.m. 733-;r 3 2 i . ________ ^MANOR: 2 2 bedroom . ^Vl

I J325 ap- «Paclous (ull bosem

(rm r-T M i^- 3 .bdrm ..gas-hoal^(loli strool carpori, no pe ls . 2_(

r r t l i ^ T o o r J350~-F~OoprRof3.‘73;1-2546. 3 bedroom , Vi o(ir 2 bdrm stroot. ran{W/O hook- ro(rlgoralor. No pedock o a^ + *150 doposil. 4

rop°aco°696 Strool North. TF. 733- 7321.jroom noar 055—Room mates WI 734.5493 ___________________kendo Room malo to share^TS'VV------ 734-8935afler!

ond'iZe^d'’ _ ^ o o i n s F o r R e ( FURN. Cable W , AC

nSS^9M3 wookly. 734-

057-M oble‘ Home ..'.734-5858 Rentals

w 7 rc o " T o V M i“ 2b apod brick gu io , pno, location, J arago. AC, o„ ts . 326-5887 or 326-4

c a r o T m7VU7JM Friendly -Village £ 3 ™ . - _ E sta tos. Kimborly. 423 plox. now- —............'----------------

-0 5 8 -0 m c e a r ,d ar siartor Busliiess Renta

3-2mBo-* eUUrLAKES OFFICE 1 or 423- OHIco opaco for loas 10 - sq (I to 5000 sq 11. (i s p a w '^ Id flh o L a n d ...733-8 c. yard. Commorclol bulldlni portyMgl 'o n l In . Burloy

. . O verland shopping c :~ : T a ' 3 pionty ol iroo porkin

Wolor 4 . P fo » 17Q03q(l.438-563< d Neac. FALLS1 J2io, “ PflOFESSIONAL'CEf EMENT 2 O lllcos, reception a {3^)739 bath , 3lorago.675sc

nn Larry Jo n e s Realti « i 1 « i, 734-9880 or 733-032! < « ? . ' n e e iT a . s W“ rtiTnur worohousQ. IOOOJ0 24 irn »75 ll? I havo 3? Coll 734-234 1221 Olllco Spaco Available:

hooK-up. J I - I L B r o k k e ^ e ^ 9:^ola. No Olllco ond w arohouso1 Park parking optional, rent 107 Ilablo. Call Quality R6im a T T __________

ranoo OFFICE SPACE: 785 sq113. Ront 385 qq It. beautiful blot-6360 lava rock, oxcollont locHj-fq— ond porking, oconom‘a no ir malnlalnod. wired for. pu lers . 415 Addison; Rihdly 4 A b em alh y ^ 33-0106.m apart- RETAIL FACILITY 375C

J75 oil It. wllh display, oil734: ^ ~3toraflg-8.~ parklnt).~734--2: iarirnont Blue Lakes Blvtulpftom Groon A cros Olfico (ry. dally Pio*. 400 square fool niitloda. docoralod. 2400 square • — can bo romodolod 10

" , will divldo inlo sm n ront Lots ol froo parinViiififl '’ ont Is nogollablo. ,

'o o d S , D lo 5 ^ o l'y .? M J6 2 _ 8 ,._J • 438 sq ft to 19,600 sqomos Excollont Rotall and /or

isobiod. Lynwoodlo por- T hoC enlorO lllA lll’f f i j — • 733-2262

05j-C ondom in!um 5 ?. d7 w For Rent ' _epiac«. ■■ ... i .

orianco 060 -W arehouse/ lie 7-1- S toraoe RentalsIda at: -------- --------------------------iral Magic Valloy Storage.

Elm St N.. (behind Ro--------- Hanson). Resident mant

on prom lsos. small or li 3P0CO3 avalloblo. 7 3 ^ 0 R

d D6e^M oblleKomd Spc.

'Privo]o”m ^ r j ^ u 7 r s ' ^ 145 p e r m onth. 723 Afloll Filer. Coll 733-9450 after 5.

per rnpnth. Adull socti jround N O PgTS. Call 733-3836. cllllios Single or>'double wldo I 137 “ - fo r - ra n t ,- Spocint--mov OH allowance.^nallv CAMEO MOBILE ESTATE S-J295 -281 Caaw ollW .. 734-8084 : WOl- 2 mobllo homo spacos Ilablo. H anson, E. Walnut SI.

por mo. Call 733-5940. __3 2 spacos available Fn ac

socllon, 1 singlo, 1 douC f Friondly Village Mot jp , j E sta tes . Klmborly._423-_525

n ls . I1304 |B g Merchandise

xift--------06Z -M hcellaneous-------

Soo' AErc?i^o"n'c‘SSi^?Sr2' z «lenses , many aecossorlc J295/olfor. Modol 783|Mari

In ln l -22 nioO e Jshn .scopo. J165/olfor. 733-8278

,=— AM Your Pool S u p p lie s ' ®' Repair, Rocovorlng. 4 cue )mo, BOWLADROME 733-0389 ’ • Amorlcan slandord co

oporalod pool lablo, J72 accossorioa- inciodod, &

~ r34-7459 0 l l0 r5 p m . ____8am & osta lo salo. Am

------ quos. big 4 lliilo appl.;fj0^ sporting goods, Arn- W/D surplus, (oosboll, lools. lu I*’ nlluro.'m olorcycloa 4 bikei Ronl 800- Eosi 8Ih, Joromid is- Thursony-SaturdBy.----------

Big 4 0 ' •.Miller porlabi___ I w eld»* r-*p^o» -?00 -hou ri

J2500.Call 543-8814. gas. Boat Irailor 4 cycle or 0 N, whoolor trolior. Good oldo

2 ton' truck, bool bod. A — good rubber. Call 825-5593. .ou! :B unkbpdar:m «!aLdo3Krcfil 1721 4 othor baby a ccess . Maki

ol(or. Coll 538-24 5 1 .______Ols! Buying nonworking lawr

m owors. ’ small eng, chain OSi- BOWS. Sell from J35, 734-4242

Cable TV Allomatlve Gel SELECTV. tho non- cablo 24 hr movio channol.

, _ .Wo a lso install.UHF-anloo- riy, nas. lo receive over-the-ali a&A TVFREEiNBC, ABC. C S S< :a lf K49. Avail In town and rural, om oil ovor Mogic.Valloy.

td Home T h e a te r . . . 733-0500

.................. A

its. 067-Mlscol!anoous* C ^ m ^ T o r ' "gToon

------------looaboM lablo, good3r r e n l .n o vofY last, JIOO. 734-15 il7 b M °"^ ' Soronodo 220 V

Woatlnghouao’ 110V rri— sSm" Zo""*’ ''^1

9l « m ollross ond t . jm onl.Coli A poche' loni' ■ Coll 543-4022 oftor 6 .

coaco inlanl/toddic^T33-5802:—■ t 'J„n |7 7 Oo Walt rodlal arm ?nnn and gOOd condition. J200. S O T “_____M H M 7 3 L

459 A3h DIsnoyland vacation 33^812 value lor J300 will s

' ' J 200. somo rcolrlctloi

aro lovoly Onglnoorod, Iry tho irS glldo. rooi hood lurnoi------— lyJ298. 2 only-new. 734Jent Espor 7700 cash rr- ' .. , -a n d .s l ip prinior. Col^C. rofiig, .4139al M eldcolnc.___34-2385. ■ Estate Sale: 14’ Wc ' — T T " .houso rofrlg, IlKo nov , RCA romolo TV. 4 mo

pe solo 4 swivol rocKt holslorod chair; J

rT rifm ln bike, misc. conning )ai ; j m 'N o ohopre(rlo.Coll43a-S3i j-4166’. Svory Fridoy is -sa lo c T l, ■■ ■,■ Gem S tale F’apo r and °MoWlo M Somo l « " « > J " «

123-5253 • 0 '” invonlory onco sa le lost wookon again bo Oh ooio. FrIdi our custom er sorvlc

Ital ■ lice. Hours 8-5 Mo________ Friday, c losed Solt;E p a r k 1801 Highland Ave. Easi laso. 300 pof anio; ,973 ; ‘mont, J600.-1975 Ford-t*2222__ lhat noods valvo job.Ing (or 1975 Pord CO transmis

North J75. Old 56 stool chain contor. Bo3l oiler on elH lem s

ling, op- o i324 5lhA v6W ./Joroir“ 1:____ Glass etchlng-cusiom

_ signs on any g lass 324 Hlgh-school rodoo q

n a ro a . ,ou i(lls4 hals, 2 piece !blousos, blanket cove

‘‘y- larlois. olc. Coll 423- loavo m ossago . ,

' Hospliol bod and molli 2400. SQ .manual- con lro l., oxcc3£L----- .condillon, J50; Call 324lie: First boloro 10 am. _______.ComacL -Hou9o-luil-o( oppllanoo « good (urniiuro. movingJ H l i k musi sell. Call 733^ 99 so wllh King-8l:o bod, comp ll nogor J 17J 16 cu lt Soa rs (ro( Rbofors uprlghl, J275. 733-4354. — r—7- Like new Miracle vi foek w/ s o llo n jr, J200. Call 326-5 nrntlnn NOW iruCk tlro, 750x18 imlMMv P'y^ *<5. Parking lot a ir com^ por, J85. PU rack. J4

Rovcn pro-hung 'd o o rs Inclui nordwaro. 3-x8'8“ and 2'

- 6'6“ , J20 ea..Call 733-3451olllcos' 0 *yOO''’ K regulator r.7347--- -8lftndr-moderole-050;-

yrs. J75. Call 733-8700; _ ; Com: P‘a» aowInO m ach. porti■,S- „„], mach lablo, now 120. Sr ?mniiBr Corona odd moch.a kino ' ' '= 20,. c “ll Sussman prol steam er,■ Answer moch, -J45.:,A\

s q ft floSfp^^Coli 324-3235.°lo5 for 01- Avo. Wosi, Joromo.

mowo(3., J40 on<?''up' "I loko trade-ins. Labor Cor

132 In Twin Falls.rK.flfti n ; O n m;)» pm —

R”6kon~2 W d”m^<rr Trac J1500. 4 x 4 oak table i chairs, J150. Phono 733-6

--------- or 734-7831._____________Sorgor. Whito Suporlo 734-5267 doyslB ornlno).

_____ SIjo 10 wedding dro1. 1592 novor usod, J150 or best Randy lo_r, 878-821j allo£5._ inogor So 'la 'ond love soal,' J2 •la rge 2700 VTU window air cor 053. Honor. J150. ’Ulllily trail-------- J275. Like now, moiorcyiIC holniui, JJO. Gall 733-280/."— SU M I^ER SPE C IA L I

enlist: . '’° ‘= ''iS l ; '? ^ r lo y o J " ^ - 'Window Weldor 733-1099

'S ovo up io .J300 ♦ a fr ;------ - supor rich soil kit. a t Card0 lols Country In Orom. UT.lovmg - • • -1:800=447-5759:-----f P - Wa'.ilod' small m aple''dr.1 loai- lablo . . Call- 537-8?

WE REBUILD 'hydrau lacks al ABBOTT'S AUI

i...»ra SUPPLY— 303--Shoohoi Siroot S_ouIh. Twin Falls_,

,..hi» 1081 Horloy Davidson olc inh i, "ic goll cort with iralit

-----^ 2 auromaKc lloor scrubblimachines, bolh 17” . Ciarl otocirlc, J25. Advanco bt

.6 tory oporalod wilh chargo------ J50. Coll John a i 733-COl____ Gem Stale Paper! Supply

250 on' oil or gos^_______^

. . . _ ^ “M34:M09. _ ■ flog 280 bailons’" d lo so r o il’ (( ariin snio, Call 733-6023 altorS. m oll --------------------- ---------------

068-Com puters

GonuVno IBM ”PC " 20, M hord disc. 840K. J900. Phon

coin 734-2013^'IBM PC 5i2K.'26''M G har

C J" orivo. 3.5" 4 5.25- dl,----- drIvos. Alonllor, wldo-cai\ntl- rlago primer ond soliwnrcipls. C M 678-4 W3. _r'J'y I IBM XT' Vompailblo ' 00 1;

putor,..30 m og-e-biie-har( '0 8 . di3K. ,t1250. Coll 734-2314 0 mo. Robort Schnrnhr>f.tln_n ■- - - Oklala 93 microlino printer Iblo J8O. Call 736-0961 (ALSCQ

'W onday-Friijjy, "— - 3 Wyso modol W Y ^ ' * monllors with keyboards,

J250 eoch-sot. Coll 738^)961 AH CALSCOIMondo^-Frldar

_ Boll 4 -H o w o ll S dper ^wn Regular 8 compollble movioIln- proieclor w /au lo • load,'i i . Modol <456. J65. 733-7058.

KOWA Iwin lens, mediumDn- lormat, oxcolloni condllion.lOl. muat soo. J125. 734-1546. )_»7*- Yashica S uper 600 oloctfo.? jr movie camera. JC5. .Yoahica•» |E T (jc tro 35111m "cam B ri v,i

ooild sioio exposure j nyslom.J30. 733-7058..

031-081o u s O ^W ante<JT oB uy,._ -

roeii iop A1 Happy Hooker Worms,jood conJ, riow buying nlflhcrawlow at4-1546 3 locations. Call 733>2t78 or .

y ^ 3 : 324-3351 or32M588.110V AC: Ooo boards wantod, will :TV- Qfffftin com o lo you. Ray O dermott. •Id to * a T - 485-5280 COllOCt. ...................enl trailer. BUYING: scrap gold Jewel-

______ _ ry. • diamonoa., storlinfl-,iddlor car sllvorwaro. pockol w a tch e s ,'"slili ln tno a ilvor-do llars ,-co in -co llee -...........

,,733-8069 Ilona.o to . •— - • --------- (daho Coin OallortOT------------------TOO 302 North Main. 733-8583.r37‘ Nlghtcrawler3.324-2727.i i ^ i o r T F ra n 's Ball Shop, Jerom e.illl sell for NIGHTCRAWLERSIction Opp- G lililandB aiiaTacU o734-7395. • - Call 734-4944 ;


irnarslO n- ' Twin Falls or Kimborly, 734-8290. ___ 734-1528or423<ia7___IT rSgTsior O L D RHINESTONE

coll 734. • je w E L B Y —■„ — Quollty lots, collodions, or

W esting; tjealoro slock. 10 or morono"- J'* plocoa. aignod orunslgnod..

1 mo old; i coll o r write Tho Colloclor'socker: up- sh o p . 1915 East WashingtonJ w heel B|yjj_ Posodona Ca. 91104

,g jars, old 818.704-1965.‘a-S354. . E stab lished 1959.__________ ;olo doy at w ontod. dead or alive. Junk -;and Supp- botlerlos, (rom 1 to ? Call .(ef( ovor The Battery Slore 734-0366. •

jry clear- ' ■- « " •< ■

RWo%"ih 072—A ntiques - -

Now oponi Karon's /Vntl-' ,s K S r ^ ■East 2986 o r 734-4944. byappl. • ;

p '7.~. Oak clow (t table. 8 onkn r t-m X r- -choita,...oaK_d/o#»or. J r o n _______lob J7S^ g lo ss , elc. 326-4299. .

amission! 1923 D am ascus treadle s o w - •’ hain saw. Ing m achine. seWs good, , em s. S ee JIOO. 48” -diamotor hard-.. jrom e wood cofleo~-table.—aolld ' — -

oak, J75.Cali423-5059. .3 324-20200 guoo~n 'O T J-B a za a re iC ra f ts '------- : --------jc o su lls , ....... , ■

' ' t l S h l 074-M uslcal J _______ Instnim enls

ir^rANnni Kowal, now baby grand.

' , J5500.734-5029.aftor5:30.anoo-and Lo.w foy_s(Qroo.hoHdoy_w/_Li______Im o ond Oonlo. m odel TlOKS, upper , vmg ono koyboord, Leslie '— • sp e a k e rs + mony olher - omplolo, apoclol (oolures & controls, - u • J450. Call 733-7058.

— — Quollty Kimball SynthoSwinflor Organ. MI1072W/ '

12^5340^ E ntortainor III; Auction: Sol .0x16. 10 iiam -3400etrand>rA veN . - .

Randall am p. J250.734-5532. ., nciudino Upright piano, JSOO II ycru.'

move It. J700 l( I move 11. . ^ I5 iL Co1L734_.3801.______________•;

- 0 7 5 -0 f f ic 6 Equipment— -------

r r - 6 ((lc0ch6lr.s i9 . =“ • 'Por«ble BANNERS, 733-1421 .’ '

D.“ lm iih 0 7 7 -H o m e Entertalninent

'50 .Curtis M athis 25-inch c o n - .»ot‘ solo T.V. wltn romoto c o o --.

AiTnn' trol ond 13 chonnols ready.J200 .C all733-3487,_______ _

505 5th Curlls-M athls-consolo color .TV, TiVc. condition, J150.

, 234.-flaS1-0»0aiJ>C0*«nrt«up, will Moving lb town must se ll.'8 ' Conlor >t Danox satellite dish, oxc

cond . J700/o(lor, 423^124. ■ . WENT-^A:iMEW-TVl-Owti^ ~.

tractor, now co lorT V by ronijng. No • blo 4 4 c rod lto rs chocked. 204 Main 733-6944 Ave. N orth. Cains. 733-7111. •.

' ■ Sylvanis aud io 4 video. Best •')orlock. buys in'MogIc Valloy, Jack 'o ' ’a) ____ T .V .Saloa& Senrlce.B uhldross. T echnics direct drive lurn-

Dosl ol- lablo With ahure cartridge.Exc. c ond . JIOO. Also....

'jjflo; rocord coiloctlon. 432-5248. condl- 30 (ool low er 4 antenna, . trailer, J200. Zonith console sieroo,

orcycio J75. Coll a lto r 7 pm 734-7386.

lALi” AM/FM rod?o?M9,9o“°"*°In T F b a n n e r s . 733-1421

-1099. 07S-C om m , Devices

„ 7TOOT3 ruuio oqulp. 17} ^ 5<.frinn Moiorolla Pulsar II. model ja roon T187D & 'm odel T1637A. J800-------L. e a.Call73<M)801-daya.—y'ruK?. 3 Joh n so n Flooicom II, JIOO ~

oach. Coll 730^}&81 daya...... , ........................

AiPTO O T J-A ppllancoi . 'lohono— - b u y s ELL&TRADE ' ...... ...' i - - .. TV s .APPUANCES4MISC.1 oloc- 734-81M d a ys/7a3^168ovos. iroiier, ' almond!

. colored. Slovo, ovocodo. 1 itjbing J300oach.Call324.8300. . 1

Electric ran g e (gold}; oldor ” “ >''“ 0 woshor/dryor;

13^81 ro '^O orn 'or (brown). All )Dlv wojklnp. 734-3416. ovonlngs. - ^ NEWLYWED SALE: Special

^ sell, trado . service, ond !- - - - - buy. QUALITY APPLIANCE"J _____ __

Sears froaileas rolrlgorolor, I-----— JI70.D A N N E nS.733-1421 . j

Gears c h o a l Iroozor, slro <5.1, J250. Coll 734-3808. . ■. !

• MO W A N T E D D e ad o rA ilv a ’TV's, rnlrig, (roeier, sieves.. ,

w oshorsanddryors . ; .' iford Call anytim e 73«715 ;dIak ' ' .t ~ , ■ I I

wnr“o‘ O 80-H eatlnoand '' ] ____ A irConditioning • t

hnTrt Afvin evaporative coolor. 1 3lid n* ^ opood. like now., 1

only usod p a n ol the sum- yr r - r ? I116^.^^M.'Calt 733-6308. i ' --------------- ""sIntor. — y il I ....... 2

^ -O S r -F ir a l lu ie * ------------J/Y-50 Aotlque loa ttie r 7' couch, • parda, good co n d .. J350; Full-slie ' It•0961 sloopor, stu rdy wood (ramo,. w'■ __ goo d c o n d .. J95.837-4444. ■ 2................... Bananachalm .---------- --------------- ;•

-■-------JS5.00:-----------— ......BANNERS.733-1421 . ' . . Finwin Bookcase bunkbods [,«

(Iram osonly) . . ' ............. $229; 'Bookcaso bunkbods *1( Ira m e so n ly )................. Ji99 • O

lum Bunkotio m ollross 4 ' TlI?", box . ' .......................... J98/801- 8s

MGA big s c ro o n .TV........J689 4c lfo .|pcrvpm niont"------- surplOs' lur tlc a -d esk s ........................ J49oach. f .-BT--------------------------------------------- ------------------ Cllure CAINS. • ' - cti

C ioaf*nc® 4R enla lC tr. ml“ 733-7111 • Vll

--------------------- ------------:— r-^------r:— r ------ ; _ . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ^

Page 19: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

! ; ■ ' 1 ^

“ 'W riic rrc /w E “ F i R ^

081—F ufn itu re iC arp

Brlgnt and ctioorful (Oom aot. largo Qfass iabla.Catl733-M tB. Carpat u se a anU li collont condition. Ot iwood nylon, 12X14V»;

. ooW nylon. 13V4X17. ooch. CallS43^wa7.

• - Childs cap ta ins bod headtM ard (shelving), C0ll324-<459att0f6pmj D anny D 'a W alorbods

• -------com ploto— tlno" " o t -bodroon) lurnllure Incli ontertalnm oni contors book c a so s . Shop ai

■....s to re tha t apoclalizos .................... I n w alofbods and bod

furnlluro.OANNY D 'S WATERBI

....... ............ w no ro you go t Wendiyv(co and a price that bo booll

214 Blue U M esaivc■_________ 734-2602H oovor upfiglit commc

__ vacuum , |35. Am rockor. riowly uptiolst brown volvot, noo .~

/ ________ n4-7523.______________ VI ' Klng-al20 w alorbod.j

d(aw ors, hoadboard, ifi lo-lil- m a ttross. $350;' rofrlQOralor. tIOO. 934-491

.U ino rockor recliner, 5149.90.

BANNERS. 733-t421 Largo molal ofllco do

■ *<B-90^BANNEHS. 733-14 , Moving, m usl solll Br

c tiak a n d oltom an. S200. love: soa l. StSO. Bolh' no now.'lO Inch rem ote cor TV.'-tlQO. 678-4900, aflor I

---------------Nearly now so la , 2 matctwing back chairs. Excel

' condilion. Can bo soor Ford T ransfer and Slori TF Of call 536-2922.Tablo lam p. $39.

BANNERS. 733-1421.' W otorbod, comploto.

cellen t condilion. 324-5391■ 6 "pfoCo*Tphoi8lorod w<

group so l, '- NEWI BANNERS. 70-1421 •

.... ...... 082—flu n o ifitfK a te rta ir

~*AII cRmanslons o t rougf c u t lum ber. Treated post

enrralpn ln«-R iilUlng.fiali R um lllxcaltlosuppiom or R R tles. 324-8191. S o rrow

Must se ll immodlalolyl Quonsot atylo buildings, loo t X 48 foot. 42 foot X fOOl.1-208-52&-1907.

. Rt.OJorom o.ld. REO CEDAR, fencing, pos siding. Int. wall covering,

0 -P Lum ber 324^120. .

0 83-G arage 'Sal68

lam ps, tab les , toaslor ovc ' c iolhos. books, diahi

many m isc lionn . SaL, 0 6.151 Borah W ost. 734-219t

Mon’s . w ornon's. ch ild ren 's clo lhes; roll bi 10 hp boat m otor. TV. 1

_ Kawasaki , molorcycl TImox-Slnclatr compuK

- colloc«iblo3 .-H o ls-o f - mla Item s. 524 Alluras.TF.

A salefo reveryono lI - ...... .9am -4pm rS nT rJQ noltr

706 ISih Ave E,. Joromo. A bsolutely tho beat sa lo < Iho' soason i Como orr .ovi Sat. 10-5, kids clo books, loys. dolls, teat rab b in . 330 6in Ave E. A niiquos sq u a re oak tabli anilguo parlor stovo, ani quo choirs, bathroom cab net ahd sink , antique bod, much misc. Frido

________ Only.-fl in ? 2 2 2 ,B . .SJorom o.___________

Backyard moving salol Furnllurol 213 RichardsoD r : ..............A lldaySaiurdaBarn & e s ta te sale. Ant quoa, big & lIlHo oppla sporting goods. Arm surplus, fooaboir. lools, (ul nllOro, m otorcycles & bikos SOtf East Olh, Joromo

-T huttday-Saturday.BIQ YARD SALE: IQ foo Valeo boat, ski boat. 4i Ilshlng po los & roels, 21 tacklo boxos wllh lacklo. i: gaugo Browning shot gun 3S7 pistol. 38 pistol, rlllos 1000 w att & 500 watt & (2) 30(

______watt go nnratof8._niaLtiLg':?sow. cfutIn.80W 8.'4-wnoo: drlvo PU. c a rs & PU’s, br|.

_______ aio.i_. aaddlna.^-Juumimfl{ijack, all kinds o f tools, pro­pane tanks, boat molors. lawn mowor. wood spllltor, w atorbod ond lols of misc. 210 Spruce St.. Klmborly.

____:: -4a3*S2M .Frl/S ttt-.— .■ ^ ‘-CO M E A N D Seeil-------

, Friday. 9 lo 2.. Loveaool rockor. youth chair, t»by itoms, old cHshos, ote. 387 Hoyburn Avonuo Wesl. Corner of A lluras & Filor. Throo families participating. 8am-2pm Sat. Good w asher & dryor, picnic tablo. pic- luroa. kids c iothoa. miae. '

______f:Mu.CQucJL_hWrLjL_auoonciolhos, pallo sot. high chair. furnituVer- *—much m |se. Falla E. to D esert View, follow a lons. Frl/Sat

; _ ■ ;----------:-------------^ ^r; T"

M e r c h a n t

s• ■ ^ 1'^ p r c | - I p


larpet ' 0 S 3 -G a ra g e S a le s -

ful living FO U O W '"' SH3NS issco K eo HK3HLAWN DR.. Non;_________ & B, Sat Ju n e 11, opoI In -o * .. lurnlturo. onllQuos.

Orange* cloihlno. toys& m lse . m ; multi Fri & Sat, Ju n o 1( (17. J100 8188. FTlmora. Jerom e------------- Fri and Sal. Ju n o 10)od with Good m ofchandiso, ng). t85. vacuum, largo app ls, pm; . dom ing, size 16 & i fds hflji a Heyburn Avo. W. TF. o f— oak- f r i n 01h - 6- S n t / l 1thr-> Incliidlno- Hailey,- - W errtoil.- • tors snd clothos& olhor Intanl: I a l Iho homo Inierlors, toys, I 109 only m isc. W eather pormitll bodroom F,|5jay Saturday. DQcne 0 '' Lavlna Ava

tiouso . ,on _tho._._ :»aiy sor- clothing, househo ld I

* books, and misc.Friday only, M . 'Now custom rims, woighi

-------- — m iscellaneous Jowolrynmofclal lo iso laood lo s.* " ‘''>“2 -A je f fa r a o n .T F . I0--rAiT- Furnlluro, w oiertjod,

kilchon appliances , dl curtaift9,-be&y-thieig9r

, '2 salurdsy, Ju n e l1 . 9U8WI»oman. ._______Qsrage Sole: Fri & Sat. 10 and 11. 6 om to S

*’0 ^ Furniture, parlor a weight b ench, o lc . 2351

y l ..... Ilo Drive. TF.__________,«ioaks. GaroQO/Modngsalo:

' Saturday Ju n e n th , Brown Furnlluro. toola, applloi

?00. Tan and much moro.I nearly 715 Locuat. Klmborly. conlrol Qorago Sale: Ju n o 10 . >££igm pri 9.5 00,3 sat.9-5, 117 atchlng- -8ih-A vo.,-Jorom o. -Loi ccollent misc. No early s o lo s . . lOon a l Garago salo a t B6 1 torago. Lano. TF. Lots of child clothing, baby rurnituro

llquo washing m aehlno. 121. Sal.Juno10 .11 ii8am -5[

W ” - S l a n t G a r a g e S a■ ' 10th and IH h, M . Furni

'I ? qV motorcyelo, lo ls -o f clo . (all 81209), old botllos, I

slllchod quill, and moro. 109 Mtn View Dr. Jarom o Glganllo garago sa lo .

— T— Savior Lutheran Chu '“0 " 1708 Hoyburn Ave E.

m w a Gooding Sonlor C ontor 1 MW. Fri & Sat 6/10 & V 4pm. 308 Senior. Ront lal

0 ^ ^ D onationswolcom o334-; Hagorman. garago salo.

-------- Hagorman Avo E, OUi, salol Furnlluro. roll-a-

P09‘- bod, homomodo crafts. m la c .S a t ..Ju n o ll.9 to 5 . HIS, HERS AND OU Chandollor. junior 1 clubs, swimming pool. .

■ many olhor lloma. Salute

• Twin Fails._____________'"V ,* ' HUGE PARKING

• LOTSALE 591 Addison W ost. Jo

II ba^ Hugo 3 family, ga rago s{ / (urnituro. lots of major

piiancos. c lo thes . Yi WON’T BELIEVE IT! Frlc

" 1“ ' ’ 0-4, Saturdoy 9-1. Highia D r . ' l l h t o u io o n lho" ,lj

------ Look for signal J _____. -JEROME!— L argo"-G ara

' „ Salo-310 East Avo 1. FrI/li Sat/11lh.7om,NOCHECK

own! Klmborly UMW' rumma nn« *“ '0 • Shorry'o Oan

Sludio. Klmborly. C ornor Main 4 Monroo. Frldi Salurdoy. 9:00 om-4:00 pm.

nnfl' tiackyard sa lo . F" T . SOI, 9-6. 2069 lllh -A v o

a t t Hondo trail 90 biko. .rlli fidnv oxofclso biko. jowoh

Rl' dfoporym alorlal& m dro. Laroo yof<l Bole. Ju n o 10,1

r]— 12. Baby c iolhos. loys, 1« rtU n nlluro. tools, smoll appl irriaC Porformanco & '67 Flrobl

ports, Polollno Rd. East. A y'* block from Alhlotlc Club. P?J*j Largo four family yard sal

Sat, Juno 11, 9 to 5. Tw FallB Mooso Lodgo. t Falls Avo. Lots of kitchc

• Horns, ciolhos. lots of mlse Lols of (urnituro. antique c iolhos. washof/cJryi

■ ^ (»100), kldsstu lf. W ml. W ' ; i , m l. S of blinking light I ” Klmbarty, 423-5B23. Fri & Sa [los! MullMamily.1300 449 Park T errace Df arm o(( 9por,Us. 9 am-2 pm . Fr ibo i day /iO tn rS o tu rt)ay /llth lo bri- ovorsw lllbo ptlco.

M f t -N lca__ comblnaUfln___IVJjpro- amall TV wllh O dysso o rs, gomo. dlshw ashof, nic Itor, cloiho^. misc. Cornor Grar isc . and Buchanan. 9 to 5. Fnirly. d ay. Saturday.'Jono 10.11,___ QUALfTY HOUSEHOLD,--.........Coltoctlblos. Patio 81 OtficolOol . Furnlahlnos. Auction: Sataby l1ati>-3400alr>ndefAveN.39 ' Round light-mapio pedosta . table.. Baldwin organ, hidelor. a-bod, new rebuilt m attroaing. so is .'^ O bunks, now daybher od now chosts, PLUS (rue)3lc- lo^d'o'l naw ^rrivele 'Priday_ .2naTTmBAfound6B8N.W a:ion .SoJo,;_fjl 4 S a i ._ M pmigh Motor cycros. Tawn ocigors,ich llborgiass boat, tiro s. 8■eft moro. 1306 -Pop la r Avo.,1 com orofE lm 4.Poplar..


I Salo-Lrg oorlh slovo, j c lo thes, loys. bods, l

' ■ d resse rs , ond tables,lop (Of Jeep. Corni Stovons & 5th. Fllor

\ oltornoon & Sat. 9-5 pm1 Sal. Onlyl Annual Cha

garage salo, 5 lamliy.r f T I P . - 8 a m io 4 p m .- ...... ........

SAT. ONLYI mllos

^ Sola bod. rockor. roc ■ bookcaso. record play B storeo, olhor misc.

h H . Sat Only. 6-5 pm, I ^ Wirsehing Avo. TF. \ ' I f bod. sm bor rofrlg. clot I Avon, outomolivo,1 Ul t bench, (ree trimmer, etc

Sat Only 6:30-4pm. 13 %~rn~7 Mos, oxorclso oqulp.

i boby Item s, good clc (Inlanl-adull XL), ga

'IS ‘2 bohlnO Iho Y. of( Maurte-------------- S a t/n ih , M .

Pahsim eroi Of., T.F., 1 I of- Bllterroot 4 Madt Furniture, toya ., bc Ilshlng goar. ciothoa.

— = misc. ■______________

llr th of D auy- ’ <>"•classiliod is tho ono py o u c a t^ l t o lL ______

JC Sot 8:30-2. 2108 Stacr , o . Blvd., TF. Everything 4

kitchen - sink. - MIerow " small .TV, bathroom

tufos/p lum blng .4m lsc . ifs somo Saturday onty. poweTict ta S o - i l k o s . - . ‘ciotrf smoll (ridgo. (ols of tr

Lols o( free Item s. 9 t' e 'b ■'

jy - and m is. 8 am to 5 pm. Ave (3ro joiuioly no early sales. --flBflU- KnotllnflhamPf. ■Id Items, soroptlm lst Intofnatlona ■ sponsoring a YARD SiJow ran. Ju n e , 11. 9-4 pm. ■ ght sot. Pfinceton Or. TF. Proceolry. ond io iocalpr6iocia ._______TP Super Sale, d o n ’t miss

oho. .B ogina '7 :30 am, I d . amoll ii ih ;-7 5 5 ;C h o ro k o o U , dishos. Children’s Item s, bikes. 1**iT T J o fm racellaW ous.______

® Tonts. Honda 70. wash — --------------------------- dryor, movlo cam era, June lumlluro. tri}(o. bike, li0 5 pm. fflowor.-books, & bookca

alovo, „|555 ^yaro. lota o( do ll'351 Cos- 2nd shoos and lots me_______ 957 Eaalland Dr. TF. Fr: Sat. 9-5 pm. NO CHECKSth, 9-e. Upright freezer, trash - - iilonces. compactor, chlldron’a 4

• adulls ciolhos., househu______ Itoms. Friday, Juno 10.10 4 11, am-4 pm. C ornor o( Kimb 117 East Iy Road and Eastland DriL ols-o( E sst of P a ra n d Pack,-------------- Wostorn 4 Quoon clothi

6 Holly salo, Sal. Sun. 2 lo 6 pm hildtons mllos Soulh. 1/10 . East uto. an- Joromo, English tack, sui no. Fri.. hata. bools, c h a p s .324-261 [•ISHL- Yard/Carwash/Bako Sa

Suzlor. Atl proceo . 00 to m odels Iqaving a. nanomn lional Compollllon. " i S i if -Yart=aal»r=i6S-Lot»r-Tf.uf ■jtiutch P f I - f l '0 5- E S a t' 'fotd sale. Saturday on nethino 325 Oak, off 3rd Avo ' ■sob Sombthlng " for* ovoryon 7 7 ^ somo appliances. II yi1 l i i don’t aoo Itrlu st ask . - 'I tables Salo: Wednesdo

i s S h™.^ -w av Yard Salo: FrI/lOth. Sa ^ a n d W . 533 E 17th Si o 's Jsrom e. . Furniture, bat

lloms, microwave, dlshonotf

>1 and Yard sale, Kimberly. Next 1 lutday, -t^Oho 4 P a t's C leaners. Loi Suficvr ■el'Ooodlesi'Tools. blk»pH

’ X 4 chain link gato. Frldaij-------- Saturday. 8 to 5._________

Yard ao lA i.lra^ compacto Jon’A iroadlo sow ing machlnc

misc. Ffl. & S»l. 9-4. 202 or MounUIn View Circle.

y o u Yard oalo, lots of good quai Fr rfnv Ily (nm s, FrIMOth 6-5, Sat rhlawX Ilth8.l2..12710aler>a0r flghL Yard salo. Friday, Saturday

S lo 5. 36U3rd Avo Wosllarago -Sporllng go o d s , to o ls .-------i/lOlh Yard Salo) Fri & Sot 10am ;CKSI 5pm. IV. ml W. on S . Pari imago Avo W. Brown Ooublo wido danco Yard S a le :. S a t / l l lh . 9-5 lo r o l 2129AltaVlsUDr rIday, "Evorythlng from soup Ic sm. nuW-(rom bIkos to bon, Fri/ ct’oal-___________________vo E, 1 day only yard sa le: Sat/

fllle, lllh , 6-5, 2015 Sherry Lano, volry, T.F. W omona clothing sl:od J. 20W to 24V v d ishos. frull0.11. •|ar^rtiodsproad8'4 bo fo n n r:, fur-' 51 .00SA L E 'PP’»! KAY’S K LOSET,SI ° ___ 1704 Addison Avo. E.). ■ 1520 P0pmr (df( Locust), Fri saio" 4 Sal. Bam, lots of misc.Twlt> 180 Ramage S t.. Sat Only.

835 8:30-6pm. Lota o t misc. chon 2V> mllos E on Foils, acrosa Ise (rom Spring Crook Or. Sat, luos June 11, 1100 Honda, 750 Jryor Honda, dirt bike. 6’ aholl. W IA sola, watorbod. 4 misc It In 2 family: 1260 Evergreen. S a r J u n o j l , 9-2 pm . Bassinet.

' car sea(, many o the r baby Itoms. Baby. toddler.

Ffl- matornily and odull clothes., lott -8— mm— clothes-

dryor. and misc. housohoid. i ^ . ,2./amlIy..Qafago, Sala;.E ti &. Bsoy Sal. Juno 10 4 t t . 9 (0 5 pm. nleo 830 East 18th S(. Jerom o.Irani Lots of baby c ioihos and

Ffl- home interior lloma,_______1. 2 family Yafd sa le : Largo 0 , - s iia blouses,- books,-Idya. Ice end m u c h -m o ro -(q u a llty - U t lloms). Sat. Juno 11. 8 to 4 iN. pm,~429 Knolllnpham Dr. TF, iitHi 2 Family Salo: Fri & Sot. 8 to Idfr. 5 pm, 2523 9th Ave. E. TF. '09S l-0<a ol furnltufe. roeroa- lyb- tionaloqulpm ont. misc.uek 2 lamliy yard sa le. 1122 iay. Blake Sl. N.rJune-11-4-12.-9 ya: to 5 pm.-Bod, kitchen range, pm^ carpot, shop oqulpmonl, o7; ^ ainw rm ig im etiiO T P T j.—

4 200 Block of-P olk St, TF, vo.. Juno 10 & 11 - Fri. 4 Sat..

w eather pormiltlno. ___________>

'm ers’ me9 . 0a3-<aarage'Sale8

ove, k ids 2068'aillorrootbris. lab los. Sat, J u n e . 11, 9-: lies, s o d Furniture, klichon ornor o f lawn mowor. (abtic•Her. Fri. te rn s , books, lo ts of tr'.SUh____ 21MSHERRfOFlC hase Or 3 family yard salo. Ny. O pon Saturday. 9 to 5, Wat ■ ktd8-and.‘adulfclotholies S of ofm lscollanoousltem * : i ? i - t ! '" 3 -F a m iiy -S 8 io r“ Si!

M m .5pm .2M T .,a r s P'^yo^ * 3 family yard salo: r — E of Kimberly, on H\ om, M f W alerbod. dlnotlo s«

'o ‘» '"OfO. Frlday/Sotciotning. ioth411th.8:30-6pm.

3 family paiio salo. ■ . . and Saturday, 9-5. Nic

I L.l screen Iip’ tJiKO. colling fon, hammock

e t c .967001 fcUr Drive,■ j j r a n ! 3 (omily gsraoo aalo K " P til yl y IU I BtullW ~Tz= dolls; cralls, ciolhos

, loadulD .m lse.ilom s.1 DiK.t 7183 Park Meadow Dr.

“ o k s " ' « ’'Q'JINCYoa and JunolOthondJuJ»o111

5 (omllloagood cloan I— —----- lo ts ol chlldron's and

h ito - clothing. ____ ___10 ploco — 385BORAHWES1

— Four Family Yard Salt Stadium doy/Juno lOth ond : ig 4 th o day/11lh. 9-5. . Bunk :rowave, joys. cloihlno. lols of m 3m fix- 4 am ily ' I S r d

— r- som ething (or over jr tools. Sat. 4 Sun 9<. 259 S:lo thng . si.T w ln’F a lls .- --------Q * family'sale, Fri 4 Sat.» *0 ft n . 9 5.

------------Jo ro m o .- Riding -n doors, m ow er, horso equip.,

baby nom s. Raloigh kids k ‘’‘dw Item s4 lo lso(m ist

Bracken S(. N. o( ^ & Saturday.

10-5Ffldoy/10-8Sotutda -5 family yard salo.

lorial is .Qiympla btivo. Jo t ’ Baby. children.,

clothing, duck collot ocoedo an,|quoa_ collociiblos,---------- now- cash roglslor.Iss this m uch mero. Juno 9. ic 'n. Sat. ii.9 :00anTto5:30pm .

6 P'n’ SotUi-Fi8hing.pol«8nCamp-*t

---------- and lantorns, houaolwasher/ lo ts o t mlsc, kids polos, I. baby 224Tyler.TwinFalls.I, lawn — ---------

S o ' K ° a « -T o o nOromol scroll saw.

CaN7i'*l'739'’ “‘ "‘ ” " '' ' LumbdrTocK for 'small *’ 25, 734-7313 (Syslom i

10 10 8 t‘‘n6>ron) altor 5.324-306 limber- Valve gtlndot. : Drlvo Hydraulic llll gale. 160

-capacity. - ..Jflso.— 320-3 i^ fi^ i^ g "°^^ '^ gB ody ._______

^ r o f - 085-aicycl69auttS ——————— ------

1-2600 25" Pougoot, 12 spd, collont cond. $125- 734-64

In Iho • ^ing lot 088-Flrew ood

iQ**°or Bowman Wood Salos, i iiorna- taking firewood otdors.

“ to r cholco ol dolivory d — r - Will a lso trade lor. d

q u o lH y"hay r "J53/cord-------- $65/blockod. Call543-5381

t r e e REMOVAL, Chain ; -wofk-any klnd.-Call-734-15

1 VOU• ■ M 7 -U w n 4 G a rd 6 f i

N eed yard caio assistai 'T?,.?! - o r professional, prun fiOion holp? Chock our Sor^-------- Olroclory, daily In Tim

Sa(/ N o w sC la ss llled s ,_____V?Ko Oldor Snappor rider. ^ ° y 6 h p .26" cu l.nocatcho i

$250........RUNSGOODI_____ Call 733-6759 altor 6pm.“1“ Qui ck Systems ’ 'l o ^ % L Sprinkler Syaiems. Fi

"“.“I'- s j r " ' s » i s . '" p ta------- ovoninos. 734-2957.‘kiL“«‘ Bootod, planis. poonii toys

raspbe rrie s rCaM 24-6076.^

^ PS ^V ariB ty FoodsLovers ol vino ripen

------ straw berrie s. Wo will be trday. to pick on Thursday JuiVosl. gth . M atthews Borry Farm------ -4 E ra n d 4 N. Ol Buhl;-iribam- on Polollno Road and 4 N.Park -------------------------------------^ 0 9 0 - P e ts & Supplies

^ C rogisiorod Goldon R 3 to (rlovor pupplos.. Havo i ben- .*»hots and wormod. vo

hoallhy. Ju s t rocolvod bli ^ s lip s . $125. Call436-9156. nno. AKC rog. yoMow Labr.nd. l:od pupp lo s. oxcollofruK podigroo . provon huntlrin r~ ~ o o g srCair78s=4GiB."..........

AKC Toy Poodles. 2 aptlcc 1 whilo. ,1-AKC Boston To rior. fomalo. 10 months. Cc

_ 734-5727.________________Fri Beaullful lovoablo cat. and

___ abso lu te ly adota&lo kiilon:nly, f ro o . to good homo, Ca _ • 733-9509.OSS Black Lab puppy. Ntothc Sat, f‘'om champion lino and oi 750 co llon t humor, $2S. 678-4741 lOll. Chosopoako and Lab pu ;

p ie s (roo lo good homo. Ca655-4307.__________ ;......_

ie(. F o r salo: 7 wooit oli Iby O oborm an pupplos. $7' lor. (702)752-3596. Wolla.NV.

Froo ca ls and kitiona. Col

^ Froo to good home, tun ' *• loving-2-year-old -Americaf

P itbull Torrlor. Call Scoit a 324-6291T _Froo: Russian Wollhound

— m olo. opprcTxlmaloly 2 yoarjO" o ld . Call ^.-093S. ________1 . .H allow con_ia_cofnm g_lfo« , 4 black kltlon, molhor pan p P e rsian . Pkg. pumpkin ■ji s o o d s . 423-4498. Klmborly.,-e M alo Cocker pup. purebrVd'

$60.Call829-58M!. .P a i r .o f poach lacod lovo

j j b ird s , 2 yoara old.:$120 in- ^ -c lu d o s capo. Call934>H562.0. Partkeeca& Cockatlels ,1. Locally raised, 253 7ih Ave------EB5torTBll733=895fr^--------F, P om eranian pup. malo. $iso I Chihuahua male, 3 h yrs.

$100. 734.S734attor3om

arket5 ........... .. "090-^Pels&Supplie

Drlvo Pupplos, V, £3iaci9-2 pm . humors. $15 oach. c1 mlijc.. ®£?3j‘j ‘?'!-5pm. _c 4 pat- Putobrod’ Cockoi ptjn ls c .____malo, b u ll.'6 whs. Si)RIVE ‘. Friday . 3t. Bornard puppio:/a to rbod tompormont. stict:h o s ;- io t3 Homff7CaH56?'404?.-im s . __ Vlisia pups, o roat I

•S t. _ p_aroms.(^l[423-6143I'A m1ie ’ yoar old SamoyudH W Y '50, wjlh kids. welf-irain<so t ond orbostoM or. Cain24-

ia tu rday , 2 AKC tugisiorod Mlij_______Schnauzor pupplus.I. Fridoy Poppor colotoO, 1Jico rub- (omalo. $150 oach. C78

h o u so ,cks.^and 092-AuctiOflS '

,1 0 .-Sol. ■ bUAUTYHOUSEH(

js~ fbaby Furnishings, Auctlor ,, 11am-340Ostrandor/

n ito m s. F a r m e r s ' m nd ad u lt — ' ' " ■

a l l : p / j r ~ O ^ 'F a r n iS 0 e d ........

' Allaifa sood tiy grik b o d s , Ran„o,_ $1,40/lb,-Cti'iJU '?.'?-- Dlllon, Jr,-324.4182.

50 le . BoQ boards wnniuo como to you, Ray OOc

b idnoy Qaii 465-5280collocl,^ 7 - - ' OROERNOW

g AUftlla, corn, sued (

S ’ S S ' T c . r a 'i' ffi ..r S E ? ; ' 09?-Hay,'GralrilFoi

Approx. 33 ion 1st; 1 2 2 y - ..,. 3_»d.’8fliay:829-55l5.!• '*** ’ATTENTION STOCKK ° LOI us (Ind and haul, hayandstr.iw . Conlaci3 l?k"o• ' a n d i^“y haullno and lo; i o a n d 536-2944 or sbe-2628.

Wantod; Hay hnuiinTufdav' R oasonabio,........... roi-WovM- call John 3?4-?580 joh o ld . 85 acros of 1988 hay lot )s, loo . Cdll.............................54:

OSj-Paslores For Ren______,_Great horso pasture. 6 JV. notih ol Twin, lots ol

now . _C_all32W139ofirlyoriaii______ _i’50-200 yoarlintjs. Irri(III PU . pasluro. S8 a noad.-„ C on- 544-2513,064.___ 20 acros irrlnaietl pas

$950:_oast ol Gooding, stoui 600 Ib_hollors. Call934-4140, 8-3197,. ^ _____ 102-Cattle,

baity cattlc liool inmn_____$5,50 per head. Call3, ox- Borgsma 543-6925: over.. ■6491 For Sale:- Polled l-lor.

- bolls out ol rcoistofcd ( starting at $600,

______Norma Bodko 862, now Frank Bodko , . . . : . ,8G2 i. Can

d a to . ---------------------------------

un ing . irvico

^ IflWEn los,uals,

onodloglnJuno '

ndcirtIoniIting . .___________

ii ' reSoi^C a" I

Ihor 1 _



EmnS88BRSIn- H Q u S g J ^ E i C Q


^ ___________

illes 102 -C an ie

lack Lib For salo o r ttadb (o >. Call 733- •«»'’ . excollonl - Cfl

O uartor Horso broc 4 limo Poco

P‘iPp''’“ ' OfoodlnQ, Also goo<

■ ‘5 L S S " ' " ' ’ ‘Jios; good ym y sguo’o jle ts . ML J750. Coil 324-8257.. , HERODISPERJ

ll hunlora jp mnlntorocl SImi e n -rp io te n -jju p u n o r blooblthos

- .111, Catl 788-9457.___^od. flfoai jo rso y sDrlrigof (ielf

s r5 ? b ''‘ -

' r rnolo/I will not bo aC78-0824. J!’*-' G ooding L ' ' Com m laslon Co..

Ju n e 10 Ouo tho sit ot Ciiitio now,

-HOLD ’ 3 Uranmn erosst) r* ntriA. call ncH ors. now caK

srAvoN.. ■ ■ . . 1 0 3 -0 a lry Equipme

2000 nation buTkl m a rk e t c .h i 543_-4M 7,

. ............. - 320 acro s bare gro_________ dairy silo. NW of Joi

_____ i;ounty ro ad . IdahoI'/; mi aw ay . No noi

. . . . . 734-6071 o r 324-4242. growers, 7 w alkalo milk moti

J.'tty >35,, pMonu324_-303{ 800- mllh tank ha:

led . will p ro s5 o r4 w a sh o r. 54: JOormotl, '------------------------------

*KM-Horses -:1 ornlna, /ill TYPES "0I^‘ "‘h ; ^ r a ^ r T)‘duH iii,.anarso ld ; *V Hainillon tio rso s. 733-M5!* , ' Colls slarttid.- horsb; _ , od. Ray Hunt mothc FeeiJ ou. tralnoO on roal

work. Call 544-2513- t: 12 10^ j ie k iin g s , su itab le (0

- 'oP'f'O . fanch wo .KMANI p leasure . Coll678-38i:S HORSESHOEII-4805, D o u o K 9 o n ti . , . . , . , 4 loadirig. Ono Appy mard (bl.

aoo 16, O no Appy

rohiitjio, ,Call 324-2267, ,■S80 Putobrod A rabian gilot’fi'aio ^ P®*'y543-C510 oxtromoiy c

------ :— noaso tiab lo term s,636-6332.Itoglslorod M organ st

6 miles O^i’od. palom ino. Slu

irrimloil Sllvor Ttuo Equlno C Id —Call hoarding a n d showing

lies, CUII733-9115, naMUfo Si-mdinn: ob rro r Man

-o; '" ‘Ck, 56- Intl. good dll tlon .$7^ 733.2651/73_3^

—r — T. .lo o many.'SJ yoar.otd r.marc. Blgi hoallhy. rcc btood- $400 . 53

immlng. 14 year old Tl/oroughl :ail Art typo m ato w fm ulo e'l er., hot sido . $950 iJOlh, 324- lotolotd 2 rcfl. ^ y r old Fox t !d cows geldings, b roke 4 g-

Also 2 agod ranch golc B62-3221 sound, o e n tie , (ool 1 5G2-3812 Call 543-5214. ______

I 17S-AumDflalers^



flnr.od on n coBh prte» of 72 m o n m n o tlt.r* ^

y i o ICm » i I i [;

I05-Hors8 Equipio lor cow or Ci'cio j fiorso a- rogisiorod I'aHo'a, largo 3arood m ato. •'a”'!- New -usod.•o ■ Buono Exefiango, H agengood lor ox- M7j6294_dax3_-t}lflW:. Call 324- Cloan, 3. horsO 'troi

_ _ _ load,-onclosod paie o jo c 'huto. oHor^Calt_733^ ^ 9_1, 7. '. .05a 'i!buy .n ji.p fsoERSAL - .irailoi until you conSlmmontala, pticosandquallly.h‘os“ O n b '^ ------Hltchin^PosrTr

, KJmbqrly.^ .............iW o r Queen 4 W este rn1575 ' salo: Sat, 4 Sun . 2 t• ml. Sooth. 1/10

Joromo. Suils..^_'O a oalo at oQulpmont. atl size

Livestock toadult.3 2 4 -^ 0 ,

c S :■■ oiao by side, bohinc

living space, sotf-cc _ " _ _ 326-5410.jlklanK.M 7, _ IJfr-Swlne

neighbo rs . noDlJtorod Ouroc < to rs $90 Wanted ijsed'-railVeci3038 T - Ing crate e lands anh 5 s - " c ^ i Call 374-4634 Je rom o

. 543-5372.-------------- --108-Sheep i Goats

is young black facc - H O R ^ fTs Call934-ll64,n(tor5c l;*Wo~b‘uy " V ~ . _____: ......... .8055. - llO -Poultry& R abb

?I,I '"O t'ons. 1 year olcreal ranch p,QjuciiQn. Call 532^)

j 'fo r 'to o in . . . 1. . work or 112-lfTlgallOfl

,A nE N fibN '" '> A F c IN G Now Is Iho limo (0 g .,423-4007 sprinklor, plpo (Ixod

E Z 'S b T s - i ? ™. ... - ... PIPE REPAIR. 678-714; nv® m oro CONCRETE OriCH fll

^ r i o ’ Got your o rder in o , Ml Call Asphalt System s Ot I

___-._____ ?


J Contor, ANDSUPPLYing fac lll- 1 m iieosslot Buhl, Hi___ • ■ 5 4 W 7 7 r-^

jiam m oih Spring Spw lall U sod pfpo; 8". $1.95 p e r (I

3 _ 3 ± « U $7,95 por It.Id rog TB Rocky Mountain Induready lo Jerome. 324-2142.537:60.56 Wanted 10 buy 8. 10.

jghb ro o d mainline w /rlsors, 4) coll a t linos. 5S7-5081 a lto r 6324-8339 wrIlo: PCI. PO Bo>X tVoiior. Mou^ntainHomo, ld_636. gon ilo . 18” Ob’ijsod' Va" waiig e ld ings, por It.3l p roo t. Rocky Mountain Indu

' Jerome, 324-2142.

------------- l-U S-A aloO M tot—

r c H o r c

E FROIVImm• 0f<C.00(J,.D0wrpnymen| $130. can t*% APO wilh approvedcrodit. Dool<

FrlcJiy. Ju n o JO.-1908

[pmenl ,a n d siocK-Slock on , / / ■ ' /

1. Fatm ots /orm on. Id. / . \x < 0hL 'roller, slant / sacii. Make J ,

jo” o r ‘aiock L . _om psro our I C.',

T ta tia rs ------------ - 23-4 029 \ rn clothing 2 to 6 p m .33 E ast o( ,

d to sso a . "

s o (raiiors.1742 ovos 'I lh in k

paracio &.U«_3-9243. .................. . ................

Ind. 24 lootcontalnod-. 113—Farm i Ranch- ■ '• ~~ — .S u p p lie s ■"

B a iertw ine '., ._ .......... 170 knot streng th , 06

w oanots. Exxon balor twino. M017 pot box. Phono 734-7; c woano7 HARTLEY EOUIPV

ed 'farrow - IH —Farm ImplemerComblno.

’ hours, dual sicklo dfi

•ts G'ood InTornatlon'ai'tICO ow es tor. 3 point. $500, Part 5 pm . • ' aovQralswathot3.625- -— - ' - Hoavy-duty.-quick-mokviT-fl........ lo a d e rrw lth 'S ’ fool fc

high IIM. (Its 75 to 1 no c k ' lay- ![aclpr._Phono_734-^ old. good Hosston niociol 1510 ;-4153, wagon, good o s n o w .:

' !£*'?.Of.*ffl??.-.13Ml9_2^: i( 201 swailior. lioods

$400. Many mlscolla ARMERSl parts.£atl678-6TO5a(lo go( your iH 504 0 tractor, noi

rd up (or now clutch; 48 '’ H. handllno rolovotor; 2 b com o lo Hydraulic rollovor----- -----plOWi-8-MF 3 polnl disRINKLER 3 point mowor; 72" W*^9.’ '___r pull-typo rotary 'shroflEPA IR- now sw aihortra llo rs,-: early . , Abovo equipm ent ca >t Idaho soon a t W atts Mfg. I 733-4013 Joromo, Call 324-8709 a

f - - -------Pi!LOf324^1^50^_. , _*d Inoxp'ono'lvo f la i l '^ o o rlipo choppoL & Jo h n Ooorc tion rake. Ekport Now HortON hay balor r e p a i r___324Y JD 3830 sw athor. 10 it a

ptallorm. with condllli cab-aBd-olrronly-l400hi

od s te e l C»iL3.21t3?69.___ _ _(t. 24” , Masaoy Ferguson 124 ij

$700.326-5470 a d o r 6 pm. ju a tr le s . 4^0. 17 bor oto'------chain, now. $150. Call0- & 12 y 5 9 a lto rflp m _

Now Holland to'46 harr od. Ipdustrlal Ford m

13647 automatic Uo-Call?33-7e

aii. $5.99 You'll i.nd'n'wToTy orinifl

lu s tr le s , o^vory any. Dov_ _ _ _ _ iMo fo.Tdnt ha&t

— — j-}7S -A iitM )6alef8—



r Wl


1 OVERIDS^Oooh or tmdo, *130.40 n monlh. olor reiolna fociery rsbaro.


in k th c iso s o c jd s I p ln n to dw e r o b l a n k s . ” — ..................

inch I 1H -F ann lm p lem en ls

New H eiliiny 2’-v » ld riM 8 vino' ’ balowagon. cab. V8. Pricod h, 0600(001. toSOIL286-7171:459-0561. ' vliio. $22.25 Now Holiand 420 balor. 300 • '■34-7772. aetos.$650 0 .456-2896. ' •JIPMENT No,; Hoiland 1112 d lo ael' " '

s w ih o r . 14 foot auQor p la t- ' ; iinenlS *crm witn conditioner, cob* .

____ and blow er. Call 934-4668. i - - 1NB. 1000 Warned to buy: Oldor. s m ^ I

<>*• Ford or Forguson or Imo .: I.^ 2 8 9 6 . _ tractors. Cash.436-6192.___ . 1lal C trac- 1 g>oln auger, 8 " x 32' w/5, IPartlngoul (,p 3 p h ase motor. 12 ton , ' - I, 8^5-^93. grain tank, ougor syslem (or- ' Ik-mountlng- dbt4?hw ringbone. 324.8938—'l-i-----------1.ol bucket! 1048 s tack waoon. 829-5656. Ito 125 hp 1993 H osslon , 6550 ilko n e w .' ; I

— 1965 Oavid B 990, g o o d '• - I510 honoy shapo. 1979 466 balor. 1981- Iow. Sell or 467 tjalor. runs goc«. Ace-'- I’.52^...... .. packer, bost olfor. 366-2165. I>od»wotk. 1907 New Holland swalhor., • " ' I:ollaneous ie foot hoadora. cab. air.- , I>a«ore diosol. num ber 1116. Call. / ■

now TA,' 4 2 3 -5 9 4 0 ._______________ - ■• Howard jo-' ThlotTol apud bed. bolti- I

bo»otn (joot. e lec siefo door winch. ■or Fotd ' I hp unloading motor. Qood* ■

m f condltion;Cnii<38-88lO ~ ------■24 'h o u V '^ p e r t guaranteed , 1

,rs- 4 « 0 " H S lland ..ond_______ IM «»oy Forgu#6n hay . I

In lnl u balors. Now Holland bay ■ Jm i? .L 2- slackers, nnd Gohl oqulp- • — I?09a(lor5 ga,, eow arda- ■^ ------ 324-5858. ' ________ ;___ ■

282 n 'ow Holland b a ler,.. ■ H/fiinnrt hydroullc tension, good

cond. $1600. Call 537-6737 ■3 good "sw aihe rs , field , Iroady. accep t trade-in. Call,' ■

OO hM «- 8 2 5 - 5 5 9 3 . _____________ ^ ____■403 Inlornallonal combine^ I

iVi h”»iV.r exeolloni condition, alwaya ■l om s to red Inside. Call 487-2922. ■

670 5 bar John-D oero rake. HCau 538- Ca» 88(}-7540 ovonlngs. . ■

harrowb- ------------------ ■ ) ' H115-Farm Work ' ■

33-7827. v^anled ■

irmietoW' W antod: 3 w ide ( ia r r ^ 'b e d IciaBftitiod stacking, ow nor operated, ■Dovoiop 15 yoacs experience. Call ■

GaryTurnorat423-5721. . ■


3 8 ^ J/lONTH .; IVITH : I

38 IOWN j ■


=115 i IINDAY I

T im os-N ew s. Twin Fiills, (dahoC -5

Page 20: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

n ^ F a r m Woric______ _..,.._Wante<J

Atl ty p o s ihroshlno. (<< disc lo r minimum illl, (100. all o tho r ground

' plant, sw ath , balo, coi........... - o roon-chop. loador, rr

tiauliho,' rockplcfier. I Will travol, CALL R WEAVER AT

---------CHEMICAL APPUCATdisk o r ro lle r harrow w without liquid Ion

-------------L E S U E R JONES INC :733-W5aor32W25(

DquQ^ .___________ 328' Cuslom hoylng, awa

balino- ond slacKlng. 733-4 7C2 o r 432-5S17. Custom hool irlfT

• (dairy). Coll 733-5705. Custom ruiy suckin wido o r 3 wido stacking Qall P a u lso n . S43-5M9, Custom haying, swal

Custom hay • t)i_________reaaonflBiD ___ralos ._ .

326-6225 o r 733-7SS4, E lhlnaton custom nays Ing, la s t, dopondablo. ( ty s la ck s . R obert 43^68^ H orblcldo application dlah. low ro tes . Call C oalcs 7Z3-75S* or32MI M inor's ; custom • s u c k in g , will go anm ^ roasonab lo ratos- B25-58: Sw stning, baling & slac^ IS yoors oxpor. 117/ton. Frank A nderson , 733 >62i Sw alhlng a n d baling, Imvcl. CallS3S-2598.

r r r r r r m r B - c u a io m T a ia c K tn g : 2-wldo stockera , 16« lo Call Martin Tilley 4 2 3 - ^

: ________ a R e c r e a t i o n a l


1 2 1 -B o a ts & A ccess.

~ For' sa lo : '18 ft Marlln~ boat. 455 Olds onal

-------- - Borfcolay.iQtdrlvo.733-3SiFor sa lo : 1978 Tatilll, 18

Chov, Panthor jot drI $7000.734-4065 loava mao, For sa lo : Morcury 6 hp c

• board . m o lo r, • runs go Call 768-4865.___________

JUNEBOATOEALS Now Bayllnors and SoaRt

U rg o aolocllon U SED BOATS

P ro p a n d lower unit ----------------- RsbuH ding SAVEBKJI

• Most com plo lo sorvlcodep artm e n t In all

M agic VollovC E N T U R Y BOATLANI

• Twin Falla 733«70 Older 17' w ooden boat, » amall cab in . Excollenllral but no m o to r. <500.. S43<i Soars O am ollshor, IS mot.or. ^AV^ II lo n g u e

> w ide 'and d o o p . with to t ■ ; , trallor & b o a t covor. Ua

onco. B ough t now for $45 will take .S4000.- Call 678*5: or 733-3903._____________

T ~ ^ o a t^ ^ 0 0 ." a 3 7 ^ : '^ '° '^ ° ' ' 14 lool llborB lass bosl, w

irallor, 10 ho ’ Johns motor! M50 'o r% lle r . C a2&-5aS9.- ;•16' Soasw lrl, I b oa rd /ou lboard wilh tralli trolling m otor, doplh flndi

- - • ■ CB. w a s . CatU33.32&8,- 16’ Sllvorlino wlih S5 I morcury. E asy load.lrall( canopy, roady io go.

Soo a t 450 Diamond. 17' H ydrosw llt. SO I Johnson . conopy, nc soals. covo r. S l ^ . Ci

- <23-5068 a fte r 6 pm.------ 17 (I. F iborform Walkalkl a

boat. 140 h p Morcury. Sloo last, m ota l llako llnis Showroom condition. *600 COII678-3038 a llo r 5:30 p.m,

w-FsmM mptmramr-


----------- U S E D S1 - N o w H o l l a n d 11

H y d ro -S w in g 14 fJ2 - N o w H o l la n d 11K

S -P , D s l . C a b . Alr(2 - N o w H o l la n d 910 1 - ln to r n a U o n a l . 27S 1 - N o w H o l l a n d 9073 - N o w H o l l a n d ' l l l f

........ B i g D isc

| N E W I6 N ew Hc

4 2 6 P - T - O T w in o • D i s c o u n t T o :

lOFro«Ooio»c Wilh each puicT

__________ U S E D-{ •N o w H o l l a n d 2661 1 - N o w H o l l a n d 2 8 3 I 1 - N o w H o l l a n d 852

R o u n d B a lo r (Iiko N 1 - N o w H o l l a n d 4 3 0 I

, 2 N o w H o l l a n d (Now;....... — . - a s t r i n g , P -T -Q .....

Z N o w H o l l a n d 1 0 4 6---------------1 -N o w H o » a n d 1 0 6 8 :

no w o n g i n o .......................... 1 N o w H o l la n d I p i a j

O v o rh a u lo d ...............1 N o w H o l lo n d 1 0 6 9 !

-------------- t - « o w - H o l l a n d - 1 0 4 ^A LL BALERS


TWIN PALL! ■........: Sc-;IMPL-EJ


~ P H O N H T

0 6 T lm o s-N o w s, T

•armers'i121-Boat9& A ccei

___ T975 Boylinor.” i7 ' opi3 dooo-tlli ‘nboord oulboard, ’ ill, rouiryund work. 1975 Fiborlorm 18’., corn and Volvo 1.0,. skis, i ir, m anuro good condition,>r. (rucks. 324-8221.___________. RANDY 1075 21 It hordlop2?:______ hydro-sw ill, $7500. 17CATION_a form , eo hp hjorcury, )w wilh o r Evlnrudo 4 Morcury r fortliizor. b o a ts & fishing

NC : _____ T o m 's Marina & Spoi-6250. H oySurrT/Burlby.

1054 M orcodos Boal, swathing, 140 HP. llko now, ;ing. Coll 733-6641 ovo. 734-3005:________ 1985 BasstrocKor.'T>Irlmming hp More, vory good

5;_______ vory nood prico. 055-4;cklng. -2 1087 Bayllnor, 10', 12: King. Call Forco outboord, loadi109.______ ly 15 hou rs In wolor.jwathing. Call 324-8876 ovoa. ^ I cC aftiO t 55JlC;M»fO-i5iCPfO.«im 62. houro, 1950. <702)75" b ^ n a WollsrNV.__________J.__ Coll

122~SportlngG oods

lo. quail' Kiddor slalom wslo ^6SB8 grophito , 65", llko not iQn with 734-3189oflo rS lo inquI ail Miko Pool loblo for salo, ?W974. C o ll536-2189.

. hay- 19S1 Harloy Davidson lywhero, trie golf con wilh I ^5670. >1095^ Coll 324.7464. ilacking,ton. Call 1 2 3 -G u n s &RKI8S•0620. ________ !____________nn will Pof S a lo :.. G uns, hi

s c o p e s .' W hoiosalo -t- [— Cai i o f io rn o a n J 34t0<81 • l o M t ■ M odol TOO'RominGton SB34 ' Now 7mm Magnum — ■ fiold. Widoflold 3X9 a

M H »400 .733-3348 oltor 4 prr Flugar S u p e r Boarcat Ir

nal Inal box. oxcolloni c — • • Hon. -J400/offei;.'- Catl______ 4382 la te ovonlnQ!(.____

R ugor Ronch rlllo. 223 Ithico sem i-au to 12 g<

«.— ■ S8.W 699 soml-auto !734-5526 oflor 10pm

S & W modol 1669, 1 • a ta ln le s s - - stool. - i

nnnino au tom atic , 12 sho l cap: u i5s!« u so d vory |lltio, holslci

m a g sr in o pouch inc, : 'j Jflvo' o ffer. Call ^3-5500.

124-Snow V ehlc ie3good.

^ — 1 25 -T ravel Trailers

jaRoys CUTEI CLEANTnoa'dyli > 1973- 17' Kit Compai

so il>contalnod, gas n nit h o t w ator hoalor, s>ooi «QI— «2995/offor.C all, ,,.326 H'co F o r sa le : 1977 26 fl Iir " tra ile r , roar bodr<

a h o w o r/lu b , $4000. ANU Chovy Suburban . 454 m 70 S1200. S pace 23. Big

RV. Jo rom o . 324-2243,I t'ranor 'Im o lo- call 6 to 9 am43<05>. a fto rS p m _____________15 ho L ayion tro llers& 5lhw hi . tioat S tock ing now &■ usod u soats B u y & co n slg n u n lts . Used BERT HARBAUQH■ S MOTORS INC.

78-5252 W ondoll. Idahodav-536-6323.,536-2416H]

I wilh 1072 2 1 'Kill cam poN n c linson cond ition , vory roasone ^ c l i r <?att^3ft-M7fcTT r - — —

197B 26' Komfort.iravoi In. w /aw n ln a , sloops 5.

trallor Cloan,' $8600, m usi soc Under' a p p rec la te -a t 5284th Avo I ,- J . 4»e3.S«pram«-Sllvor.Strc >5 34'11” . llko now. iwin b( irallor. ro o r ba th . Call 543-4544.

1984 2 4 'Sth whool, Chov d. to n . oxc., $11,995 for boll i s e l l se p ara te . Call733-82t

now 1985 23- Tourist irallor. Call s iz o frldgo. full s i:o boi

bock , s lo o p s 4-6. 1 owl iki ski n o v o r Doon usod. S9000. Slook n eoo tla lo . Call829-5«5. Ilnlsh. 20 ft Froo Splrll, 1878, a $6000. co n ta in ed , sloops 4, gi ).m, c o n d . $3750. Cali 733-2851.

s — tmprgrneni s'

:D HAY IPM EN TS W A T H E R S -1144 f J .................................... $ 4 7 5 01116A ir(l ik o n o w ) ...... $ 1 8 , 7 5 0n o S - P . 1 4 ft............. $ 4 8 0 02 7 5 S - P , 1 4 J t .......... $ 2 9 5 0107 S - P . 1 4 f t............$ 2 6 0 0118 , ( N o w ) 1 6 f t . ......................i s c o u n t O V o I n t o r o s t

B A L E R SH olland (N ew )0 • R e t a i l $ 1 7 . 4 0 0 T o : $ 1 2 , 5 0 0lot onwlr>o.(2l0-5000}Hjichnsa ol a rww balor

a B A L E R S8 6 P -T -O T w i n o . . . . $ 4 S 7 5 83 P -T -O T w in o . . . $ 3 4 0 0 52:o N ow ) ......................$ 9 7 0 030 P -T -O T w in o . . . . $ 7 5 0 0 ow} 5 0 5 H o y B a lo r a...............................2 0 % O F F46 S - P Y o u r P ic k $ 3 9 8 5 68 S - P ^ v o r h a u l o d ^ - " ~ .................................$ 2 7 , 5 0 0

.................................... . $ 9 , 5 0 059 S - P . . ............... $ 2 2 , 0 0 0 _1 » ^ ^ P ............... .$ 1 6 tS O O -:RS H E LD READ Y . -i .. D I S C O U N T P R I C E S A Y e q u i p m e n t .

,LS THACTOH EMENT CO.lAD t w i n f a l l s , id 03301

n T 3 3 - 8 6 8 7

a. Tw in F o i ls , Idofio Friday

' m arket-/:cess . 1 2 6 -C a m p e rs & She!

opon bow.■a, $4400. A luminum frame c ! sholl. for long bod.8 '7 'i2o‘np Can 733:075. 'jackola, Extra room cam por ah W500, Call amall p ickup w/swin

1 eido d o o ro . In good : op Cuddy $50. C all 423-0318 aflor I . 17’ FIbor- insuloiod cam por aho ury. J2995.- door, for long bod PU rymotofs," o>colIonl condlllon. J B lacklo. bosl o llo r. C a ll 786-4311 JportQdS. 10% foot ovorohot ci if^7473.— w lih - i0 7 2 : V;'I577“ C jal, 18’9", so ll-con la lnod . good i ■w. $8495. tloh, 54250. 078-7240 diDO^Bys _ 07M M 7 oyqnlnga.___

7X17, M 10’ ovo raho t campor. 5 30d cond, ovon. fu rnaco . pon-a- i5-43ll. hydraulic (ac lis. now i l25M orc>adod. on- 12' sull-conM lnod, lor. $6J00. con'd llion.$1200. 734-70

...... .....8 ' c am p o r. siovo,■Imaiely 5- -elnii,— luroACO,— ico ?)752-35§flr )ol:k57{70jir-f23-E0B8ain

loo i com por lor...................H.19 hydrnulic jacks, oi\Hs oach c o rn o r . 3 b u rno r:

_____ walor tank . Coll 837-448(ator ski. bojoro 8:00 a r r i .______now. Call 8^‘ It cobovor cai iqulro. -iioopa 4, o o o d -co n d lo, $750. $a50._CalI 324-5323.

________ 'lo o t S p o ri King ciirion oloc- Fully A ull-con lalnod .. n Irallor, oloclric. rofrlgoralor. II

burnor s tovo wilh ovon ' walor ho a lo r, lun

qooon-sizo bod . Llko ' musi SCO lo approc‘“hn'lVns' J30W ‘Of Ollor.

“ I K .3W B72. _________..9Joot-K!LC.ompanlon,_i

ion BDL.- oiio ii-o ioopo- o.-w nh-jiim n ^ . Call324-7314.__________9 a c o p o . --------------------------- -------I pm, Why ko ep It wnon yoiI tV o ^ i^ ""O'* Solk'l Wll,1 rnnrll '"Oxponr.ivo ClaSS:ail 423- ad. Call 733 0020

a rc T T : 175-A uto D ealers ■! o«uflo: _______________________

9mm;)pm____ 1

- somk-


iy logo. ipanlon,

ioopa.6,326a02t - ^ .....................................: impaia ;Qdroom,

1974 ( moior.Ig Troo 13, Boalam and f l

wiioola.d unlls. ^

r - ^I6h}v03.?3..l00l, , __________

in good onabio.

voTTrlrf5. vorySCO to '»vo.ES t re a k y ----------- -• bods, •

bom or

lull _bod In m mownor.00. Will

' 8 1

r m iiUX T C O U P E

50 8 - 0 7 0 .........30 F W D S T A T lJO 8 - 0 8 8 .........]o 4 X 4 S T A T IC

8 - 1 1 1 ........., L _ F W D ..S T A T I(

n 8 - 1 1 2 ............4 X 4 S T A T IC

Q 8 - 1 1 4 .......0 F W D 4 D R . :_ 8 - 1 3 6 ..........

F W D 4 D R . ‘§ - ----------8 ^ 1 5 8 - . . . . . . .0 F W D G L S T□ 8 - 1 6 1 ..........0


=1 I

Jay, Ju n o 10,1988

■Automoishells 127—Molor.Homes

“ NOW "RENTmor'a” ' I campor lo o l— Tnivolir>n«lor- od. Good hom o. Call alio/ 5:30.-07M. (lolallg. 734-0133.____■r a'holi ior Tow dolly. 3 now 10' iwing out tiro s, hoavy duly, Dd snapo. lighls. chromo spokoHor5.~___ c overs . Call 543-5626.aholl wim 1970 Tiooo, 22%’" ' PU truck, m llos. 400 ongino; AC

n. $200 Of a n d on roof, awnlr 4319. - w indow s, aloops 5. ]

Caji 423-5430. — Ch'oiyT 1985-'SoulhwTnir“ 2B od condl- b ^ a u ii lu l lC ^ l^ ^ ^ S i .0 days or 2S'_ 1973 avco, good___ ____ fiborg lass body, oil \or. Slovo, tra s , now radlals, 324-: n-a-potly. -------------------------------jw uphoi- i2 f l-u tlli (y Trailers

J, nood 2 w hool Kghi slock or4-7014 _ irallor. $375. 8 It. x Q ovon^ hoavy duly irallorCQ box' insldo/oulsldo 5aHor'(T^ wiiec|s75275rOatlS52-J!lo'r ’ salo' ^ il X 6 il pickup box5, ono on !!2!Lor.,,wilh!lo{;la,324-:'o;®'®''®- 'ti-»ar,5ifio0^dvni1.S.ng44B0 „ , i 5, oofTloono WOljIO________ iV'Call 733 0G2C


campor. Autom otiveId ., gas- IT. throo _ • ivon, hoi ^lurnaco, iSl-^^Auto Service

Iko new. - . proclatol Autoropalri lor. coll Engine rebuilding

____ - c a l l Ron. 734-2430

[rS t " T S Z - A u l O T s l .” • - _ Accessories

yoiT’no A good Dodgo PU. si 1 wim an outff l»anml:lassiiioo s lop -sldo bod. good

PU, $250. Call 543 M28^


$ 1u


'E D L 5 s p d



TION WAGON 5 s p d

IO N W A G O N D L 5S )

SEDAN DL (auto)




I •

tiv es l32-Aulo,Parts4a-T9-88-27 .. ^<=9°»°rlos.r - - m o lo r _ -a— vn-ccKod-r19& 30 pm lo r Rogoncy Qrougham---------------Injoclod V-6. 32.000IO” Big O cnglno. ffoni drive 1 ly. . w ith pood,Coll324.8938 Iko w h o o l Com w ite c n rii lo r ■

----------- ongino w/727 Irar47.000 50,000 ml. 326-5966 0 '

NEWaPEBUILTP 5?, ni?n Dlacount pricos, ii

- S i’ .OOQ. onglnos and .kils. I . 30 Auio Paris. 734-7012B Tool. Vi/anlod: Non-Lipj______Chrysler products l<od c o n d , havo largo supply ' I lho o x - lor 3alo^Cail_73^72£

10-7W' Moyors plowj Full assem bly wit

} lighis- Fils Ford,--------- Dodgo. Now, "Buyo r utility oil" Call 726-3011 X 10 It TonyorBoau.

■ Irum o, igg, Honda Civic. Ir lo d u a l tot.Hio,(J._DM>0_1500.

and -iransmlaslon. : 5x utilily b03tollor^Call_324^6

3' apd _F ord irans. 6 ng dtdn'i H'ural shlllor.' olho0 invont pari8,Sooa13168lh>>

350 Chovy onglnos.___ ovorhaulod^ ot usod.

avallablo. • i HlohwBy30Garng6 7

' 351 Ford Ciovoionc----------- • cond..$300,,Call324-5----------^ 360 Ford ongino '

upood iransmlpslo good condltlon. ^3-6f e Miclioy Thompsor

nal bollod • 35x14.5 llrotI3§; 734-2931,.............------------ 400 Ford ongino & ira----------- -r«lon;—h c a r - i l run.

. 2 324-4552or324-27 .. 8 holo 16.5 rims wMf

slam 6 $100. Call 537-6950. n isslo n . ■^ p o r i s i33_AutosWanted'

175-Auto Dealers

mu M


..........$10,479........ $ 1 0 , 4 7 9

T . .......... . ^ 1 0 , 4 7 9

! b r - ; $ i o , 4 7 g

............$ 1 0 , 4 7 9

!....................$ 1 0 , 4 M

. . . . T : 7 r : : r d i M 0 i 4 7 9

. 1 ! ! ; .......$ 1 0 , 4 7 9

I MO^ L l-S A V E I ■ , - I:

135-Cyde!SSu[---------J------- BN4W~ii00 mo'loVi1986— O lds sa le. 1982, 9000 rrlam 98, fuol 423-5040._________lOO m llos on joiq . Kawasakiro train still Ca ll654-9292. _- - - -— - For sa lo .....2 Hoor 400 cu n xL500n,only2C00(Tans, only xL250R,only4800i

____ . Call......629-51■ i'75 Kawasaki irj

, inciudino $150. Call 637-0166,^70W® 1972" Yamaha 250'

lon-runnlng ovonlnj

--------or 733-3402oMor5:30

^Jit'h Dllfwnnri Sllvorhawk. Low luy 0^ 0 o? Q??:".aw;J6_25,Ca!17 1 a sk for 1981 Yamaha stiool

165. 3,000 mllos, mli . Iront ond !‘°0-.?5OO, C a lin 3 .« ioo o na lno ’ 98' Yamaha YZ4C 1 $350 or flfoat; faal, loli” ol 1^610, ?ZPO_' • ■ ■.•.•JJ.','

6 cyl w7 1982 Yamaha 400 Ihor m isc Only-850-m llo3;-W Ih Avo N. S 8 9 5 ,^ 7 3 J-2 3 J0 ^ 18.' robulTt’ t983 Honda: 1100 ( od. o lh o rs m agna. .11,000 mlli

cond ., $2100. 768-320; 16 734-7094 1963 Husqvarnn 5 land oxc Call 734-4206.;4-5103;___ 1983 Monda-Xfl-roi:) "wilh 4 shapo, $450.534-5391. sion, In 19S3 Q dyssos 250. oi 3-6828._ _ condition. $850. M4; 5; son Ba)a. 1980 Honda ATV, 4 i Iroa. Call trallor, llko now, only

24 Mojjrsj:ali_324-41_2! iranlim ls- 1986 XT 3M Yamah;

u n .--$450.- d u r a r S i m 423-4302c 1:2724 1S80'/2’ b w YaiBah# 2( vllh tiros, uach. Call 324-8876 OVI________^ 75 Yamaha (150. Runa

$400. Call 324-4949.<1 ' '9 2 'Y2 490, oxoolJonl ______ ___ mnny oxtras. $075.734

175-Aulo Dealers

4 2TO $262MMi> 8 C

' .9:00------ ---9.00 c9.00 , &9.00 —39.00 *


Supplies l3& -H eavyE quii

}lo(cvclo lor Usod bacK-noos0 mlloa. Coll lo rao le . Coll43Qj);____________i966"UTlLitY REIsakl 550 LTD. Ihofm ai King un____________90"-slidof-sldo dornonda 'a cap riC00mls.s950' - O r a k o s - s p o t to sBOO mis. $800 firm. Call 208-756-3S-517B . — r ~ ---------

Iran biko, 139—Pick-UpTnji

5 ^ - p ^ " H oavy'duty pickui full sizo pickup.

0 ollorr-Call -b-QTo d " rnou-mbd-raclis, $350. Extra 1

500, block, for (ho aldo a lso , ■33-6MI days 423-4540 allor 6 0

(Bornio'o Parts & R1 400CC igso Chcvy 't I'on.

S itS S " -ool'biko.SR 1057 Chovy pick mini eondl- good . *050 or tji

C all423-0339.rZ465...funs __I ol oxiris.

,175-A uloD ealersbo Maxum.

0_________}0 CC. 'V65 Hmllos.

______ K.K500

1988 CHI1. oxcolloni Z3335 5 Speed f 34;:_5391. And Much, MucI:4 x T w iih I

only ridden ' !

S -T n -. ' NOW-l02oYosr7-r: COHPAi 1"” "'""' PONTIA




' ^ o H l B n a i n

5 SUB734-886

■ , ■ ■-

115-11uipmeol l39-Picl<-UpTmi7 S loaders 1963 W ion GWC-,■^767______ trac. porfoct molEEFER SB1 now parla. groat bj unlt-46 '0" X o rb o 3 tollor-Call4^ door-80% on il&e V* lon campoi

rubbor-now Ford. 352 ongino. i35 -S 22 :ooo exc.-'condliion. TJD t-3745. Coll 734-7051 altor 6 1“"■* ^ 19E9 Chovy ion n i c k s ' o^for^CsN 9M-40a0 0-----------r - - - - 197-2 .ChVvy v i ion(UP rack (lis ap^od, $550. 54

„ ja72Jarg .F lS 0 .R U .a";o $75 Call 1974 Chovroiol 1 lon

d r 829-5920 chassis, oxcolloni , Roppir)” _ lion. Call 733-0836,1.' Qobd ryn- 'OM Toyota , lon

o ood bod. r>lckuo. body in gooi . . 543-6051 has moior out nooc

k’ nn 'f i i n ' '^ookod up, $1200 Or hn“ i nllor 'O'’' Soo lo approcl;

734-1953 allor Com.

irs 175-AutoDeaiars

5oiclflEVROLETSPECTRUd Manual TiansJinssion, 1.5 Liter Eng icIiM oie' Rciail Value Sr.JMS 00



i H l i H !. )

) 0



lABILi O _______________

139 .r..:TROY _ RAYMOND'..:

S oSnS ford/ body. $500 . ~ONE PRICE-

■ SALE -g rC pm. lon PU. bost580.0^3^ . yo u r CHOICE tl9 M • -

. 1979 Buick R o g a l'0; »300922dr........ : ........... «1W5-EU^Z95-Q f------------laaaO ldaO m oga-------------------) . . . .3 2 6-5168 i320242dr......................$ 1 0 »I ion cob and I860 Honda A ccord. lloni coftdi- t301854d r......................*1985

loor ^ o s io i-* :roclaio C all] *301822dr.......................rociaio. uaii , ,(|8, C h o v y C I U i t i o n . - -

' ■ ■ ■ —— »320332dr......................$1985; .;. 1975 Chovy C-20 4 .

----------------- 1401704x 4 .................... $1885- ;•a rs 1981 C h o v y C a p r l c o 'j : .;

*390364dr......................$19S5.. '■----- i078PontlacG randPr(x

»301842dr......................* 1 W , •. _ ig78D odgoD -150Suporcabu

1401554 x2 ............. . . . $ 1 9 8 5 , :

. A YOUR CHOICE $2995 '^ W H l978ChovyC-10 •

/4 0 J6 5 4 X ? ....................S2995 .S I I I U I ^ I '- 1978GMCC-10 ■ — -n U M H 140154 4 x 2 .................... t2 9 9 s : :E n g in e .^ ! 1984 Chovy Impaia ___•; •

I3903g4dr......................<209?. '■ 1 9 7 9 C h o v y C -1 0 - ._ ^ ' !

1490074x4 ............. '...$2995 -..I960 Ford T-bIrd

• »301652dr..............,______ __________ ■ 1081 FordCour le r • • __

X ...... .T rr3 2 9 9 3 _ '': 'P T ■ 1973 GMC % ton

1401484x4 ....................*29®?!:;-

K S lSCCC H 1983Ford E scon ; .J d D J f301432dr......................$2905.. '

• -1979 Ford E-150-------(40 l44van ......................$299?.,.

1976 Je e p Chorokoe ‘1401244x4 .............,..$ 2 9 9 5 ’-:

l960H ond«A ccord■ I301453dr......................*2995-. •

■ ^ ^ ■ 1 1984 Plymoulh Horizon ’I ]-I301524dr____ ______ 12995- . ..

■ ■ ' i964ChevyCovaliof ■I3 0 l9 3 4 d r ......................$299$: ;

1984 Morcury LynxI32055w gn............$ 2 9 9 '

■ ■ le s iO id sC u lla s s ......^ ^ ■ 1 ' . *320292dr'......................$2996 '.

. iSSS D odgeeO O E S '.-:.;;- '#32030 4 d r ........ ............. $2995.;

B YOURCHOICE$39ftS:: ;! :•‘ '1983GMCS-15

1420404x 2 '....................$A 9 5 -._ . I • 1985Chovylmpa1a.-i- •

* »390384dr......................$3995-;1979 Intomalional Scout,2 ‘‘ •

........ ............. . . i4 Q 1 2 3 4 « 4 .... ........ . . . . ,» » 9 t f ; ' ,1983 O lds Omog« • •

I301504dr......................$3995', 'I 1985ChevySpirlt'-<»''I. •

»301382dr......................« 9 « ;• I. 1980 Olds C utlass

’ I301744dr......................$3995'•.1984 Morcury Lynx '

132061 wgn ....................$399»",1B84FordMusU»nfl- .

t3 0 l9 6 2 d r ......................t3W5-.;1979 Ford F-150 •

#401424x4 ....................1984 Ford Tem po .-».»• ». •

»30 l834dr.......... ' . • , , . . . n 9 » :1984 Ford Ranger ;

_______ >490064 X 2 . . . . . . . . . .,$ » 9 & :

*490054x2 ....................S390fi. '1980 Cadillac Coupe devm o

J______ _»301(i6.2 dr., . M W /1963 ForoT em po-^ '

» 3 0 1 4 2 4 d r .....- .; ........ $3M5^: “


YOUR CHOICE MWS 1984 Ford Mustang

» »30160-2dr......................*4996.l984FordR anger

149003 4 x ^ ....................*4995:r • 1985 Ford EXP

» 3 0 1 8 9 2 d r .. . . . ............ »499» -1686 Ford E scort - S . ;

»30l33 2 d r ....................■1981C hevyC -20 ''^*"- 1

-I401564y4-............. . . .» 4 9 9 S -------- *1966 Morcury Lynx '* 1

I301982dr-.....................*4 9 «1966 Ford E scort 1

130135 2 d r ......................*4995, 11982 Ford F-100 « •

■ ' ^ ' ' '* * ^ M 2 Ford 'M M ’ !»4015I4X 2....................$4995 . |

1984 Pontiac Flero ■r301B02dr....................;$ 4 9 tt I

1083 Chovy Celotfrlly - |»301734dr......................$49% ■

1984 Ford F-250 I______ _ J 4 0 i e U i 2 . _ _ _ -------$4909---------

' 1979 Ford Bronco _ I‘ (400684 x4 ....................^ 9 0 ^ .

1984 Ford M ustang i I301242dr......................$499? I

N 1986 Chevrolet Celebrity - rJ n »301614dr...................... $4995 IJ J l981JoepW ogonoer .y 1401064 x4 ....................$4995 ■

1965 Nlssan-Datsun P u l s a d ■»320372dr......................$499& ■

YOUR CHOICE $5995 J ______ • 1936DodgeColt _ _ ■

1967Ford Escort . r 1»3908 2 d J ......................,$599? |

1984M ercuryCougor ^ Z134035 2 d r ......................$S9{&. I

1985 Ford Tempo.............................H #320464dr......................$5995 ' ■

1985FordTomp<k ■I340334dr...................T$5e95' Z

--------- ,.i9a3_CtdiLiacS«vino- -1.. - v,..,»34023 2 O r.. .- . ..............$59W- . g

YOUR CHOICE $7995 T •1986 N issan'A ton ~ “

*401184x2 ....................$799T ' M;• 1985 Chovy S-IOBIaior r S

♦40164 4 x4 ................... *7995- • I1984Ford F-150: - m-

- - ..........#420464-X4- : . ». 1984HondaAccord ~ ■ .W 130139 4 d r ......................J 7995 ■

----------fo w F o rae ro n c o ii— . “ I :»420434 x4 ................... t n » . -

t984FordB roncoil - V ’1401534x4 ................... J79S5*’ ■-------- —»450044x4 ................... $7995- ■

-------- — riB8ffChOTy€«Iob71ty -------#301924 d r ..................... $799J ■ '


--------------7 3 3 -5 1 1 0 ^ ' T ■= = = 4 ^ i? 4 3 e n /« u k o 5 B f v a — ---------- - * 7

Twln Fails ' ^ ■ J '

“ m -

175-A uto Dealers

Page 21: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles


}r sn io ; Farm trucka. ' 5lorloft,-.T.F..^:aU-ni-63l

itasaJ'oa. 733 0026

I. ira —A uto DeaJera


^ B & S ^

- ' ■

!:T ' I ::.r '19B3I■ ' • ' ■ V-a^nginc. Auiofiulic Trai; I JORB.. . . . . . '■ I ii0 S 7 H m D R JU iS B t

I ■'5 Speed. AM/FM CasMilt.'

I ; 1 3 M CHEVROLET 3/4

I . ‘‘ Speed. LowMildS........t : I ^983CH EVR0LET3/4

___H I ^Ataomalic Transrnigipn. A

n ■' I 7E2tiie£iFn()inc----------

II 1977 JEEP W «S I ICARSaI ...... '~1i'il-5TCtnnirvmce!,T.twa( I ...... ^ 1 9 8 8 CHEVROLET CA'

I ... ,A!|!o'™licTiananission.Ai

I .............Trsnanisyoo. Al

__ll f'Cruisc ControL....................

■ I 4 d » 5 PONTIAC PAR»E1■ II 1 9 8 8 OODGE OMNI SE[


| ; . I . I L F O R D ESCORT SE





: H i i

I Ai_ W -------. - , v ;


— l - ^ l — lH lk S D IR E C ]

. ' I K * Placod undor. tho he

I d t i 'r ; . 'Y o u r ad will reactI * fam lllos ovoryday i■ ■ •• • r r e su l ts will s m u e y

___ M .._ _____ today-aniL ono.otou■ ■ « »« ly Ad-VlBOrs wlfT h■ _ - w ord your ad so- lh.■ I t - ; bo m ost oKoctlvo ai■ ■ v . r ’- y o u lho roaulle ) I looklr>o *or.»v

I J r 73W931

I r“—TO5«mgrI iv --S iM ifiiiH I

. I iS ^ s o f i & Parker Aul

»:& Custom Painting, ■ n i .w o rk • roasonablo. I Wl '" T r a c y 629-S306ovonlniI

I 9 *-:RBmodeNng, repair & I - B . .ilnfl. Frpo ostlriBloo. •

I' I ? ’ " | | 's i n c e 1978. All kinds t I lool»*cart)ldo.215em,


CallSlovo I . . 4 ^ 7 0

I M 7 J K L - I I I J .■ 'WmMak■ . .

^ i^ .'D ollvorod for ' onvt

fiauV*'u>o!^''*C«'i'/'’ N ^ I C nno& R lgg lno .73> i;

■ ■ .

u t o m o t f cSem i's 140-H eavyT rucks/Sei

13. 1645 1972 Intornational 1i-6368------ b od . g ood 9W Knai

It all'' s to c k rack. 73.000 n Call 733-5347.

i ^ A ^ i o Dealers

3 GNTC JIMMY:TraninimiDn $ 4 ,9 9 5 0 t E T R 1 7 C K 5

“ .....I:....S6,595K3 /4 TON 4X 4

$ 9 , 3 9 5 0 c'3 /4 TON 4X 4m. AifCondilionmn= = = ^ « 4 i 9 9 5 « i

tfA B O N EK ......... , $ 2 , 9 9 5 “

C A R S ^ O A B SBERETTA6TAif Conoitionino. Cruiso Conlrol.

w. m Miici;— ^ 1 0 ; 6 9 5 0 QCAVAUER SEDAN

n. AifCondilionmo . 5 8 , 4 9 5 0 0iAND AM SEDAN........................n. Air ConflitioninQ., , , ^ , 2 9 5 0 0

SIEHHESEDAH S 9 , 1 9 5 < ®

.........S5,995MSEDAN ............. $ 5 , 1 9 5 0 0

jw sE D M : * 4 , 4 9 5 0 0

rSEDAN.... $ 2 , 9 9 5 0 0

ELTA88S£0A^ * 2 , 9 9 5 0 0

lUSSSDPBfMF $ 1 , 9 9 5 0 0

EBBIRD $ 1 , 9 9 5 0 0

S E E) E D C H U R C H M A N


® e Vih.NIDiDIII

n s E ■R IECIALTY' I .ECTORY g •3 heading of | Rolo. pov

a trim, mall. ■ Call Tony

Dach 22,000 b . Froo ostin»y and tho ■te you. Coll ■ .f (jur trlond- g(T KSTp you ■r lh a t l lw l l l -0 and bring ■a y o u 'a r o g

■ naIS3 9 ■

m MOWING■ -FalrPfleo:

. ^ ■ Ron Yales Auto Body ■ig . Quality ■ lie. Phono " inlngs | -

■ Kolly Lee'i■ Oualllyv

__________ J Reason

T fT paJnT I)&. 1S y rs . m ..42X 3S3 ■


® Sprinkler n . ■ tions. GNC

----------------- M ------- JofAlIanG(

—ds sew s & _ ■ B t T T ]e m ,n . . r ■

iNG 2’ B Unt>«iloyaO

■ SLowlneor■ O&TPAJi

m v o W ^ — ® — ----------------You tta ri , ■ ---------pnmtrriffTiiv

'iorthw M Jf, ■ years expof »-1234/ ' ■ RqIs .C0!I73

■ .m m m m m m r n m i


Seinl'3 I i4 0 -H e av y Tm cks/So'tii T on tlut 1B6S Int. 1G00 truck ' :naptildo aluminum cargo box.) mllos, transm ission , now rub

lo w '’m iles. Illioolo. 1 _______ tiros. S3100.73W532.

19M Mack 220 Cummirr: spood , 2 axlo. TUI lowbov. 326-59SaallorSc

t l975 iniornatlonal 4070 tn 13 spd . rocont ou t of In major. 20 ft co'mbina

_ __boll.—motoiHolsl. Also. 20 It pull tr( w /ldontlcal bod. Call 1520. 733-3312 (Evort 734-3e76(OinyDon-s). 197S 2Vi ton with 390 mo 16 It Stool bgd. Call 320-4

■ j t t 197S Peterbllt 10 wf J B S j cabovor wIVi sleepe r. 1

screw . 13 spd road ror trans, air powor a s

> '• 1 1 sleoring . '350 Oolrolt/I^ 9 _thnD_30,000_roLop_cpmp.

ovortiaul. Last 5 yr top. H H a v a il.-20' R oss siloaoo.i ■ m i m ountod, llvo chain lloo

-additional tail g a to s (boo' olc). Can bo so t up for nuro', no boaters. All

U l l good condition. 43S-S610 1976 TImpto rofor 42 I trallor, therm al king u 11-24.S radio. Call 543-629!

.1978 Ffoiflhtllnor BV92. .n n apood . cabover,-4S fl. d |0 0 deck hay trallor. 30 It 1

irailor with dolly, 43 It d dock tra llo r.C all 324.7148.;oo ----------------141~Van3

1978 Dodgo 'c o rgo 'yT n .' ; m . : l>oxrTi'aods—ongm o-w c

JlSOO/olfor; 543-45W aflor

n : 142 -Im portS po rt8C ars

- ■ MUSTSELLTHISWEEK _C lassic_ ‘73 240Z. runs a

looks groat, custom Inlorl

“ M in l m if r n 'b ld ^ ^ S ^ Valloy 726-8309. koop trylni

n n Sporty 200 SX-XE NIssi oxc. cond .. AC. AM/I

-ato roo . 19a7 .-low .m i..t» S10.300-for you S9990. 7

QQ 6539 or 733-6610 (Nazareno

0 0 175-A uto Dealers

1 1 590

M _ 1 9 8 8 C H E V R d L Inn /3 f 7 6 'A W 7 F M '5 f^

Transmission. All-Seas Much, Much More! Rota

1 n o w $ 8

3 CON PAULO ■1 PONTIAC &m 3 2 g o o - -


1 —^ m i I ■I

..................... H Z I ppower rako. cloan up,,- _ o nalntonanco. hauling. I 3ny or Slovo 734-3322. ■ stimatos. .■

* ’ fr

-- --------------■

_________________ I ‘o

M M M M I -I

"RELIABLE'' !NQANDYARDCARE ■ ■icoalExcolfontW orkl ■ ■ les............736-0870 TF J ■

I .I _■ Ro■ rak

lO 'aU w n Sorvico * '° ‘‘ lywofk. Froo o sts . ■ sonablo. 734-9124.

- I

• i ■}r ropalr and Instalia- ■5NG Sprinklers,- ask 1 Gomo2,~324.ir04;------ g ------- --

■ ,T.

m n n r i ^ m^

---------- ------ ---------------1 -------- Tro

■ . .rorr MCI

mO/0 Sen io r C itizen . ® eomoD lacounisI ■ ’AJNTINQ32*-e805^ ■

|. ® Qua I prici


r i i t i io o T m tr o i i r T o - '- J --------^por. Froo.osllmate. ■11733-4543 ovos. . 'p • • •

■ ■ ■ ■ p H m-m ■ I

;oiTii’s I 142-lm portSportsC aj:k wllh 1971 BMW2002,”now or5x. 5X2 clutctj and irana. oxc. (rubber, tion. » 00Q. Call n4-216^ I. new Toyota, runs

clean , good buy. Call. n 734-34IG, ovonlnoa.

Tj hod '*870 Datsun 210 HatchrOom . runs^groat, J800 or bo

^ to r.g aU ______733-ca47-0 truck, AlUanci. cloan, if frame wim»M301).Cali324-aii:

’ 9SS Chrysler ‘ Laso J t?nFof - cp o o d r tu ro o -A C T P S ,11 7 “ Uto locks i Wine Inrto^* ’ 'o roo casao tto dock voriuiv, oxcolloni c---------- llOfi-Call 733-3159. _j n n i s '885 Ford ' Bronco ll' — 734-iOOO Idaho Bank a T„ f.!fn 1987 Ford EXP, 5 st

l-Ol- multi-port fuel 1 ^r?iM 'Ion. PS . PQ, tilt, cruiso

ni?MMS arn/fm tapo, aun rooi. ?m« nm W heels, roar dotog.-201

tua i-m i. G yro loll-on r .n h « rt ranty. ontJ lt'3 sharp! ? i ^ r 5 t h i s PLUS A COMPI

SERVICE, now tiros fo »ront.- FOR- ONLY-J?

All In ThafaJSOO bolow book.810 H am illon M oto rs,7 looi 221 4th Avo E, GoodlrB i J n i l .______ 034:478_2_Mlko_,8295. <31 R'abbll DIO'92 13 oxtra . m'1 droD com pression gauoo. > it oun adjusting lool. J2700 tott

(I drop all. Call 324-5103- ____148. ‘78 VW t:us, good cc

' ' now brakos & sioroo. nt ongino. J1250. 788-J

__N ood t}umpor-‘74 VW Pu;


______ A Sharp 1985 S-10 Bia■ 45.000 ml. 1 ownor. 5 :

ars V.6...J10.500, firm. Soc______Nat-Soo-Pah.'655-«337.

. Rofl 1960 Boio Bug, AM 18 ano casso tto . roll bar. tou i;g:

WantodT U50d"3/4'ton 4 PJckup. 400 or laigor mo Coll 423-5619 or 423-685:

iM/hM 423-6281. Oan or Val, ..bookI. 734- C;ill Cl.-lSSIhOO. /33-00eno) Wo’to rcaay wnon you .I'o'

I ^ A u t o Dealers

» O K !l ) L E T B E R E n A 2 D 0 0 Ricfco ratiro, i bpetiT M a'm ui Season Slcal Belled radi.i!s. And Retail V aiu cS ii.179.00B, 9 9 5 0 0[OS CHEVROLET & GMC TRUCKS

Paint Inlfft.oxt. fencos. Froo- oslimnlo. Coll 733-5476.

fnt/oxt. Spring cloan-up. Expor. Froo ostim atos. Sr. ,

“ dIoc7M i M’Painir733^024:----- 1I

. _________ _ . IDICK'S PAINTING. 30 yrs 1 oxp. Int/oxt. resldonilai. I com m ercial. Rofs. 734-7310. |




Rolotlliino and .powor lawn ! raking, will do gardens & I lols. 733-5792. Arnold Mein.

___________I_ - . ----------------

■ I I

■lliMiilMliM i__________■ _____; _

- jlM ^S T R E E A ^W N CARE— I Troo and sh rub trimming. ■

-fand3cafHngr<3all-734.57l».— ■I

^ ________________ ___ I.T ro Q _ l_ a h ru b _ io p D ln g _ i_ «rom ovni._ ffOO . osL__ jQ t tn _ "McBrldO, 733-0939, 734-«365. |

' ' ■

fSst< rr*froo“ 4*YBrd'Ca'roI J Quallly work. Reasonable I arlcos. Froo e s i ___734-1326 | |

, ... — .....-■ IIroo Spraying ®PpatC ontro l -■

734-1724 ■■

■ ■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ - I

^ 1 4 5 - 4 X V S & A T V S ongino. 1977 Docigo Pow er W :. contii: x lub_c ia3_A T ...E S^C 162-_ lov< mlioaoo. S1300 0

Qooii Irado lor cargo var>. C I ■ or Ford. Call 73^2851.

io>V'*T D odo j’4x4; "il c liback, AT. PS . PB. sto rco . cr boot ol- running boards, ci17__ v»hpjils,; oxc 11/03,n~*funs 'r i6 c h .c o n d .i^ 3 4 .« ^ ' 413 1 978 ’*T Dodgo 4x4, 31--------- i AT. PS, PB. sto roo . cr

a in n ln g _ t5 a a .£ ls .- .c i it^dowa' " f ’oois- o»c llroa. ek wltn ^ “ g^'^hlcaicond. 734-8

condl- Aovortiso whoro find roady buyofs

»: c i i l c 'assltiod.

s p ^ o d . 175-Auto Dealers

so . AC,

i l t t S -r THfi- W i JI3 . - O R 'I J !S s 1988'SUBAJr r STATION wc ------:1980 DODGE3lazor, TONMI 5 s p d . i i £ £ L i J i £ £ 2 i _ ^ _

1983 TO YOT ”,™ TERCELo llo r «n°°M 'iia.ii:k

i981 CHEW c-10 4X4

353 o r P i tk u o . V 3 , 4 s o o o f l . ni


------ — C o a maiaH*e,M>ocai-wi

^983 FORD■ RANGER 4X4____ ? iono D.nm. e cy l. 5 sp


- -ftoto. nir. POwOf .-.lerJrtnq


■ A/c.' S r.DOOd - -

1963 CHEVY9 1/2 ' OVERSHOTNico ComDO

■ T974L1HC0t ^ MARKV

1985 VW . GOLF

4 obor. 5 f,pi?od

1985 TOYOTA TERCELAuto, .icr ■

- 1985T0Y0W H C0R0LLA-__—• - Aulo. sioioo. Irom whoei 1


■ b ro u g h a m • All lho loyi

-JL IggS DOPGE■ C O N V E R S tO M n^ Ciirpol. cftJitS. couch. .Ifl I

a 1987MERCU1 a GRAND MARQU■ Londod. 10.000

f 1981 MERCUI ! COUGAR XR-7m ^S^|vo^m)lnlIjc^in^no^_

■ 1987 DODGE■ CARAVAN LEI Pow or^inaow o^jock ;^

U', 1980 FORD■ LTDS 1978 FORD■ PICKUP 4X4a 1987 TOYOTA

CAMRY STA W■ A/c. lowrmlo!;.-i-spq.iiuioi

; 1987 TOYOTA■ VAN 4X4■ UndofS.OOQOmJnf;

■ 1987 SUBARU■ GL 4X4 WAGO

:i985 FORD STI ■_ 4X4-E=150___a 1987 TOYOTA i TERCEL_____

. __ .S-O t—a u lo . a f —S k - J i - a a S -

! 1978 FORD Z GRANADA■ SruifD. low mjlof.

! 1985 EAGLE■ LTD 4X4■ Slalion W.ifUMi, lojllujf

\ A/ I r MC: W LLS 15^ - r o 3 - s o o t SHOSh

140-14s 145 -JX 4 's4A T V s .

W agon. 1977 Blazor, 4 x 4, V- _ClUlSO.. .PS^Pn.J3500,Cnll734. ] o r will. 197BFord Bronco. S333». Dodflo y a ^ A i^_._,............ 3:’-•-vVT.d ’8 ^ Chovy 4X4 V^'to . 360 V8. PS. now ongino. now , chrom e now Iront ond. 12 '

cuatotTi warranly transferab le 1, _gooa .many .bllia m uat aoll.y „•.___ ovof paym ents. .Qo, 360 V8. l:30-2;3apfn. 320-3304.■ WO Joop " w ogono; ■ ooo r,-?-w orfcck :i.u r

350 va. AT, PS . PB, radlals. cloan and in

you'll co_nd,J995.Call837.61D 5 - In 1972 Ford Ion PU. 4

cpd, vory sharp . 733-90



>TA i j jg g g j

— r g JM fliI. nico slotoo

r $549! k 649!I spa

$11,99i™ $7991 $579i $749i


.$5695 $5795

iei Orivo $5890 L $12,995 1 ^ 1 8 7 4 9 5

gj $13,995 T ‘ $2995■o

L $13,995 $2395

. $4995WGN $11,495ulom.ilic ■ "

$13,995 ION $9890“ $W95iKOOlS’


, ^ O T O R C O M P A N Y .

O Y O T A - J c c p ^ E a g l e


C/3C. v-8. AT. ■

s r - . « g ;..321^5188 O o ton. AT, O J ■IOW12 mor'Ih ' blololl. Tako. Qotwoon ^ H I H

o}noor. 4 2 ™5 u t - r u c ? r - 'C C - C

Sm r ;.GIES. _ U U -C

M l g : I S2"S t u =

0 -|cW S si t ^ f

9595 ® i | 95

i | f 15 U ||i |5a ® s .15 • S| 15i . S i :|§ Mi '5|5 2 ^ Qci s


5 a s5 { g l i5 3 1®- S S a

5- - M o e

5- Z g ; a -5 U J^ 5 CO

I M h- - J - B B- ^ *

•!£ h m.LS ® --------

^ .F r id a y , Ju n o 10,1988 Tl

; o | sg i fOS

OO'sI t g i_ _ f £ W "

3 'S

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s l i § i

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= ^0>ii lifOJ eoj

g :

■ frO ) g£M f f i Q S j

- I ® > sg j / J S ir— •

IA s

T lm os-N ow 3. Tw in Fa lls , IdahoC -7 ' •

i s t ie o °

ig frS '^ ^

i ^ l g s

i f l t s g t "

I ■ § J.

uESifSS ¥ ^S i t SS ^ -

a a “ K < . ______ __

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m ^ I

Page 22: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

I THEA<'Thepjth Is smoot. to danger"

P l a y to th c f i r s t im p o r t a n t p q in t c

----- :--------- P U y in g -h a s tilj l-o r- ith a t t im e o f te n Ihrc a b le g a m e .

S in co W est w a c h o o se a m a jo r -s i u p o n th e lu c k y ch m o n d e ig h t. S o u th s th is sU it, 50 h e duel In d u m m y . E a s t wi W ith l i t t l e fu tu r e ii s h i f te d to th c sp a d t

-------------- w a s t r a p p e d . I f Iq u e e n , th e de fc n d c i

' b c e s ta b l is h e d quiclt . w ith th o a co , th e dc

th r e e s p a d e w in n e r w o n h is c lu b aco .

“H ow do you Ilk le a d s ? " c o m p la in e d a n y n o r m a l d e fe n se n in e t r ic k s (o r m ore

"You sh o u ld h av e m o n d e ig h t w as a

. l e a d . : , c h a s t i s e d Nc th c e n e m y an oppor w e r e q u ic k to c a sh 1

_____________ S o u th m a k c s .h ls .i------ . u p w ith d u m m y ’s , c

tr ic k o n e , A fte r th e < S o u th h a s a c inch^ iln

..................... l e s s o f h o w 'th e 'c a r dla z y a n d th o u g h tle s o n e th a t le d to dcfc

' m in u s s c o re w a s w e

H M X 4 ’s4ATV'S

_ 1#78 Fofd FIM iX*. :---------- — •no lne , doal-UnltarAT.-J

M ochanlcilly In good con . . tlon.CsIl 733-?3Malterflpr

175-Auto D e ile n

_ . T i


P L(

‘E.m m e tt V

F o i701 IVI

C-B T im e s-N o w s, T

u t o m o t i m

kCES O N Br Iooth that lejdcth on

— Shakespeare.

r s t t r ic k Is th e m o s t - W EST t of m a n y h a n d s .- ♦ K O o r -a u to m a tic a l l y a t — ;h row s a w a y a m a k - ^ ^ | .

w as r c lu c ta n t to r -su i t le a d , h e h it c h o ice o f th c dia<

;h s a w no d a n g e r s In lu ck ed c o m fo r ta b ly w in n in g th e q u e en . V ulner

-e In th a t su it . E a s t D ea le r lade ja c k a n d S o u th T h c bii [f ho f in e s s e d - h i s S ou th , id c rs ’ s p a d e s w o u ld 1 N T j l c k l y ; l f h c w e n l u p Opi i d e fe n se , w o u ld g e t [iers a f t e r E a s t h a d

like th o se s p o o k y S outh h ned S o u th . " A g a in s t nse , r h a v e a n .e a s y lore)."iv e k n o w n th c d ia - s a to p -o f-n o th ln g N o rth -Y ou g a v e

p o r tu n lty a n d th e y i sh In." 2 N Tds.gam e.if.hc .goc j_________’s . d ia m o n d a c e . a t a NSW I h e c lu b o c c is g o n e , . b e th c -nine t r i c k s r e g a r d - jc o r c Isa rd s l l e . 'I t w a s h is .............. ':le ss d u c k a t t r ic k Ic fc a t, a n d S o u th ’s w e » d e s e rv e d , c»p,

K&-4X<’s JATV’3

4. 390- 1963 Wlllys woQOn, .T.-PS.- «nOrr8prlnB9, ahoo)(s, w condl- liros, & palnl. Soo to -.flpm oroclttlo.iia50.S43-60Sl -

175-A uto DMlere

Hiicoln/MrM ustl

rusiO N I

i l i ' Krr Over 3 Main Avenu

J, Twin F a lls . Id ah o Friday.

v e


N O RTH ft-io.A♦ 7 4 V Q 3♦ A J 7 5♦ Q J id 9 e •.

S T - EA ST: 9 8 3 ♦ J I 0 5 2- f l .G 4 _ '---------------»-10-7-6---------4 ♦ K Q 6 24 2 * A 3

SOUTH♦ A Q 6 ▼ A K 8 2 .♦ 10 9 3♦ K G 5

le ra b le : Dolh Icr: South bidding:

th .- W est N o rth - E a s t r P a ss 3 NT A ll pass O pening lead: D ia m o n d e ig h t


h holds; ____________

♦ J J 0 5 2V-10 7 5 --------- •♦ K Q G 2♦ a 3

:h -South ! ♦

• ? fc

W E R ; T h ree r io - tru m p . S houlc h e b e s t ^ m e , a n d th e tr ic k 2 is b e t l e r lh a n a t d ia m o n d s .

brld|« qunlloni lo The A m , P.O. Doi Dallai. T<iii 7J33S. with Mlf.iddrruvd

«1 cnv«Iap« (Of rrply. c»prn»»i. IHI, uiui»o F.*iuf» srndifii.


, oxc 1677 Chovy Scotladolo, wniB, 4«4, 4CfO-Vfl.-AT; -fltr.-llllto so- slldfng roar window, radla51 • llros, ■<23.€15aa(ter6--

' 175-Au(0 Dealers


1 0 0 ,

E V E f f

' V e^ s TueE^

oy. Ju n o 10,1988

~ ~ ~ ] ] 146-4X 4 'siA T V 's

fp iO flFC hovy V%"tonTro —• ovofhoul, J3200 Of {JOB^ __ I lor. 730-080SatlorSpm,

ioao silvorado C Su& urban. runnino t)o>

1 grill g ua rd . PS, PB, AT.; low m iloa. loodod wiin

tional t OQOO. 543-4805allc 1982 full-alzo Blazor, loa g ood condlllOf>. boa t oKor. Will cona trado-in. Cali3?4-424fl. Vd04 e ro n c o " 6 c^inoo a pd , AC. cruiso, llll, <C

‘ nctuol mllos. block & sli sh a rp , qW )i25 or lbiM Q ronco li, Ecidlo Oa loadod . low mlloa. 5 i «xc eond . Mola OK T 530-0465. T0dd0f536-C37; 1904 Chovy plckup.-4-wl drive, loadod.. low mlI_9200.Ca!^734-0480.____19a4ChovfolotV .lon4x< 4 sp o o d , 54395. Qorp_Motors .-.._ .;734 .i

) .iss . 1984 Chovy vi Ton. 4 X 4.: . AT, Air, PS. PB, lar‘ JflOOO/oUof. Call324-ai3I.

1935 Chov S-i6,'-4 X”4," .. cab , Tafioo pHo, slioli, A(

apd . loadod. 58750.326-31____ 1985 Silvorado Su'burbar

so a ta , oxcoilont condlli*Il-500jCall72IKJ7?0- _ i9 a e 'jo o o J L jt j i . j? i i j3 0 , mijoa. 5B50Q. 734.8409ovo! 1988" G*MC'S15 Jlmrny. apood , PVV. PB. PS, loac wllh m any oxiras. Absolu ly m ual soli! Bosl ollor. C 7_20-gG05._2 Older Ford pickups. I I<

----------w hoo l_dfivo^75aJof-bQ>uld ■ 'C nil733-7GQg- - i- lt 78 GMC 4x4 PU. AT. F , PB. lock ou ls. low mlH ?• - . runs QREAT.-Cxc.hunHi:

llQ. t2695-0ll0r. 733-7742, ■„«), W hon you odvorilse

c lasa iflod . Includo tho pri o l tho Horn you'ro SOllIno

146—A ntique Aulos

'V.~T Rod convortiblo, 1972 Bul - Illlr Skylark,—vofy-nico,-W Ol adlal Call 536-2318 days or 5;

?324 e v o s t«nd wkonds.

175—A uto Dealers

mT OrDivisKDCare

J, 0 0 0


T h e E a s i e

\ 148-Antlaue Autos

“roconl 1953 F-100 pickup, lair C'losi ol- lion, must soil, mako (1._____ Call 934-4C17.__________Chovy 19’56 Cfiovrolol ahort v.

boards baao pick-up. Includos <kT. AC, 235 onplno. roalonIlh op- JI500 or bosl olfor. Scidors! Alrporl malnlainanoo so i d ^ o rca ll734^S33a»of0p_fT950 or I95fi Cnavy • 2 d r sodoinsldor cyl, 3 spd. Now onfllnu

torlor, tiros, palm,‘i - J4600. •Sortous-fncjtjWos

40,000 Ivl’FIOvd Drown-734-7021sllvor,' 1983 Ramblor Classic 61

M23 ov/nor. vory good condl'QouoK nowrubt)Or.Call733-155i5 apdi I960 Mustang, mual

Tifoa ASAP,JiiOO.Call324-510372 1967 b ia s 442. 4 apood: ■■wfiool Ooautllul, original. - imlloa, cond. J75C0 or boat o

430-0298 or 436-9351 ovoa.

14J-A utos-A M C 14.1706 ___________________4 '3 5 ^ '85 Alllanco, AC. AT. 4 d Unka! S2350.324-4552 Of 324-272. 31.__r,” oxt.- 152—Auloa-BuIcK- - -

•*141* iw 'C a d i l la c Ffootwooc------ k dr, runs groat, nooda b

^ work. 5000. Coll 733-7058. 1982' Buick Rooaf Um

i K l ^ Edition, 5-7 llfof dolsol e 3 ^ 0 0 . -Cloan. m ak0-P l(0r;j36j4;

lifdod 154-A ulos-C adlllacigsfl'Cadiiiiic Sovliio. 4 d<

■ '-'“ 'I lully com pulorlrod i-------dlQllai. Oozo sloroo ayal<I lour ofoganco p sd iag o . leatDqUu- .intofiof.__ sun— fool.__ Ji____ Jooduil wflh 'an tho oxii, PS, brand 'now tiros, sllvor i nllos. black and rod pin strip -lish- 517.999. Cali Throo M Roi

' ’733-5330 or 733.3069;-----} Inprico 156-Aul08*Chryslerin lor. ______________ — —______ 1977 Cordoba 5 8 ^ 0 ^ o c :

mlloa, vory gooaTlroa; ri won. 5875. Coll 733-6983.

____ 1978 Cordoba, AC. PB. IJuick l-top, runs and looks goiJOOO.-5875. Call 324-5532. ...... _

530- CiassiIiM . . IMO Boiulion • -an-vournooos-Tasocrc: ■

175-Auto Dealers

Mlo ir tfFT h i ^

I M i l / l E R I--------------------------^— ( J J

est PlaceTwii

j.lS ^A u tos-C tiry sle r

iT ^ n d i- 1930 Chrysler LoB0 o llo r. flood condilion, good_______ _Call 320-5285,__________t whool 1984 Dayton* turbo, AC33 oxtra PS, PW. till, cruiso,loroblo. wipora, 5 spood, oxc. iS o o n t 54895. Can 734-5760.

) sh o p . ■ ■■■■" r■P'^- - i58-A ulo3-Ctievro!elodan . 6 _____________________ino. if>- BABY B L U E ‘62I. 0 '£- CHEVY: AT, AC. PS, 2 i iM - o n - ■Hord^ro'pTT^Ifn^cbnd“f L ___ • 54500. Phono 734-4090 0»: MO. 1 1802 Chovy II, good rur nditlon, cor wllh good IA 5 7 ._ 5300 ............... 543SI soil ,973 Monio Carlo, cu

paint. 350onglno . ; . , . 5 d : la s l, F^rd 351 modiliod oni- mint funaoood ....5300.733

: o llo r. igg, Chovy Luv.■ -- ongino. now palnl. chi

w hoolo.Call 324-7280. 1982 Chovy Citation. 4 <

— - AT. AC, Illl.-cn jU o,4 ooor. 42,000 acluol rr

53000. Days only 720-14 Pinks Eloclrlc.________

- • • • 1984- Suburtjan, - e .2 - - — - — - diosol ongino, Sllvor c o a . 4 75 OOQ „ ||g a Of» Body olfor. C an ..................655-, • . . -z 1987 Chovrolot Colobrlty

Jm lted L, PS. PB, crulBo. AC. ’j fm. 30K oclual mllos.S S L . - -cor.tiooka lorloverJWOO

a t Hnmilien Motora. don ’t nood tho big m

______ ups. soTCTi us savo you S1 door. by8elilngat57.6S0l

H am ilton M otors2214th Avo E, Goodlni

! j X fl3<-^782Mlkojx ira s ,' l985"thovDltoa.~<i:K 'o n d ' vonrDO O d.qenaitionrniiripoa. ^“s low milRoaltv unglno & transm iss- - ^ 51000 ror both. Call 73>06

160-A ulos-D odge

flClMni 1984 Turbo Coll, Iwin sl' m n s A C .oxccond .C ali734-44.i ____ _1988 Oodgo Colt, oxcolJ PS condition, buy o r a ss iao o d loan. Call 324-3530 or” _ 6146 ai Wilson Batos.I’on io C lassiliod . . . lor poor: -------ovorywtioro'733'082e — -

175-A uto Dealers ' '


n 9 ii i i j7


^ f i e - j C e ^ e r u £ - C (

m9 In The Vin Falls

146.1J1 6 2 -A u tM -F o rd s-.

LoBaron. Cloan 1976 Granada. ( Kjd llroa-A Tr-M gH -m lloago wltl

m alntonanco. 58S0 or , AC. PB. <23-4346 o r 734-6027. ovi 10, douiy. G enufna Claaalc Res' «c. cond, ie«S MUSTANG, 6 cyl

3 aoood . now oainL.......... . llro s . oxcollonl moch

riiai sh a p e , mual aoo tc pfocla to. Caii 438-0337.

'62 Qood-looKIng 1S82 EXF ■, 2 dfior m iios. Kenwood , alb riaiiron t »3200rCatl 734^295:-----M0VO8. This la tho onol 1968 I running E.»cort ,GT. Hko now

t}ody m otor, intorlor. 19.000 r 543-6051 5 spood , cruiso.' Al

casso tto . oxiondod tiiS J? ran ty , o tho r extras. 5

Call324-49S9.TjsSjeae '97B_ Polrmom SlJ

;----- ttt : w agon , good condbrown, standard ,trans, rodiolllros, 5750,734-87. 1970 Ford Pinto. 5400 or

•.o AM Ollor. Call 543-8050,f ovon lngs.— ..............0-4461 a t '1385 T-t>lrd. turbo coui

cylinder., loadod. must I H f l j . 56400.C an 678-3378. .

lo r boat 1S6-M ercury& U ncoli655-4280 ------------------------------- r;

M ercury Monarch, whi doo r, fow miloago.

« TWa c o naw on . 423-^533. asbo but M ust.socririco. 1984 Coi ^ 'w o O oluxo-m odolj-'oadodr 1 mark- tiro s, m int cond. low d OUJ850. tak e ovor pm ta. 467-2922

1975 M ercury Monarci ) rs do o r, runs good. :,dlng __________324:^1!_____

1960 MorcuVy Zophyr. 6 v;: PS, PB. AC. AT. woll-n

r n r r o r t«ln«»d^l250,734.62llo>

n S i'ffn ' 17S-AuloO«klBr!> 0 6 4 0 . -----------------------------------



1 75 -A ulo DMiers

OTI SI o to r 0 (m n a i


n r s i'C o n tin u e s

1T\W o r l d T o



h—^ ' i ' -rltl» 0X0. } ■Of ollor., . I • j

oslorod: I U = y .jyllndor. ?nt. now . r i I I chonlcal. r a - r r

■XP..50K A X aloroo-, .

68 Ford ■* tjody. \ l p , = J I .0 mlloa, I J I IAM/FM m M H I I =i war- ■58,500. -

SUtlon- I l U ' - . - . . - I . .■ndllion, BaCMjito’ IS, now8742. ----------------------------------

168-M ercury SU ncoln

; 1985 M arquis wagon.-t ?sl a in , undor book. Coll 734-601

‘ ” IB ft-A ulos - OldsmoloIn —

17 2 -A u to s - Pontiac, good "______ ,175-A t/to D ealersJouDsr,



___ _ /I - 1 J 3 £ U

!| NOW $ 2) CON PAUL

PONTIAC ILca 3 2 4 -3 8 0 0 ”'


I R A NO L D !7 0 u r 3 ^ p u t a t

O i7 B u y A C


iB ' rzE|..„

•olto’* Sojulism : Tho Soquoi

'i®'” 173-A ulo,3-P lym outh.

on.-5'l30'0i Holpl No down, toko ovor 14-8065, paym onlsl 1983 Roilonco. 4 ' dr. PB, PS. 5.000 miloa, c an

smobile a3aum o7r70plan.533-8361. -- - - 1985 Plymouth Caravoil. AC, cru iso , till. PW. 4 door,

lac 53750,324-J552or324-2724


> O K ! |ROin SUBURBAN 3/4 TOhB “ ^ “8 l£ad*_w[th Extra's _____

21.995001m s CHEVROLETc& GMC trucks!(d.S,.UItC(llK. JEROME 7 3 4 - 6 5 6 5 ■

RSE!ly^aiih —

lo T B is^

s f ,I T YI!a t i o n Q t o w s


• IL ■ ,{

r : r = : = = - r


Page 23: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles



X entertc


stage f<By CATHERINE Cl

___________ Timea-^euis carrespi

JERO M E - \Vh Valley r e s id e n t spt oftem oons working and gardens, Mike

________ terhojler .watched Jflower bloom.• T heir N orthside P.

------------- "tion of-“M y"Fair LoM ike W intcrholler, i the Je rom e High Sch

_____________CindiL-ffiintfithol]husband and handle ta ils o f production.'S always too shy to 8t€] lights herself, but s

.w a tch in g .b rav e r sou lights in knowing th p a rt o f w h a t happens

The actors nnd st• say being a .p a r to f j

duction is like being a^ la rge , emotionallj ative family.

----------B ecause it's ishow , peop

expectations, is an unsp pressure r

disappoint — M icha

playing Henr

----------------- T O nlcrhollcr plojBnu rtu rin g f a th e t o f tl

.he gently molds the cc----------- ent8-of-hi8-actor8r«om<

performed professiona Together they rccrei

world 'o f London soi where th e working “Wouldn’t - I t Be L dream s o fliv ing a life while, the wealthy at Ascot and g a th er a t b( Could H ave D anced All

' ^ e characters, and s o f th e best-loved in mi

_ 1___

' • ‘ TWIN PALLS - C< the kind you can only ies-w illb fifea tu red in Twin F‘ells ood Burl

It’s all part.of the II by Univei^ty. o f l i■_Tha Project {« actval

________studenta.whQ.dramati- 'h i i to ^ .• tro u ]^ lOtdudes

; V^'erie Engles o H ^On.Tuesday,tbepen

■ at7p .m .in thaC ifyPaOn Wednesday, the

I whero-'tbey will perforr 'dedication of a tree in 1 ' nial yaarrH ie dbdlcatJ street a t the county coa

.. Students from the.'t• music departmests wi

through songs and chi) letters and diaries are e

~lM fft?rthe'pwdaiitiS®r~

!--------Bkitswgnln, Tt.’s heen-bkpie laughing one

^ p r o g r a m opens wJ story ofhis final daya. Tl

i ' man’s descripUon of an .treated to a humorous t

—poker and a.sentiments ; herd. The peWbrmance a

“nwrwomen. i — - - : Harris,- a UiuTeb i ^ I hie m usicd l^en te to th

■! .»T------ ■ ------- ---------------------------

H j Y p u ^ a j ~to su i^ iu


y r th s i iirhollers F r (rise this - favorite

IC U R R IE .........................

W hile o ther Magic r r : ’: : -] spen t sunny spring

ing on the ir lawns _:ke and Cindy Win- id_another_kind,,,of_ •— -I

e Playhouse produc* ____ I-Lady,'”-directed-by- ^ - “ -J

;r, opens tonight in ISchool Auditorium. .1hn llp r nBfl'iafu h o r Indles the many de- In.'She says sho wos Istep before the foot- IIt she gets a thrill - - ------ 1; th a t she is a vital Iens on stage. ^ 'I1 stage technicians I ■ Ing a foster child in Ially charged, ere- ,. I

's a familial^ - 1aple have ; j |^s.... There .1ispokeri . i e not toit them / J liael Fishei^nry Higgins I

[lys ths**‘IaLid-back,tf th e company as • •e .considerable tal* _ _ _ o m e -o f -w h o n rh a v e '(= ^ = : anally..create th e colorful This Lcsociety in 1912 based o

ing class sings “PygmaliLoverly?" and a sim ple,

life o f ease. Mean* .of Londo’ a ttend races a t w ith heit balls, singing “I Higgins,1 All N ight.” unwashC'id songs a re spme cioty a re: musical theater, changing

Idaho He• Cowboys, Indians and pion> oly ib d these days in Wester red ih a live performance nex lurley. .le Idiiho Heritage Project spofld^JO.Wdly a pageant.performed byijariyn frnin r

desjU cR H arrSof.iy to Fal agerman.p^orm ancaw ill be given io 1 P a r t :

be troupe will travel to Twin form in the City Park followij in honor of tbe university's ci cation b e ^ a t 6 'p.m.' acroi courthouse.le.'universiQr’s dance, theate

will honor'Idaho’s early 1 chorMgraphed donees. Autl

re also used, adding historica--------- — — 7 — ---------- :------

^ ts 'in to songs and be i-blecd^-fl^w ell^H re-havi rate and being deeply touche

i with Chief Joseph recountin t. This scene is followed by a v on Indian battle. The audicn u sk it involving cowboys pb intal jcone.about a Basque i :e also has a spedal tribute tc

»4>£JdahbUi^omora. will t D the Heritage Production. K

ly n e e d h e lp [vie t v t h i s

i d e P U

■ K | ; ^

__________ _

L e m e r and Lowe creation on Bernard S h aw ’s play

lalian," sweeps E liza Doolittle >le, cockney girl, in to th e w hir idon society. She falls in lov( i e r m entor, Professor H enrj 18, a crusty bachelor. Tho poor, hed and cream of London’s sO' ire played by th e gam e fast- ng chorus.

erita^ePoneers tem c£oy . lex t w eek

•fiponsored _ j

b v U o f l . H V I I I i-colorful—

^alls and

B B urley

Falls w ing th e 9 centen*TOSS th e

s te r an d <f heroes ' u th en tic ical real*

. b a c k u T ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ |ovepoo-— ihed th e ■

tingthe* . describes H a rr is a s a w hite four ty p es o f g u ita rs ience is v T his w ill be th e C p la y in g . jun io r a t U o f l e shep*. - speech/tbeatre.-She 5 to pio- in several ac tin g scei

The h o u r a nd a hi

K aten through J u ly 4. No ai

I d al a y h o

ll«ri> j f la n k e d b j rC h ^ ^

:ion, W intcrhollersaystl:'lay, m ost dem anding directtie, The complexity o f scih irl th e characters and dilove ' m usic have m ade th isinry perience for everybody,oor, Shaw na Fuller plaj: so- expresses every cmotast- m ent, disappointm en

onger, unrequited love

^ n ^ o fproject

t . '

i p ia s “Our su p er m usic m an."

o rs d u i ^ th e ^ rfo rm a n c e ,. e Cret college production ibr majoring in s ^ n d a r y educa Ihe will p lay th e flute-ond w i scenes. '1 ha lf production will be' p ^

------- f : ■CitlcB larOUgnOUIriQanO iroix0 adm ission will be charged.

A b b y c

i y gm s e c

ir is^R p aa . l e f t , a n d C h

th is h as been h is - o fh e r ch,■ectorial venture, Michatscenes, depth of energeticdifHculty of th e pn rt.” hc

is a "growing ex- th e Magly,” hesay8.- and haslays Eliza, "She musicalotion - excite-' feels a reiunt, heartache, "Becauve,” Fuller says pie hnvc

l ’s Vi I br

. ' " i By M ICH ^ Timcs-Nc

I B JACKPh H . sw ears h(m W betw een IW jB got into tE l \ video g u n l i - V • W herev

- — flock to li Now CapI, difference

^ h a s a visfa iiy ta le i

. delivery i tcchnolog) d ial up a f i

'‘Home. ( soon,” he s fiber optic! rig h t now, before th a t

Howevei tion th n t pl

-------------------- retailers-lii, a sse rtin g t


~ 'duy to 'dcH ^ bers b n d a'r f o n n --------------crs-AssoclQ

-Tvhich—hnd ." H e plays Monroo prii

........— -gundy bnckT Engles, a m uch like n cation and cd, portly n ivUl appear • 40. B u t w

......... ligh ts uptfo n ro d a t .^stric tly HollJm J u n r S ------------“I-h n v im!• insiSe me,"

c a n ’t h e lp « . d a u 9 h t e t _ l :

C l l e - D 4 :

i mo f f e r s

u c k B t ^ c k w a y J r . . hr«al<

character.hael F ish e r is a bondsome ai ;tic Higgins. '’I t 's a delido he says. F isher, who direc

laglch'ords barbershop groi IS bedn actiye in a num ber ll v en tu res locally, says .1 responsibility to his audiencc ause it 's a fam iliar show, pe nvcj expectations," he say

ideo gu fight fu: h e l l e c o l eNews writer

KPOT. Nev, - Allan Capli he d idn 't knou-'the din"oren

n Botn and VHS when he fir 0 th e business. Today he is u ru.rever he Kpcaks, vidoo retaile ) listen. And for good-reaso iplnn not only u nderstonds tl ice betw een Beta and VHS. 1 vision o f video’s fu ture — e fu tu re th a t includes hon ' and, som eday, fiber opt Dgy th u l w ill allow viewers I Q film on th e telephone.0. delivery should be in pldc e says. “Dclivering.m ovies vi tics is being tested in Florid iw, b u t it should take a whil l a t bccomes a reality," ver, hc scoffs a t the sugges L phone deliver>- will pu t vidoi i-like h im se lf o u t of-business g th a t video stores arc 'th i o f th e '9 0 r ." . ‘ f

n cam e to Jockpo t on Wednes eijver th is mes.‘>age to mem Idaho's Video Software Deal clatloiyrD Iacbiin tiri^h ls 'iT e cd " tin y n in n g eH ol' M anlyr jrin ted on a conservative b u r ickground, C aplan d idn’t looif e a video g uru . Ho is a beard- ! m an, who seem s older than

when, he speaks, Caplan p w ith a charism a th a t’s ^olli’wood. . ■‘ U pont-up R(5lTn W illiams

says C aplan , adding th a t

— I w ^ l l l ^

e c i !jnplO . 1988

v ‘M y

M • \ - \1


e a k a p u t In s o i u i j | i N o c t f

“They have tho ir. favie and drews or Rex H arrisicious unspoken p re ssu re nirects them. B u t a t th e saijroup our show. We c a n ’tier o f other porformanco.-Vs he thingnew ."mce. Bruce W hiteh ead, peo* Pickering, H ig g in s’says, league, w ith a tailor

Liru Gaj iture fo

Video revieapian — ——— — rence he is tho “m ost notet i first notorious” m on in th e ! is a He w as a video gam

little .else a b o u t aboi lilers when he opened App ason— O m ahnrN cbrin '1983 . s th e He learned fast.S. he In five y e a rs Capla: - a his reta il ho ld ings to

lom e most located in th e m: optic asham ed to a d m it th rs to his em pire on free popi

m arketing schem es ar jlaco ia This y ea r C ap lan w: trida m ula d u ring 60 to 8C 'h ile will be a tte n d e d by

Jgos- .— r

nes- . Ilem->cal- ! 5 5 5 5 5 i i a 5 ^ ^ M

o o k -----

ion' : :::. ,T !r io F a U ^ ^,ia„ : : i o t u a « i w ^ a t’s — t m D p i h d d n B t i

— T h e outdQOPccfei i i F . . . a . , C T p i a £ a s

'B ig 't s -CQmed! |H M fo r fa ih


F a i r 1

H ijiho iiM 'j -‘M y t

ivorites, Julie An* head has •ison. There is an num eroui n o t to disappoint productio

same time this is tu re o u t 0 ’t ju s t mimic an- “He’s h •Wo create some- tim e,” Wi

ad . “I t’s V, d_plny8 Colonel a c h an ce l8’ cultured - col-....... G eraldlored wit, White*

plan for tr mark

ocross thi

ew s — D5 "P”'''"" ”rectors of

- ofA m eric:ed, and the most C aplan le video business, m ark e t hi ime buff but knew of revenu )OUt tl; eo, oven pplause Video; in T ak e the 3. th e B u rt

cost $5 n lan has increased less th an 0 85 video stores, offices. Yc midwest. He's not released 0 th a t he has built lion, ipcorn, aggressive "Will tl; and bullying sup- toll,” he g

certa in ly will share his for- I f video 80 sem inars th a t h a s been i Dy video dealers



Is g ro ivn-tip d y s u l t a b k r J : ' ' -

l i i H l v — DS_____

I ......-

L i a d y ’


[ y P s i te l^ id y t - - ___________ - _____________

h a s d irected th e orchestra for rous D ile ttan te a n d N orthside ctions, b u t th is is h is first ven- u t o f th e o rch estra p it.’s h a d th is inside him all th eW interholler say s ofW hitehe* .................

.’s wonderful to see people tak e ice like th a t.”aid G reen, w h o 'b ro u g h t u s a

• S e e P L A Y o n P a g e D2

•resees ^ ^ — metersI th o nation . Ho ie also an out^- - ....... -n m em ber o f th e board of di-s o f the Video Softw are D ealerserica. ^ilan m ain ta in s th a t the video}t h a s become tho la rgest source \enuo for film m akers. W ith vid-'on the dogs can break even.the film “M ab n e .” Caplai^ saysu r t Reynolds action /adventure5 million to m ake, b u t earnedla n $1.5 m illion a t tb fa te r box. Y el the f irs t day tho'-film w ased on video, sa le s topped $5 mil*

II they b reak ovon? I t’s hard to le says. “B u t w ith o u t us, th e y ' i ly would be in tho hole."deo h as been k in d to tho dogs, it en m ore th a n g eperous w ith the

' S eo V ID E O o n P a g e D2 ■'

'tces'Up ^'

Page 24: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles


• The Hanford Conn

Wliun 1 wiis too , • butter. 1 firmly bc

Limo lelevision wn; to thc school year, natural rhythm of was otil, prime tir

. when Septem ler n....................ivere-new. buukii._

tiiQchcrsand new t< Nol this year. Ifenrw earofiicii

mer.• ■ ' The Writers G

- strike liiin tak en ‘it;

: : I ■ ' T c

- - B R Y A N T M ay le a v e *1

Chile—i— House

_____ • ,_W ASHINGTON(/>on W ednesday appro' poso limits on advert dron's television prog

Lawmakers voted ■ mofisuro;abipiirlisnT

posed bv the Reagai a s “inimical to the S] Amendment,”

______S enaWASHINGTO

• , .'.'a bill d e s i r e d tbThe measure,

ber.'i of tho tolov years lo allow th

------------------- .JuL B U -ioIcflce ,-....... ......... - Tho bill wns a]■ . f the :Houso, wher• • • • shortly. • .— A“iln iila r b 'ill,.

a to in d c to b e r l9 seKsiorbloRjnm in , ,The TV nctwor

an titrilst laws pn , _ diirds^on violence.

In hearings las perta cited studie a(,'t,Tessive behavi

Thc American ( pn)blems-with thi m entto influence

— Video-I, C o n tin u e d fro

bluckbu^ilers. Caplan . , video sales of "E.T.,” w

- leased on Oct. .‘27,.. reacheiJSlQO-m illion-

biHKi“' ' ijrdssinir video \ nn ' •-'0 excite

reloii.-^elbat w ehav fa i; ;j.;^Ol) units in Om aha,”

However, “E.T.” fe< in to “E.T," hy.steria tlii Caplfiii s.iys it may bc t histor>' that ii video w on 't bo ;ihle to keeij up

■They h.ivo to rccor

Play—. « ( 'o n tin u c ti from P

memonikl^’ pt)rtray;il of Big Ju li' in last yeitr’ Doll^," lin n n - 'th e .-:ime (‘(Iv jmil in t!n'l ’,.’DtH-!ii!!o, E!i/a'.~ zest iajncnl.'i ih f end of his in a rowdy stiij^in^; of "G C hurch on Time."

_________ Both.Gri;cn and Whilew ork in Jackpot. Nev. at to Je rom e for rehenrsals.

--------- v}Ve put 30,000 milesth e laj-t year, ju s t goii fo rth for jnusical ncti

7 ------- W hltchondr— --------------" •Raj'Tiiond Robinson, n

om e School, brinps Je n o r and whoic^ome fac ■)f F n ddy Eynslord Hili. lion with Kliza is celeb .song. "On thc Street

- Live." .________ Rnbin .McCrncken. who

JU M P Company in "BVe Iriht MiiiiMier, play^-Hig k»:t.-pcr. .Mr.i, Pearce.

I '.; . . ■r

D -2T fm o5-N ow s.T

n m er t)RST —■mranl

.00 youni' to know any believed th a t prim e- only

wns cosmicniiy linked pani ;ar. I l wns pnrt o f tho wor^1 of life. W hen school ules

tim e was over. A n d ' Ncr rolled around, tho re prog- Lii._new_p(;ndlKi_D_ow_ m air w lolevision'show-s. seasi

tu n aiic ingan endless ’sum - sum i

bridgGuild of /Vmerica gap

1-its toll, and one can ABC

G d a y ' i. .T h e

m m w zSlw a tw M . - -'worl

............ i^Tor

. . . hostBryt shor chor

J T G U M B tt-2 T oday sh o w

dren a3 OKs meaii (AP) - The House :._D urproved a bill to reim - w ard ^'ertising d uring chil* fa r tO'irograma. . d ren 'stod 328'78 for th e comm< isnn compromise op-igon adm inistration "It i;0 sp irit of th e F irs t ch ildre

M arke:

ate curtaihTON (AP) - The S e n a te vot d tb curt'violence dn'tclevisib: re, sponsorod b ySeir. P a u l Si lovision industry from feden • them to work to g e th e r

s approved on'n voice vote. T here the Jud iciary C o m m itt

iH, also sponsorod bytSimon,’ ' 1986, but th e m easure w as a1 in tho nnd others in th c TV i prevent them from tak in g jo s t ycnr before th e Sena te

idies rind reports th a t excess: lavior in children, in Ciwl L iberties U nion, how th e bill because i t w ould se

nco tho viewpoints p re se n te d

>-------- ------------f ro m P ag e D l re a l- t in an snys advance e n o u g h ' "w hich will be re- While l7, have already compani n — o a k in p i t th o g o t onto CO yel- _ _ _ video, C :ited about 'E .T.V continue ■ already sold over th a t pre ia,” he.sQvs. he says,

fev o r'm ay tu rn m otivati tlii.s fail, because re lease i

)e th c first timo in ru n in :eo m anufacturer movie nd I up with demand. ' "Rami: icord the film nt m ade its

aP aK 'cD I . Mar>-I of lhe i:an'KSter roios in si jnr’s'''G if>'s nnd in t h e '50 :me feel for com- rience to :!ii' roll' of .-Vlfrod Eynsford' estl'ul father. HeI I 1 1 1 J i J a n .M I l l s b a c l i e l o r h o o d p i - n■■■r , T Tl, Hoi

.. and d nvf d,i,lv

K U n d lf i f a o n ^ j - c a r m - , 2 , „ 2 . i 5 gom s back and sctiviiies," say.' T hen il------------------------------- C m dy-', n senior a t Jor- h a \1 n p a ! nps his youthful child and lacc to the part cry w hen i

Iiii. His inf'atu.i- T ickets ■lebratcd in the for childre et Where You u t Ju d i's

in Tw in F. vho directed tho Vidi jye I3ye Birdie" T h e ra p y i HiKf'ins' tion. call '


5. Tw in Falls . Idaho F riday ,

■ ? • . -


ily im agine tho w hitc-kni m ic behind th e scenes a t th( o rks now th o t tho production £ :es have fallen fa r behind.No. 1 NBC, which disclosed it

•ogramming p lans th is weeli ‘>>n'?jJ*?>jL,.ha8_forJho_pnat.C0ii. asons, in th e best shapo. NBC i n a te , o f course, bccausc i t ha m m ef O l j^ p ic Gam es to idge th e 's ig n if ic a n t program p created by the strike. R< 3C will ta lk about its 1988-8S

stint nn’h e B altim ore Everiing Sun

T a lk about deja vu. Viewer JBC’a “Today” show th is w l ig h t be forgiven for foo rapped in a tim e w arp back to «d-1970s, when new sm an '] n y d e r was holding down th e : o rk 's— revolutionary late-niroraorrow ” program .---- ----------Sn y d er is th e first o f throe fTl

osta for regu lar ‘Today" co-anc ry a n t Guipbel, who ie takinj io rt" leavo 'to "p i‘epare“ fbr"hi8‘ lo r rolo in NBC’s coverage of um m er -Olympic. G am es, -se t led to.bogin Sept. 16 from Set orea.

^ n d T V

isure limitinc)uring debate on th e bill, Rep. •d J . M arkey, D-Mass., said, ‘ too )ortg, wo have allowed <

n's television to bo driven solelj imercial considerations.”

t is tim e to p u t th e in terests Iren-back into tho equation.” s key, who is chairm an of i

Isjviplence-voted approval W ednesday of sion. •Sim on, D-III., exem pts mem*

leral an titru s t laws for three -develop voluntary s tandards

I. T h e action sends th e bill to itte e p lans to hold hearings

in, w as ap p ro v 'S 'b ^ th d S e n ^ .3 a c asualty of dn ond-of-the-

V industry havo argued tha t [jo in t action to develop stan-

to Jud ic ia ry Committee, ex- ■ssive violence on TV incites

owever, found constitutional s e t p precedent for govern-

B(fin th e media.

tim e, ond thoro m ight not 1 jh tim o lefl,” ho says., lile there are a fow productic an ies now working on low-bu' ito rtn inm on t projocts-strictly. fc , C apian says the industr>- wi lUe to rely on mega-budget-filn- jrem iere on the big screen. Bu ,’s, consum er demand for video i a tin g production companies t rO a movio soon after ils tKeate n o rder to tako advantage c advertising.mbo HI," which only recenll; its appearance in theaters, wil

y W alker, who had leading 1 several m usicalson Broadway '50s, lends her tnlonl nhd expe- to th e show in the pnrt of.Mrs. ird-Hill. Freddy's m other.

M ink, Gary W interholler and ^oss fill other prirfcipnl roles,II, abou l til) people a re involved ; show, according to Win­er.' "My F air Lady" willTje seen m perform ances, Ju n e lO, I I , lR-18 n t 8:15 p.m. a nd on Ju n e

;15 p.m.

1 il will be lime forn rest, y W interholler says, “Il's like a baby. Every year we have a

nd then stand back here aftd ;n it 's over.")ts a t S-1.50 for adults, S3.50 dren and seniors, are available 's Books and Ann’s H allm ark 1 F a lls ;.N atu ra l Way and Wild lideo , i n j Q n iaie , nnd a t Hia. yJSenter in Paul. For informa- .11 C indv W interholler a t 734- 24-8193or324-5774,

a y , J u n o 10,1983

................. ■

non rei- son M ay 23. Thii er, can go only 'sc fall season won’1 la te O ctober,

kniicklod Somehow, CBS tho net- th e m ost realistic

in sched- M aybe i t waa ta u g h t m e to alv

d its fall w orst, even if th< 'oek, re- . e s t chance th a t t Coupl<Lor_ pen. W cQm 3C is for- ever, woret-case i h a s th e th e norm ,

to holp C onsidering th •amming havo been limpi

Reborn s tr ik e began, w )-89 sea- N BC’s “LJV. La-

lay b e t. . Is the “Today’

r te n tia l tryou t for ivers bf by Snyder? Rep : week Gum bel and NBC fooling lem s coming to te

: to the tract.1 Tom Now hosting a he net* on th e ABC Radio 6-night— h as been ail arou d ia l-since-h is poii2 fTll-in terviow sty le wi anchor e igh t-year run of king ,a NBC’s n o t partic lis'ah'^^ " w eekly^riiagazin t o f th e Tim e."sched-.......... A c tu a lly ; some.Seoul, m ay not flash bac

der a t a ll, b u t I

LstiU ci g ^ a d v e r t i s i i

ep. Ed- House telecommui d, "For m ittee . id chil- Rep. M atthew J. ilelyby ra n k in g Republicai

m ittee , soid tho m b alance between fir

;sts of childrea^^s program! •” said s ire to ^ i e l d ch iidr if the su re to com m ercial r

T he bill would lin ch ild ren ’s program s

I_______ per h o u r on weekent------ - per h o u r on w eekdajo f I t also would rec

C om m unications Cc n* sider, w hen docidin ;e new a TV sta tio n ’s is th e sta tio n had com]____ _ vertt.qing lim its M dto tional needs of child 's program m ing,’ - The FCC abah'doi 1. TV ad vertrs lng lim il

on th e theory th a t co be regulated by m ark

It —T he bill would givi I. til J o n . 1 ,1990, to co

lim its, and i t would j modify the tim e s ta r

9 1.1993.O pponents say th e

1 directed and raise: -questions. - ■ -

An adm in istra tion ____ “A ttem pts such as th

■ \)t bo be available on vidoc

say.-;. “Willow” jcould. ction os soon as January , -bud- C aplan says first-n lyfor -m a in th e b ig.djaw .fo

will ers, b u t in iheifu ture , films will also c a te r tb speci Bul, as sen io r citizens, eo is ‘T h e g ray m arke t i: ‘s lo be lopped." ho says. ■ater to w atch T h e Barbo ;e of they prottfibly don’t

watch 'Fn \al A ttracti' intly w an t to see ,a re .film s will with, film s like 'Sati

'Auntie M amo.” • • C aplan says there i

— older movies o u t th ere be pu t on to video

iing "classics” in tho stric way word, b u t film s th a t v. jpe- hnvo boen lost to youn{ ilrs. Whon video began,

m ark e te rs saw "how-to imd textbooks.

tho public h a sn ’t scon i ved how-to tape

to be a s tap le in m ost v cen they-'w ill-also-continm JJ in the^darker, out-of-tl

Line glitflyvids.

However, tho childn k c t will keep grow ing ,)

: ik e 'C a p la n - s a y s any vide' 'C 0 w an ts to be tops w ill ihd film s for th e littio ones

. also have a children’s ;.50 ing area, ble ‘W e h av e castles in ark he says. T o u know ?ild - ta k e th e ir ch ild ren ou tho t)ie k ids a lw avs vote for na- t h e ,p layground — ‘ I'n 34- will also dem and to g

store .w ith th e cnstlc."

'presertiird-place CBS.-howov- - thi 'so for a s to soy t h a t i ts ' rei n ’t s to r t un til o t lea st/

• doBS’s assessm ent seem s thi tic.IS because my p a re n ts ilwoys prepare fo r th e ovi h e re w asn’t th e s lig h t- lo's ; th e w orst would hop- No '€leviBion, how - -..laii e scenarios seem to be am

lesth e way the netw orks low ping along since th e woi w ith series such a s no; ^ w ” falling s h o r t o f Buj

S n p d erly" show gig 0 po- pro t 3r 0 network r e tu rn Livo Bports persist th a t man 3C are having prob- Sr te rm s on a new con- rena

Coasa nightly ta lk show for “i iio Network, S n y d e r man, ound the broadcast anchointed,-personal-in:-___NoJew as seen ' on th e susp^ o f “ToiDorrow” a n d ing £ ticularly successful (olth :ne show, "P rim e olize

Sept*iC-ITodoy" view ers ._.broat ack to the roal Sny- geles . to D an Alcroyd’s ’ proje

:onceri n g r o r r c h i k

.unicotions subcom - thc f( ming

J . Rinaldo, R -N .J ., oro p :an on the subcom - cast I m easure "strikes a odvis [Inonciol support for th e F: tnm ing ond th e de- Thi dren from overexpo- stripp ;1 m essages,” hibit ]im it commercials in faclui n s to IQVt m in u te s ics as tnds and 12 h iin u te s Leg lays.-- - - would•equire the F edera l ings h Commission to con-- a te bi ling w hether to re - Howa l’s license, w h eth er Mm mplied with the a d - cultioi.d.aecved.the-educa-__ cp_mmiildren in its overall - shows

and tlIoned its children’s chuset aits four yea 'rs 'ago th'e'iss commercials would resolvi rketploce forces? sion or ive TV stations un - comply with th e a d a d jillow tho FCC to aridards.aftcr Jo n .

fie m easure is m is- 'BOS constitu tional_ .

>n sta tem en t soid: th is one. to injDct jtn llo n

te r is commu for gl05

CO Oct. 6, C oplan d be o u f on video

-n in films will re- e -J woman, consum?...... ctnll•e, sm art re ta ile rs v . ida l m arkets such

. . . - E a s t Bo IS ju s t w aning to

;Sio7" jfh i^u s they grew u p , . n Frandsco ' and .j

, are also 10,000re ju s t w aiting to *’D - maybe not •ict sense of th e ' The Iwould otherw ise Rambo

nger oudiences. v ie t troc n, a -number o f Eorlii•to" tapes os ideal stai. U rifortunotely *H aus an i t th a t way. C a- s e u m jupes will continue hannes*. video stores, b u t m an giiue to-be shelved how ho:-the-way com ers, Unon'MY en te rta inm en t

. fcnret,Iron's video m ar- Suender r ,h o sa y s .In -fa a .deo re ta ile r ■who • P”Jl not only offer H e exes, the Blore w ill la rly to’s play ond read- -hatched

Suendern all our stores,” gor seatV w hen p aren ts After )u t for fast fodd. ’cape, Sti "or tho plnco w ith _tura_tflli I’m betting k ids and saidgo to the video po rtirit

people w. . . . . I __________.._

nts ‘with e ir fiill-season run , etc., w reody in o w eakened stale.

This is going to be Deat days a ll tHe w ay — and I do i the aeries."

How bad could it be, you as • Well, CBS r a n off w hat see every crum m y p ilo t i t had on lost y ear in i ts “Sum m er Plo Now im ogine wall-to-wall ] laugh tracks.- howlii^...fflcel and robbefS screeching oroi less ghetto co m ers in soorch low-lifes. A nd, ono assumes, works will come u p w ith hun now woys to hon o r Bob Hope Buriis ond th e liko.

r tryoutrotty savage "S.aturday, ivo” tak§ofTs on th e egoistic r ion.Snyder left N B C in 1981, oi

•named “Tom orrow Cou; oast" was canceled to make I “Late N ight W ith David Le an," and becam e a local sofl-i ichor on WABC-TV in New 'i oJess.controyersial there, he' ispended briefly in 1983 for r g an obscene g es tu re on car Ithough he appa ren tly did no ize ho w as on th c air), departc iptember 1984 and was ou oadcosting-Until joining-Los. les’KABC-TV'in 1985 a sa sp i ojects correspondent. ,

rn m arM m r f s " T V ~e federal govom m ent into prc ,ng and advertis ing decision: c properly those o f te levision: st licensees, a re inappropria vised and inim ical to thc sp 'F irs tA m e n d m e n t.” 'The House compromise ■ipped of ea rlie r proposals ti )it program s t h a t feature toy r :lurers’ p roducts,,referred lo b as “p ro ^ a iji- Ie n ^ h commerci Legislation pending in thc S uld bon-3uch--programs. No ;s have been scheduled on the ■ bill, which is sponsored by ward M elzenboum , D-Ohio. klarkey said th a t because of ties in defining "progrom-li imerciols." is.suos re^fltding iws may be b e tte r left to tho i tho courts. However, the M isetts Dem ocrat sa id he will •issue'in’C b n ?re55 lfih ri55uc Dived satisfoctorily by the con J or tho courts.

a s t G e r m a i e n y S t a l l o n e r l i n - e n t r yERLIN (AP) - Aclor Sylv( lone, whoso m an ic Rambo cht is famous for woging war ■ munists. h ad som e unkind w 'losnost a fte r h e was refused ’hursday into E a s t Beriin. irder-guardfr-gave no oxplana efuBing to allow -S b llone to e rommunist city , sa id his spo an.A na W einert. alloncrln'W cstBcrltTTto pror lew movie, "Ram bo III," war )ur the Pergam on Musuora Berlin.was ju s t going th e re to look ; ■um, and they look a t me like ly," soid Stollone.-quoled by cist, John Bloch.’resident) R eagan cnllod U )vil em pire’ ye t thoy le t him i it tho w ay i t is in movies. 1 for g la inost,” S tallone said, ig 10 thc Soviet policy of oj

le lotest in s ta llm en t ofStalip bo series p its h is horo against :roops in A fghiinistan.

rlier Thursday , the -13-year s ta r arrived a t th e Berlin V I am C heckpoint p harlie J u s t os W est B erlin resident es Georg E h re t a n d h is E ast ( girlfriend w ere dem onstrat

10 smuggled h e r o u t o f E ast II'.May 27, ;______

rel,‘ 3 5 rsa id h e 'h a d m et Lif ierm ann, a 22-year-old East I irse, th rough b roadcasts on orpri^'pto r o'^ip ________

explained how h e drove re to E ast B eriin and oventut od thc p lan to smugglij’ ; lerm an o u t w ith a fake lat in h iscn the ro -enactm eni of tho Stallone p au sed to have his ] tiikPTi _wifh M r. Rucndprmr lid: “It ju s t goes to show how i nt hiim an rig h ts aro, and wl J wili go th ro u g h to be free." ------- —.. - .......... * . ----------

w o rst'd:., we o re a l- There m u st! i. So until thorleath V alley life in prime ti do n o t m ean are not into sp

- — suggeslions' to ja sk ? long ond repetiseemed lik e —Leom how on th e s h e lf Come on, od: P layhouse.” skimmed over Jl pilots — hooked it tip. p iceless .co p a_ th aL w as :ih a t.- iround e n d - more diiring tl rch o f lousy Tr>- recording £ ,es, th e n e t- , actually watchi: hundreds o f —P lay th e rei opo, G eorge \Vhon you h

duty free tim eI---------------- your remole-cc

th a t littio lasor _ 7 —yourfriends (oo]

See how mony i tube on and of

- v f 1 Jeannie" and s .• N ig h t goingon. ■enews- - T u rn n ight,

nc P u t'y o u r VC], os th e Wi.oast-to- TonigitJce w ay g^udio audiU t te r - • afternoon, w.

)ft-nawsw York, - r .. the imphe w a s _ ...-N jghtiine;:------

or m ak- -R u n y o u ro wcam era g ,

it. P u t th a t VCR irted in ^ ^ ^ y for a weel out o f ‘Tw ilight Zones"

W)S-/yi--. out-slipping into ' Indulge in slasl

retch.-------- — J " —Search for t l




■ '“ " s t : ions th a t Poia\acon broad- » ».riato, i l l - ; B c c fT lp s ^ ' sp in t o f tue

Swodlshlftco so w as WED?s to pro- Swiss Steak, Coym anu^ THUIlo by c rit- R oasiP o ftm

ercials,” . .scaN U o o o lfi e Sena teNo h e a r - - JOIN OUR Dthe Sen- Every 10th CI’J' 1 1 1 1 B I-U E I.

5- ^ 7 3 4 -of d im -

m-lengthing-_su_ch__ . _______lhe FCC ; M assa-?il! ra is e — T h © CIO Ss u i r t s n 'r " ---------------------—commis- ,

To d irec t All c h a r t s



charac-, BANBar w ilhj words * .i s ^ en- . E VHOURS: 1anation Facliiiies tnoludo:J3 en te r •(.muvyuijoufMvtinnmv spokes- • SiiMcdamimiQiimbw

• NEW i,in)ciioi lams ,1111 i ro m o ttf - •-Ii--i2yCtaHdcai.«lc w a n te d - ' jom in . • f’(n;ii{.' ;iiji(ec5ini;c(l I

ok n t a • ike theby h is 0 * 1 0

• Svpty Mmtiiyi: Family I lU nm • G to ijtfR aic :A vaii'jtilc' • Itu,i;clj^Si:ccial5A0jilim in. I -‘3 So DIRECTIONS

10 mllos w est of B f open- 30, tnon turn 1 1/2

Snake River a n d f<a lip n e ’s


■earrold '

Jo- ' " H ' Is lG e r- I

L i a r i e '" ^ ^ H 7 ' — P81 Ber-l a n i l - | l | | l


z I qiiiiDw im- ^ ______ '

w hat

a se sett b o o b e tte r way. o re are som e signs o f new. no tim e - especially if you tn sports — here ‘a re somo Co to get you through the “P ititivo m onths ahead: . thi iw to use y ou r VCR. thi idm it it. 'You never even or the directions. You , popped in a re n ta l and yoi L -T iy -som eth ing .a .little_no ' th a n th e on-off button, coc

' som ething you a r c not Ho hing. ▼remote control gam e. 'have got som e heavy- hor

le on y our hands, test •control skills, Bounce . “ P :er off th e w alls, books, “ le )ops, th a t w ill n o t w a r it^ - y tim os you can flip tKe o ff during ‘‘I D ream of s till figuro o u t w hafs

thoit into day.CR to good use: Enjoy Vith David L e tte rm an” Ii ight Show" th e w ay the Pur idiences do, a t 5:30 in will while you s till h ave the Aftc jh . Save y our strength you aportoh l stufl" like couj------------------------------------- N etDwn s tation,endent. Anyono can do ' R to good use, tape like j !ok, ond .w o tch oil tho J s" you can s ta n d w ith- P ito ano ther dimension, ish e r m ovies till you

th e w orst series e v e r '

t a g s ) D IM IN G _____

HBUFFET-----, $3.50 ;;lain Eniroos, Rolls. ^ / ■; oiaO, Vogolablob, 1^00S& G ravy MlOHDAYC hicken Ala K ing. . * /UESDAY ^'Lcaiooiis, u>9ogno DNESDAY F h. Chlctcn &.Noodlcs . t

HtPAY . 7iW ociron iaC hccso I

DINNER CLUB f iI D inner I s Frde 1*J

; LKS. BLVD. N . \ \ f

— J r J i - L a m b e r t - J i A n n o u n c e

i s u r e £ > f - h i s '- p e d i a t r i o

J u n e V T T T ?Ct a P e d ia tr ic In ten s iv e Os t s w ill b e t r a n s f e r r e d to t

u n l e s s o th e n /i/ is e n

7 3 4 -4 0 5lhank our p a tien ts (or their

iuiRfHcnO P E N

/ E R Y D A Y12:00 P.M.-10 P.M.

mi'j'.ooi ■;wilfili;ilRVIiookiii)i.. ............,111(1 |.KII//iGalci-Oui.MOl-isicy niii iciiiia.I UatiisareOQircU. dcaoed and Uir.mtL'c:!

Hi picnic aioasim iciions /Ml AflOiirlics, taiiiily rcuntoiiD, ano a utut iniic'

t-4098f - W W Wily Day (CViiftfrcn 1/2 puce il paiOTii lvthi

•LlleguanloijilSAimminaS2 00

10 miloB u h l o n H ig h w ay H ig liw j

/2 m llo s .o a s t o n th e , o a s t on 1 follow th o s ig n s , th e sigr


’ U B M G ^ O I



: e n a r ia ' -■%H e r e is a r e a l c h a l le n c o . T'or th-? ^

n o x t tw o m o n th s k e e p (I r u n n in g log of t r u ly b a d sh o w s. W o rse ih : i n ' Throi;'-; C o m p a n y ," morL- ' i i t ,iiit‘ tli;iii :li£ “P e t t i c o a t Ju n c t io n ." 'i 'i ’-»‘y : i r c ' o u t th e ro , a l! r ig h t . Y ou h a v o tu ;:ot p.!-! th o 'ju s t p la in bad sluCT, . - ^

— L e a r n how -lo -do e v iT y iliin s ’, ^ B y th e t im o th e w r i te r s ro m o bTr”:<

you c o u ld b c w ell on y u u r w ay ti> .{ y - n o w - n c w - d r c c r . - i n - L o c iL c iii liu ii -^ r.-

coo k in g . D o n o t j u s t w a tc h “'J 'h is Olii. H o u se ," b u i ld tbi'^ o ld lio u . 'f ,

— D isc o v e r th e w u n d e r fn l w(irld o f h o m e -s h o p p in g mull-i,

• H e r e - i s a chalI( 'n (;o t l i a t cuiiid !l!i u p m o n th s o f niintiii-;-- .^A'.'n.ii ■- tl ie w o rs t p ie ce o f ju n l; li-.- y .t-fer? .A genuine.■ ■ p 'jn ;i;ia i^" ' ’-’H, :: u in o “gold -g ln s^ ec i" ' iin.';;i.;i'i-'.' ' a d d e d f u n , m a k e i^un? Uj ku.-p ta b s o n th e c a lle r . ' ynu c o n illt-niii;.* th o M id w e s te rn c ity i l ; ; j t c a l ls I:; ihi> m ost.

- I d e n t i f y t h o C N N aiK'ht)i-.~,I t is t h e te le v is io n v c r. 'io n o l J'.nvia)

P u r s u i t , fm p res .s y o u r f r i f i i d ' , .N'nutj.' w ill k n o w w h a t you a r c la l l i i i i ; : ai'DiiL.A fte r a c o u p ic o f wun!;.-; o f p r .n t i i ' j , you s h o u ld b e a b le to ita n u - ;!i h-.i-r ,i coupio o f U ic a n d '.iir :. C.tL !'-' -N' ' ' : N e tw o r k .------------------------------------ ---------------

Diet ,v.l-Mil

Rcw M 'lj l ■ ■ ■ ^ ^ ^ E n t e r p r i s c s ^ y.flr

— — Gi v e a wa y - — - -- - O n l y - S 2 7 0 0 " ^ 'i | - - * - “—

► . / lo r a iifT.iii;ii w l V- / y l f y o u h a v e n ‘t ^ t r i e d o n o y e l ,

1 ^ 5 / * n o w I s th c t im e . vJ, y 733-1008 ■; ...............

• i / l 1-800-45B-,1435 v \ ‘ f i k I M I f a l i s A v e . E. M

i& l

Jr.—M ;D — - i ------i c 6 sr i o - p r a c t i c e - G t f e c t i v G — I

T 9 8 8 ------------- ^ ~ “t C a r e 'U n r r i r r ;W ic r ! ig a n ; t o t h e P e d i a t r i c C ( i n l e r e n o t i f i e d . | .

)5 0 ■heir su p p o rt over the r.. ri

mMuaui»i-ro.-Tnygpri!l '

^ J v s t S e s s l < f f t ^ t _


S t a r t s J u n e 1 3 v i '

CAtLM OW-------------------- —---------------------'.-------

■ > 0R e g ls f iM - : '

543-4098aabgry Hot SprlngtOutoO, Dox40a kvhl. tuno S331C

irdon duty a l a ll timca . ...

m ile s o a s t o l l- lngo rn ian o n h w a y 3 0 , tlio n turn 1 fiiili-:'.:t o n th o S n a k o llivor a m J (ol;:)'.'.' s ig n s . . . ; .

> E D |JN.-MON.-TUE. — I ® -

mcEi— -


■ S | i _* J U N E _ 1 5 t h ________ T O ■________

------- . . ■-------------- ---------------------------

Page 25: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles


i l Calei. If you hav€ an iUm I

1 tfrlainmfnt caUridar,- A^eu«..Cca5«,.2Wn'j

‘" ‘ ' '"‘•frtetlSSThinl jwur nofif* 6y HVrfn j ‘f** "Frida).-8pniar fij

Ol;'-; inlhtealtndarafrrt.,lliUl 7 i'3 public.

-I M ■ l O/Ti - ^ OLJ8S - The Bottor

i>"{ '^ a olO P-m. at tho Circle I

- V c '- ^ 3 _ . - - AUHL - J t*^ at the n&R Lounge.

8 D iniL - Pockat ChlI • otth# Ramona,

^ COODING - Breap m. Btthe Uncoln Inn.

.t: K JEROME - Tho J tof Donc« will proMiH i

_______ *No Sli Liko Show BtiSaturday in.tho Jeroiii C>rana«ium. Tiekota t

ll> Mauldin Furniture andI,;. ProcMdawUlbouaodro

JEROME - The ERick Kuhn, will ploy

j.j, Lounge.

' ' jaMBJEHLy - Th* £' p.m. M the Rainbow, Bar

• TWIN FALLS - Fr P-m. a t Honker'* Place.

-------------------TW1N--FALL8-------“Sumroar Fun* danco wl

~ 607 Harri«)n St. Doneeat e p.m. Dftl* Plott'* o


y> TWIN FALLS - TI OoRce Club wtll hold s

p.m. a t the lOOF Hall.' Cliff Haok-. band will p, mlaaioa la 12 per person.

TWIN FALLS - Smpiny Oto p.m. at tho Win

- . 1 1 / S a t i

Bt 0 p.m. at tho Circle Bn

rV a ll- F ish an

JEROM E - derbyTrom 10 i m iles north anc

. is free fo rch ild i

Librai^-F I L E R - T h

to 4 p.m. Sundi freshm ents will

C araell--------T W IN -F A L t

-------------------------Magie-Vfllley^!day a t the Holi

. , featuro.on “Che----- — ------- t-gcss,-B uhV w iE

d ay w ith S u z iV

M eridiaM E R ID IA N -

a 15-year reunic sc . C lassm ates Taw ni N esbitt S

.j__^ ___ ; _ _ Ifyou have a cley happenings .Times-News, 8 0 :

^ ‘ Arts il ; partici

SHOSHONE - T Y._ . "A rts in -th e P a rk ,-8]

, Ju n c tio n C ity A rts Cc for partic ipan ts, to d th e ir a rtw ork such a: ors, c ra fts , pottery, lei d r y a n d photography.

T he “A rts in th e P a Ju ly 9 a nd 10, in conjv

...............“F id d le rs . Jam boree,"The “Fiddlers Jo in t


r- Satui

- j p ^ - CD

- ~ W est o i lP t r a a e : 7 3 4 ‘<370P

mdarlLo\tmfurThtTimtfNtwten' R l tar. mail it to; TS* Timtt- atth‘in FaiU. 83303.-^ bringu---------UAi Sf. W. 1V« niutl rtjxiv* B l iy d a y noon lo print ilin *t th I' fiir that uxek. The lisling ■r*. but nxnU muji be open GC


^ o d a y , '• Loiui

ttom DoUar Band wUI play R|, lie Oar Cafe and Lounge. p.m.

fami]will play et S-p.m.---------

Change will play at 0 p.m.

treoknway will play at 9 Inn.

9 JuaaiU Mouldln School i\t ita 20 year celebrationJ0'C.nLfi.B.m3fidiuuuii3__ 1—romo Junior High SchopIta moy be purchased at and Dance or at tha door, d for dance *cholBnhipa.

a Echo*, with Mary and loy at 9 p.m. at Wood'*

h« Choet«rs play at 9 Bar.

Freeway will ploy at 6|~ ce. • — •

------The~LD8-Stngl«o— ------0 will be held at 9 p.m. a( nco inrtniction w'ill begin.

orcheatn will previd#

• The Swinging Slxtlee d a public dance at S;30all, '23S Third Avo. Eait. ......II provide tho mujic. Ad-

Smoke N‘ Thunder will iVindbreak. 1

i t u r d a y

0^ Dollar Band will play1_Bar Cafe and Lounge. I____

le y hapitnd w in th is S

— T h e Jerom e O ptim ist C10 a .in . to 2 p.m. Saturday a and th re e and one*fourth miii ild ren ages 13 and younger.

^ h o ld s openT h e F l le r P u b lic 'tib ra ry will nday . C harles Bolies, s ta te I: v ill b e served. The public ia ir

ill to speak toE tS -& ^ h ir i i !5 -e a n ic l l rS a J rC h ris tlta rW o ro en V C ln lrltr [oliday Inn . JoAnn Lohr, F il C heddar C hatter,” and Stepb[/ill prrMritlo'TTiniiir:i V ance, 825-5319, or B e ilah

ian H S "73 to— T he M eridian High Scho

inion Ju ly 29 a t th e l ^ r f Clul ;es w hp havo not been noti :t S w ann , 888*9667 or Susan

g community newa item you i ^ s , send y w r notice to: ' Box 548. Twin Falls, Id. 8330

in the Pa :ipants fc

T h e f irs t annual about 2 "-sponsored-by th e — The ( C ouncil, is calling cated o

) d isp lay .an d sell house h I a s oils, w 4teh»l- le a th e r work, jew- - • E n trj

hy. space) iP a rk ” will be held . 30. For

injunction w ith tho foiins b te," .in S ho sh o n e ...o rw rite linboree” a ttrac ts P.O. Bo:

E m aIITINGACTIOAtthe NEW MAGIC V;t u r d a y , J u n e 1 1 t h * I



f-- ■ ■■3ts to do ancRURL — The Renegndea will ploy a t ^ e W R Lounge. _ ___

BUKL - Pocket Change. wUl ploy ai tthKRamona.

GOODING - Breakaway will p!< •m-ot tho Lincoln Inn.

JEROME — The Echos, with Ma ick Kuhn. wUl pUy a t 9 p.m. at oiuige.

RICHFIELD - Th* Cheetorv will pi m. a( the OuUaw Doya donee, for th. .mi]y.

D e e d re B ig g e ra , D a r r ln s to n (I. to

Boise Miss Tdi

_____T hree Magic V alley teeiM iss Idaho o l a r s h i p pag rison C en tcr for Perform ing

. .Decdre.K ay-Biggers^-M i N orthside Magic V alley, a will bo among, th e 16 cont Idaho in th e A m erica I

-------Torilght a t 7:30, th e firste n t num bers and th e other-i n in g gowns. T hey w ill Bwitc

' sw im s u it com petitions cont everyone perform w ill have

T ickets may be pu rchase M orrison C enter box office.- n igh t and $8 S a tu rd ay w it

' and M nior c it iz e h s r

openingsS atu rdayt C lub Will sponso r a fishing

a t th e 'E .P . M artin fa rm , five niles e a s t o f Jerom e. T h e event r.

n h o u s e .vill hold an"6pen ho u se from' 1 e lib rarian , will speak and re- 3 invited.

0 w om en3 alt-l a k e - 6 i^ w iH - 8 p e a k - a t ■ |uncheonatnr45T nm 7T iiB 5^ Filer,' will p re se n t ^ e special IphM ie Z inn .and Stacey.B )v» mni^o hy P ri.a h A tkins, 543-5887. , .

a- g a th e r:hool c lass o f 1973 is p lann ing Hub a t th& Jairgrounds in Boi- lotiiled are asked to contact in E w ing Lacy, 375-3943.

)u would like included in yai:: " ^ a K ^ Happenings." Them 3 .

ark^ need or displai1 2000 spectators to .the area, le a r ts and cra fts show will be1 on th e Lincoln C oun ty Coi e law n a long S ta te H ighw ay 92

itry forms a n d a SIO (p er exhi !) reg is tra tion fee a re due Ju 'o r m ore inform ation an d enl 3 co n tac t J e n i Zech a t 886-26 i te to Ju n c tio n City A r ts Couni Box 788. Shoshone, Id ah o 8335

IN CONTINUESVALLEY SPEEDWAY> G a t e s O p e n a t 6 p m

R a c e s a t 7 : 4 5 p m


A d u l t s . . . $ 6 . 0 0C h l l d r e n . . . $ l : ^

l U n d e r E F r e e

Z ” ‘ ^

id see aroui»yat’9p.m. . TWIN FALLS .-___________ ^ake Your_Kida FU

Tnun lO a.iu. to B p.i ay at 0 p.m. College of Southern

Pork. Th* ft«e event, ia for children agea '

ploy Dt 0 adult.ActlYiUe* will Ind

(Uhing contMt* and Mary and tidponU ahould prt at Wood'* equipmenL "

' R«gt(tmbm i* reqi areavaiUbI* at Shop:

ill play at 9r the whoU ■ TWIN PALLS -

p.m. at Hanksr’a Ploc

■r s , S j a e n Z i m n i e n & a n a n t o jr.) I

? ho^ts 3i ia ho p agteen-agers, will compete .in tl pageant tonight and S a tu rd a) ling Arts..Mi8s..Twip Falls; S jaan Zin

and Paige D arrington, Mii w ntestents v jing for the- rigl ca Pageant th is Septem ber, irs t eight contestants w ill pei ler-seven will compete in sw in vitch on S aturday n ight w ^en MnUnue a t 7:30. Spectators w ive a tten d both nights, ased a t th e door both eveninj lce.-Call-386-ll-10.-Regular.S( w ith d i s c o ^ t tic l« ts availal

5—1 Watei 9th nilThe Times-News

B O I S E T h e Id ciety will hold its n

' . m embership "exhih...........through Ju ly 7 a t

Building, O ne Jefii

Included in th e - . ings by local a rtis t;

Ketchum; J u n e Car____ Neely-G ibson. Ha

-------------- W ^ e i l . . . a n d . Jog•ial'

, More than 170 si - - - ted to 'the show judi

~worKsToF[HIs"e3uB The show w as j

Khee' Chee, an acti

Z KlVItoBOISE - lO V l, I

__ a hulf-hour specialO'” on S aturday a t 6

The progi Alii fv Ati ; w estern poetry a s i

_____ pan ts in th e “198JGathering” in E lk o ,:

------ The.program fen t

iy-U-Io— I .......... — ......Court- a % ^

I M ap OpM7 0 ^ .

June aen tiy M ________ ”

>-2636 m m s M S M s m m lundl.3352. ~

f t I f“ them( J\ youlYm -.............. ®m h| |s-------- Hs- .—Y ■ 143_______________ _ Thu Compr

------------ phgc to rpcn dihcm at llic X43 per nwI end n tf. Not to in

eii|i»)' al our uniqi a lioxtol Dia-clor> niglii MKick.s :uid ba-aktxst in ihu ni jiHi (iin'louiijji :in

md the MacThe Mventh onnuol T

^ h ^ Event" will be held pla) p.m. ori the grvund* of tlM m Idaho, next to PronUer nt, cxrardinated by ShopKo. a 7-16. accompanied by an

Tndude educational dinica. p.m td prise* fdrweryono. Par- provide their own flahing

equired; regiatration form*' opKoatoree___

Bl— Freeway will play at 8 atti lace.---------------------------------------T\^ ^ ^ . P'V



in d P a is s f p a g e a n t . -

•9th i jeant ~the 39th annual

ay in Boise’s Mor- • ”

immerman, .Miss . ____iliss Mini-Cassia, twight to represent

montJwrfonn their tal- , »e«n j im suits and eve- Twin: en the talent and I who want to see

Snakeings, or from the • thr ui ; seating-is 86-to^--------lable to students. -------- ----------- -- .„ i-„ ,

Idaho.—=--------------- ----------1

ircolor gi letnbersl


Idaho Watercolor So- MTdwI ninth annual juried recei' libit from June 13 past it the Boise Cascade rontl; ifferson Square, Boi- soral

Ine display are paint- terco! sts Leslie Anderson, condi arey, Burley; Aleene and 1 lailey; Roy Mason.___^geooAt-SiuigMt, Mitfr ■.'., .THi

formeslides were submit- chart

idge who'sdected 72 “ more TBit: Repo

judged by" Cheng- ; Couei :tive m em ^r of the and T

> air ‘Cowb[, Channel 6 will air cowbo;II on “Cowboy Poet- a fonr 16:30 p.m. . cowbo; stures-a collection of “ comici 3 recited by partici- tional 188 Cowb(^ Poetiy Show.’ 3, Nev. ' die M: Qturos five-differont—Ashlej

The Ont & Only ChInoJB&/

BUFFIAlso, A u tS m tic d in e l* Cull

raANMh' n m

fyouiiketo lost ofyour I belong in (

3 - ; a - n l g h t Boise,pri Holdls a Ra-iit p)f»ra he-wtAaitL-£ai)a3:iIIy— Sioom per nij lil wvck- 'A'uckwnI meniion all you'll }oln us; iquc CompnQuh 'tJkc l$l\'i, Rjr’s Ri-ccpllon. late- lidiii cid a aKikt-d-lo-onlLT gniomiii); I’lu.s, i C i r :iround b)' tlw pool or


igic Valley tlTWIN F a L lS - Smoke N" Thu

play a t 9 p.nyat th* Windbreak.

1 2 /S u n d a y

TWIN FALLS - 'h ie Echoi will |).m-at Honker'* Place.

1 5 /W ed n esd a

BURLEY - The Echo* will ploy . >t the Claulc a t CooM Creek' Station

'TW IN T A L I3 “ SmoKrN’ n iu i ilay a t 9 p.m. a t the Windbreok.

16/ThursdajTWIN FALLS - Tha Twin FalU .S

)and concert will be held a t 8: Ifi p.n ’ark. Admluion i< IVee.

TWIN FALLS - Smok* N'' Thur ■lay.ot 0 p.m. at Uie Windbreak. ' .

O n g o in g

BtmLEY - Pointings by Clara lurley will be on di«play for the De luild-a Artiit of U>a Month exhibit a t . '**(er'* OfTice. 325 Eatt 6Di North- ' lay may be**en during regulor oflice

JACKPOT, Nev. - Cleveland willin a t 8 and 11 p.m.'chreugh Sundo, ola Room at Cactua Pete'i. Dutch Bnjrferm JnnrlS-2fl.— --------------------Janie Friekie will perform a t 8 nnd dy3,

raiN FAliS - The titlire orti ary Brile*. of BuhL.wUliM.axhibitcd of the Month at Laraon Arta throi snth of June, Tho diapiay of qullta : Bn .Monday-Saturday at 432 Mnin / rin Falla.

rWIN FALLS --B aker Cavea: Recr reriea About Prehiatorlc Indiorui ake River Plain, Part 1> will be on < rough August 2fi in the Herrett Mua >£olUgaofSouthen>Jdaho.Tha exh idea materiaU recovered from archii i-exeavntionn'at Bakor Cave», aouth< »ho.luncum houn are 0:30 n.m. to 6 p.m

{roup set! ship sho^Tierican Watercolor Society, tl )nal Watercolor Society ani fdwest Watercolor Society. H ceived more than 50 aw ards i8t 15 years for his work and : ntly serving as an ass is tan t ( r a t the University of M inneso In connection with the Idah rcolor Society Exhibit, Che« nduct workshops a t Boise, d Idaho Falls. For informatioiigela Brown. 377 -3 5 7 .7 .___Ihe-J dah ^ W itcrco lo r-Socict; ■med in 1979 and has grown f a rte r membership of 20 m em b ire ' th fe~ BOO m em bera-^tate pona l centers are lo ca tsd 'in ’] ueur d'Alene, Idaho Falls, Poc d Twin Falls.

boy Poetry'boy poets, including B axter B )rraer Idaho resident and pOf 'boy poet who recites “Oyster iIcfll*pDcro~he'TBCitcd~t}cfoivi lal TV audience on tho “Tor iw." O ther featured jwets a re Mitchell, Randy Stowell; Ci

Jey and Leon-Flick^---------- —

& A m ericcn

I fCuisine*

ffoUSBt a . . o . ^ 7 3 4 - 6 5 7 8

Shopping C tnt«r.

omake r weekends, [Our Club.-7— — TV

;e Compri.)T a workoiii in the cx au sc luoni. =-SG'lf-yDuic-k)ok!ng for a p w i — tc n d g tm -a ) '— Uicn its liinc you us a t lhe Club, harkCcniLT

Boise, ID 85706- For reivn'a- iCi]1208-3-15-2()02or:

!ompri) H otel


this weekerThunder will day. U.30 a.m- tu c :

. and from I *4:30 p-m

y TWIN FALLSCallory pre»aiiu ; frum nrtlltudentj n

vill piny oM> Idaho. 'n>P imngp*;e « u W u a ii.lq u r . . mil U>e iiummrr in

_ iircond lluor of Ui'l a y Iliiilding 0.V th. CS

are fmmB m. tu&i

lay a t Op.m.Uon. U p <

[Tmiidbr'will ' 'SUN VALLEY -

F rtlival will l>egin muMce by the Briti«t Sponsored by the S Art* nnd HumonitI

, , , . . , Unuo through July 2 U M unicpal Concert* wll! be h p.m. a t City „ n Hou.e. lhe Sun

on t'he Tmil Creok . . rnriKi- in p r i t - fmm■hunder will ,V all.y C.iiUrr-;26.B

TWIN FALLS - Idaho will 'preaent ” July 1. Alljuniurand eligible V* attend. "

Student* will be pi ^ a Limy of to experience and in ’ «“ '■ Saturday at tha (i a t Dr, Paul p .,„ ^ Building. I th- T7>e dia- 2:30 p:m(nee hour*.

will enter- .. Forinformation ca liday in thrfiB nkerw in r - \ j.------------------------ - O u t o f iind 11 p.m,

______ _ .... .. BO ISE .-T liaS liriorliatry o f 1 and 7 p m. lodny nn

hrough lho Paviliaii, TickeU aro Ita mny Ue for children 12 nnd i in Ave, N.. cull SHS-S.-SSfl.

RI':XBUKG - Mn ^ e n t Di». fonn Wednrnriny nt 7 >na of the Concert Hnll at Kicka ondiaploy for ndulU nnd $4 fur tiuaeum ot box umcr will up)^n nii exhibit *!».----formance--------------—

uthcx«ntr*!!l-----HOIPB— Kim»>eri)pvc frni* drnionntruti

p.m. Turn-^ iind nculpturinK I'chi

ts S E L L I T !A Tlmos-No

I W 7 3 3 -

th e N a- a nd th e ^. H e has d s in th e [id is cur- i t p rofes-' esota. - laho W a- :hee w ill., Sloscow .tion, call .

w ty -w a s 'n from a m bers to | -

~ rfirT5oisei lM „i j . . . j r r Pocatello

y’ H Hrpopular

0 l l | H | H | H

'to n ig h t R H ^ ^ H re W ad-

C arlos

' i B E H HI- wssam^ = 1 =_ I ^

H m

P A - c e r m i H l e a l

d . B U M

nd------ ---- -4:30 p.ta. WednoM^uyFriday Idah L m .^ l^ tty .. _• , floe,:

) - Sunipot Photography Stt I 20 pholographfl aelected Park a nl the CoIlrKe uf Southern hibit

in n wide variety of inter- dny, will on dlxplny through-

in lhe gnllrry located on the RE llie Taylor Adminiatratlon gant CSI.campu., V.nwtng houn. TntU 16 p,m, wookda>-a. BntT

Urfc andi

jcom m gconc«

■ - Tho Sun Valley .Muaic ' Univ in Juna 25 with a peribr- ablel ti«h group. Electric Phoenix,! Sun Valify Cent«r for the 1*0 lilli-n, the frativul will con- y24, ' " ‘"S. held in Uit Sun Vnlley Op- ‘‘“rm un Vnllry Lodge Terrnce or Th' ■ok Cnbln grounda, TickeU admi >m K (<• SIS. Call th* Sun chafi WMHUuf infunuution. cheea

Forli- The ColloK" of Soulhern t "Muaic Folt '88* June 27- ■ndfenlor high aludenW are 0------------ ------ Salmi

I placed in claaao* according h training, Plaeamont will oc- arta a >a College of Southern Idaho on d‘* R. laat name* A-L at 1 p.m, tarBi llm, Studtnu win b« oaked latructora and mual bring andmu*ic,- fo™ • call 733-95M.nt.'270. ------ U"*"

' t h e - V a U e y —BOI

Ju ly?tirinaCircua will be held at _*lty_P. nnd Sntiirday nnd at 1 and tion. ci

ro $7 for sdulU and >3,80 BOI d undor. For'informntion. Uie lir

p,m.J areSl-

k1ndiM>n Trnnait will p*r- --inK38I t 7:30 p.m. in Uie Darrua :ka Collrce. Ticket* are tS ur children.under 12. Tho T l one hour prior to the per- | |---- ------Ol

irly nrtiirt GoTy-6tone-will— -Wfe ation. of bia woodcutUng *** chniquea June 20 at the 'iSr

•HieI ■ tlOO

r ! B U Y I T ! •Nd'^ows c iassillod lEvoryNooQ | p

- O B 2 6

' . C h a n n e l Se t O lam bnd Band

Wer«Sl2C0 N0WM5

g| appraliil with Bv»fy tHifnind i

F riday . J u n o 10.1988

Idaho Department of Parka and ReonaUon of-' noe,2177 Warm Springa in^ lee , The demon- Btrotiona will begin at 2 and 4 p.m,

Stone'a woodcuU are op exhibit a t Idaho Parka and Recreation oflice through Juna, Ex­hibit hour* are 8 am. to 6 p.m. Mondny-Fri- day.

REXBUKO - Mamhn Djom. piano ond or- gan teacher from Rexburg, will preaent a Ruf- fntU organ rvcit«l.nt 7 p<m. June .24 In the Rat-rua Concert Hnll of the Elixa R. Snow Cen­ter for iho Performing Arta. The recitnl ia free and open lo the poblic.

BOISE - Lynyrd Skynyrd will pcrfprm In ___Doncert at 7:J0 p.m. 'June 2^TnirUoIae“HlaC Univeralty Pavilion. TickoU. »14, or® avoil- • able by calling 38B-3836. .

BOISE — Ste. Chnpelle winery will preaent JieUlh aeoiHin o fJ u i tn t tho Winery" begin­ning June 26. Copilol City Jaix Bnnd will per- format 1:30 p.m, ,

The winery will be open from noon to 6 p.m.; idmiaaion U $2. Bring a picnic lunch or pur- :ha)>e'rrpah baked bread and a voriely of iheeaea and anacka, winea and aofl, drinka 'or Informntion. caU 344-0074.

SALMON - The Salmon Valley Chamber'>f Commerce will *ponaor tho 4th annual Salmon River Doya and Crod* Fealiv£I‘July .•2 In downtown Salmon, Variou* typea of irt* and crofU, oa well a* conceaaiona. will be <n diaploy. For informaUon. call 7M-2476 af- erOp,m.

D blSe - Def Leppard with Teala will per- irm July 2 at 7:30 p.m. at tho Boio* StaU Inlvormlty Pavilion. Ticket* or* •IS-tn-ad- - - ance or tlO day ofthe ahow. For informa- on.call380-1760.. •- . _________

BOISE — Tifl'any'will perform in concort aly 7 ot 7:30 p.m. at the Boiae Suto Univer- . ty Pn 'MI " ft.! Prt,- <ttrnrmn.on.calI38fi-17G6.

npiSE - .- I v v iu '« mualeal production of , le life of Eva Peron. witl be proMnt«d at 8 'm. July 10 at the Morriaon Center. Ticketa '« $14, t i e and <20 and are available by call- g38&-IllO, - .

THEISEN MOTORSOverstDckedSale!W e m u s l s e l l lO O n e w u n i t s . - - -■FinlMiitotCo.illliiiatEiDDiiltiiiipiyiDiiiL t • Hielten Molon vill pay your sale&tai.' *109,008mllevarr3Rt]f.•Niiiniineyouloiyoiirpodul.

THEISEN MOTORSro i M oln A vo. E ♦ 733«7700

Btmd ' ------

Ladv Plana RInn ■ l i l _ ___iB iPM (a.-SappMK ft dr>mondr~l«

----- - - i|-

8 Tim O a-N ow s. Twin F a lls . Id ah o D-3

Page 26: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

AfterDEAR ABBY: \Vhor

ager, I got p regnant, I c marry) the baby’s natui

I m arried m y high sc h ea rt when m y daught<

■ ■ old. My husband adopt* been a wonderful fathei since.

I neverkept anythinf — flho has known about father for years. When f

______she wnnted to m eet himtantJy contactcd him.C': married, a family m an ii to-do.)

-Steve was a little leer when he saw Libby, he c tha t he was h e r fa th e r.' know each other, ond Li love him very much, S te wanted to m ake up for 1(

M ickeBy JOE EDWARDS The Associated Press

NASHVILLE. Tenn. Mickey Gilley, whose < nightclub waa th e focus “Urban' Cowboy," h a sn 't»

_____ h p n k jitpnkJb rt\^oyey8And lie h asn’t regularl;

- . boy hat for th ree years._ • Eight j^ a re afler Jo

aria co-fltflr Deb'ra Winge fad known as "cowboy h as broken th e tics ilia him as the country music associated w ith th e craze.

The.ea-year-old perfor gation over the nightclui n a , Texas', w here most movio was filmed. He cla

_ d a te hafl.let .the cavern' ru n down.

— '— ; “ Idrive by thox luboU t I’Ve not been in i t for twc ley said in a t«lephon< “The business h a s prac The parking lo t used to you can count th e care. 11 a m atter oftim o until i t g<

And his cowboy hat, W estern a ttire th a t bec£ able because of th e popu movie, has seen i ts last ro

“I’ve got h a ir ; there’s cover up," Gilley said. "I d a cowboy h a t is 80 iri''thii

--------- ing-tcnnako'orbreakTny-plo had fun w ith th a t et too. People w onder whei b u t I haven’t w om one m

Lots of]— — T he-W aah in^n -P ost------

The following a re rovie

OVERBOARD; Rated 112 minutes: CBS-Fox'Vio

Goldie Hawn a n d K urt s ta r in th is inverted Cindi a profoundly b an a l farce spoiledram heaiac heiress

------ into..believing sh e ’s thefloor*8crubbing m other o: inanities begin w hen th Hawn and h e r foppish h i w ard H errm ann) p a rk tf iS sm all fishing p ort to moke repairs to her closcL Russc m anly carpenter who rei

; wftlk^n to the heiress' diss

ORPHANS; Rated R;19i QUtes; LorimarHome Video

Director Alan J . Pokuli tion ofthe play takes its s t

_ th e Steppenwolf T hea te r whose'ffanircT^fr-QiFwair seem ludicrously • exaggc screen. Matthew Modjne, ' to know better,'&nd screen Kevin Anderson deliver a ltj m ances as feral b rothers hoi ramshackle clapboanI;in Ne

fUoneSliowb« ntBestlafmltreatartaJ,

\ *3“‘’ForBothSh

iM an F ro 'm ijn o w y R

7:00 p.m.

'• Ffi.-Sul.-Moii.-l'uc- __________ijtW-SgWf

KinU K N -|Us n c t w y i^ iv i-:r

■ _ ...JA K in____

• ^ IW . •' - ...../ / R e tu rn To S n o w y Ri

/ . 9:15 R ____ __rrl.-S u^_-Mon.^'uc5

> 8 8 6 -Z 3 3 3

--------p :4 TtmC5-NUWHTTWIri f

r reconhon I w as a tccn-, I d idn’t tc lK o r L a H itu ra l father.1 school sw eet- jh tc rw a s a y e a r )plod her, a n d has ;h e r to h e re v e r

• pay for Ljing from "Libby" w anted ho u t her n a tu ra l asked foren she tu rn ed 18. .tion pape

so I reluc- ■ gavehimI. (“Steve" is now A Jte r lin and very well- se n t Stev

the collegeery a t first, b u t and refuatie could n o t deny Libby %Jr. They got to. cause o f ti Libby grew to had builtSteve suid he her. Stevf)r lost ti:ne_and and Rav^

ey Gille

nn. — S inger c ea rth y Texas m s of the movie . n’t se t foot in th e '' '

.......' _________arly w om a cow-

# t 1 ^ EJohn T ravolta n ger launched a oy chic," Gilley th a t symbolized ,asic singer "most

form er is in liti- H M Hclub in P asade- ^ist o f th e 1980 ^ claim s a n aaso-;m ou8 club g e t . . . .......... ..

years. Peo;lU th e tim e , b u t much."two years," Gil- ; As one ilone interview , who sang irad ica lly died, the top into be full; now o f“cowboy

. I th ink i t ’s ju s t He appeit goos under." zard," “That, p a rt o f th e Squares" a«cam e fashion- Hia conc)pularity o f th e S25.000. <t roundup. $50,000 foire’s nothing to Billy Bob's“I don’t feel like Texas, a clihing th a t’s go- the fad toil m y-carcerrPeo-— -^ G tlle y h it e ra and I did try hits inh ere 's m y h a t, movemente now for th ree “Stand by I

■ new vid<— — dinfrr-the-j

................ — persuaded(Views o f video- allergies if

_ - voungcLhp ed ,PG; i9 S 7 ;’ ering denr Video. S89.98 Modine's i: u r t Russell co- dapper Mi inderelia s tory , need o f a hi rte in w hich a ._ a funny, ress is tricked moves in ’ th e d irt-poor, them with r o f four. T he proach,

th e h au gh ty husband (Ed- JAWS

iie iry a c h t i n a FU-13; Wd ik e em ergency nutes; MCA issell p lays th e The prob rem odels ■ th e title: I t’s no

1987;'riGmi- III deo. $79.95 WOODlcula’s ad ap ta - i stag ing from - - e r Company, allTechnlqires— ■ ggerated on e, who oughtlen newcom er m »a ttack perfor- / k T holed up in a N ew ark. Mo-

w SrtaJomml . U

Shows 4 " U : Show -; |.........- -

I ; \ ' i :

' ..........' " M U iy R iv e r . \

k J ALu f e .

- - CI S'UC5 - I _ __________

t z . y j

'tn f u lls . lU JtTo-------r i i a ay ^Tferm

iciliatkA bigail

. ^ V anB urenDear Abby

r Libby's college edu'i^tvu}, w d d h er to have his n am e, so hc for her b irth certificate, adop- ipers, etc., w hich w e gladly ' lim.T LitJby e n io l l^ ’in college, the> teve a bill fo r tu ition . H c called lege, denied being h e r fa ther fused to pay it!ly was heartbroken — not be- afthe money, but becouse he lilt h er hopes up, th e n rejected eye said his wifo w as jealous ve h im an u ltim a tu m .— nnd he

ey aban

M IC K E Y G IL L E Y e n o u n c e s c o w b o y h a t

’eople ju st h av en 't seen m e as

le of the country m usic s ta rs ig in the movie, G illey sho t to in show business on the tails oy chic." -ipeared in “The D ukes of Haz- T h e Fall Guy,” "Hollywood " and “Fantasy Is land .” jncert fee rose from $5,000 lo . One night, h e w os pnid for 90 m inutes to perform ot

>b's nightclub in F o rt Worth, t club tha t h a s since closed os :ailed off.'•hnd 'sIx-B traighrN oT T coun-' in the early 1980s when the

■nt peaked. His h its included jy Mo." “True Love W ays" and

leos hit tl:e-psyoho-«]der—brotherr-ha&— cd Anderson th a t he’ll die of I if he goe^ outdoors, so the

n r Then the two a r e saved by . 3 intended k idnap victim , a Mafioso (A lbert Finney) in I hideout. F inney — who gives /, finessed perform ance - n with the boys and tames ith his tough-but-tender ap-

' TH E-REVENGE;-iRalaL- 'm-,close-captioned: W J m T ' CAHomcVideo,$89.95 roblems_h^re begin w ilh the not callcd “Jaw s IV: The Re- ,

^Jhlch’ p a c k ^ o rro f -a -p u n c h —





J n d e r t h eB e l l e v o x e P o l<

DW f i l j i n s . S t r a i g h t t h r _______ c l o w n b y t l

• P m m R A T 6 ; 0 0 ____'•D A N C E A

J S I C B Y ^ ' C O l

t , L Y O T O

•S JN G L E A D U L T S $ 8 •U M D E R

TCK ETS A T ) O O R Ir o c c c d ^

u np TO; 1988---------- ^

on, na\had to choose h is wifo. to w rite to him and his th em w hal I th ink ofU betterjudgroenVpreva:

However, I w an t the - h e took a nd never re lu

be duplicated and somt and shou ld I'do? e -C O N F U S E D INT 'P-

D E A R CONFUSED adv ise th is poor excuso

^Hey i f he 'd oes n ot re turn th* led a t once, you will tu m tl r to a n a ttom ey. Then fol

i- ■ D E A R ABBY: Rccor i b a r re d from a local esta cd th a t I ’ve been going lo f s T h is pub h as been a me lh e --m y se lfan d JH o ad sfo rs

id o n s \T -D on 't Uie O irls AU C t C losing Time.”

/ 1 N o w rth e era is a me . th e m echanical bulls fi

movie.L V “Every th ing has its' \ ' reflecting on th e “cowl \ day . “Nothing lasts fc

— don’t rea liz e 'th a t tho-i fad h ad gone on in Tc a n d years.7 -“Peoplo: had fun w ‘U rb an Cowboy” hit, it whole world. ’IVavolta I th in g to fron t and centei

J b illboard going up.. 4 "H ud it not been for

th a t pa rt, i t would not im pact. H c had done ‘Si F ever,’ a nd this was ‘cot ver.’ I t w as a different li

as w orked. r .“Everyone become a c

irs g irl. I t w as like when to cam e over and everyor ils h a ir long and shook the

eryone w anted to bc por iz- happen ing . HI remembe: od In th e movie, Travoll£

to rid e a mechanical bull to c lub in o rder to win the f

lid e r. who w as then a r ol know n actress.^h, Today, Gilley is not su OS w ere such a good idea. T

trap tio n s, ridden as onc in - '~ w h o se '^ ra tin g 'w n s‘“(!ori he “I t w as a rodeo trainii nd sh o a ld n u v e r have been

[he markof a t le a s t h a s the virtue of he m atically correct. It’s ji

— y a w s —thfr-ltevengeA -i by . (L orraine Gary)._RoylSc a in th e f irs t film, is slill lis

in w ilh h e r sons. Followir es ih e r ’s footsteps, Sean (Mi

son) is th e local deputy cs v igilant, he hops in his b( ip- and - woll, let’s just

h a sn ’t been listening li track . F irs t thing' you

ul— time! A s a-rcsult. Grand! if- com es convinced th a t iHii

in for h e r brood and wor le h e r chickies near the.wc e- . th e film is taken up by i lr-“ incred ib ly-5 tupidnhlng^

PT. &. BELLEVU E C n Y F m i

fN E Rr& D A N <lY , J U l ^ I I


R F E E Ile B ig T o• o l o G r o u n d s ^ L h r o u f * l i T o w n , t u r n { _ t l i c , r l v c r .

____ •A U C T IO N A T 8 :0 0: A T 9 : 0 0

i U N T R Y B L U .

- O A J f - J S A

I • C O U P L E S $1E:r 1 2 $ 4


s w ^ p o i j m r e w r a w i r R c i

tu r a l f ifc. I havo w anted lime,lis wife and lell I t hasr th c m .b u tm y y o u k n o \v'ailedi------------------- body knche-legal papers w hen I v,l u r a ^ . m e can b ecau se ;me can n o t W hat an o ld bo

H etoI(J TH E MIDWEST brother)

L w h e n l’ir2D; You should ago. I no'so fo r a m an th a t alone haithe legal papers y ears i s l, the m a tte r over I c an’tfollow through. sw er and

b u t it’s VIently , I w as my frien titablishm ent “un d esin0 for years (12). — B. necting place for D E A R r such a lo n g a t th e pul

cow boiGet P re ttie r a t terta lnm c

■ place," G nem ory ju s t like'" su its pern featured in the - N evertl

Gilley’s sf s 'd ay ," he s a id , . m ahy.of t wboy chic” 'he^* Some w er forever. People patronize)

t-u rban <»wboy!_cowboy? h j Texas for y ears stylish W«

“I prob.witli. It: W heo on count! it affected the said. " I t v

1 brought every- w alk into ter. I l w as like a Reno o r L

and see for him playing changed t Dl havo h ad th e ' th e pan ." 'Saturday N ight Gilley, oun try n igh t fe- roll s ta r Ji , lifestyle, and it , Jim m y Sv

records in I cowboy o r cow-. H e’s on en th e B eatles down s h a r one grew th e ir “Ig o t to h e ir heads. Ev- tourneys," a r t of w hat w as was mom ber il forever." ploying e Ita learned how fron t o f me ull a l the n ight- “I w ish ] e favo ro fW ing- I w anted 1

relatively un- quickly a s on: You fe<

sure the devices ' coming oui They w ere con- "I’m ha

1C would a bujl, .now becai ohVrolled bj^ari~ ending lip

ing ‘U rbar ning device and lo do i t w il :ri pu l in an en- “Back ll

p lanes nni stup id th ir

v C L th e m oney

of being;gram - ju s t plain ole

—Ellen—Brody--------------------Scheider’fl wife in ^ m ity /ing in h is fa- Mitchell Ander- y sheriff. Ever boal onc night t say lh a t hc l o ’the sound

u know, chowidma-Brodv-be---------------------llis b e a k h a a l t”'on’t let any of .water. Most o f 'y people doing:r.— --------------------------------



■ " T l ChNoP

D> P " ENTRn l e f t - - ' *


A GE <10 ______ . '- J E " --------------

l A g e _

- n ' - -M ag ic ----------- ------ ^ p a ‘rtiei

jS ig n a liiP a re n tI. p l e a ;

' ^ I E N T F

^ ^ h e r jaa a “Cheers.” atm osphere — low , “a p lace to go w here ever mown y o u rn n rn o f 'I t l iu r i mu I w as osked n oi lo en te r simp se a guy who en terta in s there boyfriend.

told th e m anager (who is his !r) t h a t h e feels uncomfortabli I’m th e re . Hc left me 1 Vi y ea r n ever even ta lk to th}s guy,'le hassle h im . So why a fle r IVi' isTie'having ine buircd?I ’t seem to get a s tra igh t an- n d I re a lly don 't understand,} v ery em barrassing Iciknow i 5nds know I'm an iirable."BARRED AND HUMILL^TI

U l B A R R E D : I f your present pub m akes your former boy-

►y c h ic ’m e n t estoblishm enl in the fir

G illey s a i d - ^ c still ha- snding over it."■rthelesa. nightclubs such i I s p ra n g up across tho countr >f them -wilh-m echanical.bull ;e re converted discos and we; zed by custom ers in snap; :hata..shiny-CQwboy boots ar W este rn wear, o bably rem em ber th e impai n try a ttiro -th c -m o sr,“ -Gill£ t w as th e first time you coul Ito a casino in Los Vegas ( r L ake Tahoe or A tlantic Cit e guys in cowbtiy h a ts . : d th e mood. I t hod ils flash i

y, w hose cousins ore rock ’i r J o ^ Leo Lewis ond the Re' Sw aggart, has had 17 No. in a 14-year career, on th e road 115 days a yea la rp ly from his peak era.• to th e po in t I-wouldn’t do go s ," ho recalled. "Back then, I ancy, money, money; I wo

every place they threw i me.ih I h ad cu l in half w hat I die d to m ake as much money a a s I could. I t was like a draj feed it to keep it. The fire wa

o u t o f h is mouth." he said, h ap p ie r w ith my perfonhin. cause I’m w orking less an ii'^w ith ln o re money ifiah’duj )an Cowboy’ because I’m abl .vith less people.; th en , I had a lifestyle of aii n nd buses and trucks. I d l h ings. I prostituted m yself fo e y .” .

10th Ann

I (

H i ®

SATUI:hecl< i n at 8:00 A . P R E - R E G I S T R A T i

• T r o p h i e s f o r 1 s t e

• P r i z e s ' f o r 1 s t a m

• G i f t c e r t i f i c a t e s d

• T - S h i r t t o a l l f i n i s

R Y F E E : T h e f e e v

c o l l e c t e d o n t h e m

f o r n n , if p o s s i b l e , I

: G R O U P S : 1 3 a n

___________________ __

________ Sex: M_Darby woivo ancj roioaso fore j lc VaiioyrRim-RUQhoTS.’Tcr-: lieipa!ing-in !ho-5K-of7lOK ra

J tu re_______ . 'I t o t ^ G U a r d l a n (if unc A SE FILL IN THIS FRY BLANK AND <lGi IT W I T H Y O L II

frustrafriend uncomfortable

— lem, and he’s very un very- barred from the estal liiu UiSi reason, mply However, since his ere is manage^ where the i

the ehola — unfair as is nothing you can do al ablecars . DEAR ABBY; I ha ■,let • lives in C o n n « tic u t.;^ __ oral yoara (I’ve lost co

~brothcr has called me n- me (as ifl needed to I id, send flowers to our m iw al! er’s Day and put his r

card. He always says check — but he never

^TED Thisycar, he called icnce me to pul his name or

“ asheoskedrand sofa

f I. ....... —

F ro m tl > first • A c o u r s have • c» w e e k

• $ 4 0 r e g ]

?julls. - • T h e R e l( were 4 0 4 7 t hoppy'I a n d _ -__ ;__________ poi

ipact ——liiicy - " ■ ■ B i S S i:ould

k V D e l ic io n iRev J h e H o r e e

- g r e a t couryear,

, golf —n, itwas

V in I n )

did. i . ,





inual bovuN

f i

S P 3 1IRDAY, JUA.IVI. at the l^ounta T iO N l 5 K S T A R T St a n d 2 n d p l a c e m a i

a n d 2 n d p l a c e i n s i x

; d r a w i r i g s f o r a l l e n :

l i s h e r s

3 w ill b e $ 1 0 . 0 0 f o r 5

m o r p i n g o f . t h e r a c e

, t o s p e e d r e g i s t r a t i

a n d U n d e r ; ' 1 4 - 1 9 , £

Address 1___1 F . R a c e )[ofovor any and all rights anc aranyartd ail inlurlbs stifforo I raco conducted if»-Twin Fall

j n d e r 1 8 ) : _ _____________

---------------j t — -

I te s d a)le,-it’s HIS prob- T h is t unfair to have you th a n I h j ib lish m e n tfo r '^

lis bro ther is tho DEAle m anager calls b ro ther a s i t i s — ^ e r e ' i s ~ p u th is i ab o u l it. you'd lill

And molhavo a b ro ther w h o .............t. F o r the la s t sbv- What count), th is . .._ s a , drui ne up to rem ind their pee 3 bc rem inded) to by's updi m other for Moth- Every Tc 3 n am e on th e send you /8 h e l l send a ' printed , , erdoos. • ' $3.50ed again to rem ind TVen on th e card. I d id Morria, 1 far, no check; dtTnffan

D r a w i n gth e . R ig h t - S id e c r s e ( o r e n h a n c i n g < €. c o u r s e , M o n d a y s g i s t r a t i o n S e e M o n d a y - J u n e 1 3 , ( l a t i o n s h i p P l a c e h A v e . N . , T y y i n Ft . I n s t r u c t o r D o n n a E

b r - In £ o rm a tio n Cftll-4

ite a iid ^u M M d D e i d i !j e s h u ’s F r o n t i e r K i tc h e i u n t r y m ^ a l s c3t u n b e a t c

Chick*Q F r ie d S teakOur ab :» lu to lavonio ' A co dtiifn-r llu.- way you liki> if

m FojilBs, Tex-Mex PlatlChoictr :;Ii)ak. onion;', and

■ - - peppctr: A in fo lro llrd m c Q llo ji toililln


■ f f '

rntown Fu

t*~ I I V r * i i M y

wJNE 18, 19a l n D o w n t o w n T w i ■ S A T 9 : 0 0 A . M . 1Ca n a n d w o m a n , b o t l "

X a g e c a t e g o r i e s a n

n t r a n f s

a l l e n t r a n t s . A l l f e e

; e . P l e a s e b r i n g t h i s

i t i o n .

2 0 - 2 9 ; 3 0 - 3 9 ; 4 0 - 4 !

iS ________________ _____________

you wish to enter: £nd claim s ordam agosH -m 'ay- rciTbTm irwhild'travoIfng lo 'i alls. Ju n o .18,1988.

m s L. .E N T R

lu gh tertiis tightw ad h a s m ore m oney 1 1 have. Any su^rgestions?. -


EA R S O FT T O U C H : Drop y ourh e r a line and tell h im t b a t you his nam e o,p.the card , ^ d now d like to see it on a chedc. (P.S. m oke it retroactive.)

hat fecn-o^ers need to know about drugs, AJDS, getting along with ■ peers and parents is ,now in Ab^ updated, expanded booklet, “What y Teen Shoutd'KnowrTo order, your name and address, clearly '.ed.plitscheckormoneyorderfor J ($4 in Canada) to: DearAbbys Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount •ia, 111. 61054. Postage and han- f a n inctudcd7 ’

ifi Ie o£ t h e B r a i n Ig c r e a t i v i t y l y s b n l y

13, 7:00*9:00 p .m .eF a U s

a DaW s1I 4 « 3 - 4 6 9 S ----------------------- H- :

' e t i D m r

h e n i s f e r v i n ' u p • a t a b l e p r i c e s , o k

^ , 2 . 9 5

'la tte r

- = » 3 . 9 5


j . : _ -

W \^ 8 8 ^w i n F a l l s M a l l .1 0 K a t 9 : 1 5 A . M .

o t h r a c e s

a n d w a l k e r s

e e s w il l b e ----------

h i s c o m p l e t e d

- 4 9 ; 5 0 a n d o v e r

-------------------- 1 . ,,— ._____________ . I

r : 5 K _____1 0 K _ ____ 1 I .>'ay -aecfuo a p a ln s t t h o ”j lb a n d frbm a n d w h ilo | . |

' - ! . ■ [ ■■ ■---------------------------------------1____ ____________________ I

A S E _ F L L U N jr-H isJ . PTRY BLANK AND- | i

( T W I T H Y O m I ___________;


Page 27: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

- - ' ' B i g 'n v K i 'V I N T H O iU------

HOLLYWOOD o th e r body t hands-dow n

\vnich niaiK icos lo 1 ;i!:i ,'iicalud a n d a

- • ; :v r . from r tn r t t o f

■ !■. is iih-o a pc!------------— " i i n ■ l!n n i:-:r“N ot

:U:d niiw "Bifj" coni ;hi- 'i-Tepn's p rc in :;;fiiran . Hank-s n

ii'iii o f th c youi ,i:icl .tnck L om nior T>i-rr<"i!:ilily in ii.i c i v iij ijii is h c p la y .ss c

R ig h t aw ay , ‘‘Bi{ 'Viiiii “l.ik e Fatlvor V ,T.-a” a n d "18 A .'.viich iiccurs no t b

' Curr<I ht' rollinvinK a r r-i 'iiu -of ih o film s

:h r M agii; ViiIIl'V. 1 M ulion P ic tu r

.'.D irn ca am i op in io . ; v l , : ; ,T i n ^ : r . ‘v icw e

VHOCODII.E’ D ' - - -: .* ::? :u n ;iv c b u ta iiiiG

’h " firnt o iu in i; •.\iis-tra iian b ioke ,‘*j v .inn inR e ase 'by F

o u t. C rocodile’. ,-!o-.v.skii. a N ew Yoi• j;i 'red l)y u C ontr k iiifip in , se n d in g th

•iiid iii” in th e A u s t r I.i: ^iH'cial a s nn net: •hri-w dly cil'ective a: :,iv ih ica l h o r o . 'W it ih : i r k 's D u lton , ]

, f iijtti Fi'rnande?..

n i - F .T L E .iU ie E '( cfiiiiody thn l_ i

;ii.iy u f th e pop c u lt i i r c a o r T im B u rto n .••.•c'.-; Bifj A d v e n tu r -i.'id G ee n a D avis a i i'liin liind fo ilp lc whc

L _ „ ^ D u n d e eIK iLLY W O O D U

::iiveiUiirer.Mick Du: ["tit.'-rs down unde !iun(ip,-.H"bif-off-5f tn-': v.-eplcpnd box-ofTi n, a rival, the To

• N n,;."••••

;)i.i^l-fTl!i;d” "R anibo___ _ _ l i i i rd placc , w hile t l

'■ ■•nmf’dy T^unny'■nciifili. m onoy to h r •po l, plow iofi ih o G i iu ce ii, Ron H ow ard- AVillow" in to fifth plo

^•C'riK-odik'' D undcf• ■giH-i ^ ta r r in n A u sti

.IU-. h u n te d iip 'S 1 2 .'i i>:lr.'d. w ill! >5.22 mil. V. h ic h H ;in k s p o r tra y i;is w ish ty b c c y m e n c

--------- "RainiK) I I I ," 'in 'vitj ijib o iih o o tfi, b

ii '.h e rw iie m a im s m .<ildicrH in A fijhan isto

I nd ..................T'ha>t;Vpl)l'tlTiy.ll'0

l i ’k iiic rm in try -ily l* " i 'u n n y F a rm " ryape iiijllicjn.

___ _________Tlin__iiiud icval f a rw liic iic .i- i m illion . '2 f m ili;o n tn m a k e pi vi)rt)M 'i;j:. (irc.pi>ud Iw ;;M .';in ; : iu.;t i) \c r $5 v .rckc .'id .

: ‘ T lia iV n o l had ," in; c f , p rc ;-i( ien l o f E xhi ( > . , w h ich com piles Liki'S, " It Hhows possi in g we ll."

A fle r th e top five !:r<)~^t.'S'J|■opped sh a rp l


III Sirl- I f ' l J I I n d u e

(■/in (i"-'fnUjrt>un ] • • | ( liiiiwt.-ccf'.l'i.rj

I \ I'-rNTiMdtOjirn f

’II— - - Y - g - — g a g -B L U E-L-A f

stars)i\L \S p “i Times---------- t-

'D - F o rge t ■ about ___iy exchange comedies, vn w in n e r is “Big,”10 bc funny , wnnri, so- M 1 above all, imagina-to f in ish . - • ■ -----

personal tr iu m p h for . N'othtng“ itrC bm iri6h— ronfirm h is position as 5 em ier young 'light eo- q 5 reca lls th e amiable •ounp J im m y S tew art . lion, y e t h is berrtuscd , » contc-m poraty os the s s o w tl l . time‘Big" s e ts itse lf apurt cape Iver. Liko Son,"--“Vice—ofbei 1 A nain" in th a t the Wi H betw een two differ-- year-

rent filna re capsu le reviews scuzj

1ms p lay ing locally in to ritt-. The ra tin g s aro by Manl:lure A ssociation of Cathnions a r e by Los An- dor, 1 nver.s. _ G

D U N D EE II (PG). CO iinost-as-m i^chfunns-—drivewith th n t archetypal shotB;,‘*p iayed -w ith -such - "Colo/ P au l H ogan. This th o l,ile’s Indy (L inda Ko- take,York re p o rte r, is en- swirli'n tra ! A m erican drug a dis: th e coupio deep in that.,s lra lia n bush . Noth- 'D uvanotion a d v e n tu re but w hote a s a projection o fa whittlWith J o h n Moillon, dereu, H ech te r U barry, Sean]

FU]E (PG). Uproarious farm,[it_is a dazzling dis- ther -:uUure sensib ility of memoLon, d irec to r of “Pee* has e\tu re ," A lec Baldwin pie; sjI a re a ghostIy.New the co.vho seek help from and'lq

e J h L o l d s _ t o p

(Ar" — A ustralian “Co D undee le ft his com- vail, c nder a s “‘Crocodile’ broug! r-50-percent moro of Micha •office g ro ss th a n its “Beetl Tom H an k s comedy “Fri

anothillonijl5:;rrbl(3od-and- wallet 'b o - n r ‘- s l i p p c t i - t o ~ O s G ? tho C hovy Chase “ J® ° T n rm " cultivated Momi: hn r\’o s t th e .N o . 4 .G eorge Lucas*pro* S540,fi

ird-directed fantasy than t ’ plnce, • Idee II,” th n comedy ' js trn lia ’s Pnul Hog- 12.72 miUion, corn- million fo r "Big,” in rays a boy who gets nc row nup ,

T ■ w h ie lrtta llfflT c’s " =-------s, bom bs, s tab s nnd.

nu m ero u s Soviet istan, ra n k e d th ird ,. Th» l lio n -fo r-th c -w ccb — >£!“ ' prog

11 'o f a B portsw ritor a r c lyle re laxa tion in adnil aped n early ’$5..66

Jim tasy _ .lW illo ii;L _, produce plus e p rin ts nnd for ad- PO. two ^31800 to fiflh, . caulli $5 m illion for the | “ |^J

in.Kisted Jo h n Kri- xh ibitor R elations R. R« Ics the box office «ccor issib ilities o f hold-.

I’e films, weekend irply. L _ _

1H*I1srving breakfast,'lun(51

7 O Z .rioin Dilu d e s s o u p o r s a la d , & <

i ) /- - - —


nW E S • N.-HM-^H&4t¥NWO<


Tom H

Movie.. reviews

it.pcoDle-b»t_bctwccn Josh B a larly 13-yoar-old body and th lat he w ill possess a t nge 30. W ary R oss a n d Anno Spielber to w h a t m u s t be a virtually u: ll wish w h en li t t le Josh (David w) exp resses his_ longing t ow n-up. W h at adolescent, ai nc or a n o th e r , does not w ant pe tho re s tric tio n s and frustrabeingirfeid? — -------With h is 12-year-old mind an ar-old body, Jo sh , who lives wil

ms offeruzzy ‘'bio-exorcist" M ichaeLK rid th e ir horae o f an awful up

a n h a tta n couple (JefTrey J itherine O’H ara ). With Winon: r, Sylvia S idney , Dick Cavett, t G oulet.

COLORS (R). W ith , its vi iv e -b y sh o o tin g s -an d lts‘ 'd a j ots of gradc-schoolors dealing c olors" m ay feel liko a bloody sli 311 o’clock new s. B ut m ake no (0 , i t is a m ovie and — for a irling m otion and authentic lo( d isappointingly superficial on It. A su p e rb perform ance by R( ivall a s th e older of a pa ir o f ,0 try to control th e gang chaos ittled down to soap-opora size xutting_^ve_ry th ing . Also { in P en n !" . ' >

^UNNY FARM (PG). Not abo m, an d n o t particu larly funn; r — th o u g h C hevy Chase has m ents and co -star Madolyn Si 1 even m ore. A n urban yuppie ; spo 'rtsw rite r a n d wife, re tres countryside fo r a literary h«

r i( ja m tho horrib le consequei

p m o v i e s p t

Colors,” th e S ean Penn-Robert 1, cops-vcrsus-street gangs dn ught in $1.45 million, v ;hael K eaton 's ghostly, con fetlejuice," scared up $1.42 m il F riday th e 13 th P a r t VH" slas ither $900,156 out of filmgi le ts . - - — - ■ • — • ) s c ^ -w ij in ^ I J lM o Q n s tfu c l^

Robin W illiam s’ comedy “C m in g rV ie tn a m ,”'sh o w e d -s t^ .•er, ' g ro ssing $612,’475 ' 0,891, respectively, a fte r n n two dozen w eeks in release.

l l * fIv* c a ta q o ry ay tla m o ( tha >luntary fllm ln d u atry rating s g r t w i i n o v m r fo tJ o w r ---------

C Q a ^ rilA u c il^ c a 'a . 'a ira g a V 'IniKtad.

'Q. P arantal guldan oa

itlja-au ltabtr-forchlkJran .--------

Q. 1 3 . P a r a n is ara airongly ullon ad to g h /a apaclal Idanca for ch lld ran undar 13. m a m alaria l m a y b a ip proprlata lo r chlldran.

R aatrlctad , u n d a r 17 raqulraa c om p an y ln g p arant or adult ■rdlan. •

N o o n a unda*^ 1 7 adm lttad.

i6h & d inner 1!;

in neri corn bread. ’ ,

I...... .................. ■ -_______ I '

iP'glfSTEm-"- yS T A U R A W ^ ^ ^ I

I0 0 0 ^ 734-0403- / j ( f - f r t

.. . i . . . ---------

ianks iiparents on an

- s treet in ClifTsid up across th c Hi place, a toy cc unlquo p e rspec ti ally like is swift] .executive (R obert

There is a boyi th a t m akes h im man with th e mi

B ask in ’s mind, h appens t 1 th e one bright and ag ile,. W riters credible, b u t th e n berg tap compensate for e: y univer- izes he has to be ivid Mos- ' not resist th e joli S ^ food, for exam ple , a t one the m atter o fh is s mt to es- Indeed, “B ig,” stra tions reeled by P en n y 1

and im peccable and 30- child’s innocence

w ith h is rnt raco ns i f i t w

r both (l_Keaton of answered prayi upscale has a shallow sa

Jones, small-town Am orii lona Ry- I” with d rab yokel ett, Rob- and though Georg<

■J™™^hfinish, i t is nor n ightm are en

violent any comic in te n s it j daytim oig crack, RAMBO IH (R). calico o f "movie - in w hich 1 I no mis- squad spreads h is v r a ll its to Afghanistan — i; : look - morial by w rite r-s

one a t lonc to h is own / Robert would-be pop Illiad o f cops gard. Fast, loud, n-

30S — is sional, w ith m ore size, un- w orthofexplosions ) s ta rs also a real t,alk-bac

ture: a gigantically dy, loaded w ith h'

about a sciously campod-uj: mny ei- bonding ad v en tu re h a s his and grandiose phall 1 Sm ithpie cou- WILLOW (PG ).I- irea t to fectly agreeable la

haven people, heroic w arr: luences —

>■’* s)ort D u - ,d ra m a , ' i l

w hile _____comcdy M Bmillion. 's lashed »

"Good _— ^P oni

' ' A $10.5 night: Gal 8 oz. Priifr

^ person!A

... .......tha

ra-------------------— — -----------r *

[ ^ Enjoy a mu7 Cleveland a n

i . sm ooth so u n,! ' •. and M an h a ti

T " | ‘ !

u tT

■ “ ■ " r-

n refretn inviting tree-lined Loj id e Park, N .J.,-w ind3- - sh i H udson in tho perfec t' ccr company, when* h is ■ ecc ;tive on what-'kids 'r e - ing fUy noticcd by its top twc r t Loggia). siz(y ishncss about H anks . is a n p e rfc c f ta 3 tin g -a s :a .; rat^ m ind of a child. T h a t u ra —to„bo_cxcoptionally c i, m aking his aurvival 2r e is nothing th a t can experience. Josh real- ^ e on his toes, yet can- . ' ok ing gross-outs w ith ile .. ,^ d - th c a - th e re is 5 sexual naivete. .” which hns been di- . i M arshall with verve ;• judgm ent, drops a :e into the corporate w ero n depth charge.____ II

drama,lyers. But the movie th esa tir ic concoption of whor ic a — T h e Egg a n d worl:els and bad yolks — ra te•ge Roy Hill gives i t a o f ais neither celebration frierjn b u g h .to churn u p worlity . tion

..................................... (3eoiI). The third Ram bo filmi tl th o one-raan a t ta c k ' 'm e s js worldwide vendetta and• is an awestruck m e- n ea r• s ta r Sylvester S ta l- a revn m usculature, a c h a r ad loony with self-re- murderously profes- '

:e than $60 m illion Q |i s and spectacle, it is TTT ack-to-tho-screen pic- Ily swollen self-paro- howlers; an uncon*

u p homoorotic male* _re rife with beefcake y i allic symbols. . ' I n

H ere we have a per* ta le of magic, littio 3 i rrio rs, babies am ong


,95 value! Ei ijoy £ ila Room show e frie Rib diriner'fc

\p p e a r in g th ro u g h

^ ^ O e v e l a i

musical trip th ro u g h t n d the M idnight C h o n d s o f thc M ills Bros Uta n Transfer, C lcvel th in g for everyone in

• . Scnting-nr 6:(X) p'Tnf 8:(X) p .m . F o r i

A toll-free: 1-8 ■ B - In N ev ad a:


shinglx;L ogpa’s Mao MacA!illan is i shrewd, oponrm indcd 'tjxoor :cm ed about his new est lieu icccntricitics as long a s he kei :ng up w ith such terrific idt :wo do a.soft-shoe routine on size keyboard a t F A O . Schwt s a pure delight). A relontlcs •atflladder-cliraberfJohn Hei ira lly perceives Josh as a dire

So docs Elizabeth Perldni 40US S usan, . who unhesi u m s h e r charm s on Jo sh as in so m any mon before h im .! vho will have tho g reatest in: losh, nnd vice versa. The roli ^erkins to transform Susan lardened office com bat, veter >cautiful, loving woman who ler sense "of values a s well en seo ffu n .

..“IBig" . j s a ' quality 'p ro

come<he bullrushos .and o wicked 'ho m u s t be overthrown Ii ’orld bo engulfed in evil. I f it I te s from memory with th e i f a bubble bath, a t le a s t it le •iendly glow, and a sense of.a.r o rld lovingly evoked. This e’ on is too bad, bcMUse pi corge L u cas 'so clearly .war Ims to do good and to c a ^ f essages. Willow (Warwick id M adm artigan (Val Kilmei 2arly b ring it off, b u t in the e r •e engulfed as effects over la rac te r and this slim story.

C h lo r in e IS P o isWhy tolerate the bad ts

of chlorine and othai underslreables!!!

Call fpr FREE one wc n home ilem onstrati

H 2 MARKETINC 3 2 4 -7 5 7 3 or 3 2 4 -4 0

wa to wim e ^ K m c ^ —' a dazzling Friday and a complete

for just $4.95 per

gh June 12:

m d

m • W

1 tim e and space wi^h loir. Ranging from the os. to 'th e Beach Boyp e lan d provides some> in a styje all their ow n. ^ irC S h o w stiir ts ;it >r r e se rv a tio n s , call [ -800-82I-1I03 . a : 1-800-821-3935.liiJcIkitki!^ witluiut


y growlis a w arm , th ro u g h and toon uncon- tho tc r r if ic fnlieu tenant’s pher B a rry Sokeeps com- and includingideas (Tho costum es for Jcon an out* cisely th e stag

iw artz th a t ta s te from boy ttloss corpo* T he p a l e s tH eard) nat* th a t i t s m akerlire th reat.- end i t in a tho rIdns’ ig nl.ositating ly f " ;a s sho has ■" !>?'n . I t is sho * ‘*‘'>■*'0 with; im pact on ( M P ^ r a t o d !rolo allows fresh .n g ly p o «a n from a m lir» f«nuly. ite ran to a'ho regains —v . ’oU a a .h c r „ ___ ____ | \ ^ / !

allproduction ;>•

• <f - . S A T . S tk ^ - J » T *SA T --S I.

I t *SU N D A ^' ' V ^ y a n d a l i

ked queenI le s t th e jf;-: r ' ' “ f i t e v a p o - le airiness :t leaves a TuiJ ■.a.magical_ iliZ?9 evapora^ |£-;-

p roducer .-•'-'•; •kvants h is - — — y positive a l l s e

™ K p n i i^send they- fi;;!' 1 0 r 3 0 vorwholm ^

filiV * F R I i TUIIlS O n , at 7:0.I taste ^^2her""

w eek ition . ’■UG ' [H:;4 0 3 3 r l ? : : O P E N 7 D J________ B E E T L E S

P O L IC E 1 C


ii; ii COLORSV.-'- a t 9:15: : r ; i PLATOC:e-if AT 10:45

Ilf;I V DAILY 7:30i W . SU_NQAYl:3i

----- •'........ -- -O A JL Y 7.-30----- ------SAT-6UN1;'

......... ‘

ay iB'sSiiiiliMil i R l iSlij; TUCS.W£OS«.

e r Hi; , , •

___ i y i l l i i• S.-00 - 7;00. 8,-.

i S l i E I i" f i r ~ DAILY 7 .0 5 .

---------- - ^ { . ^ ' ^ . 2 ^ ^ .. 7;0 5 - 9;:


BlEHSTi:! ' 7:i9-«;35'

: DAH.Y7;lO .flJ0

. . M o-gao

pA ILY 7 :1 0 - 9.'2 - .1 SAT*SUN 12;40

2 ;5 0 - S :00 . - t ■ 7 :1 0 . 8:20

^ __


• 'liu: S A T . SUN-1; _ 5 :0 0 * 7 ;0(

" v T U E S . w e d :

n up pn1 through, s ta rting w ith ! ■ fresh look cinomatogra* M Sohnenfeld brings to it, I f l ig Jud ianna . Makovsky’a H Josh, which express pre* H ages of his evolution in N y to man. I n;st thing about “Big" i s y h ors have known how t o r K oroughly satisfying fash* R J •iilitai’s .ih e chnllengo —0 stum bling block — o f r icver confusing whnt is I th childishness, "Big”

PG) is actually a re* own-up comedy, for the




R «

IEATS $1.00 WITHOUT -W ED (6/14-15)1 1 0 - 1 2 :3 0 - 2:30

;i:oiiniMa l J I J H ' '• (LtSABtTH SHt;i nKCITHCOOQAN

V - ^ m m n c s J

a l l s I Tl^N.nKt’.L. .^.Ic. ■ ■ ■I J KnmiTltf f-lctfiller

s Miclucl Kciton#i»

3U1CE ^


s r COLORS )0 N J fo S fc T tf ." a E C

I.:30,v3:30. R T T n T T T * ' ' ' i

30 • g :3 o - R e r o m ^

1 ' i ; -i i s E i i i s g s p l i i s i

.I.00 r > j l i ' | : | | ' / f i l S N O


9:10 r - ^ ( f HAVE Vot — - K h a d a R


IB i i l iB t i l i r e e

^ M g j g D u N iw o ^ J e ro m ^ l: THEffO i f J M M f, P. r»>VORITtAn I ISBACXR)

3 5:00-7:00 ^ 0 0 ^ ^ ^

P fa liP

FrIcJay, Ju n o 10.1988

roduction "

TOM HANKS E m ero es a s to p c o m e d ia n

mC»N FIGHTER lil;,50 FROM 12 TO 4 RM. iliii: .10 . •H::;1.00 FROM 4 TO 6 RM. "


JA Y A T M O TO R.V U & G R A N D - f 'i} , •>HT G O O D IN G CIN EM A ‘ •

Jd D G E - o l R E l h H O L D U!rl

I tU T S E A S O N n C K E T I I I l | : „

T H U R S D A Y ( 6 / 1 6 ) ii|il -L : 1 2 : 3 0 - p '

J i y i l i ' F B i , ? r i p r I I . ~

nooiN ujiiiirvAs


k J H ” w D s i 2 A N D ” jiiiii ■ ■U N D E R FH E E I

iH S S E ll iE lE iS i ■- TUES ONLYK T D . ^ CO-HITff i Q p l a t o o n .

A ’ J - O S - K ID S 12A N 0 ;i:h • ji

■ E i E i ™ : ;rilif time Il’j «o i«e_hl» IriBnd. '

C H A S E l!M . . .

r u N N V ■. p

FARM l i : -™ ii!?

S u R N T O « l i MOW Y RIVER 4f fe j •

i H a n k s - f l ^ — ~ ~ ~ ---------YOU EVER V % f l ^ V ^A REALLY K f l f l ^ ^ r j r 'SE C R E T ? ^ 3 r l? 5


i n d e e U ^

i S m i-rSi . . .X FDR fm. IMMsiM 3sn

i ■ 'v*

jilHi ■ •


I I ■lfv.1 , ;II

D A IL Y 7:00 .9 :00 ' t■ S A T .S U N 1 |0 0 * 3 :0 0 ‘ • fif* •

5i0O*>:00*9!OQ ’ : :li ;•

88 TlmoB-Nows. T w in F a lls . Idoho D - 5 , -----

Page 28: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

■ ^F ra n k a r

' " " " V k .

G arfie ldf P ” 3 o ? T c A



H ' H a g a r th e

H . I HA&AS'S 7 ■ V ^ ^ W / A / S

I T h e B o rn LI ^ T=■ . . . - ..:.-A 1MM.„CWC0 L A T e-\

- ., S E u r y ^ s w s . i ^£At i c o ^

foln laja


.... B ee tle Baifei


— G a s . o l i n e A l l e

-I Di;Smartly-or 1 call you Upto

. j p ;

1 Miritot ___5 E^rltr vlcttm o

' 0 M liteo p . _ • t3 M flroarine

_______ J4..WMrD.-Qr^raot- ^ar. ™15 Kind o l- M

ia I , ? * " ■i a N ol q u ito

round st1B L aw m nkor: —

abb r.. 20 C u ltlv a io s ^: 21 W an d o rln g

23 S w eo t w in s H24 Sk ip to w n

----------16 S o p a r a io _______20 T loa31 A dm lf *8 «32 M eal c u i — .33 S w im m ing ”

p la c o -35 M orit30 S u b m o rg o d 55-----37 H ora ld ic

b o rd e r -,00036 C u t Aiini

------ SSTolIisrfTgif-------------------- • BUM---------------- 3"C o

40 S u m m o n s hp41 F re o lo n d o ra 4 Co43 A c lo r J a m o s S Shi44 S o rv ic o . 6 Sci

- „ ^ s« '4 5 H alp 0 O- w ro n g 6 Fla --------46Dlw}{f#8-----------------g - C 6 ,

40'SaxoR poon wai — —60-— * Vogno----- ---10'Moi

63 Jfll — 11 Mid64 P a rtln o n I 12 Hid 67_ P ro n g .. 14 C u i58 R a ap o n so io a 17 Roa

• ------- 22 R a c5 9 H ava - s t a tu s o n g60 Frot 23 O plj61 J o n o a o r 24 F ra r

M artin ' 25 T av t6 2 F a u c o t drlnl

prob lon i 26 C loa

.DOWN za K 1 C loan lng 29 , Rich

ftnplom onlu 30.C obfc ; 2 Cofltnollc c o n c

_____ Ingrodlonl 32 R m J.

^ __________D -0 T lm o s -N c

^Comfan d E rn est




le H orrib le

L oser

f e y ' .

^ < 5 ) 1 W OULPW 'T V E j W ORRY Ut^LES^ ;P / IT B ECO M ES A

P R O B L E M „

S ----------------- - ^ -1° ^ * v


or may I ) Of couree? Iton? J Miss-ef-m m c^. V alerie!/



meeo T-lbuft* MadI* 8«rylc«i, me,.11 niahu natqivx) _____

“CohTrora f f f n F T r lhorso =• BCoal wolghl r 7 ? ? )PShoolaco ond L S BJE j fScarfs A K A M RS«5 eag le H ? h I eT iFla. city______Cbhvlneo In a f p ^ J = 4 ^

Molten ro ck ~ - ~ u i M ideast land DKiA S. ■ !£H id * ............... H i E UACut sh o d H s ■ oT ^ le a l stickler B U T JTTlT Iaco tho r ? f J f fm gino J f 1. ^>plnlon I!' i & E i2•ranch - t t t E X i D H avomIrinka 34 Minus :'oaos 30 Swalfowad emovo paln l 40 Movo g|oM •'«"» .4 2 . Bom Ich. cako 43 LII — obblor'e 46 Ps|« 9ncoms 46 Sombreros iaJdoa------------- 4 ^ ^ # m « m to .

N ow a, Twin Fallo. Idaho F iFriday. J im m n iom _________


■ _ “ -^*-yXc




' I' h ■ ’ l'° I” 1“'

m____ ____ OB/tO/Baarday.'s~ Piiyy»B-SolwwH- ___

01/10/S8 46 Highway unit

lad 49 — KstI lowly 60 Fibber

51 Against52 Dance

movementI j


' — " s

i T J r ' A ^ ' ^ t

7^3 !<■ A l ^ v i c


3 JW FWV?5

1 ^ 7 ^ ‘ x 'L U E A T B ie ^ rJ v /V '' > z CMii. - ^ 1jK

P f e T o l a f ^

~l I'• ~;b e m e in ) r n , M IS S /

PciCf / \ \ /

W e l l 'I d o r i t ) Dr: F ra n l iK e to ^ m e e t e t h e

b r a g

B a >■»•*•

I B SH W hen love comos Inl

” Women tu rned 40 pessim istic about the

— ___ turos. So say s ou r Lov< __ H e pointB o u t th a t two

now ned love affairs

■ volved such w omen. Eli

w as 40 w hen sh e n ^ Browning. Walloco Wo

w a s -41 w hen sho mi— V n i. L a te r m arriages i _ worthy, certainly. Bu

j - S - D s i[ GENERAL TENDE f would bo wise to comp^

In which wns le fl unfmish

week. This evening sh catcd to t’he social side

- .e iyoac_w ai-iend -to -b frhearted and friondly.

ARIES (March 21 tois a good tim e to w rap i o f financial nnd prop

_Ppn’t neglect shopping rands w hich nepd to bedi

. TAURUS (April 2I5 to ! ou t socially th is evening,

•m eet som e ycry ,im por -Y our friends will be ver show yourg ra titudo .

I GEM INI (M ay,21 to J l

OOP T y r m

J p E S A W '[<5No/?E ICB O p I

_ _ _ _ _ _ : I


. O I. O . I I

V'1 T 1 I ll■4' . I . I l l

----------------------------I p


• jjp^ ' rr^ mis

InI ll ^

^to |y II

MS I W l

o t ,j n h e n s t e i n ' I p ?— - le P ra g o n L a d y f I j ^


I r r ,. ^

-M.pyd/hat’s what

l“ tc th o se pa ic.

0 tend to bc tooheir' romantic fu- Mayb«ivc nnd W ar m an. chopstidivo o f the most re- chopstid s in history in-Elizabeth Bari’e t t ' To lellm arried Robert m in u te n

Varileld Simpson age. Novmarried Edward you 'ro th: 8 a re not so noto-)u t the heat o f B RIST

lily^HoroscJENCIES: You th o se ann iplete ony work th is m om shed during the joy yourse should bc dedi- ntmngf /«n. ie o f life, as ev-be-jo\rialrlight-------M O O N "

J u ly 21): I for a frienc

1 April 19): Thls^ToTouV SiF) up the d e ta ils - is tirp ln n B operty flfrairs'. ig or othor or- L EO {Jl 'iono. . . h av e rnorb

pono doing 0 Moy 20): Get a b e t te r tir ig, and you can th is evenini o rtan t people, ety helpful, so VIRGO U

need in fo m q uam tan ce ,

J u n e 21): Get- d o n 't reveal

D oonesbury' I CANT ZCMSfi »f/BkC7H5 JVfTlSr.

. P ^ U O fT HAHP16! j m/WrTHING

— lA30urm.Tfe - .tas>c«usy(XAe I J EceMcernnG.


I~ | Peanuts~

I f v'fflU'RE Y SPIKE NEE “ I 60IN6 T O -)“ TO’ HELP

I I n e e p l e s ^ so u v e n ir s , I r p - i — x o j w i c 6 /

I P ' ^ O ( 0

■ Blondie

I N oveu I ) V. fT T O --<I,

A ndy C app '

I3room -H ilda


Vizard of Id

1// xo u m /e

C /

ia n d L d isSLLEfJ A R M S T R O N cS " 1 5 t h e a e ^ r t c i s s s i z IN T H E n i f - 3 R A 0 e J

particu lar rom ances was hist

ybe you didn’t know Chin< ticks aro bigger th an Japant ticks.

«11 you tha ty o u b link 15 Umei e m esses up tho s ta tis tica l avi fever works qu ite righ tly whi thinking about it,


;copennoying chores out o f lh e wa, iming, thon you can really or rself. Be sure to drive w ith th c a r e .-----------,----------------------

N~CHILDREN (June ): Don't h esita te to do a favoi ;nd who has alw ays been kind SiTdowri and m ake somo real HB for the f u tu re .* ~ _

[July 22 to Aug. 21): Ify o u ro pressing obligations, post- ng a favor for a superior until time. Don’t gtay out too la tc ling. _ ^

) (Aug. 22 to S e p t 22): Ifyou

ce, ask fo r it tactfully, and ;a l how vital th is m ateria l is





S :> —^ BE IN KORE/

5^ "ps:I4IIS^ r } OUT WATT

ill m -ir s j /


Thankc NWRBGerr

•1 /Vsr/TH/NG ___________S AV\Tnv _

T V A S r / ) ------- ^IST>*A T-^ ,\LL?VUNGRY/ J

'J6 E 6 TW 5 FIRST TO:ATACLVi5MfC E f . e . ^

l / / % \ W

S sH o v v p o I

R K f i o v / ^

A diligent reseorc • to rica l records a t Brij

______t h a t 49 percent_pf_~ n ie r e dunng Pnrita:

le s s than eight me ~ m o thers’weddings, histor-

You knowhow trot rev ere their ancestors

linese le a s t , thoy flock to 0 •anese p a y homage. Happent

H ong Kong Golf Club su c h gravesites. No wi

m es Q a g o lf bnll there withi avor- s i le n t reverent crowc while W orship Day.

'According to Dwigh o r 's West Point Yeai

■ V -

to you . \

way LIBRA (Sept. 23 to C r en- m oney owed to you to I tho y o u r most important - puU 'off a fitio'biisineBs'______c leverjind iip lom fltic^J toivor SCORPIO (Oct. 23 iind • M oke a plan to impro' •eal-' poaitjon71hen tako the i.

... I t th ia evening. Get togo v o rite business associati

youost- .SAGITTARIUS (Nov. ntil- 21): Before you do a fa ate . ono, m ako suro-you knc

w o rk iB,involvpd. Plan m tiy itie s th is evening,

i-ou •— CAERICORK^Dec:22-

nd you ta k e care o fa few sm 1 is " y o u r m ate, th is person


" f -

3 ^ , OMV TMoka/. ru .

I t o

rW C - Y N f t iR K E ^ y S - A - W t thevVe s w it c h e d «BEK. TO N E E aE S I" LL / OBVIOUSLY HE EA! / H A S INSIPE — ^ N F O I ! M A T I O H ..j


s i x , ^ OA6WOOP ^

li ^-m V ‘

I» 'k pu ln t TtH i r ^rrif^i ■

I =

i f^ W ^ u m r n T / i i

j ~ ' . _

M - 7 ~ 3 j l

S H E & A l^£ [Pan W H IP LA Shl

ircher checked his- good, v. ristol, R .I .T o le a mf the bab ies bom CAB( tan tim es arrivedmonths a f le r tho Jn 18

conductJ . . . W esten

raditional C hinese head sti>rs, Once a y ea r a t th e rooiold gravesites-to bigwigs

ms th a t th e Rpyal a top eveub was buUt over a re allway you can drive b o th e r t-thout h ittin g into I t ’s usehwds on A ncestor ev e r i t

w ho inve

jh t D. Eisenhow- T here’>arbook,_ho w as n o a th th i

happy a nv e ry ca re f

iO c t.2 2 ):C o llK t today, th e n pay t bill.. You can 5 “? ^ " W c a l i f y a u a r c

f o rM m e ti e rs ton igh

13 to Nov. 21): P ISC E S rove y ou r social is a good d B m ltial s tep s on spondenco gcther w ith a fa- la te ly . Bc

, ing fm anrii

Dv. 22 to Dec. I f Y our ( favor for some- o r sh e will now how m uch prac tica l w next w6ck*8 ac- an y tim o o

r s y re to p ro v ♦will focus I

32-te^Jair.20)r!f-niaice7Toac ■mall chores for undoretandi n will be very prejudiced.

W4v..m< ' Y r .

------------- yw?-------fNOW.WHERE P D V | " ~i f f ' YOU THINK THE

, f l . { POLE VAULTING /

NCH TH*r I ■ iTHArs SOMB << >' PnoV\ ^ CONSpUVTION ) )p ^- y __ tl il

____ C j'lJS rB S C A U S e) '> Ij r ^ ^ ■< ■

■ I^ / ' r £ i W K '£ « 4 v '£ ‘ J HL u \ f 7VL/y£-ON7He < ■

■------- \ J=l IPPIN' S rU FFf! j ■

' X ’R E OUT OF I ‘ I? J I

d, ver}'good, a t tiddlywinks.

ABOOSES------------- — .......................

1 1863, one T. B. Watson, a t r a in iu c to r on tho Chicago & N o rthte m , rode in a caboose w ith h is --------1 stick ing out of a ragged bole in .roof. G reat view! He persuaded 'ig s to p u t a windowed cupola 'ev e ty caboose. Now the caboosesall gone, o r ju s t about. D on 't . . f ^ H |o r to memorize OM-T; B.’s n a m e r—iseless now. Liko the name, w hat-it w as, o f tha t B rook l^ fellow

inven tod theg lassm ilkbo ttle .’

ore’s underground water, too, be* ith eo co an s.

and grateful. Be sure to drive arefully. . .

LIARIUS (Jan . 21 to Feb. 19): Be tac tfu l a t home, and clear u p ' ' tuaU on which has bo theredyou“ ’ "ne tim e. Be very wnry nf BhT ng-______light.

:E S (Feb, 20 to March 20 ): This >d d ny lo catch up on lhe c o m -nco you hnve been putting o ff 1Bo TBiy tcctlU when discuis- ^in d a l m atters. _ .

u r Child Is Bom Today:... H e ^ havo a very serious and li n a tu re , and wiii never wasto ’ '10 on wishful thinking, so be provide a fiBo education which ' fus m ainly on busineBB nr fi._oacftyour progeny to be moreind m g o fo th erfl.n n d n o tto b e

Page 29: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

Billy Jo

| . Ju n e 10 to J

'be/ in the (j age 2 I


Page 30: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

Joel 1 to-th'


H e sings about t who buy their pa d r in k beer on car sum m ers, and wa

- scu ttle away from tl Even before his bl

■n’ ro ll hit the chart “P iano Man" album Long Island whal'I

'.was to Now Jcrse; tu rn s 40 in less thar 'ing st«ady in the si Wednesday, June ■Matter of T rust: I USSR,” a recap c b rought this Hicksv

- -middle^lassballadsbrations behind the

“T h e show could countries don't kno

‘ o th e r countrica," Jot____________ aftar~4i-f8nditi0R-<

M an" leaves a Rusi------------------ litely-«IappingJha:

_________liie special ° conccrw ith backstage patt<

- m en ts on tho tour in Throughout the

hours of “A ftfatteri the Russians’ gradi J ogFs music as they attcntiveness to hand-clapping eupho

“I t ’s a contact spoi n t ano ther part of th

“Once yoii .rocked, or." en ^ u sed one of Beam s'Joel: "At the tro it crowd. It felt

___________ Htnbbcd me in thegreat."

I SELL IT! I_ ..A _ T im e s- C l a s s i f i e d

E v ery . ^

7 3 ^

Cover Ste

^2 T im ea-N ow s. Twin F

I tak es pu leU S S R ,3 n cA ....................

ut the kind o f people paintings a t Scars,

car hoods d u ring hot. watch th e ir dreams brand of u rb an rock larts in 1974 with the mm, Billy Jo e l was t o ' al'Grucc Springsteen irscy. And Joel, who ^ H j l i Jian a year, is still go* le summer o f ’88. On nc 15, A B C -a irs-“A iTBilly 'Jo e l' i n ' i h ~ ^ H p of the to u r tha t ksville, N.Y., native’s lads and doo*wopcolo* the Iron C urtain .Lild drop dead . Some t know m e a s well a s be self ' Joel is shown saying travekin -« f-^ :A n^-Y oung—tussian audience po* christirhat's-tho-pnttarn-of.. elc~TH'icert footage in tercu t ■latter and »foel’s com* cam-corin general |, „ h n : he one and a h a lfle ro f T rust." w e sec --------^•adual acceptance of gbey move from stony ■■1•JO stage-slam m ing, \ ■phoria. .spoti," Joel explains y * « ^if the program . “The f qq)11 is craziness."______ , ~ed, they w en t nucle^’ v! of Joel’s enlouroge.' |the end it w as a De- ' jfelt like somebody m he hand — it was

................. ^Rel

! BUY IT! I r) s - N e w s ^ H _ id W ii) F ill ■ ' I / .N e e d ■ ' “

j g y (j.


In Fatls, Id ah o . Friday, Ju n o 1

ure-Am eramLwin


it tim es, "A Matter o f T rust" -c jclf'indulgent, playing more lik( /elogue o r home movie than a C( r-tap«?'~Jocl‘5~i;ccond~ylftrrnioc is tic Brinkley, is almost an obsl ■in—th is - s pcria lr^h c-d o csn 't- . Jl m orC-thanJrunauxm hd-with i-corder.-'and. intermittently, a husband how his voice is holdii

C-RENT* TC o lo r T V 's R ent to Own

S ta rting a t

. r in - B e r a to r s

T ~1 ■ to O w n

^ ----------- SBrling aCr"

fl, ^.00 I) I p e r w eek

1C 10.1988

:rican roc ns-theni-<

u ^■ "A M atter of Trust" much music a s Joel ft but it docs offer some age: Joel overturn ing: when his crew doesn’t singing to his daugh who is seated atop t ming with a Georgiai twfricnding a Russian visit.

While Joel’s Russia the occasional "spasib< age to communicate sians hc meets. Nonet

“ le F b f Trust” rem ain -meaning th a t Jool no\ starts stum ping for Stripes. . 1- -

“I'm not m aking po on stage,” Joel explain

like a sic speak for itselC" a con-

ON 'THE COVERIit ! f ‘_Tnj8tLBLlly 42«I in th

rock s ta r BiTjy J o d ^ qucrs-^ThB-Soviet-Ui special airs Wednesday

TO • O W^w n l

k Wlthwiioof • _• wHteloss ictnole. H

^ Also, Sots, Dinstlss, Reft Desks', Washen, Limps, I


‘ 733-7111|Aomtrom<wmaMt)i

1M?f«lAv«. Norm-Twm


Jt" doesn’t have as fans might crave,

le interesting foot- g a piano onstage n’t dim the lights; gh ter Alexa Ray,) the piano; Jam* ian choral group; - in during a circus

iian is limited tb ibo,” he does roan- , e w ith the Rus; ! letheless, “A Mo^ . ins a-political"'- | lover gets up and r the Stars pnd

political spcet^es lins. “Let the mu-

lln “A Matter of M the USSR." U.S. t j osils — an3 cont ,£ U nionrT hc-A B e-f - ny, June 15 i f

RenttoOwn . ‘ "Startinjratr" ■ * : ‘1 0 . 0 0 - . !

* 1 2 . 0 0

.O ia l t i r a i :^ ...........

L:e &ITERI>•»>>•) ! ' mFtJli_______ •’

- -r - • . . U .

Page 31: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles


Hollywood C


- -Qr WoVc b e e n t o ld Be hns-ju* t-bonglit a n c n t in H awaii. A n y id e a \ rc o U s ta U c o s t? - E . P .

A: Bcttc and h e r husbai von Hosclbcrg, d idn 't buy I a whole island, ju s t 38 Kauai. It set them back $I and they must be OK finant they paid cash for the. pro you blow Belt* w en t to tl sityofHowoii?

HURT IN LOVE:. WiUi seem s to like lo v e o n th (

- f i r s t w ife,-M ory B e th , w

C a b l e t e l c o n v e r s l o

' llroua/oaautteribofh \ bchtorblaetiiution

p -■ m ovioc/\ann^at

l l - 0 |M ^ t^ n F a r i . ( k K

f OCNN'Allonta (24-hourT OKIVI-DoIm (ADO __J, - ..OK3flAS-TwlnFoit»(Nn

OWnSS-AtlBnta (Indip. OKTnV-OolM (lnd*p«n< O»C0N (Christian) CDKMVT-Twin FaH8-(C0£ O ESPN (Z4 hoor >poit«)(DDivwy Channel __O>KBCI-0oIm (C0S)__

' a>Nid<«lod«on -j a>KUTV•SaltUI>«Qty(^I CDMTV (24-hour muBteva

HBOHomoBpxOmc® ____' I SHOW ShosMmo •

i‘ ®KSl.-SaltL«k4>Clly(C0 CDDuovory/Homa Shopi

I €E>CNNHaadllneN«ws___________

I trouM if iubteri>cr ta look fa Kti'U ttatiM e/rnbi

eohirm hffouranm ii^ly.'s^a not taiod abov«,

_ CD KIOK-Waho Fall* (COS) KTVX-Sall Lak« O iy (A(

<D KWI Poealollo (AOO) , CD KUED-Sall Loko City (PI

________ _®Klf:r:'<Wio.Efl|!i.(NQCJ^07WCN Chlca0O (hd«p*n G g K0«.-Pi>c«lollo (POS) . ® LlMma (KoaHh/FltnoM)CZ)AHTS(Fln«ia/l»)_____

(SHOW) Showlim# ___________CINOmxnaK ■ •



ek to Hav:O A N I-------------------

Bcltc'M rdler--------entire islanda w bat that ' ^ ■ ■ 1

iband, Mortin * Jjy themselves iS38 acres on

. .$1.5 million, ancially since property. Did 3 the Univer-

iUiom Hurt I___ __th e set. His BETI, w as a for- N o U ianc

t e l e v i s i o ni l o n g u i d e’frloKingCM.VTt^ =§lion tyrrUioli or bold / U.a/abbrtvialcnt: ^ ^



fNnc' !!!r~


I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ey (NBC)-------- Z ^ Z

(CPS)hopplf»0----------= ------------------- ----■».____ _______________ *

iooift*r ama oitfo tytlom.'m boltttlatSm ia'lhe___'SUIona avtilabh'lfml aro ..................ovo ir>dutM:O S)-----------------------------------------r (AOC)-------------- -----------------------•'] . - ..Y (POS)---------------------------------- --CJ_______________ :_________

s) — I — ■OM) ------ ;__________________ :


. f ■ - I

waii for B(- ~ *~1 m(

- - w t.... x :


Jtt Mik• £■ ' ■ m. I rielT T E M I D L E R J.lrm d . J u s t 3 8 « c r e s — -

lif t t I ®>^•1 o s ~ 5 ~ ~j*~ ”

------ 2--------^ =

—' '■ ~~7T~ - i r ~?o~~

10 ' . . . T T ~ ~"r- n

■ • 5 a . ■.

— I • 1 I 3 I 1*Bva>lAblo in TmnFaHs, Klmtoi*rartlhM

Friday Ju n o lO . 19B8

5ette Midmer co-star, as was Marleo who -p lay e d - opposite - J ^Children o f a. L esser Go< now I hea r he and “Bro co-star Holly H un ter are ai

Q: Although th o Reagan to like adopted son Mike’i aren't they upset by parts * B.S.

• Sec GOSSIP on Page

M ovio R o ttn g sOotttan'dlno-........................ •E»e»ll#nl....................... ” ,V»ryCood............................ •Good....................................... ■■■.Mol Oad..................................F.If............... - .....................P oo r- ....- ................................. ; ; ; ;

i 1 . 1 . ? I_ _tO_ ^ ■ t£ -Q __

^ I s r 3 I i I Pl •ri/Vjn«anonV Timca Nawa Qfnohl

T im os-N ow s, Twin Falla, Idi

ilereoM otlin,- h im —i n -------tod." A n d - ro ad cast” an item .

ins cla im e’s book,8 o f i t ? - ^

• • • *. • • ,/2

* »

Idaho 3 ' i


Page 32: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

] Gossi• C ontinued fri

A; I hear the Ret by somo “factual en Nancy Reagon corre poinUi: her father d

' president to go into prcsidentiai couple Mike’s wedding to a on’s;. They skipped I 50id Nftncy. Overall, agons like the. book

. help people lilio ha adoption.

Q: “Singin* in co na idcrcd to bc o H ollyw ood m iu ica T hough adm itted! a b o u t i ts p lo t origic

A: Film historians I! ,n French film starrini

. and E dith‘Piaf title Lumiere" (’’Star With

“ leased in 1947. Set di s ilent movies being talkies, the plot east P girl .whose lovely vi mously dubbed for tl gifted star. R eb^ng i

' tem pts to seek stardo■ ^ T h is-film rm thits-B tr

' theme, was possibly C'omden uncf~Adolph wrote the screenplay the Rain," their Hollyv years later.

Q: Does Irv ing Bci h e a lth t ip s on how 100? -C .W ,

A; Believe it or noi soup! For many years,

— ---------standnig-w ceklyorder fa deli in Manhattan, wi taken to his country ho NewYork.

" Q: I see th e re will . , : , _ ve rs io n s o f th e h it p k

so n s D angcreuses.” 1 possib le? -M .G .

A: As of this w riting,' DanBercuses," starring

.......... — 'Tind John'MalkovichTvillsion of the h it London a: play, directed by Stephei other, lo bc directed by J undor the title "Valmo based on the oriffinal

X . . ................. • .

4 T im os-N ow s, Twin Falls,

g(P1 from P a g e 3 PReagans were upset . , j | errora” in the book. 'm

irrected Miko on two W !r did no t w ant th e . \ m . nto politics; and the . iple did not m i ^ . . o a ttend Tricia Nix- w ed both ceremonies, all, however, th e Re- ' . ook's-pu'rpose — lo have to deal with ,

in th e R a in ” i s ' ■" c ono o f th e b e s t licaltf o v o r m ode, cd ly g r e a t , h o w ' ' i — ig ina lity? - J .E .

ns are well aw are of ring Yves M ontand litled “Etoilo sans novel by Without Light"), re- t during th e era of SEE ng supplanted by. H a rp e r Bt Piaf a s a servant 5TNo, i t ’ voice is anony- tho d ay r th a t oT th e less tr a c t s: ig at her reflected schetfuJi d 'sland-in then a t-V can 't-w a rdom on h e r own. w hole m ■Btrikl^gly^Inlilar' 'requQst, >ly_seen_ by_lBetty_ ’Bgroed t >lph G reen, who TV aerie ay for “Singin’ i n ' - ^ h c Ho llywood h it o f five rie , "I an

will no 1<Berlin have any ttflhowli IW to live to bc

Q : I w£i S ylvester

not, try chicken w asn’t “B irs, Berlin had a Ueved, bi e rfo r tho'eoup a t L ords of , which waa then m ovie sp ■ home in upsta te destined I

’ A: -.Th 'i l l b e tw o, film ' launched play , "JLes L la i- knowns Hf

H ow is th is and Susan went on to

1 nities. This ig, “Les Liaisons ' vided clbov ing G lenn Close writing mui vill be a fllnj-ver-Tof his-owTi n and Broadway tried out un )hen F rears. The TV charact< )y Milos Form an footage. Imoth," will bc Q;WeIo^ al 18th-century In g th eD u i

alls, Idaho Friday, Juno 10,1

j: '

' WILLIAM HURT Love o n the s e t . aga in

by Choderlos de Luclos.

E YOU IN COURT: V alerie c r ia lo o k in g fo rw a rd to J u ly , i t ’s n o t h e r b ir th d a y . T h a t’s a y w h e n h o r brcach-of-con- . s u i t a g a in s t L o r im a r is luJcd to begin. S^io wnyB w o it u n t i l “th e t r u th o f thlfl ; ^natter ia rcv ea led .’LAt h e r flt, L o rim a r h a a . a lre a d y l lo '.c h n n g e - th d n a m e o f-th e- iriea “V alerie ’s F a m ily ” to H ogan Fam ily.” S ays Vale- am re liev ed th a t m y 'nam e

3 lo n g e r be a s so c ia te d w ith ! I n o lo n g e r a p p e a r in .”

w as su rp r is e d to h e a r th a t t e r S ta llo n e ’s f ir s t m ovie “R ocky,” as I’ve a lw o y s be- b u t a p ic tu re t i t le d “The o f F la tb u sh ." D id n ’t th is ap aw n any o th e r ta le n t

(d fo r fam e? - G.N.

The Lords of P lath iKh- d~ flie careers of then-un- Henry Winklor, Perry- King ,•

ian Blakely - all of whom lo bigger and belter opportu- his film, set in tho 1950s. pro­bow room for Sly to flex his nuscles by contributing somo ATI- dialogui)rwhilC''Wrrikirran early version o fhis future icter, “tho Fonz" during the

loved J a n e S ey m o u r p lay- 3 u ch ess o f W indsor o n TV,), 1988 •

VALERIE HAf G o t sh o w re n c

b u t w e re to ld t h a t s h e choice a n d th e p ro d i

‘r i e , w an ted J o a n C ollin i u ly G.L.’U’son- A: That's not quite .tl:

is producers wanted Jane h e — Joaa-w ho ..w un tad -the . illfl glossy S4 million film, i e r .. Jane.p lays-thc-dudiesa- d y 30s, The producers turne< h e —telH ng-hcr-she-w as*^^ to for tho role, which she v le- mentioning lh a t she’s i 10 50s, which ahc is. th

Q: I j u s t h e a r d th a t I h a s a b r o th e r w h o i r

I t d ie t. S in ce c v e ry th in i le volvea th e ro y a l fam e- head lines, h o w co m c i c _ h e a rd o f thiH b e f o r e L ^ isit A: .You're probably tal

Adam ShUnd Kydd.-who i brother. The ’33-year-old

— ther, Peter, is married to I 1- He’s not a drug addict, bu 5 ,• a-major-drinking problen: a lhat his problem with alco

of conlrol, he signed him British clinic s im ila r-to

i Ford Clinic.and underwent ! six^week_progrnm. He’s • pletedit.

Q: I ’m in tr ig u e d by n photos ta k e n fro m th e n

. d ram a, ^ Ju d g m e n t in B( • See G O S S IP on P a


UIPERn a m e d

[^e woa sccond duco rs really n s . True? -

.the story. The •• le and it was -e -p a r t- in - lh e ----------Tl. Remember,*1? in hor oprfy led Joan down,wrginmorous-T---------r woi, and nol-

in-her early .

t Princess Di 8- a d rug ad- ing th a t in- imiJy makes .! w c havep’t ^ J . O . ^ ____ 1_____

talking about 0 is Di's step- d writer's fa-[> Di's-molher.— -------3Ut does have •}m.-Rcalizing------ ■cohol was out imsclf into a ^ the Betty ■nta grueling • •8. ju st;__ ,

n ew spaper new m ovie

B erlin ,” be* .

Page 21

Page 33: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

S o a p Opera i

Eirii lucky s

• B yJO H N N .G O U D A S

I L a s t in th e ratings for ils tim e slot, “Sanln Barbara su rp ris ing 13 Daytime Em

I ' n a tions. The competitors, H ospita l” and “Guiding

' lim ped along with two und n a tio n s each.. W h at’s going on? h B arfjara" thnt good, onlj don’t realize il? Do ratings

• connection wilh quality?To Robin Mntlson, nom

the supporting nctresa dii “S a n ta B arbara’s” flamboyc G ina Capwoll, the stron show ing proves the lido is I \p tu m . Taking a cue from' e rs . t h e viewers mny piny cal

"It's funny," said Robm . . lunch break. “Lust .year' wi

nom inn tinna nnri, fhnt wnofluko; NBC mailed a tape of to voters. O ur rivals callcd it trick. B u t wc were new and t

----- w e h a d 'to d o wmething.^^—“W ell, tho Nalional

' b anned such tapes this year ' still bagged 13 nominations

th a t proves ‘Santa Barbara' rived, oven i f wo aro last in

. slot."Bccau^e each nominee is al

su b m it ' three scenes for in Robin w as going crazy snip;

___ ^ s t from a busy year. ‘W e mm it a whole scene, not jiis fram es,” tho actress ei “Som etim es your best is folli uneven material. I'll be up all

___ |he_editing,roo,m."___ •. And I^ b in hnd just return

, an O p rah W infrey^eatspol, in Chicago a t 4:30 a.m. an

• home a t 6:00 p.m. so as to mis . day's work.

“T h a t’s C .K ,' soys Robin. “ be busy . This weekend I’m inlo m y now HouBe>ilh niy Bo

“I like tho attention," Rob: on. T v e been in the .buaii years, 10 years in daytime, ' on ‘G eneral Hospilal' and ‘( Light.' I also pul in timo aud the sitcom s. Word would com

I Scene

im y non shot for’ its afternoon lara" drew a Emmy nomi- irs, “General ling Light," nd five nomi-

Is “Santa jnly viewers Igs have any

lominated indivision for j

wyant, crazy *rong Emmy is beginning

)m th e insid- ’ catch-up. lin during a ■'we h ad 14 _v a s _ c a l l e d _ a _ __) of th e showdjta .sn eak i:____id unknown,

I Acodemyear, a n d wo R ions. I th ink • ' B jara’ h a s ar- in o u r time

'She's n o t funi s allowed to out?' B u t I’ve inspection, with Ju s tin De

nipping the yer K eith Tim r e must.subh _ _«plainB_the no, j iis t a ' few Robin always

explained, ations. “Robin, followed by mud w ith pigs? all n igh t in cap for tw o wee]

______,..It’s beginninum ed from trouper who cli K)t, arriv ing ing. As fo r G in and flying back ofT, fans,

miss only a unlil the w ritc n til then, p u t t

n. “I like to wedding on hold I’m movingr Boj^ri'end.j CHANNEL'C ^ b in w entasincss 25 Alan Feinstei le, working, may recall a s i d ‘Guidiugt who mixed edi luditioning “Looking for W come back: “General f jp s p it

Tiinations • ‘Santa E

R o b in M attson', as G ina C i B arb a ra ,' w as no m in a ted (

m ny. Why send Mattson 'tim< /e learned a lol working gedl Deaa (nominated as law- n es mmons), and maybe th a t Johr n?.»niMMon.:_^. : , . deal ays says yes to crazy Dilu- ' hanc in , will you roll in the S tan JS? Will you wear a skull -vivol eeks?” As ittiing -Ui_pay=_offi./or-a- - slc in claims she’s still grow- name

fina's wedding to Keith, C har s. Nothing will happen fangl e r s ' strike is settled. Un* by thi ; th e Capwoll-Timmons old. P L

-C H A TTER “ w liDonni

Jtein, who movie fans the 1 s tho college professor m ates education and sex in jectcd

Mr. Goodbar," joined very c pital" this week. Prime- t •

Friday. juno '10 j9 fl8 '


IS m ay b< B a rb a ra

- X

1 ^ : :^ ___ jCaipwell o n ’’S an ta .

:d fo r an Emmy

im e TV.viowcrs will recall tl [edly handsome nctor from si ies as “The Runoways” und ’ohn." Feinstcin has also done i cal of-stage workrand-iu-on a nd fu l of nclore who has tan ley Kowalski in o Broadw ival o f “A Streotcar N am ed D s is tho case on most soaps, £ in . p iay s-a -m y ste rio u e -s ti im ed Gregory who arrives ir harles and bccomes romuritica: nglod w ith Bobbie Spencer, i ’ the popular Jacklyn Zeman.


Will i t be up lo Rocco o r I3ill tc inna from Nick on “The Bole f B eautifu l? Clarke unde lies M argo’s venom-after beir tcd for Kristin. S tephanie mu 7 careful wilh Brooke about, * S e p S O A P 9 o n P d g e 3 1i ' Tlmo3-Now3. Twin Falls, k

►eiV-: •

j k - J

the rug- !such sc- :"Jigsaw

e a great ' _ Bne.Tjf-n'! played iw ay rc-D e s ire ." ...................-

)s, Fein- ■[ Port

cally en- ~ - .........., played

to save • ■jld andderesti->ing rc-nusl boJ t find-l y. Idaho’5

Page 34: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

Gass• C o n tin u ed f

A: I hear the R by some “factual cj Nuncy Reagan corr

, points: her father------ —---------president to-go m t

presidential coupl Mike's, wedding to on'siThey skipped suid Nancy. Overall agnns like the boo help people who h adoption.

Q: “S ingin’ .in considered to be Hollywood m u sic Though adm itted obou t ite p lo t o rig i

A: Film historians a French film starrii and Edith P iaf titl Lumiere" ("Star Wit leased in 1947. S et i

, silent movies being. talkies, the plot cast girl whose lovely

; mously dubbed‘forgifted star. Rebeling

f' jjloryrthirfitreiratcd:t«inpU to seek stard

theme, was possibly Comden and Adolp wrote the screenplay the Rain," their Holly

. years later.Q: Docs Irv in g B<

h ea lth tip s on how 100?-C .W . ■

A: Believe it or m soup! For many yean

----------------Bianding w a'k iyordefa deli in M anhattan, % taken lo his country h NewYork.

------------------ Q ^ l-sco -th e re -w il...............■ versions o f th e h i t pl

so n s D angcrcuscs." possible? -M .G .

A: As oC this w riting, • uangereuses," sta rrin j

und John Malkovich wil ' sion of the h it London i

, play, directed by Steph< ' olher, to bc directed by

under the title “Valm bused on the origiriol



■ I ■ sip----- ^id f ro m P o g o a! Reagans were upse t ' . ;ll errors" in tho book. - -.-twrrected Mike on two Jier did not wont th e 'in to politics: and th e - r -Muple did not m iss . ■to attend Tricia Nix* . . «jed b5th ceremonies, ' .rall,however,'tfa^Re* “ ’book'-s purpose — to , ’0 hove to deal w ith • -

.in th e R a in ” is b e o n e -o f th e b e s t s ic a ls e v e r m ode . tedJy g re a t, h o w — r ig in a l i ty ? ~ J .E . - ■

in s a re woll aw are of irring Yves M ontand litled “Etoilc san s novel!

W ilhout Light"), re ­e l during the era o f SEE •ing supplanted by H n rp e 3st P iaf as a servan t 6 . No, ly voice, is anony* th e dc b r th a t of the leas 't r a c t ing a t her reflected sc h e d ied stand-in then ’flt- " 'c a n ’t Vardom on her own. w h o le

ibly seen by B etty lolph Grcon, who I V sci )lay for “Singin’ in “T h e - t ollywood h it o f five n e , “I i

w il l noB erlin h a v e a n y ^ sh o w

ow to Uve to b o i

S y lv e s t■ not. tiy chicken w a s n ’t* jars, Berlin had a liev ed , der for the soup a t n, which wns tJien .m o v ie i y home in upstate d estinec

' A: 1w ill-b e - tw o -f ilm - launched t ploy,-“L es L lai* know ns *1 s .” H ow is th ia ^nd Sust

wen^ on t n ities. Th

ing. “Les Liaisons vided elb nngT Jlenn Close w n tin g m will be a film ver- o f h is ow

on and Broadway tried o u t a iphen Frears. The TV charai by Milos Form an footage,

njmoth," will be Q ;W e l nal ISth-century in g th e D

■allildoho Fflday, JunolO,

W IL U A M H U R T L ove o n t h e s e t . a g a in

el by Choderlos dc Luclos.

EE (YOU IN COURT: V aleri ■per is lo o k ing forw ard to JuJ ro, i t 's n o t h e r b irth d ay . .T h a t d a y w h en h o r breach-of-cor

;t s u i t aga in st L o rim o r i id u led t o, beg in ^ h p Bpyy gh' t w o it u n til - th e tr u th o f thi; l e m a tt e r is r evealed.” A t hei l e g f e ^ ^ r im B r ^ h flflT gl r e a ^ j !cd to chan g e the n am e o f th t s e r ie s , “V alerie 's F am ily” tc !-H ogan Family." Says Vale- “I am re liev ed th a t m y n am e n o lo n g e r be assoc ia ted w ith )w I n o lo n g e r ap p ea r in .”

I w as su rp r ise d to h e a r th a t js te r S ta llone’s f irs t m ov ieI I “R ocky,’? OS I’ve o lw oys be- d, b u t a p ic tu re titled “T h e li 6 / F latbu^h ." D idn’t th is B sp a w n any o th e r ta le n t ned fo r fam e? - G.N.

“The Lords of F latbush’’led-the—rarrCTS-Bf-lluTh':^is-Hcnry Winkler,' P * i^ ,K in g usan Blakely - nil of whom in to bigger and betler opportu- This film, set in th^l950s, pro- elbow room for .<ily tn n,%v-his f muscles by contributing some own dialogue, whilo Winkler It an early version ofhis future iractcr, “the Fonz” during th e '

'e loved J a n e S eym our p lay - } D u ch ess of W indsor o n T V ^ 10.1988 (

V A L E R IE H / G o t s h o w rei

b u t w e re to ld t h a t si ch o ice n n d th e p ro

le r ie w a n te d J o a n Colli J u ly G.L. lint’sco n - A :'T hat’s noi quite • is .producers w anted Jai r«iiCT—Jo an-w ho= «an tod^ib t h i s glossy S4 million fill h p r _ Jan e playa_the- duchci adj? 3Us. ’i'he producers"tun th o ’felling her sho was. “I

to for the role, which she ale* mentioning lh a t she’s imo 50s, which she is. i th

Q: I j u s t h e a r d thoi hoB a b r o th e r w h o I

liat d ie t. S in c e o v e ry th i v ic volvea th e ro y a l fa be- h e a d lin e s , h o w comc h e _ h e a r d o f th iq h«>fnr«»? • Ills;n t A: You’re probably i

Adam Shand Kydd, w b , brother. The 33-year-ol

ih" ther, Peter, is m arried U in- ...HeXPpt a drug addict, I ng a major drinking probU im - tha t h is problem with al ;u- of conlrol. he signed h; •0- British clinic sim ilar I lis— Ford Clinic and undenve ne six-week program . He' cr pleted it. rele Q: I ’m in tr ig u e d by

p h o to s ^ k e n fk-om th e y. d r a i ^ “J u d g m e n t In

S ec G O S S IP o n 1

4A R PE Rre n a m e d

sh ew o sseco n d - ro d u ce rs really llln s . True? -

te the stoiy. The Fane and it wusibe-part:rtnrthc--------11m. Remember,less-in her..early.___inicd JbandowTi,“too glannjrous" he was, and not j’s in her eariy

la t Princcss Di I la a d rug ad- h in g th a t in­fam ily mokes no w c haven’t . 1 -^ .J.O .— _____

! talking about - i-ho is Di's step*•old writer's fa-1 lo Di's mother.' ____

but docs hiive . blem. Realizing alcohol was out him self into a-

• 'to the Betty , tvenl agrueling— ~ le 's just com-

>y new spaper lie new m ovie n B erlin ,” be- |

a P a g e S l

Page 35: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

Soap Opera

13 Ett — lueky-!

B y J O H N N .G O U D ^

L «slin thc ra tings fo r ; tim e slot, “Santa Barbi I surprising 13 D aytim e i j nations. The compctitx): : H ospilor and “Guiii I limped along w ith two uj

nations each.Whot’s going on?

Borbora" that- good, o don't realize it? Do ra tin

I conncction with quality? To Robin M altson, ni

thc supporting ac trcss “Santa Darbara’s" flam b Gina Capwcll, thc s t i showing proves the tia© to turn. Taking a cuc fro ors. the viewers m ay p lay

“It’s funny." said Rob: lunch break. “L ast y e a r

fluke. NBC mailed a tapo to voters. O ur rivals callec

" — ^'tfi^TBSi-woVoro'hewan . wc had to do som ething.”

“Well. ■ the • NaUonal banned such topes th is 'y i

'stilLfiaggQd 13 nominatic th a t proves ‘Santa B arb i rived, even if wc are la s t

' s lo t” *•B t^ u se each nominee, ii

subm it three scenes for Robin was going crazy s i best from a busy year. “W« m it a whole sccnc, n o t . frames,” the actress “Sametimes your b e s t i s i uneven material. I l l bo up

. the editing room."----------- And-Robiirhad-JuBfreti

■ an Oprah Winfrey g i^estap in Chicago a t 4:30 a.m . home a t 6:00 p.m. so as to i

■ day’s work.------ 3 3 m t’fi-0XJLHnyaJlQbii

be busy. This weekend T into my new house w ith m y

i “I like the attention,” P on.- "I’ve been in th e b t

• years, 10 years in daytim i on 'G eneiw Hospital’ anc

— L ightH -also p u t in tim o a s the sitcoms. Word would c

'a S c ene __

n m y n o r - s h o t ia r^ ■ I ' ) .

fo r its a f te m o c ^ y irbara" drew o le Emmy norai- ita rs , “General aiding Light,”) und five nomi-

I? Is “Santa only viewers

itings have anyy?

nominated in s s division for mboyont, crazy s trong Emmy

3c is ^g in n in g froni the ineid- , . /lay catch-up.tobin during a ^ja r we had 14

ipo o fth e^h o w ..Iled it a sneaky_ ^ lln^'unk'how n, S h H

nal Academy ' j 'y c a r , and we • I Itions. I think ^ I rb a ra ' has ar-' is t in ou r time*• ’She’s not fuile, is allowed to out?’ But I'vt o r inspection, with Jugtin I ’ snipping the yer Keith 'Hn 'W c m ust sub- explains th e n i t ju s t a few Robin alwa: s explained, ations. ”Robii is followed by mud with pig! u p all night in cap for two we

It's bcgiimi re tum od 'fham ' troupCT~Who~ spot; arriving mg. A iTor Gi

n . and flying back ofl*, fans to miss only a until the write

til then, put >biji. “U ik e to—wedding nnhnl 1 Tm movingm y b o ^rien d ." CHANNEL' ” Robin wentbusiness 25 Alan Feinst

im e , w orking. may recall as a nd ‘Guiding who mixed e- 0 auditioning "Looking for d c»me back; iJGentral Hospi

m inatidn r -S a n ta 1

' R o b in M attkbn, aa G ina ( B a rb a ra / w as n o n iin ate i

funny. Why send M attson tiiI've learned a lot working geQ Deas (nominated as law- ri<rimmons), and maybe th o t Joe nom ination” doways says yes to crazy situ- ha)bin, will you roll in the Stj)ig9?-WiU you wear a skull vivweeks?" Asrmihg to pay off for - a ste.o~fclaIm s '^he'6 still grow- nni'G ina’s w eaaing 'to Keith, Ch,UIS. Nothing will" happen tani te r s ’strike Is settled. U n. by I u t thc Copwcll-Timmonshold.---------------- I J --------------- r


nstein, who movie fans the as the college professor mat

education and sex in jecti r Mr. G ^ b a r , " joined verj ispital" th is we<^. W m e- • •

Friday. Juno 10 ,1986

ns m a y b B a rb a rs

^ ,3 ■

l a C a p w e l lo n ‘S an ta Ited for a n Em m y

tim e TV viewers will recoH- gedly handsome actor from ries as “Thc Runaways” and John .” Peinstcin has also doni

handful o f actors who,hos Stanley Kowalski in a Bronc vival of “A Streetcar Named As Is thc case on most soap ste in plays p,_ mysterious f

. nnm ei,’prcgDry_who.arrivc3- Chorlcs and becomes Vomantic tangled with Bobbie Spencer, by th e popSIar Jacklyn Zeman,

-P L O T -P O R T E N T S ----------

. Will it be Up to Rocro or Bill Donna from Nick on "The Bc the B e a u tifu n Clarke um m ates Margo’s venom after bc iected for Kristin. Stephanie n /erj^careful w ith Brooke aboi

• See SO A PS d n P ag e SI TImea-Nowa, Twin Falls,

oea - -

fc 1

iH-the ing- Tl sucK so­ld “Jigsaw )ncagrcn t

os played indway re-d Desire.” ' ' aps. Fein-__fitrnngcr_________^is-in-Port-------------tically on­er, played in,

ill to save Bold and indercsti- being re- ■ must be wut find-31 . ■ls,ltJano5 • ’ ••

Page 36: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles






5:05 KBO MOVIE (TUE) . 5 :10IB T O O eT H E R



CD CBS N E W S ............______ i n?




................. 6:<0 HBOTWOVIB'fFfllEI5:50 CIN MOVIE (MON) 5;5fi CD IDAHO JO B REP 6:0Q O OR. SNUGGLES



--------------- O d n C B S N E W S -------CD GOSPEL BILL Q) BEST O F WALT 0|: SENTS (MON)IB NEWS ID CLUB MTV SD (MD LOVEJOY (FRI) S ) 90 ARTJSTS /ANC(MON) V J a s ®ai t r i u m p J H o f : rruE)

■ _______ ■ . -

6 Tim os-N ow s. T w in Foils,


a DAY------ ■

------------------------ ----- DISCUSyiOREAUX (MON) ... Q VIEV i a # IT Fl«TH [SHOW]■ (FRI-MON, WED) (TMC) A - FASHION.(TUE, -C m -M O

6:05 O B 6:10 SHO 6:20 HB<





oT v ha,URS (TBE,TH)S) (MON)

SHOW M‘JE(FRI) • 6:40 HBO IN-TOU) ---------o r o ^'QC

6:45 O M 7 :M CB PII

' m o c BQE OF TELEVI- !£ * _

. ___ O U G DQDZOOB O (12)

. the PH.S,.



-THE FLO40_________ i : _______ (MQN). ..S BB.FLIOHl

-------- - ........ . f f l WOND;ION (FRI)' I f " ' " '® ” !MMOK.THU,


---------- -------------------- CD PRO B(- ID BADMII




3lls. Idaho Friday, Ju n o 10,1!




/ HARD KNOCKS (THU)« ] ,j 6 n n i f e r *s jo u r n e y

fO (TMC) MOVIE (TUE)BEWITCHED --------------------











E O ( 1 2 ) G .I / J 0 E "CC TEDDY RUXPIN'






O (19 A.M. WEATHER (M 8:00 CJ3 ® *2S;000 PYRAW








- • 8rt)S O MOVIE------------ ■-— •8:30 (B O CARD SHARKS




E T ...

•Afl;Y(WED-THU)(M O N )- — • 10BIN HOOD







ICKEYI. ................4:? ..I





nONS (FRI).(MON),!.;:;.-:-:-:(THU)(PRI)



r -

CORNER------------- —






Page 37: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

HBO a d (^N T U R E S o f Ti YER (m r-M G N . WED) HBO SEABERT (TUE, THU


9:00 0 9 SH A RO N ,'LO IS-& ELEPHANT SHOW (D c a (11) O l PRICE IS Rl





^ — S J ja v o tQ M E (FRI. WEQtT CtN MOVIE (FRI-MON, WEI




— »;3& «4«-l-6U R R E N O E R DE< 10:00 CD PINWHEEL


------ CD GERALDO----------- =■----- —CQ (11) $25 ,000 PYRAMID


F T6 M s a w - GD RYAN'S © U ffJA M I

rHU) a ) » io o .o o ('RESIDENT'S f f l PANTO*


■...f fl FATED i r s BRAM 'S -'........® SONVA


. r O A E R O O J i Off MOTHEf


Ci) W H O 'S 1M m o n -t h u )sSEHTS O IM) OD (JNE t io n

0 ( 1 2 ) TRA PRATION C B d D C A Pj,„O K .T U E ) O A N ^ r

.Q E ,M O N ). fflV |D EO ^D

■' ® , YOUNG ■U) f fl BARRIEF

' ............... .... CDBODYSH___ t«l-W HAT- I


rrMC)-MOVI rO TYSON. CIN MOVIE_______ _______ 11:00 CD BELLI C3D BOLD Arn.THi I) O (TO) OUTDw M - r t a ------------- O W N O V />F-m E L I T .~ ~ O a g N A ^

P (Iff O W L/■ C.O C4) ALL K






r E D ) ~ ‘ “ '— fflBE Y O N D 3RK0UT ffl QUESTOF


. fflU .S .'H O UDEAR (FRI)---------- ^TIVBSHFRIrA



CENTURY CD U.S. O P E r00 w o k w mHBO MOVIE I

............... :________ SHOW.MOVUID CIN M OVie (i

11:05 0 MOVIE 11:30 O W OP




T VIOLIN MYSTERY (WED) 00 SHIP (THU) a'A LIVE IN L A .- ---------------------- «hlOUSE OF REPRESENTA- - f l lON-TUE) *rOICS - !-------- ------------ - JlE R 'S DAY CVIE (FRI) SROUBLE RIVER (MON) . SMOVIE (FRI, TUE-THU) SOVIE (FRI-WED) f i1IPS f i1 MISTER ROGERS f i S THE BOSS? a D A Y A T A T 1M E .' O D CLASSIC CONCENTRA- f l




' W e, ' 5Y E N m aE .(W E D )___ ................. - g


____ __________ID 200 0 (MON)- . - - «O R S fTUE) STOMORROW (WED) 5


^ U A ^ S S E (FRI) a»ACING-(MON)— ------ -------------SILON (TUE) a





, Friday, J u n o lO ,190?







_jQD OD ONE UFE TO UVEO 'O E R A L D O :--------



—W RECK (HON)---------------------m UVING ISLES (TUE)




12:30 O MYSTERIOUS CITIE GOLD , ;T lm o3-N ow 3, Twin Foils, I

im e3 'DUTIFUL


^ O N )






I (MON) • * •E.LIVE7


ER[F R I)~


IE (FRI,|., .



Y (WED) - --------(THU)

) _ ___ _____________ _J (MON. :-------------



lE S ^O F

3, Idoho?

Page 38: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles


DaythOD N EW S O (101 CREATI


---------------- ---- ------U J-3 .2 i-t COWOD NEWTON'S

....... ...........................m -SCRA BBLE. o < i 2)B E w rr

0 3 ANDY Qfllf------ ---------- :---------CUONE-OATA'




_______________ QUO) SEWING

O ALL MY CHII■ '_________ Q.1«>J?AY.S.C£

U D D E G R A SSIJ---------^ -----(»>«BSANTA-B,






...............................CO O KING(M ON,-O (4f) FR ESH lOEi 0 (4 fC O O K IN G W CESSOR (WEO) HBO MOVIE (FRI) SHOW MOVIE (FR CIN MOVIE (FRI-TI

1:05 O TOM & JEHl 1:75 HBO MOVIE (W 1:30 Cn INSPECTOR

I eT im o s-N o w s, Twin

time •c<

- - . c0


DUNE NEWS ^ONTACT (FRI-WEO)-------------- ®iN'S APPLE (THU) ^ BLE------------------- ------------------- ®w rrcH E o 2;SRIFFITH (FRI) ^ T-ATATIME(MONrrHU)— — gNUN g





■ ° S3HILDREN. .1.0£J5UH.LiVES_________SI JUNIOR HIGH '



^ E MOVE (FRI) ® I3UT(M0N) g




3LE (TUE) - ....................® ^CIING (WEDJ_ 2 / f I POA TOUR fTHU)

iQ (FBI) O LDWAVES AHE FOR O f f ,'N,-THt»----------------- - g 7iIDEAS fTUE)3 WITH A FOOD PR O - h BO

(FRI. TUE-THb) fSHill-TUE. THU) . ISHIlERRY S FUNHOUSE ('*’0 : (WED) ISH("OR GADGET OENwin Falls. IJaho FriOay. Ju n e






SHOW] P .J . AND THE PriESI- 'EN. S S O N fTUE)jn d O . 13S2







: a n d ______ l i j u ,___ ... _____I S ) <«4) GUGGENHEl < PROCESS (MON)

-----:------------ e a - W POKER^OWO I4S) MATCHMAKI 0.<4Si MOVIE (M0^




. CIN JU ST ANOTHEl L l . . (THU)-ASE 2;35 o o h a d Y BUNC



'U t- O (10) FRUGAL GOU a (10) GOOD HEAL!



(a)«D DA Y S-O FO U F----------------0-(12)-SM U R F S-A 0

(#) G .l. JO E (FRI. THI CD (11) DONAHUE


■ST- WED-THU)GD (Ml DANCING DA2s w i n ; l o s e o r dfCD VANUATU - AN 15 BLES (FRI)


21------------ O -H O A D -JO JH e -U') (FRI)








GAMEERS (FRI. THU)IWS-8E ST ---------------------TUMPERS (MON-




k fA L -------------------------IBARARS— ___________________UR LIVES4DVENTURES” ----------rHU)

lYMOON . . . .............USA (MON-THO)>C K 9-TIONr 15 (FRI-MON,




LD-SERJES4FHI).......... ........(MON-WED);


WORLD WITH ^ (MON)rrS : THE PRICE.............




Page 39: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles






O THOROUGHBRED '----------- (WED)------ -----------------------








------- “ CD'OONAHUE-----;--------------




4:05 O FATHER KNOWS BE_____ TUE-WEty---------O - R E W - ^ i i s v E - r r T o n____ (MON> • _________ _______


A T i m e s - N e w C l a s s i f i e d W ill I

. E v e r y N eecd

7 3 3 - 0 6 2

- '4 : i5 HB0 MO 4:30 CD COUh


CD SPL. TOr O (12) LEA'

RES CDWKRPINny-------- ------------- (X) JEFFERS

CB(11)SUPI: t o r p u l l CD WIND in

---------- O Y O U C A ^> ' DIGEST 3D W YES. I------------------Ll.










5:00 OJTOU CAIH-COWNgR ........-EVIStON--------

® 0 ( 1 1 ) J E < _______ _________ 0 CD (f9 REA

3F TELEVI* 0 3 THREE’S C 0 ( 1 2 ) FACTS





O ) (HI JOURNICTHU}_ _ (MON)_______3N. WED) 89 M TRAVEI•fl (THU) THU)

BEST (FRI. , i ~ ^ •

O -B E A V E ir - ' “X V l C .

T! I - Accic | - | Injury

» w s II F ill !(d

2 6 fof



JAHBETTSTAR---------------------- ®S. PRIME MINISTER (FRI) ®








(T U e


Ident & - W orl ry C a se s C om 7 — N o A t t o r n e y n i e s s M o n e y I s

C A L L 7 3 3 - ) R F R E E C O N i

Friday . Ju n o 10.1988







T-Gariep'''^ATLAW ' >rkman's m pensation C ase 9 y F e e s t s R e c o v e r e d

3 - 4 7 8 7>JSULTATION}8 Tmo3-Now5. Twin Folis, i(






E N rs











DAY ' i‘ ' . i



,id a h p 9

Page 40: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

\ ■ EVENING - -

6:00 O MAKE ROOM I ( 3 3 0 0 « a D < 9 ( 1 1 )I O U 9W tL0A M ERICi

nnlmals. tncluding sk i!....... ... . ow b and . b o a rs , .le.


. plan a nostalgic wo<------------------KI03 tx iT o n n n o b a b y

c n NIGHTLY BUSINE CV BARNEY MILLEfl proves to bo tioctic w muoijod ond on unoi cruller from Now Mo> (ho Now York aroa . O CRAZY LIKE A FO Hnrry bocom o "tHo hi vostlguting a m urdor i lantf-, ^O KIDS INCOHPORi oro corK om ed w han

> Gloria is having ho r tc____ I O NASHVILLE NOW

C3) POA GOLF M ani ovor C losslc-Socond Ryo. N.Y. (R)CD MTV TOP 20 V

: DOWNUD ENTERTAINMENT flor nod S ta w n rfs r

' Sloroo)CD (M) THE BOYS Oasod on Rogor Kohi nccQunt Qt tho g re baseball loam from 1! Ing Duko Snldor, Rc

::____________ and-Carl £r3kino____V fD LORNE QREENE’

____________E fm E S S Jh g -W fk p t,dikoj, who h aa spont tno lunglos o f Borno' bohavlor of orangutai 6 3 PRIMENEWS 0 9 EVEKT O F THE D CD COLLEQE WO Toams lo bo annc Omaha. Nob. (Uvo)

. _ .(iH-CAONEY-* LAC«boylrlond ob jo c ts 'to I' hours, nnd Mnry Bolh ot}andonod bnby.O (40 JETSONS

............... “ tSHOWJ MOVtEtion" (1987, Comody) flachol Tlcoltn.

6:05 O OOMER PYLE, thinks thot C onor h o s from lho PX.

______ r -S JO O M lS IE R E IlE d Jso l on a radio quiz s^ C S (9 (1 1 ) WHEEL Ol

■OCl9NIGHTLYBUSir yDOEOPARDYIp O CHEERS Whilo Cllfl Norm's effort to Iinlofi for him loads io h is i

I^M ^FA M ILY TIES M a n o ry ^ 'd v lc o w ho nrst coliogo asslgnm o CD OFF THE RECORC 9D M'A*S*H Hot U p s

• lusl-grnntod divorco. 0(13)W I1.D .W ILO W

' MALS A look a t (ho S0< courngoous charncio r

' («) MAJOR LEAGUES., ,10 TImos-Ncws, Twin Fa

riday evehit3M FOR DADDY 11) 0 0 NEWS lIC A A Iook a t bnbysk u n k s, raccoons. MORN: . learning .survtvnl

S:00 CB)RTUNE I? mnnduStovon nnd Elyso Robort

w ookond with tho 5:*0 H8<jtTyniilvosT ntWO."INESS REPORT." Mfrron.LER Tho Into shift (TNIc w hon 0 Cloven Is (1950. itnoihlcol polico ro> Johnsc\^oxlco zo ros In on CIN *a . AdvoniFOX Morrison a n d ollord.

0 huntod" whilo In- 6:10 SH tor o n a tropical Is- (1984.1 ' • Bonsof

ORATED Tho Kids 7=30 C‘N ««n thoy loarn |h n t I jr tonsils romovod. ^ H OW S ' onufocturora Hnn- Suspor o n d Round; From


iN T TONIGHT Sin- Drama) ■s novv oiOum, (In

9KX) SHCYS O F SUMMER f lan ’s f(o h n 's bost-solling Sacchi.

— SS™ !Roy Componolln

_________ • • —NE’S NEW WILD- .< o fO r. BlrutoG nl-. • Vordug(on tjh roo yoors In 0 ' 3 im o o studying' Jho> " Mystori

’ HBO •E DAY mody) IWORLD SERIES . (™ C )innouncod. From Muslca,) Dnvls.ACEY Chris-, n o w . llrfW S Wtb h o ro rra tk : offic ofTTwn o lh tn k o s homey on •

CIN **1 (1960, I

* "Critical Condi- - inarinody) R ichard Pryor. . 1 1 H )S O '

------ . of TimLE, USMC Oocnor 108 Stolon a watch

E d w ln ajico lo U V _____________


e : w a sClift nu rsos a cold. 7K IO 0A iloh tho dolivorlos w o iso r! lis a rro st for moll M O HBO

SPINKS E S Alox. a sk s lor, viows whon~no”faiis-hi3~ * *—prwJictK imont. ,, ing bo3RD ‘ champsips colobratos hor and Mte 0. 8:30 O B>WORLDOFANI- H H M O C ■ so c ia l nature nnd Division n o r o l tho hycnn. EBASEBALLChI- ■■ ■ ,1 Falls, Idoho^ Friday, Juno'lO,

ing prbgrdrn


CB "Tho Night Troln io Kattr— rvflu" (1988. Advonluro) Pornoll » n s . Mllla Jovovich.HBO **V 2 "Tho Mosqulio Coast"

ron.(TMC) **Vs "D uchoss o l Idnho" 50. Comody) E sther Williams, Von inson.I "Sw oet Revenge" (1987. 'on(uro) Noncy Allon. Tod ShncH- ■rd.S H O W .** "Hnrry ond Son -

54. Dramo) Paul Nowman. RoDby ison.CIN * * * * "M omtwr ol tho Wod- J" (1953, Com ody) Elhol Woiors.0 Harris.S W ***V4 "Suddenly" (1954. .ponso) Frank Slnalrn, Sterling 'den. IIC) * * * "C u tte r 's Way" (1981. ma) Jo h n H oard. Jofl Bridges.D * * % "WInnor Toko All" (1975. mo) Shirley Jonos. U uronco kktbill. . .SHOW **V^ "Tho Mon Wilh 8o- i-s Foco" (1980. Comody) nobort chi. Olivia H ussoy.

* * * V t " Jano Eyro" (1944. mn)— roan— Fomntnu:— o rso n —k)3.O * * "Thn BlQ Sombrnto"

fs. w ostorn) G ono Auiry, E>on.-i 3ugo. '___ _____

* vr " c nifii~wt^aor’T ^ 3 ^itory)_Hiimphroy Bogart. Honry

) * * "Crimowavo" (1985. Co- ty) Loulso Lassoi'. Poul L. Smilh.C) **V4 "B oat Strool" (1994. llcal) Roe Down Chong. CuyIs.SHOW * * "Tho Biggest Bundle hem Air‘ (1968. Comody) vl((brio Sica. Robort W ognor.* * * "Suddonly. Loal Summor"

10, Drama) EHzabo(h Taylor. Ka-ino H opbum . -------------------- ;D "Journoy lo lho Conlor Timo" (1967. Sctonco-Flclion)--

DaytimeININQ___............ . ....... ..........

■ SPORTSCENTER D A in O RACING NASCAR Bud- or 500. from Dover. Dol. (R)IBO COUNTDOWN TO TYSON- IKS H ost Lorry MorchitH ro-8 ttw c o n tro v o r^ ___ pnd___IctJons'BOri'Oiindlng tho 'upcom- bout botw oon heavyweight

ip s Miko Tyson (34-0. 30 KOs) , Mk:hool Spinks (3t-0. 21 KOs). ’ B BASIC THAINING WORKOUT B COLLEGE LACROSSE NCAA lon 1 Semifinal. From Syr.icuso.


n s

ne moviesScott Brody, GIgl P o rre t

11:30 HBO ** "T ho G ato" 1- ■ lu i) Stephen Dorfl. Chri: III


-----I2r00-<TMC>-* **_iiT im a_(1979, Sclonco-Fiction McDowoll. David W amoi

n 1:00 CD (M) "Will You Lovo row ?" (1907. D rom a) Jc

T loy. Tilly V osburgh.1-. HBO **« ( ''Som oth in

“ (1988,-Comody) Pam oln Curry.

y SHOW * * * "T ho Loni (1974. Susponso) Oavi

I- Jam os Faroniino.I. CIN * * * "Bill C osby

(1982, Comody) Bill CosI I. 2 :00 CD * * * "G roon G ras g Ing" (1948. W ostorn) P

mins. Charles C oburn.I. (tC * * * * "C o rp o o l--(1 9 8 ;

Harvey Kormon. E rn o st E ’• (TMC) * * * » -Tho .Ohoa ® Muir" (1947. Fontasy )t»o

G one Tiornoy.- <>• 2:30 HBO ***V^i "A rlhur"

mody) Oudloy M ooro. Liz. SHOW * * * * "T orm s <

'■ ^ 3:00 C IN -* * * "L uck o t

---- _ ^ 3 9 4 Z J a n ta s y )J y fd n o J ? tOoxtor.

____4:0<MTMCH*t^-^l'<»-=TWi’• Drama) Rob Knoppor. y Quinlan, ,

4!15 HBO *V2 "W izards o Kingdom" (1985. Fan tasy

'' son . Vidal Potorson.- 5:00 SHOW **- "G oing Ap

/ Comody) Tony D anzo. Oar CIN * * * "Dirty Donclr Drama) - Jonnllor Groy

^ Swoyzo.5:30 HBO * * "H obson '!

(1963; Comody) Richarc Sharon Gloss.. -

-—•-'-(T M C )-*— MonchlOB— ( '' mody) Horvoy Korm on


le sports...........N.Y. (R) . , .


1:00 CD MOTORCYCLESpanish G rand Prix. fror (R)

I___ 2:O Q -€D _PaA _O O LF-M arHonover C lossic S ocon

I From Ryo. N.Y. (R) f , CD LEGENDS O F W ORt


Toom s 10 • bo nnnounc O m aha. Nob. (Livo)

oau .o " (1987. Nor. irista Denton. -

ft_Afur_Tim«:;-------J ---------an) Malcolm ior.vo Mo Tomor- Jo a n n o Whol-

ling Spodol"In Sogntt. Eric *

>ngost Night" ivid Jonsson,

I'Hlmsoll""jsby'a s s of vs^om- Poggy Cum-

)83. Comody)[_Borgnlno. o s t ond Mrs. lo x Horrlson.

r" ( l9 8 1 .C o - .iza MlnnolU.

o l Endoor- Shirloy Mo-_______ .

3l Iho Irlsh"Powof.Anno______ _ i

W m 'M1W7^— -------------ir. Kothloon

o l Ihb Lost ay) Bo Sven-

Apol" (1981. lanny DoVlio. d n g - (1987.oy. Potrtck........................

n 's Ctwteo" ' ird Thomas.

-(1987.-Co-^------------------on. Chorfos

£ RACINO•om Jarama.

____ond Round.


ILO SERIES ncod . From

Page 41: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

- — —

S m d a y e v

I 7:00 I 7| C t (MacNell/Loftro

O Sifan- | f . I-

f o ® I Bloopers & Jo

I I B Boouty/aoaat— ----------------1 ® ® Boyi/Summer-

| 0 @ [ P . Valloy |Maf

, {show |mov)b; -n ioM

I HBO jTyscn-Splnks

cag o C ubs at S t. Lc (Uvo)<D VIDEOPOUS A m d anco show trom Olsi loch club. Vidoopolls. CB PM MAOAZINE IT O ) WIN. LOSE O R Of SD PRIME TIME ACC S ) LORNE OREENE’: ERNESS Tho ro o d a z o n a 's Sonoran dosor

' w horo tno succoss ol tho follura - ovon tho othor.O TELEOUEST SHOW ELEPHANTS (

_ _______ cholson tolls Rudyord

vonturds on tho odg<

(Uvo)7:00 0 MY THREE SOI

CX) O (11) O BEAU BEAST Vlnconl a n d Ca

.- fa th o r , whoso Itrst r« surtoco world for tho I yoa rs . (R) Q

O 0 9 MACNEIULEHRIOUR - ..............................0 3 O CE PERFECT £ Lorry's on a diot a n d 8i to koop him away from t hidden in tho opartm ont

-------------- O « - C D - 0 - T V ^ B lPRACTICAL JOKES K;

• - • son . Lara Jill Mltlor om m ond oro tt>is w ook's p victims. (R)CD WALL STREET W S tocks in R osorvo?" Gi

---------------- KnUilii. Pa liw W ebborftr.. . . . don t. - . . . .

O (12) WONDERFUL DISNEY "Tho Swamp F ro n d s Morion, tho S s to p s a g roup ot sn ils r w ho'vo boon burning do hom os.ID 700 CLUB--------------CD DINOSAURS H ost C talks wllh sciontists a t» t. ond m yths surrounding w ith clips from th o fir movio, "Tlio Lost World, onlm atod clips from "Fa "G onio".S 3 QUEST FOR HEAUNI anclont Chlnoso a n d Indi

E V E N I N G - •

I 7:30 8:0ff I 8:30 I 9Wiror W.Waek WailSL Ore

|f , H0U30 20/20

1 Jokos Sonny Spoon Im Ia

guo BosotMll: Srovos at Astros

Wnoy Movio: •’[nvaston of Uw E

ast______ Movte: "Under tho Inftiw

Shoftaiortw= ------- |lo ft

Mancf Movie: "Harpor Valloy PT

lo^Msn With Bogan's F»co“ | mw

>ks [Attroc- |M o v ie :" W ^

. Louis Cardinals . coutlci o n d ot

\ m usic vidoo and a LAI O lsnoylond 's hlgh> q q m o }lls. DromoE UTAH o a nt DRAW HBOkCCESS SPINKNE’S NEW WIU>< viows id runno rs o l Arl> tio n s si isort sh o re a world botwoo i o l o n o c a n m oon T yson tho dooth • o l tho S p inks

SHOWT B oaart'-’S CHILD Jo c k Nl- o f ^ c onj Kipling's claa* . (TMC) IIby B tephn n t's ad«--------- T H o-CtKJgo o l th o gray- '.tu ro )M l

-H o u s lo n -A stro sr—— ?:30 ~ t P ' c o m as

SO N S -PaulW IiAUTY AND THE CB O ( j C athy so a rc h lor . Jo o y go It ro turnod to tho lom Olc ho first tim e in 30 housoh<



\ Karl MichaoU e : w » R tond'M arlQ O si i l l «s p rac tical )oko ® 0 (1. ' tho Influ

WEEK "Aulo • Q uest: Ann C.r p r e a i- “ ( j j o g ;

u l WORLD OF onnlvow mp F ox" Gon. magazin^ > S w am p Fo*. g ' lilsh su p p o r te rs J dow n pa trio ts ' •

st G ory O w ons | » tr io s t- itwut tho historyJlng d in o sa u rs . S toroo) c■ first d in o sa u r CD ON ST>rld." a s woll aa , fivo. momC"F o n ta sla " and porform a

ciudos bo:UNO A s tu d y o l molodlos.Indian p ha rm a- 0 < 1 3 )M I

9:00 I 9:30 110:00110:3Great Porlormsncw

_________________Novrs Entofti

Miami Vico Nows Tooiph

I Portrait olAmertM Night 1

w Body Snaichors" ________Pri. tho

luooco" Nows ■ M'A‘S'

L w n ro Lsmaa----- Tlio BOyS of Sum

PTA"___________ INN [ n i t "

ifclovlo: ••Critkal Condltkxi"__________

>lcoo>oTo18 " | movIo: "Tho Gate

Itical procticos Involving p lan ts I othor notural substancos,LARRY KINO UVE MOVIE * * • Right Of Woy" (1983. mo) Botto Dovrs. Jom os Stowart. 39 DEATH V A U fY DAYS 5 COUNTDOWN TO TYSON- NKS H ost U rry Morchant ro- fs tho controversy and prodic- s surrounding Iho upcoming b o u t voon hoavywbight cham ps Miko sn (34-0. 30 KOs) and Michael.»k»-(31-0. 21 KOb)......... - -IW MOVIE *'#% "Tho Man With a r t 's F ace" (1S80. Comody) Rot>- ^ c c h l . Olivia Hussoy.C) MOVIE * * "A m oriun Ninja 2 :■xxinnonuaon ^ m r r A m t r ’I MiChaol Oudlkofr. Stove J o n e s . ' MO.VIEjtA "Going J ^ p o l l l ( lS a i ._ lOdy) Tony Donzo. Oonny £>oV]to. ®^OONMA-REED“ D O rina"T Jo^ DS a victim of a scam . G o o s t Wlncholl. ..B ( C FULL HOUSE J u s t w hen g e ts a da to to ploy with the Har-

Oiobotrottors, m em bers of tho ehokJ ca tch tho m easles. (R ) .p ASHINOTON WEEK IN R E V t ^

lOUSETERPIECE-THEAtER.-------EW COUNTRY Featured: A sleep 10 W heel. (In Storeo)D MARBLEHEAD MANOR B H M ^ ^ O W H M E COMEDY


t (11) m MOVIE "U nder ifluor>co" ( ts e e . Drama) Aridy h. S e o so n HuWoy.' ,> WASHINOTON WEEK IN RE-

\ CD 30 /20 SchodulM : tho 10th a rsa iv of the primetime new»- zlno show Includos highlights orvlows with former. P residen t rd Nixon, the Prince of W ales othortne Hopbum, g CD CB SONNY SPOON Sonny

e rs-an -tf jsu ro n ee ' sc sm w h o n -----IS to return som e bogus Jewels rere mlstokonly stoktn. (R) (In» oSTAGE AT WOLF TRAP The

im bers o l tho Canadian Brass n 0 m usical repertoire tha t irv* , bo th classkxal p ieces and pop os. (In Storoo)I MOVIE * * * "Invaskw o l the

• “ Friday, Ju n o 10 .1


0:30 111:00 11:30 U 2;(_______________ S>gr>Olt '

toftftln.|NlflWlinr Love | hu ~

night Show Oavtd Lettomion

fht Tracks • Night Tracks

. the 13th Series Bl. |joHei^

A-S-H I Movie:' Back Roxfa'-

[Movle:"DevU-8 N>gt>tm a~

|sh an - | Brt«!wrs [ K i i ^

3ate" Movto: "Cujo'

F3 . Body Snatchofs" (1978. rt. - tion) Donald Suthortoi

Adams.N- CB STRAIGHT TALK e - O B K } BIRD IN CHINA I c - h is sidekick. Borkely th< u t Chino to soarch for t CO Chinese bird they sa w o o l. N ew York's Chinatow n.

-------- 0 CROOK AND CHASElh CB ALFRED HITCHCt> 8 EKTS A woor>ded cop

u c e s a your>g nurso into

p -------- S r ^ S n ^ “ FmDA’r r 'N ic1.' . BLOCKSI---------S e S H O R T S T O R IE S A>;_____ ta k a s to the ro a d in- " l.►- L am e-T ffH . Cawronco'i t: a n d Delilah".

m EXPLORERS A risky ti n th o Himalayas.

SB HEAOUNE NEWS a a a MOVIE "H o 3 F»TA" (1978. Com edy) Bor 1 N anette Fobray.

HBO COMING ATTRACT ------- tu red : Richard Lew is' "O r

> sp e c ia l ond the m aking dhelm : A Com mission of (SHOW ] IT S OARRY SHA

SHOW Alter taking s ta-------- m ed ian -le sso rT S 'from 'Q i

be co m e s o sm osh hit. (In 8 :3 0 a CAR 54. WHERE >

T b e Brotherhood Club tri theperfec tg lttfo rC ^apt. Bl( d ing ortnlvorsary.O (D WALL ^ E E T WE

-------- S to c k s In.R eserve?" G uoKnlghL Paine W ebber f irst d e n tO LAST FROtfTIER A Sti tiny c reatures IMng In cor. a VIDEOCOUNTRY a RAY BRADBURY THw om an (Susan W oblridgo)

-------witn learaasplteher-hustlight over the birth o f thoir HBO MOVIE * * "W olcom (1988. Comedy) C^urtno) Sm ith , Marlska Haraltay. {SHOW] BROTHERS Tho TTienksglving is a lm ost p

’ w heno lo o g -to s tu n clo p o y ! p o c ted vliit. (In S tereo ) □ CIN CINEMAX COMEDY

0.1 9 8 8 Tlm os-fiew s', Tw in I

!:00 112:30 ■

~ |sign.Q»

in Fri.


>r- INN

:ks |B ciiov^

-riday8. Scionco FIc- lond . Brooko

^ Big Bird and :ho dog . go to '

a logondary ’ on a scroll In 3. '5E— -----------------COCK PRE- o p klllor sod- [o helping him ' •


JU a l th hMiOf------X ------" to a s ^ p i Hjo________o 's "SamSon

I trek thr<5ugl\ .

-larpor Volloy larbaraE don,

3TI0NS Fob- 'On Location" ig o f C’Wai- >f Inquiry'^. ^N O L IN Q 'S tand -up cora a r ry r Qninl -------------In Storoo)I ARE YOU? trio s to find B lock 's wod*

VEEK "Auto ' jo s t : Ann C. . s t VlCOpfOSl-

stu d y of mo o ra l rools.


l i a s - - - - - -Oir baby.>mo To 10 " lOy Thorno-

h o W aters ' postponed

ly sonunox - 5Y EXPERI-

n Falls , I J jh o l t

Page 42: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

■ .

FridayI MENT Juaoo nol'

Mooro ponroy a pi . bonltos w no Invont o f Ooalir)g wlih tho

• barKlng doga. (In S' 0-.OO o MONKEES ^

and Micky run Into ; V ogas.O aai 'O R EA T P ■'•Folstoff s ir Qftor tho VIohno Phllhorm

opora starring Oob Iho tlllo rolo. a SD GD O MIAM and Tubbs Invosiigai p o n o d thoft of Irrop m on. (In Storoo) Q (D 1968 UNIVERS COMMENCEMENT I O REMINGTON STE Invosligaios whon Li tho coniorfold of on O ROCK 'N ' ROLL F mod; M artha Roovos. Tho Couiours. (In Sti GD NIQHT FLIGHT S ) Ml LORENZOLAK PROV Host: Lofonzc con C rost"). Foaluro< nls BiQir a n d Lorry M S . FOREST FROM 1 TIME Tho complex bi


— ■- -leofnnn's 'cnraorrsnng whon C hris and Mt

____________ogfoo-On_iho._circu.ioundirtg tho lolal she

“T " -----------ilion.......... SHOW MOVIE * * V

tion" {1987. Comody) Rachol Tjcotln. (SHOWI‘ HARO KNO

\ oging supornoro (6losos his pow or sou Justlco. ho onllsto Go> holp rind It. (In Storoc <TMC) MOVIE ‘ H ondorsons" (.1987, Uthgow.-Mollndo Dlllc CIN MOVIE AAA "1

• 6h o ^ ' Mortin. 9-.20 o ' PORTRAIT J

"W ost Virginia” Foaiu this s ta to Inciudo coa Ism and whlto-wator ri flood and tradlllonol a


- . -----O ORrSeUSS* ORINITHE CAT IN THE HAT Hat m oois tho grouci doc idosto ouismoM hii folino tricks.


--------------------inittu’5 O rom B onlorfO SPORTS TONIGHT Hickman. NIcK'ChorJo: O SPORTSCENTER [SHOW] MOVIE * * * ors" (1987. Horror) f Holon Shavor.

10:00 O MAKE ROOM F CD CX) O a 9110 ) CD


12T im es-N ow a . Twin F.

1 ................... CE3TC/ Richo

w ith f: Audre

nolnhold and DomIa pair ol now subur- ® TVont bizorro rro thods son'oi tho nolght>orhood’3

n Stofoo) Q 5“:S Mfko. Davy. Polor i f * "Mo a mobster In Lns jJ a s o

• PERFORMANCES ftorg'Solti conducts • armonic Orchostro In , w -of-Verdi's com ic monili Oobriol Bacqulor In ft*N A

lAMi VICE CrocKott ®ligoto 0 cowtwy's ro- *■foplacoablo bull so- accouc

ERSITY OF UTAH bosobrHT EXERCISES '" tL S'- STEELE flomlngton nL nuroappoarsoB on adull magazlno.

.L PALACE Schod- , g VQ


LAMAS ATTHE IM- S lf .f i 'i 'inzo Lomas ('T ot- 'lurod comics; Don- a (41)V Minor. HBO K M THE DAWN OF Horror] IX blosyslom foundforesls 10:20 O

1 0 : 3 0 a rIE DAY so t-onICEY A young poi- «»® *1nngs If* tnffTjBianco----------C «r»6n

Mory Both con’t O 0 2lr.Cums!anC05_3Ut----------shooiino ol o civ-------- U J MO'

---------- a _ — ---------------- 'S uspo r* vCritical Condi- .Idy) Richard Pryor. 0 ( 1 1 1

' • for ovoINOCKS Whon on ‘ 'Oflng 1

(Barnoy Mortin) 22,®.“,?.source, a Ring of ® WllGowof nnd NIcK lo Ironsmlsroo) yoof fllVI ' Hofry and tho 3!®“" ? ' ' B7. Fantasy) John ('® =Y Dillon. w ook h

"Tho Bollovors" Cori Inirtiii Shoon, Holon lo r s ^ n

IT .OF AMERICA O ( « »joiurod a sp ec ts of 1 0 :3 s (3)cool mining; tour- bolrig fior rolling; tho 1985 CB MA(lol storytollofs. O E M TERN QC p o

Storoo)IINCH QfilNCHESlATTho Col In tho ( J J O Touchy Grinch ond Corson,n him with cunning CD NIQ1

10:36 S fVOAZINE' ' 1 0 :4 8 -S Ht s A Study of Au3-la rn o o t’— --------------11:00- a -iHT Anchors: Frod com osirjos. . Paul Wi.:R a (11)t* * "Tho Botiov- (1981. Cir) Mnrttn Shoon. Loo Jon


Q ) NAT1

In Falls, Idrtho Friday. J u n o 1

I to' t h e m a n o r BORN Alttiough :hord is onxious to sign o contract lh Madomolsollo Outolt. ho enlists idroy to holp w ard oft hor am orous voncos. 'TWILIOHT ZONE Adom Gront is

nloncod lo doath in tho oloctric air.

PAPER CHASE • THE FIRST ARJE SSE OWENS STORY Tho IKo Of >30 Owons Is trocod. including hia Ining a t Ohio Staio. his record- loklng track porformopco a t mo 16 Berlin Olympics, and his hu- nliatiatx—vonturos ond-ullim al»-^ liness falluro. (Port 1 of 2) NASHVILLE NOW NIQHT FLIQHT(M. THE BOYS O F SUMMER

lOd on Rogor K ahn's best-soiling ount o l (ho Brooklyn Dodgor oboii toom from 1947-57, Pootur- Duko Snldor. Roy Campanoilo Carl Ersklno.

ANIMALS OF THE GREAT NOR- VEST Tho boauty o l tho Rocklbs. MEWSNIQHT/OLLEYBALL M anhattan Boach n Tournam ont. (R)>R. RUTH SHOW Topic: Df. Ruin u s so s Iho lomalo soxual ros- :o wllh a llvo sludlo audlonco.

INN NEWS > MOVJE * * "Tho G ate" (1987. ror) S tephen Oorft, Christo Den-

a NIGHT TRACKS (tn Sioroo)D MISTER ED Ed wins 0 color TV on a radio qu iz show ,« TONIGHT SHOW Host; Johnny»6n,-(lr>-8l«fOO)---------------------------(12) FRIDAY THE 13TH: THE IIES - • 1-«OVlEir"TRo'Sodircllori-'-(19B2:— poiis u ) r<m guii Puricn rrg:»nOrow -'o ns.’ ____ __ -;i1) M 'A 'B * m i 's 0 polnlul llmo svoryono w hon Wlnchosier, sul- ig from a toothacho. refuses lo . on Army dentist.WIL01.IFE CHRONICLES Radio sm illors ovor tho courso of a ’ givo Inlormalion rogording rat- lakos, .EYE ON HOLLYWOOD Each k h o s ts Chuck Honry ond Jann

Inlorviow Hollywrood trondsol- .And .look a t w h at's now in tho

ID HIT SQUAD3 ) CHEERS Olono foors sho 's g lollowod by a deranged actor. HAQNUM. P.I.MTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Sln- 0 o d S tew art's now album, (in oo)lACNEIt/tfiHRER- NEWSHOUR— 9 TONIGHT SHOW Host: Johnny on. (In Sioroo)IIGHTLINE O D M'*A*S*HSHOW ' SHOWTIME COMEDY . 9 NETWORKB-D O N N A -H EEO ~O or> na-b«"--)3 0 Victim of 0 ncnm. Guost; Wincholl,I I ) MOVIE * * "Bock Roads"I. Comody) Sally Fiold. Tommy Jones.URNS AND ALLEN IQHT FLIQHT IDEO DISC JOCKEY ATURE OF THINGS A sludy of


jgh soa croaturos; tho i act .p ro c e ss , sts m INSIDE POLITICS IUS - a PUBLIC POLICY C

O POWERBOAT RA I is tional O utboard Grariric A ugusta. Oa, (Taped)


m oro" (1971, Horror] <of Danlol Emilfork..hia SHOW i r S .QAHRY Jrd- SHOW Aftor taking no modion lo sso n s Irom IU- becom es a sm osh hit.It»-.---------frMC>-MOVJE-ik-:UJ(

(1984. Comedy) Tim M nllor Runyon.CIN MOVIE * * * "O

:R (19Q7. Orama) Jannlfot ig Swayze. or 11HJ5 Cjy MOVIE * * "I tr- (1981. Comedy) Solly Ila Loo JonoA.-

O NIGHTLINE q 1- d J MOVIE ** "Dovirs. (1971. Horror) Eiico I

Emillork.:h - 11:06 a MOVIE * * "I

(1981, Comody) Solly I in Loo Jo nos.)- 11:20 O NIGHT TRACKS

11:30 a ROWAN « MART IN


0 ^ 0 2 ) BLUE BLOC


iy .Iroo dwollors, Includir

IE O MOVIE * * "Tho Bl< (1949. W ostorn) Gono

^ m NC VilN'lJHT~UPbA — V HBO MOVIE * * * "Cuio

55----------ponso)D o6'W al[ac6:D o,1- SHOW BROTHERS 110. Thanksgiving l3 olmos

whon a long-rosi unclop lo poct6d visit. (In Steroo)0 (SHOW] MOVIE * " t- (1974. Comody) Honry

Lorber.;h .11:35GD HIT SQUAD * in O LOVE CONNECTIOfI- CQ JO SEPH CAMPBEL 10 POWER OF MYTH: WITI_______ -£ B S J jp lc 3LlhQ.flccopta

os rebirth, primltlvo socli 3 possogo . snam onism an r. o( rlluol. (Pori 3 o l 6) g


gor Rod Stow ort's now---------- 1 Steroo)---------y .12:00 a CAR 54. WHERE

The B rothorhood Club the porfectglf^ for Copt. E ding anniTbrsnry.

r , 0 ( 1 2 ) JEFFERSONS a 700 CLUB ,


comblnoilon to his nov sp reads 0 rum or.thot bu r

y ound iown. hoping to unk loss sa fe on a noiahbor, a NtQHT FLIGHT ©IK ISH O RTSTO RIESA lokes lo tho rood In "L

I Lomo": O.H, Lnwronco':

1 : --I cheose-m oking ' ;

:s 'a a (R)’ CONFERENCE • ! RACINQ Intomo- rand fVlx. From CJ)DVISORY

"O ovll's NIglit- or) Erico Blanc.

r SHANOLINQ-S g s to n d -u p co- im , G arry. Grant lit. (In Storoo) 4 Jp -lh » _ C r« e k "- M athoson . Jon-

'O lrty D ancing" [ for G roy. Patrick

"B ock P o a d s " ly Flold. Tommy

'ii'o N ightmare"I B lonc..O aniol

"B ock Roods" y Flold. Tommy

<S (In Storoo)RTIN’S LAUGH-

' Ar WITH DAVID Storoo)X :K E » SUNQ-

:h o'lO N A o tu d y o f - d ing monkeys,l-tr«*-(rog8.— 1— ---------Big S om bforo ■ y10 Aulry . Elona_________ ]

_____Jon n y P ln ta u ro .:t i-

Tno W ato rs 'a r o s t postponod J p o y s on unon- 'O) O

"H o t Tim os" iry Cory. Gall

DNELL AND THE ITH BILL MOY-jtanco-oI.doatft---------------•clotlos' rito so f nnd Iho doclino QH DAVID LET-lO)TONIGHT Sin­ew a lbum , (in

IE ARE YOU?b trios (o find I. B lock’s wod-

U R C S O F O Z .-------------- -zio fo rgo ts tho lov^ sofo and u rg lo rso ro a r- n io o d th o u s e -

12;,; A (allh hoalor"L o g s o l lho ■;o '3 " S am son

Page 43: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

I - —

■ ' -. ^ \

u n b e k n o w n s t to ■ hdn). R o se (Bctt^

th u r) p o se n u d e f T h e A r ti s t / tonl{

nnd Dolltnh”.O ) MYSTERY O F ZANONi (or a shipwrobk. OJ'SPORTSLOOK ■■ SHOW HARO KNOCKS W t Ing suporhoro (Bom ey Mn h is pow er sourco . 0 Ring c ho onlisls Gowor nnd Nic

■----------'n ri'd 'H rpn 'S toroo)'-"---------12;05.GD-PU7TIN*-ON THE

_______ SlOfflO)_______ ______. a HIT SQUAD-____ __ Lj.

0 9 LATE NIOHT WITH OA TERMAN (R; (In .S lo ro o )- .

12:20 O NIQHT TRACKS (In 12:30 O MONKEES Miko, Dc

'o n d Micky run Into a m obs ■ V egos. .

O 0 0 FRIDAY NIQHT VIDE Howlo Mondol ond To^l Doi lu ro vidoos Irom Prince (' SI."). Don Akroyd/Wllsor ( • 'L o n d o lo fOOO D ancos”) bio Q lbson. (In Sloroo)O (12) INN NEWS CE KEYS TO'SUCCESS

(ISSS.'M usicol) EalhorW lltii w ord Kool.m SPORTS LATENIQHT CD SPORTSCENTER SHOW MOVIE * * * "T he B (19Q7. Horror) Morlln Sheo

. , S h a v o ii________________12:35 C33 MOVIE * * "Dovll'

m o r e " '(1971. Horror) Eric Oonlol Emiirork.CD FRIDAY NIQHT VIDEO

. Howlo Mondol ond Tod Oor lu ro vidoos (rom Prfnco

_____ S ia ^ O o n _ A K ro y d iW il8on('•Land o l 0 1000 D oncos’ ) i bio G ibson. ( I i^ io ro o )

12:40 (TMC) MpSVIE * * "F.World'^ (1S82. Sclonco FIcilo

. Vini, Ju n o Chodwlck.12:45 CIN MOVIE tH r ' Propplos

Com ody) Oonnis Oroko. Slov 12:55 [SHOW] MOVIE *Mi “Apr

D ay '' (1986. Horror) D obora

to e a c h o th er. B la n ch e (I !tty W hite) and D oro thy (I le fo r s c u lp to r Lasxio (Toi n ig h t on N E C 's T h e G oi

m an. A m y ! ONi A soorch 1:00 O I SP'


V t/hononog* CD NIQHT F Mortin) I090S CB DIAL Mln g o fJu s llc o . O iraL O R ENick 10 holp_____ ,^PROV_H0SI

con - Cfost -HE HITS (In Oonnis.Bloli______ ________ ^ a .H E A O m

' • ___ _____ IDJNSlDE-1OAVID LET- B SS ALL I) _ . .. 1 :05O FR JD ^(In Storoo) Howlo Monc. Davy. Pelor (uro vidoos 3bslor In Los SI."). Don

('•Lond of O ' lOEOS H osis blo O lbson. i D onson foa- HBO MOVIE

B (••Alphobol (1985. Com* so n Plckoil John Hoard, s ”) ond Dob- la O O N1QH1


jr'«rO arting"------- TROL----------Vlltioms.Ho- CD COLLE<

Toam s lo I T O m aha. Nob.

1:36 O DUKEI0 Bollovors" 2:00 ID MOVIE heon. Holon O lhor" (1939

Bvirs Nighi- QD MOVJE ** =rlca Blanc. namllo Chos

Claudia Jonn! lEOS H osts CD ART OF L D anoon foa- • BEAUTIFUL1 ( 'Alphabot (DNIOKTFLJ»on_B cl50l|_____ IB.HEMOTEJ!'•) and Oob- O l (EP SLEEPI

pokovB and £ "Forbidden the 1982 KIro

cilon) Jo sso Tchaikovsky's SB LARRY Kll

3 lo s '(1984 .Slovon Holt. OH INVESTME April Fool's <™ C) MOVIE >orah Foro- (1984. Musics

I (R ue M cCIana- / (B eatrice Ar- ^ro n y Ja y ),inlolden G irla ' '

ny Stool. ^SPY -N EW S.......... ........... ..............................JRAL WEIGHT LOSS • ^rr FLIGHTMTV f,

iRENZOLAMASATTHEIM- •Q8l: LofOnzQ Lnmn<t ------- post"). Foolurod com ics; « Hair and U n v Miller. TIUNEJ4EW »-OVCRNJQHT-------- ,,tE-THE-POA-TOUR--------------------IfX NITE MOVIES ‘ T{DAY NIQHT VIDEOS H oSls 2 ondol and Tod D anson foo- bi o s Irom Princo ("A lphabol- • n in AkroydAVIIson Pickett m 0 1000 Dancos^') a n d Dob- m

m. (tn Storoo) ^r iE * * ^ ''H e a v o n H o lp U s " n imedy) Donald Suthorlartd. L ■rd. 'aHT TRACKS (In Steroo) b i HEAOUNE NEWS q


LEGE WORLD SER IES S !5 bo onnounced. From nob. (R) . , HKES OF HAZZARD S,® /IE **niV4 "M ado for Each « 9 . O rafia) Carolo Lom-

* * •T he Groot T oxas Dy- K R lo s e ’ (1976. Advonluro) nnings, Jocelyn Jo n e s . 'F LOOKING 'YOUNG A N D . ^ H

FUGHT•EXQMTHOI...........................EPING BEAUTY Irina K o T H B d SorgI Borozhnol &tar In H B | (Irov BalleLproduoUon b r - ^ B ] ly 'a classical ba llo t - KING OVERNIGHT POUCY CONFERENCE

MENT ADVISORY VIE ** V i ''B oa t S troo t" llcal) Rao Down Chong.

Friday . J u n e 10,1988

--- — Frk' Guy Oavls.2:15 CIN MOVIE «r "D om on

Iso" (1987, Hoffof) Kathryn Ham Slols.

2:20 O NIQHT TRACKS (In 2 :26 [SHOWlMOVIE * * -Qoi

(19S1, Comody) Tony Oanz DoVlto.

2 :3 0 .0 BREAKTHROUGH « CD MOVIE ••Groon i Wyoming'' (1948, W ostorr Oummln8;'Ch6rlos Coburn.~ CD CLUB MTV 8HOWMOVIE*^'Hot Time:

• Comody) Hanfv Cory. Qoll l 2:35 (D NEWS (R)2:55 HBO MOVIE "Dollver^

(1985. Comody) Mario Van a;00 CD OAKTA^I



b' CD AUTO RACING Imomotloi o l Champions, from Dayloni

3:45 CIN MOVIE * * "Kontuc Movls'^ (1977. Com ody) Ev M attor Bong Soo Han.

3:55 SHOW MOVIE *V i "Apr Day" (1988, Horror) Doboro man, Amy Stool.



— PROZIL^------------------- '----------CD JESSE OWENS STO RY Tho Jo sso Owens Is tro co ^ Includli

;^farnIn'8-ol OHt6-Stoio.“ hl8 r i breaking track porform anco i 1938 Boflin Olympics, a n d hi manltarlan .vonturos ond ult business lailuro. (Part 1 o f 2) CD NIQHT FUQHT a DAYBREAKOH PRESCRIBING INFORMATIi [SHOW] MOVIE * * "T he Mono- (1988, Comedy) Tom H anka. S r Long.


-LEW IS_______________________9 INTERNATIONAL CORRESI DENTSCD SPORTSLOOK HBO M ovie *ni "Tho W in d " (i Susponso) Mog Fostor, S lovo R back.

I Tlme^-Nows, Twin Falls , idi

' t '■ day—n o l Parad- “ yn Witt. WII-

n Sloroo) iolngA po!" nza , Oanny

86...................... ............I G rass ol»rn) P g g g / . . . ________

ios"(1974 ,II Lorber.

ory Boys" n Poobles.

I Sloroo)

Ional Race sna. (R) ucky Fried- Evan Kim.

pril Fool's jrah Foro-

4 0 0 WIL-


riollToold ing hia_______________rocord- ___

I a t tho h is hu- ultimaio )

TIONloy Pit"Sholloy




.(1987. -N

. Ralls- j .

Idaho 11

Page 44: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles




• montary boglnni K oron'3 Invasion c

----------------- lng-<ho-fote9-Of-T-M acA rthurand tho lion o l ttio w ar In o tor: Richard Boom a » DAYBREAK 8B CLOSE-UP FOI O SPOHTSCEMTI (1») FAMILY MEDIC (TMC) MOVIE * StumtJloa” (1979. Dyko. Kothloon Ou


0 967 , Drama) Jo n i Swnyzo.

5:25 SHOW MOVIE • - (1981. Com ody) To

DoVito.5:30 CS MAPLE TOV


- HARRIET D avid-on In on O zzlo 's prom I whon ho ro ac tio s hi

-------------------- ® -5 P 6 H tS " C r 6 S i. CD THOnOUQHBRt

0 9 INVESTMENT A :------ — risH o w rM o v iE ~ 5------- -------~ 7 t ^ l ^ a - 3 - W 6 H ^

' Goorgo P oppard , O 5;55 0 3 IDAHO JO B 6:00 ID SHARON. I

ELEPHANT SHOW_____________ a iO (X )U .T T L E .C t




' 6:05 O BONANZA . HBO MOVIE Vir* •' (1905, Oramo) T o tu irCara.

6:30 CQ MR. WIZARD'S ( » :)C 9 (1 1 )S J IM H E PET BABIES q '

___________O lO (B .POUND.eUIO (») OD CB SM URF!





1 4T im cs-N ow 8 ,T w lnF j

98tarday pr


'JES ____

3 JOCKEY................................ f’AR IN KOREA Docu- ‘Inning with North )n of Juno 1050. troc- •

tho ovontuol cuJmina- ^In 0 stalom ato. Narro->ono,


* * 'T h o Runnor '9 . Drama) Dick Van ^Oulnlon.

3KE "* * * "Olrty Dondng" • - lonnlfor Groy. Patrick

IE "Going Apo!" ”I T ony D anis, Danny “

rOWNCHICAGO 1 nR) B> SU M AGAIN E S O P O rz iE AND i-nnUcipoto8 caoWng- - n am lso topoyh lm W O a h is fathor‘8 holoht.(5SM.-DP----- * ------------------SRED DIGEST n , T ADVISORY _____ __

' ^ ( f le a r w ^ u m )— -----------

I. LOIS a BRAM'S '-----------


5Y*S ADVEKTURES , ” 0 “™'b e a r s Q ^ - S S S

E W S ® 0 (lEPORT g S KO KfTTY'S FURRy § c h ]


IB YOU-IN Q u est to bo on- gSrIa pt m w w A O W E E

r "C arta ln Fury"' turn 0 :Noo1. Irono

^ living BlID 'S WORLD firai yu.HENSON'S MUP. » b ENI

________ crooturoe W R lE S J ? -----------------cup. eonn r a g a H E A i



n F a lls .Id a h o Friday . J u n o l

fitpgi ams' "I f i p n r t c

6:56 Q.m . (ESPN ) AUTO 1 from rra n c «

12 p .m ; (E S P N ) AUTO R —takcvilJorCoini:— -------------

1p .m .-(N B C ) M AJOR LEals a t C alifornia Angels or Ba

1:30 p a n . (ESPN ) HORSEanalysis o f th e conlcndere in which is one and one-half miles

2 p jD . (C B S ) PGA GOLF I round; from Westchester Coun tentative)

3 p .m . (E S P N ) DRAG RABristol, T enn . . . ,

6:30 p j n . (ESPN) AUTO Grand-Prix, f ro i^ Houston

6:30 p j i l . (WTBS) MAJO Braves a t H ouston Astros

~ 8 :S 0 p jn r{E S P N )'aR E N A T .N ow 'EnglandStdam roliore ' •

3(1 COMIC ST R IP B r»U T O T W C IN Q “ S { a iT o r2~ if9 of LoMarts. (rom Franco. (Uvo)0 DENNIS TH E MENACE D X ) MY P E T MONSTER □ SESAME ST R E ET (R) □13) BEVERLY HILLBILLIES :HARLANDOr.~3ERBERT A p u p p o t namod Gor-

Ib tho s ta r o f th is musical/ saiJonol sh o w for childron. Prod-1 by Emmy A w ard winnor David

O li ANO ME. KID G uost: Lou and a Forrlgno.VEEKEND GARDENER

a TIBET: TH E LO ST MYSTERY imontary on " th o roo l" Shangri- <nown for m o n k s , nom ads ftnd J B uddahs'08 It w a s aoon by tho Wostorn oxp lo ro rs .ENEATH THE KEEL Colorful sOQ turns. Including jowol orwmonos.corals, ond-9p< dorcra t» :-------------EADUNE N E W S UPDATE W MOVIE Kr* "T h o Monoy Pit"5, Comody) T o m H anks. Sholloy

:') MOVIE * * V i "H orry ond tho loroons" (19B7. Fantasy) John ow. Mollnda Dillon.« V IE "P ro lo c t X ' (1987.10 10.1988

ts H ig h lig h ts[= 0 — P ^ . c

ro RA CiNG o ia rt oi i:*! noun

) RACING Barber Saab Pro '■

LEAGUE BASEBALL Kansi ■ Baltimore Orioles a t New Yo,

SE R ACING Belmont S takes 9 in this year’s final Triple ( liles; from Elmont, N,Y.

LF M anufacturers Hanover Cl ountry Club in Rye, N.Y. (S tar

RACING IHRA Spring Natii

TO RACIN G 'O rr-Road Chi


S F 0 0 T B A n rP itt5 b lI? ^ " G Ii

y-i----------- D m m o)-M atihow Broa. Hunt.‘ 7 :05 O WORLD OF A

bird c en su s a i Dolawi idos ornithologists wil

• relating Iho bohavior ol throatoning biological p

. ratod by Martin Shoon .u 7 :10 flB HEALTHWEEK L. 7:30 CD TURKEY TELEV IH CD O (C UTTLE WIZi




7:35 HBO MOVIE **V4 . Pa rtT w o".(1986. Orami , Chlo. Norlyuki ’P a t' Moi--------- f l:0 0 -O fcWNKEES--------

CS 0 (11) O l PEE-W HOUSE


(7) REMEMBER WHEM Hons tha l changod tho i Amorlca aro exp lored . (


i w "irs of LeMans, .

0 Series, from________

isas City Roy- fork Yankees.

es Specinl. An ; Crown race *-

Classic, third ' arting time is

tionais; from

ham pionship'

lL L Atlanta

jladiators a i '“

Irodorlck, Holon

AUDUBON Tho iwaro Bay prov- with Information01 shorobirds to

ll probioms. Nar- on.KEVISION IZARDS g iLAND - IPLE ,

UNO-------------------------- —ISS

Vl "Karalo Kid mo) Ralph Mac- lorlta. ■ . .. _



EN Tho Invon- 0 way of llfo in I. (R)

Page 45: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles




. . 68 PUBLIC POt. (Topod)


8:05 a PORTRArr "W ost Virginia" Foi

- Ism and whito-w atoi nood ond tfoditlono

8:10 9 SHOWBIZ W 8:90 O BAD NEWS I

CS CB (11) 9 MIQH NEW ADVENTURE! O Cffl LEARN TO R a w CD CB ALVIN MyNKS o O (13) SMALL WO CK) SUPERMAN CB SKY KINO CB DUMBO'S CtRC a n d U onot practlco d a n co routlno. done tlirouQhout ifw clfcu O COUNTHY K ITO O LOVE YOUR SKI: S O O WORLD O F P m IN THE BEG CREATED THE SWII cio tal chongos a ro i chonglng s ty lo s o f tl- 9 STYLE WITH E U0 SPORTS TRIVIA

-------------------- i»-W 5jB 5N W A fcT TCOMIC STRIP

SHOW MOVIE tk*iZ C ------- W6a t~ W ^ W o n "~(;

G oorgo PoppardTDoi [SH O W IM O V IE *** (196S, Drama) Jam os McCluro.

*9H)0 CB YOU C A N T DO _ i ___EVISION.TftoW datoa

01 supply a n d domi morkoting ploys.CU e (11) POPEYE i O ( » NORTH IDAHO C S O (X) BUOS BUNl S H O W nb » ci3 o JIM HEr.OLE ROCK Q CD BAAOSHAW ON T


____________g p FACTS AEtOOT W

■ ' 9 REPUeUCAN COf 9 GHOSTS OF THE : o f Ih roo A ustralian and pilots* trok a c ro s s tho i yoa r-cid t>ombor.9 HEAOUNE NEWS

. — 9 COMMUNICATION------------------O S C H O O tS n C ~ S P i

ICA Visil to M oscow . I CM MOTHER'S.DAY Fo Jo s o p h W spnor ("Po( o n d h is wifo M k:kw ; lo a g o groups; AIDS or ua ls .O UB SYLVANIAN FA (TMC) MOVIE **"81111


I TRACTOR PU L L...............F LIVING WITH stylos

lA i r OF AMERICA' cock FojMurod^gs^twcts^of

o tor foltlngitfto 1985 o «onol siorytollorsv n: WEEK r n a >v s BEARS c D r 'IQHTY MOUSE: THE m ueR E S tj S e i0 READ In s hi /IN ANO THE CHIP. at


tRCUS W hon Dink q ^:tlco Iholr now tap (]donco fovor sproods q (40IfcUB-lfoupo, HBOTTCHEN youlh

FPHOTCklRAPHY s ^ n d l3EQINNINO. GOO lO M C BSWIMSUIT How SO- m oro rofloctod In tho n ' M

—ifeJr:RIP otomlc

* * "Shonandosh" IN<3 * ^710S S iow an, Doug 0 ( 1 2 )

■ DO THAT ON TEL- o | un1 to sitho jttra tog lo s CB OON omond a n d othor g - cE l


HENSON^S FRAO- ® s ® o

N THE FAMILY bM S tallVITH NANCY ...... ... - |7 ^ c>uk^ ond Cart

^GTflCKEYI ^ ' ^ A *RE HERE Pacinc la• tW R LOSS ■ m M W .

50NVEWT10N 'HE SKY Tho story JB ^ ioR Sand two Amorlcan igr Clostho Pacinc In a 40- (Tapod)________ u e M o nv s UPDATE c s ro (or IIONS TODAY __ ___ chlBlrisl-SPORTS "AMERr— ^IW. (R) O KIIf Foaturod: Judgo . k b o MOPooplo-B Court") Hondorsc/: loys lo r worlous . Llthoow. ]

and hotorosox* 10:05 O K M onstor i

FAMIUES 10:30 CD IN!still of lho Night" CDSYBEf

9^92^Susponso) M o ry l^ ^ lro ^ . Roi

In ” MOVIE * . » - U M i L o ' i i lIght" (1987. Com ody) A nn M annu jn; Jo h n Malkovlch.5 O NWA PRO WRESTLING

°EEK * TECHNOLOGY) r a NICK ROCKS ) CB (11) DENNIS THE MENACE 10 9 ROCKSCHOOL A so c o n d soo' >n o l tip s on rock --n ''ro ll ploying yilos and musical Inslrum onts. Firsi 1: synlhoSlzors. H osI: Horbio Han- ck . Guosto; Ja n H am m or. Tony inks.iacB F L iR T § r< jN E ic iD so —> Od QD O NEW A RCHIES Q I (12) 9 TO 5 I ANGLERS IN ACTION RIFLEMANNEW ADVENTURES O F WINNIE

IE POOH W hen C hrls lopho r Rop- i b aby sinor a rrives, tho g ang has I a t hor oxponso.SIDE/SIDEONE THOUSAND DOLLARS EV- Y FIVE HOURS BASEBALL '80 QAMEDAYWHAT EVERY BABY KNOWS (^S STARCOM . •CJTHE BET An u p po r m ldd lo -dass tih (Philip McKoon) lo a m s about vlval and hum anity a fio r on indlng tlmo on sW d row .CB DOUBLE DARE a 0 ( 1 1 ) TEEN W O L F d i n OCEAN APART T hough tho tod S la to s and G ro a t Britain lodcJoM b o w b d t ^ ng W orid War

I In lho dovok>pmont o l tho nlc bom b, (Part 4 o l 7) n a O D -A N IM A L -< »A C K -^— ^* < l> ® F O O F U R -D --------------:----lASICS O F MODe C r a ILROAD.

12) WWF W RESTUNG ;OUL TRAIN lUNSMOKEONALO DUCK Pn e S C N T S ----------CELEBRITY OUTDOORS Foo- I: spocktod trout fishing with r Bradshaw from L ag u n a Modro.8. (In Sioroo)ANCE PARTY. USA0 THE BOYS O F SUMMER, d on Rogor K ahn 's bost-soUIng jn t o f tho Brooklyn Oodgor Mil team from 1947-67. Foatur-

Roy Cam panoUa -

KNUATU - AN ISLAND TREM- A Toka losUval o n th « South

c Island of Tanno.DVSOAY------------------------------------->UBLIC POUCY ADDRESS

SE SHOW JUM PING Chrys- tiosslc. from C algory . Can.a))THERWORKS F oa tu rod ; day- o r handicapped chlkJron; psy-3 l_ D r_ R o b o ft-S c h a e h tw .-o o__and chlidron.KIDSONGSiilOVIE ** W "Harry, a n d the rso n s" (1987. F a n ta sy ) Jo h n w. Mollnda Dillon.1 MOVIE -QodziJIa v s . . tho or Z ero"INSPECTOR GADOET 3ERVISION

F rid a y , J u n o 10.1




CE CB RACCOONS Bort 1 . . lo r o coniract-to play

ying m o th Mudhons basob First O TEE IT UP Goo8l:(

?n"y “ “ V r " ” -!'" '® '” ' '---------------- ® ^ A N S * » N O V A K

o sA rn ru D E S O u o s i liam s o l Broadway’s ’ O a e AMERICAN BA [SHOW] MOVIE «

„ ,p Schoo l" (1987, Como m on , Klistlo Alkiy.

. (TMC) MOVIE "Bloo< Drom a) Brad Davis, T

11:00 CB LASSIE r u , CD 0 ( 1 1 ) 9 SPORT

Schodulod: Coltogo B Sorlos, Irom Omaha, I b o announe»d. Stortlhi tive. (Uvo)O 0 9 INNOVATION M vlronmont - Its potoni th ro at ond ways ol ro v o rso oftocts.

^ 0 ) 0 WEEKEND SPEIVon Wlnkto. (Lou Jo Irom 0 bump on tho ho h e 's now In a society * Ilko odulis. (R) (Port 2

S M 0 ) 1988 POR-I

* —. CD COMRADES This pr

J ________ C£fl!l3JTHin AbdugBffflf.l_________ a m in o s llto In a MusPiIT o n d thounoasy roiation

Islarhic lalih and Sovki O (12) PAD WRESTU CD MOVIE **M "Sal Com ody) Adam'Wflst. I

______. . a i R O N HORSE_____CB MOVIE * * "My Uttl< M o v to - (1986. Fnntosi

” D anny OoVIlo, Modolini “ ' O TOMMY HUNTER Gl

MondroU, Sill Monroo. K - boll, Rick K ing.Sharon/ " • M urray McUaughlon. (Ir fl CD HOLLYWOOD INSID f CB SPECTACULAR \

GUINNESS RECORDS 1 “ nor>-Btop car rido Iror

M exico; tho worid's tol

________ 9 W ORLD AUVg Th'o, m o to vlUagodooplnSou * junglo w M ro natlvo p

a d a p te d to tho vory prir tio n s In tho lush wikJorn 9 NEWSDAY CB TRIATHLON g.S.T.S. M iami. (Tapod)CIN MOVIE * * "Morgs

' -----------C < > m rnp4onio~118^CCryor, Lynn Rodgravo.

11:30 O ZOO FAMILY O Q 0 W OO D W R iaH rs! ing backyard (orrous w ro u g h t Jron.CS O 0 0 GOLF Mazda T ournam ont. (Uvo)O (12) CDNVERSATli FRED

I0,198ff T im os-N ow a. TwInF

m o FRIENDS RAND THE SOL- rURE , •LLINGIC5 tOHrt ond C ed ric vioay-lof tno-M am -----------oboll toom .t: D allas C ow boy . 'oroo)

)Sl: Billy D eo Wll- s "F o n c o s" . BANDSTAND

* * * "Sum m or nody) M ark Har-

KXJ TiosV (1986.Tony LoBianco,

RTS SATURDAY 'B osoball World

I. Nob. T o am s 10 ting tlm o is tonla-

Mon’s no isy on- inUoi a s 0 hoalth ro^ucing its od-

'ECIAL M ayor R. Jacobi) Qwakos hood to discovof y wrhoro k id s oct 2 of 2) C3RTLAND ROSE----------.ELOaAL_l?AR-_______

proR loolU zbok if.K im kkuIov.ox^ _ sPm com m unity onsnip botw oon fiol pow or. p U N OJotm on” (1968. . .I. Burt W ord.

ttio P ony - Tho asy) V olcos ol iino Kahn.G uosts: Loulso . K IrslonC am p-i n A ndorson an d '(In S to roo)IIDER

WORLD OF S Sc h ed u led : a - om A laska to tollost w om an;

o i^ A m o rlc o 's , poopio havo ifimitlvo 'condl- irnoss.

.S. R aco . from

pari S to w a n 's________. Q jfhody) Jo n

SS H O PR ofln - IS rock Into

ia S e n io r T PC


. VWtrday

iF a lls . id a l io lS '

Page 46: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

r SaturCS> COVER ST< konborry and i

' Low"),! CD VIDEO OIS

€D DISCOVER I o logonco holpi' th o anciont Ori

S ) NEWSMAK ■ W S N E A K p m

L yons and Mic .w ho i's now al O (4ft WWF

SHOW MOVIE . (196S. D ram a).



12:00 G9 CHC (' T h an k s lo Cti

p ow ers , young develop a tolop

O (19) WILDLIF "flu rn lng ond Tc r a TAKE CHAn(

.vn rlo ly of Invo; om ptiaslzoa tho i an co and divorsr w ard Rick Bnrry 0 ( 1 2 ) MOVIE* (I9S 6 . Comody) 1

.................... - ID BA T MASTEFO COUNTRYCLI

r . CD MOVIE'*«V^iSclofrco-Flctlon) M lchnol Murphy.

. ID NA)pS A doiof. . _ ' o ro ssiyo s |o p s t

______________ Ixom jim oW ne-S iCi

-----------------— SDtWh-SHOHTSTCta k o s lo Iho roa

•L am o ": 0 -H. Lav a n d Doiiloh":0 3 WORLD O F I

•vorion Okioborlo! S HEADLINE N£ CD AUTO RACIN< Sorlos. trom Lake (1J) FOLEY SQUAI HBO MOVIE H oovon" (1986. JonnK ur Connolly

12:05 O MOVIE ** ( a i r - (1956, Cocrioi n o sl B o rgn lno .'

12:10 G9 HEALTHW 12:30 0 CIO COLLEC

cra lt a t tho Exp A ssociation Mug Wl9.: flshino loros: tor m u o colloctor. c n TONY BROW^ CD BROKEN ARR ID ORIMM-S FA turod: "C roolo.■■ ’ n n d " H u (7 Mo". CQ THIS WEEK IN lights or Major ,L


‘ [SHOW ] MOVIE.□ onrh M em oirs"

16 T im os-N ow s. Twin


t ' . T ...........................

trday ;c

STORY Schodulod: Jill El- ' “ hd Michaol T ucker ("L.A, ‘

DISC JOCKEY ^ 'ERINQ ELEGANCE Howlolpod tjrlno harm ony to 5

Orlontalwflrrior'Bllfo,- “ lAKER SATURDAY . .PREVIEWS Hbsts' JoHro'y 2Michaol Modvod look al ^

' at lho movies. J i WF SUPERSTARS OF

VIE * * * "Shonancfonh" I f ia ) Jom es'S tow art. Doug ^


Chocky'a sopornatorol {. •ing Maiitiow and a friond „Jlopothic relationship. SILIFE WOODCARVERS clo1 Toxturing" nAROEI This look o t tho q )nvostmont 'poaslblllllos (jo honood to ochlovo bol-Drsily. f=oVmor tJBA for- il*irry guost ctaVs. •• : " E * * "Forovor Darling"]y) Lucille Ball. Oosl Ar- g ’

TERSON----------------------- 'S ! l'CLIPS I • Yi'' *V3 "P hase IV" (1973.)n) Nlgol ■ O avonport. q

• . DtoiJiofminod girl tokos ug- )S to keep hor (othor uS lafi-L ataJill .M llto i______

STOfltES-A-faithhOBloi---------road in "Logs o t tho « ' Cavirronco's "S om son ' ' •

5F FESTIVALS A Ba- irfoa t.-- ..................................• NEWS UPDATE :iNQ Barbor S o o b 'P ro jjkovlllo. Conn. (R) lUAHE• Vj "Sovon Mlnulos In • ,

)66. Comody-Orama) u n r lolly. Mnddio Corm on. ,,qn * * * "T h o C o to ro d A f.imody) Botto Davis, Er- .

HWEEKLECTORS Vintage air- Exporlmontol Aviation ' ^ 5 ^ugoum In O shkosh . ^ * ires: a Doulton cham c- ;tor. f Ou/*)WN'S JOURNAL I .V?®:kRROW --------

FAIRY TALES Foa- I . " -T ho Silvor Pony" .

< IN BASEBALL High- c /°J; >r .Loaguo ociton are q

> u s rt'*;!®’•HELSAKLENSCH SS".’ ,:iNQ 24 hours of Lo- JT „ a ^ e .(L iv o ) •

OQET <'IE _ * * 'A .j:B r la m o n ____rs" (1986. Comody-win Falls , Idaho • Friday. June

Drama) Blytho Oannor, Jonalho'i vorman. ' '(TMC) SHORT FILM SHOWCAS CIN MOVIE **V^ "Am azing G a n d Chuck" (1987. Drama) Jos Zuohlko. Alox English.

1:00 o a u MOVIE -T h o SI Harold O lddlobock" (1947. Com Harold Lloyd. Francos R am sdor O M CD CB MAJOR U A Q U E BA BALL K an sa s City Royola a t Col nio Angols o r Boltlmoro Orlolo;

"N ow York-Vonkoos:-Ronlonnl CO ago . (Uvo)0 3 PAINT WITH PITTARD (3D MOVIE * * * "Tho Virgin Quo 11955. Drama! Bnltn Onvin Rtrh

CD BIQ VALLEY. CD MY FRIEND FUCKA W hon Rc h o rsos o sc ap o Irom Iho corral, docldos to soli tho ranch a n d Flic0 THIS WEEK IN COUNTRY MUl SD W MOVIE * * * "Hoartlor (1981. O ram a) Rip Torn, Conch Forroll.S ) BATTLE FOR THE GOLD ROADS A look a l Iho Auslrolion S | clol Air Sorvlco loom. (Pan J of 2 r a YOUR MONEY ,&» PUBUC POLICY ADCV^E (Tapod)(tft CAQNEY & LACEY Rocovorl from surgory. Lacoy considors ro Ing Irom tho polico; moanwhllo. Ct noy 's car Is stolon, e C4« NEW QROOVES CTMC) MOVIE "Evil U ndor t S un" (1982. Myslory) Petor Usiinc Jam os M ason.30 (XI O CC QOLF Jock Nicklai GroolosL 18 H olos o( Major Chaiptonahip G oll. (Uvo) . ----------------D COLLECTORS From jlm borlli Lodgo. M t H ood, Oro.. on I^OR mmbrabnifrconocTorrmoDnifliiriurm ^g.flqulpmont;,«tt>j)M .________ _

D COUKTRY.. KITCHEN G uost Slovo Qatlin p roparos M oxican sty x ja n s ond cornbrood. (In Sloroo) BJNTERNATIONAL.CORRESPOJ JE^fTSID HORSE RACiNQ Bolmont S u k c >poclal. An onalysis of tho contoi le rs in thl» yoor'a final Triple Crow a co which >s ono ar>d ono-half milo; rom E lm ont N.Y. (Uvo)IBO MOVIE * * "How ord tho Ouck 1988. Sclonco Fiction) U o Thom f oo . JoKroy Jonos.;H0 W M O V IE** "Sum m or School 1987, Comody) Mark H arm on. KliHo'Alloy...........— -4) O RATED K: FOR KIDS BY KID: D CB (11) S ) PGA QOLF M anuloc « o rs Hanovor C lassic Third Royno rom W ostchostbr Couptry Club li yo. N.Y. Starling timo ts lontailvo .Ivo)3 NATURE Fllmod on Japon-j jrihornm ost island o l Hokkaido, t imlly ol rod foxos aro followoc irough a yoor s octivlilos. (R) (Ir leroo O1 (1 2 MOVIE * * * "Tho M oon It luo" 1953. Comody) Wiiiiam Hoi- in. David NIvon.1 LAREDO> MOVIE ** W "F a ther W aa a Full- ick" (1949, Comody) Frod MacMur- y. M auroon O H ara.I WISH YOU WERE HERE tnturod: Palm Springs. Colli. (In

uno 10,1985

lha'n SII' Sloroo)CD CARTOONS

:A SE CD MTV TOP 20 C3 G raco Owoozll ond Mo< Jo sh u a cuo pit. with guo

Charllo Soxton. D S In o l 6 9 ALGERIAN W/ :omody) rounding Iho will ;don. fo rces (rom Algorl: B A SE' Ilvo-part Sorlos. Colilor- m HEADLINE NE iolos 01 . (iClMACQRUOERjI c o v o r---------pono rasB igno tric

C ruder and Loud Molcolm.,

3 uoon" o (4B MOVIE "TIa icha td ----------A dycnm rflinaaa?.

o l Christopher Pli ley.

1 R o b 's 2:05 O ANDY QRIl Tal. ho ond Som lacklo Fllcka. p roblem facod by

MUSIC 2:10 SB SPORTS C l rtlond" 2:30 CD FINDERS Ki nchato O QO) ACID RAIN£

of a d d rain on th'3 L D E N __ S talos. 1]n S p o - (3 )a (X )W ID E W C of 2) Belmont Stakos. TI o l tho third ond finV^ESS racing’s Triple Cro\

T horoughbreds, a t ivorino Bolmorjro tlr - N.Y. (Uvo) i. C o o ~ O SIDE BY SIDE I

Islonds. Go. (In Slo S BIQ STORY ,

o r th o CD FISHIN’ HOLE lllnov, [SHOW] MOVIE >

B oars G o lo Ja p an ' k laus ' .Tony Curtis. Jack lo :ham - CIN MOVIE * * *--------- r~-— (1858. C om ody)-*a rlino Doh Murray.=l m o-____ ^ 3 5 O QOMERPYLIyTriib-. IftrF rlbnaiy 'Frbdcfi----------------- poarl.tlogJor-L ou:A

3:00 «B MONKEES T jo s ts ; rivo a t C ount D raa stylo moot W olfman. Mi

so) Frankonsioln.PO N -.........O..Ciffl. DECLAHATI

PENDENTS Foaluroc U k o s ’Four Moro Yoars"^ n ion- of Third Avonuo"< row n W orld’s Sm allost TV ; niloa. Tlgor T otovlslon".'

QDMAKE YOURSEU luck" • niluro rbllnishing; ror om p- plonts; food sio rago

GD PUTTIN’ ON T )OOl" syncod: Anita ' Bo , Klr- Lovo." a n d "Saving ,

— Y ou"-by w nim oy H KIDS Storoo)Jloc- CB WAQON TRAIN A •ynd. Hayos) Invosligolos ir lb In suppllos.' illvo. O CELEBRITY OU

lurod: spocklod trou on’s Torry Bradshaw Irom i lo. a ToxoB. (In Storoo) w od CD DOUBLE TROUBU I (In son m ovo Irom thoir h

Ihoir Aunt M orgo 's (E'n lG______Qroonwicfi Vilioao bo iHoi- ® l » VARIETY TONII

com odions Kosh a n d S Horowitz ond Angol S

Full- • Ullano Stllwoll. (Iivsto /Iur- 0> WONDERS O F WE

TRAUA A sludy o l :R E vwocks.


-:i ■ ■! ■'r.r.f.,-- > COUNTDOWN From loon Z appa s barbo- uosis Clndorolio and

WAR The conflict sur- /ith'drawai of French ofiaisoxplorodln th ls

^EWS UPDATE R a LOUD A now s ro-"io’occontp'anyW6F-“ud falls in lovfl..wllli___

Tho G nom es' Grbai S7- Fan ta8y)-Voico«— - Plummor. Tom Bos-

RIFFITH Andy, Opio0 a dollcato social •y Sam 's son Miko. CLOSE-UP KEEPERS •

NBOWS Tho olfocis tho wostoiji United

VORLD OF SPORTSTho 120th running

finol jovrtjl of horoo rown. for S-yoar-old a t ono-ond-ono-hnlf onl Park In 0m on l.

E Feniurod; Golden lloroo)

* * "Bod News in" (1978. Comody)(lo Earlo Hoioy.<*Vi "B us Stop-- -M nrllyn Monrodi----------

X E. USMC Conor.:___ ; _W~50lls- (Sorner a

The M onroes ar- sculo's capilo ond Mummy-Man o(;l(j

TIONS OF INDfei..........urod vidoos Includbl - }"/"Tho Pasconos B"/"Probably iho V Slaiion 'V 'Popor

:LFAT HOMEFur- om odios for ailing )0 idaos.

THE HITS Lip- Bokor'a •'Sweol g All My Lovo lor Houolon, ■(H)"(ln ’

A lleutononl (Ron ilh e th o tto f Army

lUTDOORS F o a - ' out fishing wlih m Laguna Madro.

ILE Koto onclAlll- •hom eIn lowa lo (Barbara Barrio)

loordinphouso______ !NIQHT Foaturod: IM ckonno. Larry1 Salazar: slngor lloroo)A^ESTERN AUS-)f oncloni ship-

Page 47: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

CD ORAO RACtNQ IHR m tionals. Frofn Bristol. Ti0. 0«J MOVIE * * -T h o Foi,(] o l O.C. Qollins" (1984.

C olom an. Bornlo Casoy (TMC) MOVIE * *

>1 S tu m b lo s" (1979. OrorrIs Oyko. Kalhioon Q uintan

3:05 O BEVERLY HILLI la k o s a Ooublo d o se sp rin g Ionic and w inds i

f r - -L a n e w ith a goid-diggim H 3:30 r a DENNIS THF UE

OD VICTORY GARDEN ' ll g a rd e n 's now poronnlol

C W T A N D T T olorondT u ] Cloar tho nomo of a d iscI Currorl) w ho 's occu so d «

sovo ra l bom bs. (R) (In S CD SWAN LAKE STORY ballot Is prooontod a s a rr

; MIko G ordon) n a rra te s iI h is g randdaugh ter (Bottii

O T E E IT UP G uest; Oal I D anny Whito. (In Storoo)I CD CHECK IT O U n HiI c h a s o s a racohorso wltfI fu n d s without Ihoir know

CD (M) TRAVEL MAGAZ J a k o do Boor. Jacqu io P 0 9 NEWSMAKER SATUF HBO WELCOME HOME m olho r unoxpoclodly arri d o o rs te p to spend tho nig w om an h a s tho dirricuil Ir

* uatir)^ h o r pa ron ts ' marrlj SHOW MOVIE' * * '/ ,

' B o o c h 'M e m o irs" (1986, Drom a) Blytho D annor. Jo


C ^ T .T H e M O V IE S Scho Hard^lgruco^Wniisjr^Poli "B ig B uslnoss" (Botto I Tomlin).O a s TEE TALK'Gottlni

................a a n d - ira p u sin g .a -b last i*■' com p u to rs to anolyzo om

0 3 WONDER WOMAN O nSH IN Q THE WEST B OS HEE HAW Co-hc Miller. G uosts: Sylvia. Jac

m JUSTIN WILSON'S L COOKIN' . OUTDOORS P o f b a k e d fish In a boot, ton a n d garlic broad.0 0 SEA HUNT Miko disc can ta n k aro u # and doBt-rlc lo r Is suorchlng for sunkor (R)O (12) FREEDOMPEST Pincluding Phil Collins. Whiti ton . Diro S traits, G oorgo Bryon Adorns. Eurythn W hoopi G oldborg coiobr S ou th African loador Noise ia 'o 70 th Blrlhday a t Londo bloy Stadium .CI3 BUSTIN' LOOSE Mir

I friond. a doctor, tolls Ri S o n n y I h d f Iholr tonsils irii m ovod. (fl) (In Storeo)CD (11) VIEWS CD SW ISS FAMILY ROBIN O COUNTRYCLIPS CD AiRW OLF A g roup ( c a p p o d m ountain cilm bors i to n e d by a rulh loss archer. CQ MOVIE **V7 "Child 0

IHRA Spring Noi (1978. Mi1. Tonn. (R) McGuire.Fontosiic World e g WEEK

84. Droma) Gory CD ABC hisoy. 6D(M)L1VI

"The Runnor O F TH EEiramo) Dick Vnn . flying croj'fan. ap ldo rs ,'ILLBILLIES Jod nlquos.s e of Granny’s S ROUNId su p o n U )v o rs O l 16 DAiging socrotary;-----------n o y JhroujMENACE . S NEUrSEN Tho wostorr. 0 9 NATICnial (lowor bor- DRESS

ips. Q LoM ans. ffT u rnorhopoto O MB MO'Jisc jockoy (Loo (1978. Cood of sotting oil Bofgor.n Storoo) Q HBO MOV'RY This classic Com ody)a man (Captain H aw n,

e s lhe story to . CIN CRA2ottina Roo), CARY GR4D allas Cowboy Rofloctlon:•00) S tan ley KI Howard pur- Ston loy Dcwith tno stall's m oro . qfowlodgo,. 4 :05 O VlAZlNE Hosts; WRESTLIh0 Porrln. 4 :30 CD STA rUROAY C O C B (II) ME Whon hor O GOI ROD arrives on hor pip T oum a night, a young O ABC Nf

:|| task of oval- ' GO PRUOA□rriago. ------- -- w im ou tlhoVi "Biighton p io s with c)86, Comody- co b b ler; stc.Jo n a th o n Sli- ko t w ith ap


civ^ ^ o d ■•DioPoltorgoistiii": ' I |to Midlor. LUy J L J

Itting o u ro l 0 i&t-shot; using

ei3-host: Rogor Jock Groono.

» LOUISIANAS Pwparatlon " I Itom ato snuea.. • A V ,

discovers his

Ikon ireosuro,p r o b l

T Performers U r g eVhitnoy Hous- h O lD>rgo Michael, P'thm ics nndobrato Joiiodilso n Mnndo-ndo n 's Wom-

Mim i's boy-Rudoy and_______ ___________

1 m ust bo' rd-


p of hancJI- irs aro throa- her.d o l Glass" I-----------------------

Mystory) B arbara Qarrioi Bill' re.:EK in ROCK C NEWS q.IVING PLANET: A PORTRAIT E EARTH A look'ot a variety of :roaturos. Including frogs nnd },' ar»d' thoir survival toch-

UNDTABLEDAYS TO TIMBUKTU A jour-•pugh M oinn W ost AffTdo:...............iVSWATCHTIONAL PR ESS CLUB AD-

5. from fra n co . (Livo)MOVIE * * "T hroo on a Oalo" Comody) Ju n o A llyson, Ray ; <

OVIE * * * "Foul P lay " (1978, y) Chovy C h aso . Goldio

lAZY ABOUT THE MOVIES: W AN T. TH^ LEADING MANo ns on G ran t's caro o r by

Kramor. R ichard Brooks, D onan, Eva M ario Saint apd

WORLD ' CHAMPIONSHIP U NOiTARTREK11) Q ) CBS N E W S i;)OD ANO R E E L ^pocla l Olym- m am ant. **N E W S q

OAL GOURMET A ppla plo. tho pro; pork with opp lo s; op- ' h cabbago; ap p le ta rt; appio s teak wilh applo bu tlo r; brls- opplo lolly. (In S to roo ) , .

’m like imotion oUef CG

tf p e r s i s t e n t o r r a p i d l y c l 3 b l e m In y o u r l i f e , o r s o m e o j e y o u t o c o l l u s f o r - l n I p a v a i l a b l e o r - t o a a a n g n s u l t a t i o n .

CallUiTc2 ^o u rH « tp

_____ C 2 0 8 X 7 3 f l :6 7 « 0 _ r t ,E F f

CANYON"HOSPII, 2 2 8 Shoup Avoni

F r ic Ja y .Ju n o lO . 19Sa


CK CHARLES IN CHARGEgonism s rosurfaco w hon la th er visits, (R) q CD MONROES Clayt trios ti

__ g o o d s on a clovor CD CLUB MTV B PINNACLE Schodulorf Lovitt. founder. Custom Sh m akers.

(1986, Comody) Tom H ank: Long,'

. S:00 CD INSPECTOR OADGE (X) BIQ VALLEY O CIO) GROWING A BUSINE ployoos"GO WEBSTER O THATS INCREDIBLE a (U) IDAHO AT FIVE CD THIS OLD HOUSE Tho w alls aro plastered, tho chim som o attontion and w ork a tho crumbling front porch , c OD IT S A LIVING Amy-3 shi learn thot hor pon pal Is on o> w h o 's planning a robbery, (i CB (11) FISHING THE W ESI CD MPVIE * * -Moochio of I L oague" (1960, Comody) Ko coron , Roginol Owon,O COUNTRY KrrCHEN Stovo Gallin proparos Moxic boons and com broad. (In St CD MIKE HAMMER H am mor.

‘ qbout_ parpntlna v

antialoaster,’' C h a n g i n g m o o d s o r e c l e o n e y o u c a r e a b o u t , w e - I n f o r m o t l o n a b o u t t t i e 3 n g e . a f r e e c o n f i d e n t i o

TodayM p lln e

« F W !_ J« Q C t2 4 7 i3 JA 9 ____

Smew*1TAL/onuo Wosl

ja Tim os-N ow s, T w inF a lls. I

■ ' • • I

irday'iA L GEO-

E O ld anta- in W alter's

I to g e l therustlo r________•._______

3 ' MonimoV Shop Shld-

Iks, Sholloy


'IESS "Em-

h e kitchun Im noygots 1 s ta r ts on ■• q ■- Iihockod to ox'convlct . (R)S T - .>f Ihc Uttlo Kovin Cor.

I G uosts;(lean styloStoroo)s r Jo a rn sa

a ---------


a • we -le lo l

________ _

5. Idaho 17


Page 48: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

Satutyoung womat murdofor o f ti


S ) (M WORI prajso ol pon sytho.fB HEE HAW

. . . - . -------eo OENAU ,• = McKlnloy.

................f fi CROSSFIHa j PUBLIC

----------------------------c t I p S r t s c e(tJ> MOVIE ” Tt (1986. Fnntosi Tod W0S5. (TMC) MOVIE (1986. Drama CralQ Shoffor.

5:15 CIN MOVII (1983, Comody; Gnrr,

5:30 CB COUNT I 0(j«A M ERIC> TORC?)DIFPnENTO TW ILIQ H TZto mako Ills p motod monufac tn lho world, a (M) (ID NBC I CD WILD AMERI camping Irip lllu botwoon growln Ing up Tluman. c C« MAMA'S FA fossod at work

i______ ____ _ ... film his cWWhoo19 (11) WHEEL CD CAMPBELL! hold opposing vl

”■ R C ^ K ^ r”o■ ufo<f; Tommy'Roi

(In Sioroo) S!)(WVICTOnY/ pincora closod c

. . rocusod on tho liO l TRUE ADVEI Sir Edmund Hill Mount Evorost. S SPORTS SAT CS AUTO RACIN plonship Grand F (Tnpod)SHOW MOVIE ** G o lo Japan" (IS C unls. Jacklo Eoi


------- ------------------- IN_____________(J) ( £ WHEEL OF O US RISKING n O BENSON Bon

got a sloto-contra a M MAGNUM, posodly soorchln tu rns ou t to bo a

.............................. CD NOVA-A bohira t lho dovolopmoi food. (R>cp •

------------------------- OD-SMAtL-WONOoro tn for a surpris thoir homo. (R)O ) MAJOR LEAGU

^ cnoo C ubs nt St.

■ .............

18T im cs-N ow s. Twii

i r - d a y - r .

m an a s k s him lo find tho of ho r falhor.CISC JOCKEY

SEARCHO RLD -O F SURVIVAL Injongu in s , Hosi Jo h n For- •’ •

\W:.l An asconi of M ount


SCe R t e r ^” Tho Cnntofvtilo G h o s t" tosy) Sir John Glolgud.

/IE * * "FIro wllh Firo” imo) Vlrgtntn M adson. or.3VIE "Mr. M om "sdy) Michaol Koaion, Tort


NT STROKES - ‘n rzO N E A m o n ro so lv o s 3 p lan t tho m ost ou to - > irocturing ostabllshm ont

JC NEWS *lERICA A SiouKor family ' ! i iltustrolos tho parollols wtng* up wild and g row - - J n . g . . ” ,FAMILY VInfs om bar-

Drk w hon Moma brings :h oo d lunch box',........ ..................EL O F FORTUNE O ,LLS Jom os nnd Sim a • ! g viows of tho battle fo r *

ROLL PA LA CESchod. ' J Roo ond Johnny & Jo o . ■

?Y AT SEA Aa mo AHIOd ..........5•d on Ja pan , ottontlon *10 Island of lv«) Jlm a. IVENTURE A visit wllh FHillary, conqueror o f *

SSATURDAY ®CING Off.Road Cham - 5 Id Pfix. from H ouston. JJ

: * * "B ad N ovJTboars ^ '5


. O F FORTUNE“g nlG nr ALL Z3onson holpa a s troo t c<la lntonnnco com pany _ ntrac t. t iJJM. P .I. A clloni, oup .:hlng for his father.) n murdoror.5hind.tho-5conD5 loolc ------®m ont of a now snocl?

p riso whon VickI soils ^I nofiGUEBASEBALLChl- •St. Louis Cafdinnls.

fw in Falls . Idaho F riday . Ju

• (Uvo) 1 ■ .€ 9 (11) (B 'ST A R TREK: THE GENERATION Data s ondrolc allko th roatons lo food Iho Ent< possongo rs and crow to a i crystal ontlty. (R) g

. CD CROSSBOW Tho princossi: oncod to doa ih for helping .T(

. - O GflWkN^O^E OPRY UVE I STAGECO MOVIE "Roma: Tho Logc Shadow Lako" (1977. Advo Karon McDiarmid, Johy Qronc0 ® .N E W S - .......... ...........!■S 3 dfi) TWENTIETH CENTUR' Invasion of lho Jopanoao-hoid I Toiui^/lirHo!.t;'W nl1or'C(onKTf{J m ARTHUR C. CLARKE'S MY! IOUS WORLD Sirongo storit oyow itnossos ond scioniKIc In flatlons of th is phonomonon ui omlnod.GB PRIMENEWS O SD FAN CLUB HBO MOVIE * * "Coplivo Ho (fB87. Drama) NorlyukI "Pol" M Chris Mokopooco.ISHOW] MOVIE * * "Sur

•.School" (1967, Comody) Mark ; m on, Kiratio Alloy.

■ 6:05 O ANDY GRIFFITH Andy Spm toom up lo find a girl lor Goi



O MAJOR LEAGUE 8ASEBAU lanta B ravos a t Houston As (Livo)CC OUT OF THIS WORLD Donna Evio_tako_dfn8tic m oasu rosJo c doiO fo r£ o o n o . (R) (In Sluroo) CD CROSSBOW William Tull onacts h is fam ous shooting, but

_hla_on5myJ3o9oLoLas_iho i.irom O GRAND OLE OPRY LIVE O SM AU. WONDER Tod and J a ro In for a surprise whon VickI!

...thoir hom o. (R)6D (U VIETNAM "Tho 10.000 W or" A ( account o( Docombor. 1972 bombing of Northern Vtotnamese capital.O a (3S) SISKEL & EBERT 0 TOWARDS 2000 CD ARENA FOOTBALL Plttsbu G ladiators a t Now England Sio. rollors. (Uvo)

7:00 CD MY THREE SONS CD CS (11) S> HIGH MOUNT RANQERS Two honrlng-ond opoo impairod children- nro lost In m ountains, ond lhe Rangers i Cody m ust find thom boloro thoy Inlo dongor, (R)

-O -iiffi-D E Q B A S SI_JU N I0a _ H l Rick, tho school bully, bocomou Ini e slod in tho Envlronmoninl Act Commtttoe. (R) o

0 ) 0 ID PROBE Ono of Ausi.n croolions-a high-ioch soctin olovalor-is killing the oxecuiivos ii supposed to protoct. (R) p ''O OSLO) CB FACTS-OF.Uf=E Natal and Snoko plan to mnrk lho nnnlvo sory of thoir firsl yonr together willi w xual.<»ncw jn ta f- (n>.(In.S Hwoo>.f, ( S NATURE Fiimod on Jap .m nodhernm osl Island ot Hokkntdo, family ol rod loxos nro followo through a year’s acliviiioa. (R) (I Storoo) o

Juno 10,1988

— - - - -

r « E N E X T - - - - - S ; g S ^irold look- prisoned acllvis E n te rprtso 70ih birthd.iy co

a dead ly CD HELL TOWN Inll In lovo will

s s IS oont- who's providing 3 .Toil a n d ions.


Wnlly Ot;ipio inv ■ogond o l ciaracjo door, .dvonturo) . O TOMMY HUN fonorlc. Mnndroil, Bill Mo.

■■■ IwiI.'Rfck King. Si URY T ho Murray McLnunl- 3id is land , SD iM: LIVING

MYSTER. goiclliuir.l, inwhK lories by worth of gold w> c invostl- Orink's-Mat waro n uro ox- BEYOND 200i


H onrts" (U) SNEAK PREV " M onta . O MOVIE

G eeso" (1978, / 'S um m er . Ourton. Roqor Mi ark H ar- (TMC) MOVIE - i

Hondorsons" (19 ndy a n d Lilhgow, Melinda G oobor. CIN MOVIE * 1*.'

medy) W arron B< ADDY man.

7:30 C9 OONNA RE chongo hor whoio O um OUTDOOR

lA LLA I. O tM )(»)CD 227C A stron. may bo kickod (

loam ll they don 'i nna Jind oxom. (R) (In Stor t0.g Q t.a . .(Q H E R E 'S BOOM 10) • boy's (Patrick Cajroll ro - in a whoolchair p but w ith partlciputing In h£S‘i*;---------------BQQinflf_0n£LH0!

Moadowlork Lomc Id J o a n 03 THIS WEEK IN :kl so ils »«1 EYE ON HO

• wook ftosta Ci;iuc> 00 Doy Carl Interview Ho : o( Iho lers nnd look a l v of th o oniertninmeni indu

SHOW MOVfE ** (198G; Comody) To Lonfj.

tsburgh 8:00 O MISTER EC Sionm - forco him lo nogle<

CJ) © (11) ffi.TCmuch-docoroied vo

INTAIN Sgt. Anderson's s p ooch- . DrinQs his d»lnklng | in th o Company. (R) c? '-s ond O 110) MYSTERY Hoy fa» Ad.ipiod from J

novel. Impovortahi-HIGH______Fartafr.uncnnnyros in te r . prosufTiabty docoa: Action Asliby l.imtiy foflun

an Impersonation p isim'r. 3 ) r jc in ty m O l » ) 0 HARA0 is It If. Oliarn and Shavor i

. locaiti n missing lnf{atalio___nlvof- Oiancho ngroes to fwiiit a for n siirivo Europooi

----------- SinfL'OJj________pan 'n C7) ADVENTURE "Rii do, fi DInIro' o«plornllon ol owod nates in a mooting w ') (tn w andorors," a lost

(Part 4 ol 4) a

[M M FESTTfttlwom. . concort c o lob ra ibg Im- /Ist N olson Mandolo's continuos./N H ardslop beg ins le vlih a. young woman, ig aholior for itiogal ol-

RES OF OZZIE ANO0 N olsons" , neighbor mvonts an aulomalod

INTER Guoslo:_Loulso lo nroo. K irsiohCiimtv Sharon A ndorson and

ighlan. (In Storoo)S DANGEROUSLY- A___

hich 26 million pounds w o 'o lakon from the iroiiouso In London.DOOWEEKISTS' ROUNDTABLETapod)EVIEWSE * * 1» "Tho Wild

A dvoniuro) Richard Mooro.• "Harry orW Ihe 1987. Fantosy)1john Ja Dillon. J r. "Ishtar" (1987. Co- D oaity. O ustin Hoff-'

REED Mory w ants to 3iosom o porsonality .'IR IDAHO'C a lv in an d h is triona "1 olf lho baskotbaii n l p a s s Ihoir history oroo) q]M E R .W hoao young___:assidy) conflnom ont'

provonls him (rom h is lavorito Spon.

^nclQfn_Globolroimc_____n o n try to hoip.IN JAPAN HOLLYWOOD Each jck Honry ond Jonn Hollywood trondsot- t w h a t 's now In lhe dustry,r* "T ho Mohoy Pit"Tom H onks. Shelloy

EO W ilbur's choros loci Ed.TOUR OF DUTY Aveteran , a fribnd of sinco b o o l camp,

ig p roblem lo Bravo

?YI "B rat Fo rro r' j Jo soph ino Toy's

ihod o rphan Brai

jasod~hoIr~ to~ iR 5 3 uno Involves him in I plot, (R) (Part 1 of

On C hristm as Evo, ir com b lho city lo n fa n t (In Storoo) p_G O IJ)E H _aiR L S______3 p o s e in tho nudo DOn sculptor. (R) (In

Ring of Firo" Tho of B ornoo cuiml.

I wilh tho "droam it nom adic . tribe, |

Page 49: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

f s A T U R D A :

IPeOfassI C


r i to 12:■<n)OfUaou


.It; Rangor^

iving Oangu



Caplivo Hoj

CD PAPER CHASE Y E A R Fordiacallodi s tu d o n i w ho ossnuli a n d builds his easo ( p o ra ry Insanlly.CB MOVIE * * "Tho G o n g " (1975. Com. S u s a n Clark.O COUNTRY KIT S to v o Oatlin proporo boanr> and combrooi CD ALFRED HITC SE N T S A troubled yc Homlll] throolons to 28ih f lo o ro fa rto io la n tiom p t to atop him. CD VIDEO DISC JOC S> M>4JF:E ANO.LO DEVll. Ruth s rovonc fo rm of personal suci

— ^ - c o n w 8 tn i« ln«5wo< a n d sh o dovll. (Part i m IN THE V/ILD Wil TLER Cnrolul mar

— -— aovod-(ho-doiloolo-< T u art Forosi from lar 0 9 HEAOUNE NEWS o e CAONEY & LAI

'■ fa th e r ccm os out ol sh o w .h is daughior a

• h o w o n Invostlgatlon----- du c to d .

HBO MOVIE **V4 "H T w o " (1986. Oramo) F Norlyuki -P a f Morlto. [SH O W ] POISON

6:30 CD MAD MOVIES \ CONNECTION Danny a c to r in Iho 1949 film ' G onoral." fs transforn sInQor In military gorb a ( » OD 19 AMEN Fr w hon tho Rov. Johm p la n s to so l up a ho o g o rs . (R) (In Sloroo) i

______ 0-JWSM_YOUJW ER1• tu rod ; Polm Springs, C

CD RAY SRADBURY c o ro lo s s murdoror (Ml< c on tom plo tos his crlm f f i WILDLIFE CINEMA a s CLOSE-UP FOUND

' [SH O W I GALLAQH!------------- BOARO l-Com odlan-C

I ao n tsm o ro o fh lso flb oIho Long Booch Ton

w ith w av o s and covos.. a n d on oloctric wa

S to roo ); 9:00 O LANCELOT LlI CHIMP

> A y - ^ E V E N lN < ^ - — -

j 7:30 I 8:00 I 8:30 I !:l Outdoors Mysioryl Cc

•_______ Ohofa____________ Sp

|227 Gol. Girls [Amon Hu

laguo Baseball; Biavos at Asiios Ni[


)or» [T^^iirotOoty 7 ^

mgufously Uio ol Stio Oo«il Shi


~|Mo»io: "The Monoy Pit" - Mo

Hearts" [Movlo: ••Knraio Kid Part

\S E • THE THIRD ’ Q ] |]lo d u p o n to d o fo n d o ' A T Lmultod 3 p rofessor, jto riso on a plea of tomi mont

day.rho A pplo Dumpling and tom ody) Bill Bixby. Hong

KITCHEN G uests; Jg n o >oros M oxicon style ' Induoi rood- (In Sloroo) Estoni r r c H c o c K p r e - ( £ §?d young m an (Mark Spent. to jum p from iho and hlel 03 po lice officers lage clim. . . -S to roclOCKEY a OCLOVES OF A SHE - partno ongo c o m es lr> tho ‘ murdosu c co ss a s sho be- Storeow om nnrom bozzloi--------- cd —aiirt 3 o f 4) SchnoiWiTH HARRY BUr o o s" tm anagom onl has Pacificlo -oo o to g y -o f-lb o----- ^yoa-*T j^ .naaovM pp .,.,

LACEV C « o ™ y j t of rotirem oni lo . g j™ '" ; >r and hor partner ® ^IQ lon should bo con-

f "K arnto Kid Port 10) Ralph Mocchio, m aflahl 1,0 past; tw

sam ow .ES WITH THE L.A. nny Kayo’s chor- Im "T ho Inspoctor ormod Into a rock ® ^ lorb. “

Frye la skeptical m w n ', shnny announces

hotlino for toon- BO)g,- PsychotlrPPF H FBF Fon._____s.C o llf .(ln5 tereo ) S n S / w IRY THEATER A . f ” ® * " (Mlchool Ironside)

'(TMC) IJNDATION s aflboot h um or fromT orraco Thoator. m,

os. flying sooguils watormolon, (In

• LINK. SECRETBrove"(1

9 :Q 0 I 9 : 3 0 ~ 7 o :O o ' | i O::Comrades________ Amlin City Umit

Sponsor: For Hire TwiI,

Hunter ■_________ Nows Saiurt

Niphi Tracks Nighi Tracks

Movio.- "Just Toll

Wallor Cronkito 01 Largn Hardt

Shonsiofida ..... 20in vlotna

fatm» - . - | 0 3 r f c ^ MoVlor-SOBmBTTi

Movie; "Summer School ”

o r t^> T O ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ M o v io ^ iH a^ ^n

® WALTEH CRONKITE r LARGE Newsman W aller Cronk- I re p o r ts on tho serious environ- ontal prob iom s facing thp world to ­iy. Iho aport of hot oir bolloonlng Id M acau , o gambling m occa noar )ng K ong. ' ,10® COMRADES This profile of do- inor Kristo Kojondu exam ines the luonco of W ostorn stylos on tho to n la n s of TolIInn,

O (XI SPENSER: FOR HIRE enoor sc ram b les to roscuo S usan J H aw k a fte r ihey ro token hos- o^ourlng a bonk robbery. (R) (in

CM) CB HUNTER H unler's ox- tn o r bocom os a su spect In tho [eo) PotJdlors. (R) (in

-A U 5 T JN -C rT Y ' LIMITS John neidor s ings "Hollywood Hor-

o n d "W ho C ores"; Southern inc porform oa "Things About • •'Tjno~*P(nirCacJnfac’'rtln Sloroo) lEWSOHN ANKERBERGHIS WEEK IN COUNTRY MUSICUGHT FLIGHT« SHORTSTORIES ("Tho Woll- '. on 'aw ord-w lnning ndODlollon ■ >rgo Luis Borges' story obout a i hit m a n who Is pursued by hla

tw o m on foil In love with tho I w om an In ("Ool & Alex”); olso. nody ("MIrogo").RPHANS OF THE WILD A study ip h an ts ,INNACLE Scheduled; Mortimer

founder. Custom Shop Shirt- rs.>ORTSCENTERlOY BLUE Kaly encouniers tho■otic loador of a moiorcycle

) D.C. FOLLIES------------------- -------V MOVIE * * "Sum m er School". Com ody) Mork Harmon. Kir- Iloy.I MOVIE * * V t "M oonshine y E x p re s s " (1977. Oramo) Wil- ^ n ra d , S u san Howard. lo y iE - * * * "Rontinno".(1987. ._ dy) S tovo Martin. Oaryl Han-

,WinHT-TnACICS.(Ift-St«»rw»---------MONKEES Tho Monkeos ar-

t C oun t O racula's castle-and W olfm an. Mummy-Man .and jnstoln.OVIE •*** "Nono But tho ' (1965. Oroma) Frank SInatro.

F f ld a y .J u n o lO .1!

r " ' 7 ......t0;30 11:00 11:30 [l2:(imits Exit 13 Sign-OB

«wl. Guyana; Slory el Jim Jonos

alurflay Night Uvo_________News

■ [NiflhtTroeks Night 1

: Tell Mo Whal You Wanf Demps

ardcatUo ' |Frl. tno I3th Swit

olnam | Uving PangerouaiT' Llio ol

ingTTnu Aiorl Nilo

[Poison [GalUghor

y ond tho Hendorsons" | Rosoan

E ' ' Sati■ to- -’*"0 Clint Walker, lear q , ZOLA LEVITT

a ROCK 'N' ROLL PA OO' ulod: Tommy floo and1^0 (In Steroo)tho o ) PROFILES OF NA

cinomoiographor Rob RE sp n 's ponroli of cougi Jan f f l SPORTS TONIGHT

Hickman. Nick Charles f '" . ... © P U B U C POUCY Cl


ho O 0® TALES FROM Tl- [SHOWJMOVIE** "If ThatCour»tsl- (IB74.-C

fih U w ao n . Elko Som m er • 10:00 CD MOVIE **V^ "To

rn _ TOp " (1939, Comody

o) , CD (Z) O O (M)

O a® AUSTIN CITY Lif C S idney performs ("My

the Noville Bromoro Pe 1- night Koy to tho City"), I n ' ond ("Novor Noodod Ni a N eeded You"),a CD INNOVATION Man's0 ro n m o n t'- Ils polentlal I. th roat and ways of rodi

verso offacts. y O (12) MOVIE * * *

W hat You Want” (1980, r M acGraw, Alan King,


> J o s s o Owarts is traced. I1 training a l Ohio Slate, b ro y in g U o ^ performi

m ahltarlan vonluros or b u sln o ss follore. (Part 2 O GRAND OLE OPRY I STAGECD NIGHT FLIGHT CD HEAOBANGER’S BAI

______ im -M JrW EN TlETH .CEfInvasion of Ihe Japanoso- T arow o. Host: Walter Crt

----------- ® -00¥9 9 E Y -A n th ro p o lg a ro t M ead's impact on S to ios.

NEWSNIGHT CiS DR. RUTH SHOW Fe Rulh d iscusses sexual olj live studio n u a n c e ,

0 .1988 Timos-No” s.T w inF ;

L a m d -!;00| 12:30

lOS__________>s [sign-0^

It Tracks

ipsey & M.

Hies [ s o n a ~ ------------

or Sho Devil

llio Movies

[ThoSlto •

>anno Barr

"lurdayPALACE Schod- Id Johnny & Joe,

MTURE Wildllle obert W. Davi- Anchors; Frod les,CONFERENCE.. . )NSHIP WRES-

THE DARKSIDE'It'S Noi Ihe Size rComody) Leigh------------

T o p p o rT a k as^ dy) Conslancff

3 ( i i ) c a 3 r a ) ' ~

LIMITS Rockin' ly T ool Toot"); • Perform ("Mid- ), ("W ake Up")No O ne Uke I

n 's noisy onvi- lol-as a health )duclng Its ad-

" Ju s t Toll Me0, Comody) All,


DRY Tho llio Of1. Including his B. his record- m anco a^^ihe_________

and ulllmoto 2 of 2)f LIVE BACK-

ALLENTURY-Tho-------- -—JO-held Island.:r o n k lto ._____________

3n th e United

Foaturod; Dr. s ignals wllh a

Falls, Idaho ig

Page 50: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

r _______________ ___

S a t u tO C4«) MOVI£ (1943. Dfomc

, Barrio.HBO MOVIE H o ndorsons" U lhoow . Moll

; 10:15 0 CO ABO NIGHT Tn

- 1 0 :2 0 «D (11).................... MCCORMICK

W ash in g to n .' a p p o in ted lo

;_______________10:30 O TW ILIO0005 tnio Iho

' ■ so n g th a t willsu c c o s s . 004JCS:)SA TI Sloroo)Crj DOCTOR ' Infiuonco of lh on tho planot.l d ifocis tho T form or hom o c O GRAND OL n j MOVIE "K (1985. Oromn)

■Daniols.,QD (M) VIETNfl W ar" A day-b) OocomUor. 19 N orthom Vlotn: S EVANS & N

---------------------------- ^O'AaSTRAUAG rand Final. .Irc ftff EYE ON wook h o s ts Chi Carl Intorvlow , tors ond look a

_________ ________ "niortfllnm ontJr10:35 r o MOVIE

(1972. S usponsc. _______ John.

--------------------- / (O M O V IE'T*-^Sin" (1980. Uys Fayo D unaw ay. CS DEMPSEY & m ond ho is ts , bor tliiovos ail play and M okopoaco ': g ro u p 's m urdoro

10:36 S> M ‘A*S'H 10:40} fTMC) MOI , (19fl6. D rom a) Bn

ianco. . . 11:00 0 (JO) EXIT i;

O MOVIE * * * gody; Tho S to ry 0 Dromo) (Port 1 ol Nod Boatty.CD NU DAY: TNE O COUNTRYCLI CD NIQHT FLIGH CD l»fl) LIVING ( dram atic roconstr gold ho ist, in whici w onh of go ld wo Brlnk’s-f^iat w orof m ADVENTURER lain oscont.- • a HEADLINE NE (fC INVESTMENT

ISHOWJ MOVIEH oods" (1S84,

----------------------- nano r, O ar&aro WlCIN MOVIE * * * (1933, C om ody) E( Aykroyd.

11:06 ED MOVIE * * tu ro" <1979. Fanl

20T lm os-N ew 5 , Twin


- 1)VIE * * "Subm arlno Alort" ama) R ichard /Vrion. Wondy

VIE "Horry and thon s" (1987. rap ljisy) John 1 Vioilnda Dillon.ABC N E W S Q ' TRACKS (In Storoo)11) HARDCASTLE AND ICK H ardcaaU o .travols-to >n. w horo ho h o pes to bo 10 Iho Suprom o Court.

L«-!PUU:ON£AJD!fulnoof-_____Iho backw oods lo flnd o will b ring him cornmorcial


)R WHO Whiio undor tho 11 •f Iho ovil Maro (last soon lot.Oova Loka). Togan ro- 12 I T ardls to tho Mara^S 10 planot.OLE OPRY LIVE ll "M arie: A True Stdly" i

m a) S issy S pocok ./Jb ll

FNAM "T he 10.000 Oa/. 1y-by-doy a ccount of lho I

1972 bom bing o l lho v otnam oao capital. Ci_NOVAK_______________ 1L IANRUliSFOOTBALL C..(rom .M olbourno. ( R l............. cN HOLLYWOOD Each ' A Chuck Honry and Jonn C

IW. Hollywood IrontJsot- C ik at w h a l’9 novv In lho 6itJn d u s try ..... ___________oIE * * "Sitting Targoi" lo inso) Oilvor. Rood. Jill Si, ' cc

' • ' r ar«••*» ■•Tho'FifsrD oaaiy--------- QWysiory) Frank Sinatra, tw 3y. dLY & M a k e p e a c e ola- anbank robbo rs and jowol - 89'ay d p a d in Dompsoy DEico 's invosligatlon Into a Oiorous plans. HE

MOVIE "Blood TlOB" d ^ ) Brad Davis. Tony LoB- am

T 13 "M ollnda Liberty" 12:15 * * "T he G uyana Tra- 12:20 ry o U lm Jo n o 9 " (1 9 a o . C E 1 o l 2) P o w e rs Boolho, • "Ri

kini■HE PERFECT DIET BluCLIPS AB(GHT 12:30Q DANGEROUSLY A CD In sirucllon of Iho 1983 O 'hich 26 million pounds turow oro ta k en from t h o ------- Ton

ire h o u s o in London. Tex. IERS A difficult moun- GQ |


« E * * Thiof of SHO 4, O ram a) Stovon Thoti-Wlillom»r^----- ------------------ Low;k * 'T ra d in g Piacos" 12:35 G ) Eddie M urphy. Oan 12:45 [;

' Ja ck* * "A rabian Adven- Goldi on lasv) Chrintnnhor fTMC

win Fa lls . Idaho Frlddy, Ju n i

- Loo, Milo O '.S h o a ..................11:10 f f l TRAVEL GUIDE 1 1 i ! ,5 0 NIQHT TRACKS (In SI 11:20 CB (11) FRIDAY THE 13T

SERIES MIckl's torrorlzed t thiovos se a rch tho sio ro for a r ious lantern tha tts capab le ol burlod troasu ro . (R)


------3on la jnoracf-h i«o tfbM thum ctho Long B oach T erraco TJ transform ed Into an ocoan-llko wilh w aves ond caves, flying so a n d an electric watormoloi Storoo)

11:35 CD SATURDAY NIQHT U \ Storoo)

12HK) CD MOVIE * • * "A Kind oi In g -' (1962. Orama) Alan £ T hora HIrd.a 1» HEADUNE NEWS O (12) DEMPSEY & MAKEPf T he robbors o f Scottish bank t plan to carry tho c ash o u t o c o u n ty , bu t .If D ompsoy (Mli Brandon) h a s h is w ay Ihoir 5c^ w on 't work.® TALES FROM THE OARKSII

_ m JO .B E .A N N O U N C C O -,-------a MOVIE * * "T ho Aviator" (1

- DromBVChHstophorRoovo. Rost A rquotto. ; .a THIS WEEK IN COUNTRY MU a NIQHT FUQHT ' a M LIFE AND LOVE S OF A J

lorm o l pe rsono l su c co ss a s sho com es a businessw om an , omboz ond sho devil. (Part 3 o l 4)

- ® - a E .D . A iCHjH o t tno conflicts hivoon governm ent a n d tobacco dustrlos ovo r c igarptto com m orc and profjiotion.a m ^ N A T IO N A L CORRESPC

O SB ALL NITE MOVIES HBO ROSEANNE BARR SHCH ousow ifo/com edlan Rosoanno 8 delivers h o r viows on m otherho and llio in o mobile hom e. (In Siort

:15 o NIQHT TRACKS (In Steroo •20 CB (11) SO U O GOLD IN CO CER'T From February 1988: a spoc

Rock n Roll - edition with Carl Pt kins ( 'B luo Suodo Shoos"),-M oo. Blues, Poior Fram pton, Jo h n Woll

51D BREAKTHROUGH 88 D CELEBRITY OUTDOORS Fo/ urod: speckled trout nahing_u,i| rerry B radshaw Irom Laguna Madri ex as . (In Storoo)

B . PACIFIC OUTDOORS A look t 2p s p o r t ^ ho t air ballooning- B SPORTS LATENIQHT D PUBUC POUCY CONFERENCE» SPORTSCENTER ..... 'HOW MOVIE * * - ^ f » N 0l tho Sir. hot C o u n t s f (197<. Comody) U lo law son ,'E lko‘Som m or.5 (33 NWA PRO WRESTUNG 5 [SHOW] MOVIE "Jumpin »ck Flash • (1968. Com edy) Whoop oldborg. S tep h e n Collins.MCJ MOVIE * * * "O nco Upon a

uno 10,1988

••■•■••I" tim o 'in -vA m oR obon DoNIro

n Sloroo) 1:00 (X) INN NE< 13TN: THE CD PRAISE TH >d a s tw o t o NIGHT FUC r a mystor-. CD VIDEO DIS( > ol finding . • © (J® SH0RT5

'ing"), an aw ar o l Jo rg o Luis £

SUMMER two"'* '" "i^Y som o w om an In■urs of Lo- . ®


ighor pro- ■ w olsor 500, fromumof Irom;------ HBOMOVIE^‘L-otI Thootor. Adventure) Roboi •llko arena . mon. g soagulls 1:05 CB A WOMAI lolon. (In • . Errima (Jenny Soi

w ilh Poul McGill ( ■ UVE (In dash ing Australia

y e a rs , sh o tighter d ol Lov- Fairleys o s ho r bi •> Boles, m ako up an ompii

m a in s tho unyiold CIN MOVIE **

EPEACE S lo n e" (1987, Drt nk no tes Anjoiica Huston, rt ol the 1:15 O NIGHT TRA (MIcnool 1:30 CB TONY RAN schomo f f l THIS WEEK IN

1:35 (D POWER PR KSIDE 2 :00 a MOVIE • •-------------------{1933.-Dram8)-Olc" (1985. PIchol, lOSflnno ‘ ■ aD M O V IE **V - Tl

m a rk " (19'65, Drar ’ MUSIC R ichard Harris,

a MOVIE **V^ "F A SH E , b a c k " (l9 4 9 .C o m o

a -im ne-*— ray,-Mnun>on O-Ha sho bo- a NIGHT FUQHT bozzlor S 3 (R) MOVIE *

lets bo- Oonovlovio B uiol^ CCO in- a LARRY KING W lorciols - a e INVESTMERT A

SHOW MOVIE * * ■ SPON- (1984. Droma) StO'

b o ra Williams.2 :15 0 NIGHT TRAC

SHOW 2:30 (SHOW ] MOVIl lo Barr p o o f (1986. Com t Jrhood . a n n o . Tally Brittany. Jtoroo) . 2 :35 f f l NEWS (R)

2:4S HBO MOVIE * iroo) (1987. Advonturo) CON- c h a rd Lynch. . podol 3.-00 a MOVIE "Ugh rlPor- Fo" (1947, W oston iloody Dolo E vans.Afflllo. a NIOHT FUQHT toroo) a SPO RTS REVIEV


Foa- 3:05 CIN MOVIE * * *-w ilh--------(19877 Onimo) Cnopliadro, , Roovos.

i 3 :15 O NIQHT TRAC» 3k a t 3:30 a JE SS E OWE)

Ilfo o f J o s s o O w ons It ing h is training a t (

'^CE______ Cficord-t}ronklng_trAcot th e 1936 Bortin Oh

Sizo hum anitarian vonturo £lfll!______^ .^ o M ^ > n ilu ^ ,^ (P a r

a C p U ^ G E TENNipin' sion . 1 W om en 's ■ oopl From Loo A ngelos. (F

3:45 SHOW MOVIE * >n a J a c k F lash" (1988, Cc

^o ffco ',^(t984 .-iD rflm -a riro. Ja m o s W oods. ■lEWSTHE LOROLIQHTISCJOCKEY ITSTORIES C'Tho Wait- 'ord-wlnning adaptation » Borgos' s to ry abou t a 1 who Is p u rsu ed by his )n fall In lovo' w ith the ln("O B l& A lox''J; also,

•Virago").I T - ----- --------- -----------CINQ NASCAR Bud- »m Oovor, Del. (R)»fTOotHorTy“t198K----->on Duvall, Mark Hor-

lAN O F SUBSTANCE>oagrovo) lolls in lovo ill (Bairy B05twlck)..a illan ofllcor. Ovor tho tens hor hold o n tho buslnoss a n d lomlly

ipiro o l w hich sho ro- tiding ruior.**Vi "G ordons ol Jram a) Ja m o s Caan,

FMCKS (In Storoo) INDALL IN JAPAN-- 3R0 W RESTUNG* * * '’■Oilvor Twist" Jick lo 'M oorurlrv Ing-------

ThT H oroos of fo ’lo"- ama) Kirk D ouglas,

"Fa ther W as a Full- nody)FredM ttcM ur- • Hara, ’n

"King ol


' ADVISORYfc "Thief Of H earts" tevon B auor, B o r- '

ACKS (In Steroo)VIE He* "S ox Ap- mody) Loulo Bon­ny. ;

*V4 "N lghtlorco") U nda Bloir. Rl-

ights o l O ld Sdnto -------om) Roy R ogers.


r* "RIvor's E dgo"' pin G iovorrK oanu-----------

CKS (In Storoo)ENS STORY Tho s i s traced , Indud- t Ohio S ta te , hisock .po rfo rm anco_______Olympics, ond his jros ond ultlmaio ’a r t g o f g l

INIS NCAA Dlvl C ham pionship,

(R)**V i "Jum p in '

Comedy) W hoopi

Page 51: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

' (39S6o}gTS'tophbn‘4:00 0 CURIOUS Ot


............ 'JonniroV porsuodosdocropii boat to tak now-found (rlond T<

G ossl• C o n tin u ed from

causo tho B e rlin Wl o th o r lo ca tio n s soc How can th e y h av e token in th is tcnsli - F .D .

A: Leo Penn, the told me th a t a ll footo mous wall is au thcnt

------startlingtracking ahot. . _ 'vhcn«

apartment window ii TTie filmmakere w e re , access to Checkpoint C

L_.l^P“ShPenn.adm ltB.,t German airline rut where mucho heavy

a second un it cam en then 'smuggled it out city. The p icture stars Sam W anam akorandS

Q: I h e a r tha t-in v ic N o rris s p o r ts a h ra i on d s ty le in h is upco "H ero a n d th o T e r ro r cn in g u p ? — D 3 .

___ A:.In_a wjiy. yea. Ohma Santa Monica police

cided th a t it's time to sw unassailable image he with. Therefore, youll

_______new Chuck, a s warm , vuoven funii^ J u s t ono ex now Chuck Norris is

j where Chuck attem pts girlfriend in a hospital'

__ ward, where our hero Bud........"T hough"'this” imprdmp

wasn't written in th e scr-----------ducerfrop ted-^eavM t^n

prin t aa a tender, rovcali like footnote to his chai

1 ,1988.


wniCofiin®.™’- ’' ' ■ tfioirlO EO RQ E 4:10 8BORROW HBO I

■ ' • OPO’S Z youno H o c k e y


EW S UPDATEtCY CONFERENCE n r r IIFER-S JOURNEY QnCHM atching for Ihom , REPOIlos tho cap ta in o f o i d WGtako Michaol. thoir q )

i Toffy and iio r to m y p

ip------ -----» m P o g » 4

W all a n d v a r io u s so m e k socm to ta lly r e a l , b u s ie s t JVC p o ss ib ly b o e n lif ic hai nsion*fiUed a re a ? tw o pie

Womon w h ich i

ho film’s director, s ic frc wtage o t th i s infa- n e v e r p entic, except for a G eorgeihoLat the opening,____ _____teersin lo a j ie a rb y -—. Q : I k V in E ast Berlin, o n e tole fre granted p artia l a lly sin] Jt Charlie, as wellr*- B.McN.ts..that.6ome.Efl3t ________runway footage. . .


lera crew, which u t of tho divided irs M artin Sheen, id Scan Penn.ivinciblo C h u c k Q: L iran d 'u ew lo o k dau g h te i jcom ing m ov ie , Jo t o f wo: ro r .” I s h o so ft- sociation

t h a t ten- ' HoUywoi

!huck, who ploys o ro u n d ? lice detective in A: Surpi nse thriller, dc- >” >", no or switch from4ho even ta lk '

he is identified less volun 11 now sec the ead ," sa y s ’ vulnerable and out and sn, example of th e Alzheimor’fi is a sequence b u t not for;

its to place his ital’fl m a te rn ity ^ Q :Iw a a suddenly faints, sm g e r C ry mptu raotnenT " s h o h a s to i script, tho pro- to d e a l wii t4n-thfrfintahed— caling and life- iharacter, circa A; No. Sin

s ix /ee t of he • sh e manage

)RDS: P lay*, does say it’s

lOlr Florida doatlnatTo^n.' i ' . >3 8» HEALTHWEEK « WDS IN SPORTS: THE PRIOfe OU3RY Intorviows wltf» aspMng

jno Amorlcan athlotoa rovoal tfio isouros thoy must onduro lr» iholr >rch tor fonuno and famo In lho Jdaworid. pO SPARTAKUS ANO THE SUN NEATH THE SEA rr IS wnrrTEN^ R ^ I A N SCIENCE MONITOR

WORSHIPERS...... ......................Ml SOLOF1.EXgn.LE WtTH.ELSAJCLENSCH___

h t Neil S im on o u g h t to got ; k in d o f a w a rd a s A m erica’s Bst w rite r. T h is faU M r. has th re e p ro je c ts s e t to go — plays: “R u m o rs" a n d " Ja k o ’e on," p lu s “A F oggy Day," h is a n ow m u sica l u s in g m u- from re c e n tly d isco v ered , r pub lish ed w o rk s b y I ra a n d ge G ershw in .

Lknow.ahe c a n a c t , b u t some* « ld m e L ee R cm ick c a n re - ing . W hat's y o u r op in io n ? — N. •

/_______________ __

she can. Remick has s ta rred 'in way musicals and there is a ru- fiafshe will s ta r in a’Broadway ll of Stephen Sondheim’s “A Lit- JhfMusic." '

L k now - R ita H ay w o rth ’s ite r P r in c e ss Y asm in does a (Vork fo r th o A lzh e im er’s As« ion s in ce h e r n jo th e r d ie d o f erriblo d isease . H avo R ita ’s vood firicnds ra ll ie dd ? - T J L __________________irprisingly, according to Yas-

one in Hollywood w ants to Ik' abouty'Alzheimer’s, much :unteer Uieir services. “It’s I'S Yasmin. “No ono -will come say. ‘I have a relative w ith. ,

e?fl? Thcyll do i t for AIDS, or Alzheimer’s."

as to ld th a t w h o n c o u n try Crystal G oyle g o es o n to u r 1to tak e th r e e h a lrd re sM rs— <w ith a ll U iat h a ir . Is th a t 1

ISince Crystal usually le ts all ■ her tresses ju s t h ang down, ages it by herself. Crystal it’s just like having another '

Friday, June 10,191

SdhOEhg — hooIr

ISHOW l MOVIE -Hi m (1986. Comody)

CTMC)MOVIE*** "Tht ,D Of C ourogo” (1651, Dt

Muroliy. Bin Mfluldin.-.4:50 CIN MOVIE * "Frldo

tho FHnsI Choptor" (IS ________ Criapln Glover, Klmtwrtw

g e t , .

■ ^»y” —nu-


ao « -re - .. ^


^ay - N EIL SIM O P J t - 3 m o re projects i

^ i l d and tho tresses do ti o f time. For instance,

i»fl w ashes h e r hair, it takes I 8 hours before it’s thoroughly

Q : T h e o th e r day wo v in ta g e m ovie musi sh o w e d a . b ig Broad

_ th ro w in g h e r w eight a r a p p ro p r ia te d tfie ingeni fo r h e rse lf , and dem at so m o c a s t m em bers be c a u s e th e y w ere u pstag i

t h i s ty p e o f pow er I p u re ly f ic tio n a l? - C.W.

A: It 's a s old and as pn show business. Mae West, 1 m an and Tallulah Bonkhea gu ilty a t one time pr anothe th e i r ' d o n t 'to ourt'overly perform ers who threatcne(

— th o ir thundor,. proving that muflt go on — but only if ni bogs the spotlight. Plus, Jo m ore was notorious for g heave-ho to pretty cast men wouldn’t d r ^ and/or sleep '

,1988 . TImos-Nowa, Twin Fal



'Hoolhclin: Tho ly) Volco of Moi

rho Rod BadgO''Droma) Audio

doy Iho 13 th - 11984. Hon^or) rfv Bo ck

■ re ad yI take u p a lot ?, when she;•s about eigh t h ly d p .

vo 'r e n te d a isical t h a t id w ay s to r a round- S h o inue’s s o n g s a n d e d t h a t >0 f i r e d bo - g in g h e r . Is e r-w ie ld in g 7.

prevaierit as E thel M er-

ead w ere a ll Jier o f u sin g 'y prom ising------------led s tea liHt tho chow________nobody else

John B arry- giving th e

embers who p with h im .•alls, Id ah o 21 •

Page 52: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles




I CD SWISS..............■. . : W lwn a slav<

................ ‘ land , Iho Rot' c u o ono of'th

- - CDCALUOPEI L _______________ laSClENCE.


O (40 ALL Nl . 5 :30 C9 MAPLE

OD ROBERT S C9 USU ANO 9 BIQ STOR' CD NBA'TOOA SHOW MOVIi (1986, Como. Tatly Brittany.


-----------------------------O -O D -M U SICWORD

................................... CD SESAME'S-CD CHICAGO’S


■ CD CARTOONS CB SACREO HE 89 tt® T w eyni

— ............................................................................................................ .................................. ................................... i - ® HEAOLINB t6 0 DAYBREAK

. 69 VIEWER CAI -nouncod . (Tspo

^ -----------^CDIWSJDE-THE- (, (]® WORLD TO*

____ . S [SHOWJ_UQL3(m atod) Chor t<

— A ndoroon 's claa ; Word duckling

graco lu l sw an. ( , fTMC) MOVIE*,

cord ing lo Vic" { C onll, Holon Mir

6:05 0F U N T S T C 6 :1 5 Q D W H A rS I

C B (11 )N E W S (r CB FROM THE C

6:25 CIN CINEM B luos So9sion; F rionds" B luos' po rlo rm s with-E K han. Stovio Ray lins, G ladys Kn(g Paul Buttorflold.

CD ® FISHING Tl. o (» r r s YOUR


----------------------- © POLITICS '88 ftablo d isc u ssio n an fo sp ondon is .

----------------------- C A U T O R A CINOf01 L oM ans Raco. Ir

. U® IT IS WRITTEN[SHOW] MOVIE * * Drama) Bill Korr, Ni

6:35 O TOM & JERF

22 T im os-N ow s, Tw(i

I ! .

T Sunday pG




JNS) HEARTIfHETH CENTURY« H E W » —^ ---------AKCALL-IN G uost to bo on-, opod) -rHE:pQA-TOUH-------------------------TOMORROWQL3L_nUCKUNO -{Ani- ___r tolls H ans Chrislfan classic talo of an awK- . 6:65 i ng lhat grow s Into o ' 7 0 0 1 in. (In Storoo) m |E **W i-T hoQ ospolA c- r r i i c " (1986. Comody) Tom a . :MIrron, ------- q r

STONES m J'S NU? g ,S (fi) ® SIE CATHEDRAL m rlEMAX SESSIONS "A q ) Y ion: 8 ,8 , King and Rich, o s'gu ita ris t B.B, King ' o i h-Ertc-Clapion. Choka - luroc Ray Vouflhnn. Phil Col- Torn Cnlght, BtHy O coan a n d Toxa W- - CD R'ZARD'&-WORtO--------------^^ irV l3 THE WEST SDNUR BUSINESS .• tloroyOF FAITH ........ Iholo-WM REPORT S ) S tMORROW S i FLiM "Tho 10.000 Ooy ff lO /

ODIN38 PoaturosTJ roUr>ar------- o S Pt omong poKKcal cor- HBO I

Basoc«O n m s i\o lg4 H ours Oramt ». Irom Franco. (Livo) SHOW EH Iho po**V i"D u8ty '(1983 . • lo tpo i •, Nool Trovarthon, pit boiERRY’S FUNHOUSE found

rwin Falls. Idaho Friday, Jun


- 6:30 a.m; (ESPN) A inRace, from Franco

--------- I0:2(^a.m H £SPN hA DCanada: from Montreal

11 n.m. (CBS) NBABithree

12 p .m . (ABC) GOLF M

12:30 p .m . (WTBS) W Brnves a t Houston Astros

1 p .m . (NBC) BOXINC ____ lightweight. bouLficheduJed

.... ' '" i':S6 p;m !‘r(fB S rpG Anni Round; from Westchest<

2 p .m . (E SPN ) AUTO I Riverside. Cn.

2 :8 0 p sn ; (ABC) BOXINIlor, fo rthe IBF Jun io r Wcltc

------- 8 p ja.(E ipN )-W E IG irronship: from D aytona Bcnch

55 CC IDAHO JO B REPORT 30 CD DENNIS THE MENACE D IB (11) SUNDAY MORNINQ n C BUGS BUNNY AND FRIENDS9 JAMES KENNEDYa ( » CD HEADLINE NEWS D ZOOBILEE ZOO 3 (1 2 ) BUUWINKLE D SUNDAY MASS D OUR SUNDAY BEST D YOU Ar/D ME, KID G uost: Susar :lchar<Jsea • .f CELEBRITY OUTDOORS Foa rrod; spocklod trout JishIng with orry Bradshaw Irom Laguna Madro, Bxas. (In Sloroo)> ROBERT SCHULLERrVIDgO DISC J OCKEY— --------)M )M O V IE *** "U ttlo Lord Faun- iroy" (1936. O ram a) Froddio Bar- olomow, Mickoy Roonoy.,I SUNDAY ACCESS IFUTURESCAN i .I DAYWATCHI INVESTMENT ADVISORY 0B)YOGrS-TT?EASURE,>IUNf" ■'

10 MOVIE **W "Spocial Poopio; sod on a Truo Story" (19S4 ima) Brooko A dam s. Libornco,OW JENNIFER'S JOURNEY With ■ pollco soarch lng for thorn. Jonni- porsuadoa tho coptnln of a doero- boat to tako h4ichaoi. iholr now- nd frlond Torrv and hor to ttioir

Juno 10.1938

' . 1

orts Highnght

lUTO R A CIN G FihT8Tiof24H



F Mazda S enior TPC Classic; fi


ING Luca DiLorenzi vs. Marl Jed-for-10Tound5;fn3rn'Raventi

\ G O LF Manufacturers Hanoi ester Country Club in Rye, N T


IN G Jam es Bu3dy HcGirt vs. i citcrweight title, scheduled for

H T E IF F iN ^I^8 -W oraen ‘s-W nch, Fla. .

Florida dosllnallon. 7:05 O FLiNTSTONE

p 7:30 O TURKEY TELiS 0 (» W A L L S T n E E


jsan O BASSMASTERSS am Rayburn and Da

Foa- . Uio Toxos invitationj with burn Ros'orvoir. (in Sdro. S WORLD TOMORl


S (40 SNORKS lun- SHOW MOVIE * h •Bar- Movlo" {1906. Comoc

Blanc,(TMC) MOVI^**V^" {1986, (Jomody) Alon Coino,

............__CIHMOVlE.jit«L;:Aftn<o u s " (1986, Comody

)io: Eugono Lovy,B4. ‘ 7;36 O ANDY ORIFFn

8:00 09 MONKEES 'Ith O QS MISTER ROQEni- O DAY O F DI8C0VEro- O ( » OD O 8UNDA1w- ; 0 ( 1 2 ) FOCUS Oir CD VISIONARIES

H ours of LcMans

Me Urand Frix of T ”

ship (inais, game ; i

; finoi round

EBALL Atlanta

ork Adattis in jinriarrtaJy______ 3

lovor Claeaic Fi-■.Y.' - ..............- T -

/ciser 400, from i

‘ 0:5. Meldrick Toy- i or 15 rounds •'

Win-TcTCKam'pi- ^C

------------------------ L L . -£I



Tl• • .................- 6

)S Foaturod; pro fl D avkJW artonlrom b< >nal o n Sam-Ray*» Storoo) ‘ ut IRROW Fr


A» "Hoathtllfl: .Tho fOi lody) Volco of Moi 1*8

Nci "Sw oot Uborty" (B lan Alda. Mk:haoi O

nnftdy) Jo h n Candy,

lirac|TH ' ma



Page 53: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

■*“id * d ;o V o io & ii!v iE -* V 'CD WELCOME TO POOH O PERFORMANCE PLUS

— llroloM -tiroa nntf ports fc rood; G TP cham pion Jim E an updBto on windshloid > Sloroo)


“ t (19B4. D ram a) Paut Nowmai Bonson.




............O HIDDEN HEROES.EoaUJfond Don Konyon. mo wir

_ioomJn.LSACMidgot.Cflr.hls• - Storoo) -....................................


6;3S O MOVIE "Tho Soi---------AdvmiturB)-

McQu«on. RlcfiaitJ Cronno. 0:00 O YOU C A N T DO THATO

EVISION .. m H E R A L D X F -T H U T H _


- - fiE S SO ORAL ROBERTS CD FRUGAL GOURMET App without tho pfo: pork with appli pio» with csbbogo ; appto tart: cobWor; s te a k with appto twtto i<ot wtth app io loily- ('n Sloroo O (12) JIMMY SWAGGART CD MOVIE ★ ** "M y Namo i body--(1S74. W ostorn) Honry F Torronco (11) ROBERT SCHULLER CD QERBERT A puppot 00m « bon Is tho a ta r o l this mi «du6«tl6nal sh o w for childron, ucod by Emmy Award winnor Froyss.CD GOOD MORNING MICKEYI

— O-INSmE-W lMSTON-CUP RA A bohlnd-tho-8Cono8 look at racing, Including Intorviows, lights and lato-braaking nows. Nod Ja rre tt. (In Storoo)CD CARTOONS CO MTV TO P 2 6 " VIDEO CO DOWN _

..S i ) (BLTHE.QOLF.SI>ECtAUST. 1930 short s ta r s W.C. Flow* li first talkie a s Efflngton Bollwoatti m an w ho claim s u nsu rpasw d ki lodge of tho ga m e of goll. m BATTLE FOR A e OOL flOAOS A look a t th e Australian i clol Air Service toam.0 ) HEADUNE NEWS UPDATE (IB CARDIOLOGY UPDATE

OH CORNER LUS Foaturod: s for uso off- --

3h3 Wipors. (in hbO ADVE• YER T o ave

LY LANO lor Iho golcIQ -SHOW OOL

Chor to lls H IPDATE • classic taloINFERENCE t^iat g ro w sPORTS Host: Storoo) .

CiN MOVIE ERS Have F un"

■IH'l«llrn t>nrinnan, Robby ' 6:10 S3 TRA \



" CD THIS OL? walls o ro p la j* som o attontii

tho cfum btini

fS H "P s;,rO MOTOWC

------------------ -------- from -ihe-liiin

at^rod:.Mol_____r h i ' r M c ro ss S ^ o ° ‘ r.hlstory. (In DR. JA M E

-fiD (R) TRAVl Ja k e do Boor.

^ m TABERNAi™ , © S P O R T S C I

re) StBVtf O flB 'P H O T O ,

SoNTEL-sonod fish.

------------------------ SHOW-h»OVJE.P t /s oi.r> Droma) Bill Koi F T P s u e - (TMC)MOVIE>

(1966. F a n ta s . I , Brion Korwln.

10:00 © C O U N T PP^^osio^ C D €B F A C E T J

«> a® MISTER oM n bris- (3 ) TO BE ANN • O <» COMPTC

" , . CDCORRIDOSI^N D r e v o l u t

iryhonoo, j,nd ballot danJ Join Luis V aldez

^ _ posino m ombor:of five traditlona

musteoi/ folk ballads. A -F

O (12) RO BER l

f i c N Q --------at auto CD MY SPECIAL

n , ntgn- Qctor Adam Rich Mi. H o st oorios -Eight Is E

CD DONALD Due — O RODEO M oscCOUNT- Rodoo from Mo_____ - Storoo)JSTJrWa---------C^-ALL-AMERICi

In his o d a y o f D ISC M thor,a SD mOVIE * HJknow- . (1947. Advonturt

Robort Mitchum. ^ E N s> WONDERS Ol lanSpo. TRALIA A otudy _ w recks.TE 9 NEWSOAY


SundayHOTON'VENTURES OF TOM SAW-avoid In/un Joo . tho boyo dig lold n t nlQh|._ _IQLVOUCKUNQ (Animated) t H a n s Christian Andorson's Bio o f a n awkward duckling v s In to a gracoful awan. (In

/lE * * "Gifis Ju st Warn lo n " (1985 , Comody) Sarah>nritnr I yy Monltiomcr;_______lAVEL GUIDE :K ROCKS D TOMORROW

COPELAND CD M EET THE PRESS □OLD HOUSE Tho kitcl^n )las to ro d . tho chimnoy gots mtion a n d work starts on ling fro n t porch, q EW S :L BILL^DVENTURES OF WINNIE

WORLD Foaturod: racingliin o is-S ta to FfltrnrDunas,"— “Pro S o rlo s Tiiio Choso ond-O u td o o r Nalional'Moio-'..............3S. (In Sloroo)MES KENNEDY- ----------- - " *W E L MAGAZINE'Hosts:>er. Ja cg u io Ponln.MACLE CHOIR5CENEAYJilEDICINE-UPDATE,_______ _TONERT T h o trio Invoatlgaios flor S o a b o r t oais a pol-

ffC.'»»*Mt-~Diniy-71983r^----------Korr. N oel Trovarthon.IE * '/ ! "King Kong Lives" ta sy ) U ndo Hamilion.1.>fT DUCKULA TH E NATION

ER RO G ERS NNOUNCED T O N REPORT •SI TA L ES OF PASSION •UTION Undo RonslacJt “anfcor; Evelyn CIsnoros le z o n d El Teatro Cam- M rs fo r a porformanco anal Moxican-Amorlcan «I " F ro m S a n Francisco"(R) (In Storoo) g


AL WORLD A pronio of ich from tho tolovlslon 3 E n o u g h '. I>UCK PRESENTS osqoilo-Chomptonship - • M osquito . Texaa, (in

ICAN-WRESTUNQ-----------— >SCOVERY C• "Crdssflro" V turo) R obon Young,■n. pO F WESTERN AUS- '

Idy o l 'ancloni ship-

■88: CANDIDATES'Friday . Jo n o 10 .198fl Tl


ilowest Priced la in TownAskaboui


F A S T PH O TCn o Olua L tkosO lvd. N. - 733-43

■ -

Tlmo3*Now3, Twin Falla, Idah



EFab ^i i _ - ________

lb't ] ' ; i I

T r T


■ ^s________________


-I ,

ah o 2 3

Page 54: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

r m t m m m m m m h i

\ X ...............


— ra le s this study opuIaUon in modoi SHOW] MOVIE 1957. Comofly) 5 harino Hopbum.

------------ —------iO:«>-®-AUTO-BA<Qr^nd Prix of C troDl. (Uvo)

10:30 O INSPECTC CD HISTORY OF O'CQREADINaF lin narratos "On Eotor": LoVor Bu Intoresling Iscta t bits of onlmaia. (I CD THIS WEEK

■ L E Y g a WORLD OF T

— a s o SPECTACQUINNESS RECC non-atop cor rid Moxico;'ttio wori on airplane stunf.

------------------------ -OD HEADLINE NE----------- 0 (11) FACE TH


O SnttN G E R S profllo ol tho Htr

• and Combodions _ ________ Solt Lnko City t

(rom thoir Asian 1- CD m s WHITTEI

..... ....... - - ® “ CONSUMEI________________ BLOBLOCKER

DENTS.8 s e TREASURE CIN MOVIE * * (1986. Comody) C Martin.

11:00 O LASSIE" GD €S (11) m N Chompionship FIc Tooms 10 bo onnc a ' aSl DEQRAS! F^ick.lho school b l ostod In tho Env Commlcioo. (R) □ O CD THIS WE BRINKLEY cp a ' 99 OREATE!

--------------- GENDS: CLASS CCD NATURE Rli

_________________nofthommost l»loilamlly ol rod fo: tnrouBh n yoor’sStoroo) Q


—M.---------------- 965-FaPoggy Loo, Larry I OHANKPARKER' OAZINE' Foaturod plon gomo callor I Sioroo)CD MASTER CB JOE LOUIS HE. CD WEEK IN ROC» 9 ANIMAL WONi

2 i T lmos-Nows. TwIr

jy ■■c o t

' c roO


TIMEAL Rotor Ualinov nor- 0"^ly o f.m o kongaroo po- vor jdom -doy AustroHa./IE * * * • Desk Sot" SHily) S p o n c o r Tracy. Ko- O a

if ConadD, from Mon-

CTOR OADQET 5?®OF DIETING Clu4G RAINBOW Lily Tom- O’QroQory. tho Torrlblo ® B urton finds out somo ^ ,

aa a b o u t Iho ooiing ho-


hol(F TOMORROW golfrACXnj^R'WORLO OF • n ECORDS Schodulod: o s a r

rido from Alaska to iho worid’s tallost woman; Kuri unf. (R) . «w• N E W S - , , ------- .................g ,THE NATION-

LD ■ ■IS.......... ...........................- S:r s in t h e la n d a Hm ongs. Viotnamoso ^

ans w ho’vo aottlod In Iy_0ftor_dl3plncomonl an h o m o s . ^TENMER CHALLENGE:—----- -^p.,

KW At-COflriESPON-------

URE -MALL-..................... « '* * •'Thfoo Amlsjos" - f) Chovy Chaso, Stovo■.-------...... ........................i» NBA BASKETBALL ® ‘

FInols Gomo Throo. . m nounpod. (Uvto)A SS I JUNIOR HIGH ‘ ™ ]| bully, bocomos Intor- . Envlronmontol Aptlon ) p - WEEK WITH DAVID

iTEST SPORTS LE- i ° '! 3 O F '6 7 - • n im o d on Japan’s

Island of Hokkaido, a< fo x o s oro-; lollowod 2 ^

ir-3 octlvilioj, (R) (In ^


FALWELLOEB ■t*V3 "L ady and tho-FafHasy)-VolcoB o(;---------rry B oborto. =:ER’S OUTDOOR MA- irod: national chom- or, H arold Knight. (In '

noyHEAVYWEIGHT • - ® ' OCKONDER DOWN UN-'w in F a lls . Idarto Friday , Ju r

- • J .

DER Tho dlffaroncos lhal onoblo dl: crim atlon botwoon tho sollwator cn codllo and tho Johnstono (roshwoticrocodllo aro lllustroiod,..............a NEWSDAYED PUBLIC POLICY CONFERENCI 'AS) IKTERNAL MEDICINE UPDATE B a s WEEKEND GARDENER HBO M O V IE .*** •Indiana Jon« and tho Tom ploof Doom" (1984. A( t/onturo) Harrison Ford. Kato Co| sh o w .SHOW MOVIE * * "Harry and Sor [1964, Drama) Paul Nawmon, Robt B onson,30 C9 2 0 0 FAMILY E T aST D W L m / Ralslrig rnbTiTIsrD Zod looks a t optical Illusions; a n a Doak for an Injurod pelican; tho Ho< 3lub builds on InHalablo spocoahli

i ) BUSINESS WORLD 3D WILD KINGDOM B THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL Higl Ighls of Major League action ar jhow n.D CAMPBELLS Jom os and Sim ^old apposing views of Iho battio Iclolf-oovem m ontln C a n a d a .---------EB BASSMASTERS Foaturod: pr Ja m Rayburn ond Oavid W arton fror h o T oxas Invllotionol on Sam Ra) )um Reservoir. (In Sioroo)Da VIDEO DISC JOCKEY 9D DEAFM OSAICIssuos facing dot \m o r lc a n s ..9 MONEYWEEK .i« ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY UF3ATE9 T AND TTM C) MOVIE * * "To Be or Not t 5 e ''; '(19W -C om ody)-M oI-8foO ki Vnno Bancrolt, •


S r c & “ M dviE ''HoBrnson~Cru800 1981. Advoniuro) Animated.D aOl COMPUTER CHRONICLE •lnvo8tmonl.Softwaro".(P(«rt 1 of 1 3 ) O CO QOI-F Mazda Sonior TP Classic. Final Round. (Uvo] . . D ( 9 CE CD NBC SPORTS SPECIA Swim to Sooul. From Boco Roloi -la. (Tapod) ,ZD MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Lor VlountbaHon: Tho Last Viceroy aosp lto continuing disngroomoi im o n g tho vorlous Indian factioni u>wis a n d Edwlna Mountbaiton. mo n s k complotod. reluctonily propor o loovo India. (R) (Port 6 of 6) Q E9 (12) MOVIE * * * "li's Ahvoys Fa V oathor" (1955. Musical) Gon <olly. Dan^l^ i ^ ^ ~___________ ^

D MOVIE **v^ "Ram rod" (194; Vootom) Joel McCroa. Voronic .Ako. 03 OUTDOOR NEWS NETWORI 'OAturod: dove huntli^ In Lo rfloehls. Mexico, (in Sioroo)D MOVIE **V i "A Mostorpleco C AxifQot" (1906. Orama) Bob Hop< >on A mecho.OVIDEODtSC-JOCKEY------------ZD <& MOVIE **V i "Alda" (195‘ lom onco) Sophia Loron. Ronota To midl.B 16 DAYS TO TIMBUKTU A )outlOy through Mali In Wost Africa,a M£EK IN REVIEWIS OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOG'IPOATE

Juno lO .1988

o d is - o a ft MOVIE * 1>T* r cro- (1969, C om ody) Doo w ater Loo..................... [SH O W r -MOVIE

(1S85. Fan tasy ) Ti NCE . Sara,ATE 12:15 CD MAJOR LEA

C hicago C u b s a t St. lones (Livo)I. Ad. 12:30 O MAJOR LEA C ap- A tlanta B ravos a t i


Irom tho Illinois Sti Iho Comol P (o Sorioi

jT C r----------m o'250cc"O cno<5orI now c ro s s Sorios. (In St< Hoot CD SUPERBOUTS M ishlp. . Jo o Fraziof. T opod .


• (1987. D ram a) Jonnl High- Sw ayzo.I a re 1:0d CB MISS PEACH

SCHOOL: THE AN Sims PICNIC LIvo-action io lor Poach a n d h o r studo_____ .lhQ .op rino -p icn icpro and a re lu c ta n t Ira

from m ock m arrlago . Foo Ray- • of M onin S h o rt. .

O a s JO Y O F PAI C o a s t m oun ta in scei

iCoef 0 9SI CD O BOXING 'VS. M ark A dam s. Lui M ark .A dam s In a I

u p . schodulod for 10 roi onna, Italy. (Uvo)QD MYSTEHYI

lot to A dopted from Jc30ks.---------novolr >lmpovarlsI>o

F a rra r's unconny roi prosum obly docoas

. ---------- ^Ashbylomily fortuni' an Im porsonatlon pl

CD MY FRIEND FLI : l e s d lscovo rs ' on oullai of 2) crook s lo a ls FllckaTPC .....'silonco.

O AMERICAN S t CIAL CADE F oa turod : SC o lon. truck C hallongo; \

plonship for Supor 'Lord G rend Prix of Da: ) ro y " S tereo] m ont— 69 DENALI An 0! lions. McKlnloy. molf flB LARRY KINO Wl

iporo u e PHYSICIANS' g DATEjF o ir , HBO COUNTDOWI Sono SPINKS H o st L arr

view s tho c o r

1947. ing bou t botw oo snlca x h a m p s Mlko T ysor

* a n d Michaol S p inks 'ORK SHOW MOVIE * *

Los (1957. C om ody) S p t thorlno H epburn .

:o of l:30C3>CADlCHONCi lopo. koy tries to c ap tu re

(Part 4 o f 4)--------------- c r j o T « i ) '® POA1955. tu rers H anovor C los a To- From W oslchos to r I

Rye, N.Y. S ta rtin g l jour- (Live)I. O ClID ART O F AS^

" T re es In L an d scsp ' OGY (D Z O R R O W honon

oo r la k es libortlos

___ 1* "Tho Lovo B u g " ' oan Jones. MIcholo

"Logond"Tom Cruiso, Mia

■AGUE BASEBALLSt. Louis Cardinals.

•AGUE BASEBALL .1 Houston Astros.

RY TALES) Foaiurod: racing Stato Fairgrounds, ioa Title C lu io andDTNinianarMoie:--------storoo)Muhammad All vs. d Jon. 28,1674.UPDATE

r "Difty Dancing" inlfor Grey. Patrick

:H O F THE KELLY ANNUAL SPRINGon/puppets. Miss donts look forwardnlc., whoro M a rc ia .........ra ore planning a oolurlng lhe volco

AINTINO An E ast cone.HQ Luca DlLoronzI-uca DILorenzI v s : --------I lightweight bout rounds; from Rav-

"Brat Farrar" Josophino Toy'shod—o rp h an - Brat,____rosomblanco to tho lasod heir to the ino involves him In - .— plot- (fl) (Pan 1 of_____

'LICKA W isn.'K on ' la w 's idonlity. tho ;a to ensure Ken'e

SPORTS CAVAL- 5CCA Coors Raco- - -

Valvollne Cham- >or Voo from lho 3a|las, Toxas. (In

a sce n t of Mount


WN TO TYSON-irry Merchant ro- onirovorsy aridjnd in g .th o j/p c o n t____ _oon hoavywelaht on (34-0, 30 KOs)<0 (31-0,21 KOs).•r** "Dosk Sol" iportcor Tracy. Ko-

C adlchonthedon-. iro Icttuco thiovos.

AOOLFManutac.— ------ *ossic Final Round, r Country Club in I lime Is tentatlvo.

SHLEY JACKSON spo"in Argentine svan - s with tho tavom

Page 55: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

B■ P lIH P

m u -I a

I cI u>I I tI ^I 'S SI '< 4 I o e■ i ; | a

I W i Siiaai

- - ' -» v rA '^ r .

||''SSBii::::--:-:..vG e t m ore

Q n J H I program !_____ ^ ^ B S i _ i ? u c c « a s J t

f a c e i t - a I f y o u w

B n K ^ S R ^ H doesn 't), < cranny. T

y o u r a d f< J —. . a ^ ^ W j y o u r item

^ ^ h H B charge! (S9

I g^ B B a M

^ ^wJ

——— —■

( h fB m

>re for your m oney w ith oui m! W e continue to o fferth ii

• a "two for th e p rice o f one’ w a n t to ea rn so m e e x tra cj ), ch e d cy o u r hom e, garage , T h e n sell th o se u n w a n te d } Ad. I t 's easy! S im p ly call c 1 for 1 week. I f a t .the end oi »m, j u s t le t us know. W ell r ! (Sorry, we no lo n g e r offer f

p e r l i n e f i(Private party, non-rcr

733-(F riday , Ju n o 10

E^es«>N<an te ed

o u r Classified G uaran tec t th is exceptional va lue due

ne" spccial is h a r d to bea t a cash th e qasy way, (and Ige, and every o th e r nook ted item s w ith y o u r G u a n ill ou rC lM sified Ad-visorg d o f th a t w eek y o u haven't 11 ru n it th e sccond w eek 1 e r th e first w eek iree).

( . 0 0f o r 7 d a y svrcnl Mluic items only)

0 ^ 6 ^0 10|l9B8 T Im os-N ow a, Twin

!---------------------- 1

M___ 1r ■ ■

ews1::::/ ■ £BB1!cd R e s -j l ts . je to th eears. L e ts •Qt! ^d who k a n d t r a n t^ d irs* to 'p lace ' n't soldk F R E E o f A ..

iS ^

^In F a lls .Id a h o 25

Page 56: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles



By ELIZABETl The Waahingto.

Two Univcrsi'i--------------------------9ora*havfr-persu

to p re se n e his d irecting for thi m ost famous pic duction of Engl sions of “Wi

p "Endgame” andwill begin in Par release of the fn

..... ................. expectcd n ert SUIEven Roman :

one imagines a s > s tunned when ho

“I w en t to Bel movie o f ‘Godot’ .

---------- .... , ianski told the pr, • - if he. would like

"How d id you bug • A reasonable qi French publisher

■ Mitchell Liflon, ' • ... been saying no to

The 82-yenr-old cen tury 's greatest

........ ........ hnps th e one whc■ th e despair and r

h um anity , guards work adamantly, terviews, rarely th rea ten ed to sue a te r th a t had sta(

, “Endgam e" he beli tho p lay ho hodwn

The story of how jec t cam e - about considering Bccket complicated and hi

r e e r a s a n inmaU! il creation o f a produ U niversity of Marj tem pt to do for t< w hat a univcrsit)

- ......... - booksi-and-almost'lby tw o jocular acad in ribbing academ television and will s

' ers o f “Beckett Direc “Ho w as quite <

first," says Lift; “Essentia lly I snid.

■ 26Tlmos-News. Twin

I B r i

re. Stoiy

muel Bee ee of his

ETH KASTOR esigton Post vis

recirsity of.Maryland profes- inrrsuaded-SamuchBcckett— lioilis vision of h is work by bui tho first timo h is th ree ha plays for television. Pro- ' I

Inglish and French ver- by: “Waiting for Godot," Qui ;nd “Krapp’s L ast Tape" and Paris in September, wilh Bee2 first play on videotape foui; summer.--.... ----------------- begiin Polanski, not a m an Aftt as ensily surprised, was perf I he heard,Beckett to ask to do a ers o f and he siyd no!" Po- bers3 professors when asked ’ worl ike' a pnrt in tho play. . pla^- buggers get the rights?" ' ogo e question: As Beckett's prod her told M aryland liter- New

n, “For 36 years, I’ve less ) to people" on behalf o f munt

Critii•old Beckett, ono of the mnnc es t dramatists and per- Liftoj who hos best captured comp d resilience of modem ficial rds his privacy ond h is Cli ly. Hc never'gives in- ngow ■ly directs and once Franc sue an American, the- bring staged a production of ing w believed diverged from Frenc wntlon. „„d „now the Maryland pro- is und u t is - - predictably, ers wi rkett’s involvement — play, d J highly idiosyncratic. “He

U! in San Quentin, tho “It’s aoduction houtje a t the instrui [aryland th a t‘-will at-, compnir television and film get exj•sity press docs for thi.'ipriist-.four-years-of-work- -stand tcadcmics who delight - in c lemia and American .shows ill serve as co-produc* prclers irects Beckett." them u:e opposed to it a t by : Jflon of Beckett. lid. ‘We're not inter- handed vin Falls, Idaho FflcJay, June

— ^ ------------------

ck€tt agr< ; works fo]ested in doing an adaptation fo vision.- We’re interested in yo rection ofyour plays. We’re inte: in these being the benchmark p. tioffs — not tho only interpret but those to which others will u have to refer.” ’

Lifton’s eloquence wns supf by Rick Cluchey, who was sent t Quentin in th e 'SOs for-kidna md other offenses, and disco Beckett's work while there. Ch ounded an inm ate dram a troupi>egan'a'corrcspondencewlth‘Bo(Vfter he was paroled, he continu lerform and direct Beckett’s j o th his group, tho San Quentin I rs (which hns since acquired r ers with no crimin^al _ reco 'brked for se'veral' years' with' laj-wright-in Europe and two y go appeared in a Beckett-dire reduction of “Krapp’s,Ljjst Tapecw York._________'Though some reviewers HiTv^ ss than nwed by Cluchey’s pci iuice2 ._Jie_won_tJie.Jtuluia-IDn•itic.s Award in -1385 for his per nnce.s in tho three plays Fuegi , fton will produce, and he and mpany have become Beckett's u: ial proteges.Cluchey. who met Lifton 30 ye0 while working a t a theater_in 5 ancisco, acted os go-between ng the would-be producers and' writer together. Casting for I jnch productions Is not comple1 whether Polanski will ■participi jndecided. The San Quentin PIi will'do tho English.versions o ft

y, as Beckett insisted.He hns worked with them for ny^£n-s"liow ," Fuegi expiaii 5 a little like a musician having i rument ~ I hate to reduce tl ipnny like th is, but he feel.i ho a exacily the righ t tonalities fro group. HoJe«ls thoy really unde

id the nuancos o f his worki"' ' ' 1 explaining tho valEie of thes vs for future scholars and intc ers. Fuegi and Liflon compai 1 to imagined productions stage

Sophocles. Moliere an lespeare somehow captured an ied down to us. Bccket jneiO, 1988

. k-

rees to di: Dr televisin for tele- habitually reinteri

your di- his< nterested “Godot*’ will nlso, ir k produc- work, jretation. II you look a t R' II ulv^ys of'Godot,' there nn

• that are cut," snyi upported you’ll find that all nt to Snn have been written inopping rection, says Fueg scovered Ious and very, very Cluchey a hands-on directoi

)upe and ■ movement, tone of •Bockeit.“ havc-dcscrit5cd'lra inued to graphic kind of dire, ’s plays Beckett actually tin Piny- another person. Ger id mem- te r Asmus, with whi■ecords). ratedfocyears.____'ith' the , "WeHon't even'ki '0 years- care— how often I directed the theater," says 1 ’ape" in him self an extremely

rector, but in this cir i-e beon as the coiiduTTfor Bc perfor- one past Beckett-Aj

J3rama___in_Uindon-iii49S4,-Jperfor- attending every rehc

)gi and h “Godot" th a t some md his freshinglyapproacha 's unof- •' Addingyet nnothei

ductions w ill-be th I years ording tho action. Bee in Snn reeled some of his ;en to West German televi ;nd ag- naif, but a t one poin or the sions he said to Liflon iplete, • nice ifthe camera cou cipnte audience?"

. “I said, ‘And which o fth e pivo the camera?' H(

film people a re so era

ously e'njoying havin ng^nn ihe master.

locan The crafty 'film pcfrom C'l'ncras, and the

nd e r~ - will be a work- television,.not-morclyithese call “a simple renter- ofo theatrical p:ipare In final form, “B«aged Beckett" will include iand on Cluchey and a grou;and Beckett’s direction by a

:kett ars and theatrical prof

IreGt-— ion

Jrprets and rewrites i-directfr them ,-th is in a sense, be a new

"Rich (Cluchey)'s copy are huge sections of it lys Fuegi, "and then ill kinds of new lines en in." B eckett’s di- egi, “is very meticu- ry nuanced, and he’s lor — costuming,'set,)f voice. Some people ‘as 'o lm osfa 'chbreo : reeling."Ily directs through • ierman diroctor Wai-' .'hom he h as collabo- •

k h o ^ - nof'-‘do wp I Bockett-jvill bo in ' " I Liflon. “Asmus ia oly accomplished di-

Beckett." In a t least Asmus production,- ,-B«ckett ended-up--—: hearsal and shaped ie critics found re-

ier layer to the pro- th e .c a m e ra s rec- leckott, who has di- s other plays for jvision, is no TV lint in th e discus- on, "Wouldn’t it bc I ould ju s t s i t in the .

ch s e a t would you He said, ‘Oh, you :rafty, so crafty!’ ” vilh-a wnilGrObvi-:-:^ - ing sparred..w ith

people will have h e resu lt — they rk o f a r t mado for yw hat-Pucgi and ' ' reproductive rcn- production."

Beckett Directs J a documentary }up discussion of • a panel o f srJiol- •ofessionals.

Page 57: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

w ailfoss, 2o fro tho stranger.O ) TRUE AOVE Sir E dm und Hi

_ -M ouni Evorost.ID TRUCK'AND (SHOWJ MOVIE IO mo 5 & Dlmo D aan"(1982 . Dr Chor.fTMC) MOVIE 1(196S.M uslcal)EPobaros.

1:45 HBO MOVIE sion" (1988. Drai

___________ Jo tom yJtona,___2:00 CD RATED tC

O UO) MAKE YO Pruning; proparir In loss Itian 30 ml onlryways. G D O ® U .S . OP. WITH JACK NICt' lino. M oss. (Tapt O O fiC EX Q SPO l and Ms. Olympia vs. Robblo Sim s

__________dJpwolgm tllloroJiitfs, Trom R Olympia Com poll (Uvo)UD FIRING U NE O (12) MOVIE « tlio M ary D ooro"

_________Gary C M p o r, Cti

(D MOVIE * tk* -(1979;T5rama) Tir lyn Ann McLorlo. CD DOUBLE TRO lob as an a s s ls ta r

------ --------cian,(Coxl-BallAotIS)(4«CREATIVIT ERS "Nallonal C phorlc R osoofch"

-------------- D rsom o 'cn jo tiv jr. oiscovoflng to m a

Is noodod.............. f fl COUSTEAU;

PhlUppo Couotoai liens for onorgy coal: nucloar and

' a HEADUNE NEm PUBUC p o u c CD AUTO RACIhWois6r*400. fron (Uvo)QD INTERNAL ME B SB MOVIE * Story" {1949. Blo< wart. Ju n o Allysoi

2:10 O SCIEN WEEK' ‘ - .

2:30 CD FINDERS » O (!9I BODYW^ good hoalth tnroui

-------------- ■on>xo?«so. p ■> > 0 ) 0 0 0 BOXII

McGM vs. Moldr •*Buddy" M cOirt \

) lor tho IBP Jun io rschodulod f o r l S O INSIDE WINS1

........ '____ ____ A .bohlnd-tho-scoV ■ ' racing, tncltiding

lights ond lato*bre Nod Ja rro tt. (In S< CD CHECK ITOUT fortune In tho sto< O m o U R S E L V E IMALS An oxam ln

’ clotios a s thoy o "concroio lunglos S ) IN THE B

■ i

fro orrivos to discipline C c

)VENTURE A visit w llh CHillary, conquoror o l G

St. tlND TBACTOR PULL nVIE **V , '-Como Bock (1Tio Jimmy Ooan, Jim m y C. Drama) Sandy D onnls. (i

E *»'/2 "Girl H appy” 3;0ll) Elvis Proskiy, Sholloy t(.............................. .......... Ji

VIE • Tho fklls- nDrama) Robort Oo Niro, C


laring for a dinnor po rty g} mlnulos; wood slo v o s : a

COPEN GOLF PREVIEW HiIICKLAUS From B rook- r<apod) aiPORTSWORLD Boxing Sipla. Sumbu K aiam bay ' CIms for tho WBA Mid- Olo schodulod tor 15' 6I Ravonna, liaiy;~MG:------------Ovolition Irom Now York. >c

C(NE aiE •'Tho W rock of 8iro" (19^9, Advonturo) crChnrlion Hoston._______ ci

* "A Shining S o n so n ''I Tlmoihy Bottoms, AI- ’Tlrlo. - HI'ROUBLE Kato go is a SIi ta n l to an aoinn magi* (1jiotino)---------------------------------- SiVITY WITH BILL MOY- 3:21tl Conlor lor A tm os- ‘ 3 :^c h " Bill Moyors looks ^ piivjrw oysTno-NpA Rns------------»fm ako rain foil whoro it ' ' “ pi

brU: OASIS IN SPA CE ^ to au oxploros tho op -irgy supply Including • SI jn d solar powor. • - NEWS UPDATE

)UC Y CONFERENCECINQ NASCAR B ud- 'Irom Rlvonildo. Calif.. o

MEDICINE UPDATE ^: * * * "Tho S tra tton o FBiography) Jom os S to - (sH^son. . ActilENCE-TECHNOLOOY uior

; . - v r . ■ (THIS KEEPERS CorfWATCH Molniolning Zurrough a modofoto lovol , 3:35 1

>XINO Jom os Buddy o CDidfick Toylor. Jo m o s vIsMIrt vs. Moldfick Toylor (3) 1nior Wollorwolght tlllo. a 'IS rbunds. (Uvo) ' B lNSTON CUP RACING, dopscopos look a t a u to pro |ing IritbrvioWs.' h ig h : ......... ornc-brooklr)g nows. H ost: tivoin Storoo) pics)UT1 Bar»nlBlOf lo sos a ( j ) <stock morkot. C D '.VES ANO OTHER AN- vloum lnatlon of onlmal so - ganiY compofo to hum an (R)Ilos". O


------------------- , —

CREATED THE SWIMSUIT How clolol changos aro rolloclod In changtng stylos ol tho swImsulL GB POLITICS ’88 Foaturos a roui tablo discussion among political c rospondonts.(to FAMILY MEDICINE UPDATE CIN MOVIE * * * * "AH About E> (19S0, Droma) Botto Davis. Ar Boxtor.

3;00 CD HEARTBREAK WINNER toonogo Ilguro skator strlckon w juvonllo rhoumatold nrlhrllls Is doi minod lo 'com iwto Ih tho Olympic O MADELEINE COOKS Stop-

-g top .p lppp ra tlon ol_a duck. (R) . ( I) ADAM SMITH'S MONEY WOH CD EMPIRE Tho Gorrot's can no li gor got thoir oro procossod ol adjoining mill.a PERFORMANCE PLUS Foatur llroloss llros ond parts for u so 1 rood; 6 TP champlori Jim Busby w an updato on wlndshlold wipors.s\mo)CD AIRWOLF CD VIDEO DISC JOCKEY 6D (HI LIFE AND LOVES OF A S

-OEVIL-Ruth’s-revofigocom oe-ln-: form of porsonal succoss os oho I com os a buslnosswom an. omboz] and sho dovii. (Pori 3 of 4)S i BENEATH THE KEEL Colorful i croaturos. Including )owol onomon cup corals, and spidor crabs.f f l NEWSWATCH-------- -------------'« e HOHMONE-ELECTROLYTE I

■TERACT10NS“ "1N— CONGESTI HEART FAILURE SHOW MOVIE **Vi "Logon (1985, Fantasy) Tom Cruiso. h

3:20 0 THREE s t o o g e s " ' " 3:30 O cm FRUGAL GOURMET Ap| ~ pio, without tho plo; pork with appl< -ap p lo sw ith cabbsgo; oppi«;lort!-<

plo cobblor; sloak with appio bull briskot with appIo Jolly. (In Storoo (D ACID RAINBOWS Tho offocts

. o d d rain on tho wostorn Unit Sioios. q

,CB AT THE MOVIES Schodulod: "C Hord" (Bruco Willis): "Poliorgoisl II "Big B uslnoss" (Botto Mldlor. L Tomlin).

D AUTO SPECIALTY MAGAZINE SB NEWSMAKER SUNDAY » PAST, PRESENT ANO FVTTURI DF BETA BLOCKADE [SHOW] MOVIE **Vi "A Pioco ol lh( Action" (1977. Comody) Sidnoy Po llor. Bill Cosby.TMC) MOVIE "M odem Qlris ' <1986 'om ody) Vfrglnlo Modson. Oaphnc Zuniga.35 O NWA MAIN EVENTW P 'MRT-WIZARD’SW O fftD ------D a » VICTORY GARDEN Jim Wlisor visits Colonial Wllliomsburg. Vo. q 33 WONDER WOMAN D THATS tNCREOIBLE B Oft CB ROAD TO SEOUL An In fopth look o t tlio alhlolos as ihoy )roparo_ physically, montally one irtiollondilir for tho Inlonso compoti- Ivonoss o l tho 1988 Summor Olym- lies In South Koroa.D OFF THE RECORD D WE GOT IT MADE Clips from pro- Ious opisodos oro foaturod a s tha rang romlnlscos about lho post yoor, R)J (12) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE >RAIR1E

Friday, Ju n o

ow so - - SIn tho

UlL......................... ......... ..............round- :al cor-

(9) MOVIE *«v;i-'Ci TE (1965. Sclonco-Fkit Evo" drow s . J a n o lto See

Anno CD BIG VALLEY A s invados tho Sarkic

4ER A nounco tho t thoy 0 tn wllh ou t a d o a th sonlon : dolor- <B_MIRACLE AT Knplcs.......... on a 't r u o 's t o ry 'o blop-by- F ranco, a horo lc n5)__________ hort)ora^a o ro u o e/ORLO floolng’irom ttio Nt no Ion- - O MOTOWORLD 01 tho from th o Illinois S

Iho Cam ol P ro Sork aturod; lho 2 5 0 c c O utdoo so olf- c ro s s S o r lo s . (In'Si 3y w llh CD TALES O F TNE BPS. (in •• - CD BE ST O F OLEA

1 O loason Ill's glrilri(dow s) g o e s to tho a n d N orton bravo t

A SHE a lifoboat; clumsy-In-Uio_____(G loason) p ro paroslho bo- voyor tx)lt. w zzlor ® (M MOVIE **n

R oosovoit s to ry " ( ful s o a (P a rt 1 o« 2) Norra nonos. M acU osh :

S ) FISHING THE V___•________m ALONO.NATVR'E IN ' roproductlvo a n d sSTIV E------ fourT ypoa o f pongi


A sho ancTBailo Jo« Appio spo rt from l9 th-co pplos; lis p ro so n t-d ay Inlorrtj-op^— — Ity--------------------------bultor! 4730 CD STAR TREK iroo) CD CB ( 1 1 ) 0 ) CSSicts o( O a s TH IS OLD f Jn llod sh o w s’h o w to lay a

door, sp o a k o wllh I: "Olo abou t th o llroplaco

hom o so c u rlty systc r. Lily O OUT O F TMIS Wl

D onna o n d Evlo ta su ro s to g o i a da to f


, 8lx-cylir>dor Su b a ru i ' ' Ing a u so d c a r Irom

Pontiac Bonnovlll* S torm to s t Is com ploi

986. - o N E W LEAVE' I )h h o . Ollvor falls In lovo d

for a V alonlino 's doi

ISQn O KITOEN HEROEn ond D on Konyon.^ loam In LSA C Midg«

Storoo), In. 6D PACIFIC OUTDIihnv . 11)0 sp o r t o f h o t airnnri ffl'IN S ID E BUSINE!^ 1! • ( » -O fttK O P ED IC .Ivm* DATE' B S e R O A D T O S E

look a t th o athlo iosPfo. physically. montoHy,Kn for tho In tonso

oaV. tho 1968 S um m or 0

THE SHOV/ MOVIEtho 5 & Dlmo JImn

uno 10.1988 T im o s-N o w s. 1

undtiy'C racklntho W orld" ... Ftetion) D ona An- 5cott.\ group o l strango rs kioy ranch and an- f oro thoro to carry

r MOREAUX'Basod flbrfurw orw W or 11 “: nun (Lorotta Swltl 1 ol Jowlsh childrenNazis:--------------------------D Footurod: racing Stole Fairgrounds,

irlos Titio C haso a n d oor National Moto- ' Storoo)HB GOLD MONKEY EASON Rogglo Vart Irlond (Audrey M oa-' ho moon; K ram den a tho mkl-Atlanlic In sy Fonwick Babbitt os cakes on a con-

"The E leanor (1965. Blogrophy)

rratod by Archibald

IWESTJRE’S R O in E S T h o _ I social bohovior 01 igulns.---------- ------

EOlCINE UPDATE )D BASEBALL OF TENNIS Arthurfo5n~Ki<iglra«rifio lornalional popular- _

iS NEWS Q I HOUSE"Bob Vila /'a '^ rq tio t 'k ilc h o n h a marblo t>xport CO. and consido rs stem s. (R) qWORLD (Promloro)------tako drastic moa-0 for Boano. (R) (In

VPOINT .: A rood to st of lho •uXT6 Coupo; buy- im rental firms; th a . >SE S edan 's long- Jotod.:• rr t o b e a v e r1 during his se arch 3onco dalo.

OES Foaiurod; Moi n . the winnlngost Jgol Car history. (In

DOORS A look a l llr ballooning. lESSS. SURGERY UP- . .

SEOUL An in-doplh os a s Ihoy p rep a re ily and omotlonally ^ p e l l t lv o n o s s of O l^ p ic s in S outh

"Como B a ^ to - Timv Doan. Jim m y i.Tw in Falls, Idaho 27

Page 58: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

!;. r r r

... ...... :t

SiindaiO oon" (1982. Oror

. - . Cher.~-s- - -------------- 8500 O fNSPeCTQI

CO HEE HAW Co-t • Q uosts: Sylvia. Ja i

O 00 W A U STRI S tocks In Rosorvo

- .........................K nlahi.PolnoW obldont.S ) ABC NEWS p O CHARLES IN C

—J------------------ goniw ns-jasurtflC ia faihor visito. (R) cy

a OV IDAHO AT I CD BOOVWATCH / questions about lo

------- - - ndss:------- —O MOVIE **V2 fiold. M innosoln R

• - • - • - om ) Cim Robortao: QD THREE'S COR big track winnings Iho ttirodsomo. a (12) STAR Tl GENERATION D al ollko throblons to ft

______________ p a s s o n ^ r s ond ccryeloi oHtit7T{R)"c: CS (11) SMALL W

’ Jo a n oro In lor a s l soils Iholr homo. (F

— O FATHER.MURf nos3nion Is onrsQOi lo r bocom os romi with a young m on j CD MOVIE **V3

----------------------- Horrrol“-<1967— e

O AMERICAN S CAOE Footurod: SC Iruck ChQilongo:

-----------------pto iw W p-for-S opeG rand PrIx o f Di

' Storoo)! CB OU TO FTH ISW

Evio loko drastic m da to for Boono. (R) r a (MMY FAMILY i MALS Thorosldoni! porfoct day on th rrutgplos. (Part 9 o f S ) M‘A*S‘H Q SPIRIT OF ASIA Sic and docorallvo o

................ • donoslan provmco.O WORLD REPOR' O PUBUC POUCY CD SPORTSCEHTEI

. (WFAMILY.MEOICI O a e SISKEL & EE HBO MOVIE * * "Sl O uost F o rP o o c o "

-----C hristophor Hoovo.---------------------- fTWC) MOVIE *TTO

H ondorsons" (1987 U lhgow. Mollnda Oi CIN MOVIE M rs. Muir" (1947. F j rlson. Gono Tlornoy

. . 5 :30 CD COUNT DUO------------------- r O - (3®-A0AM • &h

WOHU>GD O.C. FO U IE S O CLOSEST TO TH a M NBC NEWS CQ WILD AMERICAOt wildlifo four>d In p Including door, ra c c o W fds. -


28Tlm0S-Nt3WS, Twin

t y ■1:;; ;.................................. . . . ® c

• joinIrom aj Sandy Oonnis,

rOttjOAOGETl^ h o s t : Rogor Mlllor.J a c k Groono, (R)

T R E E T WEEK "Aulo ^ o r t irvo?" Guost: Ann C.. 7 " " /ob b o r firsl Vico prosi-

Q C N CHARGE Old onia- lflM _wtJon_W aUai-s---------

S ,o . . .w „ 'f't lo o d . hoalih and lil-

^ "T h o Groat North- 1 R o ld" (1972. Wost- ^taon ,-R obert Duvall.--------- _JOMPANY Chrlasy’sn g s thronton lo split g -o o e

TBEK: THE NEXT JJ* O o to 's android look- ^ * 10 food tho Enlofprlso " d c ro w lo 0 doodly

rj-i r. WONDER Tod nnd *1 su rp rise whon Vlcki

JHPHY A lOCOl OUCI- J “ "Sigod w hon Ws daogtt------omantlcally Involvodan o t th o orphanooo^. £1° ; ;*Vj "M onkoys. Go ' ®—eom ody)-M oufico ---------

I SPO RTS CAVAL- : SC CA Coors Raco- o: ValvoIIno Cham-___ ^

Dnll0s?*Tex03. (In

5 W ORLD D o n n o ^ d c m o a su ro s to got a (R) (in Storoo)

. r AND OTHER ANI- o n is or Corfu on)oy a

th o walor. talking / p j'O "» o f 10) • ■ K .

> IA T hodancos .m u- S ro a r ts o f Gall, on In-


:o" (1987. Fonlftsy) vo. G ono Hackman.T T i-^ n r ry 'n n < n n o ---------987. Fanlasy) John

-V "T ho gW sI and : F an tasy ) ROX Hnr-

U ck u L A•SMITH’S MONEY • bprinc

poopli our Ai

T H ^ P ,N S'S: a An oxomlnalion world n populo tod orons.

ACM.'HEHIFF Tho d'onii-

A ln Fa lls , Idaho Friday, Jun<

u:TlS.iriivo HlltJy-G having a n affnflth a m nrnod m an , (R) ----------Q (11} 9 TO 5 M arsha Is roluctani t )in 'ih b ‘o lhoV B brkloy"socrolorio /ho oro on atriko.9 €S NEWS ........ ......B (Ml LAST OF.THE MOHICANS Mt u a sonds Iho M unros to tw o sopoi lo d cam ps: Alico to o H uron vlllagi ;oro 10 Iho O olaw aros. a tribo unlto rlih tho Mohican na tion ,.(Po ri 9 c 3) ■ •B SPORTS SUNDAY Barry Moro }caps tho w ookond of iho world c p o n s , ■□ BEST O F AMERICAN MUSCLilAGA^IKE-------------------------------S MILESTONES IN - MEDICINI Infarction: Tho Hic on Dangor ■> Ml ENTERTAINMENT THI: 'EEK Donny O sm ond laiks nboi IS now (libum. (In Sloroo)'

vT n i n g .......................

D CD ROWAN A MARTIN'S LAUQH I) CS (11) S> 60 MINUTES p I C10) NOVA A bohind-tho-9Cono o k a t Iho dovolopm ont o l a nov>ack-food-(R ).p -_______________3 O C#) DISNEY SUNDAY MOVII rho Liboraiors" A .p a ir o( Irlonds-10 block, ono w hito--undoriako / in g o ro u i m ission a s . thoy'liQ li uvos o sc ap o fro m tn o pro^av ii w a }ulh, (A "DIsnoy S un d ay Movlo' osontQlion R) (Port 2 o l 2) pIIMJ ( 1:1 CD OUR HOUSE (In Sloroo

jlBRAOSHAW-OM-JTHE, FAMlLj to charactorisiics o< a dyslunc mal family.I (12) 21 JUMP STR E ET Hansor

undgrcQvar—t o —n a b —n- hinh- hool loan shark . (R) (In Storoo)1 BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE ipic: "Tlio O r(onso.o(,.tho C ross,' )voragool Dr. G ra h am 's proachint; iit to Fininnd.I ANIMALS O F AFRICA Tho flying 'imming, diving a n d (ishing habils ,gnnnots nonr th o C a p o o l Gooc >po.MIKE HAMMER VIDEO DISC JOCKEY (M) POLICE SQUAD Drobin gooa

dorcovor to invostigato n boxor's icldo,HORSE IN SPO RT A S p a n ish rld-


irld C ham pionship. From Oaylona och. Fin- (R)-.-PHYSICIANS' - JOURNAL-UR>TE -<0W ] MOVIE * * * "T ho Color of noy" (1986, O ram o) Paul Now n . Tom MAKE ROOM FO R DADDY AMERICAN SNAPSHOTS Trisha -Ingar and D o a J a c k s sook ou l ttio )plo .ind plocos w hich m ako up

Amorlcnn horitago .MY FRIEND LIBERTY A 10-yoar- boy windo up in a m ngical clay

rid nnd takos a jou rnoy Ihrough lory wiiM mo S ta tu o Ol LIborty, in- 30S "Sundao in N ow York." tho iclamy Award-wlnninQ onlmatodIff.

uno lO . 19Sa

affair q INSIOTwrNSTOH...... A bohlnd-lho-sconoo

an n o _____rncing,..Including. Jn nlorios' iighis and iat'6'-broat<ir

Nod JarrotL (In Sloroc . . BRUSH STf

» Ma* stnrts a rolaiionship 1 opar- doss namod G oynor.' "ago: O m FEED MY PEO: mitod- HBO MOVIE *1^ "Poii 9 Of Citizons on Pa tro l" (1

. . . Slovo G uttonbarg. Bu loroz SHOW MOVIE **V i " tId o( Aclion" (1977. Comoc

ilior. Bill CoBby.5CLE 7:00 IP MY THR EE SO


10-yoar-old qu iz sheTHjS___muni chooao botwooiboui* amintoin'nis s tn iu s of

and giving uph isnow fi- lo r tu n o .q ....................GO O 3 ) MACQYVE bocomos a ta rgd t for ti

JOH- Gyvor loorns o socrot (R}PO (M) C» I S FAMILY

onos roinlionsMip bolwoc now^ broihor and nioco dot

------- ------- Koatons.ltfid-UiomsulvOVIE' dio ol a iQmily loud. ( nds-* (Pan 2 ol 2) pI'O a, trJN A TU REM an'sadvholp_____ on 0 Malay Trinnglo c t■War- -phiiippfnos.'lln SloTool >vlo " o NATIONAL OEOC

PLORER African oloph jroo) plo ol Hong K ong awa

cl sovoroignly; a m oiMILJ---------a rtin aa ll^ 6 ;-« (h o » g ltunc- onz oxploros anim al t

zii's wiidlilo pr030rv0( iso n io,5.TWhr^ - - ----- -------------------- -----




' - i gona


ir of -

I n ‘T h a t S c c r c t S l Y J o u m B lls t s G e r a iIho .(J flm cs F a r e n t l n c up C o l I lc S h c n ^ o b d

A s h b r o o k ) d i s c o i ;jQy a l s t c n c l e s i n a p a liQh c o v e r* u p o f t h e r r

tho w o rtod to n ig h t o n C B S . -

) N 'C U I iR A ^ G)o look a t aulo nto^iow_s,_hlgh- _ ; l<ing‘how s. H ost:............. !

TROKES Ja ck o ‘13 With a stowar* 1

:6 p l eoiico Acadomy 4:(1987. Comody)

3ubba Smilh, 'I "A Pioco of tho lody) Sidnoy Po-

lONSe r t sh e t w r o t e ------------

F.KS "Top Kid" A how contostant oon choaiing toorbo lno ''hono!n------------wfound fame and

/EFI W hon Nikki r te rrorists. Moc- nt from hor past,

,Y TIES With Iho 'oon Stovon'a lotofioraiing. Iho ilvQS in tho mld- I. (R) (in Storoo)

dvorso inliuonco coral rool in tho 3oTpOQRAPHIC EX-phnnio; tho poo- wail tho iranofor lountainoor withBl6t-Konraa.Lor— :--------I bohavior; Bra*/od in watorco*

S u n d a y . 'a i d R e m s o n n o ) a n d '•d ( D a p h n e ' ' o v e r in c o n * ' l o l l c e . m u r d e r a m e n . A ir

■ I

Page 59: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

[ i S l l N D l A Y i i

. . .......... I 7:00 II O [wondcrwoi

■ I |MaeGyvor

O W F.mily T. |:

I C l iNaiioaal Co

j B J lAmcff- |c I I B |Murdof. srii

{ffl jig I Prank Sifiali

------- ------ :----- lO-t^Mggia^—sa;^ jsHOW ImovIo: "A P

I HBO jpolicoAcad

-------- ----------0<12)-AMEfllCA’6Cf) STAR SEARCH O IN TOUCH CD DANQERrolationshlp wilh his w hon Ihoydiscovori O MOTOWORLD I

- Irom -tho Illinois Sti------- ------------ih o C a m o lP ro ^ r io i

tho 2S0CC Outdoor C foss Sorlos. (In Ste Q>COVER STORYS

. . . KonborryrnndrMlcfta Law").SH m FRANK SINA' lor tho Am orlcas" Fr form s 0 mix o l his <

■ ^^rnpornry sonflS al

D ominican Republic, S> MYSTERY OF Z i

■___ for a shipwreck,_ _ ’m ~W £EK~IH REVIE’

CDBODYBUILDINQ/ Uniworso_Chomplona so n . Artz. (R) a o CAROtOLOGY Ul O MOVIE * * * (1940, V/osiorn) Clai cor Tracy.(TMC) MOVIE * "I (1986. Droma) Chario rio S nodg rass .CIN JU ST ANOTHEl lon Pnrkor reports o r doat on O ttaw a faml

• In n n o ttom pt.lo find d lsoppoarod on rouli

7:30 CD DONNA REB orphon (Potty Potersi with tho S tonos. O O D O qC B M Y TWC Is Bhockod whon he la te s t lovo Intorost Is

— : ongaBod-nlooir(R ) (li o (12) MARRIED... REN A ssum ing Ihoy t ond Peggy ovoroxton c log 's new crodit card p , - ■CD ANIMALS IN ACT

- . ortlmals th a t live noaw ator.O HIDDEN HEROES artd Oon Konyon. ti team In LSAC Midget S teroo)CD HOLLYWOOD INS: CD WEEK IN ROCK G9 ROAD TO THE W


) 1 7:30 |"6:00 I .8 :3 0 IrWorks Nolufo ________t,

^or Movio: "Slarcrossod"

T. |z Dads ~ Evoigroon

I Googroptilc E«pk>ror__________ P

|ChiiOfon jsnon- |D ue7 T

, Stic 7«o:c I Wovw; ■•'nial S«fol Si

■ifialra.................. -- V

•saom Ta^rn---------- ------- p

'A Pinco ol tf>o Acllon" Conl'd ■ M

iC3d. A (movIo: -Dlind~Dalo''

A’SM O eT -W A N T E D ------ iii> IhSH 8:00 C

marrlBAY M arty 's : O ) C

his fa ther is otroinod crat i»er on bnclent fossil. Paror.□ Foaturod: roclng a (1CStato Fairgrounds. onco

oor National Molo- (j4)C3 Storoo) (1965

IY Schodulod: Jill El- Bauo :ctiaui .Tm;Ht?rrc:L-:Ai.,i; , ' _ 0 ! a

. BolvaINATRA "A C o n c o n In ti '• Frank S lnotra per- whor< Ils c lassic w ith con- a s an 3 a l tho Q roek Am* . ambit

G havo in Iho ■' 'fair'w blic. and b-ZANONI A so a rcn Ahn.i

•_______ !__________ McShWJEW— .:r--.--(7):T » 'JQ A A U M r.nndM s. t Io N lonahlps. From Tuc- Albort

Willlarf UPDATE ^an ai* * ••Boom Tow n" . prot II Clark G ablo. Spon- dour:

3 016► "M urphy's Low^^ o (15 laries B ronson . Car- SHOW

lest V-HER MtSSINQ KID b0{iull s on tho gruoling or- CD NE amily w enL through cD BE find thoir so n . w ho cD MC ou te to Colorodo. . onder :EEO An 8-yoar-old phy) D ersen) w an ts to livo a 8 /

SamHrWO DADS Michool tho To I he learn s lh a t his bum F >t Is Judgo W ilbur's .. Q) ROi R) (ln Storoo) - . - o c t o r l 3... WITH CHILD* oy o ron 't liable. Ar ® “ 0 ctond on Buck ih o z r a rd . (R) (In Storoo) ®

HCnON Fodtured: ' ® noar ond in -fresh- -

IES Foalurod: Mol1. tho w innlngost • F /P o Jgot C ar history. (In ' [SgHOW



T 9 : 0 0 1 9 :3 0 I l 0 : 0 0 [ l 0Masterploco Thoairo ' M. C

Id........... TwiI,

I News M'A

Pago Jdrry Polwoll Worl

T. Ullman Snoria | Manor Hogi

■I Sunday'.^ ________________ Mow

I Police Strol

' oartisacr tsiotanvfosimig-------------

Movmj: " tho Color ol Money"

|MqvIo: •'Hooslo

L' INTERNAL MEOICIN&UPDATE- 3 O MISTER EO Ed w an ts lo goi arrled. .) eg (11) s > MOVIE * * "T h at S o ­ot Sunday" (1986. Oramo) Ja m es jronllno. Parker Stovonaon.I (10 NATURE M an's advorso Influ- »co on a Moloy Trianglo coro l roof In

) 0 C»3 MOVIE Hr* ' S to rc ro ssod - 965, --Sclonco Fiction) Belinda luor, Jam os Spador.) !2jD CS IB.EVEROREEN B 'osM on )lva Plain's novel, tho s lo ry o pens

turn-ol-tho-century Now York ioro o young-Jew ish w om an w o/ka ' a maid for a rich larnlly. m arrie s an ibitious houso palntor, h a s en af-

d boors their daughter. S tar Losly in.W arren. Armand A ssan to r lan :Shand. (R) (Part 1 of 3) n i^THE-WESTjJF^THE -IfcUOtNA.- 3N Painiors T hom as M oran and M)rt BiorstadI. and .photogrophors lllam H. Jackson , Timothy O'Sulli- n and Eadw eard Muybrlflgo intor- 3t Iho W estern lan d scap o 's gran- ur: "Wild W est's" final d a y s. (Pan

6) qj(12) i r S QARRY SHANOLINQ'SOW G arry Ignores h is sh o w 's con- I winner aftor mooting r^ancy's [luilful friond. (In Storoo)NEWSBEN-HADENMOVIE * * * "The Siory of AIox- jor G raham Soil" (1939. Blogro- I) Don A m eche. Loroilo Young. BAS8MASTER8 Foolurod: n^o

Tl Rayburn and David W arton from Toxas Invitational on Som Roy-

n Reservoir. (In Steroo]ROBERT KLEIN TIME Schodulod; o r Potorraoylo; com po sn r lrv tn g ~ 3sar.MONTY PYTHON’S FLYING CIR- SKOREA: AN OVERVIEW HEADUNE NEWS BODYBUILDINQ IFBB Night ol im plona. Ninth onnuot from .N ow .. K.(R) - • ■ —^^^BSTETRICS/OYNECpLOGY

lOW] MOVIE * * "Horry orid Son " Drama) Paul Nowman. Robby

ison.HBO MOVIE * * * "Blind Dato" 37. Comody) Bruco Willis. Kim

Friday . J u n o 10,

........ ..... . ' " y f1 0 : 3 0 1 1 :0 0 1 1 1 : 3 0 1 2 :M. Group Sign-Off '

Twil. a - |0no Ony |Enl. •

M'A'S'H Music Clly Nows Country ,

World Chid. | j . Hoga

Hognn ' Wild. Wild Wesl ' Car3(

Movio; "Fool f y 1.0VO'' •________

Strokos Frank Smatra-------- “


Movio: "Hariy and Son"

osiers" , |g . Ct

TE----------------goi _________ - .

So- Baslngor. mos 8:30 O MAD MOVIES V

CONNECTION iflu- -- 0 { 1 2 )D U E T U u ra 's> Bf|f> - .. lom -w orsons a ller a---------=— «‘yi-Bor».,ia).Un.5!oc&od " CW INN NEWS nda CD ROCK ALIVE

O AMERICA'S Mo r : Jo n • W 1987 O uonV r'H c 6ns Champions and Worl 'ork Q uaner Running H orst y k t U® FAMILY MEDICINE jo n CIN MOVIE.** "Girls a l-_____ *lavo Fun '-( l985 .-C o :

’Sly 8:35 CD YOUNG ONES lo" oil in tho boys ' basom(

----- 9 :00 C a .LANCELOT.UI

>nd O CS 09 MASTERPlEt O'S "Tho Lost Ploco oh Eai •Jill- to the Soulh Polo begir O’- Royal Novy Copt. R< on- Scott and Norwegian o> ’“ 0 Amundsen publicly am

goals. (R )(P art 1 of 6) i J S o SPORTS PAGE Talk 3n- Ing otl m ajor sports Is y 3 • woek. Hosiod by Jo h n '

O (12) TRACEY ULU Skoiches: Francesca wc lood rosiaurant: New Y te rs paniclpBia In a alni

fO* . Howard-Smith conqueri flying. (R) (In Steroo)

vo • c t) O a |l TALES FROM 3m SIDE>y- - O RODEO Mosqulio c r

Rodoo from fiilosquito. Stereo)

n g —; TCDTOOK A T T re ir o w " flD a® VARIETY TONIGHcom edians Moniollh om Paul Wildboum: vontrilc Pottison; singer Glenn Storoo)

o ' 8 3 IMPACT: EARTH H......... could dlrocl 0 random c<

-------- toroid Into o collision couEonii.



) 10,1988 TImeo-Nows.TwIn

____ n r

2:00 112:30 . ..

It. This Wook

7 Awards

>gan L. Jonos ,

I rson Sign-Off





s drinking prob-


•RSE. Featured: . .Horso .R unnlpfl_ ........ .orld Champion ••so, (In Storoo)<E UPDATE Is J u s t Want to ; omody) Saroh

S Vivien s(rikos ment.UNK.-SECRET___ ___

lECg THEATRE - ia n h " Tho race g l r a i n l9 0 7 a s Robort Falcon oxploror Roald

announce thoir 5 )Pilk-Bhow focus-

Issues of iho n Wolla.XMAN SHOW works a t a fast-

York commu- ilng-along; Kiki ara he r lear'o f


Charnplonship 10. T oxas. (In

------- --------------3KT Featured; ind Rond and riloquist John in Smith. (In ,

How gravity com et « r as* - ...........

ourso with tho



Tho Color of

'In Falls, Idaho 29

Page 60: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

~ r “ Monoy” (198m an. Tom Cn (TMC) MOVI

- Shumo"i. (191 T ow nsona. At

f tlO O B R IT IS I I ' go t woird wl

D osmond Invii country homo

9 :30O M 0N K E

■ O JE H R Y FA O (12) SHE’!

— ------------InloH eroaw hoordor brido wti OInsmoro. (R) OD LOU QRAf. o f Mrs. PynctK to an Invosilgo flght oporation O EO YOUNQ O WHERE THERE'S AN * m IM ALAS Now opisodos foaturing Briti Smllh nnd Qrlfl O S P O R T S T O Hickman, Nick a n INTERNALi O flP^LOBAL

10:00 0 STOCK I------- iSS’s®®®O (12) MARBL

............ O LARRY JON - O STEVE ALL


aro prosoniod, with Moi Brool Jlmmy-Duianio

glno biiHdor^Nor , “ on repair onfl


> _ YEARS TO FIN>CD 120 MINUTE! Ok: ond the groi

VMI thoconforploco :i. - O o a POLICE !

undorcovor to ir suicldo.

„ ,'i' O A R T H U R C .C ' IOUS WORLD

*;■ oyow itnossos atga tions of Ihis p amlfwd.


- from Huniingu

( » PHYSICIAN:- ....................... - -D A T E -- - -

T T HBOT^OVIE-*-*-, O ram a)G onoH ai

[sHOW J MOVIE-I J ons"(19fl7 .F onu

Paul, Rtchoxd Ly CIN M O V IE-** (J987. Drama) Jc

C I f t l s ^ X A B C NSI' 0 ( 1 1 ) CBS NE\Tt 10-.SO O KEYS TOI* . O O M C L A ^ Q I-

— .............

. ■ 30 T im os-N ow s, Twi

iay “1986, D fam o)' Paul Now- Crulso.

OVIE* * * * "Hollywood (1987. Comody) Robort I, Anno-Marlo Johnson . nSH COMIC STRIP Things

w hon w ookond hipstor !nv iiosagroup lo h ls d a d 's imo. .IKEES MIko Is swindled by Ing 08 0 m usic publishor, . FALW EU

<E’S THE SHERIFF Hlldv vnon Max m atclios a mail*I with tho occontrrc Dichio

^ANT Tho d isappoaranco K hon 's twiowod pot loada illgatlon o> nn lllogal dog- tion.INQ. ______IE THERE’S A WiLL >N A^S SMITH ANO JONES Jos ol Ihls com ody s h o w , . British com odlans Moi SrifT Rhys Jo n o s .; TONIGHT A nchors: Frod ick Charlos.AL MEDICINE UPDATE SAL WRESTLING ;K MARKET VtOEO 10:K » ( T ) g ( 11) e Q D g)___^BLEHEAO MANOR (R) ' I lONES ' IELLEN'S GOLDEN AGE 10:rx n p s -o r tt irs -x o m o d i* -------on .show & Jorm -}d56-6l____ 1-1:od, including sogm onts I rooks. Johnny C arson , ' ruo and olfiors. • • « W A N O & Ptoa'Pga iu igd;----------- 1

S o rm an Nogro w ith lips a n d m alntonanco. (In '

MG LIFESTYLES: TWO f MNANCIAL FREEDOM , CITES Now tre n d s in mu- ^groups rosponslbio aro ,, « o ofithls p rogram . .:e SQUAb D robln 'goos . „0 invosilgato a box o r 's g

C. CLARKE'S'MYSTER- “i> SlrDf>go s lo rio s by C} and sclontinc Invosti- dis phooom onon aro ox- nc

0(lEPORT lol1 O .P. C ham pionships, nl' ngton Booch , CaUf. O

:ANS' JOURNAL UP- - pr<--------- - ......................pc

A V A '-H ooslors-T fasu ;---------CDHackman, Donnls Hop- CS

THVIE * * "Tho Barbari- FC antasy) Polor and David QD I Lynch; • . . ' . ® •* * * "Dirty Dancing" for ) JonnllorG roy . Patrick for


Twin Falls, Id ah o Friday. J u

, : .OTrW ItWHrZONE-A-iSorffni nriod by what so o m s to bo a

. irom oulor spaco.■ a SC M 'A 'S’H---------------------

...... (D TO THE MANOR BORN ffacos a sorlous b u s in e s s cris O WORLD TOMORROW CD SPORTS MACHINE O (12) HOGAN’S HEROES o n MOVIE **V4 “ High Mic (1979, Ofamn) Miko C onnors. Birnoy.0 (1 1 )M O V IE * * W 'F o o l lor {1985. Orama) Sam S hbpart Baslngor....CD JOHN OSTEEN O AMERICAN SPO RTS C,

------CADE-FuulurV>a;- SCCA i;o o r!rtruck Challongo; Valvollne < pionship lor S uper Voo Iroi G rand Prix ol D allas. Toxn Sioroo)OD LIFESTYLES OF THE RIC^ FAMOUS Sophia Loron; R

___ _Slmmona: monoy m nnagem oipori Charlos Oivons: tro a s u re I Moi Flshor; acior Tim Rold ("Fi PlocoV). (R)S ) OC) BRUSH STROKES . s ta r ts a rolallonship w iih a st d o s s namod Gaynor.8 9 TOWAROS 2000 (TMC) MOVIE * * V j ••Bnliad o l ' H ogue" (1970, Com ody) Jaso i b a rd s, Slolia Slovens.

1 0 :35CD MOVIE * * * "D ark o l the (1968. Adypriturp) R qd jT nylor



O BOSOM BUDDIES T roublo o w hon on undtsguisod K ip Is so tho room with a d b g u iso d Horn O a c MUSIC Cn~¥ NEW&<?OW AWXnOST^iTslc C ilyT iow s su t b o rs 'c h o o so ihoir lavorito coi m usic artists In Ihis 2 2nd annpo onl. Rocoiving multiple nom inal Robu McEntlro, tho S ta tio r Brotl G eorgo Strolt. Randy T ravis, Hi Barbara MandroH, the S ta ile r Bi o rs . From the G rand Olo O pry H< In Nashvlllo, Tonn.£D BUTTERFLIES Ria c a u s o s r than the usual c h ao s in tho kiic go o s into church a n d to lls God ond nearly runs oyor a do g .

O CHRISTIAN CHILDREN’S FUI CD DOM DELUISE SHOW B u d R no ld s ond .Shom ion H om sloy > Oom; Maureon and h e r h u sb a n d lobralo thoir-six-monlh w odding nivorsory. (fl)O (12) WILD, WILD W EST A dOC

-Is-Jiirod-lo--brainw ash-W «gt-tindprogram him lo kill nn Inlluoni poace lu l Indian.O SOt OFLEX— ^ CD PRAIRE HOME COMPANK THE 2ND ANNUAL FAREWELL P£ FORMANCE QD PERFECT OIET m 1/9 FRANK SINATRA 'A Conc for tho Americas" Frank S in n ira p form s a mix o l his c la ss ic wllh cc tem porary songs ol Iho G rook A phiihoatro In Alton Oo C hnvo in i D ominican Ropubllc.S WORLD OF FESTIVALS A B varian Oktoborlost.

Ju n o to , 1D88 .

m nrns'lor- : f g AUTO RACI » 0 visllor plonship. Grand

“ . . : i_ ff lN v e sT H E SIN Richord O (4|) OEEP SC crisis. . SHOW MOVIE i

. (1984, Drama) f B enson .

S 11:15 CD ENTEM ldnighf WEEK

ors. David H :21 Q ) L IFE Sn AND FAMOUS

I lor Love'" c h ard Slmmoni pard, Kim m ont oxpod Cl

.. su ro hi^nlor Mo * , R eid ("F rank 's f

CAVAL-. 11:30 0 ONE DA\ a r!m n c o - CDDONTTW TT 10 Cham- • O JAM ES ROB Irom the CD ROPERS En

'oxns. (In w hon Helen sell thon tho Ropors

IICH AND tie o v e r the com Richard CD YOUNQ AND

rmpnt ox- , CD DISCOVER., ire humor ’ cC ENTERTAINI ( "Fronk's O onny Osm ond i

olbum . (In Store< S Jack o S ) RENOEZVOU Q stownr- lO M # CABLE TI

[SHOW ] MOVIE O u t" (1962, Coi

l o l Cablo Ann-M argrol. / nson Ro- 11:35 C33 MOVIE *<

(1985. Oromo) S the Sun" B aslngor, ylor,_Jlm .. -j2:00 O _M 0V IE _-------- -------------TOUCH..... (1948,-

R ussell. Loo Oon O ENTERTAINh D onny Osmond t

.T = = = = = S ? S t J ? S Slo e rup ts PERRINI soon in o HOGAN’S HEIjyilTTIV P CARSON’MiBicri; g o 700 CLUB ^couniry q RODEO Mosqi

m ualev- R odoo Irom Moiinailons: S ioroo)Irothers, o MELLINQER h

H osts: o VIDEO DISC JirB roih- , ® Q U E S T O R S P lty Houso buildings and buli<

• ,^.-.., 6 9 MONEYWEEK3S rnoro q PU BUC POUCkllchon. . 0 SPORTSCEMTIjo d OfT. O QD SELF-IMPR

HBO GEORGE CAFUND DOING IN NEW Jrl floy. Grommy-wlr>y visit ° s tand-up spoin d c e - -1988.. (In Storoo) ging on. CIN m o v ie * * *

flo (1987. Comocdoctor so n d . Anno-Mnrloa n e - to -------»2 n 5 C g-AT TT<E Mljonilal, "D(o H ard" (Bruco

............. . . is l lll"v "B lg B u s ln (--------------------D i/T om nn):---------iNION: 12:21 S ) NIGHTWAT LPER- g ro ss )


oncori - H ard" (BrucoWllHs rap e r- "B ig B usiness" (I h con- Tomlin),K Am- Q ) FROM OMAH in lho Nino A m ericans att

Evorost,A Bo- m SPO RT S LATEI


iCING.Ofl-fload Cham- ' nd Prix. from H ouston,

E R tj^ S Q H lf c :T = T Z ._ . SOUTH W R E S 'aiN G E * * "Harry ond S o n ') Poul Nowman, Robby ■


TYLES O F THE RICH IS SophIo Ix ro n : Ri- 5ns; monoy _ m ttnago- .. Charlos G ivons; troa- Mol Flshor: a c to r Tim s Ploco"). (R)AY AT A TIMEtTTDP-----------------------------)BISONEveryone I s -a m a z e d ells a low nhouso . but rs and B rookosos bai- smmisslon,40 SUM AGAIN1........................ ... .'INMENT THIS WEEK id talks ab o u t h is new reo)3USTIMEIE * * "Lookin’ to Got ikimedy) Jo n Voight,

**Vi "Fool for Lovo"I Sam Shepard . Kim

-"T T M -V olvot--

onn.NMENT THIS WEEK 3 ta lks abou t h is now 00)fllSE-DF-REGINAtO-------


squito C ham pionship Xosqullo, T oxas. (In

I HOUR : JOCKEYPlastic* usod In ca rs , uliot-prool Jackots.•KJCY CONFERENCE fTERPROVEMEtn- :ARUN: WHAT AM I I JERSEY? Tho vo- vlnning com odian In poclal, on M arch 26. tp

* "Hollywood Shul- >od^) Robort Town-

MOVIES s c na a u ioo:------ICO Vi/lills); "Poltorgo- ilnosst. (Botto MldTor.

kTCH (Jolnod In Pro-

ONES ' •1E8 Schodulod; "Dio Ills); "Poltorgolst III":

(Bottfi Mldlor. 4Jly

(HA TO EVERESTattem pt lo climb Mt.


Page 61: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

' •’‘-a ib n '''’r ’'W omon‘ • • vFr'bmSUnnyviilo.'l

a s INTERNAL ME-------------- -------l2:39*(TMC)-MOVII

(1967, Susponso) Jo m o s Caan.

12:45fBM U SlCCtT> AWARDS M usic C tx jra chooso thoii m usic ortlsts )n thi ont. Rocolving mui Roba McEntlro, thi G oorgo Sirall. Ra. B orboro Mondroll, o rs. From Iho Qrar in Nashvlllo. Tonn.

TION ICD INN NEWS CD MOVIE * * -S d o n " (1940. Drami ton . VIvion Loigh. CBBREAKTHRUT

' SD M) VARIETY T( com bdians Monto) Paul'W lldbaum ; v Pottlson; singor < Storoo)

. 0 EVANS « NOV.

. (II) INVESTMENT / a a s 4S FORTUN SHOW MOVIE * * ' (1987. Fanlasy) F Poul. Richard Lync

1 :10 HBO MOVIE ' d(no” (1988,Advonl

____ji::rr;;e iio n Bart<incr“ :1:16 [SHOW] MOVI

(1976. Oramo) Ollvit □iffrlng.

1:30 O MOVIE •(1950. Comody) Bl

-------------- ---------B in :------- --------------CD CARSON’S CO* CB MOVIE * * * "A

_____________— (1979. Dfotna) Tlmr


S oap s• C o n tin u ed firon

in g Stephen or she i thing.

Maggie worrice ab< a tion w ith Melissa c Lives.” Kiriakis is at Ju a tin . Roman barely trap .

A nna is dcsponder w ith Duko on “(3ci Cheryl worries about

---------— =-rJeromtffaniilyr Bobbia stranger. Felicia is

_ Ro b e rt:a n d Cheryl js ta rs a f te r a camp visi

Ju lia and Mason ( M acCormock murder

, bara ." C ain.and the ag a in over Ming Li. i jection could send 1 bend onfco again.

Jea lo u s of Cricket g e tting nowhere w \t th in k s o f thc bottle and the Restless.” Lgq


ton 's! Chdm bidnship, ■lo. Cal)l.'(R)' ' ’ NowMEDICINE UPDATE ______ foati

ISO) SImono Signorot, O C'— O 5

:iTY NEWS COUNTRY (1931Ic City Nows subscrl* Slovt Iholr favofllo « jun try . CIN1 this 22nd onnuol ov- way;multlpio nomlnallons: Jack, tho Statlor Brolhors. 1:35 Q Ra.K-V Trovls. H osis; . • 1:50 Groll, tho Siatlu< Broln- 2:00 OSrand Olo Opry H ouso of He)nn. Lougt I CI I CP ______ f j j_ j


"Sldowalks of Lon- 6D0C amo) Charlos Lough- tioro) ]h. IholoUTO'BEAUTY 69 HIr TONIQHT Foaturod; 2:10 Qntolth-and R and ond -----2rJ5 fTi; vonlriloqulst Jo h n 451" )r Olonn Smith. (In Chris

lOVAK .4TA0ViS0RY m A MUNE n* * "Tho B arbarians" SHOvuf) Poior and Oovld ••.ynch. Ann*ME "Clinton ond No- 2-35 fSlhyonluro) Gofcto. tho Ac' OnlilnrlOVIE * "V onosso">llvia Pascal. Anthony | q

* * * "Fancy P o m s " . m p u i ) Bob Hopo, Lucllio n f l B I

COMEDY CLASSICS ^"A Shining S oo so n " h b q '

IS------------ —rom Pngc 6 aller rc(he could lose every- to hatch

Jessicaabout Jack s mfatu- take thc

ia on “Days of O u r’ and her i about to snufT out DakQt rely cscapcs another out to b

Ryan arident over th e sp lit Anthony (jcneral' Hospital." him cIos< out her ties w ith the adoring IAbie-takea up-w ith------Gwyh'» is caught in a fire, about v y ljlc c p jr id .e r jjh o _ jio y in g .: visit with Robin. ’ to cause in find clues to the ccy’s fan: ■der on “Santa Bar- todisapp the Mfuor skirmish .. .Bo'sat Li. A screenplay re- Clint sus d Tori around thc and with

ket and Scott, and with Nina, .Phillip I * 1 1 j tie on T h e Young Lcanna is on a high

ID-Sa ALAS SMITH’ ANO \JONE£ low o p iso d o s o l thls'cbfflody show laturlng British comodlans Momim -nno'Gfirj'Hb?4l6r»6T.-----------B CROSSFIREI MOVIE "Polnlod Troll- 938, W ostorn) Tom Koono. Eloonoi Iowan.IN MOVIE * * * "Tho Poslmon Al- ■ays R ings Twico" (1981'. Dramo] ick N icholson. Jossica Uango.5 QD ABC NEWS q B G D N e W S { R ) ..........................0 ID MOVIE * * * "Tho Pflvnto Llfo1 Honry VIII" (1933, Dromo) Chorlos lughton . Morio Oboron.1 M n\/i c "Hat f a l P aTtlo'~ 960. Com ody] Sponky, AltoKo.} SU C CESS NOW ) (Ml MOVIE -'Lllllo Lord Foun- iroy" (1S36. Dromo) Froddio Bor- olomow. Mickoy Roonoy.I HEADLINE NEWS UPDATE I 9 SHOWBIZ WEEK l-rrM C )-M O V IC "***-"Fahronnoir 11" (1967. Scionco. FIcilon) Jullo irlstlo. O sk o r Womor.CD C R E O rr TIME BOMB B ia STORYAMERICAN MUSCLE MAOAZINE a e FOOD BUSINESS TODAY OW MOVIE * * "Lookin' to Got I" (1982. Comody) Jpn Volght. vM orgrot.[SHOWI MOVIE "A Pioco of Action':. (1977.,_Comody).SIdnoy^

Uor,-8IU.Coaby----------------------------CD LOVE YOUR SKIN VIDEO D ISC JOCKEY SPORTS REVIEW >PUBUC POLICY CONFERENCE ilLMOVIE-**^Mr.Jrt^ang.O^Hac■_ —rt938rM ystory)-B oris-K arton:— nt W ithora.3 MOVIE * * V i ■'•Hoartbrook


regoining Victor’s favor. Kay haj itch a new_ scheme, to fu Nina, Ui doesn’t believe'John could the whole tru th about her post ler illness.kQta a n d Louis m ake John Reid 5 be a crook on “Ryan’s Hope.” arid M ark"sneak into George

jny's files. Ben's pointing brings loser to Lizzy. Dee plans to save ig Roger from Sherrie, yh can 'l m a k e up her mind

w hat to do with Jeff on :g.!Lirhc.Tcsurgcnt Eg^^t begins ise trouble for Clay. Even Sta- on tasies obout Rick are subject ippointment.> ffUrp**’°'*^g inoHirnI alfj|l nU^OS JUspicioQs on “One Life to Livo,” ith good r e a so n . Rob pays lo get

Friday, Ju n o 10, •


rail-' 'CD MOVIE * * V j jn o r Hom ot"' (1967, Coi

Chovallor. Doan Jon« I Al- CD CAN YOU BE THI mo) S ) CBS NEWS


- CIN MOVIE "Tl Llfo (1974. Drama) J a c k I rlos Yourtg.

-4:00 CD C U R b u S GEC



1930 short s ta rs W.C llrst lalklo o s Etfingtor man who claim s u n su

holt----------todgo of tho-gam o ofullo 8 » DAYBREAK


4:15 SHOW MOVIE u r (1976, Oramo) Olivia P

Dlffrino.;nt (TMC) MOVIE H*V2h, Long Shadow s" (1982

.. .cont Prkw. Potor Cusi Ql 4:30 CD OENNIS..THE fh fiv O TOM & JERR Y'S F

— -CD FAnKTW EM TY" ’.............. 'C D FliYING H o u s e


E Show s on A d s & E nte

t ----------CD NATION^S BUSTNE

^ k ^ ^ ^ M C A M I O L O G Y ^

— old—Oktolebeck“—(19 Harold Lloyd. Francos

has Cassie back, but keep ina. ■ th e money a secret. >uld opologize to Gabrielle, la s t else comes up. Dr. B n


Reconciliation is ii Phoebe a n i Langley o: dren." John Remingto town with a new bi» E rica ruris into trouble r ln oo oKniit hJnfnliA Rl guise and Cecily^mal

_____■____ ^Sta- Sam imd A m anda be ect Rachel on "Another V

h ire Josie to do h o r jO lies —fronts-Drcw. Jam ie’s J 0 ,” not exclusive. Zack spol get . Tiffany.M arlpy m akes

■nigrar1 0 ,19B8 Tim os-N ow s, Tw in

lun^y"M onkoys. Oo

:omody) Mourico


;s s■Tho U s t Dotail" k Nicholson. Oiis



SPECIALIST This /.C . Bolds In hl» o n Boilwoathor, a su rpassod know- o f g o i r ------------- --------- -

NFORMATION; * "Vonosso"1 Poscoi. Anthony

'2 "H ouso o l tho ' 83 , Mystory) Vin- - •

i'MEliilCE ITONHOUSE______

E SS 'f t Tho upcoming itertolnmont. 'NING

-------- :PDATE‘THb a tn-of Ha r - ........T»9477'Corrwdy)-------- :>s Ramsdoh.

ep s the source of i I. Max "wants to - le,- but something i: iruner marvels a t '

in the a ir for ' on "All My Chil- :

to n shows up in - usiness venture, jle bunting down■Qlfyn >lnna nlakes a play for

become jealous of ' World," so thoy

job. Nichole con-i-loife fo r-L isa is - - l vMts a performing is a decision.

. —T-

In Falls, Idaho 31 ;

Page 62: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles


I 6 :00 0 MAKE RCK C S )S (a i< E O < O (ifl) WILD AME u nusual animals. Ii to o a n d tho diving oxtlnct prolilsioric 0 3 WHEEL OF FC O FAMILY -TIEa m a tch Sklppy wim

. m NIOHTLY BUSI________________QD 'NFINfTE yOY>

.................signo r tu rns to Ha w hon sho ix)gtns ii

.Ing phono calls fror ‘d e a d partner.

.............. ................® .»<ID 8_.!N C0H fStac y foils lo rocof\ A lon 'sb lnhdoy parr o n d droom s sho 's i O NASHVILLE NO ID RIPTIDE A flow up m oy Im undonwi roo llros that tho b. him Isn 't that of his I an am iy training oo

___________ _O _ V ID E 0 .D IS C JOICD ENTERTAINMEf no ld Schworzoriogo*

---------------------- now-movlo-i'Red-Ho8D Ml UVINQ PLANE O F THE EARTH Oov o xp loros g roat rivers

' e luding lho Amozon,______________tioa-OUifaJoundJn-ti

O PERSPECTIVE Tl-------------------- lo-O iagnoso fnodical____________^aU»RJMEHE3«S_______________O EVENT. OF THE.E---------------------r a " C 0 U R s e 't 6 th

CUP — _•Q « CAQNEY A U C :.vow a ,to capturo iho > w oundod Chris bul ot ^ h a s to copo wilh hor -g u ilt a n d a now parin• » a a i) JETSONSStSH O W ] MOVIE **V: #(1988 . Comody) Donr

«(TM C) MOVIE ■■■ J B o y s ” (1986. Com i O 'K oofo. Poul Rodrigi •:0s O MOVIE * * i^B roken Halo'! (1982, I »Colom ffln.-Rol»rt Qulir | : 3 0 C9 MISTER ED Ed ^ a n d C aro l to rotum a

__________ ; th e y rocoivod o s a nff|--------------- ? n ^ 7 f i r W H E E L - ? > F


________ :x O CHEERS Sam * mai“ no9a offonds a Boslon r ^ sh o visits tho ba r to do I• sing lo s scono .

FAMILY TIES All• bo In h is b o s t frlond'n v

------- r-----T ® WILD"A“ ERICA AnI o f wildlifo found In popi

Including door, raccoons -- birds.

CD M 'A 'S ’H Hawkoyo booutlful Sw odlsh doctor a t th o 4077th to nbson/it

------- --------;------- EVENINO-------------

» T lm os-N ow s. Twin Fair

Monday eviROOM FOR OADOY D ( 1 1 ) 0 6D N EW S AMERICA A su rv ey of Is. Including th o mono- ‘'Ing spidor. o s woll os

IE S AWx-B p ro n s 10 ™

' Harry ond H orrlson IS receiving throaton- Irom hor supposed ly

O H PORATEO-W hon-------- a micoivo on invitation to VowOorty. aho falls osloop [q^ >’s Cindgrollo.NOW (In Storoo) q 1,,

Dovornmontol covor- j„ n snivoy whon a father0 body doNvorod to mod his son. tho victim o l ' ' p h „1 Occident. - . S “SJO C K E Y ________ ■WENT TONIGKT Ar-

ANET: A PORTRAIT to o 2 David A itonborougti r i t ^ggsxr.,,';: i*|= - r r ^ “ ------------------------W T!^ e% e r i c a -s .--------

^C E Y M ary B oth- lho gunm on w h o ,^^0)

( lo t mo sum o tim e s,„n «

i r ””" ’ ” ” “ "4

'*V i • WiBo G u y s" eSinu, I .™ , D0V.1O, J o o I S

i "The W hoopoo kimody) M ichael iriguez.'•Tho Kid wrtth tho >2, Fantasy) G ary Julllaumo;Ed w onls WIlOw m o b i

n a bearskin rugiJifl.__________________ fi-10 «nS K ™|do a sto ry on tho AFTEf

J Alox re fu se s to i -o o iDl.'s.WQddlng.— ............. - ball- iAn oxam inalion /o>

w pulotod a re a s . t-SO m •ons, skunks o n d 2:00 (D

eyo falls fo r a {Uvo?^^c tor w ho a rriv e s q l e ,in /ecom bat s u r - . WRESl

Falls. Idaho Friday, Jono 10,

venihg progt


;15 HBO * * -Burglor ' (1987. C mody) W/hoopI Goldboro,- Bobc Goiathwalt.:35 SHOW **VS 'A Ploco ol Iho A tion ' ' (1977, Comody) SIdnoy Poltio

£0- CIN * * * "At C loso . Raogo (1955rO fom o/ Soan Ponn, ChrlsIc pher Walkon.00 (TMC) ***V i "Tho Spy Wh C:amo in From lho Cold" (196{ Dramo) Richard Burton, Cloiraioom. _____JO W tR T 'W iirT ou lovb Mo Tomor ow ?" (1987. Dromo) Joanne Whol Dy, Tilly Vosburgn.SHOW * * "Goldy: Tho Last o l lh< 5olden B oars" (1984. Advonluro off R ichards. Jossico Block. 'FMS) * * " Ju s t Iho Way You Aro’ I9$4, Com ody) Kristy McNIchoI. Ml. haol O ntkoan..5 O i* * V 4 "How to Commu Mor- ago : (l969,-Com<Ki/) Bob-Mopo. ickie G leason.?.,.J^5P .. "Anoihoc—W omonlshild (1983. Droma) Undo Lavln. jny LoBianco. jIN * * V i "B less tho Boasts ond llldren" (1971. Droma) Billy Mumy irry Robbins.r O - * - » - B 6 6 I s and "Soddios"' B3JjJ!yosio/0}lGono.Aulfy..Judiih

n ^ . T f y ~ - n r o -^ ^ i a n 5 r c o rtor'^ J207Drffmo)-Ufllion Gish; Lars i^farT

WC) "Allan Oualormoin and ) Lost Clly o f Gold" (1987, Advon- 0) R ichard Chamberlain. Shoron 3no.HBO * * "Still of the Night" (1982.sp en se) Meryl Streep, Roy Schel-

OW * * * "Border Inddont" (1950. imo) R icardo Monlalt>an. G eorge rphy.1 *»★ "S uoz" (1938, Adventure)


■0-SPORT8CENTER-------------------O PRO BOXING Top Rank. (R) O BASIC TRAINING WORKOUT O AUTO RACING NASCAR Iser^OO. from RIvorsldo, Colll. (fl)

TEHNOON .... ~

CD AUSTRAUAN RULES FOOT-LL-QrandFlnal,-ffom'M ql66urnb:~'

3D LEAD-OFF hUN X MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALLjburgh Pira tes a t Chicago Cubs.0) •

1 0 ,19M

jrams''" ' im e movies

Tyrone Powor. Loro 11:05 O **V^> "Pllioi

. C o - (1956. W ostorn) Jo f obco t roihy Molono.

0 Ac- AFTERNOONDltler.________

JMQi:--------- Conlfoniotion-(I987^rislo- chool Dudlkoff, Stovo

12:30SHOW ii-%"Comp W ho . Comedy) John Oyo. J ? M . 1:00 SD IK) * * * V i

■fairo Jono6"(1933.D ram o) . . . . Dudloy-Oiggosr-— mor- CIN **V i 'T h o Mo-

Fo rd®'' lho 2;00 (D * * * "S p o c luro), (1978,Dromo)Charlos

Todrow.^fo" (1C **% "Shotto rod . Ml- Drama) Volorlo Boi

Mofso./lor. fTMC) * * "Honky T<3P0--------- (IS S l.C om edy lB oa iL

Ofly D'Angorb.inla.,-----2 J O O ^ * W - T h o A p <vin. Horror) Bela Lugosi. W

CIN * * * "R oxanne ' ond mody) Sieve M onin. Di my. 3:00 SHOW **Vi "Horry

OS" gow. Mollnda Dillon. ------3 ^ HBO:-**;-"AttC0-S-A

or"' FuiiQfiQn-jLi<ighfl«i.^n,y,nn- 4:00 fTMC) *V4 "Allan Q u

Iho Lost City o l G old" (' md turo) Richard C ham ber )n- Stono.on 4 :3 0 C IN * * * -C a s in o R c

Comody) Polor Sellers. 32. dress.01- 5:16H B O .***"C ociusF lc

. , Cofpedy) Walter M attf lO. Hawn,JO 6:30 SHOW * * "Goldy: Th.

Goldon Boors" (1984 0) - JofJ Richards. J e s s ic a Bl

ne sports2:30 SHOW TMOMAS HE

__ HITMAN'S GREATEST._ ^ u t victories again st Pip

’1 .T5onnls Andrles ond VifiU ^ establish o thomo a s T^ Q mon’-Hflams p»'oparos~fi

ot 0 fourth chompJonahli diowoighi m alchup agoir na’s Joan Roldan. •

3:00 CD SPORTS TRIVIA y,:_, 3:.'M-CDOOLF-1964-U:ar-i ®- lights of chartiplon F u izy




Sroita Young.Hors o l th e Shy"'off Chondler. Do-

srlcon NInJo 2; The97-Advomuro)Mi:-----------vo Jom os. n p u s M on" (1987.I. S lovo Lyon.I "Tho Emperor10) Paul Robeson._______

Noting of Mlllio" ilyn K eyes, Gkinn

oclal Olympics" o s Ourning. Ireno

d Vo»rs" (1984.Jortlnelli. David

Tonk Frooway'' t u j r id g o s , Bov-

^pe Mon"-(1943;---------------^W alloco Ford,

10" (1987. Co.Oaryl H annah, ry a n d lho Hon-


3uaiorm olriond


Royolo" (1967.•s. U rsula An-

n o w o r ( i9 6 9 . tthou. QoMio

rho Lost o f the i . Adventure)Black.

YEARNS: THErt_H rr»—TWO----------—’Ipino CUovas,«IIrod BoniiozPiofnas llHli-____I for 0 chai> « ihip In a mW- o in st Argonti-


r r OF


Page 63: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

•pggsiBxVil: - I 7 : 0 0 f - 7 ; 3 (

. O iMacNeii/Lohrer

f f i M jor Looguo Ba: D M ALF Ivnlofto-

M fOkonHnI ' ~ a World ol Dtsnoy

I Bluo Sklos

S ) @ Movlo: '‘Olamondi

B ( a i | l i ' s ' |cm ttoa

SHOW Movlo: "CamporK

~HBO iMovio: 'Foul Play’

----------------o 7 « ) WILO.-WILO V/OMALS Tho poroonnllty ( illustraiod th rough tho i young neat' a p o n d in tFor w osrrCD VIDEOPOLIS A m us

. d anco show from Disno tocti club . Vidoopolis. c a PRO JECT 2000: UTj IT WORTH?OC WIN, LOSE OR ORA m PRIME TIME ACCES B g M T O E ^OUTEB OM


CO CB (11) 0 » BLUE SK_ run sorlos ab o u t nowly

------ ___ a tS ^ ^ a 8 .C in JluMny:th roo children from pri

y .L - ------riagoe , Doflln-lifo onow »r

IX) O CD MAJOR LEA( BALL T oam s'to bo Annou O l » QD CB ALP Koto ( 3ho and ALF nro rival candldolos. Political c t J o h n McLaughlin m akos onco. <R) (In Sioroo) Q • OD ADVENTURE A yoar1< tion tracing Royal N avy C

[ S c o tt 's fatal 1912 trok tc Polo. Qa (12) WONDERFUL V

: DISNEY "Danlol B oono"' w ife 's reluctanco to m ovo

tucky .w lldornoss, Don (D ov«y f>i1ortJn) y o a m a to a n d g o ls Iho chonco n skod to load a g ro u p of CC LOVE BOAT

--------------O 700 CLUB-----------------CD RAQGEOY ANN Al IMUStCAL ADVENTURE

_______ A n.oU o[npt_to_roscuo>aParisian doll Is thw artod gody ^ n n nnd A ndy got tafty pll.CD WWF PnifME T1MEW CD NEW VIDEO H O U R J USDS r>ow vlfleos from i nnd now arllsta. ■ eD (H) MOVIE nmcVi ' Dia s a sh o o " (1045, Musical) blo. Dick Haym os. a > ANIMALS O F THE OF THWEST How ropoate ho lps prosorvo Iho bighe SB LARRY KINO LIVE

: 3 0 [ - 8 : O Q ± S O ^ : 9 : 0 0>r____ Adventufo , Occan^

Basoball: Tosms to l» Arkr>ouncod

orhi'8 |Evwsrecn________

IsuiyOrahBm [Movki:"

ay I Movio: "Tha Stratton Story"

- [Wv.v’tvirt [Elsen- [C a g n ^

)r»d Horsoshoo'; |A ithetn

irtos [Movio: "Tho Mtracto Worfcc^

08 Man" [Movte:"’

lay’ I Movie:"'

0B IL L 1AWORLD OF AN|. Champion Ity of tho mink Is L os Vogai h e roaring ef Its 0 9 MOVII in tho AmorTcan (1965, Dra

Scatla. .nu slc video ond - O SS r r : snoyland 's high- HBO MOV i. Comody)UTAH, W H A rS Hawn.

SHOW M()RAW (1987, CcCESS L y ^ .LIMITS Skiing in ' CIN MOV______ __ ________ (1 9 S 0 _ D r

U nda D an3NS 7:30 O DOI

SKIES Umliod sontful w h iwlyweds (Tem B 9 (D I >lovl_who. wltti piaglaritoa p revious mar- vW lo loac

w »nO f0Q 0n.-p-------- O 'N E W MHRER NEWSH- ^ n dalls. (

EAQUE BASE- e lephan ts i nouncOd. (Uve) - mlllkxi anlrle d ream s lha t s h a Nation/al prosWontlal a & C H A

com m entator [SHOW]- T<08 a n appear- HITMAN'S5 • bpulvlctori ,o rn>noo.pM l.ry Copt. Roberl «K ,o tho Soulh ;

L WORLD OF dtowolght r l e ' Desplto hissror-gr;3 o r p to „ o . , . .

festhrlUos a

roj»s..Sifsi WRESTUNQIR MTV show- P^ltlO T t ^ irTostabnshod- "

•DiamorKJ Hor-- B O X , O ' -: GREAT NOR-la ta d figWing w o ltyw lth it □hem shoop. ^

q d o c e a n ;

0 0 ^ 9:Vo S S ilo f "ib^ad [in Apait Moyor»;Myth <

d____________ Nows [Entortaln, f

_____________Nows I Tonight Six

o: "WalkirvglTar- . ._____________

r ___________ Bonny Quincy

oy & Lacoy Nows M'A*S'H I-

a Itnprev Uving piarwt: Earth fc

if" ~ Matchm- HII j,

>: "Wise Guys"________ T. E

»: "Whore are tho ChlMron?’' •’ V

UARDS World O pen Nkie-Ball .« ilonshlp Ouanorflnals. From . . g a s . Nev. rraped)' iVI£ * * " th o O thor Lover” Drama) U ndsayW agnor. Ja ck

r r ' s A u v iN O ^OVIE * * * "Foul Play" (1970. y) Chovy Chase, Goldlo

MOVIE *V i "Cam pus M an" Com ody) John Oyo, Stovo

OV IE~**w ” ''’No Woy O ut 'J3ram a)-R ichard .i.W idm ark .____larnall.>ONNA REED Mary (oois ro- w hon T risha m oves lr>.D CB HOGAN FAMILY Willlo .

»aciw \^H ln°S tW T O ) 9 * ***V-COUNTRY'Foalurod:-THb--------B. (In Sler<» ) ^

ts and rh inos Bro among lho inlm als roaming wild In Eto- lonal Park In seuthom A frlca.MARLES IN CHARGE - - ^I- THOMAS KEARNS: THE II 'S GREATEST HHTS Title Ilorios again st Plpir>o C uevas. IAndrlos a n d WHfred Bonltoz • It a them e a s Thomas "Hit- IBams proparos for a chanco ’ Ir th champtortshlp In a mid- IIt m atchup against Arjenll- - Iin Roidan. 1 IyiOVIE "The Driver - 1•rama) Ryan O'Neal, Bruco I


1) CD NEWHART Hflllowoon I 8 a t the inn aro Intorruptod I TuportBTjr-nrnnvnsioFrTronr'— ■ a ce . With Bob NewhArt and ■

b V » m R E Richard' Burton Ith is docum entary chroni- M

I th roe-yoar journey of Sir ■Flenr>ea w tw iod tho first ox- Hto drcu m n a v ^a to tho lobo ■po la r ax le. (Part 6 of 6) 0 — — H O EVERGREEN Tho Frlod-« their aon Maury but oven- 1n custody of thoir g randson I wods a doctor w ho oxcaped s: Anna corm sponds se- h Iris 's (athor. (R) (Part 2 of

N APART Worid W ar Il'a a f - L

Friday, Ju n o 10,1988

Outdoors SlgrvOff

irr NlQhmne Love [hii S

1 Show David Lettcrmat) N

___________Wattonal Goographie E

iFaHGuy’ - ~~fif^ Hunter___________ | ' ’lmooomafc(

h_ Movlo: "DlaffwrKl Hortoshoo"

I MoyhLmic-TcndoiLWaffiotr!!^ Boxing

Wakffwim: A Commission ol Inqul

Montorbftects. (P a ri 5 o f 7) q O (12) MOVIE * * * -The Slory".(l949. Biography) Jar wart, Juno Allyson. ODNEWSCB STRAIQHT TALK a CROOK ANO CHASE G> VIDEO DISC JOCKEY 0 9 -WORLD-OF FESTIVAL land 's Viking fire festival.

——9 HEADLINE-NEW8---------CD BOXING-Goldon-Qtovo Omaho, Nob. (Taped)0 (ii) MOVIE * * V i "Tho

• W orker" (1979. eiography)

___I S H O W l_ B O )a N M o ^tlmo, Show tlmo w as unable

■ ^ 4 ^ ! ^ C S ) V ^ r a n ^ ^ 15 KOs) In a W 8C middtowel

. t>out scheduled for 12 rounc L as V eaas, Nov. (Topod)

COOlV T h l s S u m n u

^ W i t h a L e n n ^ ■ _ H e c r t Pumi:

B r I Z E E coS’'Comlon A Confldonc

Slnco 1009" 22?Sfcond Avc.nut Eatt 733

988 T im os-N ow a, TwInFalls,

' - y i

S>gn-bfl I


■ Explofy .'i

- - - '1 Ikor " . I

quiry I . :: rtdap—10 Stratton | 'lamos Sto- i

(L S -S ho t- ...............

wos, from |

10 Miracle It) Mollssa . - j

.a l_p rflaa ------------i _lie to con-.

<18^(24-4, rvalght title

\g & A !r -.1 HoningICO ■"<

33-aM« .


i l s . ld a h o ^ .

■ ' .i

Page 64: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles



Topte: "H. (uros ■•Thi porformod Patti. (In S

8:16 CB KA Comical cc ( '•Junk Foo ron'9 sontl

8:30 «9 CAF Toody’s no som o unso

(£ )I9(11)<Bud moon! pianist to rt OoLano Ms OD INN NEI <B 8A8E

■ ___________ :FISH IN O _a vioEoc SI. REN0E2

9:00 (B MOh c ausos trou

' (X )C 9(11)( OUffiOCEX alloroffocis. CD REMEMI can Iroo pro: oporatod pn sion b roada CDTWIUIOK

........ .......... • - - succoods In i_______________ 1___ of-Jho-coxfc

country............. ^ O REMINC

wroslior hiro aflor a sorlo!

--------------:-------- -------CD-SWiSS-F.— r— -------chlldron-ous|

s o a . monster


In thc T o t • ep isode of

H oganF ar...................... - .... • - to n Ja h ti Ei

Mr. C am er Jo cS p an o ]

, ca ll on San D uncan) wi p lag iarizes

34 T im os-N ew s, T

inddyBILLY QRAHAM CRUSADE•'Hopo for tho H om o.•' Fea* ■Tho S tar-Spang lod B anner" nod by gosp o l oingor Sondl In Sloroo) QKALEIDOSCOPE CONCERT

ll country singe r Lorry G roco Food Juniito") perform s criiid- onfls,CAR 54, WHERE ARE YOU?5 nophow offe rs soluDons for msolvod robboflos In iho pro-

11) S I ElSENHOWEfl & LUTZ>oniignts 05 o coclail loungo to ralso som o fast cosh. With I Motthows.NEWSBE WINKLEMAN^S GOOD3_____________________________•OCOUKTHVOEZVOUSbtONKEES A m onkoy's pnw trouble for tho Monkoos.II) S ) CAGNEY a LACEY CJ CEAN APART W orld War It s CIS. (Part 5 o f 7) cp EMBER WHEN T ho Amorl- pross Is studied, fcom hand- I printing p ro s su s to tolovi- ' ' adcasts.IQHT ZONE A guoriilo loador s in ovonhrow ing tho roQtmo x rru p t-g a v o rn m o m -o f-h if t___

IINGTON. STEELE A p ro hirou Roiiilnnion a n d Laura srios o t dontM m roats, S-F A M IL Y -R O BIN SO N -T tto-^o tis p o c i- ih a l'Q 'iw o -fo o le d ------s to r .ia foam ing .itto is lan d ____

Poetic In justice* Jo fN B C ’s 'T he Fam ily,' o lrlngrE n g ltsh tc f lc h e r-----------neron (g u e s t s ta r no) pays a h o u se >andv (Sandy )w h cn W illlc ees a p o em .

s . Twin Falls , IcJaho Friday .

\arid sol 0 trap.O YOU CAN 8 E A STAR O AIRWOLF A s a rosull of

— vious govofnm onl sorvleo. E and Locke aro called lo sor I* posito s idos in a miiiiai


CD (M EVENING AT THE r Host; Tom Bosloy. Foaiuro< ) Wichaol K eaton. Bill Kirc

Bob Oubac;Q) SMALL WORLD How (

■ Oroo Indiana prosorve thoir t whllo odoptlr>o to Iho proso S MONEYLfNE

--------- O ^ £ w r-O F -T H E -O A V —O BASEBALL’S QREATE! 1969 Miricio Mots, lit) CAGNEY & LACEY Cag Lacoy soarch to r tho murdo follow polico orricor.HBO MOVIE * * "Whoro

-------- Ctuldron7ll-(l986,-O ram n)-jburgh. Max Gall.SHOW MOVIE "Wis«<1966, Comedy) Donny OoV Pijcopo,(TMC)MOVIE * * "Amorican Tho C onlrontatlon'- (1987. turo) Micftfiol Dudikoff. Slovo CIN MOVIE * * * "AbOL

. . Niflht,.,'‘ (1986.Com ody-D rar Lowo. DomI M oore,

9:05 O MOVIE * * • "Walkir (1973; Orama) J o o Don Bako bolh Hortman.

” Si30 O 'A N N SOTHERN---------0 } TRAPPER JOHN, M.D. ‘ year-old m on c h o o so s to dio Froncisco M emorial, but Initli

** rnvonl Ihnl____ ________________________:



10:00 (D MAKE ROOM FOR DA GD(S O O ( » QD.C9 (11) CB NEWSO (19 JOSEPH CAMP8E U THE POWER OF MYTH: W m MOYERS Toph;s: doath, sc ond robifth In agri,cullure-bas< ciotlos: Iho importonco of t plocos. (Port 4 of 6) o (D FAWLTY TOWERS Basil F on Incompotont a n d rude Innki docWos to Improve Iho c lass hoioi's clionioio,0 ( 1 2 ) BENNY.HILL.CB PAPER CHASE - THE I YEAR

---- CB MOVfE-»n»*—E T D w a d o ^

chum.O NASHVILLE NOW CD DRAGNET A phony pollco c is dtscovorod w hon ho wins a nossmon club’s "All-Amorlcar icomon" award.CD CLOSET CLASSICS CAP

— M T V toom s-up-o id tnvom orw i com crassics.SD 941 UVINQ PL A N EP A PORT OF THE.EARTH David Attonbor oxploros groal rivors of tho worl eluding tho A m azon, and Iho t tios of llfo found In thom,3 ) LIVING ISLES H ow tochnolc dovolopmonts oro creating now.

ay. Juno 10.1988

..................................... ffi NEWSNiAR — — '0 - N F U * S -II of thoir pro- Supor SovoIce. S t. John 0« FOLEY, t sorvo on op- O atl MATI Hilary court- [SHOW] MO

Hondorsons Ulhgow. Mo

HE IMPROV IM O CD MIST urod com ics; “"tl Carol t< Kircfionbaur '^ey recolvo'

0(H)TO NIG IW C a n ad a 's Carson. (R) i lOir traditions O (12) QU osoni. insuranco-frr

against his n

kTEST HITS Orama) Willlu CB(11)M‘A*!

Cagney and ' r’oy Froodmai irdoror o f a Col, Pollor |.

' himself a s o i ro aro tho CD EDGE OFB)-J»t-ClQy------------CB-VJDEODtl

S JUST OFFVise G ovs " ^D^viio i L o " small-iowr DoVilo, Jo o - - asE A S Y S T P;rnnWln.«->- O (U) HIT SO

ES! «liking Tall"akor Eliaa- fourth ch aKor. t w a dlowolght mat --------------------------n a ’s-Juah-flbli•D .A 119. fTMC) MOVdio In Son ' (>96

initial te s ts Weaver. Mlc»

IE bowling m ate

:hors; Frod Schw arnnow movlo "F c n MACNEIU

DAOOY CDCSTONIQt') O QD JD Carson. (R) (li' d J NIGHTUNIELL ANO . 10:36 ® M-A‘S- VnrHBILL 11:00 O D O N N ^

sacrifice sonitui whon ‘b ased so - O Qd OUTDODf sacro d ® (11) HUNI

usos his protoi sll Fawlty, now .caroor osnnkoopor. ® BURNS A^ISS of his by his talont foi

Gracio Invitos : .,p o o rw rH h h o ro

" " r ______o " (1967. ® n e w VJDEi

and now artist: - Q)lMIMOVIE

ICO officer soshoo ' (1945,IS a busi- ‘’'o- Haymlean Pol- ® SECRETS O

rolo of snakos.:a p s u l e ® in s id e p o l rwim-ro^r----------® p u b l ic p o i

CB NFL’S GRI DRTRAtT • Highlights of tht >borough (R)« 0rld. m- <*« INVESTMEN ho vario- ® «» MOVIE

Warrior - (1971. nologicai ' l-oo. Dan H aggt .ow habi- HBO WALDHEll


!NlGHT ■r-GREATEST'M OM ENTS vontlos. (R) r. SOUARE .TCHMAKEH«O V IE *K rW H arryandlho n s ” (1967, Fanlasy) John Belinda Dillon.STER ED Ed wants'W ilbur

to return a bearsk in run vod a s a gift, “ ■IIGHTSHOW H o stjo h n n y «) (In Sloroo) , lUtNCY A hom icide and fraud c aso pits Quincy I monior.

lllam Holdon. Jam lo Farr.' ^•S ‘H Psychia trist Dr. Sid- nan visits tho 4077th whon r lo ses all confldonco in0 physician,)F NIQHTDtSC-JOCKEY------------ ---------FF MAIN STREET A train1 rural A morica. focusing wn 11(0.TREET^ U A DMAS HEARNS: THE HIT- EATEST HITS Title boul gainst Pipino Cuevas, ries ond Wilfred Bomtoz thomo a s T hom as ■■Hii- IS p roparos for a chanco cham pionship In a mid- latchup d(ialnst Argonli-b ldan:---------------------------- —3VIE * * "Half Moon 966. D ram a) Sigoumoy Ichaol Caine. h<rip Iho pobnyin a — Itch against a rival bar.

S f i f S P T O N i S i f ^ ^ 'rx6nog9or ta lk s obout his ••Rod Hoot.'^ (In Sloroo) ILOEHRER NEWSHOUR , GHT SHOW H o s t Johnny (In StOTOo)

iN E nS ‘H .NA REED M ary fools ro- n Trisha m oves in.>OOR IDAHO 1NTER An ox-policomon fossional oxpertiso-ln his o s a hirod kiilor. (R)ANO ALLEN Improssod for Imitating movio stars, j s 0 dolivory m an to ap- ! r ond Q oorgo a t a bono-

FORTOMORROW -------------->EO HOUR MTV Show-

sts.E **W ■■Diamond Hor- «5. Musical) Botty Gro- rmos,O F NATURE Tho social

IS.o u n c f r '88 (R)O UCY CONFERENCE - .........IREATEST MOMENTS ' lhe 1964 Son Francisco

ENT ADVISORY E **>4 "TTw Tondor !'1. Advonturo) Chartos lOarty.ElM: A COMMISSION j An intom ational com-

Page 65: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

m ission o l legal ay{h th o w ork ol mvostigal h is to rian s, archivists r o n th o w ar crlm os oil* lod by Austrian Prosi dho lm . C3SHOW BOXING (Noto Show llm o w as uno&lo

• following) Thomas 36KOS) vs. Iran Bor K O s) In a WDC mid b o u t schodulod lor i: Loo V ogas. Nov. (Tnp CIN MOVIE CD ram o) Al Poctno. To

11:05 (3D HUNTER An------------ uso»-hls-prole66lonal^

now caroor os a hiroc O NIGHTLINE Q . CD MOVIE "THl

• ‘r io r" (1971. Advonlurc Don Hoggorty.

.11:06 S > HUNTER An------------u s a s h ia proloaalonal i

now caroo r a s a hlroO 11:30«DROW AN&M AR

- - IN ^O 0 0 LATE NIQHT LETTERMAN (R) (In S 0 ( 1 2 ) FALL QUY Ac ball Horo -(Poul Winli troub le 'w ith tho mob. ID BE ST OF GROUCH dom y Award-wlnnlng c nor E diih Hood.O MOVIE * * "Boots

------ (1937. Wofliorn) Cono---------- Alton.------------------------



Z Z T !1 :39:C Il:H IT :aQ U *D r= „ O L O V E CONNECTIOI

(73 LUMINA: REPOm — JJC=*RTC=X^^7nsg5EiJ3:SI

iprofitlng. G oorgia O K tonnla l oxhlbll. clrcuso!

. s lonn i bill lo-;5ocuro a cho ro o g rap h o r Susai aoriol photography, onfl S uckw hoat Zydoco.O NATIONAL GEOGI PLORER African olopho p lo o f H ong Kong awali

. o l sovorolgnty; a mouf arllficial logs; othologlst

' o n z oxp lo ro s onlmal b< z ir» wlldMo prooorvod lors.( B LATE NIQHT W LETTERMAN (H) (In StC

' e ENTERTAINMENT Tnold Schvvarzonoggorta

----------------rYow-movio-"Rod-Mijatr12:00 OB CAR 54, WHERE

_______ _T o o d x iJ io p h o y v io fIo ra .so m o unso lvod robborlo cinct.CD 7 0 0 CLUB CD SOLOFLEX ID VIDEO DISC JOCKE CB PE T E R USTINOV IN Ic o n tinu ing hts soulhwi

...................P o to r travo ls to som o ror• w horo som o lnhat>«ants

w ork In cavos.CD SPORTSLOOK [SH O W ] MOVIE * * "TT

I to n " (1987 . Drama) MichPaul Lo M ot?(TMC) MOVIE 'Th

{ B oys” (1906. Comoc ! O 'K oofo. Pnul Rodriauo.

I • ■

. ..-13:05 C4j ttgalors - induaing U.S.A. sts and journalists* - Q HITI allogodly com m it' vn m is rosldont Kurt Wnl- z \E A t

cully filJoto: a t p ro ss timo, • d o s U i nblo 10 conlirm lho co-piioi IS H oarps (45-2. m LAI Borkloy (84-4.. 15 TERM# mlddluwoight lillo '12 '10 CD )r 12 rounds. Irom '{1986 ' Tnpod) 12:15 Cj5 I. ■ oorijic r (1973. Suspo r , Tony Roborts, 12;16 Q ) IAn ox-pollcoman S u sp o r

nal.«xparti6»4nJiis-------»2r30-i»-ilrod killor. (R) c a u se s

O >'The Tondor War- q / i 2) iluro) Charlos Loo. a lu

'■ CQ MO An ox-pollcoman Snow y

nai Q xportisoj'nhia_____ Oouoiaiilrod klllor. (R) o FORMARTIN'S LAUGH- £D SPO

CD SPOIHT WITH DAVID ' 12:35 O ) In Storoo) ■ W arrior’A ono-tim o baso- lqo. Da Vinliold) go ts inlo a CIEob. acid roJCHO G uost; Aca- S la to s . i ngcostum odoslg- i;o q CD I

- vostigatiwts and Saddioa" th o fo d t iono Autry. Juaith Laun Ar

^_____________________ C» INN I IPOATE_______________ID TO B GUE BASEBALL_____ o COU ___________________STOP SI

TION i Host: ToORTS ON tIh e Michaola : iiyigL:i»a&T5Mx' .........B annTOO'Kooffo'3 con- f f l HEAIuflOS, a congros- IDAUTC0 a rtists’, fighia, R aco of usan Marshall. ion, Ohic and Iho m usic ol q (<I» AL

SHOW MOGRAPHIC EX- Hondofsc iphants: tho poo- Lilhgow, iwoil tho transfor • ’ vo5 'Q 3 W< riounlainoor with •- co sslu l ui flist Konrad Lor- vVost AfrIII bohovior: Bra- tho villag. vod In w aiorco- 1 :15- CIN

(1967. Cc WITH DAVID H annah,

1 Sioroo) - • - 1 :3 0 Ol)RH JT TONIGHT Ar- o pgRFJ or talks about hio h b q _MC latTTin'S torT)^ (1906 D ERE ARE YOU? ( J lb T T ^ora.afllullfina-Uii--------- (Tm C)' -m .wflos In lho pro- (1976. Dr

, . Dorn. .1:35 O GE

uso Max:KEY 1:36 ES DUIN CHINA Whito 2 00 ID MC

Ihward (ournoy. W/arnintj” 3 romolo willoooa . . . Lorro. RfC ints 61111 livo and o LUCY

judgmont. tno bank.

"Tho Hanoi Hll- MOVIEMlchool Morlady. (1975. Adv

Mosloy."Tho W hoopoo CJ TO BE mody) l^lichaoi q ) p e r f e ouoz. G!)(»0)AR1

C<>-HEROES:-MADE .IN THB-■A........................^IT SQUADMISSING ADVENTURES OF OZ-AND HARRIET. David h as dilli-

f finding privacy wtth a stowor- 5 n o 's dniing. w hon Waily and o lilot inlurloru.JVTE NIGHT WITH DAVID LET-MAN (R) (In Sl'oroo)CD (11) MOVIE •’Imagom akor"6. Susponso) rvilchool Nourl.SD MOVIE "Im agomokor" (1986, 3on50).Michoot Noun.D MOVIE "Im aoom akor’’ (1986. ?on!iO)'MlchQOi Nourl, p-M O N K ees-A-monkoy s -paw" ie s troublo lor iho Monkoos.>4; HEADLINE NEWS 12) INN NEWS iLICEMOVIE » « * "Tho Mon From ivy Rivor" (1982. Advonturo) Kirk3la6r-Toni-CurllnBOf>, - • -----------OREVER YOUNOPORTS LATENIGHT 1'PORTSCENTERit) MOVIE "Tho Tondorior" (1971. Advoniuro) ChofiosDan H agpany,

CID RAINBOWS Tho oHocls of roln on lho w ostorn Unilod

IS.S I SPY Scoit arid Robinson in- ;;ato n M exican-basod group > dodico lod 10 Iho libnrntlon o l n A morlcan dictnlorshlp. G uost: ,


Tom Bosloy. Footurod comics: lol Konion, Bill Kirchonbaur.

iAOLINE NEWS OVERNIGHT ITO RACING 1967 Intornailonal Of Cham pions. From Loxfng-


'.MOVIE * * '/: "tHarry ond tho irso n s" (1S587, Fantasy) John w, Mollndo Dillon,WATER OF AYOLE Tho suc-

il u so o l w ator pum ps In Togo, Mrica, to supply lho 'noods ola g o 'o t Ayoiu'.' ---------------------N MOVIE "Roxotino"Com ody) Siovo Manin_Daryl_ h. - - RHODA RFECT DIETM O V IE -* * - -'^YounoOlood^^------D rnm a) Lowo, Cindy

-M OVIE-**Vi "Tho-JJflvori:------Dram a) Ryan G 'Noal. Bruco

GET SMART KAOS plans to ax to o ssa ss in a lo tho Chlof. DUKES OF HAZZARD MOVIE * * "Mr, M oto's Last ifj" (1939, Mystory) PolorRicardo Cortoz. --------------- - • -: y s h o w A gainst his bottor mt. Mr. Moonoy hires Lucy atIk.VIE * "G ot Down and Boogio" Advoniuro) Trinn Porks, Rogor


Frtday. J u n o 1 0 .19i

Moiz- ----------------------------'ll- Mo Ol tho paintor David ir- who brought about soci0 f f l LARRY KING OVERf


sidn I Mon's Champion r" . Athona. Ga. (R)


(1975, Dramo poiicior) 6. closa, t^raino Stophons

2:30 O HOGAN'S- HERI W und Ins mon got a conit

tho Luliwalls's hoadgua ID MOVIE » * * "A Spo Lovo" (1976. Drama) Cf Ing. Irono Todrow.

m • I S DISCOVER rk 2:35 GD NEWS (R)--------- 2:3S-®-NIGHTWATCH-(i

gross)t ' 3:00 O GREEN ACRES


f f l CROSSFIRE >1 SHOW MOVIE * * "The d ton" (1987. Drama) Michi

Paul Lo Mat. t- (TMC) MOVIE * * '/ i ' p (1982, Dramo) R obert Di n ' cxondor Yolo, t: , . 3:05.C1N MOVIE * "Docti----------- (1371',Orama) Dyan Cann

Cronno.3:25 HBO MOVIE

\ (1986, Susponso)' Looloi ron. Potor Wollor.


---------ga'iftj-JOitPDW EH—ffl SHOWBIZ TODAY



----------(SHOWJ MOVJE-ilTho-Ad;tho Amorlcan Rabbli" (1 tosy) Voicos of Bob Arbi Froloy. . . .



- ’ c u M u m s o w h i u o ra,


.U® -PHYSICIANS' JOUR DATE(TMC) MOVIE •(1983. Drama) Potor O'To Fostof.

• -4 :50 CIN MOVIE * " n ro n o u Comody) Gionna Rains. K torson.

S E L L I T ! B m

7 3 3 - 0 6 :. 1988 Tim os.N cw s, Twin Fal

»ndqj?'Id a s an o'rtlst >clal Chango.RNIGHT lONFERENCE S NCAA Divi- onsh ips. From

/ISORY "M att Holm'’

r) Tony Fron- ns,IROES Hogan________niract to paintuartors. ___poclal Kind ol Charlos. Durn•



'ho Hanoi Hli- jhaolMorlarty.

"Moonlight" - Dosidorio, Ai-

'd o r s ' Wlvos" nnpnrRicnoro-"^--------

h "Apology" .............loy Ann War- ,

t j s n c ' " " ’ ' —lOLLARS EV-



)RMATION --------kdwAnturaft o f___(1986. Fan-

rbogaat, Pol

iNACEITHOUSE___ _______



"Svongoll"Toolo. Jodio

5U5^(1967.- M artha Po-

I Y I T !'>TI tw ry Nood

> 2 6- a lls .ld a h o 3 5

Page 66: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

8:00 O MAKE RO CD a SB (X) IB I O a s WILD AME North Amorican p pror»ghorn ont«H m ala Iridlgonous ' (ID WHEEL OF F< O FAMILY TIES COOU8 but Incom; ou t with tho hous

------------ m N IQ H T U Y B U SQD MOVIE moto Q om o" (19i

- Bostwlck. Jo a n ViID CRAZY LIKE A Cindy’s vacation w hon thoy run Imo posodly diod Mva \ CS OAK STREET < O NASHVILLE N< ISniPT IO E N lckla Itanco Is In Joopdrc anco com pany < bonolactor w as mi CD VIDEO DISC JC CE ENTERTAINME torvlaw:~actxaaa-i.i S toroo)SDSQlAQEOFKEN

_ ;____________ Idoncy" T h^aoconifcart profile o r J o h i

' nody (ocusos on Irom .hia InauQurati funoral In 1963. hiG ban Invasion and wlih C onoross. Noi

------------------— tIoy. ------•------6D ORPHANS OF Ti

a PRIM ENEW S..------------- ------------------- CD CLASSIC SUMM

mioro)Off CAQNEY & LA(persona l cris is, and

___ rlo sa b o u tlry ln g lo ri

0 * 9 ! ) JETSONS SHOW MOVIE "Thi tho A morican Robt tasy) Volcos of Bo: Froloy.[SHOW] MOVtE * From Snow y-Rivor' lure) Kirk Oou(]Iqb, ' (TMC) MOVIE * * Time" <1979. Scion colm McDowoll, Dn


____________ torcyclo w hon E d ’ionly bg~noaon~Oa rot CD IB (11) WHEEL ( O era NIQHTLY BUS CK JEOPAflOYI p O CHEERS Rojoct wife. Nick convince;

. . cop i Carla tha t ho 's i cato hlmaell lo tho l«0 OB FAMILY TIES nounces tha t his tal w asted in a pari-ilmi station. S tev o n 's pla turo go up In sm oko. CD WILD AMERICA >01 15 spoc io s b f hurr brood a n d noal In Ihc QD M 'A 'S 'H A vounc


^ T lm o s -N o w s , Twin F

Fuesday eveROOM FOR DADDY IB (11) 10 a ) NEWS AMERICA A vlsll 10 Iho m plains to obsorvo iho ital^pe ond oilier onl- ” '•lUB to tho ronlon. c j _F FORTUNE p 5:°5ES Alox hires u curvo- ‘sm potont maid to holp ouBohold chores. lUSINESS-REPORT— ,

"R ed Flog; Tho Uin- (1981.-OrQmo) Barry 1 Van Ark.E A FOX Hornson and on plans oro ruinod T j.g , Into a friond who sup- i,ve yoors ago.ET CHRONICLES ^ ,• NOW . , 0™ k;a ijnoxpoctod Infiur-JOfdy whon lho Insur- y claims thot tho I murdorodr; JOCKEY ‘ ”JMENT TONIGHT AndDr5Qa_(ln_ - c in

(ENNEOY "Tho Pros- t!;o nd pon of ihifl two- ,JohiTFiugorQld Ken- ‘ ' , , q , on his prosldoncy,

iration In I961 to his o-nn u . highlighting tho Cu- jnd his rolotlonshlp , T,, Narralor: Chot Hun-

F THE WILD A study

MMER(Soutton‘P ro - - •

LACEY Chr.s haa n nnd Mory Beih wor- Jil?.'}!for promotion 10 sor- . 11:00 HITho, Advonturos ol lobbit" (1986. Fan- | " ° j lBob Art>ooa3l. Pn.

• * « * T h o Mon *yor" (1962.- A d v o n - , ------------IB, T om Ourllnson.* * * "Tirno Altor

i^lonco-f'ictlon) Mal- D nvidW arnor..

MORID Wilbur ren ts om o-^ -O fl^ P C U M ltO I.......—SipQ-q

iL O F FORTUNE p Qfonc JUSINESS REPORT Ironl.p 9:30 0)joctoO by his now 11:00 Q nces ovoryono ox- *fom i}'s rondy to rododi- 11:30 Q 10 lolsty w aitress. and vIES Whon AIOK on- Ions.-

tolenis a ro bolng AFTEilime job a t Iho TV plana for ihoir fu- 12:00 l»;

>ke. ID DR;A An oxnmlnotlon hummingbirds ihni Iho U.S.

luna su roeon from

In Falls , Idaho Friday. Ju n o i

rening progr


iDSHBO *A "Breaking All lho Rulei (1984. Dramn) Carl Morotto, Th Blshoprla. *IS SHOW "M ott Holm"(1975. Drarr poUcler)_Tony_Frando»a._.LoraIr S tephens. _25 CIN *'/! "Gymkotfl" (1985. Ai vonturo) Kun Thomas, Toichio A] Dayonl.30 fTMC) * * "Bring on tho Girls ; 1945. M usical) Voronlco Loko. Eddi 3rockon.30 SHOW "The Advanlures of Ih \m orlcan Rabbll" (1986. Fanlaai /oicos o f Bob Arbogsst. Pat Frolo] 50 ® (W * * * h "Tho Emporc lonos" (1933, Drama) Paul R obosor Judiey Dlgges.TMC) **V i "B enny's PInco” (198S )roma) Louis G ossott. Jr, Cicely Ty

:iN * * ★ % -T he Guns of Nsvaron©' 1961. Advonluro) Gregory' Peck 'avid NIvon.S -O » * *’• " A-Ouostiorrof~t:ova* 1978. Dramo) Gona Rowlands. Jan« lexandor.0 HBO -**V^ "Karoto Kid Pan T w o’ 986, D ram a) Ralph Mocchlo. Nori jkl 'P a t’ Morlta.

975.’ Drama) Martin Shoen, Diane

o t i * * --Hidin J>ow n tno donyST^ S i2^W oslorn) Boy Rdgors.-Gabby ayes.1 3 1 ' ***M r "Nothing Socrbd'* 937, Com ody) Oorole Lombard, odric March.MC) * ’/ . "Sleolo Jusllco” (1987. Iveniuro) M anin Kovo. Sola W ard. ) HBO **V<» "B aby" (1985. Advon- ro) William Kail, Soon Young. iOW * * * * "An American In iris" (1951, Musical) Gene Kolly. 'Silo C aron.N * * * "Tho Last W aoon" (1956,


L® S £ O H l S C E N I E a - _ _t-CP AUTO RACINQ Form u lo -efw and Prix of Canbdo. from Mon-' (Bl. (R)I ID BASIC TRAININQ WORKOUT I CD TRIATHLON U .ST.S. Roco. im Mlanil. (R)I f fl IRONMAN TRIATHLON Mond w om en w ho compote In Irloih-13.-TEBNOON


___________________1 .

10 10,1988


ime moviesFarr,

u lo s " ----- 1 l!0 5 0 * * V t." C o m lnT h o r (1982. Drama) Johi

Nelson, r a m o ■ AFTERNOONiralno-----12:00 (TMC) ***-"K nl.

Advonturo) Ed Harri

; a S ' 12:30 HBO * * "S ta rs once Fiction) Jo h n T

31rl5"^ddlo SD iSti ** V i "I

(1934. Comody) E f (ho Robert DonaL lOBy, SHOW * * "Tho Me oloy Comedy) Tom' Hank: )o ro r CIN * * * * "W ilson' iso n phy) Alexander Knox

gerald.9 0 2 . 2:00 CD * * * "S ta g e , x y . Drama) Honry Fondi

borg.5 n e -- - - a® * * * -"H aving I o c k . Drama) D esi Arnaz Jr

beau.jv c r -------aj30-O Q »-**-i--Poin!«lano - W estern) Poul Kelly.

• HBO * * * "Dirty Di w o " Droma) Jennifer • i jo rl- Swayzo.

SHOW * * * "Tho Ma

o n o '0®- Surllnson.■ ^ C) * * "Bring on tl-

MOSieai) • VcronTcob b v ______Brocken._____________

3:30 CIN * * '/ j "Dragoi o d " Drama) Gono*TJbmey ir d . ‘o"-

4 :00 fTMC) * * * -Tho ^ 187. J®ct" (1986, Dramo) Cl- ird 'OL U thoow. o n - 6 :30 HBO * * * "T ho Li

(1969, Dramo) Kylo J fn Clorke.

,lly. CIN * * * * "Law ronc (1982. Advonturo) P<

56. Alec (3ulnno38,

ne sports.tlonals. From Bristol, 1


>no------- -(th ro )--------------------------3n- 1:00 ID FISHIN' HOLE _ 2 :00 ID LEGENDS O F Wi




L os A ngeles Dodgora la- B raves. (Uvo)

SJ Widmark. Fohcla

ling Oul o f th e Ic o " '- - 3hn Savago. Wiillo

inighfrtdors'* (1981;----------irrls, Tom Sovlnl. j

irsh lp" (1985, Scl- f 1 Tarrant. Donough f.

"If I Wero Rich" i Edmund Gwonn, ij

Monoy Pit" (1986. jfnks. Sholloy Long. J >n" (1944. Blogro-ox. Geraldine F\a- !.

JO Struck" (1957,Ida, Susan Siras-

I B ab ies ' (1976. - rr- Jr. Adrlenno Bar. I

n!od-Hllls--(195lT----------- J—y. Gary Gray,Dancing" (1987,’ Groy. Patrick

^ an From Srmvy rttorw);KtrJrOOTDF----------- r------

i tho Girls" (1945. i_ L a k o ,. Edtifo............. ...........

jonw yck" {1946, _ley. Wa'itor Hus-

I M anhattan Pro- Christopher Col- 1

Looming Troo" _ 'i.■ Johnson , Alox ^ ,

nco o l Arabia"Potor O'Toole.

rT o n n . (R7 -----------------—3UE BASEBALL .



Page 67: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

I TUESDAY E V E t. ■ ' | 7 : 0 F T 7 i c r

| 0 [MacNflil/UHfBf

O Bo»a I Stran-


I O |Majof l^aguo Bascba

- - HSB.|TY»on-St>lnk8 ' ~jl

I I NBA FlnaH; OameFg

— --------------------------- Tlw-Voyag*-

|B 8 l|M am a ' Bmtin' |l

ISHOWlTho Movi#; "Th

I H80 [Lem Movlo: •’Cfl

4 Tokyo brings hom o to tho !| . of tho '4077th tha t thoy i 3 touch wllh now modical pi

0(12)W ILD,W tLOW ORL !. . M Al^ Tho lorgost o l soa ;• obsorvodlntholrA loutlonI

bitai.(D VIDEOPOUS A music

' donco show from DIsnoyli- - - - - loch club. VWoopoll#. - -

O PROJECT 2000: UTAH IT w oR-m ?


7:00 O MY THREE SONS - (D O (11) €P N ^ FtNA

’1 Boslon Colilco o r Dotrol , Qamo Four. (Uv®)

. . ------ . tfW M jW H E T D liH R E H• _— — c u n — --------------------------

_ m o ® WHO'S THE.E Storoo) Q

' O n CD O MATLOCK.Mi kios a COSO In which a.

- ‘man’s throo w lvos oro st. ;'i tho killing. (R) (In Storoo) ( R (Z) NOVA Tho hlgh-stnkoa ^ ^ tlonom ongsdontlstatofla l

conductor with a h lghet tot Ihroshhold. (R) p O <12) COUNTDOWN TC SPINKS Host U rry l^or

_ ............v iew a-tho-controvorsy. ortions surrounding th e upco

Tyson ( 3 4 - 0 . an< Spink# (3J-0. 21 KOa).CB 700 C tU B '

■ ---------- O M O V IE ^ o M ystory tSims" (19ea..Dramo) Rogo

-------------- tftnn-iui>tntlfii ' -----CS MOVIE **V i -T ho eab (1970, Otomo) Qart>ora Hor Olonn.O) W MOVIE * * "Tho (1973, Romanco) Rlchor< Sophia LDron. OADVENTURERSAnoxpMont Bla ric In E urope........6B LARRY KiNQ UVE on MOVIE * * * "Tho Pat Story - (198t. Drama) Gloi »on, Olrk Bogardo.B ()ll MAMA'S FAMILY

7:30 CD DONNA REED Joff I witti his girtfrlond.QD O CD PERFECT STRAI O NEW COUNTRY Foati

1 r 8 : 0 0 I 8 : 3 0 I 9 : 0 0 I__Nova______________Frontllfw

__Moonllfl tiling thlrtysofhotl


toball I Movlo: -'Boonlo and C

-jMovio: "Ring ol Passion-'

» Four [stfln-olTfi

y -----------.- . . . . [cafa—U p


"Tho t-ast Survlvon" Movio; -'Th

•'Cflmowave"_________Movto: "Ka

tho su rgoona Moichak. (oy aro 5 u t of ® KlUMBl procilcoa. cordod mg

M ^ io iT o T o D V OLLE' o n ls to n d sh a - " Palm Sprir

is lcv ld o o a n d HBOMOvl oyland'o high- Comody)

_________ _____ . -Smith.rAH, W HA TS SHOW MO

v ors" (197AW____ _____________DlanoBaKi-SS T:45 [SHOWijR £ . 0:M d»ROVl

t s O d ftN O VINALS Ootla s . tjUon omor

-trolt P istons! lo m p o r ^ r Q) p QD

C.Matlock to e .

M .m porn luro £ " f l S ; i ' cTO TV«lf>M »loh" (1971

p S S i n ' S S ; —cham ps Miko 5 .n d M k=h..l . « “ S l i

sorvo Iho at

. y of Edward- ---^ .““HeiDulc^orM obloy . - g . '3 g ; * g }ji

n , . v c . , . - n . ,d B w o n .

o<p«dltlor,up -......... o a o O MOVI

C tydo"(l967 Patricia Noal poyo Dunow

Glonda Jo c k - o CARJoaiouay stri

Y bocom os a toff b roaka up • i^g to him.

■B.KCERSC S tT in lmoaturod: Tim u,,{j sc o tt, L

I I 9 1 3 0 1 1 0 : 0 0 I 1 0 : 3 0 1 118_________ Affica'a Killing • Wal

rhothTng Nowa Ehtonaln. NigI

Nows Bosl of Cnrsoi

id Ciydo" • Hardcastlo

Bonny Quincy

I M'A’S'H Nows M’A'S'H Dim

- Conwdy- Ago of Konnody----- Moi

Malettm- [Hit . Moi

'Tho Man From Snovi^ Rivor" Moi

-Karato Kid Part Two" Mo'

k. (tn Storoo]JMANJARO RECORD Ro-flight from .Kilimanjaro's sum-

LEYBALL Cood C losalc , from ”prlngs. Calil.'(Tapod)lUSTIN' LOOSE3VIE * * "Crlm ow avo" (1905,Y) Loulso Lasaor, Pau l L.

MOVIE * * * "Th6 Loat Survi- 1975. Drama) Mortin Sr> K e r ._ .......•_ . _______________ :DW] CELEBRITY CLOSE-UP OWAN 8. MARTIN'S LAUGH-

DVA Tho higti-stdkoa com po- nong sdontista to ga in n au-

ituro throshhold. (R) c j X) MOONUOHTING O n tho

Boot ttiolr firlof fling. (R) p ..........D T B ’EVERQREEff A ftor 16 ~ ~ ~ 'aul visib Anno; Eric docldoa - f. Iris discovors T h o o 's inli- nna and Jo soph-a trip to la- iv ro d Oy trogody. (R) (P a n 3

NTLINE War In El Solvodor Ing R oagan adm lnlatration

I^Ov'lE * * * "Ring o f Pas- 978. Drama) Bornlo C a s o y . . Machi.

3MOHTTALK-------OK AND CHASE 1 ANIMAL WORLD Vonturo 0 surfaco of tho e o a s to ob- j atruggto lor au n lv al by var- laticliro.JUNE NEWS--------"f fl!& ^ V THE.:FORQ(yrTEN

MOVIE * * * "T ho Boliov- 187. Horror) Martin Shoon, lavor.MOVIE * * "Tho Runnor

(1979. Dromo) Dick Van Jthloon Quinton,OVIE *iii*iii-‘:8onn l« a n d }67, Drama) W arron 0onH y.

oT m ! w h e r e ARE YOU? strlkos Toody w hon Lucllio a blondo to t » m oro ontlc- 1.EWSBRtTY CHEFS O uoato; Wil- I, Llilano Montovocchi.

F riday . J u n o 1 0 .198fi

1 1 :0 0 | - 1 1 : 3 0 1 1 2 :0 0 1 1 2Walor Sign-Off______________

NigttUino LovO [Hit ~ Sign

irson Oovld Lotlorman Now

> Movio: "'Ttio Bad Sood"

^11 Guy . I INN

Diamonds ' |l»tovle:’""Fyre-

MOvia^hTlwVOyaQO';— ------- .


MOYIO: "Tho Boiiovors"__________

Movio: "Dirty. Dancing'- [stioi


An accidont-prono lion aliod; ngo and r iso s to bocomo th t boaats a fto r ho roscuoa Nc tho an im als from a flory ork.

. _ a VIDEOCOUNTRY® NOAH’S ARK Tho tronsfc

^ f V onozuola-s oavnnnah In


9:00 c a MONKEES A gypsy 1 ow nor boliovos lhat Davy c hor d a u g h te r roach stardom

■ O tI O FRONTUN6-WafHn-€ dor a n d foiling Roagan adr ^on^ i l c lo ^ Cjl Ty^ „ „ ^ t j ,

_Z-cnafll.aiiaJ46ptLdcou£-Q io£jIholr In fa n fs firat liolidt)y

- a h ou ld -bo cotobrotod oa Cl- . o rH a n u k k o h ) (R )g

CD CIVIC DIALOGUE Cl) TWIUQHT ZONE Quntho roturna lo th o lown ol Dach. spending yoors in South Am CD REMINGTON STEELE A h mlngion m ay hovo lost tho d agoncy In a n all-night pokor g c an 't romombor.CD BLACK BEAUTY Martin Elloon Bronnon and Krlstofto

- - - s ta r inrthla-drama basod upcSowoll'8 c lassic novolatw ut e fut obony horso and Iho pooj ow nod It. (Part 1 b ( 5)O YOU CAN BE A STAR

. _BD.AIRWOLF Hawko. Domi Colltin Iry to tiolp a Irlond'a

. . . 03cagnjfpm .prl3gg.—

QD (M) GOOO TIMB-CAFE-fc com odiana Craig Shoomako Goorgo ond Ooug Forrarl.9 SECRET AQENT TTio COi

- slQl USO of tho chomlcoi kn Agont O rango In Viotnam.


cm CAONEY & LACEY Ch Mory Both oro choson to hoi spocloTlask forco to crack o i ring proying on wonlthy booul pa trons.HBO MOVIE "Karato >■ Two" (1906. Dfoma) Ralph NotlvukI "Pat" Morlin,

1988 T im os-N ow a. Twin Falls

O T - .


ign-Oll ■'



r ____


day------Animatod.)da hla Im- :ho king ol N oah and rk,

jform oilon Into a lo-

A OUifooH ' ~

y tooroom ' c o n holp im.


ir w hothor ............ .'y so a so n Chrlatm aa

h o r Lutzo Chau oltor >morlca. h a zy Ro-

I dotoctlvo r gom o ho

n Mltnorr.NorToborl:pon-A nna------------ -it&tMauti- )opto w ho

minIc ond ""a fram od ^

•footurod; ' kor. Mark

Mrttrovor- know n a s

^hrlB and lOod up a 0 robbory luty-solon

> Kid Port M occhio.

ills. Id a h o ig

Page 68: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

toesdiSHOW MOVIE *Snowy R ivof’ (1 Oouglos. Tom B

-CIN M O V IE ** (1983, Comofly) Aykroyd.


------------------------ -C«-TRA PPERr-J(sla shes fofco Goi

---------------------------ooclsionvwion hosurgical fosidoni: 0 ( 1 1 ) M ’A’S ‘H ' onomy sjiolling I HBwhoyo dociaoi out his Win.O AMERICAN Jrt O MONTY PYTHi------------------ ------ j j yg- . - -------------03 (M) COMEDY BlDrydon ond Jam Ffod Willard /■•Wl Noi” ).S ) SISKEL & EB 9 SPORTS TONI Hickman, Nick Cl O SPORTSCEN1

10:00 KD MAKE ROi ' CJ} CS O O (»4I G

NEWS-------------------------0<W AFRICA’SK

oxnmlnallon of cl - Including tho bru

Amin nnd Mllion C ' CD P A U AND Ri:

'■ - ■ " " ■" PERRIN '0 ( 1 2 ) BENNY HI


--------------- O M o w e - * ^ v h

■ in i rAnna F riedm an W arren) h as th e

I__________to bu ild a m agnllife a lthough 6hi betw een h e r lov< m en . in th e com qjUVBC's threc-F serie s 'Everorce

38 Tim os-N ow s, Twin F;

ddy ;••

----------------------------------- IIE "Tho Mon From *" (1982, Advonturo) Kirk "Tl Burlinson, P* * * "Trading P lac es" ffly) Eddio Murphy, Don ^

50THERN S4 KNIQHTS cpION Iniornalional oH ons £' ngorod animals. TJr-JOHN.-M :D.-Budpot-----------G o n zo io m n k o a t o u g h ___1 ho m ust cu t ono o t hio onto (rom tho progrom . 7 ' l"H Whilo undor Inlonso il£ ig in il com bat' jo n o , S fdos it's tlmo lo m ako ' , o('(JilAGAriNE THON-S FLYING CIR.--------------------------------Y BREAK H osts: M ack ® lamio Alcroll, Guoat: S"W hot's Hoi. W h a fs ®

ONIOHT A nchors: Frod {fo < Charlos.ENTERROOM FOR DADDY‘4 J a : o ( i i ) o i c « : c a

'S KILLING FIELDS ATT------t Civil w ar ifl U ganda, - - k brulol rogimos o l Idi sn O boto. Q • T?hRISE OF REQINALD „ ,


------------------------------ 1 «S(mon thoy

........ motl<

8 ) L ERNI

- lollov^ biiot.

(D R

, o (41V v 10:35 0

. tho s

C-0 m ' O El lorvio

------I MICK

a n { L e s le y A n n Johnn i i e a m b i t i o n C4) ni

g n l f l c c n t : |s n c i s t o m i i :00 Co v c f o r t w o *D n c l u s lo nC 'p a r t m in i* Wusif c e n ' • '"O yi'

(D (1

n F.ills, Idaho Friday . Juno

........ AU ionti.iaO G "(l98^. D ram a)1 o( 2) Louis Jo u rd an . D.ivid OSnofo,---------------------------- •- -O NASHVILLE NOW (D DRAGNET Fnd.iy n n d Ganr>Oi low tlio irail o l a runaw ay lo a thr pornographic movio buslnosH . CD CLOSET CLASSICS CAPS MTV toam s up old f.ivorltos will cont classics.6D'.m; AGE OF KENNEDY "T ho P idoncy ' Tho socond p o rt o( Ihis ■ part prolilo, ol Jo h n F liitjc Konnody locusos on h is prosW o

_IfOm-liisJfiauguraiion-if>-l 9S1-lo (unorni in 19Q3, hiohlinhimci tfio ban -(nvnsion-ani) -|u :, -rol'nl?ori' Wllh Congress. W arraior: C hot K iioy.QD LORNE GREENE'S NEW Wl ERNESS At Iho vory tip o( Iho C. o( Good Horn, whoro Iho A lrlcan c linoni e nds, a pair of ch ac m a babe troops livo sido by sido, b u l in mi difforent worlds,^ NEWSNIGHTffl PUBLIC POLICY CONFEREN( (D INSIDE THE PGA TOUR .(1® FOLEY SQUARE0 (4«) MATCHMAKER[SHOWJ MOVIE • * * ’/ , "Mon.T Lis (1986, Drama) Bob H osk in s, Cai Tyson.(TMC) MOVIE *'/} "S loo lo Jou tic (1987. Advoniuro) Marlin K ovo. S( Ward.30CBMIST£nEO.Wilbur.r«ntG.A ni ;orcyclo whon Ed an n o u n co s h{ sniy bo riddon bareback ,D (M; b e s t OF CARSON H o' lohnny Carson, (R) (in Sioroo) a -{ 12W JU lN C V -O dn'»y-^yo-*ao inoncial rum nitor a hii-nnd-run ac< ^ n t kills ono.oi tiis c tJs tom crs .F) MOVIE "T w illohfs Laile am ln a l-;C T a7 J-^ 4 p a jJ3 tiua ::Mi

S (11) M 'A 'S 'H Tho s u r g e o n s su »f n barrago o l p roloroniiai troa lont Irom lho oniisiod m on w ho »oy oro placed on lho c h m p 's pre »otion board, a EDGE OF NIGHT 3 VIDEO DISC JOCKEY 3 LORNE GREENE'S NEW WILD RNESS Tho yoarly cycio of tf ie oik I illowod in tho spocios' W yom inn ha lot, • “J RUNNINQ AND RACING I) EASY STREET .1 M») HIT SQUAD5 CJ!) CHEERS Diano u so o S a m at0 sub |eci ol hor psychology to rn ipor,1 MAGNUM. P.I.I ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT In-■view: ac tross Lonl A ndorson . (In


. m BEST OF CARSON H osi: m ny Ciirson. (R) (In Storoo)) NIGHTLINE tJ 5 f fl M’A 'S ’H5 SHOWCELEBRITY CLO SE-U P ) O DONNA HEED Jod t3r(tnk:; up Ih his girlfriend.I 1151 WATER OF AYOLE The. sue - ssful uso o l waior pum ps in T090. JSI Africa, 10 supply ihei n o o d s 'o f ) vill.igu of Ayolo.

(11) DIAMONDS An insuf.inco cint sciHf. a worn,in :i policy On hor

no 10 .79as

Tia)(Pan - nusD and’s-llfi) anc d Ogdon Kill him. (R)

O BURNS. AND- lom pts to undersl

m o n lol- coun ter o p e ra tes I thriving barks on a trip 10 :• O SEARCH FOR^PSULE tD 'T O l'M O V IE ’ * w iihro- (t973, R om ance)

Sophin Loron.10 Pros- tt) EXPLORERS T fiistw o- . . Buddhist clviliznilc igoro ld £0 INSIDE POLITI iWoncy. O SCHOLASTIC1-lo-hts-:------- ICA-7l5lncTM0SCC

,Cu-______Mff.INVESTMENT.i.onship • o 148) M OVIE' * Jt Hun- (1941. D ram a) Gor

Cabot.WILD- HBO MOVIE * * *

Q Capo (1987. O ram a) Jonr in con- Swayzo.>aboon SHOW CIN MOVIE 1 much • e rs" (1987. Hoffoi

Holon Shavor.11:05 c n DIAMOND:

ENCE agent so ils 0 womn husb an d 's lifo ond II hill him. (R)O NIGHTLINE n

I t-isn" CW MOVIE * * '/} "J Cathy Drama) G ono Tiorni

11:06 6D DIAMONDS utice" ogonl so ils a womni . Sola husband 's Ilfo ond If

' . kill him, (R ) -a nio^----- 1 1 :3 0 0 ROWAN 4 MA. he'll IN


0 , ( 1 2 ) FALL OUY — TTcvBiTgn aw air w t

acci- suspect.................... BEST -O F OR)1-.?°' 5| |n '"Pton j t c h cLJJo

• sui- Gabby H ayes, roai- CD HOLLYWOOD INJ 'vhen 9 NEWSNIQHT UPI P 'o- . :, IDU Q K TEH SID EO F

- J a y Johnstono .11:35 GD HIT SQUAD

O LOVE CONNECTI ItD - (D OCEAN APART W >ikis loroflocts. (P a n 5 o(3 ha- O MOVIE * * * "TI

(1956, D ram a) Nanc McCormack. CD-LATE-NIGHT w i t TERMAN (In Sioroo)

’) a s CD ENTERTAINMEN1 orm torvlow: a c tr e s s Loni

Sioroo)11:45 {SHOW] MOVIE

. (1904, Adoll) Lllli CMaao________________

12:QQ «B CAR fid W Hgt UH Joolousy otrlkos Tood 30* bocomos 0 b londo 10 I

ing to him.3SI: © 7 0 0 CLUB

(D MISSING AOVENTI ZIE AND. HARRIET I discover a p ic tu res of 1

JP in Ills no tebook n n d thii; up flirUriond.

05 OH MADELINE ;uc- ED BEYOND 2000 '9 0 . ID SPORTSLOOK •. o f (TMC) MOVIE * * *

Tiino" (1979, Sclonco- nco colm McDowell. David ' h o r 12:05(41 YOUR RIGHT TC

md ihon bfJors io 'koip

0-ALLEN-Gr«rf«^-at--------- -rstond how a Gelgor OS boforo sh o em- 10 a uranium mlno.)R TOMORROW " * * “Thb Voyng’o";o) Richard Burton.

1 Tho nncient Hindu- illon o l Ball.ITICS '88 (R)C SPORTS AMER.rcowT(R)---------'-------------------T.ADVISORY______________■ ** '/} "Sundow n" iono Tlornoy. Bruco

** "Diny D ancing" \ innKor Grey. Patrick \

'E * * * " T h o 6o lio v ! for) Mortfn Shoon . '

JDS An Insuranco I iian a policy on hor d Ihon offers to fiolp

I"Sundow n" (1941, rney. Bruce C abot.OS An Insuronco inn n policy on hor fihono tro rs lo holp

«ARTIN*S LAUOH------ - ~

3HT WITH DAVIDatoroo)Y^Colt ond H i^ la —

IROUCHO G oost: aownrd.HllI..- . _ . .

orn) Roy Rogora'. ~

INSIDER....................IPOATEOF SPORTS H ost:

TIONWorld W ar ll's a f- ..3l 7) gTho Bad Sood"

incy Kolly. P o tty '

IITH OAVID LET- -»NT TONIGHT In- mi A ndorson, (in

E "Peop Show "Carnti, Marino

IFBF ttoic v nn-» ^ody whon Lucille . ? o be moro onilc-

JTURES OF O Z- ) Rick'o frto’n d s

5f a beautiful n rrT ' think li's his now

* "Tlmo Altor ,:o-Flctlon) Mal- ' ' d Wornor.TO BE LEAN ^

Page 69: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

o HIT SOUAD ...............a UATE NIQHT WITH OAVI TFRMAN (In Storoo)

^ l 2 ^ o n r i ) 'M O V l E “**” Fyro- Orama) Lynn Thool.

12:16 GD MOVIE * "Fyro Drama) Lynn Thool.

12:16 (D MOVIE * Tyro’ Orama) Lynn Thool.

12:30 O MONKEES A gypsy I ownor bollovos th a t Davy c

'h o f dough to r ro ach atordom '0 ( » D HEAOUNE NEWS O (12) INN NEW S .

------ e MOVie-**i4-^Duchflsa JJ(1950. Com ody) E sth e r Willia Jbhnaon;O THAT GIRL Ann thinks !

. mo vorgo o f n fortuno whon tho D usinoss cn rd of a wo coonS SPO RTS LATEHIOHT e SPORTSCENTER

12:35 (3D MOVIE "Si(1941. Dramo) G ono Tlorno

12:4s'” h B 0 COMEDY HOUl HARRY SHEARER Impo HafTV ("T his l3 Spinal Top") from Los^Angolos. Uvo Moj (In Storoo) Q

12:55 GIN MOVIE ★ "Fridny th lho Fino l. C hnp to r" (1964. Crispin Glovor. Kimboriy Bt

1 : 0 0 0 1 SPY R ob inson o n d : ordorod to klll.-a collooguo


, O M OOOO TIME CAFE f ; ; oom odlana C rn tg fiftocmab


m AUTO- RACINOrForrp = - — gfo rK nP fU'-i^f- c a f la a a r tn

A U . NITE MOVIES SHOW MOVIE ***V> "Me (1986. Dramo)_Bob_Hosklr

1 : « * ^ 0 W ] MOVIE ***V Father W as Awny on E (19BS. Cofnody-Orama) Me Bartoltl. Mlkl Man|oiovlc.


O IS YOUR CHILD MAK 0BADE7CB-MOVIE "Tho Dovi Dromo) Oilvor Rood, Vnno

e ® COMEDY BREAK HoDrydon a rtd Jom lo Alcro! Frod Willard ("W h afs Ho

T annor (M ichaol Murphy) Hollywocxl pa rty ond mw conButiant D orothy Sai Storoo) Q

1:55 (TMC) MOVIE lho F u tu ro" ( l9 8 5 .C o m o d J . F ox , O irls lo p h o r Uoyd.

2:00 o MOVtE "Bom I (1950, O ram a) Jo a n Fonlali

l3^*M bvie * * " U d y Frnr (1972. H orror) Josoph


® (Kl TRIUMI iAVlb LET- ■ W ostorn concoi

contury o t thO) VTO" 11978. ttio narrio’o f 'p

John Roborto. ,ro" (1978. » LARRY KINi

(I« INVESTMEf ffo" (1978. 2:15 HBO MOVIE

U3" (1965. Cor isv tooroom land.- John Hoo J c an holp 2:20 O THREE ! jSm 2--30 O HOOAN'1 w orriod that an

la a doublo agisajjfJdQho:^_____O . “ oy iE */llllam9,V an (1957. O m m ar------------------------- S lrosboro-------ks sho 'a on CD CLUB MTV lo n sh o g o is 2:35(3D N EW S( wealthy ty- 2 J 8 S ) NIQHTW

g r o s s ) .r 2:45 SHOW M

(1984, Adull) "Sundow n" M aso.„noy. Cruco ^ 0 0 0 ^ 0 ^

CB DAKTARIlOUR LIVE; CD VIDEO DIS' Tiporsonotor BD 9 9 LEON’S sp") Shonror ® CROSSRRi ^ o y 2 8 , 88. CD AUTO RAC

Sorlos. from L iy th O l3 lh - 3:10 QD MORE 364, Horror) 3:30 O QOME^

md Scott nro S3 0 THE Cr ju o w h o h a s a SHOWBIZ

■ a OETTINO I JO-------------------- 3 :35{SH O V O »

PU" (1966, C Sholloy Lor>g.

FE Foaturod: 4K » O CURIOl


r s O AEROBICS■Mona Liso" 0« PRESCRIB isklns. Cathy (TMC) MOVIE

(1984. MusiCl **V^ "W hon Guy Davis, n B08UW5S" c m CINEMA I Morono D'E MENT Judgo c. I Mooro portrai

ban ltos w ho ii —r of dooUng wti

.AKINOTHE ^ b n r K ^ ^ -

5ovllsl(197.l, _ . .D rn m o ) Om innoaaaR od.

(Ho3ta:M 8Ck Fa the r W asicrott. Quost; (1985. C om «

„o,. ™ . , « , 1

■z a r d --------------- ' - O T O M * ^‘Mil n*S PI.AY (T) FAITH TW5 ‘S s S f o -------- t t t ^ L n wi mm w ts m edia , - f f l MOVIE ** Samolt. (in -A thon»1B 9

1 of 2) Louis *« , "Back to ; S t io r a .___

„ „ l„ o .R o » n

Frnnkonaloin" O NATION’S

r r r E ’ro (1987. H orraL Shnvor.

JMPH ' OF THE WESTiM pta ' fallor In lho 20t t j .................hoy a rc sough t oftor In

IS.CINQ OVERNIGHT KENT ADVISORY .VIE * * V l "Hoovon Holp Comody) Donnid Suihor- ^

iECTO O G ES j PAN’S HEROES Hogon Is «an underground contnct agon!.

* * * "S tago Struck]__________laF 'H ori^ Fon^n. Sii'ann

TV T irJS (R ) . . *TWATCH (Jolnod In Pro- \

MOVIE "P e o p Show" 3 III) u m Caroll. Mnrtno ^

EN ACRES_______________«J1SC JOCKEYM’S CASE ,HREACINO B arber Snob Pro — j n Lakovlilo, Conn. (R) , ,IE uIER PYLE, USMC OUR SKINi^CITADEL ^IZ TODAYO FIT|-M OVie-**-^ai»JUlonoy-------------1, Comody) Tom Hnnks.>g.IOUS GEORGE DLINE NEWS


EAK------------------------- 1--------/ Lr PbuCY'CONFERENCE------- ~ICS ' ■ -RIBINQ INFORMATION VIE **V i "B onl Suoot" sical) Rao Davvn Chong. r

WAX COMEDY EXPERI-]go Rolnhold and DemI troy a pair o l now aubur- lO invent b lia rro moihoda wtih th o noighborhood'a .

g a . (In Storoo) Q 3VIE **W» "Gulog" (1985. . Dovld Koith. Malcolm _ »»--------- -------------------------- _' MOVIE * * * V t •■Wrtion , its Awny o n Bualnosa" ,nody-Oramo) Morono D'E ,Iki Monjolovlc. \ j<NIS THE MENACE^aERRY’S^FUNHOUSE-----------------TWENTY . -»-HUUSE------ :------------------------------**V ; ••The First Olympics

1896" (1984. Drama) (P an ' j Is J o u rd an . Dnvid Ogdon

CTD IET /DISC JOCKEY *: PREVIEWThO upcom ing----- -Arta & Entortainment. ,ESS MORNING ' N’S BUSINESS TODAYY MEDICINE UPDATE . \ . IE * * * "T ho Bollovors " rror) Marlin Shoon, Helen

Friday, Ju n o lO . 1988



* loniuiing i»o M o d e l C l e a n T o uD U 8 9 0 0 X T C o n s o l e .'V oi„n Wisn SvVPTi'- .-10 I'icflixnVt

inciui3'''5 6 AuloJTjlic Cyclt: • Cics''C0fi'.0)t • I’twt' CiCl-i” Sj«

\ tjou-l)c'3TWr.iiOp a"__________

— YOU SWfr-Wrl-LGW OVtni- - wurNVnu H 2«V01UME BU

. nnivFO ui t-3 - i^ A u t.b u w 10 PAUL'S ilELIADlESf

-----2025 E a s tf3900 NoiI 3/^ miles wcsl ol Filci onUiG CIO'

^ 734-4142

988 T im cs-N cw s. Twin Falls


)iME--------------------------^CES.. __________ _

^ '

5 1 —j n t e r \ " " ~ T

ju c h '“ ■ Ir.-------- ------------ - |nVOctiOn? - • I;jfl loucti ;Ji'tTl • 0

ifJHEAD------------ ----- ---BUYING..............................7!t i ------ '------------- ^: SERVICE

m 'lo r th ---------------:iovcrRoad

J *> ■

Ils. Idaho 39

Page 70: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

6:00 CB MAKE ROOl (3D a 9C.CE) C9 (1 O o e WILD AMER (or su rveys *!ho-mt u r f spocios o l owl: p ro w e ss a s nlgnttic 13) WHEEL OF FOI

------------- -------- O ‘FA M ItY -neS-1 '................. .......... ko«p«r- Karon to-oci

fraternity'party,• CU NIGHTLY BUSir

CD MOVIE **V^ - Zi Aavonlu'ro) Polor O

........................c asto r.CD CRAZY LIKE A I trial a photograpn o

-------- -- basobaii g roat Haphony. Alan Halo, f H ank Aaron g u o s t ! MB KIOS INCORPO Im pressed by rock Dude, until he ottor: O NASHVILLE NO' t o MOVIE M en. Tho Missioi B om b" (1980. Drain BJty CrystaJ. .


-------------------- tarwt0Mi:-4Ct0r-K«virU ntouchablos"). (in 63 IM VICTORY AT sw opt ttirougn tho E. increasingly apparv

f fl NATURE OF THU.......................^rovitanzo ,.!nflia's_!a

ballooning history. ;

a EVENT OF THE I CD, RODEO 1987-^. Highlights. Froni La: ItC CAONEY & LACE

. G loss) and Mary Betl to porsuado tho fatho girl, m olested by ho take tho c a se to cou


Thanksgiving is ain w hen a long-losi unci p o c to d visit. (In Steri

-------- - - fT M C )M O V tE * * " S(1987. Comody) Mai sUo Alley.

6 :30 OB MISTER ED E( Indian s teed , '(D CB (11) WHEEL I

j ; ____________ O Cltt NIGKTLY BUS

prom oted to a |ob i ftro othor em ployee: O M FAMILY TIES m atch Skippy with a (Z) WILD AMERICA 1 tives of tho giant pan

---------------- th e raccoon , rlngwilCB M*A*S‘H Both Cl

.-■ger dovoiop romanii ’ forgetting thoir tfoul

Bar,.0(12)W IL D .W IL D VMALS O bservations i E urope and North A handsom e Amertcan CD VIDEOPOUS A ndanco show Irom 0>e

40 T im cs-N cw s, Twin F


WednesdayOOM FOR DADDY I (11) C B S NEWS NERICA Marty Stouf- -m ajo t North Amon- ' g.QO m owls, knbw n lor their ‘httimo p reda to rs. C3 FORTUNE C?,3~A lei^bcgs hou se * n gg .^ c c o m p a n y h im to o - -

JSINESS REPORT ••Zulu D awn" (1979.

ir O T oolo. Bun U n -

: A FOX Harry moists )h ol him with formor ^IN

Hanh A aron is a lo, R obon Rood and ist star, g , - - gIPORATED Stacy is n q q ix k band loader Dr. tfers hor a clgaretie.

lurolL "E n o la Gay; Tho • e u n , .sion,- Tho Atomic <ama) Patrick Duffy,

JOCKEY ”*EHT TONIGHT In- «v« -C o6tn«r-(:-T ho-- - ’(In Storoo) -AT SEA Tho Albos 5 f „ ,

.0 East a s it bocamo lafoni tha t the Ja-^ t o d i ...... , ifiSerwiNOS A nom pts to i_!afmiof>d;..hQt-air ..........

HE DAY17-„Naiiorial F.nalsLas V egas. ( R ) -----------

kCEY Chris (SharonBeth (Tyno Daly) iry i v o j ^Ither of a 7-yoar-oid' hor bq&ysittof. toc o u r t . . — -,

IERS Tho W aters- alm ost postponed

jncio pays ari unox- .. - . itoroo) qi• "Sum m or Sc hool- Mark H arm on. Kir-

6:30 CD Ed loam s ho 's part 7:(K) C

Hon(EL OF FORTUNE o 8:00 C 3US1NES5 REPORT ZINEJ ' ■ ~ 9 :3qT

3b requiring hirii lo " C h r y'005. (R)IE S A lex 's plans toIh a girl go owry. s AFTJ;A T hree close rolii-panda a re fbalurod;_ 12:00 Ctall and coalim iind i.............CD Sn C harles and Kim- ' . from antic liaisons while 12:15 a roubles a t R osie's

tech cfu.D W ORLDOFANl- <B PROins of tho rod fox in IT WOR h Amor>ca and Iho CO WIN, can proino k:i fox. S> 9 9 V A musjc video and VALIAN Oicnoyland'S high- Pntton t In Falls. Idaho Friday. Ju n o

; evening pr

Daytin« (TMC) **V} -Groon Fire " (19S ,dvonturo) Slowart G ranger, G raclolly.5 SHOW *« "The M oney Pit igSO .^om ody) Tom H anks . S heflt ong . .................. ^ ■0 S> <M) * * 'n "If I W ere Rich 1934. Comedy) E dm ond Gw oni o b o n Oonat.rMC) **V t "Anna to th e Infinit ow or’' (1983. Scionco Ficilon) Din ierrill. Martha Byrne.IN * * 'Torror by N *ght' (194t lystory) Basil R aihbono . Nigi ruco.5 O * • * "Long H oi Sum m or 985. Drama) (Pan 1 o f 2) Don Jo h n in . J a s o n Robards.3 HBO * * * • Hotan! " (1962. Advon re) Jo h n Wayno. E lsa MartinelN. HOV * * ‘ - Off Beat " (.1986. Co ody) Judgo Roinhoid. M eg Tiiiy.N * * Run lor C over" (1955 oste rn ) Jam es Cagney. Jo h n Oo

) im "M r. Rossi"s V acation " (1983 intasy) Animalod.1 * * -"Call Of tho Canyon " (1942 ostern) Ger>o Autry.114* * • "G angs, loc." (1941. Mys- -y) J o a n W oodburv. A lan-Ladd. ttC ) "Uro wfth Kiro" (19B6 ama>Virginia-Madsen. Craig S bo l

r CIN "Th» Far Cou n u y :-,-{t0 6 6 am a) Sigrid Thornton. MicAao irk.I SHOW ***V^ - 'C harado '• (1963, 'S tory) (.;ary Urant. A udrey Hop- m ., O * * y t "'Firsi |o R g h t '' (1967, am a) C had Everett. Marilyn Dovtn. I HBO *Vi " Hunk"' (1967. Com edy) hn Alien Nelson. D eborah Shelton ,



hryslor Classic, from C algary, C a r


Q CW LEAD-OFF MAN ______1 SURFING O.P. Cham pionsh ips 3m Huntington B each, Calil, (R)S CC MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBAU

d u b . vidoopolls.RO JECT 2000: UTAH, W HA TS ORTH?riN. LOSE OR DRAW « WINSTON CHURCHILL: THE ANT YEARS Monlgomory ond in oinch off Iho Suloe. no 10.1988


'me movies1955, AFTERNOON irac e

12:00 (TMC) ** "InP it" (1987. Drnma) fvl.cha

tetloy ' Kitaen.-------- — —~ ~ TJiSo’ c I n '* * * "Tho

(1946, Mysiory) Luci vvobb.

finite — 1:00€D iM !**"C a(nlv Dina Droma) AnnttflOMOr,

SHOW * * * * -T o n 946 m ont" (1983r-Dram>Jig<)i , cLaino. Dobra Wingo

1 ;1S H B O i> *:'Ju5 llho T ier- (1984. Comody) Knot) o h n - chael Onikoon.

2:00 CD ** '/! "Fluli von- Oroma) John Jarrol, £ IN * * * "L K ooltho P.C o- of Bontrico" (1902.

y Burnett. Lloyd Bridge!955 . (TMC) * • T ho Po Oo- (1977. Comody) John


so o ” (1932, Advonluro 942. banks. William Farnurr

CIN -"Gildo" (^y»- f lita Hayworth, Glonn

___9i3P.SltOJt*iiLrQia-l.55 C (1974. Susponso) Da h« l- Jo m o s Faronltno,

4:00 HBO *V4 •• Wizord;*86:--------Kiiimium" (iw srFnntila o l son , VWal Polorson.

(TMC) i**W "Boat S J63. Musical) Rae Dawn •op- Davis.

4 :3 0 C IN * * * « ”AllAtjo( )67. Drama) Boito Davjs, Ai vin . 5;30HBO**Vj""KldColI. x ly) • .vonturo) Joromy Sfiaiii ton . ford,

rfie sports 'Pilisburon Piruius ut ( (Livo)

from 1:00 CD WATER SKIINi look "88. (R)


©OT----- J?Og E SPCRTS THIVri»tNQ----- 3i30 c a THOHOUOHtmiC an. 4 .00 CB SPORTSLOOK



Los Angoios>. Dodger A LL Bravos*. (Livo)



e MEL GOT ITB HUMP Anil <1 N icholson tolls Iwo o l I

? "*' ^ ;

"Inslonl Justice"' IHaol Paro, Tawny

IO Da'rk” Cornor" jcilto Boll, Clilion

ilvnl Story"" (1954.)r, S lovo C octu jn . ormo o l Enc^V -ifna)-Shifloy Mn----------- rgor. ;10 Woy You Aro" jSty McNichol. Mi- -

uiom nn" (1903., Emil Minty,Pony: Tho Slory

I. .D ram a) ..Cafol

=otiicoal Aflntr"' in Astin, Richard

;..nob ln5oaC ru -, .■_________ro) D ouglas Fnir- ' um.' (1948. Dramo) n Ford,» t rtnnn*;f KJinhl'"David Jnna&on,

rds~'o r t lio 'L b iii '.............

Sifoo l" (1984, n Chong, Guy

>out Evo" (1950,A nno Baxter. illor"(19B5.A d- iinos. Jim Stal-

t Chicago. Cubs.



TOS-------------------- ------------IREO D I06ST---------- r --------K - - - - -

TER-5T1C SPORTS . 1987-88 high

SUE BASEBALLto rs, a t Atlania

RHINOCEROS lo w THE CAt •.nlmatod. Jack I Rudyard Kl-

Page 71: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

[W BDN ESD AY1 7 : 0 0 I 7T3 O

O MncNcil/Lchter .

; O Gfowtng | Class

. B iS l Highway lo.tloavot

j ( 3 Majof Loague ,Bas<

O N a t i^ G o o .

8 0 Jaka I tho Fglmar

■■ Cftw 'Tfibor:

B d t Sherlft | t arxJ T

SHOW Movlo: "Tho Bigpo

HBO KM Im o v I^

I pling'o " Ju s t S o StorioiBoDDy McForrin, (In Ste [SHOW] rrS O A R H Y Sf SHOW Atior taking s modlan lossons (rom < Docomos n sm osh nit. {

7:00 CD MY THREE SON! CD 0 ( 1 1 ) f fl JAKE AN M A N go (i(D m a c n e il ; l e h rOURa i O CiD OROWJNO Pf O OS 00 O HIGHWAY

________ _A n:atW oU c.counaolor-atno blind trios to prov< Impolrod mon from cor cido. (R) (In Storoo) p

___ ' ( B SURVIVAL Flimmoke» pnrtrnlt ol

m ongooso 's highly orgi airucluro, (In Sioroo) q>

■“ ‘ O (1 2 ) 'HATfONAL Q— — ^oN vrasraNW EHnjetifi:

DIck Ruton. tho Voyng(- .............m ado a non-fllop nighi

world: m'orino biologist tulips Iri Holland.CD 700 CLUB CD MOVIE "Tho Night 1 m andu" (19S8. Advon Roberta. Mllla Jevovich CDMTV’S RO CM T '88 on annual rock fostlvol Swltzorland. Porlormar lorvlowa Include Crow Zfggy Marloy. Hun-C Scoggs. Sting and Stov aD(l® CONTRARY WAJ CROWTRIBe A portrait lire, foaturing fofo photo Amoficon Crow Indioni

' Intorviows with trlbo m< m AMERICAN DIARY I

_______n hl«lnrti> nt I___ ______ Treaty, tho •'Chorlosto

Roosovoit.O LARRY KINO LIVE CD LIGHTER SIDE OF 8 Jay Johnstono. a® M O V IE *** "A Shli

---------------(l979 rD rB m a)T tm o tnylyn Ann McLorlo.D »«) SHE-S THE SHEI SHOW MOVJE** "T ho die Of Thom All" (1966. torlo Do Sica. Robort V [SHOW] MOVIE * * \ Hoot" (1987. O m m a)L o thony Edwards.O N . MOVJE * * * " Blower” (1987, Dror

Y 'E V E a ^ G ' 3 0 I 8 ; d 0 I 8 ;3 0 ~ 9 r 0 '0

Survival ________ lAmorlcai

Z Hoop- 9iity Jod in the U.S

avon Dodd Sara iBronx'zi

Basotwli Movlo: "Bofioath Ih

_____Nafl GooQraph'C, |Nafl.,G»

man Wisoguy ________

----- - WTiyWC'Flgni. ■ -[At tfw-ln

kJ T Movio: "Toppor"

iggost Bundle 0l Them Ali" Bromors

fio; "The Gato" Movie: "

>ries.~ Music Oy Colne. JoiStoroo) 7:30 CD OOI

r SHANDLING'S p rove tha J stond-up CO- pomporofl m G arry. Grant GO O (!C) lit. (In Sioroo) iho first f O NS Inobriotod AND THE FAT- c u ous m o

___( R ) a . .IHRER-NEWSH-• O NEW

C hopm anI PAINS P . (D VIDEO AY TO HEAVEN ( S PBA Bir.atifl.fifl'T'P •o' Invliatloni revent a vision- (Llvo) committing sui- O (tf) T / p HBO M 0\lokor Simon Tre- Horror) S

) p IN...GEOGRAPHICatintfYrfaio<>re n d ~ -. . o -g y 9 0 >ogor p llo ti who T rovor'a 1 ight oround-tne ^ o o s o 'g ]ist Sylvia Earle; s truc tu io .


h t TfOln 10 Kath- MOLLY I vonlure) Pomoil and M os /Ich, m a k es hi:'8 8 Highlights of ’ ' Molly. (In vol In Momroux. CZ) AME m an ces ond In- Novor Sai rowdod H ouse. ag ed m a jn-D.M.C,, Box m om tjors Jtovo Winwood. • noering 1 VARRIORS:THE - Storoo) q trait o( tho Indian , a (12) lo togrophsofthe . T ho S a n . lions and roconl altos vlal I m em bora. p lato to d^Y E.G. Marsnoll p lains he nt the Versailles c rackod .

>ston." R ussia's sopa ra io .


TERS St«Shlnlno<Soooon” olc trend! jtn y 'S o t to m ttr A l^ — BUrns-wt

S ) (Mi V;HERIFF R u ss ia"rho B iggest Bun- '2'“ '’P 2 £ 66. Comody) Vlt- f f lS E C R rt W agner. rolo o f «ik * V i "Summor ® HEAC I Lori Slngor. An- O « « M<

Gdmody] "Tho Vflilsllo den . -

>rama) Michaol (TMC) M

) F r^ 9 :3 0 ~ llO :O o H o ;3 0 ~ Ilean Playhouse C

U.S.S.R. , News Enlortaln. N

K Zoo . News TonlghI She

1 Iho Planci of the Apes" Movlo: "Pay'

Gpographlc Benny Quincy

Nows M’A'S'H |a

»-lmprov-------- Vlc-Jil— O^chUL C

Maichm- Hil , W

wra I Shan- ~ Movio: ''Sutnmof Hoat'

n: "Hunk" | h

TIamos i-ox.)ONNA REED Donna wants to that w om on don 't fiovo lo bo rod . Q uest: Jim Oovls. •® HEAD O F T>fE CLASS On It P a re n ts ’ Day event. Eric's tod fa the r and Maria's promis- m o th e r croalo couso a scone.

W 'COUNTRY Featured: Gary ” lan . (In Storoo)EO DISC JOCKEY K BOWLING Show boat Sonior onol, from U s Vogas, Nov.

T AND TlOVIE * * "The G ale" (1987.) S tophon Dorft, Christo Don-


J11)® W 1S E G U Y -------------- ,■gttHVWAL-Pffiimirttw O l n w •a portrait o f the dwarf mon- 0 highly orgonlzod. family - IIO. (In Storoo) g B HOOPERMAN (In Stereo) o CB CB DAYS AND NJGHTS OF y DOOD Frod cotchos Molly lo s s In a noar kiss; Donnls . h is o n o phone coll from |all to (In Storoo) OMERICAN PLAYHOUSE "IS a n g for My Folhor" A middle­m a n (Daniel J. Trovantl) ro- e rs h is final visit with his domi- g fo thor (Harold Gould). (In1) Q . .2) NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC an A ndreas Fau't Is ono of the /Isltod in this or ominatJon of oc ton ica . tho scionoo thot ex-how tho earth 's c rust hos

Id. a n d continues to shift and uo .

RAIGHT TALK OOK.AND CHASE TEVIE WONDER: CHARAC- Stovio reflects on current mu- n d s a n d porfonns his new mu-

] WHY WE FIGHT "Battle of s " Fronk Copnrxdlrected .Ihls ■opartmont film on World Worll. CR ETSO FN A TUR EThesoclal • t sn a k o s .LADUNE NEWS MOVIE **Mi "T opper" (1979,

<jy) Kato aocKson. Jock War-

> MOVIE * "M unchios" (1987.• . Friday. Jurto 10.19.

<_____ t - - , I V i i's)~| n ; 0 0 l l : 3 0 T l 2 n ) 0 n

Champ Slgn-On ________

fl. WlQhtllno Lovo I Hit S

Shew David Lottoiman N-Paycho'-_______________ _


^ Adderly___________ Myth/Monsti

L C ro w Jf tt> o _ I Why wc Fig

, Movlo: •"Brlghty ol tno Grand Can

loat" Poison | "Tho lady li

iHiich- SamKlniSOT | e

C om edy) Horvoy Kormor S trn tion .

8 : 2 0 0 MOVIE * * * "Benoa n o t of th o A pos" (1970. Sc tion) J a m e s Fronciscus. Kl

8 J 0 CD CAR 54. WHERE * T oody ond Muldoon find I b lo to s lo p doing evenhlm (3) O CD MATTER O BJLLY JO E L IN TWE .U bohlnd-tho-sconos Billy Jo o l 's porsonal odys

' Sov lo iU n idn during his 191 . . to u r to tn o ^ ljlo s of Mo8c<


W orry h a s destructive poi A s p a in fu l a s a cancer.To b r in g le llef, ‘li t our boi In su ra n c e i* the answ er.

— ----- -4OBENCHAIN-»iyi


363 2 n d A vo . N T w in F alls

1.1988 Tlmo3-N ow 3, Twin Fa

g g o — r . —

S l f l n ^ ■





-Ight • __________tanyoo"

yin R e ^


lOn. C harlos

oath tho Pla- Sclonco Be- Kim Hunter.

; ARE YOU? d it im possi- ' ling allko.OF TRUST:U.S.S.R. A - .

< a t aingor y ssoy In tho 1987 concort )cow, Lenin-

E R E D ? _

r '"'^V •’

i L ' i y _ - I

______________ 1l o w e r . _______


m - -ifHEAT „CE -j...» ■N .

Falls, Id a h o f l

Page 72: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

6:00 CO MAKE ROOK - CD O ( » OD CD (11

O 00 WILD AMERI lor surveys (ho mo con sp o d o s of owls prow oss 08 nlgtittln CD WHEEL OF FOR O FAMILY TIES A

_______ koopof Karon to ncc’’(roiofnlly party.


--------------------- (hal opho lo g ro p h olbasoboll grout Hai phony. AInn Holo. R Hank Aoron guos( s CD KIDS tNCORPOr Im prossod by rock . Dudo. until ho oltors O NASHVILLE NOV ca MOVIE * * * -'E Mon. TJio 'M fsslon Bom b" (1980. Orami Billy Crystal.CD VIDEO DISC JOC C£) ENTERTAINMEN torvlow; actor Kovin Untouchublos"). (In ! S ) M VICTORY. AT sw opt (hrough tho Ei

.increasingly apporor

" ' ” 6 9 NATURE O F THIN - , revliallzo Ind ia 's lai

---------------— baUooninq-hl#tOA>~^. cjt KHIMcN^bWb

QB EVENT OF THE C CD RODEO 1987 I Highlights. From Loo

-C9« CAQNEY & LACE' Gloss) ond Mary Bcih (o pe rsuade lho foihoi girl, m olosied by hoi tako Iho c aso to coui

O JETSONSISHOVO BROTHERS Thanksgiving' Is aim w/hcuui tong-lost uncli poctod visit. {In Storo (TMC) M O V IE ** "Si (1907; Com ody) Mnn Stio Alloy.

6;30C 9M IST E R E O Ed Indian stood.CO CB (11) WHEEL C

---------------------CDJ EO PA RPY rn—. . O CHEERS Norm lo

prom olod to a jo b r< (Iro othor omployoos O l » FAMILY TIES m atch Skippy with A (Z) WILD AMERICA T

-------------------- (lveftO>-lheglan( ponttho foccoon, ringtail t CD M*A*S*H Both o r g o r dovolop romantK forgoHing their trou t Bar.-

' 0(12)W ILD .W ILD V k, :,„M A (^ O bservations'c

Europo and North At ' h andsom e Amorlcnn ; CD VIDEOPOLIS A m

donco show from Disi 40 T im es-N ow s, Tv/In Fi


Vednesday i

50M FOR d a d d y '(11) C D S NEWS

lERICA Marty Slouf- mo)or North Amorl- . .m „ iwls. known for Ihoir ittlme prodotors. Q 'ORTUNE Q 6-35 ' S Alox bogs houso- Moae accompany.him. to a ______

SINESS REPORT •■Zulu Dawn" (1979. r O T ooia, Burt Lan-

A FOXHtfrrylnolsfS'h o l him wilh fo rm er---------- 2 -Hank Aaron (s a ). Rotwn Rood ond

PORATED Slacy Is ck band loader Or.Iors hor a cigareKo. q.qq

■■Enola Gay; The s lo n r T h o A(omic am a) Patrick Duffy, '

JOCKEYIENT TONIGHT In- ' , m )vln Costner ( -The [In Sloroo) S"!® :AT SEA Th<) Allies '3 E ast a s il bocam o > c i .in a^ony ih a t lho Ja -

farmland; hot-air ‘ "

lEDAY7 Nalional. Finals n . n o c n L o o V o g a s ^ ) . .CEY Chris (Sharon 'Joth(Tyno Daly) try Ihorofo7-yoor-old he r bnbysi„or. to

John fiERS Tho W otors' alm osi posiponodinclo paya an u n o x - ...............'loroo) Q"Sum m or School",/lnrR Uormoh. Klr-

6;30 CEII Ed looms ho 's p a rt . 7:(XICD

Hong•L O F FORTUNE p 8;00 QI

7------------------------------n loarns ho 's being 11:00 C lb requiring him to ChrysDOS. (R)ES Alox'9 plans to h a giri.go awry. AFTEA Throo closo rola->ondo oro-featured;-----—ail and coollmiJ>>di. - CD SI I Chnrloa-and Kim- ' from'l mtlc liaisons whiSj . 12:15 CK oublos ot Rosio k

loch clot0 WORLD OF ANI- . CB PRCJ ns'o l the rod fox In IT W0R7 \ Amorica nnd tho ( fi WIN, on proirio kit fox. 63 IM W \ music video a n d VALIAhn Disnoyland's h igh . Pnttnn ol n Falls, Idaho Friday, Juno l

r evening pre

, Daytina (TMC) * * « . "Groon Flro" (1955, dvonlure) S to w an Grangar, G rscoDlly.5 SHOW * * "Tho Monoy Pit" 986. Com ody) Tom Honks. Sholloy

(M) ** W "If I Wero Rich" 934, Com ody) Edmund Gwonn, Sbort Oonot^MC) ** V i "Anna 10 tho Inllnile >wor".(19a3, Sclonco Ftatlon) Olnaorriil, M a n h o _ % r n o .___;________N ■**•' "T o rro f 'by 'N lghl" (^9«ie, ^slory) B asil Rathbono. Nlgol uce.1 O * * * "Long Hot Sum mor" )85. Orom o) (Port 1 of 2) Don John- n, Ja so n Ftobards.I HBO * * * '•Hntorll" (1962. Advbn- 0) Jo h n W oyno. Elsa Martlnoiii. IOW * * "Off Boot" (1986. Co- idy) Ju d g o Rolnhold. Mog Tilly.>4 * * "H u n for Covor" (1955, )storn) J a m o s Cagnoy. John Do- i.(D "M r. R o ss i 's Vacalion''* (1983.

ntosy) Animotod.** ' "Coll o t tho Canyon" (1942.

istorn) G ono Autry.(40 * * "G a n g s . Inc." {1941. Mys- yM eai^V y«>dbi^ .|A lan

»ma) Virginia M adson. Craig Shof-

imo) Sigrid Thornton, Michooi rk_.SHOW * * * V j "C harade" (1963. siory) C ary Groni. Audrey Hop- n. -0 *'*Vi "F irst to RghI" (1967.'

imo) C had Evorett. Marilyn Dovln. HBO *V j "H unk" {1987. Comody) in Allon N olson. Deborah Sholton.



nm BASIC-TRTRHINOWORKOUT I ID HORSE SHOW JUMPINGirysler C lassic , from Coigory, Con.


It*) tCAO '-O FP MAN— --------------SURFING O.P. Championships.

inrHunllngl'on Beoch. CalK, (fl)< CU MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL


YEARS Monigomery nnd n oinch off tho Buloo,IO10.1988


me movies355, AFTERNOON oco . - .

12:00 (TMC) • * "Ins Pit" (1967. Drama) Michno liioy.. . Kimon.

(1946. Myslory) Lucili Wobb.

niio 1:00 SD (Ml * • "Carnlva )lna Ornmo) Anno Baxter. S

SHOW * * * * "TermiSe--------- fn<)hl— (l9B3roram oIgol . cLalno. Dobra Wlngor,

1:15 HBO * * "Just Iho V o r" (1984. Comody) Kristy I hn- chool O ntkoan. ••

2:00 CD **V^ "Flulei en- Oramo) Jo h n Jarrot. Er I. ( n )* * * " L if o o ( lh e P o i2o- ol B oatrlco" (1962. C

BurnoK. Lloyd Bridges. 55, • (TMC) * * "Tho -Poit 3o- (1977. C om ody)John fi

G illiland .-----83. 2:30 Q m * * « ; "Mr. Ri

soo" (1932. Advonturo) I 42. bonks. William Farnum.

CIN * * * '/ , "Gllda" {1 ys- Rita H ayw orth, Glonn F

■ - 3;3Q S H Q W .* * * "T h n i,n 90 f l9 /4 ~ S u s p e n s o ) Uav of- Ja m es Farentlno.

, 4 :00 HBO_*i>-, "Wl^nfflniSr-------KtnoqoTn- n 9S5:FgTnc!sol son. Vidal Potorson.

(TMC) **V i "Boat Sti j3. Musical) -Roo Dawn ( ip- Davis.

; 4 :3 0 C IN * * * * "AllAbOut >7. Droma) Botto Davis, Am In. 5:30 HBO **'/^[ "KIdColloi ly) vonturo) Jorom y Shom o in, tord.

Tie sports■ “ ~PiTi50urgn'Piraic3'aT"Ci

(Uvo)om 1:00 CD WATER SKIING

look '88 . (R)3A- 2:00 CD LEGENDS OF W(

(UT----- 3?00‘© "SPO R TS‘TRIVIANG' 3:30 CD THOROUQHBRE on. 4:00 6 ) SPORTSLOOK


_______'^ E R I C A SPECIAL 1snuxjiTJoskotO aifcnnm

po. 5:35 O MAJOR LEAGUE I Los A ngoles Dwdgdrs,LL Bravos. (Livo)


n stant Justice" • f ool Poro, Tawny

;lii0 Boil, Cllllon -

vol Slory" (1954.• .SIOVOCochraa. . . . . . . rm s of Endoor-noj-Shifloy-M a:---------; — -or. •Q Woy You Aro" ly McNIchoI, Mi-

tem an" (1983,Emil Minty.=>nrty: Tho Story

Drama) Carol3S.OltlCoat Affair"1 As’tin. nichord

Robinson Cru- 0) Douglas Fair- - m.{1946, Drama)I Ford.

lavid Jansson .

la - o L ^m .L osi______ ____

Strool" (1984.Chong, -Guy

)utEvo-{18S0,— ----------Vnno Baxter.ier"(l98S .A d-nos. Jim Staf- V

•cnicago’CotjcT------ '<0 AWSA Out-




1967-88 high ___

u^ b a s e b a u Tirs a t Allania

s's ■ ' ,

:HINOCEROS 3W THE CA‘ilmatod. Jock Rudyard Kl-

-------------- - -

Page 73: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

W EDN ESD AY E■ • ■ 7 : 0 0 I tTs F

o MocNoit/Lohfcr

O Growtfvg |ciaas

Highway to Hoavon

O Mojw Lcaguo Oatcba

O Notional Goc.- i

8 0 Jako & tho Faiman' '

___m a CfowTfibo ;

ShorifI |T a n d T |i

SHOW Movie: "The Blpgost I

.............. HBO KM- |M ov»o;'^

■ pling’a " J o s t So sTorlos?'' Bobby McForrln. (In Storo< [SHOVV] IT S OARRY SHAI SHOW Allor taking stor m odlan to ssons Irom Goi bocom os 0 sm ash hit. (In ;


* - An olhlotic counsolor a l o Jho Wind trios to provont Impaired m an Irom pomw cido. (R) (in Storoo) Q CD,SURVIVAL Flimmokor S

m ongooso '5 highly orgoni: a iructure. (In Sloroo) c?

________ a .(12)_N A T 10N A L OEO------------- D K TrasiO N M EK naoanair

■ Dick Ruion. mo Voyager i m ode a non-slop.nighL Jl world; marino biologist Sy tulips In Holland.

SK ^V ?E "T fib 'N lghY T rd! m ondu- f1938. Advontur.

. R oberts. Mllla Jovovlch,CD MTV'S ROCK-tT *88 Hl( on onnual rock leollvol tn Sw tuorland. Porlormanco torvlows Includo Crowdo ZIggy Marloy. Run-O.W S cag g s. Sting and Stovo \

____:___a M a £ Q N ra A fU f .W M P iCROW TRIBE A portrait Ol mo. loaturing raro photogrt Amorican Crow Indians a Intorvlows wllh Ulbo momi

_________O AMERICAN DIARY E.C^taK os jT ilBtoil d o o lc a t t tw

Trooty, iho "Charloston.' famlno and plaguo; - anc Roosovett.a LARRY KINQ LIVE CD UGHTER SIDE O F SPO Ja y Johnstono.

_________0 |) MOVIE * * * "A'Shinini(l&79rDrama}T1momy B«

------ __ .lyn /nn-M cU >ri4^ -------S (4il S H ^ S T t^SH E R IF SHOW MOVIE * * "The Bic

' dio o l Thom All" (1968. Co lorlo Do S k » . Robort Woe [SHOW] MOVIE H eat" (1987. Drama) Lori S thony Edw ards.CIN MOVIE n * * "Th* Blowor" (1987. Drama)

E V E 3 ^ G — : T . . .

) I 8 :00 1 8 - 3 0 ~ [ ~ g :D 0 ~ FSwvlval__________American PH

~ Hoop- [Bilty Joel in Iho U.Tsif

m Dodd Sara [BrooKZoo

sobali Movio: "Beneath iho Pi

Nai't Ooogfaphic |Naft 0 ^

n ' Wiseguy__________^ ________

Why Wo Flgtil jAt tho tm ^

r Movio; "Toppor"

ost Bonoia,ol Them All" Brothers | s

•'.Tho-Gator............... - Movie: "Hur

Is7 ''M usic by Caine. Jam oi oroo) 7:30C9DONN/HANDLINO'S prove that vn slond'Up CO* pampored. 6 Gorry. Grant CO O C C HE, (In Storoo) tho lirsl ParcIS ‘ inobrlatod lali^J0 THE FAT- cuous mothoi


Chapman. (Ir A IN S O c a VIDEO 01’ TO HEAVEN CD PBA BOWll 0 cam p lor ' invltaltonat, I 'ent a vision- (Uvo) ,mmlttlna sui- O flD T ANC

HBO.MOVIE or Simon Tro- Horror) SlopI

janizod lamliy ' 8:00 b9k*OW'A

ieOQRAPHIC (D C S (11) 9

ler pilots w ho - Trovof's poti iLfitDUDd_itio. 00030’s hig 1 Sylvio Earlo: strueluto. (In

g d o o d h o < 0 ( » C C C B

Train to Koth- M0U.Y DOC ituro] Pomoll . and M oss li n, ■ . m akes his orI Highllghis ol - Molly. (In Stc I In Montroux. (D AMERIC incos and in- Novor Sang I fiOo<S H ouse. ogod man ( O.M.C.. Boz, m om bonihls vo Wlnwood. nooring loth RRIORS: THE Storoo) □It o l lh o Indian O {tarW A ' sg ro p h so lth o - Tho Son Anc IS and roconi ' sites 'visitod lombors. plaio toctonli E.G. Marshall plains- how ■ihB-VeontHos , fajAchfld..flnc on." R uss ia 's soparalo. and Franklin (B NEWS '



ining Sooson" sic trends ar / BonprnsrA t---------- oic a s w9lt a

. esiia.w H YSHIFF---------------------- Rtissia '^Ffo1 B iggest Bun- • Wnr Popartn ,CorSody)Vtt- fflSECRETl Naanor. rolo o l snak<W "Summ or ® H EA D U ^ 3rl Singor. An- O (4® MOVI

Comody) Ki •Tho Whistle don. ma) MiChaol (TMC) MOV

. . , 'I

-N :30 110:00 110:30 I 11) PiayhouM Cha

i.S.n. Ncvrt Enlortaln, Nlgl

XI News Tonight Show

0 Planet ot tho Apos" Movie: "Psych

?praphlc Benny— Oulf»cy •

~ Nows M'A*S'H Add

iprov Vic. a t Churchill Cro

........ Hit--------- Mo\

|shan- Movlo: ••Summor H oaf

Hunk" . . . ...................■ [Hite

ro s F o x i -4NA REEO D onna w ants to1 vrt>mon d o n ’t hovo toI. G uest; Jim Davis. ^ ^HEAD OF THE CLASd-On ’aron ts ' Oay ovont. E ric's lalHor and M orin's prom la- .

thor crealo c au so a scono . "•

COUNTRY Foaturod: Gory . (In Storoo)I DISC JOCKEY OWLINQ Show boat Sonlor it, Irom Lao V ogas.,N ov .

iN D TriE • * "T he Q ato•• (1987. lophon Dorfl, C hrista Oen-

tfAH & MAm iN'S;‘D MWH=— 'J T

) g ) WISEGUY ____ .

joftrpli o l th© <Jwarl-mor>------highly organ ized family

iIoO P m IS aN (tn Storoo) O CB DAYS AND NIGHTS O F KJDO’ Frod c a tc M s MoltVT s In a noa r M ss; D onnis I ono phono <»II (rom lall to Storoo) qRICAN PLAYHOUSE ."Iig lor My F a lho r" A mlddio- n (Oaniol J . Trnvantl) ro - . h is nnal visit vrith his tjom l- olhor (Harold Gould). (In ,

M A TlO H AfaEO O RA PHtC----------^ndroas F au 'l Is ono of tho lod in th is o: nm lnallon of onlcs. tho sc ionco th a t ox- nv tho e a r th 's c ru st h a s

1 ' ‘IGHT TALK IK.AND CHASE - /IE WONDER: CHARAC- ivlo reflects on curront m u- 1 and porto rm s h is now m u-K la sv ln ia o o h lls .----- ------------------fHY WE FIOHT "B attlo OlF r o n k - C ^ a . 'd iro a o d - lh la ___jrtmont film on W orld W ar II. | ETS O F NATURE T ho soc ial lakos. .. .lUNC. NEWS3VIE "Toppor" (1979.

Koto Jo ckson . Ja ck War-

OVIE * "M unchlos" (1987. , ^ F riday . J u n o 10; 1988

J w . i. J w ^•« ■ , .. r ■ Ntr

1 1 : 0 0 l l : 3 0 r i 2 : 0 0 l 1 2 :

Champ • Slgn-OII

NlQtiilino Lovo I HII Sign-

low Oavid Letterman Now:

iycho" _________________ 1000

• - iFallGuy • INN

Addwty__________ Myth/Monsiar

CrowTcltw I Why Wo F l ^

M0vH r^B^*Q^ny^? th<^O^and-CanY0r

iC Poison I "Tho Lady in R

Hitch-.. SamKtnlson .. .. I&iot

m nesC• Comedy) Harvoy Korman, <

Stratton.8:20 O MOVIE * * * "B onoath <

not ol tho A pes" (1970, Sclor non) Jom os F ronclscus. Kim

8;a0 (9 CAR 54. WHERE ARE Toody and M uldoon lind U Ir blo to stop doing ovorthing o (3) O QD A MATTER OF ' BILLY JOEL IN TKE U.S. bohlnd-tho-sconos look ol Bitty Joo l's po rsonal odysao] Soviot Union during his 198 7 1 tour to Iho citlos o f Moscow,


Worry ha* d sstruc tlvopow aj Aft pa lnlulfts a c ancer.To bilng le lial, 'i io oit> bellol Insutanec l i Iho a n iw er .

, ...... , __________

OBENCKA1N=WHlin s u r a n c e

733-1076363 2nd A vo. N.

Twin Fa>ls

988 Tim os-N ow s. Twin Falls

S'"'2 :3 0




!H —■ --


I Red"

tocu- 1

day ^, Chartos

th tho Pla- ionco Flc* m Huntor.RE YOU? t Impossi- ] oliko.= TRUST:.S.S.R. A al singor loy in the 17 concert tw. Lonin-


S Ir-1 i

^ tIv«r.“ "

le l- '.

H I E A T - -------- ^


Hs. ld a h o 4 l

Page 74: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

WfednsKtirod and Tbilisi, (t o o e a o iB S A R A to holp roconlly dl^ mon ot 0 wino syr


Sprlngor and Don J poopio and plocos our Amorlcan horlt; O VIDEOCOUNTR

_____________ J S H O ^ POISON.

^ prosa Ills vblling gi . O (le AMERfCAN

......... • NovofSangJorM ylagod man- (Danlol momtiorsMIs (Inalv

..... ......... ........ ... noojlng father (HaSioroo) g0 ( » c n iB B n o N >Q0 ( 1 2 ) NATIONALlooii.ol-otions by II Sorvico tofostflct lh 10 America's paiits. CC TWILIOHT ZON cMovousIy pu ts on ( roolly 0 llmo mochlr O REMINGTON STI ond Laura bocomo murdor whon ihoy i proloci Iholr $75,001

lOlg-bfootJIng form.:______________ m_EDispN_i3«JNS

Goorgo Kolsy’s will

O YOU CAN BE A _______________BD AIHWOLF String

__________ doftQOfous Slum In ,f a CLUB MTV O ) M EVENINQ A Hosi: McLoan Slovi comics: Stovo Bluos pan, Marsha Worfloi

__ _____W HORSE, IN SPCand I'rdlning for ttio m MONEYLINE 69 EVENT OF THE OC CAONEY a. LACE (John Korlon) o ldsjil whon Ihoy Invostlgai doalh of a' high-ri;

— worttor. '_____________ilBOHOVIE-AV^jlH

mody) John Alton N ~ Stiorton,

SHOW BROTHERS Thanksgiving Is ain w hon a long-lost unc

-----------------------fS H 0 W J -« 6 v ie - rrRod" (1979. Dramj Mortin, Robort Coor. CIN MOVIE **'/2 Stono" (1987. Ofom, Anjolica Huston,


rolucianllyagroos to |--------------- --— U ia t-thouW -ho ip —

woman to shod poun Gonzo snook o dog I CD DANGER BAY A m an wonts lo trado t Ing sool for ono of sonls.O AMERICAN MAG CD MONTY PYTHON' CUS

_ >12Tlmos-Ncw5,Twin

iBday ‘ gJ______!________ SH(

li. (In sio roo) d R A R o z a n d Sa ra plan i d ivorcod Holon m o d sym posium . (R)cp

_ rtro> SNAPSMOTS’T nsha ~ ioIoO i

jn JncK s sook ou t tho tJD ( icos which moko up . NEV orltago. r j i < JTRY )L i„ IN ._______________________g ^ '

g grandfathor. n /;AN PLAYHOUSE "I KM yFollior-A m lddIo- . . nlol J , Trnvontl) ro- al v isit with his domi- (Harold Gould), (In _

ONX ZOO (In Sioroo) |

IAL GEOGRAPHIC A S qjy (hd Nnilonal Pork p .|rt, :tih o p u b iic 'sa cc o 5 s „n t3 Iks. f n (:ONE A Janilor mis- , on a holmot which is .Chino. ,,STEELE Remington

imo involved with a

a trovol to lowu to }0 Invoslmoni 1^*0 ^ q

iHS Tha.jfladlng-Q LJ--------will loads Tom and g |„o

• A STAr “tingfollow und Dom- p,

' ~ ° oi

i A T THE IMPROV .. tovonson. Foatiirod io -2 0 i uostoln. JImtny Qro- '/ lon rf'iold. - - ‘no, LSPORT Propijration...... iIho driving event, ,

HE DAYftCGY Horvoy Lacoy IS Jlls wifo ond'C hris “ ^ • y . igato the suspicious h -riso corialruction

I ’H u n k L d S a ? . C o-______n N elson. Doboroh

ERS Tho W aters ' I® *’, a lm ost poaiponed ^

u n d o pays on unox- _____g,

w y ^ ^ n j r t n e y n r r —------- S ' Sam a) Pomola Suo w . i •

PM to* '/, "G ordons ofomo) Ja m o s Cnnn, “

■<ERN i i v « r ^>HN. M D. Trnppor ilop^jrforn tsurguryI p -a n -o v o fw a lg h t---------ounds: RIpplos and n Elog in lor trenim ont, ^i A oldorly gontlo- u n to ido h is old porform- „of tho A quarium 's jq j


win Foils. Idaho F r ld a y .J u r

B SPORTS TONIGHT A nchors: Fro-llckman, Nick C h a r lo s .. . ------ED SPORTSCENTER SHOW i r S GARRY SHANDUING'; SHOW Allor loking s tand-up cc nodlan losiions from G arry. G rar >ocomo3 a sm ash hit. (In Sioroo) TMC) MOVIE *Kr " to to Midnight 1983, Oromo) Cliorlos G ronson, An Irow Slovons.JO CD MAKE RO'OM'FOR’ DADOV « W O O (M) CM CD (11) f f i (») Q JEWSrj BUTTERFLIES Rio c a u se s m ort ion lho usuni choos in Iho kitchen

nd noarly runs ovor o dog I (12) BENNY HILL D PAPER CHASE - THE FIRST EARHnrtsoPrtis o s Kingsfroid's os- islont on 0 Court o t Appoois cnso. 3 MOVIE "Tho First Olympics AUions 1896" (1984. DrofTifil (Pori Of 2) Louis Jourdan. Dovid Ogdon tiers.I NASHVILLE NOW D ORAQNETWhon a child is in|urod, riday ond Gannon discover thu par* nts to t>o chlid-boators,3 CLOSET CLASSICS CAPSULE ITV loams up old.favorilos with ro- jn t ciossics.D (Ml VICTORY AT SEA The Allies <vopi irirough tho E ast o s ii becom e croasingiy opporont Ihoi iho Ja- inoso wore dofooted. ^) QUEST FOR HEALING Study of 0 holistic opproach unod in nmoTertndisrt-artd-TibeittfT-ftxMli- ne.niEWSWGHT---------- --------------------) NBA TODAY

987. Dromaj'Lori Slngor. Anthony, swards.3 O MOVIE "Psycho"900. Horror) Anthony Perkins. Ja- >t Loigh.) CB MISTER EO Ed loom s h o '7 in Indian ctuod.) (M) TONIGHT SHOW Host: Johnny irson . (in Sioroo)1.(12) QUINCY Quincy's b o ss takos inrgo whon n string ol unexpected 'Onia blocks Quincy's rouie to thefico. -- ------- -- —) MOVIE "O ne Million Yeors C-*(l9eerFamasy)-JorTn'Richi!rd--' in. Raquol Wolch.> (11) M 'A'S'H A hoavywelqhl box- 3 champion pays o goodwill visit lo0 <1077th.1 EDdE.OE.NiQHT___ ___________LCLASH-SBEaAl-------------------------I (»C) WINSTON CHURCHILL; THE PLIANT YEARS M onlgomury find Itton pinch oil lho Oulrjo.I MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRATED I EASY STREET I (4«) HIT SQUAD> CJ) CHEERS Som, in on (tllori toolocl Wo<xly,.!iog!«G!U£J_u!ina;.iL.go bot lor him.i-MAQNUMrP,lr---------- --------- ---------I ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT In-viow: aclor Kovin C ostner (’ The itouchoblos"). (In Storoo)I MACNEIULEHRER NEWSHOUR ICDTONIOHTSHOW Hoi;l: Jo h n n y '

irson. (In Storoo)NIGHTLINE Q

June 10, I960

Fred [SHOW] QALWGHI BOARD! Comodion {

........ - sb m sm broo l'h iaonMu Q 's II'O l-Of’9 Booch Tor

CO- tfonsforinodim onnoc 3,ant with wovos ond covos.0) and an oloctric w i in h f Storoo) .-An- 10:36 ® M 'A 'S 'H

' I I jOOGDOONNAREEOC j y - - ----- provo-thol-womeri do1) m pamporod. G uost: Jim

r- a («' t a x i DRIVER.. TION WITH A CH former worid boxing t los Ortiz.

-Oil--------- CD-(11)-ADDERLY-Gidorly and M ona's unde

• gallon is doom od whoiI os-ISO. CD'BURNS AND ALLEpics glos with immlgralicP o rt.....— while-hoiping-8-lriorKdon exiond hor visa, •


rod, CHOW TRIBE A portro par- Ilfo, foaturing ro 'o phot

Amoricon Crow Indioi JLE intorviows wilh Iritjo rt I ro- £D TOUR DE SOL;

GHAND PRIX Mighiigl' Mies ^oiar-poworod co r roc im e (B INSIDE POLITICS ' Ja - 08 PUBLIC POLICY C'


in O I4«) MOVIE * * "£--------- G m n d -O a n y o n ^ ie e J

soph Cotlon. P,al C om-------------- RDCrHTTCHHtKefTTO!

Simmons and ac tro ss , hard ator ln_thla-fulii

oboul doalh bolrayol aifOj::---------lt>e-f«f3u(t-of-a-packot-iony. do r. (In Storoo) Q

CIN MOVIE **4r "F no" vicos" (1907. Com ody) Ja - » Aloe McCowon,

11:05 C« ADOERLY Gr«le 'T ----- donyand M ona's undei

gotion is doom od w hen m y begin dying. (R)

O NIGHTLINE Q <05 C«) MOVIE * * "Brighty ted Canyon" (1967. D rama the ton. Pol Conway. -

11:06 © -ADDEHLY Gre ors dorly and M ona 's undorird--------- gallon i3doom od w hen

bogin dying. (R) ox. 11:30 09 ROWAN & MART t io IN

o r (M) LATE NIGHT 1____ . LETTERMAN (In-Stofot------------ 0<12)4:ALL-OUY-ColtHE pursuo an oIubIvo b a il' md colod In tho thoft o f 3 h’

CD BEST OF GROUCH cooking-show h o s to s s i tour Mama W oiss.O MOVIE * * "Coll of

to (1942. Wostorn) G ono / r-g ...- gaj«W fi:£R lM EJ3M E-:


In- Is profiled, he ED NEWSNIOHT UPDA'

HBO SAM KINISON CoJR Kinlson doilvors h is vio>

thing from soK .to roiifi ny ”primot scroam " oppri

mody, Spociai apponro nnv Onnoorfloid. (In Sto

IHER'S OVER- I G oiiaghor pro-boot hofnor Irom ................."orraco Thoator, ocoon-iikp arona IS. flying sooguiis w otormoion. (In

) D onna w onts toSon't huvo to bo----------- -i|m Davis,^... CONVERSA- :HAMP Profiles 3 cham pion Car-

G ropnspahr-A d------------idercovorinvostl- ie n tho su sp e c ts '

.LEN Grocio ton- Ilion oulhorllios rrtd-from -Frnnco-----------—

OMORROW VARRIORS: THE troll Of tho Indian ■ lo togrophsoftho ions and .roconl I mom bofs.^ THE SILENT ighls of tho nrst oco. .S '8 8 (R)CONFERENCE

3VIS0RY "Brighty of tho«7ri>rnitiB>-Jo------------------inwov.locJToRfsrOono----- ------------IS S and ro Bom-itiirifillr; my«itnn/ __I and.<tocaH-.jiU---------------jt-of-whitt>-pow------------- —

"P o rso n al S«r- ly) Julio Wollors:

Broonspan, Ad- lercovorlnvosil- en tho suspocis

ity of thO'Orond na) Jo so p h Cot-

Sroonspan, Ad- lorcovorinv<istl- B n ih o -s u s p « ts ;-------------- =-



>lt-an<Hnft^ahg —iHlum por ipipu- I hiilllon dollars,:H 0 G uost: TV s and rostauro-

3f tho Canyon"

E ^E ST L IN O .... - - -KEY______________________E 'A sorponJcull

IATEComodion Sam low s on ovory- liigion with his p roach to co- ronco by Rod- itoroo)

Page 75: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

SHOW POISON ..................- lljaS G nH IT -S Q U A D ;

a LOVE CONNECTJON ( S REMEMBER WHEN Th can froo p ro s s is studied, lr oporalod prinling pros tolovlslon broadcasts . (B) CD LATE NJQHT WITH DA TERMAN (In Storoo)O ENTERTAINMENT TOh

--------fo rvrow foctor Kovtn-CostrUntouchoblofl"). (In Storoo: fSHOW] MOVIE * * "Tho a n s" (1987. Fontosy) Polor i

■ ■ Paul. R ichard Lynch.12:00 QB CAR 54, WHERE Al

-------- ToodyTind-Muldooo-drKl-ltl>lo to Slop doing ovodhlng CD 700 CLU8 gg (Ml WHY WE FIQHT ' R uss ia" Frank Copra airc W ar D oponm ont film on Wo

____ 6Q NEWLANIMAL.WORLIbolow it\o su rtaco o> tho sc sofvo lho struggk) lor survK iOus aquatic lilo.

CD SPORTSLOOK SHOW MOVIE **V i "Tho R od" (1979. Drnmo) Pom Morlln. R obort Conrad. (TMC) MOVIE * » "Summor (1987. Comody) Mark Harr Silo Alloy.


12:10 C9 (11) MOVIE * *

lor Byrno.— "12?1S'Qr*10VIE~<rw-‘'M eobbi

or M onstor” (1977, Drarr

-------MOVIE “ Maiitwi: z r ± . - ^ M o f » u i i : : r ( i 9 7 7 . '; j w t i :

Byrno.12:30 CB MONKEES Oavy wni

p ro ss his visiting grondlath O W HEADLINE NEWS O (12) INr^ NEWS (B A U C ES ) NOAH’S ARK Tho transi of V onozuola's savannah. I rost.0 SPO RTS LATENIQHT CD SPORTSCENTER HBO EXECUTION -- FC DAYS IN MAY: AMERICA

■ COVER Oocum anlary onco-----------I6hm«nt lUmod on daath fov

“ , olsslppi prison , g12:35 - ® •M O V JE -ft*"Bfl0h

G rand Canyon (1967rT?> so p h Cotton. f*at Conv^ay. o MOVIE ***V ^ "M an o

----------- sothJ— Fn c o s“— (1957— E----------- Jo n lo s Cflonoy. Dorotiiy

12:50 CIN MOVJE * * .VProppii Comody) Oonnis Drako. Sti

1:P0 CD « SPY Robinson bo volvod with a boautilul phc

' w ho m ay t w a Communlst (D INN NEWS CD TO BE ANNOUNCED CD MOVIE "Tho I

________Vi/fflta^(1940, Drama) HorJa n o Oarwoll.CD DIAL MTV 0 3 (A9 EVENINQ AT THE Host: M cLoan Slovonson com lca: S tovo Bluostoln. J gan . M arsha Worllold.S HEADUNE NEWS OVI CD DRAG RACINQ IHRA I

" . (lonols. f ^ m' e ««) ALL Ni

^ ‘ ....... (SHOW] MOI Tho Amorl- (1986, Comc

CD MOVIE * DAVID LET- 20.000 FathOf

tion) Paul Chr TONIQHT In- HBO MOVIE

Tho B arbarl. -BOAHDI C br to randO avId .s o w s m oro ol

tho Long Bc E ARE YOU? transform ed IKl-lt.lmpo6Sl.-------- wllfi.wav03.Dtfling alike. o'®

Sloroo)IT "Bnltio ofairoctoo tnis 1:<0 (TMC) R W orldW arn . (19B7. Comc RLD Vonturo Charlos S lra t0 soo's lo ob -- • '2 ;0 0 CD MOVIE jrvlval by vor- . (1952, Advon

c n MOVIE *v rho Lady in '

SUO a ^ ic t o r Vmor Schoo l" ID REMOTE ■larm'on. Klr- 69 (Ml ASHES

With tho puri1 b e l e a n husband ’s a;

' travols lo tho OAVID LET- noy. S lars Ch

Colby."M anboastl ® LARRY Kl

’ CD POW ERS—■Uoonl-Oiffioi

,r«ma) Potor A u g u s ja .^ .^

Wants to Im- CD CLUB M T (athor. 2:35 0 3 NEWSS SHOWMOVU

(1987. Fanto Paul. Richord

anslorriiaHon ISHOVkfJ BR< Bh Into a (o- Thanksgiving

whon a long-li r r .. poctod,vlsll. (

2:36 S ) NIGHI FOURTEEN gross)

ICA UN DER-- 2:50 CJN MOVI n capital pun-- (197-4. DromaK o w . l n « M i s ^ ^ . ^ u , g n , ^ ^ ^

righty o l th o . . O VIDEO Ol! ^ . ^ ^ g C R O S S P , ,

in Ol a Thou- MAOAZINE - B i o graphy)— a J S .Q .Q R EEt

ipplos” (l984^_I. Stovon Holt.I bocom os In- photographer inlst agont.

:D __________10 G rapoS' o t ..................................Honry Fonda.__ . ______^ y 2 -

THE IMPROV Ison. Foaturod In. Jimmy, Bro-

OVERNIGHTRA Spring Na- l h = = =

bm "B ri3 tb l.Tdnn .-(B > r--“ :---------. NiTE MOVIESMOVIE- * * ••Ofr- B B or - - -imody) Judgo Rolnhold. —

}DA f; ** '/2 "Tho Boast From n hom s" (1953, Sclonco Fic- 3: 'Dhrlstlan. Paula Raymond. |IE "Dollvory Boys" (1985. (■,darlo.Van Pooblos........................ cr GALLAGHER'S OVER- r^bmodlan Gollaghor pro* |) of his oUboal humor (tom \B oach Torracc Thoalor, (

)d Into on ocoan-llko arena |LD&.ilcnvoo,.njjnflaonfluii?____olectrlc watormoion. (in q

<ES OF HAZZARD ji.M O V IE...* "Munchias". . t )mody) Harvey Kormon. 4;( tratton. |tflE -**V r“ Th« Blg-Tre«'-^-----------C'onturo) Kirk Douglas. Evo |

*V ^"E blM yO usy"(1976,) Ron Howard, Chrjato- ;s. 5RY OF DIETING |rE CONTROL (IE S OF MRS. REASONER f)urposo of scattoflng hor t

a s h e s , a rocont widow (lho AUanlic with hor altor- <C harles Ourning, Barbara (


RBOAT RACING Interna- I^ rnnrl Prix From t

i a . (R) crrtEN T ADVISORY I


WTV . • tVS (R) -------*■>iVIE * * "Tho Barbarians ’ Intasy) Potor and David Cord Lynch. IJROTHERS Tho W aters ' IIng is olmosl postponed Ig -lo st u n d o pays an unox- (11. (In Storoo) Q s3HTWATCH (Lell In Pro- *

)V ie **•* "The Gambler" jm a) Ja m o s Caan, Lauren i

ICTAHl-------------- “ ■ ■■ ■ '4:<DISC JOCKEY . < IFIRE -- '■ / O F . AMERICAN MUSCLE . _4 ;< E ' ( iEN .A CH £a____________ ______ (

D IV O R <C h i W C u s t

P r o p e r t y S e t t h

Q U E S T IC2 - h o L j r - G o n f i d e n n a l G <


i q s h o n e S t . N . , T w i n F a l

I F r i d a y . Ju n o 10,1988

WednescHBO MOVIE " L o fs Got Horry" Advonturo) Robort Duvall, Ma

3:?0 O QOMER PYLE. USMC CD ADVENTURES O F OZZI HARRIET O zzie ond Thorny a d e llv o rtho lood .lo .ow om en ;! mooting.CD * 200 PER HOUR FOR P YEARSSB SHOWBIZ TODAY CD GETTINQ RT

J_(S»W .W}-HARD-KNOCK9-W ag ing su p erh e ro (Barney lo so s his pow or sou rca . a i Ju s tice , ho en lis ts G ow or ond ho lp find IL (In Storoo)


~ a D 'A L ic e — --------- ------------CD TODAY WITH MARILYN CD MOVIE **V^i "Tho FIrsI O - A thans-1896" (1984. Dram 2 of 2) Louis Jou rdon . David S tiors.CD PERFECT DIET O ) (H) SIGNATURE A so rlo s fc fam ous peoplo Intorviowod w siud io aud lenca o r on-screoi CB DAYBREAK CD AEROBICS lifI PRESCRIBING INFORMA SHOW MOVIE * * -i-Ofr Boot Com ody) J u d g e Rolnhold. M

_ISU Q M .JEN N IEeaaJi2U B i lowing an explosion. Captain b o a t 'b u rs t s Into flam es, fore c liild ron 'io t r a n s r o r 'to - a 's i b a rk e d on a hun tJ9 r:3unkc

(TMC) MOVIE * * * "A Spoc — o t - L o v o ^ l 9 7 8 .—D ficn a )-

D um lng. Irene Tedrow .- 4 :30 O DENNIS THE MENAC


'4 :45 :C IN M 0V 1E- * * % - ’'GQr< ■ S to n o " (1987. Urama) Jam o

AnJolIca H uston,_4 :50 . HBO MOVIE * * "Corlal

(1965. D ram a) T atum .O 'N ot __ C ura,_______________________

? C E ?j s t o d yt t i e m e n t s

ONS?-----G o n s u l t a t i o r r $ 2 0 : 0 0 ’

:R A B T R E ESAT LAWrails____________ 734-9

188 . TJn jos-N ow s, Twin Falls

dfim-—3 "(1988,

ork Hnr-

ICZIE ANDy ngroo lo n’sg rqup


•Whon-on—^/ Mnnin) • a Ring ol nd Nick to ' '

Olympics jma) (Part

t featuring I withoul a ]on host.

NATIONat" (1988.

------------------.In Endor's . 'orcing lho-sRifrafiP--------------------iken tron-

oclnl Kind)_Ch«rt«6------------------ -




n rd o n s 'o f--------------noa Caon. • >

tain Fury" lonl.' Irene ■ ■

0 -------- ' 7 ^ ' "


Il9, Idaho 43

Page 76: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles


6:00 CO MAKE ROOP C X )0 (U )C D (B (1 i O a s W ltD AMEF

____ ___ hogs In N onh Amof......................"wild hog IjTiporlbd'

tho natlvo poccary. G ) WHEEL OF FOF O FAMILY TIES I wim on unwod o: goto out o t hand fan n in g tor inolr « tamlly.CD NIGHTLY BUSlh

_ _ CE MOVIE Jr* * "1JooT ynan "(f97i), t Moryl Siroop.

_______________ O .CRAZY.LIKEA.. tioning on a dudo

and D ndy rind o co CD MATT a JENN' como ac ro ss a wor hor tnihar who tios r (]rapt> wlia onlmnis' O NASHVILLE NO CB BIPTIOE Tho Rl OS mlnor>looguo bo help Iho. c lub 's owi suspociod dru(] doa CO VIDEO DISC JO' CB ENTERTAINMEI torvlow: ac tro ss Bar: Sicroo)QDdffiMYFAMILY/

= . :=rfttA L3iIfae.tool,ccto , rand (Inds Ih'o snoki

magplos drunk. (Pa S UVINQ iSLESH dovolopmonts nro Cl

----------------------------------------r - rO PRIMENEWS e s EVENT OF THE CD DRAG RACING (R)ui) "c x o n e V b. lacaught bolwoon . S.W.A.T. toum.O Uf) JETSONS HBO MOVIE **>^ Dark" (1979. Drama Kalhioon Bollor. (TM C)M OVIE***. (1950, Dromo) Qo' Baxter.----- --------------

. - Comody) Stovo Mt r«h .

6:20 O MOVIE * * «•Timo In tho W osl"

_____________ 6:30 O M ISTCR EDI

CD CD (11) WHEEL a u e NIGHTLY BU! CH JEOPARDYI Q O CHEERS Sam rit In 0 bot ho m ado lo

-------- :------- 0-8# -F A M ttY -T IE.......................... loualy owolts n.vlsl

pol.CD INSIDE WTASHIN CK M’A 'S 'H Tho i tion to 0 noarby cov hazard for Hawko problem Cel. Poltor 0 ( 1 2 ) WILD, WILD MALS


44 T(m o5-N ow s. Twin

rhursday eiDOM FOR DADDY I (11) 0 CD NEWS .tERICA A history o f . morlca. Including tho • ^ qc bd'ffbm-Europb nnfl

FORTUNE C3;S Alox'o inlQioation J oxpoclani m olhor g .jQ ^ nd whon ho bogtns ' ,Hr mo togoihor a s a j .q q 'q

JSINESS HEPOHT r "Tho Snduciion of , .^n '9 , DromnjAliinAlda,

Blan•,A.F.OX.Whiio_vncni____jdo ranch; Harrison 1 corpse In iho barn . - .q c . NNY Kit and Jenny , "! woman In soorch o l ^onos gono oil to ptw to- g.^Q '

NOW 'n o w Brld() Riptide boyu p o se g.QQ J- baseboll piayurs to q „ owner search lor adealer. gHCJOCKEY . P o m

MENT TONIGHT In- , BarDaroH cfshoy.iln

MuIr.Y AND OTHER ANI- Gon( £cIol}(ailar) on,..,— m ;0CMnokos looso ond tho (1971(P a n iO o M O ) KingS How tochnologicfll O *ro cfool'ng now hiibt- (104-

^ : :L - - rGat>lI - O t<•HE OAY . toin "NO Cajun Nalionals. Rum

__________________ . i D j o nLACEY Cngpoy Is c o n f

n a klllor and n chad* 11:00 H

> mod'<'/j "Prom lsos In the sH O im a) Marsha M ason, ( ige i

WInt** *"A llA bou lE vo '‘ CIN Quito 'Davls. A n n o ___ ... Ornn

* "Roxanno" (1907:Marlin. Doryl Hnn-

» * * "Onco Upon aiSI" (1969. W ostorn) MORiaudta-6«'dinal».—SD Ed decidos lo a t - ; 6 :30 C

;EL OF FORTUNE Q . ' (Tape BUSINESS REPORT 7 :30 G Q Ilonaln risks losing his bor ingtoi o long ago. 8 :30 C£-TIES-J©nnilof-«nx-------- 8 i3 0 -«.vistt. ffom .o Jo rm or___ li :O 0 CE

fromHINGTON M ass10 iJ077th's evncua- . covo posos anoihqr _ _ _ _ wkoyo. who hns a d anco iltor Is unoworo of. toch cILDWORLDOFANI- q p r

IT WC; A music video a n d . ( vvi

iVln Falls. Idaho F riday . Ju m

wening prog

DaytirtilO R N lN G --.- .....................................

0 (TMC) *** '/? "T oa nnd Sympa- ly" (1950. Dromn) Dobornh Korf. 3hn Korr.0 HBO * * "Tho G ato " (1987. Hor- )r) Stephen OOfll. C hrista Donton. 0 CIN "Lovo S o n g s" (1964. Drama) athorlne Donouvo. Christophor sm bon.0 SHOW *V: "Hoatftdill; Tho lovio" (1986, Com ody) Voice ol Moi lonc.0 S ) *-C arnivaI.Slory:: (195 V rama) Anno Baxter, Stovo Cochran. 5 O * * * "Long Hoi Summor" 985. Drama) (Part 2 o l 2) Don John; 3n. Ja so n Robards.0 . a M C ) .* * * . ::C utto i'6 W.iy" 981. Dramo) Jo h n Hoard. Jell ridges. - •0 HBO ** "Capiivo H enna" (1987. rama) Norlyuki " P a t" Moriia. ChiisiGkOpOQCO.HOW **'/^ "The M an With Bogart's nco" (1980, Comody) Roborl Sec- ll. Olivia Hussey.IN '***V^ "Tho G h o s l and Mrs. luir" (1947, Fanlosy) Rox Horrison, ono Tlornoy.o . m .*,fcife,.-x c t , ihB a niiQQiL.Gii:'.9 7 6 , 'Drama) R obort Botllos. Jan ingsbury.1 * * "Robin Hood of tho Pecos" 0-11. Wostorn) Roy R o g ers . Gooroo a hhy.Hnyag:—I Mt) * * "Man From Music Moun-. iin" (1943, W oslorn) Roy Rogors. tjth Terry.0 rTM C)>A rA morlcan fJln][i 2; Tho.onfrontntion” (1907. Advonluro) Ml- lad l Dudlkotl. Stovo Jom os.0 HBO **» '/? "/^dhijr'- (1981. Co- lOdy) Dudley Mooro. Liza Minnolll. HOW ***V^ "A Pa tch of Glue" 965, Drama) Sidnoy Polllor. Sholloy rintors.IN **W '-Stopovor Tokyo" (1957. ronio) Robort W agner. J o a n Col-


) CD SPO RTSCENTEir ^-CD-ASPEN-BlbUAnOS-CLA&StC-opod)> CD AUTO RACING 1987 Iniornn- inal Raco ol Cham pions. From Lox- ]ton, Ohio. (R)1 CD MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRATED ^-e-BASIC-T-RAININO WORKOUT' I CD U,S. OPEN GOLF Fjrst Round, im Th'e Country Club m Brddkllno. is s . (Live)

ICO snow trom U isnoyland 's high- h Club. Vidoopoiis.PROJECT 2000: UTAH. WHATS WORTH?WIN, LOSE OR DRAW

---------------— I - ---------------—

u n c 10,1988

>grams __

m e movies.... _ ... "Monloipa- -W ostorn) Loo Marvin lorf. roau .


12:0b'(TM C ) *« "Tho . D rom a)Cliiislophorn A rquolto,

i r . | 12:45 -HBO ** "Ano C hild" (1983, Drama

a c . T ony LoBlanco.”'ran---------1;00-Q nW !-D l00flllUi

'ponoo) Andrew Koir.• SHOW **Vj,"Logoni

la sy ) Tom Cruiso. Mil CIN **V i "Evorylh

j ' „ - ' (1961, Comedy) Ml Buddy Hackolt.

jg , 2:00 ID **Vi! "Jupl 1 , ; (195S. Musical) Esthe

w a rd K o o l,' irt'S ii«) * * '/ i "Nurso" (198 5ec- c h ao l Loarnod, Robort

(TMC) * * '/ j "Girl H tirs. ('Musical) Elvis Prosloy ;on, bnroo .

2 :3 0 O (4 S )* * "C h a n a u . 3 q" ■_ ^_laloil(.lg '{Q..MyalQtyLE Jan HBO * V ” H ^5oiV 6X

Com ody) Richard Tho 05" G loss.>roo . SH O W * * * "Desk So------------- m ody>-Sponcfif-T m r;)un-___ H optju rn________ors. 4:00 (TMC) **V i "Housi

Shadow s" ' (1983, MysTho_ ___Prico . Pelof Cushing..Ml. ■ CIN * * * "Dirty Oan

O ram o) Jonnifor Gi Co- S w a y zo . atll. 4 :30 HBO * * '"Woicomo' ue" C om ody) Coortnoy T ilioy M arisKo Hargltay.

5:00 SHOW *Vi "Ho )57. M ovio" (1986, Comody) ::ol- B lanc. _

me sportsAFTERNOON ’

:icFron] P anam a City, Ra.

3 :00 CD U.S. Ot»EN QOLF ■ ' from T ho Counlry Club

M a ss. (Uvo),f,? 3:35 O MAJOR LEAGUE

— n.'o r 'X ngoT iw 'D ddg irn !------- OravoB.-(Uwo)'.------------


|h- QD(U)CASTOPTHEMO orm od. Howkoyo and tf

'S on to r tho Dolaworo h u n d re d s ol Mngua"s w. In. iPnrx 10 o l 131

10 Walsh'" (1970 ,................. 'vin. Joanne Mo-

0 Aviator"" (1985. r Roovo. R osanna

Dothor W om an's Tia) Undo U y ln ;

iLint"-(i986rSu5^-------- —r. lain Gion, ond"" (1985. Fan- Vlla Sara. ylhlng"s Ducky"Mickoy Roonoy. ' —

ipltor's Darling"' hor Williams, Ho-

980, Dromn) Mi- ort Rood.H appy" (1965.'

loy.' Sholloy Fa-

lu ond Iho Magic

hom aa, Sharon -

Sot" (19S7. CO- . . . . . ocyrr.KatharirM__Lj__ __

jso ol tho Long " lysleryi Vincont

a n c in g " - (1987^Groy. Patrick

10 To 18" (1986. T horno-Smith.

-loathciiff: Tho • ly) Volco of Moi •


la. (R)LF First Round, lb In Bfooklino,

UE BASEBALLr n n n “ Atianta----------- —„ . . .

AOHICAN8 Un-1 tho M ohicans - 0 ..villago a s w arriors closo

Page 77: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

T H U R S D A l ^ '^ E

- I 7:0Q- [-7:30-1-g i MocNoil/ ehrof |p f i * | t 0 a Movio: •’HoS

^W )|co5& y D Workt |c j C I Imovio; ‘.Oncu Upon o ''

[ O |4B Hours ’_______ W

■ ® (MS Movlo: "Family Dusino!

D D. Valloy |con i W

SHOW Tfoublo Rivof W

HBO Proniises/OaJk W


ilOo a c ro ss rural Afnurlca. on small-iown Ulo.O TELEQUEST SHOW JENNIFER'S JOUR^

______K>wii>g-ai>-eiipl06l0n, CapUiln'b o a t bu rsts tnto llamos. lor ctiiidran lo translor to a s borkod on Q hunt lor sunk 3U»0.


(1934, Dromo) G reta Scocci 'Firih,O (10) MACNEIULEHRER t


' lakuS H iid r^ n d h o r ^ o n d s '— vaudeville show . Bill Irwin t

Bailonilnb g u o s l^ lo r . (R) (In

Z IZ Z m -m iS - .d L D _ lH Q U S E .,,T IWlchen windows a ro trimmoc isliod. and Ihe changes mac houso'o exterior point oro tr

______O (12)_W 0N0ERFUL WOI‘DISNEY "Hog Wild 'A lte r m

- an Idoho pig ranch, o Chicag * - lias llnanclol dlllicullios wl

lalhor is injured by on onrog A 1974 movie storrlng-John flod D enver Pylo, (Port 1 Ol 0 ( 1 1 ) S ) 4 8 HOURS Shot I tw o ^ ay period, vorloua. CB corros^ n d e n la p fosen t to

---------- c«rTont”lmpbrteftC«: -AticMCDan Rather, Oolails lo nounced.CD 700 CLUBID MOVIE **.*Vz " U d y I Tramp" ^1955. Fontasy) Vo

— ' ■ - Poggy-L80r^Jiffy-flobeft».- (B BOXING*

---------- E) IM MOVIE >*Vi 'T o mtnds5" (t9S 3 , Drnmo) Mlltoi Jollroy M arcus,S> O.E.D. A look o t Iho' migr boio ira^otlng thousands ol

______ fOOtt_On_mtLJie£lOL.Q;_i>HLploni, which- bloom s onc(

---------- tw ontyffroyoora.— • -S LARRY KINO LIVE CD HYDROPLANE RACIN< Miss Budwrolsor highiighis, { (I® MOVIE "Shongam o"

I Drama) Bronda Robins. ( 'Houdo,O Ml) DEATH VALLEY DAY SHOW TROUBLE RIVER fi

VENING+ 8 : 0 0 - l - ' 8 : 3 0 I 9 : 0 0 I

Ban|o 's Aosiralla Mystofyl

’Hoart sounds"__________________

t [Chcors IN. Court I L A. Uw

r> o' Time in lho Wesi" Conl'd |

Movio: “Seml-TouQh"............

Movio: "Camlllo/NBA- Finals"

linoss" |Cato |C

Movio: ' Whilo Hoal"

Movio: "Tho Man Wilh Bogart's F

Movie: "Coplivu Hoarts"

S boy and hislEET-A Iraln — .dongorJiy-flo :a. focusing ratt.

[SHOW] MO D ay" (19B6. I

JRNEY Foi- mon, Amy St. lain E n d o r 's 7:30 CD OONN lo rc ing the captive in a ri

a sh ip cm- C3D O Ci) i unkbn troa- sounds" (196

nor. Mary Tyi O (Ml CID CD

BA Finals" Donlse leads occhi. Colin strootw iso su

Hillman. (R) (I :r NEWSH- CD GREAT C

Doop-lrled ci INCED popptor ponocSHOW Clin

in ''ond 'C arl S ) IRONMAN I (In Sioroo) w om on who <

CD U.S. OPE.„Tba_DOW______ Irom Tho Coi:T W dand Hn---------- M aM ^(R)—iia d o In tho 0 Qfi YOU (0 trac o d , Q YOU VORLD O F- - 8:00 C9ROWAf r'm ov ing fo INicogo family O 'C Ei BANJC

w h o n Iho grophicoi por irogod sow . Borlon Poion }hn E rlcson Australian act01 2) ' )o 'o works. (R

0 (M )C D C B ( “ oboard Evan

ton ir^” '^1 rough ooos fc to p ic s of rom anco is s B M oroa-oy- — ancTRbB&eca' 10 o o on- (PJ Jif, storoo:

CD JOSEPH t . ..K POWER OF M3y o n d the to p ics; (

V oicos 01: . in-ooric.• ' ------------------------ tnm m 'portarn

( P n r t4 o l6 ) Crs ::. ,a ro ,» „ o , s s rof m ilos 10 C 8 (1 1 )® M C

latL-COntury. . .. ..5HC0 ovory CoHn Firth,..................................'CD’STffAIom

:,N = .9= 7 , g i S “ K„*’ ® PETER US

'® rn rm n?n Continuing hi.. e o rm o in Rotor travels I ■ w horo som o i

,n covo!R A yoijr>g

I 9:30 I lOiOO 1-10:301-11!Mastorptoce Ttieatro

__________Ntfws Enl. Tonight

' Nows Tonight Show

|"Journuy lo iMo Far SWo Ol tho Sun"

Benny • Quincy -------

Nows M-A-S-H I Nigh'

I Comody My Mohl- Mo^

Molchm- Hll, Movi

's Faco" Mdvio: "April Fool'S Day"

__________Movio: "Cyciono"

his gronomoihor oscapo Jloo lng jlow n a flvot.on.o_____ L_

^lOVIE *Vi "April Fool's ^6. Horror) Deborah Foro- gStool. . «n

NNA'REED Donna's .hold . ^a rociuso 's homo. ui D MOVIE * * * "Heart- 19B4, Drama) Jam os Gar*Tyior Mooro, - c->O DIFFERENT WORLD h

ids 0 compolgn to got hor sludy partner onrollod at

)) (In Sioroo) c j 7 'r CHEFS OF THE WEST L°I crob balls with |lcoma g . . , nocho: chlcken,G onialoz;

AN TRIATHLON Mon and „ 10 com polo in.trlathions. „IPEN GOLF Flrsj Round. ‘ , Country Club in Brooklino.______

iT cA N 'T . T ^ i ' r r w ith


liJO'S AUSTRALIA A blo- ^ ‘portroft o l wrllor Anarow , ,lorson. fealuring popular „a ctors rooding from Ban- ^• BF D CHEERS A doublodoto an D roko's yoeht lo o i i to s for oil on board whon a ch s sporkod botwoon, S am ' ‘ca’aTosprctfvo'pBrfhors.-^— “r ro o )p -H CAMPBEL' AND THE ‘J ' F MYTH: WITH BILL MOY- q .m s: doath. soerilico and ro- iricuituro-basod sociotios; to n c o -o f-sac re d -p li>e«9:----------n6 1 0 S !aviE-sTT*—sn rn m so g n 7 - ^nody) Burt Reynolds. KriSon, „ |,

MOVIE "Camfflo/NBA Fin- , ' P :^ ram a),.G fo lft-S cacch i:--------- [fg'


his southw ard journoy. lls lo som o remote villages 10 mhobltanls sllll llvo and ''05, ' .

Friday, Ju n o 10.1988

lliOO 11:30 U2;00 l 12:SIgn-Olt -_____________

.1 Lovo [hii Sign-

sw_____ David Lollorman Now;

Sun" "Logond ol C^ougor Canyo

Fall-Guy—-1- |lNN

'llghl Hoai . . ["Nashviiio Grab

Movlo: "Family Business"_________

'•lovio: "Tho Swool Crook County W(

lay" Eloyr)o Booslor • |(?ol,^

Movie; "Ointon and Nflgin

—-__ Thursds h e a d l in e n e w s

o ^(1 MOVIE * "Whito Hoot" 1 Adull) Dany Sorgor. Myka. HBO MOVIE * * "Caplivo Hi (1987. Dromo) Norfyukl " P a t" K Chris Mokopooco.SHOW MOVIE **V^ "T he Mar dogart’s Foco" (1980. C o m o d / o n Sncchi; Ollvlo H ussoy.CIN MOVIE **★ "UnlO S hop o ro rs" (1980. Musical) flick Mo Ellen Groono,

8:30 CD CAR 54, WHERE ARE Toody, M uldoon. S chnauso r

O M a i o NIGKT CO U R'fC hi throws 0 party o t w hich a hll plans to carry ouf on oaAigninei

- ^ I ru S tw o o tO - . ------------— ;“ C riN N N E W S— ----- -------------


_ THE CAT IN THE HAT JhO .C a t Hat m oots tho g rouchy GrinffJ decides lo ou tsm art him with cu folino iricks, a VIDEOCOUNTRY [SHOW] ELAYNE BOO! BROADWAY BABY T bo com roiracos hor rlso ,to s ta rdom . Ir ing an oppoaranco o n tho “ Show" ond a h o s to ss jo b o t th

_tlonal M oio^xoUc-Donco.Cnan; ships,.............. ..(TMC) MOVIE "B lood T los" ( Drama) Brad Oovls. Tony to B I

9:00 C9 MONKEES A m od sc i u se s tho M onkoos In o b izorro c Imdnt.

ClfT n tn hl«twin a ( tho rost o f tho Asht>y 1 proparos to w olcomo Brai. ai trick. 10 Lolchotts, (R) (P a rt 2 d O 00 (X) O L > . LAW Bockor' fonso of an occijsod child molo:

-BartimjoO-vOnon-tno-cllont-Brt daughior dlsoppoar. (R) (In Stor CD TWILIGHT ZONE T ho Eartt ou t of lls orbit a n d s ta r ts movii w ard lho sun.CD REMINGTON STEELE Romii turns to a form er coliooguo foi w hon ono of thoir c lionts Is m oniy pronouncod de ad by n mortuary.

388 T im os-N ow s, Twin Fall.s,

2 : 3 0 - ___________1




N ;........____ ___



3lrw“ I


H o arts"' M orltn.

lan W ith iy ) Rot>-

)Ol H or- .io ron is.

E YOUT •or ortd:»uMUI«_____________

:nrlstlr>o h it m an

INCHESat In Itw *'V h ar»d cunnir>g

OSLER: im odlan , Includ*

“ G ong 'ttw N a-im ptoft- . 1

' (1986.B lanco .' w ian tlst > oxpor-

il« _________ Ly family • - a s P o ­o f 3 )c?

o r 's do- lo s to r ls _ .

:o roo )Q . r th falls virip to -

Tiirtgtonlor ho lp ,m is tak - a tocal

Is. Idoho 45

Page 78: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

! ■

-~Wb^daifB BECT O F WALT O 8EKTSt l YOU CAN BE A ST^ 0 AIRWOLF e CLUB MTV• M O O O O TIME CAR comtc juQglor and vc

.. ___ P o r te r . . . . .m POBTRAtTS O F PO both tl • W inds o l Cruin• MONEYUNEa EVENT O F THE OA' ( » CAQNEY ft LACEY puts his caree r on tno I bucks tho opinion o( a i and tolls tt)o pross (fa l a

_ gl«r Is responslM o (or ' m urders.

----------- 9 0 0 m ANN SOTHERN-' (C 48 HOURS Shoi durli

p eriod, various CBS N p ondents p resen t topic Importanco. ArKhoreO R ather. Ootalls lo bo an

— - _ C E -T R A P P E R -J0 H N ,.»struggX » to flnlsh tho E

; ning m arathon, unaw are Is about to give birth. O AMERICAN MAOAZI O MONTY PYTHON’S F CUSS M C p M E O Y BREAK I Drydon a n d Jam ki Alc

, Buzz Belmortdo.m AMAZING YEARS T he oarty nim ca ree rs (

— —Hickman. Nick Chorfos.

_________ ' • y f y T 'S c g y 'E R •

^ r S y ^ ^ e e ! ^ Oromn- m a n . Tom Cnriso......

_ 9 J 5 O MOVIE **V t "Jc.......... " F o rS k Jo o fth e .S u n "{ l—:-------- F>etk>n)"R6y~ni:finds.'

' m mort«.30K )0 0 MAKE ROOM FC» ( D a ) o e a c D o <- NEWS

a ( 9 MASTERPIECE 1- 'T tw Lost Ploco on Ear •• lo tho South Pole tsegln » Royal Novy Capt. Ro > Scotl and Nonwegfan ox ^ Amu/Klson pu t)llm am » goals, ( f l r tw ir t 'l of B) t ■“ CD DONT WAIT UP • Z O (12) BENNY HILL- CB PAPER CHASE - z YEAR W hon Logan acci m lar p ro fesso r of do mar

-------- u -m - Iaw0r»40»>400d.w9das............ S . fa n n jn U M l eo is . a ndo .

*• g roup encou rages hor to Z f lo w s holp.~ CB M O V IE * * -T h e Apr ^ Ciang“ (1075, Comody; M S usan C ^rk .

NASHVILLE N O W - r '» T » f W Q N E r T r k « iy “ {

raco again st time to save- kininghiflsoH.; ; 0 CLOSET CLASSICS •• MTV team s up old tavoiZ com c ia ssk » .- a <9 MY FAMILY ANO I ~ MALS Tho finol coktbratl . land ftr>ds tho snakes lo■ m appios drunk. (Part 10

46 Ttm os-N cw s, Twin Fall:


iy■ ■ 0 NEV


O flfc f HSO Ml

y^FE Fe a tu re d : 0 vocalist Bette

T O »ren " E ilz ..nange g lN MC

D io- (1^V I . R osannEY Lt. S am ue ls lo - v i n h he Uno w hon he t a sonksr ofncer . . . . I n g lo M f a n - ( » . » . i o . Ol

... fSp S ”3 = ; o | > - ;

by D .n

'are th a t h is wife j,

UIZINE ® <” l

« K H o s b :M ock Alc o n . G uosl;

RS O F CINEMAi™ o m i« a .,G I= h

f fA n c l ,o ,s r F .M5"?' In. (P«-t* -"Tha -Oote» of -t. C MA&T>mn) P a ul Now- I to ^ R )^

" Jou rnoy to tlio . O MD HI' •• {1969. S c ience ' 1 0 :3 5 0 3 MJDS. ■Patrick~Wy:---- ^C »^N T E

• ten/low: a I FOR OADOy Storoo)D d D o c c r a .ro M A w j

ECE THEATRE C arson . (Earth"' T h o 'raco QD U.S. tB glnsln 1907 a s T oday s f

R obort Falcon M oss. fTt1 OKplofor R oald (TMC) I anriew nco tho lr - - W ond"(1B) □ Vim. Jun<

• 10:36 ® M * 10:50 CSNK

■ THE FIRST 11:00 0 DCic c u so s a popu- copttvo In m andlng se x u a l - O ( I I ) Nd o c r-h y -c h a rg o . .m om bgra.

>r to so o k Kings- O BURf le lgns orr

AppIo Dum piino--------gtos-toJUiDdy) Bill BUby. CD EDGE

* 09 <M M<V------------------------------n ftas 'J-(l£iV ^artd-G nnnon-------- JBlfroy-Mi(avo a m an from S AMERI

tokos a hhJICS CAPSULE Tfoaty. th ivorltos w ith re- tomine oi

Roosevelt OTHER ANI- S3 INSlOE

iratlon o n th o is- 68 PUBLIi s looso o n d tho O BOWU110 of 101----------------m ont. fron'a lls . Id ah o Friday, Ju n o 10.

AUSTRAUA NATURALLY A y o l th o t w s y s to r f i wrtihln Aus-

iEWSNIQKT . iUTO RACINQ Borber Soflb Pro as. from Lokovlllo. Conn. (R) OLEY SQUARE <fe MATCHMAKER MOVIE * "Cyctone" (1987. Ad-

uro) H ealher Thom as. Joflrey b s. • . .W MOVIE *Vi -Apfll Fool’s Day •S. H orror) Oot>orah F o rem an. ' Stool.MOVIE * * "8 Million W ays to (1988. Mystery) Jell Bridges,

inna Arquette.B MISTER EO Ed docides to ot- collooo to bocom o a doctor.

:HEERS The gang a t th o pub I rovonge againsi Diono whon M rm its a psycholOQx'sludonl lorzo.thom ............................ .. ____D TONIGHT SHOW Host: Johnny on. (In Sloroo)2) QUINCY Q uincy's la te s t co se I him through prison g a te s w hen ivestlgatos an Inmate's b izarre 1.OVlE^iirAWTho Hounirrfaor J u - ' [1977. Susponso) Mia Farrow , Dulloa.'11) M*A*^*H Hawkoyo' dospor- trios lo contact Ills hospitalized r In-Molno while tho re s t of Iho ,I is preoccupied with a t>owling n ag a in s t a group ol M arinos. . DOE O F NIGHT IDEO DISC JOCKEY I LAST OF THE MOHICANS Un- d. Hawkoyo ond iho M ohicans-

red s of M arjua's w arriors Closo a rt 10 of 13)k f f i f i& 0 & M 0 K » Q S & From -----

^ S TREET — ----------------HIT SQUAD ' ■ -MAQNUM, P J .

rreRTAtNMENT-TONlOHT-ln.--^- v: a c tre s s Bort)oro Horshoy. (In I)kCNEIULEHRER NEWSHOUR TONIQHT SHOW Host: Johnny n. (In Steroo)3. OPEN GOLF HIGHLIGHTS 's f irst round, from Brookline. fTopod)

MOVIE * * "Forbidden ■ (1982. S d tjnce Fictton) J e s s ouno'C hadw ick. - -- -----------------------M*A*S‘H NIQHTLINE QDONNA REED Donna’s held

I In a rocluso 's homo. • •) NIQHT-HEAT A killer s to lks sra-oU ho dty.‘a rnun: .

;R N s ' a n d ALLEN G racio om noslo and G eorge s trug-

JUJd-out-why.-----------------------------3E O F NIQHTMOVIE ** W "Fomlly Busl- (19a3,.O ram a)-M U lO fi-Boflo.-,:

ERICAN DIARY^E.G. M arshall I histo ric look a l tho Vorsalllos"

tho "C harleston ," R u ss ia 's ond plague, and Franklin

/olt.IDE POLITICS '88 (R))LIC POLICY CONFERENCE AfUNQ ABC M asters T oum o- rom Jacksonville, Fla.*(Topod) * 10.1988

A (i« INVESTMENT ADViSi s - 8 ( 1) MOVIE *Vi "Tho S

- C^ounty-W nr'-(>97fl,-W chard Egan, Albort Solml

ro t1 :0 5 CD NIQHT HEAT A I m em bers o l tho city 's go ity. (R)C9 U:S. OPEN QOLF HI

i - T oday 's first rour>d. Irom )y M ass. (Tapod)

11:06 S ) NIQHT HEAT A I >'• m em bers of thb city's go n. • Ity. (R) 1

11:30 0 NIQHTLINE C?;o CC MOVIE *Vj "Tho Sv S. Couniy War"' (1978.

chord E gan. Albort Salmi I- 11:30 C9 ROWAN & MARTIN

INb O CM LATE NIOHT WI n LETTERMAN (In Storoo) o ' ~ O (1 2 )F A L L G U Y A n0VC______ ^.ucci).w)jh nn Incrirrinatiry com es tho targoi of a crirri

thugs.e O BEST OF QROUCH' n tMxor Joe -tlou ls: Los Ai o buno editor Almena Lomt

0 MOVIE * * "Robin H< P-- -P ocos"{194r.W fl9 t«fn)R . I. G eorge G abby Hayos.


3 HBO MOVIE ■ Clinton an 9 , (1988. Adveniure)AndyGi 3 Barkin,

SHOW ELAYNE BOOSLEI - WAY BABY Tho comodia .. hor rise to stardom . Indue

poaronco on lhe "Gong S^ »- h o s te s s Job ol thp Notlona


____ g O ^ O W m N E .W a t- t o ^ancJ' ialSng"Roagan“ o3rf

--------- po ltc io s;-!?- '----------------O -M O V IE -* * "Logond[

• Canyon” (1974; Advontui--------K aspor; S teven Benoally ;


- torvlow: a c tre s s BartJoraH S tereo)ISHOW] MOVIE * * * -I (1957, Comody) SponM r tharlno'H eoburn.

■/ ' X - f ' v b n d a n t uJftx1 . nosd> O o « J e r t

W s Ladles Discount 3 4 7 - W a s h i n g t o n ! T w i n F a l lG * 7 3 3 -

ISORYI Sw eet CreekWo^Hwn)-RI----- — ■ —-ml.\ killer smiKs ' gay commun-

HIGHUGKTS }m Brookline. .

\ klllor stalks gay cornmun-

Sw eet Creek W oslorn) Ri- mi.IN'S LAUQH-

w rm DAVID3) ‘ ivoiiat (Susan ...............rItinfl jBpO bp- _____ _irrio kingpin's t -

:h O Guests:Angoles Tri-

max.H ood of the

iBoyHoflOfs; “ ■

ORROW i‘T6 • .........“ i------and Nadine” ’ )Q orclcE llon - j

£R?BROAD- Ilion rolrocos ]luding on op- • jShow " and a u ' >nal Male Ex-

r ' - • . ' I_e-Salw »dof------------------#4-dmlnlslra'irdn"'' "

Cougar • - — ituro) H o l g o r ................. ^

DAVID LET- [ a l

rONIQHT In-> Horshoy. (In - l a g

‘O osk S e t" . y sjr Tracy. Mffi

r a

, g u j , ' ®Apparel - u jg

1 S t . N . ‘ w 3 - 3 3 3 2 •

Page 79: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles

liOO C9 CAft mT wHEI__________ loofliTwMuicippOi—Sc

Show .CD 700 CLUB CD M1SS1N0 ADVENl ZIE ANO HARRIET C suggostlon ol Ozzio' moollno that causos ( CD SEARCH FOR TOI O ) PERSPECTIVE Th lo xliognoso modlcol j: CD SPORTSLOOK <TM C)M O V IE****- (19S0. Drofno) Botto

. - ___£nxtor...........CtN MOVIE, * * * ‘'C

■ (1987. OfCfTip) JonnUo ■Swayzo.

• .12:05 Cl) OOM OBCUISE

• ' g t : j f T l “S w n ,- - ..........TERMAN (In stofoo)

12:10 C D 't i l l MOVIE .GfQb" ()S e i. Comoc woy. CrMinB Rolnoa.

■ 12:16 CO MOVIE * * "N (1981.,Comody) Joff C

........ ......... - .Itno.D tlnoB. ____'^12:16'BD MOVIE * » ' ’N

(1'B81. Comody) JofI C____ ______ t j ( i flolnos- .

12 :3a CD MONkEES A } 1«03 Iho Monkeos In n

i , / * 0 OS HEADUNE NE'1 o (12) INN NEWS^ Q} ALICEJ CD MOVIE * * * "Thoa I ----------- ondor Qrnham B oll"a . phy) Don Amocho. LoA ' -------p-^T H A T-O iR bW hU M•;r \ Broadway ploy. Ann Is I ' j I a p ro d u ca n n n courti g -------m 8KI.THE007E B J.t

Now“ZoaIandT-------------f f l SPORTS-tATENIO


t s ' Monoy” (1086. Oram * m an. Tom Cruiso.W 1 2 J 5 CD MOVIE *Vi "Tha County War ' (1978.B chard Egan. Aibort Sa

g H *CD INN NEWS|W CD DISCOVER Wta i ------------ VAUGHN.....................g g CD CANDID CAMERA

____C D O U U ^ M T V -------■ • g : ______O W OOOD TIME CA>lKi com ic lugglor and ' f f i . . . P o r t o r . .......................


{ m 1:25 HBO MOVIE *Vi• • f ta a s . Conw fy) Gary

iS o o D m io o AIB MORE UFE

■JfA-X - CD. MOVIE * * "U lS T T (lS8TT^"dvoTinrrdn5

? Chris Polorson. — ■^ . ' BPfflttCOMEDyO REA ^ T ~ D f^ n ''d n d ~ Jn m Io ~ ^

Buzz ^ im o o d o T CD U.S. OPEN QOLF from Tho Counl/y Clul

M ass. (R)1:35 O MOVIE tm»*

Mardl G raa" (1978.; Conn. David Oroh. '

1 ISHOWl MOVIE * -Mi- • (1966.D ram a)Chario3l

W lR V iS6V b 'lj7S c h n a u so r nnd___

3 T lh trM r te h " t t :H e r= = l-< ||C ^Hoftnah.

E tfrU B E S O F O Z - 2 : 0 ^ ” T David m akos o zlo-8 Mon-s-.CIuD os p robiom s. W 'J?®*TOMORROW '“f®Tho u s o s o t KflW B

, g J O O

r*'-AI!AbOUtEvo;- D . .B , A nn.

•'D irty-O ancihg" n lfo r^ ro y . Po.rick gISE SHOW

j^ r™ b .v ,D _ L E T . ; j W - o s

•noay) Joff Cona- |a n | |*

" N » .n « .lo ora l.")ff C onaw ay. Gris-

■'•Noshvlllo''Qfbb---------Ifl Conaw ay, Cris- j M ® I

'A m a d 'sc lo n lla t —InnD lznrn joxpor-


rho Story of Alox- ■ ® ■ r S

lurt COSO.m .tM tIS .S k lln g ln ; ____

NtOHT“ ----------------- -—SR ------------ • -r* ^ h o Color of ram a) P'aul Now-

‘Tho Sw oot Crook V78.- W ostorn) Ri- ■iS alm L K


C A E E .E c a tu ro d :a _ _ — n _ , d vocalist Botto


"Froo Rido" U lary H e ra h b o t^ r . —

"U ttlo D ragons"I^S a iiy —Boydorr— I I R S V

Ie a k H osts ; f^ a i^ ' ' B | n o ~ A 1 c ro » r 'O u o 9 tr7 ~

DLF First Round. W t iC lub In Brooklino,

* "M urdor ai tho '8. Mystory). Oldl

"M urphy 's Law"09 B ronson . Cor-

( DUKES O F HAZZAriD •tN-MOViE--*i>*-!-R oH arw »-— . Comody) Stovo Martin, oaryi ah.I MOVIE * * * "SOnta Fe Trail". Wostorn) Errol Rynn. Olivia do and.OVIE **Vi "In tho Ollttor Pa- (1977. D ra m ^ C had Evorott.

> BE ANn ’ UNCED iMOTE CONTROLD NEW ofiLEANS NOW Mardi Indian Tribes portorm . Indudlng Wild M agnolias ond Noylllo

iT ^V KINQ OVERNIQHT ja U C POUCY CONFERENCE IVESTMENT ADVISORY J MOVIE **V^ "Jup lto r’s Dar- (19S5.-Muaicai) EsiWor Williams, ird Kool;T M C pM 0V I6^^-B iood"T lM '« - i. Drama) B rad Dovls, Tony LoB-

) CLUB MTV ) NEWS (R)V MOVIE * * * ••Doak SotrC on»dy)-S petic*r-Jfacy_K a-—10 Hopbum.D NIQHTWATCH (Lpft In Pro- ^

Ib o " m o v ie *V i "f^ightforcV^ Advonturo) U ndo Blair. Rl-


D A Y bB :E D |)Gck-and'Matress*^^^^iUll


^ I tU'i# ■

2t2ndA>»f».$<>uth.T^lxFfllli ■ ■ WW

^ 3 3 -3 3 1 2 :S1,Ws®aC;r.ltiOeuiiM- * DAMKCAMS,

Friday . J u n e 10.

~ ’ r


3:35 O QOMER PYLE, U CIN MOVIE ■*** "A t C (1986, Drama) S o an P< phe r Walken.



CD MOVIE * * "Tho Apj G ang" (1975. Com ody Susan Clark.


' "4 :20 HBO H0V1FW*—W Children?" (1986. Dran burgh. Max Gall.


. QD FAITH TWENTY------------ a rn -Y iN O -H o o se —


. ' ■ ® ® A*E PREVIEW Tl . show s -on Arts & E ntort


4 :3 5 SHOW*MOVIE* "M l — _(4fied rO ram a)C naflo frS

' _ rio Snodgrass.

■ ■ ■ ■ Perfect lor y o u r ■ J -■ G u esi R o o m s. E

cofTifortabiG bee

fM RXmS 2?a'.T* ( T h e S leep IKOSACCCPTtO ■jTflESS FACJ■10.1988 Tlmo8-N ow 3.Tw ln

esrfdj?;k in — ........

FORMATION , USMC C lo so Rango'-'P o n n , Chrlsto-

>ROEWS— ---- --------R1LVN------- - -tpp le Dumpllng- dy) Bill Bixby.

•W tto faa ro tho-------- --a m a) Jill Clay*


<e y 'TTm> upcoming)rtalnm onLINQESS TODAY ilNE UPDATE HI o r th o Night" ryl S troop . Roy

Murphy^s Law"^B ton »on .C act------- ---

' ..

jr kids or .Extra - -ed a t night. 7

'In Falls, Idahd^r

Page 80: · Cat \ - U n d ar ____15jOQO-ye, Crev “ f — - t '^ r W m - ____A__^^HjH|Br«^.''! First Is Ruth Gnihn hat Loa Angeles


; 4 L ; = J = = £ . Q a § n e

. 1 S P W L !

a l s o l i n

I a b l e t o

■ t h e t a x -

I b u t w e

I a n n u i t i e

m o n e y

B — a l i v e - ^

■ h a ' d t o p

I -fsfrI CAU. NOW FC

- J —^34B 3rd Floorr■ Bidg. Twin F

48 Tim es-N ow s, Twin Fa



Yn e s s = i s = l o o k i n g =

L ! W h y s h o u l d r

i m i t e d o r d i d a

; o k e e p w l i a t w :

x - a d v a n t a g e s o

' e a r e s t i l l a b l

i e s a r e s t i l l p r o l

I t o d a y . Y e s H

t n d - p r o b a b i y t h

p u t m o n e y .

----------------^ W h e r e . i s .

it ea rn in g 7V-FOR AU THE PLUSES

4-4545First In te rsta te Bank I F a lls , Idahp 83303

I Fafla, Idatio Friday. Ju n o U

t E ^I/I LIFE /L)

'e :F a t - { S i n § l e = P r 8 T i

j D ^ J b e , v - - i t ' s t o o

a w a y , w i t h J R A ' s

N & h a d . C o n g r e

o n a n n u i t i e s o n

3 l e t o k e j s p w h

o b a b l y t h e 2 n d t

S i n g l e P r e m i u n

t h e - b e s t ' p i a c e y c

S 4 ' c a j r j i i o n e y - n ’i

1/4 - / a / 4 -b -1 /2 %~1''l PROF - - Z 2 ECONi

= = -SE R V I ' ‘ ' JAME

) 10 ,1988’

QJim Lov© LUTCi

3 m i u n r W l T O t e ~ t

0 g o o d J — C o o g a

i ' s b u t w e a r e ;

i r e s s a l s ( 5 “ r e d u c

n A u g u s t 1 4 , 1 £

/ h a t w e h a d a

1 b e s t p l a c e t o |

Jm ( S P W L )J s j y o u & I h a v e ‘ ; e \

n 'o w ? - ^ ^ ^ - — :—

% T ax F r e e ? )FESSIONAL iNOIWIC1 V I C E S T I N C 7 -------------

1ESB. LOVE, LUTj ^ v e i ^ S Y t e a r s


O F ..........

t i f e j '

fess—B —-Still Ii c e d I

9 8 2 I

a n d I

p u t - 1 .

• s t i l l » _

f v e f